PS seemed to be a few burnt out cars when passing thru on my way to Cairns last Oct
PS seemed to be a few burnt out cars when passing thru on my way to Cairns last Oct
Gates shows up then low and behold… https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GmAvYKCbEAAZYqF?format=jpg&name=large https://x.com/QBCCIntegrity/status/1900571129322029536
Thanks guys for your thoughts- living and working in a place is vastly different from a brief visit.
I fear you’re going to be sighing quite a lot these next four years.
Let’s just change the topic, shall we …? What say you, Wolfman?
The Laydee Pages. Friend of a former school principal. The premise of this article is bewildering.
The fat creep encapsulates all that is wrong with the modern left- shrilling for billionaires
How much does it cost to ensure that they do not deliver to an address?
Dot, children that, for whatever reason, are now without parents should be adopted by married couples, preferably, from their extended family, then strangers. Adoption has always been directed at the good of the children, and should remain so.
Michael Smith has an even better picture of the new UK Elf Ministress.
Yee hah! I’m down to my third last carton, order me a pallet, please.
How’s that Stella Artois going? Do you keep a couple of slabs of that in case Bespoke turns up, parched of lips?
Consent given under duress is not consent.
I cant have a mate look at you menacingly while stropping a cut throat razor as I ask you to consent to handing over your wallet.
Has anyone seen “financial guru” Dave Ramsey’s advice for home buying?
Funny stuff in Australia.
A university professor likely can’t afford a 1 bedroom apartment in Dee Why.
Dave isn’t really wrong though.
Of course
This is an expectaion of many but the DCP is doing the opposite.
Extended family’s have no legal rights once the kid is in the system.
Corruption and suicide attacks, but the enemy are drunken, ill disciplined arseholes.
Generally we were afraid of being adopted. Adoption was an unknown whereas the Childrens Home was known to us.
One of the girls threatened self harm when a member of the Board wanted to adopt her. An upstanding Pillar of the Community who had the odd inclination of smacking 15 year old girls bare bottoms when they were naughty.
Adoption is a lottery and sometimes there’s no winners. Best to go with known family if available.
Ashfield robbery: Teen girl accused of horrific attack on mum granted bail two days before assault
Shannon Hampton & Kellie BalaamThe West Australian
Wed, 7 September 2022 4:48PM
The girl is a 3rd nations skank so obviously it’s a white supremacy issue:
So when you say you’ve weeded the garden, you have really weeded the garden, to the point of following runners into the neighbor’s.
Cyril Rioli was cheered by opposing teams fans on some occasions.
Inter generational trauma….the effects of colonization…..the effects of the stolen generation….
Not sure if that ought to be a rule. My parents had a plan of sorts and a married uncle was their third option after an auntie and granny who both outlived their husbands by many, many years.
Ultra Nuclear MAGA KC 3.0 ??
High School Athlete Has Six Feet of Blood Clots Removed From Legs Abruptly Ending Football Career
“Doctors are still trying to figure out exactly what happened to Kaden”
Cohenite, that Ashfield assault got a bit of profile in the West (unsurprisingly). I suspect the accused will have a more difficult time at the Feraltown Childrens Court than the usual revolving door.
Yep, we did Myer Briggs. We did Hay points. We did bonding exercises at weekends away. We did all the corporate fads. Eleven days of SAP training just about caused a revolt, there’s a limit. But we did that too. They wouldn’t buy MS Project, we had to do gantt charts using SAP, which in the nineties was like gnawing your arm off. Germans, sheesh.
Then a recession came and swept all that shit out the door. We tripled our productivity overnight…
Iirc I was INTP. Dunno about the Hay point rating, it was half-arsed and never went anywhere anyway. The company eventually went bankrupt.
The A.L.S. legal representative will play the usual cards……
For Cats interested in things military, the US is adopting a new military cartridge to supplement the 5.56/.223, and if we run true to form it’s possible we will follow. The cartridge is the 6.8 x 51, which looks a bit like the old 7.62/.308 necked down to 6.8mm, or .270. It runs ginormous pressures (c. 80 000 psi) to push a 135gr projjie at 3000 fps. Recoil is ferocious, but is tamed somewhat by an inbuilt suppressor on the proposed rifle. To handle the pressures, the cartridge case is a composite of a steel base, an aluminium “joining washer” and a brass body.
Anyway, there’s more about it here. Looks a lot like reinventing the wheel to me.
Here’s a video looking at it.
We’re third.
Also, 25% of mature aged sheilas in the US are on some form of anti-depressant.
