The Ceaucescus were firing squad. Some of the spectators joined the fun with their AK’s.
The Ceaucescus were firing squad. Some of the spectators joined the fun with their AK’s.
The Ceaucescu’s were killed by a firing squad. Semi-automatics. To be sure, to be sure. He made a speech on…
Give the title to the Mighty Reds
And it is a bit of a stretch to suggest that this was a cunning ploy by the US to…
Woke up this morning to find we have been flooded in. I looked at a cylindrical vase I left empty…
No excuses for rosie. She’s linked and directed to nearly every media group sponsored from Big Pharma with this mess.
She’s a joke.
Enjoy your holiday, calli.
September 11, 2022 at 11:57 pm
Lastly, I don’t believe that tweet. You can’t defeat Russia without Russia going full nuke retard
They don’t have to go nuke. They will use scalar EMP weapons.
Insomnia sucks.
rosie not Rossie.
Might as well post it here, too.
Via Dutchsinse:
Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden has passed away, and his website has been deactivated, or taken down!
His company, energetic productions, sent this DVD to me directly, unsolicited, with a hand written note:
Wasn’t sure if you had seen THIS ONE of Tom’s—-
Energetic Productions
1988 lecture about Russian Directed Energy weapons, given at the World Trade Center of all places.
This video includes clips added by Mr. Bearden himself at some point in 2010, long before he passed away.
This is a miracle and a half to get confirmation on pretty much everything I discovered ON MY OWN since 2011. He even has HAARP RINGS in the video but calls them “RADAR pulses”!
Listen to the parts about Ukraine and Russia, about nuclear reactors and earthquakes. About Scalar and Cancer. About the US Embassies being attacked with EMF radio wave devices, about Russia having cures to viruses using radio waves. Making ‘viruses’ also with the same technique.
This is a magnum opus of Lt. Col Bearden. The fact that it was just sent to me after he passed away , I feel obligated to carry the torch on this.
I will be uploading everywhere.
His website is now gone. I don’t know why.
This video from Mr. Bearden was made from 1988 to 2010 — this proves EVERYTHING I FOUND! And it was all made before I ever made my first video!!!!
My first youtube video made at the end of 2010 going into 2011. I have never seen this video before today, or anything similar.
I will attempt to purchase all his material, copies of each DVD that they have, and will see if I can get links for them on sale or if they have copies for us to purchase!!
Bearden link.
Their little dishonest world is collapsing so they lash out at the truth.
And they lash out at those that stayed true.
It can’t help them.
Victoria is now being reported around the world as having a 20% increase in deaths.
This news is “boring” and repetitive to JC and other liars here who claim to never have prmoted the jab or poo pooed the evidence being presented about it’s dangers and lack of morality in taking it.
Well they would wouldn’t they.
This is the most important information in your dopey chicken shit lives and to want it banned being spoken of here….by calling for my banning shows a level of mental sickness obvious to any sane person.
And the harder the truth becomes to deny the more they lie and spit the dummy.
The people calling for my banning are the mentally ill.
Those who know they’ve failed….and it isn’t looking good for them.
They’ll be choo chooing out of here shortly with the words of the righteous ringing in their ears…
You were told.
Arrogance and ignorance are a deadly combination.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight: best of QEII.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
Isn’t it amazing to witness.
For those of us with working memories.
The declarations of being jabbed.
The posts on social media with the circle around the mug shot of the virtue signaller….fully vaccinated!
The willingness and glee to be able to be part of the group the government decided to allow into buildings and events.
By declaring to all and sundry that you were jabbed.
But now it was a “personal medical decision” and you pretend to be offended at being asked if you were boosted.
Again I state the level of not only mental decline on display here daily is pathetic.
It’s pathetic because it belongs to the pathetic.
They hate what they are and despise the prick holding up the mirror. …….
The reaoning is flawed, lies abound, history is rewritten……It’s emotion over logic.
It’s living a lie.
It’s leftism.
David Rowe.
Bob Moran. Brilliant.
Michael Ramirez.
Chip Bok.
Al Goodwyn.
Michael Ramirez #2.
Steve Kelley.
Henry Payne.
Ben Garrison.
Thanks, Tom. I liked them all. Even Rowe was tolerable.
Reporting in on Bat-flu from driving through six states of the USA, and staying in 12 separate locations so far.
It’s over.
Except for the idiots in federal government. If you go into one of their facilities – for example a national park visitors centre, the poor sods on duty have to wear a mask. They look quite miserable. On TV you see the fed government officials virtue-signalling wearing theirs. Anyway, everyone seems to ignore the feds on almost everything.
I just got a note from a friend about the Ukrainian situation, the Russians have started something big with cruise missiles from sea, having evacuated their troops, from the Ukr area of advance.
There is intermittent power in most areas and air raid sirens are blaring.
No link, and have no idea if it’s true.
Those with better links can clear this up?
Gabor says:
September 12, 2022 at 4:54 am
Stuffed if I can make sense of this, the more sites one visits the more confused the situation becomes.
Looking at some of the more partisan sites, the Ukes are ready to take Moscow.
Back to work for me. Will find out soon enough what’s what.
The sub continentals are having a big whinge about the monarchy and, by extension British rule, according to the BBC.
Okay. Go back to burning your women alive.
