I got covid.
I got covid.
So the massive donations to the Democratic Party was a waste!
Cannon-brookes and farquar are serious threats to Australia.
First time I’ve ever heard of such an entity, but it does exist apparently.One of the last acts of Gordon…
If anyone wants to spoil their vote….I’ll have it. Please.
Liz Wheeler
Your grandma died alone in the hospital.
Your husband was fired over a mandate.
Your teenage son has heart problems.
You lost your business.
You weren’t allowed to go to church.
Your 2-year-old was forced to mask.
But you wanna forget the whole thing?
NO. I will NEVER forget.
Not sure I want the reputational damage of being an old white guy living in Asia.
What was it about Philippino girls again?
They love Aussie pension dollar?
Who said that?
Top Ender:
Au contraire, TE – she’s doing precisely what Socialists do – creating a famine to kill off a few million peasants just to let them know who the boss is.
Lysenkovism for the 21st Century.
Looks like the Alintastralian crickit team will be pushing it uphill to make the T20 semi-finals.
Brazil has not accepted the election results.
This is inextricably linked to the American mid terms.
Voters are like Melbourne Cup punters.
They feel obliged to submit a ticket. Not many read the form guide.
It’s generally what they perceive via MSM.
Paul Keating’s house?
the eternal prat
the best part about sancho’s humiliation is that he’ll never know if the word ‘ewe’ was:
a – simply drunk typing
b – a plain old typo
c – an auto-correct
d – intentional
… the things I do to amuse myself
Modern technology is wonderful.
You can watch damn near 50 years of Stevie Nicks slowly turning into a bitter old woman in stage performance form.
Until she demands poor old Lindsay gets the boot from the band.
I did the security outside her dressing room before and after one of her solo shows in around 2009 and her sad little face driving off in the limo afterwards is burnt into my memory. The picture of sad and alone.
Meanwhile, post heart surgery, Buckingham is a shadow of his former genius:
Tash Peterson should be dropped into somewhere like Eritrea, or Somalia, and given the choice – Eat meat or starve.
Probably still a better reputational bet than retiring in Quenthland.
And less of a language barrier.
‘ezer’ does do a better job of describing the relationship, even though I had never heard the word or read any of the Hebrew scriptures.
Could have been worse. She might have been stuck in a Model A out the front and you had to push her down the road.
One should not have to deal with the hoi polloi at the Boatshed.
Bruce O’Newk:
It was something I wondered about on previous occasions. The Allies built “Mulberry” floating concrete blocks that were designed to susbstitute for a port at Normandy. Why not grab an old cruiser or two and remove the major turrets at the front, and most of the superstructure, create a drawbridge at the front and run it ashore with a hundred or so tanks and crush the block houses opposing the landings.
The beached cruiser could very quickly become a very stable jetty with the remainder of the superstructure explosively removed and covered with road plating. Badly worded but the Chinese would willingly sacrifice half a dozen large transports to create a new port in one of the few marginal landing places along Taiwans western side.
26 pt shift away from D to R by white suburban women.
Why just the boatshed?
Please. The Boatshed is in Cottesloe. It’s just like when Sculpture by the Sea is on.
Incoherent Rambler:
IIRC, didn’t it lead to a distinct lack of camaraderie and bonhomie until there was an accident with a couple of sparklers?
We’ve seen the inroads of the Democrat based based electioneering strategies in both the Victorian and South Australian elections, and I think it’s time we started looking closely at how secure our own elections are – especially as we’re so convinced they are infallable.
WA to import coal. Nice work Sneakers. The Liars could run out of sand in a desert. Collie has been mining coal for about 100 years.
“Is Socialism possible in the Sahara Desert?
In theory, yes. In practice, after the first Five Year Plan, there would be a severe shortage of sand.”
What is Cotlesloe?
Mrs A generally does the “Cryptic Crossword” of a morning. I fucking hate those things. Way beyond my comprehension. She rattles off clues, I generally look at her dumbfounded. So I decided I would get one of those “kids crosswords” so I could participate (as a good husband does). She asks a clue with the cryptic , I ask one back with the “ kids” crossword.
She won 6-0. Here were the clues I gave her.
1). Centre of the storm (three letters)
2). Radio Frequency (two letters starting with “A”)
3.) No place for Mary (three letters – middle letter N)
4) Bond of hearts (four letters – third letter V)
5) Opposite of “without” (four letters)
6) Female sheep (three letters – referred to above – middle letter W)
She was clueless about what I actually said to her, but happy she got the answers right.
538 finally tips R for the senate.
At end of old fredde I put this up:
Position Statement: Currently we’re positioned for two days in the Panhandle of Florida on the Gulf of Mexico. I am sitting here with an open door to our balcony overlooking the pool in a holiday resort in a place called Panama City Beach. Outside I can hear the gentle shoosh of the sea shore and it could almost be that I am on board the cruise once more. It’s not sticky here as on the Cocoa Beach side and the temperature outside is mild at night. It was a six hour drive to get here along freeways all the way. Hairy drove and I was navigator, traffic monitor, driving adviser (lol), nurse (he has a sore throat), and provider of comforts on the road. Another Strepsil, dear?
Florida’s narrow strip (looking like the handle of a pan base of the rest of it) is just below Alabama (Montgomery is just above us here) and Georgia. We’re heading slowly towards Louisiana. It’s all a geography lesson for me. The only drama was a convoy of oversize vehicles taking up two of the three lanes, preceded by a sheriff’s car plus another, and followed up in the rear by a further car and sheriff’s car, lights flashing everywhere. Oh, and tonight in town Hairy did an illegal u-turn followed by a police car .. oops. But they were simply doing the same thing and ignored us!
Update Nov 2nd, Hairy has a cold but is better after a good nite’s sleep in this lovely spot where we could turn off the aircon, which helps a lot. Pics of Panama City Beach in the 1950’s adorn our walls, and take me back to when I modelled bikini’s myself, for Paula Stafford at Surfer’s Paradise when I was nearly eighteen. Mine, I say to Hairy, were very daring for the times, the late 1950’s. Note, I say, that those girls in the pic have a ‘two-piece’ where the bottom piece starts near the waist. Mine had only four daring inches on each side! Paula made the four inch each side bikini respectable in Australia. I believe it was around this time that a Bondi Beach Inspector went around with a tape measure to ensure decency.
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Christian Adams.
Patrick Blower.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Chip Bok.
Matt Margolis.
Matt Margolis #2.
Tom Stiglich.
Robert Ariail.
Ben Garrison.
Thanks Tom.
If there’s not a red wave big enough to drown democrat cheating, it won’t be the fault of the American cartoonists.
A woman named Brandi finds herself in dire trouble. She invested all her inheritance and now her business has gone bankrupt. Brandi is in serious financial trouble. She’s so desperate that she decides to ask God for help. This is unusual for her. Brandi has never prayed before, but if ever she needed the Lord before, she needs him now.
Brandi begins to pray… “God, please help me. I’ve lost my business and if I don’t get some money, I’m going to lose my house as well. Please let me win the lotto”.
Lotto night comes and somebody else wins it. Brandi again prays… “God, please let me win the lotto! I’ve lost my business, my house and I’m going to lose my car as well”.
Lotto night comes and Brandi still has no luck. Once again, she prays… “My God, why have you forsaken me!? I’ve lost my business, my house, and my car. My children are starving. I have never asked you for help before and I have always been a good Christian. PLEASE just let me win the lotto this one time so I can get my life back in order”.
Suddenly there is a blinding flash of light as the heavens open and Brandi is confronted by the voice of God Himself. “Brandi, meet Me halfway on this. Buy a ticket”.
The good times of today, are the sad thoughts of tomorrow.
– Bob Marley
Looking over again at those beach pics, the girls look as though they are wearing what today we’d call a cover-up sports bra and a pair of boy-leg knickers. In the distance is a girl with a ‘one-piece’ on with a pushed up bust and a ‘modesty panel’ over the top of the thighs. Memories, memories. I tried to push up whatever I had into one of those in 1957 when I was fifteen.
