A few months ago I stood on a Sarajevo street corner, imagining the motorcade as it progressed down by the riverside, then turned around and came back up the same route. At some point the driver decided to make a detour down a side street to avoid some demonstrators.
And the rest is history.
On such small details does the fate of nations turn.
November 18, 2022 8:09 am
T E Lawrence as the arbitrator of what women want?
“Wanted to reply “not what they want but what they do” but did not want to risk being taken seriously.”
You’re going to have “own that one”. There’s no chance of anyone taking you seriously.
Boambee John
November 18, 2022 8:10 am
Funny things, mince pies. I hated them as a child, like those horrid “pillow” biscuits (which my brother and I called “squashed blowfly bikkies”). Now they just beg to be eaten.
I always liked “pillows”. But if you go to the originator (AFAIK) of “squashed flies”, Arthur Ransome in the Swallows and Amazons series, in the illustrations they seemed to be plain biscuits with currants baked into them.
November 18, 2022 8:10 am
What do ‘they’ do?
I see you lotting is not unique to Monty.
incoherent rambler
November 18, 2022 8:11 am
I dare to dream, but he might be able to knock Dan out.
How many votes will he have to buy before he out polls the Dastardly one?
“In a sense that’s true, but they’re willing to go GOP as long as Trump isn’t the candidate.”
The author Lionel Shriver says the same, but as far as I’m concerned the fact that they buy into the “Trump = evil” narrative and thus won’t vote GOP if Trump is on the ballot, then they’re contributing to the problem.
Apparently, Trump told his sidekick pro to hit the ball to the amateur player on the other side of the net as he (Trump) wanted to win the comp. That’s how it was told to me.
Thats not how I remember it. I was told he punched a wall at Sydney Uni.
November 18, 2022 8:14 am
Pillow biscuits?
Are they those fruit rolls?
I don’t think I’ve ever had one. Bought biscuits weren’t part of growing up for me, I think I had an iced vovo or two at a function here or there.
1. What is the etymological (true) definition of misandry?
2. Let’s try to absolve women if I was unintentionally unfair. Did they support conscription more than men?
It is probably better if I phrased it as: 20th century western civilisation treated young rural men as disposable.
Happy International Men’s Day!
November 18, 2022 8:20 am
No rosie, men have ruined the military for women and ought to be banned from serving.
Boambee John
November 18, 2022 8:20 am
If we had a nationalist defence policy and isolationist foreign policy from Federation, Australia would have been a better place.
In practice, we did hve a nartionalist defence olicy after Federation.
The original Defence Act precluded the use of the Militia, the majority of the Army, from being ordered tomserve outside Ausytralia and its territories. The 1911 compulsory service scheme also prohibited the use of those soldiers outside those limits. Hence, a “special force” had to be raised in both 1914 and 1939 to serve in the European conflicts.
The conscripted Militia force of 1939-1946 served only in Australia and its territories until the Curtin government, in 1943, extended the areas where it could serve. In practice, virtually no conscripted soldiers served outside Australia and its territories under that Act. A brigade was sent to Merauke and southern parts of (then) Dutch New Guinea, and a few went to the British Solomon Islands.
November 18, 2022 8:22 am
There were whole urban streets of men who enlisted as well as those from the bush. They wanted to stay with their mates. The phenomenon also occurred in the UK, where companies of men from the same factory would form.
They worked or lived together and they died together.
November 18, 2022 8:24 am
“I denounce sexism in all its forms, and I stand with my friends in the Female community,”
November 18, 2022 8:25 am
They bought into the idea that Trump is a fascist. When you ask them how a fascist could have come up with the Abraham Accords, one of them said it was his Jewish son in law who made the deal and not Trump himself. I didn’t ask how could Trump be a Nazi with a Jewish SIL because I couldn’t be bothered going any further.
not with the bedroom problems that are the topic for many ads on radio
Uncut toenails?
Wrong colour choice for the throw cushions?
An alarm that is so annoying, so unspeakably jarring and immediate that it is guaranteed to enrage a lady companion for the entire day, but yet is undeniably great comedy value because she can’t reach it to turn it off?*
*True story.
‘My name is Gunnery Sergeant Hartman. From now on…..’, turned all the way up.
November 18, 2022 8:30 am
I met Ian Cook last night. ( lost his catering company due to Dan Andrews, Anthony Albanese, Dandenong City Council setting up a competitor ‘Community Chef’, then sending in a health inspector to Ian’s business, planting a slug and shutting him down. Shut down sign off courtesy of Brett Sutton our Professor Lockdown Nazi). Ian is a lovely guy, has dipped into his super $25k to have a crack at Dans seat. He is blown away by the level of support from the community and Facebook. His interviews with Sky’s Peta Credlin and also Ch Nein have rated their socks off. Libs have preferenced him in the no.2 spot. As of last night he is picking up votes from the right and the left. Disillusioned Labor voters are voting for him. I dare to dream, but he might be able to knock Dan out. Fingers crossed.
I watched the Credlin doco, The Cult of Daniel Andrews, yesterday. It’s one of Sky News’ better docos in illustrating the corruption and ruthlessness of the power-mad Marxist premier.
I recommend all Victorian Cats take 45 minutes to watch it. Happily it’s now on Youtube.
“They bought into the idea that Trump is a fascist. When you ask them how a fascist could have come up with the Abraham Accords, one of them said it was his Jewish son in law who made the deal and not Trump himself. I didn’t ask how could Trump be a Nazi with a Jewish SIL because I couldn’t be bothered going any further.”
It explains the mindset, and facts and logic aren’t part of this mindset.
November 18, 2022 8:31 am
I can’t find a break down of conscription voting by gender for WWII but the anti conscription women’s activity was substantial
parade of women promoted by the United Women’s No-Conscription Committee – an immense crowd of about 60,000 people gathered at Swanston St between Guild Hall and Princes Bridge, and for upwards of an hour the street was a surging area of humanity
The divide seems to have been far more conservatives and protestants on the pro side versus labour and Catholic on the no side.
At some stage I became fascinated by the ‘white feather’ phenomenom and read everything that I could find.
It was a bizarre cult, obviously linked to the referenda but not specifically linked to any one organisation.
Bizarrely, quite a few of these egregious creatures were women who had lost a loved one at the front.
The press reports of feathers mistakingly being handed to wounded returnees were probably overstated for political reasons but there were some cases of women (and men) being beaten up by returnees.
In anticipation of Twitter cowardice, the vast majority of feathers were delivered anonymously by mail with often devastating emotional impacts.
Stepping into the mire. In WW1 whole towns (almost) volunteered e.g. Gilgandra and district, Ballaarat and district. The losses were horrendous.
Post war as people counted the losses, there was some animosity (woman driven) between families that had lost sons and families whose sons did naught. In some rural districts this animosity persists to this day. A bit like Titanic families in New York, although not as bad.
After nearly 40 years of marriage, Charlie and his wife were lying in bed. Suddenly the wife felt Charlie begin to massage her in ways he hadn’t done in quite some time. It almost tickled as his fingers started at her neck, and then began moving down past the small of her back. He then caressed her shoulders and neck, slowly worked his hand down, stopping just over her stomach. He then proceeded to place his hand on her left inner arm, working down her side, passing gently over her buttock and down her leg to her calf. Then, he proceeded up her thigh, stopping just at the uppermost portion of her leg. He continued in the same manner on her right side then suddenly stopped, rolled over and became silent. As she had become quite aroused by this caressing, she asked in a loving voice “Honey, that was wonderful. Why did you stop?” To which he responded, “I found the remote”.
November 18, 2022 8:39 am
In other words Bons, the white featherers could the the 1910s equivalent of today’s Sleeping Giants.
If I’d observed all the rules, I’d never have got anywhere.
– Marilyn Monroe
November 18, 2022 8:42 am
Dover, could you ask monty to do a special post on what he thinks the world would look politically and economically like after leftists like him get all their wishes? That’s assuming they have a somewhat coherent worldview, of course.
Nine days from the election and the VEC announces that they are ‘investigating’ the opposition leader and have referred it to IBAC. Dan must be pleased, it must be great to have your public servants, police etc know what you want done without you saying it.
November 18, 2022 8:46 am
I’ve seen the cooee march memorials in Gilgandra, I don’t doubt people who lost family, especially in small farming communities where men’s labour was priceless, resented those that didn’t.
Still 60,000 women turning out for an anti conscription rally in a town with a population of around 600,000 suggests women were as divided on the subject as men.
the same vitamin which TGA has advised doctors not to recommend. why?
November 18, 2022 8:48 am
Mater that rippling is cellulite.
November 18, 2022 8:50 am
calli the fly pies are cheaper than that, can’t remember exactly but off to get some more. I only have one a day, but its amazing how often the sun rises at my place.
Also on Thursday the Liberals referred allegations of group voting ticket deals done by the so-called “preference whisperer” Glenn Druery to the integrity watchdog.
A covert video revealing discussions of backroom preference deals was leaked to the Herald Sun by the Angry Victorians party.
Don’t if any here are into older racing motorcycles etc but if you are, a replacement weekend has been arranged to make up for the cancellation of the Broadford Bike Bonanza over the Easter weekend 2023.
•A gun shop owner who encountered a bone-chilling inspection by the ATF
•A father fighting for the right to see his twins after objecting to his 3-year-old son going through gender transition
•A woman who had almost $1M seized from her bank accounts even though she and her husband were never charged with a crime
•A couple who had their home raided by the FBI over a case of mistaken identity
•An FBI agent who turned whistleblower after he became fed up with the abuses he saw over Jan. 6 raids.
November 18, 2022 9:01 am
Targets of Tyranny: How to Survive Being an Enemy of the State
Glenn Beck
Now you tell me!
Bruce of Newcastle
November 18, 2022 9:02 am
the same vitamin which TGA has advised doctors not to recommend. why?
ITEM 4: The Natural News reported, “St. Louis-based chiropractor Dr. Eric Nepute faces federal fines of about half a trillion dollars for allegedly profiting from sales of vitamin D3 and zinc supplements.
“The 27-page complaint filed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in April 2021 accused Nepute, 41, of profiting from the sales of supplements during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. He sold vitamin D3 and zinc supplements, which have been proven to address COVID-19 infection, under the Wellness Warrior brand.”
I say countersue and make the FTC prove its case in a real court to a real jury.
Being fined half a trillion dollars for selling vitamin D3 and zinc seems a little harsh in my mind.
November 18, 2022 9:06 am
“Squashed Fly Biscuits” were first created/baked by Jonathon Carr in 1861 (www.secondshistory.com) which was after Garibaldi’s successful invasion of Sicily and Naples.
Garibaldi was quite the hero.
Welsh children at the time were even given the middle name “Garibaldi” which looks pretty weird between an authentic Welsh first name and surname.
The currants used in the recipe are much improved by being steeped in something a bit stronger than cold tea.
Wally Dalí
November 18, 2022 9:19 am
Friday foughts-
Speech night last night at the Catholic school, first time in for us. Call me a Methodist, but they should have facilitated the crowd singing the national anthem- instead it was introduced as being presented by the music ensemble, and then paced far too fast for participation.
-far too many awards and subjects for media, music production, video editing, entertainment technology and the like. Contrast it to dance and music, which are at least personal disciplines, but I can’t see where the link to jobs or industry are, considering that one in three kids seems to be devoting a good percentage of their study load to it.
-that probably had a lot to do with far too many slideshow-video segues on the big screen. They showed nothing- mainly footage of non-academic incursions- and stretched out the run time. Is it a Catholic High Mass thing where the audience is meant to just sit in silent awe for three firkin hours?
-girls dominated the awards 3/1- I’d have a hard count over the programme, but that would be obsessive. In amongst bucking that imbalance, there were some revealing blips- fer instance, boys got every instrumental music award and girls got every music subject gong- and the boys came out of the doldrums to be more or less par at yr 11-12 and ATAR. Dux was girl, boy runner up.
-kids have terrible posture. It must be more than computer time. They seriously need deportment classes, cancel the dance troupes and kick them out of their floorspaces, get the books and apples out.
-if “we need more girls in STEM” then “we need more boys in dance”. Girls dominating STEM by the looks, but every dance troupe was 15-0, 18-0. Wherefore the outcry?
-one boy in a dress got an award for battling adversity. He was a boy in a dress and got announced as “they” “young person”.
-far too much “oh and another thing- wonderful creative output”. I noticed at the yearly art exhibit that the cancer of identity has eaten its was down into high school, where all of the output was washed out by writing, mannerism, identitarian waffle and empty space where effort should be. In contrast, the primary school stuff was genuinely accomplished, and would sell in a tourist shop (that’s in no way damning with faint praise. The works were finished. Big difference to the sketchy “my journal and my journey” low-energy crap that won all the awards for the seniors).
If you’re not going to teach schoolkids that art is a craft, and needs application to technique as much as any sport, needs repetition to the point of automation as much as any musical discipline, needs critical thinking as much as any video or food production presentation… then don’t teach it at all. It’s just an empty stalking horse for lionising non-Anglo Australians and hand-patting the mentally ill.
Every art award went to a girl. It may or not be a statistical odd nothingburger, but contrast that every musical instrument award went to a boy.
Nine days from the election and the VEC announces that they are ‘investigating’ the opposition leader and have referred it to IBAC
Had the misfortune to see Groundhog Guy being asked about this and other idiocies at a presser yesterday. He resembled a stunned mullet or some type of creature struggling to comprehend that it actually existed.
Disasterstan has not well served by the major political parties (or the minor fruitcake ones), to put it mildly.
Wally Dalí
November 18, 2022 9:23 am
You’re taking Welsh names maman?
I’m sure they appreciated the injection of much-needed vowels
(4) Enhancing feral animal control efforts on a tenure neutral basis to prepare for/in response to any exotic disease outbreak.
Of course there will be no need for the tagging unless there is an outbreak of one of the major goat diseases.
So I guess that means we are in for a bout of FMD to justify it, if I’ve understood how the bureaucratic mind works from “Yes Minister”.
In anticipation of Twitter cowardice, the vast majority of feathers were delivered anonymously by mail with often devastating emotional impacts.
Nothing changes. We now have morons salivating for WWIII.
The dead of Afghanistan accuse you, you numpties. As do the thousands of memorials up and down this fair land, the UK, Canada and NZ. They all tell the same story.
Today, only a small proportion of jobs require those things. Other skills are more important, and women are in a much stronger position in the job market.
visionary and rational coherent logical thinking doesn’t seem to be one of them.
Here’s a little thought experiment. We all know women can be trained to fly jumbo jets but which scenario would you rather be in. Male pilot in a big jet emergency or Female pilot?
