Awesome. The Djoker just won. Degenerate Homo looking upstart took the first set, then Djoker went Bang Bang Bang,
Awesome. The Djoker just won. Degenerate Homo looking upstart took the first set, then Djoker went Bang Bang Bang,
Piss weak.
No. The standards of the Australian Open are not as the standards of the All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet…
DEI is a twofold problem. a) DEI itself that can allow the wrong person into important positions. b) an ensuing…
Roman salute.
So Garma is a product of the Yunupingu tribe? That figures. It’s a money spinner.
For background on the Big Man Galarrwuy Yunupingu you can do no better than go to here in Quadrant for Keith Windschuttle’s scathing analysis of where some of the money goes. You will have to scroll through to Windschuttle’s article in the PDF, where it appears under Remote Area issues. This is also the area where taxpayers are contributing to creating a big new ‘aboriginal’ high school. Can’t claw back the Galarrwuy money for that though.
Max Blumenthal from the Gray Zone is going to debate RFK Jr on Israel.
I like Max, but what is it about Israel that makes people lose their minds?
RFK Jr got a few things wrong when discussing Israel with Jimmy Dore but Max has been on Jimmy Dore totally rewriting history.
Excellent, short, 11 minutes, S-F, Dust, film about the perils of unregulated, or regulated, vaccines, biological and medicinal products. Great special effects:
Aussies are the Crocodile Dundees of travel – call that a long flight?
Granddaughter’s first birthday at the end of the month, so was contemplating a two-week visit to Connecticut. Checked the fares and was about to click on a $2000 cheapie with Tahiti Air.
That was when I noticed it was a 57-hour flight with stops in Tahiti, Hawaii, San Francisco and, finally, New York. No way I’m riding that milk run for all the tea in China — or in this instance, saving $2k on the cost of a Qantas seat now running at a whisker under an outrageous $4k.
Looks like Grandpa won’t be delivering Snugglepot and Cuddlepie books in person this year
Dust is one of the best channels on youtube.
Malaysian airlines is your answer areff.
Direct link to Keith’s piece on Yunupingu’s riches (it’s a redirect, so will take a second or two more to load):
The ‘ladder to success’ only requires a couple of rungs taken out of the middle to stop the movement up, rabz.
In fact the effort to do so is obviously necessary to stop the riffraff and make sure your children marry into and raise children to the upper classes.
But enough from me – I’m crook. Carry on…
Most interesting, indeed.
Malaysian Airlines?
Don’t fancy spending eternity strapped into my seat 10,000 feet under an unknown spot in the Indian Ocean. Nor keen on connected pilots whose fathers got them their jobs and don’t know it’s not good to set down in a rice paddy or fly over missile-infested war zones.
And, the food was the sort of stuff, last time I flew Malayasian, you’d like to force feed Albanese will kneeling on his chest and shouting ‘No. No. No’
Direct link to Keith’s piece on Yunupingu’s riches (it’s a redirect, so will take a second or two more to load):
Every time I read about the sexist culture of the 3rd nations I think of pretty little Teela Reid who, along with the equally pretty tommy the commie, are rub and tug’s heroes, and reflect that if teela was living in the 3rd nations world before whitey turned up she would have dropped a dozen brats before she was 30 and then left for the dingos as her uterus dropped out from between her pins.
Before I go into dissecting your silly comment, let me give you the lay of the land. Blogs work like this. You post a comment/opinion and it becomes immediately contestable by anyone with posting rights on the blog. You may not like this, because of your previous working background that taught you your utterances are the law, but it doesn’t work like this in the real world.
Depends. Will there be others dressed formally.
Dark suit, white shirt, no tie, no pocket hanky.
what about Virgin and United via San Francisco at around 3k?
There’s that bullshot about the worlds “oldest continuous living culture” again.
‘If you don’t vote for the Voice, you won’t have Albanese magnificence at all! Is that what you really want? Huh? Huh?’
Yet another thought bubble not thought through before making its way out of the larynx.
If she hadn’t been beaten to death by her lord and master, for doing something that displeased him.
Drumgold gorn (the Hun):
Thoughts and prayers.
Bush telegraph says Tanya Plibersek will be making her move, when the referendum is defeated.
Also, from the Hun.
It’s basic extortion in the proud Gambino/Genovese tradition.
Imagine being one of the few waaaacist public companies who didn’t cough up.