Our hotel here is, again, an updated old-style resort placed, as they were, in the best aspect. Here you can imagine Marilyn Monroe might appear beside the now-renovated pool and wave to Jane Russell on the balcony before she drops her wrap to preen by the steps as she dips her pretty feet. Palm trees line the walkways and I see handsome young men still traverse the narrow dunes down to the beach.
I prefer these accommodations to the hideous new Miami-style half-empty megalithic mausoleums that line the beach further in towards the centre, some of them with many hundreds of rooms. We don’t book ahead in this season, as we like to see possibilities. The aircon in those high-rises is usually ferocious and sometimes you can’t adjust it much, let alone turn it off. You certainly can’t have the door open to the balcony and the aircon off as you can here, in human scale, a a guest making a desultory swim in the pool as I sit looking through plantation shutters to the white sand and light turquoise gulf waters, bluer to the horizon. This not-quite-boutique place is very popular given the low season and quality vehicles in the carpark, so obviously others feel the same way, for the price can be similar when compared with contemporary high-rise offerings on ‘special’. The lack of a lift for the four stories might be off putting for some, but there is porterage for the luggage if you need it.
ps. It also has a guest laundry; very helpful. I have worked out the machines and quarters. 🙂
Halloween came and went here with the usual hullabaloo about ghosts and nasties. The everyday pubs had decorative items in place, cobwebs etc, and the mandatory skeletons, but otherwise we saw little of it. I think it is a thing for the suburbs. My American de-facto daughter-in-law makes a big thing of it for my grandson, who like her is an American citizen, and joins in with others transferring the tradition to Australia, but it is nothing like here.
My Louisiana cousin texted me that he would be finished ‘working his pumpkin patch’ by the time we arrived, and I hadn’t a clue what he meant until Hairy said it was a Halloween reference. And they are all such staunch Catholics too. I expect it has something to do with expectations of making a good display on your house if you hold a certain position in local society, which he does.
Shack them up with monty. The Hun:
Several Australian wives and children of former Islamic State fighters will be resettled in Victoria, however the state government is remaining tight-lipped on how many people will be repatriated here and where they will be housed.
State Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes on Tuesday said the repatriation of these families, from Syrian detention camps was an “important humanitarian response”.
“This is a complex situation but it involves a number of parties and experts in this field, managed by the federal government, in consultation with Victoria Police and indeed support services,” she said.
“(It) is obviously a matter for the federal government but they work very closely with Victoria Police and the relevant agencies to ensure that support is available for these people when they come home,” she said.
It comes as four women and 13 children were removed from the al-Roj detention camp in northern Syria last week by Australian officials and flown into Sydney on Saturday.
They were released from their secure accommodation on Tuesday and returned to their extended families.
“We are deeply thankful to be back home in Australia with our children,” the women said in a joint statement.
“We appreciate the complexity and significant work it has taken from many people including the Australian government, to bring us home and we could not be more relieved to know our children are now safe.
“We want to express our regret for the trouble and hurt we have caused, especially to our families.”
The women and some of the older children will be closely monitored by the AFP and ASIO, but none are expected to be charged with terrorism offences.
More than 40 Australian women and children remain in the camp and are scheduled to be repatriated in the next few months, after DNA testing confirms the children are born to Australian citizens.
It is not known exactly how many of these women and children are to be repatriated to Melbourne.
These families have been confined to detention camps since the fall of Islamic State in March 2019.
Ms Symes denied the families’ repatriation had been delayed until after the state election.
“I’m not aware of the timing of repatriation,” she said.
“It’s a federal government matter.”
A spokesman for Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil said: “Given the sensitive nature of the matters involved, it would be inappropriate to comment further.”
So no further comments on this scandalous state of affairs.
And can we just stop saying ISIS brides please? They are ISIS. Period.
In Germany, a wind farm is dismantled to make way for expanded lignite coal mine
the journalist on the fashion icon
Innovative mental healthcsolutions
Brussels Terror Attack Victim Euthanized at Age 23
From a trusted internet blogger.
Ivermectin for COVID-19: Final Nail in the Coffin
What’s the point of G Strings?
Thanks for the comments etc on travel insurance – it has given more impetus to Mrs TE, the travel clerk.
…Buckingham is a shadow of his former genius
Not according to this review in The Spectator the other week:
Incredibly his new songs were the best songs: Lindsey Buckingham, at the London Palladium, reviewed
Plus: at the Moth Club the best lyricist of the 21st century
From magazine issue: 08 October 2022
It’s hard to overstate how incredible it is that new songs might lift a set from someone who has been making records for 50 years. Image: Scott Dudelson / Getty Images
Lindsey Buckingham, at 72, still has cheekbones that cast shadows. He has the upright shock of hair, too, though now it makes him look less like the kohl-eyed pop god of 1980 and more like Malcolm Gladwell’s cooler, angrier brother. He still has fire, too. A couple of solo renditions of Fleetwood Mac songs won the crowd over, but it was the following run of three numbers from his newest album, played with his three-piece band, that put the spark to the show. It proved he’s not yet a heritage act.
He had no choice, really, but to forge ahead. In 2018, he was booted out of Fleetwood Mac, for various reasons, chief among them appearing to be that Stevie Nicks couldn’t stand the sight of him any longer, and it was her or him. There were also books documenting him being controlling and abusive to two former partners, Nicks and Carol Ann Harris. One American musician I interviewed idly wondered what it must be like inside Buckingham’s head. Probably, he concluded, a bit like that horror movie Event Horizon, where the malevolent spaceship drives everyone mad. All of which is to say that while he may be an elder statesman who has given pleasure to millions, Buckingham is very much not the music industry’s answer to Tom Hanks.
But popular culture will persist in throwing up problematic people who happen to be geniuses, and Buckingham is one of pop music’s geniuses, worthy of comparison with Paul McCartney and Brian Wilson. His run of records with Fleetwood Mac from 1975 to 1987 is a glory (well, OK, Mirage is patchy), and though Nicks and Christine McVie were also major songwriters, Buckingham was the one with the vision. He was an astounding, adventurous songwriter, a brilliant guitarist, and an extraordinary producer and arranger – the studio was his instrument. Mick Fleetwood used to refer to Buckingham as the band’s ‘musical director’, and they are a shadow without him.
Buckingham’s London show – 2,200 people at a West End theatre – might have been more intimate than Fleetwood Mac’s two nights at Wembley Stadium last time they were here, but the place was packed with zealots, eager to show their loyalty. ‘We love you, Lindsey,’ came the shouts between songs, mainly from men. They even gave him a standing ovation for ‘I’m So Afraid’, the showcase for his interminable, furious guitar solo, which at Fleetwood Mac shows was often the cause of a mass exodus to bars and toilets.
It took a while for the show to find the sweet spot, as Buckingham traversed through his back catalogue of solo material: all expertly played – special kudos to drummer Michael Urbano, who was fantastic – and pleasant to listen to, but unspectacular. It was like Buckingham himself: austere, ascetic, and just a little joyless. But then his acoustic spot – including a gorgeous ‘Never Going Back Again’ – gave way to that run of three new songs, and it was all smiles from that point onwards, especially with ‘Tusk’ and ‘Go Your Own Way’ yet to come. It’s hard to overstate how incredible it is that new songs might lift a set from someone who has been making records for 50 years. Who last went to see McCartney or the Stones hoping for more of the latest material?
Also over from America and away from the band that made his name was Craig Finn, usually of the Hold Steady but here promoting his fifth solo album, A Legacy of Rentals. The Hold Steady play high-energy rock’n’roll while Finn sings about lives gone awry. Solo, his backing band, play a kind of freewheeling Americana, with sax prominent – a bit early Springsteen, a bit Van Morrison, a bit the Band. The Hold Steady are my first love, but Finn’s lyrics – he is the best lyricist this century – are a pleasure to hear in any setting.
