Today’s Daily Tele: PRESSURE BUILDS ON FRAGILE CEASEFIRE GAZA CITY: Israel has threatened to launch a “new” war on Hamas and…
Today’s Daily Tele: PRESSURE BUILDS ON FRAGILE CEASEFIRE GAZA CITY: Israel has threatened to launch a “new” war on Hamas and…
The Washington Post headline read “Australian hospital examines patient records after nurse claims to have killed Israelis.” Hope the search…
Rita Panahi: Australia is again making headlines around the world for all the wrong reasons thanks to another anti-Semitic incident.To…
Broken English
“The privatisation of power has failed, and was a cash grab first and foremost.
Wind and solar should not be relied on and should not be given any assistance.”
I tend to agree.
I have been reading latest psychological research on grief in widowers for book I am writing and have been besieged by dating sites as a result of cookies I think . They prey on lonely people , all work the same way , suck people in with hope and promises and get them caught in on going payments that are hard to cancel.
Any Cats out there who have had experience of these sites?
What do you know!
From today’s Herald Sun:
It actually bought costs down.
Those savings were overwhelmed by the additional costs of Government mandated ‘Green Schemes’ and regulated interference in the market.
Stalin was in a one man race. He didn’t believe the Americans would stop where promised.
Just had 13mm in ten minutes.
Maybe it will be over in about an hour barring anymore pop up storms.
Looks like a nasty line of storms heading Bush’s direction on radar.
No cyclones in Western Vic?
A farmer had two cows.
He sold them to a Ugandan general, who bought 98 more and offered them as a dowry to marry the Prime Minister of Italy.
Ugandan Dictator’s Son Promoted to General After Offering 100-Cow Dowry for Giorgia Meloni (5 Oct)
Is that a better strategy than going onto a dating site? Probably not, but he’s clearly a better match than a Nigerian prince.
What makes you think things would have been any better under govt ownership?
Under govt ownership they could have been long gone.
Could you imagine Matt Kean allowing money to be spent on maintaining dirty coal fired power stations?
No lawyer here, but parts 4 and 5 of this say no.
No cyclones but there’s a shit storm brewing about the roads in western VIC.
Might just be VIC, but I thought it was legal to record a conversation with an employer?
The question is whether the recording is covert, Perfidious.
In most (if not all) States and Territories, it is legal to record a private conversation between two parties if you are one of those parties. It’s when you record such a conversation when you are not one of those parties that you need a warrant.
It’s sneaky and mostly stupid and almost certainly unethical (read: a dog act) in almost every circumstance, but not an actual offence.
Make yourself useful….
Human composting
See Duterte mentioned late last night. The death squads was an idea stolen from Thaksin Shinawatra who was PM of Thailand about a decade earlier. Problem is Asian grudges can be monumental and towards the end innocent people started being bumped off because they were denounced. Yes it was also a very popular policy at the start in Bangkok especially.
Law of unintended consequences comes to mind here.
Four friends from high school who hadn’t seen each other in years decided to get together at one of their homes.
After catching up on what they had been doing since the old days, they got to bragging on their dogs.
The engineer called his dog over “T-Square, do your stuff”.
T-Square trotted over to the engineer’s brief case, took out some paper and promptly drew a circle, a square, and a triangle.
Everyone agreed that was pretty smart.
The accountant said his dog could do better “Spreadsheet, do your stuff”.
Spreadsheet went out into the kitchen and returned with a dozen cookies. He divided them into four equal piles of three cookies each.
Everyone was suitably impressed.
But the chemist said his dog could go one better.
He commanded “Measure, do your stuff”.
Measure went in the kitchen, grabbed a quart of milk and a 10-ounce glass, and poured exactly 8 ounces without spilling a drop! Everyone agreed that was excellent.
Finally, it was the civil servants turn. He told the others “You ain’t seen nothing yet”. He kicked his sleeping hound off the couch and said “Coffee Break, do your stuff!”
Coffee Break promptly ate the cookies, slurped down the milk, crapped on the paper, tried to hump the other three dogs, claimed he injured his back while doing so, filed a grievance report for unsafe working conditions, put in for workers’ compensation, and took the rest of the day off on sick leave.
Before I speak, I have something important to say.
– Groucho Marx
Black as a dogs guts to the west.
“He single handedly stopped all Middle Eastern crime in Sydney.”
Except for Eddie Obeid. Wonder why?
Yeah. Funny that.
It’s all going to custard:
She also conceded that a photo that purportedly showed a bruise on her left leg, which she earlier said was caused when Mr Lehrmann pinned her left thigh down with his knee on the outside edge of a couch, was actually of her right leg.
Given this was part of a worldwide ‘hide until the vax saves us’ strategy, a reminder of the 3 ESSENTIAL criteria for eradication of a virus by a vaxxine:
1) The vax completely prevents onward transmission (it didn’t)
2) The virus mutates slowly enough that it can’t escape the vax (it doesn’t)
3) There is NO ANIMAL RESERVOIR to reinfect the human population after eradication (mink, lions, birds, bats, dogs, deer….)
d) start world war and claim emergency powers
We see you. We hear you. We believe you.
Tucker Carlson vs m&m’s
Given the power of the state to covertly surveil its citizens by all sorts of technology (phone taps, security cameras, number plate recognition, speed cameras, social media monitoring, facial recognition, gait analysis etc etc etc) I would think whats good for the goose is good for the gander. To quote our wise masters ” why does it matter if you aren’t doing anything wrong”?