November 18, 2022 9:34 am
FBI ‘Extremely Concerned’ by China-Owned TikTok; Tech Investor Draper Turns from China to Taiwan
02:07 FBI ‘Extremely Concerned’ by China-Owned TikTok
04:20 Buffett Sells Chinese EV Maker Stock, Buys Taiwanese Microchip Maker Shares
05:05 Tech Investor Draper Turns from China to Taiwan
06:09 Some Western Investors Buy into China’s Stumbling Real Estate Sector
06:46 COP27: Democracies Will Stick to Coal Phase-Out as China Builds New Plants
08:02 China’s Xi Holds Meetings with U.S. Allies: G20
10:07 Guangzhou Lockdown Briefly Lifted After Mass Protest
12:04 $4.7B Kenyan-Chinese Railroad Ends in ‘Empty Field’
Top Ender
November 18, 2022 9:38 am
There was pressure put on young men to enlist, but it didn’t come from white feathers, it came from the Australian government, made up entirely of men
Hmm. Not in a lot of places it didn’t. In fact in the NT the federal government refused to take enlistments. They had enough of a problem enticing willing farm workers and would-be squatters to move there already.
Many men enlisted for the Great War in Australia simply because they would not see “the mother country” go to war against an aggressor state without them.
Albert Borella, for example, was in his early 30s and working as a telegraph camp cook after having failed to make a go of it as a farmer in the NT. He was in Tennant Creek when he decided to enlist. He walked, borrowed a horse, and finally took a train 1000 kilometres to sign up. The federal government not taking enlistments in Darwin he borrowed the ship fare to Townsville. There he was successful; trained, and finally departed for Gallipoli. He served after that on the Western Front where he was commissioned and finally won a Victoria Cross.
Hardly coerced, and a genuine hero.
John H.
November 18, 2022 9:38 am
November 18, 2022 at 8:16 am
There was humour in the last day and a half of whining and moaning about how women have ruined everything?
It was, indeed, hilarious to read.
On this forum there is generally too much whining about this or that group. Hatred and contempt are not unusual. It wasn’t always like this, the Cat used to cover a much broader range of subjects and without so much rancor. It’s enough to make me flounce.
Delta A
November 18, 2022 9:40 am
I’ll have to made a pudding
Pudding-making day this Sunday. Stir up Sunday. A fitting name for the occasion, although originally:
It gets its name from the beginning of the collect for the day in the Book of Common Prayer, which begins with the words, “Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people”.
It is now family tradition to make the pudding on this day, with everyone having a stir (and a wish) and a finger-lick of the empty mixing bowl.
*From Wiki.
November 18, 2022 9:41 am
Big brother is watching you!
A class action lawsuit has been filed against the US state of Massachusetts for what the plaintiffs claim is a case of covert mass surveillance carried out via “Covid spyware” installed on over one million phones.
The complaint asks for declaratory and injunctive relief (a bid to legally compel the defendants to fulfill their mandatory duties) and nominative damages, and was filed on November 14, 2022, by the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) non-profit.
We obtained a copy of the complaint for you here.
It names the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) and Commissioner Margret Cooke as the defendants.
Referred to IBAC again: Daniel Andrews is the subject of more investigations than Chopper Read ever was.
And he’s still going to win.
Let that sink in.
Equally surprising that the benchmark Avi chooses to judge DiktatorDan by is Chopper Reade.
The analogy doesn’t hold well on closer examination…
* Attitude to drug dealers: Chopper sometimes stole from drug dealers. Dan enriched them.
* Attitude to trade unions: The Painters’ and Dockers’ Union put a price on Chopper’s life. Unions love Dan.
* Masks: No descriptions of Chopper’s robberies have him wearing a mask. Dan was big on masks.
* Guts: Chopper lost several feet of intestine in a knife attack. Dan clearly still has all of his.
I will retract my criticism of Avi’s choice of benchmark if Dan vows to put his crooked past behind him and retire to Tasmania.
November 18, 2022 9:43 am
I learned another interesting thing. One of the guys is switched on politically and sits on a couple of committees (or whatever they’re called) for the Hiden Administration. He owns the largest US privately owned firm in the business he’s in. He’s reasonably well known on both sides of the political spectrum. He said whenever he’s in Washington the Demons ask him what the GOP guys are saying. The GOP guys ask him the same question. He reckons they don’t talk to each other . He also told me he knows of a divorce that recently occurred because the couple disagreed politically and couldn’t stand each other’s views. Families don’t talk to each other too. Funny old world.
incoherent rambler
November 18, 2022 9:44 am
That would be the same IBAC that found everybody in the red shirts affair had a case to answer. Except for the Dastardly Despicable Devious Dangerous Dan.
On this forum there is generally too much whining about this or that group. Hatred and contempt are not unusual. It wasn’t always like this, the Cat used to cover a much broader range of subjects and without so much rancor.
Before Covid (and the associated behaviour)?
Might I suggest that things have changed dramatically our lives, the decline seems to be accelerating and there might be good and increased reason for whining about this and that?
November 18, 2022 9:45 am
Wally my daughter was into art so much it lead to management of graphic design at $150k plus bonuses several times a year of another $2-5k.
November 18, 2022 9:47 am
•A father fighting for the right to see his twins after objecting to his 3-year-old son going through gender transition
Where are the all the women protesting this? No. They fully support this.
November 18, 2022 9:48 am
Mater not sure why you told me to behave as they never say In the ads what the problem is , Snoring?
I trained in sex therapy years ago when homosexuality was still in DSM III back then PE , the other ED only in diabetics, from memory , was not the major problem .
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 18, 2022 9:49 am
Daily Mail.
Sex cult’ leader who preached Islamic sermons while surrounded by scantily-clad women dubbed his ‘kittens’ is jailed for 8,500 years in Turkey for child abuse, rape and fraud
Adnan Oktar has been jailed for 8,656 years in Turkey for a series of charges
Oktar, 66, led TV programmes surrounded by scantily-clad woman as he preached creationism and conservative values
He was found guilty of child abuse, fraud and attempted political espionage
November 18, 2022 9:50 am
Chris Bowen is heading the COP27 committee on wealth redistribution/reparations.
Safe hands.
November 18, 2022 9:50 am
We all know women can be trained to fly jumbo jets but which scenario would you rather be in. Male pilot in a big jet emergency or Female pilot?
Unless the emergency is one of the standard ones trained for in the sim, you’ll be lucky to survive.
When Air France A330 went down off Brazil, some Cathay guys in Hong Kong put a few expat crews through the scenario. The first 5 died. The sixth crew figured it out. Airbus human interface sucks.
incoherent rambler
November 18, 2022 9:51 am
Hatred and contempt are not unusual.
Never forgive. Never forget.
incoherent rambler
November 18, 2022 9:54 am
Come the reckoning, I’m appointing Rabz to the position of Commissioner for Payback.
November 18, 2022 9:55 am
“One thing led to another, so I put a slug in their salad…”
November 18, 2022 9:56 am
Of course there will be no need for the tagging unless there is an outbreak of one of the major goat diseases.
Given the ubiquity and mobility of roos around this country, I doubt that tracking sheep and goats will prove sufficient even if a real outbreak occurs.
“Zelensky is trying to put pressure on Poland to declare it was a Russian Missile because Ukraine is losing the war despite all the fake news he has been promoting. The Polish deputy foreign minister, Arkadiusz Mularczyk, said in an interview with Radio 24 that “there has been great pressure” and stressed that, if it were Russian, “this would have set in motion new dynamics in the country and around the world.” Meanwhile, Joe Biden has stated that the missile that landed in Poland was Ukrainian and that Zelensky’s comments did not amount to evidence as NATO and Poland concluded that the missile was probably a stray fired by Ukraine’s air defenses.
The Polish politician, Jaroslaw Pakula, has come out and said that Poland should reconsider its position vis-à-vis the conflict in Ukraine after a “provocation” from Kyiv that claimed the lives of two villagers. Pakula said the missile that hit Przewodow was clearly Ukrainian and that the government in Warsaw should send a message to Kyiv instead of saying “fairy tales” to its citizens.
Zelensky never warned his people of the invasion claiming it may have created a financial panic. Meanwhile, Zelensky rejected the US warning that he was pushing Russia to invade. This has raised serious questions about insider trading for the capital flows were showing an exodus of funds from Ukraine. Many now suspect that Zelensky made a fortune by not telling his own people so the entire world would be shocked and this was the ultimate insider trading that warranted international investigation. This guy puts money before his own country while hiding it offshore as the Panama Paper confirms, and refuses to negotiate or honor the Minsk Agreement because fools would stop sending money to his government and the well will quickly dry up. He has profited off the deaths of his own people recklessly and for no reason. If there is a true war criminal profiteering off of the dead – you are looking at him.
Zelensky has used the invasion to DEFAULT on the Ukrainian national debt promising to honor it in 2024 when he defeats Russia. The currency has collapsed from 8 to 37:1 entering the hyperinflation stage despite the billions of dollars poured into Ukraine because it is not going to the people or the economy any all. He has even asked for the US to pay all the pensions of government workers in Ukraine.
Zelensky is a war criminal and the West MUST stop all support for him. Ukraine should just surrender the Donbas as was set down in the Minsk Agreement – the Russian people there have a right to be independent, a right to their own language, and certainly a right to freedom of religion – NONE of which Zelensky will honor under his criminal regime stashing money offshore and keeping his wealth in dollars because he knows he is destroying his own country all to emerge as a billionaire in the Bahamas with FTX.
Zelensky is supposed to be sponsored by NY Times along with Yellen, Zuckerberg, Larry Fink, and SBF of FTX. These people are allegedly so anti-American and socialist for it turns out that FTX was funding the anti-Ivermectin studies that were fake all to exaggerate COVID and destroy our economy. Zelensky is a fraud no different than SBF.
He was elected promising to end corruption and peace with Russia. He has filled his pockets, washed his hands in the blood of his own people, and used the Hillary RussiaGate fraud to extort billions from the West.”
John H, watch out for the door with spring return on your way out. Either that or how frilly is the flounce. This is a blog, this the OT. Write up a post about whatever. Dover will be most obliging. Hate is something I have never bothered with, contempt on the other hand? Hate destroys the host. Never met anyone worthy of my hate.
President Biden walks into a bank to cash a cheque.
As he approaches the teller he says “Good morning, ma’am. Could you please cash this cheque for me?”
Teller: “It would be my pleasure, sir. Could you please show me your ID?”
Biden: “Truthfully, I did not bring my ID with me as I didn’t think there was any need to. I am Joe Biden, the 46th President of the United States of America!”
Teller: “Yessir, I know who you are, but with all the regulations and monitoring of the banks because of impostors and forgers, etc I must insist on seeing ID”.
Biden: “Just ask anyone here at the bank who I am and they will tell you. Everybody knows who I am”.
Teller: “I am sorry Mr. President but these are the bank rules and I must follow them”.
Biden: “I am urging you please to cash this cheque”.
Teller: “Look Mr. President this is what we can do. One day Tiger Woods came into the bank without ID. To prove he was Tiger Woods he pulled out his putting iron and made a beautiful shot across the bank into a cup. With that shot we knew him to be Tiger Woods and cashed his cheque. Another time, Novak Djokovic came in without ID. He pulled out his tennis racquet and made a fabulous shot and the tennis ball landed in my cup. With that shot we cashed his cheque. So, Mr. President, what can you do to prove that it is you, and only you, as the President of the United States?”
Biden stood there thinking, and thinking and finally says: “Honestly, my mind is a total blank. I can’t think of a single thing”.
Teller: “Will that be large bills or small bills, Mr. President?”
Bruce of Newcastle
November 18, 2022 9:58 am
I’m sure they appreciated the injection of much-needed vowels
The Welsh don’t like vowels at all. Maybe they think they are an invasive English innovation or something.
It twas here that I first read about a vowel blockage.
November 18, 2022 10:01 am
Given the ubiquity and mobility of roos around this country, I doubt that tracking sheep and goats will prove sufficient even if a real outbreak occurs.
As far as I know, roos are not a vector for FMD. Feral pigs are but they would probably be more disease reservoir than long range transmission route as the are not transported over long distances.
November 18, 2022 10:01 am
The idea of fielding an all indigenous team in the rugby league world cup has been floated.
Remember when segregation was a bad thing?
November 18, 2022 10:02 am
Lol John H.
Whinging about women and wanting to wipe out politicians does get a bit wearisome.
November 18, 2022 10:04 am
The Welsh don’t like vowels at all.
The Welsh language actually has seven vowels, two more than English.
So there.
Leon L.
November 18, 2022 10:10 am
Top Ender says:
November 18, 2022 at 9:38 am
I think most men had a sense of duty to their country that drove them to enlist.
Something that has disappeared in the last 70 years.
November 18, 2022 10:12 am
The Welsh language actually has seven vowels, two more than English.
How many consonants?
Vowels X consonants = unique sounds and this measures the complexity of the language.
November 18, 2022 10:15 am
November 18, 2022 at 8:16 am
There was humour in the last day and a half of whining and moaning about how women have ruined everything?
It’s not a case of women vs men. The problem is that women are more gullible to bullshit, sounds good, feels good save the planet hysteria that is neo-marxism. women are preferentially given senior positions in the administrative state. Women are far more tolerant of gays than men and more likely to support the moral destruction of the west through the alphabet rainbow agenda. Women dominate the education system where our kids are brainwashed and to a very large degree are the front line troops driving the rot coming from the institutions.
Are there no men in this marxist drama? Of course there are, almost all the powerful political positions are men, all the serious funding comes from ultra wealthy evil males. they shield themselves with bleeding heart gullibles and use females as indoctrinators and a compliant vote herd. Without the female vote this neo-marxist revolution would go nowhere.
Are men responsible for world wars? Of course they are, it is males that have the evolutionary position of protecting women and children and the job of fighting for resources and fighting for political ideas even if that involves physical wars.
Many women tacitly buy into the view that they can be anything a man can be. Well this “equality” is an evolutionary marxist fantasy. Men and women are very different and calling them out when they are in the wrong is not misogyny and they should not be given a free pass by virtue of being female.
As was pointed out yesterday, women are either heads of or majority of the committees that made recommendations to government in relation to the injectables and against early treatments. Why did they do this? incompetence? panic under pressure? corruption? who knows, the fact that they are women does not give them a free pass from scrutiny, on the contrary the fact they hold these positions and got it so wrong must be questioned.
Perplexed of Brisbane
November 18, 2022 10:16 am
Cassie of Sydneysays:
November 18, 2022 at 7:53 am Did women cause World War I? I do recall reading somewhere that Kaiser Wilhelm liked to cross-dress.
