Hey Dover, did you see this? The New England Journal of Medicine just identified a brand-new illness: SRDS—Sudden Russian Death…
Hey Dover, did you see this? The New England Journal of Medicine just identified a brand-new illness: SRDS—Sudden Russian Death…
Vinegar Tits and Pretty-boy are stymied. The Nosferatu Nurses refuse to be interviewed by NSWaffen. What can we do now?…
Wonder how big the impact in Finance will be. Most valuations can be mechanized if it already isn’t. A lot…
Don’t learn to code.
Lethbridge has nailed it.
Microsoft is now charging an annual fee for the use of their bloated Office 365. I only need a few of its features and have started using Open Office which is a good free substitute for Word, Excel and Power Point. However I have not yet found a good substitute for Outlook. I need to keep tabs on several email accounts as well as maintaining a contact list. Ideally it would sync to an iPhone as well.
Has anyone here got a suggestion for a suitable program to run in Windows? I don’t mind paying to buy it but the annual fee extortion from Microsoft really sticks in my craw.
Pelosi, congressional delegation visit Armenia during cease-fire with Azerbaijan
Of note:
During a six-week war in 2020, Azerbaijan reclaimed broad swaths of Nagorno-Karabakh and adjacent territories held by Armenian forces. More than 6,700 people died in the fighting, which ended with a Russia-brokered peace agreement. Moscow deployed about 2,000 troops to the region to serve as peacekeepers.
Green Energy GENOCIDE: Without Fossil Fuel, There’ll Be No More Fertilizer to Grow Food
The blonde replied “Well, each day I keep getting farther and farther away from the bucket”.
reminds me of one of my 1st jobs after arriving as a ten pound tourist in 1967 .. surveyor’s assistant (holding the pole .. LOL!) on the National Gas Pipeline running from Sydney thru to South Oz .. anyway we did the Liverpool to Wagga Wagga stretch .. started off great knocking over between 3 and 6 kms a day whilst staying at the Appin Hotel nights/weekends but as we got further and further away (suitable accomodation was a bit scarcer back then) .. by the time we got halfway to Cootamundra it was taking longer to drive to’from where we left off, daily, than how long we were on the job before it got too dark to work … ended up with more on overtime for travelling than for working before we moved accomodation to Cootamundra .. LOL!
Australian Study Treats Climate Change Skepticism as a Mental Disorder
September 17, 2022 at 10:57 pm
My Son Hunter review:
That was an Excellent Review – 13 Min 57 Secs
My Son Hunter Movie Review
17 Sept 2022
But will American FBI & DOJ take action on this????
Also Watch the 35 Mins 03 Secs Spectator TV interview of Laurence Fox
Followed up with Superb Interview
Laurence Fox: My Son Hunter, Biden Corruption and free speech – Spectator TV
13 Sept 2022
The Spectator
168K subscribers
Winston speaks with actor turned political activist Laurence Fox on his new film My Son Hunter, Biden corruption, being ostracised from the film industry and the importance of free speech.
Has anyone here got a suggestion for a suitable program to run in Windows? I don’t mind paying to buy it but the annual fee extortion from Microsoft really sticks in my craw.
Ashampoo ha sa reasonable substitute for 365 …… Ashampoo Office 8 is a free download to try .. you can always buy it later if your happy … fully compatible with 365 …..
Cruz was trying to get his bill passed by unanimous consent. In other words, this was just another stunt.
For all you weather buffs. Latest info and live camera location for a direct hit.
“Cruz was trying to get his bill passed by unanimous consent. In other words, this was just another stunt.”
Cruz is reading from the progressive handbook of “stunts”. The left are experts at “stunts”…time for the right to follow suit.
Thought provoking, to say the least.
closing ranks against the truth
UK Gov. pauses COVID Vaccine roll-out to 5 to 11-year-old Children after 22% increase in Deaths among age group since NHS began to Vaccinate them
Love Laurence Fox in response to on the whole how would you describe the Film Industry
There is definitely a Mixed Group – the further you are away from the Camera, the views are more rounded
It starts off right wing as you go past the Chippies and gets steadily more left wing as you arrive in front of the Camera with the Intelligentsia
He then moves on to a great dissertation of Colonial Guilt
Working to boost the price of her armaments shares.
Rita has already nailed it this morning on Outsiders. Scumbag Morrison and the eternally stupid fucking Liberals and Nationals (Nats are no better) betrayed their bases by adopting net zero emissions because they were desperate to save a few inner city uber wealthy electorates like Kooyong, Goldstein, Warringah, Wentworth, Curtin, North Sydney and Mackellar, and then, like something out of Shakespearean tragedy………they lost them to the Teals.
And that, fellow Cats, is what happens when for almost nine years in power a party does nothing to promote right of centre policies, does nothing about the climate scam, does nothing about the indoctrination in schools, does nothing about curbing spending, does nothing about protecting free speech, does nothing about protecting religious liberty…..NOTHING.
September 18, 2022 at 9:00 am
On Wednesday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said he was shocked by Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) blocking his school safety bill.
Cruz was trying to get his bill passed by unanimous consent. In other words, this was just another stunt.
Why do I get the feeling that if Murphy had been trying to pass the bill, and Cruz had blocked it, it would still have been a stunt by Cruz?
Yes, Microsoft have latched on to the cheap printer/expensive cartridge model.
That way they can keep their claws in to you forever.
Woops. Coding fail.
Consider eM Client. I find it easier and more intuitive than Outlook.
There’s a free version you can trial to see if you like the interface and basic email features- although IIRC you can only have the one email account and I don’t think it manages your calendar, to-do list etc.
The paid version is about $30 – with lifetime upgrades another $50 or so.
I’d drop MS 365 in a heartbeat too; but I’m in bondage as an Excel/VBA slave.
NAPLAN reports came this week. Big white A4 envelope (not the buff OHMS number- ACARA is of course a contracted company) with a folded pamphlet and explanatory full sheet glossy printed on both sides. The amount of padding is extraordinary- the pamphlet itself has the cover page densely covered and with an example result, the back cover has a five by four table brim full with 9pt type, the glossy promo has all the corporate logos and yes I am counting the WA gov roos and swan as a corporation, and a dozen rhetorical questions of the type which remind me of the monty python routine, How Can I Spend Even More Money On Feminine Hygeine Products?
The individual results themselves float in an airy void of noncommittal panels in gradated orange and blue, your kid as a black dot, nat av as a black triangle, your kid’s school as an outlined triangle. It’s all on a “band”, with the statistically classic sleight of starting at band 4, rising to 9. Year fives are band 3 to 8, keep your eye on the birdie. Why not percentages? Why not call the bands deciles? Why not print the full scale, there’s obviously no shortage of paper? Education in Australia is covered by constant verbose obfuscation and shifting paradigms, which only adds to the frustration of ditzy content, falling standards and participation ribbon merits. The 11pt accompanying texts tell us our students were assessed on “aspects of numeracy”, they wrote a “persuasive text”. These things are impossible to fail, and can only function to sever the student from their parents’ tradition of “sums” and “essays” and herd them into the glutinous middle ground.
For even more, go to the “my school” website (hint: “My School” is about as misdirective an identity as the “affordable care act”) and spy on your neighbours. “Our” primary school has taken a deep dive off the low platform, now when the website user- after checking and clicking that they commit to not disseminating the information which they paid for- clicks off the default “compared to students from a similar ackground” onto “compared to all Australian students”, the chart is the mid-fuchsia purple of “well below average”. These scales are a three-figure number which appear to be ranging between 200 and 700- again, why not percentages? why not 0 to 100?
