The Mansard Roof, Edward Hopper, 1923
The Mansard Roof, Edward Hopper, 1923
Sideways sausage always a problem.
Never mind the out of control knife crime across the UK, or the out of control house burglaries, or the…
The Liberals are largely responsible for bringing this cohort here. What does Dutton have to say?
No mention of climate dooming?
panic-man stops freaking out for a sec and attempts light humour
the chilling effect is so great it almost extinguishes his hair on fire
Of course, its a feature not a bug, it all makes sense once you realise what ‘victory looks like’
Quite! I wonder if a better word would be ‘unbelievable’?
Today we braved another look at downtown Selma, Alabama. The famous bridge there is now detailed in an information centre, which is actually very good on the Selma to Monterey marches – the first stopped over the other side of the bridge by brutal iron bar wielding good ole boys thugs, including the awful sheriff at that time. The second and later marches (by religious figures and many whites) over the bridge, to protest the barriers to black voting registration, were system-changing events. I recall those times well. Hairy was nostalgically playing The Eve of Destruction (Barry McGuire 1969) late at nite in our suite – Selma features. Selma today is as I said earlier, a pit with lawlessness abounding and some hostile black people. Alabama is still a basket case in its rural areas. Such hopefulness for democracy and change on the faces of the marchers, who suffered greatly (some of those iron bars on display had spikes on them), tragic for it to end in Selma today. But vote for Democrats and you get handouts and despair, rather than enterprise and activity and wealth, that’s my take on it.
Blacks now get voted into some key positions. Interesting though was the one big political sign I saw – a real billboard with a pic of a white man in police unifornm – Vote for me as Sheriff. Seems there is a felt need to tackle the sort of hopelessness and petty crime that we saw, plus the recent riots burning of all buildings offering help to the poor. I don’t know what his support base is, but I suspect it is not without some blacks who want crime to cease.
Now I hear on Fox just now Obama is coming out about police kneeling on the necks of black people.
Seems a noose was left at his Presidential Library site. As I said earlier, the CRT ideology and Obama’s political organiser ideology haven’t helped at all, witness in Chicago. And everywhere else.
So much goodwill in the last thirty years has been squandered.
“An overweight bloke just won a Miss America beauty pageant”
Monty, why didn’t you tell us?
Daily Mail. Sorry ’bout that. Real sorry.
Today’s drive sees us back in Florida, welcomed over the border from Alabama by a sign also saying Ron De Santis, Governor. There is an immediate sense of well-being, of competence, of activity and pride, and the State is obviously very well off. No wonder people are flocking there. Half a mile in from the border is a big, clean and impressive Welcome to Florida and Living in Florida building. All the information you might want to make the move. And the welcome mat definitely out for you.
“Seems a noose was left at his Presidential Library site.”
I don’t know what others think but to me there’s a stench of another Smollett type hoax here, unless of course it’s all those Illinois Nazis.
We should send the fat fascist fuckwit over there so that he can go round punching all those Nazis.
For those who missed it, we are the enemy now, the weapons of war deployed against the citizens* in the last 3 years should have made that abundantly clear. Perhaps that is why they seem to be hell bent on killing us.
* censorship, propaganda, border closures, curfews (in terms of allowable distance from home, if not allowable times), movement restrictions, identity passes/checks, war emergency control of the economy, militarised police (and actual military) in the streets, devastated towns with bodies pilling up in the streets (I made the bodies bit up, but so many towns were devastated economically, debts that will take decades to repay – if ever, traumatised ‘survivors’ who’s lives are forever changed…. just look at the comments to Emily Oster’s Atlantic article, there are plenty of people who now see the world as indelibly changed.
Like I said, there was actually a red wave in most demographics… except it was largely cancelled out by the high-intensity blue wave among unmarried women.
This was easy to guess before the election. Unless you were ignorant or stupid.
“attempts to spark up this ridiculous panic?”
My goodness can you read in context?
I also pointed out that everyone on board had either mild symptoms or was asymptomatic.
It’s the antivaxxers getting all excited about the cruisers.
Nah nah nah vax don’t work you’re all gunna die.
Considering I was one of the very few Australians who travelled to Europe during the omicron super surge claiming I’m the slightest bit into whipping up covid panics is patently absurd.
And endothelial damage is the root cause of vascular disease, perhaps contributing to the rise in cardiac disease, particularly against the vaxxed. Newly dissident UK cardiologist, Aseem Malhotra, noted that his own vaxxed father had a ‘clean bill of health’ cardiac wise, only a year before dropping dead with extensive coronary disease.
Meanwhile numerous times a day we get panic whipped with the vaxx kills with zero filters on claims, no matter how absurd.
Who’s your daddy?
Perhaps we can repurpose the ‘vax saves’ filters?
There is certainly an argument to be made that 2022 was decided purely on “it’s the economy, stupid” factors.
Yes, most demographics didn’t like inflation and voted accordingly. Unmarried women voted in large numbers on abortion… but that is an economic issue too, if you think about it.
Many of those women don’t want to be forced to give up their careers to be a mother just because their contraception didn’t work. Young mothers tend to fall towards poverty.
Of course that is part of the reason that conservatives want to ban abortion: they hate the freedom and liberation of modern women. The abortion issue brings that implacable hatred to the forefront of women voters’ minds.
If you don’t understand this dynamic, it is either that you are thick, or you just don’t want to.