The Moth Club is one of the loveliest, most atmospheric small venues in London, but its PA rendered large chunks of the lyrics indecipherable, sadly. Never mind: the band was cooking, Finn looked joyful, and the crowd – containing a disproportionate number of Minnesotans who were in town to watch Minnesota Vikings play at Spurs’ stadium (Finn is from Minneapolis) – lapped it up, many having arrived from the game in a state of prior refreshment.
And as the sombre ‘God in Chicago’ rang out, those brilliant lyrics came through loud and clear: ‘Her mom found her brother./ Then she found the container wrapped up in a newspaper/ Stuffed in a duffel bag with hockey pads/ And seven grand in rubber bands.’ Somewhere between Elmore Leonard and Raymond Carver, set to weeping piano. Glorious.
WRITTEN BY Michael Hann
“We want to express our regret for the trouble and hurt we have caused, especially to our families.”
That was the right thing to say.
The women and some of the older children will be closely monitored by the AFP and ASIO, but none are expected to be charged with terrorism offences.
The oldest kid would only be 7 or 8, the girls were only 15 or 16 when they went to Syria.
By the way, how did they actually get to Syria?
Musk speaks.
Twitter’s current lords & peasants system for who has or doesn’t have a blue checkmark is bullshit.
Power to the people! Blue for $8/month.
Head Troll and his constant stream of antifacts.
Where is Snopes when you need it?
Just remember
Regional NSW and TAS have had property price increases of 45 and 55 per cent since last year.
Mortgages have increased anywhere from 15 to 45 per cent as well.
The ride will stop sooner or later.
“price increases of up to, etc”
Sick to her stomach
Joe Biden getting fact checked on Twitter
You recently gave us a lesson, by the numbers, about how to undress and enter the rear of an unconscious female, whilst she was balanced precariously on a couch, and yet you don’t know this?
Now you’re trolling.
the virtue of taking a camera man
I’ve run the numbers and done the stats.
Ed face-plants at an almost identical frequency that Bolshie Bob used to. It’s a 91.3% correlation.
It’s as sure as it can get, sans a Regimental Number and a Eureka flag.
The numbers don’t lie (with the exception of our ‘Numbers’, he used to lie quite a bit).
November 1, 2022 at 8:28 pm
Noticed a couple of ticks with a more than one or two million followers are leaving Twitter because of Musk.
“Where shall I go? What shall I do?”
They could try GAB. They might not get such a clear run there though. Replies to their nonsense won’t be blocked. They may have to defend their statements…….
Having said that, GAB is pretty much open slather but it does highlight the loons. And there are a lot of them. Or am I the crazy one? I only visit for a few minutes at a time.
A month away from Summer, and it is snowing here in the Southern Tablelands.
On top of the heavy rain the last two days. My woodshed has a river running through it.
Oh God, please bring on Global Warming!
None are so blind as they who won’t see. A children’s ward in qld. with child with the HMPV ( Human Meta Pneumonia Virus they haven’t got around to gain of function yet.) Contageous and spreads through the schools. The hospitals still using shouting Covid and using Covid protocols with a far more dangerous and life threatening disease in the ward. You still need the same protocols but why continue the farce. Covid doesn’t kill kids HMPV could do so very easily .
PS Carers are speaking out to the doctors ,some one guess who is garrotting them.
If the government is determined to reinstall the SEC, the burden of carrying the Boutique Electrical Generating capacity will destroy the economies it infests.
No matter how much is subsidised and the costs hidden, those costs will still be there, gnawing away at the profitability of the unsubsidised sector. Once those sectors wake up to the costs they will quickly move to where the energy prices are cheapest. The winner will be the section that is able to force economic reality into pricing. You can bet your latest dividend that resource rich countries of coal and oil will be first to be picked off by the hungry.
The world market for energy won’t become efficient with the rapidly changing pricing, it will become chaotic as exploration falls because no one will invest in such a market whose volatility is politically – not demand – driven.
You’re right Dot about property prices. I don’t say value as that’s relative. Our beachhouse has gone 50%in the last year but 300% in the 8 years we’ve owned it. Places are on the market for the same price and not on the water and they’re getting it.
Ed October:
Also Ed October:
Also Ed October:
You are an unserious buffoon.
Hairy’s sore throat has turned into a cold, but not streaming so not necessary to give him the ‘original’ Codral I obtained in Australia. We are not checking if it is Covid. No need to upset the rellies in three days time. He’s had a sore throat he tells me since during the Cape Canaveral tour. I’m dosing him with Panadol, and he’s bought some rum to does himself tonight. That won’t do you any good, I say disapprovingly as a good wife should. It will, he affirms, it will. It will make me feel better.
I guess there is that.
He reckons he will still be fine to drive the distance tomorrow. Shorter drive, we stay in Florida at Pensacola, longer drive, we touch hotel base again in Mississippi. He’s offered me the famous old Hotel Grand in Mobile, Alabama, as an earlier way stop but as it means a city drive in some I say maybe on the return journey. Self-interest there, I will have to do the navigating (GPS there but not working in this car) so we use the Google Blue Dot Man held in my less than capable hands.
ps. If my detail is annoying you, please scroll. I am simply letting friends here know how we are.
From BB’s quoted piece, earlier:
I see no reason to remain tight-lipped. The Australian Government, in all its benevolent wisdom has decided these people are not a threat to anyone. If that’s the case, why be secretive?
Oh. Oh right. Garage Nazis.
No, it’s an important PR response to the affluent Green lobby who will never see, hear or be impacted by them.
Hawthorn. Please let it be Hawthorn.
A boorish, mannerless white-trash cracker would also run a line about FGM here.
Lucky there’s none of them about.
Total Government Debt: $1,060,400,000,000
I’m a bit strapped until next payday – can anyone else pay this off?
not me … I should have saved my SCTs for a rainy day
This new app got some coverage overnight post closing a decent capital raise.
Imagine if this was loaded onto the computers of the decision makers who brought the ISIS brides “home”.
Once “Rewind” is loaded onto your system, it literally records everything that happens.
This will be coming to the worker bees in corporations & eventually lower level public servants.
If only it was on Dan Andrews systems from the start of 2020.
There would have been no “orphan decision”.
Have you heard of Spectre 360?
I think we’re already there.
So it’s a new category of crime: Break and Exit.
Dot there are many similar apps.
The way I would describe it is an Atlassian type system (which coders love but not no-one else) and something like a Monday.com (a low-code no-code environment).
This Rewind app is like Monday.com.
Given the ever increasing proportion of government which is being paid for via inflationary money printing, you WILL be paying for this, everyone will.
Inflation is taxation and taxation is theft.
And we wonder why costs are sky high here in NSW?
Taking Nonna and Grandson to catch School Bus, turning right into street up the road to go down to bus stop, and Brick Lift Unloader (you see them attached to the back of the Brick Delivery Trucks), was taking load of brick to new house building (demolish of old) half way down the hill – with Girl walking in front holding Slow sign – what a waste of money – cars coming up and down capable of working out for themselves, when to stop or slow
The cost of Girl Sign Holder can be multiplied by 3 when a Concrete Truck is delivering.
And the idiots in Australia wonder where inflation is coming from!
From The Oz..
Journalist’s speech to women lawyers ends in tears
If one were in search of evidence of the way in which sections of the legal profession are damaging their own profession and our society, it was recently handed to us by the Women Lawyers Association in the ACT.
For its recent gala dinner to celebrate the contribution of female lawyers to the law, this group chose ABC journalist Louise Milligan as its keynote speaker. The event, held on October 21 at the National Museum of Australia, turned into a public humiliation for many lawyers.
Some women at the gala dinner were in tears, many more were hurt and upset, as they sat through an address they say shamed female barristers and lawyers who defend people accused of sexual crimes. Female defence lawyers who attended that evening, from senior members of the profession to more junior ones, claimed to The Australian they felt under attack by Milligan’s address. They spoke of the public humiliation they felt as other female lawyers applauded Milligan’s attacks on their work as criminal lawyers.
