Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
being a part of a whole group of female leaders being asked to make mining a great place for women to work.
Company rooted.
Man. She used to be one of the most gorgeous women on the planet.
excited huh, pity about the declining birth rate
How many of our exleaders have ended up with sinecures directly or indirectly funded by Chicom interests?
i reckon he’s the love-child of Jason Bourne and DB Cooper … about the right age too
How many of our exleaders have ended up with sinecures directly or indirectly funded by Chicom interests?
Can we do this the easy way? Name those that haven’t?
That only applies to the church in the West, and even then it’s not wholly applicable.
Anno domini. Time is a cruel mistress, even the lovely Ms Belluci is starting to slow down.
Catherine Deneuve was stunning until she hit 50. Now pushing 80, she looks like a dog.
Nature is very cruel to the most beautiful women in old age. There’s a message in that which they won’t hear.
It’s hard to stay beautiful on the outside if your head is full of shit.
I’d suggest only Abbott (out of principle) and Gillard (because she’s next to useless anyway).
Sounds like it was written by some HR drone to pump up the ESG.
Wouldn’t have that trouble if we didn’t have two separate flags for around 3% of the population:
Anthony Albanese’s jobs summit has been marred by an embarrassing faux pas when the Aboriginal flag was hung upside down for half the first day.
The Indigenous flag was displayed alongside the Australian and Torres Strait Islander insignias at the meeting on Thursday at the meeting of 140 government and business leaders.
Despite being in the background as the prime minister addressed the summit, the issue was not rectified and continued to hang wrongly for hours.
The black half of the flag, which represents the Aboriginal people, is supposed to be at the top when it is flown, and instead the red half was hung at the top.
No women worked underground until I left. I was told they are good truck drivers by a bloke still working there.
Thought it a bit of un fare criticism.
The Self-Castration Of The US Military
The pussification of the US Armed Forces continues, thanks to its woke senior leadership
What in the actual hell?!:
A division of the U.S. Pacific Air Forces (PACAF), the branch tasked with confronting China, has ordered its senior leaders and commanders to stop using gender pronouns in written formats, saying the shift to more neutral language will help improve the fighting force’s “lethality.”
“In accordance with the Diverse PACAF priority, ‘We must embrace, promote and unleash the potential of diversity and inclusion,” states a May email sent to senior leaders and commanders at the Andersen Air Force Base in Guam, which operates under the Pacific Air Forces, according to a partial copy of the order obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
Leaders at the base are instructed, “Do not use pronouns, age, race, etc.” when writing performance reviews or other materials, such as recommendations for awards. “Competition against near-peer adversaries requires a united focus from the command, the joint team, and our international partners. Welcoming and employing varied perspectives from a foundation of mutual respect will improve our interoperability, efficiency, creativity, and lethality.”
The WFB has a screenshot of the actual order. Go see it for yourself. A spokesman for the military said, presumably with a straight (ahem) face:
Unleashing the potential of diversity and inclusion at all levels is a Pacific Air Forces’ priority and something we strive for at Andersen,” the spokesman said. “Diversity and inclusion are force multipliers and warfighting imperatives that enable our competitive advantage against near-peer adversaries.”
This is what these lunatics, in every institution, tell themselves: that whatever crackpot diversity thing they support, it makes us STRONGER. It’s just an empty assertion, nothing more. That’s it! I bet you more than half the people in authority who repeat this garbage don’t believe it. They say it because they want to get ahead. This is what you call “ketman”. From my book Live Not By Lies:
It is difficult for people raised in the free world to grasp the breadth and the depth of lying required simply to exist under communism. All the lies, and lies about lies, that formed the communist order were built on the basis of this foundational lie:
the communist state is the sole source of truth. Orwell expressed this truth in Nineteen Eighty-Four: “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
Under the dictatorship of Big Brother, the Party understands that by changing language—Newspeak is the Party’s word for the jargon it imposes on society—it controls the categories in which people think. “Freedom” is slavery, “truth” is falsehood, and so forth. Doublethink—“holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them”—is how people learn to submit their minds to the Party’s ideology. If the Party says 2 + 2 = 5, then 2 + 2 = 5. The goal is to convince the person that all truth exists within the mind, and the rightly ordered mind believes whatever the Party says is true.
Orwell writes:
It was as though some huge force were pressing down upon you—something that penetrated inside your skull, battering against your brain, frightening you out of your beliefs, persuading you, almost, to deny the evidence of your senses. In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense.
That will be 15 counts of “Interfering with a corpse” and 15 breaches of the Environment Protection Act S 74 for illegal discharge through a sewer connection.
Shall I continue?
The black half of the flag, which represents the Aboriginal people, is supposed to be at the top when it is flown, and instead the red half was hung at the top.
Competence is not their strong suit.
Alf Garnett: Summit! I’d give ’em summit to talk about.
re investing money…”Buy low , sell high”.. ya cant help but make money.
