Open Thread – Weekend 22 Oct 2022

Deluge, Ivan Aivazovsky, 1864

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Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 23, 2022 5:51 pm

Another “Indian” who wasn’t:

Bruce Pascoe was unavailable for comment.

October 23, 2022 5:53 pm

I have a packet of broken Spekulatis bikkies (grrrrrrr….thanks Aldi). They are about to become NY cheesecake base.

Waste not want not. 🙂

October 23, 2022 5:56 pm

Delta. Let us know about his response please.
I have a swag of SA rellies, all of whom have quit the Party. They would never vote Liars despite some of them being ruinables fans. So they are adrift like so many of us.
The killer issue for most was the stabbing of the Country Fire Service of which most were lifetime members until they were thrown to the Metropolitan union thugs. The Libs ignored it.
Such ‘small matters’ would be invisible in SA’s Adelaide dominated political landscape, but must be addressed if Conservatives ever want to regain power. It’s called courage.

October 23, 2022 5:57 pm

As fellow Cat bakers know, it’ll probably be a disaster because baking is a science and you just cannot stuff things up.

It is from catastrophes such as these that great discoveries are made. Keep us posted, Cassie.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 23, 2022 5:59 pm

Not too badly at this stage but heaven knows what’s in store for the next few months. Most farmers have lost some crop in low parts of the farm. Any gentle slope is producing run-off and water pooling.
There are excellent crops around and it would be a great pity to ruin the cashflow boost for rural areas that would flow from a big harvest.
Everything’s damp underneath and it’s only fungicides holding rampant fungal disease at bay. Some blokes have lost the battle, particularly with faba beans.

Delta A
Delta A
October 23, 2022 6:00 pm

Will do, bons.

October 23, 2022 6:00 pm

Gina Rinehart has a lotta money, but she’s a novice at Politics.
Lang Hancock was another Political novice.

Your point (or opinion) being?

October 23, 2022 6:01 pm

The sisters claim that their goal in coming forward after their sister’s death is to restore the truth about their parents, who they described as good, hard-working people.

Sounds dodgy. Why now?

October 23, 2022 6:03 pm

I admire both Senators Antic and Rennick because they swim against the tide. They are the only two worth their salt, in my opinion.

Chandler is ok on the gender/child abuse shit.

October 23, 2022 6:04 pm


you got the definition correct, however, the timing is off. Only the US went off the gold ‘standard’ in ’71, and even then it was then only on the ‘standard’ in name.

That’s correct, but only up to a point. Bretton Woods set the US Dollar/Gold price at US$35 an ounce. The deal was that the Western world would coalesce around that fix and set their own currencies to within a tight band of.. I think… 2 1/2 % around the Greenback (which pinged back to the $35 dollar/gold fix). The US began to run large deficits primarily due to the combination of the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the Great Society bullshit expanding the social net.

One fine Friday in 1971, the French Foreign or Finance minister (forget which) came calling to the White House demanding their claim on gold by wanting to redeem their Dollars. Nixon and Connolly then floated the dollar that weekend, thus fucking the Frogs. The rest is history.

October 23, 2022 6:04 pm

exterminated the Mega Fauna

Let’s get some controversy happening here, Cats – other possible terms include: extinctificated, extinctified or extincted.

For the latter example, see below:

Fellow Earthians,
… maybe life has often evolved to intelligence on other planets with biospheres and every time that intelligence, when it became able to alter its environment, did so with catastrophic consequences. Maybe we have had many predecessors in the Cosmos but all have brought about their own downfall.
That’s why they are not communicating with Earth. They have extincted themselves.

Soaring oratory, again. 😕

Delta A
Delta A
October 23, 2022 6:05 pm

Gina Rinehart has a lotta money, but she’s a novice at Politics.
Lang Hancock was another Political novice.

Duh.. neither are/were politicians.

October 23, 2022 6:06 pm

Good luck Gez. Fingers crossed for you.

October 23, 2022 6:07 pm

Why now?

I can think of lots of reasons, particularly family dynamics and not wanting to rock the boat. The whole fraud is easy to uncover, birth certificates will do the trick.

October 23, 2022 6:09 pm

People Who Orgasm With Rubber Alligators

Sacré bleu – the insanity of modern existence in a nutshell. 😕

October 23, 2022 6:09 pm

Your met chart looks like QLD in February Gez.
Impossible to imagine southern Oz being concerned about too much rain.

October 23, 2022 6:10 pm

I gave you one of those dickless upticks, bespoke, because it was an interesting question. Families are horrible things at times.

The sisters may have been wanting to say something for years and only now have worked up the courage. Especially when the b/s artist had a lot of powerful friends.

October 23, 2022 6:11 pm

Or the hush money running out, calli.

October 23, 2022 6:13 pm

Families are ‘orrible things

Yes, yes they are.

October 23, 2022 6:17 pm

Well, weatherwise, that is quite possibly the most lacklustre late October day I’ve experienced in my life.

Dull, overcast, leavened with some rain and now so dark the lights have been turned on.

Gerbil worming is a cruel beast, Cats.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 23, 2022 6:19 pm

Bear, did it have nylon tyres on it. Great in the dry. Long wearing. High humidity, scary.

Ranga, someone had stuck ridiculously wide tyres on those white rims. Great for sand, not so good in the wet. Good little 4WD if you didn’t mind getting bounced around and we’re not in a hurry to get anywhere.

October 23, 2022 6:20 pm

Hay production could be in dire trouble if rain continues into December.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 23, 2022 6:20 pm

What does Hispanic denote?
It’s a category Nixon invented in 1970, [likely to skew Crime Data away from implicating Blacks], but no one knows.
Let’s say it denotes someone with ancestry in the Spanish, later Mexican Empire.
That ranged from the Pacific Northwest to Texas, Indian Territory, so unless their sister was claiming to be from the Algonquin Federation, she was probably legit.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 23, 2022 6:20 pm

From: “Humans rather than climate the primary cause of Pleistocene megafaunal extinction in Australia”

Environmental histories that span the last full glacial cycle and are representative of regional
change in Australia are scarce, hampering assessment of environmental change preceding
and concurrent with human dispersal on the continent ca. 47,000 years ago. Here we present
a continuous 150,000-year record offshore south-western Australia and identify the timing of
two critical late Pleistocene events: wide-scale ecosystem change and regional megafaunal
population collapse. We establish that substantial changes in vegetation and fire regime
occurred B70,000 years ago under a climate much drier than today. We record high levels
of the dung fungus Sporormiella, a proxy for herbivore biomass, from 150,000 to 45,000
years ago, then a marked decline indicating megafaunal population collapse, from 45,000 to
43,100 years ago, placing the extinctions within 4,000 years of human dispersal across
Australia. These findings rule out climate change, and implicate humans, as the primary
extinction cause.

