Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
We are doing 3.8’s over here. We are catching up, Americans….said with 100% respect. It’s great Clay bought all his…
Keir Starmer ‘sidelining’ Christianity to ‘promote Islam’
True of both sides. Amber-Jade won’t take long. And Saffioti knows the clock is ticking. And the fuzz, teachers and…
Did Microsoft really flag CL’s joint as a conduit for misinformation? LOL.
In fairness, having to deal with those morons is a big ask.
Teachers can still not work unjabbed in Queensland at the same rate of pay as the jabbed and overseas and in many areas, the mandates are getting reintroduced.
Only a moron like KD would think this is over.
It is now up to nearly 1500 excess deaths in the UK and rising in all highly jabbed countries.
Where’s choo choo?
The WEF tell us all what they are doing but ask yourself why you don’t want to know.
Because they are making sure you don’t want to know, ……………………..remember having this conversation with people….if you only had a year to live would you want to be told or not told?
KD and all these other fucking loons won’t be flying anywhere soon.
They won’t be able to afford it, and if they could they probably will have used up all their social credit to do so by eating meat.
Covid was the coup.
The takeover.
We are under “boiling frog” communist dictatorship and dumb bastards like KD think it’s all back to normal.
He desperately needs to believe that.
All back to normal?
Denialism and self delusion.
The USA is under communist control.
Full stop.
Milton and a few others here scoff at the disaster that is the USA without contemplating for a second that it’s worse here.
Feel like your vote counts here?
Feel like you have a voice?
The difference here is many here are compliant denialist bunnies, but it’s just as bad, worse.
NZ is way worse than the USA.
The main battlefront is the USA, and it’s the main goal of the communists.
But there is more free speech and the people are still armed.
The globalists (communists) haven’t grasped the beauty of the USA’s decentalised power system.
They haven’t won there so the propaganda is ratcheted up to eleventy.
They know they have us right where they want us.
Thanks jabbed submissive fucks.
MontySoft (MS).
H B Bearsays:
September 5, 2022 at 9:45 am
He also had Steve from Brisbane and Homer piling on to him there, “correcting” his political errors. It seems that having his own side piling on to him for political incorrectness was too much for him to bear.
In fairness, having to deal with those morons is a big ask.
They have been polluting CL’s blog for some time. I sometimes wonder which of them “reported” the blog, something which was clearly done by petty mischief makers.
If so, he should wear it as a badge of honour.
Disagree Tom, Gates got Wozniak to do the original coding to get going on the cheap and has continued to provide poorly functioning software ever since. The closest MS ever got to good software was XP in its final iteration. Even then it was full of rubbish. How many newer versions would have been sold if XP was still going. Mate of mine, long dead, stripped out all the crap and made it something really good but still not as good as Linux. Even me could fix problems with XP which I still have running on an old laptop. For what I do it runs faster on the internet than my PC with W10. Only problem the screen is too small. You are right about Gates being a sociopath and whatever his recently departed wife thought he was doing on Epstein’s Island.
Good read:
(other than reference to “existential threat of climate change”)
Yeah right, hiding in the couch instead of standing at the Cenotaph. That’ll show them. Still sooking. If only everyone did what I told them they wouldn’t have gone to the death camps or had to sell their Hartley boat. Gee I loved that boat. Idjit.
I hope it will be drawn to the attention of the inquest that the staff of the community medical post had been withdrawn for their own safety, and the ambulance that was sent, retreated after being pelted with rocks by the grieving community members?
Same same here … 22% rise in Australia’s all cause mortality in the last few months (15,000 extra deaths in the last year) … funny I didnt see that on ‘Sunrise’.
Anyone who believes Alaska voted in a democrat has obviously never been there.
You have more of a chance of a teal voting for Paul Hogan.
Especially after the last two years.
But hey, here we are.
WE WILL NEVER VOTE OURSELVES OUT OF THIS…even when we do vote to get out of this.
Millions of votes for Palmer disappeared.
And for Hanson and all the freedom parties and we got MORE LEFTISM.
Our voting system is a joke.
Postal voting.
Preferential voting taking weeks and recounted by only the public service in the end…..that’s why they “WAIT” for postal votes.
All the scrutineers have gone home weeks ago.
What utter insulting theatre of the absurd.
Think twice before scoffing at the yanks.
Scoffing at those fighting in the exercise yard while you look on from solitary.
He is a menace, and, while he should not be silenced, …
Why not?
If not, bring back Graham Bird as well then.
Monty is thread pollution and we don’t need examples of idiot leftism here, we know what it looks and sounds like.
Dunno what I’ve done now, but….
St. Ruth. You sound like you could do with a week in Bali. You’re allowed to go, you know.
I hear Faulty’s got a Great Prediction chapter there in need of a guest speaker. Plus, you can watch the boats off Kuta Beach.
No cows.
Bring back Numbers…
You should have stood at your Cenotaph….if that is what you did the year before.
And are you suggesting that it was only little old me telling you not to get jabbed and kill yourself?
If it was only me, you need to step away from the keyboard and get out more.
If you can’t do that, at least get away from this insular little blog of denialists and look up the Barrington declaration, you fucking Gherkin.
The jabbed are in a death camp.
Where’s choo choo?
The working aged jabbed are falling like flies.
I could link to so many credible sites, statistics and links, which Indolent and others do, and you tube videos from Mark Steyn etc, but you can lead a dumb mule to water………….
You were warned, as I often state, and you were warned by the real experts.
This is not over.
It’s just starting.
Please spell out, in detail, your plan.
Please provide some detail as to how this came to pass. Note: ‘Well what else would you have concluded’, which was your actual response to the Death CaMps non-event isn’t really cutting it.
The Big Clivester himself promised REAL EVIDENCES of this staggering apparent vote theft some months back.
Yet to see it. Clearly it’s in the safe and not-at-all-wompus hands of the Hino driver.
The inquest is setting up to be a show trial and limitless investigation of Rolfe’s entire life and career, plus a wide ranging inquiry into police interactions with Aborigines.
Some Coroners love their moment in the spotlight on high profile matters, just like health bureaucrats.
Rolfe’s lawyers have filed a motion to have numerous areas of the proposed fishing expedition struck out, as well they should.
He is fortunate in having a well-off family and his union backing him. An NT copper from a less moneyed background in the same situation might be travelling even less well.
Nice story out of the footy on the weekend.
Pies star Taylor Adams tore muscle off the bone in his groin. Season stuffed and a long long recovery.
His tweet.
Magpie Army I need your help. Following todays game, whilst walking back to the AIA centre. A young girl and her father could see I was flat. The young girl came up to me and offered to hold my hand crossing Swan street, she then gave a massive hug. I would love to find them
That’s what most little girls are and it makes them the loveliest creatures on earth.
A conceptual death camp. That’s what it was all along, right? Got it.
