Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
If you were going to goad a violent Revolution within America, you would probably start it by trying to take complete control of the media, lock up your political opponents, starve the populous of resources and so on…….
And before I’m taken to task. Open your eyes to theirs. It’s not about power for them. Power is something they have enjoyed for years.
It’s about righteousness.
Speedbox your writing at 6.00pm today re Ukraine v Russia.
To what extent do you think the Americans went hard to go Putin- was it after Putin call O Bama an idiot for adopting socialism. To what extent does the west want to rid Putin because he is a man?
I haven’t really made many predictions on the outcome.
Except early on, I said the Russians would wrap it up quickly.
Other than that, I say I have a vested and very real interest in the Chinese being deterred from having a crack at Taiwan.
All my other opinions on either Russia or Ukraine have evolved as the war has unfolded.
They are uncertain because both sides are pumping out stupidly transparent propaganda.
I think we were doing a “fine” job of restricting our energy supply long before Feb 2022. If anything this conflict would have pushed a smarter nation to unleash its energy resources, since we obviously have a lot of it, practically, in any form possible, but I guess we’ll have to continue to rely on luck.
Good thing we have a lot of farms and good farmers, so maybe we won’t go hungry and have some food to consume during out candlelit dinners.
It’s very hard to tell what exactly China is doing internally. But hopefully CCP will crush and burn as a result of this. And their demographic situation is not helping them either.
But my point was more about how we destroy ourselves and China just have to mostly watch and pour some petrol on this fire from time-to-time.
There is one scenario where the war ends before Christmas: Ukraine wins.
There would probably be more dead people.
The other vested interest I have is, of course, that I and my family live in Australia, which is protected by the same military, industrial and information systems currently protecting Ukraine.
I would like to see them succeed, and also get stronger.
They better get their arses into gear…
Alarming number of new monkeypox cases in Australia as doctors race to find out how it’s spreading so quickly – here’s how to spot the symptoms
Sounds like a pretty normal shift, for some coppers, in Perth.
take picture of your cock
if it’s in another man’s arse
check with yr doctor
Arky, everyone involved in that war is corrupt as fuck.
I have not answered that very well.
I don’t believe anything from any one source. I attempt to find preferably numerical data from as unbiased sources as possible.
For example, people trafficking is something that gets thrown about in the context of Russia and Ukraine.
If you google “worst countries for people trafficking” you will get lists of the worst countries. On those lists Russia will appear near the top. Continued research will tell you that countries are divided into three tiers, tier 3 being the worst. Russia is a tier 3 country. But who came up with the system for placing countries in tiers? The US did. So those lists don’t really help you to find out the truth about people smuggling and sex trafficking. Given that 5he biggest consumer of the products of trafficking are the USA, they have a vested interest in muddying those waters. And of course, the other side has their own information war around the same issue.
You can, however get independent data on which countries produce the most x rated material, as a proxy for all that sort of thing. Russia, the USA and Australia appear in that group. The Ukraine does not. What does that mean? I don’t exactly know, b3cause it hasn’t been adjusted for population or other factors such as who is involved but might just be an exporter rather than an importer or user.
We were, but the war really screwed things up
Some things are hard. However we know Xi has a zero covid policy and is quite prepared to close down cities like Shanghai for months and months even when the folks were experiencing food shortages. China is fucked.
The powerful get bored at times.
Sweden desperately in need of more vote rigging:
I think I might become Amish.
The whole place seems to think the way I do.
Mmmm. Maybe not. According to one we spoke to, it’s Ok to use a battery drill, but not a mains-powered one.
Soros couldn’t help himself plundering the Pome population financially. It’s not as if it worries these people. It’s merely a game. And it’s sick.
Won’t you have to learn how to drive a team of horses?
Have you heard uncle George speak recently? He’s donesky. He’s not of sound mind and someone else is signing the cheques – most likely his son.
Our economies would be doing fine if Russia didn’t attack Ukraine and made us energy short.
Energy policy long pre-dating Ukraine made our energy situation much more exposed to external events. eg. Most of our refined fuel is now imported from SE Asia. We would have fared the same or even worse if there was any event in SE Asia.
Also John, China has be following a zero convid policy and essentially they’re close to wrecking their economy. Somehow, I don’t see that as a winning strategy.
China has gone completely bonkers over COVID zero. Some of the poor bastards I’m working with haven’t been home for 2.5 years, some went home and got to spend weeks in quarantine through the various internal hold points and never even made it out before needing to return. The COVID zero circus is not only economically damaging, it’s really fucking pissing the Chinese people off.
(Are Dan and Xi Dickhead Mongs separated at birth? I had thought Xi was more wiley, but seems that he’s just a Mong.)
The Californian Amish would be wise to stick with hammers and nails.
Here you go Zulu.
Really stretching credibility.
Let’s hope he has gambling addiction. A wealthy drug addict takes decades to die.
Most generations “fuck up” eventually. If Harry was an only child, the Commonwealth would be screwed.
If you want to become Amish you have to become fluent in an obscure German dialect for a start.
If Sun Tzu was so smart, why didn’t I learn about him at school? I feel cheated only being told about Alexander and Julius Caesar.