It’s cheaper because in an emergency it can be used to fuel the delivery vehicle.
Doing a test to find out what sort of human being you are looks pretty weird to me.
I’m a torus, sign of the doughnut if you want to understand me.
More a Möbius strip. Much more interesting than a donut.
The chart above that I linked showing the concentration of anti-depressant use in national populations suggests the Angl0- speaking world tending towards the top of the list. This isn’t good.
Good god. How many people did you run over to be sentenced to that?
SAP is cancer.
I’m a cantaloupe.
Here’s a Chesterfield for your troubles.
I was subjected to this test whilst working with a NGO on a 9mths contract between jobs.
Told my husband who said he thought I may as well just looked up my astrology profile.
H B Bearsays:
September 7, 2022 at 8:23 pm
Cohenite, that Ashfield assault got a bit of profile in the West (unsurprisingly). I suspect the accused will have a more difficult time at the Feraltown Childrens Court than the usual revolving door.
As Jacinta observes for every 3rd nations punk who gets put in jail there are 35 aboriginal women who are beaten, raped or murdered by the same punks. No one talks about them. Does that justify what this skank did; no. She should be punished. But at 15, already having dropped one sprog (which legally can’t have been from a consensual relationship) you have to feel sorry for her. But for me this is just more grist for the mill: and every leftie activist sprouting racism are the real villains.
I know.
It’s depressing.
I think I will have to up my dose.
Oh God.
Who are these people that voted for this fat troll?
It’s not even original. She plagiarized the idea from AOC , who had “Tax The Rich” emblazoned in bright red on her rear end. As awful as she is, AOC doesn’t have a fat rear like Sea Patrol.
Speaking of the experience of golfing ladies and their star signs
i’m a Cancer, The crab , not the disease.
That is all, you may fuck off now and check your breathing
A short story about the Malta Spitfires flown from the USS Wasp.
Dot, the version we had in the mid nineties was entirely keystroke based, like Wordstar. They hadn’t quite discovered that mice exist. We were looking at MS Project and Excel and drooling. Lest you think that weird we were using a thing called 2020 as our spreadsheet package. Doubt you will’ve heard of that one. Greenscreen, ugly as.
Michael Smith News. Why do the words “Brewer’s dray horse” spring to mind?
The new “flatten the curve”
They do so love their mandates.
Funny comment on the Sea Patrol pic.
September 7, 2022 at 9:03 pm
Oh God.
Who are these people that voted for this fat troll?
It’s not even original. She plagiarized the idea from AOC , who had “Tax The Rich” emblazoned in bright red on her rear end. As awful as she is, AOC doesn’t have a fat rear like Sea Patrol.
That arse is a major source of gas.
Hope you’re watching Rowan Dean tonight Cassie. He must have read your spray at Scomo!
lol Cronkite.
Actually, on second thoughts the comment I posted from Rita Twitter isn’t really funny at all. Europe is a tragedy.
September 7, 2022 at 8:59 pm
Doing a test to find out what sort of human being you are looks pretty weird to me.
I was subjected to this test whilst working with a NGO on a 9mths contract between jobs.
Told my husband who said he thought I may as well just looked up my astrology profile.
I’ll stand up for it. It makes sense to me.
After having it explained what all the different categories were (as a precursor to doing the test) all sorts of things about life started to make sense for the first time.
[See if you can guess which tetragram I am 🙂 .]
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
September 7, 2022 at 9:07 pm
Sarah Hanson-Young supplies her own roomy billboard. End gas. Quite.
There’s enough room there to write “eliminate the use of hydrocarbon based energy sources” in big letters.
Evidence of a lot of excess carbs there.
Whales should not be clothed in white.
Oh, so it’s an Israeli fund-raiser this time?? 😀
Democrats Dangerously Copy The Tactics Of Famous Fascists
Let’s check in with Nancy & Paul PEL0SI
Timothy, I wouldn’t dare to guess your result. I would not have guessed my own result.
We too had it all explained to us before we took the test.
When we obtained the results I didn’t tell anyone mine. It seemed that no one was talking about having INFP. There were about 25 of us who took the test that day.
Add 4x and scented candles.
September 7, 2022 at 9:13 pm
Hope you’re watching Rowan Dean tonight Cassie. He must have read your spray at Scomo!”
Oh yes…Rowan was on fire and 100% right about the unlamented Scumbag.
Essential difference between AOC & the Bug-Eyed Dugong:
AOC: Yes I would, without hesitation. Repeatedly & without respite.
SH-Y: Er…. um…. [long pause] if I really gotta, … [long pause]… can I instead take the corgi she’s walking?
