The Dreamer, Casper Friedrich, 1840
The Dreamer, Casper Friedrich, 1840
Every Labor MP knows that a fourth term is very unlikely. The idea that the Stupid Frigging Liberals will win the…
When, as rumour has it, Anal decides a Vietnam conscription policy is a good idea, then we’ll see Labor tear…
Hopefully the rumour that Charles has converted to Islam is true and the whole rotten structure falls in a heap.
Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
Laugh stifled in the naughty corner.
Two of the indigenous, in a certain Wheatbelt town, broke into a house, not realizing the occupant was at home.
Never try housebreaking where the householder is a former Reconnaissance commando in the South African Army. They tried to claim he had used excessive force…..
Pretty rich for m0nster to be sobbing about witch hunts.
Particularly when, in the case of Bunter Hiden, there are actual witches to be found.
Everything is broken now, nothing can be trusted, its the 4th turning.
Every day we seem to see it- even in the small things. Maybe I’m looking for things, I don’t know. But at the moment we are looking after my daughter’s house and animals while the family holiday in Byron Bay. They suggested we catch a government bus from the house to Manly for lunch, as we complain bitterly about the parking in this suburb.
I have not been on a state bus for years & immediately noticed something I suspect few do. The seats were expensively covered in a fabric with a pattern that reproduced graffiti!!! I kid you not. Why would they do this? We also had a free ride, as the driver shrugged his shoulders & told us that the “Opal” machine was not working. State of the state of NSW.
Rob Hulls’s house is invaded and he wants to know why.
It’s like Eric Sykes’s great comedy skit ‘The Plank.’
The men walking with the plank are totally unaware of the mayhem created as they go about their business.
At least Sykes knew the concept of unintended consequences. I doubt Hulls can grasp the ludicrous nature of his question.
What percentage of your tales involve Aboriginals and/or retired special forces grunts?
My money is on post-colonial trauma.
Never try housebreaking where the householder is a former Reconnaissance commando in the South African Army. They tried to claim he had used excessive force…..
If he was as tough as all that, I’m surprised they had the opportunity to complain.
Nothing an inheritance tax wouldn’t fix.
What do you suppose Voice delegates would make of that?
Coincidentally, Rob Hulls, the man more than other responsible for the sad state of the Victorian bench, which he populated with Labor hacks and ‘root-cause’ progressives, writes in today’s Age of having his home invaded and car stolen by disaffected youths.
Get more home security. If they can come for a Liars “icon” like Rob Hulls, they will certainly come for you.
No, probably not. I like to imagine the man getting his bald head slapped like a bongo drum by the owner of whatever corporate dick is currently occupying his comely lips at the present moment. Since the consensus position is that execution is off the cards this is one way to get by, not a good or wholesome way, but what else is there in his case.
And over in our small corner no media wants to investigate how a former PM’s daughter hovered around the edges of that particular scandal. The legal frighteners, no doubt.
No telling what the Victoriastan regime will come up with in the first year of a new electoral cycle.
January 4, 2023 at 12:10 pm
LOL, Gaetz is not sticking to any principles. He wants his own governmental star chamber to preen in front of the cameras during Hunter Biden witch hunts.
You didn’t criticise the J6 Committee (aka Kangaroo Court), you have no standing in this case.
Who knew the justice system had ‘users’
Rob first attended RMIT as a law student, where he graduated in 1982. 30 years later, in October 2012, Rob returned to the University to set up the Centre for Innovative Justice as a place to develop, drive, and expand the capacity of the justice system to meet and adapt to the needs of its diverse users.
what does the science say?
It is obvious.
Rob Hulls was robbed to check his privilege.
My money is on post-colonial trauma.
Nothing an inheritance tax wouldn’t fix.
Dont laugh.
ABCcess moist at poor Cucumbersnatch being forced to give wristies outside the local bottleo to make ends meet.
Benedict Cumberbatch’s ancestors got rich from slavery in Barbados. Now he could be on the hook for reparations
ABCcess revels in an historical inaccuracy.
because its “white men bad – particularly the Poms.
In 1627, when English colonisers arrived in Barbados, they slaughtered the local Indigenous inhabitants and claimed the island for themselves.
Lets see what Barbados says about that.
Thousands of Arawaks lived on the island with a head-chief as the Governor. A group of headmen ruled over each village. They were monogamous and were only allowed, one woman.
They were a kind and gentle people who did not have barbaric customs such as human sacrifice. They lived in peace in Barbados for hundreds of years in isolation from the rest of the world.
The Caribs were cannibals, which terrified the Arawaks. When they conquered famous enemies, they smoked the meat and ate in victory. The Caribs attacked mostly at night and killed the enemies they captured in cruel and bloodthirsty ways.
Eventually, the peaceful Arawaks of Barbados were either killed by the Caribs, or fled to neighboring islands
The Caribs inhabited Barbados until the Spanish invaded in 1492. The Spanish captured the Caribs and transported them back to Spain to work as slaves.
The arrival of the English to Barbados
Approximately 100 years after the Spanish had left Barbados, the English arrived. The English settlers had difficulty obtaining water and working the land. Captain Henry Powell went to the other Caribbean islands and brought back 40 Amerindian Arawaks as free men to Barbados and, with their specialized knowledge and skill, they helped the English produce crops.
Back to the sharticle
The first British family singled out by Barbados for possible reparations are the Draxes.
In the 17th century, the family owned a sprawling Barbadian sugar plantation, upon which an estimated 30,000 enslaved people were forced to work.
Today, Drax Hall is still a functioning sugar farm owned by Tory MP Richard Drax.
The politician lives at the family’s estate in Dorset and is said to be worth close to $266 million.
Barbados’ National Taskforce on Reparations wants Mr Drax to return Drax Hall to Barbados, so that the manor could be transformed into a museum.
If he refuses, Barbados intends to take him to an international arbitration court.
A ruling in the island’s favour would set a precedent, paving the way for Barbados to pursue compensation from other descendants of slave owners.
“Any descendants of white plantation owners who have benefited from the slave trade should be asked to pay reparations, including the Cumberbatch family,” Caribbean Movement for Peace and Integration general secretary David Denny told the UK Telegraph this week.
The National Taskforce on Reparations has not ruled out pursuing other slave owner descendants, including Benedict Cumberbatch.
“This is at the earliest stages. We are just beginning,” David Comissiong, the deputy chairman of the task force told the UK Telegraph.
“A lot of this history is only really now coming to light.”
Listening to the radio at work this morning, unless my ears deceived me, I thought I heard that 5 energy companies will end up getting compensation from the Federal government.
Now we know they want to mothball any existing coal fired plants so I tried searching the interwebs and all I could find was this from a week ago.
So what gives? We hear “the rich aren’t paying their fair share (vomit)” and the need to move to renewable rubbish, yet they throw money at them. Head is spinning.
January 4, 2023 at 12:45 pm
Everything is broken now, nothing can be trusted, its the 4th turning.
Every day we seem to see it- even in the small things. Maybe I’m looking for things, I don’t know. But at the moment we are looking after my daughter’s house and animals while the family holiday in Byron Bay.
They suggested we catch a government bus from the house to Manly for lunch, as we complain bitterly about the parking in this suburb.
