The Temptation of Adam, Tintoretto, 1552
The Temptation of Adam, Tintoretto, 1552
Love you all. Sleep well.
Marianne Faithfull – The Ballade of Lucy Jordan (1980) 45 years.
Many have commented similar, regards his likely predilection.
FT: Sudan says it has agreed deal for Russian naval base
When the man comes around https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWTjZgNJOc0
“Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has-a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which “white” people have a particular susceptibility. The condition is foundational, generating characteristic ways of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world. Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse.”
How is this not as offensive and cruel as the “diseased, greedy Jew” and the “lascivious, stupid Black” garbage spruiked by bigots and racists from time immemorial?
I memed, pray i do not meme again.
It was ever thus.
The Russians thought Napoleon was the prophesied antichrist and that by going to war against him they were engaging in a holy war against evil.
The reality was more complex.
As Solzhenitsyn wrote (quoting from memory), the line between good and evil does not run between nations but through each individual human soul.
As for evil holding all the cards…Do you believe in God?
(Serious question.)
The “decolonisation” of British university courses is pure Marxist theory — designed to break down our entire societal structure.
If that were true, Democrats would have retained the House.
You lost fair and square, stop whining you beta losers.
Old Ozzie:
A succinct analysis of the Uniparty/Inner Party. And everything it stands for.
Its incredible.
It appears the same health experts who “oopsied” a million extra cancer deaths and other health conditions during the Covid fuckery are the same ones who think sterilizing kids , chopping off balls/breast and cocks to manufacture sexual golems of men and women are worried people may not take their advice to heart.
House seats are not impossible, but much harder to cheat. We discussed this well before the election. STFU and go eat a donut.
Sorry, got a bit carried away there.
Artemis will likely carry a trannie, a lesbian, a black activist and a disabled astronaut to Mars the way things are going. IIRR it’s a six-person spacecraft so the other two places will probably be cowed obedient white guys.
On the plus side am just finishing Mike Collins’ autobiography – he was the third astronaut in Apollo 11. Very good – a lot of science but he has a good sense of humour. On the strength of it I have just ordered a secondhand copy of Buzz Aldrin’s own story. Apparently he got on the grog something shocking after leaving NASA, but is the only one of the three still with us. Punched out a moon landing denier once so pluses for that.
Gravitas | On Camera: Xi Jinping confronts Justin Trudeau
ENSENADA, Mexico – When the Next-Generation Ford Ranger Raptor takes to the start line of the legendary SCORE International Baja 1000 this week (Nov. 18) it will mark the return of one of the race’s most winning nameplates.
But getting it to the starting line has been a great example of Ford Performance’s global efforts, using race teams and Ford engineers from both Australia and the United States to bring the program to life.
“The Baja 1000 is known around the world as one of the toughest off-road races on the planet,” said Justin Capicchiano, Ford Performance and Special Vehicles Engineering Manager, Australia.
“It’s a difficult race to go and enter any vehicle into, let alone a production vehicle, and the Ranger Raptor we’re racing isn’t far off what you can drive off the showroom floor. We want to show the absolute capability of this truck in one of the most grueling off-road races so that our customers can have total confidence in their Ranger Raptor.”
For its return to Baja, the race-prepared Ranger Raptor will be driven by Baja veterans Brad Lovell, Loren Healy, and Jason Hutter. Also sharing the cockpit will be the father and son team of Andy and Danny Brown who live and breathe off-roading through their Australia based global aftermarket accessories business ARB. Overseeing the team during the race is Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Famer Curt LeDuc.
You will be remembered by history like Hitler.
Bruce of Newcastle says: November 16, 2022 at 10:27 pm
No, Gina is smarter than that. She would find a way to reuse the tailings instead of diverting the main product. Iron ore is often found with decent doses of nickel. You’d have nickel leaf-spring pillows.
The ad almost writes itself.
“If I had a nickel for every good night’s sleep I had, I’d have a RinehartPillow™!”
As bad as it is to say it, Xi is right about this. He is. Dickhead Trudeau leaked the conversation to the press and Xi was pissed he did it. Good for Xi berating the swine.
Good. I would rather be a nobody than a despicable, fraudulent shithead.
NYC Film Fest Honors An Open N@zi From Ukraine
The Jimmy Dore Show
I don’t pray to any deity but do believe in a civil society based on the Ten Commandments – which is pretty far from what we have now and will be non-existent if we continue along the path we’re been thrust upon.
What I have learnt in the past few years is to recognise the outright evil, malice and malevolence being aimed at us which is actually no longer being hidden but is still hard for normal people to acknowledge.
Winston Smith says: November 17, 2022 at 10:30 am
Once the system has been infiltrated and the people have been dispirited into learned helplessness, funny things could happen in broad daylight and nobody will stop to bat an eyelid about it.
Sorry, I should have prefixed that with a “spoiler alert”.
Be nice if he could fix a few.
Driving any further than my front gate nowadays is like the scene out of ‘Cars’.
NASA’s Artemis I Cameras to Offer New Views of Orion, Earth, Moon
Real Time Tracker here
Rodney Rottenhead continues to link that Fraud, Armstrong. Incredible.
Compare to:
Sure buddy.
I wonder if Gina would be willing to fund a new national conservative party. Values to be defined up front and if you don’t agree then don’t join.
Or did she once try that already?
The Influence of Fulton Sheen: Converting a Communist
BOOK PICK: ‘The Devil and Bella Dodd’ tells the conversion story of a woman who tried to ‘infiltrate’ the Church
‘You Clearly Don’t Understand The Problem’: GOP Lawmaker Hammers Sec. Mayorkas Over Border Security
So, Montypox Virus, are you now shouting from the rooftops that the Republicans are projected to win the US House of Representatives?
No, I didn’t think so you Left Wing Nut Job…………………….
And we should be enhancing our northern defences if they do.
Sri Lanka is a long way away from us.
Indonesia isn’t and has a formidable civilian maritime uplift capability for at least 100 million starving people.
Absolutely incredible, brainless solipsism.
Feminist implies that women don’t have agency until they are 25 and that a 29 year old man dating a 20 year old woman is predatory because of a pop song and her own experience (which was much more questionable).
What’s the solution? Have a committee of feminist Khalifas declaring perfectly legal relationships haram or not?
Lol Mater!
Do you ever mistake wasabi for pistachio icecream? 😀
Today in Liberalism:
November 17, 2022 at 11:00 am
Good. I would rather be a nobody than a despicable, fraudulent shithead.
Rodney Rottenhead continues to link that Fraud, Armstrong. Incredible.
Jerky Crunt. Just go back and play in the traffic as I told you to a few posts ago. Maybe you will get a bang on the head which will finally wake you up. Tosser.
AND. Jerky Crunt. If you do not like my posted comments, then just pass them by and don’t read them. Dickhead.
More lunacy from the great uneducated brainwashed ‘youf’……………..lol
How about movies?
Russell Crowe, 58, poses with girlfriend Britney, 31, as his ex-wife joins couple at event (16 Nov)
Rodney Rottenhead.
I don’t read the bilge you post here. I saw Dot, who I do read, implying you ought to stop posting links to a convicted fraud and idiot. So fuck off yourself, jerkoff.
The chief pauses for a moment then says “Tell you what, you don’t say anything about the sheep, I won’t say anything about the white kid?”
The version I recall was:
I say nothing about white pica-ninny, you say nothing about black sheep.
And Rottenhead, you’re also not obliged to read what I post and ignore anything I say. Start living by the standards you wish to apply to others dickhead.
What I have learnt in the past few years is to recognise the outright evil, malice and malevolence being aimed at us which is actually no longer being hidden but is still hard for normal people to acknowledge.
This is what I have struggled with in understanding the WEF project, and the increasing evidence that the potential lethality of the Covid vaccines was understood by many who promoted them.
Call me naive, but I still struggle with the evil intent of fellow human beings. Others on this blog have of course reminded me of the evil of the Nazis. But it still shocks me to the core.
Got a parking fine for being the wrong way parked – eg: says nose out. Only thing is, the fine says 10:29pm. The photo clearly shows it was daylight, so objected.
Have now received a letter saying we were wrong – it must have been am, and pay up.
Thinking I might take this one to court.
Is it me, or is this Marxist Wokery shit accelerating?
Well … yeah, but look at the way He treats His friends.
(h/t St Theresa of Avila)
Just in from The Oz….Janet Albrechtsen
Hasty law change means Brittany Higgins might not return to court
The ACT Attorney-General plans to change the law that will likely apply to the retrial of Bruce Lehrmann scheduled for February. We are losing our minds if we do not recognise that this undermines the rule of law. And dangerously so.
This proposed legal change being rushed through the ACT parliament potentially moves the goalposts for ACT Director of Public Prosecutions Shane Drumgold, making it easier for him to retry Lehrmann after the first trial was aborted in October.
In an email obtained by The Australian, sent on Wednesday morning by Robyn Hakelis, executive branch manager of legislation, policy and programs in the ACT Attorney-General’s Department, to the ACT Bar Association, the ACT Law Society and other legal bodies, Hakelis said the ACT Attorney-General is planning to change the Evidence Act so that testimony given by a complainant in court can be recorded and can be admissible in a retrial. Hakelis says the change “is scheduled for introduction in the week commencing 28 November 2022”.
This hasty change to the law has the perception of being aimed squarely at the retrial of Lehrmann. It means that Brittany Higgins may not be required to enter a courtroom and give evidence or be cross-examined again.
Here is the legal background to this bewildering change. Under section 68(2) of the ACT Evidence Miscellaneous Provisions Act, when a complainant gives evidence in a sexual assault case, that person “must” give evidence in a remote witness room by audio-visual link. That is intended as some form of protection to a complainant from the trauma of giving evidence in court.
