Rocks and Ferns in a Wood at Crossmount, John Ruskin, 1847
Rocks and Ferns in a Wood at Crossmount, John Ruskin, 1847
Both sprang from, and were nurtured to adulthood, by the same Marxist whore.
Bb Knuckles and other AFLers. Early but if the Hawks win the flag would consider this one of the all…
My personal belief is that – predictably – you are whistling past the graveyard. No personal animosity, but look at…
That tells you everything you need to know about politics. Laybore are experts at this it would seem. What a…
There is no such thing as an upper class comie, they are headonists, and as been pointed out here they…
What do you get when you cross a parakeet with a lion?
I don’t know, but when it talks, you’d better listen.
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Christian Adams.
Steve Bright.
Morten Morland.
A.F. Branco.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha, Sharpe is a great show, I came across it on youtube never heard of it. Was it ever on FTA TV in Australia? Sgt Hakeswill played by Pete Postlethwait is a great villain. I ended up listening to all the Sharpe audiobooks in chronological order.
Question, are silhouettes racist?
Had the misfortune of having to tune into a briefing on the current Covid Situation, given by a government health professional.
I quote the first two points on ‘main messages’ slide (which was put up after the ‘horror story’, which is apparently the latest wave, was explained). This is word for word:
1. We need at least 3 doses of vaccine as adults to decrease spread.
2. Current vaccines do not stop transmission, but they do reduce the severity of the disease.
In the first two points, they completely contradicted themselves.
What’s worse, not one question was raised about the obvious. It went straight through to the keeper, and the presentation received wondrous praise for its informative value, and the ‘front line’ workers got an absolute tongue bath for their brave devotion to duty, under life threatening condition.
Vomit inducing stuff.
As someone commented to me afterwards re the adjacent, contradictory talking points:
“Typical government, can’t even lie competently!”
Rowe says Wong is Albanese’s Gillard.
Perhaps, Albanese is going to hit a brick wall if he tries to give Dutton the treatment he dished out to Morrison.
In the dead of night, new nightmares and Open Threads are born.
Bottom line is that if they’re producing 100 million doses, they’re going to administer 100 million doses.
There’s plenty who never even had the first dose, force will be required there.
I think it was wise to leave the discussion of implements, vibrators, and post hole diggers, to stand or fall, on its own merits. 😉
I’m sure the presenter was a spook…definitely a flamer.
1. We need at least 3 doses of vaccine as adults to decrease spread.
2. Current vaccines do not stop transmission, but they do reduce the severity of the disease.
What they’re saying is that the less severe the disease, the less it spreads.
That’s not surprising, so what’s your problem, Mater?
You wouldn’t be a Spook, by any chance?
Possibly an under-cover ‘cooker*’.
* Just so Monty doesn’t feel left out.
If you say so, Ed.
No, that’s what they’re saying.
Bubonic Plague spreads further than a Cold, etc.
Your starting point is COVID 19 is real, you’re nitpicking the finer detail and still getting it wrong.
Since it’s obvious that it isn’t real and the “vaccine” is infectious, you’ve gotta be a Spook?
Even you hafta admit that.
An overwhelming proportion of the population has had covid at least once and most of those after they had received two or three shots.
Reduce spread?
That’s a no with bells on.
Look out, it’s Doctor Farmer Gez spreading the horse shit early today!
Listen Ed, I’m an open minded character, but I’m unlikely to take medical advice from someone who runs scared of gypsum.
I’m not that open minded.
Farmer Gez @6:52 am and Mater @6:22 am, there are no adults left anywhere in our public life, government or private enterprise. They are all influencers now and facts and logic are not only foreign concepts to them but irrelevant. The main thing to them is that they get to spout their rubbish and you to shut up. I don’t know where we go from here.
Tomorrow is the summer solstice, this morning it’s 4 degrees and the heater is on. Hottest day so far this summer was yesterday at 28.
Ryan Cunningham
I got the COVID vaccine before most could as healthcare provider and emergency manager implementing many of the policies of the “covidians”. Days after I was transported to the hospital with cardiac issue. Today I’m in heart failure.
Michael Shellenberger
The FBI & the Hunter Biden Laptop
How the FBI & intelligence community discredited factual information about Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings both after and *before* The New York Post revealed the contents of his laptop on October 14, 2020
Swf, I’m so cold I almost switched on the electric blanket.
What are the odds that it’s a coincidence?
Intentional or Coincidence? Far-Left New York Times Publishes Crossword Puzzle Resembling Nazi Swastika on the First Day of Hanukkah
Europe is totally fishknickered, pharqued, stuffed, gone, messed up, fiddled, porked, up shit creek, crapped out, ruined, destroyed, etc
Paul Joseph Watson on the ludicrousness and totalitarianism of the unelected EU individual carbon taxes.
This cheerful music video reminds me of the EU bobble headed little Stalins.
Is it any different here? I doubt it.
Catturd ™
There’s hardly anyone speaking for the people anymore in Washington D.C.
The entire city is a stinking sewer full of corrupt traitors, treasonous liars, and power-hungry thieves.
James Newburrie on loooooong covid
Where? In Sydney it struggled to get to 22 and with the wind chill factor it was much cooler than that. I had a tracksuit on all day to keep warm.
Look up Covid Live data on the web Ed.
It’s easy to follow and stats don’t lie.
You could then point out the bullshit.
Go to it.
I’m up early because I’m sitting in a truck warming it up for the day ahead.
Feeding the world isn’t done by health experts.
FBI pressured Twitter, sent trove of docs hours before Post broke Hunter laptop story
Hardly a conspiracy theory when they’re telling us outright and have been for years.
The Elites Want Inside Your Skull: Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates Invest in Brain Chip Company Rivaling Musk’s Neuralink
Ah, for the good old days of mid-1990s when we had global warming.
Darren Beattie on Trump’s speech: “This is the most learned statement on the Big Tech censorship issue by any elected official that I’ve ever seen”…
This occurred to me too. I hope it’s the case.
ONE MASSIVE BOT TRAP: Why Elon Musk’s Poll about ‘Stepping Down’ Is Not What It Seems
YIKES: Evening Nets Ignore Federal Reserve Report Showing Biden Q2 Job Numbers Off by 1 Million
I notice after this sarcastic lampooning of my suggestion that mandates “may have even been a stressor” for the heart attack, you posted over at CL’s blog:
I’m sure an argument over bloody NAPLAN is a more probable cause of stress than the possibility of being removed from your job, and society at large.
Do try not to be such a snarky, parochial hypocrite.
Is This Winning?
Western leaders can no longer hide the truth about Ukraine.
Crossie, NE Vic, yesterday had a cold southerly till midday, the wind dropped for a few hours and the temp went up, wind came up again around 5pm and temps dropped again. We live in the least windy place in Australia.
I would suggest both. Bought and paid for.
Christine Anderson
@IamBrookJackson filed law suit against Pfizer in 01/21 – 2 yrs ago!
And yet hardly any coverage of it in MSM.
I hope this law suit answers my question raised in COVI committee: Who lied? Did BigPharma lie to govts or did govts lie to the people?
Train was on (and perhaps off) psychiatric medication but he did insinuate he wanted to have it out with the cops over alleged child abused being covered up.
If that turns out to be true at all, after the SOG guys came in and smoked them, this would look very poorly indeed, especially after stage managed and overblown “voluntary” public memorials.
The welfare check story is nonsense as is the missing person one.
Sorry to see your opinion trumped by Professor Ed in a withering riposte Gez. However will you go on?
There are plenty of indications that Covid was around for months before the big scare campaign. Without that, we would probably have never heard of it except perhaps that it was a bad “flu” season. All of this, the lockdowns, mandates, smashing of the economy and jobs was deliberately manufactured and imposed on us. Up to and including a dress rehearsal just prior with Event 201.
And they’re at it again.