If the vaxx ruins your immune system, why am I still so healthy? And none of this…yet…tripe. Bunions form faster.
The world is full of questions.
Missus qwin she die go pinis. Long long picanini bilong em nau bikpela king bilong yume.
I had been thinking the restaurant scene here was OK, I went for a walk in a different direction today and it’s actually amazing.
Virtually no tourists, predominantly locals, all these inviting but very different “nook” restaurants scattered generously throughout the area.
Everyone sitting outside in the evening cool enjoying their meals and smoking.
I don’t know how this place has kept going but they’re having a decent crack at it, many flights back up and running and no vax requirement.
Missus qwin she die go pinis. Long long picanini bilong em nau bikpela king bilong yume.
Nice work!
If you want to become Amish you have to become fluent in an obscure German dialect for a start.
Don’t some groups speak Dutch?
September 13, 2022 at 12:31 am.
If the vaxx ruins your immune system, why am I still so healthy? And none of this…yet…tripe. Bunions form faster.
Batch numbers , Calli. Has your arm healed?
I’m changing my mind about the Amish – they’re pacifists.
Some places need invading. An armoured division in Africa, for example, would do the place a world of good.
The beginning of the end for Fidel’s son?
When you advertise the spare room on Gumtree.
An armoured division in Africa, for example, would do the place a world of good.
Could it do a drive by on Canberra first?
Lidia Thorpe proves she is the greatest green
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Patrick Blower.
Steve Bright.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Bob Gorrell.
Ben Garrison.
It should have been “bigpela chief bilong yume”.
Although “king” matched “qwin”. 🙂
Thanx, Tom.
Calli, I need a translation.
Yes. That was interesting. It also coincided with acquiring a new pillow. I had ultrasounds and x rays. Arky was quite right…it was bursitis, now under control.
I panicked after what had happened to my poor father. And my daughter. I imagined we might have had a genetic predisposition to side effects. But I have an open mind on this issue and the jury’s still out.
Tok pisin has to be spoken. It’s better heard than written.
I love the “die go pinis”, rather than just “die”. The former is the final condition, the latter may mean that someone is very sick.
“Long long” just means old. My grey hair makes me a long long meri.
“Bikpela” is large, big.
I made a mistake with “she”. “Em” is better.
There are others on this blog who know far more than me, and are far more fluent. Mine was enoughbto keep me out of trouble and make the locals smile.
Hvar is a lovely port. There were so many vessels in the marina you could hardly see the water.
I’m just watching live from St Giles cathedral – the vigil with the royal siblings as the public file past. I take my hat off to them. I couldn’t do it.
Godpela him be sumpin nuthin.
Break from work,
Watching now St Giles Cathedral Edinburgh live | Queen Coffin At Holyroodhouse | Queen’s Funeral 2022 Live, can’t locate prince Harry.
B Ark.
Yuval Noah Harari: ‘Climate Change’ May Lead to ‘Technological Noah’s Ark’ for ‘Elites’ (12 Sep)
We must not allow a mine-shaft gap! Does Mr Harari have the same problems with his right arm that Peter Sellers did?
When the spare room is a dry well or lockable basement, you win with money and people.
I’m now live from a novel location.
I don’t think I’ll watch any of the send offs.
Okay bye.
“Live from a novel location, to spend more time with family, for a well earned break…”
BON , you lost me at futurist
Ah, that’s right, you rented the spare bathroom with the externally locking door for the week.
Outstanding. Really good stuff.
Not at all a direct lift from The Day After Tomorrow, where the elites all get on Arks in the Himalayas ten minutes before a tsunami smashes over Everest. Totally credible.
What did futurist Dick Neville contribute to society other than being a source of mockery and underage sex with high school girls?
Basically it devolves into leftist, authoritarian technocracies being a wet dream of the far left. A chicken in every pot and state socialism with android muscle to enforce it.
If we get 9000 m of sea level rises, I will adapt by learning the spatula trades and the Krabby Pattie recipe.
Anything is possible in that timeline.
I’m quite fortunate I do not associate nor come into contact with the alphabet people. Last Saturday at a bbq I listened to a friend who who does and she told us of her encounter with a couple of dikes who have changed their sex identification and pronouns several times. When the friend was talking to one of its she was shouted at for her ignorance in its pronouns and sexual identification.
Can I ask how cats would respond? I could only think sex and travel. I’m sure Douglas Murray or cats could do better. Anyone?
Why blokes are happier than sheilas.
Walk away mid-sentence and don’t respond.
They are so blithely self-unaware. They think that a threat. They think we hoi polloi agree with the inflated opinions they have of themselves and will be quickly brought back to heel at the threat of their abandoning us.
Not a cat but I would say f##k off. Although I dought I’ll be in a situation to do so.
They’re gay women. What could they change? We can have beers and objectify women together. You’re a twin spirit? What the fuck does that mean?
Just laugh at them. Ask what it will be in another three months time.
Even if they’re right about this they’re being insufferable dickheads.
“You’re not the first lesbians in history, hold onto your Doc Martens and calm down…”
Good on Margaret Cunneen for speaking unfashionable truths, in this day and age when a male isn’t just considered guilty until proven innocent, that male is never allowed to prove his innocence….ever.