Lawyers present at the gala dinner have claimed to The Australian that Milligan railed against the incompetence of prosecutors and criminal defence lawyers, citing suicide by complainants and claiming that the way victims were treated in court caused long-term trauma worse than the actual sexual assault they suffered.
Milligan, say these lawyers, claimed that women would not lie about sexual violence and that they should be called victim survivors, not complainants.
After the address, many lawyers present wondered whether, on the Milligan measure, we needed a justice system at all. Should we simply go from allegation to jail?
Contacted by The Australian, Milligan said the claims relayed to The Australian by women at the dinner were “a complete distortion of my speech and contain multiple allegations that are demonstrably untrue”. She specifically denied describing prosecutors and criminal defence lawyers as incompetent, suggesting that cross examination could be more traumatic than sexual assault or saying that women would not make false allegations of sexual assault.
The Australian asked for audio or a transcript of the speech. None was forthcoming. The ABC told The Australian it was not an ABC event.
Not up for dispute is that many female lawyers who heard Milligan’s speech were deeply upset, with some lodging written complaints with the WLA. Some have cancelled their WLA membership. In response to complaints, the WLA said “we are reviewing our process for selecting speakers”.
One female criminal lawyer at the event wrote to the WLA on the following Monday: “In attendance on Friday were a significant number of female criminal practitioners, some defence (like myself) and others prosecutors. All were insulted, hurt and disappointed by the speech of the keynote speaker and the sentiment of other lawyers who spoke afterwards. While it was sickening to have to sit through an hour of being lectured about the supposed failings of my profession by someone who does not possess a practical knowledge of our system (yet voiced her outrage when she was accused of something ‘without evidence’), what rang in my ears all weekend was the applause at the end, which was raucous from all except the criminal law community.”
The Australian has been told of other written complaints to the WLA about Milligan’s address.
One offered the WLA executive “some of my observations of the aftermath”. After detailing the distress she witnessed among female lawyers after Milligan’s address, the lawyer wrote: “And so the evening went, with one after another of my colleagues raising the tenor of the evening in bewildered hurt. Criminal law is a close community, so I know that it was not only myself who was upset all weekend with how our hard work is perceived.
“All of these women are clever, kind and fierce advocates who were brought down by an evening supposed to lift them up.”
Another female solicitor whose practice includes defending people accused of sexual crimes told The Australian: “I like to think I have a pretty thick skin given the area of law I work in and the nature of our work, but it really, really got to me. And it’s very rare that things do, but it felt like a personal attack on our profession.”
Milligan’s views about the prosecution of sexual abuse allegations are well known. Her reporting is on the record. As this newspaper has reported, her coverage of rape allegations against Christian Porter omitted critical material that would have allowed viewers of her television journalism to better evaluate the problematic nature of the allegation. Instead of trusting viewers with more relevant information, Milligan and the team at Four Corners picked what suited their story. Milligan’s journalistic treatment of Andrew Laming was equally lamentable.
As for Milligan’s role in the matter of George Pell, that is a matter of public record.
While Milligan reportedly claimed she understood the law because she had a law degree, this wasn’t apparent to many criminal lawyers who spoke to The Australian. As one said, it is one thing for the ABC journalist to deliver an address that makes no mention of why our system has legal protections for an accused person, protections such as the presumption of innocence, the right to silence, due process and a fair trial. It is another matter for female lawyers, who have sworn an oath to uphold the rule of law, to applaud the pitiful legal vacuum at the core of Milligan’s address. When sections of the legal profession celebrate this ignorance, it points to their legal illiteracy. That, say the lawyers, is what upset them the most.
Katrina Musgrove was at the gala dinner. A criminal barrister, Musgrove was part of a team of lawyers acting for Bruce Lehrmann, who pleaded not guilty in the Brittany Higgins sexual assault trial. The jury was still deliberating. Lehrmann’s lawyers acted without the public fanfare that has surrounded lawyers in the Higgins camp. Lehrmann’s lawyers also acted pro bono.
Last Thursday, when discharging the jury after directing a mistrial, Chief Justice Lucy McCallum said this of criminal defence lawyers: “I want to say it to you all personally, to the counsel in the trial, to thank you for the manner in which you have conducted this trial. You have all behaved in an exemplary way in accordance with the finest traditions of the Bar. As I said, the role particularly of defence counsel is sometimes poorly understood and can visit great hardship on counsel who are doing no more than upholding the finest traditions of the Bar in appearing for persons accused of serious offences and ensuring that they are well represented and receive a fair trial. Also to the prosecutors, whose behaviour has been extremely fair.”
The WLA offers its members clay sculpting and wine classes, yoga lessons and diversity surveys. A reminder about the cab-rank rule, let alone other critical principles that make up our criminal justice system, wouldn’t go astray.
The cab-rank rule is one of the Bar’s most noble legal traditions. It means a barrister is honour-bound to accept a brief from a defendant if they are available and skilled in the area. It means all defendants, no matter the crime of which they are accused, are entitled to, and can in reality, obtain defence counsel. Lawyers at the gala dinner should have found Milligan’s attacks on criminal lawyers repulsive, not a reason for applause.
Heidi Yates was also at the dinner. She is the ACT Victims of Crime Commissioner who, every day that Higgins gave evidence in court, appeared right next to Higgins, in full view of the throng of cameras and other media. Yates won an award that night from her peers for lawyer of the year. She heads an independent statutory body charged with advocating for the interests of victims of crime.
Section 6 of the act establishing her statutory position defines victim as “a person who suffers harm because of an offence”. Offence is described as “an offence against a law in force in the ACT”.
Higgins is a complainant. No offence has been proven.
After McCallum called for “respite (for Higgins and Lehrmann) from the intense glare of the media that has been pervasive throughout this trial”, Yates stood next to Higgins, once again in full glare of the cameras. Yates nodded as Higgins, still a complainant, not a victim, railed against the legal system that scrutinised her allegations.
Lawyers have contacted The Australian concerned that Yates’s presence could be seen as an inappropriate endorsement of the truth of Higgins’s allegations. They don’t recall her attending court in a similar fashion for other, less high-profile, complainants.
If one needed more evidence of the hollowing out of the legal profession, there it is. We are witnessing the worst kind of revolutionaries, those who have nothing to replace a system they are intent on tearing down.”
Janet Albrechtsen’s pieces lately have been superb, particularly on the “trial in Canberra”. The above is a depressing read, if people want to know why I despair of this country (and the West in general), it’s because I wake up, I turn on my computer and I read of things like this. I sometimes think I should stop reading the news, stop commenting here, stop watching Sky, go to the beach, fill up a bucket with wet sand and put my head in that sand so that I can stop myself from reading about what’s going on in this country and the world. I sometimes think that maybe with my head stuck in the wet sand I’ll be happier. I envy those who remain clueless about what’s going around them. We’re witnessing in real time the total denigration, corruption and capitulation of all of our institutions and none more so than our legal institutions.
As for the above, notice the smell? Actually it’s a stench, a stench that won’t go away. Those of you who remain naive or who have had their heads stuck in wet sand might ask what’s causing the stench? Well, here’s a clue, the one and only Louse Nilligan. Before I go on, it’s worth remembering that Louse Nilligan has never apologised for l’affaire Pell. And nor has she apologised for what she did to Porter, Tudge and Laming with the result that Laming and Porter’s political careers ended thanks to Nilligan’s journalistic lies and omissions. I do though admire Laming for hunting down and taking action against each defamer, all started by Nilligan on Twitter and remember this, their ABC, an organisation thrown more money by useless Coalition governments, paid Nilligan’s costs to Andrew Laming. But has Nilligan apologised? Nope. You see, Nilligan doesn’t say sorry. Actually, I erred above, it was you and me, long suffering taxpayers, who paid the damages to Laming for Nilligan Twitter’s comments. But why was Nilligan invited? In a better world Nilligan would be totally discredited, but we don’t live a better world, or even one that aspires to be better or decent. In any fair and decent society, after the l’affaire Pell, Nilligan would have been forced into silence and obscurity, totally discredited, instead she gets invites to law dinners to lecture, sneer and smear lawyers about what she and others like her want, which is the denial of the presumption of innocence to men, particularly the following types of men, Catholic prelates, conservative politicians and young white men like Bruce Lehmann.
