Open Thread – Tue 27 Dec 2022

Cabins along the Loing Canal, Sunlight Effect, Alfred Sisley, 1896

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Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
December 27, 2022 1:00 pm

Ask any man what a woman’s ultimate fantasy is and they will tell you, to have two men at once. According to a recent social logical study this is true, however most men do not realise that in this fantasy, one man is cooking, and the other is cleaning.

December 27, 2022 1:00 pm


December 27, 2022 1:01 pm


December 27, 2022 1:04 pm

Hate to break is to you, bespoke, but…

December 27, 2022 1:08 pm

Chuckle. In exchange for the Shakespeare Insult Generator, my son has given me the Deniliquin Dictionary.

I reckon it was a fair exchange. 😀

December 27, 2022 1:10 pm

My personal favourite…The Bachelor’s Handbag.


December 27, 2022 1:10 pm

‘Dragnet’ — In Search of the Baby Jesus
A special classic episode of ‘Dragnet’ offers an unexpectedly sweet ending for Christmas.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 27, 2022 1:11 pm

Top Ten, I hope.

December 27, 2022 1:16 pm

My personal favourite…The Bachelor’s Handbag.


December 27, 2022 1:16 pm

All the queue jumpers can go to the end of the thread. I am first.

local oaf
December 27, 2022 1:22 pm

from old fred

So you want to buy some kilowatt hours? Made with COAL.
You being from SA and all, it will cost a leetle more.

Sure, we’ll send the bill to the Liberal Party. One of their best and brightest went rogue, called himself an independent and then handed our government to the Labor loons. 16 years later and exploded power station and here we are.

December 27, 2022 1:24 pm

A happy read at Quadrant.
All the while, as scheming to blanket the country with renewable energy moves way ahead of practicality and reality, actual reliable base-load power sources are being decommissioned and demolished. Liddell next year, Eraring in 2025, Yallourn in 2028, Loy Yang A in 2035; and, bet your life, more closures will be brought forward. Australia will run out of power. Blackouts will ensue. Don’t worry governments have smart meters up their sleeve. These will become compulsory. They will allow the powers that be to monitor your electricity usage and to cut off those whose social credit score is not up to scratch. In renewable-energy newspeak, it’s called demand management. You’ll find it in the AEMO report.

Oh, this will never happen, some might say. What, the same healthy people who obediently complied with orders to stay at home because of a mild pandemic that seriously affected only the old and sick. Governments learnt a lesson from that. They now know what servile sheep their populations are. Just waiting, wanting, to be told what to do. Please keep us masked, isolated and jabbed repeatedly with experimental vaccines.

December 27, 2022 1:31 pm

Shouldn’t the question/s be, what is marriage? And can a relationship involving only men or only women perform the purposes of marriage?

Thinking about what marriage has been through history, the best I have been able to come up with is: – “The aligning of two families to produce a shared bloodline.”

The prominence of the husband and wife seems to be a fairly recent development. Given the steady degradation of family, I guess it was inevitable that the people getting married would be all that is left.

December 27, 2022 1:34 pm

…answering the first question has implications beyond homosexuality, so this really isn’t about homosexuality, as such.

Peel away the cultural and philosophical layers and at its core the issue is theological.

The rejection of the created order expresses rejection of the Creator.

another ian
another ian
December 27, 2022 1:34 pm

Re that mild pandemic –

Some VERY interesting reading in this morning’s “Covid and Coffee Newsletter”

Beyond my pay grade (forwarded to ******) but the introduction –

“What if the clinical trials measured the wrong antibody? And what if the jabs are changing people’s immune response to produce the wrong antibodies? Then what? New studies.”

“A new mystery is again baffling the experts, the same now-confounded experts who were 100% sure they knew how to get out of the pandemic. To set the holiday table, consider this random selection of very recent headlines, while keeping in mind that we’re two years into the miraculous-vaccine regime, and are now on the seventh booster shot.

You’ll also note that all these stories appeared in local media, and not corporate media.”

Just what we wanted to hear (/s)

This goes with that –

“Well, here’s the medical facts that entirely explain why people with more shots get more covid.”

And this

“The trainwreck of all trainwrecks: Billions of people stuck with a broken immune response”

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 27, 2022 1:36 pm

The Bachelor’s Handbag

No one shall disrespect the Bachelor’s Handbag.

Its purchase is a valuable precursor to watching whatever you want on the picture wireless, and without the accompaniment of sentences starting with ‘You never’ or ‘you always’.

December 27, 2022 1:36 pm

The prominence of the husband and wife seems to be a fairly recent development.


Whether it’s interpreted literally or allegorically, Genesis 2 is one of the foundational texts of our civilisation.

December 27, 2022 1:37 pm

Sorry Dover, distracted by Barking/Howling Neurotic 18 Month Female Beagle missing Youngsters who have gone away for the week – had to sleep last night down on couch with her to give Neighbours Peace – missed you post re new thread – so following from old thread

Canada’s euthanasia program sets its sights on children

Just as Ottawa publicly acknowledges that its assisted suicide regime might have gone too far, critics have highlighted the existence of a little-known medical assistance in dying children’s activity book that was funded by the Canadian government.

We’ve seen dystopian stories of who exactly Trudeau’s government has targeted with their euthanasia program — those suffering from hearing loss, the poor, etc. — but now, children are in the crosshairs.

Hopper asserts that the publisher declared the activity book was not meant for children themselves seeking assisted suicide, but rather for “young people who have someone in their life who may have MAID” — but the social conditioning of the publication is conspicuous (the target audience is children between the ages of six and 12)

Per Hopper:

Children are guided through the “three medicines” that constitute the lethal injection process, and are urged not to attempt to change the mind of a family member who has opted for assisted death.

“As much as other people may want to change their mind, the person who is choosing MAID probably wishes just as strongly that they could change their illness or condition and how it is affecting their life,” it reads.

The booklet explains that, “The first medicine makes the person feel very relaxed and fall asleep. They may yawn or snore or mumble.”

(A tone of innocence to cover over the suffering of a patient and premeditated murder.)

See images below:

The writing is on the wall. Conceding to depravity doesn’t buy a ceasefire, it just buys you the slightest bit of time. Wickedness is never satiated, and believing so would be pure folly. Governments throughout history hold the record for mass murder: age has never mattered, why would it now?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 27, 2022 1:41 pm

Please, please please let Warner get out in the 90s.

December 27, 2022 1:42 pm

They will allow the powers that be to monitor your electricity usage and to cut off those whose social credit score is not up to scratch. In renewable-energy newspeak, it’s called demand management. You’ll find it in the AEMO report.

Oh, this will never happen, some might say. What, the same healthy people who obediently complied with orders to stay at home because of a mild pandemic that seriously affected only the old and sick. Governments learnt a lesson from that.

As the days go by, I am becoming more convinced that this dystopian future is likely. I railed against it for some time, simply because “1984” and “Brave New World” seemed beyond comprehension in our “modern” and “liberated” society. But the lessons of the last 3 years are frightening. Many of the new generation are conditioned to perceiving a world of control by mandate.

December 27, 2022 1:45 pm

Children are guided through the “three medicines” that constitute the lethal injection process, and are urged not to attempt to change the mind of a family member who has opted for assisted death.

At the end of the age there will be just sufficient millstones. But only just.

December 27, 2022 1:45 pm

Whither Canada?

Canada has been much on my mind these days, weeks, months, and years, not only because I am a Canadian citizen, but because, like many of my American friends, I am witnessing firsthand the destruction of a country.

The current prime minister’s campaign, amounting to a kind of jihad, to destabilize the nation and create the world’s first “post-national state” proceeds on many levels. Among them, as I have previously catalogued, are a burgeoning national debt, a series of repressive bills making their way through parliament (C-4, C-11, C-12 and C-18), a prohibitive and unnecessary carbon tax, the deliberate destruction of the energy sector, the impending rollout of digital ID surveillance technology, and the notorious invoking of the deeply flawed and inappropriate Emergencies Act to deal with the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy protesting the vaccine mandates.

This last travesty was compounded by the government’s striking a Commission of Inquiry in which it set its own terms and appointed its own Commissioner.

PM Justin Trudeau’s declared purpose of protecting Canadians’ health via the vaxx mandates by, among other initiatives, attacking the Truckers as violent, racist, and homophobic was a false-flag operation.

As constitutional lawyer Leighton Grey persuasively argues, Trudeau’s “ultimate goal, which the COVID-19 pandemic helped governments like Trudeau’s to advance,” is nothing less than “total surveillance and corresponding control of human populations.”

Indeed, the judiciary now regards itself as the de facto framer and not merely the interpreter of laws.