Poland Goes Nuclear as NATO Breaks Past Promises
From Armstrong Economics –
‘The war in Ukraine escalated as a direct result of NATO’s interference. Russia felt backed into a corner, on the defensive, and felt it had no choice but to invade Ukraine in response to heightened tensions with NATO. Even the pope came out and said that NATO was antagonizing Russia by “barking at the Gates of Russia.”
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) originally wanted Russia to join after the Soviet Union was dissolved. Although Russia did not join, relations with NATO were strong. In 1997, NATO reported that they planned to build “lasting and inclusive peace in the Euro-Atlantic area on the principles of democracy and cooperative security” with Russia. NATO also claimed that it would not deploy nuclear measures against Russia.
“The member States of NATO reiterate that they have no intention, no plan and no reason to deploy nuclear weapons on the territory of new members, nor any need to change any aspect of NATO’s nuclear posture or nuclear policy – and do not foresee any future need to do so. This subsumes the fact that NATO has decided that it has no intention, no plan, and no reason to establish nuclear weapon storage sites on the territory of those members, whether through the construction of new nuclear storage facilities or the adaptation of old nuclear storage facilities. Nuclear storage sites are understood to be facilities specifically designed for the stationing of nuclear weapons, and include all types of hardened above or below ground facilities (storage bunkers or vaults) designed for storing nuclear weapons.”
If peace in the Euro area was of top importance, this situation would have de-escalated back in February. Now, bordering countries are increasing their nuclear capabilities. Poland has announced that they are willing to host nuclear weapons provided by the US. The head of the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, Jaros?aw Kaczy?ski, “fully supports” the proposition. However, Poland is freeing itself of any responsibility. Duda said that the weapons of mass destruction “would not be a nuclear weapon under the control of Poland. Participation in nuclear sharing does not imply having your own nuclear weapon.”
France, the United Kingdom, and America are the only three NATO members with their own nuclear weapons. Yet, they store nuclear weapons in strategic places such as Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey, and Belgium. These countries will be able to strengthen their national security while alleviating the full burden of being in control of nuclear weapons.’
Victoria’s no jab no job rule will remain in place for tens of thousands of workers even after the Andrews government drops its pandemic declaration.
Fucking Dogs.
Any man who has the breathtaking audacity and unassailable self-confidence to stand up in public and complain about the lack of steel cut oats – that man ain’t afraid of nuffin’.
2 interesting factoids:
1) average of death from/with covid is higher than the average life expectancy – ie COVID delays deaths
2) Frequency of obesity as a co-morbid factor = 2.1% !! (given the 30+% prevailing rate – obesity prevents COVID deaths.
Problem is Asian grudges can be monumental and towards the end innocent people started being bumped off because they were denounced.
That’s exactly what I’ve heard, popular at the start because they knocked off the genuine criminals and oppressors. Then rapidly decreasing in popularity as it morphed into a tool for general score settling. The Philippines seems to be still in the popular phase according to the Filipino’s I know.
When was it privatised?? The current system favouring uneconomic, intermittent renewables is totally reliant on government fiat to implement. At the very best, our current system is a ‘public – private partnership’ (aka fascism by its very definition).
In Victoria the rules for some classes of employees eg health and aged care workers remain in place.
Not new news.
Again, thousands doesn’t mean 100%, which was the error he tried to cover up and then accused others of lying.
Most of these workers are in healthcare etc.
Marter should get used to being wrong because that’s all I’ve seen from this goob. He should also date the excerpt because he can’t be trusted to cheat.
Rockdoctor at 8:25:-
Quite so.
The hypocrisy and stupidity goes further though.
Not only did we have the “Dan Andrews bad – Roberto Duterte good” paradox, the justification given was that “official Philipino Government stats showed drug deaths had fallen as a result”.
Pretty sure that same person has railed against lies in Health Department covid stats here – “Governments lie!”.
If you are going to run street execution squads, then fudging the drug death stats to prove your point would hardly be a stretch, would it?
Buried in the noise of the passed week, the sailor charged with torching USS Bonhomme Richard has finally walked free.
The TL;DR:
The NCIS are pretty shit at their job – they stuck with the first squid they grabbed, despite growing circumstantial evidence pointing to a stoker who subsequently vanished after his discharge.
Apparently his newly acquired civilian status made things too difficult.
The fire investigators seemed determined to make sure it wasn’t
the most expensive Li Ion battery fire in history.
If the damage control response was anything like average for the fleet,
the USN is fucked if they get into a shooting war with anyone better equipped than some angry fishermen.
As long as Dan has his pandemic legislation he can do this.
Thanks cross bench turncoats for facilitating the dictatorship.
Not defending Used Carr but steel cut oats make the best porridge. His wife is Asian you know?
Michael O’Brien when leader of the Victorian opposition promised to end pandemic legislation.
What would Guy do?
Another ABS factoid – more than 1/2 of Australia’s COVID deaths were born overseas: 4826 v 4553. So much for them vibrant productive immigrants.
If they have relatives back there, they would say that, wouldn’t they.
They point isn’t whether it’s popular in some quarters.
It is whether it is right.
My beef was with someone complaining (legitimately) about the impositions put on us by Dan Andrews, but then cheering on summary street executions in the Philippines.