When Archie Duke shot the Ostrich*, it was rumoured that his favoured pronouns were she / her and the Ostrich misgendered them.
*Gratuitous Blackadder reference.
November 18, 2022 10:18 am
This is an example of a few things.
1: Its never the crims fault.
2: If the police arent there then you get “vigilantes” (though this sounds more like hot pursuit rather than the roaming the streets at random type)
If one easily identifiable group is committing the majority of these offences then it is very likely the whole group will be treated with suspicion.
A Noongar woman whose teenage son was seriously injured in an apparent vigilante attack says she has been threatened and abused online, but has urged supporters not to retaliate.
Kathy Penny’s 18-year-old son, Ronaldo, was left in a critical condition when a 49-year-old woman chased him and his friend through Perth’s northern suburbs after it was alleged they had stolen a motorcycle. The woman has pleaded guilty to charges of driving dangerously and causing aggravated grievous bodily harm.
“He was in a coma for six days, with swelling on the brain and bleeding, with a fractured skull and broken femur,” Penny said.
People dont like criminals… film at 11.
Ronaldo has been charged with a number of offences including aggravated burglary and stealing offences. He appeared in court last month and has been remanded to Hakea prison.
His 17-year-old friend has also been charged in relation to the incident.
Penny said the abuse on social media was “just hatred and revenge”.
“They’re just saying really nasty things. Like he should have died, it was good what happened to him, he deserved it.
“Facebook and the social media companies need to put a stop to that … There’s over 200 comments. They shouldn’t be allowed to say those kinds of things about somebody else’s son.”
Police tell you to lie down and think of England..
You report a crime and effectively your chance of retrieving property is near zero.
The incident prompted WA’s police commissioner, Col Blanch, to warn people against taking matters into their own hands.
“We’ve seen it many, many times, people taking chase of offenders when they’ve witnessed a crime,” Blanch was quoted as saying in WA Today.
“It can end in tragedy for yourself, other members of the community or the person that you might be chasing.”
See its social media to blame not your lying eyes..
Perth parents say hostility and violence towards young Aboriginal people accused of being involved in crime is being fuelled by racist comments in Facebook community groups.
Verna Anderson, one of Penny’s daughters, said Aboriginal children, including her 14-year-old brother, had been chased and threatened while simply walking the suburban streets.
“This was just a couple of days ago … When a white van started following them and came to the park with them. So they all started hiding behind bushes and he got out of the car and he started shouting out at them,” she said.
She believed attacks and anti-social behaviour were becoming more common in Perth’s suburbs.
“It’s becoming an everyday thing, even I have been chased and harassed.”
She said people on social media were becoming emboldened to suspect young people of criminal activities without any evidence.
Ok, lets play the game, why arent your kids being given respect, and why are they treated with suspicion by the wider community?
from wiki. As of September 2019, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners represented 28% of the total adult prisoner population, while accounting for 2% of the general adult population (3.3% of the total population).
Thats a massive amount of criminality out of all proportion to the numbers in the general population. This would indicate there is some basis for people to be suspicious of a group relative to any other group in the population.
“The community is feeling unsafe. Parents are certainly feeling unsafe. Aboriginal people are becoming very concerned about what potentially this could lead to if appropriate action isn’t taken.
“People are more worried about their property. I’m not saying that we condone wrongdoing in any way. But it is about people taking it in their own hands as opposed to following what should be proper protocols.
“Respect is just not being given to our kids and violence is constantly perpetrated on our children.”
I think most men had a sense of duty to their country that drove them to enlist.
Something that has disappeared in the last 70 years.
And sped on by the last 3
Wally Dalí
November 18, 2022 10:21 am
Grey Ranga, myself I went from rip-roaring high school art to university fine art, pulled out/bumped off did a graphic design course…
…but went farming after all, which is what I should be doing now, but it’s raining sideways and southerly in single figure temps.
Ex-girlfriend I met doing GD is now a high-up in Perth design firm, but more because she’s a one-in-a-million people person. For the life of me, I don’t actually know if she can draw per se
Aonther good mate is a hopeless drawer but trophy-harvesting draftsman and intrepid house designer.
I’m still sticking to my yr10 benchmark where if you can draw skulls, dogs and naked chicks freehand from memory, you’ve got it made as an aaaartist.
Nothing wrong with being testy. I like my women with a bit of testy.
But I won’t tolerate them being overbearing and dominating. That’s not what marriage is about.
“The Australian version of Marriage is similar to a State of heavily armed neutrality between 2 nations.”
November 18, 2022 10:27 am
The Welsh don’t like vowels at all.
The Welsh language actually has seven vowels, two more than English.
So there.
For sale, Welsh Vowels, near new, only taken out for a ramble once a week.
“Donald Trump announced that he is officially running for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. The only president in American history to win re-election after a defeat was Grover Cleveland in 1892. The establishment repeatedly tried to impeach Trump to prevent him from seeking a second term, but he’s back.
Trump wanted to keep America out of war. He threatened to leave NATO and pushed other countries to contribute their fair share. It is safe to say that Trump would likely not be sending billions to Ukraine under his America first policy that branded him as selfish. We talk about energy fears crippling the world, but America was the top producer of oil and natural gas under his presidency.
At this point, no one can honestly say they are better off under Biden. When I attended an event at Mar-a-Lago, I was very impressed by Trump. It was the first time in my entire career that I heard a head of state concerned about the soldiers they sent off to war. He said we needed to face the fact that foreign governments have been fighting over borders in the Middle East for ages, and it was not our place to intervene. He said he never wanted to call another mother and tell her that their child had died in a pointless battle.
He was not afraid to speak to our enemies and even became the first US president to cross the border into North Korea. Our current president can barely speak in general and has put America last. A vote for Trump was a vote against the establishment. Politicians cried that he had no experience in politics, but that is precisely why he won in 2016 — because he is not you.
The establishment will continue its efforts to take down Trump by any means. He has too many supporters for that to be an easy feat, and he’s prepared to enter political guerilla warfare. In all honesty, by the time we reach 2024, there may not even be a presidential election. We must crash and burn first.”
When the RSL defined the dominant emotion during the decades following WWI as grief, they could have been describing my Mum’s family. It is quite a story.
They were squatters with properties near Hay and Balranald. Seriously wealthy.
Great Grandmother lost a husband, a brother and horrifically, seven hands; the manager of the Balranald property, two carters, bookkeeper, smith, and two hands.
Opportunist grifters (including a future husband who got booted after farthering four children and displaying too much interest in the ‘books’) tried to convince her to sell out.
She had no debt due to the wool boom and was never going to sell.
She and the widow of the Balranald manager survived by judicious destocking and bringing on large numbers of recovering wounded soldiers.
There was strong resistance especially from itinerant shearers to being bossed by a woman. The banks apparently actively plotted against them, but she survived.
The Balranald property was eventually gifted to her Balranald partner and apparently remains in her family.
I met her a couple of times as a very young sprog. I found her to be terrifying.
November 18, 2022 10:31 am
This would indicate there is some basis for people to be suspicious of a group relative to any other group in the population.
The stats say males commit 75% of domestic violence.
Should we therefore regard all men with suspicion?
Yes, I know, it’s human nature. But that doesn’t mean it’s right.
They decided to use CO2 as their weapon at a meeting in Vienna in the mid 1960s. This call came out during “Climategate” in 2013(?) but they’ve very successfully managed to sweep it back under the carpet. I now think that the ozone layer scare was simply a dress rehearsal for all this.
The Ozone Layer scare was simply that – an opportunity to ramp up the fear factor in terms of “We’ll all be rooned.”
That the refrigerant manufacturers were able to scare people and legislators into banning out of patent chemicals was just icing on the cake – and a source of funds for the End of the Worldists.
Never let a crisis go to waste, especially if you can make a quid out of it as well.
Leon L.
November 18, 2022 10:42 am
This is how it is done.
Pay attention piss weak liberal party.
November 18, 2022 at 10:31 am
This would indicate there is some basis for people to be suspicious of a group relative to any other group in the population.
The stats say males commit 75% of domestic violence.
Should we therefore regard all men with suspicion?
Yes, I know, it’s human nature. But that doesn’t mean it’s right.
I was actually going to stick nearly those words as a disclaimer in.
But was lazy.
mea culpa…
I will state unequivocally the biggest victims of Aboriginal (to use the group definition) crime is other Aboriginals.
The crab in a bucket/ help yourself mentality is in some communities, crippling and its exceptional people who can escape it.
Google has taken over one of my computers running windows 11. It constantly changes my preferences to its own, hides pathways for me to change back to what I want, and has installed so much social media garbage as to make the moderately expensive Dell computer unusable. It’s the last Dell and Microsoft setup I”ll buy.
My Notebook has been infected with Google media shit to such an extent that it is unusable. Even a hard reboot hasn’t worked. I have to have Google on it to download Kindle and Range trajectory stuff.
Thanks arseholes.
My pal was a member of a tennis club in the Hamptons. There was a friendly doubles comp the club put on matching a regular amateur club member and a tennis pro. The deal was that the pro wouldn’t hit the ball to the regular guy. Trump was in the comp. Apparently, Trump told his sidekick pro to hit the ball to the amateur player on the other side of the net as he (Trump) wanted to win the comp. That’s how it was told to me.
“Stories my nanna told me.”
Would anyone here believe a damned word you ever said?
November 18, 2022 10:55 am
Get ready Australia, the capped price for electricity in England is AUD 55 cents per kwh.
Now that’s more than double our current rates, get ready for a big blow to your budget.
We are next.
November 18, 2022 10:58 am
I will state unequivocally the biggest victims of Aboriginal (to use the group definition) crime is other Aboriginals.
And a “justice” system that mollycoddles young offenders does them no favours.
I’m not in favour of incarcerating first time non-violent offenders, but whatever we’re doing atm clearly isn’t working. That indigenous communities are calling for the reintroduction of traditional law is a clear indication of that. It would be a retrograde step to go down that path, but that’s not to say we can’t learn something from it about the need for punishments that fit the crime.
November 18, 2022 11:02 am
Google has taken over one of my computers running windows 11. It constantly changes my preferences to its own, hides pathways for me to change back to what I want…
You need to get the computer exorcist in.
November 18, 2022 11:02 am
Now Trump has announced there’s no going back.
I want him to win.
And a “justice” system that mollycoddles young offenders does them no favours.
A relative of mine worked in the juvenile justice system in Western Australia. Detention was no great deterrent – hot food, clean beds, hot showers, plenty of sport, you caught up with “the mob” and you had fulfilled one of the rites of passage by being there in the first place.
November 18, 2022 11:10 am
Many women tacitly buy into the view that they can be anything a man can be.
Many, except when it comes to reality.
I was stuck in traffic watching workers install a traffic calming device, male and female crew, young woman with a glue gun, guys drilling in bolts, I wandered how equitably the heavy jobs were being distributed, not very, I would hazard.
There were whole urban streets of men who enlisted as well as those from the bush. They wanted to stay with their mates. The phenomenon also occurred in the UK, where companies of men from the same factory would form.
Yes – The “Pals Battalions”.
Several instances in the UK of entire towns losing their men in one morning. Disasters for them.
November 18, 2022 11:14 am
Zoë Schiffer @ZoeSchiffer
NEW: Twitter just alerted employees that effective immediately, all office buildings are temporarily closed and badge access is suspended. No details given as to why.
We’re hearing this is because Elon Musk and his team are terrified employees are going to sabotage the company. Also, they’re still trying to figure out which Twitter workers they need to cut access for.
Offices will reopen on November 21st. In the meantime: “Please continue to comply with company policy by refraining from discussing confidential company information on social media, with the press or elsewhere.”
Many books will be written about this.
November 18, 2022 11:15 am
A relative of mine worked in the juvenile justice system in Western Australia. Detention was no great deterrent – hot food, clean beds, hot showers, plenty of sport, you caught up with “the mob”…
I suppose breaking rocks under the hot sun would be deemed cruel and unusual punishment these days?
But seriously…if the juvenile offender comes out of detention unreformed it’s a failure that others will pay for down the track. Where’s the justice in that?
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 18, 2022 11:16 am
Several instances in the UK of entire towns losing their men in one morning. Disasters for them.
Particularly on the Somme.
H B Bear
November 18, 2022 11:16 am
The guy who does my PEG twice a day (whose father came to Australia as a refugee from Somalia) used to work for the Department of child protection as a case worker. We both just laugh at these juvenile justice stories on the ALPBC News each night. More of the same, nothing will change.
Boambee John
November 18, 2022 11:17 am
Top Ender
Many men enlisted for the Great War in Australia simply because they would not see “the mother country” go to war against an aggressor state without them.
There was also the issue that, in that era, the winner took colonial possessions from the loser. Germany already had a colonial possession in German New Guinea. Had Britain been on the losing side, at a minimum Papua would have gone to Germany. The loss of a major part of Northern Australia would also have been possible.
Oh come on
November 18, 2022 11:17 am
ABC trying desperately to get the band back together:
They just can’t let go. The ABC is a jilted lover. Dumped by a virus.
November 18, 2022 11:18 am
Many books will be written about this.
This is a marker.
H B Bear
November 18, 2022 11:20 am
In most cases by the time you end up at the Banksia Hill front door you’ve used up more 2nd chances than a cat (to mix a metaphor).
November 18, 2022 11:20 am
Many incredibly boring books.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 18, 2022 11:22 am
I suppose breaking rocks under the hot sun would be deemed cruel and unusual punishment these days?
The latest demand, here in the Wild West, is for a juvenile detention centre in the North West – it’s “degrading” for the young ones to be flown to Perth in handcuffs, and the relatives will be able to come and visit those serving sentences.
November 18, 2022 11:24 am
Likely titles.
I used to get free lunches and now I have to buy my own.
My life was endless meetings, now I have to work.
I used to be special now even I don’t care.
H B Bear
November 18, 2022 11:25 am
ABC trying desperately to get the band back together:
Looks like they might have to play Norman Swan in a pocket off the bench.
“Both said they hate the demons and also hate Trump and wouldn’t vote for him. “
Some Qs: Why do they hate Trump? Does that mean that if Trump is on the ballot they vote D for Presidential and R down ballot? Did the Abraham Accords have not effect on their attitude to Trump?
November 18, 2022 11:30 am
Two pals.. Jewish, not that it matters but it does in terms of their historical voting pattern in NYC. Both “commute” between Florida, Hamptons and NYC. Both said they hate the demons and also hate Trump and wouldn’t vote for him. They would, however vote for DeSantis is a heartbeat. One of them has met DeSantis a few times and said he’s very likeable but appears to be quite introverted in person. He reckons DeSantis would be much more policy focused than Trump too.
