Open Thread – Tues 4 April 2023

The Moreno Garden at Bordighera, Claude Monet, 1884

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Black Ball
Black Ball
April 7, 2023 9:20 am

Womens’ golf starts and stops with Paige Spiranac.

Aye, a fine comment. 12 out of 10

April 7, 2023 9:21 am

I don’t believe in Jesus’ divinity nor in his resurrection, I believe he was born a Jew, lived his life according to Jewish law and died a Jew however he did exist, and I suspect that he was quite a radical and remarkable rabbi.

I’m in agreement with all of this. The new testament gives compelling evidence that he was a moral genius and very charismatic. He was certainly smart enough to take the best and most admirable ideas of his day.

The Western world is greatly in his debt.

April 7, 2023 9:22 am

April 7, 2023 at 9:18 am
Agree with the rot in the West. But if you want to learn something, don’t go to a Japanese uni. It is basically a 4 year holding pen where little learning is required, and failing is not possible. After 4 years a company may pick you up and train you from 0 (which is what they expect).

Who told you this?

It is well known. They put all their effort into the entrance exam as the Uni name >> all. Once they are in, especially one of the top uni’s, their future is assured with little effort required in the 4 years of the degree.

April 7, 2023 9:23 am

Yes I thought all cities were multi function polises. Pretentious piffle.

April 7, 2023 9:24 am

It would be informative to discover who were the sponsors for the WPGA event.
No doubt government was involved.
Equally interesting to learn of Golf Karen’s connections.
To mouth such stupid in the face of universal outrage screams outside control.
All sports administrators are idiots, and are usually available to the highest bidder or noisiest journo.
The golf women who, are generally an undemonstrative lot, must be volcanic. But players never seem to be able to sack officials.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 7, 2023 9:26 am


My guess is that those positions will be hereditary as nobody else but their children will be educated enough to assume the power.

Initiation replaced by hereditary aristocracy, with the assistance of those claiming to be “socialists”?

April 7, 2023 9:27 am

I don’t know how Jews at the time reckoned … days


Did they have, for example, twelve months and count from the first to the last of each month? The Romans didn’t. Hence the ides of March.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 7, 2023 9:39 am

Womens’ golf starts and stops with Paige Spiranac

There are a number of Instagram pages that suggest that may not be the case. Or so I am told.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 7, 2023 9:41 am

The golf women who, are generally an undemonstrative lot

Au contraire, bons. Au bloody contraire.

If you’ve ever played behind a group of four women – particularly if one or more have any connection to that club’s committee, you will have observed and heard their:

1. Glacier-like speed over the fairways and greens, despite their claims to be adhering to the speed-of-play convention and thus turning a four-hour-and-a-bit round into five and a half for the 20 groups behind;
2. Incessant gossipy nattering, cutting knife-like across the otherwise serene course: ‘Oooh Margery, did you see what she was wearing last week?’;
3. Continual pointing out of inconsequential non-trangressions by groups on other holes, including but not limited to ‘ExCUUUUSE me! To your left is Ground Under Repair!’ to a player ten yards away from it; and
4. When finally off the course, taking 15 minutes to order a round of drinks because everything has to be a half-shandy half black-and-tan vodka-and-the-good-soda-thank-you-dear-with-just-one-piece-of-lime-but-cut-it-thick, depriving everyone else any opportunity to rehydrate appropriately.

This is of course followed by holding court at maximum volume at a central table and complaining about the state of the course, pointing out other players who may or may not have the wrong sort of shoes on, orchestrating the destruction of some other poor woman who has the temerity to be a member at the same club and who sometimes – gasp – plays with men, and scowling at punters waving and grinning at them while standing in the smoking area, but two inches away from the non-smoking area.

The sooner they are relegated to ‘associates’ rather than ‘members’ again, the better.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 7, 2023 9:42 am


April 7, 2023 at 9:06 am

Basically Jones was a voluble Rain Man autistic who passed himself off as an intellectual.

Biology degree, make him the only member of parliament with scientific credentials.

No doubt a degree back in the 50’s and 60’s which could be achieved with the help of a lot of memorisation and regurgitation of facts.
Which was Barry’s game.
That doesn’t make him the Grik philosopher and Oracle he projected himself as.

April 7, 2023 9:42 am

Ahh. The MFP. What fun that grifter fantasy was. Joh had a scheme running for a while but was laughed out of it.
When my Dad handed over the property to his daughter he bought himself small property south of Brisbane. He was a standard for his age; five years war service, hated Japanese etc.
On a certain day there was a knock on the door and there stood a Joh bureaucrat explaining that his property would be resumed to permit the development of an MFP that would be populated by Japanese geniuses and everyone was going to be rich, rich, rich.
When the Plod called two days later to discuss his threatening behaviour, they consumed Mum’s tea and cakes and couldn’t control their laughter.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 7, 2023 9:44 am

Yep. Golf clubs remain a bastion of the segregation of the sexes for the benefit of all concerned.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 7, 2023 9:46 am


April 7, 2023 at 9:08 am

Most Toyotas I have driven and checked with a hand held gps have an actual speed approx 5km/h less than speedo reading.

Exactly my point.
You need to validate the over-read on your specific vehicle before deciding what leeway you have.
Just cranking it up to 10 kmh over on the speedo is fraught with danger in Victoria.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 7, 2023 9:47 am

Mind you at some clubs KD could easily be describing a majority of the blokes too.

April 7, 2023 9:47 am

Knuckles, I conceed the point at club level, but the pros are usually strictly professional.
Club Karens are of course of both genders.

April 7, 2023 9:50 am

We have some reason to believe Jesus was born at the time of the census of Quirinius, Luke, and other reason to think it was during the reign of Herod, Matthew. Was the census at midwinter? And in what year? AUC if necessary. Someone must know, but I don’t. Luke and Matthew are in conflict, and Luke looks like a fudge to comply with prophecy. Altogether, there seems to be very little reason to believe Jesus was born in midwinter.

The evidence for his crucifixion being around Pesach is based on the new testament too, and looks very credible. Fixing the date so as not to conflict with Jewish celebration rather shakes any faith I might have had that we know the exact day though.

April 7, 2023 9:50 am

That doesn’t make him the Grik philosopher and Oracle he projected himself as.

Totally agree but he was sold as a giant among pygmies in that regard. Mainly by himself, though they played along.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 7, 2023 9:52 am

Who can forget Barry Jone’s Noodle Nation?

April 7, 2023 9:53 am

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:
April 6, 2023 at 10:05 pm

Old Ozzie, good to hear of your extensive planning for yr European trip later this year. We are planning extensively for ours in northern Italy/Switzerland too prior to taking our 3-seas cruise (Adriatic, Ionian and Aegean) as well as the Med round through Messina to Rome. Travel kept the mind and body fit.


you definitely need to plan ahead – looking at timetable for 1st week of June for St Moritz – Tirano – discovered that 1st Class around suggested dates were nearly booked out – 1st Class as have 2 seats alone by side – rang son & finalised 1317 Train 973 St Moritz-Tirano

Son will drop us off in St Moritz then pick us up in Tirano – have a meal in a Town, on way back to his Milan Apartment

Reservation separate to actual train ticket – Reservation CHF 56 for 2 people Seat 21-22. Cannot buy Train Ticket till 2 months out – CHF 56 x 2 for 1st Class – Carriages look good –

I have driven over the same pass a number of times and the road shares the train track with the Train on occasions

My wife can’t travel backwards in Train, so as 21-22 face each other, I will be going backwards in whichever seat it is facing backwards – was same on Eurostar

In Turin son wants to see – – so will book a hotel nearby

Looking Forward to Emirates Premium Economy -A380 2 seats to the Side in front of lower deck on SYD-DXB Leg & DXB-SYD

On Emirates using QF FF Numbers, as Qantas Site did not show QF-Emirates, since no premium DXB-MIL & MIL-DXB Legs, but A380 and in same lower deck forward Cabin with Galley behind – like own cabin

Interesting Emirates A380 Front Area Premium has 3 Toilets, where as same Front Area A380 Economy has 5 Toilets – I look for centre aisle where 1 seat taken, and take 2 seats on same row – hoping seat between not taken – usually works

As QF Platinum, enjoy 1st Class Lounge in Dubai & Lounges in SYD and MIL

April 7, 2023 9:53 am

But it can be denied, and persausively, because the entire story has far more allusions to the Old Testament/ Judaism that to paganism.

You do have to explain Easter eggs. And bunny woppets.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 7, 2023 9:54 am

Golf clubs are like corporate culture, you can’t explain it but you just know when it’s not right. There’s a thesis in there for somebody. Not me obviously.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 7, 2023 9:56 am

Who can forget Barry Jone’s Noodle Nation?

Truly a Godwin Greech moment.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 7, 2023 9:59 am

Torres Strait is a looooong way from WA. Racist tokenism?

It’s an Indigenous advisory body, Torres Straits people are Indigenous, that’s it.
Back in the 1960s, when High Rise was just starting out in Australia, Torres Straits people were in demand because they’re naturally sure footed.
So, yeah, there’ll still be Torres Straits people in and around Perth.