How odd.
Poll Finds Massive Shift of Suburban Women to Republicans in Midterms Due to Economy (2 Nov)
Maybe, Monty, you mean those mythical young women who only exist inside a computer (Dominion or Konnech) and vote my means of a laser printer?
Keep going Monty, I find your gymnastics amusing.
Risk benefit analysis
Dr. John Campbell
Urgent Election Update! Biolab Danger in Ukraine? Happy Veterans Day!
Judicial Watch
Old ozzie:
It looks like the Republicans won the votes, but lost the counts.
Max Hastings’s new book “Abyss – The Cuban Missile Crisis 1962” makes interesting reading.
Yuri Gagarin was lucky to survive his voyage into space – it culminated when he landed in a potato field near the Volga, and “the world’s first cosmonaut was obliged to borrow a horse to get to a phone to summon rescuers.” Page 59.
I can’t facepalm any harder. The SFL in vic have officially preferenced the greens over labor.
They must genuinely want to lose and screw everyone in the state even harder.
If there is anyone on this blog who watches scenes like this and feels genuine disappointment or even fear because “trans” or “globohomo”, there is still time to reexamine your priorities!
Can someone please explain to me what career on earth is more important than bearing and raising your own children?
PS… Monty, before you start, please don’t argue that men *also* preference their careers over being mothers….
Obviously, all these cheering crowds must represent the 1% of Kherson that DIDN’T vote for Putin’s free and fair annexation referendum. Either that or they’re paid mercenaries.
See my comment made at 5:27 AM today.
Then mOron must agree that the GOP is the peoples choice, the most desired Govt.
After all, the fkwit spent 4 years on here screaming “Killary Won!!!”
November 12, 2022 at 11:23 am
is Gibberish is yr first language?
LOL, classic!
m0nty-fa’s standard response when he has been owned (except for the many times he simply ignores the evidence of his own stupidity).
Unmarried women voted in large numbers on abortion… but that is an economic issue too, if you think about it.
98% 0f the time, yeah
Many of those women don’t want to be forced to give up their careers to be a mother just because their contraception didn’t work.
It’s a Single Woman’s issue.
For whatever reason, they don’t want to give birth, and that’s it.
Young mothers tend to fall towards poverty.
Young Single Mothers, yeah, plus it’s hard on the kid, plus she’s fucked her whole life up.
Of course that is part of the reason that conservatives want to ban abortion: they hate the freedom and liberation of modern women.
That’s straight up HorseShit.
In America, most abortions are done on blacks and “hispanics” [read: blacks from Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central America and Dominican Republic].
For whatever mysterious reason, the extreme Right [NeoCons] want more blacks, while Joe SixPack and his missus would like less, but will settle for the status quo.
The MidTerms results bear that out.
The abortion issue brings that implacable hatred to the forefront of women voters’ minds.
Single women voters.
Married women broke Republican.
starts at about 25:00 min $11m went to ukraine biolabs
November 12, 2022 at 12:07 pm
Bruce, your ignorance is not notable.
Yours is very prominent.
Just like the bumsmacks they got as they retreated into Stalingrad, you idiot.
That’s right dotty. Unfortunately, we have a section of the centre-through-hard-right that has now gone down a path that can only logically lead to pro-Soviet Cold War revisionism. I have no doubt by this time next year, you’d have commenters here running the same propaganda lines that THR used to push on here, e.g.:
-the Nazi-Soviet Pact was a defensive alliance and contained no military aid component
-the USSR single-handedly won WWII without any assistance from US heavy industry
-the Ukrainian famine was caused by poor weather, not grain confiscation
-the Baltic states had no right to defect from the USSR in 1990-91
-the Katyn massacre didn’t happen or was carried out by the SS
Scrolling up this thread, we’re already well on the way to confirming a couple of these points, but the longer people are defending Putin, the more they HAVE to confirm the entire pro-Soviet post-war narrative. It is simply unavoidable.
I mean, there are actually commenters here who get very, very upset when statues of Lenin and Stalin are seen to be toppled! This is where we are at now!!
I can’t facepalm any harder. The SFL in vic have officially preferenced the greens over labor.
I didn’t think they had the guts.
Barring 2 weeks of Jeff Kennett on the front page of the Sun,
the Election’s over and the only argument is about the size of the Victory.
I’m calling Liberal/National 54, Labor 26: Greens 5.
They must genuinely want to lose and screw everyone in the state even harder.
Keep cryin’, Bluey.
Perhaps Andrews will come around to cheer you up?
We should send the fat fascist fuckwit over there so that he can go round punching all those Nazis.
He might find Malmo safer?
Rubio and others, incl. Hawley, are moving against McConnell. Gaetz moving against McCarthy. Trump has endorsed Rick Scott for Senate leader. They are also calling on elections for leadership positions to be postponed next week until all the results are final.
Can someone please explain to me what career on earth is more important than bearing and raising your own children?
What each of them do with their lives is their business, not yours.
hmmm… motherhood vs onlyfans ….. tough call for a young woman
the longer people are defending Putin, the more they HAVE to confirm the entire pro-Soviet post-war narrative. It is simply unavoidable.
Not likely, unfortunately. The elites in charge of the GOP apparatus will close shop same as the Libs and Nats do here. They don’t want to be uninvited from all those nice Manhattan cocktail parties.