Ladies and gents, I present the unconditional champion – in a crowded field – of the Goalpost Relocation Awards. An astounding achievement.
*golf clap*
Catturd ™
The eyes of a psychopath never lie.
I wouldn’t over egg that omelette, Gez.
How many fucking times do you need it spelled out?
Millions of us did it.
It wasn’t a plan.
It was how decent people react to tyranny.
We don’t obey it.
We don’t submit and obey.
Are you trying to suggest the millions who did not obey were following my orders?
I mean wow, who knew this little blog could have such an effect on millions of people.
Or is it that I’m just one of the millions who knew what the right thing to do was, and mentioned it here?
There is right and wrong.
You are trying to dismiss righteous behaviour by attaching it to one individual and then attempting to dismiss the individual.
Good luck with that.
Yep. The replicating metal nanowire people.
KD, you can’t do this by yourself, you need the whole gang here.
And without choo choo going off half cocked, Sancho of the skid mark lying through his teeth, the waters aren’t going to get muddied enough.
Where’s choo choo.
Get him out here.
JC says:
September 5, 2022 at 10:24 am
I wouldn’t over egg that omelette, Gez.
A bit of memory to when my two girls were little made the story stick out.
I shift no goal post, and those camps (which I said will be like concentration camps) are still there.
They haven’t been bulldozed, and until that happens, you can’t claim I was wrong.
This is not over.
Get choo choo.
Extinction rebellion are back:
The truth about Extinction Rebellion
To which I replied:
On another thread I argued myself blue in the face against a self described engineer and uni professor, both AGW cultists. No fact, contradiction of AGW science, or evidence of duplicity by climate scientists or motive by a group pushing this barrow could shake their faith. And faith it is, or a cult. And that is only the beginning of the problem. The real problem is the gutless cowards in power listen to cult pawns like extinction rebellion. Brendon O’Neil wrote a good essay on this:
And this is the problem: people in government who we elect are influenced by these nutters. We see this blight pervading our bureaucracy, schools, universities, MSM and even business because a small bunch of lunatics are given their empty heads; and the end result are policies which are as insane as the lunatics: renewables replacing proven fossil and nuclear energy, economies being decimated and science as a discipline being eroded.
Alarmism should have ended with the Al Gore An Inconvenient Truth Judgment in 2007, It certainly should have ended with Climategate in 2010. But both prove this is not about facts or evidence but belief, money, ideology and frankly insanity.
Politicians who oppose this madness should be supported and the few brave scientists, Plimer, Ridd given every financial and legal support. Because literally we are now at the stage where society is being redefined according to the insanity of a small group of ratbags.
Prof…Bhattacharya of Stanford,……..metal nanowire people to the mentally sick denialist.
No. It wasn’t. You said, really loud: WE WILL NEVER VOTE OURSELVES OUT OF THIS.
If there is no voting this away, then what? What is your alternate plan for forming a leadership of this country, if not via the ballot box? No dissembling, no soapboxing. Put it in a wordwall, as long as it accurately describes just how you would:
1. Have the country run;
2. Who, specifically, would run it; and
3. The checks and balances you would create to prevent just such tYranNy as is present now.
Surely, surely you’re not suggesting a leadership and/or government that isn’t formed through the electoral process in some form.
Are you?
You said you were wrong, which was the only time in recent memory you were right.
GreyRanga, I defer to your greater knowledge of software nerdery.
I couldn’t care less about the subject, except that the nerds have used their autistic mastery of HTML code to gain political power over me and to set the rules for public discussion of ideas via the social media monopolies they control.
And because they’re nerds who hate the human race and would rather talk to a computer, they have no interest is solving real computer problems for other people — like why there’s no audible alarm system to warn you you’re accidentally typing in capital letters or making it easier to retrieve lost passwords or why I have to know a software program to understand why I can no longer use my most popular get-save address in my email.
They won’t solve those everyday problems because that would cede political power to the normies and decrease our reliance on them. Only psychopaths think like that.
There is some truth to this but I also think the there is a con involved here; namely, that politics can do nothing to reverse the direction the culture is going presently, and that the politics of the past is in no way implicated in the culture of the present. I think both of these claims are false, and therefore, that the claim ‘politics is downstream of culture’ is also false. A lot of culture is downstream of politics and a lot can be done politically to reverse the direction of the culture presently.
Yep, just compare the crowds over the weekend in PA, and no other R will get out the vote in Nov like Trump.
Politics is downstream of culture in a democracy.
If you seek to reverse this, you are fighting against democracy.
Anyone really think that politics is not upstream here?
And that politics is unable to reverse this sort of exploitative and predatory conduct?
We won’t vote ourselves out of this BECAUSE so many submitted and complied.
So round one was a complete win for the commos.
Thanks for that, submissive jabbed people.
So now we will not vote our way out.
I would suggest that we never could anyway…..in this country.
But definitely not now.
And now the only way is to still not obey.
I didn’t get jabbed and as the days go by I meet more and more people who haven’t been jabbed either and they are saying it out loud now, as the jabbed go silent.
Some of them have been permanently silenced already.
Yet the silence from the jabbed is deafening.
No facebook posts with “fully vaxxed” circles around their virtue signalling mug shots.
No wishing death on the unjabbed.
No screaming Karens.
It all never happened.
As they drop like flies.
The first battle is lost here, and our captors feel relaxed and are having fun keeping you occupied with jobfests, and voices to parliament.
“Avin’ a larf”
Yet the USA is starting to realise in ever increasing numbers that a globalist/communist coup occurred.
Biden’s language indicates his minders are aware of it, and now they turn to violence.
Classic history.
When the propaganda doesn’t work anymore, what’s left?
Too late to turn back now.
Freedom is to be found in the hearts of men.
So is cowardly submission.
I can’t even repost the Lady Pages on Medium because they’ve gone into overdrive.
I can’t keep up with the crazy.
We must accelerate.
More crazy hair cat lady land whale tales…
Yes, yes, because liberals, such as yourself, never use politics to further liberalism. I mean the thought of you doing so never crosses your mind.
Should we have a vote on the woke agenda?
What about climate change?
We could find out what people really believe……….which is the real culture.
Not the culture of a half a dozen screaming fuckwits in our universities.
The real culture is the one that needs to be silenced and attacked by the undemocratic.
That’s your side doing that Monty.
Have you guys looked into a geek called Falcon? He makes a lot of nice tools to work around MS stupidity. It helped save a list hard drive of mine after upgrading from. Win 8 to Win 10.
Windows 7 was perfect.
Monty, instead of actually reading what Dover Beach wrote at 10.37am, you’ve gone with a pre-pre-prepared, upside gibberish talking point that you read on Twitter or some leftwing website.
You’re quite retarded.