Former Supreme Court Justice Rosalie Abella referred to herself and her colleagues as “the final adjudicator of which contested values in a society should triumph.” As Bruce Pardy cogently writes, “The Supreme Court has read the Charter over its 40-year life largely through an ideologically ‘progressive’ lens, slowly transforming what was drafted as a roster of autonomy rights into a mandate for collective values, group rights and the priorities of the expansive managerial state.”

With the judiciary having sold its vaunted integrity to the executive branch and willfully forfeiting the humility of legislative self-limitation, then the rule of law, the principle of due process, and the balancing of evidence are perverted, transmuting into an arm of state power and resulting in the virtual death of democratic governance.

We have seen this happening recently in Brazil where a corrupt Supreme Court judge is responsible for restoring a convicted criminal to the presidency.

We have seen it happen just now in Arizona where a Superior Court judge ruled against gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake’s airtight case regarding obvious electoral malfeasance, thus establishing a rogue governor in office.

When the last resource for the rehabilitation of justice has been abrogated or, to use the Federal Court’s own term, rendered “moot,” we know the country is lost.

The three branches of government have effectively become one, which is the very definition of tyranny.

Anchor What
Anchor What
December 27, 2022 1:46 pm

We were given a Stollen for Christmas! Yum.
It reminded me of Tim Blair’s impish turn of phrase back when so many paleface people (even some with German sounding names) were identifying rather publicly as aboriginal.
He called them The Stollen Generation.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 27, 2022 1:46 pm

Ah. Revised post:


December 27, 2022 1:47 pm

The last 1 accurate out of 50 predictions of the imminent demise of the housing cost spiral now goes 1-51…

IMF sees potential for imminent ‘sizeable’ bust in Australia’s housing market
Report warns homes keep getting less affordable, and Australia has one of the highest rates of people spending more than 40% of their income on housing

Its analysis of price misalignment – which measures property prices and rents against income levels over long-term trends – suggests a potential crash in the housing market.

“Our model-based analysis shows that a high magnitude of price misalignment, when combined with the impacts of high policy rates, can lead to a sizeable price correction, nearly comparable to past episodes of housing busts,” the report said.

“As interest rates increase, affordability is declining rapidly, despite falling housing prices. In 2022, housing prices may be as much as 70% and 50% above what a median household can afford in New Zealand and Australia, respectively, and the average household would need to spend more than 40% of its disposable income to afford housing priced at the median.”

Whats their cure??

The IMF urged governments to break down barriers for home ownership. “Public housing more broadly can play an important role,” the report said.

Awesome, government should bid up pricing more.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 27, 2022 1:53 pm

Davey- 106 n.o.

Real Deal
Real Deal
December 27, 2022 1:58 pm

Oh how heroic! Take that you knockers! He’s silenced the critics.

Now the cocky, cheating bugger will be safe in the team till he wants to retire. I had forlornly hoped he might get dropped for Sydney.

December 27, 2022 2:00 pm

Knuckle Dragger says:
December 27, 2022 at 10:53 am
Apparently I am the only person here who has not made multiple visits to the City of Light.

This is from the old thread.

KD, I have not been to Paris either, or France*, and have no plans to visit in the foreseeable future. I developed an enmity to that country when they sunk the Rainbow Warrior in Auckland Harbour. That they had no problems with testing their nuclear weapons in the South Pacific while sneering at everyone else was just too far for me.

*Technically speaking I have been inside France a couple of metres. I walked on a bridge over the Rhine near Basel and there was a white line across the bridge. On one side was written Deutschland and France on the other, I jumped the line and walked a bit on the French side. Juvenile, I know.

December 27, 2022 2:02 pm

It’s a myth he’s a legend. He’s a midget cheating houso ranga (not necessarily in that order). Never be a legend. Not now not ever. A cheat.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 27, 2022 2:03 pm

He was trying to help the fast bowlers.
They all cheat.
The thing about Davey was he copped it on the chin and didn’t have a big sook like Smith and the other bloke.

December 27, 2022 2:04 pm

I developed an enmity to that country when they sunk the Rainbow Warrior in Auckland Harbour. That they had no problems with testing their nuclear weapons in the South Pacific

Err I’m ambivalent.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 27, 2022 2:06 pm

He’s a midget cheating houso ranga (not necessarily in that order). Never be a legend. Not now not ever. A cheat.

The only solace I can take from this entire debacle is the extreme likelihood that in five years’ time, he will only be notable for his begging antics outside a methadone clinic in Lakemba.

Anchor What
Anchor What
December 27, 2022 2:06 pm

Yes, Panatone is superb. There’s one with a custard filling, but I don’t see it around.

December 27, 2022 2:09 pm
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 27, 2022 2:09 pm

As an umpire, Paul Reiffel is a complete spud.

December 27, 2022 2:10 pm
December 27, 2022 2:12 pm

Dover, your liking for Panatone reminded me…

Forget “green”. The Pantone Colour of the Year for 2023 is Viva Magenta.

Get ready for the world to turn red.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 27, 2022 2:12 pm

I had forlornly hoped he might get dropped for Sydney.

The only way they were dropping him for Sydney is if he’d got a King Pair in Melbourne.
Sydney will be it, though.
He’s never made an impact in England, so there’s no percentage in sending him over.

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 27, 2022 2:20 pm

Driving down a Melbourne inner suburbs road just now, and overtaken by an electric scooter travelling at least at 60 kph.

But the rider was wearing a helmet so that’s OK.

December 27, 2022 2:22 pm

COVID-19 Out of Control in China, Reports Estimate 248 Million Infected in 20 Days
00:53 COVID-19 Out of Control in China, Reports Estimate 248 Million Infected in 20 Days
02:52 Top China Health Body Stops Updating Daily Infections
05:05 China to End Quarantine for International Travelers
05:32 China Hospitals ‘Overwhelmed’ by COVID-19 Surge
06:55 China’s Biggest Cities Edge Toward Living with COVID-19
08:25 ‘White Lungs’ Reappear in China, Similar to Early Pandemic in Wuhan: Reports
10:25 China Detects Over 130 Sublineages of Omicron
10:56 Shanghai Hosts Christmas Market Despite Virus Surge
12:07 China Send Record Jets near Taiwan Over U.S. Bill

December 27, 2022 2:24 pm

“2023 is Viva Magenta pink.”

December 27, 2022 2:30 pm

2023 predictions by Medvedev


December 27, 2022 2:38 pm

I do like Stollen but Christmas for me is always Panatone.

We always have toasted slices of Panetonne on Boxing Day morning. I purchased a beauty from Harris Farm this year.

Italian friends dipped the fresh bread in liquor, but we still prefer the toasted method. However, years ago I (or son-in-law) would make bread & butter pudding (often instead of Christmas pudding) with the magnificent Italian bread.

December 27, 2022 2:38 pm

I was wrong. I’d thought that David Warner’s 36-year-old reflexes were past their use-by date, but the midget houso ranga cheat (h/t GreyRanga) just made his 25th ton in his 100th Test on the big stage at the MCG after a three-year drought with his three young daughters and mum Candice in the crowd. Lucky kids – dad’s national heroism will be a blokes magnet for all of their young adult lives.

December 27, 2022 2:40 pm

In what are supermarkets doing about rampant theft news.
Quick trip to Coles, went in, paid at full service checkout then took trolley back in to look for something, didn’t have the something, so reexited then at an invisible line, the front wheel locks up.
I’m bemused until rescued by front end controller who flashed some little device at the wheel and releases it.
If you’re pushing a trolley full through with no intention of paying, beware.

December 27, 2022 2:43 pm

We returned to Sydney this morning, listening to the cricket on the radio. Both hoping that Warner would get out.

Sorry Warner fans, but we can’t abide cheats – especially not in cricket, as it defies the traditions o the game. We were shocked that Stephen Smith succumbed in South Africa (we don’t think he should ever have been allowed to be a part time Captain) – but not shocked to hear of the part played by Warner. He is a talented player of the commercial short game, but lacks the depth to understand the beauty and psychology of the long game.

December 27, 2022 2:43 pm

Appreciate the Panettone reminders
It’s not too late

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 27, 2022 2:50 pm

I do like Stollen but Christmas for me is always Panatone.

Marzipan Stollen, with coffee and a cream float – with a schnapps chaser.

Cuts straight through the richness of a traditional duck-pork-cabbage/potato dumpling dinner.

Panatone makes the very best bread and butter pudding.

December 27, 2022 2:53 pm
December 27, 2022 2:55 pm

Re shopping, one of my favourite little kwiki-marts recently shut up shop.
The owner told me there was so much theft, his margin couldn’t compete.
People were actually coming in with baskets to steal things.
Cops not interested. It’s nice to make a taxpayer-guaranteed living.