Higgins chose to apply, as is her right under section 68(3) of the Evidence Act, to override section 68(2) and give a large part of her evidence in the Canberra courtroom in full view of the jury, the DPP, defence lawyers, the accused and in full view of the public gallery, which included, of course, hordes of journalists from Australian media outlets. That was Higgins’s choice.
Only the early part of her evidence, including her police record of interview, was given by audio-visual link from a remote witness room.
Under section 69(2) of the ACT Evidence Act, evidence given by a witness by audio-visual link must be recorded, and under section 69(3), that recorded evidence is admissible in a related proceeding, unless the court in that later proceeding decides otherwise.
Under the current law, there is no provision for the evidence given by Higgins in the courtroom to be recorded, and there is no law that makes that recording admissible in a retrial.
The ACT Attorney-General’s rushed change to this law meaning Higgins’s in-court evidence can be used in a retrial needs to be understood against that legal background, and against what followed after the trial was aborted.
Soon after ACT Chief Justice Lucy McCallum discharged the jury on October 27, Higgins stood outside the courtroom and expressed her outrage at the criminal justice system. Her message was clear: she seemed to think that the system had failed her by failing to find Lehrmann guilty.
Many lawyers told The Australian that they understood the tenor of her statement to mean that Higgins would not be returning to the witness stand for a retrial.
That left the DPP and the ACT Victims of Crime Commissioner, Heidi Yates, facing two realities: no resolution to one of this country’s most high-profile criminal trials and a complainant declaring that the system that both Drumgold and Yates work in had failed her. It was Drumgold’s decision to prosecute this case. Yates chose to accompany Higgins, in full view of cameras, when Higgins appeared in court to give evidence. Yates was right next to Higgins when the former political staffer made her emotional statement outside the court.
The question for them surely became how to retry Lehrmann if Higgins would not agree to give evidence in a future trial?
Enter ACT Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury. His extraordinary proposal to alter the existing law will, effectively, make it easier for the DPP to retry Lehrmann if Higgins chooses not to give evidence in court in a new trial.
Many lawyers have told The Australian they are stunned by this development and by the perception of political interference in the retrial of Lehrmann. There are other bizarre parts in the background to the A-G’s move. The Australian understands that Higgins’s in-court evidence was recorded even though no order was made to that effect.
The draft bill released on Wednesday morning came with no explanatory memorandum, and no human rights analysis that is ordinarily attached to a bill by parliament, especially one that tampers with the rights that apply to a defendant in a criminal trial.
It is as if the Attorney-General’s department drafted the bill to facilitate a retrial of Lehrmann, with human rights considerations arising as an afterthought.
The A-G’s rush means the merits of this change cannot be considered properly by legal bodies, let alone by the public or by parliament. How can this legal change be debated fully and freely without making comment about its application to an upcoming trial?
It is not surprising then that senior lawyers in the ACT are raising concerns with the A-G’s department and the ACT government about the speed of the change and its likely retrospective application to evidence given in the Lehrmann trial. Without this change to the law, Higgins would have to give evidence in a new trial.
Lawyers have told The Australian that this change appears to try to make legal what was not legal – not just the courtroom recording that happened without a court order, but also by rendering that past recording admissible in the retrial.
There are sound reasons why the Evidence Act draws a deliberate distinction between evidence given in court (which is not recorded and cannot be used for later proceedings) and evidence given remotely by audio-visual link (which is recorded and can be used in later proceedings). Evidence given in a remote witness room by audio-visual link does not involve any of the courtroom drama, or distractions, or direct confrontations that, for example, were on display when Higgins appeared in the witness box in court.
Only the jury sitting in court can fully appreciate those interactions. By contrast, evidence given remotely is sterile in nature, a clearer case of questions asked, and answers given. Deliberately, the witness cannot see the lawyers or the accused, and that necessarily changes the courtroom atmospherics when the witness gives evidence. The law says that latter category of evidence, more sterile in nature, must be recorded and may be admissible in a later proceeding.
This proposed amendment may as well be called Brittany’s law. It makes a mockery of the ACT Attorney General Department’s stated remit to “maintain a fair, safe and peaceful community in the ACT where people’s rights and interests are respected and protected. This is achieved through maintaining the rule of law, promoting the protection of human rights in the Territory.”
This astounding change strikes at the heart of the criminal justice system’s foundational principle: the rule of law. Its rushed introduction moves the goalposts for the DPP making a retrial of one defendant, in particular, easier. This alone ought to send a shiver down our collective spine. What’s next? A change to the burden of proof? Abolishing the right to silence. And who’s next after Lehrmann?”
I’m beginning to despise this country.
Come out and take a look at what three years of constant disruption, “make work” projects and inifinite buckets of OPM has accomplished in the ‘redevelopment’ of Fitsimons Lane from the removal of the roundabout at the Eltham end to the re-creation of a controlled intersection at Reynolds Rd Templestowe. It takes a special kind of talent to take a fully functioning arterial road with heavy traffic build ups at peak hour into a dystopian nightmare with poor road camber on a tight turn, randomly terminating lanes resulting in a terrifying dodgem car squeeze of three lanes into one at 80ks an hour in less than 100m and a simple right turn now involving a drive further up the road to a too tight u-turn spot unsuitable for any large vehicle. I’ve seen more accidents and close shaves in the last nine months than in my previous 30+ years of regular driving along it.
It is a massive, misbeggoten failure wuth zero productivity gain. But nothing less than we can expect from DickDan the Almighty. A monument to monumental stupidity. But hey, feel free to vote for more of the same, morons.
I looked carefully. It’s not the Bee.
I’ve already arrived.
The trip here was ugly and its even uglier once you arrive.
That whole article can be condensed to one paragraph she used.
Anyone even slightly older than me seemed to have their life together. Even if, in reality, they didn’t. And that guy I dated — certainly didn’t. He was not only as far away from a functioning adult as possible, but he was also basically a walking red flag.
And I completely ignored that.
Is it me, or is this Marxist Wokery shit accelerating?
It is most definitely accelerating. The “march through the institutions” is complete. The Marxists now control the education of our youth and the functioning of society through the state and federal bureaucracies.
But even worse, canny elites in business and investment now subscribe to the woke agenda and use their considerable influence to implement woke policies. I believe we are watching a seismic change in western values.
How did we let this happen? We were all too comfortable with our way of life, and innocently believed that the increases in prosperity in almost every nation would maintain the belief in our values.
Shane Rattenbury.
The pedigree matches the name and the face matches the rodent. What a stinking little wretch.
Brittany is the Walter Lindrum of sexual assault complainants.
Metoo#, Vicki.
Before we were married, (52 years ago,) Best Man told me (kindly) that I was a naive optimist who saw only the best in people. He was right and, thanks to a fortunate, happy life, this is still the case for me.
The past two years have been quite an eye-opener: the political tryanny, police violence towards innocent citizens, people turning on and reporting each – the advent of Karenism. And the Great Reset; wealthy, powerful despots intent on controlling the world. To use your words: it shocks me to the core.
My Faith is my stabilizer. And to see my granddaughters alert to the wickedness, particularly to the dangers of communism, keeps my optimism alive.
I’m beginning to despise this country.
Only beginning to? There is no rule of law in this fucking shithole. If they decide to take you on you’re fucked.
It is a massive, misbeggoten failure wuth zero productivity gain. But nothing less than we can expect from DickDan the Almighty.
You should see what they did with some of the level crossing removals. Special, very special.
November 17, 2022 at 10:37 am
In every state with mail in voting where ballot counting is delayed, the Democrats pull out amazing wins that defy history, polling, and statistical analysis.
If that were true, Democrats would have retained the House.
You lost fair and square, stop whining you beta losers.
Still no comment on the blatant DemonRat suppression of GOP voters in Arizona (Maricopa County)? Your side cheated, and you support that cheating. You are an omega loser, you cannot sink any lower.
An award for HB
Referencing Walter Lindrum with Britnah.
I’m not sure what cannon Britnah performed but she rebounded off a few cushions on her way.
JC says:
November 17, 2022 at 10:54 am
As bad as it is to say it, Xi is right about this. He is. Dickhead Trudeau leaked the conversation to the press and Xi was pissed he did it.
Yeah, agree with that. Rather than a broad summary of the talks, which is routine, Trudeau and/or his staff leaked extensive specific details. Xi was less than impressed and implied he now had trust issues with Trudeau.
(agreeing with something Xi does kind of sticks in the throat doesn’t it – gag, gag)
I stopped reading his profile after this: He was the first Speaker in any Parliament in the world representing a Green political party.
Pay that one, Farmer Gez.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
November 17, 2022 at 11:40 am
Just in from The Oz….Janet Albrechtsen
Hasty law change means Brittany Higgins might not return to court
The ACT Attorney-General plans to change the law that will likely apply to the retrial of Bruce Lehrmann scheduled for February. We are losing our minds if we do not recognise that this undermines the rule of law. And dangerously so.
I was in the ACT recently, and picked up a copy of a local freebie paper, City News.
Most of the articles, including one by former ALP Chief Minister Jon Stanhope were highly critical of the ACT/Greens (Rattenbury) coalition. The two of them seem to run everything in a TaliDan style.
Baby elephant chases birds, gets dizzy, face plants and runs to mum:
Sydney Morning Herald. Bloody hell!
It is downright dishonest to connect recent heavy rains and flooding in south-east Australlia with “climate change”.
La Nina is responsible and has been doing its thing for millions of years, before man ever burnt a candle. The words “climate change” are sprinkled around like confetti and linked with droughts, floods, storms and bushfires, with zero proof.
And most media go along for the ride, causing untold distress for the younger generations to come. Not long ago, the doomsayers warned our dams would be empty, our pastures turned to deserts. Well good luck with those irresponsible predictions.
Tim Nolan, Brighton
Tim’s gonna cop some flak tomorrow.
If the DPP thinks the defendant should go through a retrial then so should the witness. Seeing them give evidence in person is very important.
“means Brittany Higgins might not return to court”
Awwwww, C.L.!