Anyhoo, my kids are comfortably right up there, which I know is due to inherited brain power and conscientiousness more than any particular ambition or work ethic. Ambition may or may not kick in with hormones, or else they might get carried along by the ridiculous “we need more girls in STEM!” chorus. That hardly stands up to any scrutiny. There’s heaps of schollgirls in STEM, there’s heaps in Uni- what the Lizard People want is the ability to place their chosen proles into the productive research-and-minerals postions which they need to control.
STEM is a bullshit term anyway. What’s wrong with the three thousand year old terminology of the Sciences? HASS is another bullshit term, Humanities and Social Sciences, which at the base is raising early-entry Marxism to the prestige of The Science. The old dichotomy of Science and Art has been split into a gassy cloud of STEM, HASS and Writing Persuasive Texts.
Interestingly, both my kids only dipped out on the Writing aspect. Given what the assessors were looking for, I’m quite comfortable with that.
A speedy rundown on the absurdity of pelletising forests to save the planet.
Revenge is sweet;
We didn’t even bother looking at the kids ‘results’.
The true goal of edumacation is to ensure the children DONT become critical thinkers.
Jokes on them. They will soon be forced by WEF controlled overlords to become cricket farmers.
Trump on stage
Ian Plimers new book aint called ‘Green Murder’ for nothing.
more for us then!!
“Far from outmoded sentiment, Charles’ spiritual farewell may also be the beginning of a shift in tone for the monarchy from the quiet, dutiful Anglicanism of the Elizabethan years to a more active embrace of spirituality as the antidote to the crises engulfing the world.”
Charles III a Christian King, at the Catholic Weekly
The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation reacted to the looming food crisis by producing a paper that proposed to create a basic food need program that would require the “wealthy” countries to subsidise export of food to the “poor” counties.
How the fuck is this crisis a result of inequality? Marxist shit.
We have deep idiocy at high levels.
The Hunchback is building a Moderna Clot Shot factory at Monash. The Victorian Sheep(TM) will be made to have bi-monthly clot shots to be able to work.
It’s to keep them safe.
Ah i’ve only just twigged
ACARA are carving off a bit of their margin to make a colourful report card, that can be kept as a schooldays heirloom
Nice bit of primo product design for the vainer upper crust, keep the ACARA brand close to their Learning Journey Outcomes Narrative
Well played qango, well played
Let them eat bugs!
Gaz, it actually makes little sense. Many ‘wealthy’ countries don’t produce enough food to feed themselves.
Sun Tzu says stop killing each other and stop shitting in ya water supply.
This is how I picture the average catallaxy poster:
inside The Supermarket of Ideas
mUnty would most closely resemble
a shop-lifter
Epson now provide printer models with ink tanks and no cartridges. The printers are much more expensive than the cartridge models but the ink last 1,000s of pages and is cheap to refill.
The Outsiders are having a laugh at Biden who doesn’t know his age. Nine months before my mother died she started having problems remembering her age. Just saying.
The American 13% at work in New York again
Ax-wielding madman runs amok in NYC McDonald’s — and nobody was lovin’ it
From the Comments
– What would NYC look like without blacks?
– Crime free and beautiful
– It would be paradise. I remember the Bronx on the 50’s and it was white and beautiful.
stealth genetic/eugenics program, nobody without a rna sequencer can tell you what the shot will produce once inside your cells. they can put anything in there and claim plausible deniability
Someone on ExCat once put forward a theory requiring ‘wealthy’ countries with adequate land to support industry, export markets and population to hand over suitable (massive) parcels of land to ‘poor’ countries without enough to do all that. The handover would apparently have occurred on moral grounds, and oversighted by a global committee of some kind.
Can’t remember who. There was a brief yet lively debate on the subject.
‘You’ve mismanaged your country for decades, if not longer? Here, have a third of ours and have another go, you little scamp.’
Heard the author interviewed on ALPBC Radio Perth. Unsurprisingly. Much guffawing and derisive laughter. “Click”.
They are brilliant.
Highly recommended.
Unpacking the Apparent Trump-Hillary Double Standard: For Her, the FBI Helped Obstruct Its Own Investigation
By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations
September 15, 2022
Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch obtained evidence that a computer contractor working under the direction of Hillary Clinton’s legal team destroyed subpoenaed records that the former secretary of state stored on a private email server she originally kept at her New York home, and then lied to investigators about it. Yet no charges were brought against Clinton, her lawyers, or her paid consultant.
The leniency accorded to Clinton contrasts with recent moves by Attorney General Merrick Garland to aggressively investigate former President Trump and his lawyers for allegedly obstructing investigators’ efforts to locate subpoenaed records at his Florida home. Legal experts say the apparent double standard may provide a useful defense for Trump and his legal team.
The treatment of Clinton included a deal with her defense team that required the FBI to, in effect, obstruct its own investigation. During its 2016 probe, the bureau agreed with her lawyers’ demands to destroy two laptop hard drives containing subpoenaed evidence immediately after searching for files on them. They did so while the information was still being sought by congressional investigators and even though the lawyers had served under Clinton at the State Department and were subjects of the FBI’s investigation. In fact, the laptops were theirs.
Long before it bowed to the request, the FBI suspected Clinton’s lawyers played hide-and-seek with evidence, making the concession that much more baffling.
Long and Detailed Explanation
Z2’s link:
I sincerely hope these people get it right, as opposed to several other experiments in running cattle stations – where certain things need to be done, and not just left on the shelf because reasons – in WA recently. Aunty, from 2021:
There have been several of these shit events over the past few years, all apparently caused by a belief that actually doing something is the other bloke’s job. In these cases, it was making sure the livestock were either fed and watered or had the capacity to do so themselves.
I use EM client for work email. Never used outlook so I can’t compare but the blurb sheets state it is very similar.
Also it is free for personal use.
It cost me $245 to replace 4 cartridges on HP. It’s gouging at its worst. The ink jet caper is even worse gouging than Gillette’s gouging on razor blades several years ago. Gillette was so bad it actually allowed Schick to re-enter the market as a formidable competitor after they were virtually on their back dying.
No, the just stop oil swampies finally being banged up aren’t from the Babylon Bee.
NASDAQ Nancy holds up bills on congressional trading while the insider rot spreads
By Post Editorial Board
About a week ago, someone mentioned they bought a US defense contractor because we maybe heading into WAR! Scary stuff.
The only problem with that is that the stock market may not think so or at least it’s maybe skeptical we’re heading into a war footing.
I took a look and Lockheed stock has hasn’t descended down the elevator this calendar year.
Have a look.
Lockeed reached a high of US$469 in April this year and is now trading at US$414. Hardly a signal we’re in a war footing, but there you go.
Maybe it’s really an exchange rate play. 🙂
Russia’s Use of Iranian Kamikaze Drones Creates New Dangers for Ukrainian Troops
Shahed-136 drones supplied to Russia carried out several devastating strikes in Ukraine’s Kharkiv region over past week, Ukrainian commanders say
Russia has inflicted serious damage on Ukrainian forces with recently introduced Iranian drones, in its first wide-scale deployment of a foreign weapons system since the war began, Ukrainian commanders say.
Over the past week, Shahed-136 delta-wing drones, repainted in Russian colors and rebranded as Geranium 2, started appearing over Ukrainian armor and artillery positions in the northeastern Kharkiv region, said Col. Rodion Kulagin, commander of artillery of Ukraine’s 92nd Mechanized Brigade.
In his brigade’s operational area alone, the Iranian drones—which usually fly in pairs and then slam into their targets—have destroyed two 152-mm self-propelled howitzers, two 122-mm self-propelled howitzers, as well as two BTR armored infantry vehicles, he said.
