Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
Biden spoke of the end of the world if a battlefield nuke is used.
Thats pretty much a threat to use the US nukes.
“First time since the Cuban Missile Crisis, we have a direct threat of the use [of a] nuclear weapon if in fact things continue down the path they are going,” Biden said. “I don’t think there’s any such thing as the ability to easily [use] a tactical nuclear weapon and not end up with Armageddon.”
I understand it means the Paddies have taken down Engerland.
John H.says:
October 26, 2022 at 6:31 pm
Some profound physiological differences other than the visual morphometrics between 3rd nations and caucasians exist, including brain volume and kidney susceptibility to diabetes. Walking around for
millennia will do that. Artificial and accelerated evolution also works; the US black man was bred for size and aggression for a couple of centuries resulting in a much higher crime rate within that population today.
Sociobiology suggests that differences between races also results in different societies. Which is interesting since the caucasians invented both democracy and communism
There were those who’s parents gave them up to be looked after…cite you the prominent Western Australian activist whose mother gave him up because she was afraid her new partner would abuse her son….
I know what he said but context matters. It is no coincidence that he then annexed regions and Russian officials have been suggesting Ukraine may use a dirty nuke. All this is clearly aimed at threatening Ukraine with nuclear retaliation. Not surprising given the abysmal performance of their conventional military.
Clinton Carpet muncher sounding off again I see.
Trying is the first step towards failure.
– H. J. Simpson
. Artificial and accelerated evolution also works; the US black man was bred for size and aggression for a couple of centuries
Any credible link, otherwise that’s horseshit.
Compared to what?
You’re slyly blamin’ YT for your own weird fantasies.
H. J. Simpson sounds like Yoda.
I live 5km away from Lilydale but only received 10ml last night. It is unusually humid given low temps so more rain to come. Believe it or not we are on a par for the same rainfall as last year.
Was having a right winge this morning. Drizzly, cold, smelt of a wet dog outside. Sicktoria is depressing.
Rainfall This Month 102.9 mm
Rainfall This Year 616.8 mm
Good thing you’re in Nagasaki, hey?
Just Stop Oil eco-zealots spray orange paint over luxury Bugatti, Ferrari and Bentley car showrooms in London’s Berkley Square on day 26 of protests
omg … so funny … seriously sancho, you gotta tell us about your muse
“He said it in relation to the current battles. It clearly was a threat against Ukraine. When was the last time you heard a national leader threaten the use of nukes?
Zelensky. A few weeks ago, when speaking to Australia’s very own Lowy Institute, Zelensky called for a “pre-emptive” nuclear strike on Russia. Zelensky’s own words were…
“Mr Zelensky replied that NATO should “eliminate the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons”.
“But what is important, I once again appeal to the international community, as I did before February 24 – we need pre-emptive strikes, so that they’ll know what will happen to them if they use nukes, and not the other way around,” he said.”
The only way the West could eliminate Russia’s nuclear weapons would be to use weapons.
what the fuck is wrong with you?
From Top Ender’s link. I do hope they walked…
Not the Bentley! Rotters.
So there is no quote.
The chaps at the club were jolly well miffed.
I’d love to see a study of life outcomes of those ‘stolen’ vs. not.
I know what the answer is – just the magnitude of difference is a question mark.
Dawn sings a different song
Dawn Fraser concerned Gina Rinehart may pull out of sports sponsorship after netball debacle
Does Zelensky really believe that shit or is he just saying what the Washington War Machine tell him to say? What a grotesque clown.
“What a grotesque clown.”
I’ve never liked clowns. He’s also managed to piss off the Israelis.
Annoying daddy’s car dealer is probably unwise.
Alarming EXCESS DEATHS continue: I call for an IMMEDIATE Public Investigation
Dr. Suneel Dhand
The ten year old Aboriginal girls, who had contacted venereal disease, as a result of their parents prostituting them to the crews of the North West pearling fleet? The Aboriginal children, foraging on the town rubbish tip, while their parents were “on the grog?”
Clowns are sinister witness Mr Bubbles and Cloe’s clowns (lesbian clowns).
I guess he won’t be flying qantas again.
What is tonight’s argument:
– HMAS Sydney
– Nagasaki and Hiroshima
– George Custer
– The Alamo
– The American Civil War
– The Charge of the Light Brigade / Battle of Trafalgar (anniversaries recently)
– or a combination of the above?
The Ukrainians have fought bravely and better than anyone expected, but it’s time for NATO to force Zelensky to the negotiating table.
Struth, I don’t disagree about the way vaxes were forced on us. Reprehensible and I will never forget.