I’m sure it was promoted as “a unique opportunity, in the year of The Voice referendum, to gain a deeper understanding of Aboriginal culture and network with key proponents of the Uluru Ransom Demands … err … Statement”.
Shorter version:- “Pay up and sign up. We’ll be taking down names.”
Luigi the Unbelievable tried it on in Parliament the other day against Dutton, “Can you believe it? This bloke isn’t even going to the garma festival.” Much in the way an Imam might denounce a fellow Muesli for not going to Mecca.
Of course, the cultural stuff is just to add an air of mystique to the grift. No CEO is going the full Fyre Festival (h/t whoever coined that one).
It will be very much fly in, have a few photos for the company website sitting in the dust with some Ochre Faces, then fly out again.
David Penberthy:
It would be a shame for your little sweetie to miss this chance to imprint you in her memory as deliverer of goodies. Hairy says to keep on checking different airlines and flights and combos, areff.
Also consider a cheapish stopover to break the journey into parts. And purchasing in segments locally in the US. We have found that taking daytime economy flights of shorter duration and sleeping over between flights is much cheaper than Business Class fares but offers similar ease. Same could apply for reducing the grind of economy.
LOL At least 90%, right?
i.e. that’s using a hotel bed between shorter flights instead of a longer flight with a lay-down bed at brutal prices.
Anyway, if you can’t make it this year, every two years worked for us to keep our children in touch with grandparents in the UK. Either the gp’s came to us in Oz (rarely) or we flew back in winter on cheaper fares every second year, sometimes paying a bit more to spend an English Christmas with the rellies too. This meant our kids still knew their English cousins, with whom they are still in touch via Facebook etc, and grandpa and step-grannie (now sadly both deceased).
lol, there were times when I sat in Economy with the kids and Hairy managed to swing a Business Class fare through some work meeting or other. Do you have a good tax-deductable reason for needing to go to New York, areff? Or could Quadrant swing you the fare for business purposes (heresy, given the limited funds keeping them going, sorry for asking)?
This two-year system worked for us because every second year my two older sons went to their father for some of the Christmas holidays.
I think that constitutes as a flounce.
So much uptickable material today, but what’s laughably called software can’t deliver it.
Oh well. Patience is a virtue, said some old white bloke.
So below inflation* then, lucky you.
My car quote increase was in the 20%, house in the 30%, and has zero flood risk.
* real inflation, ie twice what they admit.
Mainstream science = experts
We know where that leads.
Sorry, David Penberthy, but whatever you’re selling, I’m not buying. Not when there are plenty of mainstream scientists (until they’re cancelled/silenced) saying the opposite.
And…also…you first. Lead by example. Not just “listening” but doing.
Okay. I will go for the subtle “Italian gentleman” combo in “Aussie New Holland Vibes” and not my “Jack Napier” in “Aussie New Holland Vibes”.
Love that Joker!
For Cats who like C S Lewis, here’s an interesting blog post I read just now.
“Jesus Christ did not say ‘Go into all the world and tell the world that it is quite right’” by C.S. Lewis (4 Aug)
Heh, that’s a very distorted excerpt but I liked it. RTWT, the whole dialogue is a nice window into his thinking. UFO aliens get a mention…
Unemployment and inflation are double what is reported and growth is probably half, as a rule of thumb.
Interesting article. Agree with more or less everything but his premises and inferences.
Ich bin ein nervenbündel.
(assuming basket case really does translate to bundle of nerves)
No. It is time we had a reasoned and open debate about this ‘mainstream’ science, taking note too that the IPCC’s new chief spokesperson has called for an end to climate hysteria, a genuine scientist at last, which is an improvement on railway engineers with soft porn fantasies and other assorted nut-cases leading this UN club-fest.
The distributivist version of the precautionary principle, no thanks.
I say judgment of sin is God’s domain, using our God-given minds to master the Alcubierre metric is ours.
“If you don’t vote for it there won’t be another chance” … Luigi the Unbelievable.
“Well, if you vote no, there will be no more Welcome to Country” … Khloe Kardashian Burney
“If the Yes vote doesn’t get up, I’ll shut up and you’ll never hear from me again” … Noel “Trilby” Pearson.
They don’t really get this “making threats” thing, do they?
Whatever happened to “due consideration of the report over the next month by the ACT Shire Council”?
Penberthy’s just doing the usual thing of keeping in good with the MSM and powers that be re the climate cult. Can speak sense on other matters but always with one foot in the dinner party and other privileges camp.