So mr. wrongology has given the blessing to Labor winning. It’s not that long ago you were telling everyone Scotty had it sewn up, playing everyone like a stradivarius.
Show where I support Labor forming government, instead of a halfway decent right wing party.
The liberals trying to out left Labor doesn’t even remotely count as right wing, and living in a safe labor seat I’m leaning to not voting.
As soon as I started reading Monty’s reply I thought “Classic Monty Walk-back.”
So transparent.
Wow, what a self own. Obviously you don’t talk to any interesting women, Ducky. This is like that time Ben Shapiro said he didn’t believe in the female orgasm because he had never seen one.
Basic psychology. It is simply impossible to hold the following two thoughts in your head at the same time:
-Ukraine is a historic victim of Russian and Soviet imperialism, suffering colossal genocides at the hands of Moscow’s leadership (the most infamous being the Holodomor) and it’s independence from the USSR’s control via popular referendum in 1991 (including 54% of Crimean votes and over 80% in every other region) was a historic liberation
-Ukraine is a fake country run by Jews, Nazis and drag queens at the behest of NATO/EU/Soros, and Putin needs to persist invading until he rolls over Kyiv or at least turns Ukraine into a rump state.
One of these positions obviously needs to be revised, and the more strongly hold to the second narrative, the less feasible it is to acknowledge the first.
m0nty-fa has been hyperactive over the last two days. Is there a Krispy Kreme left anywhere in Melbourne?
Mehmet Oz called, he said no, what women do with their lives is clearly dependent on the word of local politicians, clergymen and other busybodies.
And Putin’s “Ukrainian Nazi” narrative is a precise replication of Soviet Cold War propaganda which said that Ukraine deserved to be annexed by the USSR because of pro-Nazi sympathisers among the population. Obviously, once you buy into that narrative, you’re not going to have much to say about Stalin, the Holodomor and Walter Duranty. This is where the MAGA faction has basically ended up.
Show where I support Labor forming government, instead of a halfway decent right wing party.
Outta your own mouth.
Labor are a right wing party, halfway decent, I suppose.
The liberals trying to out left Labor doesn’t even remotely count as right wing,
The Liberals should always be to the left of Labor, they’re Liberals, in case you forgot.
… and living in a safe labor seat I’m leaning to not voting.
Because you’re a Labor Voter, though I doubt you live in Victoria since there’s no safe LC seats.
Report comment
Comments please? How commercially viable is this tech?
Mehmet Oz called, he said no, what women do with their lives is clearly dependent on the word of local politicians, clergymen and other busybodies.
Hershel Walker called, he said:
If’n ah impregnated that ‘ho, thassa mah bidness!
Haha, the Penn election apparatus is notorious. A goat could be elected in that state, so long as it was a Dem.
Interesting comment about clergymen though Monty. What sort of clergymen do you mean? The sort of clergymen that Dr Oz listens to, or some other sort. I’m all ears! Please do illuminate us with regards to clergymen.
This is the same Anti industrial philosophy that the Malturd used to wreck the Australian economy.
He ‘worked’ in an office and couldn’t see beyond that viewpoint.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
November 12, 2022 at 12:25 pm
“An overweight bloke just won a Miss America beauty pageant”
Monty, why didn’t you tell us?
It can’t be Monty unless he is 19 years old and black. But then again, who knows……………..lol
It’s not Putin’s at all. It’s a historical fact. Ukraine’s national hero was a nazi,responsible for thousand’s of Jewish murders. Lower your hysteria.
None of that makes any sense at all.
Not “the bit I wrote made sense”.
Absolutely none of it!
Makka – That looks like a version of the tokamak or stellarator style of fusion with a liquid lithium liner. The latter is quite neat since neutrons bombard the lithium to produce tritium, which is then collected and used for the plasma. The lithium metal also is a good heat conductor so it then transfers the fusion energy to the water circuit via heat exchangers – the water converted to steam powers the generator turbine.
The downside of all this is the tokamak or stellarator. They the subject of decades of work which has yet to be fully successful. A fusion plant built based on such tech will be immensely expensive in capital cost terms. All those magnets and complex control issues of the plasma means costs. So while the fuel is cheap the capital cost kills you dead – which has been the Achilles heel of fission plants too (especially with all the red and green tape they are forced to drown in.)
I don’t think the containment plasma fusion model is the way to go. I favour accelerator methods using non-deuterium fuels – lithium or boron especially. But I’ve not yet seen a company with a compelling technology in that space, which may mean that doesn’t work also. (I haven’t been following this area though – other Cats will probably know a lot more than I.) But if someone can get the accelerator-based fusion process to work the engineering would be far easier than the tokamak/stellarator model.
I wouldn’t invest in General Fusion though. The chances of a return on investment are tiny, simply because the technology barrier is so enormous. But I like what they’re doing.
Cassie Of Sydney:
“she’s a waste of space, please pass it on”.
You should have said “After the Revolution, the rich bitch will be swinging from a tree and muttering as the noose goes around her neck ‘If only Stalin knew’, and you three smug old cows will in line behind her. Comrade.”
I got something similar from the Cat one day.
Couldn’t guess who it was.
Cheers Bruce.
Tucker: Now they’re threatening Elon Musk
OK, Ed can’t, anyone else?
November 12, 2022 at 1:36 pm
OK, Monty can’t either … and btw, yes I *do* own myself, its the very *core* of libertarian philosophy, and was a key reason why I refused to be co-erced into putting the vax into it, whatever the threats.