However Chloe from Kuranda in all likelihood is probably and anti any vaxer anyway. Like visiting Barron Gorge up the range from Cairns but you can’t miss the hippie bent of Kuranda, which I will admit adds to it’s charm but certainly in measured doses.
She’s right.
Gina sponsors a stack of unfashionable low profile sports – synchronised swimming, rowing, beach volleyball, swimming.
I don’t think it would take much for her to pull the pin on those too.
Dawn has had plenty of experience with gutless sports administrators over the years. She is telling them they need to grow a backbone, jump on any noisy dickheads in their midst or kiss the cash goodbye.
I nominate the biggest battle ever seen on the high seas.
I’ve seen the order that launched the “Charge of the Light Brigade” – I’ve always thought that half the problem arose because no – one could decipher the staff officer’s handwriting…
Russel Brand has built his “Stay Free” studio to look like a bicurious Louder With Crowder.
The bloke’s a carpetbagger and fairweather flog. If he had any deep belief, or live knowledge, in The Current Things that he’s constructing his show around, he wouldn’t need a fifteen year old girl’s amount of sheets and screens in front of him.
Compare and contrast to Crowder or Oliver.
“Where is, repeat, where is Task Force 34? The world wonders!”
Too many scatter cushions?
what da fuck is rong wit u?
Don’t wet your pan ties just yet.
100/1 On it was water based paint that washed straight off after the Photo op.
Here ya go, Topster.
Why did it take RAN 70 years to decide where the Centaur was?
No walls of text, please
There is, reputably, 40,000 US forces in Romania waiting to enter Ukraine to keep the Russians out of western Ukraine. The Defence Minister probably viewed the US presence in Romania as a needless provocation, for example, if the US fired on the Russian advancing army and the Russians fired back at US targets in Romania, then that’s an attack on a NATO country.
Romania could then become the new Ukraine for the remainder of this decade.
Again with the panties? You were doing so well today too Groogs.
Ender – I’ve already mentioned Lincoln and McClellan, but no one bit.
Nor Yoda, which does it for Star Wars also.
Back to book, which is a cross between 007 and John Wick, with a tad of Steve Irwin (he gets a mention).
Photo of notable Hater of African People Mohandas Gandhi too, wot’s that about?
There is a fight for Russian public opinion, that Zelenskiy is aiming at also. Particularly the younger generation(s). He’s trying the scare the crap out of them.
I would’ve if I’d been around.
Little Mac was a fine soldier on paper, but that never quite translated onto the battlefield.
Otoh, Shelby Foote maintained that Lincoln was one of two geniuses the war produced.
The other being Nathan Bedford Forrest, who adapted calvalry tactics for a new era of higher power weaponry, turning them into mounted infantry, which was reflected later in the AIF.
identified as a high-profile rugby star = recently represented Afghanistan at an international rugby tournament
If I’m not mistaken, he’s quite famous for developing something else, too.
. Artificial and accelerated evolution also works; the US black man was bred for size and aggression for a couple of centuries
Any credible link, otherwise that’s horseshit.
… resulting in a much higher crime rate within that population today.
Compared to what?
You’re slyly blamin’ YT for your own weird fantasies.
4th graph. Plus here.
If I thought about you I dare say that would be a weird fantasy.
The Klan, yes; but he later persuaded them to disband and promoted harmony between black and white.
Or attempted to persuade them to disband, at least.
Rinso, for whiter than white bedsheets?
He also thinks Ukraine has no right to exist and was a Colonel in the KGB.
Just a middle of the road guy.
Biggest sea battle. Jutland?
Tad unfair not to’ve mentioned Lee and Stonewall Jackson. Lee was a genius already of course.
Grant and Sherman are who the Russians are after though. So far they’ve not found them.
Rinehart disavowed her old man’s remarks.
She still appears petty though.
All she hadda say on Day 1 was:
Y’know, how hard is it?
Are Biden & Putin playing a game of CHICKEN with WAR?!
Glenn Beck
When violent Democrats get up a head of steam up, there’s just no stopping them.
A tradition that has stood the test of time.
Spanish Armada, maybe. Am I getting close?
she doesn’t have to do shit to please small twerps
Lleyte Gulf – which, ironically, involved the last “clash of the dreadnoughts” at Surigao Strait.
Biggest sea battle.
Lizzie at the self serve.
Why are we still talking about The Klan?
It disbanded 145 years ago, all iterations since have been FBI Cointelpros.
FMD can the BOM do anything right? Just been watching storm 2 for the afternoon/evening bombing out by Dotswood Station and then just like that every doppler radar in QLD goes down, The Harveys Range radar goes down all the time. The one on Mt Stuart before the BOM decommissioned it was much better, same with the backup at the aerodrome but being at sea level it couldn’t see over the ranges. The present radar is unreliable and overestimates the rain intensity, it has done so since they commissioned it.