And using “trusted government statistics” to justify it.
further to that, the ‘age standardised covid death rate’ for persons born in the middle east was 4x the Australian average : 40.8 v 8.9
Final factoid:
the great majority of Australian COVID deaths occurred in 2022 (ie after the ‘vax’ campaign had 2+ needles in over 90% of arms)
Wouldn’t those overseas born covid deaths be mostly post war migrants now in the frail aged category?
Iirc there was a break down via region of birth.
I’m not surprised war survivors or even any other class of person born overseas had poorer health in the first place.
Doesn’t mean they and their children weren’t vibrant and productive.
Yesterday was not good one for Brittany. Unless the DPP have something up their sleeve or Bruce makes a real mess of things it is hard to see the ACT justice system saving this one.
Almost no deaths in 2021 until the end of the year, when covid was unleashed after endless lockdowns and border closures were finally abandoned because focus groups indicated the public had had enough.
World in data graph makes that glaringly obvious
“Sitting week the story comes out … questions … it’s a mess for them. That’s why Britt’s picked that timeline.”
St Basils aged care home (exclusively Grik) accounts for 1% of those deaths alone.
Without pulling the numbers apart further, it doesn’t tell you much.
Yes, might be an interesting anomoly to explore, but not much can be concluded from that stat alone.
A bit like VAERS figures, really.
So Putin has annexed 4 regions in Ukraine and called them Russian territory and he has stated that his response to any military impact within the new border will be the same as if the homeland was attacked.
The reason for his unilateral and unprovoked attack on Ukraine in the first place was because he didn’t want NATO on his border.
Now he has a new unilaterally declared ‘Russian’ border, so what is the difference between now and earlier in February when he attacked in the first place if the only thing that has changed is the location of the border and NATO can still position itself on that border?
It is good to see the defence team in the Canberra matter have done a thorough parallel investigation.
Has Bruce L admitted or denied intercourse?
If he admits that they done it… then it’s all over. Eighteen months to three years for him, a lifetime of writers’ festivals and head tilty interviews for Britty Pty Ltd.
Seriously, who was the imbecile that posted the comment about how great Philippine death squads were. The readership should know. -:)
If they have relatives back there, they would say that, wouldn’t they.
They point isn’t whether it’s popular in some quarters.
It is whether it is right.
The Filipino’s I was referring to live there. Of course it’s not right.
You suspect Brittany may be characterised as a witness whose evidence should only be used when corroborated by another witness. Always a problem in he said/she said cases. Still a long way to go. Apparently.
Settle petal.
JC says:
October 5, 2022 at 8:24 pm
Any evidence to this claim? I’d like to see it because in Victoria no one requires evidence of vaccination for work any longer.
One word. Pell!
“Has Bruce L admitted or denied intercourse?”
He denies any sexual intercourse.
This did not age well.
The stats are there if you scroll down.
Eastern Europeans must be bred tough.
“Those born in the Eastern European region had the highest median age at death at 91.5 years. Those born in the Oceania and Antarctic region (excluding Australia) had the lowest median age at death at 73.5 years. “
He’s a covetous prick.
I identify as Antarctican.
JC If it goes down that route hard to see how it won’t end up in the High Court. Which would be both unusual and suggest a Nilligan type result in the offing.
The most interesting thing I read here yesterday about the Canberra case is the remark that indicated the accuser thought she would get her political mileage without identifying the alleged perp or precipitating a police investigation.
Speaking of the devil…happy birthday, Vlad!
I suspect it is old age chalked up as COVID, given obesity, although a risk factor, was “protective”.
COVID has been in the west since March 2019.
It ended epidemiologically (two years is the rule of thumb) before most people could get vaccinated.
Imagine if in March 2023 we’re still putting up with this insane BS.
This was truly an example of human stupidity.
I mentioned healthcare workers etc were still under control about six or seven times in various posts in that discussion. People can look back or I’m happy to collate if all and post them later today.
You on the other hand posted a link that was from 2021 and had no idea restrictions were lifted on June 24th until I posted my own link.
Keep gaslighting though as it’s funny.
But continue to lie. No biggie because you’re unable to accept you’re wrong even when your stupid links contradict you, which appears to be 100% of the time.
Your links schtik is actually good because people don’t have to hunt around for sources to prove you wrong. They just have to read your links and posts the excerpts for there. Thanks for saving time.
The Vic Libs are happy with Dans autocratic rule, they’ve said nothing about repealing or modifying the legislation. Eternal emergency powers wielded by whoever is the premier, why would they get rid of that? I don’t know how it could be done but no gov should be able to use emergency powers any more than six months. If whatever the emergency is, isn’t under control by then well they just have to learn to live with it.
Dunno if the federal gov could put some sort of limit in that would bind state (and federal) govs but something needs to be done. It won’t because they love the power.
Bald faced liar.
“…no one requires evidence…” would imply 100%, no?
Your words.
And without going back to look I know Marter, Matrix, MC, myself or anyone else who commented the other night, ever implied 100% of people were forced to get jabbed to work.
Min, a quick search of google and brave shows the algorithms are clearly steering people towards the more expensive sites, sucking people in with “free” and “local area” etc. Neither free nor local and most of the “members” don’t actually exist.
Quick peep at them shows them to be the pretty much identical sites with different names, easy enough to do for a programmer. Shame cos only a single search away…
The preferred result for Wilkinson is a ‘not guilty’ or an abandonment.