Cassie of Sydney
April 7, 2023 10:01 am

My mother plays croquet at a club on the lower north shore. Almost all players are elderly, men and women in their 70s and 80s, and a few even in their 90s. They play in mixed teams but, given the trannie tyranny we’re now living in, where basic biology doesn’t matter anymore, as Mum said to me a few weeks ago, she decided to observe the difference between male and female biology because it remains evident even in elderly males and females. As Mum said, a few weeks ago she was playing a game and Mum and the other women hit the ball with their mallets but the men, despite all being in their 80s, still the ball further with their respective mallets.

April 7, 2023 10:01 am

It’s an Indigenous advisory body

Unelected, of course.

April 7, 2023 10:02 am

Hope you and Hairy have a good time in my “home town”.
Lots of beautiful old buildings and history around the place.
The Easter Fair is always good with something for everyone.
For meals at an older pub try The Boundary, Queens Arms and of course The Shamrock.
A nice place for breakfast is The Boardwalk at Lake Weerona and make sure you check out the second book store “Book Now”, near the conservatory.
Hope the Cats you meet on Saturday all behave themselves 🙂 I’m sorry I can’t make it down.

Safe travels.

April 7, 2023 10:04 am

Epic Panda!

April 6, 2023 – Sundance

This is the funniest thing in months. Take the time to enjoy and laugh folks… Really, take the time.

French President Emmanuel Macron is in Beijing for an official state visit and his geopolitical priority is to break, or at least weaken, the China-Russia alliance. Yes, the western alliance sent diminutive Macron for this task. That is funny enough… but what comes next is buckets funnier.

In order to give power to their position, the brilliant NATO minds decided that President Macron should take European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, as a way to express the united ‘western alliance’ message that Macron was intended to leverage in his efforts.

Obviously cunning Panda knew the intent, and the way China literally diminished the effort is not only funny in diplomatic action, but also in the optics they present. LOOK:

Big Panda is subtle like a brick through a window. lolol.

(Politico) – […] While Macron’s schedule was overflowing, von der Leyen’s was bare-bones.

While Macron was attending a lavish state banquet Thursday night with Chinese President Xi Jinping, von der Leyen was giving a sober press conference at the EU delegation’s own headquarters. While state media trumpeted the Sino-French relationship, Chinese social media demonized von der Leyen as an American puppet.

The distinction illustrates the difficulties Europe is having in dealing with China. The EU’s 27 members have an array of opinions about how to approach China — and Beijing knows this. And in the case of Macron and von der Leyen, Beijing sees a greater chance to make headway with the French leader, rendering the EU executive to a somewhat subordinate position.

The strategy was on full display Thursday, as Xi descended the outsized steps of the Great Hall of the People to greet the French president with smiles and a handshake. Below a line of flapping red flags, the two leaders exchanged greetings with a gathering that included some of Macron’s advisers.

Not present: von der Leyen. She would join later for the meetings, walking up the Great Hall stairs in solitude. (read more)

The only world leader who was/is able to diminute Chairman Xi Jinping, was U.S. President Donald Trump.

This entire effort by Macron and Von der Leyen is an exhibition in painful and slow-moving Panda humiliation. Even Politico had to note the cringe factor that surrounds the diplomatic undressing.

Even if you don’t like Big Panda, and obviously we do not, you still have to give them credit. It really is funny.

Cassie of Sydney
April 7, 2023 10:04 am

“But it can be denied, and persausively, because the entire story has far more allusions to the Old Testament/ Judaism that to paganism. And the idea that the disciples or Paul where influenced by Germanic paganism in the 1st century is too silly for words. BTW, Easter can’t be seperated, not only from the Crucifixion, but from the Incarnation.”


Further to sacrifice, the IDF are having to keep Jewish religious zealots away from Temple Mount because they want to go up to the mount and sacrifice a sheep, which is what used to happen in the Temple at Passover when sheep/goats were sacrificed.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 7, 2023 10:05 am

What added insult to injury, out of the whole Bell Group swindle, was that some fifty million dollars or so was paid to Eileen Bonds private company, which she spent on designer label clothing and shoes….

April 7, 2023 10:08 am

10am Stations of the Cross at St Mary’s Cathedral Sydney.
Good Friday – 7th April 2023

April 7, 2023 10:14 am

Can anyone update me on Russia’s glorious victory in Bakhmut? Surely by now they would be striding freely through those fabled streets, greeted as liberators by the grateful townsfolk.

April 7, 2023 10:18 am

Do we actually know that the Jews did a runner from Egypt in the springtime? There was a rather long time span involved in the transition; it’s not impossible that long after it happened, Jews chose springtime as a good time to celebrate escaping because ‘New beginnings’. And eggs in there for symbolism.

April 7, 2023 10:21 am

Accused fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried as Biden’s piggy bank

His elevation in 2020 to Soros-like altitudes cannot be overstated

A series of updated indictments against accused billion-dollar fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried have expanded the criminal case from digital coins to the smarmy world of campaign finance.

The latest 13-count indictment opens a window to how Mr. Bankman-Fried allegedly commingled people’s money at his crypto exchange, FTX, with his companion Alameda Research trading arm and then spent it. This means he played with clients’ money to pay politicians. All his millions in donations can be viewed as tainted, including cash for President Biden’s 2020 campaign and both political parties.

The Department of Justice avoids talking about 2020, the year Mr. Bankman-Fried emerged as a major donor for Mr. Biden. But since the indictment says the fraud ran from 2019 through 2022, with Mr. Bankman-Fried “misappropriating” customer deposits to “pay expenses and debts of Alameda to make investments and for other purposes,” we can assume that cash inappropriately went to politicians.

Socialist financier George Soros, like the pre-scandalized Mr. Bankman-Fried, basks in favorable liberal media coverage. The no-borders, no-police billionaire donates huge sums to buy U.S. policies.

An example is Alvin Bragg, the New York district attorney who brought an indictment against former President Donald Trump. Mr. Soros reportedly financed Mr. Bragg’s 2021 campaign through a $1 million donation to the Color of Change, a political action committee committed to electing hard-left DAs. He has funded other urban prosecutors who don’t like to prosecute. They hate their jobs as traditionally defined as protecting the public from committed criminals.

Mr. Bragg runs a revolving door that lets the crooks go right back out on the street to victimize low-income neighborhoods. Mr. Soros finances no-police groups as he resides in a comfortable suburban hamlet that has a 50-person police force that is not being defunded.

The 2020 Biden-Trump election marked the first time Mr. Bankman-Fried, after just one year of crypto magic, made substantial contributions to Mr. Biden, so much money that he landed in the top 10 of all donors, according to numbers from I placed Mr. Bankman-Fried among the Democratic elites by adding together FTX and Alameda Research contributions. He founded and directed both, as the new federal indictment explains.

For 2022, Mr. Bankman-Fried, in his name, gave a total of $40 million, overwhelmingly to Democrats, making him the second-highest donor next to — you guessed it — George Soros. Meanwhile, the FTX lobbying effort went from a paltry $50,000 in 2021 to $640,000 that year, OpenSecrets reported.

Johnny Rotten
April 7, 2023 10:22 am

Criticizing Government Leaders is now a Crime #MacronOrdure

“Free speech no longer exists. People are now scared to speak out against their government as if they were in the old USSR. Emmanuel Macron is an absolute tyrant and the French people have had enough. The protests in France over pension reforms receive little news coverage by design. The elite do not want the people to see how tyrannical governments across the world have become.

A French woman is facing criminal charges for simply speaking out against Macron on her personal Facebook page. “L’ordure va parler demain à 13 heures, pour les gens qui ne sont rien, c’est tjrs (sic) à la télé que l’on trouve les ordures,” the post read (translation: “This piece of filth is going to address you at 1:00 pm… it’s always on television that we see this filth”). French police went directly to the woman’s home to arrest her. “I asked them if it was a joke, I had never been arrested,” she said. “I am not public enemy number one.”

She has been charged with “insulting the president of the republic” and will face trial in June. She could be forced to pay up to 12,000 euros for saying the president was “filth” (other English translations say “garbage”) She did not incite violence or do anything other than post her views on social media. Clearly, the government wants to make an example out of this woman. Will the people of France be forced to frame pictures of Macron in their homes as they do with Kim Jung-Un in North Korea?

This innocent woman is claiming now that autocorrect changed “l’or dur” (“hard gold”) into an insult and is pleading for forgiveness. “I did make this post but I wanted to make a pun and write “hard gold,” the proof-check changed it and I didn’t proofread it before sending. Besides, I don’t even mention him.” French Politician François Ruffin denounced the trial by stating, “Soon the return of the crime against the crown?” In fact, insulting the crown was a criminal offense in France until 2013.

The French people are doubling down on their protests, and #MacronOrdure has gone viral on Twitter. We have seen countless world leaders across “free” nations do everything in their power to silence opposition. We are not free when our politicians can control our speech.”

April 7, 2023 10:22 am

Further to sacrifice, the IDF are having to keep Jewish religious zealots away from Temple Mount because they want to go up to the mount and sacrifice a sheep, which is what used to happen in the Temple at Passover when sheep/goats were sacrificed.

One man’s zealot is another man’s true believer.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 7, 2023 10:25 am

Basically Jones was a voluble Rain Man autistic who passed himself off as an intellectual.

Biology degree, make him the only member of parliament with scientific credentials.

Wendy Harmer originated the line that Jones was the first Science Minister to hold a Degree in Science.
It didn’t matter, he was a failure anyway.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
April 7, 2023 10:27 am

132andBush says:
April 7, 2023 at 10:02 am

Thoroughly endorse these comments and recommendations for the pubs. My favourite was The Boundary, great food but it can be somewhat noisy, which was all of 250 metres from our house in Langston St.