Before the current wide-scale use of the Shaheds, Russia carried out a test last month, striking a U.S.-supplied M777 155-mm towed howitzer with the drone, Col. Kulagin said. Another Iranian drone malfunctioned and was recovered, he said.
So far, the Iranian drones seem to have been mostly deployed in the Kharkiv region, where the 92nd Brigade and other Ukrainian forces carried out a major offensive this month, retaking some 8,500 square kilometers, or roughly 3,300 square miles, of land occupied by Russia and seizing or destroying hundreds of Russian tanks, artillery pieces and armored carriers.
“In other areas, the Russians have overwhelming artillery firepower, and they manage with that. Here, they no longer have that artillery advantage, and so they have started to resort to these drones,” Col. Kulagin said.
Independent experts who examined photographs of recent drone wreckage from the Kharkiv region say that it appears to be Shahed-136, the latest evolution of Tehran’s delta-wing design.
Scott Crino, founder and chief executive of Red Six Solutions LLC, a strategic consulting firm, said the Shahed-136 could provide Russia with a “potent counterweight” to the high-tech weapons systems, such as Himars missile launchers, that the U.S. has provided to Ukraine.
“The presence of Shahed-136 in Ukraine war is undoubtedly changing the operational plans of Kyiv,” he said. “The sheer size of Ukraine battlefield makes it hard to defend against the Shahed-136.”
Mr. Crino said the Shahed-136 can be used with great effect with one targeting a radar system and the second one hitting artillery pieces. Iran also has antijamming systems that can make it hard for Ukrainian forces to counter, he said. “Once a Shahed locks onto target, it will be hard to stop,” he said.
Russia’s use of Shahed-136 drones in Ukraine represents the most challenging expansion of Tehran’s arsenal beyond the Middle East, where Iran has successfully used its unmanned aerial vehicles to pressure America and its allies in the region. It also highlights the deficiencies in Russia’s own drone program, which hasn’t been able to match the firepower of armed UAVs deployed by Ukraine.
Israel and the West have accused Iran and its proxies of flying armed drones to attack Saudi Arabia’s oil industry, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, American soldiers in Syria, as well as tankers in the Gulf of Oman in recent years.
The British Ministry of Defense, in its intelligence update on Sept. 14, also said it was highly likely that Russia had deployed Iranian drones in Ukraine for the first time. Noting that the Shahed-136 has a claimed range of 2,500 kilometers, it added that so far, it appears that Moscow is using these drones for tactical strikes near front lines rather than to destroy more strategic targets deep into Ukrainian territory.
The Iranian drones are relatively small and fly at a very low altitude, making it hard for Ukrainian air-defense systems to detect them, Col. Kulagin said. He said he hoped the U.S. and allies could provide Ukraine with more advanced antidrone technologies, or would step in to disrupt Iranian drone shipments to Russia.
In July, U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan warned that Russian defense officials had visited Iran, preparing to purchase up to several hundred Iranian drones, including the weapons-capable ones, on an expedited timeline. At the time, Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian denied the plan in a phone call with his Ukrainian counterpart and said that Tehran opposed the war on Ukraine, according to a statement by the Iranian Foreign Ministry.
Russia hasn’t publicly commented on Iranian drone purchases. Iran’s Foreign Ministry didn’t respond to a recent Wall Street Journal request to comment on the matter. The Kremlin and the Russian Defense Ministry didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.
On Sept. 8, the U.S. Department of the Treasury said it had sanctioned Iranian company Safiran Airport Services for coordinating Russian military flights that transported Iranian drones and related equipment to Russia, and Iranian drone-manufacturing companies Paravar Pars, DAMA and Baharestan Kish.
Drones of different kinds play an important role in the Ukrainian conflict, in part because neither side has air superiority and is, therefore, reluctant to use manned aircraft over enemy positions. Hundreds of military and commercial reconnaissance drones hover in the air daily along the front lines, spotting targets and guiding artillery fire.
Ukraine, unlike Russia, also operates a fleet of drones armed with missiles. These Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 drones destroyed several Russian armored columns in the early days of the war and are being used more frequently once again, now that Kyiv has been able to weaken Russian air defenses in many areas, in part thanks to U.S.-supplied AGM-88 HARM antiradar missiles.
Both Russia and Ukraine also use what are known as kamikaze drones, or loitering munitions. Russia’s Kalashnikov Group has developed a homemade drone known as Kub-Bla, while Ukraine is flying Polish-made Warmate and U.S.-supplied Switchblade drones, as well as some locally made UAVs. These munitions have a much shorter range and flying time than the Iranian-developed Shahed drones, and carry a significantly smaller payload.
Iran has emerged as one of the world’s most resourceful developers of combat drones, in part by reverse-engineering American drones that went astray over the past two decades in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Since Iran unveiled its kamikaze drones in 2016, versions of them have been used to carry out attacks across the Middle East. Last year, the British government accused Iran of using Shahed-136 drones to strike an Israeli-affiliated oil tanker off the coast of Oman, in an incident that killed two crew members. A U.S. military investigation recovered drone debris from the MT Mercer Street tanker and concluded that these were parts of Iranian made delta-wing drones.
Washington also accused Iran of using delta-wing drones as part of a coordinated 2019 attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil industry.
The U.S. and Israel have accused Iran of providing militants everywhere from Yemen to Lebanon with the training and the parts they need to develop their own drones.
Iran-backed Houthi forces in Yemen have repeatedly used delta-wing drones to carry out attacks on neighboring Saudi Arabia. In February, Israeli officials said, U.S. jet fighters brought down two Iranian delta-wing drones over northern Iraq. Israeli officials said the drones were heading for Israel.
While the Biden administration has been warning for months that Iran was preparing to provide Russia with hundreds of drones to use in Ukraine, the U.S. initially expected Tehran to have shipped drones capable of carrying missiles, not the kamikaze-style Shaheds.
Michael Knights, a military specialist at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a think tank, predicted that Ukrainian forces would be able to quickly counter the threat posed by Iranian kamikaze drones. “Iran’s drones look snazzy in Yemen and Syria and Gaza, but they’re increasingly blockable,” he said.
Ukraine, he said, is “a serious counter-air environment and electronic warfare environment that Iran hasn’t really experienced before.” These drones, Mr. Knights added, “tend to have effect at first and then the shock effect wears off.”
Oops Link – Russia’s Use of Iranian Kamikaze Drones Creates New Dangers for Ukrainian Troops
Here is my decision: I don’t want to hear allegations about what may or may not have occurred behind the scenes on the old Cat. I’m not going to ask either the ‘plaintiff or defendant’ for evidence. Nor am I going to bother Sinc about it. Any mention of behind the scenes goings-on will end in a temporary suspension. Repeat offending will end in a permanent ban.
Knuckle Dragger at 10:40 – good pick-up. Aboriginal Industry stations are a mixed bag. Certainly not all beer and skittles if you are a cow. Can be tough country at the best of times.
One major factor in “Getting it right” is telling the relatives that there will be no handouts, no free beef, no “Humbugging.” If you aren’t there to work, fvck off.
The Driller made the claim the accusation was made on YOUR blog, – not on the old one.
Now that he’s made the accusation I would expect him to provide the evidence and according to your recent missive. You should expect the lying cunt to provide evidence of his claim. Am I reading this wrong?
Also Dover, the claim the dishonest redneck made has ostensibly received a large number of upticks. Upticks or downticks ordinarily don’t matter to me as some of us strongly suspect they are manipulated by Thought Leadership. People have spoken about this at Discord in private and group chats and the allegation hasn’t been neutered.
However, let’s assume they’re real. That would mean that a large number of people have been taken in by his dishonesty (fakenews). Seeing this is a site that wants to trample over bullshit and fakenews, wouldn’t it be in your interest ensure fakenews and assorted bullshit it dealt with harshly? He’s lying.
wouldn’t it be in your interest to ensure fakenews and assorted bullshit is dealt with harshly?