Woookata widdle guy!
Changing the law to secure a conviction.
The ACT is now governed by hoodlums.
Which we already know – the police there perjure and conspire to do the same.
All of a piece.
It is a fundamental aspect of our legal system that any accused can face their accuser in court.
There is a news article today about the vote whisperer guy Drury. It mentions he was recorded, by former Major Heston Russell, saying he could affect the outcome of some elections for a fee ($55,000).
Russell is apparently running in VIC election under Angry Victorians Party. However in Federal election he ran for Qld Senate under Australian Veterans Party.
So question is do you have to be resident in VIC to stand for election ?
Seems to be a lot of small parties on the right side of politics running and a lot of infighting between them.
This had me laughing yesterday. No one else has Trump’s deadly ability to put a name on people.
Story here.
I am watching the Mineral Resources AGM. It is a company that I am keen on and has certainly been beneficial to me.
I say watching – I mean that I am trying to watch after 15 minutes of blackfella nonsense, arty irrelevance, endless acknowledgement of the whatever people.
I am becoming worried about the outfit.
A new ‘wellness office’.
Director for persons and shared services.
C’mon you blokes. You dig holes, you ain’t the bloody Public Service.
That was always my understanding, Top Ender.
Just watching Megyn Kelly talking about Trump.
She mentioned Murdock not supporting Trump 2024 and she read out an article from NY Post about Trump announcement. Page 14 under the title Been there, Don that.
The article was then written from the angle of a Florida retiree who plays golf makes announcement. Only in last sentence did they mention he was a former President. The byline was only Staff Writers.
The Democrats have plenty of issues regarding 2024 candidate but the Trump / Santis saga is a problem. I like Trump but he brings some major negative baggage with him in that he is so polarising. Santis on the other hand is young and has plenty of time. If Democrats win in 2024 then the long term damage even worse than if only have until 2024.
What the ACT is proposing for Lehrmann used to be known as a bill of attainder.
Bruce of Newcastlebesays:
November 15, 2022 at 9:05 pm
They’re probably congratulating themselves for pulling one over you by making you think they are two different clans, Bruce. 🙂
Cassie of Sydney says:
November 17, 2022 at 11:40 am
I’m beginning to despise this country.
Some are already at that point and others have, at best, a growing distain for what the nation has become.
Old Parliament House repair bill to front cost $5 million.
No mention of the idiots who did it in this leftie coverage.
There’s nothing extraordinary, ill-judged or ill-timed from the God Emperor re-entering the arena.
Midterms are over: the next big dance is the Presidential election of 2024.
DeSantis will have to decide, right now, whether or not he will seek the nomination. Trump has reminded us that the two men are not interchangeable. Any delay to an unambiguous announcement will be seen as weakness and sneakiness.
The Dems will have to decide, right now, whether or not they’ll prop up the godforsaken billionaire kid sniffer for another two ferkin years. Trump can now start seriously stalking the lame duck, because it looks like no-one else is even willing to put him out of his misery.
And Trump chats with Xi, as an equal in intellect and status.
Absolutely devastating power move.
I like the French system where the accuser and the accused are interviewed together before charges are taken to court to see if there is merit. Here, believe all women. They wouldn’t lie. Would they. It would be easier to beat a murder rap than a rape charge.
Bruce of Newcastle says:
November 15, 2022 at 9:20 pm
Hook up the right equipment and the three-phase power may be more reliable than the intermittents.
Bourne – It doesn’t matter who is the Republican candidate. They’ll lose because the Dems will steal it again. The GOP elites will not acknowledge this issue because if they did that they’d be confirming that Trump was and is entirely correct about 2020 and all since. Which he is, but they can’t say that since then Trumpetty Trump types will take the party apparatus off of them. Which is why they want him gone.
So the RNC will keep pretending that elections are squeaky clean and the Dem candidate will “win” again.
The aim of Trump, who knows this, is to take the Republican Party away from the McConnell swampies and give it to the Tea Partiers. I don’t think he will be successful, but he might make a dent in their control.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
November 17, 2022 at 12:53 pm
It is a fundamental aspect of our legal system that any accused can face their accuser in court.
That was always my understanding, Top Ender.
There was some much needed change after the Skaf rape trials.
Basically the legal system allowed itself to be abused by the scumbags to game the system in order to try and “break” the accuser.
Sheridan wrote an excellent book on it, actually enraging once you read it.
Girls like you
Caused a law change enabling the video’s of previous trials to be played and remote testimony etc.
Unfortunately what was a good idea for a terrible case has been expanded, instead of being used in extreme cases (which the skaf one was) its been rolled lower and lower down the severity chain.
As the legal process grows more convoluted and the brothers manufacture madness, cultural excuses, tricks and tactics to avoid conviction, Sheehan loses any veneer of impartiality and his understandable outrage at the way rape victims are treated by the legal system becomes apparent.
It’s now one hour into the AGM and they are still discussing woke, people, divewrsity, women and well being.
This country does not want to succeed.
Perth Trader/Indolent:
China isn’t stupid, as it is repeatedly said, China plans for the long term.
The future world may not be Han, but it sure as shit will be Asian – without those pesky white devils.
Drug treatment slows neurodegenerative disease in mice
There are studies showing people taking anticholinergics have a higher risk of dementia. Acetylcholine is not just a neurotransmitter, it plays an important role in preventing brain immune cells becoming inflammatory. Anticholinergic drugs block the receptors. This study is another example of why I have been warning people to be very careful with these drugs, especially people over 60 years of age.
Breakthrough my ass, been known for years.
I had to google that. Very scary, especially since Morrison’s apology in parliament to Higgins, thereby implicating BL.
Nelson – The pied butcherbirds have already been back and forth a few times today. They’re getting more trusting too – four of the five are comfortably accepting food from my hand. One of the young ones from last year is still a bit shy but I think she’ll come around.
I used to have another clan of them here – my gravatar is a photo of that male. One day the whole family up and left though. Pressure probably, as they often got into fights with the grey butcherbirds – there were two families of those, so it was like the Battle of Britain sometimes. Lots of aerobatics and furious singing.
In the first minute or so, I had to fisk the replies from the bureaucracy..
…the csro (CSIRO) has ‘deep credibility’…
No. I got to a couple of minutes in and decided this idiot was the problem. Send him off to Heard Island.
Possibly because murder victims are dead.
” It would be easier to beat a murder rap than a rape charge.”.
Great article. Amazing people still vote for him:
Victoria, it’s time to end the cult of Andrews
The reason the Daniel Andrews government is a national story is because Victorian Labor has become the template for Labor governments everywhere. And the reason the imminent Victorian election matters to all of us is because the most inept and ethically challenged government this country has seen is seeking electoral vindication.
The Victorian election is not just a referendum on Daniel Andrews and his government. It’s also a test of us as citizens: what is the standard we are prepared to walk by, and therefore implicitly accept in our democracy?
Are Australians now so keen to be kept safe that we don’t care how many ethical boundaries are crossed? And are we now so cynical about politicians that we don’t mind the bastardry and the intimidation, as long as it doesn’t personally affect us?
Are we, as voters, prepared to tolerate a government that, as respected former Victoria Police chief commissioner Kel Glare told me in my latest documentary, The Cult of Daniel Andrews, which aired on Sky News last night, is the “most corrupt” he’s seen in 80 years? And that Melbourne talkback radio supremo Neil Mitchell described as the “worst government” he’s seen in 50 years?
What struck me most putting together this documentary was the number of good and decent Labor people who reached out to me and said “this man must go”.
The bravest of them all was a former Andrews government minister who reached out to me wanting to speak up about her treatment by the Premier. “What he will do,” said the ex-minister, “is mark somebody out who has disagreed with him … and he will step in, throw the first punch … and then stand back. And that’s the signal for everyone else to come in and finish the job. He says he’s a champion for women … but he treats women appallingly behind closed doors. And if you’re down, he’ll kick you to keep you down.” The treatment of other ALP women such as Jane Garrett, Jenny Mikakos, Fiona Richardson and Kaushaliya Vaghela demonstrates that my whistleblower’s treatment was no isolated occurrence.
There is no doubt that Andrews is the most domineering premier Australia has seen in decades. Not only has he been premier for eight years, Labor leader for 12 and a frontbencher for 16, but – due to the pandemic, and Scott Morrison’s foolhardy creation of the so-called national cabinet that gave Andrews almost equal billing with the prime minister – he has become the best-known premier since Queensland’s Joh Bjelke-Petersen and maybe even NSW’s Jack Lang.
As virtual health dictator for the duration of the pandemic, Andrews turned Melbourne into the world’s most locked-down city. With curfews that we didn’t even have in wartime. With 5km travel limits inside “rings of steel”. With playgrounds closed. Loved ones dying alone and buried without family in attendance. With a pregnant woman arrested by riot police in her own home over a Facebook post. And with police using tear gas and rubber bullets against fellow citizens.
The Premier’s decision to reject help from the army and instead to put dodgy private security guards in charge of hotel quarantine was linked to the deaths of 801 people. There was an inquiry, costing $15m, including $8m on ministers’ legal fees, yet no one could remember who made that fateful decision; and somehow, that’s the end of it.
But that’s par for the course in Victoria where nothing is ever the government’s fault. When WorkSafe Victoria, headed up by a former Labor staffer, investigated the 801 deaths under the state’s powerful industrial manslaughter laws, it concluded that no one individual was to blame, just a faceless Victorian Health Department instead. The Lawyer X royal commission found a gross miscarriage of justice but no one in authority has been charged, let alone lost their job.
Only months ago, the anti-corruption watchdog, the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission, found that serious abuse of taxpayer funds was endemic in Victorian Labor, but likewise no one was personally to blame, certainly not the Premier, even though he’d run the party for the past dozen years. And the Premier himself has been questioned in four, maybe five, corruption inquiries, yet – unlike the questioning of his factional opponents on the ALP Right – it’s never been open to the media.