DBG identifying as a torus or donut is extremely dangerous, the munster will be on his way over for a bite or ten.
That fuckwit Health Hazzard, a fucking disgrace, he’s a fucking squalid, red faced goon who looks as though his liver is about to explode, in fact I wish it would, like something out of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Health Hazzard is the epitome of what’s wrong with the stupid fucking Liberals here in NSW…in fact the whole of Australia. The Liberal Party is a fucking joke, vomiting up mediocrities like Health Hazzard. Next March it’ll be sweet, very sweet to say good riddance to the stupid fucking Liberals here in NSW.
Apologies about the profanities.
Health Hazard also let the true agenda slip out did he not? ‘New world order’. A despicable mediocrity.
Huh? ….. Stella Artois?… This ain’t a gay bar, feller.
Ha ha Latho calls him Health Hazzard too
Don’t hold back, give us your real opinion.
Mark Latham
Health Hazard complaining at Estimates that I’ve misspelt his name (the big baby).
I’ve used the spelling his own Department officials have used in the documents in front of me.
They must think he’s a hazard too!!
Now Health Hazard refusing to answer questions about the double standard by which he avoided 14 days isolation after close contact with the Covid infected Adam Marshall.
Guilty as sin.
Cassie please. It’s not that sort of blog to be swearing like that.
I thought it was only the “Top End of Town” that had share portfolios?
Seeing the words “The Liberal Party” caused some consternation.
It still perplexes me as to why a political party would not expel a prominent member who has been working against it in every way possible.
Advancing age, and a liking for strong drink, have dulled my memory, but I remember when the Liberal Party actually had values that were different from the Labor Party. I think you have to go back to the days of “Jolly John” Gorton.
Even Ming was pretty pissed off with them by 1974.
That learned gentleman would like a word.
“The New World Order” – spouted by Hazzard and that bloke in the frock with the moustache – Cherry Carnt or something like that.
Now Health Hazard refusing to answer questions about the double standard by which he avoided 14 days isolation after close contact with the Covid infected Adam Marshall.
He’s a lying piece of shit. Anyone surprised?
Put the keyboard down slowly Cassie and step back. We can talk about this quietly. No one needs to get hurt. We know you’re extremely disappointed in the SFL and understand they’ve been taken over by greenscum ideology and if we have any hope of saving this country we have to get rid of them. Oh by the way can I borrow that baseball bat you’re hiding behind your back and borrow that chicken truck you’ve got parked outside? I’ve got something that needs doing.
Funny, even the “Daily Mail” isn’t taking comments….
Oh God.
Who are these people that voted for this fat troll?
Wide Load sign fell off?
The claim was that Menzies voted DLP once – the same election that Arthur Augustus Calwell voted against the Labor Party.
Midwinter Ball time. Let’s hope Tudge is not still screwing the help. I’m not sure taxpayers can afford it.
I am not technically a Qlder.
Which is why I can say… the 4X would ruin the scent of the candles.
Ben Oquist, with his dick.
No. Apologise for not giving it to these authoritarian disgraces more often and with only a taste of the vigour and savior faire you can deliver.
We need more rants, longer rants, a little more swearing and a lot more skewering.
We love it.
David Littleproud’s date for the ball is superduper hot. Wipeout as a politician, but boyo boy, has first class eyecandy on his arm.
27 Fictional Characters with the INTJ Personality Type
On the other hand, Linda Burney arrives in her pyjamas?
Second prize was two dinners with Wong and Plibersek?
I’m not opposed to widows in extended families adopting the orphan but I think as a general rule the married uncle would have served better.
Euthanasia being pushed on kids in Canada.
Practicing for when that SU-74 pops into range:
Tim Neilson at 6.44, and apropos of the great sook Goodes:
There is now, but there wasn’t a specific rule against it beforehand because if he’d tried that not so many years beforehand he’d immediately have his head publicly punched in by Glenn Archer or Gary Ayres or Dermot Brereton or Billy Duckworth or Roger Merrett or Darren Millane or Micky Conlan or Craig Davis or David Rhys-Jones or Matt Scarlett or Leigh Matthews or Damian Monkhorst or Rod Grinter (a smoky, but had ‘heavy hands’).
Surprisingly Americans have more Brains than Australians!
Poll: Three in Ten Americans Did Not Get a Coronavirus Vaccine
Three in ten Americans did not receive any vaccine for the Chinese coronavirus, despite the government’s coercive efforts and attempts at enforcing mandates and restrictions, a poll from The Economist/YouGov found.