As each day passes, it’s very clear to me that Lehmann is the patsy here, the patsy that the mean, nasty, vicious, toxic, vile, sinister cabal of females* (and a few males) have decided is the one who is going to be lynched for their cause, bugger the law. It’s no different to what happened to Cardinal Pell.
But what really concerns me here is that there appears to be lawyers, such as the one (Janet mentions her name above) who accompanied Brittany the Knickerless to court everyday, who have total contempt for the legal process. I get the uneasy feeling that they actually want to see miscarriages of justice because it suits their narrative, their cause and their ideology. This is unbelievably dangerous. We saw similar with Pell, and we’re seeing it now in real time with Lehmann. Facts and evidence be damned. Once upon a time, when miscarriages of justice happened, it was more often than not unintentional, yet now I feel that it is the intent of many to disregard presumption of innocence and evidence, to deliberately target people, particularly men. This is Stalinist. It is Pell redacted, this time with the name Lehmann.
As for the women above who were rightly upset Nilligan’s comments, instead of crying, they should have stood up during the dinner, vocally expressed their concerns about Nilligan’s presence and her adolescent and dangerous nonsense and they should have walked out. But that takes courage, and courage nowadays is as rare as hen’s teeth.
* I hope that one day their sons, their brothers, their husbands and their fathers are falsely accused.
Rant over.
What’s this in the paywallian about Milligan upsetting female lawyers at some gala speech?
(Janet A. article)
For your reading bemusement:
An article so badly written by an uber privileged Karen fake trad girl feminazi it pisses off the left, right, MRAs and trannies – as well as normies & moderate feminists.
Basically, man up and take the blue pill, you incels, some with children and grandchildren…but you’re low T incels for saying men get a raw deal.
It’s like her brain can’t understand 3rd and 4th wave feminism ever happened.
Apple is bumping up its monthly music subscription from 11.99/month to 12.99/month.
Meta (fb) cries quietly into its oat milk latte.
Biden Says There are 54 States – not 50 – Get with it folks!
From Armstrong Economics –
“President Joe Biden has once again raised the question if he is mentally competent to lead the nation as he pushes us into World War III. At a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, Biden declared that there are “54 states” in the United States despite the fact that there are only 50. Obviously, since Democrats reject any claim about his mental capacity when he signs whatever they put in front of him, so he must be assuming Ukraine is a state given all the money he sends them, Britain, and Germany for they do whatever the US instructs them to do, which merely leaves the 4th being a mystery.
Someone should stick a resignation there for him to sign and appoint António Guterres, the ninth Secretary-General of the United Nations, as our new president and then tell him it was a joke and watch what happens. I bet the UN troops will seize the White House in less than 1 hr.”
Is not for bullshit I am good english speaking.
Haha, via Instapundit:
Sounds like every socialist organization everywhere.
Cassie, thanks for posting. Ripper rant too, esp the penultimate paragraph. The lat para is kinda on the wrong side of “there, but for the grace of God, goes Rumpole”, but I agree with the thought experiment if not the sentiment. Some people lack critical imagination, which is even important than having the balls to stand up when it counts.
snap cassie – thanks.
And nice addition by you – I agree 100%. These activists are very dangerous.
And the Liberals wonder why they are losing when they have idiots like this?
WA Liberal leader David Honey described the coal shortage in WA as an “unacceptable state of affairs” and accused the McGowan Government of “failing to provide electricity security for this state”.
He said the decision to phase out the use of coal by 2030 – five years later than his own party proposed at the last election – had created “uncertainty” for Collie’s two mines.
That Fetterwoman dude is really weird. Whenever he answers a question, he never says “I or me”. He always says “We or Our”. He keeps saying the quiet bit out loud. It’s actually his Missus running for political office, not him. Even Joe said so.
You kinda get the impression that the Democrat Party is full of puppets, with plenty of strings attached.
My guess is Melton.
Can we start a guessing comp on this thread?
Good Mourning.
There are thousands of news items coming out now.
Everyone talking about the death rates sky rocketing, even on MSM….even by some who were jabbed.
Then we find ourselves here.
Where it isn’t happening and any other theatre provided takes priority.
So the question is….now that the truth comes out…hint..it’s always been there, is the denial greater here than with your average Joe because you prided yourselves on being right wing and a bit more clued in?
Is that what is making you dig your heels in like the evil Rosie, and just clutch at straws?
Sicktorians better get ready for more mandates and lockdowns. It’s obviously a vote winner for the Hunchback.
Matt Kean 2020: “NSW Environment minister Matt Kean said gas had no future in NSW”
Matt Kean 2022: “Matt Kean pushes for national reserve on gas and coal”
No no.
Top stuff.
Carry on.
There is nothing – nothing – as ferocious and entertaining as when the ladeeeee people turn on their own.
The fallout from this will be Old Testament in scale and nature.
‘And yea, verily, the women rose up against those women who disagreed with them. Each one was scratched as a mark of their sins, and their hair was pulled and mussed up.
‘Then they were driven from the city, save for their leader who wore the same outfit as the queen, and whose skin was taken from her body and hung upon the walls so all could gaze upon it.’
I am more concerned with her consorting with a proven multiple perjurer and how we never got to the bottom of Town Mode etc.
Whenever he answers a question, he never says “I or me”. He always says “We or Our”
The God Emperor style, but he’d throw in a fair few “America” and “our wonderful country” too. Maybe the Lizard People have put out a style guide following the “me me me” Obama years.
lol, to those cryptic crosswords, Top Ender. Like charades, I think you have to be born to it.
I was OK with most of the kids’ ones, so perhaps I am juvenile enough to get there yet.
One of them still has me stumped but I’m not telling which. Too awfully embarassment. 🙂
The green-left in the US notice a wee small problem:
Fires from exploding e-bike batteries multiply in NYC — sometimes fatally (1 Nov)
NPR, by Michael Schuerman
Ok New York is a big place, but with four of these per week in a city running to lots of condos you have to wonder about the firefighting implications. Fun though that NPR has written something critical of holy Gaia chariots, and just before the Egyptian climapalooza too.
Matt Kean 2022: “Matt Kean pushes for national reserve on gas and coal”
Jesus wept.
Governments love selling licences with minimal strings attached so they can get the maximum cash in the door.
Zero thought about the future.
When the licences were sold there should have been a 5-10% for domestic use as part of the contract.
Now they want a do-over.
And yea verily I say unto you, can we go biblical in our posts?
Remembering the good guys.
From Albrechtsen’s piece:
Now that is interesting.
internal server error test
Remember the push to jab the family pet to stop them getting COVID.
I wonder if there will be any follow ups on that.
Or just another addition to the forgettery.
These are supposedly tough lawyer ladies. I can’t imagine my girl being “in tears” over some j-list’s mere words. More likely to collar her after the event and have a discussion.
And them cancel her membership.
Toughen up ladies. And call bullsh*t if you must. Don’t weep into your hankies – it’s unseemly.
Some halfway bad news and some ripper news.
Facebook is up 2%
Atlassian is down 11%
Atlassian feels like it could test the lows again.
Total cockhead status reaffirmed.
I’m also “voting” in the mid terms. I talked my kid into voting GOP through feds and NY state.
Ed Casesays:
November 2, 2022 at 5:57 am
What’s the point of G Strings?
Perhaps you could try them as anti-covid protective masks.
Don’t forget to wash them before using.
Brilliant post Cassie, agree 1000%. The legal profession is letting itself down very badly.