Even now, there’s a battle in the courts to stop the release of IBAC’s draft report, Operation Daintree, until after the election; as there has been to prevent the release of almost every critical report, including one from the ombudsman into the notorious “red shirts” affair. It’s a state where police can arrest Labor staffers for possible corruption but not their MP bosses, who suffer no consequences for refusing to co-operate with a police investigation even after the Premier said they would, and even after one of his former ministers said that Andrews was up to his neck in the rort. In what other universe could a citizen simply refuse to co-operate with a police investigation and the matter just goes away?
Only in Victoria, where Labor seems to have a special relationship with the police, with a former Andrews staffer now an assistant commissioner, could the future premier and his wife be involved in a serious car accident, almost killing a 15-year-old boy, yet no one be breath-tested? Or that Andrews could drive the car away from the crash site and it never be forensically examined. A decade on, the injured young man has never been interviewed by police. Any wonder he’s now got himself a lawyer and wants justice?
Only in Victoria could the Premier spend $1m from taxpayers to promote himself on social media and bypass, for the most part, journalists’ questions and scrutiny.
This is a Premier who was elected promising to fix the health system, yet it’s now catastrophic with a triple-0 call centre that doesn’t work as it should, and ambulances that arrive too late to save Victorians, if they arrive at all. A Premier who promised to create 4000 extra intensive care beds, never did, and then denied it was ever said. Yet somehow, he gets away with it.
A Premier who promised not to introduce heroin injecting rooms, yet did so; and has now reportedly asked a former police commissioner reporting on the introduction of more of them to revise his report – presumably because its lacks the “right” recommendations – and refuses to release any of it before the election.
“Whatever it takes” was the encapsulation of political ruthlessness associated with former Labor Right hard man Graham Richardson, but it’s the hard Left’s Andrews who has managed to create the Australian version of a “party state”, with the ALP, the bureaucracy, the police and perhaps even the judiciary all trying to conform their will to that of the leader.
Still, despite the commentariat’s confidence that Andrews is unassailable, with Labor’s primary vote, at least, falling sharply, my sense is that the Premier is the biggest drag on his government’s vote and the ground is shifting underneath him, fast. The margin is big but not impossible. So on Saturday week, we will discover just how accurate is the truism of politics that “oppositions don’t win elections, governments lose them”. Because if ever a government deserved to lose, it’s this one.
This is what brought us here now.
SHOCKER! WaPo Sheepishly Admits the FBI Found No Nuclear Secrets, or Anything Else, in Mar-a-Lago Raid
There is nothing funnier than watching leftist Punchinellos beclown themselves over the latest “We’ve got Trump NOW!” hijinks.
Remember when the FBI raided Trump’s home supposedly looking for “nuclear secrets” a few months back? Guess how that turned out?
I’ll let the quislings at the Washinton Post spell it out:
Federal agents and prosecutors have come to believe former president Donald Trump’s motive for allegedly taking and keeping classified documents was largely his ego and a desire to hold on to the materials as trophies or mementos, according to people familiar with the matter.
In other words, Trump was keeping souvenirs, as everyone else does.
Funny how WaPo sat on that story until after the midterms, right?
But wait, there’s more!
That review has not found any apparent business advantage to the types of classified information in Trump’s possession, these people said. FBI interviews with witnesses so far, they said, also do not point to any nefarious effort by Trump to leverage, sell or use the government secrets. Instead, the former president seemed motivated by a more basic desire not to give up what he believed was his property, these people said.
Not only did the FBI not find any nuclear bomb codes, but they also found no evidence that Trump was looking to “leverage, sell or use the government secrets.”
So Trump wasn’t selling nuclear secrets on Craigslist after all. Who knew? Everyone. And that likely includes the Department of Justice and the FBI.
Needless to say, WaPo couldn’t just admit the “Trump has nuclear secrets for sale” flapdoodle was the latest Hail Mary pass to send Trump to prison and that it proved to be another flaccid member of the “get Trump” orgy. They threw the idea in near the very end that they still might come up with something juicy:
The people familiar with the matter cautioned that the investigation is ongoing, that no final determinations have been made, and that it is possible additional information could emerge that changes investigators’ understanding of Trump’s motivations. But they said the evidence collected over a period of months indicates the primary explanation for potentially criminal conduct was Trump’s ego and intransigence.
Some liberals still haven’t gotten the message or are perhaps blatantly lying.
In other words, the “Trump is selling nuclear secrets” lie is over. He kept a few tchotchkes from his four years serving as the greatest president in recent history. The nerve!
Please forward this article to your liberal sister harpy-in-law and her blue-haired, trans-pansexual, gelding lady-boyfriend who clung like sad, tragic barnacles to the embarrassing lie that Trump was trying to sell nuclear missiles to the Kaiser — or whatever it is they needed to believe.
Champagne commentary on the Cat.
There were two cases about the same time- the Skaf brothers and the Khan brothers, but they both had a similar theme – work the system and play the poor, persecuted Mooslimes at every opportunity.
The Brave New World the feminists are creating.
I wonder if they’re aware there’s no ‘save game ‘ button?
Premium VIP
Another 40 billion for Ukraine? Let’s see what we’re buying
Okay, so it’s not actually 40 billion. It’s just shy of 38 billion. But why quibble over the decimal points, right? After all, as the old saying goes, ‘a billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking about real money.’ But the reality is that the total amount of money, either in cash or in military equipment and other supplies has now passed ludicrous levels. And since these are all American taxpayer dollars that we’re talking about, it’s not unfair to demand a bit of accountability and let everyone know where it’s all going. That’s how things are supposed to work in a democracy, isn’t it? You tell the voters what you want to spend their money on and they then have the opportunity to inform their elected representatives if they agree when they next go to the ballot box. So let’s first take a look at where the White House is saying the money is going, and then examine some examples of other places the cash might be winding up. (The Hill)
The White House on Tuesday asked Congress to approve $37.7 billion in additional aid for Ukraine amid Russia’s invasion, a request that comes ahead of both a government funding deadline and the expected flipping of the House to Republican control.
The Biden administration is requesting that Congress authorize $21.7 billion in defense aid to continue providing equipment to Ukraine and to replenish Department of Defense stocks. It is also asking for $14.5 billion for direct budget support to Ukraine, critical wartime investments and security assistance as well as to strengthen global food security and provide humanitarian assistance.
Additionally, $626 million would go to providing nuclear security support for Ukraine and to modernizing the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to reduce domestic energy costs and ensure sustainable access to energy resources. And $900 million would go to help with health care and support services to Ukrainians.
That figure of $21.7 billion for “defense aid” is an eye-popping number. That would be all of the military equipment, supporting gear, and supplies that I mentioned above. But in case you missed it, there is also a brief mention of a need to “replenish Department of Defense stocks.” Surely the public must realize that we’ve sent so much of our own hardware to Zelensky already that we’re going to run out unless we can refill our own lockers.
We have already had to commit more than $14 billion above the existing Pentagon budget for 2022-2023 to those “replenishment” goals. And Taiwan is already banging on the door demanding more for themselves above and beyond what we’re already giving to Ukraine.
Sure, Ukraine’s military is obviously burning through a lot of military supplies fending off Russian shelling and chasing them out of some eastern portions of the country. (At least when their own rockets aren’t falling in Poland.) But we have been hearing too many disturbing reports of weapons and equipment donated to Ukraine by America and our NATO allies winding up on the black market, with Ukrainian oligarchs pocketing the cash. Some of those reports have been largely debunked, but some of the claims have come from European government officials, including ones in France. At a minimum, they should be fully investigated once the GOP takes control of the House since the Biden administration clearly isn’t interested in asking any questions.
Then there are all of those figurative pallets of cash that have been going to Ukraine in the name of “budget support” and “humanitarian assistance.” We should have learned our lessons long ago in Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan (among many other places) that when literal pallets of American cash show up, there will be eager hands waiting to grab some of it. And we’ve seen similar reports coming out of Ukraine, with some reported sightings of Ukrainian oligarchs hitting the beaches in other nations with conspicuous amounts of cash. Perhaps this is all on the up and up, but shouldn’t we know for sure?
Zelenski has admitted that his country is facing three to five billion dollar shortfalls every month. (And he would like us to cover the tab.) In terms of managing its own economy, Ukraine isn’t even a functional country at the moment.
And keep in mind that before the entire invasion mess began, Ukraine was almost universally viewed as a highly corrupt nation where all manner of shady deals took place. That’s why NATO wasn’t very interested in letting them join before Putin lost his mind. (It might also be why Hunter Biden found the business climate there so attractive, but that’s a story for another day.)
There are too many question marks piling up around all of this aid to Ukraine. The numbers are not trivial. And that money is flowing out of the United States in a massively disproportionate fashion when compared to any of our allies. This is all taking place while Americans are struggling to pay for food and energy and inflation continues to roar.
Where are our priorities? I’m not saying we abandon the Ukrainians overnight with no notice, but don’t we at least deserve a full and open accounting of where all of this money is going? It’s the least we all should expect from our government before they keep shoveling ever-larger amounts out the door to go God only knows where.
Yes, that’s how it goes…
Point out a problem, demand it be fixed – by someone else – then keep throwing obstacles in the way to prove that it’s not up to the identifier to fix it and they reckoned it couldn’t be fixed like that anyway. Gimme munni, I’ll fix it. And when it fails, you didn’t give me enough. Bastard Racist Whitey.
This must be the 23rd iteration of this movie, and the Big Men are larfing their guts out at us Gullibles.
The place I work for, on its internal webpage, has a big thing about STEAM (as opposed to mere STEM).
I read somewhere that the STEM thing came into existence as long ago as 2005, when it was noticed that there was a dire shortage of graduates in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics disciplines. The people who make things work.
Too many people coming out with humanities degrees that helped no one – not even them.
