Open Thread – Tues 4 April 2023

The Moreno Garden at Bordighera, Claude Monet, 1884

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April 6, 2023 2:30 pm

“How is the leader of the opposition opposing a government proposal an “abrogation of leadership”??”

Because he’s not with you, he’s against you.
If we are “progressive”, and you are against us, then you are against progress.
That makes you the oppressor, the authoritarian, the racist, the Nazi.
You’re not just wrong, you’re EVIL!
That justifies preventing you from speaking, or throwing you in prison for “wrong-think”, or even bashing you.

April 6, 2023 2:30 pm

Another unbiased offering from TheirABC about chalk messages on footpaths:

Ms Elson said anti-transgender sentiment had been causing anguish for transgender people and their families.

“I had a dad contact me yesterday, talking about his daughter. He said it’s been so damaging, and he’s doing everything he can to protect his kids from this hate,” she said.

“What I’m really proud of is how this city has really rallied … trans community members have reported as saying they’re really well supported, really well-loved.”

Tiny Pride recently received a state government grant to build new functions into the Snap, Send, Solve application.

The app allowed residents to report issues with photos, such as potholes or broken public infrastructure.

The app would be expanded to allow community members to report incidents of hate or abuse while in public.

Potholes and tranny ‘hate’ are equivalent? Interesting. I suspect that residents hope that potholes are prioritised, but they may be disappointed.

April 6, 2023 2:36 pm

BTW, has anyone seen a single public statement from His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition about the effect of immigration on the housing crisis?
NO trougher was/will be rendered homeless by the implementation of this policy …
pollie care factor when they aren’t inconvenienced .. zero, zilch, nuttin’! ..

April 6, 2023 2:38 pm

From the twice weekly AAP media appointments newsletter:

David Douglas Stuart has changed roles at the ABC and is now the Repurposing Lead for Vertical Video

In this role, he will lead a team of video producers to find TikTok moments from the ABC’s broadcast output and provide them as content to ABC News’ TikTok audience.

FMD. The ABC now has a videographer whose job it is to find content from the Chinese Communist Party’s most popular anti-Western spying app.

Apart from being one of the CCP’s useful foreign idiots, the ABC is just so frigging lazy. Posting propaganda from Tik Tok on our dime that’s useful to the CCP is not “providing content” for the ABC.

April 6, 2023 2:54 pm

Ukraine’s Suicide Drone ‘Attacks’ Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant; UAV Identified As Polish Warmate – Moscow

Johnny Rotten
April 6, 2023 2:56 pm

David Douglas Stuart has changed roles at the ABC and is now the Repurposing Lead for Vertical Video

Errrrrrrrrrr. Wot’ is Vertical Video? Is that like horizontal dancing? This ABC Mob needs sorting out Big Time. But, how to do it?

April 6, 2023 2:56 pm

Robert Sewellsays:
April 6, 2023 at 12:21 pm

It may be that justice will occur after conviction with appeal to the SC.

Cohenite, what if the Supreme Court refuses to hear the case?

Have a close look at the current members of that court – Here.
How many of them will do a Pence on President Trump?
Only one looks like a fair minded Judge who will deal with the case on its merits.

The SC could not refuse to hear the first case of ex presidential prosecution. But this is is now officially Bizarro world.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 6, 2023 2:57 pm

Oh Gawd! .. I hope he ain’t gonna show off his knitting “skills” ..

Knitting the kangaroo is one of the great euphemisms, even if 99% of people don’t know what you’re talking about.

April 6, 2023 3:01 pm

Best wishes, calli. Broken bones in the not-so-young crowd are not to be sniffed at.

Hope it all works out.

Here is a picture to cheer you up. My favourite orchid, for the gorgeous scent as well as the appearance.

I had a splitting old black plastic pot of them in a corner of brick walls on concrete facing west in Sydney. I hosed them every couple of days, but the temperature and dryness would have been desert-like.

I still remember the multiple sprays of beautiful, long lasting and wonderful scented flowers.

My current perfume is Hermes Caleche, and it is reminiscent, but not as good.

April 6, 2023 3:10 pm

Sorry to hear of your accident Call. Hope all mends quickly.

April 6, 2023 3:18 pm

It’s no longer weather, it’s adjectives:

The Easter long weekend will commence with an outbreak of dangerous weather, with two separate thunderstorm bands set to pummel much of eastern Australia.

And these people claim to champion ‘science.’

No scientist would talk about ‘an outbreak of dangerous weather.’ An outbreak? Like cholera or something? WTF?

Then, we find that this ‘dangerous weather’ is going to ‘pummel’ much of eastern Australia.

Well, pummelling is a deliberate act by a human. It is yet another example of ascribing natural events to humans.


April 6, 2023 3:22 pm

calli says:
April 6, 2023 at 9:07 am

Thanks for your kindness, Cats and Kittehs.

So far we’ve got two broken femurs, spinal and head injuries and various other broken bones and other internal injuries. But all three are on the mend, or at least out of ICU. When you’re in your late 70’s these sorts of injuries are pretty much the anteroom to heaven. But we shall see.

My point was over transfusions of the emergency sort – you are not going to get the luxury of a choice. At that point you are going to be grateful they exist at all as well as all the other marvels of modern medicine. As well as planes to get you to hospital in the first place.

Catching up…
Your assessment is correct, shorter ICU stay = MUCH better survival.
Fat emboli from the broken femurs are, however, a real short-term risk, hopefully the docs have started some prophylactic anticoagulants, especially during the bed-bound phase of the recovery.
And there is NO choice about blood Tx, aside from autologous blood re-infusion, which isn’t on the cards here.
Lastly, if mobility isn’t achieved within 2-3 weeks, prognosis is significantly adversely affected, as well as the chances of regaining functional independence. Physiotherapy should commence ASAP.
It largely comes down to patient self-motivation and self-reliance.. medical treatment can only support one so far.

Best wishes++

Robert Sewell
April 6, 2023 3:25 pm

I tried to download the SA PDF using my Adobe PDF software. Can’t be done – Google Docs won’t allow it. I wonder if everyone is aware just how predatory Google and Windows 11 is.

Robert Sewell
April 6, 2023 3:36 pm


My point was over transfusions of the emergency sort – you are not going to get the luxury of a choice. At that point you are going to be grateful they exist at all as well as all the other marvels of modern medicine. As well as planes to get you to hospital in the first place.

Of course – and mine was about people who have the luxury of time to plan operations.
But yes – thank God for the emergency services available all over this nation*.
RFDS remains the only charity I donate to.
* …and the people who provide them.

April 6, 2023 3:37 pm

Wyatt quits Libs? Well, what a huge loss that is (NOT).

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 6, 2023 3:41 pm

April 6, 2023 at 1:29 pm
This 1MBD money laundering sandal is interesting on who is being caught up in it:

If Leonardo DiCaprio takes down Obummer, possibly with Creepy Joe as collateral damage, I am willing to forgive his environmental idiocies.

April 6, 2023 3:42 pm
Robert Sewell
April 6, 2023 3:47 pm


Don’t worry, at current pace of technology development, in another 30 years, it will be illegal for a human to be in control of a vehicle as the will be classed as ‘unsafe’ and represent an unacceptable risk the automated AI controlled system of self driving cars.

…and straight off to the organ banks with them!

April 6, 2023 3:48 pm

Short odds that Ken will be elected to it.

Monty now fine with poly-ticks legislating lifelong gravy trains they can be “elected” (or appointed, the in-voice is vague on the concept) to.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 6, 2023 3:51 pm


If you think Trump is Eliot Ness in this scenario, I have some news for you.

Actually, it was the Irish cop played by Sean Connery who made the comment.

April 6, 2023 3:53 pm

Yes, it’s beautiful Dover.

Thanks Gilas. The hope is that they can all be moved back to NSW as soon as they are able. Long road of rehab ahead. The one with the least injuries is already up and about, cheering up the other two who are far more serious.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 6, 2023 3:53 pm

April 6, 2023 at 2:23 pm
Meanwhile, MontyPox Virus plays with his/its small willy and breathes heavily like Gollum still looking for that ring.

Given his lack of dick playing with his ring is about all he can look forward too.

Given his recent assertions about bacteria everywhere, combined with his inability to understand the difference between pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria, he will be relaxed about that.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 6, 2023 3:55 pm

Short odds that Ken will be elected to it.

Not a chance Monty. The inner-city Aboriginal class will dominate it utterly and they all vote Labor or Green. Wyatt is irredeemably contaminated in their eyes.

Robert Sewell
April 6, 2023 3:56 pm


Bud Light sales reportedly down as marketing experts question A-B’s pursuit of a new market with an advertising campaign that alienates loyal customers:

I hope the bosses come down on the Marketing tossers who OK’d this campaign like the Red Bull boss did – he sacked the lot, on the spot.

April 6, 2023 3:58 pm

Again, Judas is the odd man out. This isn’t going the way he expected.

Peter is intent, wondering, intense. John is rapt in the moment, something deep within him is answering. The others show various stages of curiosity about what exactly is happening, what it might mean.

April 6, 2023 3:58 pm

Wearing the belt that way would make it similar in effectiveness to the old lap belts. These are now apparently not considered adequate, except in aircraft operating at much higher speeds than cars.

I thought that was just to make identification of the corpses easier, via their seat numbers.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 6, 2023 4:00 pm

April 6, 2023 at 3:34 pm
NEW – JP Morgan CEO suggests governments should “seize private property” to build wind and solar farms

Are the assets of JP Morgan “private property”? Be careful what you wish for.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 6, 2023 4:03 pm

April 6, 2023 at 3:42 pm

oh well….

Short odds that Ken will be elected to it.

He’ll be behind a loooong line of Dodsons, Langtons, Pearsons and oh so many more, right down to what’s-her-name married to Lavarch.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 6, 2023 4:03 pm

Dot says: April 6, 2023 at 9:36 am

F – A – I – L

Oh, I dunno.
I don’t have anything against cum dumpsters.

Not often enough anyway!

April 6, 2023 4:07 pm

Budweiser is horrible stuff – cat’s piss with a metallic tinge. I imagine that the Light is at least as bad, quite possibly worse.