Not everyone had a Hartley to sell to pay the mortgage, feed the family or a couch big enough to hide in. Getting by each day is hard enough for some people instead of pontificating about it 2 years later. Go get some Adblue and give the KenWorth a polish. The spiderwebs look like they need attending to.
The constitutions of Western nations are founded on liberal values, not conservative ones. The historical narrative of the West over the course of centuries has been that we are shifting more and more towards respecting our constitutions and implementing those liberal values more fully, in the face of conservatives who want to retain undemocratic societal structures which benefit them only. The founding fathers of Western countries had some fantastic ideas, some of which took many lifetimes to achieve.
It’s a lot like how Jesus was actually a liberal when you go back and read his stuff, but the Church is extremely conservative. That’s part of why people are deserting the Church. Is that politics? The people are expressing their power, so I guess yes even though technically it’s classed as culture. It’s difficult to separate the two, and really there is not a good reason to do so.
Liberals do both: adjust culture to influence politics and adjust politics influence culture. Both to further their ideology. That’s a big reason why they hate Christians and Jewish people so much. Not only are they rivals to their green-progressive religion but neither are easily adjustable or controllable, since they’re based on the uninfluenceable Bible and Torah.
They also resent that all the most successful countries are based on Christian or Jewish culture, hence the use of country shoppers and Palis (ie. in Israel) to undermine them.
The cri de coeur of liberalism, especially now, is that whatever you say and/or do to oppose it is an ‘attack on our democracy’: “You oppose governments fining or imprisoning parents that counsel their children against going through with a double mastectomy because their child feels they were born in the wrong body? That is an attack on our democracy!”
That may be partly true, but a lot of it is just legacy stuff. For instance, starting a computer is like cranking a car used to be. Why isn’t it just on/off like every other appliance?
What gave Apple an edge back in the day was that they eliminated a lot of the unnecessary nerdy stuff. It says a lot about the industry that it took so long for others to catch up.
Recently, I was babysitting (2 cats, a motel and a teenager) and was left with an Apple computer which I wanted to watch something on Youtube on. I have never in my life used an Apple computer, but managed to work it out in a few minutes.
The industry is still much more interested in sexy new apps and all that than the basics. For instance, why does it take so long to restart, like a valve TV warming up? Why is it so hard to identify and delete obsolete crap that is clogging up your hard drive?
And, don’t get me started on Internal Server Errors.
Dover that is so sick. Those eyes are warning signs. On a positive side in the comments down further we have our best friend Hope this works
Monty has never argued in good faith – just like every other Leftist on the planet.
I’m surprised it has taken so long for many of the intellects here to notice.
From the furniture shop.
Cardimona’s Letters to the Editors.
The mumblings of the embittered.
Leaving aside that that wasn’t what was asked – what are The PeOple not going to obey?
Specifically, what do you want them not to obey?
I get this. I really get it. I just have this feeling, though, that a large proportion of what you’re describing here is the result of people warning others, along the lines of:
‘See that bloke over there? The porky one getting out of the Hino? Yep, that one. Walking these streets, with the six-string on his back. Plays for keeps, ‘cos he might not make it back.
‘Anyway, when he starts on you just tell him what he wants to hear.’
Democracy is not some ideal way of running things. It’s just a mechanism for limiting the awfulness of the usual oligarchies without bloodshed. And oligarchies are not wholly bad. They are a way of limiting the power of the very stupid.
Why would I be embittered, I didn’t have to sell anything and still not jabbed.
Tomorrow marks fifty years since Israeli athletes were murdered in cold blood on 6 September 1972 in Munich, Germany.
In memory of…
David Berger
Anton Fliegerbauer
Ze’ev Friedman
Yosef Gutfreund
Eliezer Halfin
Yosef Romano
Amitzur Shapira
Kehat Shorr
Mark Slavin
Andre Spitzer
Yakov Springer
Moshe Weinberg
They were murdered because they were Jews.
And your dad told you that you’d go blind if you didn’t stop feeling it.
Seems you didn’t stop.
You don’t like yourself, Grey ranga.
So you project.
You need to learn to love yourself.
Just not the way KD loves himself.
Some of them (weightlifters and some others), were also tortured and mutilated.
On the plus side Mossad eventually hunted down the perps.
I always thought that ‘politics is downstream from culture’ was an attractive catchphrase from someone who grew up in Los Angeles.
I am not convinced. I don’t think it is completely wrong, but nor do I think it is completely right.
The implication is that ‘culture’ comes from somewhere devoid of politics, that is, upstream. This is patently absurd.
Andrew Breitbart was a very admirable chap, but this is not one of his best moments. It just goes to show that the Right are as susceptible as the Left to a catchy slogan.
Sez it all Johanna. That was my premise the other day about sport. Nobody wants to do the basics, straight into the fancy stuff. It applies to everything.
Apple is intuitive. Office is basically stopping MS from going away, along with Azure.
Tom on Sky just interviewed Hanson-Young. She made all the usual b/s claims about the climate, plus assertion that fossil fuels are massively subsidised.
Tom had no disagreement with her on any point except one – that the cost of her increased reductions to emissions should be costed.
It’s not just the ABC that’s green-left inclined, it’s pretty much every channel.
You’ve got your hand on it again, Ken. Go sell some furniture.
rolled gold fuckwittery
mUnty puts oil and water in a jar then shakes like fury
all the time chanting, there really isn’t ANY point shaking this jar
…keeps shaking anyway
Dear oh dear. You’re basically saying that culture is downstream of politics here, monty. If these liberal values (ideas) were already part of the culture, the Constitution (politics) would have no need of implementing them and overturning social structures unconducive to them.
LOL. And I laugh not because I think Christ was a conservative, but because it is hilarious how liberals seem incapable of encountering a human being, let alone God, without interpreting him/Him within liberal political categories.
Hooked up an Amazon Firestick for the coast house yesterday. It is the first bit of Tech ever encountered that the instructions were perfect. I know it was only simple stuff but still worked without mucking around.
Apple is computing for dummies. There is heaps of things I can’t do on my iPad that is straightforward on a Windows laptop. iTunes was simply awful. That’s before you get to pricing.
The Israelis offered their counter terrorist units to break that siege – the German’s refused, saying their police were more then capable. Golda Meir made an angry comment to the effect that “All these years, and Jews are still being murdered on German soil…”
Greatest comeback/zinger in the history of the interest. The original question still unanswered.
Also, stop telling people what to do. I realise that this is difficult for frustrated leaders of tHe PeOple, but if it was easy everyone could do it.
I was disappointed when Mossad never took out Yasser Arafat, but I bet they let him know they could’ve if they wanted anytime.
Chummed hard this morning, this ocean has nothing but bluegills and tommy cods.
Those KD sharks have dead eyes, like a doll’s eyes.
” I often think it’s comical,
Fa la la la, Fa la la la
How every boy and every girl
Who’s born into this world alive,
Is either a little Liberal,
Or else a little Conservative.