December 27, 2022 2:57 pm

Did anybody have “a return to issues of guilt being settled by spirit mediums” on their 2022 shit bingo cards??

Ashley Guillard used tarot cards to determine that a University of Idaho professor killed four students

A University of Idaho history professor filed a federal defamation lawsuit against a TikTok psychic who claimed to have received information through tarot cards that the scholar was responsible for four murders.

Professor Rebecca Scofield filed the federal lawsuit on December 21 after multiple cease and desist letters were sent and ignored by Ashley Guillard.

Im getting that tinglin’ in my kindling feeling again…

December 27, 2022 2:57 pm

I don’t think he likes you:
How baby boomers ruined society:

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 27, 2022 3:06 pm

Ashley Guillard used tarot cards to determine that a University of Idaho professor killed four students


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 27, 2022 3:31 pm

The rejection of the created order expresses rejection of the Creator.

I agree.
It also happens to go against the bounds of any common sense. A man and a woman are required to make a child, and a child needs biological parents for identity. These are bedrock ideas of any society.

December 27, 2022 3:32 pm

Gay rodeo oral history project.

Another I didn’t have on the shit bingo card.
Thanks so much Dr Faustus

December 27, 2022 3:37 pm

Christine says:
December 27, 2022 at 2:43 pm
Appreciate the Panettone reminders

Italian muck.

December 27, 2022 3:40 pm

Arky is grumpy because he hasn’t tasted the new apricot Panettone’s

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 27, 2022 3:44 pm

Panettone is an Italian type of sweet bread, and fruitcake, originally from Milan, usually prepared and enjoyed for Christmas and New Year in Western, Southern, and Southeastern Europe as well as in South America, Eritrea, Australia, the United States and Canada.

Uh huh.

It has a cupola shape, which extends from a cylindrical base and is usually about 12–15 cm (4.7–5.9 in) high for a panettone weighing 1 kg (2.2 lb). Other bases may be used, such as an octagon, or a frustum with a star section shape more common to pandoro.


It is made during a long process that involves curing the dough, which is acidic, similar to sourdough. The proofing process alone takes several days, giving the cake its distinctive fluffy characteristics. It contains candied orange, citron, and lemon zest, as well as raisins, which are added dry and not soaked.

Ah. A big muffin. Got it.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 27, 2022 3:45 pm

Many of the new generation are conditioned to perceiving a world of control by mandate.

Vicki, I commented at Quadrant on that article linked above, putting the view that the wider public will not put up with such a severe energy shortage that they can’t continue their daily life as they expect to do. I know they buckled under with Covid, but the lockdowns had to be temporary, and once bitten twice shy. The energy shift is obviously going to be permanent and I doubt if people will wear it. We will see voter rebellion in those coming years. If this green dream is put forward as a total change of lifestyle, under a social credit system of usage of power, too many people wouldn’t stand for it. I suspect they’ve had near enough already and voted on feelz for an energy miracle, which won’t happen. These hopeful feelz won’t remain in play for years.

That’s my hopeful view anyway.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 27, 2022 3:45 pm

Been having a top time talking to myself on the Chrissy thread.

Cassie of Sydney
December 27, 2022 3:46 pm

I make a nice tart with Panettone. I use the Panettone to make a tart base and then line the tart base with marmalade and fill with custard, very dark chocolate chips and then bake. Serve with cream or icecream….I prefer icecream.

It’s a Jamie Oliver recipe and a bloody good one too.

December 27, 2022 3:46 pm

Never heard of Panettone before today.

December 27, 2022 3:46 pm

Vicki says:
December 27, 2022 at 1:42 pm
….simply because “1984” and “Brave New World” seemed beyond comprehension in our “modern” and “liberated” society. But the lessons of the last 3 years are frightening. Many of the new generation are conditioned to perceiving a world of control by mandate.

I remember first reading 1984 around the very late 1960s/1970. In any event, I thought it was simultaneously frightening and preposterous. I held that opinion for perhaps two decades but the 90s saw some changes although those have been relatively ‘nothing’ compared to the past two decades.

The simple yet dynamic happiness of freedom we enjoyed as children and young adults has gone and will never return. Our national can-do approach is mired in red-tape and the siren call of assorted ‘experts’. Industrially, we are a wasteland; every chancer, scammer and snake-oil salesman has seen the promised land (endless government money); noisy minorities have captured the media and what remains of our business structures; overseas, those with political power can barely hide their contempt for the public and the extent of official corruption is astonishing – how long before that disease bursts more openly in Australia? (It’s already here – I emphasise more openly.)

Meanwhile, every institution that our forebears started and nurtured is being torn down to a shell of its former self on the alter of political correctness. Ditto the memory of some of our most revered nation-builders.

This nation, and the entire western world, has changed forever and IMO, not for the better. I believe that Chinese President Xi is a deeply malevolent and dangerous autocrat – but I also believe that he has ‘picked it correctly’ in that the West is in gradual but terminal decline and the East is in contrasting ascendency. And the West has done it to itself – in fact, we are accelerating the erosion without thought of the consequences such are our leader’s desire to embrace the the latest fad in social correctness. The core principles of the West has been breached and in my opinion, it is now just a matter of time.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 27, 2022 3:50 pm

You lot have no idea any more what it means to be Australian. Shameless denialism. Look at you. Parading around with Eurotrash recipes. The ANZACs would be spinning in their graves. This is not what hundreds of thousands of people I didn’t know fought for over a century ago.

Nobody mentions good, hearty Aussie bratwurst any more.

Traitrous swine.

John Brumble
John Brumble
December 27, 2022 3:51 pm

Lizzie- you’re joking. Not only will “the people” accept an energy shortage, they will dob in their neighbours, claim deaths by heat and cold to be caused by something else, and label anything that contradicts their newest method of control to be fascism.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 27, 2022 3:52 pm

Warner 150 red.

A black day for Australian sport.

Cassie of Sydney
December 27, 2022 3:52 pm

“A University of Idaho history professor filed a federal defamation lawsuit against a TikTok psychic who claimed to have received information through tarot cards that the scholar was responsible for four murders.”

Perhaps they could use tarot cards to find the missing Beaumont children. Speak of, there’s a very good series on Youtube about the missing children. They’ve nailed it down to one likely suspect, a local man, his photo bears a strong and uncanny resemblance to the identikit picture drawn of the man last seen playing with the children on the reserve behind the beach, before they vanished without a trace. I don’t think the children were taken far, it is probable that the bodies of the missing children are in the ground somewhere in Glenelg.

Anyway, sad sad story.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 27, 2022 3:57 pm

Lizzie- you’re joking. Not only will “the people” accept an energy shortage, they will dob in their neighbours, claim deaths by heat and cold to be caused by something else, and label anything that contradicts their newest method of control to be fascism.

Well, you can number me amongst those who won’t be doing this.

I think we can grow an opposition to this evil in a way that was hard with an ‘unknown virus’; here the problem is known, and it can be challenged as a political notion.

We shall have to see. I don’t have any crystal ball, but I do think many Australians are still fighters.

December 27, 2022 3:57 pm

You lot have no idea any more what it means to be Australian.

What is an ‘Australian’ now?
I considered this last night. If we ate drawn into WWIII now, it would require conscription to return.

After decades of ‘Multiculturalism’ who, or what represents the ‘average Australian’?

On top of that, out of those who were of fighting age, how many would be willing to fight for the decaying carcass that is the remains of ‘Australia ‘??

I seriously believe that our inclusion into WWIII would lead to civil clashes here as people aligned with their true values.
All this because of our ‘Multiculturalism and diversity ‘

December 27, 2022 4:00 pm

Stale Pannetone, sliced, laced with whiskey marmalade and butter. And smothered in whisked cream and egg (custard). Leave for a few hours to infuse, then bake.

Bread and butter pudding, fusion style.

December 27, 2022 4:20 pm

I think everyone must have rushed out to buy Pannetone.

December 27, 2022 4:21 pm

December 27, 2022 at 3:57 pm
You lot have no idea any more what it means to be Australian.

What is an ‘Australian’ now?
I considered this last night. If we ate drawn into WWIII now, it would require conscription to return.

After decades of ‘Multiculturalism’ who, or what represents the ‘average Australian’?

On top of that, out of those who were of fighting age, how many would be willing to fight for the decaying carcass that is the remains of ‘Australia ‘??