Drumgold is the real victim here.
I find their terms acceptable and will vote NO.
Thanks, Bruce. I enjoyed reading that piece, especially his meeting with Graham.
And catastrophism which will lead us down a very dark path as it grows in influence. I tend to think that travelling with the back to the engine is a more sensible way of being informed too. But then that’s from Solomon’s other work. 🙂
Globalism explained (4.16)
Any site that has voting on comments will always go to shit because people will begin to care about their website reputation rather than reality.
I think that was Marcia “Isn’t She Lovely” Langton.
But as you mentioned her, Burney’s just announced a $6.4m grant for the Yothu Yindi Foundation.
“Well, if you vote no, there will be no more Welcome to Country” … Khloe Kardashian Burney
Whatever you do, don’t throw me into that briar patch.
Not necessarily, slackster. My reputation is shot anyway, having made the most stupid comment on all of the interwebs…according to some. 🙂
However, it interests me to get an idea of whether others agree with me, even on some of the more outlandish things. Curiosity, if you like. Won’t change my mind.
That will only ever happen with an abuse free, well-reasoned counter argument. Always happy to be proved wrong.
they all look the same to me
And slackster, haven’t seen you for an age. Did you ever end up building that swimming pool?
Looks like Mr Drumgold did get a chance to read something.
That resignation.
No discussion with his employer about resignation as opposed to termination, or perhaps something else?
If he is retiring, is that also from practising the law, to avoid another possible humiliation?
Good. I wrote recently to Andrew Bolt asking him to alert his readers to Quadrant’s free online issue re the Voice. I have just received a notification from Andrew Bolt that he had done so on July 3rd. I’ve replied saying that is appreciated and that I hope further towards the date the issue can once more receive his recommendation.
That issue is a terrific instrument for getting the word out about NO.
As I’ve also said here, it is an excellent historical document for all time too.
True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.
– Kurt Vonnegut
Sounds like Mr Penberthy is getting a tad red-pilled. He’s perilously close to realising these people are lying to him about climate rubbish. Excellent! Nine-tenths of it is natural David.
LOL, Bern.
Does Drumgold’s abject resignation save him from charges one wonders.
What do we want?!?
When do we want ’em?!?
I think if you need half a dozen upticks to validate your opinion on something or, conversely, your belief is shaken by a few upticks of an opposing comment, you may lack conviction of your own position.
As I said, Sancho. Curiosity.
And yes…it came close to killing the Cat. 😀
It shouldn’t.
The act is done.
His subsequent resignation doesn’t alter the criminality of it (if indeed it was criminal).
His subsequent resignation doesn’t alter the criminality of it (if indeed it was criminal).
The question is what deal was agreed to before he tendered the resignation?
Today’s scientific consensus often ends up as tomorrow’s discarded hypothesis.
And advances in science often come from outside the mainstream.
Scientific truths – of which there are few that are known absolutely – are not determined by majority vote.
Science is a more complicated process than Penberthy allows for; if he were better read he’d know how much he doesn’t know.
Err … wut?
I have zero sympathy for Dumgold.
Presumably, his resignation will be an excuse to preclude well deserved prosecution.
This makes Lehrmann’s civil case critical for exposing the Village Council’s historic perversion of justice.
Does he have a ‘go fund me’?
A non-prosecution clause to avoid political embarrassment?
Sounds a bit like an IBAC type thingy to me.
Re Bolt, his reply dated August 3rd said he showed it ‘last night’, which makes it August 2 ( definitely not July as I misquoted above). This was in reply to my email written on August 3rd.
I found the Uluru Statement From the Heart, all 26 pages here – starts at p 87 to the end.
Turned on the TV expecting to see the pre-game show for the footy.
But the NRLW is on.
TBH, even though the game is a lot slower, the skill level is surprisingly good.
Very compacted defensive lines (ie looks like they using just over half the field).
Once you get a few ladies who can long pass like Andrew Johns they’ll run up 100 on the score board.
Wait for it.
“Well intentioned and honourable seeker of justice for wymminses done in by Mudrock’s minions.”
With references to Sofronoff being “Old school white patriarchy” and JA “betraying her gender”.
A non-prosecution clause to avoid political embarrassment?
Sounds a bit like an IBAC type thingy to me.
I was thinking something along the lines of the ACT rate payers picking up the tab on any litigation in perpetuity.
