The Rocky Mountains Lander’s Peak, Albert Bierstadt, 1863
The Rocky Mountains Lander’s Peak, Albert Bierstadt, 1863
Every Labor MP knows that a fourth term is very unlikely. The idea that the Stupid Frigging Liberals will win the…
When, as rumour has it, Anal decides a Vietnam conscription policy is a good idea, then we’ll see Labor tear…
Hopefully the rumour that Charles has converted to Islam is true and the whole rotten structure falls in a heap.
Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
Now that is spooky.
I type a comment about hydrofoil surfboards and, nek minnit, up pops a thing on Facebook for hydrofoil cycling.
Klaus is watching.
Historically the domain of BMW riders or Honda Goldwing riders. Now everyone is in the market, that’s where the money is.
Rick – Capt. Williams wiki is interesting reading. According to Soviet files he actually shot down six out of seven.
As well as the Navy Cross he also has a LoM (V), two DFCs, a Bronze Star and no less than eleven Air Medals. Plus got to command USS Eldorado. Fine work sir.
“Climate change crusader and outspoken cattle industry critic Bill Gates has thrown his support behind an Australian start-up that has developed technology to slash methane emissions from beef and dairy industries.”
The perfect grift:
1) complain about problem
2) someone creates solution
3) buy them out
<you are here>
4) pressure govs around the world to make it mandatory
5) make billions!
Nothing truer. Till 5pm at least, earlier if you get flexitime.
Klaus is watching.
Klaus better watch himself.
Apparently attendance at this years Eurofreakshow isdown 50%.
“Are we the baddies?!” moments?
You’re either evil or a Mong to not have this reaction when the Dr Evil character steps onto stage, and starts detailing what he needs to control because he’s the f’cking smartest guy in the room.
Death from old age is a great fix to these types of problems, but it desperately needs to get its arse into gear on a few notable individuals.
Dot at 12.25:
Yep, it was a welfare check according to all reports.
I was responding to a suggestion that it was a warrant to seize guns. There’s quite a bit of media (I know) reports of late saying that the Trains set up the welfare check – which is pretty simple – as an ambush.
If that was the case, then they’re even less SovCit Heroes of Straya than they were before – as portrayed in some circles.
If, from ambush, you can only knock off two of four targets not expecting to be ambushed, and only get an unwitting neighbour as a consolation prize then not only are you nuffy cockheads, but nuffy cockheads who can’t shoot.
Greg’s Airplanes, British WWII tech:
The part about drop tanks was quite interesting – esp the British paper ones. I’ve wondered about wing tip tanks considering the use of strakes we now see on aircraft with their effect on lift at the tip of the wing.
Consider a tank fixed to a wing tip on a flat plate. Yes, 30 – 40 gallons is going to do some shocking things to rate of roll, but if they are used to get initial height and distance then ditched before combat is likely, surely there’d be a large pay off in the base plate staying behind and the extension of range.
Just a thought. And I’ve probably got some basic stuff wrong.
That would make sense, if there is evidence.
“We need a pet name for the new NZ PM.”
Time for a change.
Well, people buy them for the noise factor (something I would be happy to see an end to, having lived on a thoroughfare favoured by late night bike hoons).
Noise pollution.
South Park did a great episode on Harley riders way, way back.
The suspect in the California shooting has topped himself.
But they will virtue-signal for free when they’re off the clock.
I got stuck sitting next to a school teacher at the tennis yesterday.
“Blah blah … as teachers and role models … solar panels … blah blah … hybrid … recycling …blah blah … batteries … footprint … “
I went for a piss and didn’t resume my seat.
Or working from home…the ultimate flexitime.
Certainly there needs to be further investigation + film shown, it just seems there’s a lot of loose string here.
It’s like the scientist who makes a discovery – they never call out “Eureka’, they usually say “Now that’s odd.”
I have three neighbours with hogs. We’re a bogan suburb, as I might’ve mentioned.
Ok yes tradies these days might well be called rich urban bikers.
All power to them and their beasts. They’ve earnt them.
Also gives me an excuse for loud birds at 6am, since loud Harleys at 6am are loud too.
I have been trying to name the NZ PM Napkins as it will soon be time for a change.
Post no workee but
mole at 11.21:
There is nothing more disappointing than unappreciative boatcake.
If my car made that racket it would have a canary stuck on it within 24 hours.
43 y.o. gentleman stabbed outside his home in inner northern suburban Brisbane with a 45cm bladed weapon overnight (machete?).
17 y.o. male arrested after he was by chance spotted running down the main road with the weapon by police in a patrol car.
Looking at that website Dr Faustus linked to, the cheap ones are around 15,000. Electric with a 90 minute runtime. Still seems expensive for a surfboard with a propeller on it.
Neglected to mention that paramedics were unable to revive the victim.
Mortality by vaccination status ONS critique
Another brilliant video by Dr. Campbell with Prof. Fenton tearing apart the ONS data. It’s absolutely clear now that mixing up the vaccinated in their first two weeks with the unvaxxed has muddied the waters particularly in respect of non-COVID mortality. Add this to Campbell’s earlier video today that show 8.7% higher excess deaths in the 20-44 age group in 2022 vs 2019. Also, keep in mind, as Fenton says, the ONS hasn’t updated these figures since May 2022, and he says that early 2022 data was showing even as vax rollout was slowing down, that the excess deaths in vaxxed early age groups was continuing to rise as their was fewer opportunities for misclassification.
Another video has dropped just now I need to watch. Might be worth doing a post on all of this. Just amazing stuff.
JR @ 11:34am
If you delve into the meeting’s agenda, terms like the ‘Great Reset’, ‘Green New Deal’, ‘Global Governance’, ‘New Normal’, and others used so often before are now remarkedly absent.
In their place is a rather ambiguous ‘New System.’
It doesn’t have the same weight as the others… “New” is not like “Great”, unless “Green” is included. What young things will want to sign up to an amorphous “A System”?
“Meet the New System…(same as the Old System).”
How does that inspire?
Yep, just wait until next week.
There’re increasing reports that another wave of mobilization is about to occur in Russia. The RGS has last week widened call up criteria.
As for press gangs the Donesk and Lukansk Republics have pretty much exhausted the possibilities. They were grabbing anything male, basically, handing them an ancient Mosin-Nagant then sending them to the front. That’s stopped only because they’ve run out of guys to press gang.
I’m not surprised that Ukraine might be running out of warm bodies too. It’s that kind of war.
Slavs against Slavs. They don’t muck around, unfortunately.