I seriously believe that our inclusion into WWIII would lead to civil clashes here as people aligned with their true values.
All this because of our ‘Multiculturalism and diversity

Indeed. There are small pieces of the Australia that was, but largely it has been supplanted by “multiculturalism” and denigrated at every turn.
I see no reason to defend a country that tell me I’m racist, and at fault for all the ills of the world.

December 27, 2022 4:25 pm

Cassie of Sydney, “I make a nice tart”. Stop right there Cassie, we think you’re nice without showing off.

December 27, 2022 4:27 pm

I’m still reeling over discovering my own “eligible” grandchildren have been treated like pincushions because the doctors in the family have urged vaxxing because “herd immunity”.

One thing the more observant have learnt in recent times is that many in the medical profession are dreadfully conformist and not over bright.

December 27, 2022 4:27 pm

My SIL has got herself so worked up about “the End of the Planet” that she is becoming unhinged. Normally strong and steady, she has dissolved into a whimpering mess. “We have to do something now “. The Covid response proves that science can rise to the occasion and fix it she says. She is a biologist but has swallowed the propaganda and is now ridden with anxiety and in fact broke into tears when I suggested that it really wasn’t such an emergency. Well there are only a few people like me who understand and take it seriously, she wailed. It’s an emergency blah, blah blah.
The manipulation of people through propaganda is evil. She has been led over the edge psychologically and is now putty in the hands of the puppet masters.

December 27, 2022 4:27 pm

I am annoyed that because we don’t get aldi catalogues I missed out on all my Christmas favourites, Stollen, pfeffernuesse, lebkuchen, Mozart kugel etc etc.

Mrs D went to a local Dutch baker and got a Dutch stollen which seemed stodgy, and a spekulaties roll and olliebollen which were nice, but because the olliebollen (oil balls) were deep fried , my tummy reacted

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
December 27, 2022 4:31 pm

You lot………….

I thought that it was only ‘MontyPox Virus’ who was allowed to use those two words together on this Blog.

December 27, 2022 4:34 pm

Speedbox says:
December 27, 2022 at 3:46 pm

Great comment Speedbox -but oh so depressing.

December 27, 2022 4:34 pm

What is your sil doing to save the planet? Getting rid of her ice vehicle and only using public transport?
Limiting her air con use, only buying products produced within 50 km? Removed all gas appliances from her home?
These planet saving sacrifices have to start with those who’ve declare the climate emergency.

December 27, 2022 4:35 pm

I knew a woman who tried to get in on the Beaumont children disappearance. What a piece of trash she was. She was a lush teaching at the local school. Cop father of one of the kids had a word to her about blowing the bag if she didn’t move on. Gone a month later.

December 27, 2022 4:38 pm

And that’s never going to happen Rosie. I have friends that live the life but even they understand we can’t live without modern conveniences and they don’t browbeat anyone.

December 27, 2022 4:39 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:
December 27, 2022 at 3:45 pm
Vicki, I commented at Quadrant on that article linked above, putting the view that the wider public will not put up with such a severe energy shortage that they can’t continue their daily life as they expect to do. I know they buckled under with Covid, but the lockdowns had to be temporary, and once bitten twice shy. The energy shift is obviously going to be permanent and I doubt if people will wear it. We will see voter rebellion in those coming years. If this green dream is put forward as a total change of lifestyle, under a social credit system of usage of power, too many people wouldn’t stand for it. I suspect they’ve had near enough already and voted on feelz for an energy miracle, which won’t happen. These hopeful feelz won’t remain in play for years.

That’s my hopeful view anyway.

That’s my hope as well Lizzie, especially as when most people see that the weather/climate has not changed so what has been the point.

I remain optimistic that although people can be stupid they maybe not that stupid.

John Brumble
John Brumble
December 27, 2022 4:39 pm

Pannetone is that Italian painter guy who left the mob to do colour-schemes.

December 27, 2022 4:41 pm

I recommend this treatment for your SiL.

Cassie of Sydney
December 27, 2022 4:41 pm

December 27, 2022 at 4:34 pm
Speedbox says:
December 27, 2022 at 3:46 pm

Great comment Speedbox -but oh so depressing.”

I second that.

December 27, 2022 4:43 pm

There is no ‘alignment’ without the latter.

Dover. The point was trying to make is that the union was/is much bigger than the husband and wife and there is an expectation of a shared bloodline through a man and a woman, given into the marriage.

I don’t imagine that is what the average person think it is now.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
December 27, 2022 4:44 pm

If there’s a will, prosperity can’t be far behind.

– W. C. Fields

December 27, 2022 4:44 pm

We shall have to see. I don’t have any crystal ball, but I do think many Australians are still fighters.

I’m with you Lizzie on that one and I don’t share the contempt some here have for Australians. Politicians lying with the meja running cover for them is a big part of the problem. Scummo won in 2019 then did a big XX and now he’s gone. I know Anal is even worse. Yes we shall see.

December 27, 2022 4:44 pm

Our national can-do approach is mired in red-tape and the siren call of assorted ‘experts’. Industrially, we are a wasteland; every chancer, scammer and snake-oil salesman

My son changed jobs in the last few weeks, and his new company is moving its call centre to South Africa. He was describing the government hoops they have to jump through there, a certain number of blacks, no more than a percentage of coloured etc . Then there are the other costs, running buses for its workers as public transport is non existent at the times they need to work to match Aussie hours, laptops, generators for the villages where staff live, installing internet connectivity in those villages and a pile of other stuff.

Despite all those costs, they will only take 6 months to break even.

December 27, 2022 4:48 pm

I know Anal is even worse.

I’m not sure if that was deliberate or auto correct, but I certainly agree

December 27, 2022 4:49 pm

Agree Ranga, that just means they should then shut up about the climate emergency.

December 27, 2022 4:50 pm

lol- deliberate

December 27, 2022 4:53 pm

They’ve been boiling the frog here ever so slowly for 40+ years, they’re winding up for the coup d’grace. 1974 is my start year- Grasby and multiculturalism.

Cassie of Sydney
December 27, 2022 4:54 pm

“These planet saving sacrifices have to start with those who’ve declare the climate emergency.”

Agree. Yet those who are screeching, howling and crying the loudest about the “climate catastrophe” and “climate emergency” are not making any personal sacrifices and seem indifferent to making any personal sacrifices. Sacrifices are for little people. Last Friday I had a conversation with someone and I asked her how so and so were. Well, one couple we both know well were off to Fiji! Wow wee, their third overseas trip in six months, yet the husband was the same person who, back in April, ranted on about climate change and the need to do something and described the Morrison government as “far-right” (when I heard that description, I howled….with uncontrollable laughter). I know for a fact that both he and his wife voted for Allegra da Big Spenda.

Oh and speaking of Princess Allegra, I can guarantee you all that she ain’t making any personal sacrifices either.

I think we need to start calling out these climate hypocrites, and when they start preaching (as they always do) we need to tell them that they should be the first ones to give up their gas appliances, to stop flying overseas and so on.

December 27, 2022 4:55 pm

Our national can-do approach is mired in red-tape and the siren call of assorted ‘experts’. Industrially, we are a wasteland; every chancer, scammer and snake-oil salesman

You would think, if they had the brains of an amoeba, our educational executives and governments would ask “What are we doing to our kids that makes us prefer to “immigrate” so much of our professions & businesspeople”?

12+ years of schooling and its creating crushing conformists who police pronouns while wanking to furry pron and being convinced they are all going to burn in the fires of Gaia for sins against the planet.

Can you imagine if schooling just taught stuff and left social engineering to families?
Every aspect of metal health is degenerating for the newer generations, yet education and politics absolves itself of blame despite 24/7 catastrophizing.

We geld the youth and wonder where the Aussie go-getters are.

(sweeping generalization off)

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
December 27, 2022 4:56 pm

Climate Change – The Big Fraud but Why?

From Armstrong Economics –

“What is absolutely astonishing, is that this entire global warming propaganda that they then changed it to climate change because it was not just getting warmer – but colder. The entire premise is that the climate is changing all because of the Industrial Revolution and they REFUSE to address the fact that there are natural cycles to weather since the Earth was born.

I had to go to New Jersey for the Holiday. OMG – it was 10 degrees. It reminded me why I moved to Florida to get closer to real Global Warming. There us a cycle to absolutely everything. Only a complete idiot would argue against that.

During the 1970s, scientists were all predicting a new ice age. That was the popular view. Then there was a totally theoretical proposition laid out in the book Under a Green Sky that has become the bible for the total destruction of our modern society and just maybe they know that and are looking to deprive energy to reduce the population.

If we take the graph from the paleontologist Peter D. Ward’s book, “Under a Green Sky” published in 2007, this is what has inspired this whole climate debate and there is no evidence that it was CO2 that created an extinction of hundreds of millions of years ago. This has been a theoretical model that appears to be as reliable as the one funded by Bill Gates to justify locking down the entire world economy for a man-made virus – COVID19.