I have not been on a state bus for years & immediately noticed something I suspect few do. The seats were expensively covered in a fabric with a pattern that reproduced graffiti!!! I kid you not. Why would they do this? We also had a free ride, as the driver shrugged his shoulders & told us that the “Opal” machine was not working. State of the state of NSW.
Welcome to the Formerly Manly Council area – A Great Place to live – for Dinner suggest Chez Maurice & Linda Balgowlah or as someone living outside the 5Km Limit (Damn I don’t), suggest drink/lunch/dinner on the balcony of the Manly 16′ Skiff Club – beautiful views across the Harbour, Manly Ferry coming in and Sunset – or if on Seniors $2.50, take 199 Bus from Manly to Palm Beach, walk to the lighthouse then either Boathouse Palm Beach or https://www.dunespalmbeach.com.au/
Either way enjoys God’s Paradise – also Manly to Spit Harbour walk with Lunch/Dinner – Middle Harbour 16′ Skiff Club – https://middleharbourskiffs.com.au/bar-bistro/
And comment immediately above mine:
Dont laugh.
ABCcess moist at poor Cucumbersnatch being forced to give wristies outside the local bottleo to make ends meet.
Ah but I will laugh oh mole who frolics, because this is very chortle worthy
Despite the censorship and the gagging of doctors, somehow, against the odds, nearly half of the US population believes it’s at least “somewhat likely” that Covid vaccines have killed people. Astonishingly over a quarter said they personally know someone who has died and whose death may have been linked to vaccination.
The population is now starkly divided. When someone dies unexpectedly, half the nation is wondering if it was caused by the vaccines, but another third think those people are just spreading conspiracies.
It follows (surely) that some significant slab of the West has had a profound loss of trust in our health institutions and the government. It is also an indictment of most of the legacy media which hasn’t mentioned vaccine side effects at all. Half the population know they are not telling the truth. How is this sustainable?
Sixty-eight percent (68%) of adults say they’ve gotten a COVID-19 vaccination, and a majority (56%) of vaccinated adults report no side effects from the vaccine. Thirty-four percent (34%) say they had minor side effects and seven percent (7%) reported major side effects from the vaccine.
Rob Hulls’s house is invaded and he wants to know why.
What role did Tony Abbott play? One of the great threads from Tim Blair
Makiivka: Russia blames missile attack on troops’ phone use
Russia has said a new year missile attack that killed at least 89 Russian soldiers happened because troops were using their mobile phones.
Ukraine hit a college for conscripts in Makiivka, in the occupied Donetsk area, shortly after midnight on 1 January.
Soldiers’ use of banned phones allowed the enemy to locate its target, the Russian military has now said.
While the number of people killed is unverified, it is the largest death toll acknowledged by Russia in the war.
Ukraine claims the figure is far higher, saying 400 soldiers were killed in the attack and a further 300 wounded.
Russia said that at 00:01 local time on New Year’s Day, six rockets were fired from a US-made Himars rocket system at a vocational college, two of which were shot down.
The deputy commander of the regiment, Lt Col Bachurin, was among those killed, the military of defence said in a statement on Telegram in the early hours of Wednesday.
A commission is investigating the circumstances of the incident, the statement said.
But it is “already obvious” that the main cause of the attack was the presence and “mass use” of mobile phones by troops in range of Ukrainian weapons, despite this being banned, he added.
“This factor allowed the enemy to locate and determine the coordinates of the location of military personnel for a missile strike.”
Officials found guilty in the investigation will be brought to justice, the statement added, and steps are being taken to prevent similar events in future.
There are numerous studies being conducted around the world. The current position is that not all of the deaths can be attributed to COVID. At present conclusions are being suspended pending the outcome of those studies.
Vicki – oops – https://www.manlyskiff.com.au/menu & the views – https://www.manlyskiff.com.au/about & https://www.manlyskiff.com.au/gallery
Sancho, what percentage of your posts involve you making peripheral & unsolicited segueing-from-the-topic-at-hand inquisitorial enquiries of others?
From AFR last week:
“Labor should be making coal and gas corporations pay more tax, not giving them handouts. In a cost of living crisis, Labor should be helping people, not big corporations,” leader Adam Bandt said.
Damn you’re an idiot. Is Hakeepmateethbesidemybed really going to win the Speaker role? No. Will any Kleptocrapt win the Speaker role? No.
A Republican (either RINO or other) will be Speaker whether you, or I, like it or not and as bad as RINOs can be, I’d still prefer one of those to your squeeze, the Skeletor Mach II.
Tinta, I was given a copy. I got to page 3 and threw it in the bin.
Don’t let yours contaminate the dynamic lifter.
These court cases have gotten nowhere so far.
Bombshell Huckabee Announcement – SCOTUS Case Could Flip 2020, Boot Biden, Harris
I doubt it will go anywhere, but it may be worthy of popcorn and some cardboard 3D glasses.
Just like their economics, the left interpret the failure of their policies as proof merely that they had not gone far enough.
Recently we have heard the elites’ knee-jerk reaction tut-tutting mainstream Australia for their reckless knee-jerk reactions. Specifically in the case of the justice system and how it deals with youth crime.
For decades the elites have been ‘fixing’ the system, cooking up ever more reasons the little thugs are not responsible, dreaming up newer ways to spare them incarceration or, if they are imprisoned, to ensure it is not an unpleasant experience.
And all the time the frequency and savagery of youth crime grows.
The people who have overseen this disaster insist that they be allowed to continue with their efforts, and any thought of reverting to any of those earlier, more effective, methods is just backward thinking.
They really believe any idea they have is brilliant because it is theirs.
Hulls thinks restorative justice will make it better.
I’ve mentioned before my daughter sil and 8 month old granddaughter were victims of an identical type of robbery, except their wallets were also taken plus the keys of their other car.
Car insurance covered only a part of their loss, yes the car was a write off too, as house keys, all the locks, car keys for the other car had to be replaced, Christmas presents for my granddaughter were stolen from the car etc etc .
The only consequence for the one culprit caught (left fingerprints on discarded food wrappers) who refused to identify his criminal associates was a restorative justice session, which the victims refused to attend.
If they’d returned even one thing they took out of the car it might have been a little restorative.
What Hull’s should be asking for is a deduction from their benefits of $10 a week, or a wage garnishee until the amount stolen is refunded to the victims.
You’re halfway there.
How to get things done:
1. Get your ducks lined up.
2. Let other people think it is their idea.
Now there is an unhinged theory Coolio was bumped off he was going to expose “da child traffickers”.
ZFG for the moron that just told his insurance company that he was dumb enough to leave a key out.
the fool sounds like primary school teacher.
Tell you what Rob, the law of natural consequence is a much better teacher
… are we learning yet?
Jordan Peterson tweet:
Some of these Trump supporters are cringe.
Are they really Trump supporters?
The moral of the story is get a burglar alarm and set it when you go to bed, or if you don’t want to do that, at least don’t leave your car keys in a bowl or on a hook so they are easy to find.
The amount of governmental abuse Canadians are willing to accept and defend is simply mind boggling.
…. and have a ruthless looking Doberman or aggressive looking Mastiff roaming the yard once the burglar alarm is set.
These scrotes are really good at making rapid cost/benefit analysis.