JC, as so many of the tech universe has hiring freezes (at best) or lay-offs, the less licences Atlassian will sell.
Ex the tech/coding universe, there is a real pivot away from Atlassian.
Places like Saleforce are opening their ecosystem to low-code no-code alternatives.
Tough times ahead for Atlassian.
Lizzie, if your choice is between Pensacola or the Grand Hotel in Point Clear I’d strongly recommend the Grand. It’s a great place to unwind for a day or two if that fits your plans.
It’s only about 30 minutes farther west on I-10 and is dead easy to navigate to. Turn south on Highway 98 at Spanish Fort, drive 10 miles and you are in the charming town of Fairhope. Point Clear is just south of Fairhope on the water. You can’t miss it.
I’m not sure what you said, but from the vibe, I totally agree with it.
Norwegian Tatiana.
Who was your kid going to vote for JC, before you changed her mind ?
I’m highly doubtful tech space investors will tolerate anymore losses coming from those two muttonheads. They haven’t had a profitable year ever and they’re strutting around pretending they’re like the two google geeks.
Good times.
I really hate wishing ill on anyone but those two deserve a caning.
This was the point I made last night.
Musk’s team would have seen all the HR data during Due Diligence, and I am sure the imbalance between chiefs and indians stuck out like dogs balls.
If Atlassian tests the lows, this time it will slice through as we’ve seen with Meta.
But, but remember the list of demands made by the employees to Musk. Surely that counts now that he’s firing most of the fuckers.
November 2, 2022 at 9:03 am
Lunacy of the West Today
A man in Norway is sparking backlash after being sympathetically profiled on television for his “trans-disability.”
Jørund Viktoria Alme is able-bodied, but uses a wheelchair “almost all the time” because he identifies as a woman who is paralyzed.
And the West knocks Putin
Putin Warns Wokeness Is Destroying The West: It Happened In Russia, It’s Evil, It Destroys Values
“We see with bemusement the paralysis unfolding in countries that have grown accustomed to viewing themselves as the flagships of progress,” Putin said during an event where he spoke for a few hours. “Of course, it’s none of our business or what is happening, the social and cultural shocks that are happening in some countries in the Western countries, some believe that aggressive blotting out of whole pages of your own history, the affirmative action in the interest of minorities, and the requirement to renounce the traditional interpretation of such basic values as mother, father, family, and the distinction between sexes are a milestone … a renewal of society.”
Putin said that Western nations had a right to do whatever they wanted to do but that “the overwhelming majority of Russian society” rejected these new ways of thinking.
“The preparedness of the so called social progress believe that the bringing a new conscience, a new consciousness to humanity, something that is more correct,” Putin said. “But there is one thing I would like to say: The recipes they come up with are nothing new. Paradoxical as it may seem, but this is something we saw in Russia. It happened in our country before after the 1917 revolution, the Bolsheviks followed the dogmas of Marx and Engels. And they also declared that they would go into change the traditional lifestyle, the political, the economic lifestyle, as well as the very notion of morality, the basic principles for a healthy society. They were trying to destroy age and century long values, revisiting the relationship between the people, they were encouraging informing on one’s own beloved, and families. It was hailed as the march of progress. And it was very popular across the world and it was supported by many, as we see, it is happening right now.”
“Incidentally, the Bolsheviks were absolutely intolerant of other opinions, different from their own,” Putin continued. “I think this should remind you of something that is happening. And we see what is happening in the Western countries, it is with puzzlement that we see the practices Russia used to have and that we left behind in distant path, the fight for equality and against discrimination turns into an aggressive dogmatism on the brink of absurdity, when great authors of the past such as Shakespeare are no longer taught in schools and universities because they announced as backward classics that did not understand the importance of gender or race.”
Re Meta, the chaps on the All-In podcast were saying that if they follow through on their current meta verse plans it will be the most expensive investment since the Apollo program.
Their maths has been questioned, but it shows just how out of control Zuck is.
Let me say one thing before I head off. Even if Musk oil doesn’t do a thing with the comment policy. The mass sackings alone will have been worth it. The sheer pleasure seeing the Indian bint’s face in that pic was enough. It’s been worth it.
I don’t have time. Can someone please put up the pic again.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:
November 2, 2022 at 7:28 am
he’s bought some rum to does (dose?) himself tonight. That won’t do you any good
maybe it sounds stupid or it is stupid? but inhaling the vapors of rum or other strong liquor helps clear the lungs, or so I was told.
The best part is, you can swallow the stuff after.
Sancho Panzersays:
November 2, 2022 at 9:16 am
Elon Musk@elonmusk · Oct 30
Replying to @spideycyp_155 and @WholeMarsBlog
There seem to be 10 people “managing” for every one person coding
This was the point I made last night.
Musk’s team would have seen all the HR data during Due Diligence, and I am sure the imbalance between chiefs and indians stuck out like dogs balls.
You mean like all Public Service Departments Federal, State & Territory, and all Local Government Departments
the imbalance between chiefs and indians stuck out like dogs balls
You need to control your own ecosystem.
Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft.
Amazon less so.
Or be at the other end, open architecture, cheap with the ability to go viral (B2B viral).
Dot/et al:
The addition to the list of “Coffee Trees Growing”.
The reason I put the Coffee Tree entry in is because of several reasons:
.1 The coffee bean is from a bush, not a tree.
.2 They do not spontaneously appear in coffee shops,
.3 I doubt less than 1% of the Australian population have seen one growing in Australia.
.4 It was meant to be a light hearted addition, not something worth shedding blood over…
it’s easy to be critical and to pick on the ideas of others
it’s always easier to attack than to build
but this is a barren road to fields where nothing grows.
we cannot productively define ourselves only by what we are against.
we must be for something.
When I read this I thought of some of the people on this site who could well benefit from this advise.
What Really Happened That Night with Paul Pelosi?
It’s a Hollywood trope, the wealthy gentleman enjoying a seemingly perfect life while indulging a secret fondness for rough trade — a proclivity that turns violent.
Before we get to all that and what might have happened to Paul Pelosi, let me tell you why I spent far too much time last night asking questions I didn’t want to know the answers to.
It all started with a tweet from Unscripted Mike, who asked: “Has Nancy herself said a single word accusing DePape of being a right-wing extremist? If she has, I missed it. There’s nothing in her tweets. If she hasn’t, you know she just wants this story to go away.”
Indeed, everything Nancy Pelosi has publicly said is everything you would hope a concerned spouse would say, nothing crass and political.
Nancy, leaving political capital on the table like that? Something isn’t right.
Then there are all the elements of the Paul Pelosi Break-In timeline that don’t quite add up, courtesy of my friend and colleague Matt Margolis. Matt also had one very sharp commenter named Jonathan with ten questions the media seems to be ignoring:
1. How did David know the house and arrive there?
2. Was there forced entry and did alarm go off?
3. No video? What about body cam of SFPD
4. Why was assailant not tased?
5. Did Paul go out Friday? If so, where? And when did he return?
6. What was David doing prior to breaking in?
7. Why SF General? There are at 4 hospitals that are closer?
8. Why did he refer to David as a friend?
9. Whose hammer?
10. Did David come from Berkeley or has he been living in SF and if so, where?
As Longtime Sharp VodkaPundit Readers™ know, I almost always avoid writing about the personal lives of politicians, and particularly their family members. But as Kurt Schlichter wrote yesterday, “Paul Pelosi’s personal lifestyle stopped being his business the minute his political pals started accusing us of attacking him.”
The accusation that Nancy Pelosi — the woman most in the know — hasn’t made.
I don’t pretend to know what really happened with Paul Pelosi, or what his prurient pursuits might be.
But based on what little we’ve been allowed to know, what might have happened is something too sad to even be salacious: A family with a terrible secret that resulted in a violent attack and a near-tragic end.
Then there was Paul Pelosi’s DUI earlier this year in which he played that most entitled of cards: “Do you know who I am?”