Lots to see and do in Benders and I strongly recommend that you be the real tourist – ride the tram, go down Central Deborah mine, etc. Had I still been there, I would have been most happy to show you around but, after living in Bendigo for 22 years, Mrs Mak and I escaped last July to live on Bribie Island.

Liz, having enjoyed many performances in the Capitol Theatre, I sincerely hope that that is where the Ring Cycle is being performed for you. A truly exceptional venue in a regional town.

Enjoy, and travel safely.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 7, 2023 10:31 am

Do we actually know that the Jews did a runner from Egypt in the springtime?

It’s the way to bet.
Spring is when it rains in Egypt, there was the Rain of Frogs, the Rain of Blood, a lotta strange Rain, then the King commanded:
On yer way!

Johnny Rotten
April 7, 2023 10:36 am

April 7, 2023 at 10:14 am
Can anyone update me on Russia’s glorious victory in Bakhmut? Surely by now they would be striding freely through those fabled streets, greeted as liberators by the grateful townsfolk.

Bakmut is a turkey shoot for the Russians killing UKR soldiers. Watch this if you want to learn something MonteyPox Virus and take your hands off of your little willy for a little while (if you can that is).

Cassie of Sydney
April 7, 2023 10:37 am

Someone is looking for attention. Pathetic, isn’t it.

April 7, 2023 10:38 am

then the King commanded:
On yer way!

Subsequently changing his mind and chasing after them.

April 7, 2023 10:39 am

Doing some low level trolling on my little bloke..

Trail of lettuce leaves and little eggs leading to the big egg hidden in the backyard..

April 7, 2023 10:41 am

Lots to see and do in Benders and I strongly recommend that you be the real tourist – ride the tram, go down Central Deborah mine, etc

If they have the time, it’s a must do.

April 7, 2023 10:47 am

April 7, 2023 at 7:19 am
FEC Commissioner Reminds Bragg That Officials Concluded Trump Case Isn’t ‘a Campaign Finance Violation’

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) isn’t having it with Bragg. The DA must have forgotten the FEC and DOJ concluded if Trump did this, he did not commit a federal crime:

Plus as I have said, the 9th Circuit looked at whether the hush agreement was illegal and decided it wasn’t and awarded Trump over $500k in costs from the whore.

April 7, 2023 10:49 am

KD, the best appraisal of lady golfers and their annoying quirks — especially declining to wave through faster players.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 7, 2023 10:49 am

Subsequently changing his mind and chasing after them.

They took their gold with them.
King wanted that gold back.

How do we know that?
Because a whole bunch of them forged a Golden Calf a few years later, which didn’t go down well with the Big Guy.

Bar Beach Swimmer
April 7, 2023 10:49 am

Dr BG @ 9:00am

Dr BG, I saw a tv show a number of years ago, which examined the “evidence of the gospels”. It was a compelling documentary.

On Jesus’ birth, one of the most significant data points the researchers examined was what is the evidence for the story of the Star of Bethlehem.

A couple of links.

April 7, 2023 10:59 am

America Continues Down the Drain

WATCH: Spontaneous Mass Twerking Event Erupts on Miami Beach

Continuing in our This Is America series, in which we analyze the perplexing and, arguably, alarming state of American youth pop culture, particularly of the urban variety, I present to you a mass twerking event (MTE) that erupted in the Miami area during Spring Break.

Three young women begin the festivities by shaking their posteriors in front of a city bus for unclear reasons. Perhaps sniffing out the pheromones in the air, they are then joined by scores of other young ladies.

It appears to be a modern twist on some form of primal mating ritual.

A fight breaks out, which briefly interrupts the footage, and then we return once more to the twerking crowd, this time much larger, consisting of literally dozens, perhaps hundreds, of young women gyrating on the streets.

It’s enough to drive an anthropologist wild.

From Comments on the Tweet Link & Article

– Africans doing what Africans do. It is normal behavior.

-It is called DeCivilization…The decline of culture & living standards in the USA. Also economic decline as the usa is the largest debtor nation in all of history & has outsourced its Productivity Capacity the value the USA once had has been effectively been “extracted”

– Monkey see, monkey do

– 7 hours ago
Sorry, but those are NOT Homo Sapiens.

There is more ape DNA in there, than there is human. A Mynah Bird can speak just as well as those animals can. And most likely can add and subtract better. That doesn’t make it a human.

– African mating call?

April 7, 2023 11:02 am

A 19 year old male tranny named William Whitworth, was arrested last Friday in Colorado. He was planning attacks on local schools during the supposed ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ weekend.

Interestingly, he apparently had no firearms and intended to carry out his attacks with home-made bombs.

Imagine the distress of the left faced with no gun control issue to distract the public from the fact that yet another Tranny was about to commit mass murder.

April 7, 2023 11:05 am

I don’t believe in Jesus’ divinity nor in his resurrection

There were at least 12 witnesses to the bodily resurrection, and they were very practical hard nosed men (and women) who earnt their living by fishing, a tough challenging gig. Nothing like the widespread mental health issues of today. I don’t know how you can deny this.

April 7, 2023 11:05 am

“FEC Commissioner Reminds Bragg That Officials Concluded Trump Case Isn’t ‘a Campaign Finance Violation’”

And that bastion of right-wing mis-, dis- and mal-information </sarc>, the Washington Post, is not entirely behind the “walls closing in” narrative, as associate editor and columnist Ruth Marcus notes in an editorial:

“This is not well-trodden legal territory. If I understood Bragg’s argument correctly, there is a certain circularity to saying that a false statement on corporate books becomes a felony, not a misdemeanor, because state election law makes it a misdemeanor to promote a candidacy by unlawful means, such as making false statements.

Moreover, it’s not at all clear that violating a federal law — even if it could be proved that Trump did so — would constitute the kind of other crime that would allow Bragg to bootstrap Trump’s alleged conduct from misdemeanor to felony. As Joshua Stanton, Norman L. Eisen, E. Danya Perry and Fred Wertheimer wrote on the JustSecurity website last month, “the only appellate court in New York to have considered the meaning of ‘offense’ … found that it applied only to New York crimes.”

Cassie of Sydney
April 7, 2023 11:07 am

“I don’t know how you can deny this.

I can easily deny it.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 7, 2023 11:08 am

Sancho Panzersays:
April 7, 2023 at 8:12 am
Steve tricklersays:

April 7, 2023 at 12:31 am

Anyone that chimes in suggesting weather modification is not real via Doppler / Nexrad Radar and EM pulses should stick to watching the MSM and “reality” tv shows.

Well, somebody has to say it.
Weather modification via Doppler / Nexrad Radar and EM pulses is not real.

Your ignorance is noted, Mr Clueless. You’ve got a lot of catching up to do. ( :


For those who are genuinely curious, tune in from 1:05:40 when Dutchsinse is asked about it. It’s been in use for decades. It was the pesky Russians who pioneered the tech, now, nearly every western country has it…China, too.

If people wish to hand wave it away, so be it.

3/19/2023 — Part 3 & 4 — Dutchsinse, BurnEye, Autodidactic, 5+ hour interview — ANTARCTICA, DEW”

April 7, 2023 11:12 am

On Jesus’ birth, one of the most significant data points the researchers examined was what is the evidence for the story of the Star of Bethlehem.

Thanks, BBS. Interesting, but inconclusive.

It all happened a long time ago, and the records are inconsistent and highly partisan. Like Luke wanting to get the census involved so as to comply with ancient prophecy. I don’t have much faith in the three magi even existing. Let alone the star of Bethlehem.

It would be nice to believe some of these things, which is why I don’t. As Feynman said, the easiest person to fool is yourself. Believing something because it gives you a nice warm feeling is a sure road to disaster and disappointment.

April 7, 2023 11:12 am
April 7, 2023 11:16 am

And that bastion of right-wing mis-, dis- and mal-information , the Washington Post, is not entirely behind the “walls closing in” narrative

They are joined by a number of staunch left-wing mouthpieces.

Even some left-leaning publications are saying the Manhattan DA’s criminal case against Donald Trump is anything but a slam dunk

And when the left looses Trump-hating Vox Magazine…

The dubious legal theory at the heart of the Trump indictment, explained

“And there’s a very real risk that this indictment will end in an even bigger anticlimax,” Millhiser wrote. “It is unclear that the felony statute that Trump is accused of violating actually applies to him.”

April 7, 2023 11:16 am

I try to corral the shoulder belt into the ditch in the middle of my chest.


I suggest a booster seat for the height challenged

April 7, 2023 11:18 am

I am currently reading a book called ‘The Passion of the Western Mind’ by Richard Tarnas. At the back of the book there is a Chronology from the year 2000 BC to 1989/1990 (the book was published in 1991). In it, the birth of Jesus of Nazareth is given as between 8 and 4 BC. Why not the year zero between BC and AD? Because no one really knows.

there was no year zero, which is why the Centuary ends on 31 December 1901, 2001 etc

April 7, 2023 11:20 am

Your ignorance is noted, Mr Clueless. You’ve got a lot of catching up to do. ( :

Just a general query, Steve, but how many antennas do you have on your 4wd?

April 7, 2023 11:23 am

There were at least 12 witnesses to the bodily resurrection.