Actually, would be interesting to know if humans were the cause of the desert areas in Oz as well.

October 23, 2022 6:21 pm

Every time I see a headline like the below I wonder if a coroner is about to grandstand and what vested interests/lobbyists are in the wings to profit off the recommendations. What next every tall building with safety nets & fall arrestors?

Survey running at 65% against and 35% for. Guess most know the costs will be passed on not absorbed…

Johnny Rotten
October 23, 2022 6:26 pm

Farmer Gezsays:
October 23, 2022 at 5:46 pm
Looks like more rein coming.
Will this reign never cease?
Someone rain it in.

It’s now more commonly known as a load of Flannery………………………

October 23, 2022 6:26 pm

Good luck Gez. Fingers crossed for you


October 23, 2022 6:26 pm

Lizzee – a charming li’l tale about sloths and their “gettin’ it on” habits.

In the boudoir stakes, women are blessed with #twominutemen, while presumably female sloths are blessed with males that might just “rubber alligator” after at least two years.

Living the dream.

Real Deal
Real Deal
October 23, 2022 6:27 pm

It’s actually “to rein in”.

Oh bugger, I’ve been bested by Ed.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 23, 2022 6:27 pm

Actually, would be interesting to know if humans were the cause of the desert areas in Oz as well.

I’d say extremely likely.
Eucalypts only propagate by fire, the early explorers on the East Coast saw smoke all the way up or down, so it’s a fair bet that the blacks were burning their way slowly to the Coasts, without intending to.

October 23, 2022 6:27 pm

Money is not regarded nor treated as a store of value

Yep. But not a store of value.

Store of value isn’t one.

I am agreeing with you – given being a ‘store of value’ is a necessary function of money, what we have now is not money, its ‘currency’, and fiat currency at that.

October 23, 2022 6:28 pm

given being a ‘store of value’ is a necessary function of money, what we have now is not money, its ‘currency’, and fiat currency at that.

Oh Okay, fair enough.

Johnny Rotten
October 23, 2022 6:28 pm

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

– Anonymous

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 23, 2022 6:28 pm

Oh bugger, I’ve been bested by Ed.

Get used to it.,

Delta A
Delta A
October 23, 2022 6:31 pm

Families are ‘orrible things

Of my 60 plus family (including extended family) not one is horrible. Some might be boring or pedantic, (genetic aspies,) but I would have no hesitation inviting every one of them to a family do and hugging them when they arrived.

Yes, I am incredibly lucky, and I thank God for that every day.

October 23, 2022 6:32 pm

Duk, you got the definition correct, however, the timing is off. Only the US went off the gold ‘standard’ in ’71, and even then it was then only on the ‘standard’ in name.

Yep, I am well versed in the history of money etc etc, and the decline of ALL fiat currencies over time. From Bretton Woods to Nixon in 1971, the US dollar was at least ‘partially’ pegged to gold, and the rest of the worlds currencies were largely pegged to the US, giving, at least, a defacto gold standard for much of the world.

October 23, 2022 6:33 pm

Get used to it.,

Pop quiz, Ed.
How old is Biden going to be next month?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 23, 2022 6:33 pm

Stupid frigging liberals. Sheesh.

Australia to nationally ban single-use plastics (23 Oct)

Australia is moving towards implementing nationally consistent rules on single-use plastics as New South Wales imposes a ban on a range of products from November 1st.

New South Wales will see several commodities removed from supermarket shelves, including polystyrene food service items, plastic straws, cutlery and cotton buds.

Stupid FRIGGING liberals. I’d like to stick my few remaining cotton buds up the anus of the Liberal MP nearest me. Followed by a dozen plastic forks. /rant

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 23, 2022 6:34 pm

It’s hilarious that farmers across eastern states are praying for warm weather and sunshine in spring rather than a drink to finish crops as usual.

October 23, 2022 6:35 pm

Stupid FRIGGING liberals. I’d like to stick my few remaining cotton buds up the anus of the Liberal MP nearest me. Followed by a dozen plastic forks. /rant

I will pay your travel expenses if you would journey to Heysen, electorate of Josh Teague.

October 23, 2022 6:36 pm

Actually, would be interesting to know if humans were the cause of the desert areas in Oz as well.

Of course they were. The 3rd nations could start a fire but not carry it; so every time they stopped they started a fire. This went on for millennia and finished off the rainforests except for remnants in the north east and created ideal conditions for the fucking eucalypts . Basically the 3rd nations were the biggest environmental vandals the world has seen.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 23, 2022 6:38 pm

Gideon Haigh, while a talented writer, has an abysmal deficit in sound judgement:-

Good to see him up up off the fainting couch.

Johnny Rotten
October 23, 2022 6:41 pm

A man got on the bus with both of his front trouser pockets full of golf balls and sat down next to a beautiful blonde. The puzzled blonde kept looking at him and his bulging pockets. Finally, after many glances from her, he said “It’s golf balls”. The blonde continued to look at him for a very long time, thinking deeply about what he had said. Finally, unable to contain her curiosity any longer, she asked “Does it hurt as much as tennis elbow?

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 23, 2022 6:41 pm

Stupid frigging liberals. Sheesh.
Australia is moving towards implementing nationally consistent rules on single-use plastics …
The NSW Government can see the writing on the wall over plastics, so they’re being proactive.
What were food service containers, throw away cutlery, drinking straws made from before styrofoam and plastic was invented?

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 23, 2022 6:45 pm

People Who Orgasm With Rubber Alligators

Rabz – I hope you clear your browser history before getting the laptop fixed.

October 23, 2022 6:45 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 23, 2022 6:47 pm

The NSW Government can see the writing on the wall over plastics, so they’re being proactive.

Yep. They’re jumping over the cliff before the rest of the lemmings do. Get ahead of the rush.

I’m having problems finding a sane political party in this country. Some MPs, like Latham (amazingly) and Roberts, but the rest are dumb suicidal rodents.

October 23, 2022 6:49 pm

Correction. I should have said “families can be horrible things at times. We seem to know each other too well or not well enough.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 23, 2022 6:52 pm

The locals carried fire with them constantly.
Major Mitchell noted that they used native cypress as the resinous wood and bark kept the flame going as they travelled.
He also observed individuals curled around their personal torches at night for warmth.

October 23, 2022 6:53 pm

pushing a pram with small dergs inside

As one doesn’t.

Here’s a heart warming li’l tail for yers, Cats. On Saturday morning while out on my run, I encountered a bull dyke (no longer residing in Sleazy Hills it would seem) and her poor li’l barely ambulant dogue, who was point blankly refusing to move away from a soft patch of grass he’d found himself.

