Rocks and Ferns in a Wood at Crossmount, John Ruskin, 1847
Rocks and Ferns in a Wood at Crossmount, John Ruskin, 1847
That tells you everything you need to know about politics. Laybore are experts at this it would seem. What a…
There is no such thing as an upper class comie, they are headonists, and as been pointed out here they…
The MSM love their Disaster Porn. So then they can extoll the “horrors” of climate change.
Looked at ISW yesterday, not much is happening. Yes the Russians are trying to pinch off the salient but it…
Oh come on. IDF has be occupying large parts of southern Syria since Dec. Have you been hearing about that?…
Start here
Just watched that ACA clip. Wow, how is it we have KC’s lining up for pro bono work for illegal immigrants and sorts but no one is lifting a finger for these people?
Happy to be corrected if I am being unfair. Disclaimer I am searching for answers about a proposed solar farm near where I live & state government has so far provided didly squat.
The state governments are not bound like the Commonwealth.
Sad, but true.
Any West Australian Cats remember this pice of shit?
Australians suffering “vaccine” side effects feel silenced by anti-vaxxers and stigma.
Crikey contorts, hard.
What was the recommendation from the 14 victims?
So, having discovered that the vaccines can damage the recipients, they don’t want to admit it because it might support the argument that the vaccines can damage the recipients.
These people are desperately damaged by government propaganda and can’t see it.
Side effects of side effects. That must be painful. Who writes this crap? You don’t know what it was like being a Valiant driver having to put up with the jibes from Holden and Ford drivers and I could go on forever about being a Ranga.
I’m actually a lot more angry about it than I let on. The evidence that we did not protect our most precious- women and children- from the predations of an authoritarian government and its allies in business and globalization, who were wielding such an obviously shoddy product and threatening such an obviously ridiculous holocaust- it makes my fucking blood boil.
All for what? Electronic money. Social security.
The wages of weakness.
Multiplex always enjoyed “cordial” relations with the unions. BCG less so. A guy from school who was a bit of a star at Multiplex got hauled up in front of the Union Royal Commission (now just a memory).
Not fit to serve:
Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe has posted a photo of herself on a Harley Davidson motorbike, flanked by two of her “old mates”, to social media only two months after she was embroiled in a scandal involving a bikie boss.
In October, Senator Thorpe admitted to secretly dating former Victorian Rebels president Dean Martin while serving on the joint law enforcement committee last year.
The photo, which was posted to Instagram and Facebook, was accompanied by the caption: “Ran into some old mates.”
Twenty minutes after posting the photo, Senator Thorpe commented: “Hi folks, comments on this thread are now closed. You can still reach my office through the usual channels.”
It is not known whether the two men in the photo are members of a motorcycle club.
Senator Thorpe referred herself to the Senate’s powerful privileges committee, which investigates allegations of improper conduct in the upper house, after her former relationship with Mr Martin hit the headlines.
However, the committee has not concluded its investigation into Senator Thorpe, but is expected to hand down its ruling next year once parliament resumes.
In October, Greens Leader Adam Bandt said Senator Thorpe should have informed him about her relationship with Mr Martin, however brief, while she was serving on the committee.
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Oh dear. David Rowe now has Elon Musk derangement.
Speaking of derangements, Peter Brookes.
Patrick Blower.
Dave Brown.
And the Daily Mail has the pic….
Christian Adams.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Chip Bok.
Gary Varvel.
Al Goodwyn.
Bob Gorrell.
Henry Payne.
Lisa Benson.
A Sunday School teacher of pre-schoolers was concerned that his students might be a little confused about Jesus Christ because of the Christmas season emphasis on His birth. He wanted to make sure they understood that the birth of Jesus occurred a long time ago, that He grew up, etc. So he asked his class “Where is Jesus today?” Steven raised his hand and said “He’s in heaven”. Mary was called on and answered “He’s in my heart”. Little Johnny, waving his hand furiously, blurted out “I know! I know! He’s in our bathroom!” The whole class got very quiet, looked at the teacher, and waited for a response. The teacher was completely at a loss for a few very long seconds. He finally gathered his wits and asked Little Johnny how he knew this. And Little Johnny said “Well… every morning, my dad gets up, bangs on the bathroom door, and yells ‘Jesus Christ, are you still in there?’”
In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.
– Aristotle
Why would I be restless Black Ball?
I’m just pointing out that Phelps behaved like the politician she is. She was running for Sydney mayoral until a ‘family member’s health’ forced her to withdraw.
It wasn’t expedient for her to go public then, now it is.
Her partner has chronic health issues, no doubt exacerbated by her adverse reaction and Phelp’s obviously weren’t bad enough for her not to run for office.
I don’t even know if they would have done anything different had they known in advance they would have those reactions.
As for me I’m sanguine, I don’t believe in lurking mRna Monsters or spike proteins (apparently covid has those too) biding their time.
I said I was getting a booster for covid and flu before I went overseas, and I’ve booked them already, no worries.
Incidentally my comment about taxpayers’ money was about more inquiries, more research, we already fund a vaccine injury compensation scheme.
In one of the first large, real-world studies comparing the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines versus natural immunity in protecting against death, hospitalizations and emergency department (ED) visits for any cause, including COVID, research-scientists from Regenstrief Institute, Indiana University School of Medicine and Vanderbilt University Medical Center report that people of all age groups benefited significantly more from vaccination than natural immunity acquired from a previous COVID infection. The lower death rate of vaccinated individuals was especially impressive for adults ages 60 years or older.
Calls for greater government support for patients living with invisible illnesses like long COVID
for dot
Catherine just gets on with the royal duties
regional Queensland
without a blush of self-awareness an ABC spokesperson quoted in the AFR story about ACMA finding the ABC misled the public in its Four Corners faux Fox News hit job:
That the ABC has not adhered to its legislated charter for almost half a century seems not to have occurred to the ABC wokeperson.
Monica Doumit to represent Catholic Church on NSW Religions Council
Monica Doumit, Archdiocesan Director of Public Affairs and Engagement, has been appointed as a member of the Perrottet government’s NSW Religious Communities Advisory Council.