After a stint in Aceh, post tsunami, all we could scrounge up was ‘Bintang Zero’ …. Bud Light, with trannies on the label, is worse …

April 6, 2023 4:07 pm

Wasn’t he pals with Epstein? You’d think he’d keep a low profile rather than advocating property theft.

April 6, 2023 4:15 pm

Tom, I also wonder about the long-term influence of hormones like the Pill on women.

One thing that has been shown is that the OCP impairs the natural operation of the mechanisms by which males and females assess their biochemical compatibility with their partners (which, fun fact, is whats going on when kissing) … meaning : 1) higher miscarriage rate after stopping the pill 2) higher separation rate after stopping the pill

Robert Sewell
April 6, 2023 4:16 pm


Trump calls for defunding FBI and DOJ while party opposes defunding the police

I’ll go along with that as long as Homeland Security is disbanded. Not defunded – disbanded.

April 6, 2023 4:18 pm

The CEO of Morgan’s. Jamie Dimon. Apparently he’s required to give testimony on his/the bank’s relationship with Epstein.

There appears to be a personal aspect in it also.

April 6, 2023 4:19 pm

Fourth Turning is a period in history when all the negative developments over a four-generation period reach a crescendo

Small world … I’m reading ‘The Fourth Turning’ as we speak…

April 6, 2023 4:22 pm

Broken femurs are not good; and aspirin must be taken immediately plus back on feet ASAP; the gamma nail treatment of busted femurs has been a revelation which beats months in plaster. A lot depends on the patient’s bone structure; if strong the nail can be much shorter with quicker recovery.

I know when I was doing debt recovery before I broke the defaulter’s femur I always appraised their bone density.

April 6, 2023 4:23 pm

I think this is what Calli may be referring to;

PMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon will be forced to give sworn testimony over his bank’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein as part of two lawsuits filed against the Wall Street giant — one by the US Virgin Islands and another by an alleged victim of the late pedophile.

Dimon will be deposed as part of a lawsuit alleging that JPMorgan profited from Epstein’s sex-trafficking activities,

more here

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 6, 2023 4:24 pm

Short odds that Ken will be elected to it.

There’s a higher probability of you getting a kebab in Malmo.

Robert Sewell
April 6, 2023 4:26 pm

The Frolicking Moll:

I sense a disturbance in the force, like a billion incels all sneered at once before REEEEEEEIIIING at once….
“Society hasn’t noticed that there’s this rapidly increasing number of women who are choosing not to marry,” Ms Ward says.

So they made a choice of not having children, and now – far too late – there is a positive to having children.
But there’s an answer to this problem. Tax the children who did get born, to fulfill your wishes of being supported by other peoples kids.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 6, 2023 4:29 pm

Having failed to learn the political lessons since Gough put him in the hallway as an 18yo Trot, Albo is about to find the perils of governing boldly with a 32% Primary vote.

April 6, 2023 4:33 pm

The case for lap/sash belts in the front seat seems stronger (steering wheel, dashboard and other hard objects close to the wearer) than in the back seat, with just the padded back of the front seats being there. Though the trend to mounting electronic devices on the back of the front seats might be an issue.

I spent 2 years as a crash investigator at Adelaide Unis’ Crash Lab and looked into the history of seatbelts extensively: They began as lap belts in the first world war to stop pilots falling out during inverions and other negative G combat manouevers.

They didnt really enter the road safety sphere until the 60s, when it was noticed that the death rate for ejected crash victims was 10x higher than for those who remained in the vehicle (because ejection much increased your risk of interacting with something very unforgiving outside the vehicle – or the vehicle itself).

Thus, the first step was a ‘lap belt’ just to stop ejection.

Later, it was realised that a 3 point harness controlled torso rotation also (reducing the risk of your head hitting the dash etc), and that it allowed you to choose which parts of your anatomy bore the decelleration load (eg, hip/shoulder bones, not your face).

Finally, we realised that ‘coupling’ your body to the vehicle via a belt let you decellerate over the full vehicle ‘crush distance’ (which might be a metre in a severe crash) not just the cm or so of the dent your face made in the dash.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 6, 2023 4:40 pm

The inner-city Aboriginal class will dominate it utterly and they all vote Labor or Green.

Ken Wyatt is part of the Aboriginal Industry, if he wants to be on it, he’s on it.
The Voice will be the Gravy Train to end all Gravy Trains, getting on that is equivalent to winning Lotto every coupla months.
I’d doubt Pearson, Dodson or Langton could draw the sort of support needed to win a position.

Robert Sewell
April 6, 2023 4:41 pm


Pesutto met with Victorian builders in the wake of the Porter Davis collapse. The impact of ‘Big Build’ , but not apparently the new regulations that will add 20k to building costs from November was discussed.
What will Dan do?

The self employed haven’t yet worked out they are the Kulaks – the enemy?
They’re bloody slow on the uptake. But I suppose they are yet to work out just how radical their communist government is.

April 6, 2023 4:46 pm

RFDS remains the only charity I donate to.

If it helps, my email, for the last 30 years or so, has been ‘ flyingdoc@…’

(hence my moniker here)

April 6, 2023 4:52 pm

lifelong gravy trains

mUnty’s idea of gravy-train might be different to everybody else’s

Robert Sewell
April 6, 2023 4:57 pm

Mother Lode:

The Beany watching a clip with Matt Walsh asking a tranny why they think they are a woman.

The bloke is taking the piss out of a situation he’s created. I doubt the Trans community would be very happy with his dismissing of their agenda. Watch the colour rising in his cheeks as he realises he’s not going to be praised for his ‘courage’ and ‘determination’. And his not so admiring crowd are giggling at his discomfiture, but eventually go along with it because he’s ‘giving the finger to the man’.

April 6, 2023 5:01 pm

April 6, 2023 at 4:33 pm

I seem to recall being told that the current over the chest belts were a compromise between a lap belt and a full racing harness.

April 6, 2023 5:03 pm

Later, it was realised that a 3 point harness controlled torso rotation also (reducing the risk of your head hitting the dash etc), and that it allowed you to choose which parts of your anatomy bore the decelleration load (eg, hip/shoulder bones, not your face).

I often wonder why 4 point harness is not common for motor vehicles. It would appear to be safer and maybe handle deceleration better. I understand that the 3 point is useless in collisions over 60kph?

April 6, 2023 5:09 pm

The self employed haven’t yet worked out they are the Kulaks

some of us have

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 6, 2023 5:11 pm

Richard Cranium

I’d doubt Pearson, Dodson or Langton could draw the sort of support needed to win a position.

You are assuming that there will be some kind of electoral process, and not the usual back-room deals? Brave assumption.

April 6, 2023 5:13 pm

This seatbely segue brings to mind a case of crap triage/doctoring in Feraldton.

Ladies kid was involved in a 50kph crash into a brick wall, some abdo discomfort afterwards.

Sat in triage area at hospital for 6 hours before being given a very deultory once over and sent home, he asked if he would be alright to go to boxing training the next day and was told no worries.
Next morning has a “blood blister” swelling on part of his abdomen and pain- another 4 hours in waiting room. Is told to have some aspirin to help the clot dissolve and sent home.
Couple of hours later pain ++, back to hospital and finaly gets a once over with the x-ray.
“there might be just some fluid in the abdomen – nothing to worry about but we will sent you to Perth kids hospital till it resolves”..
Gets to Perth Pain +++, they do a proper check – kid has 6 hours of surgery and loses 60cm of bowel and part of his stomach – looks like they missed the shattered collarbone as well.

It seems to me hospitals are really stuffing up by not being more hands on with triage – the questions and wait approach seems to miss a lot which could be picked up by a competent nurse.

April 6, 2023 5:14 pm

The above was just last weekend..

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 6, 2023 5:16 pm

I seem to recall being told that the current over the chest belts were a compromise between a lap belt and a full racing harness.

Such things are having demographic consequences.

Lefty jurisdictions are increasing the age that kids have to be in secure child seats. But you can pretty much only fit two of those in a car. So parents aren’t having that extra child because they can’t fit in an extra child seat. True story.

(Unfortunately I can’t easily find the original report since it is righty and not the sort of thing the search engines will disgorge unless you can remember more precisely where it was published.)

Robert Sewell
April 6, 2023 5:18 pm

Old Ozzie:

Constitutional lawyer Greg Craven has been a strong supporter of the Voice in principle and was one of the experts behind the original proposal of an Indigenous Voice.
But he now says: “It will be very, very difficult for government to operate either because it will be constantly delayed and tied up in knots, or indeed because the courts end up intervening directly in decisions.”

The Voice delivers one of Communisms main goals – to make governing impossible, or at least tie it up in knots. In fact an Activist High Court interfering in governing would suit Labor admirably. After the Revolution, of course an Activist Judge will find himself on the 4th class rattler to the Northern Territory Vegemite Mines, to expiate their lack of Revolutionary Fervour in sweat.

April 6, 2023 5:22 pm

calli says:
April 6, 2023 at 4:18 pm

The CEO of Morgan’s. Jamie Dimon. Apparently he’s required to give testimony on his/the bank’s relationship with Epstein.

There appears to be a personal aspect in it also.

Personal, as Dimon was friends with Epstein? That line has never been touted, although Dimon may have met Epstein as he  was very wealthy and therefore likely an important client of the bank.
There’s no story here indicating that JPM committed any wrongdoing. The only story doing the rounds is that Jes Staley, JPMorgan’s lead man in the private banking division, had a very cosy relationship with Epstein, and there are suggestions he was also entangled in the sex trade. Meanwhile, JPMorgan is suing Staley to claw back some of the $80 million that Staley received as compensation over the years because the bank believes the relationship between Staley and Epstein was disreputable.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 6, 2023 5:27 pm

Thanks Calli and mem, its like six degrees from Epstein.

When you start talking to the passenger in the next seat on the Lolita Express.

April 6, 2023 5:27 pm

BJ at 5.11 0m:

You are assuming that there will be some kind of electoral process, and not the usual back-room deals? Brave assumption.

Yes. This comment is on the money. As many here have said, it will be the faux city-slicker “Abos” (read pretend) who will call the shots. Plain as day.

April 6, 2023 5:29 pm

The Voice delivers one of Communisms main goals – to make governing impossible, or at least tie it up in knots.