High-profile barrister Margaret Cunneen hits out at prosecutors for swamping the courts with ’date rape’ cases
Margaret Cunneen prosecuted the serial Skaf rapists. But she says it’s ‘not victim blaming to say that women can send the wrong message if they voluntarily go into a man’s bedroom … or invite a man into theirs’.
High-profile barrister Margaret Cunneen has hit out at prosecutors for swamping the courts with “date rape” cases.
Ms Cunneen SC, who famously successfully prosecuted the sickening serial Skaf rapists when she was deputy senior Crown prosecutor, said that half of the sexual assault cases currently before the District Court were “date rapes”.
“Young men, even up to middle-aged men, who have had a date with a young woman or gone out with her or ended up drunk with her and then maybe days or even years later, this complaint is made,” she told The Sydney Institute in a recent speech.
“The sexual assault area that is burgeoning is what you could call date rape.
“Why is it now that the prosecuting authorities have to find a victim in any sexual situation? That seems to be the way it’s going.”
Ms Cunneen, who helped draft sexual assault laws and was the first senior solicitor with the Child Sexual Assault Unit within the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions before becoming a Crown prosecutor, said the pendulum may have swung to far against the accused person.
“For example if a man says to the court that actually, it wasn’t a matter of consent because she was the initiator (he is asked) Oh, so you’re the victim are you,” Ms Cunneen said.
“My whole career seems to have been a progression of sexual assault cases (and) the cases that are now being prosecuted have changed enormously.”
In June, she represented an Uber driver who was acquitted of sexually assaulting a passenger after his accuser admitted she had initiated a conversation about her sex life and told him that her “useless” partner refused to propose to her until she had given him “52 blow jobs”.
She also represented Chinese film producer Jing Wang, who was found not guilty alongside Asian movie star Yunxiang Gao of sexually assaulting a woman in Sydney’s Shangri-La Hotel in 2018.
Yesterday she told The Daily Telegraph that both sides had to take some responsibility
“I’m not talking about teenagers here but women well into adulthood,” she said.
“It is not victim blaming to say that women can send the wrong message if they voluntarily go into a man’s bedroom in the middle of the night or invite a man into theirs.”
She said it was not a case of whether the prosecutor believes the victim but whether there is enough evidence to put before a court.
Ms Cunneen retired as a Crown prosecutor in 2019 and moved to the defence bar.
She is representing former Parramatta Eels player Jarryd Hayne, 34, who has pleaded not guilty to raping a woman inside her home in Fletcher, near Newcastle, in September 2018. He has always strongly maintained his innocence.
Hayley Foster, CEO of Fullstop Australia which was formerly the Rape Crisis Centre, disputed the courts were being overwhelmed with sexual assault cases.
“This isn’t a situation where courts are being overwhelmed by sexual assault matters. Instead, it’s a situation where there is almost a green light to sexual predators to continue to offend,” Ms Foster said.
“We should be encouraging sexual assault victims to report, not discouraging them from coming forward with comments such as these.”
“These comments are really concerning, and we’re concerned that they may have the effect of further dissuading victims of sexual violence from coming forward.”
Hayne’s trial is due to start in March next year and will be his third.
His first trial ended in a hung jury in December 2020.
At his second trial, Hayne was found guilty by a jury of two counts of sexual intercourse without consent and jailed for five years nine months.
In February the verdict was overturned by the Court of Criminal Appeal, which found the trial judge misdirected the jury.”
You have to have the happy wanderer mindset. Like Norm McDonald.
It’s even better than being the strong silent type like Gary Cooper* or Tony Soprano.
*Wasn’t he gay?
The WEF needs to be dealt with extreme prejudice.
JC’s option is smarter. They likely will start shouting making them look like the aggressor.
Other option is the grin of contempt.
On empires.
Lizzie (the one without the sporty Beemer and pebblecrete) oversaw an outrageously successful dismantling of the largest empire on Earth over several decades.
None of it was taken by conquest, a la Chermany and Italy and Japan and every former empire before them. It would not be an embellishment to say the British saved millions of lives amid the Partition of India in 1947. In most cases, the former Empire countries agreed to remain in the Commonwealth – such was the goodwill engendered by the departing Poms.
The French? No chance. They killed somewhere in the vicinity of six times the amount of Vietnamese in Indochina post-WWII than the US ever did afterwards. The Spanish and Portuguese weren’t far behind them.
There is one country, however, that can justifiably be accused of colonial bastardry. One country who
– in contrast to the English – practised the enslavement of populations, and the removal of priceless mineral resources with no flowback benefit to the country those resources were in.
One country who had to have its colonial possessions dragged from it, piece by piece, and in doing so involved mercenaries from around the world and wrecked those countries’ infrastructure – so much so that even today they are backward blood-soaked shitpots.
One country who has had absolutely zero remorse for anything it has done to its former possessions, and which has spent recent years ignoring its past, pointing fingers at others and vaunting itself as a paragon of virtue.
That country is Belgium.
Also act dumb as fuck at opportune times. You’ve basically got to be a dumb genius like Phillip J Fry.
When people explain their stupid shit out loud, the worst is you can laugh at them.
I quite like Thorpe going off the rails like she is.