Nice deflection…avoids blaming loonie green schemes while getting new power grid going:
Boris ‘goes nuclear’ as he prepares to sign off on first of EIGHT new atomic reactors: PM to announce part-takeover of £20bn Sizewell C and plan to build one power station EVERY year until 2030 to solve energy crisis sparked by Putin’s Ukraine invasion
Albo? Anyone seen the Aussie PM?
Daily Mail
22,000 Colorado Households Lose Control of Their Home Thermostats During Heat Wave as Power Company Locks Out Air Conditioning Use
September 1, 2022 – Sundance
Indoor temperatures began climbing, and when formerly free-range residents attempted to adjust their air conditioning, they discovered they were locked out from control in their own home as the power company took over.
Comrade Citizens, it is important that we support the needs of the energy collective. All good thinking citizens put the needs of the state ahead of their selfish desires.
As the national energy emergency now begins to unfold, the officials in charge of energy resource equity remind everyone how critical it is to remain compliant with all ministerial energy objectives. Compliance is expected from all correct thinking citizens.
As long as you remain compliant, there is no reason for concern. Do not attempt to adjust your household allocation of energy. Energy advisors will be made available for enhanced personal education to explain the benefits of our Green New Deal. Your cooperation is appreciated
Long lunch hey?
The photo of Elbow giving Shaq the Rabbitohs jersey showed the price tag still attached.
Sure, but what about selling high and then buying low? 🙂
Albo’s pretty good at fighting Tories…
Why though?
September 1, 2022 at 6:06 pm…..that will work too.
And the only reason they really get away with their mandates is because of the mega debt load most people are carrying. Much easier to tell the fascists to pound sand if there is no mortgage hanging over your head.
Agree Roger.
When the death sentence was scrapped, advocates of abolition campaigned with assurances that murderers could be given whole-of-life sentences.
The ink was barely dry on abolition when we started hearing how full life sentences were crushing and unfair.
The default setting should be whole-of-life for murder with parole being a rare exeption. One of the conditions of release on parole would be disclosure of location of remains.
If you can’t produce that for whatever reason, I guess you can file that under “B” for Bad Luck.
Trades or STEM?
You ain’t doing jackshit, love.
As far as I can tell, both train drivers and nurses are after more than they’ve ever had. It’s not like the Gliberals have taken anything away.
There’s an election coming, and Labor lackeys are doing their boss’s bidding.
The Anger Games, Tucker Carlson Outlines the Hatred of Biden Toward a Nation He Divides
Tucker Carlson delivered a hard-hitting monologue last night, hitting the agenda of the installed occupant of the White House directly on target. Within the outline, Carlson notes the background of an angry, bitter and disconnected divider-in-chief and the hate-filled agenda he espouses. {Direct Rumble Link}
It is a remarkable moment captured and broadcast by Mr. Carlson, less than 24-hours before Joe Biden is scheduled to lay out his divisive national agenda of hate during a primetime speech on Thursday evening. WATCH:
Full Transcript – Here
Oh. You know her, then.
Returning murderers to society is a highly conditioned privilege, never a right.
I’m not saying it should never happen, but it should be the exception rather than the rule.
The sentiment that prevails in general society on this matter is sound, in contrast to the sentiments of the activists you mention, Sancho
Gold is stupid.
Its not a fucking IQ test. I’ve got a little explorer/imminent producer: a million 0z plus a lot of base metals, JORC expanding fast, brownfields location, lots of infrastructure and suitable for open cut; 1/2 billion shares issued; a tight focused admin. Fluctuating between 7c-9c. Undervalued or what.
I remember that debate “Life would mean life – murderers would die behind bars.”
I also remember a case in Western Australia – a convicted murderer was sentenced to hang. He was reprieved, sentenced to life imprisonment. He was released on parole, and went on to commit another murder…..
September 1, 2022 at 6:12 pm
The Anger Games, Tucker Carlson Outlines the Hatred of Biden Toward a Nation He Divides
Seriously, this diseased old pervert and his minders should be executed. The mid terms are fucked. Something big is going to happen. This disgusting old, lying creep will concoct a crisis and they will be abandoned.
The Russian bots tend to confirm his strong priors.
Monty, the way you add and emphasis the ‘humint’ word makes you look more like a fucking ignorant idiot than your already substantial reputation.
The ‘humint’ part doesn’t make it super-dooper-extra-special Top Secret.
Humint is just another Intelligence Gathering Discipline, and just lets people know how they came about the information, allowing them to better judge it’s bonafides and credibility. It DOESN’T factor into the rating system. Top Secret is Top Secret whether it’s HUMINT, SIGINT, GEOINT, etc.
HUMINT can come from something as simple as a Customs Officer interviewing a Kansas farmer returning from a site seeing trip to China, and it can be rather nebulous information. Most of it is. A NOC list is NOT HUMINT…unless its the other sides NOC list gathered by interviewing an enemy agent.