That said beautiful front came through about 4pm, stinking day that was cooled off nicely with around an inch in under an hour. Waiting for the second instalment but I think it will only be rain, lightning seems to be dying as soon as it is off the range…
Salamis, followed by Lepanto. More sheepstations on the table.
Charlie Teo operated on a former colleagues wife.
That would have been a decade ago.
Everything is still fine.
Teo was the only one who would operate.
Zero idea how much it cost.
she doesn’t have to do shit to please small twerps
Oh yeah.
So, why has she disavowed The Langster’s 1982 remarks, then?
Biggest sea battle? I have a go – Lepanto.
Then the Armada of course, quite a lot hung on that one.
The Anglican Church wouldn’t exist if they’d won.
And we’d all be speaking Spanish.
We have a winner!
The battle of the C-Deck Laundromat.
Someone should send this to turtle and rub and tug: not that it would make much difference:
Economist Jeff Currie of Goldman Sachs (Global Head of Commodities Research in the Global Investment Research Division): “Here’s a stat for you, as of January of this year. At the end of last year, overall, fossil fuels represented 81 percent of overall energy consumption. Ten years ago, they were at 82. So though, all of that investment in renewables, you’re talking about 3.8 trillion, let me repeat that $3.8 trillion of investment in renewables moved fossil fuel consumption from 82 to 81 percent, of the overall energy consumption. But you know, given the recent events and what’s happened with the loss of gas and replacing it with coal, that number is likely above 82.” … The net of it is clearly we haven’t made any progress.”
So, why has she disavowed The Langster’s 1982 remarks, then?
That’s just your weird fantasy.
I read Shelby Foote in Kandahar, I wonder if anyone else on earth has done that…
Be a hard act to follow.
We definitely haven’t stayed still either. The movement has all been backwards.
Except for certain bank accounts. They’re definitely on the up and up.
Dot, I will take that as a ‘No’ on a quote.
Well, not quite. $3.2 Trillion has changed hands. That’s a lot of progress in any one’s language. And the primary object of this climate colossal scam. To move money, mostly via public subsidy and from national treasuries, into selected hands.
Chief Justice McCallum has been nominated as the next Governor of Queensland.
“When violent Democrats get up a head of steam up, there’s just no stopping them.
A tradition that has stood the test of time.”
The Klan is now called Antifa.
It’s a club, and you aint in it.
OTOH, I also read the Quran in Baghdad, which is probably less uncommon.
Shelby Foote
Shelby Foote would be cancelled now.
Dr Duk wins the Cat for the next century.
I hope you weren’t also reading Kipling? I’d feel very inadequate if you did.
Tucker Carlson: Are the wrong thoughts now illegal?
Was Shelby Foote a flamer?
Nigel Farage on What the Heck is Going on in England
History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right
– 1984
Wash your mouth out Sancho, Foote’s history is damn fine.
I liked his spots on Ken Burns’ docos too.
sorry too much iodine
I read his short stories in the old “Saturday Evening Post..”
How much of a precedent is this likely to set?
Are we likely to get broader reinstatements throughout US companies?
Nope, but whilst in Kabul, I did recall that the sole survivor of Elphinstone’s 1842 retreat was the Regimental Dr, who eventually ‘galloped into the garrison at Jalalabad on an exhausted pony’
I’m reading Ron Chernow’s biography of John D Rockefeller , Snr – apparently his father brought his mistress into the house, along with his wife, and began fathering children, alternately, by wife and mistress……
Top Ender
– The Charge of the Light Brigade / Battle of Trafalgar (anniversaries recently)
How about the link between the Charge of the Light Brigade and the Battle of Leyte Gulf?
Just to let you know Dr Duk, a younger Duk helped my mum a couple years ago during the Covid mess. He was prepared to do GP house visits, she was in a difficult time. Because of da virus he decided the best thing he could do was wear his service overalls with mask. Still had his epaulettes. Sqn Ldr. I am much in appreciation of junior Sqn Ldr Duk for his help back then.
The 78th anniversary is today btw.
I wonder if he was shown the door*, as I was, for refusing to stay silent whilst the ADF used its power to coerce serving members and citizens to participate in a medical experiment.
* told I couldn’t speak out and wear the uniform – offered them my resignation – they accepted via return email – they cancelled my security card immediately and my one base visit after that (to return kit) required an escort.
After 20 years service, including 7 OS deployments, tossed aside like that, I cant wait for Nuremberg 2.
Oops, bingo BJ.
Also the 168th anniversary of the Charge.
I doffs me hat sir.