I presume the upticks were one of the pesky plug-ins that was slowing down page refreshes, i.e. killing the Cat.
So, therefore, my curiosity must go unsatisfied for the good of the blog.
Praise be to Dover, for he has disciplined my Nosey-Parkerishness.
Drumgold had better get an awful lot worse than a resignation.
You murder one person you destroy a family. For that you deserve decades in prison.
But Drumgold’s actions jeopardise civilisation itself. Without an expectation of a fair trial, there is no functional society. No amount of punishment for him and everybody else who he colluded with could be too severe.
He is a thousand times more destructive than a serial killer.
Civil or criminal, lock stock, the lot.
““Well intentioned and honourable seeker of justice for wymminses done in by Mudrock’s minions.”
With references to Sofronoff being “Old school white patriarchy” and JA “betraying her gender”.”
Umm, yes, inevitable. I suspect that activists at Nine Media and The Malcolmchurian Guardian are this afternoon furiously churning out paragraphs describing Dumgold as a victim of Mudrock papers and Sky after Dark, and such spruikers as the Miserable Turd of Point Piper and his cane toad wife are probably already all over Twitter say as much this afternoon.
Oh, right.
Yes, in typical Liar’s fashion, there will be a sudden concern for fiscal responsibility.
“He has paid a heavy price. There is nothing to be gained by pursuing lengthy and expensive litigation.”
(With a backgrounder to journos “He’s fragile. His father committed suicide, you know”)
What sort of fishing and where are you going to.
You’re lucky calli I don’t have a reputation to trash.
Suffering from Cat lurking itch? 9 out of 10 lurkers recommend new Uptick.
Uptick the proven salve for lurker’s itch.
Aug 6, 2023 11:19 AM
Aug 6, 2023 9:59 AM
Where is my uptick button?
Ps. the site loads and refreshes the same as before, at least for me, can’t see any improvement.
Daily Mail
ZK2A. That simple line is incredibly powerful. It brings home absolute reality to our average Mum and Dad who are wondering about Albanese’s shakedown.
Do you know how to contact the NO campaign folks.
They could certainly use a line that is direct, punchy, relateable, without nuance and lacking politicians’ coward speak.
The outlets not reporting Dumgold falling on his sword as of now:-
David Pemberthy’s first point is correct – home invasions are not cool.
However his wider point – that “climate” protests are genuine actions prompted by rational fears – can be dismissed out of hand.
If the Burrup posturers and their ABC mates really believed co2 will end life on Earth soon, they would be attacking the Chinese economy with frantic desperation. Everything from the Embassy
to Chinese owned assets would be stormed and destroyed regardless of personal risk and cost.
Doesn’t happen.
Remember the Adani coal mine campaign? Indian project.
Yancoal operation not far away – Chinese owned – not targeted.
Any activist doing anything but directly targeting things Chinese – they produce maybe half the evil extra co2 – is not genuine about their stated neurosis.
Thanks trannies, you manage to give me a lot of entertainment.
Even if Voice doesn’t “get up”, the Labor states will legislate Treaties. Indeed, this process is already under way.
Transgender ‘Muslim’ Brianna Kingsley sues boyfriend for keeping her TESTICLES in jar in his fridge
Thanks trannies, you manage to give me a lot of entertainment.
It turns my stomach. And I just had wonderful lunch at a farm gate cafe in our valley. Damn!
Sport Fishing for black bass and bream out of Kime – New Britian and red bass in the Bismark Sea.
Aug 6, 2023 10:01 AM
Sure. It’s still sitting on the desk beside me – I’ll charge it up and send as soon as I get the address.
Get my email off DB too, I read those, but I’m a bit crook atm and can’t get to the desktop much.
Old mate next door will mail the item for me.
All of which could be challenged in the High Court as unconstitutional.
Under other circumstances the HC might find the wriggle room to tick off state based treaties.
But they would be hard pressed to validate them when a request for those very powers by the Feds had just been defeated in a Referendum.
Bush telegraph says Tanya Plibersek will be making her move, when the referendum is defeated.
Interesting. I think “her time has passed”. She withdrew from the race at the wrong time before the election. I actually think she would have won it then as she had a reasonable profile. Not now – she was given the “poisoned chalice” of the Environment portfolio. Jason Clare got good press after his public appearance a few months ago. Like Minns, he still looks youthful & energetic.
But they would be hard pressed to validate them when a request for those very powers by the Feds had just been defeated in a Referendum.