Ms Doumit is a respected contributor to interfaith and ecumenical forums, as well as a columnist for The Catholic Weekly, and will serve a two-year term alongside members from the major Christian denominations and other religions:
Imam Shadi Alsuleiman of the Australian National Imams Council
Dr Basim Al-Ansari of the Office of the Ayatollah Al-Ansari
Mr Darren Bark of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies
Mr Murray Norman of the Inter-Church Commission on Religious Education in Schools
Reverend Father Fadi Nemme of St Michael Antiochian Orthodox Church
Rt Reverend Dr Michael Stead of the Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney
Pdt Ramachandra Athreiya of the Australian Council of Hindu Clergy
Mr Surinder Jain of the Hindu Council of Australia
Reverend Heather Joyce Topp and Very Reverend Gawaine Powell Davies of the Buddhist Council of NSW
Mr Elias Attia of the Islamic Council of NSW
Reverend David Riethmuller of the Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of NSW and ACT
Very Reverend Father Tadros El-Bakhoumi of the Coptic Orthodox Church, Diocese of NSW
Mr Parviz Deamer of the Australian Baha’i Community
The Council will be led by Multicultural NSW Advisory Board Chair Nick Kaldas.
From Rosie’s link:
Indiana University School of Medicine and Vanderbilt University Medical Center report that people of all age groups benefited significantly more from vaccination than natural immunity acquired from a previous COVID infection.
But then this little gem is tucked away in the third paragraph:
So in essence, those relying on vaccination are twice as likely to catch COVID.
How can they say that “natural immunity did not confer the same benefit when their own study shows it more than halves the chance of catching it?
As I said yesterday, they can’t even lie competently.
Rosie, you may want to consider that little gem before taken the European booster shot.
… they’ll still grow up to know everything
Well I suppose if you are 88 you might as well live dangerously.
Hospital evacuated after man, 88, arrives with WW1 bomb lodged in his rectum
People are very strange sometimes.
Rosie @4:39 am, they would conclude that, wouldn’t they?
I think you will find they evacuated the hospital because he was a Nazi.
Still, I bet the journalist was probably busy laughing at the fact the hospital staff ‘evacuated’ as a transitive verb because the fascist could not ‘evacuate’ as an intransitive verb.
Difficult to see how the USA can be pulled out of the nosedive it is now in.
Too many bad actors in too many places.
Lucky for them that is cultural richness and is secularly sacred and to be celebrated.
It is not oppressive as it would be if we did it.
Yea Bear, thanks for basically repeating what I said. If only there was more repetition.
This is how NPR basically introduces a story.
NPR is a American rough equivalent of their ABC.
Too cheap to meter news.
Giant Bitcoin Miner Core Scientific Files For Bankruptcy (22 Dec)
As well as FTX collapsing, crypto lender Celcius has gone bankrupt – they seem to be the group who didn’t “honor their payment obligations”. So we’re seeing a domino effect knocking over more and more of these companies due to the crypto scams collapsing and the electricity prices making running servers prohibitively expensive.
At least it wasn’t a love hammer.
ze Chermans
Did you think I didn’t read the article I linked?
A statement in the third paragraph is hardly ‘tucked away’.
I don’t care if I get asymptomatic or mild covid, I care if I get very unwell though.
I got a Moderna booster before I went to Europe last December and didn’t get covid (that I know of) even though at one point while I was in France they had 15 million active cases.
Should be pretty obvious by now I’m not afraid of the vaxx boogie man.
There is a lot of truth to that, no doubt. However, some unions still do some very good work when they remember who they are supposed to be.
Such remembering being an increasingly rare event.
Bon did you ever see the comedy series ‘Scrubs’ on fta. My kids got me on to it. Their favorite episode is where the black surgical intern forgot to get his girlfriend a present. He gives her a pen, called the arse pen from their collection of things removed from sickos shoving things up their bums. This was watched with whoops of laughter and disbelief. I suppose this is the beginning that leads to the use of the posthole auger. The series was the primer fo the serious drama ‘House’ starring Hugh Laurie, modelled off the cynical physician in Scrubs.
And we are afloat only as long as China keeps buying our stuff.
So why this statement?
You’ve stated, many times, your support for the childhood vaccination program (other ailments). If the Covid vaccines are as ‘safe and effective’ as you so often espouse, why the concern?
Careful, lady, where you put that cactus.
Alicia Silverstone Poses Nude for PETA Again: ‘Wear Vegan, Buy Cactus’ (21 Dec)
Fortunately there’s help at hand if she needs it.
How to remove cactus needles (including ones stuck in your throat) (21 Dec)
I hope they were vegan wire cutters.
The balance of power has definitely swung towards corporations since the 1980s,
Which is why governments with centralising tendencies are more often getting into bed with corporations. Fascism benefits both government (more power) and corporations (more profit, some then “donated” to political causes).
Chicanery is afoot.
I had a post quinella at the top of the page, now relegated to the arse end of the old one.
Obviously, Big Tech is aware of my individual brilliance and ability to undermine The System, and is using underhanded methods to censor me. To stop my Message reaching The PeoPle.
To prevent the inevitable revolution. The standing. The fighting.
I shall stand in the backyard, and await the black helicopters in the manner of the bloke standing on a beach watching the giant tsunami come in at the end of Deep Impact, preferably hanging onto Tea Leoni as well.
“He said the ABC was “deeply concerned at the ACMA’s subjective characterisation of the program, and whether this aligns with its statutory role to review compliance with the ABC code of practice”.”
My God, you have to to admire their chutzpah. They don’t care if they get caught out for their lies and misinformation.
I remain “deeply concerned”, actually “deeply angry” and “deeply furious” at the fact that my taxes fund an organisation that engages in systemic, ongoing and highly subjective characterisations of people that the organisation called the ABC and its far-left scum journalists such as Louse Nilligan take a dislike to and decide to target for character assassination, all because they don’t like their political and religious ideology, and this means that as far as their ABC is concerned, any male on the right is “fair game” for subjective smears, innuendo and lies. Yet males on the left, even one with a credible rape allegation against him, are always ignored…nothing to see here!