If the Republican primary ever gets to a debate, Trump is going to take DeSantis over his knee like a naughty schoolboy.
November 18, 2022 11:30 am
My family has has one experience of restorative justice after an aggravated burglary, it takes a brazen certain something to enter occupied homes .
Refused to attend the miserable thing, as it was a joke.
After a burglary spree, in which other homes were robbed,a written off car, not a single item taken returned including missals and baby’s Christmas presents ?
Yeah nah.
Oh come on
November 18, 2022 11:30 am
I was stuck in traffic watching workers install a traffic calming device
Did you run them over? Stuck in traffic by the installation of something that makes you get stuck in traffic. These things are such a freaking pain in the arse. On a long, straight suburban street near where I live – which already has multiple large speed bumps that make it impossible to hoon down – the council has just installed a bunch of those concrete kerb thingies that obstruct half of the road at various points, meaning you have to stop if there are cars travelling in the opposite direction to let them pass before steering around the stupid things. Totally unnecessary. Will probably cause more accidents and traffic problems. The council members who voted to install them should have to remove them. With their teeth.
November 18, 2022 11:32 am
Dover, could you ask monty to do a special post on what he thinks the world would look politically and economically like after leftists like him get all their wishes? That’s assuming they have a somewhat coherent worldview, of course.
Dover, could you ask monty to do a special post on what he thinks the world would look politically and economically like after leftists like him get all their wishes?
Leftist utopias always end up with a nomenklatura at the top, gulags at the bottom and a lot of misery in between.
If you’re lucky.
End of story.
John of Mel
November 18, 2022 11:41 am
Oh noes! Could Covid ruin Christmas??!1
They just can’t let go. The ABC is a jilted lover. Dumped by a virus.
“We support continued international dialogue and collaboration on the establishment of trusted global digital health networks as part of the efforts to strengthen prevention and response to future pandemics, that should capitalize and build on the success of the existing standards and digital COVID-19 certificates.
“We acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods, under the framework of the IHR (2005), to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations.”
November 18, 2022 11:42 am
“girls dominated the awards 3/1- I’d have a hard count over the programme, but that would be obsessive. In amongst bucking that imbalance, there were some revealing blips- fer instance, boys got every instrumental music award and girls got every music subject gong- and the boys came out of the doldrums to be more or less par at yr 11-12 and ATAR. Dux was girl, boy runner up.”
Had almost the same thing at my youngest sons Y12 last year at Wodonga Catholic College.
Dover, could you ask monty to do a special post on what he thinks the world would look politically and economically like after leftists like him get all their wishes? That’s assuming they have a somewhat coherent worldview, of course.
Based on a recent post, anyone who he disagreed with, wouldn’t be heard from again. Apparently he’s sick of dealing with them.
What that exactly translates to in real terms, I’m not sure. I guess he could start with a plan to send them all to Madagascar, and progress from there.
H B Bear
November 18, 2022 11:51 am
Having lived in Melbournibad and Perth, one thing Melbournibad does better is quiet residential streets. I’m sure it uses more land for roads and it’s busy streets are busier but once you get off them there are plenty of great streets to live on. I don’t do much driving any more but was coming down a main linking road in an adjoining suburb to find the council ( City of Subiaco unsurprisingly – ask IT) had put a series a speed humps down the road. If you are not meant to travel at 50kph (!) down that road you might as well give up. Which I’m sure is the goal.
Delta A
November 18, 2022 11:53 am
November 18, 2022 at 10:15 am
Very well said, Zippy.
And sadly, some Cats seem to be suffering sense-of-humour deprivation (not surprising considering the abuses we have suffered during the Covid scam.)
I’m sure much of the so called ‘misogyny’ on this site is just good old fashioned teasing. And while the Kittehs keep biting, the baiting will continue.
We have enough to genuinely be angry and upset about. Save the rancour for those who deserve it, and enjoy the laughs from the comedians.
November 18, 2022 11:55 am
…one thing Melbournibad does better is quiet residential streets.
With a baseball bat behind every door.
H B Bear
November 18, 2022 11:57 am
My comment relates to the leafier parts of both cities. I’m pleased to say I have absolutely no idea what happens in outer suburban areas. Like mUnty, I am upper middle class.
November 18, 2022 11:59 am
there was a main roads lady on 6pr the other day talking about the speed humps in Subi (and more planned elsewhere)… she was using terms like “pedestrian enablement” and “place activation” until Ollie called her out and she admitted “yes, its to discourage people driving.”
After the war taxes went up dramatically and the war bonds loaned by America were not paid back until 2006.
All debts were finally paid back by Chancellor Osborne in 2015.
November 18, 2022 12:01 pm
Many women tacitly buy into the view that they can be anything a man can be. Well this “equality” is an evolutionary marxist fantasy.
Women can certainly be better than Zippy, a throwback to Neanderthal times.
November 18, 2022 12:01 pm
Anyone who thinks society is improving has rock in their head.
H B Bear
November 18, 2022 12:03 pm
We did used to go to Joondalup, Middle Swan and Mandurah although that was only to play golf before the urban sprawl and traffic made the whole thing a rather unpleasant experience.
H B Bear
November 18, 2022 12:07 pm
City of Subiaco could give the worst of the Melbournibad councils a run for their money. Between them and the Rokeby Rd landlords they have nearly finished stuffing the suburb.
November 18, 2022 12:09 pm
I’m sure much of the so called ‘misogyny’ on this site is just good old fashioned teasing. And while the Kittehs keep biting, the baiting will continue.
We have enough to genuinely be angry and upset about. Save the rancour for those who deserve it, and enjoy the laughs from the comedians.
Shut up ladies and know your place, argues Delta A.
November 18, 2022 12:10 pm
The ABC is a jilted lover. Dumped by a virus.
Lol! And now it’s stalking…us. Keep those pet bunnies safe kids, there’s danger about.
H B Bear
November 18, 2022 12:10 pm
Lysander – before my stroke I used to just ride up to Subi on my push bike. Parking isn’t as bad as people say it is. I used to have a couple of favourite rooftops that never let me down.
November 18, 2022 12:12 pm
The UK’s new electricity price “cap” has already been mentioned upthread.
From what I can gather it will see average household bills rise to AUS$4500.
Now the Chancellor’s overnight Autumn Statement will raise the UK’s tax burden to its highest levels since post-war austerity.
All this is largely attributable to the Tory government’s climate and covid policies.
No wonder the Tories are on the nose. But would Labour have done things any differently?
“Shut up ladies and know your place, argues Delta A.”
Mansplaining from the fat fascist fuckwit.
November 18, 2022 12:16 pm
I married the Beloved for his tallness (amongst other things). He doesn’t need a ladder to change light bulbs. And…he can replace the taps with ease on account of his mighty biceps and nifty spanner-fu.
You know the story of the other night and suspected aggravated burglary (by broken mirror as it turned out). He’s as brave as all get out but I do wish he’d put his trousers on prior to doing battle. The spectacle was most unseemly. 😀
November 18, 2022 12:20 pm
Are you going to comply?
Sure. My “place” is already well established. I see no reason to change it.
November 18, 2022 12:20 pm
Latin kings:
Please decipher.
Edward 6, by the grace of God, England, France, ? Ireland, our King;
In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???
It’s on a very expensive gold sovereign (45k roughly) from his reign…and no I can’t afford it right now!
I have no idea why people are bellyaching about women post-mid terms. Married men and women voted overwhelming for R, single men voted only moderately for R, while single women voted overwhelmingly for D. Given the differential between single and married , maybe the problem isn’t ‘women’ so much as the married v single. And maybe the problem there is not so much singles per se, but the proportion of them in society, the social and institutional factors that delay marriage (mass university education, extended adolescence) or even make marriage appear unattractive, and so on. If you want to reverse this slide you’re going to have to make marriage attractive again, at least more attractive than being single.
I’ve also asked before, re married m/f v single m/f, what were the actual numbers that voted in these mid-terms for these categories compared with 2018 or 2020 ? I haven’t seen them here or anywhere else.
November 18, 2022 12:27 pm
Mansplaining from the fat fascist fuckwit.
Cassie, genuine apologies if I upset you with my TE Lawrence quote this morning. It was meant in jest and I have always thought that it pretty much condemned both (all) genders equally.
Bruce of Newcastle
November 18, 2022 12:28 pm
And sadly, some Cats seem to be suffering sense-of-humour deprivation (not surprising considering the abuses we have suffered during the Covid scam.)
Plus the Left are stealing elections with impunity, the Liberals are now full-on lefty, GPs have turned into scared robots, energy prices are through the roof because of political lies, and the police and courts have turned into the Stazi seemingly overnight. I’m sure there’re a few other things too.
Really quite amazing how fast the decline has been. Damn straight we’re suffering sense-of-humour deprivation. Even comedy itself has died horribly under the assault of woke.
I increasingly find just talking with people is hazardous, since there’s so much fear. Say one wrong thing and you’re cut out of the family, lose friends, lose your job, get fined and arrested and even endanger others by association. It’s getting worse and worse.
November 18, 2022 12:31 pm
Latin kings:
Please decipher.
Luke 4:30; Jesus, passing through the midst of them, went his way.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 18, 2022 12:31 pm
We are back home. Washing machine is now going full pelt on the sheets and towels of visitors while we were away. Eldest son has been minding the cat and his family all lobbed in at weekends. I’d say do your own sheets except I wanted them there to keep him company and such back-breaking work as sticking things into a washer and dryer and pressing a few buttons is a bit beyond some of them; might have put them off coming.
Some washing is a small price to pay for one very fit and happy puss-cat. 🙂
After Subi oval was knocked down, and it was the ONLY reason for anyone going to Subi, I ended up sitting on the gubberment’s Subi East Improvement Group.
After a few months (!!!) of meeting we finally got some designs that were all based on recognising historical ancestral indigeneity in the area – nothing was really there to actually rejuvenate the dilapidated joint. It was all Whadjuk signs, postages, art, walks, etc… there were a couple of fairly “stylish” medium high rise buildings there for the well-to-do… (like HB eh??? LOL!!!) but not a lot.
When I got my chance to speak, I said “its great that we’re recognising indigenous heritage all across Subi and this is a good start to reconciliation (not my opinion but a preface to next statement)” and continued: “a real start to reconciliation would be shipping in some indigenous peoples from Northam and Kelmscott to live in discounted units in these medium rise developments.”
I’ve never encountered such an awkward ensuing silence in my life.
November 18, 2022 12:34 pm
I have no idea why people are bellyaching about women post-mid terms. Married men and women voted overwhelming for R, single men voted only moderately for R, while single women voted overwhelmingly for D. Given the differential between single and married , maybe the problem isn’t ‘women’ so much as the married v single. And maybe the problem there is not so much singles per se, but the proportion of them in society, the social and institutional factors that delay marriage (mass university education, extended adolescence) or even make marriage appear unattractive, and so on. If you want to reverse this slide you’re going to have to make marriage attractive again, at least more attractive than being single.
One word: Dobbs.
I’ve also asked before, re married m/f v single m/f, what were the actual numbers that voted in these mid-terms for these categories compared with 2018 or 2020 ? I haven’t seen them here or anywhere else.
Married men 30%
Married women 30%
Unmarried men 16%
Unmarried women 23%
Married men 30%
Married women 26%
Unmarried men 20%
Unmarried women 23%
Married men 30%
Married women 29%
Unmarried men 18%
Unmarried women 23%
So no difference really, especially from the previous mid-terms.
Nope, if Dobbs was it you wouldn’t have lost congressional seats in NY and CA.
So no difference really, especially from the previous mid-terms.
I want the raw numbers.
Boambee John
November 18, 2022 12:38 pm
Cassie of Sydneysays:
November 18, 2022 at 12:14 pm
“Shut up ladies and know your place, argues Delta A.”
Mansplaining from the fat fascist fuckwit.
Well used, alliteration is so powerful. More please.
H B Bear
November 18, 2022 12:43 pm
Subi still has some (houso?) housing up near Kings Park Road. They add a bit to much colour for the local residents from time to time. There were a couple of beggars there for a while but I expect it was slim pickings and they moved on. Haven’t been up towards the old PMH site but I expect it is just West Perth creeping over the hill. Land values make it inevitable really.
November 18, 2022 12:44 pm
Nope, if Dobbs was it you wouldn’t have lost congressional seats in NY and CA.
NY and CA are not uniformly blue. There are big red pockets. Try again.
I want the raw numbers.
I am quoting exit polls, which are the best that can be done for obvious reasons.
November 18, 2022 12:45 pm
Frankly, if you’re handwringing about why Republicans are currently on the nose with unmarried women and you refuse to countenance Dobbs having anything to do with it, you’re going to argue yourself into a rhetorical corner as you turn your face from the elephant in the room. It’s painfully obvious.
incoherent rambler
November 18, 2022 12:46 pm
Particularly on the Somme.
Descendants of the Somme should start a club.
Luck runs strong in those genes.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 18, 2022 12:48 pm
Hairy and I were tired when we boarded business class for the flight home. Our seats weren’t together, due to the fact that a ‘pilot seat’ (we’ve never come across this before) was located in the adjacent carel, over the aisle, that was supposed to be mine, which should never have been allocated. The airline was adamant that the allocated relief pilot seat was sacrosanct and couldn’t be changed due to emergency regulations. I ended up in the sleeping next to the pilot in the adjoining carel! When my tray table got stuck after the first meal, the attendants couldn’t get it back into its slot. After several goes, the pilot, who had come round to my aisle offer his special skills, had given up on it and left for the flight deck. He can’t fix that, so he’s gone off now to fly the plane, says Hairy dryly.
It took an attendant, a wiry little chap from economy, called up to apply his specialist knowledge and skills – called brute force – to bash the table into its original slide and get it back into its slot. It stopped misbehaving after that.
November 18, 2022 12:52 pm
Alejandra Caraballo @Esqueer_
I don’t think Twitter will last through the weekend. Twitter is restricting employee access to all its buildings through the weekend with no reason given. The entire android team resigned. The world cup,the largest sporting event in the world, starts this weekend.
November 18, 2022 12:52 pm
If you want to reverse this slide you’re going to have to make marriage attractive again, at least more attractive than being single.
no fault divorce must go
H B Bear
November 18, 2022 12:53 pm
I ended up sitting on the gubberment’s Subi East Improvement Group
Landcorp has used that East Perth/Subi Centro model a bit. Both of those worked well. Down on the Scarborough beachfront they decimated a number of businesses and see they are getting into trouble in a number of places around the city.