Do stop trying to over egg the custard by using terms you clearly have no idea about. You look foolish, and degrade this site.
Trust me, I know what I’m talking about. It’s clear you don’t.
The Russian bots tend to confirm his strong priors.
As does your dicklessness.
C’mon, Cohenite. Don’t leave us hanging. Who are they? Inquiring minds want to know.
Vaccines are taking an average of 5 months to kill people
How do you know the Twitter accounts are uncorroborated? How do you know the claims of WSJ are corroborated or that their interpretation of events are reasonable?
Because they’ve on the whole more accurately described events as they panned out.
Yes, but WSJ is behind a paywall, so I’m more familiar with the commentary on SkyNews UK. I just mentioned them as examples, the MSM coverage of Ukraine across the West is essentially the same.
C’mon, Cohenite. Don’t leave us hanging. Who are they? Inquiring minds want to know.
I’ll divulge if head prefect promises not to short.
Which is the more serious;
Top Secret Humint
Nuclear Secrets
& which was it that was laying scattered across the floor of Trump’s changeroom?
So it was all about the Iran Nuclear Deal…
Ek roll ap die vloer and lag my gat auf……..
September 1, 2022 at 6:23 pm
Gold is stupid.
Its not a fucking IQ test. I’ve got a little explorer/imminent producer: a million 0z plus a lot of base metals, JORC expanding fast, brownfields location, lots of infrastructure and suitable for open cut; 1/2 billion shares issued; a tight focused admin. Fluctuating between 7c-9c. Undervalued or what.
“Undervalued or what”………….Not enough information to make an informed decision IMHO. You are not Spruiking by any chance?
VDH. Brilliant.
Mater, 6.36:
Snork and sneer.
I may just – whenever I bother addressing the fat ranga with a Masters in Failure – which type of intel he’s on about.
Every time a plonker like this goes too far out of his lane, there’s a SME that pops up with a flame thrower.
That really was most enjoyable.
“The Russian bots tend to confirm his strong priors.”
Munter brings it with the Bayesian analysis.
Yesterday I reported on my electrician charging me $525 for putting in one (1) power point on the back of the house . For two hours work.
Today the bloke installing the heat pump tells me it is the wrong powere point ! It needs to be hard wired!
I call the electrician back and he is coming back tomorrow
I hope it’s not another $500
But we can both flaunt gains while JC coughs up another steak for a bad bet that seems impossible considering it involves The Cat’s most renowned wrongologist.
America is now suffering from a shortage of carbon dioxide
Your government at work
By Editorial Board – The Washington Times – Wednesday, August 31, 2022
For years crusaders like former Vice President Al Gore have claimed carbon emissions are a great threat to mankind’s continued existence. People laughed when he started. Now, thanks to unmeasurable amounts of infotainment, they take those claims seriously, embracing them with a kind of religious fervor and believing their activism is the only thing preventing the destruction of mankind.
In the just-enacted Inflation Reduction Act, for example, there are programs, tax hikes, subsidies, and grants projected to cost the economy something over $500 billion over the next ten years to bring the average global mean temperature down a fraction of a degree.
If the Chinese don’t stop building coal-fired plants to produce electricity, whatever very expensive reductions in carbon emissions the U.S. will achieve for all that money will be wiped out and then some.
This is why you should not be surprised to learn America is now suffering from a shortage of CO2, shock of shocks. CO2 has legitimate, even important industrial applications in, for example, the food and beverage industry. Reports are starting to appear that major companies food producers and giants in the over-the-counter beverage industry are at wit’s end because there isn’t enough of it to keep the fizz in your drink and your food items properly chilled as they’re moved from the factory to the frozen food aisle of your local grocery for too much longer.
Call it your government at work. Taking on problems, real and imagined, one by one, without considering how decisions made in one place or about one product might impact the entire marketplace.
Given current policy, that makes no sense whatsoever. But, to paraphrase President Ronald Reagan, the secular patron saint of the limited government movement, when did anything the federal government does make sense?
September 1, 2022 at 6:48 pm
So it was all about the Iran Nuclear Deal…
It’s About The Iran Deal!
Alright, it’s time for in depth breakdown on the escalation of the Mar-a-Lago raid.
For those who didn’t see it, someone (purportedly the FBI), leaked this photo, from the FBI raid. The docs are laid out in the floor in Mar-a-Lago. While everyone is arguing about who put them there, the juice is in the photo.
I posted when I saw these dates that the big news on these days were: 1
May 9th, 2018- Trump backs out of Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal2
August 26th, 2018- News breaks of John McCain’s death. The next day, President of Kenya meets with Trump at White House3
So why would the Biden Admin be after Trump’s documents about Obama’s Nuclear deal with Iran? Why are they so afraid of Trump having them?