Her consequent insane accusations of corruption, bias, interference, patriarchy, Tony Abbott etc will be endless and of course, will not attract any contempt warnings.
It’s all about ‘me’, not ‘metoo’.
How did Higgins possibly allow herself to be suborned by this creature?
Sure, but the ACT is a leftwing hell and I wouldn’t be confident at all what those pricks would do. This is also an important case in the sense that we should believe all women.
I don’t agree with your start date dot but look at any other country other than fortresses Australia and New Zealand and draw the conclusion vaccines not covid was the killer
start with Sweden
JC That’s why Pell was resolved in a Commonwealth jurisdiction.
Anchor What:
Multi-choice question.
Will the November half term election in USA result in:
a) an honest win for the Republicans,
b) another result like 2020, or
c) a declaration of a national crisis requiring martial law at once?
If the terms are just the election, (b)
If the terms are the political climate in the US, then (B) + (C)
The chances of an honest win – (A) are vanishingly small. The entire upper deck of the SS Democrat will be in Guantanamo pokey awaiting the rope. The Democrats have painted themselves into a corner so deadly, they must go for (B) + (C).
I am not offering an opinion.
I am stating facts.
Samples were tested in Spain, from wastewater, and PCR testing showed COVID was present. The samples were retained from March 2019.
High fives in defence chambers at close of play, I think.
They would have had two objectives:-
.1 Show she is “unreliable” without calling her a liar outright – yet;
.2 Show that the whole shitshow has been staged for political and publicity purposes, and Lehrmann is collateral damage in their games.
They had that done and dusted by morning tea, and it only got better after that.
Found it. Matthew Guy made the promuseOpposition Leader Matthew Guy has promised his party will ditch Victoria’s new pandemic powers being pushed through parliament by the Andrews government if he is voted in at the next election.
Ms. Wilkinson’s role in this deserves some serious scrutiny.
Funnily enough, in my news feed this morning Higgins was quoted saying that after the pair went to the media “it was no longer about me.” You think?
I hate the gliberal party with a passion and want it utterly obliterated from the face of the earth, nookalar style.
She was more than a flaky witness – she showed herself to be manipulative and duplicitous.
Your comments were like three word sentences asserting I was wrong. Magic Marvin’s contribution was drunken abuse, so please spare us highlighting any contributions from both two you numbskulls.
I posted a number of comments clearly explaining restrictions still applied to some categories. And it was me who linked to the 24 June lifting.
You’re hallucinating and gaslighting.
Margolis today is absolutely brilliant. Note where the cackling Kamel sits on the “color” chart.
Isn’t she due to be called as a witness? I suspect the Prosecution would have plenty of people in their ear.
Poor li’l ol’ Brittnee – only another seven weeks to go.
Federal courts? One found Bolt was wacist against white folks posing as aboriginal.
The High Court is a different kettle of fish.
Claims, not facts.
Of course the virus might have been in hibernation for ten months before unleashing itself, starting in Wuhan and then tracking throughout the world.
global tracking of covid
When it’s just one result, you always want more data, more studies, more samples to confirm it and rule out a laboratory error or a methodological problem,” said Dr. Joan Ramon Villalbi of the Spanish Society for Public Health and Sanitary Administration in an interview with Reuters.
Yes, but I meant on a professional level.
She appears to be an ethical vacuum.
Jesus, you’re a dishonest “meet you in Darwin”.
Has Bruce L admitted or denied intercourse?”
He denies any sexual intercourse.
Thanks Cassie- I don’t watch any TV news, but I am a bit disconcerted that I couldn’t recall any “Mr Lehrman strenuously denies” qualifiers from any news service.
I laid hands on the Oz the other day, when they’d put a candid snap of mix Higgins Pty Ltd and blown it up to the degree where square pixels were the size of wrigley’s PKs and she looked like she’d been given two black eyes and made to stand in the rain. It was absolutely idiotic, insulting to the intelligence of the viewer, and indefensible for a snap-happy woman who has been in so many photoshoots over the last year.
The point I was trying to make is that if China is not even running in the Race to Moscow, possibly by giving up early as the Americans did with Berlin, then it will be at a disadvantage re the post-war power balance in the region. Which kind of goes against the whole Chinese Century narrative.
Thanks Shy Ted just confirms what I had worked out . Although the men I had coffee with were all genuine . My concern is that after Covid and Lockdown these widowers are a sad lot , often if they have cared for partners, not only socially isolated for some time , but now totally isolated. Remember families were not allowed in retirement places so unsure in a new relationship. Photos do not match age wise or the age they say they are . I went on one for research put a current photo but took years off age but at least I look the age I claim. And Yes same photos pop up everywhere .
Speaking of escalation, I see that Zelensky called for a premptive strike by NATO against Russia while taking time out from the war to talk to the Lowy Institute:
How you eliminate the possibility of a nuclear strike without nuclear weapons is left open.
Hidden in the bowels of that ABS report –
Actually it should read Pneumonia was present as a consequence of COVID-19 mask mandates in nearly two-thirds of deaths where a causal sequence was certified by a doctor.
See here the fact checkers confirming it
Well, even more likely their enthusiastic support is motivated by fear. Who would speak out when you are likely to be gunned down in your car, and have police find a bag of icing sugar in your glovebox?
This we agree on. I find it hard to imagine any civilised person could justify it.
the men I had coffee with
Easy min- it’s not that type of blog
“Ms. Wilkinson’s role in this deserves some serious scrutiny.”