November 18, 2022 12:54 pm
no fault divorce must go
LOL yeah that’ll fix it
November 18, 2022 12:56 pm
Alex Heath @alexeheath
Am hearing the number of Twitter resignations today is likely over 1,000, though unclear as not all are posting their decision.
Some teams, such as the engineering team that manages Twitter’s core system libraries, are completely gone now.
Twitter had under 3,000 employees before today.
Dammit, I should have taken that bet with Dot.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 18, 2022 12:56 pm
a real start to reconciliation would be shipping in some indigenous peoples from Northam
Members of two certain families from Northam – the members of who have been at feud since the late 1960’s – shipped in, would display a commitment to reconciliation.
November 18, 2022 12:57 pm
It’s painfully obvious.
a simple solution is to raise the legal voting age for women. they need to have 2 children before they are allowed to vote.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 18, 2022 12:58 pm
no fault divorce must go
Hear, hear!
November 18, 2022 12:58 pm
I have no idea why people are bellyaching about women post-mid terms.
Yep, many of the elections were stolen. Doesn’t matter how people vote. Arizona is the most glaring example.
No Monty. The shift has been going on since 2008 and took off in 2013.
The answer is social media. An echo chamber of young women hypersensitive to peer group pressure. Of social media is totally controlled by the green-progressive Left, as we’ve been seeing with the Twitter saga. So the answer is not Dobbs, it leftist propaganda. Bad schooling, which is also now totally controlled by the progressives, probably strongly contributes also.
But don’t let empirical data change your mind, it’s not as if the Left ever use logic or reason.
Old School Conservative
November 18, 2022 1:00 pm
I do wish he’d put his trousers on prior to doing battle.
Nope, full marks to him for either:
a) scaring the intruder off before battle was joined; or
b) making the intruder laugh so much he collapses and can be swept out of the house.
A Northern Territory police officer who shot dead an Indigenous teenager should face traditional payback to help restore harmony in his outback community, an inquest has been told.
Holy shit, just read this line, its seems the coroner is an ace away from saying “regrettably” to the idea
The counsel assisting the inquest, Peggy Dwyer, said the Yuendumu community had told the coroner that “payback would involve spearing” Rolfe.
“In this case where the community are aggrieved understandably by Kumanjayi’s death and Const Rolfe causing death this court can’t condone grievous bodily harm to be committed against the constable,” Dwyer said on Thursday.
November 18, 2022 1:07 pm
Japanese TV now live reporting on an ICBM launched from North Korea, which is still airborne.
Bit happening.
H B Bear
November 18, 2022 1:08 pm
… this court can’t condone grievous bodily harm to be committed against the constable,” Dwyer said on Thursday.
For how much longer do you think?
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 18, 2022 1:11 pm
Indigenous police officer tells Northern Territory inquest that the concept of payback is based on peacemaking not revenge
Pulling the legs of gullible whitefellas is considered fine sport among the indigenous….
Descendants of the Somme should start a club.
Luck runs strong in those genes.
Not necessarily. My grandfather was still in utero when his father joined up. They never met.
Obviously though, lady luck was still on my side…in a fashion.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
November 18, 2022 1:14 pm
I increasingly find just talking with people is hazardous, since there’s so much fear. Say one wrong thing and you’re cut out of the family, lose friends, lose your job, get fined and arrested and even endanger others by association. It’s getting worse and worse.
During the fracas about our seat numbers with both of us saying why can’t the pilot seat be changed to the one next to it, so I can have my allocated seat and reach across the aisle to Hairy, it took a while for me to get my new allocated carel and get organised in it. As I was bustling around, a couple across the aisle on my side were settling in together over the welcome drink. They told the serving attendant they were off to a wedding in Sydney. How nice, I said to them and we started chatting as I clicked my belt in and started my drink too. Where is it? I asked. Turns out it is going to be in Watson’s Bay near us, so we got friendlier, about weddings and travel.
This is when things went pear-shaped, Bruce. They were both senior academics, and maybe I shouln’t have done it but couldn’t resist, still feeling like a sparr after the seat fracas. We finished our road trip coming back down the West coast of Florida, I recounted to their queries, and I must say we were both very impressed indeed with Florida. Red rag to a bull. Sour faces opposite, and the query what about the cyclone, surely the damage was still very bad? Nope, all cleared up, and back to business I said. To counter this optimism, the male, wearing a trendy black mask as was his wife (I should have known, noone else on this whole section of the plane was doing this) said to me as a cap to my optimism about Florida that it is only going to get worse for Florida due to climate change.
Couldn’t help myself, these people were so self-satisfied about it. I nominated myself and Hairy as scientists, said we disagreed about net zero and any climate ’emergency’, and he was off. He knew Al Gore as a friend, he said, so he condescendingly declared it was clear we were reading a different sort of science to what he was reading. His ‘science’ was obviously correct and ours wasn’t. They were both medical scientists but epidemiology can trump that for modelling, and I did let them have it, plus the IPCC selectivity, with a lot of data about that. They gave way on my expertise re tree rings, glaciers, pacific island sinking, the J curve, the normality of Australian fires and floods and the fewer hurricanes. Empiricism was not their forte. The tenre remained civilised and slowly the conversation returned to the normal upper middle class civilities that exist between travelling academics living the good life, but with a now slightly frigid edge.
Hairy hearing on bits of this over the other side of the plane wondered later why I bothered.
Because I am so sick of ignorant people pushing their climate cult at me, I reply.
Time to speak up more.
November 18, 2022 1:17 pm
Faytuks News ? @Faytuks
UPDATE: North Korea’s ICBM will likely land at around 02:20 GMT (4 minutes) – #Japan’s coast guard
A few months ago I stood on a Sarajevo street corner, imagining the motorcade as it progressed down by the riverside, then turned around and came back up the same route. At some point the driver decided to make a detour down a side street to avoid some demonstrators.
And the rest is history.
On such small details does the fate of nations turn.
I thought that was Mel Gibson. 😀
“Wanted to reply “not what they want but what they do” but did not want to risk being taken seriously.”
You’re going to have “own that one”. There’s no chance of anyone taking you seriously.
Funny things, mince pies. I hated them as a child, like those horrid “pillow” biscuits (which my brother and I called “squashed blowfly bikkies”). Now they just beg to be eaten.
I always liked “pillows”. But if you go to the originator (AFAIK) of “squashed flies”, Arthur Ransome in the Swallows and Amazons series, in the illustrations they seemed to be plain biscuits with currants baked into them.
What do ‘they’ do?
I see you lotting is not unique to Monty.
How many votes will he have to buy before he out polls the Dastardly one?
2022.11.17 God Bless You, Mr Polish Potato Farmer!
They rarely do!
“In a sense that’s true, but they’re willing to go GOP as long as Trump isn’t the candidate.”
The author Lionel Shriver says the same, but as far as I’m concerned the fact that they buy into the “Trump = evil” narrative and thus won’t vote GOP if Trump is on the ballot, then they’re contributing to the problem.
Nor is a lack of humour, it seems.
Thats not how I remember it. I was told he punched a wall at Sydney Uni.
Pillow biscuits?
Are they those fruit rolls?
I don’t think I’ve ever had one. Bought biscuits weren’t part of growing up for me, I think I had an iced vovo or two at a function here or there.
Clearly we need to ban men from military service.
There was humour in the last day and a half of whining and moaning about how women have ruined everything?
It was, indeed, hilarious to read.
Mel of the many children and beautiful (although high HCM girlfriends) probably a better arbitrator than TE Lawrence.
Although there is a slight overlap. 😀
There’s no promises of Arabian Nights here.
1. What is the etymological (true) definition of misandry?
2. Let’s try to absolve women if I was unintentionally unfair. Did they support conscription more than men?
It is probably better if I phrased it as: 20th century western civilisation treated young rural men as disposable.
Happy International Men’s Day!
No rosie, men have ruined the military for women and ought to be banned from serving.
If we had a nationalist defence policy and isolationist foreign policy from Federation, Australia would have been a better place.
In practice, we did hve a nartionalist defence olicy after Federation.
The original Defence Act precluded the use of the Militia, the majority of the Army, from being ordered tomserve outside Ausytralia and its territories. The 1911 compulsory service scheme also prohibited the use of those soldiers outside those limits. Hence, a “special force” had to be raised in both 1914 and 1939 to serve in the European conflicts.
The conscripted Militia force of 1939-1946 served only in Australia and its territories until the Curtin government, in 1943, extended the areas where it could serve. In practice, virtually no conscripted soldiers served outside Australia and its territories under that Act. A brigade was sent to Merauke and southern parts of (then) Dutch New Guinea, and a few went to the British Solomon Islands.
There were whole urban streets of men who enlisted as well as those from the bush. They wanted to stay with their mates. The phenomenon also occurred in the UK, where companies of men from the same factory would form.
They worked or lived together and they died together.
They bought into the idea that Trump is a fascist. When you ask them how a fascist could have come up with the Abraham Accords, one of them said it was his Jewish son in law who made the deal and not Trump himself. I didn’t ask how could Trump be a Nazi with a Jewish SIL because I couldn’t be bothered going any further.
Conscription referendums got defeated twice in world war one, women played active roles in both for and against
Photograph – ‘Women’s No Conscription Demonstration’
nationalist, not nartionalist, ffs.
Uncut toenails?
Wrong colour choice for the throw cushions?
An alarm that is so annoying, so unspeakably jarring and immediate that it is guaranteed to enrage a lady companion for the entire day, but yet is undeniably great comedy value because she can’t reach it to turn it off?*
*True story.
‘My name is Gunnery Sergeant Hartman. From now on…..’, turned all the way up.
I watched the Credlin doco, The Cult of Daniel Andrews, yesterday. It’s one of Sky News’ better docos in illustrating the corruption and ruthlessness of the power-mad Marxist premier.
I recommend all Victorian Cats take 45 minutes to watch it. Happily it’s now on Youtube.
“They bought into the idea that Trump is a fascist. When you ask them how a fascist could have come up with the Abraham Accords, one of them said it was his Jewish son in law who made the deal and not Trump himself. I didn’t ask how could Trump be a Nazi with a Jewish SIL because I couldn’t be bothered going any further.”
It explains the mindset, and facts and logic aren’t part of this mindset.
I can’t find a break down of conscription voting by gender for WWII but the anti conscription women’s activity was substantial
The divide seems to have been far more conservatives and protestants on the pro side versus labour and Catholic on the no side.
What Democrats Don’t Want You to Know About Hakeem Jeffries
At some stage I became fascinated by the ‘white feather’ phenomenom and read everything that I could find.
It was a bizarre cult, obviously linked to the referenda but not specifically linked to any one organisation.
Bizarrely, quite a few of these egregious creatures were women who had lost a loved one at the front.
The press reports of feathers mistakingly being handed to wounded returnees were probably overstated for political reasons but there were some cases of women (and men) being beaten up by returnees.
In anticipation of Twitter cowardice, the vast majority of feathers were delivered anonymously by mail with often devastating emotional impacts.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene??
It is heartbreaking to see these disabled Ukrainian soldiers here in the halls of Congress being used as pawns to pressure our Congress to give American’s hard earned tax dollars to Zelensky.
I’m calling for an audit of funds to Ukraine and to fund and secure our border.
Stepping into the mire. In WW1 whole towns (almost) volunteered e.g. Gilgandra and district, Ballaarat and district. The losses were horrendous.
Post war as people counted the losses, there was some animosity (woman driven) between families that had lost sons and families whose sons did naught. In some rural districts this animosity persists to this day. A bit like Titanic families in New York, although not as bad.
After nearly 40 years of marriage, Charlie and his wife were lying in bed. Suddenly the wife felt Charlie begin to massage her in ways he hadn’t done in quite some time. It almost tickled as his fingers started at her neck, and then began moving down past the small of her back. He then caressed her shoulders and neck, slowly worked his hand down, stopping just over her stomach. He then proceeded to place his hand on her left inner arm, working down her side, passing gently over her buttock and down her leg to her calf. Then, he proceeded up her thigh, stopping just at the uppermost portion of her leg. He continued in the same manner on her right side then suddenly stopped, rolled over and became silent. As she had become quite aroused by this caressing, she asked in a loving voice “Honey, that was wonderful. Why did you stop?” To which he responded, “I found the remote”.
In other words Bons, the white featherers could the the 1910s equivalent of today’s Sleeping Giants.
If I’d observed all the rules, I’d never have got anywhere.
– Marilyn Monroe
Dover, could you ask monty to do a special post on what he thinks the world would look politically and economically like after leftists like him get all their wishes? That’s assuming they have a somewhat coherent worldview, of course.
“Anti-White Racism Doesn’t Exist”: My Kids’ School Refused to Show Me What They Were Teaching
Nine days from the election and the VEC announces that they are ‘investigating’ the opposition leader and have referred it to IBAC. Dan must be pleased, it must be great to have your public servants, police etc know what you want done without you saying it.
I’ve seen the cooee march memorials in Gilgandra, I don’t doubt people who lost family, especially in small farming communities where men’s labour was priceless, resented those that didn’t.
Still 60,000 women turning out for an anti conscription rally in a town with a population of around 600,000 suggests women were as divided on the subject as men.
the same vitamin which TGA has advised doctors not to recommend. why?
Mater that rippling is cellulite.
calli the fly pies are cheaper than that, can’t remember exactly but off to get some more. I only have one a day, but its amazing how often the sun rises at my place.
Tucker Carlson: This lie could get millions of Americans killed
At the tail end of the Guardian article.
the Guardian on the ibac referral sounds like the chief of staff was the one at fault here.
Don’t if any here are into older racing motorcycles etc but if you are, a replacement weekend has been arranged to make up for the cancellation of the Broadford Bike Bonanza over the Easter weekend 2023.
Targets of Tyranny: How to Survive Being an Enemy of the State
Glenn Beck
•A gun shop owner who encountered a bone-chilling inspection by the ATF
•A father fighting for the right to see his twins after objecting to his 3-year-old son going through gender transition
•A woman who had almost $1M seized from her bank accounts even though she and her husband were never charged with a crime
•A couple who had their home raided by the FBI over a case of mistaken identity
•An FBI agent who turned whistleblower after he became fed up with the abuses he saw over Jan. 6 raids.
Now you tell me!
Because it’ll get their arses sued off?
Being fined half a trillion dollars for selling vitamin D3 and zinc seems a little harsh in my mind.
“Squashed Fly Biscuits” were first created/baked by Jonathon Carr in 1861 (www.secondshistory.com) which was after Garibaldi’s successful invasion of Sicily and Naples.
Garibaldi was quite the hero.