Dr Duk – I won’t give his name, he’s only mid thirties. I think he did a stint then decided to go into general practice. I don’t know how he is faring, this was after Covid got going but before the vaxxes were rolled out. My mum has returned to a GP she had had before the Covid mess, an old Irishman. I’m thankful to Dr Junior Duk though.
they could have waited till after the trial
there is no real justice in australia either
Sorry wasn’t here…we were watching the last episodes of Stephen King’s 11.22.63.
About twice as long as it should have been, and half as good as it could have been.
His first action. Close off the cheap energy supply.
“Tanya Plibersek said the government was investing in “evidence-based science, planning and construction projects”.”
Yeah, right.
“It comes as other Queensland projects like Hells Gate Dam, Emu Swamp and Urannah Dam had their funding withdrawn, reduced or deferred. ”
Federal budget confirms funding for Paradise Dam rebuild amid water project cuts
His first action. Close off the cheap energy supply.
WEF baby!
Random stuff.
Ben Fordham must be really annoying Ray Hadley. Has a Facebook post about a girl from TAS who is Vax injured. Had a couple of other good posts recently including about EU MP and Pfizer evidence about not texting for transmission. Ben along with Rowan Dean and Alan Jones and Rita are on the good team. Just need some more.
Avi Yemeni recent clip is of a VIC cop stopping a female driver. Says reason is because suspects the car has false plates as description does not match the plate number. Car rego is actually Birth. Then proceeds to do alcohol and drug tests on her. Her friend films it all including the bit where they prove he lied about reason for the stop. Driver or somebody then called Avi. No idea but do they have a quota for testing people as he definitely had no reason to test her. Yet another example of why VICPOL are scum.
New com au seem to be having a few “not following the Vax narrative” type articles recently including a poll, that had 45,000 plus people, that was not favourable towards Vax. It indicated high levels of regret in taking the Vax.
Naturally those articles never make it into paper editions.
Lysander, one of my sons and two of my six grandchildren have level two autism with ADD; one is very smart indeed, just flighty and capricious, and the other at three is too young to tell, he enjoys mechanical diggers and is fixated upon buses, but his problem is he has very little speech capacity and will not make eye contact, so he particularly benefits from speech therapy. Both get interactive therapies as well, which in their cases I think are not worth the money given for them by the NDIS. My first son born fifty years ago received nothing, milder autism was never diagnosed in those days, and while his life hasn’t been economically successful and he has struggled with himself at times, he has proved to be an excellent dad to his kids. He has had two partners and produced a child with each, with only one being that smart but autistic kid. His other son is also smart, but neurologically normal. Hairy and I together have a son who is a lawyer who was a normal child (but he couldn’t tolerate loud noises until he was two), and it is his child who has the speech issues.
With kids you take what you get and humans have a great deal of variability, which starts young if it goes awry. That can include heartache for parents, but it comes with the territory. Provide them with a loving family environment like all humans need, and they can flourish still, but they won’t necessarily have a life path as easy as a parent would wish. The NDIS isn’t going to change that very much if at all. Self-respect and a job of some sort will though. Efforts should be directed to that outcome regarding ‘non-neurotypical’ kids. That is a community endeavour and doesn’t need the NDIS. Assistance could be offered in other ways, less expensive.
Lads like Tinta’s son (whom I’ve met and who is having the best life he can live assisted by his wonderful mum and dad), but who needs constant lifelong care not just some extra ‘support’, are what the NDIS should be about.
Johannes Leak.
Warren Brown.
David Rowe.
Bob Moran.
Christian Adams.
Patrick Blower.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Al Goodwyn.
Henry Payne.
Bob Gorrell.
Lisa Benson.
Tina Norton.
Thanks Tom. What was Margolis on about?
Some aspects of these US debates are sickening.
So many of the decision makers who shut down schools are now saying they didn’t or it was only for a couple of months.
It reminds me of the German who was made to dig the graves in Saving Private Ryan.
Aruba is eighteen miles from the coast of Venuezela and is only 20 miles long and six miles wide. It is a dry place and covered in thorny organ pipe cactus and other cactii, including prickly pear and alloe vera, as it has a very low rainfall. Aloe Vera provides some limited income still. A desalination plant supplies most water and there is a prominent oil rig not far the port. It’s primary source of wealth is tourism; on the leeward side are clustered many hotels built with American money, and they are still building – a six-star is under construction to open soon.
Aruba’s location has been its saviour. It had two oil refineries servicing Venezuelan oil, which became very important in World War 2, where one was blown up by German attacks. The current one still provides a good income, although Venezuela is a serious problem to Aruba now – the average wage per month in Aruba is around $US900, for the island is quite well off, and in Venezuela it is $US4 if you can get any work at all. Hence, as our tour guide told us, the coastal strip to Venezuela is heavily patrolled now by US and Dutch vessels, as 30,000 unwanted immigrants had fled to add to the 120,000 residents, all of whom are Dutch citizens. The population is very mixed with a lot of Spanish descendants, though our guide claimed to be a local indigenous descendant, of whom there are now very few.