I’m still unsure why these are of interest or if they are correlated, but a few hours after I posted about the Iran Deal, Trump confirmed it with a Truth quoting Paul Sperry about the docs pertaining to the Iran Deal.4
Remember the crates of cash dropped off to Iran? Plus the tens of billions of US dollars sent to Iran for them to not build nuclear weapons. Just for them to use the money Obama gave them, to build the weapons we paid them not to make…
I don’t know for sure, but it appears very much like Biden Admin weaponized the FBI to illegally retrieve these documents due to fear of Trump releasing them. Covering for their Deep State overlords.
But then we see this oddly placed TIME magazine cover, precariously snuck into the photo. And it’s clearly not there by accident. Why the hell would the FBI include it, and why does Trump have it framed and waiting for them?
in the same paragraph that they tell us the Russians occupy the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station they tell us the Russian continue to shell it and risk a nuclear accident. huh? Are the talking points written by monkeys unleashed on typewriters?? Don;t answer that.
Florida Now Ranked #1 in Economic Freedom
My 6 yr old grandson is learning about gender fluidity & transgenders in 1st grade. He is having a rough time adjusting to this school year. It is in the curriculum. We are all upset trying to figure out what to do. I cannot begin to tell you how wrong and damaging this is.
The bidens are a criminal family, whose only ideology is self enrichment. Any ideological underpinning comes from the Obama clan.
The Aboriginal Industry has put the goalposts on Walkabout so often good luck finding out.
Time for Cats to read Patel Patriot substack and certainly Q posts to understand the Mar-a-Lago raid.
The Time magazine cover was in a Q post!
No conspiracy theories, no coincidences.
Russian bots? I follow various accounts in AUS, US, SE Europe, only one of which is Russian. If various accounts, that accurately described the capture of Severdonetsk and Lysichansk, indicate that the Kherson counter-offensive hit a wall on Day 1, suffered heavy casualties, lack the overwhelming force to conduct a successful offensive over open ground, why would I not judge that a fair assessment? If you parse the most recent Sky News UK analysis, they more or less admit the above.
Bloody hell. The AFL is a circus for political radicals: blackfella reparations followed by a white self-hatred ceremony. We’re being laughed at scammers.
Q posts represent the greatest military intelligence operation of our time.
There are almost 5,000 of them.
So far I’ve read 2237 of them and I just keep reading them.
Titanium dioxide particles frequently present in face masks intended for general use require regulatory control
That’s why I regard “Reconciliation” as a farce and a sham.
I don’t pretend to know what all of the posts mean
“If you voted for Trump you’re a threat to democracy.”
That can be the inscription on the tombstone of the USA.
The left is too big to fail now.
In other words if you exercise your democratic right you’re a threat to democracy.
Gonzalo Lira Retweeted
Filomena Rocha
Fresh reports warn the US illegal ocupation forces is stealing more than 80% of #Syria’s daily oil production.
The staggering claim suggests that 66,000 barrels are looted each day by US illegal ocupation forces, which transport the oil to US bases.
It’s a Rorschach test. You say you are in favour of it and go on to explain what it means.
You can look at them all here (I hope this link works)
The reparations they pay for lifting them out of the Stone Age?
You are not Spruiking by any chance?
Only if you’re buying
DOJ Is Likely to Wait Past Midterms to Reveal Any Trump Charges
Bloomberg) — Federal prosecutors are likely to wait until after the November election to announce any charges against Donald Trump, if they determine he broke laws, according to people familiar.
Under long-standing department policy, prosecutors are barred from taking investigative steps or filing charges for the purpose of affecting an election or helping a candidate or party, traditionally 60 days before an election. This year, that would be by Sept. 10, which makes it unlikely anything would be announced until after Nov. 8, said people who asked to remain anonymous speaking about potential Justice Department actions.
Under long-standing department policy, prosecutors are barred from taking investigative steps or filing charges for the purpose of affecting an election or helping a candidate or party, traditionally 60 days before an election. This year, that would be by Sept. 10, which makes it unlikely anything would be announced until after Nov. 8, said people who asked to remain anonymous speaking about potential Justice Department actions.
It’s not clear if any of the investigations into Trump will have reached the point by November that a decision on charging him could be made, according to two of the people who asked to remain anonymous.
Announcing charges against Trump prior to the election likely would be seen as a political ploy by his supporters to damage him and his endorsed candidates, and could fuel unrest in the country.
South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, for example, recently warned during an interview on Fox News “there literally will be riots in the street” if Trump is indicted for mishandling classified information. Trump immediately posted the clip to his social-media site.
A pretty good summation of the situation
Light reading
Good luck selectively piping gas across Europe.
It’s all about the oil, huh?
They are getting gas now Bear.
Hungary will get their gas via Serbia.