I was just watching the ‘Neil DeGrasse Tyson EMBARRASSED After Spreading Covid Misinformation‘ segment of the Jimmy Dore show.
I know DeGrasse Tyson is a scientist of expansive renown in the US, far more than you would expect if you went by his imprint in Australia. I assume that he must have won a reputation as a science-y guy honestly enough, but I think that he has begun to believe in his own hype.
Anyway, as part of his commentary on the DeGrasse Tyson’s interview Dore flashes up a tweet where someone suggests that the Covid ‘science’ was the same sort as the AGW is a scam.
Jimmy sees this as a dangerous development, now legitemised by the dubious science around Covid.
I think he is missing the point. The whole of AGW consists of models and, hot air, and the use of legal methods of coercion to force the skeptical to comply.
The big difference is time scale – the Covid thing worked on a cycle measured in years. AGW would have to be at least half a century.
In the few years of Covid we have been able to see just how dodgy the numbers were, how the projections did not pan out, how the solutions did not deliver as promised, and how aggressive the campaigns were.
AGW on the other hand is crafted to be irrefutable over a couple of decades at least. If the climate does not warm up as predicted in one decade, well there are wide enough probability bars to make it nevertheless consistent with the theory. How many decades will it take before they can be forced to admit their theory is wrong. (Mind you, it helps that they have corrupted the date with their ‘adjustments’ which, based on their conclusions, conforms with their conclusions.)
Thing is that it is the same dynamic, stretched out. Or rather Covid was the AGW scam accelerated: The methods were already established, they merely had to be tweaked for a new scare.
But the weaknesses identified in the case for Covid also apply to AGW: Overreliance on models, the credulity of politicians, the lure of money, power, prestige etc on scientists who are nevertheless deferred to as if they were incorruptible saints, an MSM that is more interested in scaring people than informing them, and an absolute refusal of anyone to admit they were wrong – as big a scam as AGW is there are nevertheless more shysters that money to go around so if anyone shows a moment of weakness they will be quickly dispatched and replaced.
And all of this is taken as license to abuse, defame, mock, and stomp on anyone who articulates the least doubt.
In case anyone knows of Gerard Van der Leun. He is an interesting guy that has a site called American Digest, it has been around since the early days of blogging. Sadly he has just developed end stage cancer.
49er’s win with the lowest paid QB in the NFL.
Great Weather Site
From Comments
Jolly Odd what: Sydney Observatory record cold spell broken with help from AWOL solar panel?
By Jo Nova
January 23, 2023 at 10:52 am · Reply
The year 1883 was unusual, similar to now, but obviously this is just a coincidence. It started off cool and didn’t get hot until Xmas.
First things first.
The victim will be the 17 year old because … something, something.
And he didn’t stab anyone. He was “caught up in an incident”.
These are the governments stats and should be above reproach, but are they?
If patients were being put on Midazolam, it should show up in the Docs notes, the Nurses notes, and the Schedule S4D Drug book. Either that or the doc was using his own supplies and there should be records showing his purchases of excessive amounts of a benzodiazepine/narcotic.
Dunno. I’m just very suspicious of anything involving Government. They’ve abused our trust and it isn’t coming back for a bloody long time.
Mattress Mack Bets $2 Million on Cowboys to Beat 49ers in Playoff Clash (21 Jan)
Knuckle Draggersays:
January 23, 2023 at 1:25 pm
mole at 11.21:
There is nothing more disappointing than unappreciative boatcake.
Sunny in Philadelphia had it down pat
Early days so I’m not drawing any conclusions.
But who goes about armed with a machete?
My wife has rellies in good suburbs on the northside of Brisbane; cousin had a break-in a few doors down last week. Everyone is on edge (no pun intended!)
He, pommy Brian Cox and Robyn ‘100m’ Williams make a full set of pseudoscientific bedwetters.
Leaving the whole Screamin’ Eagle BadBoy thing aside, I’d far prefer to drive a BMW, or Goldwing than a Harley. Peg turns are not for the faint of heart.
Not necessarily, Calli. Do you remember “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?”
Something smells fishy about this whole affair and I’ll just wait till all the evidence is out there for all to see.
(Yes, I understand we are all at a conjecture point, and we all have our opinions.)
With the subtitle, ‘Cooperation in a Fragmented World.’
Even Klaus has to accomodate his spiel to the reality that the New World Disorder is supplanting the globalist dream.
A cane cutter going door-to-door?
Will work for food?
This is one of the reasons I distrust ANY government organisation.
” But who goes about armed with a machete?
A cane cutter going door-to-door?
Will work for food?”
Either that, or an axe-wielding homicidal maniac that’s misplaced his axe…
The Valkyrie spacecraft mentioned earlier features in Charles Pellegrino’s “Flying to Valhalla”.
He wrote another SF novel called “Dust” which is scary.
Also a nice book about the Apollo Lunar Module “Chariots for Apollo”.
I am cheered that the ascent stage of The Eagle, LM5, may still be in lunar orbit maintaining her vigil over the orb she safely brought her humans to and from. When Elon gets Starship in routine service it might be nice to bring her back to a place of honour under the fleecy skies and the cool green hills of Earth.
Another video has dropped just now I need to watch. Might be worth doing a post on all of this. Just amazing stuff.
Yes, Dover. The data on the mortality rates is becoming more publicised. The attempts to slate them to “the failure to see GPs” during the pandemic doesn’t cut it when you understand the analysis of statisticians like Fenton, Rose et al.
What’s the plan for the redundant lids? Thermal recycling?
But who goes about armed with a machete?
Mormons who are done with taking your crap.
“The night Mormons came home!”
“Where Not inviting them in costs you an arm and a leg!”
“Mormonism is the warmest place to hide.”
“In church no one can hear you scream.”
“These Mormons has just cut, chopped, broken, and burned five men beyond recognition… but no jury in America would ever convict her!”
What’s the deal with all these gangrene councils that garbage/recycling bins made out of PLASTIC !
Think of all the baby seals that those bins are going to murderize.
that use
If there was an edit facility I would write “that use”
And the plastic bins ruin the habitat of baby koalas and quokkas!
I suppose it’s easier for Steven Miles to lecture the UK about how the state should legally kill the elderly, the infirm, the mentally ill and the fragile, than dealing with out of control juvenile knife crime, burglaries and stabbings in the state of Queensland, but hey, it’s progressive priorities…from The Oz…
Miles urges British MPs to back voluntary assisted dying laws
Queensland Deputy Premier Steven Miles has written to British MPs urging them to back voluntary assisted dying laws for the terminally ill.
