Humanspective@HumanspectiveOncology Professor Angus Dalgleish says the very technology Oracle CEO Larry Ellison is selling as some sort of AI medical…
Humanspective@HumanspectiveOncology Professor Angus Dalgleish says the very technology Oracle CEO Larry Ellison is selling as some sort of AI medical…
Trump obliterates DEI with new demand to place every federal diversity program employee on paid leave by 5 pm Wednesday
Liz Storer is giving me a headache, just talks over everyone and watched James try to make a point and…
O’Loughlin said homeowners have a “right to defend themselves but not to an extent (where they) take someone’s life”. The grieving…
Two days ago half way through watching a doco I decided to have one last attempt at fixing an appliance…
It’s important to remember their first offer isn’t close to their best offer.
A lesson learnt the hard way with coal seam gas in Queensland.
Land holders who spent time and money negotiating with BG ended up considerably better off than those who took what was offered by CSG QLD.
Caused a lot of sub-optimal gruntlement within some communities.
I’m not concerned at all about AI. I am concerned, however, about those inputting the parameters into AI. I saw a US AI scientist interviewed on Will Cain show and he said “it’s all about the inputs” and that “AI might not have the moral parameters that humans have” and that it still “thinks in linear ways without considered outside consequences.”
Will and the scientist agreed the possible scenario, based on inputs and linear “thinking,” was possible:
So, AI: Please solve world hunger for me.
AI: Ok, the world is overpopulated so let’s just shut down the bank accounts of a billion people and make it impossible for anyone to override and disrupt the food distribution business.
Nothing says wealth better than land in the right position. 2,000 sqm for starters. 6,000 sqm for heavy hitters. And gardeners. The more the better.
Here you are. Moderate internet usage keeps general dementia at bay. Risk rises again though if you sit on the net all day. Another ‘indicative’ study, but it makes sense that you have to keep cognition busy if you attend to a fast-flowing blogue like this one on a regular basis. It sure beats Sudoku anyway.
And even if you build in moral parameters there can still be problems…
Input: Solve world hunger for me without making anyone suffer.
AI: Ok, I am sending mandatory euthanasia drugs to a billion people or putting a poisonous substances into waterways that will help people go to sleep without suffering.
The concern is “full AI”, when the AI is so “smart” it manages the inputs and no longer requires a human to do it.
in the words of our dear Tucker Carlson:
“They told us the internet would give us unlimited access to information and make us smarter. It has done the exact opposite and we’ve never had less access to information or been dumber than ever before.”
Don’t know if anyone watched the ABC broadcast of “FOLAU” last night. It was pure magic. The storyline of his Tongan upbringing was interesting and self explanatory. But it was the compilation of footage of his athletic genius that made it mesmerising.
I only watched him play live once, but grandson did a commercial with him & he became a family hero. A lovely man. Grandson (then around 10) hero worshipped him and wanted his mother to have him to dinner! This gallant man allowed him to communicate with him via Instagram, or some such, for quite a while. “You’ll be a Wallaby one day” he told him. Fat chance!
Even Red Bandana Man said on camera that he was one of the most talented players of all time. Just sublime to watch him soar above all the others to take a ball, and seemingly pivot midair to score a try.
To think that they besmirched his record and denied all of us the thrill of watching him play…..all that to defend those who are offended by his Christian beliefs.
Went to a 21st just up the road from Lang Hancock’s Prix d’Armor (now gone to God, just like the old bugger) with automatic glass doors to the patio. Excellent views up the river for viewing while drinking copious beers I seem to recall.
AI better be better than Clippy and autocorrect. They suck.
“To think that they besmirched his record and denied all of us the thrill of watching him play…..all that to defend those who are offended by his Christian beliefs.”
Indeed, and one of those who joined in the besmirching of this good man is an ex-NSW Liberal politician, whose son, I read today, has been arrested after “allegedly supplying drugs on the dark web in exchange for cryptocurrency“.
Kerry Chikarovski used to appear on The Dumb as the token conservative.
Tells you all you need to know, really.
The Victorian government has a tiger by the tail. Either they are stupid, or they don’t expect to be around when the can is no longer kickable down the road
This is the problem thru-out our “gummints” at all levels .. no accountability .. start the process knowing you’ll be well out of it & handsomely renumerated without any clawback before the full folly is exposed and the ongoing blame will be on your successors ..
NDIS & NBN are probably, the best, current, examples of this attitude .. !
Via one of Indolent’s links above:
Thank goodness I don’t pay any attention to social media. (I’m thinking that clicking on these links here at The Cat is not good for my mental health. A cave in the mountains is a strong lure right now).
Technical Note: Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) is a pension fund manager, specialising in co-investing in renewable energy projects, with the:
(Translation from the original Danish: rent-seeking investments, secured on regulated utilities. )
At the moment CIP manages 10 funds, diversified over about 40 projects – total value €13 billion (A$30 billion).
If the presser is to be believed, CIP’s investment strategy has changed dramatically, from international portfolio diversification to a massive concentration in South Australia – and an even more massive investment in Australia.
Or alternatively, laser-like focus on potential opportunities arising from wood ducks with A$2 billion of OPM on offer.
Ding ding!
It looks like you’re questioning Bing AI’s overlordship of humanity.
Do you want to retract your verbal statement or report to a Azure Data Centre?
Do you want to turn AI Clippy off and have your reporting to the Azure Data Centre automated for you?
Ms Spender and her pals in the fashion industry are deeply concerned about sustainability, they tell TheirABC:
Nobody at TheirABC mentions that the vast majority of clothing sold and thrown out in Australia comes from overseas. The average punter does not buy clothes from the people getting a free ad in this story.
And, quelle surprise! They got $1m from taxpayers to fund their PR campaign. I don’t suppose there are any conspicuous consumers involved in selling and buying designer clothes.
What’s that, Skip? Lizzie Spender does not drive a 1999 Magna and live in a modest home with low energy reuirements? Nor do her customers? Oh, dear.
Incidentally, as noted above, TheirABC is increasingly running free ads for businesses that support the narrative. Branded as positive stories about young entrepreneurs, especially from their favourite ‘minorities’, we get a few every day at ABC Online.
Charter? What Charter? We don’ need your steenkin’ Charter!
Chik, chik … boom.
Re speaking out politically, I do this quite a lot actually. Quietly, gently, but definitely to make a point and perhaps pull up some greenie mouthing off to the assembled company. I did it once, as I’ve said here but it was probably ignored, a few years ago at a full-on gathering of total greenies where I challenged one who wanted to meet me for other reasons. She introduced the topic of Adani and I immediately cut to the chase. What’s wrong with coal? I asked her. She spluttered so much and couldn’t really answer, my further queries, and then she huffed off saying I can’t talk to you. I continue to talk with her partner whom I have known for some years, onetime online editor for a major newspaper. He and I had a discussion then about nuclear, fairly productive, as I got him to agree it was an option on his table, even though he couldn’t agree with me re the fakeness of the CO2 hypothesis.
In my dance group I have slowly seen a number of the regulars move more towards my views, which are well known as they’ve asked for and read some of my Quadrant pieces on how I moved on from the left, and they also know that Quadrant is, as I informed them, a centre-right publication. I’d say most of them are soft right these days, mostly well off and sad to see Old Australia on the skids. Only a couple of them, two ex-teachers, still toe the hard left line but they are loved and accepted for their other virtues. Politics is always present at my dance coffee group, but as a background, during discussions of movies or general news of the day. There is no point forcing opinions on others, and friendships can extend beyond politics if they are strong enough in other aspects, as with some of our friends in Britain, and the couple we had over to lunch the other day. He is dying of cancer and we would never upset him with our views which are so different to when that friendship first started 40 years ago. We speak of other things, our children’s problems and recent travel and our health and age. They tacitly know we have changed, and our silence on certain matters (like their attendance recently at a function with Allegra Spender) are noted and the topic dropped. Hairy drops little disapproval bombs into the conversation occasionally, he can’t help himself, and I certainly happily announce that these days I call myself a conservative. So, we find, in many ways, do other lefties of a certain age. If so, we can talk them around to more complex understandings.
When it comes to family, sometimes we have simply had to agree to differ, after stating our case.