There were more witnesses of Muhammad riding up into heaven on the back of a horse. And millions of faithful muslims who believe it.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 7, 2023 11:25 am

4. When finally off the course, taking 15 minutes to order a round of drinks because everything has to be a half-shandy half black-and-tan vodka-and-the-good-soda-thank-you-dear-with-just-one-piece-of-lime-but-cut-it-thick, depriving everyone else any opportunity to rehydrate appropriately.

Bwah ha ha ha.
I have been playing in a mid-week social comp for people with a penis.
The drinks list is uncomplicated by the excessive options.
Light beer.
Heavy beer.
With or without stubby holder.
Pre-packaged wine in a plastic sealed cup. They got both kinds.
That is all.
No fruit wedges.
No little umbrellas.
No straws.

April 7, 2023 11:25 am

DrBeauGan says:
April 7, 2023 at 8:08 am

“In Slavic languages the name for Easter is Resurrection. Simple.
I bet they don’t have chocolate Resurrection eggs.”

I cannot speak for the Czech, Polish or Macedonian Slavic languages but the word for Easter (I prefer Passover myself) in Russian is PAS-kha, a lot closer to the Hebrew word, Pesach.

The word resurrection in Russian is vos-krye-SYE-niye which also happens to be the Russian name for Sunday. Literally, the first day of the week for seventy long years of Bolshevik Communism was Resurrection.

And the word for Saturday is sub-BO-ta, an obvious cognate for our word Sabbath.

Alas, I have not figured how to write in Cyrillic on this blog. Unfortunately, transliteration is the best I can do.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 7, 2023 11:27 am

Your ignorance is noted, Mr Clueless. You’ve got a lot of catching up to do.

You don’t mean … ?
Don’t tell me … I’m off the pace!

April 7, 2023 11:32 am

There were more witnesses of Muhammad riding up into heaven on the back of a horse.

Name a few of them.

April 7, 2023 11:32 am

Awesome Woo Woo wins the day…
The last tribunal hearing into the case was held nearly two years before Thursday’s decision.

In the decision, Justice Janine Pritchard and two other tribunal members found the entirety of the river was of spiritual significance to the Thalanyji.

“We have found that in the Thalanyji culture, the river is regarded with deep respect and reverence,” they wrote.

“From the Thalanyji people’s perspective, the implementation of the … project, which will affect the natural flow of the river, risks killing or harming the water snake, or causing the water snake to become angry.

“And that that would have a significant adverse impact on the Thalaynji people.”

Lawyers for the Forrests said the entire river was not a site under the Aboriginal Heritage Act.

The tribunal panel stated there was no way the weirs could be built in a way which minimised the impact on the river as a site of spiritual importance.

It also decided the primary benefit of the project would be a private one for the Forrests and generally did not have weight in benefiting the overall general interest of the community.

The tribunal panel did find, however, the increased beef production and creation of jobs would have community benefit.

The decision was made under the old Aboriginal Heritage Act which has since been replaced.

But the outcome could still have greater ramifications as a test case for how the tribunal deals with the belief systems of Traditional Owners under the new Aboriginal Heritage Act.

I look forward to Churches being entitled to bar QWERTY people again, in light of this decision.. dont want to make zombie Jesus unhappy.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 7, 2023 11:36 am

Link on Instapundit to a great article by Matt Taibbi, with the glorious headline “Eat Me MSNBC”. To say that he is critical of MSNBC is to understate his vitriol. Includes good quotes by Glenn Greenwald

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 7, 2023 11:41 am

which will affect the natural flow of the river, risks killing or harming the water snake, or causing the water snake to become angry.

More myths and legends from the Stone Age…

April 7, 2023 11:41 am

The worst thing about Easter is the crappy, cheap ‘chocolate’ used in most Easter eggs. I reckon it is about 5% chocolate, the rest being milk solids, sugar, artificial flavourings and who knows what else.

It tastes awful, and is to proper chocolate what Budweiser is to beer.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 7, 2023 11:42 am

Sancho Panzersays:
April 7, 2023 at 11:27 am
Your ignorance is noted, Mr Clueless. You’ve got a lot of catching up to do.

You don’t mean … ?
Don’t tell me … I’m off the pace!

That’s a given. You are in the learning to walk phase on the subject matter.

April 7, 2023 11:42 am

Forgive me if someone has already posted yesterday’s Australian Spectator’s extraordinary discussion between Dr. Peter McCullough and others about the experimental and intense research they did in devising successful early treatments for Covid in the early stages of the pandemic. Heroes.

April 7, 2023 11:42 am

My mum says in her childhood it was encouraged every Friday of the year and similar to your description Rosie.

My late Mum and Dad had fish every Friday of the year until they died a few years ago (both in their mid-80s). That’s all I remember ever eating on Friday.

And yes, every Sunday a hot roast dinner. Thank you, Mum.

We were a big family and eventually budding adults had their own ideas but on Good Friday anything but fish was strictly forbidden.

I now follow this tradition myself – whether it be a superior fishy or sardines on toast (delicious). In addition to being healthy, the small sacrifice aids one’s spiritual recollection.

Johnny Rotten
April 7, 2023 11:44 am

April 7, 2023 at 11:32 am
There were more witnesses of Muhammad riding up into heaven on the back of a horse.

Name a few of them.

I’m sure that Mustafa Fag was there along with a Hindu named Ma Hat Ma Coat.

April 7, 2023 11:44 am

If you oppose a new house of Lords selected by race then you are emboldening racists – a
racist professor of racism explained.

Langton called on those who support the yes campaign to call out racism where they see it.

“This is the Australia we live in; it is racist*. So this could be the political making of a whole lot of people who want to help us get this over the line and create a permanent system of empowerment for Indigenous people,” Langton said.

“If we want to mute racism, we have to raise our own voices. We have to make sure that we win this campaign, because if we don’t, then the racists will feel emboldened,**” she said.
“We have to have a constitutionally enshrined voice that empowers our people, regionally and nationally, to make bureaucrats accountable, and respond to representations on all policy matters and legislative matters that affect us.

“If we can have a constitutionally enshrined voice that’s permanent, that makes us a formal part of the democratic architecture of Australia****, that’s how we fight racism. That’s how we fight our disempowerment.”

* Vile hag leaps for the racism slur.
** Doubles and triples down on the racism shit.
***With selected not elected members….

Has she ever considered that people might not be racist, just that shes a vile old C*nt?

April 7, 2023 11:46 am

Yes, Dover. I get people dying for a cause they believe in. I don’t think anyone would offer to be martyred for something they know to be a lie.

April 7, 2023 11:48 am

Joh, I’ll flick you some virtual Lindt eggs. The mini sort with liquid chocolate inside. Grab your catcher’s mitt!

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 7, 2023 11:48 am

April 7, 2023 at 11:41 am
The worst thing about Easter is the crappy, cheap ‘chocolate’ used in most Easter eggs. I reckon it is about 5% chocolate, the rest being milk solids, sugar, artificial flavourings and who knows what else.

It tastes awful, and is to proper chocolate what Budweiser is to beer.

Stick with fine quality dark chocolate. The rest is overpriced crap as you have alluded to above.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 7, 2023 11:48 am

Speaking of dodgy WA miners.
3AW run an advertorial segment called “Bulls and Bears” on afternoon radio.
Invariably it features the CEO of some penny-dreadful miner who rattles off a bunch of impressive sounding statistics in response to some soft Martin Armstrong style questioning.
Their mining lease is often “adjacent to” another better known miner, and their reserves show quite a wide range of assay values but are always “promising” and “potentially world class”.
I listen keenly for the kiss of death … “mineral assay results have been verified by respected Perth mineral geologists, Martin, Barton and Fargo.”
Now, why would a minor miner with a “world class mineral deposit” be advertising on Radio Geriatric, 3AW?

April 7, 2023 11:48 am


I asked a “trans woman” to explain how he knows that he’s a woman. The answer was about as coherent as you’d expect

April 7, 2023 11:50 am

Sorry, my Lindt choccies definitely have sugar in them. You really don’t want to eat unsweetened raw chocolate – had some in South America and it was truly hideous.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 7, 2023 11:52 am

That’s a given. You are in the learning to walk phase on the subject matter.

When I can snatch the pebbles from your hand, Master Tickler, then it will be time for me to leave.

April 7, 2023 11:52 am

It’s time to start the rapture indeed.

April 7, 2023 11:53 am
April 7, 2023 11:54 am

“It is unclear that the felony statute that Trump is accused of violating actually applies to him.”

Indeed – but probably not in the way they mean.
Trump resigned his position(s) and handed over control of his companies to his (adult) children prior to taking office, yet the alleged payments took place after he took office.
How did Trump “pay” or “authorise payment” or even “falsely record” such payments when he had no control over the company that made the payment at the time payment was made and bookkeeping was done?

April 7, 2023 11:56 am

So the White House incited another trans-terrorist attack on a school.
The bloke was caught, though, thank God.

Goes by “Lily.”

Still grappling with the end of America encapsulated in a ‘president’ and nation that knelt for George Floyd but rolled their eyes about the killing of three children.

Johnny Rotten
April 7, 2023 11:57 am

there was no year zero, which is why the Centuary ends on 31 December 1901, 2001 etc

Spelling please.

My point being that how could Jesus of Nazareth be born between the years 8 BC (Before Christ) and 4 BC (Before Christ)?