Jordan Schachtel @ dossier.substack.com
Covid+mRNA vax is probably the greatest widespread scam in human history. For most people, it was a cold, or even more mild. It never required a vax. The vax served as a pharma windfall and never helped a soul. Dual scam of the century.
Jacinda going all the way.
Maybe the unserious hair is supposed to soften the police state message.
This thread dedicated to post hole diggers everywhere.
We need to invade New Zealand to protect their human rights.
Richard Cranium
What they’re saying is that the less severe the disease, the less it spreads.
Is that why the “Common Cold” is so common? And leprosy is so rare?
Shades of 2020 and 2021.
‘Get vaccinated (again), or you’ll ruin Christmas for everyone!’
Shameless string-pulling from those with vested interests.
Plenty of grievances to air this Christmas season.
Pretty much sums up where we are, except for the double blind peer reviewed paper, that debunks it all definitely.
Red Sharpe with Sean Bean:
I don’t think any of the FTAs here got the rights to it.
Same with the streamers.
It was on iTunes for a while, so you could rent or buy. But no longer.
In fact I think I did buy. But I don’t have it anymore. Which suggests it is a demonstration of the copyright limitations of online purchases and you never actually win the snow you “purchased”. I should have downloaded it, then there is nothing the copyright holders can do about it.
Jesus Christ these losers…
Jesus Christ man…?
Now that would have been soldiering.
FBI Releases All JFK Documents Except For The One That Says They Killed Him
Bottom line is that if they’re producing 100 million doses, they’re going to administer 100 million doses.
There’s plenty who never even had the first dose, force will be required there.
That will never work.
Entropy, most of the Sharpe shows are on youtube, just takes a bit of looking all free.
Daytime Sky still on a Get Trump and then Get Musk binge.
No hint from them at all that the Jan6 committee is a bunch of whackos.
In the catallaxy field of snarky hypocrites I run a distant last.
My point regarding stress potentially causing a heart attack was about Kimberley Kitching not Nathaniel Train.
And yes the NAPLAN issue clearly was an ongoing source of stress for him. He wasn’t writing to Mark Latham about mandates.
Seven months after his heart attack he was still going hammer and tongs about NAPLAN sending 16 emails in one fortnight in March 2022 alone.
No matter what the public information available is, you appparently have secret insights into the mind of Nathaniel Train.
Hard to believe that people can develop obsessions other than the vaccines, right?
Just in case you thought Hollywood shows couldn’t possibly get any worse.
TV Abortion Plotlines Skyrocket as Hollywood Doubles Down on Roe v. Wade Outrage (19 Dec)
Oh joy. Add in all the woke tranny stuff and TV watching is going to be torture.
Incidentally the next Harry and Meghan show apparently has Greta Thunberg in it. Ugh. We’re drowning in pustulent visual slime.
What a televisual feast all working people can relate to. A spoilt Prince, a privileged model & actress and a puppet with autism and mongolism.
And as I pointed out the other day for those carrying on about ruined lives with no future.
Mrs Train could have returned to working as a teacher in June 2022 with a financial penalty of the loss of only four weeks pay for the eight or nine months she was unable to work due to mandates.
Nathaniel Train could also have been reinstated or sought re-employment as he appears to have abandoned his employment, had he so wished, so claims they were pushed off the precipice of financial despair in December 2022 by government mandates ring a trifle hollow.
Also available as a boxed DVD set with the original episodes and then 3 extras for the Indian “prequels”. I have ripped my copies as backups.
Elf experts.
What is hollow in NSW is the mandates were made up to cover up for Daryl Maguire being incompetently and such a low level corrupt politician.
Berejiklian literally pulled them out of her rear end when convenient.
From the Daily Telegraph, Cassie please don’t laugh reading this pitiful attempt at leadership:
Premier Dominic Perrottet has delivered a stunning ultimatum to his cabinet — warning that the next person to leak internal discussions will not be a minister if the government is re-elected in March.
Mr Perrottet’s orders come as allegations of sexism threaten to blow apart his government, with two senior ministers blasting the party for failing to preselect women.
The Telegraph confirmed with multiple sources the Premier told his team to stop “talking about themselves” at a special cabinet meeting on Monday morning, with Deputy Premier Paul Toole backing the demand.
The Premier did not specifically reference allegations revealed in The Daily Telegraph that senior Liberal staffer Tanya Raffoul was deterred from putting up her hand for preselection by party members who told her to “settle down and have children”, however MPs were left with the impression they were to focus on core government business.
The same day Mr Perrottet announced he would be taking leave until Christmas Eve but returning on Wednesday to pass urgent energy legislation.
Hours after his stern warning, Treasurer Matt Kean resisted questions about the explosive allegations, saying “enough has been written about this topic” and his views on his party‘s gender problems have been “clear” and “consistent”.
But after attempting to resist relentless questions, he added that Ms Raffoul’s experience – which included being told she was “too assertive” — was “disgraceful” and should not be acceptable.
“Those comments, if they were said, are absolutely disgraceful,” he said.
“They should have no place in the Liberal Party or any other organisation for that matter.
“They should be repudiated in the strongest terms.”
Mr Kean made the comments standing alongside young and childless Ryde candidate Jordan Lane.
When asked if he was ever told to abandon his ambitions to settle down and have his children, Mr Lane said “Of course not.”
Ms Raffoul’s boss Transport Minister David Elliott – who had previously accused branch members of putting “testosterone before talent” in preselection contests – said any “unconscious bias” towards women needed to be weeded out of the party.
“The problem is that we’ve got to make sure it’s very, very clear to women that they have a serious role in the political process … We’ve got to make sure that we’re fair and we take away any unconscious bias that might be there.”
Sports Minister Alister Henskens acknowledged that the party needed more women but said the matter had to be sorted out internally.
“We need more women in parliament, there’s no doubt about that … But these are at the end of the day matters for the internal processes of our parties. And I think we need to leave it there. We need to constructively work out solutions to get more women in Parliament,” Mr Henskens said.
The cautious responses from Mr Perrottet’s ministers come on the heel of Mr Elliott breaking ranks to claim the Liberal Party had thrown women “under the bus” in five key seats for men who would not inspire him “to get out of bed in the morning”.
The latest among them was Hills Shire Councillor Reena Jethi who lost preselection to a man on Saturday.
Mr Elliott’s feminist fight followed Mr Kean criticising the party for selecting Matt Cross in Davidson over Roads Minister Natalie Ward.
“I am devastated about the results, I mean, I thought that a smart, talented senior female Minister would trump a former junior staffer every day of the week,” he said at the time.
“It’s clear that the branch membership is not reflecting the community. The community sent a very strong message not only to the Liberal Party but to all political parties that they want to see more diversity.”
A spokesman for Mr Perrottet declined to comment on cabinet confidential information.
A magnificently awful conglomeration of Fawlty Towers, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Coming to America and Mean Girls.
Harold Markle (h/t Jeremy Clarkson) has six months – max – to ditch Sparkles, remove his child to a Scottish palace and reinvigorate himself as both a mad rooter and a member of the Royal Family’s Nomads Chapter while declaring to the Fleet Street press ‘I did it for the money!’
Seems the Stupid Fucking Liberals are taking up the fight. Against themselves. FMD
David Elliot is the epitome of testosterone before talent.
He’s a low IQ bully and fuckwit.
On This Day:
But soccer.
What a joke.
What happened to merit?
A young girl started work in the chemist shop. She was very shy about having to sell condoms to people. The owner was going on holiday for a couple of days and asked if she would be willing to run the shop on her own. She had to confide in him her worries about selling the contraceptives.
“Look” he said. “My regular customers don’t ask for condoms, they’ll ask for a 110, which is a small, a 120, which is a medium, or a 130 which is a large. The word condom won’t even be used EVER!”