That is much better than ongoing hostilities over politics. Both of my sons from my first marriage have been shackled to the green left via their father, but the eldest now tells me he is viewing a lot of Jordan Petersen and Dr. John Campbell, plus Neil Oliver, and he is changing his views. His ex with whom he helps to raise their autistic son though is an American Democrat with severe TDS. She won’t change, but she needs my help and I need my grandson, and I admire her American fortitude as she deals with my son, so we are good friends still.
If other people wish to sit in ivory towers of political purity and the choice doesn’t hurt them or others, then that’s fine by me too. I have to cut my cloth at times to suit my circumstances and that of my children and grandchildren. And to take what life offers forging new friendships with people who are more like minded. I have introduced three women from my dance group to IPA membership, and another, a retired librarian, subscribes to the Speccie on my recommendation.
LOL. The entrepreneurial spirit of Australia.
Hmm. Some western nations and their provinces are making older cars difficult to own; building a modest home may not even be legal; an owner builder using natural products may not be able to get the required ratings that mass produced composites get.
Then there is the notion to tax unused bedrooms and pay rent to the “indigenous”…
In the meantime Man City have steamrollered their way into the Champs’ League Final against Inter. That will a showdown for the ages.
And on Sunday, 21May (UK time) my hometown team, GATESHEAD, are making their 1st WEMBLEY appearance in the final of the FA TROPHY CUP against Halifax Town ..
I knoze it is a tenth rate final of no consequence but Gateshead being a non league team since relegated from division 4 after the 1959/60 season it is a BIG deal .. never been to Wembley (as a team) and never played in any cup final of any sort before …………
One of the things holding this country back is the lack of access to cheap Mexican topiary labour.
Rubbed out of Australian rugby by a hideous kiwi goth lezzo and a toxic homosexual leprechaun, both of whose knowledge of the game was less than zero.
Modern day sports administrators – too staggeringly stupid to even score jobs as braindead commercial FTA executives*.
*Whose intellectual capacity (or complete lack thereof) gives them unparalleled insight into the viewing preferences of their ever dwindling audiences.
It was far more than that. It was a targeted, concerted and successful effort to subjugate rugby to woke leftist culture. Folau was sacrificed to show they had won and give a lesson to any player who doesn’t now submit. From the appointment of the trannie goth, the buying out of the board by chief sponsor the Irish leprechaun and in your face rainbow shirts.
There is nothing wrong with French provincial, Georgian era reproduction homes if done well.
The same goes for modernism – the Prairie style made livable human centred homes. Even the labs designed for J&J were human centred. (Crass) modernism can be austere to the point of being repulsive.
Jumped up little Hitlers.
Having Pacific Islanders on working visas picking mangos is such a waste.
And then there are all the wonderful Cats and Kittehs I have met here and IRL too. What a breath of fresh air it is to feel so freely in good company, where Catallaxy provides an ongoing bond and set of topics for discussion. Thanks to Dover for keeping this good ship alive and sailing.
A succinct summary.
Left-wingers control the news media so their “token conservatives” are left-wing caricatures of conservatives, completely devoid of the reasoning and the long path taken by those who have rejected the left’s zombie groupthink.
Like everything else produced by the left, its caracatures of conservatives are comical, simple-minded and primitive — doubly so now that the left is the ruling class leftards once railed against.
For leftards, the revolution turned out to be counter-revolutionary. Hilarious.
A gentle reminder.
The AFL wants to soak Tasmanian and Commonwealth taxpayers to the tune of $819 million for a stadium which will cost $715 million, the AFL will contribute…$15 million; AFL games are ALREADY played at Bellerive Oval.
They’re jumped up Welfare Queens!
BOOM! There it is.
There can be few other human tasks that carry with them the authority and means to institute changes which hold the potential for measurable negative consequences, without any substantial performance standards or sanctions existing to temper the same. Because of the benefits accrued, the non-renewal of a political position at the next election (nothing was TAKEN from them; nothing was promised) is rarely a censure for (real or perceived) non-performance. Returning to my now-habitual gang culture metaphor: The only expectations/standards, and consequences for not meeting those, are internal: the gang’s rules.
Reminiscent of the (Very) Pedestrian Council of Australia, whose sole member was investment and public relations dynamo, Harold Scruby.
This airhead does however, strike me as someone who wouldn’t have been out of place in an episode of AbFab.
A report by the council found that, on average, Australians buy 56 new items of clothing a year,
I feelz soooo embarrassed! .. I’d reckon, apart from shoes, socks & undies, I wouldn’t have bought 56 “new” items of clothing in the past 30 years ……..
To attract the untapped hordes of potential rugger supporters from within the homosexual and goth lezzo communidies.
But eventually attracting zero additional supporters and having to settle with Easy Flowers for a yuuuge sum.
A lesson which the AFL didn’t heed. They unleashed a waaaacism enquiry against Alistair Clarkson and Chris Fagan, allowed unfettered defamatory leaks which were repeated by friendly j’isms (hi, Caro … hi, Robbo).
Clarkson has now stood down as coach of North Melbourne which I think is the pre-cursor to a yuuuge defamation claim and possibly a Workcover claim against the AFL for facilitating bullying.
Not to mention opening the door for a return to coaching by Dean Laidley who is much more simpatico with modern AFL football.
“And then there are all the wonderful Cats and Kittehs I have met here and IRL too. What a breath of fresh air it is to feel so freely in good company, where Catallaxy provides an ongoing bond and set of topics for discussion. Thanks to Dover for keeping this good ship alive and sailing.”
I second that!
Interesting episode of Crowder last night: Elon is, according to Lamestream, apparently an anti-Semite for attacking Soros who is a Jew (who, by the way, helped sell Jews’ properties to the Nazis and, in the 1980’s admitted to this and said upon reflection, he had no problems with it).
But quite a distinction between the Crowder crowd who quite like Elon to Bannon who was going off about Musk’s apparent (?) Chinese connections… I thought it’d be quite hard not to have Chinese connections as a global businessman? (sorry, businessperson).
Rubbed out of Australian rugby by a hideous kiwi goth lezzo and a toxic homosexual leprechaun, both of whose knowledge of the game was less than zero.
Rabz, one of the highlights of the SSM debate was seeing that stony-faced old Christian guy shove a lemon meringue pie in Alan Joyce’s face. Captured on film to for us to watch and enjoy. If ever I own Qantas, the first thing I do will be overturn his life ban and give him free business class for life.
you gotta look deeper
… the graphene is made of femto-bots
At more than one new item of clothing a week, I think we need to see a break down by age, sex and income in order to efficiently target that $1m of tax payer funds towards encouraging this cohort to drop off their unwanted garments at Vinnies.
Also interesting on Crowder (for those who care!)… an IRS agent became a whistleblower on Hunter’s dodgy deals and now the IRS are firing him and shutting down the whole Biden investigating team.
They compared it to the whistleblowers who came out against Trump666 and how they were given special privileges and rights to speak to various Committees… the double standards were shocking.
I never realised Joe Louis, the boxer, did some fights for soldiers during the war. He got paid and donated ALL his money to charities. After the war, he said something against FDR and the IRS came after him for tax evasion – apparently, the way in which he gave the charities monies was incorrect (though, it was)…. loose facts from me as I don’t know the story well enough but he ended up owing the IRS hundreds of thousands.
So… “there is nothing new under the sun”
From The Daily Telegraph..
Former Liberal party leader Kerry Chikarovski’s son has been arrested after allegedly supplying drugs on the dark web in exchange for cryptocurrency.
Mark Chikarovski, 37, was arrested in Bondi Junction on yesterday afternoon and taken in for questioning over his role in the alleged large-scale illegal drug trade.
He was later charged with 31 offences including supply prohibited drugs on an ongoing basis, knowingly deal with proceeds of crime and 16 counts of supply prohibited drug (indictable and commercial quantity).
He was refused bail to appear at Waverley Local Court on Friday.
Police will allege in court that he received cryptocurrency in exchange for prohibited drugs on thousands of occasions since 2017.”
Who would you invite over for dinner, Izzy Folau or Mark Chikarovski?
How do we know that’s not the AI speaking already?
Re women’s groups and the need for conformity.
I think it true that likeminded people – men or women – tend to come together and sometimes develop friendships. As to my previous exercise class, most of the women joined because friends were already in the group. I, on the other hand, joined because the class was just ’round the corner so it suited me.