Me: “He’s not being very co-operative, is he?
BD: “Well he is very old”
Me*: “Err, indeed he is”

As much as I hate to admit it, I’ve always found lezzoes good company. They tend not to have any airs and graces and they certainly know how to party. I often fondly reminisce about the many Friday nights at The “Gimperial” where I would spend hours playing pool. Good times.

*Being very thankful at that point that the dogue was indeed a male, otherwise the possibility of some Eccy Thoomp would have become a reality …

Delta A
Delta A
October 23, 2022 6:54 pm

Oh bugger, I’ve been bested by Ed.


Boambee John
Boambee John
October 23, 2022 6:55 pm

Ed Casesays:
October 23, 2022 at 6:28 pm
Oh bugger, I’ve been bested by Ed.

Get used to it.,

In yer dreams Richard Cranium.

October 23, 2022 6:57 pm

Mate brings plastics back from Asia these days when him & his mrs go. LOL once upon a time the second bag was full of cheap knock off clothes.

One thing though, I reckon public liability lawyers are going to have a field day with the food poisoning aspect once this idiocy is fully implemented.

Johnny Rotten
October 23, 2022 6:59 pm

There was a married couple who were in a terrible accident.

The wife’s face was burned severely. The doctor suggested for a skin graft, but unfortunately, the doctor had to inform her that they couldn’t use any skin from her body because she was so thin. The husband then offered to donate some of his skin for the skin graft. However, the doctor said that the only suitable skin was from his buttocks. They accepted, but requested that no one be told of this, because after all this was a very delicate matter!

After the surgery was completed, everyone was astounded at the wife’s new beauty. She looked more beautiful than she ever did before! All her friends and relatives just ranted and raved at her youthful beauty!

One day, she was finally alone with her husband & she wanted to thank him for what he did. She said “Dear, I just want to thank you for everything you did for me! There is no way I could ever repay you!”

He replied “Oh don’t worry, Honey, I get plenty thanks every time your mother comes over and kisses you on your cheek”.

October 23, 2022 7:03 pm

Well I’m content one of my family members is burning in hell and the duplicitous husk that gave birth to it will be joining him shortly.

So I’m lucky too!

October 23, 2022 7:05 pm

The hardest working man in Sho’ Business, Kinshasa, Zaire, 1974 🙂

October 23, 2022 7:05 pm

Confirmed! JR is David Koch.

Change my mind.

October 23, 2022 7:06 pm

I know there’s a back story there bespoke. I’m so very sorry.

October 23, 2022 7:07 pm

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

– Anonymous

That was Brian O’Driscoll who made it popular again, chief.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 23, 2022 7:14 pm

Another Fake Stoush among the BugPeople?
Certainly looks that way.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 23, 2022 7:15 pm

The food court is very much Uncle Roger when it comes to single use plastics. No first mover advantage coming from there.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 23, 2022 7:15 pm

Perhaps a Fake Duelling Thread might assist?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 23, 2022 7:15 pm

I was watching the movie Disclosure earlier – which is kind of interesting because it was almost (at the time) a thought experiment as to what would happen if a woman was the initiator of sexual harassment.

One lines bandied about by a woman trying to denigrate men, and when Michael Douglas tries to demonstrate that contrary to her assertions, men are not on some easy wicket just by virtue of being men, is that they are the ones who die in wars. She rebuts by saying that it is men who cause them.

Then I recalled that female monarchs are more likely to start wars than men.

October 23, 2022 7:17 pm

Yep. They’re jumping over the cliff before the rest of the lemmings do. Get ahead of the rush.

Send this to your member:

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 23, 2022 7:19 pm

The locals carried fire with them constantly.

One of the most interesting verses in the Bible is this one:

Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife. As the two of them went on together

Bit hard to tell when Abraham was alive, but it’d be around the 22ndC BC. He was carrying the fire.

Some hundreds of years later humans found out how to make iron, then with flint worked out that you could spark a flame. I think that was one of the greatest inventions ever, which Abraham obviously did yet have then.

Quite a lot of interesting science in the Bible when you look with a scientist’s eyes. “Fining” is an often mentioned methodology that makes my metallurgical heart glad. Usually used for separating lead out of silver, since silver typically comes from lead ores. These days the word has become “refining” which is a misnomer, since the original purification isn’t “re”.

October 23, 2022 7:21 pm

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

I love eating tomatos. Especially when they are about to get over ripe.
To speed up the ripening process, I put them in a bowl on the bench or kitchen window sill with a few bananas.

October 23, 2022 7:21 pm

The NSW Government can see the writing on the wall over plastics

Plastic has 100s of uses. You must be jealous.

Johnny Rotten
October 23, 2022 7:21 pm

I always take life with a pinch of salt, plus a slice of lemon, and a shot of tequila.

– Who Knows

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 23, 2022 7:23 pm

Should be “didn’t yet have then”. I should edit. Grr.

A typo did it for Achilles.

October 23, 2022 7:24 pm

Stupid FRIGGING liberals. I’d like to stick my few remaining cotton buds up the fundamental orifice of the Liberal MP nearest me. Followed by a dozen plastic forks

It’s almost as if they are falling over themselves to be gifted with that phenomenon known as “electoral oblivion”.

Johnny Rotten
October 23, 2022 7:25 pm

October 23, 2022 at 7:21 pm
Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

I love eating tomatos. Especially when they are about to get over ripe.
To speed up the ripening process, I put them in a bowl on the bench or kitchen window sill with a few bananas.

Placing bananas next to unripe avocados seems to speed up the ripening process of the avocados as well.

October 23, 2022 7:25 pm

I love that meme, Bruce. WIP a few weeks ago.

Cuts us down to size.

Winston Smith
October 23, 2022 7:27 pm

October 23, 2022 at 1:36 pm
I thought that despicable phone call was traced back to USQ

Is there evidence of this ‘phone call’. or is it up there with Nanna stories?

October 23, 2022 7:28 pm

He was carrying the fire.

“Carrying the Fire”. The title of Michael Collin’s book on Apollo 11. At least some astronauts were not just dumb fighter jocks. I don’t think they were stupid at all. They knew what they were a part of.
See Oriana Fallaci’s letter to her father after meeting Ray Bradbury. From “If the Sun Dies”.

Winston Smith
October 23, 2022 7:29 pm

I see lots of denial from JC, lots of doubts of sanity, and the latest deflection ploy is humour. “Where’s the iodine’?
Just a couple of good old fashioned facts would settle this.
I’ve given my source, anyone can check it without my interfering, or altering the original source..