Bruce. High pressure gas pipeline from Moranbah supplies both power station & QNI. Runs along the rail line to Clive’s mothballed plant.
More global turmoil in the offing.
Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei ‘on death bed with cancer’ – regime risks ‘imploding’ (11 Sep)
The article has a fair bit of information about the jockeying going on to succeed him. It doesn’t look like a clean changeover, may become quite messy.
Thank you Calli
saw this on twitter regarding 9/11
From Toowoomba, someone I know knows this family.
Young and old reflect on life as Catholic priests in 2022
I agree with Peter Dutton
a time for impartiality
Latest from Al Jazeera
Russia launches missiles towards eastern Ukraine: Kyiv
Russian forces have launched a total of eleven missiles towards the eastern regions of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Air Force announced in a tweet on Sunday night.
At news.com
Grim prediction Australia facing major housing crash
How many ways are there to be corrupt and to corrupt elections?
This latest one could only happen if the GOP is asleep at the wheel or complicit.
Secret Sleeper Democrats Identifying as Republicans until Elected.
Hmm, I doubt that Goldman Sachs understands the dynamics of the Australian housing market. There’s a lot of culture underpinning it that Americans would not grasp. Nor our elites for that matter, since they’re growing further and further detached from ordinary people with mortgages.
That’s not to say it won’t crash, but that would take a big recession and a lot of personal bankruptcies. Whereupon house prices would be the least of our worries.
Don’t Goldman Sachs have an Australian branch with Australian employees?
ANZ and Westpac are predicting the same, except the drops are 18% for Syd & Melb and 8% elsewhere.
In context, Australian prices rose 23.7 percent in 2021.
Residential property prices rose 23.7 per cent through the year to December quarter 2021, the strongest annual growth since the Residential Property Price Index series began in the September quarter 2003, according to figures released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
I wasn’t concerned about monkeypox but still, good to know.
“People who were vaccinated against smallpox at birth and who today are 50 years old still have antibodies, so they are probably protected, at least partially, from the monkeypox virus that we have recently been hearing about. Unfortunately, this is not the case with the coronavirus. For reasons we still don’t yet fully understand, the level of antibodies against COVID-19 declines significantly after three months, which is why we see people getting infected again and again, even after being vaccinated three times”
Researchers isolate two antibodies that neutralize all known strains of COVID-19
Ramesh Thakur calls out Mehreen Faruqi’s hypocrisy at The Spectator:
Rosie – That was my point about our elites. Which would include the employees of GS, Macquarie and the big 4. Also the analysts aren’t going to say anything in their reports which goes against the consensus line. Groupthink is the vibe these days, you dare not do otherwise.
The Australian economist Steve Keen for example keeps on predicting crashes in our housing market, but none have happened.
The thing colouring their analysis is the US market. But laws are substantially different in the US: for example if the house price is lower than mortgage the owner can hand his keys to the bank and walk away, get another loan and buy in at the lower price. Which can save them tens and hundreds of thousands on mortgage repayments. Here that isn’t possible: the mortgagor is up for every cent even if repossessed. So we tend to hunker down and work like trojans to keep our houses and pay the repayments.
House prices don’t tend to fall much, rather they plateau for a decade or so then kick. And time on market extends from a few weeks like now to a year or two.
Albo is also going to throw open the floodgates on immigration which will underpin house prices a lot.
Given that the Womens AFL mob didn’t bother with a minute’s silence for the Queern before games I’m assuming they’ll be scheduling a full round for the 22nd rather than having a day off then .. LOL!
Secondly, on trolls, per what I say above and the question of monty, because he isn’t entirely a troll
only 95%.
“Steve tricklersays:
September 12, 2022 at 2:34 am
You getting another jab, Cassie?”
None of your business.
My early morning spellcheck system not 100% .. Queern = Qneen .. duuuh!
What did the British ever do for us?
I see the government declared a day of mourning yesterday, though.
Perhaps that didn’t fit the BBC narrative.
Probably a reasonable adjustment. But nothing gets clicks like “housing crash” in a headline.
I follow Faruqi jnr on twitter, if he’s still there, I haven’t seen anything lately on my occasional excursions there.
Both seem to have massive chips on their shoulders re skin tones and Western civilisation.
Is this correct?
No republic referendum this term says Australian PM Albanese, after creating Asst Minister for ‘The’ Republic but knowing full well support for a republic has collapsed
someone recommended this pro Russian site as having accurate maps and good explanations re geography
Opportunity for imaginative cats.
This is probably the biggest danger:
Wave Of German Insolvencies Picks Up Speed…”Tenfold Increase In Gas, Electricity Prices” (11 Sep)
We’re better off, paradoxically, because Australian industry has been hollowed out for decades. But energy prices are going to really hurt as Albo’s 43 percent law eventually kicks in.
Right now though unemployment is very low and there’re lots of jobs available for people needing a second one to pay the mortgage. That may change if companies start closing because of sky high energy prices.
Looks like Mulliner will have to knock up a short bus for Brandon.
Uranus probe? The jokes are going to be flying as fast as the spacecraft!
From the Laydee (?) Pages:
Feminist man tries to logically rebutt entitled, prettty feminist actor, it doesn’t end well in the comments…
So basically social pressure on married men to be monogamous is slavery of women (to their incel owners in the handmaidens tale multiverse). Plus JP is a pseud, but Olivia Wilde isn’t.