I find it really hypocritical that they want to imprison Trump, but not people pushing to reduce the world population and mandating a vaccine that FAILED to prevent the virus and more people who died of COVID who were vaccinated than not.

When the head of Pfizer seems to be way too close to heads of state and he has ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY that not even the International Criminal Court wants to charge Putin but not Pfizer, is just another example of the political cesspool we live in today.

The rise and fall of civilizations have been tied to climate. They ignore history and refuse to comprehend that there are simply cycles to everything. When Rome was the dominant power, there was pollution and CO2 which was created by burning wood. The first clean air act was put into law in 535 AD. These people act like we will all become extinct unless we reduce CO2 to zero. They have no science to back them up, just a book that put the theory about CO2 creating one of the extinctions without any evidence — just an assumption.

There is ABSOLUTELY no statistical evidence whatsoever that there has been any Global Warming. Here are the monthly maximum temperatures for New York City since 1869.

Here is the Computer cyclical forecast for 12 years. This year 2022 was a Double Directional Change and it was on target. The big targets for the climate crisis will be 2025 followed by 2029 – and it will not be warming.

The real question remains unanswered. Are these people claiming Climate Change to deliberately reduce the population?”

December 27, 2022 4:57 pm

Diogenes, the Lambertz lebkuchen and pfeffernüsse that Aldi had as special buys are also available at Big W. Go on to the Big W website to check availability at your local.

December 27, 2022 4:59 pm

Warner 200 retired hurt. Great knock showing guts and character.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
December 27, 2022 5:00 pm

The story of the University of Idaho professor and the tarot cards reminds me of a joke I heard after the High Court upheld Cardinal Pell’s appeal:

‘Urgen message from the Victoria Police. Any members of the public who believe they have been murdered by George Pell are asked to contact their nearest police station as soon as possible.’

December 27, 2022 5:00 pm

Vicki, I commented at Quadrant on that article linked above, putting the view that the wider public will not put up with such a severe energy shortage that they can’t continue their daily life as they expect to do. I know they buckled under with Covid, but the lockdowns had to be temporary, and once bitten twice shy.

Lizzie, you are a delightful optimist! That has many advantages – not the least being that you are probably untouched by the depression and/or anxiety that is afflicting so many Australians (up to 30% they say) and indeed – citizens of western nations. That mental state, I believe, has been induced by the undermining of our belief in our essential freedoms, which has created a sort of confusion and disorientation. It has been a relatively unexamined consequence of the last three years. I firmly believe that it is a form of PTSD. Even in our physically beautiful rural community I have discovered that it is widespread, and has particularly developed as the pandemic restrictions have loosened. A typical progress of PTSD.

How is this connected with our pessimism regarding future passivity in the face of mandated energy conservation & other government mandates? Think about it. It is the stock-in-trade of totalitarian control.

December 27, 2022 5:04 pm

how many would be willing to fight for the decaying carcass that is the remains of ‘Australia ‘??

Trust me. Plenty left in rural areas. Young, smart and know a muzzle from a butt. At moment manning drill rigs, bulldozers or rounding up cattle.

I thought same with despair being from a military family till I started stepping back & looking. For the record I notice a similar trend in Fijian sub continental decendants ond ex Saffies of similar heritage. I am more relaxed now as Aussies generally shy away from military service till the chips are down.

Whether it is enough is anyone’s guess.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 27, 2022 5:06 pm

Gay rodeo oral history project.

Another I didn’t have on the shit bingo card.
Thanks so much Dr Faustus

Consider it as the abyss staring back…

December 27, 2022 5:07 pm

Every aspect of metal health is degenerating for the newer generations, yet education and politics absolves itself of blame despite 24/7 catastrophizing.
We geld the youth and wonder where the Aussie go-getters are.

Yep. I’m hoping that grandson’s nightly excursion with bottle of Bourbon over Christmas was the usual folly of young men of that age. But he is very resentful of the attention his sister gets with any adverse event in her life. As grandparents we do our best to support him.

December 27, 2022 5:08 pm

Yes there are some great young people out there- electricians, engineers. Awesomely awesome. Gives me a lot of hope.

December 27, 2022 5:08 pm

Lizzie, it’s all very sad to see these vile socialist creatures destroying all that was good . i tried to do my best as did so many of my contemporaries. All now gone. I fear for the young ones.
Not much time left.

December 27, 2022 5:10 pm

how many would be willing to fight for the decaying carcass that is the remains of ‘Australia ‘??
Trust me. Plenty left in rural areas. Young, smart and know a muzzle from a butt. At moment manning drill rigs, bulldozers or rounding up cattle.

Yes – I suspect that our grandson would be among them. But as his loving grandmother, I pray he will never be required to. I would gladly take a bullet for him.

December 27, 2022 5:10 pm

Diogenes, the Lambertz lebkuchen and pfeffernüsse that Aldi had as special buys are also available at Big W.

Note made for next year. Nothing on the website.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 27, 2022 5:14 pm

My SIL has got herself so worked up about “the End of the Planet” that she is becoming unhinged.

Mem – I’m sad for you and for her. She sounds beyond the point where logic and data might persuade her otherwise. I don’t know what you do. She reminds me of these people who holed up in a cave waiting for the end of the world. Fortunately they were fairly specific about when that was supposed to happen, so after it didn’t the authorities managed to convince some of them to come out again.

Unfortunately with the climate scam the prophets are careful to predict thermageddon 10 or 20 years away, which is too far away for people to wrap their heads around, yet near enough to be a personal threat. So they live in permanent fear. The Covid stuff has added another layer to that fear. It’s evil psychology.

December 27, 2022 5:14 pm

Breakdown of the day! Knife drive bearing came off the crank. Fixed in 20 minutes, replacement bearing in the spare parts box. 🙂

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 27, 2022 5:14 pm

Amid all the uproar over Don Bradman’s letter to Mal Fraser, after the Dismissal, it seems that others, including Robert Holmes A’Court and Lang Hancock also wrote to Fraser….

December 27, 2022 5:17 pm

Warner 200 retired hurt. Great knock showing guts and character.

Little Bloke has been watching the cricket in amongst farming activities, he’s ecstatic. Each time I came in for a cool off I got a Warner update!

December 27, 2022 5:23 pm

Nobody mentions good, hearty Aussie bratwurst any more.

Only South Australians could say that.


It’s kind of obvious why they go hard on the serial killing and sicko stuff

December 27, 2022 5:24 pm

Im sure this is sustainable.

When I was doing rentals I did a calculation on a lady who had 6 kids.
To have received as much as she did in a job wages would have been near $100,000. Plus the usual government house/power/water/medicine rebates etc.
They found that in three states, Washington, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, this typical family can earn the equivalent of more than $100,000 annually without working, thanks to various government programs.

Meanwhile, in 14 states the benefits are equivalent to an $80,000 annual salary or more. In these states, welfare pays better than the typical job of a secondary school teacher or electrician, according to the study. In 24 states, languishing on welfare pays better than the typical salary earned by a firefighter, truck driver, or machinist.

In Australian terms.
Running a hypothetical single mum, 4 kids no income through the system get you
$970 a fortnight single parent payment
$1,161.44 for family tax benefits.

Again add in subsidized everything and you are getting towards $1500 a week tax free income/benefits.

December 27, 2022 5:26 pm

miltonf says:
December 27, 2022 at 5:08 pm
Yes there are some great young people out there- electricians, engineers

Hmmm. Everyone else may as well be a Drag Queen Story Time reader?

December 27, 2022 5:28 pm

I’m with you Lizzie on that one and I don’t share the contempt some here have for Australians.

I’m not so hopeful. The ones in the country have a feeling that something is horribly wrong, but can’t put their finger on it, whilst falling for most of the scams. The ones in the city are basically communists.

If you look at Antic or Roberts YouTube videos, they get a couple of thousand thumbs ups. That’s pretty much the number of Australian’s that have a clue as to what is going wrong.

December 27, 2022 5:29 pm

My SIL has got herself so worked up about “the End of the Planet” that she is becoming unhinged.

sounds like she’s not very bright- I know two or three people who purport to be ‘scientists’ who just vomit up ABC talking points.

December 27, 2022 5:29 pm

Re: the problems we have inflicted on our youth:

December 27, 2022 5:30 pm

Again add in subsidized everything and you are getting towards $1500 a week tax free income/benefits.

I can’t understand what men (especially young men) complain about. They just need to pick themselves up by their bootstraps out of their mother’s basement’s basement and pay more taxes, and marry those single mothers. They’re not real men until they’re working 100 hour weeks and thank God some woman can treat them like a wallet on legs!