October 23, 2022 7:34 pm
October 23, 2022 7:35 pm
Winston Smith
October 23, 2022 7:36 pm


The states of Missouri and Louisiana are suing the Federal Government, alleging that they colluded with big tech to silence non-state-sponsored opinions about COVID and masking (among other things) on social media. This isn’t a news flash to anyone, but the states are right.
I won’t get into all the legalese because even though it interests me, it would likely bore you to tears. Still, Missouri and Louisiana are alleging that the Biden administration colluded with big tech to censor opinions and facts it doesn’t like, which is an infringement on the 1st Amendment rights of the citizens who live in that state. It is also a direct affront by the Federal government to those states.

There have been many false dawns. Could this be the real one? Perhaps it is.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 23, 2022 7:39 pm

Players posing as Nazis discovered in popular children’s video game

Chloe Whelan
24 minutes ago October 23, 2022

A virtual recreation of Nazi Germany has been discovered in one of the world’s biggest online gaming platforms by a 10-year-old Jewish girl in Melbourne, despite parent company Roblox expressing a zero-tolerance policy towards extremist behaviour.

Roblox is a gaming platform of more than 200 million monthly users which, like many virtual ­reality frontiers, markets itself to children.

It allows users to create their own video games, interact and play games created by others.

The virtual room, designed to resemble Nazi Germany and complete with Third Reich symbols and Nazi soldiers, was discovered by a Jewish primary schooler in Melbourne, who accessed it from a server in Australia.

The great-grandchild of Holocaust survivors, the girl immediately identified the virtual recreation of her family’s history.

“We teach our kids from a young age about what it means to be Jewish, about the Holocaust,” said her father, who asked not to be named for safety reasons.

“It was very confronting. She was distressed, shocked, scared. She knew what they meant.”

“We are Nazis and we are going to take over the world,” one of the players said when she entered the virtual room. “Get away from us and bow down before us.”

A Roblox spokesperson told The Australian the company’s community standards “explicitly prohibit content and behaviour that glorifies or promotes extremism, including depictions, slogans, flags, or icons associated with Nazism”.

“We have a dedicated team focused on proactively identifying and swiftly removing such content or behaviour as well as banning those individuals responsible,” the spokesperson said.

October 23, 2022 7:41 pm

October 23, 2022 at 12:19 pm
Watching Andor, painfully slow at times.

Watched three episodes last night.
Like watching paint dry and/or grass grow.
Might just skip the rest of it .

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 23, 2022 7:42 pm

Virtual Nazis!

A virtual recreation of Nazi Germany has been discovered in one of the world’s biggest online gaming platforms by a 10-year-old Jewish girl in Melbourne, despite parent company Roblox expressing a zero-tolerance policy towards extremist behaviour.

Roblox is a gaming platform of more than 200 million monthly users which, like many virtual ­reality frontiers, markets itself to children.

It allows users to create their own video games, interact and play games created by others.

The virtual room, designed to resemble Nazi Germany and complete with Third Reich symbols and Nazi soldiers, was discovered by a Jewish primary schooler in Melbourne, who accessed it from a server in Australia.


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 23, 2022 7:42 pm

Snap, Top Ender!

Winston Smith
October 23, 2022 7:44 pm


Re the liberal use of iodine…what happens to people who are allergic to iodine?
I had burns and blisters all over my back after it was doused in iodine preparatory to a procedure.

Were you aware of your allergy at the time? An allergy to Betadine is not that uncommon, you should have been asked beforehand, because there are alternatives for skin prep.
Flyingduk would know better than me, but if that’s correct, you should certainly get it entered on your med record.

October 23, 2022 7:46 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 23, 2022 7:49 pm

Here you go Rabz.

Blood Like Lemonade (2010)

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 23, 2022 7:49 pm

Dutton prepared to set proposed watchdog on embattled Greens senator

Jess Malcolm
16 minutes ago October 23, 2022
No Comments

Peter Dutton says he will refer Greens senator Lidia Thorpe to the proposed national anti-­corruption commission after she failed to disclose her relationship with a former bikie boss while she was sitting on a law enforcement committee.

Joint parliamentary law enforcement committee chairwoman Helen Polley will receive briefings on Monday from the secretariat to ascertain whether confidences were breached by Senator Thorpe over a relationship with former Rebels Victorian president Dean Martin.

An investigation has begun to examine all previous minutes in meetings when the Australian Federal Police gave confidential briefings that had a “broad approach” to organised crime and motorcycle gangs.

The secretariat will flag meetings the AFP and Senator Thorpe attended, and when she was ­present during AFP briefings on ­organised crime and bikie gangs.

The Opposition Leader on Sunday said he would be “very happy” to report Senator Thorpe to the NACC, as he ramped up calls for her to resign from parliament. “I think it’s a very serious issue,” he said. “I’ve just seen nothing like it in my 20 years in parliament.

“As the police have pointed out, as the intelligence agencies have pointed out consistently over a long period of time, bikies are the biggest importers of illicit drugs into our country.

“They’re involved in all sorts of criminal activity.”

Mr Dutton said the revelations highlighted the “radical social agenda” within the Greens, attacking Greens leader Adam Bandt over his decision to allow Senator Thorpe to retain the Indigenous affairs portfolio.

Senator Thorpe has provided assurances she never attended a clubroom when she “briefly dated” Mr Martin, and he was “no longer involved with that world” when they were together.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 23, 2022 7:49 pm

Bit hard to tell when Abraham was alive, but it’d be around the 22ndC BC. He was carrying the fire.

Some hundreds of years later humans found out how to make iron,
I’d say that’s totally wrong, Bruce.
For a start, Sargon of Akkad has been dated to the 24th C. BC, he conquered an empire, an impossible thing to do with wooden and flint tools.

October 23, 2022 7:50 pm

What does Hispanic denote?
It’s a category Nixon invented in 1970, [likely to skew Crime Data away from implicating Blacks], but no one knows.


The term Hispanic derives from Latin Hispanicus, the adjectival derivation of Latin (and Greek) Hispania (that is, the Iberian peninsula), possibly of Celtiberian origin. In English the word is attested from the 16th century (and in the late 19th century in American English).

The term Hispanic (Spanish: hispano) refers to people, cultures, or countries related to Spain, the Spanish language, or Hispanidad.

The term commonly applies to countries with a cultural and historical link to Spain and to viceroyalties formerly part of the Spanish Empire following the Spanish colonization of the Americas, parts of the Asia-Pacific region and Africa. These are mainly countries of Hispanic America, the Philippines, Equatorial Guinea, and Western Sahara. In most of these countries Spanish is the predominant or official language and the cultures are derived from Spain to different degrees, combined with the local pre-Hispanic culture or other foreign influences.

Hispania was the name of the Iberian Peninsula/Iberia from the 3rd century BC to the 8th AD, both as a Roman Empire province and immediately thereafter as a Visigothic kingdom, 5th–8th century.