Let’s ask Cardinal George Pell, Christian Porter, Andrew Laming and Alan Tudge about “subjective characterisation”.
More to my comment above, once the economy goes belly up so will everything else which leads to civil breakdown. All of the western countries are now on a Weimer Republic trajectory with Schwab or Von Der Leyden thinking they will be the ones taking charge when that happens. They keep forgetting the man to their east who has nuclear weapons and energy sources.
The politicians who presume to rule us and their puppet masters are all stupid fools.
Funny thing is that it was not that long ago that the left insisted that Twitter was the voice of the people, and it was cited to justify any number of their campaigns, the MSM used it to divine what the public will was in their columns, and politicians would drop to their knees and pucker up to kiss its arse.
Now that we have found out that it was egregiously and systematically tilted to one political side, that the Democrats conspired to make sure one side of politics could not be heard, and the bots have been banished to oblivion, now that the partisan moderation is off and it really is an open forum suddenly the voice of the people, then the voice of the people is suspect.
In the case of Musk stepping down from directly running Twitter (which was always the plan now that he has seen what needs changing he can hand the task of making the changes to someone else) the left have their malign glee in thinking they have got him.
I can’t help but think this was a way to make them feel they have skin in the game. He never meant to censor them or kick them off – that was what they ostentatiously were doing themselves. Now he has given them a reason to stay.
Who knows, maybe a few will learn something about life on the outside of the leftist bubble.
Dare to hope?
Excellent, fit-for-purpose stuff. John C. McGinley (Red ‘I got a baaad feeling about this one, man’ from Platoon) is in my view top shelf as Perry.
The lead’s a sniveller, the bleck surgeon’s okay and there’s at least one hot stupid chick. Not a lot to hate.
here’s a link to the Indiana study
Headline in the Oz…
“‘Liberal brand not fit for purpose’”
This is news? We know this, which is why they lost bigtime federally in May and why they lost bigtime in Victoria last month and why they’ll lose bigtime next March here in NSW.
Any brand that has spent years, but particularly since September 2015, ignoring and trashing its core tenets and dumping on and smearing and scorning its voter base, is not fit for purpose.
Has Dr Phelps been arrested by AFP yet for Wrongthink?
Maybe the Loon from QLD police union will do it himself?
Police PTSD recovery retreat where two cops were murdered in the driveway. You know it makes sense!
$330,000,000 to prepare for an influenza pandemic!
Including the use of surveillance tools.
Why has Elon shown us more corruption in 3 weeks then John Durham has in more then 3 years?
Little Blokes Thai National Service quandary over before it began! He’s colour blind, apparently that’s means he’s a non starter!
did covid vaccines prevent covid deaths in the US?
The best bogged header story this year.
Top of the line John Deere bogged in the Wimmera – 28 tonne.
They had to cut holes in the grain tank to access the chassis and used a big chopper to lift the machine out.
Imagining a bare chested farmer in a big hat saying “I love the smell of wheat in the morning”.
The Liberal Party, in its 2022 election review, has discovered it needs a grass roots membership, if only to hand out htv flyers at polling places.
Too little, too late.
Ancient South Australia cave art destroyed by vandals
Franco Harris dies ‘suddenly’ at 72…
28 big ones?
What did they use? A Chinook?
They had to cut holes in the grain tank to access the chassis and used a big chopper to lift the machine out.
JD need to think more about the air-lift ability of their equipment! (Strange that it’s not fitted with appropriate lifting points given that they would all arrive as deck cargo?)
Cleveland study conducted to demonstrate the clinical effectiveness of the bivalent vaccines accidentally finds that the risk of Covid-19 infection increases with each prior vaccination.
From Eugyppius, a preprint not yet peer reviewed retrospective study on vaccine effectiveness in healthcare workers.
Bet this paper won’t get peer reviewed.
Been some discussion of this tooic here this morning already I see.
Data is in the eye of the beholder.
When there is nothing to hide, you don’t have to hide it.
Former head of Australian Medical Association suffered devastating vaccine effects: says Doctors are being silenced
From the Jo Nova Blog –
A turning point maybe?
One of the top doctors in Australia Dr Kerryn Phelps — a familiar face on the news here, has come out saying that she has suffered “devastating” side effects from the Covid vaccines herself. She also says that her doctors are seeing ” ‘a lot’ of patients in a similar situation, but they are afraid to talk about it for fear of being de-registered and losing their career.
What did they use? A Chinook?
Good question, sky crane will only do 25,000lbs.
Stunning news from our polling data: vax kills >5X more than COVID
Janet A in the Oz….superb…
Bruce Lehrmann inquiry: Bring it on in full, and free from politics
During the ACT Supreme Court trial of Bruce Lehrmann in October, another alleged rape case was being heard in courtroom four right next door. This other case did not transfix a nation. It involved a young woman who worked in a brothel who was allegedly nearly choked to death during an alleged rape. A jury found Joseph Ayoub guilty of engaging in sexual intercourse without consent, second-degree sexual assault, and assault.
The board of inquiry, announced by the ACT government on Wednesday, must investigate a range of important matters, including why the ACT Victims of Crime Commissioner Heidi Yates attached herself to Brittany Higgins during the investigation of Lehrmann, and in full view of cameras throughout his very public trial. Why didn’t Yates accompany to court a woman who was the victim of a violent rape? What personal support, if any, did Yates offer that woman?
The Australian understands from people experienced in ACT sexual assault cases that they have never seen or heard Yates become involved in other cases in the way she did with Higgins. Many police and lawyers are privately asking whether there are possible political or career reasons that explain why Yates chose to be by the side of Higgins and not the low-profile complainant at the centre of an alleged violent rape trial next door?
When the ACT government announced the board of inquiry into the Higgins/Lehrmann debacle, many people closely involved in it told The Australian the same thing: bring it on, in full, and free from any political interference that has contaminated the matter on so many fronts.
First and foremost, this inquiry must get to bottom of the truly disturbing claims raised by senior AFP officers in charge of the investigation that there was “too much political interference” in DPP Shane Drumgold’s decision to prosecute Lehrmann.