Hmm. I think there is something in that for all of us.
“The sub continentals are having a big whinge about the monarchy and, by extension British rule, according to the BBC.
What did the British ever do for us?”
A few years ago, a Canadian professor of sub-continent extraction named Rick Mehta, whose parents had migrated from India (the Punjab) to Canada, incurred the wrath of the far-left university (both students and fellow faculty) because he dared to speak some unfashionable and very unprogressive truths such as calling “multiculturalism a scam”, labelling the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission a vehicle for “endless apologies and compensation.” and telling his students that “British colonial rule in the sub-continent wasn’t all bad”.
Mehta knows a thing or two about British colonial rule, probably a lot more than some half baked progressive moron in a Canadian university. As Mehta said, when asked why he thought British colonial rule wasn’t all bad for the sub-continent, and in some respects it was a positive, particularly in fractious areas like the Punjab where his own family had originated, he explained that the Punjab had been a region beset with sectarian violence between Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs for centuries and it was the British who imposed order and kept the warring religions apart. When interviewed by Gad Saad, Mehta described his parents and grandparent’s shocking memories of partition, his family had originated from a part of Punjab that was partitioned and is now in Pakistan. In the carnage of partition, his parents witnessed men, women and children being bulled off trains and hacked to death.
For his thought crimes Mehta was censored, smeared and silenced. He lost his faculty job.
The British empire, whilst not without faults, was probably the most benign empire in history.
Ask Hong Kongers about Britain, I suspect many now regret that transition of power in 1997 and if they could turn back time they’d happily revert to British rule once again.
…I am not even sure Wilde finished her BA in Acting.l, after deferring many times.
Her ancestry is interesting, in a globally historical manner.
Check your privilege and pay back the Yankees for the arson of the White House!
Tucker Carlson had a good monologue along those lines a day or two ago.
rosie Ithought I heard Elbow early in day talk about the Republican referendum that Labor had promised . He may even linked it to the Voice. thought it was in very bad taste
I think impact of Queen’s death will impact on the loss and grief after lockdowns still unresolved Anyway think Elbow was jumped on as that night changed message.
Labor’s own polling must suggest a referendum would fail.
This fad will last as long as the “healthy eating” rabbit food fad.
Great Food Reset: Watch: School kids munch on insects as cricket snacks introduced to 1000 schools to ‘help save the planet from global warming’ (11 Sep)
Then the kids will go right back to buying pies and hot chips, which the school canteens will provide, because if they don’t they’ll be forced to shut due to lack of customers.
Just testing, have been getting the internal server message this morning.
it never stops
It must be that it doesn’t like copy and paste.
Resolving a question raised in a couple of today’s cartoons:
Andrew & Fergie will reportedly take on the Queen’s corgis.
That’ll keep him out of mischief.
Labor’s own polling must suggest a referendum would fail.
Makes you wonder how “selective” Labor polling on the VOICE was then .. LOL!
A comment from a subscriber only Katie Jgln article. She typically writes some of the more unhinged Lady Pages articles:
She was 20 years old!
She can legally get a sex change as a toddler. She can get an abortion in junior high. She can join the military at 17 and kill goat farmers with drones. She can legally fuck at 18 (some states it is 16).
But marry (or drink alcohol!?) at 20?
No, how dare you!
America, the land of priorities and home of the eternally offended.
Isn’t she meant to be able to send men into space, programme software, fight off gang bangers bare handed and be a special forces marine corps fighter pilot and civil rights district attorney by now?
What if the guy was less “odious”? Say, dad bod owning Leonardo di Caprio?
Then you could live your sex life vicariously through your daughter, and that wouldn’t be creepy at all.
My very good looking 21 yr old grandson , nicely mannered also tells me he is not gay but shies away from modern women who get aggressive when drunk and are sexually predatory. So there Mme Wilde
He studied Roman History for VCE and I gave him Marcus Aurelius Meditations back then also Jordan Peterson book which he liked .
It’s over for the Putin adoring Russian-cels.
People are generally well schooled on the republican issue.
On the inVoice I think it’s a case of the more they’ve heard of the detail (or not!) the less they like it.
If I was a parent I would be trolling the shit out of the kids’ school right now, HOW DARE YOU FEED MUH KIDS INSECTS, AS A MOTHER AND BIRTHING FEMM-PERSON…
Too much fun. No wonder KD talks glowingly of fatherhood.
Why, what happened dot?
Smart boy.
The new consent laws (thanks Mark Speakman, you insufferable dickhead) in NSW have weaponised sex against men – of course you’re an “incel” if you don’t want your nuts in a figurative and literal vice.
Not having a girlfriend you haven’t properly vetted for a few weeks is better than a nightmare later on, then undeserved gaol time and a lifelong smear.
“Nothing of note” happened to Russian forces near Kharkiv lately.
Poso has now also put up an interview done with Trump that day by NBC. Who do I believe “factcheckers” or my lying eyes?
They withdrew. Yes, they did.
At my last permanent school in NSW, the P&C ran the canteen and made great money. Enter stage left, the Healthy Canteens Policy, where 90% of the menu is to be “healthy” food. P&C now rents out canteen. After 3 weeks the lessee hands back the lease because the kids weren’t using the canteen and we see a massive increase in kids going over the fence to the neighbouring Macca’s and KFC.