October 23, 2022 7:51 pm

“We are Nayzees and we are going to take over the world”

Repeat (again). Nayzees are extinct – and if it’s any consolation, they will not be back any time soon.

Not even in a galaxay far far away, many moons ago.

Jackboot clad lunacy on stilts.

Please allow me to introduce myself, I’m a man of wealth and taste

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 23, 2022 7:52 pm

Just got around to reading the Federalist article in Weekend Reading #9.

This is the article that on Saturday had m0nty-fa gloating that the “liberals” had won decisively, the left were now the conservatives, conserving the fruits of the culture wars that they swore were not being fought. I do not think there is too much in the article to comfort m0nty-fa. He and his ilk are now, in their own terms, on “the wrong side of history”.

The article proposes a way forward that will not appeal to some (perhaps many) libertarians and conservatives, but seems viable. Aux (political) armes citoyens, to the barricades. We are now the rebels, m0nty-fa and his ilk are the reactionary defenders of a failed status quo.

Winston Smith
October 23, 2022 7:53 pm

Sancho Panzer:
Private Spud is?
And why on earth Kae? She’d be so far down the list as to be not on it.
I’d never have thought Kae would play those stupid games.
No, if you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras.
It would be JC, exercising his temper after a bad day on the stockmarket. Something on which he has often demonstrated form.

October 23, 2022 7:54 pm

Mate brings plastics back from Asia these days when him & his mrs go. LOL once upon a time the second bag was full of cheap knock off clothes.

Because we hate paper straws, Mrs D ordered and received 1000 ordinary placcy straws and a couple of hundred thick shake straws from AliExpress. She carries a few around in a toothbrush container in her bag every where.

She also carries 2 placcy knives and forks.
I hope the inventor of bamboo cutlery spends eternity roasting in hell while other denizens try to cut the flesh from their bones using aforementioned cutlery.

Winston Smith
October 23, 2022 7:55 pm

Sancho Panzer:

I have a vague memory of pathetic attempts to put other Cats in thr frame to settle scores.
Don’t be that guy, Winston.

I just reread your reply…
Are you suggesting I made the call to Brians’ Supervisor?

October 23, 2022 7:57 pm

Thanks, Bruce – I’ve never paid Skye her due. She has one immaculate distinct voice.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 23, 2022 7:58 pm

It’s almost as if they are falling over themselves to be gifted with that phenomenon known as “electoral oblivion”.
I wouldn’t be too sure about that.
Peter Dutton is taking charge of the Thorpey imbroglio, a canny move.
Obviously, Thorpey was getting the arse. but the optics aren’t so great now that Peter is pushing for it.
If she’s forced out, Peter gets the credit, and if they close ranks around her, well, what was all the fuss about 5 months ago over an Anti Corruption Commission?

October 23, 2022 7:58 pm

Is it true that Albo has donated Blue Poles to Extinction Rebellion?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 23, 2022 8:00 pm

Please allow me to introduce myself

If we’re doing anthems, this is for Elon. I hope his satellites don’t get shot down.

Space Oddity (1969)

I suspect Michael Collins, who had to sit in the command module while Neil did his thing, has a love-hate relationship with this song.

October 23, 2022 8:01 pm

Did the VW protesters ever get their bucket?
Those white coats will need some napisan to get clean.

October 23, 2022 8:04 pm

Ed Case says:
October 23, 2022 at 7:49 pm
Bit hard to tell when Abraham was alive, but it’d be around the 22ndC BC. He was carrying the fire.

Some hundreds of years later humans found out how to make iron,
I’d say that’s totally wrong, Bruce.
For a start, Sargon of Akkad has been dated to the 24th C. BC, he conquered an empire, an impossible thing to do with wooden and flint tools.

Ed making assumptions again. The second and third nations peoples conquered the first and second nations peoples here over 400 centuries ago.

Have you wondered why Aboriginal people are referred to as First Nations people?
They would lose all legitimacy if it was acknowledged that they wiped out/conquered predecessors.

October 23, 2022 8:05 pm

Did Head Case/Grogerly just declare the Bronze Age wasn’t real?

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 23, 2022 8:05 pm

Australia’s Got Talent need to get their socks on. And they say Sunday is a slow night on TV.

October 23, 2022 8:06 pm

Quite possibly the greatest Rock ‘n’ Roll song in human history

Best enjoyed turned up to eleventy … 🙂

October 23, 2022 8:07 pm

It would be interesting to learn how Antic is making progress in SA especially with Simon Birmingham and the exported ‘Moderates’ still being very much in evidence.
Good on him if he is, perhaps he could set up an advice service, it is much needed.

I believe he is advising concerned NSW members on how to beat “the moderates.”

Nick Catr is also involved.

I think they’re optimistic, to say the least.

October 23, 2022 8:08 pm

So get your rubber alligators out …

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 23, 2022 8:08 pm

Hispania was the name of the Iberian Peninsula/Iberia from the 3rd century BC to the 8th AD, both as a Roman Empire province and immediately thereafter as a Visigothic kingdom, 5th–8th century.

Great work, Googles Bug-Person.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 23, 2022 8:09 pm

Moment transgender singer strips NAKED live on Channel 4 and plays the keyboard with her PENIS

Auditioning to become President of Ukraine?

October 23, 2022 8:09 pm

Thanks Roger. Green shoots.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 23, 2022 8:10 pm

Lieborals are typically much better at fighting other Lieborals. SA would be a good place to start. Fish in a barrel (no pun intended) springs to mind.

October 23, 2022 8:12 pm

And stupid Marlon Brando.

I always thought it was cowardly of Brando to send that woman up to make his point.

Turns out she was an attention seeker anyway.

October 23, 2022 8:12 pm

Major Mitchell noted that they used native cypress as the resinous wood and bark kept the flame going as they travelled.

Please elaborate; my mail is the Mega Fauna killers carried flint, hard and softwood which enabled them to start a fire in minutes, negating the need to manage by carrying fire. Besides, walking around with a bunch of fire would have likely set off their nuclear-powered do dads as described in Dark Emu.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 23, 2022 8:14 pm

Did Head Case/Grogerly just declare the Bronze Age wasn’t real?

Why yes. Yes, yes he did.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 23, 2022 8:14 pm

Ed making assumptions again. The second and third nations peoples conquered the first and second nations peoples here over 400 centuries ago.

Go easy on the KoolAid, Grandad.
It didn’t take our Aborigines 400 Centuries to turn large sections of the Continent into a Moonscape.

eric hinton
eric hinton
October 23, 2022 8:15 pm

Did you settle on a mujik theme Mr DJ?

October 23, 2022 8:17 pm

Boambee John says:
October 23, 2022 at 7:52 pm

Just got around to reading the Federalist article in Weekend Reading #9.

