Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
mUnty does have longevity. You’ve got to give him that. Speaking of which what happened to Groogs? Mother is worried.
How’s Jimmy Carter?
In case anyone was wondering why all zombies are white males with bad hair:
Video Game Hair Is Racist (1 Sep)
In the very near future all heroes in computer games will have gigantic seventies-style afros.
The concept of a “MAGA Republican” is reminiscent of Albansleazey’s legendary fighting of “Torries”.
A pair of monstrous syphilitic braindead parasites mouth frothing about imaginary enemies stomping around inside their thick empty skulls.
In any normal world the pair of them would be residing in an asylum for the clinically insane.
Monty – If Biden’s speech was entirely factual why is he now walking it back?
A pair of monstrous syphilitic braindead parasites mouth frothing about imaginary enemies stomping around inside their thick empty skulls.
correct and I sometimes wonder if they have moments when they might realize they contribute nothing to society. Probably not though because they are not normal decent people.
To quote Orwell-In his 1937 book The Road to Wigan Pier, George Orwell defended “the ordinary decent person” against “the intellectual, book-trained socialist”. He wrote that the latter:
“… type is drawn, to begin with, entirely from the middle class, and from a rootless town-bred section of that middle class at that. …It includes…the foaming denouncers of the bourgeoisie, and the more-water-in-your-beer reformers of whom [George Bernard] Shaw is the prototype, and the astute young social-literary climbers…and all that dreary tribe of high-minded women and sandal-wearers and bearded fruit-juice drinkers who come flocking towards the smell of ‘progress’ like bluebottles to a dead cat.”
Beaconsfield’. Of course a retelling of the miners who survived after a harrowing ordeal.
Knew a driller who was there at time. The guys were in an off limits area that had stability issues and bloody lucky any of them survived. Any other person would have been sacked but as we know union connections trump all.
Some DNC surrogates are testing a few narratives on social media, but not having much success.
Too many Biden memes circulating.
Walter Kirn & Matt Taibbi discussing how Biden using the term “clear & present danger” should have people concerned.
Don’t thing Tom Clancy.
Think Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Don’t think.
Not thing.
‘spot on’ and literacy in the same sentence.
Rabz in brilliant Group 1 form at the present time
Sydney Cats, I had a couple of things to do in town this morning & popped into the new cafe in the front of the Museum of Sydney.
Strongly recommend.
Will be returning.
You imbecile, where were those Ultra MAGA riots with 3% unemployment and 4% real GDP growth?
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
September 3, 2022 at 11:17 am
Monty – If Biden’s speech was entirely factual why is he now walking it back?
Ha ha ha. Poor old m0nty.
As we write, the World Self-Beclownment Hall of Fame is updating the “All Time Legends” section of its website.
Biden isn’t walking anything back. You just misunderstood what he said.
He made a clear distinction between mainstream Republicans and MAGA Republicans. The latter are fascists, and it is great that he is finally calling that out.
You lot setting your hair on fire only underlines that bullies can dish it out but can’t take it.
Michael Smith News.
Staggering it back might be a better description:
Clear, consistent and concise.
So, QAnon Shaman?
Or, electoral process reform?
Or, PNG Election violence?
Not sure what “electrical outcome” he has in mind, or how you manipulate one.
Perhaps voting machines?
Perhaps transcription error?
Perhaps brain fade?
You’d never really know.
mUnty are you angling for that black clown’s job as Whitehouse spokesclown?
Define fascist.
m0nty says:
September 3, 2022 at 10:52 am
Pleasing to see you lot lose your minds over Biden’s entirely factual speech. Don’t like it up em, sah!
Who doesn’t like it up em Willy Woka?
The F…. W……
Fill in the blanks old cock.
In this case, it is that Trump and his goons want to declare election victory through statehouses going against the popular vote and appointing their own electors. They would be ruling illegitimately after a coup, no better than a military dictator. And you lot would cheer him on.
LOL. Thanks, Monty.
We’re very fortunate to have a political expert here, sharing his wisdom on how to win elections and influence people.
Your wrongology guarantees at least one belly laugh whenever you show up.
Ok yes, I agree it would be difficult to walk backwards in jackboots.
Bugger. After more rain this morning, Randwick is now a heavy 8. Sydney’s autumn deluge is still going sis months later in spring.
The way I remember it was Peanuthead and Kochie dug them out with their bare hands.
Sure because the vast bulk of Republicans will contextualize the most divisive speech in over a 100 years by interpreting it as not meaning them. For that matter, the fence sitters will see it as a bipartisan inclusive speech (inclusive in the true sense of the word). LOL
You’re lot just conceded the high ground to Trump. Without cheating AGAIN, the Demonrats just gave away the most expensive political real estate there is. Given away by (as someone called him) demented “PedoHitler”.