New lessee takes over, and while 90% of the new menu is healthy, for some reason you can’t actually get any of those items, and there is a whole lot of stuff that is not on the menu that is.
Herein lies a lesson for the central planners.
I feel sorry for King Charles, the biggest and hardest job of his life and he gets it when he’s 73.
The real headline is:-
“House prices correct to about where they were a year ago”.
Which is should be the correct answer to all vax questions.
The ‘antibody level’ is at best an indirect marker of immunity for at least 4 reasons:
1) Antibodies are but one aspect of immunity, hence do not give a full picture of immune competence.
2) Its not antibody levels per se, but immune memory and ability to rapidly make antibodies that matters – antibodies are expensive to make and crowd out the other functions of the blood, so you don’t keep expressing every antibody in your library all the time – if you did, your blood would be full of antibodies.
3) Antibody levels in the blood tell you little about mucosal antibody levels – and it is these that matter in defending against respiratory viruses that attack you via the respiratory mucosa.
4) Antibody levels are meaningless if they can’t identify whether those antibodies are effective against the current Covid strains* – we know that up to now, ALL the COVID injections are built on the WUHAN antigen – which is long dead – hence the resultant antibodies are useless against current strains.
* this, IMHO, is why a lot of the booster message traffic was about how much boosters increased antibody levels, NOT whether said increase actually provided protection.
Well said calli, in the early hours.
How does that explain smallpox protection?
Glandular fever antibodies also last forever, don’t they?
Swedish elections look like they are going to centre-right coalition. They have a 1 pt lead with 85% counted and are 0.3% from a majority.
Reuters on the Swedish election
Guardian on Swedish election
Just got a hang up phone call.
Obviously Chinese spies.
Or Zelensky.
Or the AFL.
The Colonoscopy Mission?
Charles always puts me in mind of Edward VII – ascended the throne at a similar age, after the death of Queen Victoria.
Correct. I don’t mind under normal circumstances but never to the clean/unclean faction.
Yes, what a coincidence, every country just tossed out their long developed pandemic plans and took the very same tyrannical route to human and economic destruction. But don’t worry, it was just a blip on the path to the total destruction planned under the banner of “climate change”.
min says:
September 12, 2022 at 8:05 am
My very good looking 21 yr old grandson , nicely mannered
He studied Roman History for VCE and I gave him Marcus Aurelius Meditations back then also Jordan Peterson book which he liked .
soon to be 18 year old Grandson – like his Father & myself, loves history – gave him a full set of Colleen McCullough Masters of Rome Series, had visited Rome this year, site of Battle of the Teutoburg Forest – massacre of 3 Roman Legions, site of the Battle of Alesia and on Grand Summer European Road trip with my son, absorbed Viking History and he does wargaming of ancient battles with dioramas
That’s a keeper. Wouldn’t it be great if he actually got to see it. The emperor’s new clothes, along with his puppeteer.
1) The ‘safety and efficacy’ of the small pox vax may not be all it has been said to be – like covid, there are alternative views but these are suppressed*.
2) Smallpox is a very stable virus – it doesn’t mutate fast like resp viruses do
3) Unlike respiratory viruses, Smallpox is a systemic infection which is spread throughout the body by the blood (which is how the ‘pocks’ get such wide distribution) hence injected vaccines (which produce blood borne antibodies) make more sense than with respiratory viruses.
* Suzanne Humphries book ‘Dissolving Illusions’ discusses this.
“Russian-cels” in a very bullish mood today in my timeline.
King Charles can roll in his piles of money, hard to feel sorry for a man who inherited half a billion dollars.
Wow, what a blast from the past. The Harold Scruby of economists.
Correct, COVID was just a ‘wargaming exercise’ to test out some of the control measures. The real targets in war are the food, the fuel, transport and electricity – 4 key targetsets of the green movement.
“Not like money was handed back or reparations made. They weren’t.”
Pull the other one, it plays “Land of my Fathers.”
No he doesn’t, what a lying sack of shit
So just like the common cold, then.
NIH Study Reveals COVID-19 Vaccines Potentially Linked to Neurological-Based Injury |
Some conservative food for thought for this libertarian blog…
A Just Prejudice by Roger Kimball at American Greatness.
Worth a read.
Now off to the garden.
Smallpox doesn’t mutate because it now doesn’t get much of a chance to circulate?
I also asked about glandular fever.
Not so shocking revelation.
We Made It Up!”: Dr. Paul Alexander Says the CDC Had No Science Behind Social Distancing Rules.
“[Dr. Redfield] looked at me and he chuckled and he said, ‘Science? There is no science. We made it up!’”
OldOzzie, Meditations is a philosophy of life that appeals to my grandson. who is a long distance runner and plays golf . I know about Marcus as he is a stoic philosopher and the therapy I trained as a psychologist, has a basis of stoic philosophy His son Commodus was terrible didn’t listen to his dad . And to think Dads book is still on sale in bookshops after 2000 years . Might even outsell the bible.
Meme; I really like this one!
I now have an informant deep inside the CDC
There are two things I was surprised to learn.
Not much help if you aren’t innoculated
smallpox vaccine might also be 85% effective against monkeypox
Aurelius outsells the bible?
Seems likely.
If only the war was about the Ukraine and Russia.