Am I the only one here, with very little sympathy for Harry?
Melbourne at Play
Commuter Angrily Confronts Couple Engaging in Alleged Sex Act on Bus: ‘You Don’t F**k on the Bus, Mate’
A couple’s alleged sex act in the back of a bus was interrupted by a commuter who was disgusted by what he saw.
The wild scene was captured on video on a suburban bus route in Melbourne, Australia, according to news.com.au.
The footage begins with one of the passengers scolding the two strangers who were apparently having sex on the bus.
“Listen brother, you don’t f**k on the bus, mate,” yelled the commuter filming from the front of the bus.
One of the strangers engaged in the alleged sex act tries to gain sympathy by claiming he has autism. But the angry commuter has none of it.
“I don’t care if you are f**king homeless, don’t f**k on the bus, c**t,” he said. “I don’t care if you got autism. It doesn’t mean f**k on the bus.”
The man filming then suggests the couple take their friskiness somewhere else.
“Get the f**k off, and go f**k in the park or something,” he pleaded. “Have some f**king respect for yourselves.”
Other passengers can be seen trying to ignore the awkward moment while the two parties profanely yell back and forth.
I was having a fuckety fuck moment about my ink gobbling monstrosity a couple of weeks ago and, next thing, up pops an advert for that Epson model.
Nope. I have zero sympathy for the ginger.
Rope A Dope – Hiden Biden Summed up in one Photo
Nope. I have zero sympathy for the ginger.
I have no doubt he ignored large amounts of wise council to stay the hell away from the Whinger.
Eat meat instead, you’ll be better off for it.
Hi mv.
Some wowser, likely a Kiwi by the sounds.
Peter Dutton had the right idea, fuck them all off.
My get-around was to buy a laser black and white. They are cheap and the toner lasts a long time, but the cartridges are extortionate. But it’s a better deal than inkjets with the most expensive liquid on the planet.
Puppet Masters
A mighty struggle grinds on behind-the-scenes that may determine the fate of the “Joe Biden” regime and the Deep State horse it rode in on….
Between vanishing livelihoods, car-jackings gone wild, fears of stroking out or infarcting from their mRNA boosters, threats of nuclear annihilation over Ukraine, and remorseless waves of mindfuckery emanating from the evil machine fronted by “Joe Biden,” is it any wonder that Americans struggle to understand what is happening to our country?
This week, the “commander-in-chief” declared that his Inflation Reduction Act quashed inflation. Roger that, sir! You are the King Canute of economics!
They had a party on the White House lawn to celebrate. James Taylor came down to fluff the crowd with song, leaving his brain behind in the Berkshires. Then, “Joe Biden” flew into his now-customary ‘roid rage, huffing and puffing and blowing smoke up America’s ass. The stock markets were not fooled. The very hour “JB” was dialing up the gaslight, the DOW landed 1,200-plus points below its morning open. Thud….
Last week, the “president” blurted out “we beat Big Pharma!” That was a shocker. He didn’t elaborate. Did the White House staff and the Pfizer C-suite meet for a volleyball game at Rehoboth beach? Karine Jean-Pierre didn’t say. Nor did anyone mention the government-purchased 171-million doses of the new bivalent Covid “vaccines” the FDA is rolling out. Do you wonder what the price-per-dose was? Go suck an egg… you’re not allowed to know. The compliant search engines will not tell you. Not even the one that goes quack. That was some “beat,” though, huh? Wait for the news about who actually steps up to take this new, virtually untested shot. Hint: people who live under a rock
The so-called Deep State — yes, that one… the administrative Moloch that ate Washington — fears for its existence in such a seemingly far-out case. As it should. Because Mr. Trump would replace the sniveling tool Merrick Garland with an Attorney General interested in restoring the rule of law, which will necessarily require the imposition of said law on a large cast of sinister characters in the federal bureaucracy, plus not a few elected officials, who have engaged in systematic seditious treachery lo these many years.
Among these are the upper ranks of the FBI, whose multi-year illegal antics have climaxed in the August raid on Mar-a-Lago, and the September blitz of late-night, SWAT-team subpoena servings and phone-grabbings on Mr. Trump’s associates and lawyers. Seems the FBI might have been rope-a-doped on the Mar-a-Lago caper. What the FBI confiscated were reams of evidence of the agency’s own misconduct dating back through the RussiaGate op. Then they attempted to hide the list of all that material by redacting the affidavit that accompanied the search warrant. Their aim: to designate all that evidence inadmissible in future proceedings against them due to it being tagged to an “ongoing investigation” that will never end. This has been FBI Chief Chris Wray’s ploy every time he’s been faced with serious questioning in Congress. I can’t speak about ongoing investigations….
Late Thursday, however, Federal Judge Aileen Cannon blocked the FBI’s use of the seized material in any criminal probe against Mr. Trump, and, at his request, appointed a “Special Master” to sort out the true ownership and privilege status of the docs. The Special Master is one retired federal judge Raymond J. Dearie. Mr. Dearie has until November 30 to complete his review of the material. By then, of course, the midterm election will be over; the FBI and its parent agency, the DOJ, will be making plans to do some ‘splainin’ to the new Congress come January. Game, set… Mr. Trump. Match to-be-determined.
Two more miscellaneous items du jour:
I’m enjoying the cockie stories. About a week ago Phys.org had a story about cockies opening garbage bins, which isn’t anything surprising to Cats since they’ve been doing it for ages. But that story has gone viral.
Bin-opening cockatoos enter ‘arms race’ with humans (17 Sep)
Blair even picked up on it Thursday on his blog. I have a warning for these people. Once cockies work out how to get through a screen door they will be raiding fridges next. The one in the photo has worked out that if he jumps onto my door I will hear him and will come out with a nice piece of bread.It works every time, like a bell to a Pavlovian dog. Yesterday was his most recent door attempt. I’m so easy.
No quite. Anti-matter is the most expensive “item” on the planet, although HP inkjets are approaching the cost.
Is the cost of anti-matter halfway correct, as I believe all science topics need to be passed through your self-appointed approval scanner?
Let’s set the record straight re Joe Biden and little Vlad Putin.
The Pentagon is running the Uke War, supplying Uke weapons and operators that are sending missiles into Russia and Crimea.
What’s Putin doing about it?
Same thing he did the last 8 years, copped it up the arse.
Epson states the printer will provide ~3,500 pages per tank. Refills are $25. With scanner model is around $500.
The Nanny State, making people’s lives unnecessarily shit for 99 years.
This is Veichi Hurkus, a Turkish bloke who was a WWI pilot and, at the conclusion of that war and the following scuffles relating to Turkish Independence, an entrepreneur who built Turkey’s first aircraft of its very own. Wiki:
The current idiocy is not new.
If there’s anything you do today, tomorrow or even next week, read this piece by “the Zolten/miester. I received it from Credit Suisse last month. I thought it was unethical to post it, but it’s now on the web live. It’s an excellent macro piece about where the world could be heading with the Uke war. I disagree with him on certain things, but a Bretton Woods 2 (which is what he’s suggesting) is not impossible.
War and Industrial Policy
War means industry.
This is proof we conquered the Turks and imposed Australianisms on them.
My god, what have we done?
Dover, I think this is a valid point.
At the time Glyco-goose doxxed JC, there was a little bit of “Meh. Whatevs. You kind of deserved it” floating around here. No doubt driven, at least in part, by a false view that JC had somehow started a doxxing war.
The old Turkish guy loudly meowing at a boiled egg is a gem. Turkey must be defended at all costs!