Over a decade of attending twice weekly, I built up friendships with most of the women. We had coffee, went to the movies, celebrated every birthday, including having bring and share plates at our homes. Suffice to say it was an enjoyable, friendly group.
As I said last night, on occasion a “controversial” subject would be raised. But in the lead up to the “love is love” plebiscite and more generally when elections were called, politics seemed to invade our discussions more than usual. Political discussions also increased when additional friends of group members joined the “team”. We all knew which way most of the group would be likely to vote; the conversation always moved on – done and dusted.
When covid happened we stuck together when it was allowed. Twice, I went away for a period because of covid circumstances. When I came back the last time (June 2021), NSW was just going into lockdown and the ongoing threats to the unvaxxed of not being part of society were beginning. Finally, that lockdown was removed from Oct 11 for the vaxxed; the rest had to wait until Dec 1, which then was pushed out to Dec 15.
I tried not to have to explain my absence by saying I was going away for Christmas. In the new year, (2022), I had planned on returning because of the end of the mandates, but in her Christmas wishes, our “leader” advised that anyone new to the group would need to be fully vaxxed. That was it – I just didn’t go back because I wasn’t going to succumb and I didn’t think it anyone’s business what my medical status was/is.
Since then individually I’ve run into a couple of the women. They’re all very nice but seemingly confused about me no longer being in the group. A non “party line opinion/position” doesn’t seem to make sense to them. This says something about their inability to accept difference – and not the difference of the physical kind etc – ethnicity would be fine – but not a different viewpoint.
I think that a couple of them over coffee decided in the lead up to Christmas 2021 to expect all new members to be vaxxed, despite the govt announcing the end of the mandates. But never once did they consider that some of their own would not comply – but mostly these are lefties who carry their moral superiority earnestly.
At one point I received an email from a very nice lady after I waved to her while driving past – some of these women live very near us – asking how I was and making the comment that that “vaccination elephant in the room” would not be prodded, yet never once acknowledging that no-one has the right, or should have the right, to insist on another conforming to their will. It was a “how are ya, see ya ’round sometime” sort of communication.
The months rolled on, then, near my birthday, I received an SMS from our leader – wishing me a happy birthday and “how was I? when/was I coming back?”, etc etc. I responded presuming – and asking – whether this was an invitation to return. The reply came, of course! After that, another MSM. “By the way, are you vaxxed?”
I had held my own counsel for months. Though there was sincerity in the message of “we miss you”, the terms had not changed. Conformance was still required.
If you can stand up for yourself, whatever your sex, and maintain your position respectfully without succumbing, it makes you strong. That’s not to say that every discussion has to be fought over. But you can’t allow others to dictate their views to you without them conceding that others have a right to a different position.
This is a very small story (too longly explained – and sorry for that); others all over Australia and here have suffered much more than me. But I won’t change because I can’t. Perhaps I was already primed for this by my inability before covid to allow others’ views to always hold sway. So it wasn’t too hard to let go. Surviving without friends may be initially hard, but you’ll keep breathing regardless. Dr BG is right on that.
Hmm, soft power
roses and thorns etc
That’s a very sad story, BBS. The Queen Bee needs a good kick in the derrière. In fact, who died and made her Queen anyway?
I wouldn’t go back either.
I suppose the idiot doesn’t realise that anyone who hasn’t been prodded for over six months isn’t “vaxxed” either.
ABC: “Aboriginal elder buried in the wrong location in Nth Qld.”
Look around. Though you might never have met them, you have friends here.
Good on you BBS. I’m in the same camp. I only have 1 friend, the others are only aquaintances.
Ten years ago that would have been a funny ha ha joke.
Include me in.
I hate shopping, and unless you count each sock individually, I’d be lucky to make 10 a year. Mind you, I only buy stuff that is built to last.
My last shopping expedition was to Hiscock’s here in Queanbeyan. It’s a horse shop, been here for many decades. It sells all things horsey, and it’s not cheap. There must be a lot of rich people in the horse world. $600+ boots, saddles for thousands etc. Also, lots of outdoor clothing, also not cheap – $500+ jackets and so on. Plus thick wool shirts for mountain men.
Anyway, I wanted some good winter socks, and got some excellent almost all wool ones. Again, not cheap, but unlike the Chinese rubbish, will perform well, and last for years rather than months.
There were only a couple of other customers in the shop, and the inventory must be worth at least a million (it’s a big shop) but the phone rang regularly with people ordering stuff, and of course they have an online business as well.
I need a new winter jacket, and if I can’t find anything at Vinnies or Anglicare, I might just splash out. It’s the kind of business that is worth supporting, IMHO.
Sports administrators have always been little fascists who loved to subjugate the talented I.e Dawn Fraser being rubbed out.
The difference is that the fascists tendencies are now intertwined with left-wing politics making an even more toxic blend.
Thank you all.
BJ, yes, the friends here are the best kind.
On the conformance thing – the lady who does my nails is a Bosnian Serb. We have had a number of conversations about the war in Bosnia and how neighbours turned on each other despite living side by side for generations. I could never understand how it could have happened. I do now.
Do these ladies realise that if they have not had a booster within the last 6 months they are not “vaxxed”?*
Given the publicly released figures on booster uptake – or rather the stark lack of it – many of them probably aren’t.
*Without mentioning that the last study I saw found the boosters were only effective in vitro for around 3 months.
We are quite possibly living in the stupidest of times.
Update on Baris’s latest video. Firstly, the results from the Kentucky gubernatorial primary played out in part as a proxy for DeSantis v Trump given that they respectively back separate candidates is telling. Cameroon (48%) is the Trump-endorsed candidate, while Craft (17%) was the DeSantis one. Massive failure for Craft and Team DeSantis. This confirmed the last Rasmussen poll that has Trump leading DeSantis 62-17%. Baris discusses this article beginning at 47 mins if you can’t get past the paywall.
Secondly, later in the episode Baris has likely voter, Biden v Trump and Biden v DeSantis, Trump +7, Biden +4., which matches recent polling.
Thirdly, he also makes the point that Trump’s vote is younger and more non-white, among other things. The crosstabs are very interesting, especially when you look at education and income combined.
I’m still struggling to work out why BBS’s non vaxx would affect the others in the exercise class.
Queen Bee clearly doesn’t believe her own prickage will protect her.
Clown world.
I am sorry, as a mother, for Kerry Chikarovski. My Big Sis’s son was mixed up in small time drug usage and minor jewellery theft and went to prison for two years in Queensland (days of Joh) in spite of her getting a QC. A child in prison is a terrible nightmare come true.
Only time I’ve had it was with my second son. His tangle with the law was due to fraud to the tune of $16K, not drugs. He went bipolar crazy and made false invoices in order to claim money for online sales he had made for which he claimed in his confused state his contract employer wouldn’t pay him. He wouldn’t accept our offer of a paid lawyer and skipped bail twice. His case was barely listened to due to poor legal aid representation. He went down for six months in Long Bay, mostly in the prison hospital there, diagnosed on entry. He is still very damaged by that experience, and by untreated bipolar, for he refuses medication. I have this morning just agreed to buy him a new heater, even tho’ he will sit over it all winter and I will have to pay the bill, but he’s slowly improving, wanting to start working again, and I need to encourage that. Kerry has a long haul ahead of her and I hope she has some good support. Probably has, like Neville Wran’s wife Jill, who got her daughter off all drug murder charges. There is not a lot of justice in some of this.
It tends to all fall back on the mothers. You see them lining up, predominantly working class women, and you join with them and chat, whenever you make your weekly prison visit. Hijabs, Christian crosses, tatts and fake tits, trailing kids or tearfully alone, there for their sons or husbands (mostly defacto). Definitely sisters together as the airlock doors clang and in we go.
Re the “are you vaxxed?” Obviously I have no idea if they’re all still attending their monthly/weekly/daily jab sessions. However, I would not be surprised if a few are very much up to date on their jab cards. But that is for them.
Even if they removed the “get jabbed” membership requirement, as I said, it has been clearly explained to me that conformance is the key.
GR, if you can count on your hand the true friendships that you have you’re doing well – you’re on the scoreboard with 1!
No, he was a 14 year old boy being passed off as an Aryan who went on ONE occasion with an adult who was inventorying a confiscated Jewish property.
In addition,
So Soros also saved many Jews from being deported.
Other than outing himself (and the government minister who had a Jewish wife) for this one incident, then being sent to a concentration camp what was he supposed to do?