So while my first instinct was to give Nancy and Paul Pelosi breathing room on this one, if only because Nancy has avoided making it political, I just can’t.
Paul Pelosi seems every bit the entitled jerk whose questionable behavior seems more and more likely to get himself killed. First, an alcohol-related car crash, and now it seems possible (likely?) that he made a very dangerous “friend” in the form of one underwear-clad, hammer-wielding, drugged-up, Canadian illegal alien Berkeleyite.
As a patriotic, non-partisan American, I must say this: If a Speaker’s spouse is making friends with a mentally disturbed rough trade that puts the Speaker’s life at risk, then Americans need to know all the facts.
As a patriotically partisan American, I’ll tell you that Nancy Pelosi can’t be allowed to cover herself with a mask of decency when it suits her and then remove it when it doesn’t.
Besides, I’m not in a very forgiving mood these days, and maybe you shouldn’t be, either.
Sancho Panzer:
Funny you did that, I found an old Betfair account with $100 in it and put $50 on the Democrats to win at 12:1 odds.
Just to keep the bastards honest.
Priest goes Biblical.
Curiously, yer man Shane is both “absolutely shocked” by a Catholic’s thoughts
and yet “doesn’t give one flying f*ck” about a Catholic’s thoughts.
Plague (conona),
Flood (look outside,
Pestilence (Dan and cronies)
What comes next?
Gina Carano explains why there is such a dearth of info about Paul Pelosi’s scrap with the Castro Nudist.
I have mentioned Club Grubbery hosted on Facebook by former Qantas pilot Graham Hood before.
Last night watched his latest podcast with an Oz Dr, David Nixon. He has examined and filmed the Vax under a powerful microscope. Speeded it up and magnified it hundreds of times. Almost an hour of showing the results and disturbing to say the least. Some very weird and scary stuff going on.
A Google search revealed the Dr has left his practice in the past few days due to health reasons. His speech was a bit odd.
Any scientific types care to look and comment. Are there similar reports elsewhere ?
If the footage is genuine then Vax should be stopped. They mentioned getting Dr Phillip Altman on to talk about it sometime next week.
Oh joy, oh frabjous day!
Interesting take ‘bern that a crimp on tech hirings will rebound on Atlassian.
I read something very weird they put out a few months ago saying that the cost of their software fell outside the top 50 expenditure line items for their clients so they are flying under the radar for cost-cutting.
Strange thing to say. Not “we are essential to operations and really cost effective so will not be culled in a cost drive”.
But instead saying “we are so insignificant in cost they won’t notice us”.
Anyone who has been through a real cost cutting drive knows that is bullshit.
You vill obey! jab jab booster…………………………
As someone who closely follows the news, I have found it amazing that no stories about issues found important by voters include pandemic and COVID failures, especially vaccines. They have caused more than 30 million adverse health impacts and deaths; these are far greater than all the harm caused by crime, opioid and fentanyl misuse, and other factors ruining lives. Over a million Americans have died from COVID and hundreds more die every day because the vaccines do not work and all the wrong, useless protocols still are used in hospitals.
There should be not doubt that the Biden Administration and Democrats have totally screwed up pandemic management and COVID handling. If Americans want major changes, then they should vote for Republicans over Democrats.
Here is a brief list of issues illustrating the failures that require a whole new approach.
The people and agencies in power and the entire medical and public health establishment following the orders of federal agencies have put out nothing but misinformation on COVID vacines. With the help of the mainstream media they have fooled much of the public about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines.
Probably the worst action is pushing COVID vaccines for children who face far more health risks than benefits from them.
BREAKING: David DePape Pleads Not Guilty to All Charges in Paul Pelosi Incident – In First Court Appearance He Is Not Shackled, His Arm Is in a Sling – UPDATED
From the Comments
– That’s because he’s not guilty. The police and the media are covering for Paul Pelosi partying with a gay male prostitute.
– Well, far as we can tell he probably is guilty of assaulting him with a hammer. The rest is a matter of debate.
– The hammer may have identified as a dildo.
– #depapedidn’tkillhimself
– Expect DePape to soon commit “suicide” or succumb to his injuries. Expect also President Trump to be charged for this “attack” since he is somehow responsible for everything evil in the world.
FJB and American Injustice!
‘bern if the propellor heads love Atlassian software that tells me it is probably impenetrably clunky and keeps propellor heads in work.
Pity poor Victoria with Dictator Dan’s Debt
Herald Sun Front Page – Victoria owes more than NSW, QLD & TAS combined
‘bern if the propellor heads love Atlassian software that tells me it is probably impenetrably clunky and keeps propellor heads in work.
That’s pretty much it.
A lot of non tech organisations (like banks) are having buyers remorse.
Winston: Good point on the coffee growing. Was wondering what it was about.
Coffee doesn’t come from the spout of a grinder in a fair trade coffee shop?
I’ve never seen a coffee … er… bush. IIRC they’ve always been called ‘trees’ in the Country Life, or perhaps just “coffee”, in the manner of cattle running free on a few hundred thousand acres of western downs are called “beef”
Johnny Rotten says:
November 2, 2022 at 4:31 am
Old as it may be, I never heard that one.
dickless uptick on its way
Coffee liberica grows to an amazing 20 m high!
I actually want liberica. Hard to get here though.
I don’t understand why Atlassian think they are different.
If you have 15 staff using the Office suite, then you sack 3, you adjust your licence count.
No different for Atlassian.
The pricing might not linear, but if your user count is going backwards, not up, the only way you recoup that is by increasing prices.
Or selling to new businesses & industries which is harder now as there are cheaper, easier to use options.
The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) 2/11/22
The souls of the virtuous are in the hands of God – Wisdom 3:1-9.
The Christian Art website
Cassie of Sydneysays:
November 2, 2022 at 8:20 am
From The Oz..
Journalist’s speech to women lawyers ends in tears
Very good. Milligan does what she does because she can. Female lawyers in tears: FMD. Why weren’t they hurling food at the bitch. As for the WLA, it is merely a woke offshoot of the liars/filth.
Not new ways of thinking, a deep sickness resulting from marxist poisoning the well of culture
Atlassian isn’t going bust.
But at some stage they will either buy out a competitor (think Adobe & Figma) or someone like a Microsoft will try fold them into their universe.
David Sacks: Ukraine is turning into Woke War III
When Elon Musk unveiled his notorious Ukraine peace proposal on Twitter last month, it caused quite the stir. For simply outlining the potential contours of a negotiated settlement between Ukraine and Russia, the new Twitter CEO was derided as a dangerous Putin apologist (despite his company Starlink providing internet to Ukraine at a cost of $20 million a month). It happens that Musk is not the only Silicon Valley mogul who has come under fire for taking a realist line on the conflict.
In fact, a friend of Musk’s, David Sacks, wrote an article in which he alleged the West had entered into “Woke War III”. Over the course of the war, the woke Left and the neoconservative Right have been marching in lockstep, and using “woke cancellation tactics” to suppress any dissenting opinions.
Sacks, a multimillionaire venture capitalist and host of the hit podcast ‘All-In’ expands on his thinking in UnHerdTV’s latest interview.
No – I had a nap instead. That was more thrilling than yet another exhibition of drunk punters in frilly frocks. And that’s just the blokes.
oops, sorry!
Paul Joseph Watson
Any chance we could get Elon to purchase the ALPBC?
Um, my volatile investments yesterday failed to bear fruit, even though it was fun.
Translation: my TAB account is empty.
Old Ozzie:
When will people wake up to the fact that Islam is unable to exist alongside any other religion? It cannot even exist with its own co religionists!
Islam needs to be segregated from every other religion.
No matter how unpleasant it sounds, it is an observable fact and cannot be denied.
Tom, what did you think about the 3 last across the line being pulled up so far out.
I didn’t read anywhere that there were any health issues.
The Clintons have been busy
A shooting early Sunday morning marked the 70th homicide this year, matching the Little Rock’s record high.
As they say, “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, won’t shut up.”