Apparently it has a low cost of living?
Would it be a decent place to live?
What I said above relates to matters raised here about events on the old Cat.
It’s possible, but given the difficulty of establishing this and the triviality involved, probably not worth investigating.
John Smith was the only Protestant to move into the large Catholic neighbourhood.
On the first Friday of Lent, John was outside grilling a big juicy steak on his grill. Meanwhile all of his neighbours were eating cold tuna fish for supper. This went on each Friday during Lent.
On the last Friday of Lent the neighbourhood men got together and decided that something just HAD to be done about John, he was just tempting them to eat meat each Friday of Lent and they couldn’t take it anymore. They decided to try and convert him to be Catholic.
They went over and talked with him and were so happy that he decided to join all of his neighbours and become a Catholic.
They took him to church and the priest sprinkled some water over him and told him “You were born a Baptist, you were raised a Baptist and now you are a Catholic”. The men of the neighbourhood were SO relieved, now their biggest Lent temptation was resolved.
The next year’s Lent rolled around. The first Friday of Lent came and just at supper time when the neighbourhood was setting down to their fish dinners came the wafting smell of steak cooking on a grill.
The neighbourhood men could not believe their noses! What was going on?? They called each other up and decided to meet over in John’s yard to see if he had forgotten it was a Friday in Lent.
The group arrived just in time to see John standing over his grill with a small pitcher of water. He was pouring small droplets over his steak on the grill and saying “You were born a cow, you were raised a cow, and now you are a fish”.
How dare you!
B&W lasers are around $100-$180 depending on whether duplex; scanner etc. Cartridges are around $80. Can print around 2,500-3,500 pages per cartridge.
Maybe they’ve just reversed the initial and consumables costs.
Monty and Numbers were a fine barometer about such things.
For a while both of them moaned about da coming acropolis. We then gave them many graphs and holy peer reviewed citations why nothing much was happening.
After a while Monty and Numbers stopped talking about climate acropolises and changed the subject, a lot. Monty still won’t talk about acropolyptic stuff. It’s engagingly amusing.
There is no point talking to you lot about AGW. Your minds are closed on the topic.
However, the rise of the Teals shows how you have comprehensively lost the argument among the general public. Even Liberal rustadons are now voting half-green on the topic.
TRUMP: “I’m calling for the death penalty for drug dealers and human traffickers”
Oh I’m not asking you to prove a negative. Ask the redneck cunt to offer up links to his claim and give him 24 hours. If he doesn’t then sanction the sack of shit for lying and attempting to create fake news. It’s not that hard if you thought about it.
Poor Charles: he sounds confused.
sTan has a monumental whine:
After Queen Elizabeth II’s death, Indigenous Australia can’t be expected to shut up. Our sorry business is without end
No, it’s not that you aren’t supposed to. It’s just that it’s in poor taste. Anyone with half a brain expects you’re going to anyway. When have you ever stopped talking about it? The Queen’s death just gives you another excuse to talk about it, and deploy another misleading weapon in an attempt to induce maximal feelings of guilt – oh poor sTan being silenced again! Oh brave sTan, speaking out anyway! Will white Australia ever stop oppressing sTan and his people?
Dear lord, anyone would think these are the only people in the world who have suffered injustice, been ill-treated – been horrendously treated, even. No, sTan. It has happened to literally every culture and ethnicity at one point or another. We all have suffering and oppression inflicted upon us because of who we were and where we came from in our histories and those of our ancestors. Living under the yoke of oppression and misery is the norm of human existence. Living as sTan does is an aberration.
Also, no one ought to deny that Indigenous Australians were treated badly – often appallingly – by European settlers and the societies they set up. But these things are relative. It could have been worse for them, and much worse. Standard operating procedure for conquering peoples was (and sometimes still is, and could easily revert back to) killing and enslaving the conquered, and destroying any remnants of their cultures from the earth. I notice sTan is still here, able to write his tedious columns and crap on about his culture. Coulda been worse, sTan. This doesn’t justify past wrongs, but let’s have a little perspective, too.
And what of Indigenous Australians today? Are they still oppressed and regularly subject to appalling injustices? Of course, everyone knows sTan’s answer. But again, let’s have a look around the world and see if we can spot any other ethnic minority groups that currently have it worse than Australia’s Aboriginals. Gee, there are a lot, aren’t there? And they’re vastly more oppressed, disadvantaged and living in utter hopelessness than even the sorriest of sTan’s people. They have far more reason to be furiously angry towards their oppressors than sTan. But we hear sTan’s anger because he has this enormous soap box with which to broadcast it from, given to him by the very people he rails against.
Time to get over it, sTan. You’re supposed to be the ABC’s ‘International Affairs Analyst’. Why not take a slightly more global perspective on things? Employ a bit more worldly wisdom?
Of course, it’s clear why you won’t. You won’t let it go because it’s your meal ticket. Transcend your rage over past injustices, get over it like the rest of humanity has to do or has had to do at some not-too-distant point in the past, and you lose all of your privileges, your special victim status, your pity points bonuses, your white guilt card and all that it buys you. Don’t you, sTan?
It’s not that you aren’t supposed to talk about this, sTan. You should just shut up about it, you ridiculous child. Start living like a normal person.
So ads featuring child myocarditis are a thing now:
Haha Monty turns up.
Like invoking a genie.
Still no engagement on the science though.
Just ad hominem ad nauseum.
Pls tell me why snow hasn’t noticed global warming for the last 25 years Monty.
September 18, 2022 at 10:13 am
This is how I picture the average catallaxy poster:
Or the dad of one!
You fkwit. Rustadons Lib voters stopped voting for these SFL frauds years ago.
that’s right
many here paid attention to things sciency and can speak mathematics
whereas, you a second rate j’ismist that has little more that a majority opinion and a bobbling head
essentially grass hopper, your glass is full
anybody else hazard a guess as to what its full of?
Btw we’re at about the annual minimum for Arctic ice, which is usually this week each year.
Nothing much unusual happening.
As you would expect, since Arctic sea ice area is strongly correlated with the AMO, which cycles each 60 years or so.
“However, the rise of the Teals shows how you have comprehensively lost the argument among the general public. Even Liberal rustadons are now voting half-green on the topic.”
We’ll see how long that love affair lasts.
If energy prices continue to rise and reliability continues to decrease a la the northern hemisphere they’ll be one hit wonders.
Posted up thread, from an article in the Oz.
Fester, more snow can be a signal of gerbil warming, you infernal idiot. Snow occurs at a close temperature range around zero C. If it’s too cold it’s actually too cold for snow. If you’re using snow as a marker for gerbil warming you’re way off base like pretty much everything else you touch, you blundering idiot.
A very good reply to curated triumphalism re Ukraine – which is obviously a PR counter to the energy doom about to harm millions of European taxpayers…
Reader Mait beneath another Peter Jennings propaganda piece:
Show me a model where the GHG effect is significantly bad enough to do anything – either the timeframe is 1000 years (not 100, 8 or 30) or the forcings are short term (cointegrated in time-series models).
Otherwise it fails a CBA and it can be solved by simply going nuke otherwise.
The only policy you would ever need would be a 30 year or so complete tax holiday for the nuclear industry. No payroll, GST, corpo, personal income tax, excise etc. Anyone would be eligible; no monopolies or special treatment.
The fact that building a new dam here too is bloody near impossible simply means it is a graft for the right set of people (solar and wind, like the failed B&B and Solyndra).
Sorry, Stan, after the “poisoned waterholes” story, you don’t have much credibility.
You fkwit. Rustadons Lib voters stopped voting for these SFL frauds years ago.
The recent Teal campaign focused exclusively on female swinging voters in about 25 Seats.