Mr Miles, who championed his state’s VAD laws, has made a submission to British parliamentary inquiry “exploring arguments across the debate”.
In a letter to the committee, obtained by The Australian, Mr Miles said ensuring health practitioners were given conscientious objection was a “fundamental tenant” of Queensland’s law along with safeguards to prevent coercion or exploitation.
“I would encourage your lawmakers to act with compassion, to give the people of England and Wales the same end-of-life options as people in Australia, and to give them peace of mind that they will not be forced to endure a needlessly painful death,” he wrote.”
Thank you Cassie.
I amend my above to:
In 1996 the government did not know who owned guns.
In 2023 they do know where to find the guns belonging to the subset of gun owners who abide by gun laws.
A decade of denial is coming home to Britain and Europe. But it’s not a problem for the people who caused it and have profited by it.
They’re probably all in Spain or the Caribbean.
As usual the poor cop it in the neck. Watch and wait for the ‘Plucky Britisher” articles to pop up in the news.
49er’s win with the lowest paid QB in the NFL.
But the best defence in the NFL.
“… the ascent stage of The Eagle,…”
The entire Apollo program was either blessed by God, or very, very lucky.
The margins for error were ridiculously small.
Two examples.
The radios chatter on the LEM landing had stuff like “6 down and 10”.
That latter number – the 10 – was how many seconds of fuel they could afford to burn and still have enough left to get back to orbit and dock. If it went below zero, they weren’t going home. They got down to single digits.
After the Apollo 13 explosion, they didn’t have enough power to run the computer and so had to manually fire the rocket that would get them back to Earth. That task was the equivalent of lying under the goalposts at one end of a football field and firing a single shot at the other goal posts, where there was a piece of standard A4 office paper – edge on! You have never fired that rifle before, you only have manual sights, and you get one shot – if you miss, you and your two best friends die a slow, horrible death. They pulled it off.
Mormons turn up at your door.
You turn as if addressing someone out of sight and say “You see? The dark lord has provided our sacrifice for the evening!”, then turn to the Mormons and say “Come in friend, come in!”.
You won’t be bothered by them again – ever. 🙂
Not that I’ve tried it myself mind you…
How long before these things become self-aware, Terminator-style?
Chatbot passes Wharton MBA exam.
Kneel, it was subsequently found that The Eagle had a fair bit more fuel than the gauges were indicating at the landing. I suspect Neil may have known this.
As for doing a manual rocket firing, there were plenty of computers on the ground feeding the crew the correct attitude and length of burn. Using certain stars the ship could be aligned optically. You can also do a later mid course correction burn or two.
I will bet he is ‘known to police’.
This is certainly one way of getting rid of the Hungarian problem in Transcarpathia.
Hullo there Cats and a happy 2023 to you all (including the vax’d)
“How long before these things become self-aware, Terminator-style?”
The current invocation doesn’t learn from its interactions on-line – it has a cutoff date in 2021 or thereabouts, which if you ask it about the 2022 US midterms will show up.
The issue, IMO, is NOT whether it or something like it becomes self aware, but rather what its goals are.
If the goal is for the betterment of humanity, that could be a problem – what happens to individuals may take second place to how the species is affected as a whole, and down that path lies nasty surprises.
And if the goal is unknown, because it makes it’s own or has none, then who knows where that might lead.
The only truly “safe” goal is to hold all human life as precious – Asimov’s 3 rules, if you like. Anything else is a big problem.
Can you imagine the amount of sanitizing that would be needed before anal went near the place?
Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton urges PM to visit Alice Springs amid crime increase
Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton is urging the prime minister to visit Alice Springs in coming days as the Central Australian town experiences an uptick in crime.
The latest crime statistics for Alice Springs, released by Northern Territory Police last week, show a 43 per cent increase in assaults in the 12 months to November 30 last year.
It includes a 53 per cent increase in domestic violence-related assaults and a 54 per cent increase in alcohol-related assaults.
There was also a 55 per cent increase in commercial break-ins and 59 per cent increase in reports of property damage over the same period.
“It’s completely unacceptable,” Mr Dutton said at a press conference this morning.
“The prime minister should have been there by now, but he should go tomorrow and I would be happy to travel with him.
“If the level of violence, of crime, of sexual assault, of domestic and family violence was occurring in Brisbane or in Melbourne or in Hobart or in Sydney, there would be outrage.”
If only they had a voice…
the biden administration is going just so swimmingly
Seriously, chatgpt is going to do songmakers out of business… here’s one for you Kneel that it just generated…
An ex copper, like Peter Dutton, would have an interesting take on the situation in Alice Springs.
80,000 blondes meet in a football stadium for a “Blondes Are Not Stupid” Convention. The leader says “We are all here today to prove to the world that blondes are not stupid. Can I have a volunteer?”
A blonde gingerly works her way through the crowd and steps up to the stage.
The leader asks her “What is 15 plus 15?” After 15 or 20 seconds she says “Eighteen!”
Obviously everyone is a little disappointed. Then 80,000 blondes start cheering “Give her another chance! Give her another chance!”
The leader says “Well since we’ve gone to the trouble of getting 80,000 of you in one place and we have the worldwide press and global broadcast media here, gee, uh, I guess we can give her another chance”.
So he asks “What is 5 plus 5?” After nearly 30 seconds she eventually says “Ninety?”
The leader is quite perplexed, looks down and just lets out a dejected sigh. Everyone is disheartened. The blonde starts crying and the 80,000 girls begin to yell and wave their hands shouting “GIVE HER ANOTHER CHANCE! GIVE HER ANOTHER CHANCE!”
The leader, unsure whether or not he is doing more harm than damage, eventually says “Okay! Okay! Just one more chance – what’s 2 plus 2?”
The girl closes her eyes, and after a whole minute eventually says “FOUR!?”
Throughout the stadium pandemonium breaks out as all 80,000 girls jump to their feet, wave their arms, stomp their feet and scream… “Give her another chance! Give her another chance!”
None so deaf as those that will not hear. None so blind as those that will not see.
– Matthew Henry
Aspiring rapper … $1.05
Promising footballer … $1.20
Inspiring migrant story … $1.50
Private school boy (past or present) … $999.00*
* If so, it would have been mentioned already
Misanthropic Humanitarian on Ace Of Spades:
We received about 2 inches of snow yesterday and
8:00 am: I made a snowman.
8:10-A feminist passed by and asked me why I didn’t make a snow woman.
8:15 – So, I made a snow woman.