The island was originally Spanish, founded by Amerigo himself, then Dutch, then British (all due to European C17 to C19th skirmishes). Peter Stuyvesant was governor here and then in New Amsterdam until in an exchange New Amsterdam went to Britain, the peninsula swamp there becoming New York’s Manhattan, and Aruba remained Dutch. In the C20 the island sought its independence, receiving firstly a system of home rule. They were supposed to eventually become completely independent but the advantages of being Dutch won out, and the independence bill was ditched never to return. Now, with Curacao and Sint Maartin they form part of the four kingdoms of the Dutch Kingdom or Commonwealth, and all external relations are handled by the Dutch (with US help). During the Covid years the Dutch provided a guaranteed level of half-income support which was greatly appreciated.
Hairy and I climbed through some sort of pathway up through broken rock stairs to the top of a big rock vantage point, noted the volcanic core rising, the only major hill on the island, were taken to see where an ocean bridge archway had recently fallen in, and saw the tall Dutch influenced lighthouse with its many ornate windows, now replaced in function by radar. We also visited a very small and beautifully designed and presented chapel, replacing the original native wooden chapel first built there by the sea in 1750 when the Catholic missionaries arrived (most of the island is still Catholic). The area was obviously a sacred place to the original inhabitants and cave and other later archaeology in that area timelines their presence. There are now Stations of the Cross lining the road in.
A local man, who looked indigenous and poor, was selling stuff apart from the usual tourist stall, and I purchased from him a redundant car number plate. These nominate Aruba as ‘One Happy Island’. Mine is number A-365. No-one else on the bus seemed interested in them. I didn’t bargain for it as he had obviously had a lean couple of years. He grabbed my two hands and bowed over them in thanks as I handed him the cash. I’ll put it on the wall next to some palms in our Terrace Conservatory. Not on the same wall as my E11R sign taken from a British parliamentary building though. I like to have odd signals of other times around me at home. I also bought a Delft Blue Handcrafted cup No. 50740, displayed in the Delft Stall under the pics of the Dutch Royal Family, of whom the island is very proud.
I gave my pottery Guatemalan bird whistle a blow, making Hairy jump, as I put my new treasure on the shelf next to it, ready to pack in three days time for Fort Lauderdale.
Leak draws the Aussie family so very well. He is really honing his cartooning style now.
Never misses a beat on the content either.
Australia is unplugged and the budget doesn’t do anything to fix that.
Little Johnnie and Susie are only 10 years old, but they just know that they are in love.
One day they decided that they want to get married, so Johnnie decided to approach Susie’s father to ask him for her hand. Johnnie bravely walked up to him and said “Mr. Smith, me and Susie are in love and I want to ask you for her hand in marriage.”
Thinking that this was the cutest thing ever, Mr. Smith replied, “Well Johnnie, you are only 10. Where will you two live?”
Without even taking a moment to think about it, Johnnie replied, “In Susie’s room, of course. It’s bigger than mine and we can both fit our stuff in there nicely.”
Still thinking this is just adorable, Mr. Smith said with a huge grin, “Okay then how will you live? You’re not old enough to get a job. You’ll need to support Susie.”
Again, Johnnie instantly replied, “Our allowance – Susie makes 5 bucks a week and I make 10 bucks a week. That’s about 60 bucks a month, and that should do us just fine.”
By this time Mr. Smith is a little shocked that Johnnie had put so much thought into his proposal. So, Mr. Smith thought for a moment, as he tried to come up with something that Johnnie wouldn’t know how to answer. After another moment, Mr. Smith said, “Well Johnnie, it seems like you have got everything all figured out. I just have one more question for you. What will you do if the two of you should have little ones of your own?”
Johnnie just shrugged his shoulders and said, “Well, gosh, Mr. Smith, I’ve been worried about that, but we’ve been lucky so far…”
Gambling: The sure way of getting nothing for something.
– Wilson Mizner
Jon Stewart doesn’t know what a woman is.
Freedom tunes.
Let the lockout begin. Australian state government hands over control of National Parks to “first nations”. First act: close one of country’s most popular parks and ban the public. https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2022/10/the-grim-warning-of-mount-warning/
Sure. If you like.
Watched snippets of that Fetterman chap in Pennsylvania take part in the live debate as part of the gargantuan midterm process. Never really taken an interest in him before – it was ‘oh, the weird hoodie bloke’.