The survey asked respondents to indicate which statement describes them best.
While a majority, 71 percent, indicated that they have received “at least one shot of ANY manufacturers COVID-19 vaccine,” three in ten, 29 percent, said they have not.
The figure is highest among independents, 39 percent of whom said they have not received any coronavirus vaccine. Another 35 percent of Republicans indicated that they have not received a vaccine either, and 14 percent of Democrats said the same.
Trump voters are far less likely to say they received a coronavirus vaccine as well, as 34 percent said they did not, compared to 91 percent of 2020 Biden voters who said they did get at least one jab.
The survey was taken August 28-30, 2022, among 1,500 U.S. adult citizens and comes as some across the country are on their fourth shot.
After months of controversy, it is a well-established fact now that the vaccines themselves do not actually stop the transmission of the virus — a claim President Joe Biden made over the course of the pandemic.
During a CNN town hall in July 2021, Biden spread misinformation, stating that vaccinated individuals would not get the virus:
September 7, 2022 at 10:30 pm
27 Fictional Characters with the INTJ Personality Type
Matilda Wormwood is an INTJ. She’s smart, introverted, and a total perfectionist. She’s the type of person who is always looking for new challenges and loves to solve complex problems.
No idea how that rating works – on Executive Assessment in 90s, I was Type A personality – and at 139 IQi n top 2%
Wife think I am an Idiot (and I think she is right, but we have survived 55 Years of Marriage)
Did you feel anything, Luke?
Nah, Bo…
Purchased – Top Gun Maverick UHD on Prime tonight $24.99 and watched it again on Big Screen LG OLED w7 Wall TV (as did Son-in-Law in back of house 20 Mins behind)
In Deep Doo Doo – had forgotten I had seen it in Melbourne on iMax with Son-in-Law and Wife (who had not seen it) was upset that I had not told her I had purchase it, and was watching it – Ooops
Said was happy to see again tomorrow night – hope to get in good books
Positive, had not realised Apple had discontinued 27in iMac Retina, and as wife is tending to be on my 27in iMac, rather than her early 2009 20in iMac, won ebay auction for imac 5k 27 inch (2020) at a ridiculous price
UK’s cigar-loving health secretary admits ‘I’m not a role model’
Therese Coffey acknowledged her appointment may put off people concerned about her lifestyle choices
Therese Coffey conceded that there was some validity in criticisms of her appointment as Britain’s new secretary of state for health and social care. She is known for having some unhealthy habits in her personal life.
The issue came up on Wednesday in an interview with the radio station LBC. Host Nick Ferrari quizzed the new secretary about her well-documented fondness for cigars and alcohol and suggested jokingly that both of them “could do with losing a pound or two.”
“My focus is on how we deliver for patients. And I appreciate I may not be the role model,” Coffey said, adding that “Chief Medical Officer [Chris Whitty] and others, I am sure, will continue being role models in that regard.”
“I’ve been a patient in the [National Health Services] too. I’ve had some brilliant experiences and I’ve had some experiences that could have been better,” she continued on a more serious note. Improving the healthcare system will be the focus of her work in the cabinet of Prime Minister Liz Truss, she pledged.
outpouring of love for Dan Andrews
High Court decision on WA law that allows indefinite detention for ‘serious offenders’ shocks human rights lawyers
Washington Post Jumps Back onto the Foreign Nation Nuclear Secrets Angle to Mar-a-Lago Documents
September 7, 2022 | Sundance
The Washington Post goes back to the prior narrative surrounding the Mar-a-Lago documents saying, “a document describing a foreign government’s military defenses, including its nuclear capabilities was found by FBI agents who searched former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and private club last month.”…. with Devlin Barrett adding the usual, “according to people familiar with the matter” sourcing.
Keeping in mind the traditional relationship that exists between specific media outlets and their deep state sources, the most obvious source for Devlin Barrett is the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD), FBI Counterintelligence division, or larger intelligence community (IC). However, what is also obvious from the way the documents are described is a narrative framework to make the innocuous seem looming.
I would be willing to bet the “document” in question is a letter from North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-Un to President Trump about the status of the DPRK military intent and weapons. You might remember Chairman Kim and President Trump developed a good relationship and exchanged letters related to matters of national security between North Korea and the United States.
The Intelligence Community in combination with the U.S. military industrial complex and Senate Foreign Relations Committee, did not like that level of direct diplomatic contact and discussion between President Trump and Chairman Kim. Direct communication between the two leaders subverted the IC’s ability to shape the DPRK messaging to support an interventionist and hostile U.S. geopolitical outlook.