Yep, people who would like to abide by the nation’s constitution that has served the country well in the past, support less government intrusion in their lives, want to see the rule of law followed and would like to see proper rules established for elections to prevent cheating, are fascists. Those who want to see less government control and untainted state institutions are fascists. You big fat bumb-head.
Watch Trump now take the high ground as “you lot” just gave it away.
History will record Bidens speech as the most divisive , alienating , hateful , contempt filled speech ever made by a US president. That speech will haunt him to his grave. History ‘buffs’ will examine it on talk shows and in public forums , not just the words but also the optics. The writers of that speech need to outed and shamed , and also the whitehouse staff who endorsed it . After ‘Mar a largo’, Hunter Bidens laptop , the Zuckerberg interview and now this I think we just witnessed a ‘epiphany’ in the USA.
Bumhead, every Republican victory since Reagan has been declared illegitimate by the Demonrats. You big, fat useless moron. Every single one.
Only 5 upticks?
For the visual imaging alone, it should have gotten at least 15!
LOL.. Dot, you cottoned onto the Pedohitler meme.
Milt – that Orwell quote is magnificent.
“more water in your beer”, indeed.
September 3, 2022 at 10:45 am
Business soon came to realise that being part of the State was their best path forward. Our economy is that precarious.
It’s taken me a while to realise it, but in Mussolini’s ‘marriage between the corporation and the state’, the state is the junior partner.
I’m not sure that Mussolini held that opinion.
Serena Williams 1-5 down and duece in the third set of US Open third round.
September 3, 2022 at 10:52 am
Pleasing to see you lot lose your minds over Biden’s entirely factual speech. Don’t like it up em, sah!
m0nty-fa brings his inner fascist out into the open, to applaud the latest Nuremberg Rally, complete with very Hitlerian background. Leni R would have been proud of the presentation style.
This is about the funniest line for the year.
Serena Williams gonski!
Margaret Court remains at one Grand Slam title ahead of the big sook, who is retiring.
Beaten by an Australian – Tomljanovi?.
Bern, if you’re having a punt today, back only on-speed runners at Randwick. The track is as bad as the bogs we saw in autumn.
The “square” track at Moonee Valley is also leaderish, according to the talking heads.
September 3, 2022 at 11:22 am
Walter Kirn & Matt Taibbi discussing how Biden using the term “clear & present danger” should have people concerned.
Don’t thing Tom Clancy.
Think Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Having read a book by him, my feeling is that Taibbi was and remains a man of the left, just not the fascist left that is currently in existence.
September 3, 2022 at 11:41 am
Biden isn’t walking anything back. You just misunderstood what he said.
The daily talking points are out. ROFLMAO, what more can be said?
” The original wuhan bioweapon has gone so why are they still determined to inject everyone with its neurotoxic,vaculartoxic and reproductive-toxic spike?”
A non “reduce the population conspiracy theory” answer may be:
They know, and always did know, that this was an engineered virus, and have information that the same people who created it have also put some other, and very nasty, virus inside the same “shell” – one that is, oh, say 80% deadly instead of only 0.5% deadly. So they really do want to protect you from this virus, but don’t want to let the holder of the nasty weapon that they know. IOW, it’s not to protect you from bioweapon A (COVID-19), but from bioweapon B – which may be released by the creators as they start a war to distract their population from their own collapsing ponzi schemes.
Oh – and reducing the availability of fuel while increasing the price, is a way to ensure that less people travel less often, so “slowing the spread” preemptively. Increased pricing and reduced availability of food at the same time also reduces “unneeded” travel too – gotta go further more often just to get food, so less time and money for “amusement” purposes you see.
OK, it’s still a conspiracy theory, but it’s a “good” one, not an “evil” one, if you see what I mean.
Not that I credit either one to be honest – our “leaders” are just not that smart, nor anywhere near so forward looking as to actually be able to make such plans, let alone competent enough to pull them off without them leaking at least hints like a sieve. Much more likely that they are just looking out for their “main chance” at getting or holding power because that is to their own personal benefit, and that is all they really care about.
Cynical? Me?
‘I do think anyone who calls for the use of violence, fails to condemn violence when it’s used,
Strangely, no mention of Ante-fa, BLM, or even the KKK. Probably all beyond the limits of Creepy Joe’s short term memory loss.
All very well and good Sancho Panzer but of course Serena is the real winner. Mucho crapola will be written and uttered about her transcending sport and whatever. Go away now please Mr Williams
Dear oh dear, the 74M who voted for Trump would have included the vast majority of ‘mainstream Republicans’.