Indeed, as does Sharaz, Maiden et al. As I wrote last night, Maiden was also involved in the Porter assassination. The whole thing is a sordid disgrace. From the moment the Higgins and Porter stories broke the stench of a political hit job was and remains nauseating. Higgins has allowed herself to be used as a political cudgel. But you know what? I have zero sympathy for her, I think she enjoyed the limelight last year and into early this year, she enjoyed Scumbag and the then Liberal government grovelling to her, but then daybreak happens and there’s reality of a trial and it ain’t so nice, is it?
Where do my sympathies lie? Not with Brittany. I don’t know whether Bruce Lehmann is a nice person or not, in fact such things are irrelevant in a court case. All I know is, like with Pell, Lehmann has never been accorded the presumption of innocence and I find this outrageous. And on that alone this trial should never ever have proceeded. There is zero evidence, and given Higgins’ testimony over the last two days, one thing is for sure, even her “testimony” dubious and hole ridden.
Re Wilkinson won’t she be up for contempt or something because of what she said in a broadcast of an award ceremony . They came down hard on her when she said it.
must be time for another vogue shoot
And Bush, the three of you bumpkins were telling us non-vaxxed were still excluded. That was just complete bullshit, which is why I entered the discussion.
The two defence objectives were to show she was “unreliable” (without saying “liar”) and that she and/or others were manipulating the situation for political/publicity purposes.
Mission accomplished.
I’m not sure that has ever been a problem in commercial television or the media generally. As an industry they must be one of the most seriously jumped up, along with high end real estate salesmen.
Given I have my own criminal trial in Canberra shortly … does anyone know which firm is defending?
Bit of spin from you there, db.
Well said!
Wally Dali well I have had more than coffee with some men on this blog ! Hard Liquor at a Cats get together in fact and only some had their wives with them .
Well, if RUS is successful, the difference will not only be a change in location of the border, UKR will be left a severely degraded rump state, UKR will remain out of NATO, and RUS strategic interests in the South secured.
correct me if I am wrong, but PCR tests are not conclusive of sars-cov2, other viruses could trigger it. unless they checked the mRNA then its guess work.
She holds the elevated status of “the Talent”.
An airy wave of the hand is supposed to cover all manner of sins.
At least in TV Land.
Mrs Pirate Pete and her husband have never suffered from self doubt. Although Pete may have discovered it (belatedly).
From the Press Secretary, yes. Western handlers unimpressed.
Am a resident of Mulgrave in Melbourne suburbs which happens to be Dan Andrews fortress seat. Overnight someone has placed # Andrews must go notices around my area. Is there a flicker of hope?
“She appears to be an ethical vacuum.”
As is her husband. They say “like attracts like”.
Still, the idea that preemptive strikes by NATO before Feb 24 on RUS forces still on RUS territory is an unbelievably dumb walkback.
Commercial media covers a lot of sins while you deliver the ratings. Kyle, Karl, Hinch … . Then all bets are off and obscurity awaits.
Rain must be concentrated further north.
Only 8.6mm here in 24 hours until 9:00 a.m.
That is the BoM gauge in town, but ours won’t be a lot different.
Nice drop, but hardly rain Armageddon.
Tornado count … [0].
Preventive strikes in this case would not have prevented anything. Especially if done by NATO.
Lowy is getting very lefty these days. Meanwhile:
Watch: Chechen soldiers now fighting alongside Ukrainian forces (6 Oct)
Maybe they can fight with the Chechens on the Russian side and neutralize each other.
(As you might suspect I’m not exactly a fan of Chechens.)
It rained inside my house again last night
Apparently I misrepresented Credlin last night and accused her of lumping biden with Trump in her conversation with Tucker in the context of can’t the US do better than these 2; according to reliable sources these 2 were actually biden and the cackling hyena, not Trump.
I apologise to all those who were misled, offended or otherwise had their fucking serenity disturbed. As penance here is a photo of a cute owl.
She was the one dumbass who was so stupid as to say it on TV.
Of greater concern is; How many in the NHS think the same but don’t say it aloud?
Cheers cohenite, go make me a sandwich.
A pithy rejoinder.
The feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
The feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, also celebrated as Our Lady of Victory or Victories, was established by Pope St. Pius V in 1571 to celebrate the miraculous victory of the Christian forces in the Battle of Lepanto on Oct. 7 of that year. Previous to the decisive battle, St. Pius V had requested all Western Christians to pray the rosary; thus he attributed the victory to the power of the Marian prayer rather than the power of ships and cannons.
The Poms regard the NHS as a national institution. It’s bizarre. Like getting teary eyed over Centrelink.
No. Facts.
Viruses do not “hibernate” and old mate (what disgusting shill) is just mouthing off. He has disproven nothing, unless he is saying all PCR & RAT tests are bogus unless they’ve been done in replicate.
Just absurd.
COVID has been around for at least three and a half years, enough is enough.
Many years ago I sent a chocolate bar to the lab for analysis, including correctly filled out form in the name of Mrs Crumble, Violet.
The lab sent back a report, on the official form, stating ‘insufficient specimen for analysis – please resubmit larger sample’.
Similarly, Cohenite, may I request more examples of your ‘cute owl’ before passing judgement?
Jane Austen, muscular women and Ken’s of Kensington.
Well put Cassie – I am aligned 100% with this.