No.1 issue was Barnaby Joyce, no. 2 was Scotty Morrison.
Yeah, the National Party retained their Seats, but lost a lotta votes they’ll never see again.
Liberal Party has still got their best MPs, so long as they decline advice from flakey conservatives, they’ll do well.
Time to get over it, sTan. You’re supposed to be the ABC’s ‘International Affairs Analyst’. Why not take a slightly more global perspective on things? Employ a bit more worldly wisdom?
That’s impossible, OCO, because he’s living in the greatest sheltered workshop in the country, the job of which is to be a giant and perpetual performance art installation of moaning.
Jeez I’ve had enough of being lectured and insulted by legacy meja parasites. Trump wasn’t kidding when he called them enemies of the people.
Neil Oliver – ‘…vampires are coming for us!’
My prediction is that in about a decade there will be a rush to nuclear. China is again in the lead there, building hundreds of plants and constructing plants in SE Asian nations.
If governments are going to subsidize and provide tax relief for EVs why not the same for nuke plants?
Dot, you noted the other day that you’re due for your booster because of work. My Dad had the Novovax and when we went to the doctor recently about something else and was asked about getting his next jab, he said that Novovax only requires two doses – unlike the Pfizer etc, which does not last. Try saying that.
Hang on, my reply above had nothing to do with Salvatore but you’re claim that Arky is manipulating upticks. Now, I’ve already said my piece at 11.08am.
A single, simple, catastrophic problem demanding a single, simple solution that only requires a massive power grab by a tiny elite. What’s to worry about? Where’s the cause for skepticism?
You’re such a low octane thinker, m0nty.
I have a Canon printer and was fed up at the replacement cartridge costs so I did a bit of research and found a distributor of aftermarket ink systems (InkProducts.com) that completely bypass the OEM attempts at monopolization of the market. Yes, they can even bypass the electronic OEM defenses of the printers.
I purchased a tank system from them for about the same cost as a complete set of Canon cartridges and with about 15 minutes installation I was in business. Bulk replacement ink is dirt cheap compared to the scam OEM cartridges. Frankly, if I had to buy a new printer in order to order one of the systems they carry I’d still come out ahead after a year or two.
The Libs primary vote hit an all time low in the election. It’s been in freefall since 2013. There’s a reason for that. Stay with facts and can your bullshit.
John H, have to noticed or read about what the Hidens have really done with the green legislation they pushed through recently. There was an allocation of US government funding to be held in one large bucket, meant for all types of green energy production assistance. The scum actually mentioned nuclear in the legislation. However, the agencies meant to approve reactor design are not anywhere in terms of changing the approval process for nukes. The suspicion is the funding will head towards solar and wind. This is how dishonest they are.
Yes possible, however Uranium miners look a very bet.
…..very good bet.
This is Veichi Hurkus, a Turkish bloke who was a WWI pilot and, at the conclusion of that war and the following scuffles relating to Turkish Independence, an entrepreneur who built Turkey’s first aircraft of its very own.
WA cats may know of this: Back in the late 1920’s a couple of blokes in Beverley WA built a biplane. Strongly influenced by Gypsy Moth.
Here’s the story:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_Centenary
The eventual outcome was a happy one. After 1998 Australia adopted the US Part 21 Experimental regs and this aircraft could be flown legally and was. I’ve seen it a fly in.
No, the discussion has been about The Driller (or Sal as you call him) lying about me trying to dox him. The Thought Leadership issue is a small subset that people believe he’s up to. In fact, let’s put this part (thought leadership) aside and assumed the driller’s upticks are real, which is what I explained.
How was this confusing to you?
Utter madness JC. Until the storage problem is solved green energy is a pipe dream. They’ve put the cart before the horse and at this rate that we’ll all soon be using Amish transport.
Good comment.
I’m giving you 30 upticks.
Good comment? LOl.. Very objective good comment.
That’s because it would be hugely likely, the Thought Leadership would , right now admit, he’s an untrustworthy piece of shit and level with everyone that he doesn’t manipulate upticks as numerous people claim (not me actually).
no we are just not going to be gaslit by later day fascists
If Bretton Woods 3 is looming you’d think the gold price would be higher.
It should be stratospheric.
[I don’t want to hear it.]
Beware a pantheistic monarch.
There is no point talking to Monty about AGW. His mind is incapable of rational thought.
All of the brands have continuous ink tank printers, not only Epson. A big disadvantage compared with standard ink jets and lasers is they’re really slow.
You can also buy expensive ink jet printers with high capacity print cartridges that are quite cheap to run.
The pricing model is pretty simple – if you buy one of those absurdly cheap ink jet printers, the replacement cartridges are going to cost you an arm and a leg. That’s where the printer companies make money; they likely lose money on the printer itself. Using refills on these printers generally screws them up after a while.
However, if you cough up more for an ink jet printer, the peripherals are cheaper and have a greater capacity. If you’re an infrequent user, however, bear in mind the cartridges dry up if left unused for long enough. You’re probably best off coughing up for a laser printer. Or buying a $29 ink jet and chucking it out and replacing it with another $29 ink jet when the included cartridges run dry.
We’ve been told ad nauseam that “children will no longer know what snow looks like”.
So by their own metric the scam is a scam.
I manipulate up-ticks all the time
the best approach is to say something witty and pointed,
or wry and sly,
or interesting,
or poignant,
or hang shit on sancho
Solar because it’s the only option
Lebanese excited to eat icecream again, even if it is going to melt and refreeze every day!
This takes less than one minute and is incredibly accurate… well worth the little bit of effort I promise.
This test has only one question, but it’s a very important one. By giving an honest answer you will discover where you stand morally.
The test features an unlikely and completely fictional situation in which you will have to make a decision. Only you will know the results, so remember that your answer needs to be honest. Here we go…
You are in Palm Beach, Florida with chaos all around you caused by a hurricane. There is a flood of biblical proportions. You are a photojournalist working for a major newspaper, and you’re caught in the middle of this epic disaster.
The situation is nearly hopeless. You’re trying to shoot career-making photos. There are houses and people swirling around you, some disappearing under the water. Nature is unleashing all of its destructive fury.
Suddenly you see a man in the water. He is fighting for his life trying not to be taken down with the debris.
Your move closer. Somehow the man looks like… Good Heavens* It’s Joe Biden! The raging waters are about to take him under forever!
You can save the life of Joe Biden or you can shoot a dramatic Pulitzer Prize-winning photo, documenting the last minutes of one of the world’s most powerful men hell-bent on the destruction of the USA.
THE QUESTION (remember, please give an honest answer):
Would you:
1. Select high-contrast colour film;
2. Go with the classic simplicity of black and white?
I’m sure. More sneezing indoors as also been blamed on gerbil warming, so no biggie as there are all sorts of stupid claims.
However, more snow should be falling in the regions where/when it’s too cold to allow snow.
Or more likely, though the ABC is being coy, it means the more expensive diesel generators will be switched off occasionally.
But it’s a better deal than inkjets with the most expensive liquid on the planet.
It’s all to do wiv lack of advertising from the ink manufacturers .. if they explained to folk that printer inks main ingredient is distilled “unicorn tears” and how difficult it is to catch a crying unicorn then users would have more sympathy and accept the pricing structure .. LOL!
Hemingway: America Can’t Survive A Two-Tiered Justice System
Let me more specific, as this claim was actually made by an AGW sceptic. The theory is that snowfall would move more into the latitudes more north and south if there was a strong signal of AGW. There hasn’t been to any large extent and the snowmass is residing in the same latitudes it always has.
CL running straight Russian war propaganda. Low energy, sad.