The contamination of legal processes with politics is routine in authoritarian regimes and other tin pot faux democracies. Australia must guard against even one case of this form of corruption. Hence, AFP officers must be invited to explain, with no danger to their careers, what concerned them, and why they made comments and diary notes about “too much political interference”.
The ACT government is keen to look like they are doing something. Yet they have not told us who will undertake this inquiry, nor released formal terms of reference.
The real question is whether the ACT Labor government, so closely aligned with the federal Labor government, can get this right. Can ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr and ACT Police Minister Shane Rattenbury assure Australians that the administration of justice in the ACT is not infected with politics? That means the inquiry must investigate what role, if any, did members of the ACT government or of the Albanese government (when in opposition) – including Anthony Albanese, Katy Gallagher and Mark Dreyfus – play in whipping up pressure on the DPP to prosecute Lehrmann?
What about former prime minister Scott Morrison and his comments in parliament praising Higgins with no mention of the presumption of innocence?
This inquiry must explore why the DPP chose to prosecute Lehrmann given police concerns that (a) there was not enough evidence to support the charge of sexual assault and (b) a trial would be detrimental to Higgins’ mental health.
The inquiry must investigate whether the DPP, in his decision to prosecute Lehrmann, addressed not just the evidentiary issue but the issue of Higgins’ mental health. After all, when deciding against a second trial, Drumgold mentioned Higgins’ mental health.
“The safety of a complainant in a sexual assault matter must be paramount,” he said.
This inquiry must probe whether the DPP’s public comments when he chose not to proceed with a second trial breached his professional obligations as an officer of the court.
The statement from Lehrmann’s lawyer Steve Whybrow SC on Wednesday subtly alluded to the flip side of police concerns that there was political interference in the DPP’s decision to prosecute Lehrmann. Was there political pressure not to prosecute others?
This board of inquiry must investigate why Lisa Wilkinson – and other media personalities including Jonesy and Amanda on WSFM – were not prosecuted for contempt given the chief justice’s explosive comments about these journalists obliterating the distinction between an allegation and a finding of guilt.
Could it be that #MeToo crusaders have effectively been exempted from the ACT contempt laws? On that note, this inquiry must also investigate whether there is pressure, political or otherwise, not to prosecute Higgins for possible breaches of contempt laws for her speech outside the courtroom when the trial was aborted, or for possible breaches of the listening devices laws given Higgins admitted to recording conversations without consent, and whether she breached any laws by deleting evidence, which she also admitted to.
The proper administration of criminal justice entails due process, a fair trial, the presumption of innocence and the rule of law, meaning the equal and predictable application of laws to all people, regardless of whether they are a plumber or a politician, a clergyman or a celebrity.
The Lehrmann debacle places this country at a set of legal, political, and social crossroads. If there was political interference in the decision to prosecute Lehrmann and in decisions not to prosecute others, that must be exposed.
That requires a board of inquiry constituted by serious and independent lawyers who are astute and brave enough to investigate not only the DPP’s allegations against the AFP, but also the motives of a political party to bring down a government at the cost of fair trial, the influence and actions of #MeToo media celebrities who trash the presumption of innocence, the unusual behaviour of the Victims of Crime Commissioner in the ACT during this saga, and troubling questions raised about the conduct of the DPP. Did Drumgold do everything reasonably in his power to ensure that Lehrmann received a fair trial?
If this board of inquiry has narrow terms of reference, is not properly resourced, is not carried out by independent and courageous lawyers, it will only prove that politics has seeped into this legal process too.
Only a robust investigation by this board of inquiry can possibly stem the disturbing tide of trial by media and the contamination of the legal system with politics.
A miasma of political malfeasance.
They don’t like the candidates the grass roots membership elect in the branches.
Not enough qwerties and wymminses, and too many hairy neanderthals apparently.
So they better get used to having no booth workers since every time they parachute in a captain’s pick another hundred members walk away.
Reposted for excellence:
It’s the best header bogged story
It’s needs fact checking. I looked up lift capacity of choppers and I’m starting doubt it myself.
Heard it from a mate who’s BiL works for machinery dealership.
“Trusted source”
More and more are starting to speak up.
Former Senior Researcher: ‘It was a mistake to take the COVID vaccine’ (Israel Nat News, 20 Dec)
Bloody who’s / whose
Something is wrong about this story:
1) A chook cant lift 28 tons – even an Mi 26 would be right on the limit – I saw one in East Timor – it was broken for my whole deployment.
2) There would be the ‘suction’ weight to add as well – ie the grip of the ground on the bogged vehicle.
Wheres the vid? it must have been filmed.
Sitting in a truck queue with trucks from a contractor named Ag Fab.
Didn’t dawn on me before till just now.
Edina & Patsy driving maybe.
The Fibbies are dismayed.
I call bullshit, too. An S-64 has a 9 tonne payload.
Peru Uprising
From Armstrong Economics –
“The rise in inflation is causing riots around the world and people are also fed up with corrupt governments everywhere. As our model has been forecasting, the rise in civil unrest is the precursor to the collapse of governments. This is people chasing the military who was protesting the Peru Government. As in the Russian coup when Yeltsin stood on the tank and told the troops not to shoot their own people, once the troops backed down, the coup collapsed. It all depends on the military and whose side do they defend – the people or the corrupt politicians as they have done in Venezuela. Civil Unrest is what unfolds at times as Revolution.”
Video below at –
So am I.
Different system, I guess.
Bon did you ever see the comedy series ‘Scrubs’
…Excellent, fit-for-purpose stuff.
Yes indeed, it was inspired by a book called “The House of God” by Samuel Shem ( a pseudonym) that described the junior doctor’s lot like it really was in the late 20th century. Pretty much every character in it had a counterpart in my hospital experience and that of everyone I knew.
Alas today I’m sure it would be condemned by the woke, denounced and probably ceremonially burned. I’m not sure it’s even in print any more but I treasure my dog-eared copy.
As for “House” – that was a caricature and a disgrace. That arrogant, patronising, unempathic, rude and thoroughly unlikeable prick deserves very short shrift indeed despite his miraculous skill at long distance diagnosis and treatment. Laurie was better off when he did Bertie Wooster or had a role in Blackadder. Mind you, there is a place for people like House in medicine, they are well suited to medical administration, cutting up dead people, looking down microscopes and sitting in a dark room all day looking at X-rays.