The first day was fine but on the second day a black guy came in to the shop, put out his hand and said “150”.
The girl panicked. She phoned the owner on his mobile and told him of her predicament.
“Go back in and check if he has a yellow bucket hanging between his legs” her boss told her.
She peeped through the door and saw the yellow bucket hanging between his legs. “Yes!” she said “He’s got a big one hanging there!”
The boss said “Go back in and give him $150… he’s the window cleaner!”
Sleep is the best meditation.
– Dalai Lama
Thanks for posting BB. They live on another planet. You wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire.
“Mr Elliott breaking ranks to claim the Liberal Party had thrown women “under the bus””
Ah yes, I remember how, in 2020 and 2021, fuckwit David Elliott and his Liberal comrades, including Gladslag and Health Hazzard, threw the people of NSW under the bus.
What a fucking hypocrite. Such specious words from a fuckwit who, last year, when men and women from Sydney’s middle and working class suburbs peacefully protested in Sydney’s CBD against lockdowns because they were rightly worried about putting food on the table (quelle horreur), and what did Elliott call them? “Boofheads”. This was the same fuckwit who a year earlier, when protesters jammed through Sydney’s CBD streets to protest the death of a sleazy thug in a US city twelve thousand miles away, didn’t lift a finger until the eleventh hour to stop the protest and by then it was too late. But none of that was surprising, protesting for a far-left cause = okay, protesting because your economic and social livelihoods are imperilled= not okay and you’ll be smeared as “boofheads”.
The useless far-left Liberals in this state will be GONE next March and I can’t wait. Good riddance to all of them.
That whole o’barrell Baird gladishocklian shit show proved its possible to be worse than carr and Egan which I never believed was possible
They Never Teach the Truth
From Armstrong Economics –
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I recently graduated ________________ with a degree in history. I just wanted to let you know that nowhere was there ever a discussion that FDR deliberately allowed Pearl Harbor to take place to force the Americans into a world war. I verified independently what you said about FDR. To my total shock, you are 100% correct. That leaves me wondering if what is being taught is indeed just propaganda..
Thank you for all you do. You are an amazing source.
ANSWER: Let me explain something. To write the Greatest Bull Market in History back in 1986, I published my sources with newspaper clippings and researched everything because history is indeed written by the victor. When I was in school, I had to read The Great Crash by John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-2006). Nowhere in there did he EVER criticize the government because he was a left-wing socialist in love with Marx as most academics seem to be.
I was in London and would often rummage around the antique bookstores near the British Museum. I found a copy of Herbert Hoover’s memoirs. It changed my life. It was there that I read about the sovereign debt defaults of 1931. Hoover made a serious mistake. Many blamed him for the Great Depression so he did not want to appear to be making money from it. So his deal was that nobody could make money from the book. They published, I believe, only 500 copies. It was extremely rare. I would discuss what he wrote at institutional seminars I used to do exclusively before 1985. That led to an onslaught of calls to the Hoover Foundation asking for the book. I spoke to them and they said – Oh you’re the guy. I said yes. I was trying to get them to republish the work. Today, you can buy republished editions.
I learned the hard way – never trust what they teach in school. All the research I have done has been on my own. That’s why when I wrote the Great Bull Market in History, I tried to create a “feel” for how I did my research reading all the daily newspapers trying to recreate the experience as if you were there back then. Understanding the truth is critical.
Roosevelt was inflicting embargos on the Japanese, freezing their money, and cutting them off from all energy. When they turned to buying fuel from other nations, Roosevelt threatened to blockade their ships. Is it any wonder why the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor to eliminate the US fleet after the treats of an embargo?
What we are doing to Russia is the exactly same way Roosevelt treated the Japanese. There will be only one resolution – World War III. I do not believe that those in Washington and Brussels are this stupid. This is DELIBERATE and they are trying to provoke Russia to attack as did the Japanese. They will then claim we wear the white hats and Russia is the aggressor with an unprovoked attack. It worked before.
Even the official senate investigation into Pearl Harbor became necessary because of “Rumors even circulated that President Franklin Roosevelt, determined to draw the nation into war, baited Japan with an unguarded harbor.”
Just like the weapons of mass destruction that never existed in Iraq, or Vietnam that never attacked us, or the sinking of the Lusitania because we were secretly sending arms to Britain after swearing we were neutral when it comes to war – the people are NEVER told the truth. For whatever reason, our leaders love war. The Germans even published a warning in the press – do not sail on the Lusitania. They accused Sadam Hussain of hiding weapons in civilian areas so they killed countless civilians. We did the same using passenger ships as cover shipping military weapons to Britain. Nothing ever changes. It was Johnson’s famous tape where he admitted lying to the American people that Vietnam attacked us. He said for all he knew, they were shooting at whales that night. MacNamara apologized before he died admitting they were wrong about Vietnam. It was not about communism – it was a civil war.
How many people grew up without a father because of politicians? The common people of America no more than Russia want war. It is always the leaders who create every war. Even Louis XIV said on his deathbed – “I have been too fond of war.”
I think you mean wielding-a-prop-for-an-afternoon-game-show model.
And as I pointed out the other day for those carrying on about ruined lives with no future.
Mrs Train could have returned to working as a teacher in June 2022 with a financial penalty of the loss of only four weeks pay for the eight or nine months she was unable to work due to mandates.
Nathaniel Train could also have been reinstated or sought re-employment as he appears to have abandoned his employment, had he so wished, so claims they were pushed off the precipice of financial despair in December 2022 by government mandates ring a trifle hollow.
The shorter Rosie, colourised..2022
Was when Bubba and Tyrone bidded in an auction run by the Latin Kings.
Juan was the surprise winner for $450 of Marlboros.
He pounded Martin Armstrong’s butthole like a sewing machine that night.
And 15 months after it, he went postal on police. Didn’t know NAPLAN had anything to with the police, but the mandates, etc certainly did.
I offered it as a suggestion, and one which is no more or less insightful than the suggestion that the NAPLAN conflict “contributed to his heart attack”.
As for “public information available”, like from the very start of this thing, you are absorbing exactly what they want you to absorb, like a sponge.
Gee hindsight is wonderful.
If only the Department of Education had told them that up front.
If only snapped threads could go back together so easily.
With the exception of the suggestion that the vax itself might have contributed to the heart attack, my initial hypothesis is slowly being confirmed, as more information is being leaked or coming to light. Your assessment is just regurgitated government white paint.
Rosie, I think you are making the mistake of assuming that everyone was as emotionally and financially stable as you prior to COVID and able to make the same rational and dispassionate decisions as you. Some people were already caught between good society and “nutters”. It is not hard to see that COVID mandates further alienated people from good society and left them with the nutters.
Someone here pointed out earlier the COVID responses did stretch the fabric of society and some strands broke. I don’t think anyone is saying it excuses what the Trains did, but it is not hard to think that if could have contributed to their state of mind.
The trains incident brought the Ruby Ridge incident* in the USA to mind. They are not the same but same but the Ruby Ridge incident displayed how law enforcement put out a narrative to cover up their over use of force/stuff ups. In case of Ruby Ridge, it went on long enough for the narrative to collapse.
*do not assume my views align with participants in the incident
Umber Turd and Johnny Derp settle their cases..
Who won.
The lawyers.
Amber Heard settles defamation case with Johnny Depp
Heard had previously been ordered to pay more than $10m in damages to Depp, while he was ordered to pay her $2m
Ending with the classical “I was a wronged woman”.
“It’s important for me to say that I never chose this,” the post read. “I defended my truth and in doing so my life as I knew it was destroyed. The vilification I have faced on social media is an amplified version of the ways in which women are re-victimized when they come forward.
“Now I finally have an opportunity to emancipate myself from something I attempted to leave over six years ago and on terms I can agree to. I have made no admission. This is not an act of concession. There are no restrictions or gags with respect to my voice moving forward.”