The deputy leader of our #3 political party (for shame) exposing herself as a shallow university screecher might open a few peoples’ eyes to what the greens are really about.
I agree Duncan.
Just like the shrill BBQ lesbians at the clam bake.
Let them talk.
“That’s very interesting, darling.”
So the ignoramus Laura Jayes, reporting from the UK, just described the crown placed on the Queen’s casket at St Giles’ cathedral in Edinburgh as first being worn by Mary Queen of Scots in 1503.
Except Mary Queen of Scots wasn’t born until 1542.
Journalism in 2022.
“The deputy leader of our #3 political party (for shame) exposing herself as a shallow university screecher might open a few peoples’ eyes to what the greens are really about.”
Except it isn’t. The Greens’ vote is increasing at every election.
Had a look at Gary Cooper being ghay. One mention of him being “an ambitious boy consenting to reap the benefits of his patrons influence”. Ha, it was only the bloke rooting him that was a homo.
Yep. Also ask for them to announce it on normal social media, or to text it to everyone they know so as not to cause inadvertent offence. Example: ‘Call us Xi, you insensitive oppressors.’
‘Your inherent ugliness and lack of social skills does not necessarily make you a lesbian.’
the greens have kept their loons locked away until recently.
Bob Brown and even Whathisname now are both respectable looking if you don’t scratch the surface.
Thorpe on the other hand..
I think it’ll mean the Dr’s wives moving to the Teal-types rather than anywhere else, though.
questions on pharma promotion
the best laid plans of mice and marketing firms
It’s like the old line: “I don’t mind two lezzo’s arguing – as long as they’re both hot.”
How Liberal Elites Detest Middle America
to the friend?
Were they hot?
As usual, people come last.
Freeze for Global Agenda: U.N. Demands European Nations Do Not Return to Fossil Fuels over Energy Crisis
I would also have considered ‘all your shouting is turning me on, how about it?’
Thank you for your responses. I have duly noted them and now strangely look fwd to the alphabet encounter should it rear its ugly head.
Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 12.09.2022
The NT Independent:
Good. Alice Springs could do with a clean out.
If I’m not mistaken, the National Party would be our #3 political party.
Maybe Lidia & that Paki slag should consider this before mouthing off .. next time ..!
but if we allow school choice, some kids might get bad educations!
yes – I was lumping them in with the SFL’s..
Technically speaking, there’s nothing stopping the Nationals from forming a Coalition with the right wing of the Labor Party (if such an animal exists).
Let’s face it, the Liberal Party is lurching so far to the left, they might as well form a Coalition with the Greens and Teals.
Mi go long narra pella hap.
Pine Gap has been a target for America’s enemies ever since it was installed.
Which was more than half a century ago.
One would almost suspect that the left has been implanting “sleeper agents” in the Liberals for years. It’s the Australian version of RINO’s.
Hey Knuckles
Your comment se soccer at 10.24pm – are you my father in law?
Go to you tube and 1975 Charity Shield Leeds v Liverpool.
The Pointer Sisters to perform on Alice Springs much needed clean up.
Woo hoo!
Mock them with a straight face. For instance your friend can give a dead pan look and say ‘I want to be known as the Ayatollah of Rockin’ Rolla’. Make them play by their own rules.
Lidia Thorpe confirmed my suspicions. Driving over the Westgate on Saturday the large Abo flag was at half mast as was the Australian flag.
I thought at the time them lefties must be bleeding over that. Suck eggs dickheads.
The idea that Russia wasn’t trying to take Kiev and capture Zelensky to start with and “have taken their gloves off now” is laughable. Putin!s rhetoric is that Ukraine is a fake country anyway.
They failed to end the war quickly. They have a recruiting crisis, have lost a lot of armour and experienced leadership. The idea that they planned this all along, planned to attack and then not attack a salient and then retreat rapidly without any layered offensive fire as part of a tactical retreat is pure copium.
Even if they win now without escalating the conflict beyond the current theatre of war, Russia has taken a significant and permanent hit to their capabilities and prestige.
They clearly planned to win the war with one week (and possibly dissolve Ukraine as an entity) but are nearly nine months in and now have to recruit older soldiers and those who were previously medically unfit.
If they just rolled in and occupied as much as they could without confrontation, they would have been far better off.
All apologies.
I wasn’t going to, but searched anyway and found a 1974 charity shield match with the same teams.
Exactly as described last night, except with muttonchop sideburns. Excruciating. At one point the narrator described one bloke being pushed in the chest by another (resulting in a triple-pike to the grass by the recipient) as a ‘punch up’.
90 minutes of tippy-toe resulting in one goal each – and one of those was an accident. Mind you – if you’re a dour, kipper-eating nation dwelling in eleven months of sleet you’ll be entertained by anything.
I also note that in every single one of the former British Empire’s colonies, soccer has – unlike other, actual sports – been rightly delegated to incidental backwater status.
It’s not an adult pastime, and it demeans everyone involved with it.
Let’s say it is 1944. Hitler has not defeated France. 216 weeks in. Guderian’s battered tank army falls back to the Ardennes.
It’s only a tactical retreat, conservative critics of FDR say.
Dozens of Russian municipal officials reportedly calling for Putin to resign.