September 3, 2022 at 11:59 am
Define fascist.
In this case, it is that Trump and his goons want to declare election victory through statehouses going against the popular vote and appointing their own electors. They would be ruling illegitimately after a coup, no better than a military dictator. And you lot would cheer him on.
m0ntyt-fa redefines “fascist” to suit today’s talking points, coming up with a definition that Mussolini (founder of the Fascist Party) would not recognise. Words mean what m0nty-fa wants them to mean right now, and the meaning can be changed later if necessary.
Because big pharma has invested in creating a huge stockpile of their product that has an expiration date?
Having read a book by him, my feeling is that Taibbi was and remains a man of the left,
Taibbi remains of the left.
He wants nothing to do with the corporate, fascist DNC machine.
Tom not punting today.
Just watching.
Pure voyeurism.
”But there’s no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans. And that is a threat to this country.”
”That’s why respected conservatives like Federal Circuit Court Judge Michael Luttig has called Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans “a clear and present danger” to our democracy.”
But while the threat to American democracy is real, I want to say as clearly as we can, we are not powerless in the face of these threats. We are not bystanders in this ongoing attack on democracy. There are far more Americans, far more Americans from every background and belief, who reject the extreme MAGA ideology than those that accept it. And folks, it’s within our power, it’s in our hands, yours and mine, to stop the assault on American democracy.
The silver lining is that with multiple uses of the word pronouns and multiple examples such as she/him/they/etc/etc, kids will at least learn the definition of the word.
Now all the teachers have to do is use the same learning technique of repetition to teach English, Maths, Science, Geography, History………
Yeah well I don’t speak Buffoon, can you translate?
He’s edging closer to admitting he just wants us all dead. It’s pretty clear, he just needs to be honest.
the state is the junior partner.
The State is the Mafia enforcer.
As to Dribbling Joe’s latest Speech –
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Dribbling Joe doesn’t like the Truth – High and increasing Inflation, Open Southern Border, Economic Decline, High Energy Prices, High Gas Price at the Pump, High Budget Deficit, High (Record) Guv’ment Debt, etc, etc, etc……………………..Oh, and Record Low Popularity as President to boot.
Nice work dribbling Joe.
Australian cricketers star in Townsville, all out for 141 against that cricketing superpower, Zimbabwe.
Just to rile up KD, Warner scored 94 of the total of 141.
in context, this is probably the most retarded thing mUnty has ever uttered
I am waiting for Bandana-Man’s eulogy for the big sook’s tennis career, in which he will declare 23 is greater than 24.
FMD, if an Australian male tennis player had pulled half the petulant tantrums she did, he’d be calling for a firing squad.
the west is governed by idiots
I hope who ever takes out munty’s favourite president doesn’t go for a head shot. No damage done much the same as munty. Looking forward to it. Does anyone believe a secret serviceman would take a bullet for that POS.
Mmm hmm. What was in those dozens of empty classified document folders among the stuff the FBI carted out of the 45 office?
Every day it gets worse for Trump.
Zippy, the west is governed by munties. If shit for brains was required, they still wouldn’t reach the standard.
We never found out what was in Crooked’s email server, Fatboy. Do you know?
He’s trembling in fear.
melania’s knickers and a vintage penthouse magazine
Do you think PedoHitler’s team deliberately set out to make the stage setting look like Hell? Funny as.
WTF was the military guard hanging around for?
Rabzl, Orwell had those creeps worked out nearly a century ago
Warner would have scored a ton but KD sent him a text of himself and Candice walking into the pub toilets.
Thanks, Monty. Laughed out loud.
Margaret Court gets the usual leftist treatment in Wikipedia:
Considered, by some, one of the greatest tennis players of all time
Monty seems obsessed by a bunch of declassified documents, newspapers and Time magazine covers.
Maybe the FBI should’ve confiscated Trump’s loo paper too. Do you carefully look over the toilet paper roll to see if there are secret messages on it Monty? Q might’ve written on your rolls with invisible ink, you never know.
every time now, you mention Da Documents, the above goes up as a copy and paste.
September 3, 2022 at 1:27 pm
‘Do you think PedoHitler’s team deliberately set out to make the stage setting look like Hell?’
I agree .The optics was just awful….no white and blue to be seen.
September 3, 2022 at 1:18 pm
Watch Trump now take the high ground as “you lot” just gave it away.
Mmm hmm. What was in those dozens of empty classified document folders among the stuff the FBI carted out of the 45 office?
Every day it gets worse for Trump.
Aaaannyyy day noooow, Mar-a-Lagoween is approaching, tick, tick, tick, patience young padawan.
PS, the FBI having leaked the supposed “nuukuleer” theme, what makes you think that anything significant would not have been leaked by now? They are not building a legal case, only a political one.