Correct, Black Ball.
More accurately, like the traitorous Turnbull who destroyed the Stupid Fucking Liberal government in Canberra via his chosen successor Morrison’s adoption of the Labor platform, NSW Treasurer Matt Kean is the leader of the Opposition inside the Perrottet state government and the chief leaker against his lame duck leader Dominic Perrottet.
Like Turnbull, Kean’s objective is to bring down Perrottet by destroying his government at the 2023 state election, thus ensuring the LNP under Kean’s future leadership is unelectable – being indistinguishable from Labor. Why vote for the fakes when you can get the same policies from Labor?
Like all lefties, Kean thinks NSW voters are too stupid to have figured out the game he is playing.
rosie is predictable like that
They were cowards, zero sympathy.
Hazelwood or Boland?
a self centred narcissist to the end
I think it was wise to leave the discussion of implements, vibrators, and post hole diggers, to stand or fall, on its own merits. ?
Snake repellent?
December 20, 2022 at 7:17 am
Darren Beattie on Trump’s speech: “This is the most learned statement on the Big Tech censorship issue by any elected official that I’ve ever seen”…
The Statement was shadowed by the Electronic Cards – But Trump made good money on those!
Sundance also summed up his speech
President Trump Announces Plan to Protect Free Speech and Digital Bill of Rights
December 15, 2022 – Sundance
This afternoon President Donald Trump released a video outlining a campaign platform position around free speech. {Direct Rumble Link}
Referencing the latest revelations about various political groups, campaigns and government agencies instructing social media platforms on the removal of content, President Trump notes his position would be to dismantle the government systems that facilitate the censorship. President Trump notes he would sign an executive order banning any federal agency from censoring or limiting the free speech of American citizens.
Additionally, President Trump noted he would ban federal money from being used to label domestic speech as misinformation or disinformation, along with firing any bureaucrat who has previously engaged in the domestic censorship, directly or indirectly, including within all agencies of the DHS, FBI or DOJ who have targeted the free speech rights of Americans. WATCH:
At least in NSW, we don’t have to put the Liberals last.
We don’t even have acknowledge them on the ballot.
In my defense Im not actually caring about Umber turd or Johnny derp.
It just probably my last chance to type Umber Turd before shes discovered dead, locked in an intimate embrace with her post hole digger.
And none was offered.
Can the Liberals get a single digit primary vote?!
Go Dom, go!
Let’s hope the Bells Palsy bloke can get on TV.
A lot.
Now BB I take you for a smart bloke. What did you think they would do. The giveaway is in the name “Stupid Fucking Liberals”.
“Seems the Stupid Fucking Liberals are taking up the fight. Against themselves. FMD.”
Read today’s drivel in the Oz from the former member for Wentworth. You know something, I’m glad Sharma lost. He represents everything that’s wrong with the Liberal Party.
Sharma and his wet comrades have learnt nothing since May, and he has the chutzpah to keep on spruiking for the Liberals to go further “left”. To that drivel I say a most definite NO, the Liberals need to go “west”, the future of the party is with the Dai Le’s of Australia, not the Dave Sharma’s of Australia.
woke is the only merit now
Is that a variation of fershnickered?
Lot of excuses though, Mater.
Rewritten by a redneck gentile, yes, yes it is!
Tom, after what you said about Kean, it is impossible to come to any other conclusion after reading this article
A snippet of the AFR article:
“Many of his spending plans have already been published, and demonstrate how the government is being made in Kean’s image.”
Jeez, he must have been a real man whore, not only bonking Gladys, but all the other Premiers as well. All the states were in lockstep on the mandates, the only difference were consequences for the refuses
I’m glad AAP has “deboonked” Victor Dominello’s Bells Palsy as NOT being from COVID vaccination.
Now where did they stand on the Laptop From Hell (TM)?
I’d go for Knuckles, to take out the cheating Houso Midget Ranga Flog and Captain Sooky. Other than that, Boland. I like Hazelwood but is likely to break down again. I see no future in Hazelwood.
Good point GreyRanga, I apologise for that basic error (chortle)
Now BB I take you for a smart bloke. What did you think they would do. The giveaway is in the name “Stupid Fucking Liberals”.
Late last month, Chicago Police Officer Melvina Bogard was acquitted of felony battery charges in the shooting of an unarmed man at a Chicago train station in 2020.
While a handful of local media outlets reported on the story at the time, the case received far less attention than most in which a cop shoots a civilian.
Perhaps this has something to do with Bogard’s race — she is black and the shooting victim, Ariel Roman, is white. Whenever a white cop shoots and injures a black victim in the US, the media explodes with outrage, as journalists seek to prop up the narrative of systemic white supremacy and brutality within the police force. But there is far less appetite for the reverse scenario, even when that white victim isn’t armed, doesn’t appear to be a danger to police and is shot at close range.
No I don’t think Palaszckuk inadvertently gave Daryl & Gladys a pass.
Gladys turned the thumbscrews in as she needed. The timing was exceptionally convenient.
She had considerable power too. We’re still the biggest state and the PM was from here too. Who says there were quid pro quos anyway.
The timing was very, very convenient.
We have been constantly gaslit for nigh on three years, the preponderance of “coincidences” is becoming utterly incredulous.
I’m thinking of registering to vote in NSW just to vote against the SFL.
this guy is a fuckwit shill for big pharma
Don’t mistake motive analysis for excuses.
If you don’t understand and learn from history, you are going see it repeat.
The predilection to just write the incident off as the action of some ‘nutters’ is disturbingly short sighted.
If digging into the event offends your sensibilities, cover your ears and eyes, whilst others try to unpack* it.
*I’m currently playing wank word bingo.
Never apologise, some see it as a sign of weakness and attack with frozen ducks.
Leon L.says:
December 20, 2022 at 7:57 am
Plenty of grievances to air this Christmas season.
Pretty much sums up where we are, except for the double blind peer reviewed paper, that debunks it all definitely.
Sam Bankman-Fried was arrested as he “orchestrated a years-long fraud”. He “built a house of cards on a foundation of deception” and created “a limitless line of credit funded by customer assets”.
He also used his fund as his “personal piggy bank,” and “He hid from investors and customers that he used the funds to buy luxury condos, support political campaigns, and make private investments.”
Change “SBF” to most members of Congress, Biden cabinet officials, Clinton, Pelosi, or Biden family members, and this behavior is perfectly acceptable, and hardly grounds for indictment or arrest.
Journalists cheered when Twitter banned the New York Post for discussing the Hunter Biden laptop. But when those journalists were themselves suspended from Twitter for doxing Elon Musk’s family, putting them at danger, the caterwauling was deafening, and the Constitution was suddenly important sacrosanct and under threat.
It is indeed an upside-down world with little making sense. In the season of hope and joy, things are more chaotic than ever.
While we may wish for an exciting new toy under the American Christmas tree in a few weeks, instead we receive doubletalk, lies, and a big lump of coal.
Let’s hope for a Christmas miracle.
Had the cop killer’s been on a large property the headlines in the paper could have read “The Trains Have Left The Station”.
The affair was exposed mid October 2020, mandates for teachers were introduced August 2021. Very suspicious.
A modern day Isadora Duncan.
I don’t know whether to laugh or feel sympathy. meh, Argentine, laugh.
On the Meth-Trains complaints of flyovers etc.
Having lived near a national park near a hippytown, weekly flyovers by the drug plane looking for crops in the bush was a given.
Id be guessing the blockies area is similar.
Brought over from early this morning on the Old Thread as Clarkson sums up H & M perfectly
JEREMY CLARKSON One day, Harold the glove puppet will tell the truth about A Woman Talking B*****ks
Jeremy Clarkson
WE all know in our heart of hearts that Harold Markle is a slightly dim but fun-loving chin who flew Apache helicopter gunships in Afghanistan and cavorted around Las Vegas hotel rooms with naked hookers.