There is some agreement as to what Russia represents, yet a reluctance to come to terms with not so much what the Ukraine represents but what the Ukraine has been lured to represent and become – now the site for the enactment of various forms and levels of corruption not arising in the main from Ukrainians but foisted upon them and demanding their blood to sustain. And to sustain what.
Blackout News here reports toilet paper maker Hakle has filed for insolvency, citing “increased energy costs”.
They laughed, oh they did, but whos laughing now!!!!
$34 Billion a year isn’t pocket money, Aboriginal Australia. It’s a much better deal than you would have gotten from just about any other settler.
Watching our new king he has not aged well but that may be a man problem .
Seems like you’re saying that the loss of your mum would not be so great if you were to receive a similar inheritance. Quite revealing, Monty.
I’m not sure who claims the smallpox vax was particularly ‘safe’. It killed, caused myocarditis, and was notorious for blinding and crippling children.
I clearly remember the community panic when the UK had a roundup of vaccine stragglers to complete the eradication program in the mid-60’s. And the couple of kids at our school left ‘simple’ by post-jab encephalitis.
One thing Im finding interesting in the ukraine war is that its probably the first one where both sides have near photographic knowledge of each others locations, deployments and logistics.
Id imagine the Ukraine sides is far better as they would be receiving a lot of assistance from various EU nations as well as the Yanks.
How do you fight a war (either side) when satellites reveal everything?
Id also assume it means one of the first signs of a ‘real” war (eg China/USA) would be the destruction of nearly every spy type satellite in orbit.
Watching the recently-ex-‘Er Maj on the teev this morning, being driven around various bits of the UK.
It would seem the filthy Boche have had one last crack. The hearse is a sporty Merc.
September 12, 2022 at 9:19 am
Smallpox doesn’t mutate because it now doesn’t get much of a chance to circulate?
As Duk says, its a stable virus.
Because it doesnt spin off major new strains one vaccination provides a long term protection
Traditionally colds/flus havent been vaccinated against because they are highly changeable. Even the current fluvax is designed to target what they think the nastiest varieties for the coming year will be, sometimes they guess wrong and we end up with more oldies/compromised dying.
This article is a good dip into why some diseases are so crap to vaccinate against, and some well under control.
Incidentally, the mail from an extremely reputable site is that the embalmers found a growth inside the Queen. It was the exact size, thickness and consistency of a three metre extension cord.
Sadly, this site is being shut down by mysterious elements of Big Anti-Truth. We only have 21 days to save it.
At least buy them a coffee.
No – one is asking you to mourn – a respectful silence will do.
Oh, and by the way, good luck with a “voice to Parliament.”
Never change gruinaid….
Never change
Party leaders on both left and right linked the rise in violent crime with large-scale immigration, which has led to high levels of segregation along ethics lines in the housing and jobs markets. In the space of a few decades, Sweden has become one of the most multicultural societies in Europe, with more than a third of the population having been born abroad or having a parent who was born abroad. About 30% of children do not have Swedish as their mother tongue, rising to 45% in parts of the cities.
I wonder what the votes would be without the “new Swedish” voting for the left?
We can’t mourn…
Hold up, at least you can breathe.
The Cat’s in-house physician, flyingduk, said a few days ago QEII had the look of someone with cancer, which would explain why she didn’t last as long as her gin-drinking mum, who died at 101.
That cartoon is bitingly sinister.
I wonder if many readers will understand it’s import?
Only [18] days left to save the Daily Exposé.
Give generously.
This will be among the last opportunities before Christmas to save the Daily Exposé.
its just more BS. ukes planned a one-two-three knockout punch. 3rd counteroffensive towards mariupol/donetsk is now no longer a surprise attack.
Err, Tom at 9:51.
That was the Daily Exposé.
It is therefore bullshit.
Probably fake and gay like the stupid fucking Liberals.
From last night:
September 12, 2022 at 12:02 am
Australian Mongs are world famous:
This is the rub and tug you can charge your EV at night with your solar panels take. I have no doubt rub and tug is a commie and wants to socialise Australia but this convinces me he and other idiots actually believe the bullshit about alarmism and renewables.
I met him in the street about 20 years ago. I should have kicked him up the arse when I had the chance.
And in Australia you see Labor politicians virtue-signalling face nappies while in Parliament, but not when at the dispatch box nor when having a boozy night out with like minded maaaaates at the mid winter ball.
In my small circle of family and friends all the tyrannical diktats we have had to follow for two years have disappeared into the forgettery. They are just enjoying the moment.
Sad but understandable.
Oh come onsays:
September 11, 2022 at 10:38 pm
Ultimately, Russia can transition from its jargonistic ‘Special Military Operation’ and go to war. It has created and propagated this delineation for a reason -it has a next level. We are struggling to contain the repercussions from the SMO. Russia hasn’t really taken the gloves off yet.
Remind me again – why are we going to the mat for the dubious virtue of Ukraine?
USA: In Service to East European Dictators
Last night we watched American Sniper. Watching it on the eve of September 11 was purely coincidental. Knowing now what I thought I knew back then, the movie was unwatchable.
9/11 was a wake-up call that our American foreign policy was a colossal failure. The response to it once the dust settled was an encouraging sign that maybe the country could put aside partisan hackery and unite behind a common goal to oppose a common enemy; Islamic extremism.