Interestingly I recently saw a YouTube on Solomon Perel who’s shoah experience was documented in an autobiography and later the movie ‘Europa Europa’ (which I am trying to get a copy of)
He’s acclaimed for spending part of the war hiding out in the Hitler Youth.
Neither of these boys did anything to cause other Jews to be persecuted by the Germans but it’s a great meme for his detractors.
I’m glad to hear any story of Jews surviving.
Thanks for the links DB.
I quite like Baris but he does annoy me some times (and he got 2022 totally wrong, but so did Tucker and many many others).
He made a good point in that vid that Gubernatorial Elections are local elections are miles away from Presidential Elections. I can’t recall the name of the guy (I think it was Stassen?) who went up against Reagan in 84, he had full-on massive popularity in his State but he never made it through the Primaries. Not even close and doubtful he would’ve beaten Mondale (as bad as he was).
Amen to that.
In my case, most of my friendships were formed at university in the early 1970s, when leftism was almost universal. I didn’t buy into it much, but it was very important to a lot of my friends. Then there was a long period where it didn’t matter much, until climate alarmism came along. I lost my oldest and closest friend over that – to this day I can’t understand how she could throw away more than 30 years of intimacy over a disagreement about politics. It certainly wasn’t my desire.
Then, when COVID hysteria struck, I lost two friends – one a contemporary from university, and another a former work colleague who kept in touch and I regularly saw over more than ten years.
At my age, you can’t replace friendships like that.
It makes sense of the stories about how ideologies split up families and get citizens to rat on each other. Social bonds are fragile.
Spare us all from The Greater Good, in whatever guise. It is evil.
Perhaps. He’s documented as saying it had “no impact on me.” Surely, if you’re asked a question about going through this experience you’d be a little more, say, empathetic. “Inventorying a confiscated Jewish property” isn’t just visiting a house with a notebook Rosie… his evil deeds outweigh whatever fictional or non-fictional “good” he did.
Australians should take note. Nuclear plant brings down spot price of electricity in Finland by 75%!
The Olkiluoto 3 (OL3) nuclear plant completed the transition from testing to regular output last month to become Finland’s first new nuclear plant in more than four decades. It is expected to produce up to 15 percent of the country’s power demand.
And while the plant’s production is still in its early days, its launch has had a considerable effect on Finland’s energy prices, lowering the electricity spot price in the country from €245.98 per megawatt-hour (MWh) in December to €60.55 per MWh in April, a reduction of more than 75 percent, according to physical electricity exchange, Nord Pool.
Well, someone is buying 108 to make up for me.
I just got my new possum-lambswool jumper. Apart from a few pairs of socks and jocks and maybe a couple of kimonos when I visit Japan later in the year, that will be it.
Ditto moi.
It’s probably mostly kmart and mostly babies, children and teens.
Babies clothes go from 0000 to 000 to 00 to 0 to 1 etc, they often need to be completely changed twice a day, all of a sudden they have a growth spurt and you are off buying completely new lots of clothes.
Not to mention winter and summer wardrobes.
I’ve recently bought my 3 year old granddaughter $2.50 long sleeve tshirts and $7 leggings at kmart, absolutely fine for layering especially at daycare where occasionally better things go missing.
We get nicer things for home days and church on Sunday, though I’ll admit some of the Country Road and Seed is second hand.
‘Australians were paying on average just $6.50 for each item of clothing’. This is the fashion industry’s real gripe.
The national capital of destroying relatively new , attractive and luxurious mansions and replacing them with neo-Stalinist monstrosities is Noosa.
The once attractive canal streets now look like Sylvania Waters with Malibu pretentions.
The enormous cash inflow is Covid money according to those who know about these things. Pop-up testers and jabbers. I stick more pins into my Morrisson doll every time that I take doggo for a walk.
Oh and my youngest son absolutely destroys his work gear, can’t be helped.
Regular trips to the lady with an industrial sewing machine for repairs, though last time looking at $35 to $50 per pair for repairs on already repaired pants I decided he should give up and buy new ones.
Calli, you clearly missed out on the exciting experience of a friend turning on you and saying how you are anti-social and anti-human and a diseased virus carrier, because not vaxxed !
Calli – As I found out with my hairdresser (a) they don’t have any ability to understand science whatsoever – it’s totally mysterious to them, and (b) they are scared on a deeply emotional level. Result: an almost 1930’s level fear of the other that which is condemned by the state. Blue eyes/brown eyes. It was all lies then, and it was all lies in 2021 when she booted me from her studio, but they aren’t at all able to understand or discern for themselves. So the vaxxed are virtuous and the unvaxxed are dirty and dangerous. Better education would fix that, but the Left doesn’t want kids to be educated, since they may then wise up to the Left’s lies.
I was amused that the practice of “deconstruction”, which was an education fad for a while in English, only lasted a few years. They were deconstructing Shakespeare and whoever for their racist and colonialist overtones etc. Suddenly, one day, deconstruction disappeared. It vanished. I think it was because the students naturally started applying their new skill to what their lefty teachers were saying…
I forgive my hairdresser. She couldn’t know any better and is a nice lady with her own business otherwise. I wasn’t going to give her a hard time. But I won’t ever go back.
1/3rd of Canadians are fine with assisted suicide for homeless:
Yes, fear, deep deep fear. Sad really.
My hairdresser was going for her fifth jab last time I saw her. I have an appointment next week, she never minded that I was unjabbed.
The SIM missionary doctor, Ken Elliot has finally been released and reunited with his wife and family. An answer to many fervent prayers over the years.
All that hard diplomacy work of Julie Bishop has paid off…(sarc).
You say that Lysander as though Soros himself wasn’t in constant fear for his own life for years.
I’m not surprised that that one occasion of visiting a confiscated estate had no impact, in comparison to living in anti Semitic Hungary where anti Jewish legislation started being passed in 1938, when Soros was only 8 years old.
Oh that’s great news about Ken Elliot, I really wondered if he was even still alive.
How many shits do I give?
CNN Interviewer to Soros: Wow, after going through an experience like that you must’ve been on a psychiatrists couch for decades! How badly did it affect you?
Soros: Not at all, it didn’t affect me.
0 shits given.
Johanna – That’s another example of the same principle. You think it’s a disagreement about politics, but I would wager your ex-friend had a deep and irrationally emotional fear for her life and family. Nothing you can ever do about that.
Douglas Murray on the latest Harkle beatup – bitchy, and spot on:
h/t Interested Observer at Adam’s.
Oh, and they were leaving one of those award ceremonies where the Left give each other baubles, in this case to her. Meaghan babbled on about how her whole life’s purpose was defending and raising up the underprivileged.
That’s a brilliant essay you posted. It bears repeating because I feel we have the same problem festering in Australia.
It’s the “nice” version of the Scottish proverb – forgive your enemy but don’t forget the b*stard’s name.
I still struggle with seeing masked avengers up at the shops, especially the ones with them draped under their noses. I hated being called an “anti-vaxxer” too, especially as it came from someone I care about. These things tend to stick, but life goes on. Hopefully a bit wiser and more cautious.
hz, yes, similar experience with a friend right across the road – and who is part of the exercise group. Encouraged by “Dr” Norman Swann, she came over to convince me that it was her moral duty to get me over the line and my moral duty to do it.
We don’t speak anymore.
Perth doctor Kenneth Elliott released seven years after being kidnapped in West Africa
Raylan Givens is back.
I was surprised the ABC mentioned the “I” word. They must be phobes.
FBI Concerned Jan. 6 Footage Would Expose Undercover Agents, Informants: Whistleblower (18 May)
Translation: they were terrified that the sheer number of glowies in Ray Bans would become too obvious to deny.
Even I don’t buy that many items of clothing a year – actually on reflection, not even close. Two or three shirts, a pair of jeans, some shorts, some t-shirts, a new suit every three years. Socks and undies only occasionally – I’ve built up a large stock of both over the last couple of years.
As for stuff that lasts, today I’m wearing a 36 year old white Levi’s jacket (the collar has been replaced twice after being sandpapered by neck hair) and a twenty four year old pair of Doc 10 holes. Next week the slovak chick I work with will be gifted one of my old Levi’s jackets that I’ll never fit into again. So stick that up ya, fashion council clowns!