But then along came Meghan, who obviously used some vivid bedroom promises to turn him into a warrior of woke.
And now it seems that she has her arm so far up his bottom, she can use her fingers to alter his facial expressions.
I actually feel rather sorry for him because today he’s just a glove puppet with no more control over what he says or does than Basil Brush.
That makes me even angrier. Can’t they see everything that’s happening is so very obviously pre-planned.
Leave the UK. Blame the royals. Do an interview with Oprah.
Get Basil Brush to write a book. Do a Netflix series — which should have been called A Woman, Talking Bollocks.
I can see it clearly. The studied pauses. The mock incredulity.
And the B-movie, soap-actress, quivery-voiced, more-in-sorrow-than-anger stories that are so obviously claptrap.
Do you really think she would have entertained a move to New Zealand? That’s 13 hours away from everything.
And I can tell you, with absolute certainty, what’s coming next.
Harold’s Spare book will be released.
Then she’ll do one called I Think I May Be God. And then she’ll have exhausted the whole royal thing — so will be off.
We will see Diana-style photographs of her, all on her own, outside the Taj Mahal.
And then she will be pictured gazing into the middle distance, on the back of a playboy’s superyacht and will marry a tech billionaire and they’ll have a child called something vomitty like Peace. Or Truth.
Or Love.
Harold, meanwhile, will be stuck in California with no friends, either there or here, no family to support him and an army of young girls who’ll believe Meghan’s story that the marriage break-up was all his fault because he’s, like, you know, sooooo a man.
And the Royal Family?
She’s going to damage them — be in no doubt about that.
Because one day soon, my generation will all be dead, and we will be replaced by a new bunch who are growing up believing that Charles and William and Co are bullies who are waited on hand and foot by slaves, eunuchs and spin doctors.
Unless, of course, when Meghan takes her hand out of the ginger glove puppet, he remembers who he is and gives us “the” truth.
Not hers.
Big Brother shilling for National Firearm Registry:
“I don’t know if, or how, it would have made a difference to this tragedy, but we need one”
It’s all about total control, so lazy now they can’t even lie about or fabricate a rationale. I guess their misstep of apparently leaving a number of dumped loaded firearms with a farmer for a couple of days has closed off some avenues.
If Victoria’s firearm registry is anything to go by, a National Registry will be 5 times worse. Let’s say over the last 20 years that I didn’t correct their omissions and errors, by now I would have zero firearms registered to my name.
Clean Energy Finance Corporation investment tops $3b in renewables
Mark Ludlow – Queensland bureau chief
The Clean Energy Finance Corporation chief executive Ian Learmonth said Australia needed to urgently roll out large-scale wind and solar projects to hit its target of 82 per cent renewables by the end of the decade.
As the CEFC announced it had committed $100 million to FRV Australia’s 300 megawatt Walla Walla solar farm near Albury in NSW, Mr Learmonth said more needed to be done to help Australia on its path to net zero by 2050.
The CEFC, set up by the Gillard Labor government in 2012, has now surpassed a total of $3 billion in financial commitments to renewable projects across the country, as part of $10 billion in total investments.
“If Australia is to meet its new emissions reduction goals and renewable energy targets we must urgently set up our development of large-scale wind and solar,” Mr Learmonth said.
“The CEFC has been a critical part of the sector for the past 10 years and will continue to support it in the next crucial decade.”
The $100 million to the Walla Walla solar farm is the third investment from CEFC in the past two months, including $175 million to the Golden Plains wind farm and $75 million in the ACEN clean energy portfolio.
With the Albanese government increasing Australia’s emissions reduction target to 43 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030, there is a growing sense of urgency about the need to push through 44 gigawatts of clean energy to replace the exit of older, ageing coal-fired power stations.
If achieved, this would take Australia to reach 82 per cent renewable energy by the end of the decade.
FRV Australia, owned by Abdul Latif Jameel Energy and Canadian pension fund OMERS, has developed 10 solar farms in Australia, including five in NSW, with a total power capacity of one gigawatt.
FRV Australia has already signed a 15-year power purchase agreement with Microsoft to provide renewable energy from Walla Walla solar farm to its data centres in Australia, helping the software giant reach its goal of 100 per cent renewable energy by 2025.
The CEFC has formerly worked with FRV Australia on its first large scale solar investment, the Moree solar farm, in 2013.
“The CEFC debt facility is key to deliver our largest solar farm in the country despite the procurement challenges which affected our industry during the past year,” FRV Australia chief executive Carlo Frigerio said.
CEFC head of solar and battery storage Niall Brady said capital from the government body helped proponents get projects across the line as they faced “new economic headwinds” including global supply chain issues pushing up manufacturing and construction costs,
It comes as the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI) has warned the transition to a low-emissions economy needs to be a “just” transition for communities who may be hit with dislocation and high unemployment from the demise of fossil fuel projects.
“In some regions, the communities and workforces in regions are at risk of being left behind,” ACSI chief executive Louise Davidson said.
“Companies in emissions-intensive industries and regions need to work with the local workforces and communities to take advantage of the opportunities the transition presents – benefits such as innovation, new markets, reskilling and regional competitive advantages.”
ACSI said while a growing number of companies had made commitments to net zero emissions by 2050, there was very limited public disclosures on just transitions.
Ms Davidson said governments played a key role to ensure workforce and regions were helped with the transition to net zero.
“The transformation to a low-carbon economy is inextricably linked with profound social and economic change but, so far, little has been done to holistically assess and manage these impacts,” she said.
The Queensland government announced a $150 million jobs transition fund to help coal workers find new jobs as part of its commitment to close down coal-fired power by 2035. The new jobs guarantee was negotiated with trade unions.
to paraphrase Marc Bloch
If you ignorant of the past then you cannot understand the present.
“so far up his bottom ..”
Jeremy Clarkson used to be annoying, but not anymore. Now I love him.
Both. Boland in the cricket team and I want my power station that does 3c/kwh returned.
And as I pointed out the other day for those carrying on about ruined lives with no future.
Government can do whatever the fuck they want to you with apportioning any blame upon themselves.
Shirley you’re not suggesting those curly blondes need protecting. Some people call that protecting, most call it what it is. They’re not nervous, they’re cold.
So Australia’s Electricity Supply is a Den of Gamblers supported by Elbow Labor & Greens & Teals & Matt Kean Liberal – we have not got a Chance!
ASX sought RBA help to revive electricity market
Colin Packham – Energy and resources reporter
The ASX sought help from the Reserve Bank of Australia to revive trading on its electricity market after liquidity dived as soaring gas and electricity prices triggered government intervention and some small retailers struggled to find a clearinghouse.
Energy retailers acquire hedges against wholesale electricity positions either through the ASX electricity futures and options or OTC (over the counter) derivatives such as contracts for difference. Market activity around this time of the year is typically beginning to ramp-up as retailers ready for next year, but activity in the market has recently been roiled by volatility.
Macquarie and Bell Potter have restricted clearing services due to concerns they were too heavily exposed due to the recent price swings, leaving a spate of retailers unable to execute on the ASX.
Those that could still trade on the bourse, however, have been reluctant to do so after the government promised to unveil its policy to lower utility bills for households and businesses. The government has since legislated a 12-month cap on gas prices at $12 per gigajoule and earmarked $1.5bn in federal assistance for bill relief.
With the market either unwilling or unable to trade, liquidity in the ASX’s suite of electricity products waned, weighing on the revenues of the ASX – which derives income from trading.
It also stoked concern about the risk management practices of retailers and threatened to distort the calculations of the 2023 Default Market Offer, an annual price that retailers can charge customers for electricity and gas.
In a bid to boost activity, the ASX asked the RBA for assistance, three sources briefed on the matter told The Australian Financial Review. It was not clear what help the ASX asked for, but industry sources have suggested activity would have been spurred by a commitment from the RBA to underwrite activity.