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 7, 2023 11:59 am

April 7, 2023 at 10:17 am
It’s not a mystery: the Liberal Party is unelectable because it sucks

Surely this is brilliant news for AnAL.

With no possibility of electoral consequences, he can now implement every leftard wet dream. Capital gains tax on the family home. Increased tax on superannuation, including confiscation of unspent balances on death. Top income tax rate of 95% on all income above the Prime Ministerial salary. compulsory Labor Party membership for all. Increase immigration to 1 million pa, with all spare bedrooms, rental properties and holiday houses to be opened to the new arrivals.

And so much more. Go for it AnAl!

April 7, 2023 12:02 pm

That Matt Walsh “woman” didn’t make sense, no real argument except what’s going on in his head.

Take a blood test or a skin scraping…man. It’s in the DNA stoopid. Or try another way – an X-ray. Hellooooo pelvic girdle.

And why do they always have long flowing hair? Affirmation much? Nice headband and bangles too. Being female isn’t an outfit.

Bar Beach Swimmer
April 7, 2023 12:03 pm

Dr BG:
It all happened a long time ago

Records aren’t always available, and if they are, may not be easily deciphered. Looking beyond is sometimes necessary.

The different cultural milieu of the time, and that the three visitors were more likely to be astrologers, (the wise men) rather than kings, as an example of something other than the record.

Discerning celestial events to determine future events would makes sense for the three. The point that there were some interesting space events at/around the time Jesus was born is better than having nothing to examine to explain the story of the Magi and the star.

But, yes, it is faith that we’re talking about. Happy for you to follow Feynman. But Happy Easter, to you.

April 7, 2023 12:05 pm

ABC: ‘Police shoot dead man after alleged attack on officers.’ Would seem to be a waste of bullets.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 7, 2023 12:07 pm


And why do they always have long flowing hair? Affirmation much? Nice headband and bangles too. Being female isn’t an outfit.

Putting on Blackface – baaaaaad.

Putting on Womanface – gooooooooood!

April 7, 2023 12:08 pm

This is a treasure trove.

A trans EMT tried to use his medical training to prove that sex is not binary. He ran into trouble when I asked him how he’d respond to a patient with a penis who claims he’s having a miscarriage.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
April 7, 2023 12:09 pm

Ex WA politician, Matt Barney, runs the daily radio segment “Bulls and Bears”.

It is actually pretty informative about a wide range of miners and support companies, and he always includes the usual warning about his program being for information not advice and to seek professional advice before acting.

If you have some mad money, you could do worse than making a modest investment in some of his “penny dreadful” small miners.

You could also lose the lot.

April 7, 2023 12:10 pm

The ‘Left’ live in a post truth world. Reality will catch up with them shortly.

Johnny Rotten
April 7, 2023 12:13 pm

Biden administration blames chaotic Afghan pull-out on Trump

LOL. What else can they blame Trump for when not in Office?

April 7, 2023 12:17 pm

We had pretty much the same economical home made canned fish based meal every Friday when I was growing up, I got heartily sick of it though I don’t mind it these days.
Still avoid meat on Fridays.

A devout Catholic family of my daughter’s acquaintance ate/eat plain boiled rice on a Friday.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 7, 2023 12:18 pm

I’d forgotten about Shorten saying that about the jabs. Get the rope.



Real Rukshan:

7 Apr 2023
According to Daniel Andrews If you oppose “The Voice” or merely even suggest debating the merits of the YES vote you are a racist and bigot.

Isn’t it obvious by now to the public that it’s the same playbook of slurs and name calling being used when one side demands blind obedience to advance a particular outcome or narrative?

In my opinion the only racism or “white supremacy” I’m seeing is from the white politicians, pundits and media personalities running around calling Aboriginal people racists and bigots for voting NO or questioning the merits of “The Voice”.

If you vote NO to “The Voice” you are a racist bigot! Where have we heard this before?”

April 7, 2023 12:18 pm

The Colorado tranny should be taken to an old mine and blown up. He’ll be happy and so will the kids he was going to blow up. No down side.

Bar Beach Swimmer
April 7, 2023 12:21 pm

That Matt Walsh “woman” didn’t make sense, no real argument except what’s going on in his head.

But it was a really telling reality moment, Calli.

April 7, 2023 12:23 pm

The worst thing about Easter is the crappy, cheap ‘chocolate’ used in most Easter eggs. I reckon it is about 5% chocolate, the rest being milk solids, sugar, artificial flavourings and who knows what else.

Also, it’s important to check country of origin. A lot of confectionery comes from China.

Bar Beach Swimmer
April 7, 2023 12:23 pm

And, Calli, meant to say, best regards to your relatives and you.

Robert Sewell
April 7, 2023 12:31 pm


Tucker Carlson: This will lead to poverty all over the US

Anyone under 30 basically has no experience of a recession and under 50 or so working lives affected by one.

That’s a really scary scenario, HBB.
Most of the people we are trying to convince of the need to batten down the hatches have no real gut feeling of what we are trying to warn them of.
It’s really frightening just how quickly savings evaporate when you lose your job.

April 7, 2023 12:31 pm

Two years in a row my Jack Russell discovered my son’s Easter egg stash and scoffed them.
No negative effects.
On the second occasion my wife took her to the vet expecting some delayed adverse reaction.
The vet’s conclusion was that she would have absorbed more cocoa from eating broccoli than Woolies Easter eggs.

April 7, 2023 12:32 pm

Greek Orthodox also have a Lenten fasting regime, I remember colleagues saying it was abstaining from meat, eggs and dairy, now they have added processed foods to the list.

April 7, 2023 12:35 pm

Will be interesting if we ever have an 1980s style job shortage.
The difference these days is that many people on short term visas will have to up stumps and go home.

Real Deal
Real Deal
April 7, 2023 12:36 pm

It’s not. It’s totally unethical.

Thanks for that answer, Tom.

April 7, 2023 12:38 pm

Sancho Panzersays:
April 7, 2023 at 11:48 am

Sounds exactly like the hundreds of asx reports, media releases and begging letters I typed for a very, very dodgy WA exploration mob.

Brought back memories.

Johnny Rotten
April 7, 2023 12:43 pm

According to Daniel Andrews If you oppose “The Voice” or merely even suggest debating the merits of the YES vote you are a racist and bigot.

In which case, why even have a choice for a NO box on the Ballot Paper?

Vote YES and then pay when the ‘InVoice’ arrives every year upon year upon year upon………………………..

Robert Sewell
April 7, 2023 12:50 pm

I have yet to watch any of this couples offerings.

Most people will look at the time these interviews take and if it’s over 20 minutes, I reckon you’ll lose 20%. 15 minutes and you’ve lost a total of 50%. I’ve just gotten to the 5 minute mark and it’s waffle waffle waffle about Australian law. There’s no indication of when the guts of the interview will even start! If you’ve got a point to make, there must be some indication within the first two minutes, or 90% of viewers will just turn off – like me at the 5 minute mark. (And I’m a bit of a political junkie!)

FFS! Can someone tell them to get on with it?
Viewers generally have a short attention span. I’m one of them. Tucker is the only one I will allow a minute to waffle on, and he gets to the subject in 30 seconds or less.

April 7, 2023 12:52 pm

Johnny Rottensays:
April 7, 2023 at 12:43 pm
According to Daniel Andrews If you oppose “The Voice” or merely even suggest debating the merits of the YES vote you are a racist and bigot.

Saying NO to one race having enshrined privilege over all other races is racist?

Sounds like Dan is the real Nazi bigot.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
April 7, 2023 12:52 pm

Tweaked from an earlier – moderation imprisoned – version:

Constitutional acknowledgement?

Jeez! I reckon I am their man. How about this:

The here constituted Commonwealth of Australia acknowledges that when the first British explorers and settlers came to Australia there was a small scattered nomadic population. They had no more idea how long or how they came to be here (something about a Rainbow Serpent, if you can believe it!) than the Europeans who would have cited Adam and Eve, but neither had they developed an apprehension of time such, as through historical records or observing the great ponderous cycles of nature or of nations, which would have prompted such questions.

The early European arrivals observed the straitened harsh existence of these people, and the hard and bitter choices with which cruel nature constantly transfixed them, like a sadistic entomologist that has pinned a writhing agonised specimen on a display. Things like abandoning your mother to starvation and predators because she can no longer keep up.

I know. Right?

Nature, when not subjugated by civilisation, is a malign cow, hey?

Imagine being trapped in a society where you could not bequeath to your children a better life than you were born to. As if there was never such surplus that you could accumulate property or capital to leave your kids better off. This would be a life forever teetering on the brink of extinction. We acknowledge that would be shitty. Not through any inherent flaw in humanity, but the razor thin margins of success allowed by the cow.

Seriously, condemning your sons and daughters to the same hard shitty life you were born to? Without the prospect of hope?

Does my freaking head in!

How magnanimous then was the spirit of the settlers who welcomed the earlier groups to their country! Aware of the delectable fruits to be enjoyed in the golden light of civilisation they had been born too, they wished the same for their newfound brethren. For, as Christians, they did indeed see them as brothers.

So we acknowledge the gift that Europeans brought – a civilisation nurtured across geography and millennia where imagination snatched moments from miserly nature and new possibilities and new opportunities created, where each idea gave birth to new generations of ideas as if alive.