That quickly gave way to it no longer being the American people’s response to becoming instead the Bush Administration’s response proving once more that people don’t go to war against other people;
governments go to war against other governments.
And over one trillion dollars later, America’s reputation in the Middle East is even worse now than it was on September 10th, 2001.
The world is even more dangerous, but the freedoms of the American people have deteriorated so much that if any sentient American thinks they live in a free country, they’re living a fantasy. We’ve never been less free.
And now, instead of looking for Arab children to blow up with our drones or kill them with our military’s best sharpshooters, we are spending billions of dollars waging a proxy war in Eastern Europe in service to one Authoritarian who’s at war with another.
All of this is at the financial expense of the American people, who are forced to pay higher taxes, accept higher energy prices, and ultimately settle for a lower standard of living.
Other than that, 9/11 should be seen as the long-coming great awakening of America’s graceful but forceful global leadership… If only it were so…
And before I go to work some background o hat green kunt who called the Queen a racist:
Ramesh Thakur rightfully calls out the offensive comments by Green senator Mereen Faruqi in today’s morning lead. He was too polite to mention that the Raj’s presence in what are now India and Pakistan actually stopped Hindu and Muslim fanatics creating mass bloodshed and destruction, which exploded when the Union Jack was hauled down in Delhi on 15 August 1947. And the Muslim leader who insisted on that bloody Partition, Jinnah, was himself racist – a sub-continental George Wallace, as Faruqi must well know. Furthermore, never forget it was Pakistan which sheltered the unspeakable terrorist and mass murderer, Osama Bin Laden, after September 11, 2001
“Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said he respected the right of Australians to hold different views
No he doesn’t, what a lying sack of shit”
Zippy sounds morose.
I had forgotten, but calli pointed out in the early hours that the only person who promoted the vax on the various Cats was Sinc himself.
I can’t recall.
Was there a boycott of old Cat as a result?
I’m imagining a comedy skit aired on prime time tv with a mob of indigenous doing the Monty Python skit with Australian culture swapped in for aqueducts, sanitation, roads, wines, canals, public health, etc etc.
Come to think of it, the script writers may not need to change a single word. Just the location and participants.
Small pox is considered eradicated. I’m not surprised it is considered also considered ‘stable’.
I’ll read your article moley.
You would have to be a thicky to complain about the smallpox vaccine. Would you rather it was never eradicated?
Its a beautiful morning here in ‘Rainbow Serpent’ land. The greatest state in the greatest country on the planet governed by the highest paid , brain dead , incompetent public service ever imagined. The Gods must be weeping.
Dedicated to Lydia Thorpe.
No-one said anything about the safety of the smallpox vaccine, not here anyhow.
Unless mentioning it in relation to moneypox is now deemed ‘relentless promotion’.
“Swedish elections look like they are going to centre-right coalition”
Unsurprising, given the daily violence in cities like Stockholm and Malmo from, ahem, those new “Swedes” (cough) with their “legitimate grievances”.
Speaking of “Malmo”…….LOL.
lemme fix that …
loss of your
mummother-in-lawInteresting stuff FM, especially the notion that egg grown vaxxs can mutate and become less effective
“He also points to a recent study by another group that compared an egg-grown vaccine with one that contained genetically engineered HA, which sidesteps the mutation issue”
are you implying that the queen isn’t dead?
No, but there was a constant stream of invective and abuse, and wishing death upon the blog owner from a few serial failures, preppers and potential cult members. It lasted for months.
Oh hang on. Those people only have a crack at who they consider easier targets, and who do not have the means to pull the plug on a) their self-broadcasting insecurity, and b) their ability to inform the public at large that their path to greatness was deliberately torn up by others, rather than their own serial failures.
Sinc was a supporter but wasn’t fanatical about it. The amount of scepticism is tiny compared to daily thread bombing of enything that may negatively relate to the vax.
So I don’t understand why people are so threatened by it.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
September 12, 2022 at 10:22 am
I’m imagining a comedy skit aired on prime time tv with a mob of indigenous doing the Monty Python skit with Australian culture swapped in for aqueducts, sanitation, roads, wines, canals, public health, etc etc.
Come to think of it, the script writers may not need to change a single word. Just the location and participants.
Dedicated to Lydia Thorpe.
I like the University of Woolloomooloo sketch. Hope I spelt that correctly.
Bruce…….lol. Rule number 1. No pooftaas. Rule number 2, well the way they are going, they will soon rule us. Rule number 3. No pooftaas……………………….lol
It’s an extremely corrosive substance. It is so corrosive it can perform this function remotely.
If someone else takes it, your boat dissolves.
Since about the 80s.
Smallpox could be eradicated, IIRC, because it had no animal reservoirs.
The recent “stranding” of Ozzie tourists in Bali was, according to Jetstar, due to mechanical issues on two of their planes. Just 2!
To me, it is just another example of transport being attacked.
The European wholesale electricity markets operate on marginal pricing; with generators bidding every 5 minutes on a pay-as-clear basis.
In practice, hugely expensive gas generators set the marginal price – and everyone else tucks in behind and bids slightly less to fill the market out.
That means renewable generators – with zero fuel cost – are able to coat-tail on Putin-pricing. And, depending on their trader’s skills, game the market to keep gas demand running strong.