Who says we don’t have a place for everyone?
The trouble with that is it is the far-left who are revolting. They started doing so because their guy, who was President, attempted to stage a coup himself and rule as dictator. That’s when he was arrested. Unfortunately Peru is stuffed because the far-left have now managed to indoctrinate ‘way too many of the poor people, much like occurred in Venezuela. Which is what Peru will resemble quite soon if it doesn’t get a Pinochet.
One of the fun things is Peru is no. 3 copper producer in the world as I recall. And the far-left wants copper for their EV rollout. Which won’t go well if the country does follow the path of Venezuela and nationalizes the copper miners.
A question of faith in the ACT justice system now becomes a question of faith in the ACT inquiry process. Early days yet but I’m not sure this is an improvement. Change of Cth government doesn’t help. Mean girl Gallagher slowly disappearing under the surface like a repeat of Bondi Rescue. Where’s Hoppo, where’s Chappo?
will no one think of the vegetables?
Well I am. I think I’ll stop now while I’m ahead. I’ve had the two AZ’s somewhat late due to an operation, had Covid, and then I took a Novavax booster to avoid ever having a Pfizer and Moderna (mRNA directly). Had a thumping heart for three days in the UK two weeks exactly after the Novavax, and don’t want to have that ever again. Didn’t get Covid in the UK when there was a lot about and didn’t get Covid in the US when similar. My son had a auto-immune reaction of severe bilateral wrist synovitis following his second Pfizer. I am calling enough is enough. Relying on my own immunity from now on – but I see no reason to cease having regular updated ‘flu shots as long as they are egg-grown not mRNA. I’d like more studies on mRNA modes before I accept them. I’d take the risk of another Covid shot if my travel was affected to some area by a mandate for having another one though – I don’t have years to spare on this. Maybe a better vaxx, e.g. an oral vaxx, might be available later in case anything mandatory is required.
Headlines from 9News you don’t see too often:
Uber Eats driver accidentally ends up on greyhound racetrack
Watch Peru, so that you get an idea of what awaits us.
was he looking for some extra bang
Were there leftovers?
Luckily SloMo suspended the Gaetjens Inquiry so Commonwealth whitewash supplies should be healthy. God he was hopeless.
About sums up life in modern Australia. A lot to unpack here as they say in the current parlance.
The last two elections I noticed in my electorate people of Indian extraction handing out the HTV flyers for Liberals. This indicates that they also form a sizeable membership of the branch. The people from the subcontinent are mostly conservative and not into QWERTY issues but actual economic problems. My sense is that instead of courting these voters and members they are probably hostile to them. How can it not end in disaster?
My mother started as a nurse straight from school after WWII in the days when they lived in quarters on-site. She told a similar story where one of the doctors said, “Hmm, this seems unusual. How do think it may have happened nurse?”.
That’s made me laugh.
You got the reaper going then?
What about the water tankers used for bush fires? Would they be powerful enough?
Bruce, China will trade with them and would probably prefer to do so with a dictatorship.
“bomb lodged in his rectum”
There’s some light relief; a smile on the face
“not afraid of the vaxx boogie man”
The hobgoblin who carries off bad children?
Advise against callously using that term to anyone still suffering unusual fatigue/breathlessness/thumping heart episodes – someone might throw a punch
Fusilli Jerry.
It would’ve done more than rectum if it went off.
This has been going on for years – state and federal.
Prior to the 2015 Qld election, with Noddy Newman presiding over an appalling, negative-talent cabinet – yet looking a dead cert for another term in office – many LNP branch members were sent packing by disastrous Captain’s Picks.
For myself, the last straw was a 20-something LNP apparatchik giving a frustrated group of branch members the old ‘What you don’t understand…’ lecture.
It’s what inevitably happens when careerists take over the levers.
Does my rectum look big in this bomb?
Does he identify as a Howitzer?
NSW Lieborals v the Members is a recurring theme. Could Copy-Paste from any election held in the last 20 years.
How do think it may have happened nurse?
My niece, who was an ER doc at the time, stopped Christmas dinner in its tracks a few years ago (and greatly scandalised my prim and elderly mum) by recounting some of the things she had eased out of postern gates, including some very sound advice for those who fancy sticking a Barbie doll up where Ken is widely suspected of frolicking.
“It’s a mistake to insert Barbie head-first because her arms serve as barbs and make recovery difficult. Feet-first always,” she said in her matter-of-fact way.
She also advised never to leave cans of soup, light bulbs, plunger handles, candles, cucumbers and other wares at the foot of any ladder you happen to climb because, sure as eggs, you’ll fall off, land bum-down on the invasive object and end up with your fundament starring in the portfolio of X-rays that ER staffers compile.
This is Going to Hurt is probably the modern equivalent of Scrubs then. Well worth catching if you can. Set in a manic north Britain hospital.
Spooner nails Rudd, almost, but Rudd would never accept “Vice President”
Wow. Modern military targeting systems have really improved.
has a huge collection of brightly coloured shirts?
“What the authors of the review don’t understand is…”
Or champagne flutes.
A niece, on A&E rotation at the now closed Manly Hospital, extracted an accidental champagne flute, stem accidentally broken off – complete with small deceased rodent.
One day I was at a loose end and went into the Perth CBD library, which had been rebuilt and is quite an impressive bit of architecture, by Perth standards at least and has a mid floor outdoor space with quite nice views of the river and is great in the winter sun. It was chockers and hard to find an empty desk. There is a reason Asians are so heavily represented in end of year academic awards at this time of year.
They had a chance to involve their members more with the Warringah Motion, but decided to keep them at a distance – and waaaay out of earshot.
Now the lofty heads and rippling brains of the party have worked out that shitting on the membership might backfire.