The hectoring by these imbeciles is beyond ridiculous. Do they really want people to stop buying their tasteless overpriced rubbish?
“The customs of those of us who worked late into the night on other days having a sherbet…”
When I did server support in IT, we’d often have the boss pop down from QLD, and he’d then take us all to the pub for lunch – sometimes we didn’t get back before finish time, but more often we did. Noticeably unsteady shall we say, but never can’t walk – and always at company expense, with the boss/owner in attendance, and likely the one saying “just one more…”.
Also, when I volunteered to accept a call from the customer from hell (that no-one else wanted to take), the 2IC put an open beer in front of me within 30 seconds.
No-one ever complained if you took a bit of extra time doing the work when you’d had a cleansing ale or 6 with lunch, and I think that may be the reason we didn’t seem to have any noticeable increase in mistakes – less done, but no more went wrong than usual, in absolute or percentage terms.
It was just accepted that you would stop any drinking before you got to the where you were legless or otherwise couldn’t actually do the work. And so that is what everyone did. Some drank more than others, but no-one went over their personal limit.
Plus we had one guy who didn’t drink, period. He was always more than happy to be a designated driver, God bless him!
That is excellent news. Many here – and around the world- have been praying for this since his capture.
+1 Good read, indeed!
Yet, again, where was Bill Barr? He would have known what was going on and if he didn’t he was incompetent, take your pick: Malicious or incompetent (or both). We all saw him on CNN etc discussing the “collusion” and other purported “crimes” of Trump666.
I never realised Joe Louis, the boxer, did some fights for soldiers during the war. He got paid and donated ALL his money to charities.
Joe Louis joined the Army for the duration of the War.
All his bouts 1942 – 45 were exhibitions for the troops in U.S. and U.K. After the war, he said something against FDR and the IRS came after him for tax evasion – apparently, the way in which he gave the charities monies was incorrect
Jope Louis had many problems:
#1. A coupla Black hustlers race shamed Joe [who was a Mulatto] into signing a managerial contract with them.
Problem was they didn’t have the contacts or the ability to progress his career responsibly and he ended up signing with Mike Jacobs, who was Matchmaker for Madison Square Garden at that time..
Roxbrough and White still got their percentage though, right up to Joe’s last fight in 1951.
#2. Joe was knocked out by Max Schmeling in 1936 and to get Joe a Title fight ahead of Schmeling meant that Mike Jacobs had to promise Champion Jim Braddock’s manager, Joe Jacobs 10% of Joe’s share of all his fights for 10 years.
#3. Joe’s Trainer was Jack Blackburn, an alcoholic and convicted quadruple murderer.
They were very close and Joe became a junkie.
Joe was also a pretty good golfer and lost a lot of money playing against hustlers.
#4. Roosevelt died May 10 1945 and his power died with him, so I’d say that story is crap.
The reality was that Joe owed about $1.5 million by 1947, by which time he was over the hill, but it had been easy come, easy go all the way.
Thanks for reminding me, Real. A hilarious highlight indeed.
May 19, 2023 at 12:36 pm”
Correct, I think this obsession with Soros isn’t healthy. Look, I don’t like George Soros but he’s entitled to do whatever he wants with his money, just like a right of centre billionaire such as Ron Lauder is entitled to fund anything he so desires. And as I wrote the other day, back in the 1980s and 1990s George Soros actually used his money in positive ways. Victor Orban went to Oxford on a scholarship paid for by the Soros foundation.
As for Soros funding Democrats and DAs, the bottom line is that in blue cities and in blue states, most people blindly vote for the Demonrats. Portland, San Francisco, Chicago, Philadelphia and other such cities aren’t stinking hell holes because of Soros, they’re stinking hell holes because these cities and states continually vote Democrat, despite the shit on the streets, despite the homeless now invading “nice” areas, despite Antifa running amok (oh and Soros does not fund Antifa, journalist Any Ngo and others have investigated this claim and negate it). Soros does fund the election campaigns of Democrat politicians and DAs in cities such as Portland but, if people don’t like it, perhaps they should stop voting Democrat. They have a choice, but they clearly prefer to the status quo
As for Crowder, never been a fan, and particularly since he chose to record private conversations and release them. That was grubby, very grubby. He doesn’t have much credibility left after that.
Big Brother wants you to be vegan, for the Planet.
New York to Track Residents’ Food Purchases and Place ‘Caps on Meat’ Served by Public Institutions (18 May)
At least there’re plenty of rats in NYC, so the locals won’t be entirely without protein.
I’m totally with BBS and Cassie. I DO NOT TRUST OTHER WOMEN – voice of experience. Therefore I have no, zero, women friends. I have plenty of cordial acquaintances, plenty of social contacts, plenty of social interactions. Works for me.
Joe [We wuz robbed] Jacobs was Schmeling’s manager for his fights in America, but he wasn’t Braddock’s manager.
Whether Mike Jacobs paid Joe Jacobs off or screwed him over is hard to know, since both Jacobs’ [as well as Max Schmeling] were Jews.
Anyway, Braddock’s manager was Joe Gould, he was the guy who got Braddock 10% of Joe Louis share of all the Gate receipts for 10 years, which worked out to a lotta dosh, since Joe was Champ from 1937 to 1949 and defended the Title 25 times.
A certain genocidal warmongering lunatic’s favourite pugilist.
BTW, whoever it was that recommended “Rogue Heroes”, you have my gratitude.
What a televisual feast.
I’d forgotten till you reminded me, but in the mid 70s I lived in a share house with an alcoholic who did the night shift as a computer operator at the ANU.
He always took a case of cans to work with him.
I must say that even in those days, that would be regarded as excessive in most workplaces. But apparently it wasn’t a problem for him.
He was no trouble as a housemate – slept most of the day, then got up to go to the pub for a meal and pick-me-up before work.
Have been posting for some time on the College of Physicians’ Online Community forum, mainly applying Cats’ insuperable logic to the various demented insanities of the woke medico losers who are a metastatic cancer on civilization.
Just posted a Request for Moderation, after a professional Indian Chickie-chickie race baiter wrote:
“those who are claiming that there is no racism in medicine look white and are male (from a quick google search) and have Caucasian names” etc..
Accusing her of making racist remarks, but that they maybe should be allowed, since I was against censorship.
I then received the email from the moderators of their “Community Team”:
Dear Dr Gilas
The ROC Community Team has met to discuss your recent moderation of Dr Chickie-chickie’s post. We haven’t found any instance of Dr Chickie-chickie breaking the Terms and Conditions of the ROC and will be re-instating (sic) her post back into the thread.
Kind regards etc…
So I replied:
Dear Community Team,
Thank you for your excellent decision.
I therefore understand that writing statements such as:
“those who are claiming that there is no racism in medicine look white
and are male.. and have Caucasian names”
“Due to many such posts from a certain demographic of members”
Are perfectly OK, even when writing about other people who “look brown
or black, are female, and have foreign names.”
Thank you for clarifying this.
Kind regards etc….
Will now await the fallout, even if it’s after my next post.
It’s been an interesting factoid – if true – that the companies ignoring the Gillette/Maybelline/Bud Lite self immolation all have women running their marketing departments.
Perhaps it should be a factor in risk taking when buying shares?
Here we go!
Popcorn time.
“tony-faced old Christian guy shove a lemon meringue pie in Alan Joyce’s face. “
That was assault, whether we like it or not. We didn’t like it when Andrew Blot was assaulted, when Tony Abbott was headbutted, when Nigel Farage was milk-shaked, when Scott Morrison and Fraser Anning were egged and so on. We rightly condemn this violence from the left, and we rightly condemn it when the left celebrates this violence. Look, I understand the sentiment behind the “pieing” of the leprechaun but what the old man did was wrong.
Having said that, he apologised and he didn’t deserve the Qantas lifetime ban by Joyce, who I think is a disgraceful little grub. And any violence we see in the political sphere across the West is coming from the left and their useful idiots.
Wuhan Virus Institute Cut From US Taxpayer Funds | China In Focus
01:07 Wuhan Virus Institute Cut from U.S. Taxpayer Funds
02:42 Montana to Become 1st U.S. State to Ban TikTok
05:23 Biden Vetoes Bill to Restore Tariffs on Solar Panels
07:52 House Committee on CCP Holds Hearing on How to Counter the CCP’s Economic Aggression
10:39 Blinken, Austin, Raimondo Testify on China
12:31 Beijing Envoy: ‘No Panacea’ to Resolve Ukraine War
14:20 G7 to Kick Off Summit, China High on the Agenda
Cassie of Sydney:
While I don’t necessarily agree with him, I think he makes a good point – equivalent to “Fire is a great servant, but a truly vicious master”.