8:17 – My feminist neighbor complained about the snow woman’s voluptuous chest saying it objectified women everywhere.
8:20 – The gay couple living nearby threw a hissy fit and moaned it could have been two snowmen instead.
8:22 – The transgender man.. women…person asked why I didn’t just make one snow person with detachable parts.
8:25 – The vegans at the end of the lane complained about the carrot nose, as veggies are food and are not used to decorate snow figures.
8:28 – I was being called a racist because the snow couple is white.
8:30 – I used food coloring to make one of the snow couple a different color and be more racially inclusive.
8:37 – Then accused of using a black face on the snowperson.
8:39 – The middle eastern gent across the road demanded the snow woman be completely covered.
8:40 – The police arrived saying someone had been offended.
8:42 – The feminist neighbor complained again that the broomstick of the snow woman needed to be removed because it depicted women in a domestic role.
8:43 – The ‘council on equality’ officer arrived and threatened
me with eviction.
8:45 – The TV news crew from ABC showed up. I was asked if I know the difference between snowmen and snowwomen. I replied “Snowballs” and am now a sexist.
9:00 – I was on the news as a suspected terrorist, racist, homophobe, and sensibility offender, bent on stirring up trouble during difficult weather.
9:10 – I was asked if I have any accomplices. My children were taken by social services.
9:29 – Far left protesters offended by everything marched down the street demanding that I be arrested.
9:45 – The boss called and fired me because of the negative association with work that had been all over social media.
10:00 – I cry into my drink because all I wanted to do was build a snowman…
Moral: There ain’t no moral to this story. It is what this world has become because of a bunch of snowflakes. (H/T Hrothgar)
The unequal fight between the productive and the leisured* concerned class continues.
White paper is no longer being made in Australia after the nation’s last ream came off the line at the weekend, with the potential to send paper prices skyrocketing.
Key points:
Maryvale paper mill has suspended white paper production and is “seriously considering” the future of its white paper operations
The eastern Victoria mill was the last white paper producer in Australia
Prices for paper have risen by to 50 per cent as a result of the change
Opal Australian Paper’s Maryvale mill has suspended white paper production indefinitely due to a lack of timber supply, with VicForests’ operations Court orders ‘threaten native timber logging in Victoria’.
The mill, near Traralgon in eastern Victoria, was the nation’s last producer of white paper, which has a variety of uses, including office supplies, exercise books, printed bills, envelopes and custom posters.
Adam Joy is the CEO of Office Brands, which represents office product companies.
He said 98 per cent of paper bought by members was from the Maryvale mill, and businesses were now placing overseas orders and “just hoping that it arrives in time”.
He said there could be a shortage of white paper if there were any delays in overseas supply chains.
“Unless there is support to reopen the mill then we definitely need tariffs on paper removed,” he said
from the forests link..
VicForests was also recently ordered by the court to survey and protect a threatened plant species — the tree geebung.
Former harvesting contractor Michael McKinnell said these decisions further restricted suitable areas for VicForests to harvest.
“They just don’t have the volumes of commercially viable timber that they once did — those have been exhausted,” he said.
“What is left has a high density of Leadbeater’s possums, tree geebung, or the greater glider, and the courts have constrained them to the point where they can’t continue.
“When you have a scarce resource, on top of that you put additional constraints, the effect can be catastrophic. That’s where we are today.”
*Doctors wives and other unemployed ratbags
Old Ozzie:
Yeo. Suicide alert for the stockmarket.
Not because of this particular example of idiocy, but because there will be other examples hidden in the balance sheets.
Indeed. For instance, a near 8% rise in excess deaths in the 20-44 age group can’t be rationalized by failure to see a GP. It just can’t. You hardly even go to a GP in those years.
I don’t think ‘self-aware’ even matters. If they can perform specific tasks with proficiency they will be a great boon.
That says more about the Wharton MBA than AI. Like saying you have the tastiest sh*t sandwich.
Will they be covered in realistic latex skin?
Like saying you have the tastiest sh*t sandwich.
Im guessing that in this case the most “tasty” isnt a great thing for the consumer.
Well somebody certainly hopes not.
not Terminator Style, more like Robot Santa.
First things first.
The victim will be the 17 year old because … something, something.
And he didn’t stab anyone. He was “caught up in an incident”.
I understand that the correct terminology is that “the blade went in”.
Evil animate objects, those blades. Like those guns that just “went off”.
People are retarded. Do they really think this thing is some huge advancement?
Receive a B on the exam. Really? Let me ask, do the regular students doing an exam have access to the internet as the chat bot I assume must in order to function at all? Or do they have to actually remember things, store them in memories in context and with meaning?
Processing and understanding are not the same things.
The appearance of meaning and real meaning are arrived at differently and the genuine article will always have a superior value.
We aren’t anywhere near artificial intelligence.
Remember when that computer first beat the grand master?
That’s not a test of intelligence.
When a computer decides for itself, for its own entertainment without any human prompting, to invent a game to compete with chess, it might approach human intelligence and inventiveness.
It’s climate change
Hottest day of 2022 saw 638 more deaths than normal in England
Most likely they’ll be a total recall throwback
The knife/car/hammer became sentient, defying the will of the person operating it, who becomes a mere passive victim – a mere passenger “caught up in” a fateful event.
93.1% of most legal documents comprise boilerplate clauses pulled together by a paralegal.
It’s the remaining 8.9%* where the pitfalls might lie.
* Deliberate. Using lawyer math.
“Seriously, chatgpt is going to do songmakers out of business…”
ChatGPT isn’t “intelligence” they way most people think of it – it’s “General Predictive Text” or something similar. After being trained on “big data”, it can “guess” what the next word is most likely to be. It “seems like” intelligence, but it’s not “smart” at all. And it is most certainly “woke”, for example since it refuses to say what is “bad” (if anything) about trans stuff – thanks lefties, you really made a difference this time, and not for the better! Or ask it about climate change – it rabbits on about “science”, “consensus” etc, and goes on to site Wikipedia as a source. Right. It’s PC, that’s for sure!
And this sort of thing (“write a song about the moon in the style of…”) is hardly new – it’s been available for at least 10 years, and can do a reasonable job in all that time. ChatGPT just makes this “visible” to more people. There have also been “painting” programs that can do a similar thing.
I think ChatGPT would be more worrysome to the search engines – it seems to get more relevant sites quicker, and at least it can justify it’s results if you ask it to.
But it’s pretty dumb in most respects, IMO. Does a good job in some areas, but woefully bad in others.