On Seven News Tonight – Aether UVC Troffer
Aether combines two proven and powerful methods of cleansing the air. UV-C technology in a contained chamber pro-actively inactivates pathogens as the air passes through the fitting. An in-built HEPA filter scrubs the air by filtering the inactivated viruses and particulate, pushing cleaner, safer air back into the environment. The resulting air is cleansed of 99.995% of airborne pathogens such as COVID-19 and influenza. Cleaner air means safer spaces, and reduced impact from infection.
. Patented air-purifying LED Troffer with HEPA filter and UV-C LED
. Concealed UVC LED air disinfection chamber integrated into a 1190mm x 290mm LED troffer with no direct UVC radiation exposure to the room environment
. Aesthetically pleasing design operates quietly
. H13 Medical Grade HEPA Filter with Germagic Technology
. Standard recessed with optional surface mount, or suspended ceiling application
. Remote control with status indicator light for site visibility of operation and maintenance
. Plug and Play Quick Fit to the existing 1200mm x 300mm ceiling cavity making ideal for retrofit or new construction
. Cyanosis compliant to AS/NZS1680.2.5 for general health care applications
Anyone had experience in its use?
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life – North Korean Edition
Old Ozzie:
As a generalisation, the sexes look at problems differently – for men it’s about the outcome, and for women it’s the process.
I wasn’t going to put this up, but since it’s being discussed –
Gonzalo Lira Retweeted
This is absolutely the worst plan I’ve ever seen.
Even al qaeda in Syria had better sense than this.
Ukraine has created the worst salient I’ve seen in any war and are about to be flanked, surrounded and kotel’d.
Whoever is in UA command of Kherson needs a firing squad. Horror.
I don’t think context will add much to this.
Women talk about their feelings, men complain about how badly organised everything is.
Ukraine has been apparently failing and having its arse kicked for six months straight.
Why hasn’t Russia won yet?
Not by accident.
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:
September 1, 2022 at 6:46 pm
Which is the more serious;
Top Secret Humint
Nuclear Secrets
& which was it that was laying scattered across the floor of Trump’s changeroom?
Minor correction. Which was it that the FBI carefully laid out on the floor for a photo that was promptly leaked to their allies in the media?
Ooh but they’re full of themselves.
AMA President Steve Robson on Neil Mitchell 3AW responding to the reduction in isolation time. Big medicine don’t like uppity politicians making decisions on the economy, that’s a doctor’s job.
“You can’t have a healthy economy without healthy population and a healthy workforce.”
At no stage in human history is this statement true. Go away Doctor.
FBI Blasted for ‘Staged’ Photo of Documents Seized in Mar-a-Lago Raid
“I love staged photo ops,” Trump’s attorney Alina Habba told Charlie Kirk on Wednesday. “I mean, it’s amazing how they specifically placed in response.” She added:
But they’re arguing that everything is too sensitive, so we can’t have a special master. It was top secret, but they can put exhibit F, which is the picture of all the top secret documents laid out strategically on the floor and that’s not a problem. It’s a typical ‘we are trying to backup our story because we don’t have one image’ is my perspective of that.
“And all I see is this raid continuing to backfire because it’s not being run by law Enforcement, it’s being run by government gangsters, like [FBI Director] Chris Wray, and [Attorney General] Merrick Garland,” Patel said.
He also said the government officials involved in the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago are connected to the officials who were involved in the Russia collusion hoax.
“Now these guys know they were on the precipice of releasing the other Russia gate documents that Devin and I could not release that Donald Trump declassified and what do they do?” Patel said. “They go raid Mar Lago and say ,’Uh! Can’t see anything anymore. We have an open investigation.’”
Richard Grenell pointed out the photographed document were declassified by Trump and noted the comparison between Trump’s handling of documents and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
“It was all declassified papers (not accessible digitally) and kept in a former President’s office – guarded by the United States Secret Service,” Grenell tweeted. “Hillary was never President, her documents were never declassified and were all available digitally ONLINE for hackers.”
Former Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), who chaired the House Oversight Committee, called the FBI’s photograph “a public relations effort.”
“Well, the impression I got is that it was a public relations effort. This is not needed in a court document to make the case to the sitting judge,” Chaffetz said during an appearance on Fox News. “This was put out there knowing that they were gonna go out there to the media.”
Invite the UN in to draw the demarcation line (which is readily available in the county-by-county voting record, there are even maps easily found). Then establish a UN force to “police” the border, no illegal traffic in food, fuel or energy across the demarcation line.
As soon as UN forces are policing the US or what it becomes once it splits, it will be open season on blue helmets, no bag limit. Americans likely will be reluctant to fire on their own military but blue helmets will be fair game.
Hmmm yeah a healthy population has vaccines (for the same virus) every three months, wears masks everywhere, doesn’t go outside for more than 1 hour a day; and has junk food delivered every night – also, no sport, running , walking, swimming or surfing or gyms, dance classes or martial arts. Also no service industries, just to sure we stay safe and flatten the curve, guys.
Healthiest, most productive society and economy, EVER!