Bruce O’Newk:
I just got an email from the Transplant team and they are telling our pharmacist to contact our local hospitals re Diltiazem. I have no idea why such a commonly used drug is undergoing shortages.
Tucker Carlson
“Those rejoicing at ‘chaos’ in the House prefer the Soviet gulag style of falling in line.”
What Hull’s should be asking for is a deduction from their benefits of $10 a week, or a wage garnishee until the amount stolen is refunded to the victims.
Starting point should be.
On the victims wage, how many hours of labor would it take to earn the money to replace/repair the damage caused.
Thats the starting point for any criminal sanction.
You steal a minimum wagies car you are causing more ‘harm” than if you steal a strangely small craniumed Andrew Tates one.
Therefore criminals can be incentivized to go for the top echelons of society as punishments are less.
remember this is will have no effect on offender behavior according to most of he people who inhabit that social group. Therefore they should be sanguine about the theft of their vehicle being worth 12 hours locked up, vs 4 months for the minimum wagies theft.
Oh…I suppose so. Go ahead. 😀
Tucker also…
McCarthy is going to have to make some concessions and commit to doing things he doesn’t want to do or he won’t be Speaker (i.e. release all Jan 6 docs).
Old Ozzie – Since the unpleasantness in 2014 the Russians’ secure com equipment found its way onto Ebay and the Ukrainians acquired it. Then pulled it apart and cracked the software. Very rapidly after the start of the invasion the Russians worked out the Ukrainians were listening in to their supposedly secure tactical coms.
That caused a serious tactical problem, since the Russian units needed coms and the officers had to be able to talk to HQ. That then led to a bootleg set up with civvie mobile phones. Which the Ukrainians also cracked. As far as I know there still isn’t a fix for this problem, although I haven’t been looking at the detail for a while. Also although the Russian soldiers are ordered not to carry mobiles humans will be humans, and it would be even tougher with the recent conscripts to get them to adhere to the policy. Ukrainian sigint is pretty effective from what I see, although they probably have a lot of help from a US alphabet agency or three. Probably quite a bit of the same going the other direction too, since Russian intel peoples aren’t slouches either.
Earlier in the offensive it was fun to look at the mobile traffic hotspots*, which lit up every Russian BTG all along the front line, including the concentration areas.
* That’s a mobile phone heatmap from April or thereabouts that I found just now, I was seeing many more with much more detail when I was tracking things more closely on geek accounts. But you can immediately see how much intel such a simple thing produces.
I wonder with appropriate signage if you could construct some sort of safe “trap” cell for would be home invaders, you wake up in the morning and check if you caught any. Hey if it’s voluntary, then…
“By unlawfully entering these premises you consent to possibly being restrained in an automated temporary holding cell with limited water, shelter and provisions, the cell may only be periodically checked, there is however a landline phone with a toll free number for crime stoppers and the local police station…simply press your palm onto the screen and spit into the receptacle to initiate a dialling sequence and to exit into the police paddy wagon, please give a voice recording and retinal scan…”
You may not even need to check it at all!
Welcome to the Formerly Manly Council area – A Great Place to live – for Dinner suggest Chez Maurice & Linda Balgowlah or as someone living outside the 5Km Limit (Damn I don’t), suggest drink/lunch/dinner on the balcony of the Manly 16? Skiff Club – beautiful views across the Harbour, Manly Ferry coming in and Sunset – or if on Seniors $2.50, take 199 Bus from Manly to Palm Beach, walk to the lighthouse then either Boathouse Palm Beach or https://www.dunespalmbeach.com.au/
Either way enjoys God’s Paradise – also Manly to Spit Harbour walk with Lunch/Dinner – Middle Harbour 16? Skiff Club – https://middleharbourskiffs.com.au/bar-bistro/
Thank you Oz, we are fairly familiar with the area, having lived in Cremorne for some 27 years, although there are still many beautiful places we haven’t been- or, at least in recent years. Yes – Chez Maurice & Linda – still there and still great French tucker. We have walked the brilliant Spit Harbour to Manly – of course from our direction, and driven to Palm Beach to enjoy that gorgeous location – indeed all the nearby surrounds – especially Whale Beach. Not so keen on Avalon which, as well as too many ticks, has a lot of old hippies and modern day “Woke”!
Our daughter is devoted to the Northern Beaches and they live the “ocean” life that was not as possible in their last abode of 20 years – Northbridge. Me? I prefer the quiet Harbourside beaches and Middle Harbour parks (on the north side). Not surprising for someone who grew up in the country and now lives most of the time on a farm, I am not a “beach person”.
Why would they want to cover it? Many would feature in the “book” in the first place.
Dot – Sadly yes, in part because the RINOs would be impeding it as well as the Dems. But Kari Lake does seem to be made of different mettle/metal.
Over 333,472 Misdemeanors Committed in Kari Lake’s Election, But Trial Court Judge Shrugged Them Off (2 Jan)
Lake is appealing…we’ll see if a Pellish result occurs, which would cause an equally fine explosion if it does since Maricopa was one of the places the Dems stole in 2020.
On the other hand with all the security apparatus in the hands of the Dems I doubt anything will happen even if they’re caught in flagrante delicto. It seems beyond a point that law and justice can be had through the state organs of law and justice.
McCarthy was minority in the house for around 4 years (?). Why the bawling about him now? Presumably he was elected a few times by the GOP. Is the vote for speaker by the whole house because that would be the problem with the thin margin the GOP holds?
Johnny, verifying is too high above us, we are not even allowed to question anything.
I prefer the quiet Harbourside beaches and Middle Harbour parks (on the north side)
Clontarf Beach, Castle Rock Beach & Forty Baskets Beach after school holidays during the week, or Washaway Beach at low tide.
Yes – Chez Maurice & Linda – still there and still great French tucker.
My Wife and I ate many times at Chez Maurice & Linda when at Mosman, and then when they moved to Balgowlah – Maurice has retired, but the new owners have kept faithfully to the old menu and the food is still excellent
I grew up in Cremorne above Primrose Park, and before Tobruk Avenue & Wonga Rd came into being – fond memories of bush roaming.
At Avalon, go to Clareville Beach Reserve on Pittwater – our youngest daughter was married on the beach there, a relaxing place.
Yes JC its the whole house that vote (well, only those that turn up to vote as you can’t vote “in absentia”).
He was minority leader but I think he lost a lot of “friends” on the way. Probably rightly so.
….and having said that, he did raise about a quarter of a Bill for the Republican Party over the last two years and some of the very people he endorsed have turned on him…
I think he can still be Speaker, but as Tucker suggests – he’ll need to make a few policy compromises… Speakers can be fired by a simple majority vote so he’ll need to tread carefully if he does get it!
Time for daytime doze – thunderstorm about to arrive – http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR714.loop.shtml#skip
Oh fark off…
I think everyone at the Cat has obviously gone for a nanna nap…. 😛
what, no strap ons?
In 2022’s final week, as New Orleans barreled toward year’s end poised to reclaim the mantle of America’s most murderous city,
As of 1:30 Saturday afternoon, New Orleans had logged 265 murders…
That works out to 70 killings for every 100,000 people in the city, the highest rate in a decade
That would be rainbow beach balls.