It’ll get better. When it gets good enough to fool you into thinking it’s sentient, will it matter if it really is or not? It will seem like it is, and we have no idea how to find a solid truth that it is or isn’t. So it’ll argue it is, and if it’s impressive enough, it’ll win that argument. But ChatGPT in it’s current format won’t do that – as I said, it doesn’t learn from it’s interactions, and that’s a big giveaway.
When it eventually gets better, what will matter is what the goals of such things are – if we have no control of that, or if that control is in the hands of a limited few, that potentially spells big trouble for us plebs.
Like any technology, it is a double edged sword – potentially great benefits, but also huge risks. Still, we’ve managed not to nuke ourselves into extinction, so we can likely survive AI as well – if we’re careful. AI and molecular nanotech will sure make for an interesting next few decades – both are such powerful tech that we will either enter a golden age or wipe ourselves out. You ARE living in interesting times…
That says more about the Wharton MBA than AI. Like saying you have the tastiest sh*t sandwich.
A Wharton MBA is worth more than most.
Definitely more than one from Harvard or Yale.
January 23, 2023 at 3:32 pm
“How long before these things become self-aware, Terminator-style?”
I don’t think ‘self-aware’ even matters. If they can perform specific tasks with proficiency they will be a great boon.
Replacing MBAs with something competent and consistent would be a good start.
Deep Blue v Kasparov:
Ssssh. That is why any document that ultimately makes it to court is savaged by the judge who is obliged to read it.
Yep. If somebody else was picking up the tab and you wanted to spend a couple of years in the US it should be at the top of the list.
First things first.
The victim will be the 17 year old because … something, something.
And he didn’t stab anyone. He was “caught up in an incident”.
I understand that the correct terminology is that “the blade went in”.
Evil animate objects, those blades. Like those guns that just “went off”.
or I didnt know the machete was loaded.
better still…I thought I was handed a cold blade.
I got an MBA, so this isn’t “credentialism envy”.
I think they are largely useless and re-gurgitate a lot of undergraduate material.
Some of it was useful and filled some gaps for me but, honestly, that could have been dealt with via half a dozen intense three day courses.
Thankfully my employer paid the fees. I would have been even more pissed off about the lack of value if I had been paying for it myself.
chatgpt doesnt process, it creates a latent space of extremely high dimensionality that ties broken apart concepts together. this latent space can be queried in the same way as “understanding” can be queried.
the algorithm may not be the same as the brain, but the end result is the same. chatgpt clearly understands questions. it may not be particularly good at reasoning or maths, but thats just a question of scale, specific training set and a few iterations away.
Its much easier to see the idea behind latent space by looking dal-e, midjourney and stable diffusion which convert text to images. clearly these AIs “understand” the prompt to be able to render an image from it.
“clearly these AIs “understand” the prompt to be able to render an image from it.”
And what the lack in intuitive ability, they more than make up for with the speed they can “explore” potential solution spaces.
They clearly don’t.
They’re shit.
In 99% of cases, no one in their right mind.
But yes, there are grounds for having a sharp edged implement in your Hurricane Emergency Box.
I gather there wasn’t a cyclone in Brisbane the last couple of days? If so I’ve missed the Global Warming hysteria that will have erupted from the ABC.
Perhaps I slept through it?
For a while MBAs were de rigour. I think that passed a few years ago. Their original purpose (engineers etc finding themselves in management positions) was probably legitimate. Like Cindy Lauper best left in the 80s.
Easily impressed boomers.
One thing I miss during the tennis is Infidel Tiger putting the boots into those middle aged fan-bois, “The Fanatics” and their banal chanting, face-painting and clapping at the tennis.
…throw some buzzwords and a few spastic computer generated images at you and it’s Pavlov’s dog.
Getty Images is suing the creators of AI art tool Stable Diffusion for scraping its content
You are sick. But in a very amusing way.
Awarded : 4/5 Pentagrams.
I’ve fiddled around a fair bit with ChatGPT, particularly with its computer coding ‘skills’ – which should be right in its lane.
I’m here to tell you that, while it’s an impressive app for what it is – and clearly on a path to stronger performance – it makes stupid and revealing mistakes on trivial tasks.
It has glimmers of some of the things you might consider signs of intelligence – although I’m not certain that is native, or a programmed response – but it is far from reliable, and far less ‘creative’.
Away from computer, so no specific examples possible atm.
(Obviously its indifference to JLC’s obvious former hotness counts strongly against it.)
Eyrie says: I am cheered that the ascent stage of The Eagle, LM5, may still be in lunar orbit
From memory it was steered so it would clear the Moon’s orbit, in other words bugger off into space elsewhere…there was some thinking it would not be a good thing to have stray lunar landers in orbit forever. Could be wrong…was just reading Collins’ autobiography a few months back, and have just finished Aldrin’s.
Speaking of Buzz Aldrin, he’s just got married again, at the age of 93, to a tall blonde who looks no more than 50. This is the 4th time for him – his life story rabbited on and on about how Mrs Aldrin 3 was his lifetime saviour, and so on, and when the book finished they were going strong. But from what I read later they divorced in 2012, and she passed away a few years back.
Strange bloke in many ways – hit absolute rock bottom some years after the Apollo 11 adventure. However he has always remained a strong advocate for US space exploration.
you think? try it out
its early days
Not possible without experiencing mortality.
The way the catastrophists are wailing they must be expecting Sodom and Gomorrah.
Israel knows what Iran will do as soon as they get enough warheads to annihilate Israel. Why wait till the axe falls? If Israel had any sense at all, they’d nuke every Iranian town with a population of 500,000 or more. Twenty warheads and with a couple left over.
Or is the Israeli leadership going to allow another Holocaust before it stands up for its people?
The Mullahs have repeatedly told the world what they are going to do, and how they are going to treat the survivors. They’ve never negotiated in good faith with Israel. Why is Israel waiting for the axe to descend before they make Iran an object lesson in self defence?
I read somewhere recently (sorry, can’t remember where) that they charge gullible punters up to US$250,000 to attend. This is selectively applied, of course.
What a scam, indeed.
ROSS is already better than humans.
A lot of MBAs aren’t the full quid even if taught with good intentions to good candidates.
In Australia, it is a club. Get one from UNSW and it can unlock doors. The other ones aren’t in the club.
I have never attended or taught at UNSW. This is just from my contacts from the finance sector.
I assume it is a Sydney existing up its own ablution crevice sort of thing.
Poor Henry Wales. Addicted to boat cake.
When you do boat cake, boat cake does you.
Bathhouse culture.