Now they will be setting themselves the task of attracting a membership that will robotically go out distributing HTV cards utterly indifferent to whether they support the people or policies.
the Beazley Medal for vocational achievement
That’s new to me. Without wanting to diminish anyone’s achievement in any field, why try to elevate the cream of the trades to become the shadow of the academics? Why not find another WA name- ie other than the Beazley dynasty again- to strike a medal? Or something for the pool room, a trophy perhaps?
I get you Baba
Are those your pronouns?
As dux of Perth Modern, which takes only the State’s highest achievers, Jessica was always in with a good chance to sweep up the top prize.
Let’s not accidentally blow smoke up the arse of selective schools, it’s just being in the right place at the right time eh comrades
Isn’t it funny how those media outlets that chose to report this emphasised that she was a former MP, rather than the former head of AMA
The Beazley lifetime time troughing award?
A guy with leaves up his backside is called Russell.
Not sure what this guy is called.
Hahaha. The Maoist revolutionaries at Crikey– a mostly unread website currently engaged in losing an expensive libel case to the Ruperdink Mudrock family for slandering the old man — have awarded Elbow, a Trotskyist, as their man of the year (or something).
The last time Maoists agreed with Trotskyists about anything was around 1940 when Trotsky was assassinated by the Stalinist thugs who ran the the Soviet Union until 1989.
Crossie – They will do that, but that isn’t what I meant. When Chavez took over Venezuela he nationalized the mining and oil industries. Then he fired all the employees of the oil company and gave the jobs to party members. Who funnily enough didn’t know anything about oil extraction and refining. The biggest refinery them exploded killing over 100 people. Venezuela’s oil production rate has nosedived to such an extent that they now have to buy petrol from Iran.
If the far-left gets control of Peru the same will happen to their copper industry. Annual tonnage produced will collapse.
Perth Mod routinely takes out that prize. Much to the chagrin of Perth’s collective private schools who typically fill the majority of the remaining places. Must have been why Hawky went there. They tried to close Perth Mod a while back and a WHO’s Who of alumni came out to oppose. It soon disappeared. Surprising there isn’t a few more around the place.
A deeply religious man is doing a clean-up man finds a letter from his dead wife.
The man is strong in his faith wasn’t shaken even when his wife died from cancer.
He opens the letter which reads “Honey, I don’t know how to tell you this but I cheated. I couldn’t tell you face to face, but I cheated multiple times.
“I cheated when your brother was there and you had to go to the store for milk”.
“I cheated on you when your boss and his wife came for Christmas lunch. I cheated WITH your boss, and his wife and hid it from you”.
“I cheated the Easter before I got sick, your grandpa knew and said nothing”.
The man is extremely upset, and his faith is broken. He begins visiting prostitutes. The filthiest vile whores he can find. He starts stealing money from work and spending it on drugs and alcohol; a downward spiral that eventually sees him robbing a convenience store for money for more drugs, as he doesn’t care about life anymore.
During one robbery he kills the clerk but is never caught.
Eventually he dies and appears before the Pearly Gates. Saint peter looks him up and down.
“Tut-tut. All those crimes! You’re bound straight for a really nasty part of hell for all eternity… but before you go, I do have some good news”.
The man looks up.
Saint Peter says “Your wife is here in heaven”. The man says “But… but… how… she said she cheated so many, many times on me!” Saint Peter smiles and says “Monopoly doesn’t count”.
A tramp, a gentleman, a poet, a dreamer, a lonely fellow, always hopeful of romance and adventure.
Charlie Chaplin
I must say I’m enjoying the new xmas highs on my stranded coal investments 😉
I’m trying, but all the ABC has to say is that its a great place for women surfers.
I got the missus to buy NHC last year. She is much better at buy and hold than me. She sold half after it doubled.
What about the water tankers used for bush fires? Would they be powerful enough?
No, I checked, Sikorsky Skycrane will do about 11 tons.
check these blokes out for what’s available, including lift capacities.
So am I.
Different system, I guess.
It’s a bit unusual that it’s so b&w (excuse the pun!), because it does have advantages! His visual acuity is excellent. From a young age:
“Oh look, there’s a bird on the roof next to the chimney!”
Where? Which chimney?!
“Not that one, not that one, not the next one, the one after”
Oh yeah, there is a sparrow sitting next to a chimney 5 houses away….
Thanks for the tip.
That’s what she said!
“Gerald, you’re da bomb!”
2 sides of the same uniparty coin
Lachlan Murdoch seeks to sue more Crikey figures over January 6 insurrection article
grind them into the dirt lochie
I hesitate to post this one, as I’ll probably be flamed ( 😀 ). Very rarely do I watch videos, the signal to noise isn’t usually worth the effort. Just checked Bayou Renaissance Man’s blog, who I know some Cats also go to (I haven’t read any of his novels). Here’s his latest:
Interesting thoughts on field and fighting gear from a Ukraine veteran (21 Dec)
So I started looking at the video and I could not stop. Totally fascinating. Helps that the guy was a Pommy reservist, and my minor experience in the AAR chimed. He also looks and talks like Dave Lister from Red Dwarf…until you listen to what he is saying, which is very interesting.
Fascinating stuff about what a suppressor does to the barrel of a rifle, and the usefulness of cheap Chinese tourniquets. You also can never have too many socks.
This stuff is going on on both sides. Pity the poor guys in the trenches, since it isn’t their war – they just have to fight in it.
Mighty Qld has only Thirteen & a half public holidays in 2023 – down from Sixteen & a half public holidays in 2022.
A public holiday is always light trading.
$1200 is the public holiday cost to man each post – this gets expensive.
The biggest giveaway from day 1 of the climate fraud is that 97% of CNCo emissions are natural with people responsible for only about 3%. But, of course, it’s that 3% what done it. And pigs can fly.
Let’s hope.
Collin Rugg
JUST IN: Kari Lake trial reveals 42.5% of ballots in their random samples were illegal ballots.
Things are about to get crazy…
Catturd ™
Lying comes very easily. It’s their resting state.
Morning Cats!
I see the $1,700,000,000,000 Biden Omnibus Bill is dedicating $410,000,000 towards securing borders…. in Jordan!
Same, and excellent night vision.