We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives

For now, there are only two paths open to conservatives. Either they awake from decades of slumber to reclaim and re-found what has been lost, or they will watch our civilization die. There is no third road.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 23, 2022 8:17 pm

More Iggy.

I’m Bored (1979)

October 23, 2022 8:17 pm

A bill to define the US dollar as a fixed weight of gold. Are we witnessing the return to a gold standard?

October 23, 2022 8:18 pm

October 23, 2022 at 1:17 pm

Calli…and Cassie…when reading the open thread…

I think I should nick off to the pub…quickly and quietish like… 😉

October 23, 2022 8:18 pm

Turns out she was an attention seeker anyway.

And I suppose what she said about John Wayne was fabricated to, along with her identity.

October 23, 2022 8:19 pm

It didn’t take our Aborigines 400 Centuries to turn large sections of the Continent into a Moonscape.

Well, they’ve been around, them and the other vandals, for 47000 years which is 470 centuries; so by way of apology an engraved casting of your arse will suffice.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 23, 2022 8:19 pm

I just reread your reply…
Are you suggesting I made the call to Brians’ Supervisor?

Are you suggesting that I was suggesting that?
How dare you!

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 23, 2022 8:20 pm

Did Sargon of Akkad have tech to work Iron, Copper, Tin, Silver, etc.?
Yeah, you’re not mounting wars of conquest in the 24th C. BC without those.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 23, 2022 8:21 pm

I don’t need to elaborate cohenite.
Read Mitchell’s reports of his exploration.

October 23, 2022 8:22 pm

it was cowardly of Brando to send that woman up to make his point. Turns out she was an attention seeker anyway

Rog, we are talking Hollyweirdos here.

Team America (like Idiocracy) has moved into documentary (as opposed to parody) territory.

Well, the first thang I wanna say is, mandate my ass* …”

*First use ever of the term “Hollyweird”?

October 23, 2022 8:23 pm

Face plants are very funny. One always has to allow enough time in order that the plant takes place from higher up so that it has a pancake effect.

October 23, 2022 8:25 pm

Read Mitchell’s reports of his exploration.

I can’t, I’m too busy researching cute owls. Cutest yet.

October 23, 2022 8:26 pm

A bill to define the US dollar as a fixed weight of gold. Are we witnessing the return to a gold standard?

Given the love of money printing on both sides of politics, the chance of that would be zero.

October 23, 2022 8:27 pm

LOL – the text known as “Voodoo Economics” by George “Papa Doc” Bush …

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 23, 2022 8:29 pm

So what word can be used to identify the ideology of globalism?

Starts with “s”, nine letters.

October 23, 2022 8:29 pm

custard says:
October 23, 2022 at 8:17 pm

A bill to define the US dollar as a fixed weight of gold. Are we witnessing the return to a gold standard?

There’s more chance of you becoming the US president and you wouldn’t be allowed under the constitution.

Custard, there are frequent “private members” bills being proposed in the US congress that have zero chance of ever being passed.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 23, 2022 8:30 pm

Carting cypress firesticks from place to place would be an extreme sport.
Spits and sparks like a bastard.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
October 23, 2022 8:30 pm

So what word can be used to identify the ideology of globalism?


According Rowan Dean on Outsiders.

October 23, 2022 8:30 pm

it was cowardly of Brando to send that woman up to make his point

Redgrave did her own ghastly “acceptance” speech. It has coloured my perception of her every acting/voice over role since.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
October 23, 2022 8:30 pm


October 23, 2022 8:31 pm

Beertruk, I can do purl and plain without looking too. 🙂

October 23, 2022 8:34 pm

The “free market experiment is over”, according to a top Tory MP and Rishi Sunak backer Tobias Ellwood, who hopes the establishment favourite will now usher in a “reset”.

I’m surprised there hasn’t been more comment about this.I wonder if the ascension of Chilla has anything to do with it. Remember too that Truss stopped him from going to a globull warming gabfest in Egypt.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 23, 2022 8:37 pm

Given the love of money printing on both sides of politics, the chance of that would be zero.

Debasing the currency and bracket creep are the only things that keep governments in the game. They would be more unbankable than preFMG Twiggy otherwise.

October 23, 2022 8:43 pm

Don’t let the cool calm benign bow tie wearing image fool you, Cats.

He was not a good personage. However, given that Haiti was a french banana republic, he did gift us the term “le Tonton Macoute”, who back in their day were a sort of extremely unsubtle out of control Rwandan style stasi.

October 23, 2022 8:44 pm

So what word can be used to identify the ideology of globalism? Are we supposed to use cosmopolitan? I’m sure people will also find that offensive. What then?

How about not subscribing to a conspiracy theory that at its heart is pure anti-Semitism? Is that too much to ask?

October 23, 2022 8:44 pm

FMD, I’m feeling some radiation sickness and I can’t find the iodine. Damn!

October 23, 2022 8:45 pm

Jeepers Joey and Mersey
Back in the ’70’s suburban boys loved dressing as Nazis and adorning our school exercise books with swastikas etc before going home to complete our Airfix kit models of Stukas and Ju52 and Heinkels etc
Just the way it was

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 23, 2022 8:47 pm


October 23, 2022 at 8:44 pm

FMD, I’m feeling some radiation sickness and I can’t find the iodine. Damn!

I’ve warned you about overdoing the tanning bed.

October 23, 2022 8:49 pm

How about not subscribing to a conspiracy theory that at its heart is pure anti-Semitism? Is that too much to ask?

Fk off grub. You don’t get to censor what people can say or think.

October 23, 2022 8:51 pm

No one is forcing you, Makka. If you want to be a Nazi, go right ahead.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 23, 2022 8:51 pm

Another for Rabz, although I know he prefers blondes.

Honeyblood – She’s A Nightmare (2019)

Real Deal
Real Deal
October 23, 2022 8:51 pm

Bit hard to tell when Abraham was alive, but it’d be around the 22ndC BC.

22ndC BC, Bruce?
BCE if you please. Get with the program! ?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 23, 2022 8:52 pm

Netball Australia facing a $25m sponsorship crisis with fears other firms will follow Gina Rinehart out

Jessica Halloran
Chief Sports Writer
7 minutes ago October 23, 2022
No Comments

Netball Australia is in financial peril and facing a potential $25m sponsorship crisis after a player union revolt led to Hancock Prospecting walking away from the sport, with the possibility more key sponsors could follow.

The company of mining billionaire Gina Rinehart pulled its $15m sponsorship on Saturday and there are fears it could balloon to a greater financial loss for the sport, as current and future sponsors may be put off from backing netball due to the players’ stance on issues.

“It could potentially turn into a $25m problem in the near future,” said one netball source. Netball Australia chief executive Kelly Ryan confirmed to The Australian that the survival of the sport, which has been $4m in the red, was again on tenterhooks and they will now have to consider cost cutting.