It is now clear to me that Fetterman’s sponsors have put him into the electoral race in the same manner as the TV producers who select a double amputee for a series of So You Think You Can Dance.
Votes/ratings at the expense of content/talent via a perceived triumph of the human spirit, aka stunning and brave.
WATCH: Elon Musk arrives inside Twitter headquarters carrying a… sink? (Also: Twitter bio update!)
With all due respect your Honor. Exactly
Duk, you are heroic. You have demonstrated yet again the danger to defence capability represented by the Defence People Group.
Senior uniformed officers are criminals for allowing that coup to be implemented by the HRC.
So you cannot express opinions in uniform. Right.
Err, well, except at the faggot festival.
Defence is stuffed.
Polling in the USA now consistently reveals a majority who regard the MSM as the greatest threat to democracy.
For years, the MSM has stretched the boundaries of credibility to make the absurd fit the narrative. They’ve been caught telling us falsehoods that were obvious falsehoods. They created a narrative bubble, which is now bursting. Six out of ten Americans know they’ve been lying to us. They’re now seen as the propaganda ministry of the Left and the political party the Left controls.
oh dear.. that would be the “speed of science” kind.
Dr Beau,
its about as inscrutible as one of Warren’s AFL cartoons would be to the yanks.
NY (apple) Mets (baseball team) has just signed some fast pitcher called (H)efner.
Oh dear. I found Rowe’s cartoon quite clever and amusing.
Am I losing it ?
The NT News headline:
In the ordinary course of events, one wouldn’t really regard this as an ‘assault’ However:
‘Sister-girls’ are the rough equivalent of the trannies who read to young children in libraries, except these ones are (slightly) less flamboyantly dressed, smaller and drunker. Apparently they are quite popular in prison.
In traditional fashion, trannies – i.e., fake women – have a deep loathing for actual women. The sister-girls are most common on the Tiwis, although there are a smattering across the Top End coastline saltwater communities.
As a contrast – the bigger, stronger, nastier Central Australian Walpiris do not stand for that sort of thing for one single, solitary second.
The sister-girls are nasty, scratchy, spiteful little packages and it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if this dude wanted to go back to prison, where he’d be protected by the other prisoners in exchange to regular polishing.
Lalara got his wish. Two years in the bin, and of vigorous jaw exercises.
“Polling in the USA now consistently reveals a majority who regard the MSM as the greatest threat to democracy.”
No surprises. The MSM is the enemy of the people.
My definition of an intellectual is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture without thinking of the Lone Ranger.
– Billy Connolly
What’s the correct description?
There are two excellent theories for arguing with women. Neither one works.
– Anonymous
You naughty people.
I got something totally wrong yesterday…I’m getting older, and people could have had a field day with it.
I got WC Gosse and Ernest Giles mixed up when it was actually Ernest Giles buried in Coolgardie.
Now I have to try to live with myself.
The legacy meja in the west now make pravda and izvestia look sane and decent
Vaccines don’t work as well in people aged over 70?
Booster vaccinations in the elderly lead to impaired neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 and atypical B cells
Billionaire breeder: Melbourne Cup not among best in world
Federal Budget October 2022 overview: Super and retiree announcements
Augusta National Golf Club Under Investigation in DOJ Antitrust Probe
Augusta National Golf Club, which hosts the Masters, is under investigation in the Justice Deptartment antitrust probe of the PGA Tour and other bodies.
Isn’t it amazing how the DOJ only started investigating the blatantly illegal rules the PGA & the whole US golf blob maintains after the Saudi’s LIV tour kicks off.
You can not tell me the two are unrelated.
There’s a reason there are 250,000 Saudi’s with dual US citizenship (the only country the Saudi’s allow it with).
I’m just disappointed Dan didn’t do a Justin and play dress ups as well
Daniel Andrews under fire for hosting ‘culturally insensitive’ Diwali event
Most people just don’t realise how insidious the influence of Saudi money is.
Makes BlackRock & Fink almost look human.
A great argument for energy independence
No Fracking Way: UK Flip-Flops Back To ‘Green’ Religion
In the Daily Tele:
How likely would you be to vote Labor at the next election if they break their power bill promise?
Very unlikely 82 %
Unlikely 5 %
Likely 1 %
Very likely 5 %
This issue will not affect how I vote 7 %
3657 votes
Vote here if you can climb the paywall
Great article today in the Speccic by James Allan:
Bravo . . . but it does sound like our own Cassie from Sydney may have helped him !
In the “before times” getting your Melbourne cup lunch/event sorted was something that had to be locked in a month before the big day.
Now, I am still getting emails from top notch Sydney venues hawking “it’s not too late for a Cup booking”.
Indicative of many things I suppose.
Is it just me or is Kari Lake very attractive?