I’d stay away from windows in mutistory buildings if I were them.
Lidia Thorpe does more to ensure the failure of any referendum regarding a “Voice” to Parliament whenever she opens her mouth.
One for the machine tool fans:
The reasons for this sale are worth thinking about. Why would a university faculty of science get rid of all this wonderful stuff. Is it because the science is settled and all they do now are simulations and diversity seminars?
Other than that, I say I have a vested and very real interest in the Chinese being deterred from having a crack at Taiwan.
Right now is the time to remind China of the “unequal treaties” with Tsarist Russia that gave Russia the Siberian Far East, including Vladivostok. China has already been mumbling about Vladivostok being theirs, and if Tsar Vlad’s difficulties get worse in Ukraine, re-taking Siberia east of around Lake Baikal would be a far easier target than Taiwan.
Digesting and developing the new territories would also give Emperor Xi something with which to distract the masses, and expand Chinese industry, without the risk of huge casualties that an invasion of Taiwan would cause.
‘This New Revelation Should Light A Very Big Fire Underneath The FBI’: Grassley
I think UOM is at the ‘outsource all the technical support for research’ phase of flip-flopping by the bean-counting wonks.
Cost reductions — piss off the (internal) workshop and support infrastructure based on some numberwang. Outsource it all then find out your costs went up, bring it all back in again, rinse and repeat over a decade or so.
More power to her, I say.
The odd thing is she’s come out against the inVoice herself.
Long may she make Adam Bandt’s life difficult.
September 12, 2022 at 11:29 pm
There is one scenario where the war ends before Christmas: Ukraine wins.
“Scenario” is a strange way to spell “fantasy”.
Sun Tzu is the go-to for the vacuous in an attempt to project gravitas.
Much loved by snake-oil leadership and motivational speakers.
I wonder if Bosi is a Sun Tzu fan?
It’s not an adult pastime, and it demeans everyone involved with it.
So, I’ll take it your not a luvver of the “beautiful game” then? .. LOL!
That’s a big badaboom.
I don’t know how this place has kept going but they’re having a decent crack at it, many flights back up and running and no vax requirement.
I must have missed it earlier, where are you?
War nerds.
Why didn’t Russia use blitzkrieg?
Voting for the Filth is how you signal you belong to the modern Green religion for athiests. With no God to save them, the main motivator for Greens is the intense self-hatred they brought on themselves when they sold their souls to the Devil, nominating themselves to replace God on earth.
Being a Green has become very fashionable, which is why their vote is increasing. The only qualifier for voting Green is having a head full of anti-scientific animist hippie bullshit.
They shouldn’t be anywhere near power but their climate doom religion is destroying the free market and the Greens are now the left arm of the Australian government, reinforced by the Green-voting public service.
PS: the Greens all have statues of Klaus Schwab in their Karl Marx shrines.
FMD, this guy is insane. Jabs with NO clinical trials?
Why no clinical trials? Because there is no time to waste, suggests Fauci to the Canadian media. With the cold months around the corner, the official narrative is that along with cold and flu season, COVID season could hit humanity vigorously. Consequently, Fauci believes that the risks of not deploying the vaccines are far greater than the risks of the vaccination on people itself. On the record to the Canadian audience, Fauci declares the COVID shots will become like the annual flu shot.
She seems angry that the Aboriginal flag was lowered to half mast out of respect for the coloniser, Elizabeth.
Well it has already been discussed much, that far from being a coloniser Elizabeth’s reign represented the a steady process of granting independence to former imperial possessions.
It also ought be remembered that when the British left these various nations they bequeathed them a legal system, a judiciary, democratic government, and a bureaucracy – and a century or so of experience with them – enough to allow any nation to flourish if its leaders could resist the temptation to pillage the nation.
But Lidia, you really ought not denounce the lowering of the flag as colonial – since the very idea of a flag was brought to you by colonialism. There never was an Aboriginal flag until some guy who scored a disused Tea Towel loom hit upon the idea of mimicking the vexillological customs of the ‘colonisers’.
Such a horrible angry woman. My suspicion is that she no longer feels herself when she is not angry. An inner calm would being eerie and frightening to her.
I see Ben Garrison has gone the full vax = autism.
Must be a Sydney thing.
Coal is making a comeback in energy-hungry Europe, sending prices soaring. 2 analysts lay out what’s going on.
Organised a field trip mushroom hunting with us, my mother,
daughteryoungest child, and friend(Bonnie)night before she TXTs me
“didn’t bake the sourdough. Just letting you know and Bonnie’s pronouns are…”
I TXTd back …”my pronouns are mine and yours if youse dont like it then dont come”
the reply? … “well Bonnie inst coming anyway
I said …” Im not playing your word-games”
now she (ibid) wont talk to me.
Florida Republicans propose labelling WHO terrorist group
The Amish are of German descent, principally from the Palatinate. Anglophones called them “the Pennsylvania Dutch”, borrowing the Amish dialect’s term for themselves, Deitch, which is a cognate of the standard German Deutsch. So, not Dutch at all, although the Dutch are also a west Germanic ethnic group. I’ll stop there before an argument breaks out!
September 13, 2022 at 7:31 am
As usual, people come last.