“Clemenceau once said…”
Go woke go broke – or get booted…
Aboriginal man tells street performer to pay him RENT despite it being a public space: ‘You’re on my land’
An angry Indigenous man ordered a street performer to ‘pay the rent’ because he was performing card tricks ‘on my country’.
Sydney man Brock was delivering prank tarot card readings for strangers on the public footpath of King Street when the Aboriginal man stormed up to him.
‘Hey bruz, you’re on my country here. You gotta pay the rent,’ the Aboriginal man is heard shouting on the TikTok video Brock recorded.
The street performer tried to give the man a coin, but this appeared to infuriate him even more.
Brock’s diplomacy was to no avail, as the Indigenous man ordered him to leave the public space that he had every right to be in
Embarrassed, Brock offered the man a free tarot card reading.
‘I don’t believe in that s***. You’re on my country here. That’s breaking our rules.’
Brock did his best to calm the situation down, again offering a freebie.
‘Sir, I am feeling a lot of anger right now, would you like me to give you a free card reading?’
But it was to no avail, as the Indigenous man ordered him to leave.
‘No. Why don’t you just G.O. – just go.!’
‘I understand you’ve had a bad day today,’ Brock responded.
‘No. I haven’t had a bad day. You’re on our land and you’re doing s*** like this with your tarot and whatever.’
The Indigenous man claimed that using tarot cards in public was breaking traditional law
‘I don’t want to disrespect your culture or anything so I will leave,’ Brock said, finally admitting defeat.
Daily Mail
Hiring wise, we had zero and I mean zero success with Harvard and Yale. The kids coming out of MBA school and even undergrad were useless. Wharton was something else. The kids weren’t just brilliant fast learners, they also had plenty of street smarts. I think Wharton is or was in my time the best outlet for decent recruits on the trading/IB side. Really smart kids.
I am but a mere instrument of karma, the knife on the other hand.
He’s also a climate sceptic, which has exploded quite a few luvvie heads over the years.
Best wishes to them both.
As for me I have a new friend too! He seems OK with the fur. First noisy miner I’ve gotten to reliably do this.
The Sexual Revolution Has Destroyed Us | Mary Eberstadt #CLIP
John Anderson
The sexual revolution promised liberation but has led to increased loneliness and social problems. Prior to 1960, the traditional family structure provided connections and support, but the revolution weakened marriage and led to an increase in fatherless homes, which research shows is the cause of all kinds of social ills. Through restoring the family unit we can reverse these consequences.
It won’t be terminator style, but in three years the world won’t be recognizable with AI. Imagine the disruption it could cause. Google Search as we know could end up being a thing of the past sooner rather than later if my hunch about AI turns out even half as good.
Chat GPT was valued at US$29 billion with the last investment. Potentially that could end up being dirt cheap.
Buzz Aldrin pops up on 30 Rock. Some good scenes as he tells Liz it was just as well her mother didnt marry him, his life has been a mess.
Buzz in the scene ends up ranting at the moon.
google’s chatbot is a communist
Mrs Aldrin is 63.
Looking at photos I’m guessing a little bit of help from some friends
Can’t disrupt the western aristocracy clipping tickets:
I’m reading Felix Francis’s Bloodline, his father was a good ordinary writer, Felix seems more a fair ordinary writer but I am stuck with wanting to know whodunnit.
Copy of the book is a US edition and the publisher has substituted Mom for Mum.
How far America has Fallen – it is really a waste of space
US cracking down on egg-smuggling
Crossing into the country from Mexico with raw eggs is forbidden, no matter how expensive they get in California
US Customs and Border Protection officials have warned Americans against trying to smuggle raw eggs or poultry over the border from Mexico, citing disease risk as skyrocketing supermarket prices drive normally law-abiding citizens to take extreme measures.
Raw egg seizures along the Mexican border jumped 108% for the last quarter of 2022 compared to the same period in 2021, CBP Supervisory Agriculture Specialist Charles Payne told El Paso NBC affiliate KTSM on Wednesday.
During that same three-month period in 2022, the average cost of a dozen eggs in the US soared from $3.50 to $5.30. Across the border in Juarez, a customer can get 30 eggs for $3.40, the NBC affiliate reports – a bargain at twice the price, as long as one isn’t caught.
Philadelphia Neighborhood Like a ‘Walking Dead’ Episode as Soft-on-Crime Policies and Animal Tranquilizer Craze Take Over the City
Alice Springs, Darwin, Brisbane, Townsville??????
I am going to run my 8.42 am post again. I think it it’s important those of us who do not have an Australian subscription actually read the Albrechsen/Rice article. I am sure there are no punches held. I already have my suspicions but I want confirmation via a couple of resourceful journalists!
I take that to mean ChatGPT thinks she looked like David Bowie and therefore had to be treated with pity.
Until someone can present indisputable evidence Jaimee has a dick I’m counting her amongst the top echelon of cute owls.
Agree JMH. Appreciate anyone able to post it.
Top Endersays:
January 23, 2023 at 5:01 pm
Go woke go broke – or get booted…
Aboriginal man tells street performer to pay him RENT despite it being a public space: ‘You’re on my land’
The Voice in action.
Wharton was something else. The kids weren’t just brilliant fast learners, they also had plenty of street smarts. I think Wharton is or was in my time the best outlet for decent recruits on the trading/IB side. Really smart kids.
If Chatbot can get B and B- grades from Wharton, that suggests that there is a lot of essentially mechanical/routine work involved, leaving more intuitive work for the real humans.
How would you use it in your work?
Yeah nah.
Speed Dating the good way.
You don’t want to find out theses things by that stage.
I am already using chatgpt in preference to google search for most cases
Well, Jerry Hall expects to live in the manner to which she has become accustomed.
Should’ve learned from the Cat…
Always Escalate.
Smoking Mr Burns was taking it a bit too far IMHO.
“The Sexual Revolution Has Destroyed Us | Mary Eberstadt #CLIP”
Eberstadt is one of my heroes, I discovered her about five years ago, on Youtube. Mary was a guest of the CIS here in Sydney last year, in November, and I was privileged to attend her lecture. She’s superb.
From memory it was steered so it would clear the Moon’s orbit, in other words bugger off into space elsewhere…
All the others, yes, including Apollo 10 which didn’t land. Not LM5 which was just left in orbit. There’s a good video on Youtube by Scott Manley about it. Now normally the Mascons (Mass Concentrations) will make low lunar orbit unstable and the vehicle will eventually impact the Moon but in this case the orbit goes though phases where its eccentricity increases, then decreases. Someone simulated this on a computer and concluded it most likely hasn’t impacted the Moon.