What, Stepan Bandera was literally a member of the Nazi party was he?
Well it’s a good thing that Russia has been morally absolved from any anti-semitic pogroms and thus has the right to annex Ukraine! lol
Obviously, the reason why Makka and others support Putin is because they see it as a Hail Mary pass in the domestic culture wars – if Putin can take out a battlefield victory, the LGBT agenda will somehow be defeated within the West itself. I’m not exaggerating in the slightest, that’s what this is all about.
Dot, you are a libertarian and thus by definition do not understand women.
And yet, so many seem to be able to believe
1) the vaxxines and masks work to protect me
2) the unvaxxinated and unmasked are a deadly threat to me
Very true, and I wouldn’t rule out some connection in their minds to Revelations. The Rapture is coming, and you need an Antichrist by hook or by crook.
Your refusal was over a philosophical point, then.
No concern over being killed or maimed by the Vax?
It’s not Putin’s at all. It’s a historical fact. Ukraine’s national hero was a nazi responsible for thousand’s of Jewish murders. Lower your hysteria.
Petliura or Bandera?
Both were accused of pogroms, though Bandera settled in West Germany and never faced trial.
Interesting, may explain the uptick of cancer as spike protein is known to damage mitochondria.
Lol, I see now mOron and Fisk are joined at the hip, totally aligned. The company you keep Fisk. Turning full circle woke and left.
LOL that has to be the biggest own-goal yet from monty
Ever since I was a child, I’ve always had a fear of someone under my bed at night. So I went to a shrink and told him “I’ve got problems. Every time I go to bed I think there’s somebody under It. I’m scared. I think I’m going crazy”.
“Just put yourself in my hands for one year” said the shrink. “Come talk to me three times a week and we should be able to get rid of those fears”. “How much do you charge?” “Eighty dollars per visit” replied the doctor. “I’ll sleep on it” I said.
Six months later the doctor met me on the street. “Why didn’t you come to see me about those fears you were having?” he asked. “Well, eighty bucks a visit, three times a week for a year, is $12,480. A bartender cured me for $10. I was so happy to have saved all that money that I went and bought me a new pickup truck”.
“Oh, is that so?” he said with a bit of an attitude. “And how, may I ask, did the bartender cure you?”
“He told me to cut the legs off the bed. Ain’t nobody under there now!”
Makka – I should say too that General Fusion’s website is awesome as a flashy information-free extravaganza.
It took a fair bit of effort to work out what they were doing technology-wise. I’m not sure I got to exactly the right conclusion since the actual tech is buried under layers and layers of pretty guff. Which I think constitutes a cautionary point.
I tend in such things like a flowsheet, some chemistry or nuclear physics and some materials of construction information. None of that was there: only by inference from the comments about the liquid lithium layer was it apparent what they were doing. (But all those widgets in the photos I don’t exactly know what they’re supposed to do. They look pretty.)
If I was designing a website to particularly support the extraction of money from governments I would do what they have done. Good on them.
I could dig deeper but it’s Saturday and I’m not inclined to.
Vlad will take care of the Ukrainian Nazis.
When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I’ve never tried before.
– Mae West
NYT calls AZ Senate seat for Kelly.
Bruce O’Newk:
The parasite that is government scavenges every nutrient it can find in a never ending search for fuel to continue its growth.
It won’t stop – it cannot stop, because to stop is to die.
Even it it kills the host and will then starve itself, it still cannot stop demanding more nutrients.
It is the nature of the Beast written deep into its genetic code and cannot be denied.
Of course the windfall tax will disappear when the windfall profits stop, Virginia.
They and a number of others have received grants in the millions from the USG this year.
I also saw this in my digging but the politics many have changed this.
I can’t believe how stupid, gullible or dishonest you are.
The LDP has or had several women as candidates for the last Senate election and the current Vic upper house.
You understand being a woman more than they do?
You’re like the trans dudes who still have dicks telling JK Rowling she’s a closet woman hater.
LOL you imbecile.
Yes Monty, we’re already well aware that the Dems are adept at stealing elections.
Especially where they control the election apparatus.
Like in Maricopa.
Montgomery and Fisker’s new theme song
Who’d have guessed that you were cheering lockdowns and vaccination coercion throughput the last 30 months?
Fuck off you hypocritical dickhead!
Demons were 198 a few hours ago. This is going to go to them. The cheating must be extraordinary at the moment.
November 12, 2022 at 2:31 pm
NYT calls AZ Senate seat for Kelly.
And MontyPox Virus, the source of your statement is what? Please elaborate.
Makka – Saw that too. No chance of success, like if the Wright Brothers tried to design a B-52 bomber. ‘Way too early.
This is the UK Tory Teals trying to justify their destruction of the electricity industry for Gaia. They don’t want to expand fission because it is haram, so they’ve latched onto the fusion stuff. Not going to happen, but it will generate lots of ‘look look we’re doing something’ headlines.
Clearly ,mOron is quite comfortable with not only the slaughter of babies in-utero, but that taxpayers should kick in for the honor of funding the slaughter as well. You sure can pick them Fisk.
Thanks Bruce. I take it from your comments and some reading on this that to be commercially successful (as opposed to politically favorable!) will involve also a good deal of lithium consumed in each plant?