CNCo = CO2 (of course)
BREAKING: New Zealand Government report admits you may fall ill or die after Pfizer mRNA injection, but advises people not to worry
Farmer Gez says: December 22, 2022 at 8:12 am
A hypothesis must be specific before it can be tested.
Which header? Me no understandy agri lingo, does that mean a corn header?
Was it maybe the JD C18R? Check the specs… https://www.powerland.us/all-new-products/john-deere-products/agriculture/harvesting/corn-heads/c18rxh#
Empty but with StalkMaster installed the mass is 5404 kg . So if they let all the harvested mass out before lifting it, that’s maybe possible for an S-64.
These headers and harvesters all seem to have a side chute like they expect to offload most of what is cut into an accompanying truck on-the-go, so the onboard storage is pretty minimal. It would have be a ginormous machine even to reach 28t fully loaded.
Laughing out loud at the current circus in the US Congress with the anti-
democratic Ukrainian fascist kissing Nancy Pelosi at the end of his fund-raising speech. That said it all.
First time I’ve heard Tucker Carlson refer to the Washington political establishment as the “uniparty”.
Collin Rugg @CollinRugg · 11h
Yep, he did.
Ron Paul @RonPaul · Dec 20 [ https://twitter.com/RonPaul/status/1604926039104299009 ]
Uh… d.. d… d… defund the police??
There’s a switch.
take one for Team Gaia
Here’s a couple
1) Trying to get ‘cheap’ injected immunity to an ever changing virus is probably counter productive because it robs your immune system of the broadspectrum updates you get from natural exposure. If theres one thing we should have learned in the last 3 years its that the only way to avoid catching respiratory viruses is to be fighting fit from constant exposure.
2) The bastards are either going to lie about whats in the flu shot, or eliminate the old stuff and push mRNA in its place.
Only the FBI?
How about the other dozen three-letter agencies also?
All are the Stazi.
It took me a few moments to get the joke but I did get it.
I saw another American use it the other day, does Tucker read the Cat?
Two possibilities:
1. It doesn’t kill you, so you don’t need to worry about it.
2. It kills you, which means you are dead so won’t be able to worry about it.
Fault my logic.
They were.
They aren’t now.
They’re now mRNA.*
Maybe you can find a GP who will provide you egg-grown killed-virus Fluvax. But in doing so you risk your GP being monstered by the vax nazis and ATAGI. A very dangerous minefield…
(* Maybe not this year but certainly next year. There’s an advanced Pfizer trial underway right now.)
I don’t blame Zelensky for trying to get the best deal for his country but he is now turning into the ham actor that he is. We get it you are at war but a khaki t-shirt is not acceptable wear in the US Congress. Hasn’t he heard, the last people who were casually dressed when they visited the Congress are in jail now?
I agree with you both.
It would seem best if the US Marshals and US National Parks Police were all that were left. Intelligence can get folded into the military.
FBI, CIA, DHS, ATF, DEA, all are simply awful if not downright proven criminal enterprises.
When are the police going to act?
Brittany Higgins launches a withering Instagram attack on a witness at the Bruce Lehrmann trial – but then deletes every single word: ‘Perversion of justice’.
Dot, the “uniparty” tag has been used for a while on US blogs.
Yea, she has to be charged with perjury and then libel. She also needs a new experience, that of doing time in jail.
Disagree with you there.
A “don’t tread on me” t-shirt would be my choice.
Or possibly a hazmat suit.
I’ll name the witness who lied under oath.
Brittany Higgins.
It’s why we used to joke about the IQ levels of our cousins across the ditch.
It would be acceptable for you or a warrior but he is a president so he should dress as one. Where did he think he was, a Vogue fashion shoot?
Sounds like Brittany must have been watching Apocalypse Now on Netflix. She’s gone all Colonel Kurtz on them. Now it’s getting interesting.
the photo used by the Mail of Bulk Brittany is also a very old one. More lies.
I believe (but happy to stand corrected) the term “uniparty” first appeared in a letter to the editor in the US in 1944:
Well actually, Politico (not my greatest read) tells me comparisons to a “uniparty” (but not in name) were made as far back as 1872:
For things are so mixed, how’s a fellow to know
What party he’s of, and what vote he shall throw?
White is getting so black and black’s getting white.
Republic-rat, Dem-ican—can’t get ’em right!
“the best deal”?
What on earth are you talking about, Crossie?
The dangerous porky ham has been stuffed with so much cash and basted with the tongues of the Cathedral for nigh on a year now, how is this latest press-the-flesh-in-front-of-the-press with a fellow Lizard Person going to be anything less of a deal than the Ukraine-vajazzled media looking the other way during a cash splash giveaway?
Brittany is not really the problem now. She may have been at some point but that passed a long time ago. I’m still well short of feeling sorry for her but it is the equivalent of pushing a snowball downhill. She is a bit player at best now. A similar thing happened to a mate of mine who got dragged into a CCC investigation. KPMG were pulled as investigating accountants and the whole thing took 2 years to resolve. He suffered a lot of reputational damage, incurred significant costs but is now doing exactly the same job he was when he was charged, albeit with another council. These things take on another life of their own. Almost organic and certainly hard to control.
And on my journey I discovered O’Sullivan’s First Law:
“All organizations that are not actually right-wing will, over time, become left-wing.”
Interesting thoughts and perhaps reasons on SFLs and RINOs.
Mz Higgins’ personfriend displaying the happysmug that comes from having a newly enrichened squeeze.
Slightly irritating, given I’ve just involuntarily contributed to the couple’s well-being.
Research on dementia among elderly trans-identified people is saddening, to say the least, but revealing. Patients can “forget” being “trans,” being confused about their missing body parts. However, the same has not been true of lesbians and gay men in “forgetting” homosexuality
Dot said
Whoah, let’s not elide question marks of importance.
I was questioning why he is effectively supporting defunding the police when that is a switch from the case-by-case judgements and reform that was the Right-esque response to previous cops corroding civility.
Cleaning out the bad eggs yes, but something like an FBI or AFP is needed in crimes of federal and international scope. Also, I’m not opposed to detecting, infiltrating, and disrupting organised crime. State police can do that, but no reason a fed couldn’t. The problem has been mass surveillance which too easily morphs into harassment and mass control.