A spokesman for the ASX declined to confirm the approach to the RBA for help or specify the details of plea, adding only: “We engage regularly and openly with our regulators to share what we see in the market.”
Activity picks up
Even without RBA help, however, activity on the ASX’s electricity market has picked up as wholesale prices fall in response to the government’s intervention.
Labor’s gas cap has been fiercely opposed by the fossil fuel industry, who claim it will not aid supply – the root cause of the issue, but wholesale prices have fallen significantly.
“If you’re a retailer of electricity, you buy contracts to supply your customers in advance. For next financial year … since the government started talking about intervention in fuel markets in the October budget, the cost of one of those contracts has already fallen about 45 to 50 per cent in NSW and Queensland,” Australian Energy Regulator head Clare Savage said last week.
Lower wholesale prices are unlikely to flow through to lower retail prices next financial year, but the government says they will lower the size of the increase in 2023-24.
Alinta Energy chief executive Jeff Dimery in October warned that retail electricity prices could soar by at least 35 per cent in 2023, primarily driven by the soaring cost of wholesale energy.
In May, under its default market offer scheme, the Australian Energy Regulator approved price increases of up to 18.3 per cent in NSW and 12.6 per cent in Queensland from July 1.
A fall in prices will also aid retailers, who have to post margin with their clearinghouses. Industry executives said the surge in wholesale prices had meant hundreds of millions of dollars of capital were tied up in margin calls, straining the balance sheets of the industry and curtailing investment.
However, small retailers without generation assets continue to struggle. The Australian Financial Review has been told that several mid-sized retailers have been unable to engage new clearinghouses after the withdrawal of Bell Potter and the those willing to consider taking on new clients have asked for significant minimum spend commitments.
A retailer which is unable to secure clearing services either has to purchase over-the-counter derivatives such as contracts for difference or do without hedges, leaving it entirely exposed. With Australia’s wholesale electricity prices so volatile, small retailers can ill-afford to trade without hedges.
But OTC instruments are increasingly hard to source. Those able to source instruments have said some are demanding significant capital requirements, particularly those without significant credit underwriters.
I say a most definite NO, the Liberals need to go “west”,
An echo of WWI, where pilots who died on the Western Front were said to have “gone West”, that being the direction of Britain to where their souls had gone. (The bodies, if they could be found, and what’s left of them, were buried locally…)
Young ram says to old ram, lets run down there and have us some ewes. Old ram says, lets walk and have the whole lot.
Mater the only lesson to all this is don’t put yourself in eco chamber of acquaintances because this is how it ends.
I’m not your enemy.
I’d rather champion people still fighting a righteous cause (anti mandates).
Having lived near a national park near a hippytown, weekly flyovers by the drug plane looking for crops in the bush was a given.
Dad giving boat ride to cop to investigate dope crop in the middle of a massive blackberry bush:
Dad: Have you been practicing?
Cop: What?!
Dad: With that! (Points to side arm)
Cop: Why?!
Dad: Well if some crazed druggie comes out I don’t want you to miss!!
Ovine rights now!
Equine rights now!
Ovine rights abuses means we must invade.
Retired Australian General Mick Ryan has provided some insightful commentary on the Ukraine war this year, but with his latest four point plan for Ukraine to retake Crimea and inflict a “national humiliation” on Russia he has “jumped the shark”:
It’s passed time that realism was applied to this conflict rather than neo-Wilsonian liberalism. Establishing a balance of power that results in a self-imposed Russian restraint of its territorial ambitions is a realistic goal. A wounded and humiliated but still nuclear armed Russia, however, would be an existential danger to NATO member nations.
If the Libs have any hope in the coming election in NSW it is that the Federal Labor government screws something up and the anger at that precise moment is enough for people to do what they think is he opposite of supporting Labor: supporting the Libs.
The Liberals possess nothing themselves that argues for their deserving victory.
only $1997b left to go
Ruby Ridge incident displayed how law enforcement put out a narrative to cover up their over use of force/stuff ups. In case of Ruby Ridge, it went on long enough for the narrative to collapse.
The inquest will be interesting. My guess is that Police Command (the one that is all teary over the loss of the officers lives) will have been found to have encouraged a program of harassment, whilst simultaneously grossly underestimating the risk posed by the situation they helped construct.
Hear ye, hear ye, get your jab jab booster booster booster.
In spite of tremendous pressure, a number of persons refused, and continue to refuse, to be injected with the covid “vaccine.” Some refused for religious reasons. Others, such as myself and many health care professionals refused because we knew that the “vaccine” had not been properly tested and/or knew of the thalidomide and the cisapride (Propulsid) tragedies. A regular vaccine takes years to develop and, equally important, rigorous testing through Phase I, Phase II and Phase III trials. Likewise with the boosters. And others, again like myself, dissent because they bristle whenever someone threatens and forces them to do something.
TNow, a torrent of scientific studies has been published, and continue to be published, in scientific journals that confirm our intuition. The results are truly alarming for those who knuckled under. I will herewith cite some of these studies because various authorities continue to promote these toxic “vaccines”—including a highly unethical recommendation from the American CDC to vaccinate children aged six months through four years, the subgroup most immune to covid and
not funny. friend has property in northern NSW, says don’t go into the hills, the hippys have shotguns, and will probably use them to protect their crops
*do not assume my views align with participants in the incident
The participants:
US Marshals
Henry Hudson
William Barr
Lon Horiuchi
Louis Freeh
Larry Potts
Kenneth Fadley
and many more.
“No, that’s what they’re saying.”
There is some logic to this – while you may be “shedding” just as much virus whether symptomatic or asymptomatic, if you are coughing and sneezing, you are likely to have a larger “contagious” area around you, if for no other reason than the cough/sneeze expels with higher speed than normal breathing and also because you are more likely to expel water-based particulates (snot etc).
Of course, this ignores the consequences of actually being infected, which unless you are part of a “high risk” group (co-morbidities, age etc), is now much, much lower than the original variant. Indeed, it would seem that the latest variants are not much worse than a normal cold or flu for most people, and in fact less dangerous than “normal” ‘flu for those less than 20 or so. Given the vax risk profile for the young, it does not appear to me to be “plus” for that group to get vaxxed. This is especially so given that the vax is likely to only protect you from whatever specific variants it is designed for, while infection is much more likely to give you 12-18 months of protection from most variants, as it tends to create anti-bodies to several different proteins of the virus, not just the “spike” protein.
But even this lesson was being denied.
Why was Nathaniel up in Queensland, and not in Walgett still whinging about NAPLAN? Why was a distinguished teacher of 20 years suddenly so susceptible?
I think twostix’s comment at CLs blog puts it quite well.
I don’t think you’re my enemy, bespoke, I’m just sick of being accused of trying to justify the event, whilst merely wanting to understand that which doesn’t add up, and asking relevant questions.
Very good thread.
friend has property in northern NSW, says don’t go into the hills, the hippys have shotguns, and will probably use them to protect their crops
One chap many years ago did a bush “grow”.
So successful was the grow he went and hired a furniture truck to remove the crop.
All was going well until heavy haulage pulled him over.
As he lamented ‘ Why in the name of Christ did I load up the pumps, fertilizer and other crap as well”….
Was WAs biggest single drug bust for quite some time..
Yes, now when did NSW go apeshit with mandates, lockdowns and when was the corruption inquiry held?
Anecdotal evidence from previous neighbours and residents of towns where the Train couple had previously lived and worked suggests the mental fabric of these two was well and truly “stretched” into territory where they were potantially a danger to others well before the covid madness struck.
for some it seems, all you have to do is sort everybody into bins or silos
that way, no further thought or consideration is necessary
naughty, bad, evil, nut-jobs
right-wing, left-wing, anti-vax, bong-smoking anti-socials
sov-cit, chem-trail, sexist, gun-enthusiasts
teacher, carer, blue-haired, gender-twisting heros
the next step, like rosie does, is to put oneself into a silo too
… a silo for good, instead of evil
and just.like.that.
you too can be noble
One must move away from the belief that woke is a political ideology that can be defeated at the ballot box and accept that woke is a secular religion and that the ballot box is only a means to at best slow down its ascendence.