Freeze for Global Agenda: U.N. Demands European Nations Do Not Return to Fossil Fuels over Energy Crisis
Yet the UN has nothing to say about China’s massive expansion of its use of fossil fuels.
Europeans are about to blow a collective raspberry at the UN.
If there is one arguably good thing to come from Putin’s war, it is the acceleration of the trend to geo-political multipolarity, which rings the death knell for any global “new world order.”
A flight is on its way to Sydney when a blonde in economy class gets up, and moves to the first class section and sits down.
The flight attendant watches her do this, and asks to see her ticket.
She then tells the blonde that she paid for economy class, and that she will have to sit in the back.
The blonde replies, I’m blonde, I’m beautiful, I’m going to Sydney and I’m staying right here .
The flight attendant goes into the cockpit and tells the pilot and the co-pilot that there is a blonde bimbo sitting in first class, that belongs in economy, and won’t move back to her seat.
The co-pilot goes back to the blonde and tries to explain that because she only paid for economy she will have to leave and return to her seat.
The blonde replies, I’m blonde, I’m beautiful, I’m going to Sydney and I’m staying right here .
The co-pilot tells the pilot that he probably should have the police waiting when they land to arrest this blonde woman who won’t listen to reason.
The pilot says, You say she is a blonde? I’ll handle this, I’m married to a blonde. I speak blonde .
He goes back to the blonde and whispers in her ear, and she says, Oh, I’m sorry and gets up and goes back to her seat in economy.
The flight attendant and co-pilot are amazed and asked him what he said to make her move without any fuss.
I told her, First class isn’t going to Sydney
Substitute Australian for German.
From Dots article about the large chap…
He was married at least once and had several children. His wife Mary, who died in 1837 aged about 40,[1] was 4 ft 11 in (1.50 m) tall and weighed 98 lb (44 kg).
I have their picture here
Childhood status- ruined.
Why didn’t Russia use blitzkrieg?
They tried.
Remember the reports of the initial air assault that went pear shaped.
That and the “thunder road” drive through the guts looked great on paper.
Setting up a base in the guts of the enemies city, supplying and reinforcing via air bridge and your enemies being unable to defend in both directions.
Putin should have read up on Crete.
And remember the CIA was actually useful in predicting this attack, when many (myself included) thought it was all piss and wind.
Very good chance Ukes had some very good intel on the initial objectives, and some of the weaponry used (low level anti air and AT stuff) just nullified 2 of Russias big advantages.
I still dont know how it will end.
Sweet cheeses, Mole!
“Always play in the vee for the first six overs”
– Sun Tzu.
Can’t this be emblazoned on the walls of the Senate, for the edification and enlightenment of certain Greens?
“Cold steel. They don’t like it up ’em”
– Sun Tzu.
And it was mud season. Why they launched then and not in late spring when things had dried out hasn’t really been explained yet by anyone.
“A true warrior never drinks cappuccino after lunch”
– Sun Tzu.
Can confirm that Ricky is a Sun Tzu quoter.
He is a past master at being weak where others are strong. Has a bit more trouble with the other side of that.
“If you enemy enquires as to your weapon of choice, always add two. If you hit a five iron, tell him it was a seven. This will be most unsettling for him.”
– Sun Tzu.
Kerry Packer was alleged to have been “cut off” for a parking spot, by a blonde driving a sports car. Getting out of his car to remonstrate, Packer was told “When you are blonde and beautiful, you can do these things.”
Packer was alleged to have driven his car straight into said sports car, doing massive damage. As the screaming began, he retorted “When you are old, and filthy rich, you can do these things.”
Roger says:
September 13, 2022 at 8:26 am
Dozens of Russian municipal officials reportedly calling for Putin to resign.
Apparently so.
Russian City Deputies Petition for Putin Resignation
The Poot probably has bigger things on his mind than municipal deputies stamping their little feet. But his administration is following a familiar and well worn path…
Defenestration will only take one so far; local shit eventually comes undone.
A former Lieutenant Colonel of Special Forces has probably been in places and situations that would have you bawling for your mother, monty fa.
Even contemplating joining Ante-fa in a bit of fascist bashing had m0nty-fa crying for his mother.
Ricky’s usual situation these days is Zooming from his mum’s living room, or gasbagging to twenty people about kids hidden in tunnels under Lake Burley Griffin from the back of a flatbed ute outside Parliament.
Cheers mole.
Sweet cheeses, Mole!
Now come on.
It was truth in advertising.
Did you like the protective bar over Blutos bits?
September 13, 2022 at 10:17 am
Ricky’s usual situation these days is Zooming from his mum’s living room,
Is that better or worse than hiding in a basement from a bug which has mutated to be less harmful?
‘Flooding the back 50 late in the third term gives you an advantage in the final quarter.’
– Sun Tzu.
Are you referring to recent offensive in Kharkov?
And it was mud season. Why they launched then and not in late spring when things had dried out hasn’t really been explained yet by anyone.
“Thunder road’, they were supposed to drive straight on the highway all the way to the seized airport, which would have been meant to be breaking out towards them/ massively disrupting and planned defenses.
The mud season would have been great (assuming the plan was working) as it would have slowed any Uke reinforcements coming along secondary roads.