Won’t be watching
The Pride message will extend into the crowd with a pre-match Pride activation featuring table cricket, inflatables, bowling machine, catching competitions and face painting on the Southern Oval.
And trannies reading books to kids.
30,000? Presumably not all at once.
My BS meter is leaping across the room.
Well… that’s the end of the BBL league for me. I’ll stick to the Australian Test Team instead…
Two thirds of children in the Swedish city of Malmö are from immigrant backgrounds, with researchers suggesting that Swedish should not be used in schools to aid in their education.
Scene from Blackadder…
Blackadder is about to leave for the West Indies]
I still can’t believe you’re leaving me behind.
Oh don’t you worry. When we’re established on our plantation in Barbados I’ll send for you. No more sad little London for you Balders. From now on you will stand out in life as an individual.
Will I?
Indeed. All the other slaves will be black.
Hulls’ desire to meet with the scum who invaded/burgled his house so that he can ask them “why” encapsulates everything wrong with the left.
The left is either unable and/or unwilling to acknowledge reality and this means they are making the world a much, much more dangerous place. I often wonder whether this inability or unwillingness stems from pure naivety or it’s part of a sinister neo-Marxist plan to completely destroy western institutions by trashing our practices and norms. You only have to look at how they’ve corrupted the judiciary, be it with Pell or recently with Bruce Lehmann, and there are numerous other examples. They are merrily and happily destroying our notions of crime and punishment, which have generally served us well. Is this deliberate? I suspect so, they’re doing a marvellous job, just like termites they worm their way through every institution, including the judiciary, eating away at the foundations and destroying everything, and in the process, of course, destroying western societies.
Memo to Mr Hulls and his quaint desire to ask….”why?”, I’m sure Emma Lovell would also like to ask those juveniles who invaded her home on Boxing Day and stabbed her and her husband, in front of their children…”why?”. The thing Mr Hulls, Emma Lovell is unable to ask that question because she’s dead.
I thought Chez Maurice & Linda had been taken over by their kids, or one kid and their spouse.
I very much like Cafe Lyon in Lindfield. Strangely located as while there a few other restaurants scattered about there are no bars to start or finish up in.
Mind you, Balgowlah is not exactly overflowing with watering holes either.
I lived in a share rental in Spofforth Street in the 1980s. Yep, named after the cricketer.
We were at the bottom end, water views, magnificent palms, sandstone house, fence and landscaping. Bluetongues galore.
I expect that it is an apartment block now.
An older lady decided to give herself a big treat for her 70th birthday by staying overnight in a really nice hotel. When she checked out the next morning, the desk clerk handed her a bill for $250.
She demanded to know why the charge was so high.
“I agree it’s a nice hotel, but the rooms aren’t worth $250 for just an overnight stay! I didn’t even have breakfast”.
The clerk told her that $250 is the ‘standard rate’ and breakfast had been included had she wanted it.
She insisted on speaking to the Manager. The Manager soon appeared and, forewarned by the desk clerk, announced: “This hotel has an Olympic-sized pool and a huge conference centre which are available for use”.
But I didn’t use them” she said.
”Well, they are here, and you could have” explained the Manager.
He went on to explain that she could also have seen one of the in-hotel shows for which they were so famous.
We have the best entertainers from the world over performing here” the Manager said.
But I didn’t go to any of those shows” she said.
Well, we have them, and you could have” the Manager replied.
No matter what amenity the Manager mentioned, she replied “But I didn’t use it!” and the Manager countered with his standard response.
After several minutes discussion, and with the Manager still unmoved, she decided to pay, wrote a check and gave it to him.
The Manager was surprised when he looked at the check. “But madam, this check is for $50”.
“That’s correct I charged you $200 for sleeping with me” she replied.
“But I did nothing of the sort!” exclaimed the very surprised Manager.
“Well, too bad, I was here, and you could have”.
Sometimes too much to drink is barely enough.
– Mark Twain
Arrived in Singapore. I put up something on Rafe’s thread about ethnicity here. We are staying at the Hilton Garden overlooking Little India, old-style Singapore still, where we are going to amble around this arvo before heading to the airport. Just thought I’d let you know that we made it here on the Singapore Airlines cheapo airline called Scoot (think Jetstar), in Economy, to connect with British Airways to London. I was very dubious about it, expecting the worst. Hairy booked it because were put off by the rip-off prices for this eight-hour daytime trip on other airlines, including Singapore Airlines, during the New Year period. We can grin and bear it for 8 hours, we said to each other.
However, it was in a Dreamliner and all in all a pretty good flight. Someone here said Scoot had poor legroom, but the Dreamliner was fine. The toilets were not coffin-size as in some Delta US flights. The seats were comfortable with a decent lay-back. You had to purchase food and drink but the prices were cheap, and you had to use your own tablet with stored entertainment as there was nothing on board, as their QR coded system wasn’t working. Staff were attentive. You could ignore a certain silliness about fluffy animals as the staff dressed up one time as they served, aimed at kids but seemingly liked by the Chiese adults. Reminds of Japan in that. Very Asian.
One thing I’ll say is that the clientele are mostly smaller people (like me but slimmer) and so you are not crowded out of your seat by a fatty as can happen in the US. Even Hairy had enough room. So as far as we are concerned, for a quickish flight to break up a longer haul to Heathrow, where you can lash out on better seats, recommended.
I busied myself reading Tina Brown’s huge tome ‘The Palace Papers’, which is a gossip’s delight on the Royals. Quite a lot of inside information and she writes surprisingly well. In it’s coverage of the earlier years of Charles and Camilla in particular it is an amusing and eye-opening insight into aristocratic British culture and its inherited expectations of marriage and family, with a lot of anecdotal material on dotty Brits who were still extant at that time. Good on the collision of that heritage with the Swinging London of the 60’s and 70’s. Enter Diana. And now, Sparkles.
THIS duks NOT for lining up!
You know there really are quite a few media reports on excess deaths in Australia.
This article from the Conversation on 13 December links to the AAI report.
Covid behind many of 2022’s excess deaths
I had to go to the Doc yesterday for a small issue dealing with a shin wound failing to heal. I hit it on a machine leg at the gym. No biggie. It will I guess.
Anyway, I got talking the doc about things. He told me that he has patients who come in wanting to either see him or psychiatrist/psychologist types because they’re stressed out and very anxious about ….. you guessed it… Climate Change. I suggested that I found this to be incredible, but he assured me that the fear is very real causing lots of stress and angst. He said other docs are finding the same thing in general practice. It nuts, right, but it sounds like it very real.
I have no reason the doubt him and if true I wonder just how many people are walking around scared shitless about climate change? I/we make fun of people showing anxiety about gerbil warming, but I think it’s actually very widespread. Fear is the biggest motivator of all. Think as we might that climate change is bullshit, or that it doesn’t matter for a host of reasons, we really can’t discount there are lots of folks living life frightened stiff that sea water will eventually seep into the bedroom while their asleep and drown them.
There are, there actually are people living like this so it’s no wonder the Teals won 10 seats and it appears to be quite a lot of them. It’s a psychological problem, but it’s real to them and can’t be brushed aside.