Name a date or year this happens and under what circumstances.
I tripped over a carton of Stella Artois that some malicious bastard left on my back step.
Not that I’m blaming you, O Great Taste Bud Free Imbiber of Dodgy Belgian Beers.
you are worth less than mice
Waited till I least expected.
Sneaky old fart.
This “science” is horribly bad, it’s even worse than the infamous Wakefield paper on autism and MMR vaccines.
Do you have a link?
“Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Authorizes Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccines for Use as a Booster Dose”
You’d think people would be pleased the new booster targets omicron.
To evaluate the effectiveness of a single booster dose of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent for individuals 18 years of age and older, the FDA analyzed immune response data among approximately 600 individuals 18 years of age and older who had previously received a two-dose primary series and one booster dose of monovalent Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. These participants received a second booster dose of either the monovalent Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine or Moderna’s investigational bivalent COVID-19 vaccine (original and omicron BA.1) at least 3 months after the first booster dose.
And this’ll just about do me tonight. A nice Doris Day movie may restore some equilibrium:
Antifa Armed with AR-15s Guard ‘Kid Friendly’ Drag Show in Texas
I posted this without comment this morning and am reposting it in case it was missed because I think it’s very worthwhile in understanding how the current, totally one sided, political situation in America evolved. Quite long.
Why is Washington DC So Intensely Focused on Targeting Donald Trump and Labeling His Supporters as Threats to Democracy?
Many sides that have performed well have still lost in the past.
What’s even more funny is that the new clot shots are only available for the Sheep(TM) that have already been genetically modified with the original mRNA.
But only as long as Vlad doesn’t get pissed off about something.
Sheep who’ll be dead in 7 to 37 months anyhow!
Hungary getting an extra 5.
All pipeline volume currently 140m/d.
Weirdest war ever.
Believe this if you want.
Nothing would surprise me.
Who knows what to believe.
Putin has never shown himself to be impetuous.
So who’s to blame, apart from the perps themselves:
Justice Kelly noted that in the past 22 years, two Aboriginal men had been shot by police. In the same period, some 65 Aboriginal women were killed by their partners. The police shootings received massive media coverage, but the deaths of those women were barely noted.
Nobody here wants anyone to die. However, it’s now indisputable that these injectables come with certain risks. The behaviour of the authorities is absolutely inexcusable, not to mention criminal. They are not only shutting their eyes to the danger but actually punishing anyone who dares speak out. In my view this is proof of the risk because there would be no reason to censor people if there were valid arguments to the contrary. This is science by force majeure.
But, of course, the excess deaths are being caused by climate change.
Old Ozzie at 8.04, and apropos of aether:
Just Bird, I believe.
Cassie’s link at 7.45 a.m.:
8th Dan, where art thou?
Jesus wept.
Brisbane and Richmond both doing their absolute best to lost this elimination final.
4 points the diff, 90 seconds left.
*to lose*
60 seconds.
Aaaaand it’s Brisbane. Flogs.
Richmond might as well have finished ninth. Again.
Who won?
For shame, Top Ender – have you never heard of the effects of European colonization, or inter-generational trauma?
Oh. One of my children flew up to watch the game. Disappointing.
Without a doubt.
The misinformation and lies that are peddled to the public on climate change dwarf the misinformation on COVID
Aaaaand it’s Brisbane. Flogs.
Won grand finals with more juice in them than a music festival crowd.
That map looks incredibly bad. I’m assuming there was a 2nd failed hook meant that catch a pocket of Russians?
Comment, from the Oz.
if you are doing nothing wrong you have nothing to fear… wrong as in wrongthink that is
Father’s Day lunch will be a hoot.
Tigers choked in the last minute. Don’t know how to come from behind in close finish.
Now with Caaarrton.
Carna Pies.
To lose?
No time to lose!
Yes, apparently only one of the pincers broke through.
from above link
Gez, on Brithbane:
My word they did. The BearLions in the early 2000s made the 1990s West Coast Eagles look like a bunch of nuns at a temperance rally.
Flying these days is a freaking nightmare….
and continues to do
Aussie knife and fork user up front!
Umm, because the Russians wouldn’t know what settlements they’ve lost? How stupid do they think the media and their supporters are?
Unsurprising that custard would fall into the Q rabbit hole. Never was the sharpest tool in the shed.
So basically this obummer cunt has setup an american stasi that answers to no one.
Biden is basically the fall guy.
The ‘Q rabbit hole’.
What sort of ‘int’ is that?
Hint: It’s not ‘disappointmint’.
I don’t think you’ve been paying attention.
Ninthmond robbed by a video review overturn of an on field call of a goal.
A fairly simple close in shot.
Tight angle but 10 metres out.
Leans back, sprays it high and wide instead of kicking through it and getting decent spin on the banana.
But the best thing of all?
It was the allegedly ever reliable, very expensive transfer, uber-flog Tom Lynch.