Fa la, la.”
Conservatives fight against liberalism because liberalism undermines their anti-democratic power. This happened before the constitutions were written, and it will go on. Over time, they keep losing, because the founding fathers decided in their wisdom to frame the boundaries of the ongoing struggle between capital and labour so that it didn’t involve guns and guillotines, but rhetoric and representation – and it turns out that society functions better that way.
So yes, culture is in some respects downstream of politics if you want to put it that way, but I wouldn’t use the metaphor of a river to describe the relationship.
Politics is downstream of culture in a democracy.
If you seek to reverse this, you are fighting against democracy.
So death penalty is back on then?
Borders nearly closed as per the peoples wishes (not the partys platform)?
etc etc..
You fat fuckwit.
Is Chalmers referring himself for investigation??
The federal treasurer, Jim Chalmers, has asked the competition watchdog to crack down hard on any price gouging when the petrol excise cut expires at the end of September.
The letter to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, released on Monday, confirms the government’s intention to reintroduce “the full excise” on 29 September. It was halved for six months in the March budget.
Given the government makes more dough of fuel than the servo owners..
Be fair, m0nty is trying to produce arguments now. It’s not surprising that they aren’t very good ones, he’s not used to the whole idea.
M0nty, I explained that oligarchies temper the power of the stupid mob, and democracy tempers the power of the oligarchs.
The worst situation, which we are now in, is when we have stupid oligarchs.
Yes they are DrB. Oligarchies always recruit from the psychopathic stratum of society, because power hungry people are attracted to the oligarchical party. Think trade unions for example. Unelectable people will join them and then climb the greasy pole of patronage and favours inside the organization to get what they crave.
Thus, with time, all oligarchies fill up with maniacs. Eventually. And these people see the independent thinkers and inventors as threats, and so repress them. They recruit more like themselves, since they know they will go with the flow. This way society stagnates until there’s a revolution, or the nation is swallowed up by another less senescent one which is at an earlier point in the cycle. (Nuclear weapons and technology have pretty much prevented the latter avenue though – which is a big and historically unprecedented macrogeopolitical change.)
The problem with Oz and the US is that despite a democratic system we’ve both become functional oligarchies. The way it happened was through the permanent apparatus of government and education. They’ve become an oligarchy of leftists who are doing exactly what I just said oligarchs do: repress the independent thinkers and any other perceived threats. And they’ve now recruited the political class into the oligarchy too – hence the Libs and Labor being like peas in a pod on almost everything.
This has happened everywhere because of WW2, which tended to reset the cycle globally. That brought it into synch in all countries. And substantially all countries are now oligarchical and fascist or getting that way, from either the Marxist left, like China, or from democratic systems like Oz. (It’s notable that Poland and Hungary are a lot less far down the slippery slope – both having unusually strong Christian ethos. See my previous comment on that.)
Tomorrow marks fifty years since Israeli athletes were murdered in cold blood on 6 September 1972 in Munich, Germany.
Earlier this month, the families had threatened to boycott Monday’s 50-year anniversary ceremony in Munich organized by German authorities because they said the amount they had been offered was too low.
The German news agency dpa and other media reported that Germany increased its offer to the families to around 28 million euros (dollars), up from the initial 10 million euros offer to the families, which would have included the payments already made.
Immediately after the attack, Germany made payments to relatives of the victims amounting to about 4.19 million marks (about 2 million euros or dollars), according to the country’s interior ministry. In 2002, the surviving relatives received an additional 3 million euros, Germany’s dpa news agency reported.
Oligarchs look at their kids and realize that most of them will be mere millionaires, and their grandkids back to square one.
They then seek to ossify the social order to make sure their kids dont lose their ‘proper’ position in life.
Look at things like the Rockerfellers/Kennedys etc, somehow they end up as permanently wealthy and influential thanks to the cunning of their grandfathers/great grandfathers.
They pervert politics, law and finances to make sure they dont lose out.
“Foundations” should wind up in 50 years, no society can deal with entitled stupid and wealthy people, who, by design, can never suffer for it.
I believe H.L. Mencken had a quote about that.
September 5, 2022 at 11:53 am
Conservatives fight against liberalism because liberalism undermines their anti-democratic power. This happened before the constitutions were written, and it will go on. Over time, they keep losing, because the founding fathers decided in their wisdom to frame the boundaries of the ongoing struggle between capital and labour so that it didn’t involve guns and guillotines, but rhetoric and representation – and it turns out that society functions better that way.
Oh no, the Great Self-Beclowner has done it again!
Only weeks after railing against the US Supreme Court for confirming in Dobbs that abortion laws are, under the US Constitution, a matter for democratically elected legislatures, he’s now railing against the boogeyman of the conservatives’ “anti-democratic” power.
Hooked up an Amazon Firestick
Is that a flame thrower?
Consider the French revolution. The mob didn’t run things as well as Napoleon. In this case, the oligarchy was an improvement.
I agree with your reasoning by and large, which is why I favour democracies. But the reality is that the West has always been a mixture, and it ran better when the oligarchy was hereditary, for the exact reasons you give.
This is not a popular view.
“Foundations” should wind up in 50 years…
Or not exist at all.
Only massive civil disobedience ends this ….. Sri Lankan Presidential Palace style disobedience. It only ends when it gets so bad that millions turn out and charge down the guards, and the guards turn and run because they know all they will manage is a 30 round MAG dump then it’s over for them. We in the west are nowhere near that yet, as Adam Smith said ‘there’s a lot of ruin in a nation’ and we are all still way to comfortable in the west.
It has to get a LOT worse before it can get better….
Mencken was an astute bloke, but led astray by his sunny optimism.
Didn’t Fat Cloive claim to have video EVIDENCES of this?
Where is it?
Why is the notoriously litigous Fat Bastard so coy about putting his REAL EVIDENCES before a JURDGE?
Ask not for whom realty rakes, it rakes for thee.
Chile votes overwhelmingly to reject new, progressive constitution
With 96% of the ballots counted, the rejection camp has 62% and the approve team accept defeat in bid to replace Pinochet-era settlement
It enshrined gender parity across government and other organs of the state – for the first time anywhere in the world – prioritised environmental protection and recognised Chile’s Indigenous peoples for the first time in the country’s history.
The decision to reject a constitution that guaranteed women’s rights and gender parity was made 70 years to the day since women were first given the vote in Chile.
“This is a badly written constitution,” said Carmen Fuentes, 61, who cast her vote in a wealthy north-eastern suburb of Santiago. “There’s been a division in this country for a long time, and this plebiscite won’t change that.”
Compare the vitality of Victorian England with present day Oz.