I really don’t know how the hell to counter this dynamic
Chip Roy Makes The Case Against Kevin McCarthy To House Colleagues
Lizzie – You’ll have to pick up Mr Sparkles autobiography for the flight home.
Prince Harry set to release his autobiography (Sky News, 3 Jan)
No, belay that, I wouldn’t want you to risk your sanity in such a fashion.
Like most expollie autobiographies, I will let others wade through that sludge.
Cardinal Pell on Pope Benedict (from this morning in Rome):
My history in Sydney started with a ‘boarding house for young ladies’ in a grand mansion in Military Road, Mosman, which I got through a share agency when I was still seventeen and arrived in Sydney from the Gold Coast where I had fled. I was not a success at that house at that time, though it acted as a steep learning curve in matters class-related. I then moved to a bedsit in Carrabella Street, Kirribilli, and then another in Wycombe Road, Neutral Bay, having taken a secretarial job in an ad agency and fallen in love with an artist, now deceased, but still remembered by me fondly, and otherwise. He soon dumped me of course.
A quick promotion to copywriter allowed me to move into a flat share in Raglan Road, Mosman. Then to my favorite residence – an attic flat back in Carrabella Street, Kirribilli, which I shared with an interior designer who became a close friend and introduced me to her ‘set’. The flat belonged to ‘intellectuals’ who were overseas and left all of their books and magazines behind. I read ‘Encounter’ and ‘Meanjin’ and dipped into a set of Milton’s Paradise Lost with Gustav Dore etchings. Another world began to open up. I didn’t engage with the Eastern suburbs set then, though later I did, through work in advertising. There was a definite sense that the bridge separated more than physical location.
Covid, or the Covid injections? Excess mortality for the first 9/12 of 2022 was 20,000, whereas ‘Covid’ deaths was recorded as 12,500 up to Sept the same year (ie ALL Covid deaths, including 2019,2020, 2021, 2022)
1) Even if we accept the dubious proposition that ALL ‘Covid deaths’ were caused by COVID, we still have an awful lot of extra deaths … and overseas analysis suggests most of these are in the vaxxed population, NOT the unvaxxed – if ‘missed medical care, lockdown despair, long covid’ etc is the cause, why was it only the vaxxed that suffered this, didn’t they ‘regain their freedoms’ before the dirty unvaxxed?
2) Most ‘COVID deaths’ in Australia happened *after* 90% of the population was vaxxed – wasn’t the vax meant to stop that?
3) If the vax works, why are we screening inbounds from China again?
I really don’t know how the hell to counter this dynamic
1) Let them freeze in the dark
Sue, but that means we will be too.
Rep Matt Gaetz Asks Congress Why Kevin McCarthy Has Moved into House Speakers Office, Because He’s Not Speaker
January 3, 2023 | Sundance
Apparently, California Representative Kevin McCarthy has already moved his personal effects and furniture into the House Speaker’s Office despite not winning enough votes to be considered Speaker of the House.
Republican House member Matt Gaetz, a strong opponent of Mr McCarthy, sends a letter of inquiry asking how is this possible?
I’d like to report a squatter – Matt Gaetz
McCarthy needed all but five Republicans in the House to vote him Speaker.
19 Republicans voted against him.
Only another 131 failed votes to break the record from 1856.
Excuse me, now I’m reading it was 20 Republicans voting against McCarthy! What a shemozzle.
January 4, 2023 at 3:58 pm
A good start.
Now realize that deranged loons like Monty and Karens like Occasional Cortex really believe that the repubs want to instigate The handamidens tale.
And the Blacks of America are terrified of the repubs KKK brigades waiting to be unleashed.
Those massively, demonstrably irrational ideas are massaged and amplified by the left to create a terrified voteherd.
Its why any talk of managed borders immediately gets the “nazis hating brown people” as the first card out of the deck, its designed to short circuit any rational debate and go straight for the lizardbrain.
Its why if you debate a lefty their first instinct is to find an anathema label to stick on you. That way they can disregard anything said as the fear kicks in.
I dont know how you break the conditioning.
Mockery is probably best, the more caustic and crude the better.
And stop calling me Sue.
I can’t wait for Christendom to return again 😛
They’ve plenty of time Monty.
The Dems control the Senate and the Potuspuppet so there’s zilch they can do anyway.
May as well get this right, which is to boot McCarthy.
Not necessarily. Forewarned is for armed.
Those gullible enough to be stressed over Climate Change are the same morons who believe renewables are capable of maintaining the grid. Consequently, they won’t prepare. Don’t be like them.
When the music stops, make sure you have a
chairgenerator.Winter is coming!
Being a fascist collectivist, Monty can’t comprehend any caucus of any stripe debating the merits of any vote about anything — ever.
In leftard world, it’s everyone for the tribe and no dissent is allowed. As frollicking mole notes, the lizard brain can’t comprehend the idea of a debate.
In leftard world, the strongest fascist strongman wins and freedom and ideas and debate are weaknesses.
Bruce – I thought the Speaker had powers (without needing the Senate) to start some hearings?
I’m all for them getting it right but if they can’t be united in policy, then be united in disgust at the Biden “administration”
Sure, sanchez 🙂
I always thought the other side of gerbil warming was simply virtue signalling crapola. However, it’s an entirely different kettle of fish when people have been brainwashed to believe the scaremongering , heading to the doc for anxiety relief . This is an abomination . The scaremongering is frightening the shit out people. Also the percentage heading to the doc would be much smaller than those “suffering” at home.
Sancho Panzersays:
January 4, 2023 at 4:39 pm
January 4, 2023 at 4:23 pm
Sue, but that means we will be too.
And stop calling me Sue. – Johnny Cash – A Boy Named Sue (Live at San Quentin, 1969)
Daily Mail.
JC what’s the really story behind your gym injury?
Tried to bench too much & you blew out something?
In fact, I think what is at the heart of who is Speaker is not “is McCarthy a RINO or not” but is “how hard do you want to go on Biden and the establishment?”
That, is the real deal and worth fighting for (as we know they’d hand it to McCarthy is he promised to obliterate Biden but there are signs he doesn’t want to… so what’s the point of having him Speaker then..)…
Because the Chinese vaxxs didn’t work and a big percentage of Chinese people didn’t get them?
January 4, 2023 at 4:54 pm
I always thought the other side of gerbil warming was simply virtue signalling crapola. However, it’s an entirely different kettle of fish when people have been brainwashed to believe the scaremongering , heading to the doc for anxiety relief . This is an abomination . The scaremongering is frightening the shit out people. Also the percentage heading to the doc would be much smaller than those “suffering” at home.
Youngest Daughter & Grandkids 7/8 – 9/11 years totally indoctrinated & brainwashed on Global Warming/Climate Change/Climate Emergency by School, Friends and the Social Media of their World –
Nonno is regarded as a Cynic, but I keep rubbishing the pseudo religion
LOL at Cats getting all haughty about democratic process. Not two years ago, your mob started an insurrection in that very building. Then they bottled it and went home after one (1) cop fired back. Cowardly and chaotic, the modern Republican Party.
Most covid deaths are in the old people population.
It’s interesting that WA had a delay in covid deaths that correlated to their continued border closures isn’t it?
Some might consider that evidence that increasing covid deaths have a link to the increased movement of people.