Welsh children at the time were even given the middle name “Garibaldi” which looks pretty weird between an authentic Welsh first name and surname.
The currants used in the recipe are much improved by being steeped in something a bit stronger than cold tea.
Friday foughts-
Speech night last night at the Catholic school, first time in for us. Call me a Methodist, but they should have facilitated the crowd singing the national anthem- instead it was introduced as being presented by the music ensemble, and then paced far too fast for participation.
-far too many awards and subjects for media, music production, video editing, entertainment technology and the like. Contrast it to dance and music, which are at least personal disciplines, but I can’t see where the link to jobs or industry are, considering that one in three kids seems to be devoting a good percentage of their study load to it.
-that probably had a lot to do with far too many slideshow-video segues on the big screen. They showed nothing- mainly footage of non-academic incursions- and stretched out the run time. Is it a Catholic High Mass thing where the audience is meant to just sit in silent awe for three firkin hours?
-girls dominated the awards 3/1- I’d have a hard count over the programme, but that would be obsessive. In amongst bucking that imbalance, there were some revealing blips- fer instance, boys got every instrumental music award and girls got every music subject gong- and the boys came out of the doldrums to be more or less par at yr 11-12 and ATAR. Dux was girl, boy runner up.
-kids have terrible posture. It must be more than computer time. They seriously need deportment classes, cancel the dance troupes and kick them out of their floorspaces, get the books and apples out.
-if “we need more girls in STEM” then “we need more boys in dance”. Girls dominating STEM by the looks, but every dance troupe was 15-0, 18-0. Wherefore the outcry?
-one boy in a dress got an award for battling adversity. He was a boy in a dress and got announced as “they” “young person”.
-far too much “oh and another thing- wonderful creative output”. I noticed at the yearly art exhibit that the cancer of identity has eaten its was down into high school, where all of the output was washed out by writing, mannerism, identitarian waffle and empty space where effort should be. In contrast, the primary school stuff was genuinely accomplished, and would sell in a tourist shop (that’s in no way damning with faint praise. The works were finished. Big difference to the sketchy “my journal and my journey” low-energy crap that won all the awards for the seniors).
If you’re not going to teach schoolkids that art is a craft, and needs application to technique as much as any sport, needs repetition to the point of automation as much as any musical discipline, needs critical thinking as much as any video or food production presentation… then don’t teach it at all. It’s just an empty stalking horse for lionising non-Anglo Australians and hand-patting the mentally ill.
Every art award went to a girl. It may or not be a statistical odd nothingburger, but contrast that every musical instrument award went to a boy.
Had the misfortune to see Groundhog Guy being asked about this and other idiocies at a presser yesterday. He resembled a stunned mullet or some type of creature struggling to comprehend that it actually existed.
Disasterstan has not well served by the major political parties (or the minor fruitcake ones), to put it mildly.
You’re taking Welsh names maman?
I’m sure they appreciated the injection of much-needed vowels
Davey Boy:
Of course there will be no need for the tagging unless there is an outbreak of one of the major goat diseases.
So I guess that means we are in for a bout of FMD to justify it, if I’ve understood how the bureaucratic mind works from “Yes Minister”.
The Guardian
From compromised systems integrity and faulty regulatory oversight abroad, to the concentration of control in the hands of a very small group of inexperienced, unsophisticated and potentially compromised individuals, this situation is unprecedented.”
Nothing changes. We now have morons salivating for WWIII.
The dead of Afghanistan accuse you, you numpties. As do the thousands of memorials up and down this fair land, the UK, Canada and NZ. They all tell the same story.
ftx ripples around the world
visionary and rational coherent logical thinking doesn’t seem to be one of them.
Here’s a little thought experiment. We all know women can be trained to fly jumbo jets but which scenario would you rather be in. Male pilot in a big jet emergency or Female pilot?
FBI ‘Extremely Concerned’ by China-Owned TikTok; Tech Investor Draper Turns from China to Taiwan
02:07 FBI ‘Extremely Concerned’ by China-Owned TikTok
04:20 Buffett Sells Chinese EV Maker Stock, Buys Taiwanese Microchip Maker Shares
05:05 Tech Investor Draper Turns from China to Taiwan
06:09 Some Western Investors Buy into China’s Stumbling Real Estate Sector
06:46 COP27: Democracies Will Stick to Coal Phase-Out as China Builds New Plants
08:02 China’s Xi Holds Meetings with U.S. Allies: G20
10:07 Guangzhou Lockdown Briefly Lifted After Mass Protest
12:04 $4.7B Kenyan-Chinese Railroad Ends in ‘Empty Field’
There was pressure put on young men to enlist, but it didn’t come from white feathers, it came from the Australian government, made up entirely of men
Hmm. Not in a lot of places it didn’t. In fact in the NT the federal government refused to take enlistments. They had enough of a problem enticing willing farm workers and would-be squatters to move there already.
Many men enlisted for the Great War in Australia simply because they would not see “the mother country” go to war against an aggressor state without them.
Albert Borella, for example, was in his early 30s and working as a telegraph camp cook after having failed to make a go of it as a farmer in the NT. He was in Tennant Creek when he decided to enlist. He walked, borrowed a horse, and finally took a train 1000 kilometres to sign up. The federal government not taking enlistments in Darwin he borrowed the ship fare to Townsville. There he was successful; trained, and finally departed for Gallipoli. He served after that on the Western Front where he was commissioned and finally won a Victoria Cross.
Hardly coerced, and a genuine hero.
On this forum there is generally too much whining about this or that group. Hatred and contempt are not unusual. It wasn’t always like this, the Cat used to cover a much broader range of subjects and without so much rancor. It’s enough to make me flounce.
Pudding-making day this Sunday. Stir up Sunday. A fitting name for the occasion, although originally:
It is now family tradition to make the pudding on this day, with everyone having a stir (and a wish) and a finger-lick of the empty mixing bowl.
*From Wiki.
Big brother is watching you!
A class action lawsuit has been filed against the US state of Massachusetts for what the plaintiffs claim is a case of covert mass surveillance carried out via “Covid spyware” installed on over one million phones.
The complaint asks for declaratory and injunctive relief (a bid to legally compel the defendants to fulfill their mandatory duties) and nominative damages, and was filed on November 14, 2022, by the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) non-profit.
We obtained a copy of the complaint for you here.
It names the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) and Commissioner Margret Cooke as the defendants.
Avi Yemini @OzraeliAvi · 21h
Equally surprising that the benchmark Avi chooses to judge DiktatorDan by is Chopper Reade.
The analogy doesn’t hold well on closer examination…
* Attitude to drug dealers: Chopper sometimes stole from drug dealers. Dan enriched them.
* Attitude to trade unions: The Painters’ and Dockers’ Union put a price on Chopper’s life. Unions love Dan.
* Masks: No descriptions of Chopper’s robberies have him wearing a mask. Dan was big on masks.
* Guts: Chopper lost several feet of intestine in a knife attack. Dan clearly still has all of his.
I will retract my criticism of Avi’s choice of benchmark if Dan vows to put his crooked past behind him and retire to Tasmania.
I learned another interesting thing. One of the guys is switched on politically and sits on a couple of committees (or whatever they’re called) for the Hiden Administration. He owns the largest US privately owned firm in the business he’s in. He’s reasonably well known on both sides of the political spectrum. He said whenever he’s in Washington the Demons ask him what the GOP guys are saying. The GOP guys ask him the same question. He reckons they don’t talk to each other . He also told me he knows of a divorce that recently occurred because the couple disagreed politically and couldn’t stand each other’s views. Families don’t talk to each other too. Funny old world.
That would be the same IBAC that found everybody in the red shirts affair had a case to answer.
Except for the Dastardly Despicable Devious Dangerous Dan.
It’s good to own the videos.
Clinton-linked dark money group targeted Twitter advertisers amid Musk takeover
Before Covid (and the associated behaviour)?
Might I suggest that things have changed dramatically our lives, the decline seems to be accelerating and there might be good and increased reason for whining about this and that?
Wally my daughter was into art so much it lead to management of graphic design at $150k plus bonuses several times a year of another $2-5k.
Where are the all the women protesting this? No. They fully support this.
Mater not sure why you told me to behave as they never say In the ads what the problem is , Snoring?
I trained in sex therapy years ago when homosexuality was still in DSM III back then PE , the other ED only in diabetics, from memory , was not the major problem .
Daily Mail.
Chris Bowen is heading the COP27 committee on wealth redistribution/reparations.
Safe hands.
We all know women can be trained to fly jumbo jets but which scenario would you rather be in. Male pilot in a big jet emergency or Female pilot?
Unless the emergency is one of the standard ones trained for in the sim, you’ll be lucky to survive.
When Air France A330 went down off Brazil, some Cathay guys in Hong Kong put a few expat crews through the scenario. The first 5 died. The sixth crew figured it out. Airbus human interface sucks.
Never forgive. Never forget.
Come the reckoning, I’m appointing Rabz to the position of Commissioner for Payback.
“One thing led to another, so I put a slug in their salad…”
Given the ubiquity and mobility of roos around this country, I doubt that tracking sheep and goats will prove sufficient even if a real outbreak occurs.
The West MUST Abandon Ukraine & Force Peace
From Armstrong Economics –
“Zelensky is trying to put pressure on Poland to declare it was a Russian Missile because Ukraine is losing the war despite all the fake news he has been promoting. The Polish deputy foreign minister, Arkadiusz Mularczyk, said in an interview with Radio 24 that “there has been great pressure” and stressed that, if it were Russian, “this would have set in motion new dynamics in the country and around the world.” Meanwhile, Joe Biden has stated that the missile that landed in Poland was Ukrainian and that Zelensky’s comments did not amount to evidence as NATO and Poland concluded that the missile was probably a stray fired by Ukraine’s air defenses.
The Polish politician, Jaroslaw Pakula, has come out and said that Poland should reconsider its position vis-à-vis the conflict in Ukraine after a “provocation” from Kyiv that claimed the lives of two villagers. Pakula said the missile that hit Przewodow was clearly Ukrainian and that the government in Warsaw should send a message to Kyiv instead of saying “fairy tales” to its citizens.
Zelensky never warned his people of the invasion claiming it may have created a financial panic. Meanwhile, Zelensky rejected the US warning that he was pushing Russia to invade. This has raised serious questions about insider trading for the capital flows were showing an exodus of funds from Ukraine. Many now suspect that Zelensky made a fortune by not telling his own people so the entire world would be shocked and this was the ultimate insider trading that warranted international investigation. This guy puts money before his own country while hiding it offshore as the Panama Paper confirms, and refuses to negotiate or honor the Minsk Agreement because fools would stop sending money to his government and the well will quickly dry up. He has profited off the deaths of his own people recklessly and for no reason. If there is a true war criminal profiteering off of the dead – you are looking at him.
Zelensky has used the invasion to DEFAULT on the Ukrainian national debt promising to honor it in 2024 when he defeats Russia. The currency has collapsed from 8 to 37:1 entering the hyperinflation stage despite the billions of dollars poured into Ukraine because it is not going to the people or the economy any all. He has even asked for the US to pay all the pensions of government workers in Ukraine.
Zelensky is a war criminal and the West MUST stop all support for him. Ukraine should just surrender the Donbas as was set down in the Minsk Agreement – the Russian people there have a right to be independent, a right to their own language, and certainly a right to freedom of religion – NONE of which Zelensky will honor under his criminal regime stashing money offshore and keeping his wealth in dollars because he knows he is destroying his own country all to emerge as a billionaire in the Bahamas with FTX.
Zelensky is supposed to be sponsored by NY Times along with Yellen, Zuckerberg, Larry Fink, and SBF of FTX. These people are allegedly so anti-American and socialist for it turns out that FTX was funding the anti-Ivermectin studies that were fake all to exaggerate COVID and destroy our economy. Zelensky is a fraud no different than SBF.
He was elected promising to end corruption and peace with Russia. He has filled his pockets, washed his hands in the blood of his own people, and used the Hillary RussiaGate fraud to extort billions from the West.”
John H, watch out for the door with spring return on your way out. Either that or how frilly is the flounce. This is a blog, this the OT. Write up a post about whatever. Dover will be most obliging. Hate is something I have never bothered with, contempt on the other hand? Hate destroys the host. Never met anyone worthy of my hate.
President Biden walks into a bank to cash a cheque.
As he approaches the teller he says “Good morning, ma’am. Could you please cash this cheque for me?”
Teller: “It would be my pleasure, sir. Could you please show me your ID?”
Biden: “Truthfully, I did not bring my ID with me as I didn’t think there was any need to. I am Joe Biden, the 46th President of the United States of America!”
Teller: “Yessir, I know who you are, but with all the regulations and monitoring of the banks because of impostors and forgers, etc I must insist on seeing ID”.
Biden: “Just ask anyone here at the bank who I am and they will tell you. Everybody knows who I am”.
Teller: “I am sorry Mr. President but these are the bank rules and I must follow them”.
Biden: “I am urging you please to cash this cheque”.
Teller: “Look Mr. President this is what we can do. One day Tiger Woods came into the bank without ID. To prove he was Tiger Woods he pulled out his putting iron and made a beautiful shot across the bank into a cup. With that shot we knew him to be Tiger Woods and cashed his cheque. Another time, Novak Djokovic came in without ID. He pulled out his tennis racquet and made a fabulous shot and the tennis ball landed in my cup. With that shot we cashed his cheque. So, Mr. President, what can you do to prove that it is you, and only you, as the President of the United States?”
Biden stood there thinking, and thinking and finally says: “Honestly, my mind is a total blank. I can’t think of a single thing”.
Teller: “Will that be large bills or small bills, Mr. President?”
The Welsh don’t like vowels at all. Maybe they think they are an invasive English innovation or something.
Mount Snowdon to be renamed in Welsh after authorities adopt petition signed by 5,000 people (17 Nov)
Presumably Yr Wyddf means Mt Vowelless.
It’s not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on.
– Marilyn Monroe
Sorry min, just a play on an old movie line:
It twas here that I first read about a vowel blockage.
As far as I know, roos are not a vector for FMD. Feral pigs are but they would probably be more disease reservoir than long range transmission route as the are not transported over long distances.
The idea of fielding an all indigenous team in the rugby league world cup has been floated.
Remember when segregation was a bad thing?
Lol John H.
Whinging about women and wanting to wipe out politicians does get a bit wearisome.
The Welsh language actually has seven vowels, two more than English.
So there.
I think most men had a sense of duty to their country that drove them to enlist.
Something that has disappeared in the last 70 years.
How many consonants?
Vowels X consonants = unique sounds and this measures the complexity of the language.