From Powerline (slightly edited for clarity)
The illegal immigrant scam of the Dems is dragging them down farther every day in the view of the voters but they just can’t let it go.
sublime timing
you should probably say “too dry to snow”
That’s exactly too cold.
not that straight forward old chap
and you probably mean power, not energy
Or buying a $29 ink jet and chucking it out and replacing it with another $29 ink jet when the included cartridges run dry.
That’s my solution .. usually find that BIG W always has a cheap ($19/$30) model on clearance to coincide with “back to school” sales or alternately, OFFICEWORKS, generally, has a coupla superseded models on clearance for under $35
Ron Di Santis has so many options now with Martha’s Vineyard. He could double and send 100 illegals by bus, and double again to 200, 400, 800…and so on
…or he could halve the number to 25 …to determine exactly how many could be accommodated on that small island with a housing crisis.
To be honest I never realised what a difficult life it is in Martha’s Lectureyard. It’s great that RDS has raised awareness of this issue. I might send some old clothes and a tarp to billionaires row.
It’s not confusing. You mentioned uptick manipulation, I quoted it and made my comment. That comment related to what was quoted and nothing else. I’ve made my point at 11.08 re the other matter.
I am just going to ignore it.
.1 “Yeah yeah they’re up to date.”
.2 “Whoops I forgot!”
.3 The current thing is Ukrainian Nazis, gay pride and The Voice.
Go with the classic simplicity of black and white?
Of course, it has to be B&W.
Artistically, the dramatic effect is superior. Look no further than film noir pictures such as The Third Man where the characters are “drawn up or down” by the use of shade. Something only possible with B&W.
Second, in the Hiden era and by Hiden himself, B&W has been ascribed such monstrous proportions of dehumanisation that it would be fitting that there would be that limitation to his own demise.
Poor m0nts doesn’t even realise he spews Ukrainian war propaganda at every turn. What a dummy.
On the strength of today’s discussion, those three things are about to be superseded by:
.4 The creeping influence of Big Ink.
Wake up sheeple!
September 18, 2022 at 12:15 pm
There is no point talking to you lot about AGW. Your minds are closed on the topic.
It would seem that m0nty-fa doesn’t own a mirror.
However, the rise of the Teals shows how you have comprehensively lost the argument among the general public.
Lemmings voting for high cliffs? When the ruinables chickens come home to roost, watch the change in attitudes.
PS, it was Economics that you failed, not Science. Stick to fantasy football.
People bother with such things? Embarrassing. Talk about a sign that you’re in need of a hobby.
JC at 1:06.
Are you fair dinkum?
He did that?
That is bunny-boiler level stalking.
Look, guys, I am a non-starter for the next Melbourne Cat catch-up thanks.
And the one after that.
Etcetera, etcetera.
[Can we not.]
another reason why ‘Democracy’ is NOT the best form of government!
by Tevi Troy and Stuart Halpern
9 . 15 . 22
When is the next Cat catch up?
They do. Totes defo.
September 18, 2022 at 12:15 pm
There is no point talking to you lot about AGW. Your minds are closed on the topic.
Absolutely not m0nty.
I’ll change my mind as soon as there’s real world evidence that validates, rather than falsifies, the alarmists’ predictions. [Compare e.g. 50 million climate refugees by 2010, Arctic ice free by 2013, no child born in 2007 will see snow, four of Australia’s mainland state capitals will be ghost metropolises through drought by 2010, etc.]
Subject to one caveat – when we have multiple predictions by the alarmists, to the effect that factor X will go up, factor X will go down, and factor X will stay the same, then the mere fact that one of those three turns out to be correct doesn’t actually validate alarmism. (I’ll explain why if you need me to, m0nty.)
Daily Mail
Sunset clauses on all legislation
Recall elections
Jury nullification
Term limits
Run away climate change is countered every day around the world by storm cloud formation in the inter tropical convergence zone.
Solar heat input evaporates vast amounts of water vapour that rapidly rises to form huge and numerous storm cells that extent high up into the atmosphere.
These clouds produce rain and in doing so expel vast amounts of heat energy away from the surface. They die down as the sun sets but kick off again each day as we all can see for ourselves on holiday or if you live in a equatorial zone.
The clouds also create an albedo effect by their big wide white surface and reflect incoming radiation that would add extra heat to the surface.
How’s that Munty?
Remember twinkle toes that water vapour represents about 97-98% of all greenhouse gasses.
“CL running straight Russian war propaganda”
As opposed to Monty’s own sad, pathetic trolling and propaganda. Funnily enough, I thought of Monty on the bus today. I went to Pilates and then grocery shopping at Bondi Junction. I caught the bus home. I got on the bus and sat down. Opposite me was a young girl, about 18 or 19, sitting in between her parents. The young girl had a very pretty face however her hair was dyed purple and green, she had black nail polish on and black lipstick and I thought to myself, no doubt she’s studying “gender studies” at some university. Anyway, she was festooned with political badges bearing slogans such as “Palestine, from the river to the sea” (a call to genocide) and “fossil fuels kill” and daubed all over her jeans, jacket and shirt were the words “Bash the fascist” and “Kill the fascist”. She clearly wanted to be looked at so I did look, much to her discomfort. I thought to myself, she’s the real fascist. I wanted to ask her how she defines a “fascist”. And then I was reminded of Monty the Sad Troll’s “punch a Nazi” and his various profound thoughts on how Jew killers have “legitimate grievances”, and then I thought to myself, why don’t I paint on my jeans and jackets “Bash the commo” and “Kill the commo” and go out and pretend that wearing such attire with threats is completely normal. Hmm, but imagine I was to go out wearing a jacket emblazoned with the words “Kill the commo”? I wonder how long before some real progressive fascist, like this young girl with the red and green hair, decides to assaults me because the plain truth is that almost all of the people in the West today who are doing the assaulting of people with opinions they don’t like are the left, like this young woman and her ideological ilk. The normalisation of political violence is dangerous and wearing a jacket, in broad daylight, daubed with threats to bash your political opponents is sinister.
September 18, 2022 at 12:15 pm
There is no point talking to you lot about AGW. Your minds are closed on the topic.
Dickless just gotta be an arsehole.
AGW should have ended with the 2007 judgment in the al gore An Inconvenient Truth case which evidenced all the consequences of AGW either did not exist or were exaggerated in an alarmist (the words of the Judge) fashion.
In 2010 Climate Gate occurred where a WHISTLEBLOWER released thousands of private emails from the Uni of EA CRU involving the private communications of ALL the climate scientists in the world. In public these scientists said the science was settled. In private they admitted the science was not only not settled but was a mess. They also admitted lying to the public and censoring sceptical scientists.
In 2020, at the height of the chunk virus, human emissions of CO2 fell in some months by over 30% yet atmospheric concentration continued to rise. The relationship between emissions, natural or human, and atmospheric concentration is pretty much instantaneous so if human emissions fell by 30%, and given the alarmists say ALL CO2 rise is due to humans, the atmospheric concentration should have been affected either by falling or the rate of increase declining. Neither happened. The only possible conclusion is humans are not responsible for the increase in atmospheric CO2.
AGW is a lie.
If you are triggered by a jacket button about fascists, you might want to visit the hall of mirrors.
When God created Adam and Eve, he said to them “I have two gifts to give you, one gift peeing while standing and…” Adam, very excited, interrupted and screamed “Man… Man…. I want it please, Lord. Please! Please! Please! This would make life so much easier!” Eve agreed and said that this gift was not important to her. So God gave Adam the gift. Adam was surprised, screamed for joy, ran through the Garden of Eden, peed on every tree. He ran along the beach making drawings with pee in the sand. He lit a fire and played a fireman. God and Eve looked at the crazy man with happiness, until Eve asked God “Lord, what is the second gift?” And the Lord answered “Eve, my child, the brain is yours!”