The EU representative wholesale electricity price is in the €300-€400/MWh region. Up from €60ish 12 months ago.
Currently renewables make up a bit less than 40% of EU sent out power.
The German businesses going to the wall can comfort themselves that the renewables sector is chortling at the massive super profits their colleagues in the renewables sector are making.
Too cheap to meter…
September 12, 2022 at 10:47 am
rosie says:
September 12, 2022 at 7:01 am
Don’t Goldman Sachs have an Australian branch with Australian employees?
Since about the 80s.
A load of farking crooks which is why they were renamed as ‘Goldman Sucks’…………….
Went to the Lifeline book fair yesterday to pick up some scraps. A lot more gone than in previous years sad to say for me. About 30 books left in one section laying on the table with 5 people looking at them. In swoops enthusiastic volunteer Karen, pushes in front of everyone and compacts them vertically into a small lot that only one personcould peruse. Quick thinker spreads the books back out again, not me, if looks could kill. We all said thanks. Then we got the death stare. There were several more Karens doing the same thing including one bloke that identified as a karen. As much as I appreciate the volunteers this lot wanted to make it about them.
September 12, 2022 at 10:48 am
Smallpox could be eradicated, IIRC, because it had no animal reservoirs.
And that is why a vaccine could never be made for this ‘Virus Thingy’. Anyone have a vaccine for the Common Cold? If you believe that is possible then I have a Bridge to sell you.
Going cheep, cheep.
September 12, 2022 at 10:29 am
Interesting stuff FM, especially the notion that egg grown vaxxs can mutate and become less effective
“He also points to a recent study by another group that compared an egg-grown vaccine with one that contained genetically engineered HA, which sidesteps the mutation issue”
2 Things I think are correct.
1: Vaccination, in general has been an awesome advance in medicine which has saved hundreds of millions of lives.
2: Vaccination always carries an inherent risk to those being vaccinated, I think the medical establishment and governments have served people poorly by pretending it cant happen in order to promote as much vax in arms to achieve the highest rates they can.
In short there is an element of ‘noble lie”, where instead of doing the messy business of informing people of likelihoods, promoting the benefits and so on with each vax they have simply thrown the switch to “they are all awesome, and nothing can go wrong” .
The other thing I took from the article is the irresponsibility of just giving jabs without follow up checks to see if the vaxes actually caused the reaction hoped for.
Particularly with the elderly, who have around a 70% chance of failure for a vaccination built in because of age.
Its an awesome sector of science, and it is nice that they are working out some tried and trusted methods may need changing to make the products better.
Spectator article dated 11th July, 2021, just weeks before the closing of catallaxyfiles.
Here’s the ‘proud Aboriginal woman’ who put the kibosh on an AWFL minute’s silence for the queen.
Regrettably, she works for the Bulldogs.
Aboriginal my arse.
Thanks P
Why are they crooks?
I’m guessing there wasn’t a coup in Moscow and Rasputin is still the boss.
I gotta say though there maybe something going on as the Euro is back above 1 , the aussie is holding its rally and oil is down. Dunno. It’s not even a hunch.
This is an interesting but longish read on a Trudeau rival. He has some appealing qualities and thoughts one being that he would sack any Minister going to DAVOS. https://www.macleans.ca/longforms/why-is-pierre-poilievre-so-angry/amp/
To me, it is just another example of transport being attacked.
Or that sitting aircraft on the ground for two years doesn’t do them much good.
Gorgeous image.
Aboriginal my arse.
Longnose tribe.
The family is worth around 90 billion dollars, you unfathomable fat fuck. US$500 million was what it’s the current account to pay daily running expenses. You fat goose.
JC, you need to go back into surgery to remove your bile duct.
I find it amusing the Basement dwelling blancmange thinks it will outlive JC.
Co-morbid and terrified it shrinks from changes that would add decades to its life.
Do try to make an effort not to be obtuse, champ.
I’ll explain it slowly.
Yes, the Queen is dead (long live the King).
What is at issue is, did she die of nano-wrigglers, replicating metal fragments in the body, mysterious spidery blood clots or, as claimed by the Daily Exposé, a large 3 metre growth which resembles an extension lead?
I am saying that the blogger who was formerly an auto-electrician from Leeds might have got it wrong … again.
Obviously mUnty was not handing out HTVs in Malmo.
Don’t annoy people, Fatboy.
Gorgeous image.
Really exceptional.
No, but someone turned out the lights in UKR.
September 12, 2022 at 11:15 am
The Yanks put her image on the Empire State Building yet the @AFL withdraws the minutes silence .
Indeed. There was a minutes silence prior to the start of last night’s Italian F1 Grand Prix. The vision showed the people in the grandstands and all around the track standing to attention. That tribute was in addition to the minutes silence prior to the start of Practice 1 a couple of days ago.
But apparently, its all too much effort for the AFLW.
A lot of fires in train yards (Alchevsk absolutely plastered) and around waterways (crossing points?)
I think the next move is coming soon, towards but probably to the south of Mariupol.
Unless they are just trying to disrupt the movements of Russians from south to north.
Pretty sure Chuck can’t start flogging off real estate on Country Life.
Careful Leadership. You don’t want the FSA tracking you too. You already have the Chinese on your tail.
Old School Conservativesays:
September 12, 2022 at 10:18 am
What did the British ever do for us?