Flashback 2019: Prof at Cambridge U. claims: ‘Democracy is the planet’s biggest enemy’ – ‘The authoritarian Chinese system has some advantages when it comes to addressing climate change’ (2 Jan)
The fun thing about these people is that China is burning more coal than all other nations put together and are aggressively increasing their coal fleet. But the useful idiots can’t seem to get their head around the idea that they might be lying.
That’s a bad workplace, sure, but 250 mn USD for compensation?
He says from under the basement bed, wearing a mask, wrapped in plastic, lying beside a pile of used RAT tests.
so its just like china then
Its evil shit.
BLM was designed to ramp up fear in the Black community.
Think about how sick and conniving you have to be to ramp up mental illness in a community for political ends.
Thats the dems.
While violent police encounters involving Black people dominate headlines, the news is having a detrimental impact on the mental well-being of Black Americans, some experts say.
In the weeks following the graphic video of George Floyd pinned under the knee of a now former Minneapolis police officer, U.S. Census Bureau data?found that anxiety among Black Americans had increased by 26% and depression increased by 22%.
Any form of restriction on abortion leads to masses of psychosis among the legbeard tribe.
Totalitarian Patriarchy Isn’t a Fantasy. It Looks Like This.
These stories imagine easily understood turning points at which it becomes clear that nothing will ever be the same. This is a failure of imagination
The seemingly illogical reason the left are now all in for Trannys is to keep the gay community on the reservation, by lumping the most unpalatable 1% of the LGBT mob as its new ‘in your face” mob to the normies they can say any criticism of trannys/twerking kids etc is a shot at all LGBT.
Keep em scared, keep em voting democrat.
I hope they have that in writing.
They seemed perfectly comfortable with the acclaim it received when it was released. And Hussey went on to play Mary in Zeffirelli’s Jesus of Nazareth in ‘77.
She must have got over her distress in order to accept the rôle.
BINGO!!! “your mob!!!” lol!!!
(Btw – The FBI is not “my mob.”)
Jokes aside, it’s good to hear older chaps exercising.
Outside of genetics, weight & smoking are your key factors when managing heart health.
LOL, Monty. That would be nice Mr Epps and his glowies, plus John Sullivan and his 226 Antifa comrades. The followup demo was fun when Trump said it was a set up and the only people who turned up were FBI guys in Ray Bans.
I thought it was fun that most of the Proud Boys turned out to be FBI plants.
so they limited pax into the state
while they got busy vaxxing everybody
and then later,
deaths went up?
is that what yr saying?
Thanks, Monty. Laughed out loud.
PS: you’re not meant to recite the party’s daily talking points. That’s meant to be the job of the useful idiots.
Pretty funny to see the FBI lads dress up like roided up, soy latte drinking inner city starter boyfriends.
Did I mention that it’s now come out that Pelosi removed security from the Capitol as well as refusing Trump’s offer of the National Guard? Oops, my mistake.
I love Monty’s talking points. Time for me to return to my SF novel, which is more believable.
There’s a word I haven’t heard for a while – most descriptive.
Offred is actually a terrible person. You only sympathise with her because of her situation, but it isn’t entirely the SENATE REPUBLICANS!!! fault.
KRudd in the press offering gratuitous advice to the Americans already.
If Albanese had any sense he’d rescind his appointment.
Yeah nah, Jan 6 wasn’t an insurrection. This was:
Even the Socialist Alliance website calls this a “riot” that was “out of control” where police lives “were at risk”
Bumped it on a stool in the gym café, most likely.
Like I said, cowardly. You lot loved the insurrection, waved your pom-poms and cheered it on lustily… until it became apparent that it was making you look bad. Now you’re trying to pretend you never wanted it in the first place. Nup, not going to the forgettery that easily.
not seeing a big downside to this. we could fix the birth rate problem in one swoop, abolish the need for population ponzi and ending universal suffrage, firing all the karens in the gov would fix the woke march through the institutions
Monty you’re hilarious. Tell us about the mostly peaceful protests.
legally controlling women’s reproductive freedom
So why did they stand naked in front of the cameras?
KRuddy. He can’t help himself. A true Liar elder statesman.
Trump said stay home. Vijaya Gadde censored him then got him kicked off Twitter.
That was from Rafe’s recent blog post. Would you care to comment, Malmo Monty?
Not two years ago, your mob started an insurrection in that very building.
See Monty got to piddle himself a little typing that, his lizard brain truly believes the most heavily armed segment of the American population responded to a call to arms to overthrow the government of the united States, but forgot to tool up for the job.
All of them.
There is no logic that puts that statement into reality.
But with enough lizard brain fear monty can make himself believe it more truly that any stylite ever believed in jesus.
And Montys premptive labeling of anyone bringing up that fact makes his refusal to consider it automatic.
The fear gives him certainty, and makes all the illogical and contradictory thoughts that might creep in go away.
Thats not an insurrection, a proper insurrection would had have the military storm the building and put down any police attempting to protect the thieving democrats.
This entire german “insurrection” is also just another con job to manufacture some sort of enemy of the state to justify ever expanding state abuse of power and control over the citizenry.
Thank goodness the Jan 6th hearings will tell us just what went on.
The actors have a point.
They were under the age of 18.
How was it allowed?
“your mob started an insurrection in that very building.”
Nope, it was not an “insurrection”, it was a riot.
The insurrection happened six months earlier, during the summer months of 2020, when your mob began to set fire to American cities.
The poor anxious climate petals will be pissed (when a major newspaper actually reveals this):
Munted was unavailable for comment on the $450M cut.
The shed PC build finished. One computer, two operating systems.
Thanks to whoever on here suggested it.
Pop! And Ubuntu on two seperate drives, can switch between in the BIOS, with Pop as the priority boot.
Wifi issue fixed by installing an ASUS card.
global warming bringing snowstorms to your doorstep
As I recall, that particular ‘you lot’ was a small handful of wildly excited Q-enthusiasts – now elsewhere.
It looks like English. But it reads as gibberish.
“Nup, not going to the forgettery that easily.”
Agree, and I and others here don’t and won’t forget your “rock spider” comment, your “legitimate grievances” comment and that fact that whilst the summer of 2020 insurrection was going on, you and your lot said nothing to condemn the violence and looting.
You really are a despicable hypocrite.
January 4, 2023 at 4:52 pm
What a shemozzle.
Being a fascist collectivist, Monty can’t comprehend any caucus of any stripe debating the merits of any vote about anything — ever.
In leftard world, it’s everyone for the tribe and no dissent is allowed.
To borrow from Mussolini, “Everything within the tribe, nothing outside the tribe, nothing against the tribe”. True inheritors of the fascist tradition.
lets check the woke bible. Diversity Inclusion Equity. die die die
There it is, the answer right in front of our nose, they need to die, bring in assisted dying with dignity asap.
Says the doughnut addled loser who can’t remember what “he” posted last week lol!!!
When you get something so elementary so wrong such as your claim that “Trump appointed Judge Reinhardt lol” how can anyone expect you to get more complex issues correct?