September 1, 2022 at 7:40 pm
You are not Spruiking by any chance?
Only if you’re buying
As I said before –
Not enough information to make an informed decision IMHO.
There it is! At AFR probably paywalled.
Cheltenham Box Hill white rail elephant.
Large landowners face being slugged with a 50 per cent property tax under unprecedented new powers granted to Victoria’s Suburban Rail Loop Authority to rezone the land up to 1.6 kilometres around each proposed station, tax and property experts confirm.
Sure blame Obama for executive over reach.
But Boehner got the GOP onside twice to ensure the Patriot act and whatever it was re-branded to passed.
Whole tranches of the origin Patriot act have expired but the surveillance state continues.
Maybe people should have listened to Assange & Snowden a little bit more.
Four US tech billionaires discuss the Zuck admissions & the Mar a Lago raid.
David Sachs is part of the Peter Thiel ecosystem.
You can tell how disingenuous the others are as they go from what was the Hunter Biden laptop all about to being all over the content.
From the 40min mark.
A lot of talk that the Roosters & Bunnies are going to rest a bunch of players tonight as regardless of who wins, they’ll be playing each other next weekend in a sudden death finals game.
The only difference for next week is will they play at Moore Park or Homebush.
Haha. I love Johannes Leak’s Elbow.
Mark Knight.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Bob Moran. Brilliant.
Christian Adams.
Andy Davey.
Dave Brown.
Patrick Blower.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Gary Varvel.
Chip Bok.
Steve Breen.
Oh dear. Lisa Benson has TDS.
Tina Norton.
Thank you Tom.
Thanks Tom. When ever I see an Elbow I see a bad tempered squashed prune with glasses.
Thanks Tom for your daily work.
Jimmy Dore rubbing Fauci’s nose in his own lies.
Susan Clarke pleads guilty to vaccine fraud after paying NDIS recipient to have COVID-19 jab on her behalf
More from the auditor General.
Still vicplod did a great job scowling their way around Melbourne’s parks and beaches with their soldier companions making sure normal law abiding citizens felt like hardened criminals.
Not to mention recruiting five foot two girls might indeed not have any impact on the crime rate
Victoria Police unable to justify thousands of new recruits
Victoria Police has been unable to prove if thousands of new recruits had any impact on crime rates, a scathing report has revealed.
Heard exactly the same comment from a young GP in western NSW.
Doctor shortage ‘will worsen’ as young doctors walk away from general practice
Monty’s speciality, MISINT
Mistaken (Always)
Mischievous, and
Q rabbit hole.
Also, Muellerween.
The white knighting knows no bounds. Or crafty defence lawyer PR?
Sure there a lot of crazies in gaol, but death threats against Chris Dawson?
I mean, really. Gee thanks convicted rapers and other convicted murderers. We really appreciate you looking out for a chick who was very likely moidad over 40 years ago.
Seems like crazy BS to me.
Russia and the WEF:
Not everyone in prison is a convicted murderer or rapist dot.
dot, you’re posting some out there stuff this week.
I prescribe a DMT top up & a Warhammer 40k binge to get you grounded again.
For Only Gamblors, have a few bucks on the Tigers as the Raiders might rest half their team depending on what happens with the Broncos game.
I got on at $3.30.
Speaking of Carter Page, he had his case against Comey tossed.
The real question is why did he bring before a DC judge where the likelihood of that happening was almost 100%?
Surely there were other jurisdictions that would have been friendlier.
Oh noes!
I’ve offended all of the fraudsters who ripped off pensioners and standover men, who wished they had street cred.
Let’s not feed this insanity. Also I suspect defence lawyer shenanigans.
Thanks Tom always wondered what wakes you up in the early motning to do the the cartoon , First thing I look at in the morning . Good to start day with a laugh .
I only listen to the radio for the music, 2CA. Hearing the what passes for news but in fact opinion most of the time was this wondrous titbit of information. Some over educated idjit has completed a study of dogs and discovered they are happy when they see us, who knew. In other news, dog wags tail. As an exercise for primary school kids to complete a methodical study, yes. Some University Professor trying to justify their existence, no.
Media thrilled that Sarah Palin didn’t win in a special election in Alaska.
These are the same people cheering on the destruction of our formerly affordable and reliable power system. The same people who are giving Albo and Co. the daily tongue baths instead of “keeping the bastards honest”.
The Republicans were asleep at the wheel in 2020 when election reform bills went through the state legislature. Traditionally a very red state, Alaska may be lost for good, and the result in that “special” election is probably the forerunner of more disappointing results.
Just like here, where the Labor vote of 30% was enough to get them across the line into the government benches.
Compulsory preferential voting, seen by some as a fair way to go, can be a poison pill.
The Republicans were asleep at the wheel in 2020 when election reform bills went through the state legislature. Traditionally a very red state, Alaska may be lost for good, and the result in that “special” election is probably the forerunner of more disappointing results.