Obviously the first priority was to get more women in those fields, because the solution to everything is more women and minorities. Back in those days even Asians were counted as a minority, I think. Hard to imagine!
But getting more people into those fields was nevertheless a laudable priority.
But then the champions of the humanities cracked the sads because they felt left out. Bad enough that there is no demand for what they study, but to have that official?
So the created the new acronym, STEAM. Which reinstates the problem and neutralises any attempt to craft an effective response. (I wonder how many people in HR are arts graduates. I doubt there are many scientists.)
I did a quick search on Goolag about STEAM to see if anyone had an pretend defence for the idea to camouflage their embarrassing lack of intellectual integrity. What I found was pages and pages where they argued that work in the STEM fields was augmented by the practitioner having at least some arts awareness. Note that the implication is that the STEM professional themselves study an arts component, not that having arts graduates (political and social studies many of them) on the team augmented the team’s performance.
Moreover, the examples they gave referred to ‘fine arts’ studies. The idea that an engineer would benefit from a different sense of space (which is dubious to say the least, this ‘different sense’) or sheer aesthetics such as when designing a car (which already has professionals and not likely helped by a purple-haired nose-ringed landwhale (xer/xem)).
A good-looking man walked into an agent’s office in Hollywood and said “I want to be a movie star”.
Tall, handsome and with experience on Broadway, he had the right credentials. The agent asked “What’s your name?” The guy said “My name is Penis van Lesbian”. The agent said “Sir, I hate to tell you, but in order to get into Hollywood you are going to have to change your name”.
“I will NOT change my name! The van Lesbian name is centuries old; I will not disrespect my grandfather by changing my name. Not ever”. The agent said “Sir, I have worked in Hollywood for years… you will NEVER go far in Hollywood with a name like Penis van Lesbian! I’m telling you, you will HAVE TO change your name or I will not be able to represent you”.
“So be it! I guess we will not do business together” the guy said and he left the agent’s office.
FIVE YEARS LATER…… The agent opens an envelope sent to his office. Inside the envelope is a letter and a cheque for $50,000. The agent is awe-struck, who would possibly send him $50,000? He reads the letter enclosed…
“Dear Sir, five years ago, I came into your office wanting to become an actor in Hollywood, you told me I needed to change my name. Determined to make it with my God-given birth name, I refused. You told me I would never make it in Hollywood with a name like Penis van Lesbian. After I left your office, I thought about what you said. I decided you were right. I had to change my name but I had too much pride to return to your office, so I signed with another agent. I would never have made it without changing my name, so the enclosed cheque is a token of my appreciation. Thank you for your advice.
Sincerely, Dick van Dyke”.
Eyrie – 16 Nov 8.39pm
Yes we do have long memories, If you had paretns and relatives who suffered t hrough this it sticks with you.
It hits you internally. You cant let go. It makes you discrimiante and gets your emotions all revved up.
Interestingly, was speaking to a fathers friend who surviced WW 2, there was a servies memorial and get together at the the Hall on this Sunday, it was the deportation of 60,000 mainly men and boys to Siberia. The majority of the army collaralling the locals were jewish.
He did not go as he has lost interst. This ws the first I heard of this event. Yes its eveokes a strong emotion and helps me understand why events happened and people attitidues.
One day, this may happen to you – dirtectly – your attitude wil lchange.
I think of that great man Bruce Ruxton and his attitude to the Japanese – I understand why he was uinforgiving to them .
Its a part of human nature. Once you have shat on soemone that gets carried forward and effects yoru attitude – wheather of resentment as the victim or billigerence as the perpitrator.
If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything.
– Marilyn Monroe
The article goes on to blame inter-generational trauma and colonization for youth crime….
Off you go then.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
November 17, 2022 at 2:39 pm
Alice Springs elders fear NT’s youth crime plan could create new stolen generation
The article goes on to blame inter-generational trauma and colonization for youth crime….
And I blame the convicts that came here for all of the crime. LOL. FMD. What a load of BS.
November 17, 2022 at 1:59 pm
Basically the legal system allowed itself to be abused by the scumbags to game the system in order to try and “break” the accuser.
This is what brought us here now.
Thats what I said, a very, extreme bad case led to a well intentioned ‘fix” which is now causing problems.
If you havent read that book track it down, it is a corker.
The whole family was a disgusting hotbed of assholes.
They mocked the court, demanded Muslim jurors and lawyers who were experts in Muslim law overseas. The oldest brother, MSK, swore at a judge, faked mental illness and tried every ruse to delay proceedings and wear down the victims. The mother of one victim tells of farcical scenes in court when MSK, sitting at the bar table representing himself, threw broken glass at her, hurled pears at the jury and tossed a glass of water at the judge’s bench.
The mother was covered in broken glass but she recalled last week: “He didn’t actually scare me. He was nothing.”
Elsewhere in the civilised world MSK would have been placed in a cage after such a display. But in NSW he couldn’t even be handcuffed for fear of prejudicing the pear-encrusted jury. The boundless restraint of the court towards the K brothers was no doubt admirable. But it is unsustainable on any ongoing basis.
From memory they started off with 5 complainants, but once the gaing started and a number of aborted trials it ended up being one chick alone who was alone to go through the repeats of the process.
Sounds like an ideological purity test. Betcha they want to make it mandatory to pass. All arts courses are locked up by the far-left, so it’s a neat way to ensure graduates are properly progressive, something hitherto difficult to ensure with STEM.
I’m old enough to remember when this was the rule and not the exception.
I will not miss Crazy Nanshy Peloshi
h/t Poso
How i feel some days..
Tegan Wagner – very gutsy young lady. Wrote a book “The Making Of Me.”
This one is for Monkeypox Virus Fat Bastard………………………And Jerky Crunt if he is reading……………..
Republicans Take the House
“The Republican has won the House. It took more than a week for the Associated Press to determine the GOP had won the 218 seats necessary to control the chamber. Never in my entire life have I ever witnessed an election take this long to find out who won. This is all the paper absentee ballots where my own staff could right a national voting program in less than one month and you do not need the paper nonsense. Dead people will not be able to vote and there will be no harvesting of ballots.
While the press wants to portray this as an underwhelming performance for the Republicans when they should have won hands-down considering the national decline in confidence in Biden that normally would have worked to their advantage, the corruption in the election process has been itself unprecedented.
Our computer was correct – there would be no red wave. The report ($14.95) provided our Timing Arrays forecasting politics out for 12 years. The Republicans would take the House but not the Senate for this would be an extremely tight election due to the corruption. The whole point of the press calling for a red tidal wave was to make sure Republicans felt their vote was not needed so why bother? That was a strategy to keep that up in the press. I saw the same tactic was used to get Jimmie Carter elected. I remember that well for even I concluded it was so overwhelming I did not vote – they didn’t need me. Then you woke up with a surprise nobody expected.
This will now contribute to 2023 where we see rising civil unrest and the Republicans will bring impeachment proceedings against Biden and dive into the Hunter Laptop like never before. The Democrats are about to find out what goes around – comes around. All civility in politics has been tossed out the window.
This is the decline and fall of America. The country is now so divided, there is simply no possible way to ever bring it back to the middle. The Democrats still hate Trump and will push to discredit all Republicans using Trump. The hateful way politics has emerged ensures there is absolutely NOBODY on a white horse who will save the day. It will be soon to just turn out the lights.”
Genuinely hard to have any real sympathy for this lot. They have limited scope to change their circumstances but you don’t see any real attempt either.
Apologies if already posted:
The ACT Government’s proposed legal change will make it easier for DPP Shane Drumgold to prosecute his case against Bruce Lehrmann after the accused’s first rape trial was aborted in October
If at first you don’t succeed, change the trail process.
The Skaf family are an adornment to Australian society, a gift that just keeps on giving.
About Christopher Ray – If you want to find Ray, you’ll have to dig up every cornfield in Kansas, he knows too much by now.
Indeed, callie – how many police and prison officers do they provide gainful employment for?
Airline bans gender-neutral uniforms on World Cup flight
Virgin Atlantic said that cabin crew must stick to traditional dress to ensure their safety in Qatar
Virgin Atlantic reversed its gender-neutral uniform policy for cabin crew flying the England team to the World Cup in Qatar. Although the squad still flew aboard the airline’s ‘Gay Pride’ jet, crossdressing will only be allowed on flights to “more accepting” countries, the airline said.
Gareth Southgate’s squad touched down in Doha on Tuesday, on a specially chartered Virgin Atlantic flight from Birmingham. For the one-off flight, the airline told several British media outlets that it suspended its gender identity policy and instructed crew members to dress in the appropriate uniform for their gender.
“As part of our policy, we complete a risk assessment on all countries we fly to, considering laws and attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community and expressions of identity on a case-by-case basis,” the statement read. “Following a risk assessment, it was recommended the policy was not applied on today’s charter flight to ensure the safety of our people.”
Homosexuality is illegal in Qatar, and same-sex intercourse is punishable by up to seven years’ imprisonment.
Virgin Atlantic updated its ‘Gender Identity Policy’ in September, allowing male flight attendants to wear female uniforms and vice versa. Staff were also given the option of wearing “pronoun badges,” and subjected to “mandatory inclusivity training,” according to a press release.
While this new “fluid approach” was portrayed as applying to all routes, Virgin Atlantic explained on Tuesday that it would initially be rolled out on flights to and from the US, UK, and Israel, as “those countries are more accepting of non-binary identities.”
Despite the policy walkback, the England team still flew to Doha aboard the ‘Rain Bow’, an Airbus A350 bearing the image of a flying man in rainbow-colored sneakers holding a Union Jack. The UK is not the only country bringing a pro-LGBT message to Qatar, with the US modifying its team’s crest to incorporate the colors of the gay pride flag.
While Qatar has insisted that all fans would be welcomed to the World Cup “without discrimination,” an ambassador for the tournament, former Qatari national player Khalid Salman, told a German reporter last week that he considered homosexuality a “damage in the mind” that causes “spiritual harm.”