We acknowledge that it would seem that at some point back in the misty past there was a moment, where a choice was to be made between cleaving to the traditional and familiar, or to try something different and promising, and set society on a new path. While the ancestors of the Europeans chose one way, the natives here chose the other, and doomed countless generations to a gloomy impoverished existence. Those early settlers determined to free the natives from the consequences of that choice and open up a whole new world to them.

To the extent these ‘indigenous’ people insist upon being a separate people we acknowledge that they owe us gratitude that they could not even hope to begin paying back were they to gift us every possession they ever possessed before Europeans – seriously, how much is to be found in a mound of knapped stones and burnt sticks a kilometre high? However to the extent they see themselves as just plain boring, but all-so-precious, Australians like the rest of us they owe nothing. Just people.


Johnny Rotten
April 7, 2023 12:52 pm

With no possibility of electoral consequences, he can now implement every leftard wet dream. Capital gains tax on the family home. Increased tax on superannuation, including confiscation of unspent balances on death. Top income tax rate of 95% on all income above the Prime Ministerial salary. compulsory Labor Party membership for all. Increase immigration to 1 million pa, with all spare bedrooms, rental properties and holiday houses to be opened to the new arrivals.

And so much more. Go for it AnAl!

Not really as let’s see how it all goes when Liddell closes this month. Batteries anyone?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 7, 2023 12:55 pm
April 7, 2023 1:00 pm

The only reason this Voice bullshit is happening is that leftwing overlords realised that there was no consequence for mandating the plosion clot shot. They have this one in the bag. The sheep will do what they are told!

Robert Sewell
April 7, 2023 1:02 pm


About demanding un-jabbed blood when in hospital. Where exactly is that jabbed status indicated on the blood bag label?
So how would they, or you, know?

It isn’t. So they don’t.

But it has been instructive to watch how the subject was deliberately derailed, despite the initial qualifications being very obviously made.

April 7, 2023 1:03 pm

Two years in a row my Jack Russell discovered my son’s Easter egg stash and scoffed them. No negative effects. On the second occasion my wife took her to the vet expecting some delayed adverse reaction.

Recently, my elderly mother rushed her terrier to the vet after it ate ONE sultana that dropped out of a scone.

The ‘Vet emergency line’ (or whatever) advised her that ‘even one grape can kill a dog’ and it needed immediate attention.

Sounds like horseshit to me – given the scavenging nature of dogs… any one got real world experience of this?

April 7, 2023 1:07 pm

Basically Jones was a voluble Rain Man autistic who passed himself off as an intellectual.


He had an eidetic memory, which has nothing to do with IQ. It’s a genetic quirk. I knew a woman whose memory was like a calendar or a diary. In recounting events of years ago, she would say things like ‘and on the Tuesday, we had lunch at such and such restaurant, and I didn’t see her again until the following Friday week.’ It was uncanny, and dead accurate. But, she had no capacity for constructive conceptual thought at all. None.

Barry was like that. I vividly recall seeing him having lunch with an unfortunate woman in a restaurant in Manuka when he was a Minister. He was holding forth and spitting and spraying food like Etna with the hiccups. His beard looked like it had acne.

Bob Dyer, or probably Dolly, would have been a better Minister. And both had superior social skills.

Johnny Rotten
April 7, 2023 1:08 pm

About demanding un-jabbed blood when in hospital. Where exactly is that jabbed status indicated on the blood bag label?
So how would they, or you, know?

It isn’t. So they don’t.

But it has been instructive to watch how the subject was deliberately derailed, despite the initial qualifications being very obviously made.

Apparently, it is possible to have your own un-jabbed mini blood bank. You may need to fork out a few bob though. I did read about it somewhere but not too sure how one would go about doing it. All the ‘Pollies’ and Billionaires, etc., would know as they only got jabbed with a saline drip.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 7, 2023 1:11 pm

Some rural Liberal or National Party M.P. telling an audience that their opposition to the Voice burnishes their Anti Racism credentials?

It smells like an ALP Talking Point.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 7, 2023 1:11 pm

Pedro at 12:09.
Ah, right.
I didn’t know who Matt Barney was (I thought it was Matt Burney).
Maybe. Sounds a bit like trawling for unwitting subscribers to me.

April 7, 2023 1:12 pm

P says:
April 7, 2023 at 10:08 am
10am Stations of the Cross at St Mary’s Cathedral Sydney.
Good Friday – 7th April 2023

I went to my local parish, also at 10 am and also packed.

April 7, 2023 1:13 pm

It might be effective, Duk. It the dog realises that swallowing a grape results in an immediate trip to the vet’s, it won’t try that again. 😀

April 7, 2023 1:16 pm

Memories of the last significant recession:

Brickies lobbing up before school begging for work to build a small extension (paid for mostly before the recession really hit).
Toys and video games were expensive, kids had an intel network because you never wanted to waste money. One kid I knew, their Mum made her beat each game before she got her another, then she’d sell the old one secondhand. God knows how many damned titles my nephew has on 5+ systems now.
Everyone seemed a little bit miserable.
Teachers stopped striking as much.
The public saw through Paul Keating’s “Wizard of Oz” schtick.
(Houses were affordable if you had a job, but you had no disposable income).
No takeaway or “eating out” for a couple of years.
Learn to love home made food and inexpensive cuts of meat. Sunday roast with soft drink and desert was a treat.
More “Home Brand” boxes than people would feel comfortable with now.
My memory is either the media scared everyone or serial killers and sex offenders went a little nuts.
The kids I knew whose fathers were in non building trades seemed the happiest, the military families seemed better off relative to everyone else.
Sport was a welcome relief.
Popular music was pretty good.
The public got red pilled on economics throughout the west.
My family all voted labour and we couldn’t believe how lucky Keating was that Hewson ended up campaigning against himself.
By the end of the recession, I think we had a touchpad phone.
It was cold and wet like now.
We learned about the wool stockpile through the ABC indoctrination called Behind The News.
CDs and CD players were mind blowing technology. Hey we only got a VCR a little bit before then.
Amazing that as a kid I witnessed the fall of the Soviet Union in my holidays.
The next decade was full of hope until 9/11.

April 7, 2023 1:16 pm

Sounds like horseshit to me – given the scavenging nature of dogs… any one got real world experience of this?

I would imagine a fox digestive system is not too far removed from that of a dog. I know foxes dine on grapes straight off the vine. I regularly find fox scat loaded up with grape pips. I wonder if Vets see a new Range rover in their garage or something when they give out advice. I think vets are in the palm of Big Pharma’s hand just as our once trusted doctors are. (Present company excused, obviously.)

April 7, 2023 1:18 pm

Their mining lease is often “adjacent to” another better known miner, and their reserves show quite a wide range of assay values but are always “promising” and “potentially world class”.


That’s actionable! Shut up! I’ll have you indicted in three States!

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
April 7, 2023 1:18 pm

Apparently, it is possible to have your own un-jabbed mini blood bank.

See your doctor and inform them you want to donate blood in the event you need an autologous transfusion

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 7, 2023 1:18 pm

But it has been instructive to watch how the subject was deliberately derailed, despite the initial qualifications being very obviously made.

Bullshit Nurse Betty.
There were no qualifications made.
Tickler claimed he laid down the law to the hospital about his “only pure blood transfusions”, hoping to score a few pats on the head for being a good soldier of the Truthers and Preppers revolution.
He got called out on it by several people and has been Michael Jackson moonwalking away from the claim ever since.
I blame the Doppler radar.
Or maybe he watched “The Good Nurse” and got a bit nervous about the over-representation of psychos among medical types.
Who knows?

April 7, 2023 1:18 pm

Can I echo Lizzie’s points about seatbelts. I am 5′ three and a half in the old measure, not uncommon for women. A lot of seatbelts want to go around my neck. In some cases, I end up putting them under my arm because it is so uncomfortable and unpleasant.

If the real objective is safety, surely it is not beyond the wit of man to develop a system whereby the upper starting point is adjustable.

April 7, 2023 1:21 pm

And the word for Saturday is sub-BO-ta, an obvious cognate for our word Sabbath.

Luzu, same word for Saturday in Slovenian.
I grew up speaking Slovenian, obviously because parents were from there. The word for Easter we always used was (phonetic spelling as wog words aren’t pronounced the same way as English), Peer-hah. Also seems to be a derivation of Pesach.
Slovenian writing uses a 24 letter Alphabet, not Cyrillic. No W or Y. The letter J is used as Y.

No end of fun as a kid trying to get mum and dad to pronounce “W”. Was even harder because neither one had teeth! 😀

April 7, 2023 1:24 pm

Leonardo DiCaprio: China-Linked Financier Planned to Donate $30 Million to Obama’s 2012 Campaign

China in Focus – NTD
00:38 Leonardo Dicaprio: China-Linked Financier Planned to Donate $30M to Obama’s 2012 Campaign
03:35 China Reacts After Taiwanese President Visits U.S.
05:10 China Coast Guard Conducts Joint Patrol near Taiwan
05:30 U.S. Lawmakers Visit Taiwan Amid China Tensions
06:54 France’s Macron, Europe’s Von Der Leyen Visit China
08:15 Taiwan, Japan, S. Korea Resist China’s ‘Organ Sharing’
11:26 Bank Crisis Not Over, China a Threat: Dimon
13:01 No U.A. Apps in China? Then No Chinese Apps in U.S.: Fleming

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 7, 2023 1:28 pm


April 7, 2023 at 12:38 pm

Sancho Panzersays:
April 7, 2023 at 11:48 am

Sounds exactly like the hundreds of asx reports, media releases and begging letters I typed for a very, very dodgy WA exploration mob.