Where you say “FBI… are simply awful if not downright proven criminal enterprises”, the most recent evidence to support that statement was their previously confidential communications and payments (to Twitter) becoming exposed. Somebody has to do to the criminal enterprises what Elon did to the FBI, right? Can a reformed FBI do that or are they fundamentally obsolete versus State police?
re Point 1: broadspectrum ‘updates’ can be insufficiently countered if your immune system is past its natural use-by date (say around 65 years), for our lives are artificially extended under modernity; 70 used to be the bell-ringer. You could die instead. Flu is a known killer of the aged and in some iterations it hits young people hard too, via their immune over-activity. Spanish Flu 1920 was merciless. I’d prefer some priming via a vaxx to otherwise finding out the hard way about a sudden new variant of flu and my own immune insufficiency against it. It’s arguable, but I’ll take a vaxx against that, ‘cheating’ or not, so long as it hasn’t a bad effect on me personally. Corona viruses differ to influenza viruses, it’s always been harder to vaxx for them. Neither are something you’d want to get via a dangerous variant.
Also, I know you are referring here to quickly changing respiratory viruses, but take care not to throw out all vaxxes due to the Covid fiasco. Falling back on ‘natural immunity’ will have you looking at many thousands of kids with whooping cough, diptheria and measles suffering the consequences of a lack of vaccination. Read Matt Ridley on The Red Queen. We are always only just one small step away from being overwhelmed by attacking pathogens. We may need some help, from vaxxes.
Re Point 2 – you are right, they may lie about production methods. I am watching them on that.
“Millions of Australians have been warned to wear face masks in certain settings to quash a steep Christmas Covid wave.” News dot com au
We were bullshitted by “Health Authorities”, politicians and media before.
Why would we allow it to have a second run?
article at Catholic Culture about the laicization of Mr Pavone.
I still can’t get over how much Brittany’s fat toyboy Sharaz looks like Lehrmann. Paging Dr Freud!
“..dangerous porky ham has been stuffed with so much cash and basted with the tongues of the Cathedral..”
A first-rate example of depiction
It’s gonna get interesting. Just in from The Oz…
WSFM’s apology over Brendan Jones’ Brittany Higgins statements
Sydney radio station WSFM has quietly apologised for comments made by presenter Brendan Jones about the conduct of Liberal staffer Fiona Brown, who strongly denied during the rape trial of Bruce Lehrmann that she had been anything but supportive of Brittany Higgins.
In a hard-to-find statement on WSFM’s website, the station has expressed regret about statements made by Mr Jones that could be taken to refer to Ms Brown, who was Linda Reynolds’ chief of staff and spoke to both Mr Lehrmann and Ms Higgins in the immediate aftermath of the alleged assault in Senator Reynolds’ Parliament House office.
“During that segment a comment was made by Brendan Jones which would be understood as critical of those who dealt in Parliament House with the rape allegations made by Ms Brittany Higgins against a fellow staffer,” the WSFM statement says.
“A reference to Ms Higgins’ superiors was understood by Ms Fiona Brown, who held a senior position, to be a reference to her conduct. Due to the ongoing criminal proceedings we were previously unable to clarify our position.
“We now apologise to Fiona Brown if our broadcast caused her any distress or concern and retract any imputation that may have arisen in relation to her.”
The comments were made in a Jonesy & Amanda interview with Lisa Wilkinson the day after her Logies acceptance speech in June this year, in which the TV presenter endorsed Ms Higgins’ credibility and version of events just days before the trial was due to begin.
The trial was vacated after ACT Supreme Court chief justice Lucy McCallum ruled the speech by Ms Wilkinson and the subsequent radio interview with Mr Jones and Amanda Keller had “completely obliterated” the distinction between an allegation and finding of guilt.
Justice McCallum quoted Ms Keller’s claim that Ms Higgins “was raped in Parliament House” and Mr Jones’ statement that she was interviewed “in the very room she was raped”.
In evidence before the jury in the ACT Supreme Court trial Ms Higgins said she felt pressured by her workplace not to pursue the alleged assault after being denied the option of working from her home on the Gold Coast during the election.
But Ms Brown said that both she and Senator Reynolds had told Ms Higgins she was within her rights to make a police complaint and if she wanted to do so, she would be fully supported.
“(Ms Higgins) was concerned about how this could impact her career and Senator Reynolds said there would be no impact to her career and that she had our full support,” Ms Brown said.
Ms Brown said the only reference Ms Higgins made to her alleged assault was when she recalled Lehrmann being on top of her while the pair were in Parliament House during the early hours of Saturday, March 23, 2019.
Ms Brown said she was the one who set up the meeting between Ms Higgins and Australian Federal Police officers in Parliament House in April 2019.
Ms Brown broke down and was excused from court after Mr Lehrmann’s barrister Steven Whybrow read a text message to her from Ms Higgins, expressing her gratitude for Ms Brown’s support.
Mr Lehrmann pleaded not guilty and has at all times denied the allegations. The DPP has now withdrawn the charges.
As KD said above, the only liar here is Brittaneeeee da Knickerless.
I didn’t realise that Brittany had a TV gig.
Nope. The US Congress is an abomination. Biden is appalling.
I can see why Zelensky needs to pander to these horrible people, since he needs the money and the ordnance. I though would not even urinate on their shoes.
I am willing to dress up, but only to people for whom I have regard. I have no regard for the Dems and the Rinos.
Complaining that she had to tell the truth for Six days in a row – will go down as the most memorable line of the trial.
Also known as Conquest’s 2nd Law.
I don’t know who came up with it first, Conquest or O’Sullivan.
Nor whom stole it from the other. 😀
His t-shirt is a statement piece, just as a Mao-suit was regulation Chinese Leadership wear at one time.
He declares himself as the man who has arisen to save his Nation, straight from the front lines.
It’s his delcaration that he’s an ordinary guy, from extraordinary times. His signature toon.
It’s very smart marketing, and guess what, it’s worked so far.
Do these awful wimmin have BPD?
I agree four hundred percent.
What sort of clown show isthis?, and how can any self-respecting American think good of it ?