That’s the early phase. It then got reset when they lost the Napoleonic Wars and went from fairly dynamic in the 1850’s to ossified oligarchs again in 1940. Ditto 1950-2020. The Soviet Union went from dynamic in 1920 to ossified in 1980. China from 1950 to 2020 (they’re not quite there yet, but the CCP is clearly ossifying). You can see the pattern: 50-100 years or so. Democracy slows it down but eventually you end up with an oligarchy of stupid oligarchs because stupid oligarchs tend to hang together up until revolutionaries come along and hang all of them together. Like that nice Romanian chap and his wife. Or a Committee of Public Safety with their tumbrils and guillotines.
We now have an oligarchy of stupid people only because all oligarchies end up that way.
Investigate and find the people who made a mint out of the scam – all of them. Now hit them with a punitive fine of 75% of their total wealth.
We need to be quite savage about punishing the bastards who have caused this level of wrecking the economy of the West.
Or present day England. As BoN points out, the takeover of the oligarchy/ ruling class by the power hungry creeps has not improved things.
As did *every* professional medical college, including mine, the college of Anaesthetists, which now offers units on ‘culturally appropriate anaesthesia’ whilst simultaneously whistling past the Nuremberg graveyard.
Mmm hmm. A Mr Dickens would like a word.
Connects TV to wifi to watch internet stuff.
A flamethrower is more fun.
Disappointing that, as the day of ‘stand or fall if necessary’ draws ever closer, Kenn Guevara seems more interested in throwing around accusations of masturbation.
Sure. It’s an intrinsically unstable state of affairs. Government grows, centralisation increases, power hungry creeps take over.
Time for a great reset. HoP ASAP.
That’s the point …. there isn’t any ideal way of running things – not democracy, not theocracy, not technocracy, not dictatorship.
There is no ‘one size fits all’ which is why our ‘rulers’ (whoever they are) need to have as little power as possible.
The federal treasurer, Jim Chalmers, has asked the competition watchdog to crack down hard on any price gouging when the petrol excise cut expires at the end of September.
Shirley, if petrol is not a “set price” commodity then what the retailer sells it for is their business not the gummint’s ?.. bit like the Colesworths pricing system .. !
KenWorth is holding it for him, problem being Fat Cloive hasn’t told him its not the real evidence he’s holding.
It does seem a bit weird for you lot to be eagerly expecting the conservatives to be the ones leading a revolution. That has never happened before. Normally it’s the conservatives whose heads are on pikes in the capital. I am not sure you have got things the right way round.
September 5, 2022 at 12:29 pm
it ran better when the oligarchy was hereditary
Compare the vitality of Victorian England with present day Oz.
At least in 19th century Britain the hereditary oligarchy was recognised and accounted for in the system, so that changes could be made (quite probably for the worse, as you suggest Dr B) till now it’s largely powerless.
In modern times the oligarchy is just as real, and even more psychopathically vicious in protecting its patch. E.g. if it weren’t for Trump, the 2016 US Presidential election would have been between the wife of a former President and the son and brother of former Presidents – and look how the Uniparty elites reacted to that disruption of their comfortable duopoly. And in Britain, in the last two thirds of a century 9 out of 12 Prime Ministers came from Oxford, and whether Truss or Sunak gets up it will be 10 out of 13. In the real world it’s usually not a choice between oligarchy and no oligarchy, it’s just a choice about how the oligarchy is formed.
Imagine walking into a place chock to the brim with enough written legislation to choke an elephant and thinking..
‘When i get in power Id like to pass some more of this stuff”..
then make your way through the thickets of state and council crap as well.
You seem to have an emotional commitment to a set of categories which are obsolete and have been for a generation or more. It’s not about liberals versus conservatives. It’s about power hungry arseholes who love pushing others around versus those of us who want to be left alone. You seem to be searching for a formulation that justifies the power hungry arseholes.
Anyone with a passing knowledge of the industry knows that petrol stations make feck all on petrol sales and rely on all the other crap they sell to turn a profit.
No doubt Chalmers knows this and is just posturing for the media
Companies are interesting since they have a similar cycle. Especially the larger ones.
They’re dynamic when they’re new. Then, with time, middle-management fills up with guys like Dilbert’s boss. They scratch each others’ backs and recruit more of themselves. After a while the company gets clagged up by this giant wad of mediocre people and loses profitability.
Then a recession comes along, there are massed redundancies, and the layer of clag gets swept away along with all their useless procedures and HR rubbish they’ve accumulated. Whereupon the company regains dynamism. And off the cycle goes again. I’ve been through perhaps three or four of these cycles – they’re maybe a decade in length because that’s roughly the cycle time for recessions.
Unfortunately recessions can be a reset for companies but nothing ever affects the public sector short of a really major war. So the public sector just fills up and fills up and fills up, until like now the education system, Public Service and public utilities are clagged full with a giant thick impenetrable monolith of stupid.
Hence fascism is the natural endpoint: because the monolith then recruits the major companies and their elite management stratum. And the two then cooperate to repress small dynamic companies and individuals, since both are threats to the now oligarchized large companies.
Mmm hmm, you want to be left alone… so you are agitating for a revolution so that you can depose and dominate the left and prevent them from taking power. You’re a bit all over the place on this one, Bogan. Either you’re a revolutionary or you’re a conservative, it’s binary not a spectrum.
Inspired by Rabz’ live music thread, I revisited a favourite – Status Quo Live at the Electrics.
Da Critics always hated Quo – usually a good sign. They were one of the tightest live bands ever – precise down to the nanosecond. The haters who claimed that what they did was easy and moronic somehow never managed to replicate it (see AC/DC for further references.)
The whole thing is a joy, but at about 54 mins they make their guitars sound like C&W fiddles – have a listen. Amazing.
No wonder there was a Quo Army. These guys delivered to the punters, every time.
I would vote for a constitutional change that mandated total government spending (all levels) never exceeded X% of GDP.
Something like 10% should be sufficient. It was about this back in 1960.
“If there is going to be civil war in the US,”
It’s already started.
4th and 5th generational warfare, not kinetic (guns etc) for the most part, but some of that too.
A guy in Portland walked up to a Republican and shot him point-blank in the heart, for example.
But mostly it is propaganda – gaslighting. Aided and abetted by an MSM and Social(ist) Media consortium that thinks they are part of the elite, that they know better than you plebs.
“Trump is illegitimate!” – “If you don’t accept Biden winning, you’re a threat to democracy!”
“Here’s a bail fund for BLM rioters who burned and killed for months all over the US – please donate.” – “You were waved into the Capitol building by police – solitary confinement for your insurrection!”
“MAGA Republicans are a threat to our democracy!” – “They don’t scare me – they’re a very small minority.”
Joe “we just need your corporeal form” Biden will read whatever they put on the teleprompter – even “(repeat the line)”. A figurehead. A puppet. Watch the blame for everything that goes wrong fall to him – “It was Biden! We had good policies, but Biden was too busy consorting with the Republicans to do it properly and he screwed it all up. This time for sure!”