The race is on between the usual suspects; China/Russia/US and UK. I’ll be watching this much more closely. I realize it’s a way in the future for realization of this technology into everyday use, but the US determination to slow down China’s tech progress and prowess may tilt odds in favour of the good guys.
Crypto giant FTX collapses into bankruptcy
“Embattled cryptocurrency exchange FTX has filed for bankruptcy in the US, seeking court protection as it looks for a way to return money to users.
Former boss Sam Bankman-Fried has also stepped down as chief executive, the company said.
It is a massive turn of fortunes for the 30-year-old, who had headed the world’s second largest crypto exchange.
In just over a week, his FTX empire has collapsed, shaking confidence in the already troubled crypto market.”
Maybe investing into an Unregulated Market is not such a good idea. Ponzi scheme or what. LOL
very interesting summary of the current status quo.
Armageddon vs Global Totalitarian State
We have been under the threat of armageddon since the cold war. Since then we have new threats, and these are real threats not imagined threats like overpopulation or climate change. One is General AI which morphs quickly into super intelligence, which we are unable to control. Some see this as the next phase of human evolution, the merger of man and machine. The other armageddon which is now very real is biological Armageddon, the early taste of which is the cccp virus.
Some group see the solution to Armageddon scenarios as the global totalitarian state which overseas all activity and prevents any of these catastrophic scenarios. However benevolent the global all knowing state might start off as, history as shown that it’s only a matter of time before it can turn evil and full on totalitarian. A totalitarian state never cedes power.
The question then is, can we steer a course between these two extremes.
Re Kelly in AZ, hundreds of thousands of the best R votes still out there.
Okay, why are you right and the WSJ is wrong?
Yes that too, albeit the concerns were more theoretical than proven at that stage (I lost my job over a year ago for refusal), but even if the vax were ‘safe and effective’ as advertised, the co-ercion aspect was still unacceptable – as Nuremburg spelt out.
I chose Armageddon. I wont live under LGBT tyranny.
I don’t care if I started shitting gold nuggets after getting the clotshot, I wont be fukn getting it.
my take is the war will end soon. prisoner exchanges. pause in destruction of critical uke infrastructure. strategic russian withdrawals. change of tune from US officials. my guess is ukes will withdraw from the remainder of donbass as the next step.
Nope, its a side effect of freedom, and being responsible for your own decisions is a great learning opportunity (I have had 7 figures in crypto for years, and long ago learned NOT to keep your assets on someone elses exchange, hence FTX, Blockfi etc going down will not affect me). I learned this by doing – I was not protected by government regulations.
Regulation brings its own set of problems, rather than eliminate them, and the power of central regulators to harm you is far greater than the power of the free market to.
To illustrate the point, why does Fiji (insert any other tinpot country here) have an army? Its not going to big enough to prevent the country being taken over by any significant power? The answer is ‘to prevent the people rising up and overthrowing the government’. The problem is, to be powerful enough to do that, it has to be powerful enough to itself take over the government – as the sucession of military coups has shown us.
Neither of us is right or wrong yet. I’m just reporting that the last batch from Maricopa was from south Phoenix which are blue areas. And they are still holding back over a quarter of million votes that are going to tend strongly R.
November 12, 2022 at 3:07 pm
but even if the vax were ‘safe and effective’
I don’t care if I started shitting gold nuggets after getting the clotshot, I wont be fukn getting it.
If anyone still thinks that these experimental (mental) emergency approved drugs (so called vaccines) are ‘safe and effective’ then they they must be deluded, a ‘Pollie’, a Health Official, or, or, or all of everyone else with NFI.
They’ve called it. You’re saying wait because there are more votes. How can you possibly suggest neither of you are right nor wrong? Calling it, suggests that race is now over. If it is, perhaps you’ve been misled that some corner of Ariz hasn’t been counted.
Dude, the very fact you are talking in fiat to make Shitcoin make any sense means it’s a scam.
Shitcoin’s actual value is Zero as it produces nothing and is completely redundant.
The NYT, you pasty punk pillock.
But, it will have to break hard for Masters.
If the race is over why are there still outstanding votes to count? Over a quarter of a M.
It is simply impossible to hold the following two thoughts in your head at the same time:
-Ukraine is a historic victim of Russian and Soviet imperialism, suffering colossal genocides at the hands of Moscow’s leadership (the most infamous being the Holodomor) and it’s independence from the USSR’s control via popular referendum in 1991 (including 54% of Crimean votes and over 80% in every other region) was a historic liberation
I have no particular disagreement with these points. I would add, however,that other groups in the former Soviet Union, including Latvians, Estonian, Lithuanian, Polish minorities, Crimean Tatars, Don Cossack and, indeed, ethnic Russians suffered similar mistreatment at the hands of communism, particularly Stalinism. Communism is an equal opportunity persecutor.
-Ukraine is a fake country run by Jews, Nazis and drag queens at the behest of NATO/EU/Soros, and Putin needs to persist invading until he rolls over Kyiv or at least turns Ukraine into a rump state.
You have set up a straw and here. Both (I say again both) sides in this conflict have blood and blood money on their hands. The leaderships of both sides are corrupt, with links to oligarchs (eastern and western) and to openly fascist groups.
I have much sympathy for the ordinary people of both Ukraine and Russia, but for their leaders, I draw on the words of Henry Kissinger about another war between two unsavoury governments: “Can’t they both lose?”