I think the problem with communism is parasitical, maniacal, “effective” government choked up with gaslighting psychopaths.

April 6, 2023 5:30 pm

There are a couple of lawsuits against JPMorgan because JPM was Epstein’s bankers. It’s preposterous, and anyone suggesting otherwise is basically onboard with banks cancelling customer accounts for any reason like wokeness. Banks aren’t cops or prosecutorial offices.

April 6, 2023 5:44 pm

dover0beach says:
April 6, 2023 at 4:48 pm

Thanks Calli and mem, its like six degrees from Epstein.

Three degrees in your case, Dover.
We sometimes did currency trades for Epstein’s business, whatever it was. A salesgirl on the desk had a good relationship with him/them in the 90s. You know me; I knew/worked with that girl, who obviously knew Epstein. 

It looks like you’re tainted, Dover.

Incidentally, the trades weren’t eye-popping large or frequent. Looking back, it appears he was parking funds in Europe as the trades were for Deutschmarks (then), Swiss Francs and Sterling. Lots and lots of Sterling.

April 6, 2023 5:49 pm

April 6, 2023 at 5:30 pm
The lawsuit appears to indicate Epstein was kept on the books a long time after his first convictions BECAUSE he had the JP Morgan exec as one of his customers…

I think JP will skate unless the US legal system allows for a criminal act (or against JP Morgans policies-if they had one about this sort of conduct) by an executive to open the company up for liability.

Another string will be if being charged is grounds for ceasing to have someone as a customer.

The lawsuit against JPMorgan, filed by a woman on behalf of other Epstein victims claims the bank “knowingly benefited from participating in a sex trafficking venture” led by Epstein, a client from 1998 through 2013, and had “negligently failed to exercise reasonable care to prevent physical harm”.
The judge also permitted similar claims against Deutsche Bank which had accepted Epstein as a client in 2013 even after 40 underage girls made sexual assault claims against him.

The German bank has previously been fined $150m by banking regulators over its dealings with the disgraced financier

Former executive Jes Staley, who went on to become CEO of Barclay Plc before resigning in 2021 over his ties to Epstein, is due to face a two-day deposition starting later this week, according to Bloomberg.

Court filings have shown that Staley and Epstein exchanged more than 1,200 emails, some of which referred to young women, including one referring to “Snow White”.

And a reminder…

1,335 days
Since epstein carked it and his list of customers has still not been uncovered despite it being the hottest media/blackmail/intelligence agency property on earth…

But its the US justice system, so who knows what state based freakery might be invoked.

April 6, 2023 5:49 pm

The funny thing is that I only found out last year that the desk executed trades for Epstein’s business. I had dinner with an old trader who reminded me that the business name belonged to Epstein. I had no idea until then. Funny old world.

Robert Sewell
April 6, 2023 5:50 pm

Knuckle Dragger:

He (Patton) achieved a lot by doing what he understood his job to be (killing those Nazi bastards, as he might have put it) but he was able to do so in cooperation with loyal troops who trusted him – even down to trusting that if they were to risk their lives or die, it will have benefited to what they believed in.

We will of course ignore his role in the suppression, assaulting and yes – murder, of the soldiers who demanded from the government the payments promised after WW1 when they were starving and destitute.
McArthur, Patton, Eisenhower. All three ordered troops to fire on and kill veterans who wanted nothing more than what they had earned and Congress demanded they be paid.
Hopefully I get to visit the US so I can piss on their graves.

April 6, 2023 5:54 pm

I shit you not but our neighbours in Perth are renting out their granny flat (which is not much bigger than our regular shed) for $350 A WEEK!!!!

I thought “no chance” but 30+ people just turned up…!!!

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
April 6, 2023 5:57 pm

Dersh on Trump indictment, Even anti Trumpers can t believe this non indictment.

I have a lot of respect for the Dersh.

He is a registered Democrat but his preference do not colour his insights. He is honest. He does not lie or ignore facts in order to align or assist his team, but explains the legal aspects dispassionately. It just happens that the most ridiculous legal shenanigans are from the current Democrats. He may hate that his insights abet his otherwise opponents (who may be so on the basis of economic or social issues, I dunno) but he does not bend the legal facts.

If Greg Gutfeld is laughing off some legal challenge happening to someone and the Dersh is cautioning against them, I know who I will listen to.

Only tangentially related, I love this line (yes it is only a movie) from Reversal of Fortune.

April 6, 2023 5:58 pm

JC, I googled the CEO’s name and up came Epstein.

On the “degrees of separation”, I shudder to think of some of mine.

April 6, 2023 5:58 pm


he whole Epstein thing is really complicated. Epstein received a slap on the wrist the first time the authorities went after him because, from memory, it doesn’t count as serious if an underage girl is selling prostitution “services” in Florida. At least it didn’t then.

JPMorgan is the US’s largest bank, with a balance sheet of around US$3 trillion. How the hell would the CEO know about every customer? The initial charges weren’t that serious. Also, don’t forget that you can be a bank customer on both sides of the balance sheet. Epstein had a decent amount of money deposited with JPMorgan. He wasn’t a borrower.

I think JP gave up the account midway through the first decade of the noughts.

April 6, 2023 6:00 pm

Ken Wyatt quits the Liberals. Good, he never belonged there.

Black Ball
Black Ball
April 6, 2023 6:01 pm

Daily Telegraph:

Northern Territory senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has slammed the ABC for its coverage of the Liberal Party’s decision to oppose the voice to parliament, saying it “lets activists label their opponents racist … while accusing the ‘no’ side of stoking division”.

The comments came just hours after Radio National host Patricia Karvelas conducted a 16 minute interview with pro-voice campaigner Noel Pearson during which time he was allowed to call opposition leader Peter Dutton “an undertaker” and accused his party of a “Judas betrayal of our country.”

Mr Pearson also went unchallenged when he said that Mr Dutton was “chucking Indigenous Australians … under the bus … just so he can preserve his miserable political hide.”

In the same program, Ms Karvelas also interviewed Liberal MP Bridget Archer, a voice supporter, who called Mr Pearson’s assessment “devastating” as well as Guardian Australia reporter Amy Remeikis, who said that the Liberals’ call made them an “outlier”.

In February, The Australian newspaper reported that ABC journalists would be forced to undertake a “deep dive” session into “impartiality” to ensure that the voice was covered in a balanced fashion.

In an all-staff email, ABC management said that this included the principle that “staff do not unduly favour one perspective over another.”

Ms Price, speaking on behalf of the Fair Australia “no” campaign, said that “anytime anyone like me or Peter Dutton asks a question or expresses some scepticism about what would be the biggest ever change to our constitution, the ABC goes straight to their contact list of Voice activists to trot out their divisive political talking points.”

“They let Voice activists label their opponents racist, call them names, and launch into partisan political pointscoring – all while accusing the ‘no’ side of stoking division,” she said.

John Story, research fellow at the Institute of Public Affairs, said: “Australians cannot have any confidence that the taxpayer funded broadcaster has the ability to facilitate a respectful and free and fair debate on the proposed Voice referendum.”

“The ABC, along with political and inner-city elites, are doing everything it can to stack the deck in favour of the ‘yes’ campaign, which violates a foundational principle of the Australian way of life, that everybody gets to have their say, no matter what their view is.”

Shadow communications spokesman David Coleman said, “It’s very important that public broadcasters deliver balanced coverage of the referendum.”

“This is a critical issue for our nation, and it must be covered in a fair and balanced way.”

At around the same time as Mr Pearson was on RN Breakfast, Dutton was interviewed by Sabra Lane on ABC Radio where he was asked if he was “happy to be blamed” if the voice referendum fails and if he was “on the wrong side of history” on the issue.

Ms Lane also challenged Mr Dutton for being “misleading” by calling it a “Canberra voice” and asked if he was “out of step with the community” on the issue.

A spokesman for the ABC said, “Ms Karvelas put forward the arguments of opposition leader Peter Dutton on several occasions during the interview with Noel Pearson.”

“Previous editions of RN Breakfast have featured interviews with senior Coalition MPs and other prominent figures including Julian Leeser, Paul Fletcher, Barnaby Joyce, Sussan Ley, Independent Senator Lidia Thorpe and business advisor and commentator Warren Mundine.

“It should also be noted Mr Dutton was interviewed just prior to Mr Pearson on the AM “program.

“RN Breakfast, along with other ABC programs, will continue to canvas all sides of this discussion, as audiences would expect.”


Robert Sewell
April 6, 2023 6:02 pm

Dover Beach:

New header. Love this Last Supper by Rubens.

You’ve taken me by surprise, here.
I thought it was “The Last Donut” by Montiezuma.
Thanks for the correction.

April 6, 2023 6:05 pm

I have a lot of respect for the Dersh.

He is a registered Democrat but his preference do not colour his insights. He is honest. He does not lie or ignore facts in order to align or assist his team, but explains the legal aspects dispassionately. It just happens that the most ridiculous legal shenanigans are from the current Democrats.

Dershowitz explained recently that being fair and impartial has cost him dearly, he has lost friends and is now unwelcome in his hometown of New York. Democrats are truly odious people.

April 6, 2023 6:08 pm

I have a lot of respect for the Dersh.

He is a registered Democrat but his preference do not colour his insights. He is honest. He does not lie or ignore facts in order to align or assist his team, but explains the legal aspects dispassionately.

Dersh also reckons Trump will be convicted and it will end up in SCOTUS. I agree. Trump doesn’t have a chance in hell in NYC. He’s rooted.

The Judge donated to the Hiden campaign, the daughter worked for Kamala Harris campaign and the jury would have voted for DA shithead Braggs. He has zero chance and will end in appeal. It’s the US version of Pell.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 6, 2023 6:08 pm

A Tedious Troll asserts:
You are assuming that there will be some kind of electoral process, and not the usual back-room deals? Brave assumption.

They’re elected positions.

JMH replies:
Yes. This comment is on the money. As many here have said, it will be the faux city-slicker “Abos” (read pretend) who will call the shots. Plain as day.

No, it won’t.
Those people including Langton, are as dumb as dogshit.
Yeah, there will be people calling the shots behind the scenes, but they won’t be Indigenous.