I best it’s much worse in Victoria,
Which is yet another reason why: There Can Be No ‘Amnesty’ On Lockdowns Without A Reckoning.
Hehe. The Paywallian not allowing comments on the Brittany articles. Saved me getting another rejection I guess.
Trudousche gave wingnut a blow job after this was filmed.
Missile incident was Ukrainian ‘provocation’ – Polish politician
Former Lublin council chair Jaroslaw Pakula said Warsaw should rethink its stance on the conflict
Poland should rethink its position towards the conflict in Ukraine after a “provocation” on the part of Kiev that cost two villagers their lives, a former city councilman in Lublin said on Wednesday. Jaroslaw Pakula, whose term ended four days before the incident, said the missile that struck Przewodow was obviously Ukrainian and that the government in Warsaw needed to send a message to Kiev instead of telling “fairy tales” to its citizens.
“Of course, this is a Ukrainian rocket. Of course, this is a provocation on the part of the Ukrainian authorities,” Pakula posted on his Facebook page. “The rocket could not be fired 100km in the opposite direction by mistake.”
The purpose of the provocation was to scare the EU and get civil society support for sending even more weapons to Ukraine, Pakula added. Instead of telling “fairy tales” about the missile, the Polish president should tell Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky that Warsaw “will no longer put up with this behavior” by Kiev.
“I urge you to rethink Poland’s position [regarding] this war in the event that the red line is crossed again!” Pakula concluded.
Yep. It’s full of funny money and clever manipulators and they get away with it.
Until the peasants bring out the tumbrils and start looking for passengers.
Most likely promotions and awards I would think?
I have insufficient confidence in the intergrity of the system to bother making an official complaint, but will, most likely, as Sen Antic if he could send the relevant minister an expression of concern about the critical failure of an important system which protects BOTH police and citizens (body cameras) and ask if the underlying procedures need to be tightened.
November 17, 2022 at 11:29 am
And Rottenhead, you’re also not obliged to read what I post and ignore anything I say. Start living by the standards you wish to apply to others dickhead.
Yes but Jerky Crunt; I just love to read your pompous windbag so called comments. Always good for a larf’…………….You Tosser. Go and play in the traffic there’s a good boy……………………………..
Way back when the humanities class of nerds were regarded as the sagacious ones who would lead us to the promised land. Post WW2 particularly science has increasingly occupied that role. I’ve encountered two Arts graduates expressing contempt for science. Their attitude is in part driven by a lingering resentment that the Arts is increasingly been supplanted by Science. Now they want to infiltrate STEM as a last desperate attempt to retain some relevance. STEM fields are doing great. STEM studies don’t need the Arts. This nonsense of STEAM is another desperate attempt to appear relevant. If you can’t beat ’em join ’em.
I think you’re right Bruce, it is more about purity tests and preserving relevance than helping STEM.
wokeness demands femdom now!
New Online Tool Maps Out 867 US Military Bases Worldwide
World Beyond War has launched a new online tool that allows the user to view a globe pock-marked with 867 U.S. military bases in countries other than the United States, and to zoom in for a satellite view of and detailed information on each base. The tool also allows filtering the map or list of bases by country, government type, opening date, number of personnel, or acres of land occupied.
This visual database was researched and developed by World Beyond War to help journalists, activists, researchers, and individual readers understand the immense problem of excessive preparation for war, which inevitably leads to international bullying, meddling, threats, escalation, and mass atrocity. By illustrating the extent of the US empire of military outposts, World Beyond War hopes to call attention to the wider problem of war preparations.
The United States of America, unlike any other nation, maintains this massive network of foreign military installations around the world. How was this created and how is it continued? Some of these physical installations are on land occupied as spoils of war.
Most are maintained through collaborations with governments, many of them brutal and oppressive governments benefiting from the bases’ presence. In many cases, human beings were displaced to make room for these military installations, often depriving people of farmland, adding huge amounts of pollution to local water systems and the air, and existing as an unwelcome presence.
US bases in foreign lands often raise geopolitical tensions, support undemocratic regimes, and serve as a recruiting tool for militant groups opposed to the US presence and the governments its presence bolsters. In other cases, foreign bases have made it easier for the United States to launch and execute disastrous wars, including those in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya.
Across the political spectrum and even within the US military there is growing recognition that many overseas bases should have been closed decades ago, but bureaucratic inertia and misguided political interests have kept them open. Estimates of the yearly cost to the US of its foreign military bases range from $100 – 250 billion. Thanks to davidvine.net for the variety of information included in this tool.
View a video overview the new interactive tool:
Factcheck – TRUE
Yep, that’s what I told AHPRA when they asked me to respond to (amongst other covid crimes) a ‘complaint’ they had received saying my equating the ‘othering’ of the unvaxxinated to the early years of the holocaust. They labelled this ‘anti-semetic’ for some reason.
I told them I was NOT in the habit of responding to anonymous allegations – along with some other suggestions about sex, travel and a pineapple, and the proven failure of the ‘following orders’ defence historically.
No response from them yet, although someone else at AHPRA who didnt get the memo subsequently sent me a reminder that the expiry date of my registration was fast approaching.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
November 17, 2022 at 2:39 pm
Alice Springs elders fear NT’s youth crime plan could create new stolen generation
The article goes on to blame inter-generational trauma and colonization for youth crime….
There is a degree of validity in the reference to colonisation.
Without colonisation to bring at least elements of civilisation to the indigenous, the “youth crime” issue would have been solved either with a waddy waddy blow to the head, or a spear into a suitable part of the youthful anatomy.
No response from them yet, although someone else at AHPRA who didnt get the memo subsequently sent me a reminder that the expiry date of my registration was fast approaching.
No mistake, thats the bit thats supposed to see you groveling back to lick their outstretched hand and beg to be made “compliant” under their merciful gaze.
Heres the mob that decide on doctors..
The 2 of the 8 who are actual medical practitioners are/were midwives.
Note that the implication is that the STEM professional themselves study an arts component.
I first became aware of this crap in the 1970s, when the social “scientists” began demanding that engineering, science and other “hard” courses include elements of the social “sciences”, so that their graduates could understand society. The reality that those students actually lived in society, and had family members who were also part of society, did not enter their feather filled brains.
What’s the actual change being sought in the ACT?
H B Bearsays:
November 17, 2022 at 2:49 pm
Iwas in the ACT recently, and picked up a copy of a local freebie paper, City News.
Most of the articles, including one by former ALP Chief Minister Jon Stanhope were highly critical of the ACT/Greens (Rattenbury) coalition
I’m old enough to remember when this was the rule and not the exception.
The key point I was trying to make was that even a former ALP Chief Minister was critical of the ALP Barr/Rattenbury coalition government.
Mole at 3:56pm.
Don’t think any of them are doctors from the bios.
The doctor, Dr Susan Young,
The surrender has been complete.
The chair has been in the Victorian public service.
wokery is nihilistic it has no values other than to destroy any existing order
Flying Duk,
Senator Antic just put up on YouTube a Senate hearing clip on the Dr Patient Relationship and actions by AHPRA against Dr’s for speaking up.
Any Senators questioning the TGA/Health etc in hearings should get extra pay for the BS and lies they have to listen to.
So Trudeau got busted for trying to show off that he hob-nobs with the big boys and blabbing about a confidential meeting.
Reminds me a bit of KRudd, and his leaked story about a phone call with George Bush where the peerless philosopher-king KRudd had to illume to that hapless cretin George Bush the fundamentals and nuances of world politics and diplomacy – why that Texan simpleton did not even know what the G20 was.
Again the intention was to try to play up his stature but unfortunately for KRudd, instead of being remonstranced by a thug like Xi, government agencies on both sides of the Pacific stated unequivocally that the call never took place. Yet the miserable worm refused to deny the content of the leak, only that he knew who might have leaked it. Hoping, I presume, that some people at least will remember the original story but not have heard the demolishing of it.
The decline of work in a spoiled society
You hear these all the time now. “I want a career with a purpose,” which usually means an activist. Or “I need a good work-life balance,” which suggests someone doesn’t want to work very hard. Give me a break.
The chief executive of a Fortune 500 company told me he recently spent an entire afternoon discussing his company’s pet-bereavement policy. He asked the human-resources folks, “Let me get this right, someone’s goldfish dies and they get a week off from work?”
Work has become a dirty word. Cyber bohemians just want to dream and stream. And now this: The New York Times ran an opinion piece titled “How to Fight Back Against the Inhumanity of Modern Work.” What? Paper cuts are a bigger risk these days than losing an arm in a loom. Still, I thought the piece would be about dirty jobs – the hardships of coal miners, the plight of burnt-out nurses or the inhumanity of waking up at 5am to milk cows. Nope. The author complained about digital monitoring – coders, cashiers and others being tracked by evil bosses, who are measuring productivity. Gasp!
Has society become that spoiled? Apparently so.
These days few jobs are in manufacturing. Many of those jobs were exported long ago to cheaper labor markets such as China. Even if some of those jobs return here, many workers aren’t qualified.
Mike Rowe of the Dirty Jobs reality TV show, said: “We are lending money we don’t have to kids who can’t pay it back to train them for jobs that no longer exist.” So they are underemployed. Or quit. Or seek purpose and balance.
We rightly encourage STEM jobs – science, technology, engineering and maths. I recently learned of HEAL jobs. Dog walkers? No, jobs in health, education, administration and literacy. These are the growing jobs of a vibrant service economy.
The service economy is hardly news yet too often the focus is on labor vs. capital, as if we still make widgets. Unions want to arm-wrestle value from capital and force higher wage payouts than is economically sound. This blatantly disregards human capital – what workers learn on the job is theirs to keep. We increase productivity and wealth by having workers figure out how to do more with less from the bottom up. So please stop paying people not to work. The best antipoverty program is a job because a job’s value comes from this increase in human capital. One-time payments are a waste.