That would leave the ordinary peoples of Ukraine and Russia as the winners.
is Rennick the only senator working for the people???
By how many votes out of the 250K?
Okay, Real Clear is saying
Kelly 1,128,917
Masters 1,005,001
Difference is 123,916
Masters has to make up 123,917 and split the balance of 250,000 – 123,917 evenly in order to win by one vote. = 126,088 /2 = 63,042.
Masters has to win 123,917 + 63,042 = 187,013 out of the 250,000 in order to win by a vote. That’s 74.8% of the remaining vote.
WSJ is right. Demonrat wins.
db, give it up mate. You’re only fooling the fools at this point. It’s over, your mob lost the Senate.
Shallow thinking. What happened in during Holodomor had nothing to do with the Russian ethnicity, it was IDEOLOGY.
Don’t think for a second the Leftards here wouldn’t do the same to conservatives if given a chance.
I’m really curious as to what “both sides losing” would look like in practice.
both losers as new criminal groups would fill the power vacuum as happened after the fall of the soviet union. the only model that has worked is japan 1945.
go in and set a new constitution and government. the same will have to happen to china.
You’re a dickhead. We don’t even live in the USA.
Stupid spellwreck, straw man.
I’m catching The 3.10 To Yuma.
Two possibilities spring to mind:
a) the contents are not xxxx. i.e. some other beer was squired into xxxx cans. (unlikely)
b) the cans have been allowed to get very hot. Probably in transit or unloading at the destination. (very likely)
Standing a pallet in the sun for an hour or so will do it. Or riding on a truck or an open railway wagon.
My beer comes up overnight from Brisbane in a truck & is stored in a high roofed shed & delivered to me the next morning. I’ve very high shade sails over my receival area, to try to not lose beer between September & April.
I’m really curious as to what “both sides losing” would look like in practice.
Christmas in Romania?
November 12, 2022 at 3:22 pm
November 12, 2022 at 2:31 pm
NYT calls AZ Senate seat for Kelly.
And MontyPox Virus, the source of your statement is what? Please elaborate.
The NYT, you pasty punk pillock.
LOL MontyPox Virus. Please provide the link so that we can all know that you are not talking your usual CRAP. I could easily say anything as to having someone else called it, you Fat Twat. How about you provide the source link for your wild statement. If you can’t then Shut The Fuck Up you Plonker/Pillock/DickHead/Wally/Imbecile/Looney/Fat Twat/Moron/Etc, etc, etc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Dover, is the remaining 250K or
I don’t think it is about Russian ethnicity at all – it’s due to Moscow’s exploitative statecraft under successive regimes. That’s why the Russian state continues to deny the Holodomor –
Months ago I commented that this conflict would likely see Putin kicked into touch. Also, that it won’t be because of some kind of democratic mechanism. It will a coup, dressed up to look like step down for medical reasons and retire to the dacha.
That’s when we and the Russian people will lose. The hardliner (s) taking over will make Putin look like a centrist.
Sorry, in which country do you want to “go in and set a new constitution and government” and who do you intend to do the “setting up”? I thought we were supposed to be “anti-interventionists” here! How very odd!
I Found China’s Plans for World Domination
Demons were 198 a few hours ago. This is going to go to them. The cheating must be extraordinary at the moment.
Heheh, I like your thinking.
They stole ’em early and they’re stealin’ ’em late.
Ed Case still says 225/210; 55/45 Democrats all the way.
Trump to blame, don’t run on limiting abortion.
Matty Guy is in the catbird seat now, he expelled the No Abortion! bloke months ago.
who told you that? the west has been interventionist since for ever.
the ccp must be eradicated. there is no coexistence. there is no peaceful solution. the ccp will be eradicated.
Top US border official Chris Magnus told to resign or be fired
Apparently, he was not letting enough Democrat Voters and Welfare Spongers into the USA…………lol
Go with the tweet. The over 250K above referred to just Maricopa.
November 12, 2022 at 3:46 pm
I’m really curious as to what “both sides losing” would look like in practice.
Months ago I commented that this conflict would likely see Putin kicked into touch. Also, that it won’t be because of some kind of democratic mechanism. It will a coup, dressed up to look like step down for medical reasons and retire to the dacha.
That’s when we and the Russian people will lose. The hardliner (s) taking over will make Putin look like a centrist.
You are so right IMHO. If Putin is kicked out then the hard line Commies from the Soviet Union Era who are still there will take over. Then you have the hard line Neo Cons in the USA. And then you really have the start of World War 3. Head for the hills people and good luck…………lol
They’ll wait Masters out before dumping enough Postals to win.
Same happens here in Federal Elections.
That’s why Postal votes are still counted up to 14 days later, so they know what they’ve gotta beat.
No, the CCP was the second part of your post. In the first part, you were implying that someone had to go into Ukraine and/or Russia and set up a new constitution and government. Which country were you talking about and who did you have in mind for that task?
November 12, 2022 at 3:58 pm
Mark Kelly, Democrat, wins the U.S. Senate seat in Arizona.
I went to your weblink and there were so many passwords and paywalls and fences and brick walls that I still don’t know………………..Give a proper weblink that we can all read.
I don’t know what to tell you Johnny. You asked for proof that the NYT called the AZ Senate election, I linked to the NYT page where they called the AZ Senate election. You must be a plonker.