The professional bureaucrats in charge of guiding and shaping all United States foreign engagements do not like being cut out of the geopolitical equations. As the former head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chuck Schumer famously said, “the intelligence community has six ways to Sunday to get back at you” if the President does not adhere and acquiesce to their power and authorities
Chairman Kim and President Trump discussing how to get along is not in the interests of the people who run the U.S. government. Therefore, any documents or letters of correspondence that Kim and Trump may have exchanged are now “vital national security documents.”
Again, if you subtract the narrative engineering and read between the lines of the claims, that type of document exchange is almost certain to be what this is all about.
Does Nuisance look like he’s just been punched in the face by reality?
Hunting them down one by one:
The only road to Heaven:
Just got in to Sarajevo and visited the “tunnel” by the airport.
Plenty of evidence of the conflict, including the bullet holes in buildings (reminiscent of the Belfast Post Office). I’m still processing what it might have been like to live in a besieged city with only a narrow way out.
On the MBTI, it doesn’t tell you what kind of person you are, just how you interact and process information. There are many other tools for assessing these things. Mine was done about thirty years ago. And, of course, there are sliding scales on the four indicators, so what starts as 16 could really run into the many thousands, and then you add in your unique characteristics.
As for Matrix also being wedded to the “rarest of the rare”, perhaps he and the Beloved can get together for a therapy session. We’ll know what they’re talking about anyway.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Bob Moran.
Christian Adams.
Peter Brookes.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Robert Ariail.
Al Goodwyn.
Gary Varvel.
Chip Bok.
Henry Payne.
Henry Payne #2.
Lisa Benson.
The Oz is full of good stuff today.
About the first time in a month I can say that.
How California went batshit crazy – twice – with its electricity supply.
Interesting Ramirez. I have been critical of him in the past and remain so. The important thing – is the light we see in the darkness the truth or what we want to see? No reflection on the man he is memorialising, I have no idea who he was.
Out and about in Sarajevo old town tonight. West meets east, most recognisable in the number of hijabis and letterboxes wandering around.
Stalls oozing with baklava, Turkish delight, coffee in tiny cups. Every type of goods, including “genuine” Rolex watches, gold and silver, leatherware, ceramics. Dinner was meat on a tiny sword surrounded by sauces and salad. Vegan hell. We found a restaurant which sold alcohol, a rarity in this city.
As we strolled back to the hotel, the call to prayer rang out through the crowded streets. No one seemed to miss a beat. It sounded very strange and exotic.
I presume this virtue signalling halfwit understands how textiles and the dyes to colour them are made.
How does an energy company with only 300 customers operate in the first place?
Another energy company collapses owing $10m as electricity crisis worsensLast week, on August 25, the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) had no choice but to initiate “the Retailer of Last Resort process” against Social Energy Australia Pty Ltd,
Social Energy curates its energy deals for homes with solar panels and batteries. Unfortunately, that means the majority of households won’t be eligible to sign up to its flagship offer, Better Together. For those that are, customers must have a battery that can be accessed through the internet, as part of the deal is that Social Energy can remotely control your system
I think you presume wrong. half-wit is correct.
How about just produce more?
New Normal: EU President Calls for ‘Mandatory’ Energy Rationing to ‘Flatten the Curve’ of Demand (7 Sep)
Europe’s periodic fascism problem is back in a big way. Betcha the elites don’t get energy rationed.
.. and we’re a good way down the same path:
“I presume this virtue signalling halfwit understands how textiles and the dyes to colour them are made.”
Apparently Mrs Bandt lives in Melbourne. So how did Mrs Bandt get to Canberra to attend the very bourgeois midwinter ball. Did she walk? Did she ride a bicycle? Did she ride a horse? Did she get a train. If she didn’t do any of these….she’s a carbon hypocrite….a carbon criminal.
You see, ladies and gentlemen, our resident progressive Green scum and their acolytes in the Teals and Labor left aren’t Marxists. Marx, Stalin, Mao and Lenin etc are no doubt laughing their heads off at this brain dead attention seeker and her ilk. True revolutionaries wouldn’t be seen dead as such an event. This is what leftism is now, an inner-city parasite goes to a ball with her pipsqueak of a partner, wearing a dress emblazoned with the words “coal kills” and “gas bills”. What a frigging joke, except the joke is on ordinary men and women. This parasite is missing a word on her ugly frock….it should be “no coal kills”…..”no gas kills”. Because that’s what gonna happen in Europe in a few months. But our modern day bourgeois revolutionaries like Mrs Bandt don’t give a toss about the proletariat, they can starve and freeze to death.