So we have Nilligan, touting her legal creds as entitling her to appraise the legal system and denounce what she sees as flaws what practicing legal professionals recognise as its actual strengths.
And remember Emma Alberici’s (she has a degree in economics, doncha know) and her laughable screed about businesses and tax.
Is there anyone at the ABC who has the slightest idea of what they are paid to talk about? Is there a single one of them who can discern, like a speck on a far horizon, the possibility that there are some things they should check before engaging the cogs of jaw and pumping out an endless steam of useless product?
Those offended lady lawyers need to offer their services to Bruce L, pro bono, for his defence, at the next trial. Go get ‘er, girls, as they say. Claws out!
His current lawyers, if he is acquitted, having done it pro bono, could win bigly going after the Morrisons, Wilkinsons, Fitzsimians, BH Pty Ltd and many others for their perversion of the legal process.
That’s why the system wants him convicted.
One dropped a shoe in running.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and answer “no”.
Had occasion to bring my Grade 6 cousin to Albert Park for the state athletics championship. You would be hard pressed to find a worse set of uppity hens. That would be the mums running around, preening themselves trying to look important in the activewear. The men could barely care, just here to see their kids do well.
I think the latter is likely.
But it won’t be $400 a share.
Or even $200.
Bern, in the hypersensitive world of Victorian horse-racing, there was immediate panic when four Cup runners were either pulled up or jogged to the finishing post.
But the vets reported all were well.
In fact, I’m surprised a Greens voter didn’t try to run onto the track to stop the race, triggering a blanket apology for horse-racing from the Victorian government.
ACT wimmin lawyers eh. I can just imagine. Canbra plus misandry. Yuk.
not the pick, but a throwback to funny times…
But this is funny. I mean seriously. Head of legal on $17M / year and you turn into a blubbering mess?
Twitter Policy Head Vijaya Gadde Cried At Board Meeting Following Elon Musk Takeover
.. and if she didn’t see it coming, she’s an idiot.
I’m starting to like Elon Musk.
Tell him to not travel to Arkansas.
I haven’t been listening to the whole morning’s prattle by Daytime Sky News, but it certainly seems like Laura Jayes is carrying water for the insane Democrats – spending all her time on the only topic the Dems want to run with – Abortion.
This is like an arsonist being puzzled why the fire he started in the basement is now engulfing the whole edifice. There is no coincidence or puzzle why the West is following in the footsteps of Soviet Russia – it is Soviet propaganda that brought us here.
Thanks, Tom.
I would love to see the riding instructions the Serpentine jockey was given.
Didn’t the article say that Lehrmann’s lawyers were already acting pro bono?
Lady lawyers too. Shows they are not all harridans – it is easy to miss that because the harridans are forever leaping in front of the cameras.
Study offers new insights into genetic mutations in autism disorders and points to possible treatments
Striking results that highlight the importance of genes in ASD. It doesn’t really point to possible treatments because inhibiting the pathway mentioned would have disastrous consequences for the whole body as the intervention would have to be in utero.
Even the idiot in WA seems to know that the whole wuflu scam is over, yet in Vic you can’t even volunteer to fill a sandbag.
At Taronga Zoo, five lions escaped from their enclosures around 7am and have now been recaptured.
What’s the bet some activist let them out?
Covid could have started earlier than thought
Dr. John Campbell
[UK] Government tests energy blackout emergency plans as supply fears grow
The government has “war gamed” emergency plans to cope with energy blackouts lasting up to seven days in the event of a national power outage amid growing fears over security of supply this winter.
“Anchor Whatsays:
November 2, 2022 at 10:27 am
I haven’t been listening to the whole morning’s prattle by Daytime Sky News, but it certainly seems like Laura Jayes is carrying water for the insane Democrats – spending all her time on the only topic the Dems want to run with – Abortion.”
At least Sky is balanced with Sky after Dark….and it’s not taxpayer funded.
Cassie, remind me to take you to the pub with the redoubtable Hairy and other Cats, where we’ll buy you a dinner and ply you with tipple and confirm that there is still fight and fun left in the world. With luck we can persuade you that you won’t have to worry about any desires to place your head in a bucket of wet sand. I hope someone who has some sort of access sends your excellent rant above straight to Louise Milligan so she can see what she is really like, expressed so well by a woman of considerable intellectual heft and memory who is very annoyed indeed.
We are missing Sky After Dark over here, now, for an Australian perspective when the sun has just bathed us in an Endless Days tropical sunset and the air is warmer than last nite. Hairy is currently giving himself the Rum Cure on the balcony after dippling himself this arvo in the waters of the Gulf prior to joining me in the pool. But every night we dip into Fox, for Watters and later for Tucker Carlson, who is on in ten minutes (prior to dinner, we are on Gulf time here, but Fox is not).
I was wondering whether it was time to equip jockeys with lances, just for that occasion.
The stinkies were busy overnight again.
‘Ecoterrorism’: 61 French Gendarmes Injured After Clashes With Violent Eco-Left Extremists (1 Nov)
Climate Extremists Now Endangering Lives in German Capital – Police Union (31 Oct)
Greta Thunberg Calls For “Overthrow Of Whole Capitalist System” (2 Nov)
The more they go on this the less the public listens to them, therefore the more they get hyper. The activists are so frustrated now we’re sure to see full-on Weather Underground stuff before long.
Endless Summer, not Endless Days. You know the surfing icon pic.
Sadly, our days are not endless here, we have a return date fixed.
Bill Bishop (the guy who runs a China newsletter that Rudd gets & reads verbatim & tries to pass off as his own highly valuable work), is reporting this morning that the US Department of Commerce is already changing the implementation of the Biden chip executive order.
Maybe it’s a case of the Japan/oil comparison being too strong to ignore.
“Cassie, remind me to take you to the pub with the redoubtable Hairy and other Cats, where we’ll buy you a dinner and ply you with tipple and confirm that there is still fight and fun left in the world. With luck we can persuade you that you won’t have to worry about any desires to place your head in a bucket of wet sand. I hope someone who has some sort of access sends your excellent rant above straight to Louise Milligan so she can see what she is really like, expressed so well by a woman of considerable intellectual heft and memory who is very annoyed indeed.”
Thank you Lizzie, I am looking forward to catching up with you both upon your return!
Micke Huckerbee on now still offering free ‘The Kids Guide to President Trump’. Love to get one but you need a US address for it.
Now the Slipper Man is on, a mega-Trump supporter, spruiking his Pillows or Slippers, or both.
I greet him like an old friend. Some certainty to cling on to. 🙂
And Sky have sent over Rita Panahi and James Morrow who will balance the reporting of Laura Jayes and Annelise Neilson.
Apparently some lions escaped from their enclosure at Taronga this morning. I was hoping that they’d wonder over to Mosman to sample some amphibians but lions, being noble creatures, would probably find those Mosman amphibians toxic and unpalatable.
I see Paul Pelosi grifter filth has a BS in ‘foreign service’. What the fuck is that?
Thank you Lizzie, I am looking forward to catching up with you both upon your return!
And I’d like to meet you all too!
At Taronga Zoo, five lions escaped from their enclosures around 7am and have now been recaptured.
Everyone knows that cats get uppity when not fed on time .. 7.00am does not mean 7.05am in cat-land!
I’m not sure “escaped” is the correct term, Cass. Sounds as though they were deliberately released, presumably by swampies.
Pity the swampsters hadn’t checked “Rabz’ Guide to interacting with Apex Predators” beforehand, which notes that Lions are just cuddly (not so) little cats that love being patted on the nose and having their tails pulled (as opposed to their legs).
Wasn’t there a Heinlein story where the US? fenced off with a force field, a large part of a state and sent the idiots there? You don’t like our rules? Try living without them – or any rules at all.
Must be either climate change or Putin’s fault.
The perp is a foreigner and was offering services?
Lots of fun from the Left about conspiracy theories re the services part. That’s a tell methinks.