It’s not a case of women vs men. The problem is that women are more gullible to bullshit, sounds good, feels good save the planet hysteria that is neo-marxism. women are preferentially given senior positions in the administrative state. Women are far more tolerant of gays than men and more likely to support the moral destruction of the west through the alphabet rainbow agenda. Women dominate the education system where our kids are brainwashed and to a very large degree are the front line troops driving the rot coming from the institutions.
Are there no men in this marxist drama? Of course there are, almost all the powerful political positions are men, all the serious funding comes from ultra wealthy evil males. they shield themselves with bleeding heart gullibles and use females as indoctrinators and a compliant vote herd. Without the female vote this neo-marxist revolution would go nowhere.
Are men responsible for world wars? Of course they are, it is males that have the evolutionary position of protecting women and children and the job of fighting for resources and fighting for political ideas even if that involves physical wars.
Many women tacitly buy into the view that they can be anything a man can be. Well this “equality” is an evolutionary marxist fantasy. Men and women are very different and calling them out when they are in the wrong is not misogyny and they should not be given a free pass by virtue of being female.
As was pointed out yesterday, women are either heads of or majority of the committees that made recommendations to government in relation to the injectables and against early treatments. Why did they do this? incompetence? panic under pressure? corruption? who knows, the fact that they are women does not give them a free pass from scrutiny, on the contrary the fact they hold these positions and got it so wrong must be questioned.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
November 18, 2022 at 7:53 am
Did women cause World War I? I do recall reading somewhere that Kaiser Wilhelm liked to cross-dress.
When Archie Duke shot the Ostrich*, it was rumoured that his favoured pronouns were she / her and the Ostrich misgendered them.
*Gratuitous Blackadder reference.
This is an example of a few things.
1: Its never the crims fault.
2: If the police arent there then you get “vigilantes” (though this sounds more like hot pursuit rather than the roaming the streets at random type)
If one easily identifiable group is committing the majority of these offences then it is very likely the whole group will be treated with suspicion.
A Noongar woman whose teenage son was seriously injured in an apparent vigilante attack says she has been threatened and abused online, but has urged supporters not to retaliate.
Kathy Penny’s 18-year-old son, Ronaldo, was left in a critical condition when a 49-year-old woman chased him and his friend through Perth’s northern suburbs after it was alleged they had stolen a motorcycle. The woman has pleaded guilty to charges of driving dangerously and causing aggravated grievous bodily harm.
“He was in a coma for six days, with swelling on the brain and bleeding, with a fractured skull and broken femur,” Penny said.
People dont like criminals… film at 11.
Ronaldo has been charged with a number of offences including aggravated burglary and stealing offences. He appeared in court last month and has been remanded to Hakea prison.
His 17-year-old friend has also been charged in relation to the incident.
Penny said the abuse on social media was “just hatred and revenge”.
“They’re just saying really nasty things. Like he should have died, it was good what happened to him, he deserved it.
“Facebook and the social media companies need to put a stop to that … There’s over 200 comments. They shouldn’t be allowed to say those kinds of things about somebody else’s son.”
Police tell you to lie down and think of England..
You report a crime and effectively your chance of retrieving property is near zero.
The incident prompted WA’s police commissioner, Col Blanch, to warn people against taking matters into their own hands.
“We’ve seen it many, many times, people taking chase of offenders when they’ve witnessed a crime,” Blanch was quoted as saying in WA Today.
“It can end in tragedy for yourself, other members of the community or the person that you might be chasing.”
See its social media to blame not your lying eyes..
Perth parents say hostility and violence towards young Aboriginal people accused of being involved in crime is being fuelled by racist comments in Facebook community groups.
Verna Anderson, one of Penny’s daughters, said Aboriginal children, including her 14-year-old brother, had been chased and threatened while simply walking the suburban streets.
“This was just a couple of days ago … When a white van started following them and came to the park with them. So they all started hiding behind bushes and he got out of the car and he started shouting out at them,” she said.
She believed attacks and anti-social behaviour were becoming more common in Perth’s suburbs.
“It’s becoming an everyday thing, even I have been chased and harassed.”
She said people on social media were becoming emboldened to suspect young people of criminal activities without any evidence.
Ok, lets play the game, why arent your kids being given respect, and why are they treated with suspicion by the wider community?
from wiki. As of September 2019, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners represented 28% of the total adult prisoner population, while accounting for 2% of the general adult population (3.3% of the total population).
Thats a massive amount of criminality out of all proportion to the numbers in the general population. This would indicate there is some basis for people to be suspicious of a group relative to any other group in the population.
“The community is feeling unsafe. Parents are certainly feeling unsafe. Aboriginal people are becoming very concerned about what potentially this could lead to if appropriate action isn’t taken.
“People are more worried about their property. I’m not saying that we condone wrongdoing in any way. But it is about people taking it in their own hands as opposed to following what should be proper protocols.
“Respect is just not being given to our kids and violence is constantly perpetrated on our children.”
link to the above story.
And sped on by the last 3
Grey Ranga, myself I went from rip-roaring high school art to university fine art, pulled out/bumped off did a graphic design course…
…but went farming after all, which is what I should be doing now, but it’s raining sideways and southerly in single figure temps.
Ex-girlfriend I met doing GD is now a high-up in Perth design firm, but more because she’s a one-in-a-million people person. For the life of me, I don’t actually know if she can draw per se
Aonther good mate is a hopeless drawer but trophy-harvesting draftsman and intrepid house designer.
I’m still sticking to my yr10 benchmark where if you can draw skulls, dogs and naked chicks freehand from memory, you’ve got it made as an aaaartist.
Just one short of the Sassenachs.
“Respect is just not being given to our kids.”
Cassie of Sydney:
Nothing wrong with being testy. I like my women with a bit of testy.
But I won’t tolerate them being overbearing and dominating. That’s not what marriage is about.
“The Australian version of Marriage is similar to a State of heavily armed neutrality between 2 nations.”
The Welsh don’t like vowels at all.
The Welsh language actually has seven vowels, two more than English.
So there.
For sale, Welsh Vowels, near new, only taken out for a ramble once a week.
Trump is Back
From Armstrong Economics –
“Donald Trump announced that he is officially running for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. The only president in American history to win re-election after a defeat was Grover Cleveland in 1892. The establishment repeatedly tried to impeach Trump to prevent him from seeking a second term, but he’s back.
Trump wanted to keep America out of war. He threatened to leave NATO and pushed other countries to contribute their fair share. It is safe to say that Trump would likely not be sending billions to Ukraine under his America first policy that branded him as selfish. We talk about energy fears crippling the world, but America was the top producer of oil and natural gas under his presidency.
At this point, no one can honestly say they are better off under Biden. When I attended an event at Mar-a-Lago, I was very impressed by Trump. It was the first time in my entire career that I heard a head of state concerned about the soldiers they sent off to war. He said we needed to face the fact that foreign governments have been fighting over borders in the Middle East for ages, and it was not our place to intervene. He said he never wanted to call another mother and tell her that their child had died in a pointless battle.
He was not afraid to speak to our enemies and even became the first US president to cross the border into North Korea. Our current president can barely speak in general and has put America last. A vote for Trump was a vote against the establishment. Politicians cried that he had no experience in politics, but that is precisely why he won in 2016 — because he is not you.
The establishment will continue its efforts to take down Trump by any means. He has too many supporters for that to be an easy feat, and he’s prepared to enter political guerilla warfare. In all honesty, by the time we reach 2024, there may not even be a presidential election. We must crash and burn first.”
When the RSL defined the dominant emotion during the decades following WWI as grief, they could have been describing my Mum’s family. It is quite a story.
They were squatters with properties near Hay and Balranald. Seriously wealthy.
Great Grandmother lost a husband, a brother and horrifically, seven hands; the manager of the Balranald property, two carters, bookkeeper, smith, and two hands.
Opportunist grifters (including a future husband who got booted after farthering four children and displaying too much interest in the ‘books’) tried to convince her to sell out.
She had no debt due to the wool boom and was never going to sell.
She and the widow of the Balranald manager survived by judicious destocking and bringing on large numbers of recovering wounded soldiers.
There was strong resistance especially from itinerant shearers to being bossed by a woman. The banks apparently actively plotted against them, but she survived.
The Balranald property was eventually gifted to her Balranald partner and apparently remains in her family.
I met her a couple of times as a very young sprog. I found her to be terrifying.
The stats say males commit 75% of domestic violence.
Should we therefore regard all men with suspicion?
Yes, I know, it’s human nature. But that doesn’t mean it’s right.
Doesn’t “y” have a unique role as both a vowel and a consonant?
Indubytablee …
The Ozone Layer scare was simply that – an opportunity to ramp up the fear factor in terms of “We’ll all be rooned.”
That the refrigerant manufacturers were able to scare people and legislators into banning out of patent chemicals was just icing on the cake – and a source of funds for the End of the Worldists.
Never let a crisis go to waste, especially if you can make a quid out of it as well.
This is how it is done.
Pay attention piss weak liberal party.
House cleaning: Alberta announces health-care reform. AHS board fired, administrator appointed.
All of these cancerous government quangos need to be abolished.
One can only dream.
Fired Twitter Employee Applies For First Real Job
the bee
November 18, 2022 at 10:31 am
This would indicate there is some basis for people to be suspicious of a group relative to any other group in the population.
The stats say males commit 75% of domestic violence.
Should we therefore regard all men with suspicion?
Yes, I know, it’s human nature. But that doesn’t mean it’s right.
I was actually going to stick nearly those words as a disclaimer in.
But was lazy.
mea culpa…
I will state unequivocally the biggest victims of Aboriginal (to use the group definition) crime is other Aboriginals.
The crab in a bucket/ help yourself mentality is in some communities, crippling and its exceptional people who can escape it.
Leon L.says:
November 18, 2022 at 10:42 am
This is how it is done.
Pay attention piss weak liberal party.
House cleaning: Alberta announces health-care reform. AHS board fired, administrator appointed.
All of these cancerous government quangos need to be abolished.
One can only dream.
Excellent News. And by a tough Women no less. The piss weak so called Conservatives here please take note. Otherwise, you will never ever get elected.
Greg Kelly analyses Trump’s speech announcing his candidacy. Idiots like bolt said it was low energy: it was perfect:
Google has taken over one of my computers running windows 11. It constantly changes my preferences to its own, hides pathways for me to change back to what I want, and has installed so much social media garbage as to make the moderately expensive Dell computer unusable. It’s the last Dell and Microsoft setup I”ll buy.
My Notebook has been infected with Google media shit to such an extent that it is unusable. Even a hard reboot hasn’t worked. I have to have Google on it to download Kindle and Range trajectory stuff.
Thanks arseholes.
Just thought I’d get it off my chest.
“This is how it is done.
Pay attention piss weak liberal party.”
I think the ship has sailed as far as the Liberal Party is concerned. It is beyond redemption.
“Stories my nanna told me.”
Would anyone here believe a damned word you ever said?
Get ready Australia, the capped price for electricity in England is AUD 55 cents per kwh.
Now that’s more than double our current rates, get ready for a big blow to your budget.
We are next.
And a “justice” system that mollycoddles young offenders does them no favours.
I’m not in favour of incarcerating first time non-violent offenders, but whatever we’re doing atm clearly isn’t working. That indigenous communities are calling for the reintroduction of traditional law is a clear indication of that. It would be a retrograde step to go down that path, but that’s not to say we can’t learn something from it about the need for punishments that fit the crime.
You need to get the computer exorcist in.
Now Trump has announced there’s no going back.
I want him to win.
Louie Gohmert Accuses FBI Of ‘Adopting Gestapo Tactics,’ Blasts Justice System
A relative of mine worked in the juvenile justice system in Western Australia. Detention was no great deterrent – hot food, clean beds, hot showers, plenty of sport, you caught up with “the mob” and you had fulfilled one of the rites of passage by being there in the first place.
Many, except when it comes to reality.
I was stuck in traffic watching workers install a traffic calming device, male and female crew, young woman with a glue gun, guys drilling in bolts, I wandered how equitably the heavy jobs were being distributed, not very, I would hazard.
Yes – The “Pals Battalions”.
Several instances in the UK of entire towns losing their men in one morning. Disasters for them.
Many books will be written about this.
I suppose breaking rocks under the hot sun would be deemed cruel and unusual punishment these days?
But seriously…if the juvenile offender comes out of detention unreformed it’s a failure that others will pay for down the track. Where’s the justice in that?
Particularly on the Somme.
The guy who does my PEG twice a day (whose father came to Australia as a refugee from Somalia) used to work for the Department of child protection as a case worker. We both just laugh at these juvenile justice stories on the ALPBC News each night. More of the same, nothing will change.
Top Ender
Many men enlisted for the Great War in Australia simply because they would not see “the mother country” go to war against an aggressor state without them.
There was also the issue that, in that era, the winner took colonial possessions from the loser. Germany already had a colonial possession in German New Guinea. Had Britain been on the losing side, at a minimum Papua would have gone to Germany. The loss of a major part of Northern Australia would also have been possible.
ABC trying desperately to get the band back together:
Will COVID-19 ruin Christmas? Why it’s now harder to predict the pandemic’s future
Oh noes! Could Covid ruin Christmas??!1
They just can’t let go. The ABC is a jilted lover. Dumped by a virus.
This is a marker.
In most cases by the time you end up at the Banksia Hill front door you’ve used up more 2nd chances than a cat (to mix a metaphor).
Many incredibly boring books.
The latest demand, here in the Wild West, is for a juvenile detention centre in the North West – it’s “degrading” for the young ones to be flown to Perth in handcuffs, and the relatives will be able to come and visit those serving sentences.
Likely titles.
I used to get free lunches and now I have to buy my own.
My life was endless meetings, now I have to work.
I used to be special now even I don’t care.
Looks like they might have to play Norman Swan in a pocket off the bench.
Some Qs: Why do they hate Trump? Does that mean that if Trump is on the ballot they vote D for Presidential and R down ballot? Did the Abraham Accords have not effect on their attitude to Trump?
If the Republican primary ever gets to a debate, Trump is going to take DeSantis over his knee like a naughty schoolboy.
My family has has one experience of restorative justice after an aggravated burglary, it takes a brazen certain something to enter occupied homes .
Refused to attend the miserable thing, as it was a joke.
After a burglary spree, in which other homes were robbed,a written off car, not a single item taken returned including missals and baby’s Christmas presents ?
Yeah nah.