Cassie of Sydney
April 6, 2023 6:12 pm

“On the “degrees of separation”, I shudder to think of some of mine.”

I think we all have degrees of separation, some we might know, others we might not, because the funny thing is, the world is small. I’m pretty sure I met Epstein at a party in NYC in the late 1990s.

Epstein was good looking, intelligent, and urbane, attributes he used to cover his sexual deviancy.

April 6, 2023 6:14 pm

You are assuming that there will be some kind of electoral process, and not the usual back-room deals? Brave assumption.

The report is suitably opaque about election/appointment to allow for the usual suspects to float to the top of the septic tank.
Plus there will be many…many….many… suitably compensated committees on everything, lots of munni to distribute.

Local and regional reps…
• Each region decides how best to draw its voice members (i.e. election, nomination/expressions of interest/selection, drawing on structures based in traditional law and custom, or a combination) and how many voice members there will be

National voice
• National Voice members will be drawn from Local & Regional Voices – the Local & Regional Voices within each state and territory together will select National Voice members

Selected not elected..
1.14.1 National Voice
The National Co-design Group agreed that the membership model for the National Voice will be structurally linked to the Local & Regional Voices; that is, the National Voice members would be collectively selected by Local & Regional Voices within each jurisdiction, or be linked to Local & Regional Voices through secondary options in the model.

About page 70 onwards if you want an idea of just how ungovernable Oz will be with the new shadow executive function grafted onto the constitution.

Cassie of Sydney
April 6, 2023 6:16 pm

“It’s the US version of Pell.”

Yep…a good analogy. It’s an outrage, they will stop at nothing just like they did with Pell. I actually looked at Trump’s face yesterday, and you could see pain in his face, he was showing the indignity of what was being done to him. This is a man who loves his country, he’s tried to save his country. It’s tragic.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 6, 2023 6:17 pm

JPMorgan is the US’s largest bank, with a balance sheet of around US$3 trillion. How the hell would the CEO know about every customer?
Here’s your problem[s]:
#1. They both were associated with Wexner
#2. It appears that the people who promoted Epstein from nobody to somebody also did the same for Jamie Dimon.

Cassie of Sydney
April 6, 2023 6:19 pm

“Dershowitz explained recently that being fair and impartial has cost him dearly, he has lost friends and is now unwelcome in his hometown of New York. Democrats are truly odious people.”

Dersh, despite being a Demonrat Liberal, does think outside the box. Last year he wrote how he ran into Larry David in a store in Martha’s Vineyard and David abused him for defending Trump.

April 6, 2023 6:19 pm


His house was in East 71 st street near 5th. Supposedly one of the biggest homes in NYC measuring around 45,00o sq feet, which is roughly 4500 sq meters. An Australian dude bought it for around US$50 million, and was renovating it up to last year. Someone Graffitied the front with “tainted, pig lived here”.

I can’t imagine anyone wanting to buy that house.

April 6, 2023 6:21 pm


I have trouble seeing how there is a case myself.
IF Epstein had been charged properly back during his first underage prostitution arrests then the case might get up.
I think a lot will ride on the 1200 emails to the JP executive. Apparently a lot of references to various Disney princesses as a code for the girls.

Which again prompts the question, if your boss is doing something illegal does the company have liability?

April 6, 2023 6:24 pm

Dersh also reckons Trump will be convicted and it will end up in SCOTUS. I agree. Trump doesn’t have a chance in hell in NYC. He’s rooted.

The Judge donated to the Hiden campaign, the daughter worked for Kamala Harris campaign and the jury would have voted for DA shithead Braggs. He has zero chance and will end in appeal. It’s the US version of Pell.

There is NO crime specified in the indictment. Concealing an account description is NOT an offence. If it is an offence it is a misdemeanour and has expired. An expired misdemeanour cannot be attached to a felony. The implied felony is disguising campaign spending. Braggs cannot tie it to federal campaigning because he is a state DA and the US electoral commission has already investigated this and found nothing amiss. It can’t be tied to a NY state campaign felony because Trump was running for POTUS. The payments were all done in 2017 AFTER Trump became POTUS so cannot be part of a campaign to become POTUS.

If the fu.king judge does not dismiss and proceeds to trial I imagine his reasoning will be very creative. But then he has accepted the fat, black bastard’s indictment sheet. A self respecting Judge would have got up in court and ordered bragg to wipe his arse with it.

I still think Watters is right and when Trump next appears at a scheduled hearing he will be assassinated.

April 6, 2023 6:25 pm

Which again prompts the question, if your boss is doing something illegal does the company have liability?

Yes they do.

Ed Case
Ed Case
April 6, 2023 6:27 pm

Here’s Part 1 of the Dimon/Epstein connection by Whitney Webb:

April 6, 2023 6:28 pm

calli says:
April 6, 2023 at 3:53 pm

The one with the least injuries is already up and about, cheering up the other two who are far more serious.

The importance of mobility, especially in the elderly, cannot be stressed enough.
Muscle quickly atrophies otherwise.
A simple human law of nature: fighting gravity keeps one alive.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 6, 2023 6:28 pm

Yep, no harm with questioning doctors and getting a second, third or fourth opinion if your gut tells you so.

This bloke did. Check out his story.


Daily Insights:

4 Apr 2023
You can trust me, I’m a doctor! Well… Over the last few years, we were told that we must believe in science. We must trust the medical professionals, no matter what! It’s funny then how a few doctors who held differing views were immediately labelled “quacks”. The general motto was, “Only trust the medical professionals we tell you to trust.” Doctors who spoke out got silenced. So you wouldn’t find it very surprising that over the last few years, my faith in the medical profession has somewhat dwindled. It’s not because I don’t like doctors. It’s not because I think doctors are stupid or anything like that. I think generally speaking, they’re very smart people. There are many things they do very well. For example, if I have a broken bone, a doctor can fix that right up. If a person’s had an accident, ER doctors are great at patching them up. However, when it comes to diagnosis and prognosis, things become a little bit more fuzzy. In this video, I’ll share some personal accounts where doctors either made mistakes, or got things completely wrong.

You Can Trust Me, I’m a Doctor! Well…

April 6, 2023 6:31 pm

Truly, at a human level I’ve never felt as sorry for a public figure as I have for The Don. They have gone after him from day one. I think the poor dude’s best time was just before his inauguration and then it was downhill from there.

He’s gone through hell and back.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 6, 2023 6:31 pm

Robert S

Hopefully I get to visit the US so I can piss on their graves.

I think that Patton’s grave is in Europe. Look for a cemetery with a large number of 3rd Army men.

Robert Sewell
April 6, 2023 6:33 pm

Just a quick question for the people who make family trees:
Are there any survivors of the little people – the pygmies who constituted the second round of settlers of Australia? I remember there being photographs of them in FNQ in the early part of the last century.
Does anyone want to throw a spanner in the works of this First Australian bullshit?

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 6, 2023 6:37 pm

Ed Casesays:
April 6, 2023 at 6:08 pm
A Tedious Troll asserts:
You are assuming that there will be some kind of electoral process, and not the usual back-room deals? Brave assumption.

They’re elected positions.

Kindly point us to the words in the referendum proposal or the draft legislation, if it exists.

No, it won’t.
Those people including Langton, are as dumb as dogshit.

Try to ease back on the racism.

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
April 6, 2023 6:40 pm

Didn’t Albo have several days off for the Australian Open – or did that festival of beer drinking and magnum hoovering count as ‘work’…

Cassie of Sydney
April 6, 2023 6:40 pm

“I can’t imagine anyone wanting to buy that house.”

Katherine Keating was a frequent visitor to the house.

My oh my, how that was suppressed.

April 6, 2023 6:41 pm

Just a quick question for the people who make family trees:
Are there any survivors of the little people – the pygmies who constituted the second round of settlers of Australia? I remember there being photographs of them in FNQ in the early part of the last century.
Does anyone want to throw a spanner in the works of this First Australian bullshit?

April 6, 2023 6:43 pm

Truly, at a human level I’ve never felt as sorry for a public figure as I have for The Don. They have gone after him from day one. I think the poor dude’s best time was just before his inauguration and then it was downhill from there.

He’s gone through hell and back.

Yes it’s deeply shocking and shows what a joke ‘democracy’ is. Vote for whom ever you like as long as she/he/it is an ‘approved’ candidate. Just like Soviet and Chinese assemblies.

April 6, 2023 6:44 pm

Years ago I did a big job, design and construct, for a very personable woman. Paid on the knock, easy to get along with.

My stonemason informed me that she was one of Sydney’s most well-known “Madam’s”. The big grin on his face warned me not to enquire further.

Such was, and still is, my innocence. 😀

April 6, 2023 6:44 pm

thefrollickingmole says:
April 6, 2023 at 5:13 pm

This seatbely segue brings to mind a case of crap triage/doctoring in Feraldton.

Ladies kid was involved in a 50kph crash into a brick wall, some abdo discomfort afterwards.

Gets to Perth Pain +++, they do a proper check – kid has 6 hours of surgery and loses 60cm of bowel and part of his stomach – looks like they missed the shattered collarbone as well.

Hmmm.. if as described, the family have a case of medical negligence against the hospital.
The first thing one would want to exclude is a traumatic aortic dissection, possibly incomplete here, with damage to the mesenteric (gut) blood supply. Both are life threatening.
And missing a clavicular fracture means no external physical examination was undertaken. Negligence++

It seems to me hospitals are really stuffing up by not being more hands on with triage – the questions and wait approach seems to miss a lot which could be picked up by a competent nurse.

The joys of budget-driven policies and affirmative diversity.

April 6, 2023 6:48 pm

The Donald is not a young man and these constant attacks must be taking their toll.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 6, 2023 6:49 pm

(: Audio is good.


0:00 Intro
0:17 Français
3:33 Deutsch
6:57 English

David Bowie sings Heroes in 3 languages (Wowie Bowie extended Mix) Héros – Helden

Johnny Rotten
April 6, 2023 6:52 pm

Politicians & Scandals – Always

QUESTION: I recall there was some scandal between a bank that failed and Senator Dodd of the Dodd-Frank bill that revised banking. Do you have anything on that?