This comes after the organisation in June was issued with a “going concern” notice from its auditors after it had lost $7.2m in the past two years.

Pretty expensive dummy spit.

Real Deal
Real Deal
October 23, 2022 8:54 pm

Watching the 60 minutes program on Charlie Teo. Interesting, but by golly Kate McClymott looks like a frighbat’s nightmare.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 23, 2022 8:55 pm

The company of mining billionaire Gina Rinehart pulled its $15m sponsorship on Saturday and there are fears it could balloon to a greater financial loss for the sport, as current and future sponsors may be put off from backing netball due to the players’ stance on issues.

No, no, no, no.


There are ‘ethical sponsors’ beating down the door. Right, Ms Lorder?

Right? Hello?

October 23, 2022 8:56 pm

what word can be used to identify the ideology of globalism?

I heard Rowan’s attempt to deflect the criticism of the Farage’s bleedingly obvious and very correct description of the Lizzee Trussed imbroglio in the UK.

The Farage is not an anti-semite.

I’ve never heard of the word “globalist” being used as some sort of code for Jew or the Jewish people, or their unstinting efforts to control this planet’s weather.

Jews have been historically perceived by anti Semites as “rootless cosmopolitans”, who were so desperate to take over the planet that they had to go an establish their own country in their historical homeland.

The only anti-Semites I see now loudly blundering around mouth foamingly spouting their racist hatred are collectivists (again).

This is a globalist*.

*Hint – not Jewish, he is.

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 23, 2022 8:58 pm

Huge fail for Labor/Greens over the Thorpey debacle.
Good on her for telling them to get fucked, but how weak is Adam Bandt’s position on the issue? And Albanese’s?
And why wasn’t it sorted behind closed doors before Dutton could sink his teeth into it?
So long as Dutton doesn’t get run over by a bus, this Government won’t last long.

October 23, 2022 9:00 pm

How about not subscribing to a conspiracy theory that at its heart is pure anti-Semitism? Is that too much to ask?

Globalism is not a conspiracy theory. How could it be when it is rubbed in our faces day after day by the WEF, the UN and sundry other would-be despots and their acolytes (including, unfortunately, our own politicians). As to religion, in my view the only religion they really follow is Satanism. How could be otherwise when their whole raison d’etre is death and destruction.

October 23, 2022 9:00 pm

If you want to be a Nazi, go right ahead.

Lol. mOron: “Accept my leftard censorship or your’e a Nazi.”

How fkg lame are you?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 23, 2022 9:04 pm

And another for Rabz, can’t beat this Haitian theme song.

Live And Let Die (1973)

Jane Seymour, aka Solitaire, who is awesomely hot at age 71, wants to be 007. I’d go for that.

Jane Seymour branded ‘the perfect first woman Bond’ after 007 tease in Instagram post (21 Oct)

October 23, 2022 9:08 pm

There are ‘ethical sponsors’ beating down the door. Right, Ms Lorder?

She could ask her husband’s employer to ask the Saudi’s to bail them out maybe?

October 23, 2022 9:09 pm

“It could potentially turn into a $25m problem in the near future,” said one netball source.

That’s a lot of lamingtons.

October 23, 2022 9:09 pm

this Haitian theme song

LOL, Bruce – Arks was very outraged when I posted some Wings songs a couple of years ago.

Jet 🙂

October 23, 2022 9:09 pm

Sorry to have caused you work earlier this afternoon Dover. I’ll have to control that easily pushed button a bit better.

Winston Smith
October 23, 2022 9:12 pm

Sancho Panzer:

Where is the nearest nucaler reactor to you?
To the nearest 500 kms.
And don’t say Lucas Heights.

Most of them are in the northern hemisphere, unless they are in ships etc. Why do you ask? You realise that fallout eventually lands everywhere, don’t you?
It’s one of the reasons they clad bombs in Cobalt 60 – the fallout is designed to kill every person within thousands of km and ruin the soil.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 23, 2022 9:13 pm

Netball Australia facing a $25m sponsorship crisis


October 23, 2022 9:13 pm

There are ‘ethical sponsors’ beating down the door. Right, Ms Lorder?

Speaking of ethical sposors, I note Ms. Lorder’s not for profit employer is sponsored by the Melbourne Racing Club & the Victorian Racing Club.

I have no problem with horse racing, but some on the prog left who do might regard this as an example of cynical greenwashing.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 23, 2022 9:17 pm

The main problem with throwing rocks in glass houses is that people can see who did it.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 23, 2022 9:19 pm

Rush to plug loophole that could give citizenship to Islamic State members

Ellen Whinnett
Associate editor
30 minutes ago October 23, 2022

The Albanese government will rush to plug a looming hole in Australia’s national security laws after acknowledging legislative flaws that would allow more than a dozen accused Islamic State terrorists to apply to have their Australian citizenship returned.

The move comes four months after the High Court shot down the Coalition-era citizenship cessation laws, ruling them invalid because they relied on a ministerial decision instead of a judicial one.

Government lawyers believe they would lose any further cases challenged in the court, and have told notorious jihadi bride Zehra Duman’s legal team they will no longer fight her appeal against the decision by the previous government to strip her citizenship.

The decision creates a precedent that would open the door for other known terrorists including Neil Prakash and Ahmed Merhi to apply to have their citizenship restored.

In response, the government will introduce its own citizenship cessation laws, which would empower a court, instead of a minister, to rule on whether a person should lose their citizenship due to their terrorism activities.

It is believed the laws will be retrospective, and apply to ­people who commit terrorism offences overseas as well as on Australian soil, meaning it would potentially apply to those such as Duman, Merhi and Prakash, who have been convicted of terrorism in Turkey or Iraq.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 23, 2022 9:19 pm

October 23, 2022 at 8:44 pm
So what word can be used to identify the ideology of globalism? Are we supposed to use cosmopolitan? I’m sure people will also find that offensive. What then?

How about not subscribing to a conspiracy theory that at its heart is pure anti-Semitism? Is that too much to ask?

How about controlling your personal obsession with Jews? Is that too much to ask?

October 23, 2022 9:20 pm

they will now have to consider cost cutting

Sacking every bimbo that didn’t speak out against the Gina hate might be a start.

As for what’s left, seriously, who cares?

Anecdote o’clock – when I lived in Sleazey Hills in the late nineties, I used to go cycling in Centennial park four nights a week. Thursday night at the netball courts would see me walking the cycle back and just savouring. I’ve never seen so many hot young women gathered in such a compressed space in my life and probably never will again. Those goils were the real grass roots of the game*.

Ah, memories.

*Miss Emily used to play, but it was only ever for the socialising. She hated the game, found it very boring and did not take kindly to being continually told what to do by dragons.