I once worked for an engineering company involved in mining and oil and gas.
We frequently bid on jobs which were openly acknowledged as dead ducks but the client would somehow accumulate capital from a few starry-eyed hopefuls and then proceed to burn through it.
I think our job was to grossly under-estimate development costs.
Sometimes my conscience bothers me about it.
But not often.

April 7, 2023 1:29 pm

What is Slovenian for “the kavorka”?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 7, 2023 1:31 pm

DBG at 11.12:

As Feynman said, the easiest person to fool is yourself. Believing something because it gives you a nice warm feeling is a sure road to disaster and disappointment.

Exhibit A: ‘I believe I am a woman.’

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 7, 2023 1:34 pm

From the Red Cross


When test results are received, units suitable for transfusion are labeled and stored.Red cells are stored in refrigerators at 6ºC for up to 42 days.Platelets are stored at room temperature in agitators for up to five days.Plasma and cryo are frozen and stored in freezers for up to one year.

Unless you have a specific event (ie operation) planned, bottling your own on speculation seems highly impractical.
And, depending on the nature of the op, doctors may advise that it is unwise or unsafe to be draining the oil beforehand.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 7, 2023 1:36 pm

Knuckle Draggersays:

April 7, 2023 at 1:31 pm
Exhibit A: ‘I believe I am a woman.’

Exhibit B: ‘Collingwood will not fall apart after April Fools Day’.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
April 7, 2023 1:37 pm

10am Stations of the Cross at St Mary’s Cathedral Sydney.
Good Friday – 7th April 2023

Thanks P I was there and it was absolutely packed to the gunnels many people standing. I was so glad to see people of religious faith practising devoutly.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 7, 2023 1:38 pm

That’s actionable! Shut up! I’ll have you indicted in three States!

So you bought into a WA cash miner?

Johnny Rotten
April 7, 2023 1:38 pm

Ed Casesays:
April 7, 2023 at 1:11 pm
Some rural Liberal or National Party M.P. telling an audience that their opposition to the Voice burnishes their Anti Racism credentials?

It smells like an ALP Talking Point.

More BS from Head Case and a Suitable Case for Treatment. No link to his/her/its comment. Dreaming again under the influence I guess. Sad really. But then again, NO.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 7, 2023 1:39 pm

To be fair, there are reports that a plague of four-legged chooks is infesting Upper Quenthland so I think that should probably be taken into account.

I mean, it’s so obviously an iodine deficiency.

In the blood.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 7, 2023 1:39 pm

Sancho Panzersays:
April 7, 2023 at 1:18 pm

Bullshit Nurse Betty.
There were no qualifications made.
Tickler claimed he laid down the law to the hospital about his “only pure blood transfusions”,

Claimed?? It’s on file and it’s a proud moment for me, you drip.

He got called out on it by several people and has been Michael Jackson moonwalking away from the claim ever since.

Bullsh*t I have.

As for the rest of your dribble, meh.

April 7, 2023 1:40 pm

So you bought into a WA cash miner?

I have hardly made a secret of it.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 7, 2023 1:42 pm

Claimed?? It’s on file and it’s a proud moment for me, you drip.

Hospital people. Just the worst people.

Worse than 6PR people.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 7, 2023 1:43 pm

Blockquote fail.

Apologies. Was lighting a smoke and thinking about the building cyclone.

And 6PR.

April 7, 2023 1:44 pm

I think vets are in the palm of Big Pharma’s hand just as our once trusted doctors are. (Present company excused, obviously.)

OF course they are, perhaps even moreso – take a look at the vaccine display’ in any decent farm supply shop – its likely to cover a full wall – and them animals have short lives and high reproduction rates, so its an even bigger market than huma ns.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
April 7, 2023 1:44 pm

In the Cathedral throng was one recent ex-Premier of NSW and two of his children. I didn’t think it appropriate to ask why he wasn’t at the funeral of George Cardinal Pell given that the Cathedral is just down the road from his office.

April 7, 2023 1:45 pm

Apparently twitter has labelled NPR as “state allied media” which proves to be unpopular. A pretty funny Tucker Carlson bit about it.

April 7, 2023 1:47 pm

If the real objective is safety, surely it is not beyond the wit of man to develop a system whereby the upper starting point is adjustable.

I have owned several cars with an adjustable upper mount.

April 7, 2023 1:48 pm

More correctly: “state affiliated media”.

Bar Beach Swimmer
April 7, 2023 1:51 pm

‘even one grape can kill a dog’

not the dog we had growing up – a kelpie – he loved grapes.

April 7, 2023 1:54 pm

calli, did you see my link to dendr0bium speciosum yesterday?

I’ve tried to do it again, but there seems to be some sort of glitch.

Anyway, a magnificent and hardy plant, gorgeous and long lasting flowers, and the scent is what Parisian perfume makers aspire to.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 7, 2023 1:55 pm

This morning I made French toast from hot cross bun halves.
Some may call it a work of singular genius.
Others may call it crass and derivative.
I call it mine.

Also, it’s important to check country of origin. A lot of confectionery comes from China.

Avoid Whittakers chocolate-esque confectionary blocks as a rule. Not real chocolate. Gives you constipation after even moderate consumption. Probably the weird oil and other fillers they stick in it. Even bargain bin Cadbury isn’t that bad.
Always get dark, minimum 33% cocoa solids in small doses but 45%+ is much better. Cadbury Old Gold range is fine, Lindt and Darrel Lea also good. Basically any brand as long as they meet cocoa spec.
A good company can make a bad product (e.g. Lindt Lindor) and a bad company can make a good product (Whittakers Peanut Slab). Have to experiment with chocolates.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 7, 2023 1:57 pm

Claimed?? It’s on file and it’s a proud moment for me, you drip.

Oh, I have no doubt your rantings are on file.
Just maybe not in the glowing terms you imagine.
Was there a little yellow crescent moon sticker on the inside cover of your file by any chance?
You do know they have secret codes to warn each other, right?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 7, 2023 1:58 pm

Did you by any chance wear an onion tied to your belt during hospital admission?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
April 7, 2023 1:59 pm

I see some dispute regarding a pagan origin of Easter.

Here is an article which disputes back.

I don’t know why people always bring these things up at Easter (or Christmas), but it seems like a malicious desire to undermine and belittle very important and joyful celebrations for Christians just as they are celebrating

Seems kind of mean spirited.

April 7, 2023 2:00 pm

This morning I made French toast from hot cross bun halves.

This is how great recipes of history begin.

Johnny Rotten
April 7, 2023 2:00 pm

A man was watering his lawn one day when he saw two hearses followed by a man, his dog and a single file line of about 200 men. He thought this was very strange so he asked the guy (with the dog) what was going on.

“That’s my wife in the first hearse, my dog bit her and she died” the man answered.

“Oh, I’m terribly sorry to hear that” the guy watering his lawn said. “What about the second hearse?”

“Well that’s my mother-in-law, my dog also bit her and she died”.

The guy watering his lawn thought for a minute and said “Can I borrow your dog?”

The man with the dog responded, “Get to the back of the line!”

April 7, 2023 2:01 pm

Yes, I saw it Joh. The Sydney Rock Orchid. I have a few here, also an interesting intergeneric hybrid courtesy of a Melbourne breeder. Beautiful things.

My bush house now has quite a collection of Cattleyas, Vandas, soft and hard cane dendrobiums, Oncidiums and the ever reliable cymbidiums.

Orchids are fun!

Johnny Rotten
April 7, 2023 2:01 pm

Darn the wheel of the world! Why must it continually turn over? Where is the reverse gear?

– Jack London

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 7, 2023 2:01 pm

Dr Beau Gan.
I pray that Jesus will raise you up to a higher level of understanding and enlightenment.
Peace be upon you, oh Doubting Thomas.

April 7, 2023 2:03 pm

Biden “There is poo in my pants”
Also Biden “Donald Trump is responsible for it”…

That brief document was drafted by the National Security Council, rather than by an independent entity, with input from Mr Biden himself.

The administration said detailed reviews conducted by the State Department and the Pentagon — which the White House said would be transmitted privately to Congress on Thursday — were highly classified and would not be released publicly.

“President Biden’s choices for how to execute a withdrawal from Afghanistan were severely constrained by conditions created by his predecessor,” the White House summary states

April 7, 2023 2:05 pm

I fully expect Trump to be convicted and gaoled in NY.
However I am sure to the Dems it doesn’t matter that much.The process is the punishment.
If this one is disposed of there are two or three other prosecutions that will pop up like sharks teeth.
As has been noted the effect of this is that the Presidential campaign will be all about Trump and his perceived shortcomings.
Biden will go back into his basement hoping to slide to another victory.
This is of course assuming that the electoral process is not gamed this time.

April 7, 2023 2:06 pm

Most orchids evolved as epiphytes, like bromeliads, and if you have a large clump you can tie them to the trunks of trees or place them in branch junctions. I saw this a lot in my travels in South America where orchids seem to grow like weeks. They had beautiful flowering ones hanging from the street trees in Rio. So common no one could be bothered pinching them.

April 7, 2023 2:09 pm

Weeds, not weeks. But they do grow fast there!

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 7, 2023 2:09 pm

Hospital people. Just the worst people.