Thank you for being the only reliable sources these days


ANSWER: You must be referring to the 2008 Countrywide Financial Scandal. There was a political loan scandal in 2008-2009 that involved U.S. politicians who allegedly received favorable mortgage rates. In June 2008 Conde Nast Portfolio reported that numerous Washington, DC politicians over recent years had received mortgage financing at noncompetitive rates at Countrywide Financial because the corporation placed the officeholders in a program called “FOA’s”–“Friends of Angelo“, Countrywide’s Chief Executive Angelo Mozilo.

The politicians who obtained such favorable financing included the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, Christopher Dodd (D-CT), and the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, Kent Conrad (D-ND). Countrywide’s political action committee had also made large donations to Dodd’s campaign.”

comment image

Cassie of Sydney
April 6, 2023 6:54 pm

“My stonemason informed me that she was one of Sydney’s most well-known “Madam’s”. The big grin on his face warned me not to enquire further.

Such was, and still is, my innocence. ?”

I once worked for someone who’s now in gaol.

Robert Sewell
April 6, 2023 6:59 pm

Thanks for that Quadrant article.
I read several other links on the Google search page, and the first thing I noticed about many of them were the semi abusive labelling of articles that didn’t subscribe to the first Australians theory.
Which of course led me to question the accuracy of them.

April 6, 2023 7:03 pm

Today marks the first time King Charles III will give out Maundy Money.

Robert Sewell
April 6, 2023 7:07 pm


Hmmm.. if as described, the family have a case of medical negligence against the hospital.
The first thing one would want to exclude is a traumatic aortic dissection, possibly incomplete here, with damage to the mesenteric (gut) blood supply. Both are life threatening.
And missing a clavicular fracture means no external physical examination was undertaken. Negligence++

Wot you said. 50K/Hr into a brick wall is no laughing matter.

April 6, 2023 7:12 pm

Bolta telling folks not to fall into the trap baited by the screech advocates calling opponents racist to be uncivil and discourteous in return. FMD he never learns.

Robert Sewell
April 6, 2023 7:19 pm

Years ago, when the surgeons went of strike in NSW, I had the great fortune to be working with a Queens Surgeon in Manly Hospital- his name was Fred, and he used to do ward rounds with a cigar. You could tell who the junior Doc was – they were the ones carrying the ashtray and were tasked with intercepting the ash before it fell off. He gave me the best bit of advice I’ve ever had in the nursing game:
“Bob” he said, “Nurses get into more strife from not looking than not knowing.”
Marvellous surgeon, I think he was happiest pulling a few meters of gut out of a patient and taking bets with the student nurses on which way he had to go to get to the appendix. I think he cheated with the pretty ones – I failed often.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 6, 2023 7:22 pm

Gilas at 3:22.

And there is NO choice about blood Tx

So anyone who carries on about it is basically engaging in futile blowharding?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 6, 2023 7:22 pm

My stonemason informed me that she was one of Sydney’s most well-known “Madam’s”. The big grin on his face warned me not to enquire further.

Couple in Perth were tracing back their family trees. Grandmother had lived to a ripe old age, behind closed curtains, and died a very wealthy lady, indeed. Further investigation revealed she had run a very exclusive brothel in Sydney, during World War Two, catering to American senior officers….

April 6, 2023 7:28 pm

Nurses get into more strife from not looking

I think that may apply to many of us. We think we “know” something, but have we really looked, and looked deeply? It’s an interesting proposition, given today’s penchant for glib analysis.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 6, 2023 7:36 pm

How many people in the populace tomorrow will eat fish over red meat, and yet, are not religious? It’s roaring trade for fish markets.

Food for thought. Are you one of them? Answer that in your own head.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 6, 2023 7:37 pm

Ken Wyatt quits the Liberals. Good, he never belonged there.

Truly a don’t let the door hit you on the arse moment. Hopefully it’s the start of a trend.

April 6, 2023 7:38 pm

Robert Sewell says:
April 6, 2023 at 7:19 pm

Queens Surgeon in Manly Hospital- his name was Fred, and he used to do ward rounds with a cigar. You could tell who the junior Doc was – they were the ones carrying the ashtray and were tasked with intercepting the ash before it fell off.

If he did that today, he’d be disciplined and then de-registered.. power imbalance and all that.

He gave me the best bit of advice I’ve ever had in the nursing game:
“Bob” he said, “Nurses get into more strife from not looking than not knowing.”

Correct, and not just nursing.
Today, to avoid complaints to hospital admin and HCCC, EDs tend to take a history and then proceed to over-investigate with a battery of biochem and haem blood tests, as well as XR/CTs.
Physical examinations can thus be minimised.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 6, 2023 7:38 pm

It’s a roaring trade for fish markets….

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 6, 2023 7:40 pm

Cohenite at 4:22.

I know when I was doing debt recovery before I broke the defaulter’s femur I always appraised their bone density.

A clean break to a femur is just like a reminder letter.
A four pound mash hammer to the kneecap would be my preference for serious collection negotiations.

April 6, 2023 7:42 pm

cohenite says:
April 6, 2023 at 7:12 pm
Bolta telling folks not to fall into the trap baited by the screech advocates calling opponents racist to be uncivil and discourteous in return. FMD he never learns.

Tim Blair had the perfect reply:

“There you have it folks: you say no and get called a racist; say yes and you are one”

April 6, 2023 7:43 pm

Sancho Panzer says:
April 6, 2023 at 7:22 pm

And there is NO choice about blood Tx

So anyone who carries on about it is basically engaging in futile blowharding?

As someone posted earlier, no medico-surgical team would risk liability by promising something that couldn’t be delivered.
Autologous blood Tx would be the only exception, if pre-planned and available.. at a pre-specified hospital.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
April 6, 2023 7:43 pm

Constitutional acknowledgement?

Jeez! I reckon I am their man. How about this:

The here constituted Commonwealth of Australia acknowledges that when the first explorers and settlers came to Australia there was a small scattered nomadic population. They had no more idea how long and when they arrived here (something about a Rainbow Serpent, if you can believe it!) any more than the Europeans who had who would have cited Adam and Eve, but neither had they built up a perspective of time since such as through historical records or discovering the great ponderous cycles of nature or of nations.
The early European arrivals observed the straitened harsh existence of these people, and the hard and bitter which cruel nature has monstrously pinned them agonisingly and inescapably in place, like a sadistic entomologist that has pierced a writhing specimen on a display. Things like abandoning your mother to starvation and predators because she can no longer keep up.

I know. Right?

Nature, when not subjugated by civilisation, is a sadistic bitch, hey?

Imagine being trapped in a society where you could not bequeath to your children a better life than you were born to. As if there was never such surplus that you could accumulate property or capital to leave your kids better off. This would be a life forever teetering on the brink of extinction. We acknowledge that would be shitty. Not through any inherent flaw in humanity, but the razor thin margins of success of the bitch.

Seriously, condemning your sons and daughters to the same hard shitty life you were born to? Without the prospect of hope?

Does my fuckin’ head in!

How magnanimous then was the spirit of the settlers to welcome the earlier groups to their country! Even as those settlers were aware of the delectable fruits enjoyed in the golden light of civilisation they had been born too, they at the same time wished the same upon their newfound brethren. For they were indeed seen as brothers.

So we acknowledge the gift that Europeans brought – civilisation nurtured across geography and millennia where there was a wafer thin margin beyond mere existence to be stolen from sheer necessity – bought and paid for by countless lives devoted to ideas just that little bit beyond what their fathers had known – to indulge new ideas, to a continent where even that meagre hope was withheld.

To the extent these ‘indigenous’ people insist upon being a separate people we acknowledge that they owe us gratitude that they could not even hope to begin paying back were they to gift us every possession they ever possessed before Europeans – seriously, how much value could be ascribed to a mound of knapped stones and burnt sticks even if it was a kilometre high?. However to the extent they see themselves as just plain boring, but all-so-precious, Australians like the rest of us they owe nothing. Just people.


(The last line makes it feel authentic, yes?)

April 6, 2023 7:43 pm

Ken Wyatt quits the Liberals. Good, he never belonged there.

It was the first gravy train he was able to jump aboard.

Johnny Rotten
April 6, 2023 7:45 pm

Steve tricklersays:
April 6, 2023 at 7:36 pm
How many people in the populace tomorrow will eat fish over red meat, and yet, are not religious? It’s roaring trade for fish markets.

Food for thought. Are you one of them? Answer that in your own head.

As a boy in England, we always had fish and chips on Fridays. Years later I understood that it was something to do with the Catholics not eating meat on a Friday. We were not a religious Family, however, it seemed to be the tradition on Fridays to have fish. And fish and chips it was for us. And quite lovely I might add.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
April 6, 2023 7:47 pm

N man, my 7:43 comment is in moderation.

Who knows when it will be released, and who might see it when mikes back up along the thread.

It would be great if there was a warning as to what was the obstacle and which might be corrected, but there you go.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 6, 2023 7:48 pm

We used to bank a well known (now deceased) now billionaire in the 80s. He still had a business unit doing some slum lording from the early days and apparently was not averse to using Perth’s outlaw biking community to keep Debtors Days in order.

April 6, 2023 7:49 pm


My 2c worth working with mechanics and problematic machinery. Accurate descriptions of the problem and even something that seems unrelated helps.

If the problem persists that unrelated problem at times has been the root cause.

April 6, 2023 7:51 pm

chicago boys: Magnificent

April 6, 2023 7:52 pm

I often wonder why 4 point harness is not common for motor vehicles. It would appear to be safer and maybe handle deceleration better. I understand that the 3 point is useless in collisions over 60kph?

Mechanic mate tells me full harness is illegal in passenger cars in Queensland.

April 6, 2023 7:55 pm

Regarding Ken Wyatt I made a comment at The Oz that was rejected.

I mentioned he was happy to accept Bruce Pascoe as Aboriginal just because he said he was. I predicted an increase in people claiming Aboriginal heritage.

I am worried Yes will win simply because most people don’t know the dangers of it and will think it is the nice thing to do.

I can tell with some family members they will consider me racist for even questioning it despite them have very little knowledge of what it may lead to.