Depends. If you just want to start a fire and make yourself feel better then it is the best choice. Good fun too. If you want to plant seeds then gently pointing out the flaws in a given argument while suggesting that it might be a bit silly to believe otherwise might work better. Polarise and personalise, if you believe that you might turn out to be another fat basement dwelling retard in Melbourne raising another man’s children and hissing compulsively on the internet sort of thing.
legally controlling women’s reproductive freedom
He who dies controlling the most reproductive freedoms wins.
You can have my repoductive freedom when you pry it from my moist sticky palms!
Yep, not one neck tattoo seen on the dozens of mugshots of the white supremacist far-right nazi terrorists. FBI plants all of them.
Fascinating who was sent to Lula’s big party.
Russia sent their number 3.
China sent their number 3.
The US sent the secretary of the US Department of the Interior.
Sancho Panzer:
Sancho Panzersays:
January 3, 2023 at 8:04 pm
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:
January 3, 2023 at 7:40 pm
Bobbie Sewell raised the proposition of randomly selecting one in ten of recidivist criminals for execution as a deterrent to others, irrespective of crimes committed.
You’re the smartest person in the room [..].
Why do you have to misrepresent & reframe?
Let’s go to the tape.
Robert Sewell says:
January 3, 2023 at 3:36 pm
We seek answers to reasonable questions; how and why did this happen? And how do we ‘”fix’’ the system to prevent this from happening again?
If you think I meant that in all seriousness, then you’re stupider than you look.
It was obviously meant in a joking fashion.
Wake up to yourself and develop a sense of humour instead of searching through peoples comments to find something that wasn’t there.
“The tribalism regarding where one’s from, rather than where we are headed, is divisive and regressive thinking at its worst.”
Have to laugh at how His Eminence managed to squeeze that line into his Rome interview on Benedict as a bow-shot back home! 😛
Not two years ago, your mob started an insurrection in that very building.
m0nty=fa still rabbiting on about the only unarmed “insurrection” in history. Keep regurgitating those leftard talking points m0nty=fa, you are far too stupid to think for yourself.
Was it an “insurrection” when fascist leftards stormed a Senate Committee room during the Kavanagh hearings? When leftards (Weather Underground) detonated explosives in the Capitol in 1983?
Yes and what was the parents role?
No, it isn’t. Your support and approval of leftard freaks and creeps grooming young children must not be forgotten, mOron. For days you defended these perverts and their obsession with getting at the kids. You’re a very sick puppy. too.
Mr Sewell, every time you post I am reminded of the magnificent offensive lineman Detroit drafted out of Oregon.
Paul Sperry tweeted that once, and never posted a story to back it up. As he never staked his byline reputation on it as a reporter, that makes it worthless.
Have a think about it. Why was the former FBI agent on the ground during the insurrection? Odds on that he was a Trumpist, a true believer. There was never any hard evidence that Antifa was involved.
That former FBI agent made it up, Dot. That is what happened. You got fooled. Rafe got fooled (which doesn’t take much).
Really? I was tucked up in bed, but reading up thread on the day, there were a few watching. Ashli Babbit was shot before 7am EST.
I recall someone following the action saying that there was a shooting.
As for lusty cheering…you need to name names. Some might not be part of this “you lot” any more.
Sorry. EDT. Standards must be maintained.
omg there’s 5 seasons of this
Hadn’t seen that report but it sounds like John Sullivan’s guys which his brother fessed about.
The Republicans haven’t been chasing this one up, but have been doing so for Mr Epps.
PS: you’re not meant to recite the party’s daily talking points. That’s meant to be the job of the useful idiots.
What else in m0nty=fa, if not a “useful idiot”? He is certainly an idiot, and he does his best for the party.
Like I said, cowardly. You lot loved the insurrection, waved your pom-poms and cheered it on lustily… until it became apparent that it was making you look bad. Now you’re trying to pretend you never wanted it in the first place. Nup, not going to the forgettery that easily.
Look at this arsehole. Goes from cheering trannies reading books to kids to this utter nonsense.
Self awareness not a strong suit.
Remember, by his own words, we can punch people in the face if we disagree with words spoken. Careful what you wish for monty.
I’d Like to Report a Squatter
Rep Matt Gaetz Asks Congress Why Kevin McCarthy Has Moved into House Speakers Office, Because He’s Not Speaker
January 3, 2023 Sundance
Apparently, California Representative Kevin McCarthy has already moved his personal effects and furniture into the House Speaker’s Office despite not winning enough votes to be considered Speaker of the House.
Republican House member Matt Gaetz, a strong opponent of Mr McCarthy, sends a letter of inquiry asking how is this possible?
‘Squatter?’ Matt Gaetz seeks to boot Kevin McCarthy out of Speaker’s office
Police take out DVO to protect former ABC presenter from daughter
Things are going well then.
John Sullivan of course is the guy who led the protesters into the Capitol with assistance from the Capitol sergeant at arms, then videoed Ashli Babbitt dying before trying to sell the footage for $90k. He’s a fruity type of guy.
I looked up the Jan 6 Wiki stuff.
Oh my! It looks like a Hollywood script. Gaslight to be precise.
David Rowe.
(sorry Tom)
January 4, 2023 at 5:27 pm
Reason is unlikely to work with lizard brain fear.
I firmly believe for the real terrorised only the fear of “why is this person laughing at me” and the fear of social odium might get through.
Either way, its more enjoyable for me.
Calm down Bobbie.
You do seem obsessed with summary administration of capital punishment.
And iodine.
It’s not healthy.
January 4, 2023 at 5:19 pm
The actors have a point.
They were under the age of 18.
How was it allowed?
Roman Polanski sexual abuse case
On March 10, 1977, then-43-year-old film director Roman Polanski was arrested and charged in Los Angeles with six offenses against Samantha Gailey (now Geimer),[2] a 13-year-old girl[3] – unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, rape by use of drugs, perversion, sodomy, a lewd and lascivious act upon a child under 14, and furnishing a controlled substance to a minor. At his arraignment, Polanski pleaded not guilty to all charges[4] but later accepted a plea bargain whose terms included dismissal of the five more serious charges in exchange for a guilty plea to the lesser charge of engaging in unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor.[5]
Polanski underwent a court-ordered psychiatric evaluation,[6] and he was placed on probation.[7] However, upon learning that he was likely to face imprisonment and subsequent deportation,[8][9]
Polanski became a fugitive from justice, fleeing to London and then France in February 1978, hours before he was due to be formally sentenced.[10]
Since then Polanski has mostly lived in France and has avoided visiting any countries likely to extradite him to the United States.
Photos of Harvey Weinstein’s ‘deformed’ genitalia shown to jury in LA sex crimes trial
Good links Bruce – calling out the big Munt… good onya.
The fact that the Dems could go into the Jan 6 hearings and talk about the 3 police officers who lost their lives with a straight face demonstrates the kinda “honesty” you can expect from their side.
(And Munt – the offer stands also for me, as many other Cats have asked -> Go find my comment, ever, supporting Jan 6. Period. Go now filth! I’ll add it to my daily reminder for you.)
Cough, the guy hawking the Ashli Babbitt tape, cough.
What a stupid comment.
I haven’t seen a Rowe cartoon for years as I dislike looking at naked men.