Did you run them over? Stuck in traffic by the installation of something that makes you get stuck in traffic. These things are such a freaking pain in the arse. On a long, straight suburban street near where I live – which already has multiple large speed bumps that make it impossible to hoon down – the council has just installed a bunch of those concrete kerb thingies that obstruct half of the road at various points, meaning you have to stop if there are cars travelling in the opposite direction to let them pass before steering around the stupid things. Totally unnecessary. Will probably cause more accidents and traffic problems. The council members who voted to install them should have to remove them. With their teeth.
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
Nancy Pelosi stands down as leader of US House Democrats
Ding dong the Witch is dead (or rotting from the head)…………………….
Leftist utopias always end up with a nomenklatura at the top, gulags at the bottom and a lot of misery in between.
If you’re lucky.
End of story.
I’m sure they are just doing what they are told. Vaccine passports forever:
“girls dominated the awards 3/1- I’d have a hard count over the programme, but that would be obsessive. In amongst bucking that imbalance, there were some revealing blips- fer instance, boys got every instrumental music award and girls got every music subject gong- and the boys came out of the doldrums to be more or less par at yr 11-12 and ATAR. Dux was girl, boy runner up.”
Had almost the same thing at my youngest sons Y12 last year at Wodonga Catholic College.
Based on a recent post, anyone who he disagreed with, wouldn’t be heard from again. Apparently he’s sick of dealing with them.
What that exactly translates to in real terms, I’m not sure. I guess he could start with a plan to send them all to Madagascar, and progress from there.
Having lived in Melbournibad and Perth, one thing Melbournibad does better is quiet residential streets. I’m sure it uses more land for roads and it’s busy streets are busier but once you get off them there are plenty of great streets to live on. I don’t do much driving any more but was coming down a main linking road in an adjoining suburb to find the council ( City of Subiaco unsurprisingly – ask IT) had put a series a speed humps down the road. If you are not meant to travel at 50kph (!) down that road you might as well give up. Which I’m sure is the goal.
November 18, 2022 at 10:15 am
Very well said, Zippy.
And sadly, some Cats seem to be suffering sense-of-humour deprivation (not surprising considering the abuses we have suffered during the Covid scam.)
I’m sure much of the so called ‘misogyny’ on this site is just good old fashioned teasing. And while the Kittehs keep biting, the baiting will continue.
We have enough to genuinely be angry and upset about. Save the rancour for those who deserve it, and enjoy the laughs from the comedians.
With a baseball bat behind every door.
My comment relates to the leafier parts of both cities. I’m pleased to say I have absolutely no idea what happens in outer suburban areas. Like mUnty, I am upper middle class.
there was a main roads lady on 6pr the other day talking about the speed humps in Subi (and more planned elsewhere)… she was using terms like “pedestrian enablement” and “place activation” until Ollie called her out and she admitted “yes, its to discourage people driving.”
Country towns were smashed in Britain.
After the war taxes went up dramatically and the war bonds loaned by America were not paid back until 2006.
All debts were finally paid back by Chancellor Osborne in 2015.
Women can certainly be better than Zippy, a throwback to Neanderthal times.
Anyone who thinks society is improving has rock in their head.
We did used to go to Joondalup, Middle Swan and Mandurah although that was only to play golf before the urban sprawl and traffic made the whole thing a rather unpleasant experience.
City of Subiaco could give the worst of the Melbournibad councils a run for their money. Between them and the Rokeby Rd landlords they have nearly finished stuffing the suburb.
Shut up ladies and know your place, argues Delta A.
Lol! And now it’s stalking…us. Keep those pet bunnies safe kids, there’s danger about.
Lysander – before my stroke I used to just ride up to Subi on my push bike. Parking isn’t as bad as people say it is. I used to have a couple of favourite rooftops that never let me down.
The UK’s new electricity price “cap” has already been mentioned upthread.
From what I can gather it will see average household bills rise to AUS$4500.
Now the Chancellor’s overnight Autumn Statement will raise the UK’s tax burden to its highest levels since post-war austerity.
All this is largely attributable to the Tory government’s climate and covid policies.
No wonder the Tories are on the nose. But would Labour have done things any differently?
Are you going to comply?
“Shut up ladies and know your place, argues Delta A.”
Mansplaining from the fat fascist fuckwit.
I married the Beloved for his tallness (amongst other things). He doesn’t need a ladder to change light bulbs. And…he can replace the taps with ease on account of his mighty biceps and nifty spanner-fu.
You know the story of the other night and suspected aggravated burglary (by broken mirror as it turned out). He’s as brave as all get out but I do wish he’d put his trousers on prior to doing battle. The spectacle was most unseemly. 😀
Sure. My “place” is already well established. I see no reason to change it.
Latin kings:
Please decipher.
Edward 6, by the grace of God, England, France, ? Ireland, our King;
In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???
It’s on a very expensive gold sovereign (45k roughly) from his reign…and no I can’t afford it right now!
Calli, please!
That was for Monty. His ovaries are getting ahead of themselves.
I have no idea why people are bellyaching about women post-mid terms. Married men and women voted overwhelming for R, single men voted only moderately for R, while single women voted overwhelmingly for D. Given the differential between single and married , maybe the problem isn’t ‘women’ so much as the married v single. And maybe the problem there is not so much singles per se, but the proportion of them in society, the social and institutional factors that delay marriage (mass university education, extended adolescence) or even make marriage appear unattractive, and so on. If you want to reverse this slide you’re going to have to make marriage attractive again, at least more attractive than being single.
I’ve also asked before, re married m/f v single m/f, what were the actual numbers that voted in these mid-terms for these categories compared with 2018 or 2020 ? I haven’t seen them here or anywhere else.
Cassie, genuine apologies if I upset you with my TE Lawrence quote this morning. It was meant in jest and I have always thought that it pretty much condemned both (all) genders equally.
Plus the Left are stealing elections with impunity, the Liberals are now full-on lefty, GPs have turned into scared robots, energy prices are through the roof because of political lies, and the police and courts have turned into the Stazi seemingly overnight. I’m sure there’re a few other things too.
Really quite amazing how fast the decline has been. Damn straight we’re suffering sense-of-humour deprivation. Even comedy itself has died horribly under the assault of woke.
I increasingly find just talking with people is hazardous, since there’s so much fear. Say one wrong thing and you’re cut out of the family, lose friends, lose your job, get fined and arrested and even endanger others by association. It’s getting worse and worse.
Luke 4:30; Jesus, passing through the midst of them, went his way.
We are back home. Washing machine is now going full pelt on the sheets and towels of visitors while we were away. Eldest son has been minding the cat and his family all lobbed in at weekends. I’d say do your own sheets except I wanted them there to keep him company and such back-breaking work as sticking things into a washer and dryer and pressing a few buttons is a bit beyond some of them; might have put them off coming.
Some washing is a small price to pay for one very fit and happy puss-cat. 🙂
Shut up ladies and know your place, argues Delta A.
Maybe Montypox Virus Fat Bastard has been watching too many ‘you choob’ videos like this.
It is humour and not the reality nowadays……………..
After Subi oval was knocked down, and it was the ONLY reason for anyone going to Subi, I ended up sitting on the gubberment’s Subi East Improvement Group.
After a few months (!!!) of meeting we finally got some designs that were all based on recognising historical ancestral indigeneity in the area – nothing was really there to actually rejuvenate the dilapidated joint. It was all Whadjuk signs, postages, art, walks, etc… there were a couple of fairly “stylish” medium high rise buildings there for the well-to-do… (like HB eh??? LOL!!!) but not a lot.
When I got my chance to speak, I said “its great that we’re recognising indigenous heritage all across Subi and this is a good start to reconciliation (not my opinion but a preface to next statement)” and continued: “a real start to reconciliation would be shipping in some indigenous peoples from Northam and Kelmscott to live in discounted units in these medium rise developments.”
I’ve never encountered such an awkward ensuing silence in my life.
One word: Dobbs.
Married men 30%
Married women 30%
Unmarried men 16%
Unmarried women 23%
Married men 30%
Married women 26%
Unmarried men 20%
Unmarried women 23%
Married men 30%
Married women 29%
Unmarried men 18%
Unmarried women 23%
So no difference really, especially from the previous mid-terms.
This entire investigation by the DoJ was a GOTV operation for the Democrats in the lead up to the mid-terms.
LOL. Is this what the kidz call pwnd?
‘You Aren’t Telling Me The Answer’: Rand Paul Clashes With FBI Director Chris Wray Over Surveillance
Nope, if Dobbs was it you wouldn’t have lost congressional seats in NY and CA.
I want the raw numbers.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
November 18, 2022 at 12:14 pm
“Shut up ladies and know your place, argues Delta A.”
Mansplaining from the fat fascist fuckwit.
Well used, alliteration is so powerful. More please.
Subi still has some (houso?) housing up near Kings Park Road. They add a bit to much colour for the local residents from time to time. There were a couple of beggars there for a while but I expect it was slim pickings and they moved on. Haven’t been up towards the old PMH site but I expect it is just West Perth creeping over the hill. Land values make it inevitable really.
NY and CA are not uniformly blue. There are big red pockets. Try again.
I am quoting exit polls, which are the best that can be done for obvious reasons.
Frankly, if you’re handwringing about why Republicans are currently on the nose with unmarried women and you refuse to countenance Dobbs having anything to do with it, you’re going to argue yourself into a rhetorical corner as you turn your face from the elephant in the room. It’s painfully obvious.
Descendants of the Somme should start a club.
Luck runs strong in those genes.
Hairy and I were tired when we boarded business class for the flight home. Our seats weren’t together, due to the fact that a ‘pilot seat’ (we’ve never come across this before) was located in the adjacent carel, over the aisle, that was supposed to be mine, which should never have been allocated. The airline was adamant that the allocated relief pilot seat was sacrosanct and couldn’t be changed due to emergency regulations. I ended up in the sleeping next to the pilot in the adjoining carel! When my tray table got stuck after the first meal, the attendants couldn’t get it back into its slot. After several goes, the pilot, who had come round to my aisle offer his special skills, had given up on it and left for the flight deck. He can’t fix that, so he’s gone off now to fly the plane, says Hairy dryly.
It took an attendant, a wiry little chap from economy, called up to apply his specialist knowledge and skills – called brute force – to bash the table into its original slide and get it back into its slot. It stopped misbehaving after that.
no fault divorce must go
Landcorp has used that East Perth/Subi Centro model a bit. Both of those worked well. Down on the Scarborough beachfront they decimated a number of businesses and see they are getting into trouble in a number of places around the city.
LOL yeah that’ll fix it
Twitter had under 3,000 employees before today.
Dammit, I should have taken that bet with Dot.
Members of two certain families from Northam – the members of who have been at feud since the late 1960’s – shipped in, would display a commitment to reconciliation.
a simple solution is to raise the legal voting age for women. they need to have 2 children before they are allowed to vote.
Hear, hear!
Yep, many of the elections were stolen. Doesn’t matter how people vote. Arizona is the most glaring example.
Health bureaucrats at ATAGI gave wrong advice – Senate Estimates 10.11.22
Senator Gerard Rennick
No Monty. The shift has been going on since 2008 and took off in 2013.
The answer is social media. An echo chamber of young women hypersensitive to peer group pressure. Of social media is totally controlled by the green-progressive Left, as we’ve been seeing with the Twitter saga. So the answer is not Dobbs, it leftist propaganda. Bad schooling, which is also now totally controlled by the progressives, probably strongly contributes also.
But don’t let empirical data change your mind, it’s not as if the Left ever use logic or reason.
Nope, full marks to him for either:
a) scaring the intruder off before battle was joined; or
b) making the intruder laugh so much he collapses and can be swept out of the house.
Old and busted: Trucks of peace.
New and Hot: Spearing’s of peace.
Zachary Rolfe should face Aboriginal traditional payback, Kumanjayi Walker inquest told
Indigenous police officer tells Northern Territory inquest that the concept of payback is based on peacemaking not revenge
A Northern Territory police officer who shot dead an Indigenous teenager should face traditional payback to help restore harmony in his outback community, an inquest has been told.
Holy shit, just read this line, its seems the coroner is an ace away from saying “regrettably” to the idea
The counsel assisting the inquest, Peggy Dwyer, said the Yuendumu community had told the coroner that “payback would involve spearing” Rolfe.
“In this case where the community are aggrieved understandably by Kumanjayi’s death and Const Rolfe causing death this court can’t condone grievous bodily harm to be committed against the constable,” Dwyer said on Thursday.
Japanese TV now live reporting on an ICBM launched from North Korea, which is still airborne.
Bit happening.
For how much longer do you think?
Not necessarily. My grandfather was still in utero when his father joined up. They never met.
Obviously though, lady luck was still on my side…in a fashion.
During the fracas about our seat numbers with both of us saying why can’t the pilot seat be changed to the one next to it, so I can have my allocated seat and reach across the aisle to Hairy, it took a while for me to get my new allocated carel and get organised in it. As I was bustling around, a couple across the aisle on my side were settling in together over the welcome drink. They told the serving attendant they were off to a wedding in Sydney. How nice, I said to them and we started chatting as I clicked my belt in and started my drink too. Where is it? I asked. Turns out it is going to be in Watson’s Bay near us, so we got friendlier, about weddings and travel.
This is when things went pear-shaped, Bruce. They were both senior academics, and maybe I shouln’t have done it but couldn’t resist, still feeling like a sparr after the seat fracas. We finished our road trip coming back down the West coast of Florida, I recounted to their queries, and I must say we were both very impressed indeed with Florida. Red rag to a bull. Sour faces opposite, and the query what about the cyclone, surely the damage was still very bad? Nope, all cleared up, and back to business I said. To counter this optimism, the male, wearing a trendy black mask as was his wife (I should have known, noone else on this whole section of the plane was doing this) said to me as a cap to my optimism about Florida that it is only going to get worse for Florida due to climate change.
Couldn’t help myself, these people were so self-satisfied about it. I nominated myself and Hairy as scientists, said we disagreed about net zero and any climate ’emergency’, and he was off. He knew Al Gore as a friend, he said, so he condescendingly declared it was clear we were reading a different sort of science to what he was reading. His ‘science’ was obviously correct and ours wasn’t. They were both medical scientists but epidemiology can trump that for modelling, and I did let them have it, plus the IPCC selectivity, with a lot of data about that. They gave way on my expertise re tree rings, glaciers, pacific island sinking, the J curve, the normality of Australian fires and floods and the fewer hurricanes. Empiricism was not their forte. The tenre remained civilised and slowly the conversation returned to the normal upper middle class civilities that exist between travelling academics living the good life, but with a now slightly frigid edge.
Hairy hearing on bits of this over the other side of the plane wondered later why I bothered.
Because I am so sick of ignorant people pushing their climate cult at me, I reply.
Time to speak up more.