Timothy Neilson:
There have been problems with water supply/quality for decades, and no one has thought to put in rainwater tanks? Or were they waiting for the government to do something about it?
Not all perhaps, but some.
Hillary Clinton had emails on server more classified than top secret (CBS News)
And not a damned thing happened to her for it. No FBI raids in the middle of the night to seize the server before she wiped it, nothing.
Grey Ranga, I’ve got a different perspective on Candice Warner.
Once a wild child, she has settled down and is now the loving mum of 3 daughters and a supportive wife of a top flight sportsman.
I prefer to pass over her past indiscretions. No need to keep laughing about her poor decisions of a long time ago, especially when we see her partner in crime, SBW, feted today as a commentator on both League and Union. No-one’s laughing at him.
Forgive and forget.
The Biden staging was deliberately designed as a vision from hell, meant to to be recognised as such and to crush hope.
Sure, but Pedphitler is too buffoonish to be taken seriously.
“In this case, it is that Trump and his goons want to declare election victory through statehouses going against the popular vote and appointing their own electors.”
As they (state houses) are constitutionally allowed to do. Indeed, this is what they originally did – they did not have an election for president (nor federal senators), individual state houses appointed the electors (and federal senators) they wanted to, often times after an election but often times not abiding by the results of same. And this was even the desired position of the founders – that politics should stay as local as possible, and that federal government be as small as possible. Hence in the US, federal government has enumerated powers and all else falls to the states, which have enumerated powers under their own constitution, all else falling to “the people”. Which follows from “of the people, by the people, for the people”.
The US constitution was specifically written to tightly constrain the powers of the federal government, and with the view that the diverse nature of such a large country and population is best served by a diverse set of governments and laws, cooperating only to the extent required to keep a civil society, safe from external forces and also safe from internal tyranny. That is why it is the only national constitution with a bill of rights, the first four (at least) of which prohibit the government from imposing its own view of what is “correct” upon the citizenry – those four prohibiting the government from censoring speech, imposing a religion or preventing the peaceful observance of a religion, removing arms from the population, obtaining goods and services from the population without compensation and consent, or searching and seizing the goods and papers of the population without being very specific about what they want to obtain, where it is located and what laws they believe such goods and/or papers may violate.
Biden, by virtue of making his speech as the president (and therefore, as head of the executive branch of government), has attempted to at best marginalise and at worst criminalise those who’s views are opposed to his own. This is very close to the line in terms of a 1st amendment violation. Meanwhile, his DoJ has allowed a search warrant to be issued that comes very close to (if not outright) breaching Trump’s 4th amendment rights. And this is not the view of just MAGA supporters either – both normal Republicans and centrist Democrats (both politicians and commentators) have expressed concern about “weaponising” of government departments like the IRS, DoJ and the FBI.
Not only are such acts as divisive as they are controversial, not only are they the antithesis of his own stated positions (including in the very same speech!), they are a worrying departure from previous conventions and norms.
I can, to some extent, forgive the man himself – he is clearly cognitively impaired through no fault of his own. I cannot, however, forgive those of his sycophants, advisors and supporters who cheer on such blatant partisan and divisive prattle and tosh in order to preserve their own status and power – they are grubs, either ignorant of their own history or simply evil, deserving of neither power nor social status.
Pedohitler never deserved to be taken seriously but the low rent crook has cheated and lied all the way to the Whitehouse
Lots of buffoons wield and have wielded deadly power.
But the intent is clear and with this addle headed idiot so easily manipulated, people will understand the sinister plans directed their way.
Please define “fascists”, monty.
Pedro at 12.57:
That soulless leprechaun has a lot to answer for. He probably cast a spell on the pitch to get as far as he did.
OSC I neither forgive nor forget. I don’t let other peoples foibles bother me. The fact that everyone knows shows to me the people concerned have no problem with us knowing otherwise we wouldn’t. It was hardly a private encounter. My friends remind me of many stupid things I’ve done. It served me well conducting myself into the future.
Slow on the uptake.
Gazprom was fucking around with European gas supply in August-September 2021, while Russia marched its armies around Ukraine’s borders singing loud patriotic songs – which got the EU gas price warmed up nicely.
Industry was well aware of the implied threat.
No shit Sherlock. I suppose when the west sought to crush Russia’s economy you thought they would just keep merrily selling you their gas?
Like the painting Dover. Very Turnerish. Moonlight, a study at millbank.
Bit of an oversight to leave anopheles off the list.
Replete with a Japanese lunch let me urge you all once more, when finishing off with sake, insist on junmai daiginjo.
Accept no substitutes!
And as expected you can’t.