H/T Dave “Bootstraps Boomer” Ramsey.

December 27, 2022 5:34 pm

Are We at the End of Progress? BY PAUL FRIJTERS, GIGI FOSTER, and MICHAEL BAKER.

All those dreaming of control like to believe that they should rule the world in order to save it from some great danger. At the end of the day, this is simply a selfish fascist fantasy. The West is now encumbered by huge layers of parasites whose living is made out of exaggerating fears and stealing from people under the guise of saving them. The EU Commission is a particularly glaring example of such a group, but they are everywhere today: people just trying to make a buck, but costing their society dearly.

December 27, 2022 5:34 pm

I really like Ian Smith the old kiwi wicket keeper. “Thut wus rul cummitmunt” etc. Talks sense. Good player in a tough era. Highest test score from a batsman coming in at no.9.

December 27, 2022 5:36 pm

The housing debt bomb isn’t necessarily the average price but IO resets to P&I.

1.1 mn new mortgages during extremely low cash rates. About 20% of them were IO apparently.

How it pans out will be interesting.

1. Sell the ridiculously overpriced Ford Ranger & Audi Q7 and eat devon sandwiches? Hey, it’s 1991 again!

2. Mum and Dad act as lenders of last resort and provide liquidity and loan servicing?

3. The whole thing shuts itself and we get 200,000+ fire sales with a slump in purchasing power and 800,000+ other mortgages under stress and millions more under mild stress.

December 27, 2022 5:42 pm

They just need to pick themselves up by their bootstraps out of their mother’s basement’s basement and pay more taxes, and marry those single mothers.

Its a valid point though.
Not only does he have to be presentable, not wipe his dick on the curtains in the morning and commit to raising the brood of chad, he has to be cracking onto $100,000+ just to keep her in the comfort daddy government provides.

3. The whole thing shuts itself and we get 200,000+ fire sales with a slump in purchasing power and 800,000+ other mortgages under stress and millions more under mild stress.

Do it…do it…. cmon dooooo ITTTTT!

December 27, 2022 5:42 pm

Another thing about housing affordability is that government sector employment growth and wages have been rising steadily for years and otherwise exceed similar private sector jobs outside of highly paid mining jobs – who pay a disproportionate amount of tax – all the while as we sink into massive levels of public and subsidised private sector debt.

Despite the poor macroeconomic policies or land/construction regulation environment, we could have literally created a society with too many people paid in jobs with no net benefit to society off a smaller tax base. As in, we’ve literally chosen to be unproductive and subsidise those in such jobs.

This post and the prior one have not even considered the macroeconomic implications of a substantial increase in the interest rate as to what it means for government spending, consumption, employment or mortgage affordability generally.

December 27, 2022 5:44 pm

Found out my SIL is now permanently on medication to address vaxx induced erratic heart beat.

Good job medical experts. You’re a circle jerking clown show.

December 27, 2022 5:44 pm

Change of pace.

I just watched Top Gun: Maverick in the theatre room. Made me cry. Made me cheer. Made me happy.

That is all.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
December 27, 2022 5:44 pm

Just seen the newest Avatar. It is preachy in woke ways i.e. humans are evil who have destroyed Earth and now want to destroy the new world. But also it is preachy in other ways which you can approve i.e. that a family needs a strong mother and father who will work together to bring up children who are of worth.
It is visually spectacular. It is worth going to see it for this alone. Nearly every Hollywood producer and director these days creates carbon copies of movies these days. Even if you don’t like the message you can still appreciate that Cameron wants to push the bounds of what can be offered.

December 27, 2022 5:45 pm

I just watched Top Gun Maverick

Only movie worth watching in about a decade.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 27, 2022 5:47 pm

I didn’t see the cheating dwarf retire hurt.

I was doing some prep work on the ute prior to next week’s odyssey down the centre. Cleaned on the inside, for the first time in almost a decade. Tyre pressure. Jerry cans – one diesel, one water, strapped to the tray. Also bought some CDs (yes) because 90% of the time, in the NT at least there’s no reception. Fluids and filters next week, and that’s it.

200 reds is 200 reds. Have to give him that, the flog. Plus, he can come back in at any time after the fall of a wicket.

December 27, 2022 5:48 pm

Trust me. Plenty left in rural areas. Young, smart and know a muzzle from a butt. At moment manning drill rigs, bulldozers or rounding up cattle.

Yes – I suspect that our grandson would be among them. But as his loving grandmother, I pray he will never be required to. I would gladly take a bullet for him.

Yes, so we do what we did in the last 2 wars, sacrifice all the strong, freedom loving, testosterone filled men to keep the country safe.

Then the soy filled weak arse communists are left behind to repopulate the country…

I see nothing wrong with this plan…

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 27, 2022 5:48 pm

Dot – I suspect there’s still a lot of quiet money escaping a certain place north of here. The pundits keep expecting auction clearances to collapse and they still have been going gangbusters based on the reporting I’ve seen. I haven’t looked in detail though.

The IMF report expecting a housing collapse in Australia made me chuckle because they same roughly the same thing every two of three years going back to the dawn of time.

Houses around here are lasting about 2 weeks on the market before sold sticker get put on the signs. One in the street over sold like that about a week ago.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 27, 2022 5:53 pm

Just seen the newest Avatar. It is preachy in woke ways

Been doing fairly mediochrely at the box office.

Disney Disaster: ‘Avatar 2’ Plunges 58 Percent in Second Weekend (26 Dec)

I think the punters are getting increasingly wary about being preached to.

December 27, 2022 5:54 pm

Hi Knobby. Nah weak chap is still retarded hurt. He aint Dean Jones in Madras. Will claim this innings is of that illk.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
December 27, 2022 5:54 pm

Hmmm. Everyone else may as well be a Drag Queen Story Time reader?

You will be able to get a TAFE certificate or Associate Diploma in being a Drag Queen shortly.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 27, 2022 5:55 pm

Yes, so we do what we did in the last 2 wars, sacrifice all the strong, freedom loving, testosterone filled men to keep the country safe.

Rural Australia never recovered from the First World War.

December 27, 2022 5:56 pm

The pundits keep expecting auction clearances to collapse and they still have been going gangbusters based on the reporting I’ve seen. I haven’t looked in detail though.

They haven’t been going gangbusters.

Domain’s profitability was fell substantially last quarter as listings dropped so much.

Now does that indicate a turning point or an equilibrium of sorts has been reached?

Yet, like you, I see listings that are very short, even selling before listing.

December 27, 2022 6:01 pm

Diogenes says:
December 27, 2022 at 4:44 pm
My son changed jobs in the last few weeks, and his new company is moving its call centre to South Africa……..Despite all those costs, they will only take 6 months to break even.

I am currently engaged with a large Australian (publicly listed) business who recently completed a similar overseas outsourcing. Almost all of the backroom admin type roles have been relocated in addition to a range of other roles. Dozens of Australian based staff were retrenched. Many of the retrenched staff had one to two decades with the company and in one case, just short of thirty years.

From what I understand, no effort was made to redeploy those impacted within the organisation – it was simply “here’s your redundancy, bye”. I further understand that limited services of an outplacement agency were offered but that extended no further than helping the person write a CV.

I’m there to try and clean up some of the mess but too many people have gone meaning that too much company ‘intelligence’ walked out the door with precious little formal hand-over. The procedural systems are a shambles, the information gaps are chasms – obviously not appropriate to go into the full details but the potential risk exposure is like a sleeping giant……… Meanwhile, the contractors in the new overseas office have walked into this cauldron and are unprepared and ill-trained in any event.

But yes, the company will save money on their Australian payroll.

December 27, 2022 6:03 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says: December 27, 2022 at 9:45 am

Thanks, Lizzie. A very succinct summary of the idiocy.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
December 27, 2022 6:04 pm

It’s a Jamie Oliver recipe and a bloody good one too.

. The Bobby Dazzler — Excellent and innovative use of Panettone — absolutely delicious – like it with ice cream too.

December 27, 2022 6:04 pm

Watching MSM news. Breathless heat hysteria. These people are psychopaths.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 27, 2022 6:06 pm

Trust me. Plenty left in rural areas. Young, smart and know a muzzle from a butt. At moment manning drill rigs, bulldozers or rounding up cattle

Yes. Yes there are.

This is what shits me about the constant ‘aaaaaaaaah but they’re indoctrinating all the CHILDREN and they’re all lemmings now and Rome will fall tomorrow’ brigade.