October 23, 2022 9:21 pm

The “free market experiment is over”, according to a top Tory MP and Rishi Sunak backer Tobias Ellwood, who hopes the establishment favourite will now usher in a “reset”.

I’m surprised there hasn’t been more comment about this.I wonder if the ascension of Chilla has anything to do with it. Remember too that Truss stopped him from going to a globull warming gabfest in Egypt.

Yep; prince tampon will be running the show. Boris, already part of the fucked reset, will be reinstated and Klaus, Gates, Prince Tampon and the rest of the shits will be up to their ears in serfs. People should watch Kingsman for some insights; only there will be no rescue; and the mid terms are stuffed.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 23, 2022 9:21 pm

Real Dealsays:
October 23, 2022 at 8:51 pm
Bit hard to tell when Abraham was alive, but it’d be around the 22ndC BC.

22ndC BC, Bruce?
BCE if you please. Get with the program! ?

What is the singular event that marks the end of the BCE period, and the start of the CE?

October 23, 2022 9:24 pm

Ms Lorder?

No, Squire – Ms Norder. As in, “The strident anti Hancock player spokesdragon, Ms Laura Norder …”

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
October 23, 2022 9:26 pm

dumb as a bag of hammers might be somewhat passe when “smart as an Aussie netballer” is there for the taking.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 23, 2022 9:26 pm

There are ‘ethical sponsors’ beating down the door. Right, Ms Lorder?

As IT used to say, “I’ve got a schaden-boner you could beat a brown dog with!”
This is crying out for one of those “How it started …. How it’s going” memes.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 23, 2022 9:26 pm

Point of order Rabz.

Point of order, relating to Ms Lorder.

Should be Norder. Sorry Ms Lorder.

Blame Norder.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 23, 2022 9:29 pm


I like this one better, it’s from further south. The vid would never get through today’s censors.

10cc – Dreadlock Holiday (1978)

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 23, 2022 9:32 pm

Chill, Winston.
The panic is likely to get you before the fallout does.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 23, 2022 9:33 pm

Speaking of ethical sposors, I note Ms. Lorder’s not for profit employer is sponsored by the Melbourne Racing Club & the Victorian Racing Club.

And who is her employer?

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 23, 2022 9:35 pm

Thinkin’ of Bruce Loder, for some reason?
Forgotten who he even was, so whether NetBall, Hot Chicks, AntiSemitism, or a combination, I’m unsure.
Can anyone help out?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 23, 2022 9:38 pm

“It could potentially turn into a $25m problem in the near future,” said one netball source.

Given the popularity of community netball, I sense an opportunity for Team Albo to step in and save the day…

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 23, 2022 9:38 pm

Bruce Loder, Winston.
Was he a Bush Nurse?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 23, 2022 9:38 pm

You heard the boss.
Off to the Duelling Thread Winston.

October 23, 2022 9:40 pm

And who is her employer?

Oops…I got her name wrong. Thanks KD!

Anyway, she’s an ambassador for the Sports Environment Alliance.

October 23, 2022 9:41 pm

NetBall, Hot Chicks, AntiSemitism, or a combination, I’m unsure.
Can anyone help out?

Eddles, just lie back and think of the Fetterwoman* (again) …

*Trigger warning: Break out the sick bags …

Ed Case
Ed Case
October 23, 2022 9:42 pm

Forget Laura Loder, Roger.
Who was Bruce Loder?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 23, 2022 9:43 pm

More Bond. Never can have enough Bond.

Diamonds Are Forever – Shirley Bassey

October 23, 2022 9:46 pm

If you can’t get straight iodine, then I reckon a good substitute would be iodized salt. Eat a kilo of salt a day and that ought to neutralize any negative effects from radiation.

October 23, 2022 9:48 pm

Given the popularity of community netball, I sense an opportunity for Team Albo to step in and save the day…

Community netball will survive. I suspect most of the sponsorship money was going to the various age based national teams & the NA “Centre of Excellence” high performance training facility which prepares them for international competition.

October 23, 2022 9:49 pm

I was going to be a bit cheeky here, and mention that if you can’t change a tyre you shouldn’t have a driver’s licence. But I won’t.

About 9 years ago I was traveling in a cab being driven by an Indian chap from Sydney Airport to my accommodation in Parramatta.

Before we reached M4 he had a flat tyre and said he didn’t know how to change it. He was about to call NRMA but I changed the wheel for him and afterwards he took me to an Indian Restaurant in Parra and shouted me to a great meal…

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 23, 2022 9:49 pm

Anyway, she’s an ambassador for the Sports Environment Alliance.

Just looking on-line it looks like she is promoting herself as a speaker for hire.
Is she on a salary with Sports Environment Alliance? In any case she is trying to build a profile as a speakery consultanty ladiee.
It might just dawn on the Netty chicks in the next few days that they have been sacrificed on the altar of Norder’s Insta profile.

October 23, 2022 9:54 pm

Is she on a salary with Sports Environment Alliance?

She doesn’t strike me as an altruist.

Cassie of Sydney
October 23, 2022 9:55 pm

October 23, 2022 at 8:56 pm
what word can be used to identify the ideology of globalism?

I heard Rowan’s attempt to deflect the criticism of the Farage’s bleedingly obvious and very correct description of the Lizzee Trussed imbroglio in the UK.

The Farage is not an anti-semite.”

Correct. It’s being used to silence the truth about globalism. I thought Rowan’s take down this morning was very good. Farage is no anti-Semite.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 23, 2022 9:55 pm

He was about to call NRMA but I changed the wheel for him and afterwards he took me to an Indian Restaurant in Parra and shouted me to a great meal…

There’s a taxi driver in Zurich who got a flat tyre when we were in his cab, and couldn’t get over the fact that I helped him change the tyre…

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 23, 2022 9:57 pm

On iodine/iodide as a noocular prophylactic: as a Western adult, post-Armageddon, an increased risk of thyroid cancer will be low on your list of worries.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 23, 2022 10:00 pm

Community netball will survive.

Roger: yes it will.
The issue is political popularity: Saving Netball.

October 23, 2022 10:00 pm

I know he prefers blondes

Bruce – your skating on very thin ice, perfesser …

October 23, 2022 10:01 pm

you are

October 23, 2022 10:01 pm

An apologist most sane people could get behind, will Australia ever wake up?

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
October 23, 2022 10:02 pm

It is with great disappointment that I have just discovered that Sharni Norder once played for the Collingwood sheila’s AFL team and their netball team.

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  3. Host Shocked as Rubio Explains How Ukraine Double Crossed the U.S. In the Rubin Report video, host Dave Rubin discusses…

  4. “It seems plausible if the predictions hold true. As I mentioned, it then comes down to the cost of the…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x