Hope you are right, Sancho.
You can either laugh or weep; I’ve decided to laugh. Much healthier.
The whole tranny thing is theatre. You shouldn’t take it seriously. It’s a sort of dance of the damned, theatre of the deranged.
‘Yes’ voters may be ready to hand in the land titles to their homes with their ballot papers, but most of us won’t.
There are no longer any land title certificates in W.A.- Emperor McGowan done made it digital.
…what could go right?
They could certainly use a line that is direct, punchy, relateable, without nuance and lacking politicians’ coward speak.
“Voice, Truth, Treaty is not reconciliation, and it is not evolution- it is Apartheid.”
“Voice, Truth, Treaty is not reconciliation, and it is not evolution- it is hosting a parasite.”
What is happening in the states now began when it looked like the Voice was an easy win. What has very much hurt the Voice this week is the notion of treaty. I think the State governments will become scared and decide to back away from treaty.
That used to be a cliche, that controlling girlfriend kept boyfriend’s balls in a jar. Now it’s real…
Bush telegraph says Tanya Plibersek will be making her move, when the referendum is defeated.
Tanya won’t get up .. the curse of the druggie hubby will always weigh her down .. even the Liars pardy won’t accept a doper as “handbag” ..!
The laff is Luigi has created such a poor image of PM that he makes Billy look , nearly, acceptable ..
thank God “the chap” is a rug muncher or else he might have had a chance but too many countries on the international front wouldn’t be impressed .. !
They locked us up and brutalized us for 2 years. Most Govts were re-elected. They will have no qualms with loading a treaty on to us.
I’d rather have Voldermort than Sleazy with dick-in-mouth syndrome.
Can you send me some fillets please Carpe. Its good to see what the poor people are doing. Send them to me c/o APH. Luigi the Unbelievable is my real name.
I’ll soon be changing my name to Luigi the Defeated.
I read that as Luigi the Deflated.
Facebook must be tweaking the ads I see by what sort of posts I read. Just getting ads for an orthopaedic memory foam cushion for the car seat. Looks good, plus it handily has a cut out hole at the back. They say it is for spinal support, but I know it would work for truck drivers who take breaks at the Hay Truck Stop.
I’m wondering how to get more profile and readership to Quadrant’s FREE PDF on the Voice and all things aboriginal in the present, in history and in historiography. It is such a good read.
Areff, have Outsiders and the individual presenters also been sent copies and asked to promote the URL? Also, has it been sent to people who write in print everywhere, who might put in a good word and the URL. An educated public will be a No-voting public and this edition is the acme of education in matters aboriginal in Australia. I’m sending the PDF to people I know in England as well, because some international profiling of the issues will help to explain how important this No vote is going to be.
I am scared, as Rowan Dean today says he also is, that the intense advertising for the Yes vote will have its effect and it will just scrape in. A terrible prospect.
If every one person who has the URL just sends it to five others, then the word will spread. It’s like the old word-of-mouth in the Soviet Union. Make it happen.
Seems a “Treaty” isn’t the paean for all ills that Albo would have us believe. Anyone able to post the full article?
Well, for me at least.
Could be a problem for Mr Kate Ellis around the family dining room table and branch meetings.
Real Deal, Facebook definitely monitors what you’re doing online. I am currently doing a German course online, with Zoom classes on the laptop. Once I forgot to log out of Facebook on the laptop and now I get cartoons in German on the phone feed. I don’t mind seeing the cartoons because it’s a good way to practice the language but it’s unnerving to see how much they know.
BTW, some German cartoonists have a dark sense of humour. One cartoon had a bloke in an Hawaiian shirt sitting next to the Grim Reaper on a plane and asks him “are you flying on holiday too?” and the Grim Reaper replies “no, I have to go to work in five minutes”.
I’m cheap about airfares as a matter of principle. Won’t encourage the gouging by paying more than $2000 — especially with the Oz dollar halfway around the S-bend and the crappiest NYC hotel not already infested with taxpayer-supported migrants costing an arm and leg.
Vicki at 2:57 – yep, suspect Plibbers window of opportunity has closed cf: Skeletor for the Lieborals. Expect to hear a lot of next generation before the next election.
Really up to da bruvvas from here.
I want to visit pals in fly over country but the US dollar is making me very reluctant.
Air fares and car hire, yikes.
Don’t cut off you nose to spite your face though Areff.
Grandchildren grow up very fast.