Think about it.
They can barely keep the lights on in California, yet they want all electric cars inside 20 years – meaning they would need 3 times the electricity they currently need (but don’t have!)
They have been warning of food shortages for months, but press ahead with policy that results in a 90% reduction in agricultural production (Europe and NZ especially).
The “West” are the worst – racist, sexist, mysoginist exploiters! Yet people continue to flock from communist and socialist shitholes to live in the “West” – more than 2 million in the US in the last year alone, that we know of.
Yes indeed. And as Gilbert observes,
“When Wellington thrashed Bonaparte,
As every child can tell,
The house of lords, throughout the war,
Did nothing in particular,
And did it very well.”
The buggers today meddle interminably. With disastrous consequences. The ideal oligarchy is almost powerless, hereditary, and aware of their limitations.
“When noble statesmen did not itch,
To interfere in matters which
They did not understand.”
Ah, the good old days.
That’s true Monty, because all revolutions come from the Left. They do so because the Right is heavily based on Christian ethos, which encourages adherence to the law and respect for the authorities. Lefties aren’t so inhibited so they tend to be the ones who do tumbrils.
But once the old ossified oligarchy is cleared out the revolutionaries sort themselves into achievers like Napoleon Bonaparte and his generals – who get to show their stuff. They then become the new conservatives/monarchs/landed gentry.
One difference is when a Christian or Jewish democracy fights a war with oligarchs. The democracy tends to win because of the inherent strengths of democracy – loyalty and encouragement of excellence. So when the Allies beat Germany and Japan they swept away those countries’ systems and restarted the cycle in both with a substantially conservative democratic system instead. Which has now ossifed and degraded back into undemocratic oligarchies in both.
The only form of Govt. I trust is a ‘ benevolent dictatorship ‘….with me as head of state.
I’ve never been a conservative. I’m not naturally a revolutionary either, but I’m getting there gradually. I’m getting severely pissed off with loony lefty losers and the imposition of authoritarian idiocy.
I want to be left alone, and if you persist in trying to force me into your collectivist lunacies, it will be your head on the pike. Don’t say that you haven’t been warned.
that’s pretty disingenuous.
the stats clearly show most of these are covid deaths.
With all of these “electricity use” announcements going out about what type you are dissuaded from using energy, I now know the reason why they wanted to bring in “smart meters” some years ago.
All makes sense now (and they knew this was coming!)
Morsie says: September 5, 2022 at 12:53 pm
Morsie, it is likely that Chalmers knows this, but he does not understand it.
Anyone who has actually had a serious conversation with an ALP politician knows they’re far from our best & brightest. Some of them are so dumb you wonder how far they’d rise in a real world.
They are however extremely rat-cunning. (This is not a positive character trait)
(The above is not to be taken as an endorsement of LNP politicians or that LNP may include any best & brightest)
Let’s check in on Chile overnight:
“We should go full-on year-zero, like Pol Pot” == “I’d like a raise in pension relative to cost of living”
Monty, its been said here before, but you’re an idiot.
They watch. They wait.
”Either you’re a revolutionary or you’re a conservative, it’s binary not a spectrum.”
That statement is Not true. A person can have conservative Family Ideals or policy and yet have revolutionary policy toward Govt.
**what time*** (not type!!!)
Huey, Dewey, and Louie, all speaking from experience and in unison.
Anyone who has actually had a serious conversation with an ALP politician knows they’re far from our best & brightest
I give you Plasticchook, Stephen Miles, Cameron Dick.
“Do we want the state to be smaller? YES.
Do we believe the free market provides the solution to every single problem, including just in time supply chains? NO WE DON’T.
We believe there is something called the national interest. Se believe there is something called security.
We believe in self sufficiency.
The conservative government closed the rough storage facility on the east coast. Our gas storage facility. Why? We didn’t need it. Because the big, global companies had told us just in time supply chains are enough. No. There is a case here for strategic, economic nationalism.
Does that run contrary to lifting the burden of regulation off small people? No it doesn’t. It’s a different economic imperative.
And I bet if Thatcher was alive today she’d say “The hell we are going to sell chip companies, steel companies, to the Chinese”. There is no way Margaret Thatcher, the great Freedmanite, would have done those things, because some things are more important.
So you have a Conservative party with the worst of all worlds. It doesn’t appear to believe in capitalism. In the sense of the small entrepreneur getting on. It doesn’t appear to ever act in the national interest. I mean, what the hell is it”?
-Nigel Farage, 2 September 2023.
Strategic economic nationalism.
see AC/DC for further references
Rolling Stone first mentioned AC/DC around 1977/78, when it reviewed their first US album release.
Hated it! From memory, a 300-word gripe about unknown band from Down Under obsessed with their dicks and getting laid. Reviewer predicted they’d vanish into obscurity and stay there.
Very funny in retrospect.
Full Farage interview:
Fatboy, the American revolution was arguably right wing and look how well it went for the period up to Wilson.
The old man bought himself a flamethrower for Christmas one year. He burnt down a shearing shed trying it out. Somehow he managed to claim it on insurance.
Easier to recruit people to the cause.
Only by contemporary standards. Seen from the pov of king George, the founding fathers were wild eyed lefties.
Tyranny is a topical government form, given the news last week. Oligarchies may clag up with stupid people but tyrannies can suddenly reset from time to time on their own.
Gorbachev being the example: he obtained sufficient personal power to change direction unilaterally. The oligarchy in the next layer down tried to knock him off but were unsuccessful. Unfortunately though he couldn’t keep the Soviet Union together long enough to clean it up, as the ordinary people were pretty much fed up by then. But he survived the collapse, unlike Ceausescu.
Like him is Deng Xiao Ping, who became strong enough to change China’s direction so substantially it almost became free market capitalist. And a thousand flowers bloomed, since they were now being encouraged, and no longer repressed as threats to the oligarchical Party.
Dunno what will happen in China and Russia now though, they’re back in the oligarchical patronage system albeit with strong national leaders…for now. Unfortunately both strong leaders are a bit too fixated on real estate at present, rather than prosperity and opportunity for the plebs.
Or, admittedly, conventional Englishmen standing up for their traditional rights and freedoms against a German bloke.
Mossad argued that, if they took out Yasser Arafat, the Palis might replace him with someone who knew what they were doing.
THE UK’s energy crisis has been in the making for more than 20 years and is the result of the incompetent policies of Mr Blair, Mr Brown, Mr Cameron, Mrs May, and Mr Johnson, and all their hapless energy minsters and advisors too numerous to name.
Investigate and find the people who made a mint out of the scam – all of them. Now hit them with a punitive fine of 75% of their total wealth.
We need to be quite savage about punishing the bastards who have caused this level of wrecking the economy of the West.
The policies were not incompetent. They were deliberate and corrupt.
They were not just making a personal profit, that was a bonus.