Top Ender
Top Ender
April 6, 2023 7:56 pm

Spare me this modern ritual of minority obeisance

Follow @Oz_Mocker

It has been a difficult week, I am sorry to say. Actually, it has been an horrendous one, because never have I felt so disrespected. Only now can I bring myself to write about my treatment at the hands of Growth Faculty, the organisers responsible for hosting former US president Barack Obama at Melbourne’s John Cain arena last week.

I had assumed I would be foremost among the welcoming committee. Not only do Obama and I share Irish ancestry: we are practically related. His forebears hail from Offaly and mine Kildare, the counties being directly adjacent. What is more, I am a leader of the Irish-Australian community, although admittedly a self-appointed one. Protocol required that I be there in an official capacity to welcome him on behalf of my people, provided of course I receive a commercial-in-confidence payment for bestowing this honour. But I received not so much as a phone call, let alone an invitation.

Naturally, I empathise with senior Wurundjeri elder Aunty Joy Murphy Wandin AO. Unlike me, she was invited to deliver the so-called Welcome to Country (WTC) ceremony at Obama’s reception.

However, this was withdrawn, the organisers telling Murphy she was “too difficult” after she informed them she wanted to bring a support person. As SBS reported, she “also deemed it appropriate to present Obama with a gift as per cultural practice”.

Murphy is 78, but her lungs are so robust that soon every media outlet in the country became aware of this gross impertinence. “I have never been treated or spoken to in this way in the past,” she said in a statement. “I do not want this to be a reflection on president Obama. I am a leader of the Wurundjeri Nation. I asked to be treated as an equal.”

Indeed, Aunty. It appears the organisers were of the mistaken belief this event was all about Obama.

I am at a loss as to why they regarded you as a pain in the proverbial.

According to Donald Betts, the chief executive officer of Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation, it was a case of the organisers not understanding “cultural heritage”.

“I think there’s a problem – a major problem – when we have to continue to revisit these issues,” explained Betts, a Kansas native and former Democrat state senator, in his folksy midwestern twang.

To which many Australians would say “You’re absolutely right”.

Not surprisingly, organisers folded the next day. “Due to security requirements, the organisation was unable to accommodate last-minute changes to the agreed upon ceremony,” Growth Faculty explained in a statement. Face was restored, and Murphy was told she could perform a WTC for Obama at a business lunch in Melbourne the following day. “I have accepted their apology and will receive president Obama on behalf of my people,” she said, adding that she was still saddened “to think that I had to go through the events of yesterday”.

Terribly saddening I know, but her lament was a little too pat. Only days before this blew up, the National Indigenous Times reported that Betts had called for Obama to acknowledge the Wurundjeri upon visiting the city, saying he wanted him to “set a standard when foreign dignitaries visit Melbourne”.

“It sends a really strong message to the rest of the world that the culture and rights of First Nations communities matter,” he said. And as later events demonstrated, it also sends a really strong message to organisers what will happen should you not accede to Wurundjeri wokery.

According to the corporation, the WTC protocols are “traditional law and practice that have been used … for millennia.” But a quick perusal of its website reveals these traditional customs are remarkably adaptive to Western practices.

You want the standard welcome? That will be $660 plus GST. Not a bad little earner, given it takes only “5-15 minutes to complete”. For $1000 they will throw in a smoking ceremony. As for the performance, the corporation specifies that filming, audio, and photography are not normally permitted, as there is the need to protect “Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property”. Worry not though. Requests to film will be considered, although naturally this may require “additional fees”.

And business must be booming. The corporation asks you not contact them to inquire about services once you have booked them – there is an “influx of event bookings”. Presumably for that reason management tells readers it can “no longer offer a not-for-profit discount”. Incidentally those fees I quoted are “indicative only”. Translation: the higher the event profile, the higher the fee.

Despite claims that WTC was an ancient tradition, its modern roots go back no further than 1976, when Indigenous entertainers Ernie Dingo and Richard Walley conducted a ceremony for Polynesian performers at a Perth fringe festival. In 2008, a WTC was performed, for the first time, at the opening of the Commonwealth Parliament. As the Guardian noted in 2016 when it reflected on that occasion: “Not long after, Walley noticed the welcome to country began to spread and took on a life of its own”. Funny that.

But in fairness to those who ‘offer’ these services, it’s not all beer and skittles. As the Sydney Morning Herald reported in December, the National Tertiary Education Union sought claims for “cultural load” in its latest round of bargaining, the rationale being that Indigenous academics should receive compensation for the arduous task of performing these ceremonies.

My solution is a straightforward one. Stop performing them every five minutes and end the rent-seeking practice of making them mandatory. As for the commercial performers, I have no wish to adulterate your ancient ceremony by handing over the white man’s filthy lucre. How about you instead join us for a cup of tea and a biscuit after the performance?

As for the non-Indigenous fans of the so-called Acknowledgement of Country, fill your boots. All I ask is that you wake me when you have finished your lengthy and fulsome recital. If you want to wallow in this modern ritual of minority obeisance, that’s your business.

It is also your right to insist I too must acknowledge I am but a tourist on these lands. I will respond by giving you a little travel advice of my own. And unlike the WTC, I will provide it for free.The Mocker

The Mocker amuses himself by calling out poseurs, sneering social commentators, and po-faced officials. He is deeply suspicious of those who seek increased regulation of speech and behaviour. Believing that journalism is dominated by idealists and activists, he likes to provide a realist’s perspective of politics and current affairs.


April 6, 2023 7:56 pm

Cali seen upthread this arvo.

Hope the rellies are doing well. Injuries sound nasty.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
April 6, 2023 7:58 pm

We caught up with a friend this evening who does property conveyancing. Her Phone rang. Very relieved it was a friend of hers. Over the past month she has been swamped with people who cannot now raise the finance for the house they committed to. Quite a few are Asian sellers and they have their own dodgy contracts and will not hesitate to sue. She had been speaking to a client tonite. Married, 4 kids, $3.5m house. Cannot get the finance now. Banks are closing ranks. Said he sounded v distraught and may top himself.
Take stock in how well we have it Cats. Some are doing it v tough. …and could not give two fucks about da Voice. Shitholification proceeding as planned.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
April 6, 2023 7:59 pm

G rated version:
We caught up with a friend this evening who does property conveyancing. Her Phone rang. Very relieved it was a friend of hers. Over the past month she has been swamped with people who cannot now raise the finance for the house they committed to. Quite a few are Asian sellers and they have their own dodgy contracts and will not hesitate to sue. She had been speaking to a client tonite. Married, 4 kids, $3.5m house. Cannot get the finance now. Banks are closing ranks. Said he sounded v distraught and may top himself.
Take stock in how well we have it Cats. Some are doing it v tough. …and could not give two figs about da Voice. Sh!tholification proceeding as planned.

April 6, 2023 8:02 pm

Ken Wyatt quits the Liberals.

He’s a member of the government’s referendum working group with benefits attached.

A cynic might judge self-interest played a role in his decision.

Grandstanding by tipping off the media isn’t a good look.

April 6, 2023 8:02 pm

Below from Daily Mail. Does this mean Albo does not like gays and Jews? Lucky no neo Nazis at the dinner.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has sat down for dinner with a controversial Islamic sheik who called AIDS a divine punishment for homosexuality and preached against Jews ‘inciting hatred’ while having special legal protections. Mr Albanese tweeted an image of himself at a table with a smiling Sheikh Shady Alsuleiman on Wednesday evening and said it was an ‘honour’ to attend the ritual fast-breaking Iftar dinner with him. Sheikh Shady is president of the Australian National Imams Council president, which advises governments on key Islamic issues, but he has been embroiled in a number of controversies including being briefly banned from travelling to New Zealand following the Christchurch massacre.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 6, 2023 8:02 pm

How many people in the populace tomorrow will eat fish over red meat, and yet, are not religious?

Fish are nice but I can’t recall anything in the Bible which says you should eat fish on the anniversary of Christ’s crucifixion. On the other hand one of his guys handed him a fillet ‘o fish afterwards and he ate it. Yum!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 6, 2023 8:03 pm


April 6, 2023 at 5:44 pm

dover0beach says:
April 6, 2023 at 4:48 pm

Thanks Calli and mem, its like six degrees from Epstein.

Three degrees in your case, Dover.
We sometimes did currency trades for Epstein’s business, whatever it was.

Pretty sure you said no-one on Wall St had many dealings with Epstein (allegedly a hot-shot investment banker), apart from routine banking.
Leslie Wexner is a tell for me. He signs over a huge chunk of his business to Epstein for no logical reason.
A hard-nosed Jewish rag-trade guy just gives millions away because he likes the cut of Epstein’s jib?
I don’t think so.

April 6, 2023 8:07 pm


I know a Pom who when working for ARAMCO in Saudi used to ferment the zero alcohol beer with yeast and sugar. He swears it isn’t hard to do, just keeping it quiet enough from the locals. Though he is still of the opinion a blind eye was turned to the goings on in the foreign accommodation so long as it stayed in there.

Incidentally his drop of choice to alcoholise was Fosters apparently.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 6, 2023 8:07 pm

Married, 4 kids, $3.5m house.

Hard to feel too sorry for them. Sure, Lowe sold them a pup but no one had a gun to their head. US subprime for Oz residential property. Unfortunately will take a lot of others along the way. Anyone under 30 basically has no experience of a recession and under 50 or so working lives affected by one.

April 6, 2023 8:08 pm
Fair Shake
Fair Shake
April 6, 2023 8:16 pm

Hard to feel too sorry for them. Sure, Lowe sold them a pup but no one had a gun to their head

Our friend said as much. Yes he was about to take a hit…
Still though sometimes if u cannot see a way out people do irrational things.

April 6, 2023 8:17 pm

According to Tucker old joe’s use of the US $ to punish the russkies and his rampant inflation has led to a mass exodus of practically every country from using the yank $ with additional consequences to be the return of the vast amount of US $ held by other countries further fuelling inflation and setting the scene for a replication of Weimer Republic pre Nazi conditions. Typical with every idiot government in this shithole just banning Nazi Memorabilia thus greatly increasing its value.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 6, 2023 8:17 pm

Johnny Rottensays:
April 6, 2023 at 7:45 pm

I haven’t fish and chips from a shop ( chips yes, home made ) in years. My last experience was biting into a fillet with the blood vein still present….I almost spewed! There was a Muslim family in Lathlain that opened a shop near the current day Eagles FC HQ. It was absolutely beautiful and about 1/3 of of the price that Cicerello’s charge in Freo. They’ve gone and since been replaced with a yet another coffee shop. I miss them.