Looks like the US admin’s very cheap (~$20B in miliary aid) proxy war will continue. Can’t argue with that!
The gun went off.
Hallward Haw Haw would like to see 530 million Europeans killed by Putin.
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Drbeen Medical Lectures
read what I wrote. this is what happened to japan 1945.
ukraine will remain a neo-nazi corrupt shithole full of whores and crooks.
Oh dear, did monty try to sockpuppet and fail at that too?
November 12, 2022 at 3:58 pm
Mark Kelly, Democrat, wins the U.S. Senate seat in Arizona.
It is a projected win………………………
we get it you’re a russophobe and love the cccp
The Number of GOP Seats in the House Is Dwindling? Will the Dems Steal the House Too?
OK, so it sounds like you are calling for Russia to replace the Ukrainian government and constitution. That’s a really dumb call, Zippy, albeit not entirely out of character.
The gun went off.
Yes, the gun went off, so just blame the gun. Just like they always blame the computer. I am amazed that so many inanimate objects keep getting the blame whereas the Humans seem to be innocent of any blame whatsoever……………….LOL
As far as Covid goes add in Senators Antic and Malcolm Roberts.
Rennick definitely hardworking based on clips I have seen of him questioning TGA and health officials. Roberts also. Pity Dutton does not learn a bit from him as from what I see a lot of people now questioning the Vax as becomes more obvious not working as claimed but can see experts won’t stop pushing them.
“is Rennick the only senator working for the people???”
JC, that statewide number means it has to break 65:35 to Masters. Tough but not impossible.
Oh Danny boy the jabs the jabs are callin’
Well , of course. That is exactly the intended outcome.
A massive lawless playground largely out of sight on the edges of western civilization, rich in all manner of resources, strategically a crucial piece of realestate on satan’s doorstep. The EU , NATO and the US will pour untold and unaccounted for Billions into the place. The opportunities for graft, corruption and CIA black money ops will be stupendous! The contracts issued will have more padding than Magda Szubanski.
I couldn’t care less what happens to ukraine, it’s all self inflicted, worse it seems to have been at the epicentre of US corruption outside of china. but I can’t see any downsides to russia taking over ukraine. it would stabilise the region
Yea, Fatboy losing 50 ks is possible too but highly unlikely.
I sympathize. From time to time I have similar problem with my dick.
Not my fault.
Biological Man Shaped Like a Boat Wins Miss America Beauty Contest
Puts the mid-term vote into perspective.
Charges on Election Software CEO Dropped; Trudeau Responds: Beijing Election Influence Report
China in Focus – NTD
00:51 Charges on Election Software CEO Dropped
01:59 Trudeau Responds: Beijing Election Influence Report
03:13 British Police Probe Chinese Police Stations in UK
05:52 Chinese Premier Hails Economic Ties with Asean
07:48 Biden to Gauge ‘Red Lines’ with China’s Xi Jinping
10:03 China Eases COVID-19 Curbs to Cut Economic Stress
11:31 China’s Guangzhou Under Lockdown Amid Surging Cases
12:38 China Singles Day Shopping Lacks Sales Oomph
LOL. Do you also have money on Dan losing Mulgrave?
I posted that earlier, Cronkite. Learn to code. I saw that and I thought s/he’s the perfect lifetime partner for you.
No, that is impossible.
It is remarkable how tiny the percentage of the US military budget it has taken to bring mighty Russia to its knees. Barely a rounding error.
Tatania says, pick the odd wo/man out.
It’s really impossible.
A young boy went up to his father and asked him “What is the difference between potentially and realistically?” The father thought for a moment, then answered “Go ask your mother if she would sleep with George Clooney for a million dollars. Then ask your sister if she would sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars and ask your brother if he’d sleep with Justin Bieber for a million dollars. Come back and tell me what you learn from that”.
“So the boy went to his mother and asked “Would you sleep with George Clooney for a million dollars?” The mother replied, “Of course I would! I wouldn’t pass up an opportunity like that!”
The boy then went to his sister and asked, “Would you sleep with Brad Pitt for a million dollars?” The girl replied “Oh my God! I would just love to do that! I would be nuts to pass up that opportunity!”
The boy then went to his brother and asked “Would you sleep with Justin Bieber for a million dollars?” “Of course,” the brother replied. “Do you know how much a million could buy!?”
The boy pondered for a few days, then went back to his dad.
His father asked him “Did you find out the difference between potential and realistic?” The boy replied “Yes, sir. Potentially, we’re sitting on three million dollars, but realistically, we’re living with two sluts and a pooftah.”
I think it’s fucked. The whole thing is a fucking disaster.
I posted that earlier, Cronkite. Learn to code.
Somethings are worth repeating.
I saw that and I thought s/he’s the perfect lifetime partner for you.
You were looking in the mirror again.
If those nuggets were the only downside, I’m not sure you’ve made a good decision.
If the nuggets were 1 oz in size, OK.
If they were 5 kg, forget it.
Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often.
– Mae West
Johnny, you have posted that joke before on here. Or someone has.
Rare cancer INCREASES, other cancers in under-50s also dramatically UP
Dr. Suneel Dhand
Now I’m worried.
The monty can read the jokes.
I think the real disaster will unfold over the next 2 years when Biden’s destructive policies reach their fullest wrecking fruition and by an unimaginable stroke of luck the Dems hold the WH.