Had 3AW on in the car this morning.
For those not from Danistan it is hosted by Darren James, Nick McCallum and Heidi Murphy are all you need.
James is the “don’t frighten the horses” type there to read the funeral home ads.
Murphy is a soft left SJW who tries to placate the conservative audience.
McCallum is unapologetically far left.
They had the guy from Redbridge (Kos Samaras) to discuss da Voice poll.
James : “So the Yes vote is dead then?” (Gasp!)
Samaras seems a fairly dispassionate, campaign manager type guy (ex ALP).
He basically agreed that the Yes vote was on life support, their campaign was the worst in living memory and they didn’t realise how hard it would be to claw back votes.
McCallum : “Yes but what about the undecideds?”
Samaras : “Well, that is my point. The Yes vote needs to pick up two-thirds of the undecideds. I can’t emphasise how hard that is if you look carefully at the numbers.”
McCallum (through gritted teeth) : “But, but, surely as the vote gets closer people will focus on it and when they understand it they will consider voting Yes?” (i.e. “if only voters weren’t so stupid”).
Samaras : “No, that is not what our research shows. That is why I say it is going to be hard to pick up stray undecided votes. People who were initially unsure were more likely to move towards No when given the available information.”
McCallum : (Now sounding desparate) “The 18-35s are strongly in favour. What can be done to swing that group further.”
Samaras : (obviously scratching his head) “Err … well … that group is already at 65%, so … ”
Obviously Samaras is across his numbers. He is thinking the 18-35 Yes vote would have to go to 107% for Yes to get up.
McCallum sounded like the Collingwood cheer squad.
Most governments were re-elected because the public felt they did the right thing. WA backed down because of a crash in the polling. The rest will do the same because the public doesn’t like the idea of treaty and is opposed to reparations.
Sound policy. Although it came under review after flying PER-LHR with Royal Brunei.
We flew Perth – London with Royal Brunei. Cattle class was dry, but first class had non Mooslimes on the staff, to serve grog to unbelievers.
Via the Paywallian, The Times – that is, the daily Times of London, as opposed to the more muscular investigative reporting arm, the Sunday Times – is reporting what looks like comical pro-Zelensky propaganda:
The Times reporting isn’t coming from an actual war reporter on the ground in Kyiv or Odessa, but from pro-Zelensky SJW central in London.
It might as well be coming from Dan Andrews’ cabinet room in Spring Street, Melbourne.
Oh, yes. You turn around and the horrors are looking down on you. Literally.
Don’t miss out.
“The 18-35s are strongly in favour” of the InVoice.
Only until they figure out that their inheritance will be torn from their grasp as Abo reparations via death duties.
The more “consultation” and “explanation” and “promotion” of the Voice, the fewer the votes.
It’s almost as if the voters understand what’s happening and don’t like it. Strange, but true.
Rosie, is Porto worth a visit? Thinking of spending a night there between Santiago de Compostela and Salamanca.
The younger generation must be reminded of these matters…
I liked Porto. There is the famous bridge that collapsed under the weight of refugees fleeing the troops of Napoleon and the gold church of Saint Francis which my daughter told me was amazing but I didn’t find because slacker.
If I get back there I’ll definitely go to that and the catacombs below
Thanks. Booked.
Salamanca I also loved. Walking around it again right now.
When I say “booked” I shall advise my baggage slave and driver to investigate suitable accommodation near St Francis so I don’t miss the gold church.
Are you there? Or is this a virtual walk?
You should definitely try to visit a couple of the convents in Salamanca.
Las Dueñas and the Santa Claras, that one for the Angelus at midday.
I think they are pretty much next door to each other.
A virtual walk.
Grandchildren grow up very fast.
Oh, yes. You turn around and the horrors are looking down on you. Literally.
Calli – I have found the opposite, in some way. Mine are amazing creatures.
Granddaughter (17) is terribly woke, but so intelligent that there is hope for her, AND, she is very respectful and loving towards her grandmother! Grandson (20) is very 1940s and has got an incredible “bullshit detector” though he struggles academically. He is also respectful and loving towards grandmother.
I look at them and see hope for the future.
I think I just dagged around Porto walking up hill and down dale and failing miserably in undertaking my cultural activity responsibilities.
Vicki, I’m a shorty. The boys are close to eye level now. With their genes, they’ll be patting granny on the head in a couple of years.
They’re always young enough to tickle though!
In this age of “women can do anything” – I protest.