Current fish consumption has been tinned tuna.

April 6, 2023 8:18 pm

Sure, Lowe sold them a pup but no one had a gun to their head.

Lowe’s foolish remarks aside, central bank manipulation of interest rates always sends the wrong price signals to the market, resulting in borrowers making decisions based on incorrect projections. That’s a real problem.

April 6, 2023 8:21 pm

Albosleazy is up to his eyeballs in corruption.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 6, 2023 8:28 pm

China has basically taken inflation out of the equation for consumer goods for the last 20 years. They’re out of the game now. I (and I suspect everyone else) don’t know what come next. Plenty of people out West now accustomed to a lifestyle they could not afford without Chinese supported prices.

April 6, 2023 8:28 pm

Pretty sure you said no-one on Wall St had many dealings with Epstein (allegedly a hot-shot investment banker), apart from routine banking.

Sanchez, no, he wasn’t known. In fact, when the shit hit the fan about him a few years back, I talked to other traders, and no one knew his name, even though there was a claim Epstein was a hotshot fund manager. Bullshit he was.

There was a story a few weeks ago connecting Leon Black, a very famous hedge fund manager and multi-billionaire, to Epstein. Black supposedly paid something like US$150 million for tax advice as well as setting up tax effective vehicles. Bullshit. Espstein may have set things up for him, but the payment was outrageous and obviously for something else. 

Black is currently being sued by a former Russian girlfriend.

Black operated a huge fund.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 6, 2023 8:39 pm

Our friend said as much. Yes he was about to take a hit…
Still though sometimes if u cannot see a way out people do irrational things.

It takes remarkable discipline to keep debt under control. Banks always willing to lend you more when you least need it. I remember coming across this business that had a $5m effectively unsecured loan on a pretty marginal operation.

When they were first introduced we always got into trouble from auditors for using revolving lines of credit for “unapproved” purposes. Now it would even raise an eyebrow. At this point I learned the value of never signing off on anything.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 6, 2023 8:42 pm

Gilas at 7:43.

As someone posted earlier, no medico-surgical team would risk liability by promising something that couldn’t be delivered.

I think that was me.
Caught in a bind either way.
If they make a promise to only transfuse “vax free” blood, they have no way of guaranteeing that if they give a transfusion. Patient survives and sues.
If they withold a transfusion in an emergency because the patient specifies “vax free” blood, and the patient dies, they are equally screwed.

Autologous blood Tx would be the only exception, if pre-planned and available.. at a pre-specified hospital.

Wasn’t suggested as the option Tickler had taken. In fact, why would you be badgering staff about “pure bloods” if you’d already bottled your own?

Johnny Rotten
April 6, 2023 8:46 pm

Steve tricklersays:
April 6, 2023 at 8:17 pm
Johnny Rottensays:
April 6, 2023 at 7:45 pm

I haven’t fish and chips from a shop ( chips yes, home made ) in years. My last experience was biting into a fillet with the blood vein still present….I almost spewed! There was a Muslim family in Lathlain that opened a shop near the current day Eagles FC HQ. It was absolutely beautiful and about 1/3 of of the price that Cicerello’s charge in Freo. They’ve gone and since been replaced with a yet another coffee shop. I miss them.

Current fish consumption has been tinned tuna.

You can still get good fish and chips from Half Circular Quay in Sydney. Also at Manly and Watsons Bay. And the Fish Markets. One of the best fish and chip shops that I went to was in Randwick in the early 1980s. Run by a Greek Family.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 6, 2023 9:02 pm

JC at 8:28.
Two guys who were alleged hot-shots but had zero footprint in deal-making on Wall St … Epstein and Madoff.
Madoff was running a yuuuge Ponzi and I reckon Epstein had goat photos of some very wealthy guys.
Not “embarrassing” photos with adult goats.
More like “go to jail” photos with under-age goats.
Yes, why would someone like Black pay $150 meg for tax advice?
Why would Les Wexner hand over assets worth hundreds of millions to his “Victoria’s Secret talent scout”* who gives Les really, really good business advice.
* There is a hint right there.

April 6, 2023 9:02 pm

If SCOTUS ends up ruling in favour of Sylvia Gonzalez v. Edward Trevino, I imagine Bragg is going to get quite nervous in his prosecution of Trump.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 6, 2023 9:06 pm

2dogs, cohenite.
What are the chances of Trump being able to expedite a SCOTUS hearing to short-circuit this shit-show?

April 6, 2023 9:06 pm

Roger says:
April 6, 2023 at 8:18 pm

Sure, Lowe sold them a pup but no one had a gun to their head.

Lowe’s foolish remarks aside, central bank manipulation of interest rates always sends the wrong price signals to the market, resulting in borrowers making decisions based on incorrect projections.

Anyone who borrows to the hilt when interest rates are close to zero is a rolled-gold cretin who deserves to lose his property. Also gets zero fucks given by me, as a bonus.
Financial Darwinism in action.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 6, 2023 9:11 pm

Nothing but respect for those doing Ballet. Have you ever tried standing on your toes? I have.

It hurts and could only last a second. Give it a try.

Ultravox – Vienna (Moreno J Remix)”

April 6, 2023 9:12 pm

About demanding un-jabbed blood when in hospital. Where exactly is that jabbed status indicated on the blood bag label?

So how would they, or you, know?

April 6, 2023 9:13 pm

One of the best fish and chip shops that I went to was in Randwick in the early 1980s. Run by a Greek Family.

A Greek family owned fish and chip shop in Queen Street St Marys had the best seafood in the 80s and 90s, our regular Friday feast came from there. Once the family sold the business the new owners started catering to a different crowd and lost us as customers.

April 6, 2023 9:14 pm

Seems like Epstein blackmailed a few big fish, tried to inveigle as many as possible, liked to hobnob and did most of the underage rooting himself.

April 6, 2023 9:14 pm

It’s not about being compelled to eat fish on Friday, it’s about fasting, with fish once being considered a far inferior food to red meat, the fact that that is no longer the case is why, generally speaking, Catholics are not required to abstain from meat on Fridays, though they are encouraged to limit themselves to two small meals on certain holy days.
I believe fasting and abstinence gets an occasional mention in the bible.

April 6, 2023 9:17 pm

I like how Elon’s dogue is facing left but glancing right.

April 6, 2023 9:26 pm

Very interesting read on meatless Fridays:

Lust, lies and empire: The fishy tale behind eating fish on Friday

April 6, 2023 9:28 pm

Come from a big Catholic family.

Fish was a requirement every Friday in lent when I was a child. My family observed it and remember Dad bringing Jewfish that I hated being full of bones home from the market during lent.

My mum says in her childhood it was encouraged every Friday of the year and similar to your description Rosie.

I still observe (though not practising) abstainment on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday along present lines.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 6, 2023 9:38 pm

April 6, 2023 at 9:12 pm
About demanding un-jabbed blood when in hospital. Where exactly is that jabbed status indicated on the blood bag label?

So how would they, or you, know?

They are not doing it, yet. That needs to change. The Red Cross can f-off!

Good to see this lady take a stand. Anyone that wants to take a stab at her religious beliefs can go jump in a lake with concrete filled boots.



April 6, 2023 9:42 pm

Speculative, but it goes to how the “Saxons” had “Celtic” names for some Kings.

Historical similarities between Cerdic of Wessex and Commius of the Atrebates
William pullen

The Wessex royal line was traditionally founded by a man named Cerdic, an undoubtedlyCeltic name identical to Ceretic, the name deriving from the Brittonic Corot?cos. I suggestlinguistically the possibility of the Brittonic name Commius (Brittonic Combios). This mayindicate that Cerdic was not a Germanic Saxon but of Romano-Belgic descent and that hisdynasty became anglicised over time. A good case can be made for southern Britain es-pecially Wessex, having taken over existing Belgic dynasties manipulating their ancestry orconnections, by intermarrying with the native Belgic elites. An Anglo-Saxon elite could haveformed, by an incoming chieftain and his war band from northern Germania taking over anarea of Britain, and through diplomatic marriages and subjugation of the native Belgic elites,forming a New Saxon-Belgic hierarchy in Wessex. The purpose of this paper is to re-examinethe relationship between the Germanic West Saxon invaders and the Romano-Belgae King-doms they came to usurp. The Anglo- Saxon Settlement of Britain changed the Culture andLanguage of southern Britain from a Romano-Belgic to Germanic Saxon eventually merginginto a common cultural identity.This process principally occurred from the mid-?fth to early seventh centuries, follow-ing the end of Roman rule in Britain around the year 410 AD. The few literary sources tellus of hostility between the Saxon invaders and the Romano-Belgic and Romano British na-tives. They describe violence, destruction, massacre, and the ?ight of the British population.However, another view, the most widely accepted among 21st century scholars, is that themigrants were fewer, possibly centred on a warrior elite of Saxon Federates. This hypothesissuggests that the incomers achieved a position of political and social dominance, which, aidedby intermarriage with Romano-Belgic Nobility accelerated the process of assimilation of thenatives to the incoming language and material culture.

April 6, 2023 9:46 pm

Born 1940, I remember during my first twenty years that no one I knew ate meat on Good Friday. I was not a Catholic during those years. I believe it was just the custom at that time.

April 6, 2023 9:47 pm

It’s a damn shame.
I like Jack Daniels but will drink it no more.
A huge no to any corporates who attempt to impose pervert woke.
The problem being that if these corporate creeps keep up these campaigns I’ll have to become a teetotaler.
Oh well, sobriety will be a new and interesting experience – perhaps.

April 6, 2023 9:49 pm

Come from a big Catholic family.


Fish was a requirement every Friday in lent when I was a child. My family observed it

Nor were any meat pies available at the tuck shop on Fridays during lent. 🙁

Don’t know how I managed to blunder through those days of such hideous deprivation.