I’ve written often that profits are a measure of the societal wealth created by corporations, and that the price paid for products and services is the minimum amount of value created. If that weren’t true, we could all grow our own food or assemble our own iPhones. But we can’t. Jobs are very much like profits. All jobs, from the machine-learning coder to the oil-rig worker to the Woolworths bagger, increase societal wealth. Why? Because we don’t have to do those jobs ourselves.
Think of pay as personal profits. Every (legal) job adds value, and if you slack off or don’t deploy your human capital and live up to your potential you’re stealing societal wealth from the rest of us. That’s selfish.
People generally are paid what they are worth. Well, except for jobs with artificial shortages such as doctors, lawyers and those requiring occupational licensing. Or those bumped up by minimum-wage laws. Higher pay comes from productivity and education, not government scheming.
Interest rates are rising. Though it is still hard to find cashiers or construction workers, layoffs are rampant in overbuilt Silicon Valley, a canary in the coal mine. Half of Twitter, 11,000 at Meta, plus Stripe, Zillow, Snapchat, Netflix, Coinbase, Robinhood, Salesforce, Lyft, even Virgin Hyperloop – and more to come. The purpose of a job may go back to being a pay cheque again.
Advice from Mike Rowe: “Stop looking for the ‘right’ career, and start looking for a job. Any job. Forget about what you like. Focus on what’s available. Get yourself hired. Show up early. Stay late. Become indispensable.”
He’s right – and build human capital. A job already has a purpose. And please don’t ask for pet-bereavement benefits.
The Wall Street Journal
the chair is a professional bugmen. The overwhelming pre-ponderous of females in “public service” is the source of the rot.
Watching the senate estimate videos shows a similar alarming number of stupid females in senior positions. Clearly put there by virtue of having the required qualification: a vagina. No wonder the birth rate is down, when so many women are focused on “serving the public”. bwahahha “serving the public” as if
If the future is female, the future is a civilisational doom loop
The more power they get, the more rotten society becomes.
After all the hype from m0nty=fa and other leftards, it seems that the great “nooocular secrets” hidden at Mar a Lago didn’t exist.
The more power they get, the more rotten society becomes.
The more blokes step back and shirk responsibility by funding this shit the more rotten it will get.
A beyond parody unicorn hunt. Although the FBI imbeciles did make off with some of Melania’s undies, so there is that.
Dover, you may have missed this.
Janet Albrechtsen has broken the story in the OZ.
No no. Leccy cars are the next big thing (the Hun):
After all the hype from m0nty=fa and other leftards, it seems that the great “nooocular secrets” hidden at Mar a Lago didn’t exist
Fake news.
The ABC and the Guardian havent put it up on their front pages.
There always after me golden globes– Brendan Fraser…
Brendan Fraser says he won’t attend next year’s Golden Globes, even if he’s nominated for his acclaimed performance in The Whale, after having alleged that he was sexually assaulted by the former president of the organisation that runs the awards.
In 2018, Fraser publicly alleged that Philip Berk, a longtime Hollywood Foreign Press Association member and a former president of the organisation behind the Globes, once groped him at a lunch in Beverly Hills, in 2003.
In 2018, Berk called Fraser’s account “a total fabrication”, but acknowledged he had written an apology to Fraser over the incident at the time.
They all seem to have their Road to Damascus moment after leaving office and losing interest in re-election.
But then ‘patriarchy’, ‘toxic man’ etc etc. This is what women wanted. Reap the whirlwind.
and their she is the chairbugmen of aprha telling us how important black lives matter is
“Lessons from #NRAS2021: ‘Cultural safety needs to be grounded in anti-racism work. It needs to be explicit about race not culture.”
Wait till they get beyond a fraction of a percent of the market. No prizes for guessing how you will avoid the queues.
The WEF have clearly war gamed all of this. These people are so rich, they can fund leftards to sit there all day to plot and scheme.
Zipster says:
November 17, 2022 at 4:24 pm
Heres the mob that decide on doctors..
The 2 of the 8 who are actual medical practitioners are/were midwives.
the chair is a professional bugmen. The overwhelming pre-ponderous of females in “public service” is the source of the rot.
All true.
Even if one looks at the NSW Medical Council (can’t talk about other states) one finds the same problem, with the added bonus that it includes a minority of medical doctors, who make no difference to the dystopian, Stalinist nature of the beast.
Medical, nursing, HR or mere @rse-sucking bugperson, the result is the same.
These people are chosen for their known compliance with pre-determined “ethical” woke policies/procedures.
Their CVs and training counts for shit, except to convey the “right” impression to the stupid sheeples who pay for this travesty.
Apparently if we dont vote for Hunchback we are racists and Nazis.
Callister cleared over claims of ‘high stakes’ attempt to influence employee evidence in ‘Certain Children’ case
The Victorian Ombudsman has been unable to establish wrong-doing by the state’s Education department secretary and recommended no further action be taken on claims she threatened a school employee with funding cuts over evidence he was due to give in court.
the old duck has taken to woke like a duck to water
Grifting by the pool: COP27 a last resort for climate-change ‘warriors’
Mindful of setting a good example, the organisers of the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, otherwise known as COP27, are determined to minimise their carbon footprint. Presumably that explains why only 45,000 delegates, roughly 230 from each of the world’s nations, have travelled to Egypt for this vital meeting.
The location is the town of Sharm el-Sheikh, a beautiful luxury resort situated between the Sinai Peninsula desert and the Red Sea. It was an ideal choice, for it refutes the slanderous and impertinent notion that UN bureaucrats avoid travelling to developing countries. As the delegates would no doubt tell you, the picturesque backdrop of a coastal venue is also a poignant reminder of the existential threat posed by rising seas.
It is a threat aggravated by the danger of wrongthink. Speaking at the summit this week, World Bank president David Malpass denied accusations he was a “climate denier”, a label bestowed on him by environmental crusader and former US vice-president Al Gore. Having lent $US14.8bn to fund fossil fuel projects in the last seven years, the organisation has angered climate activists.
“I don’t have any personal beef with him as an individual,” said Gore last week, before adding that “his approach has really fallen way short of what the world needs”.
Regrettably, Malpass passed up the opportunity to highlight a few inconvenient truths about his chief critic. “Scientists now predict our current course will raise world temperatures five degrees Celsius in our lifetimes,” Gore wrote in the New York Times in 1989. That means we can look forward to a very long life given NASA records show that in 2021 global temperatures were between 1.1 and 1.2 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial average.
“An enormous hole is opening in the ozone layer, reducing the Earth’s ability to protect life from deadly ultraviolet radiation,” Gore told the UN Commission on Sustainable Development in 1993. The hole turned out to be as deadly as the Y2K bug. True to form, Gore addressed the UN climate conference in Copenhagen in 2009, warning the Arctic Ocean could be ice-free as early as 2014. Aside from the 6.61 million square kilometres of ice currently there, he was right.
You might say Gore’s approach has really fallen way short of what the world needs. Mind you it has met Al’s needs nicely, with his personal wealth estimated to be $US300m. Like all crises real and manufactured, there is money to be made in climate activism, a fact not lost on those attending COP-fest. Take for example Barbados prime minister Mia Mottley and her quest for “climate justice” otherwise known as a guilt shakedown.
“We were the ones whose blood, sweat and tears financed the industrial revolution,” she told delegates earlier this month. “Are we now to face double jeopardy by having to pay the cost as a result of those greenhouse gases from the industrial revolution? That is fundamentally unfair.”
You can understand her pain. For example, developing countries received only a paltry $US532.5bn in climate funding aid for the period 2013-20. Mottley, incidentally, has also demanded that European nations pay her country “reparations” for the Atlantic slave trade.
Australia’s neighbour Vanuatu also has its hand out, or rather both hands out. The country’s climate minister, Ralph Regenvanu, has proposed an additional endowment in the form of a “climate damage tax” funded by the producers of coal, oil, and gas. Its leaders say international donors must cough up $US178m for Vanuatu to implement climate abatement measures by 2030. That is on top of the $US100m it has received in climate funding in the last decade. And this is a country that does not even require its citizens to pay income tax.
Mind you Vanuatu’s demands are pittance compared to those of the Maldives. Environment minister Aminath Shauna told COP27 that it required $US8 billion for coastal adaptation, an estimate she said was “conservative”. You can be sure that will not be the final figure from a country notorious for corruption and human rights abuses.
Mindful of how arduous it can be to contrive innovative grievances, COP27 organisers scheduled a “day of rest” for delegates last Sunday. As Reuters reported “thousands of attendees hit the local beaches and tourist shops”.
You can imagine them sunning themselves in deck chairs. I’m thinking a revamped Dire Straits song to mark the occasion – “Grifting by the Pool”, perhaps?
And this week the conference was enriched by the attendance of former Irish president and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson, who now chairs the pompously named activist group “The Elders”. According to her, “climate change is a man-made problem and must have a feminist solution”. I can only surmise this solution involves Robinson continuing to take CO2-intensive trips around the world with her derriere planted firmly on a first-class cushion.
Despite having castigated his predecessor Scott Morrison for initially deciding not to attend COP26 in Glasgow last year, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has chosen to stay home. He is represented by climate minister Chris Bowen, who will regale fellow delegates with details of how Labor is helping Pacific countries combat climate change. You know, measures such as supplying a Solomon Islands despot with 60 semi-automatic rifles for his police force to respond to, um, climate deniers?
As CNBC reported, COP27 has had its challenges. Last Wednesday a sewage pipe at the venue burst, sending waste down one of the conference’s main thoroughfares and forcing delegates to exit.
The waste has been cleaned up. But the stench of mendacity will remain long after the delegates have departed.
The Mocker amuses himself by calling out poseurs, sneering social commentators, and po-faced officials.
Old Ozzie:
Even if you don’t read the book, read the “Acknowledgments”,
In these few paragraphs is a germ of an idea about what we are defending, the culture which is not just American, but inherent in any Free Society.