Taught you to speak and write in English for a farking start.
And those Romans?
But apparently, its all too much effort for the AFLW.
Nasty lezzo mongs.
This is a decent read in the Daily Mail, of all places.
Elimination of a pathogen by vaccination requires ALL of the following:
1) No animal reservoir (if there is one, the pathogen just leaks back into the human population).
2) A sterilising vaccine (each vaccinated person has to be dead end for the virus).
3) A sufficiently rapid vaccination programme that you vaccinate everyone before it mutates around the vaccine.
You will note that NONE of these criteria were met for COVID, meaning it was NEVER going to be possible to eliminate it with the vax campaigns. They knew this from the start. Its basic immunology.
September 12, 2022 at 11:11 am
I gotta say though there maybe something going on as the Euro is back above 1 , the aussie is holding its rally and oil is down. Dunno. It’s not even a hunch.
The Euro is burnt toast. A failed currency experiment as they never consolidated the individual country debts and not one person in Europe got to vote on it apart from the crooks at the top. The Euro will fail along with the the EU and the Brits did the right thing to keep Sterling.
The EU will break up and all of those Countries will go back to their own money.
The US Dollar is the Best of a very bad bunch along with the South Pacific Peso (our very own OZ dollar).
September 12, 2022 at 11:33 am
I’m guessing there wasn’t a coup in Moscow and Rasputin is still the boss.
No, but someone turned out the lights in UKR.
Ukraine suffers massive blackout after ‘Russian strikes’
President Vladimir Zelensky has confirmed energy shortages across multiple regions of the country
Multiple regions of southeastern Ukraine suffered electricity shortages and blackouts late on Sunday.
President Vladimir Zelensky has said the cause was missile attacks by Moscow on “critical infrastructure.”
Full blackouts have hit Kharkov and Donetsk regions, Zelensky said in a social media post, apparently referring to the Ukrainian-controlled part of Donetsk People’s Republic. Sumy, Dnepropetrovsk, Poltava, Zaporozhye and Odessa regions have been hit by partial blackouts, according to the president, who blamed the incident on “Russian terrorists.”
So, far Moscow has remained silent on the matter, neither confirming nor denying its involvement. Still, the incident has been preceded by a reported launch of multiple cruise missiles from Russian ships positioned in the Black and Caspian Seas.
Footage circulating online shows the aftermath of the purported attacks, with firefighters trying to extinguish flames at what appear to be power plants.
Another video, purportedly shot in Poltava, shows a trolleybus that caught fire, apparently due to a power surge in the grid
The blackout has affected the operations of Ukrainian railways, which reported delays across the country. It also brought the subway system in the eastern city of Kharkov to a halt the, footage circulating online purports to show.
you’ll repeat it slowly is more likely
your logic is faulty
and it makes you look like fool
You will note that NONE of these criteria were met for COVID, meaning it was NEVER going to be possible to eliminate it with the vax campaigns. They knew this from the start. Its basic immunology.
They knew this from the start and yet pressed on with mandated participation in a stage 3 vaccine trial.
Sounds worthy of a few death penalties.
would probably be a mega-wriggler
Wouldn’t it be more accurate to compare covid vax to the annual flu vax? Also, I don’t think anyone noteworthy was saying (at least in 2021) the covid vax was going to eradicate covid. It was always that we were heading towards a flu vax like environment.
“This nation didn’t begin in 1788, it goes back some 65,000 years at least.”
Er…can someone please tell the PM this nation began in 1901.
Russia shelling power plants instead of military targets is a sign of weakness. They prefer targets that don’t fight back.
Johnny Rottensays:
September 12, 2022 at 12:00 pm
The Euro is burnt toast. A failed currency experiment as they never consolidated the individual country debts and not one person in Europe got to vote on it apart from the crooks at the top. The Euro will fail along with the the EU and the Brits did the right thing to keep Sterling.
German recession ‘inevitable’ – Deutsche Bank
Soaring energy costs are hurting EU’s largest economy, according to CEO Christian Sewing
The engine of European economic development, Germany, is set for a contraction, Deutsche Bank CEO Christian Sewing warned this week, as cited by CNBC.
According to the media outlet, Sewing said in a speech at the Handelsblatt Banking Summit in Frankfurt that the war in Ukraine “destroyed a number of certainties” on which the global economic system had been predicated over the past few decades.
He reportedly cited disrupted global value and supply chains, along with a bottleneck in the labor market and a shortage of gas and electricity leading to soaring costs, as key reasons why the Eurozone inflation is at record highs.
“As a result, we will no longer be able to avert a recession in Germany. Yet we believe that our economy is resilient enough to cope well with this recession — provided the central banks act quickly and decisively now,” Sewing reportedly stated.
The Deutsche chief pointed out that, for now, many in Germany still have pandemic savings to fall back on in order to meet skyrocketing energy costs, while most companies remain “sufficiently financed.”
“But the longer inflation remains high, the greater the strain and the higher the potential for social conflict,” he warned.
Sewing also urged the German leaders to accelerate the nation’s decoupling from China. He indicated that China accounts for around 8% of German exports and 12% of imports, while more than one-tenth of the sales of companies listed on the German DAX stock index go to China.
“Reducing this dependency will require a change no less fundamental than decoupling from Russian energy,” the chief executive said.