Oh and there’s a picture of Hanson-Dung at the same ball. She’s wearing another ideologically emblazoned “coal kills” frock. I now know why Hanson-Dung likes whale watching. Her bum is the size of a southern ocean blue whale. It must comfort her to see other life forms that are the same size as her.
“As we strolled back to the hotel, the call to prayer rang out through the crowded streets. No one seemed to miss a beat. It sounded very strange and exotic.”
The result of 400 years of Ottoman rule.
Well said Cassie !
After recently speaking to some Sandgropers in person about Covid, and reading some of the recent rules coming out of that State, I’m starting to soften to the idea of them seceding.
Victoria is a fucking Marxist shithole, but it’s taken decades to get there. WA is starting to pip us at the post, but seem to have embraced it within 5-10 years.
The cult of personality over there is something to behold.
A company that wanted to remotely control your use of electrical power went broke?
Some quality Russell Brand discussing teachers in Australia.
Just watched the IG Emerg Serv give Andrews a free pass on ambulance deaths this morning on Sky. Independent, don’t sound like it LOL.
Any not knowing him looked him up. Public bio very sanitised with little info. First hmmm. Linkedin Bio hidden unless you log in. Second hmmm. Then I came across a bit of info, former CFA commander when UFU took over. Bingo.
Matty boy want something to attack, this is it.
You can blame the WA for the current state of affairs in WA. The party had years to get its act together and it failed. At the last state election, they vomited up Whacky Zacky Cockup, a nonentity who belongs in the Greens. So WA is now effectively a one party state….and of course, unlike the stupid fucking Liberals who, even when they win a massive majority, do nothing and squander their mandates, McClown and Labor in WA are busy entrenching Labor policies.
On the rare occasions I’ve heard a faint call to prayer on Europe I’ve only felt loathing.
Another enemy inside the gate.
Pig out.
Children’s Show ‘Peppa Pig’ Introduces a Gay Couple (7 Sep)
I hope they don’t get the pox.
I guess Peppa Pig wants to consolidate its Middle Eastern audience.
Bluey is way better.
Elon had a win.
When the whistleblower info came out some legal chappies said this wouldn’t happen.
But the judge has allowed him to amend his case.
Elon Musk Allowed to Amend Twitter Countersuit to Add Whistleblower Claims
Elon Musk is allowed to amend his Twitter countersuit to include whistleblower claims, a judge ruled. His request to delay the trial to November was denied.
Dunno why he would want to delay it.
The more discovery pre the mid-terms re twitter the better.
Mss Brandt and Hanson Young happy to use fossil fuels every time it suits them.
Hahaha, I was getting 500 errors. Tried a few variants of the above comment. Put in the tiny url. Changed the style and wording. Nope, didn’t work.
What worked was to remove “monkey” from “monkeypox”.
Looks like WordPress or the antispam plug ins have gone woke.
anyway not knowing him…
FFS phone keep autocorrecting wrong…
Sancho, I think it might’ve been the appearance in the comment of “monkeypox” with “g*y”. Although spam software is pretty inscrutable, so I could well be wrong. Links also seem to be a trigger in conjunction with various word combos.
LOL, I see what you did there.
tried an ROI on a battery for my house the other day.
with 6 kW on the roof, the best I could manage was an 18 year payback
too bad the batteries would only have maybe a 7 year lifespan
a 7 kW lithium-bomb attached to your house would be worth what, a dollar a day in returns
Monkeypox is transmitted by rogering other chaps in the bottom.
I’ve got a suggestion for Rabz’s next radio show – songs with stupid lyrics. Just heard Shakira on the radio singing lucky that her breasts are small and humble so you don’t confuse them with mountains.
gay monkeypox
The WA Lieborals are arguably in their post Emperor Barney hangover, albeit with a Sneakers Covid twist of lemon. The party is still as devoid of talent as it was then (now devoid of elected members too), infested with religious right nutjobs, inbred factional chiefs … . They are unfit to govern and won’t be doing so any time soon. The Liars sans Sneakers won’t look too good either.
Dung punching causes monkeypox.
Bio Clandestine substack
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN International Nuclear Watchdog, just finished a report, pertaining to an ongoing investigation into Iran’s nuclear weapons stockpile. They just confirmed that it is GROWING.¹
What does this mean? It means that even though Obama gave Iran $150+ BILLION taxpayer dollars to NOT make Nuclear weapons, they did it anyways. Anons knew this already, but why are the IAEA in Iran NOW? Why are they probing Iran’s nuclear weapons NOW? Iran Deal in the US news cycle? Mar-a-Lago Docs about Iran Deal?