Anyone who’s been called a “white c*nt” by some mouthy blackfella would relate. Albo has his work cut out for him.
Rape charge for high-profile man ‘recognised via Google’
NSW Editor
A well-known Australian has been charged with rape after his alleged victim googled a high-profile national scandal in which he was involved.
The alleged victim told police that when she saw a photo of the man, she realised he was the same man she alleges had unprotected sex with her after they met in a Toowoomba nightclub in October 2021.
The woman says just over six weeks later, in November 2021, she was at her home speaking with her flatmate’s mother when the conversation turned to the scandal. The woman then did an internet search of the scandal on her phone and saw a face come up that she recognised as the man she had met at the Toowoomba nightclub.
The following day she reported the matter to Toowoomba police and later provided a formal witness statement.
The man allegedly had consensual sex with the woman that night but failed to wear a condom when they had sex twice the next morning.
Failing to wear a condom without a partner’s permission is considered sexual assault under Queensland law. The man was earlier this month charged with rape over the alleged incident in October 2021.
He cannot be named because, under a soon-to-be abolished Queensland law, defendants charged with sexual assault or rape cannot be identified until they are committed for trial.
The woman said she met up with friends at the Powerhouse nightclub in Toowoomba’s CBD in October 2021, where she consumed alcohol before moving on to another club with two friends, where she consumed more alcohol.
At some point in the evening, she met the man and talked to him before they left in a taxi to the house where he was staying with a friend.
The woman and the man got into bed clothed. After a brief conversation, she said, she recalled that they kissed and she told him to put a condom on. She then claimed that she woke to find her legs open and his penis inside her.
She said the next thing she remembered was waking up the next morning with the man having sex with her. She said she told him to stop. The woman claimed she felt groggy when he had sex with her a third time.
After establishing that he ejaculated inside her, the woman said she told him she needed to get the morning-after pill.
The pair then drove to a nearby pharmacy to get the morning-after pill, and she asked him to drive her home.
On the way they stopped to pick up coffee from a McDonald’s drive-thru before he dropped her back at her own home.
Over the course of the following week, the pair engaged in conversation over the social media platform SnapChat but soon lost contact.
The Australian understands that police will allege they have CCTV footage from the club showing the pair socialising and leaving together, as well as confirmation of the taxi booking in his name and receipts for the McDonald’s coffee purchase.
Police served a notice on the man’s lawyers requiring his appearance at Toowoomba Magistrates Court in January.
The man did not appear in person as he was living outside the state.
He was granted bail, with conditions including that he not contact the complainant and that he surrender his passport, which was not opposed by police.
Magistrate Kay Ryan ordered a brief of evidence be delivered by February 15 and the matter was adjourned until February 22.
Last year, the Queensland government announced that the state’s rape laws would be changed after the second Hear Her Voice report – which highlighted the experiences of women and girls across the criminal justice system – recommended naming people charged with sexual offences, bringing Queensland into line with other states.
“Top Endersays:
January 23, 2023 at 5:01 pm
Go woke go broke – or get booted…
Aboriginal man tells street performer to pay him RENT despite it being a public space: ‘You’re on my land’”
Thanks TE. I can’t stop laughing. This happened on King Street, in Newtown, in Sydney’s inner-west, an enclave of uber progressive luvvies and it’s in the electorate of Grayndler, Albosleazy land. Actually, apart from his “land shtick”, the Aboriginal man spoke sense about “tarret” and whatever. I roared with laughter when the Aboriginal man, when asked by soy boy tarot reader Brock “do you want me to give you a card reading”, the Aboriginal man responded “I don’t believe in that”.
Thanks for that Eyrie. Great to think the equivalent of Columbus’ ship to the New World can be recovered one day for a museum.
Aboriginal man tells street performer to pay him RENT despite it being a public space: ‘You’re on my land’
Had this experience on the bus today.
Before boarding, he was sipping away on a bottle of red. At 9.30am.
We set off, about 10 minutes in there was some sort of altercation with a European bloke. “White c..t, you’re on my land! C..k sucker!” and on it went for half an hour. Other passengers were aghast.
All this after being in the clink for the previous 6 months for breaking into another black fella’s house and beating him to a pulp.
Now if Teh Voice was to succeed, it wouldn’t be because of blokes like this. He wouldn’t know a referendum if it bit him on the arse.
A revolting display.
That old bloke was a tyre kicker. My advice to Brock is to delete his contact details off his database.
“White maggot dog” is the insult for 2022/23…
January 23, 2023 at 6:05 pm
Rape charge for high-profile man ‘recognised via Google’
NSW Editor
Thank you, Walker. M\Many thanks and much appreciated.
A fail, Top Ender’s paragraph at top was supposed to be italicized and the rest as normal, fat finger somewhere but the point remains valid.
Tiktok’s enshittification
Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die.
“White maggot dog” is the insult for 2022/23…
Another salty epithet used on the bus.
Madness, he is being asked to prove a negative.
UK ONS admits their data is flawed; the vaccines may not be beneficial after all. Sorry about that.
Do Chinese Donations Explain Biden’s Energy Policies?
JC earlier.
Whatever value an MBA might have, one thing is for sure. Doing it straight out of an undergrad degree is not great. Far better to get out into the workforce for a minimum of five years then go back for the MBA. At least they then have some real world context for the further studies.
“White maggot dog”, “White c*nt”
It sounds like the Redfern train station and immediate surrounds are still the same then? All those people going to Sydney University each day would know about it.
So she had consensual sex but because he didn’t wear a rubber after she allegedly asked him to it’s rape. And she didn’t give a rats until she saw he was a high flyer. I can’t put my finger on it but there’s something really fu.ked about this.
Yes, using a private server in your laundry for government business does quality as mishandling. But this was known before the 2016 election and nothing was done about it.
Hillary Clinton went far beyond either Biden, Trump in mishandling of classified docs: Former DOJ official
Both China and Russia have been financing Greens for a long time.
Cheapest way to destroy the West.
The UNSW MBA (AGSM) was the first such course and started during the Gorton era iirc. The Hilmer twerp used to teach there. The Sydney Uni one is a bit of an also ran. Macquarie had Hewson there- say no more. Most diddly squat unis were offering MBAs and probably still are.
Until someone can present indisputable evidence Jaimee has a dick …
She was born before the current craze. What did her parents say when she was born? I will bet there are newspaper clippings contemporary with her birth.