Putins planners forgot the enemy gets a vote on how your operation will go.
Everything since that first week has been done “on the fly”, and it appears that is not a strong point of the chaps in charge.
Sun Tzu is confucianism in drag.
“Don’t kick short to a contest.”
Sun Tzu
“Blame the dog”
Sun Tzu
“In the last quarter fast players get slower but tall players don’t get any shorter.”
Sun Tzu
Oops, sorry, that was actually “Yabby” Jeans.
But I bet Sun Tzu wishes he’d said it.
Late start; just a glance at the media; this about the feckless, rancid Knights 3rd nations hypocrite who vilely attacked the Queen; article is written by Mark levy and he’s right, there is something really wrong at the Knights. I will no longer support them and may they come last forever until they go bankrupt.
No doubt those who are living in tents, containers, or their cars, will be thrilled by this news:
TheirABC (no doubt inadvertantly) exposed this charade for what it is when they said that she would ‘stage a summit.’
Stage is the right word.
I think we all agree that there is no shortage of land in Queensland.
So, will this ‘summit’ address barriers like not being able to live in a caravan on the property while you build your house, the ever increasing regulatory burden on new builds (energy ratings, disability access, size of dwelling etc) or the wallop they just delivered to landlords by taxing their properties in other States/Territories?
No chance. They will demand that the Feds give them more money to build public housing and also demand carve-outs for this week’s favoured interested groups – trannies and delinquent teenagers is my guess, but that may change between now and then.
There are many people doing it really hard re housing right across the country, through no fault of their own. Thanks to our leftist media and their slavering adherents in the political sphere, constructive solutions are nowhere to be seen. It’s always the same, more taxpayer money for subsidised housing, more restrictions on landlords.
I do hope some Queenslanders who are struggling to have a roof over their heads turn up to these farcical events and make their views known – loudly.
One for the machine tool fans:
Some good stuff there, lots of cheap measuring gear, machinery highlights:
Harrison M300 lathe
Colchester Master lathe
Lorch precision lathe
Mazak lathe
Bridgeport Turret Mill Series I
Bridgeport Turret Mill Series II
The Bridgeports look to be made in USA models (not Leister UK) which means they’re probably not as old as some you might see.
Finally, Andy Ngo puts up the mugshots of some of the antifa scum; like I’ve argued some humans are devolving:
You are quoting from an “independent news” source in russia. There is no such thing as independent news in russia. If you look at the rest of the articles, it’s pretty clear who writes this stuff.
“Sun Tzu was a big girl’s blouse.”
The Book of Five Rings.
Can I ask how cats would respond? I could only think sex and travel. I’m sure Douglas Murray or cats could do better. Anyone?
Tell them you are a male presenting lesbian and then a long stare.
Taking Mr Nielsen’s lead.
– Sun Tzu.
– Sun Tzu.
“Production in Germany is no longer competitive”
The steel manufacturer ArcelorMittal will soon shut down two plants in Germany for the time being, other manufacturers could follow. The costs are simply too high because of the high electricity and gas prices. According to a gloomy forecast, the energy crisis could now turn into an industrial crisis.
QCOSS is pushing for every Queenslander to have a roof over their head by 2032
A roof over every head should be easy. It’s the foundations, floors, walls, electricity, plumbing and other ancillaries that take time and money.
September 13, 2022 at 10:41 am
Finally, Andy Ngo puts up the mugshots of some of the antifa scum; like I’ve argued some humans are devolving:
A high proportion of putative white supremacists there!
“Never handball to a ruckman.”
– me watching the telly five times a game
I fixes it!
Funny I closed the tag. Tony Abbott should not be crossed out.
Putin’s “planned”, “orderly”, just-a-flesh-wound withdrawal from Kharkiv is going so smoothly that Azerbaijan has now launched a full-fledged invasion of Armenia.
Luckily, Putin is “just getting started” so help should be right round the corner.
the energy crisis could now turn into an industrial crisis
Like night following day.
Er…I didn’t quote anything.
I drew attention to what was being reported.
Then I made a joke.
Although I understand Putinistas are a bit sentitive right now.
Housing shortages are nothing new, BTW. The difference is, the heavy hand of the State was much less of a factor in Ye Olde Days.
For example, when my olds came here in the late 1950s, after a couple of stints at migrant hostels, horrible places, they moved into a garage in Epping (Sydney) – two adults and two children under five. I have a couple of photos.
The next move was into a converted hayshed on a market garden, which is now part of the UWS.
Not sure if they were legal then, but those rentals would certainly not be legal now. But, they gave Dad the chance to house his family and work at his job. At the hayshed, we even got a car, a broken-down grey Vauxhall which was especially unreliable on steep inclines.
By continually raising the bar about housing to upper middle class expectations, gummints are actually making things worse for poor people.
I don’t suppose that this will be top of the agenda at Palacechook’s staged summit.
This thread on the Armenia/Azerbaijan thing seems useful.
You think?
Another unforeseen development of Putin’s war, further to and linked with the increasing trend towards multipolarity mentioned above – Germany is unlikely to regain its central economic role in W. Europe.
Should’ve listened to Trump.