Of course there are purple-haired noodle-armed vegan cockheads, of both bloke and non-bloke persuasions and attached to every ‘fashionable cause’ they can find. 20 years ago they were called goths or emos, and 50 years ago they were called hippies. 100 and more years ago they couldn’t afford to be ‘fashionable’ attention-seekers because they’d starve to death.

If there is a difference, it is that today they are more noticeable due to social media. Joe and Jane Average do not care about that shit and never have.

Outside of the inner ‘burbs of capital cities there are indeed tens of thousands upon tens of thousands of hard working people who have their respective bonces screwed on, know what’s what and when faced with the actual destruction of their country (note: NOT tunnel-dwelling WEF children-flayers, dastardly cloud-seeding masterminds or evil cat-stroking Dr Nos in underground lairs) will answer the call if needed.

NB: Not the call of flabby regional monologuing pub singers.

December 27, 2022 6:09 pm

I think you would have to be a full time expert working in the field to understand property right now.
In some ways it is now a part of a global market.
Then you have the demographics aspect.
Then the fact that it has become a market attractive to investment companies.
The long term debt cycle.
Good luck trying to unravel it all if we are officially going into recession.
All I know is we thought we were going to rent a place last year while this joint was being repaired, and the rental market was put you name down alongside twenty others and wait while the owner decides who they want.
Luckily my neighbour was moving to Sydney and rented his place to me.

December 27, 2022 6:10 pm

I suspect there’s still a lot of quiet money escaping a certain place north of here.

RMB has devalued about 10% this calendar year as they have struggled to keep up with US monetary policy. Now the US have tapered off M1, that is.

If interest rates cannot keep up, the supply of mortgage backed securities will drop. Most of that likely has always come from the US.

December 27, 2022 6:11 pm

Cats, no potential good deed goes unpunished. Sounded out my brother’s family through a third party this morning as to whether or not I’d be able to turn up at the hospital without various personages losing their shit.

The third party got back to me shortly afterwards with the following message from the family:


So, that’s it. They’ve screwed me over, again. The simple fact is, I didn’t want to see him and if I had, it would have been for the wrong reasons.

Time to get on with my life and never think about any of them again.

Thanks to all the Cats who offered their various thoughts and encouragements and sorry to bore you all (again) with the details of what is clearly a very ordinary life. 😕

December 27, 2022 6:14 pm

But the lessons of the last 3 years are frightening.
Many of the new generation are conditioned to perceiving a world of control by mandate

there’s mandate : an official order or commission to do something
and then there’s curate : a minister with pastoral responsibility

in the coming digital FARM, the curates will implement the mandates
the kiddies are on a mission, they all want to be Curates.
they even crave it.
they have been cultivated that way.

I’ve got a feeling that a lot of people didn’t get my joke earlier today about Enum Sets and Lambda Functions.
most people don’t code.

think of an Enum Set as a list of available options
change the set and your options change

and a Lambda is an anonymous function that returns a thing
the function has a bunch of variables as inputs and
maybe the function returns a normalised Co2 score like. kg.co2/$/month
maybe it just returns yes/no
… and maybe it returns an Enum Set.

digitally, if our options are curated and the functions that control things like say … food
are changeable to nudge you in the right direction then

you’ll learn pretty fast.
or maybe not.
maybe you’ll just do what you know is the right thing
and never wonder why

a bit like driving a car up a long narrow farm driveway with livestock up it
you try and got through the middle of them and it doesn’t work very well.
so you move the car to one side and critters all flow around the other side like magic

well, the Curates have the car, the Mandates have the FARM and the fences.

… and we’re the stock

you can call it a Social Credit System if it makes it easier

December 27, 2022 6:15 pm

Good luck trying to unravel it all if we are officially going into recession.

I am very confused by the real estate market.
Constant calls of DOOOOMMM!!! and multiple rate rises dont seem to have dented Perths market at all.
Im just hoarding my cash till a bubble pops, or I die.

December 27, 2022 6:16 pm


Would you like me to go for you?

December 27, 2022 6:16 pm

The third party got back to me shortly afterwards with the following message from the family:


So now you are free from the potential burden of regret, Rabz.
You can sleep soundly and live comfortably with yourself.

Regret is the only one thing in this life to be truly afraid of. It’ll kill you by a thousand cuts.

December 27, 2022 6:18 pm


You did the right thing.
And you can still turn up at the funeral, drunk and belligerent and still have the moral high ground.

December 27, 2022 6:19 pm

Breathless heat hysteria. These people are psychopaths

Not just “da heat”, much breathless bloviating about various floods as well. Hmmm, perhaps someone should write a poem about it.

27 degrees today in Sydney, a welcome relief from yesterday’s 36 degrees “scorcher”*.

*i.e. an entirely unexceptional Sydney summer day.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 27, 2022 6:19 pm

RMB has devalued about 10% this calendar year as they have struggled to keep up with US monetary policy.

I suspect RMB/AUD is pretty stable since we’re down a similar amount.
Furthermore we’re not America, which would be politically attractive.
I defer to you though Dot, you know the area much better than I do.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 27, 2022 6:21 pm

The third party got back to me shortly afterwards with the following message from the family:


The earlier play was a set up, then, and designed to make you feel like shit.

If you own family have been treating you in this manner for years Rabz, do not feel a single iota of guilt, let alone responsibility for this appalling behaviour by people related to you by accident.

As mentioned yesterday – the notion of ‘family’ carries a fair bit of weight, but only if it’s reciprocated. You stuck to your guns and your principles, and can look at yourself in the mirror.

Bravo, sir.

December 27, 2022 6:22 pm

So, that’s it. They’ve screwed me over, again. The simple fact is, I didn’t want to see him and if I had, it would have been for the wrong reasons.

Time to get on with my life and never think about any of them again.

yes I’ve experienced that sort of nastiness from family- you think it’s apple pie and cream but they’re playing mind games with you. No more apple pie and cream from me.

December 27, 2022 6:23 pm

So, that’s it. They’ve screwed me over, again.

on the contrary, you now have all the information you need.

sounds pithy but, you can’t change what you can’t change

and yes, it is ‘rather ordinary’

people are fickle, mate

December 27, 2022 6:23 pm

The meja is evil- I walk into my fav roadhouse for coffee and bacon+egg roll and there is that slimy koch head on the telescreen. At lease the volume is down now so I can avert my gaze. This sh*t is piped to you wherever you go. Just eff off (sorry Dover).

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 27, 2022 6:23 pm

So now you are free from the potential burden of regret, Rabz.

Yep. Made the approach without making it.

Well played.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 27, 2022 6:24 pm

Just seen the newest Avatar. It is preachy in woke ways

I have heard that it nevertheless breaks with woke on a key plank of woke: it presents a healthy masculinity of a father who protects the family, who passes on lessons of manliness to his son, and gives that same son guidance as he first picks his way through the daunting unfamiliar terrain of romance.

December 27, 2022 6:25 pm

RMB/AUD is actually very stable.

A cynic might think they want their raw materials at a fixed price but will take sales at variable prices.

December 27, 2022 6:26 pm

Never heard of Panettone before today

my Old Man used to always have panettone and champagne for breakfast on xmas day

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 27, 2022 6:26 pm

Time to get on with my life and never think about any of them again.

You did your best, Squire.

You know the old saying – “you can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your family.”

December 27, 2022 6:28 pm

Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.

December 27, 2022 6:29 pm

Would you like me to go for you?

Arks, at the moment I could not think of anyone more suited to purveying my current thoughts in person to them than your good self.

You can fill me in on whether their were any hot nurses in attendance afterwards.

December 27, 2022 6:30 pm
December 27, 2022 6:30 pm

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
December 27, 2022 at 5:14 pm
Unfortunately with the climate scam the prophets are careful to predict thermageddon 10 or 20 years away, which is too far away for people to wrap their heads around, yet near enough to be a personal threat. So they live in permanent fear. The Covid stuff has added another layer to that fear. It’s evil psychology.

Agree with above. The SIL is constantly doing things for others. She is very generous but sometimes can be overwhelming. For the past two years as well as tending to grand kids she is looking after three aunts in their 90’s and having to put on masks etc to visit. She is quite bright but also very trusting so the idea that government or official “independent” bodies are running a rort is anathema to her. Yes, it is sad what is happening to her but it is impossible to reason with her. Maybe when the lights go out she might question things, although I suspect she will be dobbing in neighbours for overusing electricity during rationing.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
December 27, 2022 6:30 pm

Replace extreme cold with extreme heat and you have Australia

Texas avoided blackouts by having gas available whilst wind power provided very little. What happens in Australia when you have a heat wave with little wind? Hopefully fossil fuels will provide the gap (we hope).