This afternoon we found a kangaroo had broken a leg in jumping a farm fence. Had a partially grown baby hovering around stricken mother.
Husband had to shoot her. I just can’t do this job – although I know some country women can. Yet, a sick cow responds to me and allows me to attend to her while doing her best to avoid my husband.
It is interesting. Division of labour according to natural forces ?
18-35s, a true product of the system. Dumb as dogshit.
One of the difficulties of having grandchildren far away, even interstate, is when they are very unwell and you have to sit on your hands and wait.
If you want Western wealth and health, you need Western ways. Tribal ways don’t cut it
Yep. Little johnnie said this. What a pity he has balls the size of desiccated peas. He might have had a shot at being a PM if he had bigger gonads. But then look at tone. In fact you can put the libs testicle situation to song:
Bishop has only got one ball,
Johnnie has two but very small,
Tone has something sim’lar,
But poor old turdball has no balls at all.
Of course, black bass is a great table fish.
The bit in quotes was the translation from the unspoken “Spend a couple of weeks getting the desired spin pushed out by our friends in the MSM”.
Now it’s all out in the open, a hastily called “strategy” meeting has nudged Dumbgeld to the chopping block, with an unspoken promise of something in the future.
This Appalachia series has been excellent. Find the time to watch them.
This goes for 1:27:34
Peter Santenello:
This video is for educational purpose only.
Deep in the hills of Appalachia is a land of beauty laced with heavy dr*g abuse. In some of these communities up to 50% of the 20-40 year olds are addicted to hard dr*gs creating a generation of children being raised by grandparents. Join me and the locals as we travel into the hills of Eastern Kentucky to show you the gravity of this situation, and also introduce you to the people who are creating positive ways out.
How Appalachia Became Addicted to Dr*gs
I liked Portugal very much, the people are so nice and the food is so nice. However, if you’re looking for a beach holiday that’s not the place as the North Atlantic is cold water. We didn’t go very far down south, around the bend where the sea is supposed to be warmer. If you’re wanting to travel in the summer to Europe and want a beach holiday, Portugal isn’t the place.
So many awesome, funny posts deserve my uptick. C’mon man!
Cronkite, who’s johnnie? Surely not Howard.
who’s johnnie? Surely not Howard.
Well, it isn’t Johnnie Cash. Little Johnnie has miniscule nuts. I once took a leak at the same time as him. The biggest part of the little runt are his eyebrows. Weird.
You looked? Cohenite!
I thought that was forbidden!
I’m not going to Portugal for the beaches. I have a gazillion miles of beautiful sand all around me here. And a still, azure blue bay about 500m up the road. Plus a heated pool at the doorstep.
I’m there for the culture, man! And the cobbled streets to ruin what remains of my joints.
A trip up the Douro is good, train or boat. Trucks didn’t seem to be available.
Drumgold has responded to Sofronoff’s findings.
“The pre-emptive release of the report to the media has denied me procedural fairness. It has deprived the ACT Government of the opportunity of considering my conduct objectively.”
In one way similar to what happened to Lehrmann with regard to Higgins going to the media first. I doubt Drumgold has the capacity to appreciate the irony.
Pauline Hanson, Malcolm Roberts, Alex Antic and Gerard Rennick make it into ZeroHedge. Well done those peoples!
“Your Injections Are Killing Our Young People” – Pfizer, Moderna Reps Slammed During Heated Aussie Senate Hearing (6 Aug)
The MSM will of course bury this, but it’s leaking out around their roadblock. Many Australians have been harmed and have died, and their relations and friends are being red-pilled ferociously. Keep the elites’ feet to the fire Pauline!
You looked? Cohenite!
I thought that was forbidden!
At his eyebrows. He held his dick with the tip of his thumb and index finger. Real men use 2 hands or none at all.
You can’t accuse Howard of being dickless. He took several risks that showed lots of courage. This is a centre left nation that began from birth when prisoners were looking to The Man to lead them.
What a shame I knocked over my vast basket of ironing last week.
This guy could do it like a pro! With extra starch.
A couple on mentions yesterday about the Musashi. Looking at the SBS doco, I was surprised that the armour belts were held together by rivets, not welded. Perhaps the Japanese shipyards of the era were unable to weld plates that thick, but rivets were always a potential point of failure.