It’s bloody hilarious how someone who gladly worships the state can call a bunch of people, whose core tenant is for the state to leave them alone, “fascists”.
Just got back from taking the kids down the local museum. They had a vintage car type set up with magnificent machinery on display. In addition to the cars, old tractors and steam engines were out for the public to have a look at. A shearer used old clippers which the kids loved.
The museum was also open so a great day was had by all. 2 hours seemed like 30 minutes. Was good to look at stuff when Australia was making things of practical use.
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”
Monty has no real ability, and a plethora of needs. Socialists are useless individuals who are afraid of personal responsibility. Monty needs the State. Soon he’ll wake up that the State doesn’t need him.
Beautiful day here with all crops seemingly growing before your eyes thanks to abundant moisture and sunshine.
Canola and long season wheat will be the stand outs this year. The canola has been flowering for 7 weeks now and is slowly tapering off, long wheat is 60% head emergence and starting to flower.
At least 15mm more of the rain that won’t be enough to fill our dams and river systems expected on Thursday so it’s happy days.
A bit worried about a wet harvest though given La Nina forecast to persist coupled with a neg IOD.
I’ve just read part 6
Now to go back and read the rest….
Fascinating stuff
I doubt that. Maybe when he’s lined up against the wall, but probably not even then.
Obviously, nothing, otherwise that performance makes no sense.
The canola looks superb bushie
That place sounds brilliant, BB.
It is the sort of place I remember when I was growing up. I didn’t fully appreciate it at the time but as I have grown older (some parts faster than others, but that is a matter for another time) I appreciate them all the more.
Sounds like your kids might be a couple of decades smarter than me.
Leave the gun. Take the canola.
ML Teppanyaki for dinner tonight. Homemade of course. Then again it might be coarse. Dan Murphy’s has got a lousy selection of sake these days.
Monty uses ‘fascist’ much like he uses ‘extreme’, like a scarlet letter. Pay no heed.
Were the Euroweenies’ taken by surprise with Russia’s reaction?
Mother Lode it’s not often this stuff happens in our town so any opportunity to attend needs to be taken.
Almost enjoyed it more than the kids 🙂
his wife will tell him not to make a scene
He made 88 posts yesterday, mostly sharing memes including Q trash. That loose behaviour is usually a sign he’s under great pressure.
Tim Blair. Mr Harwood yesterday
BB kids love steam engines, the movement, sound and smell. Just as well I’ve never grown old. That last be may be a fabrication.
And after getting the Khyber Pass
The funny thing about this #PedoHitler stuff is that Biden’s speech was a dare to the crazies to start acting normal to prove him wrong… but of course that’s not in their nature, they had to think up some ridiculous hashtag.
Normal? You mean like showering with your kid or sniffing young girls hair?
Biden’s and your version of normal is rather deviant.
Top o’ the mornin’ Cats. The night revellers have all rolled (or been carried) home and the street sweepers and washers are out in force to remove the piles of rubbish left behind by heedless litterers.
Formula 1 is in town. Fortunately we are headed in the opposite direction. We met a pair of charming Danish gents last night, here to watch the race. The Beloved would like to stay, but we have a plane to catch.
Just a comment for low information types who might imagine I’m taking advantage of a “Nazi Pass” (which for me is deeply insulting and troubling, but nasty jokers would have little idea why that might be so) – any Aussie can hop on a plane right now and go pretty much anywhere they like regardless of vaccination. If you wish to sit on your little island at the root of the mountain and mumble and Gollum over your Precious of resentment, by all means do so.
It has zero effect on me, but it is doing you a world of damage.
It is unfortunate, GreyRanga. While it helps slightly to know Dan Murphy’s for what it is, and lower expectations accordingly, it does not help your imbibing preparations at all.
You just have to overwhelm the drinking deficiencies with food and preparations.
If you really want to take peoples’ minds off the quality of sake on offer then I suggest that you augment your teppanyaki theatrics with the novel and unnerving.
In addition to the rectal sluice-loosening twirling of knife blades and clattering of of paint-stripper spatulas firing lumps of smashed animal at people’s heads like cannons, you could introduce chainsaws to your repertoire.
Ain’t no one going to gripe about your sake while petrol propelled teeth are whishing hungrily millimetres from their throats.
Follow me for more cooking tips at FuckingSayThatAgain.com.
Yesterday I sat in the car while wife was shopping, a bit back from cross roads with stop signs on the side streets. Over 45 minutes only 2 cars and 1 truck stopped, all the rest went straight through and there were a lot. Thinking about getting a dashcam. The craziness on the road is unbelievable.
Maga Republicans are republicans Monty.
We see throught the typical left wing tactic of trying to make your political enemies look as if they are just a minority and sideline freaks.