Woke is an amalgam of every major idea that has come before. It is first and foremost a moral code rooted in a perversion of eastern philosophy of absolute relativism. It claims that there is no objectivism and therefor no right or wrong subjective viewpoint. It is a methodology for purifying civilisation into a utopian future, by rooting out and destroying those that are the least or not woke.
Like all religions it is neither falsifiable or verifiable and basis its proclamations from a moral standpoint framed as the only good. The woke war on traditional western culture, religion, politics is not a culture war so much as it is a religious war. Woke can accept no competition and sets out to destroy its opponents by any means.
December 20, 2022 at 10:03 am
Hear ye, hear ye, get your jab jab booster booster booster.
Some closing thoughts
I could easily quintuple the number of studies, but editors are finicky about word limit and, besides, I would be guilty of Oscar Wilde’s dictum, “Like all people who try to exhaust a subject, he exhausted his listeners.”
Whereas benevolent and wise journalists and politicians and celebrities spared no venom at pointing the finger at heretics voicing dissent, there has been singular silence when it comes to studies and the number of people dropping dead from the “vaccine.” They are the people who were screaming, “Trust the science!” The media in particular engaged in its tactic of suppressing news and events that contradicted the politically correct ideology.
To get a glimpse of the mentality of these individuals note that in British Columbia and in California laws have recently passed that punish doctors who voice “disinformation.”
It’s simple creating a narrative that suits people’s own pre conceived views.
Gareth Train’s rant at Cairns News didn’t come from from out of the mandate blue.
Contact with numberwang?
Fare enough Mater I can see it looking like that. My concern is some nut using it as justification in the future.
So Australia’s Electricity Supply is a Den of Gamblers supported by Elbow Labor & Greens & Teals & Matt Kean Liberal – we have not got a Chance!
Were we worse off when county councils supplied/retailed the electricity?
One for Big Nambas:
Watching Football: Something Weird Is Going On (16 Dec)
Interesting hypothesis that the Covid vax is leading to more sporting injuries, as well as SADS.
I have no idea whether it’s true. Did the NFL shut down in 2020 because of the mandates? I can’t remember since I stopped watching when they got woke. If the players lost their edge because of a non-playing year that would be a possible cause of more injuries in the following year.
rosie you are walking talking outlet for gov propaganda.
can you please clarify how claiming that the world is run by a jesuit cabal leads one to suicide by cop?
Mmm…that in itself sounds like a non-objectivist, relativistic statement.
Christianity, being grounded in historical events, is eminently falsifiable.
And if the battle against woke is a religious war, you’re going to need spiritual as well as secular (reason, logic for e.g.) weapons to fight it.
Carry on…
This is weird.
The Queensland Police Union wants to buy the property where two police officers were killed in the state’s Western Downs last week.
Union president Ian Leavers said he did not want the land to “fall into the wrong hands”.
“The last thing we want to see is the anti-vaxxers, pro-gun, conspiracy theorists to get this land and use it for their own warped and dangerous views,” Mr Leavers said.
“They are absolutely un-Australian and I don’t want it to be used for them to promote themselves.”
“It is a sacred site for police and it’s a way we can ensure their memory also lives on forever.”
Mr Leavers said discussions had already begun with Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.
“I’ve spoken with Annastacia in relation to this and she thinks that it’s a great idea,” he said.
“This is something where Annastacia is working with the police union for us to be able to acquire this land for good purposes, which could very well be a retreat or a training centre, but it also will be in memory of Matthew and Rachel.”
A Queensland government spokesperson said the government was “committed to working with Mr Leavers, the Queensland Police Union and all parties to safeguard this land for the future and will respectfully consider the proposal”.
This tribal appeal to Woo bleeding over from the Abo sphere is ridiculous.
Jeffrey Dahmer loved watching horror movies, his favourite included the exorcist 3. He obviously identified with the evil characters and even said he got to play out the role.
We must then immediately censor and cancel all these horror movies lest some nutter play out any of the scenes?
“If you don’t understand and learn from history, you are going see it repeat.”
Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Those who don’t learn it correctly are just doomed.
‘Drink the Kool-Aid’: Remembering the tragic Jonestown massacre
The paradox is a feature that leaves woke unassailable, hinting at its more “enlightened” viewpoint that mere mortal can not comprehend.
The paradoxical nature is enshrined in its mantra, diversity, inclusion and equity.
That all really gelled when the global warming hysteria got going. With that there was now a supposed existential threat which required the woke jihadis to force everyone to convert.
And that’s what they are doing. Matt Kean is understandable once you accept that he like Turnbull believes in thermageddon. Unfortunately for the Liberals most of their voters think, accurately, that it is rubbish.
There’s so much similarity between Islam and the woke green religion it’s creepy. Democracy doesn’t work in Islamic countries. Nor will it in woke green ones for exactly the same reasons.
Not my intention.
its like clock-work every day
… I think rosie’s a bot
Terry Hall, the lead singer of the Specials and a former member of Fun Boy Three and the Colourfield, has died aged 63, his bandmates in the Specials have confirmed.
“It is with great sadness that we announce the passing, following a brief illness, of Terry, our beautiful friend, brother and one of the most brilliant singers, songwriters and lyricists this country has ever produced,” the band tweeted.
Sure. The anti vaxxers are the nutters.
It’s entirely, completely rational to buy out all the land where murders and or events you are ideologically against occur.
Nothing unhinged going on here.
Police unions always buy out land where they’ve shot people, nothing to see here, moving on!
Happens all of the time!
If there’s nothing to it, it’s like they’re spoiling for future fights with nutters.
If I was a QLD plod, I’d rather that money go to my superannuation or lawyer’s fees etc to negotiate a better salary.
Again the civilian victim is ignored in favour of police worship.
Looks like WWWIII is back on the table. Albo says KRuddy is the next US ambassador.
CLEMMIE MOODIE Why did the NHS waste three mins asking my 74-year-old dad if he was pregnant?
ACCORDING to the Cambridge English Dictionary, a miracle is “an unusual and mysterious event thought to have been caused by a god because it does not follow the usual laws of nature”.
The NHS needs a miracle to save it.
This week my 74-year-old father was asked if he was pregnant.
No one was more stunned than bald, beer-swilling, former rugby-playing David.
To her credit, the poor nurse looked similarly horrified as she posed the question ahead of a CT scan.
Endless red tape is pandering to those unwilling to accept that 74-year-old blokes will never experience their waters breaking
Which included verifying that my dad’s small-to-middling pot-belly was not, in fact, a blossoming human foetus.
That, despite a lack of child-bearing hips, my monk-haired, 5ft 7in, 13st father may be ready to bear a child.
In short, my dad’s would-be immaculate conception makes the Virgin Mary’s own sterling efforts seem run-of-the-mill.
If there’s nothing to it, it’s like they’re spoiling for future fights with nutters.
Nothing damps down conspiracy theories like the place events happen being brought out by the government (at arms length).
That will surely quash any conspiracy nuts in the bud!!!
Charlie Watts’ wife died yesterday age 82, which also happened to be Keith Richards’ 79th birthday.
Shirley Watts dead: Wife of Rolling Stones’ Charlie Watts dies at 82 after ‘short illness’ (19 Dec)
It’s sad to see good music die of old age. The current stuff is utter rubbish.
Reason is irrelevant as far as woke is concerned. What is relevant is power. As a secular religion it will either burn itself out, which it shows no signs of doing or destroy its host either directly or by weakening it so much that outside forces will destroy it. There is no “spiritual” alternative, christianity is being systematically dismantled from within.