There MUST be a connection between the IAEA investigation in Iran, and the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago. Trump confirmed to us that the docs in question were about the Iran Deal. The dates on the photos confirm it’s about the Iran Deal. And coincidentally the U.N. International Nuclear watchdog was conducting an investigation on Iran’s Nuclear production at the same time the FBI needed Trump’s private documents pertaining to Obama’s Iran Deal… something is up.
Folks… the FBI raid is significantly bigger than America, or Trump getting indicted for improper storage of documents he already declassified… This is a global nuclear situation… and like I’ve been saying for weeks, it’s about OBAMA!
I’m not sure if the FBI are cooperating with the UN to try and take down Trump, or if they are trying to take down Obama, or if they are trying to cover their own asses before the IAEA finds out about Obama’s Deep State slush fund via the Iran Deal. No clue. But it’s not a coincidence that Obama’s 2015 Iran Deal is at the epicenter of an ongoing International investigation from the highest diplomatic body on the planet, as well as being the source material of the Presidential documents stolen from Mar-a-Lago.
In conclusion, the UN are investigating Iran’s nuclear production, specifically the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal, which will lead them to skeletons in Obama’s closet. Is Obama under International Nuclear investigation?
I’m not sure as to who’s side the IAEA (UN) are on in this situation. As by concluding that Iran’s nuclear stockpile has grown, they are indirectly admonishing Obama, and the failure of the Iran Nuclear Deal.
Still way too many pieces missing from the puzzle, but I think this has to do with a lot more than just the FBI. This has to do with an INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION!
Damn those racist right wing nationalis…oh wait, never mind .
We haven’t been hearing much from Hollywood actors lately. So let’s see what’s on their minds:
Jennifer Lawrence Trashes Her Family, Says Tucker Carlson Gives Her Nightmares (7 Sep)
‘Aquaman’ Star Jason Momoa Shaves Head for the Environment: ‘Tired of Using Plastic Bottles’ (7 Sep)
I love Hollywood actors, they make wood ducks look intelligent.
Cum pox.
Shit Norm, you can’t say that on TV.
As much as I loathe that Lidia Thorpe, I’ll begrudgingly give her a tick for marching through last nights ghastly spectacle calling out the hypocrites like a mad witch…
September 8, 2022 at 7:36 am
Damn those racist right wing nationalis…oh wait, never mind .”
Never mind….tis the religion of pieces. A 2022 pogrom. Imagine if it was the other way round….it would be splashed across all newspapers.
Nothing in the video say why or who.
Because the western MSM will remain mute…
Timothy Neilson-
2015: in a game against Carlton a group of fans start heckling him over some on-field incident. He mimics throwing a spear at them, which provokes further heckling.
Wrong- Goodes had kicked a goal, and approached the nearest bank of bluebaggers with a never-before-seen traditional come-at-me-bro taunt. Carlton were losing the game, had just lost Bronlow-winning captain Judd to a career-ending injury, and were at odds with their own coach. Massive lack of judgement by the massive ego flog.
Cheers Cassie
Testing, testing –
Already a cliche.
It usually takes time for something to be more obvious as a symbol than what it symbolises: How many years did it take for the black hat = bad guy and white hat = good guy thing in Westerns to get so that you were aware of it before the characters did anything. Or the prostitute with the golden heart. Or the politician wearing hi-viz PPE when posing in front of infrastructure even though there is no way they will be anywhere dangerous, or the same people donning their RM Williams hats and boots when talking to farmers.
But is that woman, or the Dugong, really so stupid as to not realise that their copying AOC was so obvious it made their slogans incidental?
Monkeypox is God’s wrath on bottom-rogering.
It is the will of Allah.
I’ll be fun when Victoria’s UFU gets these.
Vancouver’s New Virtue Signalling Fire Engine–Useless, But At Least It Won’t Wake The Neighbours Up! (7 Sep)
And hours to charge after every call out, so you’d need many more of them and you’d have to rebuild the fire stations to accommodate the extra ones as they’re sitting there charging.
A ginormous fire truck battery also would be more prone to catching fire than a electric car. Good luck putting out a firey electric fire truck.
Google Demetre Daskalakis.
Biden’s monkey pox tzar.
Have eye bleach ready.
What did Lidia do?
If you want to vomit, read the tongue bath the AFR gives Judith Neilson today.
Otherwise known as Allegra Spender’s most important supporter.