December 27, 2022 6:32 pm

rickw says:
December 27, 2022 at 5:14 pm

Breakdown of the day! Knife drive bearing came off the crank. Fixed in 20 minutes, replacement bearing in the spare parts box. ?

What machine is it, Rick?
You mentioned the other day a pto type.

December 27, 2022 6:33 pm

My son changed jobs in the last few weeks, and his new company is moving its call centre to South Africa. He was describing the government hoops they have to jump through there, a certain number of blacks, no more than a percentage of coloured etc . Then there are the other costs, running buses for its workers as public transport is non existent at the times they need to work to match Aussie hours, laptops, generators for the villages where staff live, installing internet connectivity in those villages and a pile of other stuff.

Everything is being stripped bare those generators will be poorly maintained and sold on the black market within eight months.

December 27, 2022 6:33 pm

I’ll have to do some work on what to charge for hospital visit Arkygrams.

December 27, 2022 6:34 pm
December 27, 2022 6:34 pm

The third party got back to me shortly afterwards with the following message from the family:


So, the useless shits are still useless shits. Surprise, surprise.

That’ll larn yer to be kind and generous.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 27, 2022 6:36 pm

Rabz – This one comes to mind:

The Stranglers – Skin Deep (1984)

Maybe there’s someone who makes you weep
And some nights loom up ahead when you’re asleep
Some days there’s things on your mind you should keep
Sometimes, it’s tougher to look than to leap

(Lyrics linky)

December 27, 2022 6:37 pm

Very apt Bruce.

December 27, 2022 6:42 pm

an ode to fair weather ‘friends’

December 27, 2022 6:47 pm

…generators for the villages where staff live

Our Saffie Christmas guest regaled us with tales of living with load shedding (apparently the euphemism “demand management” hasn’t caught on yet). Up to four blackouts a day.

December 27, 2022 6:47 pm

sorry to bore you all (again) with the details of what is clearly a very ordinary life.

Don’t be. It was a dilemma that most face and lead to an interesting discussion, Rabz.

Time for some music.

December 27, 2022 6:48 pm

Rabz kept out of it as my dad & I weren’t talking when he passed. Won’t go into detail but his wartime PTSD got worse as he got older and alienated a lot of family and withdrew.

I did take solace in the fact his neighbours said he was quite happy till the date he met his maker.

I went to his funeral in Melbourne and it was a full requiem mass topped off with a bagpiper at the end. A lot showed up from Sydney who were alienated as well. Including some from my mums side from SW Sydney.

The last part is different from your predicament but I do hope you have your solace now.

December 27, 2022 6:48 pm

Saw a bit of the cricket, none of the houso cheating ranga. Ad for Google, featuring Magda the Obese. Her fattyness is the last thing I ever want to see. Having the personality of a rock does not endear me to want anything google has to offer. Not that I would if Sophie Marceau or Eva Green was thrown in as well. I lied about that last part.

December 27, 2022 6:48 pm

Knuckle Dragger says: December 27, 2022 at 10:53 am
Apparently I am the only person here who has not made multiple visits to the City of Light.

This is from the old thread.

KD, I have not been to Paris either, or France*, and have no plans to visit in the foreseeable future. I developed an enmity to that country when they sunk the Rainbow Warrior in Auckland Harbour. That they had no problems with testing their nuclear weapons in the South Pacific while sneering at everyone else was just too far for me.

Crossie – on our European tour in ’96 we didn’t stay any significant amount of time in france, either, for the reasons you’ve enunciated above (also due to the fact I was a raving collectivist nutbag back then). Drove from Turin to Figueres in one day (across the French Mediterranean coast) and dumped our new Renault rental (gee, thanks Jack) with French plates, FFS, in Toulouse (after driving across the Pyrenees) that night before flying to Amsterdam the next morning.

I’ve always hated the french with a passion. Preposterous poseurs, the lot of them. Sacré bleu!

December 27, 2022 6:49 pm

I’d be over google like munty on a box of Krispy Kremes.

December 27, 2022 6:49 pm

Rabz, dear man, you have done all you can. Well done you.

Now you can move on without regret or unfinished business.

December 27, 2022 6:50 pm

Now I know why you hate Arsenal.

December 27, 2022 6:50 pm

Bradman was a climate denier but it was hushed up, probably by Menzies.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 27, 2022 6:51 pm

Everything is being stripped bare those generators will be poorly maintained and sold on the black market within eight months.

Last time I was there, the local Police Air Wing was grounded, and the car jackers were having a field day.

Aircraft spares and fuel had been sold on the “black market.”

December 27, 2022 6:51 pm

For Rabz.

The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.”

? Friedrich Nietzsche

December 27, 2022 6:56 pm

none of the houso cheating ranga

No such luck here, unfortunately. Turned on the tele this arvo for a score update only to have the misfortune to witness the aforementioned imbecile edge a ball for four to apparently achieve something I’m not going to dignify with a mention.

Because he’s a cheating ranga houso midget knobhead.

December 27, 2022 6:59 pm

Just seen the newest Avatar. It is preachy in woke ways

too woke for the right, not woke enough for the left

December 27, 2022 7:00 pm

Another observation, for what it’s worth. It’s sometimes the “third parties” in families that are the most jealous and toxic. A beloved brother or sister marries, and suddenly the entire family cohesion is shattered.

Exhibit A: Mr and Mrs Sparkle

December 27, 2022 7:02 pm

Of course there are purple-haired noodle-armed vegan cockheads, of both bloke and non-bloke persuasions and attached to every ‘fashionable cause’ they can find. 20 years ago they were called goths or emos, and 50 years ago they were called hippies. 100 and more years ago they couldn’t afford to be ‘fashionable’ attention-seekers because they’d starve to death.

A magnificent example of the written expression that keeps me coming back here time after time. 🙂

KD, you are a f*cking legend. Thanks for laughs, goodness knows I need them.

December 27, 2022 7:03 pm

December 27, 2022 at 6:51 pm
For Rabz.

The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.”

? Friedrich Nietzsche

I was going to add a few words of my own but, Matrix encapsulated it brilliantly.

I am going to print those words and keep them above my work desk.

December 27, 2022 7:05 pm

calli – some clarification is needed here.

The “third party” in question is my beloved cousin Anne and the second party most likely my sister in law. I’m still not sure if my bloody brother (not that I’m going to pop my clogs wondering) was even consulted on the matter.

December 27, 2022 7:06 pm

No mention of 3rd nations:

No bail this time. They had been released on bail after previous crimes in the last few days according to DiL’s Qplod sister.

December 27, 2022 7:06 pm

Rachel Wong speaks to Rita Panahi on Sky News about the Queensland Minister for Women’s ill-conceived self-identification bill.

The proposed law will allow men to change the sex on their birth certificate and self-identify into female-only activities, spaces and services, including sports, prisons, bathrooms, and refuges.
Sex as a legal concept would effectively be abolished, and all the protections afforded to women and girls along with it.
In addition to the harms posed to women and girls, the bill also undermines children’s safety and the rights of all Queenslanders.
The Queensland Government is trying to pass this bill without listening to women’s voices and with as little consultation as possible.
And it is not only women who are concerned. For example, we have heard from many men who are concerned about their daughters’ safety and the distortion of reality, as well as from transgender people who believe such laws go too far.
Submissions on the bill close at 12pm on Wednesday 11 January 2023, and we encourage Queenslanders to share their concerns. Find out more about the bill and where to make a submission here.

December 27, 2022 7:08 pm

I don’t know if this is real or a pisstake.

Are you looking for a Japanese waifu on a working class budget?

Fake Japanese Girls has the solution. We find quality Vietnamese girls who match your specifications and train them in the Japanese, Chinese, Korean, or English language.

99 out of 1000 men can’t tell the difference.

Find your perfect Japanese Waifu in Vietnam.


Davey Boy
Davey Boy
December 27, 2022 7:09 pm

Avatar 2
Aquatic Space Smurfs – Electric Boogaloo

h/t Felix Rex

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 27, 2022 7:10 pm
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 27, 2022 7:10 pm

Time to get on with my life and never think about any of them again.

Well, save the date, Jan first, New Year’s Day lunch/arvo drinks. Cassie and I are planning something.
A couple of days before Hairy and I fly off again. Will email you when details are clear.
Tinta and Vicki and spouses, stand by, if you are in town and available. A small group.

Start the New Year well with your Cat family around you, Rabz, online and in person.
You have done what is right and now need do no more.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 27, 2022 7:10 pm

A beloved brother or sister marries, and suddenly the entire family cohesion is shattered.

Not unknown in farming families – the “In law from Hell” syndrome.

1 2 3 11
Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x