“If you are triggered by a jacket button about fascists, you might want to visit the hall of mirrors.”
No fuckwit, not triggered. Just amused and concerned that someone walks the streets emblazoned with threats to “kill a fascist”, which is simply code for “assault anyone with opinions I don’t like”. Oh and I bet, fuckwit, you wouldn’t be so tolerant if the badges had slogans “kill the commo” or “kill the socialist”. But then of course, fuckwit, you’re a hypocrite of the first order and you have no problems with such people, after all fuckwit, according to you such people have “legitimate grievances”.
Now fuck off.
Not at all. I mean, it’s certainly possible that 20,000 hardened, experienced Russian soldiers are currently trapped in Kherson on the wrong side of the river with no route to escape that hasn’t been blown up already, which is what the Ukrainian tankies want you to believe, but I remain dubious.
It seems like the Russians have retreated far enough that they can bombard the Ukraine lines at will. Is that just a temporary thing until Ukraine gets the American HIMARS stuff rolling again in new positions? We wait and see.
It’s not 1952, Cassie. I know you lot like to think there are still reds under every bed but no one with a brain believes that rubbish these days. Your world view needs an update.
Funnily enough, I thought of Monty on the bus today.
You poor girl. Acid bath that frontal lobe immediately.
I also encounter the young, brainwashed fascists and their uniform is obvious. I am provocative though. I wear T-shirts with anti-left slogans on them. One of my favourites is:
Carbon is life
Greens hate carbon
Greens hate life.
I’ve only been critiqued once and have received many positive comments. A young guy called me a fucking idiot after he saw the carbon lines. I replied it was a syllogism. I went into detail about syllogisms as a form of deductive reasoning and asked him what premise he disagreed with. he didn’t know what to do. Things don’t get physical with me, but I admit I wouldn’t like to encounter a young fascist bitch like you sat next to on the bus.
You should have asked her what her price was. She’s already advertising herself for sale to the nearest ideology.
Then you should have backhanded both the parents – once for their abject failure in that field of endeavour, and again for allowing themselves to be seen in public anywhere near that adult they raised.
“It’s not 1952, Cassie. I know you lot like to think there are still reds under every bed but no one with a brain believes that rubbish these days. Your world view needs an update.”
Nope, you’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel but that’s not surprising. You’re a cowardly fascist who support violence against people whose views you don’t like…and you’re proud off it. Now piss off.
And doing it as an 18 year old girl while sitting between her parents explains much.
Yes it does. It’s mUnter Syndrome.
An adult still dependent on others for support.
I know you lot like to think there are still reds under every bed but no one with a brain believes that rubbish these days
I know you lot like to think there are still reds under every bed and only people with a brain and a dick know that is true. FIFU dickless.
Wasn’t the only thing they did.
Documentary recounts the hell and fury of Jewish partisans who fought the Nazis (Arutz Sheva, 16 Sep)
Sounds well worth watching.
World views are nothing of the sort without an underpinning that is an ethos.
You’ll recover and will be fine.
Just think of it as a pile-on.
“Documentary recounts the hell and fury of Jewish partisans who fought the Nazis “
I knew one of those partisans, he wrote about what happened. It wasn’t pretty. He was one tough Jew.
Out and proud “you lot”.
Many thanks to those who replied with suggestions for alternatives to Office 365. I’ve installed Ashampoo and EM client and will try them out over the couple of weeks I have before the Microsoft extortion deadline. The Ashampoo apps look and feel pretty much like Excel & Word and I like the fact that they come from an established software house. EM client took a bit of fiddling to import the Outlook data but I managed in the end and I’m sure I’ll get used to the slightly different interface.
The Libs primary vote hit an all time low in the election.
That’s ancient history now.
It’s been in freefall since 2013.
No, it hasn’t.
Tony Abbott’s lies from the 2013 Campaign has affected turnout though.
There’s a reason for that.
uh huh.
What’s the reason, IYHO?
Stay with facts and can your bullshit.
Your entire comment is made up of Labor Party talking points.
Also m0nty:
LOL thing you don’t miss about Victoria. Just started hailing…
You’ll recover and will be fine.
Just think of it as a pile-on.
Sal says something today and denies ever saying it 15 minutes later.
Basically, the upticks are being manipulated.
The best solution is to have downvotes only.
That will be manipulated too, but the difference is that when a comment draws, say, 2,397 Downvotes, it becomes obvious.
Just to balance out my howwibly wayycist comment of yesterday, this morning I am sharing the breakfast room with a busload of Americans.
Maskless, but cranky. Very, very cranky.
I am a morning person and chirpy as a robin – been growled at several times. I thought they were only grumpy coming out of hibernation. And the behaviour towards the charming staff has to be seen to be believed.
I blame climate change. And Trump.
Which was:
and then:
I guess I’ll see the same remark in the next couple of minutes on Driller’s dishonest accusation? Yes, no?
CMD Longtime Lurker says:
Lol, Longtime lurker from the grave.
Do you need a special sealed section here for hypersensitive geriatric ladeees?
The trick is to offer a bit of positivity into the messaging, it makes it harder to refute. Something like “Save the Planet, Kill the Fat!”.
There is no point talking to you lot about AGW. Your minds are closed on the topic.
It is way beyond time for the climate change adherents to answer one simple question.
1. Name just one verifiable climate change event? Just one, anywhere on earth where:
– there has been a reliable and verifiable change in the regional climate that spans at least a decade but it should be at least 2 decades. NOT JUST A BLOODY OUTLIER WEATHER EVENT EVERY NOW AND THEN.
ie. Where, say, a place like Pakistan, which has annual monsoon rains and then the monsoon rains changes or stops completely for over a decade. (NOT WHERE THE MONSOON RAINS ARE A BIT HEAVIER IN ONE OR TWO PARTICULAR YEARS BECAUSE OF CYCLICAL SOLAR AND LUNAR ALIGNMENT SITUATIONS)
JC, thanks for that article. (Not very happy reading, perhaps the reason why our leaders don’t seem to say much about it).
3 of the 4 on his to-do list make sense but I can’t understand, given what he’s suggesting will happen, that continuing with the 4th one to re-wire the grid for green energy? (or nuclear?) is necessary or prudent. (Even without his scenario, it’s not prudent.) So why stick with it?
On the investor front, lots more digging up stuff and a lot more quickly. (I know that’s not a state secret- but given the future he’s talking about, it’s even more imperative. But only if we can get rid of all the green tape that’s already stymying us.)
I would not have though that Sancho was either a geriatric or a ladeee in need of being sectioned.
September 18, 2022 at 2:32 pm
If you are triggered by a jacket button about fascists, you might want to visit the hall of mirrors.
m0nty-fa, m0nty-fa, all that she was doing is what you have done.
Cassie’s description was “daubed all over her jeans, jacket and shirt were the words “Bash the fascist” and “Kill the fascist”. Since you have advocated exactly the same actions here, perhaps you should be the one visiting the “hall of mirrors”, so that you can contemplate your own stupidity and arrogance.
And, pray tell, what would be your reaction to the slogan “Kill the Commo”? Probably not much, since you are more fascist than commo, but, like your mates in Ante-fa, the person wearing the slogan might not discriminate, and proceed to bash you, just in case.
Sure, I didn’t agree with all of what he said too.
It’s not 1952, Cassie. I know you lot like to think there are still reds under every bed but no one with a brain believes that rubbish these days. Your world view needs an update.
Emperor Xi and various North Korean Kims are seeking out m0nty-fa’s address so a contract can be placed on him.
I would suggest that m0nty-fa grow up, but some things are simply not possible.