No, but I think the break is going to be near to 60-65 for these final votes, but I’m tend to think he will probably fall just short. But why concede before the final ballot is counted?
Yeah, I wuz cleanin’ mah dick and it went off!
Dover, did you see the map I put up yesterday (if I recall)?
This one.
You need a strong magnifying glass to see the blue dots. That’s the space, the demonrats need to trawl tp vote harvest. The massive red paint area is Republican, which is 98% larger in geographic terms. Unless vote harvesting is made illegal, Fetterman will be the nominee and he’ll win in a landslide.
Long COVID – Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA)
McConnell spent hardly anything in AZ and NV but spent 9M in Alaska.
They’ll get a wind in their sails too. If the current environment has them winning the house and senate their policy initiatives will be multiple more aggressive. Hunting for republicans by the intel services 1000 times bigger. They will add to the Supreme court.
Oh and Trump and his kids will be jailed.
JC at least half of the 530 million euros probably deserve it for voting in the lefty governments except Hungary. I won’t include Italy as they’ll be off to vote in the next election in less than a year if the past is anything to go by.
Why would the evil turtle spend in states where Peter Thiel is using his billions to push his fully-owned and privatised candidates.
Okay. It doesn’t much matter now who’s the blame, although blame is deserved all round. It’s over.
I can see an obvious downside – Russia doesn’t have the capacity to take over Ukraine and Ukrainiams aren’t going to let them do it anyway. Have you not been following the events of the last 8 months??
Don’t be surprised the Munster can read, its the comprehension that’s the problem.
November 12, 2022 at 4:54 pm
Johnny, you have posted that joke before on here. Or someone has.
I have posted lots of jokes here. And maybe someone else has with whatever the one that you are on about. Did you like the joke? That is the main thing.
What are the odds on Vik libs winning 6 seats or less?
I’ve never bought that argument, Ranga. It’s the same as suggesting I deserve to live under the hunchback because the majority of deadweight in Victoria (not 100%) voted for the piece of shit. I’d rather lose limbs than voting for Hunchback. I never voted for $165 billion dollars of debt or rather, supported a bunch of useless slobs that do.
Not every European is a leftwing arsehole.
In company with:
New Zealand
The EU
Brazil (assuming Lula holds his “win”)
Most of the rest of South America
Most MENA countries (except Israel)
Almost all of Africa.
We’re getting closer to a full fascist planet, and I’m neither being facetious nor joking unfortunately. Tech is enabling this transformation as is stupid scientism like climate and covid rubbish.
Russian Conscription problems sorted.
November 12, 2022 at 5:02 pm
I can’t see any downsides to russia taking over ukraine. it would stabilise the region
I can see an obvious downside – Russia doesn’t have the capacity to take over Ukraine and Ukrainiams aren’t going to let them do it anyway. Have you not been following the events of the last 8 months??
Russia does not want Nuclear Weapons and NATO on its Border. And I don’t blame them. Imagine China having an Agreement with Mexico which allowed them to have Nuclear Weapons on the Teaxas/Maxico Border. What would the USA do then?
Oops forgot Canada and Mexico – both are effectively fascist shitholes now.
Australia will survive if we have a World wide Nuclear War, sort of;
LOL. It’d be like Yugoslavia 1941-45 only worse. The Ukrainians would fall over themselves to kill a Russian. Incandescent hate right now. Might cool a little in a century or two.
You know, I’m not even sure DeSantis is the answer either. We’re all looking for saviors whether it’s D man or the Orange oaf. It’s the fucking people that count though and western civ looks really bad at the moment.
I’m heading out for dins with a trader dude this evening. I saw him today, wifey is in the US and we’re out for dinner. Every time I see this fucker he makes me so pessimistic.
He reckoned earlier today that the entire leftist strategy is to use climate change to wall us all in and heard more and more toward authoritarianism. He could be right.
I don’t know if it’s true, but he said Klaus Barbe of the WEF has been telling folks that governments should use the Covid lockdowns to reduce gerbil warming.According the Klaus Barbe, Gerbil warming is also a public health issue. I don’t know if that’s true.
Let me try that again.
only the governor of the state can clean it up…
Dover Beech:
Unless those votes go in the bin and are replaced with Democrat votes at a ratio of 1.42 : 1 Republican.
McConnell spent hardly anything in AZ and NV but spent 9M in Alaska.
The Republican machine is dominant in Alaska, why not spend to keep it that way?
The senseless thing was picking dud candidates in Penn, Az, and Ga, and expecting McConnell to throw money down the drain in the 3 States the 2020 Steal happened.
It’s a stupid analogy. Firstly, because analogies generally are always a stupid way to argue. Secondly, the big bad US doesn’t border with Russia. Thirdly, the US doesn’t really need to station nukes in Europe to hit Russia. Intercontinental ballistic missiles exist. Lastly, double standards are part and parcel of global power politics and always have been. Remain silent Rodney. Stick to unattributed jokes.
Ummm, if Russia annexed Ukraine it would immediately have another four NATO members on its border! LOL
Of course it matters, especially if they remain in leadership.
The Alaskan election wax GOP vs GOP. It was never about a demonrat candidate on the other side. The reason it’s held as undecided is because the votes haven’t been counted as to which GOP’er is going to win.
It doesn’t matter while the GOP is counting the wounds. For the moment.
You underestimate the FSB