The aim was the destruction of civilization.
75% fine of their wealth is too kind.
Salting their DNA present and future.
Then salting the earth where their DNA is located might be just about right.
Jab jab booster…………..not for me.
Regular use of ivermectin led to a 100% reduction in hospitalisation rate, a 92% reduction in mortality rate and an 86% reduction in the risk of dying from a COVID-19 infection when compared to non-users, a major new study has found.
The study, published in the medical journal Cureus, analysed data from 223,128 people from the city of Itajaí in Brazil and is the largest study of its kind, giving its findings a high degree of certainty. Senior author Dr. Flavio A. Cadegiani wrote on Twitter: “An observational study with the size and level of analysis as ours is hardly achieved and infeasible to be conducted as a randomised clinical trial. Conclusions are hard to be refuted. Data is data, regardless of your beliefs.”
Connects TV to wifi to watch internet stuff.
It does seem a bit weird for you lot to be eagerly expecting the conservatives to be the ones leading a revolution. That has never happened before.
What about the Glorious Revolution of 1688? It was about protecting the established liberties of the English people against executive government overreach.
Come to think of it, so was the Barons’ Rebellion in 1215.
Eyrie says: September 5, 2022 at 1:19 pm
Having spent some social time with most of the Qld cabinet & govt at one time or another, I can state with some authority that of that bunch, Stephen Miles is one of the smartest.
I am not making this up. (Yes, he is every bit as dense as he seems on TV)
The key word there is almost. Deng didn’t feel kindly towards the student freedom lovers in Tian Anmen square. Mind, I wouldn’t have either. They were idealists and consequently scatty.
I agree with your analysis of the dynamics, but sufficiently advanced oligarchy is indistinguishable from torpor. It kills itself.
And the most successful revolution ever. It was organised by businessmen rather than idealists, which may have been why it worked.
Footage emerges of monty bowling from the kitchen end.
Michael Smith News – cost you $990, takes six weeks.
Recall elections
Jury nullification
Term limits
Sunset clauses on all legislation
Btw – don’t let Australian leftards tell you Eureka was a working man revolution.
It was a small business revolution, lead by monarchist and conservative, Lalor.
To subvert the dominant paradigm – that is, to subvert Western society’s current political architecture – liberals realised that could not be achieved by argument as most people are happy living in a wealthy democracy.
So they became nihilists devoted to destroying whatever is left standing to hurry up the revolution.
That wasn’t enough, either. So liberals have finally become fascists – just like all those who have tried and failed through history to create utopia on earth via communism and socialism.
Which is why people who still call themselves liberals are campaigning to end free speech and the free flow of ideas on social media – while denying they’re fascists who hate freedom.
Now the fascists who call themselves liberals are among our ruling class after 77 years of subversion of our society by those who hate our freedom, its free market and its democracy.
The American revolution was not a totalitarian revolution and in fact it was anti-totalitarian.
Defining the founders as wide eyed leftwing is plainly stupid.
‘culturally appropriate anaesthesia’ …. hmmm… does this mean some patients are put ‘out to it’ by using a Nulla-Nulla to clout them – bluddee hard – across the noggin?
… and so not an oligarchy at all.
Dai Le, member for Fowler (knocked off Nobody’s girl) off to a good start. Proudly Australian. Good on her.
Also, Napoleon was not a better deal .
You idiot.
Estimated deaths in Napoleonic wars:
Estimate death count during the French Revolution.
How many deaths were caused by the French Revolution?
Oh – ABC, hundreds of political reporters — nothing on Dai Le.
Does not qualify, as Dr Bourgeois has pointed out. And yes, compared to the English monarchy, the US Constitution was extremely liberal.
Well look, if you as an Australian (or Yank) want to exchange an English head of state with a Dutch one, I am not sure that is going to advance liberal values.
Vendee massacres
What followed in the Vendée was a campaign of recriminations that bordered on genocide. Under the direction of représentants en mission from Paris, Republican forces began slaughtering Vendean royalists, irrespective of their age, gender or activities.
The National Convention, having already sanctioned the Reign of Terror, authorised the formation of 12 army divisions called the Colonnes Infernales (‘Infernal Columns’). Under the command of General Louis Marie Turreau, these columns swept through the Vendée in the first half of 1794. They crisscrossed the province, tearing down buildings, burning crops and leaving death and destruction in their wake.
The instruments of the Terror were then focussed on the Vendée, where more than 6,000 people – including 400 children – were executed. Some were guillotined but most were shot, stabbed, bayoneted or forcibly drowned. Farms, crops and forests were burned across the Vendée, affecting the innocent as well as the rebels.
Action against the potentially rebellious residents of the Vendée would continue as late as 1796.
Tough day for liberals today. Do not lose the opportunity to rub their noses in it and to heap more coals on them in future.
Initially, he was much better. It all went wrong later, but that’s progress for you.
September 5, 2022 at 12:41 pm
It does seem a bit weird for you lot to be eagerly expecting the conservatives to be the ones leading a revolution. That has never happened before. Normally it’s the conservatives whose heads are on pikes in the capital. I am not sure you have got things the right way round.
Timothy Neilsonsays:
September 5, 2022 at 1:49 pm
What about the Glorious Revolution of 1688? …
September 5, 2022 at 2:07 pm
Well look, if you as an Australian (or Yank) want to exchange an English head of state with a Dutch one, I am not sure that is going to advance liberal values.
Poor old self-beclowner. It’s desperately sad.
The Brits took king Billy on terms. Like, he’d be in charge as long as he didn’t tell ppl what to do.
Which was once upon a time what liberal values meant. No longer, alas.
Initially. Lol
Initially, Adolf was Time Man Of The Year.
Monty forgets about free helicopter rides.
As a system of government and institutional refreshment it does have some pedigree.
I never cared for him myself. He shouted too much.
wow … a false dichotomy dressed up as a straw-man
just repeating the words of others he sounds idiotic
the more he tries using his own words the more idiotic he sounds
vacuous gibber
Initially, Adolf was Time Man Of The Year.
One good thing about him.
He killed Hitler.
If Adolph had popped his clogs in about 1937 he might have been remembered as a great statesman. (the suffering of the Jews around then written off as “collateral damage)
More likely the awful economic policies would have seen it all go to crap by about 1940 anyway. (without a war)
duncanm says: September 5, 2022 at 2:03 pm
She must have given a powerful & sage speech, coz left wingers are hating on her bigtime in social media.
Ill-conceived comparison, you’d compare the Monarch to the President, not the Constitution. More apt, English law, for instance, was more liberal re adultery, for example, than US law.
Stabbing spree in Canada (Saskatchewan) Ten dead, a dozen sliced up but still alive.
Knife licencing … now.
Just like Joe Biden — though poor, befuddled Joe could never be Hitler. That’s just the projection of his fascist speech writers.