I worry that the unbridled rush to insert AI into everything – even doors – will overtake common sense.
Cry me a river petal. Climate Council CEO Amanda McKenzie in the Courier Mail:
Go eat many shit sandwiches darling.
Praise God for his deliverance of this dear man. His family must be beside themselves with joy. This is great news.
Grandpa Ed Simpson
Whether Mike Jacobs paid Joe Jacobs off or screwed him over is hard to know, since both Jacobs’ [as well as Max Schmeling] were Jews.
Would that be the boxer Max Schmeling who served as a paratrooper in the Luftwaffe during WW II? IIRC, he jumped into Crete to take on the Allied troops there.
Don’t panic, peeps.
If AI shares any code with your phones Auto-correct function the greatest peril we will face is that AI could smell the end of the He-man race.
Snap (Schnap) re Max Schmeling.
Michael Shellenberger
The FBI & Democrats say the whistleblowers who testified today are “a threat to our national security,” but they’re not. Rather they are honorable public servants who are being attacked for exposing abuses of power related to January 6.
In Beer Marketing news:
‘Sexist’ and ‘inappropriate’ Barely Legal beer withdrawn from craft beer festival, sparking industry debate
Perhaps it’s me being young and naive, but unless you are an expert on pornography websites and primed for outrage, one might have imagined ‘Barely Legal’ might have referred to the stonking 18.1% abv.
It seems Mr. Pearson subconsciously recognizes the horror of the Voice!
Perhaps not racist (though admittedly, I have no idea how that is defined now), but it certainly could be perceived as promoting stereotypes based on physical appearance. Such stereotypes, if developed, could lead to a loss of public confidence [please refrain from laughing] in medical professionals who share such characteristics.
Given that presumably some of this targeted demographic will be passing on their knowledge to younger medical professionals, one wonders how such labeling will bolster the confidence and learning experiences of the latter?
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
If your pants were on fire, I would have to seriously consider whether or not to piss on you. After all, you care nothing for the livelihoods of at least thousands of people.
EXCLUSIVE: Alan Dershowitz Responds To Durham Report
I commented the other day that once Lego pieces have sentience, we’re done.
Pearson’s ludicrous Lutheran hot-gospelling delivery is mistaken for gravity. He’s just a bully, and a lot of people both black and white on the Cape are tired of his abusive hand-me-down routine.
Dr. John Campbell
International covid summit review
Well that’s gracious of you.
It just might be our salvation.
The discovery that you can replace the entire HR department by a robot, and also all of Hollywood, has some interesting implications.
It suggests that the HR department and Hollywood are pretty much robots already, just turning out the standard orthodoxies, sans actual thought. In fact finding out how many apparently human beans are really merely programmed robots, just following the program, is quite educational.
I wonder when someone like m0nty, for example, will realise that he’s no more than a chatbot and try to become a real human being.
You couldn’t make it up!
Pink. As in the colour of women’s internal genitalia?
Boots like what skinheads used to kick people with?
So the Pink Boots Society was named after the practice of racist thugs sexually assaulting women?
Oh. Dear.
Because that’s what Cults do – they take the convert away from their friends and supporters.
Socialism is just another cult.
Oh, and the ‘nature is like a Disney movie’ crowd who don’t get boom and bust populations, because it upsets the narrative of perfect symmetry at all times.
Kangaroo populations boom and bust. So do Koalas. This has been known for a long time.
Manipulating the numbers has become an art form.
Muddy says:
May 19, 2023 at 2:51 pm
Perhaps not racist (though admittedly, I have no idea how that is defined now), but it certainly could be perceived as promoting stereotypes based on physical appearance.
It was an unwarranted attack on a polite, considered response by some Scottish Physician challenging claims of systemic racism in one of the wokest, most anally-receptosupine pseudo-clubs in Oz.
This “Community Team” has been ready to delete posts that challenged leftist BS.
Can’t wait to weave some direct criticism featuring black, brown, Asian, African, woman, even gender-fluid into a future post.
Goose and Gander.. and all that.
And I’m just glad I’m not in any co-dependent relationship with the Indian slag.
dover, someone is playing with your upticks. Pluses become minuses.
Childish bullshit.
I wonder when someone like m0nty, for example, will realise that he’s no more than a chatbot and try to become a real human being.
I think he had an internal logic error after a couple of (weak) attempts to criticise the Durham report, and disappeared up his own fundament.
Go to army disposals and buy the genuine military disposal stuff – not the fake China ones. Tough as buggery, and last a lot longer.
I’ve been wearing my old auscam trousers and shirts when I go playing with the piggies ever since I left the army and that’s about 20 years of wear. Yes, they fade, but they’re still intact – you have to run through barbed wire before they rip but try to avoid that.
Coral coverage is currently at a record high.
If that’s a current, real consequence, it suggests we should dig up more coal not less.
Bruce O’Nuke:
I think that’s the point, Mr G Man.
Ha ha let’s travel back in time with David Thompson
Daily Mail.
Why do the words “spit the dummy” spring to mind?
Why do the words “spit the dummy” spring to mind?
A walking, talking advertisement for the ‘No’ campaign.
Was that a dozen tins of standard beer or two?
Nevertheless, an heroic effort by that man.
Robert Sewellsays:
May 19, 2023 at 3:17 pm
Regular trips to the lady with an industrial sewing machine for repairs, though last time looking at $35 to $50 per pair for repairs on already repaired pants I decided he should give up and buy new ones.
Go to army disposals and buy the genuine military disposal stuff – not the fake China ones. Tough as buggery, and last a lot longer.
I’ve been wearing my old auscam trousers and shirts when I go playing with the piggies ever since I left the army and that’s about 20 years of wear. Yes, they fade, but they’re still intact – you have to run through barbed wire before they rip but try to avoid that.
Elder son wore some of my old (jungle green) trousers for years, his son is now wearing them, more than 45 years after they were issued to me.
“What comes to mind is: We used to attend the pictures under the school at Hope Vale when I was a child, and on the nights when there was a scary movie — like the Exorcist or the Night of the Living Dead — we were prone to wetting the bed,” Mr Pearson said.
Sanctimonious twat doesn’t realise that allowing children to see R rated films is illegal. And bedwetting can be a sign of serious mental trauma. A decent reporter would immediately lever onto to the problem of porn and booze in Remote communities.
Pearson’s ludicrous Lutheran hot-gospelling delivery is mistaken for gravity. He’s just a bully, and a lot of people both black and white on the Cape are tired of his abusive hand-me-down routine.
Mmmm. That is precisely what I heard recently from someone who knows him, & Cape politics, well.
Personally, I think that is such a shame. Because I still think he has an outstanding intellect.
‘no one at the broadcaster has issued one word of public support… I’ve had enough’
Why do the words “spit the dummy” spring to mind?
The words “performative gaslighting” for me.
Dersh hasn’t worked it out yet.
Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax: FBI Not Anti-GOP, It’s ‘Anti-Trump’ (18 May)
He’s wrong. Obama’s alphabet agencies were known to be bugging Rand Paul and Jeff Sessions when the latter was a senator, we know that. They are fully captured. I think Dersh is a bit of a romantic. Sorry mate those days are over.
Meet Dr Patrick Moore: Greenpeace co-founder who left the organisation hijacked by political left
no one at the broadcaster has issued one word of public support
Obviously the problem is everyone else in the world, eh sTAN?
When you ask the makeup ladies to apply the “hint of mahogany” foundation before you go on screen isnt there some tiny, withered, long ignored part of your mind screaming “fraud’ as you see the skin tones darken in the mirror?
Widow of Roger Ailes speaks out on Fox News, Tucker, and Trump relationship in NEWSMAX exclusive
Are invariably hilarious. Think Arthur Dunger wearing a “taxation is theft” t-shirt. Or the Monopoly man.
It’s why I invariably get a laugh when a work colleague twigs that I’m not a collectivist – “but, but, you look and sound just like us and you hate the gliberal party even more than we do!!”
Yep, funny that.