They are the MAJORITY of Americans.
They are also armed.
The largest army on earth.
Without the greatest voter turnout for a President for all time, Republican is the natural state of the actual American, as many democrats are not true socialists.
Biden is a WEF controlled hard core socialist.
A minority in America.
A fringe dweller.
A Fascist….
Projection is so left wing it’s up there with hypocrisy.
Yeah, that was what it was like for my Dad too.
Is Monty complaining about ridiculous hashtags?
ML I used to buy sake in Chinatown in Sydney but the supermarket is as bad as DM now. They had a better selection and cheaper. I’m sorry I didn’t realise you’re hard of hearing. Do you want me to type in capitals? Ha.
Well you got that arse about face Monty.
It’s a dare to start a civil war.
Some gold plated wrongology right there. mUnty putting the idiot into useful idiot.
For the record Struth I gave you an uptick for being sensible and no I’m not pulling the piss. See how easy it is.
Hey, Dover – please check your email.
Wrong, Munted has no use.
Dobbs decision was a dare to pro-aborts to start acting normal.
He basically said that you were starting one. If you start one, you prove him right.
I suspect you already had it, it was 1/6, and Trump bottled it. Everything was leading up to that day being the start of a coup, but he didn’t follow through. Typical Trump, everything ends in failure.
I hope you’ve changed out of your going out clothes calli.
any Aussie can hop on a plane right now and go pretty much anywhere they like regardless of vaccination.
If only i had the finances I would love to join you. Has nothing to do with Vaccination or not.
Hey Fat Freak, remind us who opened the doors to the Capitol building and who shot who. Go. The answer is …………..
Maybe because the chainsaws are so loud.
The cold coup began in 2016 when the Dems lost the election. The Russia Hoax, the two impeachments, the rioting throughout Trump’s term, and so on, are its manifestations.
I know! I know!
MAGA republicians wear those scary hats, right Monty?
Who would have imagined that an innocuous campaign slogan, is now code for domestic terrorist?
It’s just puerile nonsense, so no wonder Monty is regurgitating it.
Fascism is collectivism.
The bundle of sticks who together can’t be broken.
Lefties always like to talk.
Talk, talk, fucking talk.
I’m not a fascist, I’m a socialist. He’s not a socialist, he’s a communist. She’s a Marxist, he’s a Trot…blah, blah , blah.
Yet they are all the same.
They think they are non religious.
But they haven’t disgarded religion for science.
They have just changed religions.
Ignorant to human behaviour and the need to believe in something…anything…they fall, thinking all the while they are above religion.
Climate change….you are asked…do you believe in it?
They discard Jesus, or Allah, or whoever, and they take up a belief in government.
It’s why the priests of government( left wing pollies and bureaucrats) can’t tolerate competition from other religions.
Especially the freedom enshrined in Christianity.
Monty’s religion is the religion of government….a cult….communism.
Anyone who can be heard suggesting that following government dictates is “doing the right thing” has taken to the religion of government.
Pure evil Fascism.
True fascism.
The state before the individual.
The state before the individual.
The state before the individual.
They are all evil shit and nothing really seperates them.
Yet many here took injections from these people.
Submitted to them.
Empowered them.
I’m so grateful.
Fuck off idiot.
No such thing.
Joey Manu is out for the season.
Two years in a row he has been injured in the last round of the season against the Bunnies.
If there is going to be civil war in the US, and we hope that it will always be an “if”, it’s wrong to assume that MAGA supporting militias will win or that it will be a pushover. Any civil war will be bloody. For a start, the Demonrats will bring out their own militias, example one…Antifa. Antifa in the north-west of the US is heavily armed and well trained. They have their own militias and it’s wrong to assume that they are soy boy weaklings. They’re not, and they are prepared for conflict, in fact they’re wanting it, and in blue states they’ll have the police and judiciary on their side. We saw what happened in 2020, with the eruption of violence after that low-life thug was killed in Minneapolis, police largely stood by and did nothing in cities like Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis.
He was projecting mOron. Biden wants to start a civil war, in fact his polls are so low he needs one.
If you can have a cold war you can have a cold coup.
“The cold coup began in 2016 when the Dems lost the election. The Russia Hoax, the two impeachments, the rioting throughout Trump’s term, and so on, are its manifestations.”
I would agree with that description. And the Sniffer’s speech a few days ago elevated the cold coup to “warm coup”, it was a declaration of war.
Trump will never be able to out run Charlottesville.
The imagery is what got him, not what was said.
The Red Sermon will be a stinking turd on Biden’s shoe.
The imagery is damning.
The producers who thought it was a great idea have no doubt been put on other duties.