People on the new age bandwagon are a natural woke constituency. As are the transhumanists and other big tech post-religion groups.
To a very large degree the lower classes don’t matter to the woke, they have no political or economic clout and are viewed as surplus. Politically their votes can be trivially bought.
Sure. The anti vaxxers are the nutters.
It’s entirely, completely rational to buy out all the land where murders and or events you are ideologically against occur.
Nothing unhinged going on here.
Yet another WTF moment in Australia.
Well well.
Probably. The essence of government ownership or private coops (like milk) transfers a small cost across all consumers and transfers the benefits to a smaller, select group – dairy farmers, unionised electrical workers etc. The same was true of the Australian car industry. Problems in the electricity market aren’t due to who owns generation plants, transmission lines or poles and wires.
Report from Switzerland.
New York Supreme Court reinstates all employees fired for being unvaccinated, orders backpay
The New York state Supreme Court reinstated all state employees fired for being unvaccinated during the pandemic Monday, saying the government violated their rights.
“Supreme Court ruling: Covid vaccines are not vaccines.
Hardly anyone noticed that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. won the case against all the pharmaceutical lobbyists. Covid vaccines are not vaccines.
In its ruling, the Supreme Court confirms that the damage caused by Covid’s mRNA gene therapies is irreparable.
Since the Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States, there are no further appeals and the appeal possibilities have been exhausted. Robert F. Kennedy emphasised in a first statement that this was a success that was only possible thanks to the international cooperation of a large number of lawyers and scientists.
Of course, this judgement opens something internationally, especially here in Switzerland this judgement should make waves, because Switzerland has a special position here with its federal constitution. For one thing, the Nuremberg Code is in the constitution with Article 118b, and the misuse of genetic engineering on humans is prohibited in Switzerland under Article 119 of the Federal Constitution. This is supplemented by Article 230bis of the Criminal Code, … The perpetrators thus face up to 10 years in prison.
However, this ruling should also make the rest of the world sit up and take notice, because the Nuremberg Code has international validity and is also included in Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
In the case of criminal charges, reference must be made in the declaration to the thalidomide scandal in order to lend special weight to the significance of this charge. So politics is in for a hot autumn.
One should also know that the German lawyer Dr. Reiner Füllmich and more than 100 other German lawyers were involved in these trials.
No media is talking about it, neither in Switzerland nor in Europe.
Unfortunately, this only comes with a time delay again.
Sundance sums it up!
J6 Committee Formally Accuses President Trump of Daring to Oppose Clinton and Biden, Thereby Inciting an Insurrection
Everything seems to be following a flow and pattern associated with intense Democrat effort to retain their ‘fundamental change‘ objective.
If the sequencing is maintained, Hunter Biden will likely be charged with some low-level tax crime, right before President Trump is charged with attempting to destroy the universe. At this point the clown show is ridiculous and absurd. Believe me, the entire electorate can see it…. Not just MAGA supporters.
The more they do this, the more I appreciate the Rosetta Stone that President Donald J Trump represents.
Washington DC Labels Donald Trump an “Enemy of the State” – Meanwhile Americans Shrug and Say “Yup, That’s Why We Voted for Him”…
Trump is the Rosetta Stone, the physical embodiment of a massive unrepresented middle-class assembly that despises Washington DC and the corrupt political establishment they represent.
Republicans and Democrats are two wings of the same vulture feeding on the carcass of the American worker, or what the FBI calls “domestic extremists,” people who just want to be left-the-f**k alone.
This site assembly is a rag tag bunch of political misfits existing in the corner of the internet space. A foxhole away from the chaotic stupidity of a corrupt political system we are told to regard as something special. Pro tip: it ain’t.
Hell, this current state of our national political assembly is so far away from a constitutional republic the light from where a constitutional republic emanates couldn’t reach this place for a year, or maybe even a generation.
The entire system is broken yet trillions are spent pretending and trying to convince it still works.
The same DC system that hates us, which includes pontificating Republicans who despise us, and Democrats who are evil in their instability, think that labeling Donald J Trump as a rebellious insurrectionist will matter.
I wouldn’t say it occurs regularly but it’s hardly unprecedented. Try buying the Moors Murderers place. Think there’s been a few in Perth over the years. Ideology has nothing to do with it, a notorious murder house is practically unsalable.
Correct me if I am wrong kind reader, but wasn’t Phelps all hot and horny for mandated jabs and mask wearing, and isolation and whatever other society destroying measures were in play during the shamdemic?
He’s back baby!
Former prime minister Kevin Rudd will serve as Australia’s next ambassador in Washington, a move designed to increase the country’s clout in the US capital.
Years of faithful service rewarded. Big Business loves Big Government. And vice versa.
Increase the country’s clout in the US capital
Mmmyes, with lots of butcher paper sessions
Greater Sydney started 3 April 2021. The Xtra special Fairfield lockdowns started July. August 21 mandates for teachers. She appeared in front of ICAC in October.
Jagger looks terrible on stage now as does Richards. It’s like the Mexican day of the dead reanimated ghouls.
Unless, of course, when Meghan takes her hand out of the ginger glove puppet, he remembers who he is and gives us “the” truth.
That’ll be the day. I don’t get it. I’ve never been with a woman and reacted like this offspring of Diana and Hewitt. Is the sex so good that whatever brains you have dribble out your arse? Does your dick grow internally and penetrate your frontal lobe? What happens to make a reasonable guy become a total cuck.
similar numbers exist throughout the west, christianity is loosing it’s grip by very roughly 1%/year in the west. Christianity will be close to extinct by the end of the century.
Rudd appointed US ambassador. What a fucking joke.
That’s going to stir up the luvvies. From BB’s link:
Former federal MP Dr Kerryn Phelps has revealed she and her wife both suffered serious and ongoing injures from Covid vaccines, while suggesting the true rate of adverse events is far higher than acknowledged due to underreporting and “threats” from medical regulators.
In an explosive submission to Parliament’s Long Covid inquiry, the former Australian Medical Association (AMA) president has broken her silence about the “devastating” experience — emerging as the most prominent public health figure in the country to speak up about the taboo subject.
Phelps is so high up on the woke rankings that she’d be a saint if the woke had saints. And now she’s saying what we’ve been saying… Wow!
The irrational part is the part where in these stooge’s brains they apparently believe there is some mysterious group of Nazi anti vaxx gun nuts just waiting to buy the property and hold torch light rallies choreographed by Leni Riefenstahl
Yet Another Lesbian, why is this not surprising….
A certain former boat owner from Queensssland offered up quite a few “They did the wrong thing, but …” comments.
Rudd appointed US ambassador. What a fucking joke.
There it is: terminal stupidity!
Former federal MP Dr Kerryn Phelps has revealed she and her wife both suffered serious and ongoing injures from Covid vaccines, while suggesting the true rate of adverse events is far higher than acknowledged due to underreporting and “threats” from medical regulators.
In an explosive submission to Parliament’s Long Covid inquiry, the former Australian Medical Association (AMA) president has broken her silence about the “devastating” experience — emerging as the most prominent public health figure in the country to speak up about the taboo subject.
Thank you SO much, Black Ball – for that link!!!! This is a real breakthrough for the tireless dissenters who have assembled the evidence that the incidence of adverse effects is way beyond what has always been the accepted numbers to trigger withdrawal of the vaccine product.
And where have you seen this reported in major media outlets??? NOWHERE that I am aware of.
I don’t know about that Zipster. According to Pew Research, in 2010 there were 2.2 billion more Christians on the planet than in 1910.
And, at any rate, to those foes of mine who gleefully delight in “Christianity’s decline” in Australia, I simply let them know…
“We started with 12.”
Heather Sellout.
I was coming here to ask that very question.