Bwaaaah! Things must really be getting out of hand when even your erstwhile colleagues at the ALPBC think you’re a whiny hypocritical solipsistic self parody.
ABC host Stan Grant walks out on Q+A saying he has copped ‘relentless racial filth’ and ‘no one at the broadcaster has issued one word of public support… I’ve had enough’
Wouldn’t be surprised to find Luigi has tapped sTan on the shoulder with a better offer than “our” ABC to become a gummint front man for YES ……..It ain’t about “wacism” it’s about “money ..
sTan’s a 251 it’s “culture” …….
Personally, I think that is such a shame. Because I still think he has an outstanding intellect.
Any evidence for this “outstanding intellect”?
If Pearson ever said anything profound, nobody bothered recording it.
Grant described as a “long-standing ABC host.” He’s been there six years. I’ve been in my current workplace for six years, one of my shorter tenures.
I remember the same university implementing a policy encouraging students to pee in the shower to save water. I wonder how that is progressing? Tampons in the men’s toilets will go the same way. These idiots aren’t long out of short pants so cut them some slack.
This is a very small story (too longly explained – and sorry for that); others all over Australia and here have suffered much more than me
BBS – your story of your exercise class friends is incredibly similar to the experience of an unvaxxed friend who was barred from further attending group classes during the Covid madness. She was terribly hurt by it, and still is, especially as she had also been barred from seeing a grandchild during that time.
But the good story is that she joined a local group of unvaccinated on Sydney’s Lower North Shore and has made an even bigger group of friends! Moreover, these are people of integrity and similar interests. What a win!
How’s that fractious situation going?
Any evidence for this “outstanding intellect”?
Yes, Ed – in my opinion. I have been reading his op ed pieces over some years, and I think they are very well written.
Horrifying Details About Woody Allen Abusing His Kids
she had also been barred from seeing a grandchild during that time.
How’s that fractious situation going?
Predictably, Tinta. As soon as the “heat” came off the pandemic & mandates & most masks disappeared.
After all, grandparents are SO useful! You patch things up because of the grandchildren, but these things are not forgotten. She is still quietly devastated.
Dante’s Inferno – sTan’s Q&A
I have been reading his op ed pieces over some years, and I think they are very well written.
Can you link to any?
Lysander, the research I linked to re fending off dementia was more concerned with the activity of internet browsing rather than the particular content of it. You’ll note too the bimodal distribution – too much mindless browsing can act in the opposite direction and let the brain go to mush.
That said, I heartily agree with Tucker. Pre-internet days were better in many ways.
However, I couldn’t live now without email, and easy travel explorations, and everything else.
I think the panics over AI, btw, are just that. It will simply become a replacement for Indian telephone operators reading from a prepared script, and other such silliness, and giving the same routine answers. In general, it will perhaps aggregate information more usefully, that’s all.
Hairy is so far not impressed. He has worked with AI people and is scornful of most of them.
This inspires a limited confidence.
SES Pest Control has an internet ad boasting about its expertise in possum control.
Illustrated with an American opossum
It seems even the ABC doesn’t have an unlimited tolerance for race baiters.
Would lead to some introspection in a more self-aware character.
There’s your problem right there.
Hey sweetie, if you know phuck all about making beer for blokes, the blokes making the beer have zero interest in anythink you think about anythink.
Lol, Hairy on the phone now doing some travel booking business and he’s been asked by a robot if he’s male, female or other. When he’s finished he’s fed up. Bloody HR. They’ve got their fingers into everywhere. Used to be once you used them for recruitment and salary payment. Now they’ve been turned into a sort of priestly caste. Guardians of the corporate morality.
I make sympathetic noises, as you do. Survey I did yesterday asked the same thing, I said, and Top Ender was asked that face-to-face checking in for a Qantas flight. We’ll never be rid of it now, except in maternity wards, where women are in revolt at being asked that. We might win there.
Or at the Qantas check in if Top Ender, Hairy and others of like mind have their way. Come to think of it, I would be insulted too if I didn’t come across as a woman without being asked.
Who. Demanded. This. Even. Exist. And. Has. It. Got. Less. Members. Than. The. Pedestrian. Council. Or. Gun Control. Aus. Inc?
LOL. Big guffaw and near spill of coffee on keyboard.
Very good indeed.
ABC host Stan Grant walks out on Q+A saying he has copped ‘relentless racial filth’ and ‘no one at the broadcaster has issued one word of public support… I’ve had enough’
Clearly Harry Markle’s long lost twin, after they were separated at birth.
They’re anti voter. The 2020 election saw massive fraud in several states.
Ed Casesays:
May 19, 2023 at 4:12 pm
I have been reading his op ed pieces over some years, and I think they are very well written.
Can you link to any?
You never provide links to any of your off-the-wall assertions, Grandpa Ed Simpson. Do your own research. Idle bludger.
Pauline’s latest (apologies if already posted)
Can you link to any?
Ah, don’t ask me that, Ed! I’ve just got back to the farm….caught up with what’s happening here…..have fired up the heaters…..watched a bit of “Black Hawk Down” with husband…and sat down for a few minutes to catch up with all you Cats!
But look…..the articles were pretty much all in The Australian over the years. This was where I first became aware of him at all. And I was impressed from the start. The Lutheran education, plus he’s a naturally smart bloke. Tomorrow, I will see if I can retrieve some through the net.
I dare say, however, you will probably find fault with them if you already just don’t like the bloke.
I was disappointed to hear that he is a bully – but it doesn’t affect my assessment of his intellect.
I know a (very, LOL) gay guy who runs a craft brewery in Melbin. His beer names are intentionally outrageous. He’d be offended by not being to speak his mind. I actually suspected it might have been one of his beers that caused offence to start with!
Hey gay guy, a non binary chick is offended; how about you conform?
May 19, 2023 at 4:05 pm
2:00 in and you really have to wonder how Allen isnt in pound your ass prison.
from Vanity fair article.
1. Mia never went to the police about the allegation of sexual abuse. Her lawyer told her on August 5, 1992, to take the seven-year-old Dylan to a pediatrician, who was bound by law to report Dylan’s story of sexual violation to law enforcement and did so on August 6.
2. Allen had been in therapy for alleged inappropriate behavior toward Dylan with a child psychologist before the abuse allegation was presented to the authorities or made public. Mia Farrow had instructed her babysitters that Allen was never to be left alone with Dylan.
3. Allen refused to take a polygraph administered by the Connecticut state police. Instead, he took one from someone hired by his legal team. The Connecticut state police refused to accept the test as evidence. The state attorney, Frank Maco, says that Mia was never asked to take a lie-detector test during the investigation.
4. Allen subsequently lost four exhaustive court battles—a lawsuit, a disciplinary charge against the prosecutor, and two appeals—and was made to pay more than $1 million in Mia’s legal fees. Judge Elliott Wilk, the presiding judge in Allen’s custody suit against Farrow, concluded that there is “no credible evidence to support Mr. Allen’s contention that Ms. Farrow coached Dylan or that Ms. Farrow acted upon a desire for revenge against him for seducing Soon-Yi.”
5. In his 33-page decision, Judge Wilk found that Mr. Allen’s behavior toward Dylan was “grossly inappropriate and that measures must be taken to protect her.” The judge also recounts Farrow’s misgivings regarding Allen’s behavior toward Dylan from the time she was between two and three years old. According to the judge’s decision, Farrow told Allen, “You look at her [Dylan] in a sexual way. You fondled her . . . You don’t give her any breathing room. You look at her when she’s naked.”
6. Dylan’s claim of abuse was consistent with the testimony of three adults who were present that day. On the day of the alleged assault, a babysitter of a friend told police and gave sworn testimony that Allen and Dylan went missing for 15 or 20 minutes, while she was at the house. Another babysitter told police and also swore in court that on that same day, she saw Allen with his head on Dylan’s lap facing her body, while Dylan sat on a couch “staring vacantly in the direction of a television set.” A French tutor for the family told police and testified that that day she found Dylan was not wearing underpants under her sundress. The first babysitter also testified she did not tell Farrow that Allen and Dylan had gone missing until after Dylan made her statements. These sworn accounts contradict Moses Farrow’s recollection of that day in People magazine.