To force the private sector to align with government policy they have had to use indirect methods – taxes, charges, regulations, shoveling money into Ruinables etc. This was to create an environment where the only real choices left is for the businesses to close down stations.
Do you really think things would be better if the government still owned the assets and had direct control?
That AGL et al are closing power stations is precisely in accordance with government policy. It is what the government wants. If the assets were still government owned it would still be what they want. They has got religion! Climate religion! And faith! Ruinables faith!
Perhaps the only big difference is that if the government still owned to assets the razing of the power grid would have been managed out of sight and with no opposition. This way they have had to make laws, regulations, and impost chicanery public. There may even have been some opposition.
Rosie, thanks for the link, I hope it is part of their platform, however that link was from a year ago. Not once in the campaign have they said anything like that, then again they haven’t said much at all. I really think that they don’t want to win. There’s no other explanation for their stupidity and cowardice.
Punitive arseholes.
Had another trip to ED yesterday. My good knee, TKR, swelled up for no obvious reason. Chest pains. X-rays showed nothing. Whilst waiting to be seen I heard a conversation behind me where a 150kg at least woman was having a melt down. They even got a Duk to look at her. The gist of the conversation was why won’t you help me. Duk says if you won’t say what’s wrong we can’t help. One of the nurses got her some food. Images of munty came to mind. Intensely lonely it seems, she is a regular. I have an acquaintance in similar circumstances, not in the depressive mode yet, but can’t be far away. Won’t acknowledge her weight may be the reason no one is interested. Last night at home in the space of a few seconds, after having settled I could see the fluid building up, forcing the kneecap up. Endone is my friend, relief lasted 4 hrs. I’ve just had some more. Watching Bathurst, bit concerned three days on the couch will be deleterious to my ability to comment. Be warned. Might have to sub out commenting to the Hero of the Couch to save time. Oops, drugs made me nod off. And again.
Influenza is arguably the one exception to that, with its documented propensity for disappearing completely in the summer months (fun fact, leaving out imported cases from the other hemisphere, you CANNOT get ‘the flu’ in summer: whilst other respiratory viruses still circulate, influenza disappears.
This lead Edgar Hope Simpson* to postulate a ‘2 stage lifecycle’ whereby in summer, only the genetic code for the influenza virus spreads, but the whole virus is only built in winter (under the influence of daylength).
Certainly, there are MANY things about the epidemiology of influenza that CANNOT be explained by the ‘person to person’ contagion theory. This includes:
– the simultaneous appearance of Influenza all over Europe in centuries gone by, faster than a person could travel and spread it
– similarly, the simultaneous appearance of influenza in Europe and the new world
– the sudden outbreak of influenza amongst isolated groups, eg sailing ships long at sea, or explorers overwintering in the artic/antarctic.
Our current ‘respiratory virus cough and splutter spread model’ is like the wave v photon theory of light – its a MODEL, which helps explain some things, but it has too many holes in it to presume is an accurate description of whats really going on .
* https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4899-2385-1
They can always ask for leave to modify their case in light of the glaring errors and try a new one.
I remember that happening in the Cardinal’s case where certain pesky dates and uncooperative geography was getting in the way of getting* ‘justice’.
* ‘Get’, as in “I’ll get you, justice, you lying bitch! See if I don’t!”
The PMC hate you.
Mother Lode at 10:27 – in the West the government still owns the major coal plant (Muja), transmission and the poles and wires. Everything basically proceeding along with the East, although there is some talk of booting some roof top solar during the day to protect the network (presumably frequency and phase – I’m not an electrical engineer).
It’s worse.
The NHS has replaced the C of E as the central religious institution in Brit society.
All through covid it was “we must protect the NHS” with no regard for the people the NHS was designed to protect.
It would be like Churchill, facing a German invasion, telling the Army to fall back to Hadrian’s last line of defence, and leaving the civilians to battle on alone.
ML – not a lot of wriggle room in the Brittany case. That is the problem.
Speaking as a former* anaesthetist, looking would be bad enough, try rendering her inconscious, then assuming responsibility for ‘air in, air out, blood goes round and round’ whilst she is flat on her back being carved into by a surgeon.
* My registration expired 30 Sept 2022, the same day as AHPRA sent me their show cause letter documenting my COVID crimes.
Is that correct? My understanding from my own case is that the prosecution has to lay out pretty much everything that they intend to argue before the trial starts (to let the defence prepare) . In contrast, the defence is perfectly free to ambush the prosecution on the day (a strategy I expect to enjoy using in my own case)
Jane Austen, muscular women and Ken’s of Kensington.
Life is good.
Before I leave by popular request another cute owl.
The NHS is certainly the tail wagging the dog. I expect the NDIS will do something similar in Oz. Which you suspect was Gillard’s intention all along.
Bear, that’s unfair. I have a close pal who runs one the big high end real estate firm Melbourne and desirable locales in Vic. He’s a very deep thinker especially with what he’s going to order for the starter, main , and of course dessert.
One thing I can say about the fat lug. Gals absolutely adore him. A bunch of us head for dins and older gals that know the dude are always coming up to chat and touching his arm etc. He’s a happy fat dude who exudes a loveable personality.
“Be Afraid, Be Actually Afraid”: Reporters Panic at the Thought of Twitter Restoring Free Speech Protections
The leftist propaganda machine is freaking out over loosing censorious control of Twitter and the resulting ability to influence elections. But they don’t do irony well.