The GOP in Alaska pushed for the voting “reforms”.
This is 100% on GOP.
Challenged accepted, Xenos scum.
“Voting is the ultimate expression of Freedom”
Yes, nothing expresses freedom like being forced to vote, under threat of punishment.
There is nothing novel in people getting convicted of notorious crimes getting threatened in prison dot.
“Also I suspect defence lawyer shenanigans.”
I think Dawson is doing what he does best and what he’s done for decades, trying to manipulate the situation for his own benefit. That’s how he operates, he doesn’t know how to behave any differently. He’s a sociopath.
“All of us are tempted to despise those we define as worse than ourselves,” he wrote. “Even murderers share in the disdain toward those who violate the young. However ironic, this disdain is not all bad, as it expresses a belief in the existence of right and wrong, good and evil”
“The GOP in Alaska pushed for the voting “reforms”.
This is 100% on GOP.”
Yep, no different to the stupid fucking Liberals in this country. Supposedly rightist parties always, always dig their own graves. No wonder the left can’t stop laughing.
the ABC, that article the other week about one million empty homes? well it was kind of bs, sorry ’bout dat
Because that court had jurisdiction. What is needed is a court for offences by federal employees that is truly national.
John Hinderaker at Powerline blog laments that no modern western nation should be experiencing power shortages, since we have plenty of fuels, but that’s exactly what’s happening. How has the western world become convinced to cut its own throat on energy, family values, manufacturing and financial steadiness? Fifty years of unchecked agitprop has done this.
Even France, which has sensibly based its power on 50 nuclear power stations and has sold power to other European nations, currently has half of them down for routine maintenance or “corrosion checks”. Now they too are being told that the age of plenty is over.
Russian oil firm chief Maganov dies after hospital window fall
As can happen. Obviously.
Arguably unwise.
The first senior Lukoil manager died of mysterious circumstances a few weeks later.
However, Lukoil appears to have received the message at 5:5.
The FSB playing catchup with the FBI.
Yep, no different to the stupid fucking Liberals in this country. Supposedly rightist parties always, always dig their own graves. No wonder the left can’t stop laughing.
Alaska is an example of the problems the base of the GOP is up against.
Arizona & Pennsylvania had GOP state houses but their actions handed the DNC the electoral votes in 2020.
It looks like the RINO’s will be cleaned out in Arizona in November but then resources have to spent in Alaska to clean them out there.
Unlike the DNC which just has villain rotation, the GOP base has to fight the DNC & the RINO’s non stop.
I waver about compulsory voting, once upon a time I was totally against it but now I’m not so sure. I do understand that compulsory voting is fundamentally anti-democratic but compulsory voting might save Australia and might certainly save right of centre parties in this country. The reason why is when you have voluntary voting, voter turnout is often tied to demographics, so those in more traditional working class regions/electorates don’t turn out to vote on the same scale that voters in more affluent areas do. I’m aware of the generalisation of this comment but I do think there is some merit in my argument. Compulsory voting forces people to vote and this might save the right in this country. Whilst the Liberals lose electorates like Wentworth and Kooyong, they need to pick up seats in less affluent, more lower/middle class areas and the shift in voter sentiment combined with compelled voting might enable the Liberals to do so. Otherwise the Liberals are toast. You know, there are many people in countries like the US and UK who’ve never voted in their lives. I find that quite shocking. Okay, there are the occasional times when people in countries where voting is voluntary, such as the US and UK, will make the effort to get out and vote IF (and only IF) there’s an issue that impacts them. We saw this clearly in the US in November 2020 and in the UK in 2016. Brexit saw many Britons turn out to vote that day in 2016 who’d never voted in their lives.
If we have voluntary voting in this country, where the only people who bother to turn out on election day to vote are those in the inner-city Green electorates and affluent suburbs like Wentworth, North Sydney, Goldstein, Warringah, Kooyong, Curtin, Mackellar…we’re stuffed. So, I’m somewhat comforted by the fact that on election day here in Oz, it isn’t just the well heeled scum in the aforementioned electorates who are voting, it’s also the residents of Campbelltown, Penrith, Fairfield and Blacktown who are forced to vote.
And once the blackouts begin, it won’t be the wealthy, renewable grifting scum living in Teal electorates who will save Australia, it’ll be the tradies living in Campbelltown, Fairfield, Penrith and Blacktown who may well save this country.
Interested in people’s thoughts. Happy to be rebutted!
September 1, 2022 at 11:13 pm
Time for Cats to read Patel Patriot substack and certainly Q posts to understand the Mar-a-Lago raid.
Unsurprising that custard would fall into the Q rabbit hole. Never was the sharpest tool in the shed.
Sez the gullible idiot who fell hook, line and sinker for the FBI’s posed photo of classified documents on the floor.
Then claimed the next day that it was just a standard photo taken during enforcement of a search warrant.