Link to the document in US/Internet Archive.
Personally I would not call someone a coward who was able to get up every morning knowing he was going to have to wrangle grog-stupid and drug-fried oafs (black and white) who almost certainly have a thousand generations fewer separating them from Australopithecines. Someone who will have had to be the first to enter a room where little mongrels have determined their best chances of getting away with stealing bottles of pharmaceutical products they cannot even read is to brain, bash, or stab the one sent to apprehend them – and who is not allowed to fight back until the psychotic little runts have had their go at him first.
Taking on the role of preserving order amongst improvident and impulsive, a protected class, and under the auspices of opportunistic progressives determined to present you as the source of troubles merely be being where they have sent you and doing what they have told you they want you to do.
An apology about a “total fabrication”. Which was a “joke”. Sure.
I could quip a “Believe all men”. But I won’t. Predatory behaviour of both sexes is rife in Hollyweird. Not confined to there though. In my opinion it takes a lot of courage for a man to talk about this sort of stuff and risk what’s left of his career.
Understandable but the anger should be directed at the perpetrators atherwise you give legitimately to the grievance industry. No one should be accountable for the sins of the past.
Makes sense, I was a specialist anaesthetist, and it is well known that ‘the natural enemy of the anaesthetist is the midwife’
It’s not.
Next question?
Oh, get your hand off it.
Look at, for example, the history of Europe for the last 200 years. All those stupid wars, especially WWI, where millions were slaughtered under the command of … not Germaine Greer, or any other XX. But hey, ‘society’ wasn’t rotten, according to you.
If men are so superior, why have they suddenly rolled over like this?
A bit more analysis and a bit less dumb misogyny wouldn’t go astray.
Yes, I have met Senator Antic, along with a few others (Rennick, Roberts) he is one of the few who met their elected duty of representing the people (not the WEF). I hope to speak to him about the – ahem – problems with policing in the ACT recently.
Further to the above, so far I appear to have not received the courtesy of a reply 🙁
FDA gives first-ever approval to lab-grown chicken (16 Nov)
Chicken nuggets shaped in a mould, yum.
Okay Winston. We’ll wait until the invective against white people is ramped up a bit more. The perps appear to be getting away with it scot free so far.
A bit more affirmative action and positive discrimination will do the trick. All that is involved is a time line.
LOL Twiggy’s gonna save Ukraine. Bullshit on stilts.
For a very incisive discussion of the Covid pandemic and the global response – particularly the decision to pursue vaccines rather than viable early treatment – see Dr. Shankara Chetty interview:
Dr. Chetty has treated literally thousands of Covid patients without a single fatality. This was particularly because he detected the “8th day syndrome” whereby some patients appeared to have an allergic response to the virus debris. His treatment was relatively simple with anti histamines, steroids and aspirin.
BTW Dr Chetty’s complaint is that the global medical response was largely based on modelling (as well as political and pharmaceutical influences) rather than actual clinical observations.
Hollywood lawyers too?
Harvey Weinstein Defense Lawyer Asks Newsom’s Wife to Fake Orgasm in Court (16 Nov)
Charming bunch of people, clearly. May the best swamp creature win.
St. Ruth! Get in here!
But this is what you wanted. Transwomen competing in women’s sports, gender studies, free stuff from Daddy Gov.
No way in hell are we going to clean up the mess you created.
Own it.
STEM has only recently been invented as a meme. For a coupla thousand years, maths and science were called The Sciences, and I for one don’t reckon that the new discovery of T or the E warrant a re-branding. What on earth is Technology or Engineering if not maths and chem and physics? (Actually I have noticed an ingress into “technology”- which as far as I can figure so far is making videos and cut-n-paste programming- by a fair few midwit teachers who have been allowed to follow their own tangent and believe they are teaching “creative thinking” in front of the keyboards and screens. It’s a rubbish delusion… maybe more later)
You can see the motivation for the invention of the STEM age because it is followed very closely by “we need to get more girls into STEM”. I’d reckon this is hardly backed up by any lack of school or uni-level attainment, job oppurtunity…
It’s just a stalking horse for “we need to place our chosen people into commanding positions in vital sectors of industry”.
It’s worked really well for non-STEM subjects, which we used to call The Arts. After a few decades of pushing vaginas, first nationses, refugees, amputees, the obviously mentally ill, gays and transgenderx into the fountainhead, Arts is now fully in the clutches of Marxists and Big Gov, and the office-bearers and elites ain’t ever going to let go.
so this vile bugmen who has never held a real job and has learnt the dialect of corporate-speak is using the power of the state threatening to withhold funding to enforce compliance to ideology. this is how woke neo-marxism spreads
these swamp creatures disguise themselves as corporate types, get themselves appointed to positions of power and enforce neo-marxist wokery
Given the speed, the clear direction of the societal descent into woke Hell, as well as its clearly accelerating nature, I, for one, hope that societal order will break down.
Hopefully sooner rather than later.
I know, not a popular sentiment to express, even in this august blog, but it’s hard to see a peaceful way with which this moving disaster can be stopped, let alone reversed.
History has repeatedly shown us the way.
Just imagine the consequences for the vile, pustulant bugmen and women, such as those infesting allegedly-merit-based offices, from Medical Councils, Professional Colleges, think-tanks, media orgs, welfare orgs, police forces, treasuries, all the way up to quangos, staid bureaucracies and parliaments in the current West.
Thousands of profoundly stupid, sociopathic, Ceau?escu-like cowards, whose true worth to the evil society they created and maintained is finally recognised.
Begging for their lives, before justice is finally delivered, and not necessarily swiftly.
There’s a real possibility this will happen in our lifetime.
In my (misanthropic) view, the sooner, the better.
Calling out women in senior roles who are directly responsible for spreading neo-marxism is not misogyny. It’s a repeating and predictable pattern.
For the same reason that so many women read astrology and seek advice from fortune tellers they are entirely prone to capture by “sounds good”, “feels good” let’s save the planet neo-marxism.
Has anyone had an internal server error this week?
My experience is that their natural enemy is men
Sorry, midwives natural enemy that is
ABC hit-bag squad out bashing Christians again.
because god knows there isnt any other single sports event worth covering like this.
ABC to delay Israel Folau documentary
The ABC has “rescheduled” a planned documentary charting the rise and fall of controversial Wallabies star Israel Folau.
The ABC documentary traces the career of Israel Folau, the former Wallabies star who kickstarted a political and ideological storm with his homophobic tweets first posted during the marriage equality campaign and which led to his sacking by Rugby Australia in 2019.
Done by a dyed in the wool luuurvie of impeccable pedigree.
Folau is directed by Nel Minchin whose credits include Firestarter: The Story of Bangarra and Matilda & Me, a behind-the-scenes documentary about the stage musical by her brother, Tim Minchin.
Totally wont be a hit piece.
The documentary also invited voices from the LGBTQI community, with former Wallaby Dan Palmer and Yes campaigner Magda Szubanski both included in Folau.
Speaking to The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age recently, director Nel Minchin said: “It was about understanding where people come from, I don’t think it suggests we should sympathise [with Folau] as much as understand.”
Has anyone had an internal server error this week?
You thought garage Nazis were bad. Wait `til you see the Naples Nazis!
Revenge is a dish best served with spaghetti bolognazi.
Gonna try for a pun hat trick.
Oh god I’m out of ideas.
Stick with the food puns, that already worked.
Okay, here goes.
Don’t get arrested by the Gelato!
Not me either.
dover0beach says:
November 17, 2022 at 5:51 pm
Has anyone had an internal server error this week?
Me neither, but I haven’t been posting as many stories-with-links since the news has been so rubbish.
Nor me.
Has anyone had an internal server error this week?
Bit of reflux and indigestion from my internal server.
My feeling is that the acceleration of ‘woke’ by the establishment is a push back against events in 2016. A punishment. A warning. The push to neo feudalism and open borders has been going on for decades but there was a pretense of democracy which they don’t even bother with now.
aka – ‘It has to get worse before it gets better’
No, but my earphones stopped working.
What do you know about that dover0beach?
That’s what I’d like to know.
Lol, Big_Nambas! I had a quip about Gaviscon and deleted it.
How about this –
Earth can regulate its own temperature over millennia, new study finds
I mean, the fact is perfectly obvious, but from MIT!!!!
Duk – It has to get worse before it gets worser. A world of Venezuelas.
I was amused that Colombia, which now has a communist President, has just demanded we all pay them $800 billion for bad weather. Per year.
COP27 — Colombia claims an absurd $800 billion a year “loss and damage” (16 Nov)
This stuff is fun because I can’t detect any no-natural change in any climate metrics. But then I don’t have a supercomputer in my basement, so there’s that.
Those ‘canny elites’ have woken up to the fact the system has been mortally wounded, and they have every intention of getting to the trough. They will strip the carcass bare while making soothing noises about ‘fairness’ and ‘equity’ while the victim watches in dismay as the herd shrinks to nothing.
It’s a bit like watching a school of sardines getting consumed by killer whales. It takes a few passes through the mass of fish who just keep swimming in their ‘protective’ ball before they notice the carnage, but suddenly it’s gone and there’s just a few scattered fish wriggling for their lives.
That’s Conservative Culture currently.
The first couple of Killer Whales are settling the fish into the pattern that makes for easy feeding, the rest are taking the ones who are not even aware of what’s happening.
Robert Malone Reveals The Truth About Bill Gates
A swamp pencil pusher, obviously highly qualified to run ahpra. Note how the sisterhood circles the corruptocrat wagon.
I can find no pictures of a husband or of any children, nothing in her resume suggests Ms Callister is married or has children.
Perpetual smirk wiped
Daniel Andrews fires up over allegations of voting system corruption and says he’ll ‘wait for review’ into preferences flaw
‘It has to get worse before it gets better’
aka tough love.