Special Master Granted
From Martin Armstrong –
“A federal judge on Monday agreed to appoint a special master to review records seized by the FBI during its search of former President Donald Trump’s Florida estate, a move that is likely to delay the Justice Department’s criminal investigation. U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon in West Palm Beach, Florida, granted Trump’s request for a special master. This was an important ruling because it interjects an independent third party who is ABSOLUTELY needed in this case. She states that the review materials could be covered by the attorney-client privilege. (her ruling).
However, some are posting that the Democrats lost and this means they will not be able to indict Trump. That is true from the standpoint of federally prior to the election. However, I do not believe was ever the risk. To indict, they would have to submit evidence to a Grand Jury. I don’t think that was likely before the election without fake charges. The RISK of an indictment for political purposes will be for taxes in New York and election issues in Georgia. Both are launched by Democrats.”
I just looked at the photo of Sarah Hanson-Young’s dress. The words “End Gas and Coal” were placed over her ear end. I think most people have worked out that’s where they come from.
Monty shitting bricks
But is that woman, or the Dugong, really so stupid as to not realise that their copying AOC was so obvious it made their slogans incidental?
At least they both had plenty of material to work with………………………………….
Just a note, WolfmanOz is unable to complete his At the Movies today and next week but will be back in a fortnight.
more jersey switching: “original antigenic sin” now discussed in mainstream media
What did Lidia do?
A repulsive individual. Not in the Senate for any outstanding work, affirmative action hire who bites the hand that feeds her.
It Sure Seems the Biden DOJ Is Leaking Fake News Stories to the Liberal Media
To all those commenting on how the Greens got to Canberra . It should have been on the most environmentally friendly mode of transport , a hand made Broom .
RINOs Deny Funding to MAGA Candidates
And touching on near the point of cliches – something which really ought to be recognised as one – is the television depiction of greenies as idealistic selfless heroic types, too pure but nevertheless trying at great risk to themselves to save us and the Earth from the destruction wrought by greedy businesses in their pack-like pursuit of short-sighted, momentary material gains.
First they are typically ignorant. But they are happy that way because it enables their next trait – they lie. They lie as big as they can. They distort science (or retail it to each other ready-distorted), they make absurd press releases, they lie about their enemies, painting them as infernal demons seeking to bring down the sunlit world above. The seek the most intellectually vulnerable most desirous to please adults, that is children, and fill their heads with frightening visions and fan hatred of their own enemies.
And far from being a small but brave ragtag band of pacifists standing in the way of the capitalistic juggernaut, they draw funds from myriad sources, are spared from any sort of oversight, and unlike the businesses they attack are bound by no laws. They trespass, they damage property, instigate violence, they spit, they scratch, they hurl objects at any police who try to get in their way. They love being hauled off to paddy wagons because it is good press and they know they will be out in the morning. And if there is an agreement between a company and a community for a project, they will wing their way in from all over the continent to stall it.
And idealistic? Not the word I would use. They don’t have a pure image of the world in mind, they have theirs. Set in stone, impervious to learning or experience. And this image is something they demand be imposed upon other people. They do not believe other people have any business saying no. They must comply.
They are the best indicator of whether something is good – they will be trying to destroy it.
OPENING DAY: Highly Anticipated ‘My Son Hunter’ Movie Launch Rattles the Left
Barack Obama: ‘The Country Is Better Off’ Since Joe Biden Took Office
I’m starting to think there could be some civil liberty problems with this whole electric car thing
Sancho appears to be having too much fun with the whole rogering of the back bottom thing.
No, no, no.
The one true name is moustachepox.
And which is apparently in Iran right now, poking around inside nuclear arsenals. Uh huh.
Just had a Hans Blix moment. You can just hear the Ayatollah:
‘Do you have aaany idea how fuckin’ busy I am?’
Enough with bottom-rogering pox.
Any thoughts on the anti-gravity properties of clouds?
How the “cost of living” worx !..simplified for pollies .. LOL!
I hope voters are beginning to realise that they are the curve.
Mock all you like, but as long as there are links to their data and sources I am happy to post and let people make up their own minds.
How to remove Graphene, which is being transmitted from the COVID Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated, from your body
It’s something bigger than all of us.
Err, OK.
Only [23] days left to save the Daily Exposé.
we need government to protect us from…
Parents sue Eau Claire schools for transgender policy
We are 22% of the way through September and the Daily Exposé only has 17% of the money it needs to keep operating.
This is the gold standard in “closing down sales” which Persian rug salesmen could only dream about.
a metastasising cancer on liberty, in need of a refresh