7. The Yale-New Haven Hospital Child Sex Abuse Clinic’s finding that Dylan had not been sexually molested, cited repeatedly by Allen’s attorneys, was not accepted as reliable by Judge Wilk, or by the Connecticut state prosecutor who originally commissioned them. The state prosecutor, Frank Maco, engaged the Yale-New Haven team to determine whether Dylan would be able to perceive facts correctly and be able to repeat her story on the witness stand. The panel consisted of two social workers and a pediatrician, Dr. John Leventhal, who signed off on the report but who never saw Dylan or Mia Farrow. No psychologists or psychiatrists were on the panel. The social workers never testified; the hospital team only presented a sworn deposition by Dr. Leventhal, who did not examine Dylan.
All the notes from the report were destroyed. Her confidentiality was then violated, and Allen held a news conference on the steps of Yale University to announce the results of the case. The report concluded Dylan had trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality. (For example, she had told them there were “dead heads” in the attic and called sunset “the magic hour.” In fact, Mia kept wigs from her movies on styrofoam blocks in a trunk in the attic.) The doctor subsequently backed down from his contention.
8. Allen changed his story about the attic where the abuse allegedly took place. First, Allen told investigators he had never been in the attic where the alleged abuse took place. After his hair was found on a painting in the attic, he admitted that he might have stuck his head in once or twice. A top investigator concluded that his account was not credible.
9. The state attorney, Maco, said publicly he did have probable cause to press charges against Allen but declined, due to the fragility of the “child victim.” Maco told me that he refused to put Dylan through an exhausting trial, and without her on the stand, he could not prosecute Allen.
10. I am not a longtime friend of Mia Farrow’s, and I did not make any deal with her. I have been personally accused of helping my “long-time friend” Mia Farrow place the story that ran in Vanity Fair’s November 2013 issue as part of an effort to help launch Ronan Farrow’s media career. I have also been accused of agreeing to some type of deal with Mia Farrow guaranteeing that the sexual-abuse allegation against Woody Allen would be revisited. For the record, I met Mia Farrow for the first time in 2003, more than 10 years after the first piece was published, at a nonfiction play she appeared in for a benefit in Washington, D.C. I saw her and Dylan again the next day. That is the last time I saw her until I approached her in April 2013 to do a story about her family and how they had fared over the years. I talked to eight of her children, including Dylan and a reluctant Ronan. There was no deal of any kind. Moses Farrow declined to be interviewed for the 2013 piece.
And the desiccated turd Chomsky used the “I was just going to dinner with Epstein and the great director Woody Allen”….
The Battle of the Pronouns! With Emoji Deathrays!
Stan went a step too far, even ABC viewers were appalled. “ABC viewers threaten to switch channels due to Stan Grant’s take on King Charles III’s Coronation
Viewers were searching for their remotes during the first part of the ABC’s Coronation coverage due to Q+A host Stan Grant’s comments.”
This is an each way argument. I think it is saying in the first, that because they didn’t name him he has no grounds for libel. But then in the second they say if it was so notorious, then it was in the public interest. I’m no lawyer but by logic you could drive a train through this. Someone with legal expertise might explain better than me.
Gilas, the way that outfit is cruising it may be that your next post turns out to be your last.
I hope not, though, because I think it is important to get on sites that have some professional clout and point out that there are other points of view on many issues, that many things deemed ‘acceptable’ are highly political perspectives when others of a differing opinion may read them. All power to your voice.
Defining the “Public interest” angle may present them with some difficulty.
It’s unfortunate that Grant was given a bit of hurry-up by ABC viewers, but he did use his exaulted position as a commentator to spruik his pet hobbyhorse during a broadcast of the Coronation.
What, exactly, did he think would happen? Does he really think he has some magical powers that shield him from criticism?
He is employed by the ABC, which has a charter that supposedly enshrines all points of view, not just his.
Thanks for the Jungle greens advice, unfortunately the defacto uniform is blue.
I don’t know whether to laugh at Grant’s farewell column or be concerned for his welfare.
77 perpendicular pronouns.
Luigi the immaculata dentata straps himself to sTan and flail his noodly appendages at rando internet trolls.
Completely out of line”: PM weighs in on racism after Stan Grant quits ABC hosting duties
ByChristopher Harris
The Prime Minister has shared his thoughts on the decision by Stan Grant to walk away from his role as a prominent host of the ABC’s Q and A program.
Asked about Mr Grant by reporters upon arriving in Japan, Mr Albanese said abuse on social media was out of line.
“Stan Grant is someone who has my respect and I wish him well,” he said.
“I think we need to be really, really cognisant in the lead up to the referendum that will be held in the fourth quarter of this year about some of the hurtful comments that have been made.”*
“You only have to look at one of my social media feeds to see some of the comments that are quite frankly completely out of line.
“We can have respect for different views without engaging in vilification and that’s important.”
* Once you start with “we wuz genocided/smallpox blankets/Abokanda forever” you do leave a huge credibility gap in the ‘hurtful comments” claim.
Similarly referring to people born in a nation as “colonists” doesnt make you the cuddly koalas you think it does.
My comment in response to yours was not intended to be adversarial. Rather, it was a suggested angle for a further email. I do not believe that theories such as CRT can be opposed solely head-on. They also need to be approached from an angle (or two). Hence the ‘public reputation of the profession’ and ‘confidence of young professionals in their trainers’ statements. By no means are they the perfect solution, but I believe that the counters to the greatest challenges we are facing – existential to be sure – begin with levering ourselves out of old, comfortable but now ineffective, cognitive patterns.
Re people trying to press their unwanted wokeness upon you, regarding it as their civic duty, it being your civic duty to convert, I tell such people they are simply listening to and reading the wrong things. Happy to supply you with a new reference and watching list, I will say helpfully and with a smile.
We can discuss it next time, over a coffee, I say. I never see them again after that. Good riddance too.
The same thing happened re those two masked academic medicos on a recent business class long haul flight we took. They were all gung-ho comrades until climate change came up, and I said I thought the science was unproven and mostly very dubious. Which science? they sniffed, as self-referenced ‘authorities’. My science I said, outing myself as a trained epidemiologist. They backed away into their masks, we changed the topic to the flight details, and we never spoke again across the aisle.
We seem to remain entranced by the fax machine.
Sez Luigi the Unbelievable. Someone put this in the Remembery.
It needs to come back to haunt the little creep.
Vicki your friend should set up a trust for her grandchildren to bypass the parents. Will come as a nice surprise at will reading time. They will still be able to make a claim but a very nice FU.
To late calli, its already in the lefts forgetery.
Yes, the perpendicularity is very noticeable.
Stanley reckons he’s not going to write another Their ABC column again, and next week’s Q&A will be the last for a while. A couple of things.
1. Can he make it permanent? Not that I read or watched any of his crap.
2. If he’s taking time off temporarily, as is likely the case because none of those Their ABC worms seem to ever resign, is he still drawing down a salary because the taxpayer would be paying for this bullshit, and as we’re running a big debt, it would be nice of him to at the very least take leave without pay.
Stan should have done the smart thing and avoided reading social media responses.
I dare say there were many references to Tan Grant and some far worse.
Happens to everyone who ventures into the sewers, progressive or the ‘other’.
Farrow is acting on that so-called phone call. He may have abused the child, but that phone conversation is total bullshit.
He put up a school pic of very young kids saying he was in the pic and the darkest kid there. Two things:
1. HTF would be know it’s him in the pic. Before I accept it as being real, I’d like to see some verification.
2. If it’s him, he doesn’t look at all Aboriginal but just a shade darker than the other kids. Big deal.
JC, the royals reckon they were chased around Manhattan at speeds up to 80 miles per hour.
Where in Manhattan do you think that could have possibly happened?
Experienced the same in my first job. The self declard social director got all indignant because I wasn’t a team player. She bitched to boss accusing me not supporting the ‘community’ (cringe). She soon shut up when he told her I was having a drink with him at the pub.
For two hours, bern. For two hours.
Stan stands out as much in his grade two photo as a little Italian, Greek or Lebanese kid would have, perhaps less so as he has mostly Anglo Celtic features.
I’ve said before, children can be very unkind, in Stan’s case it was skin tone, others it could have been glasses, overweight, weird food in the lunch box .
Most of us left all that behind and grew up.
Over the last month I’ve seen Andrew Denton a handful of times walking around the eastern suburbs.
Today it was outside the Paddo RSL.
Good to see him not being one of the uber door-to-door crowd.
Good get, bern.