So the opposite of you in every respect, you wizened old crone.
A friend did a lot of criminal defence work. She spent the day cross-examining a local councillor who denied ever meeting Person X. The next witness was Person X.
They carried that right through to the final day of the High Court appeal.
“Oops. That timeline (put forward as evidence in committals and two trials) doesn’t fit. Can we just add ten minutes, yer ‘onners?”
Fatboy, really is that how I come across?
I’m one of the happiest contented people I know.
So, a benevolent institution, set up to care for the people, becomes self aware, Skynet or HAL style, and instead starts acting against their interests?
No…~! That would never happen.
Interesting that the Oz is allowing comments….how long before they all go down the memory hole…
JC, you certainly are wizened. You look like you got a skin graft from an elephant’s trunk.
Old, yes you are very old. Can’t be long now before King Chucky sends you a telegram.
Crone, well maybe that is a bit unfair. Crotchety bastard, sure. Bilious boomer, most definitely. But you aren’t literally a witch.
If the damage control response was anything like average for the fleet,
the USN is fucked if they get into a shooting war with anyone better equipped than some angry fishermen.
Well they might be able to sink the fishing boats by colliding with them, anyway. The PLAN folks must have been rolling around the floor pissing themselves laughing when the two collisions occurred.
And “protect the NDIS” won’t be about the disabled. It will be about maaaates who own service provider companies.
No. It was snark.
I remember the prosecution against Pell, when the testimony of their victim had been blown out of the water with dates and times where Pell was not even in the same state, so they wanted a chance to go back and come up with new dates.
I do believe they were refused.
Which reminds me – why do soft porn advertisers (mail order sex toys) put their ads on Foxtel’s “Murder she Wrote”?
The Angela Lansbury demographic is surely not into whips, leather, gay sex, mixed race couples, and spicy images of young scantily clad actors.
Hey, tell us Eyrie.
How was it?
The trauma and horror of having to run the model aircraft meetings by Zoom during covid.
You should write a book about it.
Remember that the Higgins trial is only possible because the ACT police and prosecutor thought it would fly.
As with Pell, it’s the system that is rotten to the core. They care little for the rights of the accused, road bumps on the way to nirvana.
Lode at 11:03.
That wasn’t even at trial.
It was at High Court appeal.
So the DPP proposes that all the evidence advanced at trial gets binned, and Msss Judd gets to tweak evidence on appeal to suit.
The High Court justices were not impressed.
A man boarded a plane and took his seat.
As he settled in, he glanced up and saw the most beautiful woman walking up the aisle straight towards him. As fate would have it, she took the seat right beside his. Eager to strike up a conversation he blurted out “Business trip or pleasure?” She turned, smiled and said “Business. I’m going to the Annual Nymphomaniacs of America Convention in Boston”.
He swallowed hard. Here was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen sitting next to him, and she was going to a meeting of nymphomaniacs!
Struggling to maintain his composure, he calmly asked “What’s your business at this convention?” “Lecturer” she responded. “I use information that I have learned from my personal experiences to debunk some of the popular myths about sexuality”.
“Really? What kind of myths are there?” “Well, one popular myth is that African-American men are the most well-endowed of all men, when in fact it is the Native American Indian who is most likely to possess that trait. Another popular myth is That Frenchmen are the best lovers, when actually it is Scotsmen who are the best. I have also discovered that the lover with absolutely the best stamina is the Irish”.
Suddenly the woman became a little uncomfortable and blushed. “I’m sorry” she said “I shouldn’t really be discussing all of this with you. I don’t even know your name”. “Tonto” the man said “Tonto McTavish, but my friends call me Paddy”.
Senator Simon Birmingham urges Liberal vice-president Teena McQueen to quit for celebrating demise of ‘leftie’ Liberals
I urge Simon Birmingham to shove an unripe pineapple up his rectum. Look what she says!
I urge her to quit as LP vice president…and take over the party. Hell, can she replace Dutton? Of course, one always must bear in mind the Liberal affection for red meat words and soy action.
No dot, it was one sample that has never been confirmed, past the initial claim, it doesn’t even make sense,
Why only one sample in one location in Spain and never another, not there, not anywhere?
Anecdote o’clock: my widely read tradie son who is up on most current affairs issues had no idea of Lehmann’s claims of innocence. Everything my son has seen in the Australian press has been studiously downplaying the man’s statement.
The MSM is in cahoots with the Wilkinson/Maiden coven.
A rich man is nothing but a poor man with money.
– W. C. Fields
Have been spending time in the local municipal library.
Am a bit bemused by the silver haired gents coming in with time on their hands. Many of them stop for a meandering chat with the lady librarians about who they are, what they did and (some) how important they are (‘I have 10,000 books in my house).
A kind of dating site – just like the library at uni used to be.
“They didn’t seem that interested (in the recordings),” she told the court. “They wanted more of the actual facts of the assault.”
Not quite the reaction that Mizzz Higgins wanted?
Thanks, Sancho.
That sounds right.
Hey, tell us Eyrie.
How was it?
The trauma and horror of having to run the model aircraft meetings by Zoom during covid.
You should write a book about it.
WTF are you talking about?
Money can’t buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.
Spike Milligan.
Yep, the High Court is the wrong place to be trying that on. We’re not in Victoriastan anymore Dorothy.
A company, feeling it’s time for a shake-up, hires Marvin as the new CEO.