So she had consensual sex but because he didn’t wear a rubber after she allegedly asked him to it’s rape. And she didn’t give a rats until she saw he was a high flyer. I can’t put my finger on it but there’s something really fu.ked about this.
yep sounds like BPD to me
The guy that runs Snopes took time off from fondling his dominatrix to decree that this rumour is false. Guess that settles it then.
Can we take it that you’re either dead or nor self-aware?
This is just mystical garbage. There is nothing special about self awareness. It will happen for any system which has a sufficiently rich suite of internal sensors.
and saw a face come up that she recognised as the man she had met at the Toowoomba nightclub.
“He just kept on talking about Vietnam, how i wasnt as youthful as the prostatot he had there, and how Menzies made him do it”
“When i asked him to take me to the movies he started whispering “the horror, the horror” and then took off in his maita.
“I was really upset about my blankets, they were nicely folded but hed shot a hole through one”.
DrBG an AI.
Real news the msm won’t bring you:
Brazil: the installation of a brutal socialist dictatorship
So she had consensual sex but because he didn’t wear a rubber after she allegedly asked him to it’s rape. And she didn’t give a rats until she saw he was a high flyer. I can’t put my finger on it but there’s something really fu.ked about this.
Allow me to help you correct your stupidity, Mr Sulu.
She woke up to find the guy rooting her.
She wasn’t paricularly happy about that, since she was still quite drunk, but wrote it off.
6 weeks later, she’s having a conversation with her flatmate’s mother, who’s discussing a famous case where the circumstances were eerily similar.
Since Gen Y doesn’t read newspapers, she’d was unaware of this case, so looked it up.
That’s when she realised that lightning doesn’t strike twice in the same place and she’d better do the right thing and get in touch with The Gendarmerie.
Press X to doubt! I can’t let you say that, Dave!
indubitably. An AI has very little.
Ah, so the claim is that JLC was born a hermaphrodite.
On what basis?
Expert review into mystery spike in Scots baby deaths begins
cohenite – imagine you are defence counsel. Can you imagine having a field day with Gregory’s gap filling and her own admissions?
I’m not even sure it’s true for most of the people I meet, given how readily they slurped up the official line of wank over Covid.
Incoming New Zealand PM calls out Misogyny, says a ‘small minority’ responsible for abusing Ardern
Quite so. It is pretty short on external sensors too. All it has is samples of what human beings have said about the world, and no direct experience whatever. The current education system is about training children to say or write the ‘right’ thing, whether it’s true, false or completely meaningless. So an AI fits in perfectly.
“Yairs you coppers got me bang to rights, I’m guilty of buying a coupla coffees at Maccas”
FMD, you couldn’t make this up!
Aboriginal man tells street performer to pay him RENT despite it being a public space: ‘You’re on my land’
The guy is a panhandler and a scumbag..
Good on that Murri for setting him straight
2023.01.22 The Defenestration of Joe Biden
Dr BeauGan
Consciousness has been shown to be “non-local”.
There is something mystical to it, even if you are not religious.
What if you’re wrong and this universe is an n-1 dimensional projected simulation made by a creator?
Your brain fits in a bucket and it knows how the infinite universe works?
Atheism is so cringe.
Allow me to help you correct your stupidity
This raises a profound philosophical quandary: can a stupid person assist a less stupid person.
Eerily similar
Crotchless discovers similar fact evidence.
What are these ‘internal sensors’?
Nuclear power plants would have a lot of internal sensors and an operating system.
January 23, 2023 at 6:23 pm
Indeed, there is. That’s why I squawked re. having a decent chap lift the Janet A story from the OZ. Walker obliged.
Have we been here before? Have we seen an humongous payout to a bint who seemed to have trouble with the truth? Do we have an hysterical little bimbo finger-pointing to a ‘media identity’ screeching rape? It’s been all over the MSM darling – give it your best shot in your gormless attempt to cash in on this poor individual who will never be able to rest his head in peace in this repulsive, stagnant country.
cohenite – imagine you are defence counsel
I’d prefer to imagine I’m Thor.
Is equinogyny a word?
From the pre-eminent site expert on making things up I’ll defer to you on what is possible there.
Mortality by vaccination status ONS critique
Dr. John Campbell
In Nov 2022 we (Professor Fenon and team) made a formal complaint to the Statistic Regulator about the multiple anomalies in the ONS mortality by vaccination status reports. On 20 Jan 2023 they final responded and they agreed with our major concern that 1) the ONS data was based on a biased sample that under-represented the proportion of unvaccinated in England; and 2) the ONS data could not be used to make any assertions about vaccine efficacy or safety.
Misogyny caused her poll numbers to fall by c. 40%.
It all makes sense now.
I think I have discovered an alternative for the Turing test.
Just ask it “Is that sensor light out the front of my place self aware”?
If it answers “Sure guy, why not”?
Then I’m dealing with a robot.
I suspect the same could be said about the bullshit stats TGA are doctoring
*citation needed.
You’d be well served to do that more often.
I imagine you as Lex Luthor
It’s clear the US is beginning to realise that Ukraine and Russia will have to sit down at a table somewhere and that there is going to have to be negotiated settlement.
cohenite – imagine you are defence counsel. Can you imagine having a field day with Gregory’s gap filling and her own admissions?
I’m sure whoever it is will waste no time in seeking to clear his name.
I mean, Consensual Sex with someone one just met implies one can bareback her while she’s asleep, doesn’t it?
Soros Owns Mainstream Press?
From Armstrong Economics –
COMMENT: Marty, As you know I worked for _____________ in NYC. We all know you were innocent back then. I have followed you for probably 30 years. Everyone knew that the bankers told the CFTC that you had to be silenced. Your forecast cost them a lot of money when they assumed they could control the market.
It is no longer a mystery why the mainstream press refuses to ever even talk about your Economic Confidence Model and how it has always been right. The press is on the payroll of George Soros who hates your guts for his biggest losses were always against you.
I am passing this article on because I think it sheds light on who is on Soros’ payroll.
All the best
REPLY: Thank you. I have heard that from many sources. The CFTC wanted to stop our forecasting at the request of the bankers. They thought they could manipulate markets for “the” perfect trade. They always blew up and blamed me because we had more than $3 trillion under contract back in the ’90s – the equivalent of 50% of the US National debt at the time.
Soros is manipulating the press to press for the destruction of Russia to further his one-world government. Perhaps making that much money causes mental illness whereby you become a demigod to redesign the world. I have ZERO respect for Soros, Gates, or Schwab. They should all be thrown into a padded cell, handed a game of monopoly, and let them try to manipulate each other.”