Wow. Rolls Royce – at its Goodwood car plant in southern England – has a Manager of Bespoke to oversee the owner’s customisation of each car sold – as you would expect for units that wind up in Australian showrooms for $A720,000 to $1.11 million each.
Trust you to fuck it up, you donut gulping imbecile.
As the professor was told, the American revolution was anti-totalitarian first and foremost. To codify it some modern day qualifying context is stupid.
Dickless wrote this:
The constitutions of Western nations are founded on liberal values, not conservative ones. The historical narrative of the West over the course of centuries has been that we are shifting more and more towards respecting our constitutions and implementing those liberal values more fully, in the face of conservatives who want to retain undemocratic societal structures which benefit them only.
This is classic projection. The left, who always classify themselves with some noble, grand terminology such as liberal, project their inherent and fundamental illiberalism onto their opponents. The reason, as I have said, is psychologically basic. They are empty people who compensate by feeling superior. To prove their superiority they invent issues, like AGW or wokeism, which no matter how destructive, they pursue to demonstrate their sense of superiority. The inevitable consequence, every time, is increased authoritarianism in society as the left entrench power because their issues are false, their superiority is grotesquely wrong and the only way they can ensure their sense of superiority is enabled is through tyranny.
Conservatism, the preservation of tried and tested values in a democratic, individual rights based society, is anathema to leftie because they don’t believe individuals should have equal rights. In fact their scorn for others not like them and who do not pay the requisite adulation, is misanthropic. They are blighted people, the third generation who squander the inheritance. And they have no dicks.
I worked with an English dude whose father was CEO of Rollers aircraft engine. The dude worked in the interest rate swap department and lost the bank 100 mill. Shit happens I guess. Lost touch.
You know, I only feel safe with a Roller engine, then GE and finally Pratt.
Just wondering if any military history people can help me. I’ve had a pic of my GGFather in uniform, my Mum tells me he served in the Boer War, I’ve looked everywhere but it seems that the records of that war for Australian soldiers is fairly incomplete. I was wondering if I sent the pic someone may be able to identify the uniform and confirm if it’s a Boer War style or something else. If you have the time and energy ask Dover to contact me. Thanks
Cronkite, conservatism is just another form of leftism as it’s really about control of people’s lives. If libertarianism is too extreme then move towards classic liberalism. You’ll feel more comfortable there.
Lots of tonguebathing stories in the MSM about the white, upper middle class Teals. But, nobody is interested in Dai Le. So much for ‘diversity.’
September 5, 2022 at 10:55 am
Politics is downstream of culture in a democracy.
If you seek to reverse this, you are fighting against democracy.
Yes, yes, because liberals, such as yourself, never use politics to further liberalism. I mean the thought of you doing so never crosses your mind.
It’s “democracy” when m0nty-fa’s side does it, even if the masses don’t want it, and object.
Not defending either party, but the MotY is someone who “for better or for worse… has done the most to influence the events of the year”. AH (1938)would certainly meet that criteria , especially the “worse”, Stalin (1939), same. In 1936 Wallis Simpson won it, 1937 it was Kai-Sheks.
Jon Stewart Presents Medal To Ukrainian Nazi At Disney World
The Jimmy Dore Show
Sure, it was about who was most influential. However, the crap accompanying the choice was actually complementary and hopeful.
My comment was a counter to someone’s stupid comment that the Nap was better value than Robespierre’s abortion. He then came back with a qualifier and the Time comment was a counter to that swill.
no complaints about being a refugee – she’s proud of it, and knows she won the jackpot coming to Oz.
This is a heartwarming sight. What a magnificent outfit!
Daily Mail
Dai Le defeated Kristina Keneally for the seat of Fowler in southwest Sydney
Won as independent after ALP parachuted ex-NSW premier 70km from rich area
Maiden speech recalled how she fled the Fall of Saigon as a seven-year-old
Compared western Sydney’s harsh lockdown to the communist dictatorship
Also took swipe at Ms Keneally saying Fowler needed a local to represent it
September 5, 2022 at 11:53 am
Politics is downstream of culture in a democracy.
If you seek to reverse this, you are fighting against democracy.
So death penalty is back on then?
Borders nearly closed as per the peoples wishes (not the partys platform)?
etc etc..
You fat fuckwit.
You have to understand the m0nty-fa fascist version of “democracy”.
If the people want something that “lefty liberals” like, that is “democracy”.
If the people want something that “lefty liberals” don’t like, that is “cheap populism”.
Love this clip.
September 5, 2022 at 12:41 pm
It does seem a bit weird for you lot to be eagerly expecting the conservatives to be the ones leading a revolution. That has never happened before. Normally it’s the conservatives whose heads are on pikes in the capital. I am not sure you have got things the right way round.
m0nty-fa really, really, does not understand, though he boasted about it on the Old Cat.
He and his ilk are now the conservatives, defending the reactionary establishment. Those who used to be conservatives are now the revolutionaries, coming for him and his ilk with the pikes.
m0nty-fa, running dog lackey of the reactionary, oligarchic, establishment. Fascist pig!
Correct, JC. Pratt & Whitney are the turkeys of the aero engine business, with comparatively poor reliability. Buying them costs airlines money because of the reliability problems.
CNN employees are “freaked out” the company’s new CEO Chris Licht is orchestrating a “purge” of left-wing staff after Brian Stelter and John Harwood announced their abrupt departures, according to the Washington Post.
France to restart all nuclear reactors by winter amid energy crunch • FRANCE 24 English
Cronkite, conservatism is just another form of leftism as it’s really about control of people’s lives. If libertarianism is too extreme then move towards classic liberalism. You’ll feel more comfortable there.
I thought I defined the terms. The US constitution is a conservative document. To a lessor extent so to is the Australian constitution. The conservative principles are simply those principles which give individual rights to people while preserving the basic structure which can maximise those rights. There’s always some toing and froing. Libertarianism is just an underdeveloped form of conservatism.
Classic liberalism and conservatism have merged in the modern society. The modern liberalism called progressive liberalism is just a lie and appropriation by the likes of the chipmunk and every other leftie.
Constable Zachary Rolfe shot Walker dead during a botched arrest attempt, after Walker stabbed the police officer in the shoulder with a pair of surgical scissors.
Fixed to
Constable Zachary Rolfe shot Walker dead during a botched murder attempt, by Walker, bringing scissors to a gun fight and stabbing the police officer in the shoulder with a pair of surgical scissors.
Coroners findings: ” Play stupid games, win stupid prizes“
”Either you’re a revolutionary or you’re a conservative, it’s binary not a spectrum.”
Hmmm. Let’s see. George Washington, conservative or revolutionary? Benjamin Franklin? Thomas Jefferson?
It’s so hard to decide.
m0nty-fa is an idiot.
I don’t think Mossad telegraphed much of their planning or the reasoning behind it.