Dude really, you want to know? I was bumbling around from one machine to another. I didn’t see the extended leg of one machine and hit it with my shin. It was painful as hell. I damaged the very point of the bone and it hasn’t healed for about 4 months now. It itches like crazy. I got a strong cortisone ointment to stop the madding itch and hopefully it will heal.
Well, we had elements of tension among the extended family over Christmas, but no assaults, DVOs, AVOs or property damage.
It feels rather bland by comparison.
I should add that I deplore and condemn the riot of January 6 2021, and I have from the beginning, as has almost everyone here. It was unseemly however what ensued on January 6 2021 pales in comparison to the mayhem and violence that preceded it during that awful and hot summer of 2020, when Democrats militias, once known as the KKK, now known as Antifa and BLM, rampaged through American cities at the behest of their Democrat masters, vandalising and pulling statues from their plinths, including statues of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised at the destruction of statues of Lincoln, the Democrats have hated Lincoln since the Civil War, he did after all free the slaves. But the left’s reaction to that violence, including the resident effwit here, was either tacit support or justification, silence, occasional mute condemnation, or outright celebration. And they were fortunate, they have a disgraceful MSM on their side, doing their bidding. The rioters of January 6 have no MSM on their side, they’re still languishing in prison whilst Antifa and BLM thugs, who burnt down parts of Portland and Seattle, roam free.
There’s one thing I now know which is that justice in the USA is NOT blind.
Have you sought a second opinion?
From Slater and Gordon?
Indeed. The dispute is whether or not this includes the destruction of the child in utero. Are China’s one-child policy and forced abortions only morally and politically wrong because it controlled women’s ‘reproductive freedom’ and not also because it destroys the child in utero leave alone the father’s interest for the child?
What’s oft forgotten in the discussion is that the regime in Handmaiden’s Tale were Climate Change zealots who took over to save the world from its ill effects.
Seems a little at odds with the ‘right wing’ theory.
The “Mensa member” class of commenter are finding the normies are not as inclined to politely put up with being talked down to and toyed with.
The “Mensa class” seem to be here to bear bait those they believe are, by dint of profession or assumed education level, to be their “inferiors”
Almost enough to make you believe in divine justice.
Weinstein had Fournier’s Gangrene.
Basically the bit between your arse and your knackers going rotten, left long enough the meat and 2 veg are also involved.
Link to pics here- not for the faint hearted or those having lunch.
Seems like a long time JC. X ray done? Just wondering if there is a bone fragment there.
Gyms a dangerous places.
Fatigued people walking about.
No monty it’s the truth.
You haven’t disproven it at all.
What, for your next trick, you’re going to make Ray Epps disappear too?
monty also breathlessly posts:
Truth is what monty feels like it should be on any particular day, it seems.
There is a trove of evidence fingering the Antifa terrorist organisation.
But also the FBI terrorist organisation.
It’s going to rain on & off for the next three days in Sydney town.
Feel sorry for the punters who planned holidays around a day or two at the cricket.
Thats awesome, I didnt realise that was the background.
The colonies as depicted in the series ar dangerously close to “oooh theres some lovely filth down here’ from monty Python.
The Republic of Gilead responded to these climate changes by reportedly reducing its carbon emissions by 78% in the first three years of its existence[1], and the Gilead government has reportedly made strides in improving and reversing the effects of global warming. An example of which is when Serena and Fred drive to meet Mark Tuello, and Fred remarks that the area they’re driving through was full of rusted out factories before being removed and restoring the natural environment in said area.
You need a heart of stone not to laugh.
Space chook has banned me because 5 years ago I signed a petition which was later posted on space chook calling for the removal of clem ford because she ran a site called #killallmen. Examples of clem’s posts about men including:
All men are scum and must die
Men R gross and also rapists. KILL ALL MEN.
I don’t know for sure but apparently I’m being blamed for clem’s posts. But 5 years ago.
Frigging nayzees (again). Still, it may be some of comfort to her that she wasn’t summarily executed.
BoN – as you noted, telling the truth nowadays truly is a revolutionary act.
We are hurtling headlong into a new dark age, Cats. It gives me no satisfaction whatsoever to observe it.
Cassie was there ever a riot? If there was, it was instigated by the FBI.
From what I saw, there were 2 murders of Ashli Babbett and Roslyn Boyland.
I’m happy to be corrected but you rightly say that you cannot call this a threat to democracy then on the other hand, allow the death and destruction wreaked upon cities because of BLM and Antifa, whom monty has posters on his bedroom wall of.
Looked up the Macquarie dictionary, the entry for Fool meaning, had- see munty. Looked up munty meaning, had- see fool, also fat freak, deviant apologist, no idea.
Welcome back CMD.
The only person here who claims Mensa membership is Dr BG.
Not sure why you have a gripe with him.
Cassie – nice points on Dems and KKK.
If I recall correctly, during JFK’s Presidency, all of the governors he had problems with on race rights were Southern Democrat Governors? Am pretty sure all States except Arizona were Dems (“kkk”)…
WTF – this drivel allegedly garnered 23 updicks?
The Chinese wuflu vaxxes worked about as well as AZ, Pfizer, Moderna etc.
All of them essentially useless for the ostensible purpose.
Regarding excess deaths. Some points to consider.
TGA 94% funded by pharma fees. Highest in the world.
TGA approves the vaccines and then gets to decide which injury or death report counts. Naturally this is not consistent with funding and approval accountability.
Don’t have his name with me but the specific guy who heads the unit deciding which counts got the job pretty much same time Pfizer approved in Oz. Previous job was with big pharma (source Spectator mag a month ago).
So far 13 AZ and 1 Moderna deaths admitted.
Both UK and NZ have had Pfizer jab deaths but we have had none.
Deaths with Covid can’t be relied upon due to the average age being slightly higher than normal and the multiple co-morbidities involved in most cases.
Even in cases where under 20’s died with Covid often serious co-morbidities were involved. In one SA case the family called the CHO a bitch for using the death to promote Vax to other kids.
Recent article in Herald Sun indicated 60% of those over 70 admitted to hospital were only found to have Covid after admission. So obviously admission due to non Covid in majority of cases. Yet if they die you can guarantee they are counting as Covid.
They want the high death count to encourage the Vax take up despite the 3rd and 4th shots being two years old.
Demonised ivermectin (horse dewormer) and hydrooxy chloroquine (ie. Albo as Opposition leader) despite being used safely for decades. Approved others, that were hundreds of times more expensive but subsequently found not to work.
Weird how the only strategy was to Vax. How about promoting Vitamin D or even exercise?
The medical establishment and media all in.
Good luck with any Royal Commission getting to the truth of anything let alone going ahead.
This type of banning is what killed, stone dead, any chance FB had of becoming a serious business portal.
The high likelihood of an arbitrary (& senseless) suspension/banning meant no business operator could afford to allow their business to centre upon a Facebook presence.
They always were.
I wouldn’t trust the state as far as I could spit a dead rat. Sometimes we have little choice but to pretend, but there’s a place for keeping an eye on the exit door.
I forget the actual law, but isn’t the government allowed now to look inside our computers – amend, delete or otherwise add to our files because Security and Terrorism?
I remember when it came in – “That’s every paedophiles escape clause.”
Oddly enough, my attitude to allowing the State to execute someone is the same as JCs, but if I admit that, then I’m obviously grovelling.
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