Although I do remember Lizzie, my millionaire collectivist sister (to be) loudly lecturing my ol’ man and the rest of the family, that lent was all about a bunch of fisherpersons of the hebrew persuasion convincing that mythical figure (or whoever might have been in charge at the time) that they were all going broke and it was time for some glorious government subsidige.

A mythical religious figure (in reply): “OK, OK, you get Fridays, for a weeks each year. Now stop your infernal whinging and get back to extinctifying some Piscean species, I tells ya”.

“Or else it’s miracle time (again).” 🙂

April 6, 2023 9:51 pm

for a few weeks each year …

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
April 6, 2023 9:56 pm

Nor were any meat pies available at the tuck shop on Fridays during lent.

No pies on any Friday for all of my school career.

No bad thing – from tuck shop they were one of burnt, scalding hot or cold. I to this day have a taste for cold pies, which makes my kids laugh… sorta!

April 6, 2023 9:57 pm

During both world wars various countries also designated certain days ‘meatless’ for rationing purposes. WWII in the US I think Tuesdays were designated.

April 6, 2023 10:00 pm

We were a fish on Fridays family. On joyous occasions it could be good old battered bream or equivalent.
Mostly however it was South African smoked cod with caper sauce, (depression food). There were always dramatics as I consistently refused to consume the muck.
It is amazing to me that my parents, who were sophisticated and progressive, never relented from serving this stuff to me knowing that it would ruin their Friday evenings.
I still get a twinge when approaching the table on Friday evenings, even though I do the cooking.

April 6, 2023 10:02 pm

Oh well, sobriety will be a new and interesting experience – perhaps.

Believe me, it is not. The most I’ve lasted in the last two decades has been 19 days – the most recent being February this year.

But then I’ve kept to a particular pattern since 1996. No drinking on weeknights* and consumption allowed from 5:00pm on Friday nights until 5:00pm on Sunday nights.

48 hours of total irresponsibility. 🙂

* With some very rare exceptions, unless on holidays and then it on like Donkey Kong discovering a container full of Woodshed tinnies 😕

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 6, 2023 10:05 pm

Old Ozzie, good to hear of your extensive planning for yr European trip later this year. We are planning extensively for ours in northern Italy/Switzerland too prior to taking our 3-seas cruise (Adriatic, Ionian and Aegean) as well as the Med round through Messina to Rome. Travel kept the mind and body fit.

So – hope all you sedentary Cats regularly here are getting up and doing a Mr. Motivator gee up for 12 minutes or 25 minutes regularly between postings; or something similar online. I am trying to do one a day at least as well as just one major dance class of an hour or more weekly; plus walking.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 6, 2023 10:08 pm

Allie Beth Stuckey @conservmillen · 16h

I just want to know what woman on God’s green earth is going to buy a sports bra, leggings or a dress modeled by a man? Seeing clothes on shoulders the length of a dining room table and hips that couldn’t birth a grasshopper doesn’t really entice me

Some of the trans equality clown shows can work despite appearing absurd, but modelling women’s clothing on a man-shaped body surely did not ever pass the practicality test. What *were* they thinking?
It really is like Soviet era mass psychological manipulation, where the regime cements its control by issuing crazy announcements and obvious lies and dares you to call them on it – with coercion implied.

April 6, 2023 10:08 pm

Sylvia Gonzalez v. Edward Trevino is a 1st Amendment case where allegations of legal prosecution based on different political views is wondering through the court. As has been noted one of the possible defences for Trump is unequal treatment where he can point to many other examples of campaign fund contravention and accounting more clear than his which were not successful or not prosecuted at all.

But if it gets to that stage Trump is in trouble because of another possible defence, namely the manifest animus towards him in NY and by the Judge and any possible jury. But how can you prosecute that when the argument is against the Judge hearing the case?

His lawyers have to petition the Judge to dismiss expeditiously before the next directions in December. If that fails, it shouldn’t, then preference motions could come into play.

April 6, 2023 10:13 pm

As a trainee nurse at the beginning of the 60s (then a 4yr course) requiring all to live in the Nurses Home, on Fridays it was kedgeree and one other choice. Good Friday was kedgeree only.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 6, 2023 10:18 pm

We’re in Albury overnight, just had a good enough meal in a motel restaurant, and piling into bed soon. I drove for 150km of the journey to here, bloody trucks rattling along at 110-115 made overtaking quite difficult if you tried to keep within the speed limit – had to catch them out on the hills.

The hills. Beautiful rolling countryside on the journey down here, hills folding into each other in browns, greens, ochres and blues, very French impressionist. The trip over to Yass and down to Albury was such easy driving in general, the traffic not too busy, and the day on and off overcast, but fine.
This is such a beautiful country if you look at it in the right way – the Dorothea Mackeller way. We passed Gundagai and I recite to Hairy word for word from my childhood the piece about the track winding back, and then noting the dog shat in the tuckerbox, and that was why it was memorable, five miles from Gundagai being a bit of a hike to get another dinner. Mostly, I played him some fave CD’s on my little portable gadget, due to our techno-moderne vehicle having no CD player, far too uncool these days to use such old tech. We did some 1930’s songs Pennies from Heaven style, and then a whole CD of Bryan Ferry, which was when I was driving and Hairy singing along with this thing on his knee that he swore I had been stupid to purchase. Not so stupid now though, I say, busy overtaking and he’s too enrapted in Ferry covering Dylan’s A Hard Rain’s a Gonna Fall. Did you know, he says as I pull back into the slower lane, that Dylan composed this on the overnight of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Oh my darling blue-eyed son. Where did you go? No, I didn’t know that, I say.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 6, 2023 10:20 pm

Now even CHINESE scientists claim Covid did not jump to humans inside infamous Wuhan market in blow to natural animal origin theory

“It’s almost always dangerous to be right too soon.” – David Gerrold (Sci-Fi author & screenwriter)

Applies to the West, but doubly so in CCP China.

April 6, 2023 10:21 pm

Trump’s attorney on motion(s) to dismiss.

“A motion to dismiss is coming on several grounds. Prosecutorial misconduct and selective prosecution will for sure be two of them. Legal insufficiency is another one, but we have a clear case of selective prosecution,” Tacopina said. “We’re looking at statute of limitations — a whole host of motions that’s going to be levied here. And I will tell you this: This case won’t see a jury, in my opinion.”

Tacopina referenced a video of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg making a campaign promise of holding Trump “accountable” when asked if he would “convict” the former president.

He doesn’t think the case will ever see a jury, but of course he would say that. It absolutely shouldn’t, just as it should never have been brought in the first place, but that doesn’t mean it won’t.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 6, 2023 10:24 pm

WA Education Department to appoint nine-member Aboriginal advisory body
Bethany Hiatt
The West Australian
Thu, 6 April 2023 7:57PM

A new Aboriginal advisory body will be appointed to guide ‘culturally-responsive’ education in WA public schools.

The McGowan Government on Thursday revealed it was seeking nine Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to fill positions on the newly-created panel.

According to the Education Department’s website, the body will play an important role in steering its progress toward reconciliation and “creating a culturally-responsive education system”.

Education Minister Tony Buti — who is also Minister for Aboriginal Affairs — said the advisory body would strengthen the well-being, engagement, and achievement of Aboriginal students.

The department is calling for nominations of suitably-qualified individuals.

“Nominated members will advise and guide us to work in ways that value the knowledge, expertise, and experiences of Aboriginal people, and create opportunities to work collaboratively with Aboriginal communities to determine aspirations and set directions for students,” the website said.

“We’re offering nine appointments which include meeting fees (for intellectual cultural property) and long-distance travel expenses.”

Mr Buti said it was an outstanding opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to play a key role in improving learning environments for Aboriginal students.

“As the Minister for both Education and Aboriginal Affairs, I am really excited about the creation of this new advisory body, a group that will ensure cultural identity is at the centre of a student’s learning experience and foster an environment where culture can thrive,” he said.

“The Aboriginal Advisory Body will embrace the knowledge, expertise, and experiences of Aboriginal people, and create opportunities to work collaboratively with Aboriginal communities to determine aspirations and opportunities for students.”

The announcement of an education Aboriginal advisory body comes as Australia prepares for a referendum later this year on the proposed national Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

The Education Department had previously consulted two Aboriginal elders-in-residence.

April 6, 2023 10:25 pm

aussie rye whiskey … The Gospel

45abv in the jar

…you wouldn’t be dead for quids

April 6, 2023 10:25 pm
Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 6, 2023 10:29 pm

First SA, now WA. Is this a trend?
So even if the federal InVoice doesn’t get up, division will be sown and equality will be drowned out by 7 State and Territory InWhispers.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 6, 2023 10:30 pm


April 6, 2023 at 9:12 pm

About demanding un-jabbed blood when in hospital. Where exactly is that jabbed status indicated on the blood bag label?

So how would they, or you, know?

They wouldn’t know and, as a result, would not make any undertaking as to the vax status of the source.
Maybe Tickler extracted a promise out of a hospital cleaner.

April 6, 2023 10:32 pm

Liz Storer has got it wrong on the Late Debate on Sky tonight, Easter was not a pagan festival. Which part of the Holy Week activities are tied to any pagan festival? Easter is a convergence of the Jewish Passover, Christians’ most sacred event, the Resurrection, and the Roman occupation of Israel. This has really diminished Liz in my eyes, she really should not opine on things about which she knows nothing.

April 6, 2023 10:34 pm

I always eat Easter eggs on Good Friday. And hot cross buns.

You can’t say I’m not religious.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 6, 2023 10:38 pm


April 6, 2023 at 10:00 pm

We were a fish on Fridays family. On joyous occasions it could be good old battered bream or equivalent.
Mostly however it was South African smoked cod with caper sauce, (depression food). 

I have a memory of a concoction called “mock fish”.
Which is nothing like fish.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
April 6, 2023 10:41 pm

DrBeauGan, you are not religious.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 6, 2023 10:42 pm

Good to see this lady take a stand. Anyone that wants to take a stab at her religious beliefs can go jump in a lake with concrete filled boots.

Nut job.


What part of Australia is this?

1 6 7 8 9 10 12
  1. Regarding the World Trade Centercollapse: I have it on impeccable (hush-hush) authority that the primary hijackers on BOTH aircraft had given…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x