Like most conservative women?
One omission KD
‘Aspiring didgeridoo artist.’
The Tele:
Stop. Stop. They’re just taking the piss now.
Follow your dreams!
How Businesses are softening up the Public for a Chinese-Style Social Credit System
This is from the Expose on a survey conducted before 2020 on the idea of a social credit score. And then this –
And this is the U.K.
Details of the survey are below. What it proves is that none of this is accidental. It was all planned, as is the digital prison they are preparing for us.
Thanks Wolfman.
So, ya Greg, some of us conservatives are fuming mad. And if you think I’m angry here’s what a decades-long conservative voter (at one point incredibly well-connected to the Libs) sent to me recently:
‘I don’t think you are angry enough Jim. Not since the worship of Baal, or whatever the alternative Aztec deity was, have we sacrificed so many children for such low returns. [These whitewash efforts are] just an attempt by courtiers to paper over the cracks and provide a defensible defeat for those whose favour they like to curry.’
The baked in disadvantage so many of these kids face will be hard to reverse.
Us Citizens Were Tracked Via Secret ‘Covid Decree Violation’ Scores
Call me paranoid, but I stopped carrying my phone during lockdowns.
“How likely would you be to vote Labor at the next election if they break their power bill promise?”
My analysis is that Australians didn’t vote for Labor at the last election, rather they voted to throw out Scumbag Morrison and his motley crew. The problem with this is that you get something infinitely worse, a Labor government that doesn’t hesitate implementing its policies.
Hear! hear! James Allan.
So disappointed to hear fracking will be banned again in the UK.
Something will eventually have to arise from the climate fetish ashes.
No, you can’t do it. It’s assault.
Swampy adjacent wanker could probably do with a bit of a smack.
You mean like Pat Cummins and Adam Zampa giving Alinta a kicking but when asked about Aramco it was “Meh. It’s complicated.”
Aramco sponsors the current T20 World Cup and the IPL.
Given Aramco is owned by the Saudi Government and pumps 12,000,000 barrels of oil PER DAY, you’d think they would be on Pat’s radar.
But he knows.
One word and he doesn’t play IPL again.
I used to love watching sport. Can’t be bothered any more. Just about every code is now dead to me.
Only interested if the grandchildren are playing.
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
October 26, 2022 at 10:43 pm
Oops, bingo BJ.
Also the 168th anniversary of the Charge.
I doffs me hat sir.
There is a closer link than that, to do with signals and cipher security measures.
Indeed it is. Like the rest of the Western world, *everything* that made us independent and free is being torn down by the left. I gave 20 years reserve service, including providing high end trauma and aeromedical skills that the regular ADF could not provide from within its own ranks. So much so that, of my 7 deployments, only 4 were working for the ADF itself, 1 was for the USAF, 1 for the USN, and one for the UN (forgive me!). At the end, I was escorted off the base. Add that to all the other atrocities seen in this country over the last 2 and a half years and I now feel no service obligation to the Australian people and will never salute the flag again.
My daughter was so proud when she joined the army reserve a few years back. She passed the physical first time (I wouldn’t have – she rides a lot of horses), slogged her way through Kapooka in winter, and, when sent to learn how to drive trucks for them, was the ONLY person (male or female) who went to the course already in possession of a truck licence (she used to drive a horse feed delivery truck – before the covid madness cost her that job – it not being safe for her to work solo all day in the cab without the vaxx!).
Last year, a bit before I left, she came to me sheepishly and asked me if I would be terribly upset if she resigned from the ADF. I told her no, I thought she should do it, the country had changed and neither the people nor the government were worthy of her service, and would not thank her for it.
That is just one short story illustrating the terrible terrible damage wrought on this country and its social fabric over the last few years, particularly since C19.
As Gateway Pundit Reported: Democrat PACs Are Already Tracking 2022 Midterm Votes Cast, By Party, By Age, By County, and Gender –Why Is This Allowed?
Well Duk, I am grateful. And I’m not alone.
She sounds like the sort of person who can turn her hand to anything. What does she have in mind?
Why Do Vaccines Consistently Fail to Prevent Disease Transmission?
Real vaccines work by stimulating the immune system – for that reason, they don’t work well in people with poor immune systems, ie the elderly, chronically sick, malnourished, on immunosuppressant medications, diabetics etc etc etc
This is a fundamental point which they knew, but lied to us about – its why ‘herd immunity’ for highly contagious respiratory viruses is a myth – my immune system DOES NOT PROTECT YOU – so no, I won’t let you force me into it ‘to protect grandma’ you evil lying bastards.
Cassie of Sydney at 8:06 – I would say that is true of most post-Hewson, small target elections. Particularly Abbott and the end of R-G-R. At a State level it certainly applied to the end of Emperor Barney and the rise of Sneakers in the West.