QCOSS is this morning asking for people with spare rooms to offer them to the homeless.
They’d be more useful petitioning all levels of government to retreat from regulating the housing market so tightly.
I have determined, after careful consideration, that my pronouns in their full context will be:
KD – Aegon of Houses Targaryen and Stark, the first of his name, the King of the Andals, the Rhyonar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, Friend of the Freefolk, Unsullied and Dothraki, the White Wolf, the Prince that is Promised and the Bringer of Dawn.
Let’s see the fat rug munchers at BBQs top that.
Qld have done more to help housing shortages than help.
By 2027 I am supposed to wire up smoke alarms like a hostel in a private 3 br house because some coroner grandstanded about a housefire that ended up in the death of a PI family who had disabled said alarms. Oh and the clincher I am meant to pay a ticket clipper a fee yearly to look at it & press a button to hear the beep.
The ALP that launched 3 appeals againt the SC that disallowed councils gouging an extra 10% in rates for non residents. They finally found a judge who agreed.
The same ALP that mandated all these green bs rules for house fittings that added to the expense of the build but like the heat pump water heater wasn’t rated for northern tropics and lasted 7 years.
Next the same Govt who want to tax me for keeping my residence if I move interstate for work (not uncommon in my line).
Know there’s more but off top of my head for now that’s it. Why would you build here…
University of Melbourne – Faculty of Science
Sad. Clearly at UniMelb from now on “Science” = Modelling
Enormous lost expertise and skills. Repeated thousands of times over the past 40 years in this country. Now we have to buy everything from the chinks.
One of the big drivers of rental shortages in Qld is all those selfish owner occupiers who have moved up here since Pileoshit reopened the borders
Another big driver is the shortages. Since 27 September, our place has blown out from a 18 week, to 20 week , now 26 week build from slab, which was supposed to have been Dec last year, actually happened in first week of May. Our builder is organised enough that we have not faced material shortages. The slab delay was due to weather, and 5 of the last 6 week delay was due to a lack of painters, the other week was glaziers.
There are a bajillion houses being built at the southern end of the Coast, and builders of the house and land packages are quoting 5 years !
For Caitlin Moran, too.
Not sure if they were legal then, but those rentals would certainly not be legal now.
Council Mongs would be around quick smart!
When I did the permit for the shed, they had just increased the complexity of the process, “because people were building sheds and living in them”. I pointed out that this might have been all they could afford, silence from Council Mong.
One of the big drivers of rental shortages in Qld is all those selfish owner occupiers who have moved up here since Pileoshit reopened the borders
Fleeing The Bat Eared Mong.
Back off, the White Wolf is mine.
The QLD housing shortage predates the pandemic. Just sayin’.
Not helped by a Labor Premier selling off public housing stock either.
Science news from Phys.org today:
Forests’ carbon uptake will be compromised by climate change, leaf temperature study suggests
Which is why tropical jungles can’t possibly exist.
Bezos rocket crashes after liftoff, only experiments aboard
That last caveat will really comfort the passengers he’s booked.
Who flirts to get ahead at work? Study finds it’s most often subordinate men
You’d be mad to flirt in an office these days.
Costs of climate events: Heat waves cause exports to plummet worldwide
Climate change causes completely stupid science stories.
Jackson water issues result of environmental racism, expert says
Not allowed to say the local government is incompetent.
Government workers in Australia prioritize well-being over pay
Halve their pay then.
Envisioning net-zero food systems
Net zero food systems cause net zero food.
Eco-friendly credentials not benefiting hotels financially, study says
I suspect a lot of people refuse to stay at eco-friendly hotels.
Racial biases seen when white teachers hear low-quality stories
I don’t like James Joyce, which makes me racist against Irishmen.
Most US states don’t have universal air conditioning in prisons. Climate change, heat waves are making it ‘torture’
This is bad in what way?
Competition with China a ‘driving force’ for clean energy funding in the 21st century
How ‘GamerGate’ led the gaming industry to embrace more diverse and caring values
Woke comes for computer gaming.
‘A necessity’: Lebanon’s forced conversion to solar
The Hezbies will love all the green graft.
Small nuke reactors emerge as energy option, but risks loom
Oh no, risks loom? That’s terrifying!
Why solar panels do not always live up to expectations
Scientists discover nighttime.
The obesity paradox in lung cancer diagnosis may differ by race
Lung cancer is racist.
How do you get monkeypox? Sex guidelines are under debate
If you don’t know by now I’m not going to tell you.
The science news these days is turning into Goon Show script. Our civilization is stuffed.
September 13, 2022 at 11:55 am
September 13, 2022 at 7:37 am
Maybe Lidia & that Paki slag should consider this before mouthing off .. next time ..!
For Caitlin Moran, too.
I don’t think that young Caitlin knows much about genetics. Given her pale complexion, her existence surely depended on the colonialists and indigenes finding something in common.
No colonisers, no Caitlin.
In some Kleptocrapt cities in the US, this is not being asked. It is being told.
The same people who claim that the homeless are suffering from mental health and drug/alcohol problems are suggesting that randoms be put into the spare room?
Reality untethered.
Lysander that is yet more proof that the US in its current degraded, degenerated state is a great danger to us here in Australia