The Democrat booster mob should shut up now.
Drove through Penola on a ten day road trip yesterday, countryside is beautiful. Sad we cannot find buyers for the bountiful goods we create.
“Biden wants to start a civil war, in fact his polls are so low he needs one.”
Hmm…I don’t think the Sniffer in Chief knows what he’s saying and doing most of the time. Those words weren’t written by him, they were written by progressive White House scum, who are no doubt doing the bidding of the Magic Negro, who lurks behind the curtains. The Sniffer is a decomposing prop, rotting away before our eyes, the Demonrats are desperate to hold onto power which is why they’re egging up the incitement. I wouldn’t be surprised if they want riots before the midterms but I’m not sure that’s going to work for them.
Charlottesville was about the tiki torch march at dusk & the frenzy of the driver plowing into the crowd.
It can never be unseen.
The Red Sermon can not be unseen.
The memes are no longer funny.
It’s quite chilling to most of middle America.
We drove from Perth to Albany on Thursday.
On the way the canola fields were spectacular, they seemed to be glowing in the sunlight.
Chris Bowen………Bwahahahahahahahahahahah
A university partnership estimates the Australian government will need to invest over A$100 billion (US$68 billion) a year to successfully reach net-zero, with costs to substantially increase year-on-year until the slated target of 2050.
The group also estimated that governments would need to find over one million skilled workers to assist with decarbonisation efforts.
A cold war is not a war, it’s called diplomacy.
A cold coup is not a coup, it’s called democracy.
So it was an aberration Ken. I wondered. Off the planet again.
monty now denying we ever had a cold war.
While I’ve spent the last 4 hours making a sauce from scratch, the punting WhatsApp group has been going nuts.
Tom, the boys were on a four leg multi that Zaaki topped off.
I expect a bunch of them will be hitting the beers & pokies this evening.
batshit lunacy
Biden obviously lost the election.
The proof we all saw with our own eyes.
The election was halted and the trucks brought in, the bags delivered, the machines corrupted, and the republicans sent home.
Then all of a sudden, blow me down, Biden was magically in front.
Fucking spare me.
The Democrats knew they’d taken it with Soros funding and many others, and done so criminally.
It was so dam obvious that they barricaded themselves in the government buildings, put up barbed wire and had it guarded by ONLY DEMOCRAT VOYING TROOPS.
It is what we used to call a coup.
it is exactly what it was.
Now the very red state of Alaska has been corruptly taken by a democrat after they played all sorts of tricks including taking up Australia’s easily corrupted preferential voting system.
Americans and anyone who thinks we are getting our countries back by voting out criminal tyrants,…I have a bridge to sell you.
There will be a civil war, and unfortunately there needs to be…there is no other way out.
Over 200 million armed Americans on the side of righteousness is the largest army on earth.
As I have always said.
Trump fucked their agenda and made them make a move to oust him, which they did criminally, and they did it before they got the guns.
Big mistake.
We cannot, and the Brits cannot, and the Kiwis cannot, and the Canadians cannot vote their way out of this.
Neither can the Yanks.
So what talking is there left?
What options are there?
That should have been obvious the day the fenced the white house and brought in the troops.
Daily Mail. John McCain was unavailable for comment.
How many of those armed Americans are not going to be sick and dying from the jab?
There’s still millions.
Over 20 million Brits never got jabbed.
We are out there.
We weren’t conned and the Saxons are beginning to hate.
September 3, 2022 at 3:12 pm
The funny thing about this #PedoHitler stuff is that Biden’s speech was a dare to the crazies to start acting normal to prove him wrong… but of course that’s not in their nature, they had to think up some ridiculous hashtag.
Because the fascist left has never thought up a ridiculous hashtag?
hashtags are meant to be memorable as is this one.
I suspect you already had it, it was 1/6, and Trump bottled it.
Get your hand off it, m0nty-fa.
September 3, 2022 at 4:07 pm
If you can have a cold war you can have a cold coup.
A cold war is not a war, it’s called diplomacy.
m0nty-fa clearly wasn’t around for the major part of the Cold War. Perhaps for the declining days of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, but definitely not the earlier part.
Biden’s Speech looked like he had wandered in Amsterdam Red Light District
More than a few proxy conflicts suggest otherwise.
the woke infest everything
WARNING! This motion picture contains:
Sex, Prostitution, Drugs, Cronyism, Money Laundering, More Sex, a Laptop from Hell, Chinese Spies, Ukrainian “Businessmen,” the CCP, the Selling Out of America, the Big Guy, Corn Pop, More Sex, Additional Drugs, and…Family
non sequitur
m0nty-fa clearly wasn’t around for the major part of the Cold War. Perhaps for the declining days of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, but definitely not the earlier part.