Plenty of those…. much like the dancing nurses and doctors on tiktok during the height of scamdemic. One minute they were lying to patients about the jabs being safe, the next minute jabbing up the frail and elderly with midazolam or rendesivir and watching them die; lying about being overworked at a time when elective surgery was binned; stating they were “just doing their jobs” whilst colleagues around them were booted out for refusing the jabs and highlighting jab injuries and deaths; pulling out the “we are on the frontline card”, give us a pay rise….etc etc, yes those hospital people.

Plenty of wankers in the system today who’d probably do it all over again.

Thankfully not all though. Plenty of fine doctors and still exist and in no fear from future lawfare. Those days will come.

April 7, 2023 2:09 pm

What is Slovenian for “the kavorka”?

No idea Dot. I googled it. I don’t think my parents would have explained what “animal attraction and the resultant lust from it was.
Yes, I saw the Seinfeld reference. 😀

Johnny Rotten
April 7, 2023 2:09 pm

Sancho Panzersays:
April 7, 2023 at 2:01 pm
Dr Beau Gan.
I pray that Jesus will raise you up to a higher level of understanding and enlightenment.
Peace be upon you, oh Doubting Thomas.

Mrs Stencho Pantyhose, you are the ‘Doubting Tom Arse’ as proved by lots of your many earlier comments.

Cliff Boof
Cliff Boof
April 7, 2023 2:09 pm

Someone said, about Barry Jones, something like,”He went around collecting twigs for the bird’s nest that was his brain”.

April 7, 2023 2:12 pm

Speaking of good companies and bad products:

Subway is giving out free Cadbury Creme Egg sandwiches in the UK ahead of Easter weekend

So how’s that appetite now?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 7, 2023 2:13 pm

Excerpt from Stevie T’s convo with the nurses:

‘Give me five bees for a quarter, you’d say.’

April 7, 2023 2:15 pm

So how’s that appetite now?

Brrrrrr. Nothing surprises me about English cuisine after Rick Stein boasted about frying fish and chips in lard to give them a better “flavour”.

I suspected as much when I had them in Whitby. Grim, but not as grim as the Scottish deep fried Mars Bar.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 7, 2023 2:16 pm
April 7, 2023 2:17 pm

Colonel Crispin,

take the French Toast idea a step further. Butter the toasted halves, make a custard, and bake yourself a decadently delicious Bread and Butter Pudding. Add a splash of Brandy or Amaretto to the custard before soaking the buns. mmmmmmmmmmmmm

April 7, 2023 2:19 pm

Why are Christians responsible for explaining the 19th century commercial introduction of chocolate Easter eggs?
The tradition of exchanging dyed eggs post Resurrection can easily be linked to early Christian Lenten fasting, which, like modern Orthodox tradition including abstaining from eggs.

April 7, 2023 2:19 pm

good Brit fish and chips are fried in beef dripping, not lard. Stein can be a boofhead.

Johnny Rotten
April 7, 2023 2:19 pm

NATO Promotes WW3 with Finland’s Membership

“Finland has officially become the 31st member of NATO. “Finland has today become a member of the defense alliance NATO. The era of military non-alignment in our history has come to an end. A new era begins,” Finland’s President Sauli Niinistö mistakenly celebrated. It is clear that Finland does not understand Russia’s motives for the war in Ukraine.

Finland shares an 832-mile border with Russia, doubling the size of NATO’s borders with Russia. Russia is now surrounded, backed into a corner. Russia’s national security is in jeopardy, and will not choose flight over fight. This is precisely what Russia had been arguing against for years. Finland was not under threat of attack from Russia and did not need global military protection, nor did it need to spend a portion of its GDP to push forward the war effort.

“Finland’s membership is not targeted against anyone. Nor does it change the foundations or objectives of Finland’s foreign and security policy. Finland is a stable and predictable Nordic country that seeks peaceful resolution of disputes,” the new president also stated. Russia certainly did not see this as a neutral act. “We will strengthen our military capabilities in the west and northwest if NATO members deploy forces and equipment on Finnish territory,” Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko warned. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow will prepare “counter-measures to ensure our own security, both tactically and strategically.”

Finland has not aligned with other military powers in nearly 80 years. US Neocon Anthony Blinken was foaming at the mouth for this partnership to take place. Finland’s people were safe and uninvolved in this proxy war before Tuesday. Everyone cheering that Finland has joined “the good guys” fails to realize this directly escalates the conflict to new proportions. What started as a land dispute between two neighboring countries has overtaken the world, and all leaders are willing to risk the lives of their people to “win” this war. Ukraine is now loudly voicing its desire to join NATO, which would guarantee a full-scale world war. The chess players are aligning their players, and it is only a matter of time before mass destruction takes place that changes the world as we know it.”

April 7, 2023 2:20 pm

Biden will go back into his basement hoping to slide to another victory.
This is of course assuming that the electoral process is not gamed this time.

I think you meant ‘assuming that the electoral processs IS gamed (again) this time..”

April 7, 2023 2:21 pm

Yes it is Mother Lode.

April 7, 2023 2:22 pm

Went to Whitby, the place was full of poms taking the air as they walked to the end of the pier and back with ornamental lap dogs in prams. Very strange.

April 7, 2023 2:23 pm
April 7, 2023 2:25 pm
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 7, 2023 2:28 pm

Blood is only good for 42 days storage and if frozen complications can arise. As for costs, who knows at this stage…probably cost prohibitive?

This country needs a unvaxxed blood supply, pronto. I reckon a couple of million people still exist in this country who didn’t get the supposed c-19 jabs. I don’t trust .Gov figures. I’d say they have probablybeen inflated? Who knows for sure.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 7, 2023 2:28 pm

Went to Whitby, the place was full of poms taking the air as they walked to the end of the pier and back with ornamental lap dogs in prams. Very strange.

Went there years ago, saw the museum of Captain Cook, was admiring the statue, when a voice, with a pronounced Yorkshire accent inquired if I was from around these parts…..

April 7, 2023 2:28 pm

According to Daniel Andrews If you oppose “The Voice” or merely even suggest debating the merits of the YES vote you are a racist and bigot.

Why give a sh@t about what this imbecile says?
Why even engage when someone argues at this vulgar level?

Illogical insults and name-calling like this is just what children do to each other in the playground, circa age 8-12.
But this is also the level of “persuasion” Oz gets from the people they vote into power, as well as their attendant parasites, eg. that vile Langton harridan.
It must work, or it wouldn’t be happening.

Clearly, too many voters really ARE that stupid.

April 7, 2023 2:29 pm

As we flipping back and forth on chocolate, I have baked two trays of my wicked Brownies. Made with equal parts good butter and 70% dark chocolate.
They are for my borrowed grandees and my son.
I have a batch of Almond, Apricot and Blood Orange Biscotti loaves cooling, ready for me to slice them and bake them for a second time to crispy deliciousness.
They are an Easter gift for mum of said Grandees. And Grandees dad will be helping them to check said Brownies to see if there are enough choc chips in them.

So looking forward to seeing their adorable faces tomorrow. And my son’s. Of course. 😉

I would rather a home made Brownie than a shop bought egg, unless it was from KOKO BLACK.

April 7, 2023 2:32 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 7, 2023 2:35 pm

dover0beach says:
April 7, 2023 at 2:24 pm

This morning I made French toast from hot cross bun halves.

This is how great recipes of history begin.

Will have to try that. Looking forward to a bread and butter pudding made from Easter buns first.

Anyone who has leftover hot cross buns is racist, un-Australian and not trying hard enough.

Robert Sewell
April 7, 2023 2:38 pm

Bruce O’Newk:

Lefty jurisdictions are increasing the age that kids have to be in secure child seats. But you can pretty much only fit two of those in a car. So parents aren’t having that extra child because they can’t fit in an extra child seat. True story.

A FOI demand of the emails of the meetings may just turn up some useful information. After all, there is no such thing as coincidences when the Left is concerned.
When you look at outcomes, sometimes it’s worthwhile to look at the deliberations leading to those outcomes.
Trust and verify.
A bit paranoid, you think?
Anyone who can look back at the last three years and not be a bit suspicious is naïve.

April 7, 2023 2:39 pm

Fish on Friday – I do remember smoked cod, but with a parsley sauce, not caper sauce, capers seem a bit sophisticated for my childhood. I still make it occasionally.

For awhile when I was growing up, my mother worked Fridays. After she finished work we would go to the local Greek cafe for fish and chips, which included a Murray crayfish (with white bread and butter, delicious).

I wonder if Murray crays are still available, maybe we ate them all.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 7, 2023 2:39 pm

Steve trickler says:
April 7, 2023 at 2:28 pm

Blood is only good for 42 days storage and if frozen complications can arise. As for costs, who knows at this stage…probably cost prohibitive?

This country needs a unvaxxed blood supply, pronto. I reckon a couple of million people still exist in this country who didn’t get the supposed c-19 jabs. I don’t trust .Gov figures. I’d say they have probablybeen inflated? Who knows for sure.

Well, what’s stopping you.
Big opportunity with two million punters fronting up every six weeks.
Gotta be a winner, right.
Get onto it, quick sticks, before someone steals the idea.
Unless, of course, you want to leave it to Lyin’ Big Government.

  1. GreyRanga July 27, 2024 9:41 am Reply to Indolent No essential service should be in private hands. We let stinking…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x