Always worth reading.
Call me paranoid, but I stopped carrying my phone during lockdowns.
I still don’t ..! .. got into the habit of doing without it .. very rarely take it out of the house with me anymore ..!
James Allen is right…of course. He’s also very handsome.
Cassie, Labor is worse but there was no other option than to turf out Scummo and his enablers. If they won the election they would have seen that as a seal of approval for what they had done during the lockdowns and their commitment to renewables.
Libs must be thrown out to bring in a new generation of representatives that have seen the folly of their predecessors’ ways. I know we will have terrible three years while Labor smashes everything we have for the sake of the teals crowd, their real constituency. The working class and the laptop class will fight it out in the next few years with the workers hopefully winning.
There’s easy ways to disable GPS/sharing of that data until you need it in an app.
Well, according to Liberal Party elites, people like James Allan, myself and others here should not criticise the Liberals. According to Peter Dutton, we’re extreme right and washed up PHON and UAP voters and according to Nick Cater we must move on from the last nine years.
Read my lips Nick….
Cassie, Labor is worse but there was no other option than to turf out Scummo and his enablers. If they won the election they would have seen that as a seal of approval for what they had done during the lockdowns and their commitment to renewables.”
Correct Crossie. We had no choice.
My analysis is that Australians didn’t vote for Labor at the last election, rather they voted to throw out Scumbag Morrison and his motley crew.
And before that we didn’t vote Labor but BRADBURY to keep Bill Shitten out ..
the vote-herd can’t win .. which is what the troughers luv about us ..!
No need to get all paranoid about the phone.
As I told Senator Antic recently – the appalling failure of so called ‘Liberal’ governments at both state (SA) and national level to protect the people from the appalling COVID repression measures means I will NEVER vote for them again – I want to see them, and everyone else responsible, swinging from a mound of salted skulls from a bridge.
I, for one, was fending off police visits, getting arrested at demonstrations and fending off AHPRA investigations.
That x1000: it was conscious political decisions, enforced by our craven security apparatus and professional bodies that did all the damage. The virus was NEVER going to be bad enough to warrant what they did, we knew that, and they knew that by March 2020, after the Diamond Princess experiment.
They betrayed us. They betrayed the country.
And now we have Albo, who kept a very low profile indeed and will betray us even further.
Talking of the working class and the effects of COVID …
A plumber who recently replaced my hot water heater mentioned that most of the equipment and supplies he has to buy now cost more than double what they did pre-covid. Of course he has to pass these costs on to customers. He thinks if things keep going that way he may start losing jobs as people will not be able to pay him.
Cohenite at 7.04pm says:-
Artificial and accelerated evolution also works; the US black man was bred for size and aggression for a couple of centuries resulting in a much higher crime rate within that population today.
I saw this from last night. I’m not wanting a stoush but the above sounds just a tad, erm, controversial. Is there any peer-reviewed science behind that? Just sounds a little David Duke-ish to me. No offence, Cohenite, but where does that idea come from. BTW as a Christian I see that all humans have the Imago Dei, made in the image of God.
Labor smashes everything we have for the sake of the teals crowd, their real constituency. The working class and the laptop class will fight it out in the next few years with the workers hopefully winning.
Labor has long since ceased being the party of the working class. Those fancy dinner parties and restaurants are not in the outer suburbs, neither are the homes of the wankerdemics they so lurrrrve to cosy up to.
There is a constituency there for the taking, by a party willing to fight for social conservatism and a (genuine) mixed economy.
they lied about everything and continue to do so
One of the businesses that thrived under Covid was home improvement/renovation.
No longer. Enquiries are starting to dry up as interest rates rise. Add the fear of jumps in COL and price of materials – people will just make do and try to ride it out. Forget the high turnover big builders – many more of them will fold as fixed price contracts bite. The smaller firms doing cost + will do a bit better.
The ones who will rake it in will be those on the government teat. Those “million homes” have to come from somewhere, mostly over-priced and straight out of the taxpayers’ pockets.
Now making a lot more money running her own equestrian business – I am off there shortly with my home engineered pump and skimmer to take the duckweed off the dam.
“Real vaccines work by stimulating the immune system – for that reason, they don’t work well in people with poor immune systems, ie the elderly, chronically sick, malnourished, on immunosuppressant medications, diabetics etc etc etc”
Is that why older people get free annual flu shots, need covid boosters but are still more likely to succumb to flu/covid anyhow, because there is always a limit to what vaccination can do for people with seriously compromised immune systems?
And doesn’t that make the covid vaccines real vaccines, albeit ones that reduce in efficacy too quickly?