It was a war alright. Nuclear missile armed subs on patrol, waiting for the order. People in silos waiting for the order. Bomber crews on instant alert for a mass takeoff in bombers armed with thermonuclear weapons , heading for the go/no go point. Minefields and barbed wire dividing Europe with guards on the commie side ready to shoot to kill (mainly their own people trying to get out). A real war, bar the shooting. All with the imminent threat of thermonuclear destruction, intentional or accidental to destroy our world.
If you weren’t at least a little worried, you weren’t paying attention.
Biden said “too much of what is happening in America today is not normal”. Sure, but why doesn’t he mean this?
FTB, you’ll like this.
Anybody know the juice they put into Biden to sharpen him up before speeches.
It must be a bit toxic because he’s not always wired for thought.
More sad than anything DB.
Dover, there is a long version of the Sam Hyde story at the Lotus Eaters, pretty funny. The guy is an absolute unit by the looks of it.
In my last Coles order they popped some Carolina Chilli’s in for free.
I don’t know if they are Carolina Reaper, but I popped two in the big pot I was cooking.
It’s given the sauce a subtle zing, but not the sweat fest I was half expecting.
I should be a chilli sommelier.
Unbelievable evil actually- teacher leave them kids alone
My Son Hunter Full Trailer | MySonHunter.com
Anybody know the juice they put into Biden to sharpen him up before speeches.
It must be a bit toxic because he’s not always wired for thought.
Thing about pedohitler is there’s always a reservoir of spite and malice just waiting to burst forth. Sure, the old crim was never much into ideology but anything that may stand in the way of grifting will get the old thief going.
Anybody know the juice they put into Biden to sharpen him up before speeches.
It must be a bit toxic because he’s not always wired for thought.
They got Disney to do the Animatronics.
It has to be something, completely different demeanor during the speech compared to today.
I’m quite proud of my sauce.
Everything from scratch apart from cans of tomatoes.
The secret is beef & heart mince.
Once you have it, there’s no turning back.
I only do it every couple of months.
Very cathartic.
Gez, I got to your reply late last night. That was the Head of Mission to the nuclear plant, not just someone responding to a RUS MoD report.
“Thirteen Days” on SBS WM (32) at 5:50 pm.
“Thirteen Days” on SBS WM (32) at 5:50 pm.
Good Kennedy fan fiction.
Completely absurd. Wikipedia, the Guardian, and the New York Times, cannot agree on the age at death of a world-famous opera star (Anneliese Rothenberger).
As usual, Kevvie sprinkling glitter on the turd that is Broncos appalling attitude towards their defence, their fans and their opponents. 19 fkg tries in the last 2 games put on them , finals are gone that 4 weeks ago looked certain and Kevvie spins this pile of crap like it was “all good”.
Nothing will change until Kevvie gets very real and stop relying on hope. Broncos are not serious because Kevvie just isn’t serious.
The US has degenerated into a most grotesque and obscene farce.
we had great movies like The Day After and When The Wind Blows
dover you on discord?
My view is the civil war in the US started when the ‘rats stole the 1960 election. Push back in 1968- look what they did to Nixon. Again in 1981, 1994 and of course 2016. The Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obumma era was really just uniparty shite- endless wars and hollowing out the real economy.
Nixon was a fool to start getting friendly with the Chicoms though.
start getting friendly
Start ?
Nixon had more influence on Chinese politics & their economy than Deng had.
Watched the first two episodes of Amazon’s Lord of the Rings .. probably a bit too early for serious critique but not overly impressed .. far too many sub plots cluttering up the start which hasn’t really been explained other than Elves .. good .. Orcs .. bad ..! .. some of the various ‘race”character interpretations are ludicrous .. dwarves look comic bookish & some mob called Harfoot are very unconvincing, even the Elves don’t shine to their “superhero’ status .. yet! ..
hard to see where the, purported, $1billion spent has gone but .. early days .. otherwise ENJOY! .. LOL!
Panzer you may be pleased to know that Channel Stokes had a snippet of the Australian beating Mr Williams. Not of her beating Serena but of Serena walking around centre court with her hands shaped like a heart. FMD
Black Ball –
Nice to see youse.
Channel 7 :
The FBI found thousands of documents at Trump’s place!
Gonzalo Lira
Check out this analysis of how the sanctions have benefited Russia, with hard numbers.
The French mainstream is (finally!) realizing that the sanctions they imposed are hurting the French people far more than Putin.
Gonzalo Lira
People in Canada are being euthanized when they can’t pay their medical bills. Don’t take my word for it, look it up.
You Know It Backfired Badly: Biden Now Desperately Trying to Backpedal His Despicable Speech