As the new boss, he’s determined to rid the company of all slackers. On a tour of the facilities, he notices a guy leaning on a wall with his hands in his pockets just looking about at the busy scene.
The room is full of very busy workers and Marvin wants to let them know he means business. He walks up to the guy and asks ‘How much money do you make a week?’ The young fellow looks at him and replies ‘I make $300 a week. What has it got to do with you?”
Marvin hands the guy $300 in cash and screams “*I* am the Boss here and any time I see anyone loafing around here doing nothing they will get one week’s salary and escorted off the premises. Here’s a week’s pay, now fuck off and don’t come back!”
Feeling pretty good about his first firing, Marvin looks around the room and asks “Does anyone want to tell me what that goof-off did here?” One of the workers answers “He’s the pizza delivery guy waiting for the money”.
I recall the claim re Pell was adjusted many times by location and years.
First up the insinuation was that the incidents occurred while the boys were roaming around the cathedral after choir practice on the assumption the Cardinal lived on premises, then they found out he was only there for solemn mass on a Sunday Morning.
Then it was after mass but the year months was wrong because Cardinal Pell wasn’t yet Archbishop or renovations to the cathedral meant there were no masses, so they had to plump for either his first mass as Archbishop before Christmas or in the New Year.
It was, indeed, a farce.
Not easy with some of the big ones.
We tried to RFDS a 180kg patient out of Laverton W.A.
They couldn’t do it because too heavy.
Instead, she was put on a mattress in the back of a ute, and the IV pumps were run on battery, with a machine change half way through when they were running flat – organised beforehand.
Bloody nightmare for the Doc/Nurse escort, but what else could be done?
It was around 1995 I think, and we couldn’t get RAAF to help.
I think if you reread the Cardinal’s initial Rome interview the choir practice claim was put by the interviewers.
Rules of evidence can be a problem. That is why they are increasingly less used in modern inquiries in favour of stories my Aunty told me.
IIRC, Ben Collins was outed recently as a massive hypocrite whose ability to manipulate his own twitter historical records allowed him free rein to vilify conservatives.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
October 7, 2022 at 11:20 am
Money can’t buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.
Spike Milligan.
Yes and good old Spike Maligna, the well known typing error.
Based on a true episode, involving Frank Packer, who gave a lad, loafing with his hands in his pockets a weeks pay in lieu of notice, only to find he had just sacked the lad from the P.M.G., delivering a telegram…
what to do with a defeated Russia, China will be at a major disadvantage if it wasn’t in the war.
China wants a fair swag of the Russian Far East, and has done so for decades. See 1969/70 and the clashes around the Ussuri River.
Well, Wilkinson is imv blatantly in breach of the MEAA code of conduct for TV journalists (yes, there is such a thing).
And possibly also the law.
It would be delicious if this all backfired on her.
So it seems there’s universal support in the party for getting rid of the lefties — what have I missed?
Karl Denninger this morning:
RTWT. Titled “Well, Told ‘Ya So…”
Read this article which he linked:https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/10/10/1651
It was outright perjury, eventually.
Faaaaarrrrrrrrrkkkkkkk……from The Oz…..
“Ms Higgins has admitted deleting text messages and photos before handing her phone over to police, including photos of Linda Reynolds, other politicians and drunken images of herself as a teenager.
“I wanted to scrub all the horrible parts of my life out of my day-to-day existence,” she said.
When Mr Whybrow asked Ms Higgins if she deleted a message sent to her former boyfriend Ben Dillaway on April 9 where she said she was not interested in pursuing charges over the alleged rape but the situation was “beyond strange”.
Mr Whybrow said the text appeared in a chain found when Mr Dillaway handed his phone over to the police.
When he asked Ms Higgins if she agreed that she deleted the text, she replied “Evidently”.
I’m shocked that real police wanted facts.
I thought it was a Sgt Joe Friday joke as in “just the facts, ma’am.”
“It was, indeed, a farce.”
It was indeed possibly the greatest perversion of justice since Pauline was binned by Abbott.
“It was outright perjury, eventually.”
Actually, from beginning to end, the case against Pell was built on lies, lies and more lies.
Don’t we all?
I have come across that story too Zulu.
I was never sure if it was an urban myth, a furphy, or true.
All after my time but texts and emails have certainly made the discovery process more rewarding than in my day. I doubt it is any more interesting.
A British ship sank an American destroyer on 7 Sep.
Good fun was had.
(Attentive naval Cats will know the story.)
The pre-selection shenanigans.
I reckon only allowing corrections not deletions or editing would clean up some of the rubbish with social media.
A pal and long term colleague died suddenly last week.
He was successfully completing chemo for a not terribly significant cancer when everything came apart in the space of 36 hours.
Doctors claim that he was killed by glandular fever that had lurked in his system since his twenties. Most of us working in Indonesia in those days enjoyed a dose and its annual reappearance.
His chemo weakened immune system couldn’t protect him from the bastard bug.
Good heavens.
A no-case submission by the defence should put this entire seedy episode to bed – in a judicial sense, at least.
This video from yesterday includes an estimate of 35k-40k Ukraine forces on the Kherson front line.
— Gertrude Stein
You know what, Gez?
I don’t think they thought that, or at least not all of them.
I think there is an element of “Yeah, it is bullshit, but I don’t want to be the one who cans it. Let’s just run it and let the courts knock it over. That way I am not at the bottom of a feminazi pile-on”.