Related to that, a third ship of the class, Shinano, was to be converted to an aircraft carrier. Much of the construction was at Yokosuka, but she was to complete her fitting out at a different yard, in Kure. A US submarine intercepted Shinano during her transit to Kure. Four torpedoes later, the Shinano was no more, and almost 1500 men were dead.
Perhaps fellas may need two if they have tiny hands.
A study reported in the New England Journal that the majority of lawyers have tiny hands – baby sized ones. The study was done in the US, but I’m sure it carries over here too. Hence Cronkite’s two hand policy of taking a slash.
ABC finally reports Dumgeld “resignation” but predictably they start running interference, quoting from Dumgeld’s mea not culpa statement.
The dickhead genuinely believed the fix was in.
He anticipated a pat on the head for standing up for the sistah-hood against “dark forces”, and sweeping recommendations for reform of sexual assault trials, including:-
– complainants to be regarded as victims from day one;
– a single statement to be recorded from the “victim” to be used for all proceedings … committals, trials and any re-trials.
– no right to cross examine the “victim”.
– ‘modified’ presumption of innocence (which is new-speak for no presumption of innocence at all).
– DPP given the right to suppress any disclosure he/she adjudges to be detrimental to the rights of the ‘victim’.
ACT Shire Council passes the by-law retrospectively.
He then announces that he is re-trying Lehrmann with no need for Britnah to return from the Greek Islands.
The reporting might be over the top Tom but Ukraine clearly has a serious naval drone program going on. They hit and damaged a large Russian navy ship two days ago in Novorossiysk on the far side of the Black Sea. Then they damaged a tanker last night near Crimea.
It’s an interesting weapon, since you can obviously put a lot of fuel into a drone tinny, which is what these critters appear to be. They have a serious warhead of 450 kg of TNT. And they are stealthed and appear to be pretty cheap.
If I was a RAN strategic planner I’d be looking very closely at this capability.
Dumbgold is Fabulon Man! Smoothes out the toughest of creases, the result a silky sheen.
Shame about the scorch marks. Can’t bleach those out. Just ask Lehrmann.
Most of the left’s political activists are cunning enough to know you must never reveal your true agenda. Drumgold’s cunning was swamped by his arrogance: he thought his side would defend him whatever he did.
Alas, his hubris made his arrogance indefensible. So his minions in the public service – gagging from the vomit Drumgold put in their mouths – threw him to the wolves of democracy.
The Drumgolds of this world thrive only in arse-licking autocracies like the Soviet Union.
A man before his time?
Give it five years.
You can’t accuse Howard of being dickless.
I didn’t. Read the fine print head prefect: I said he had tiny testicles and dick. The guy signed us up to globall warming, got rid of our guns, persuaded turdball to stay and did nothing about the abc when he had thumping majorities in both houses. He’s got a white picket up his arse.
My hands are adroit and powerful, equipped to rapidly turn Affidavits or thump recalcitrants in the gob, as circumstances demand.
Give a clap to Janet Albrechtsen at the Oz who, in my opinion, was a major, or the major factor in bringing down this douchebag. She was absolutely tireless.
In other words he’s horrified that anyone would object to him pressing his thumb on the scale.
Yep. A political activist who was forced to be a journalist because the journalism profession — blinded by ideology — refused to do its job.
Yeah, Harry Hindsight is always 100% right. He held back as much as he could on the issue of gerbil warming and a small nation like ours can’t go its own way. Howard always claimed he would do nothing unless the rest of the world moved. Australia can’t hold out if the rest of the world and especially our most important ally is moving in that direction. Only the US can throw the kitchen sink at Gerbiling and Trump did. The EU threatened to penalize the US and Trump threatened them back. We can’t. We would be penalized.
He screwed up on the gun issue.
He should have done more about the ABC.
However, on the economy side, he was very decent.
Not according to that study.
I don’t see how the report being in the public domain makes any difference to the government’s having the opportunity to consider Drumgold’s behaviour ‘objectively’.
It did deprive them of the opportunity to redact or otherwise whitewash the report.
I too am mildly amused by the sudden interest in “procedural fairness’.
First, the irony is so delicious it deserves a Chateau d’Yquem and a late mild summer evening.
Second, the ACT Shire Council are seeing the same thing as was leaked. Not an unjustifiable spin. Can’t the councillors still view the report objectively?
Third, what are the guidelines for delaying the release of inquiry reports considering the inquiry has already identified all people publicly. This is a summary and conclusions, not an internal investigation.
Drumkopf’s resignation is interesting. I wonder if his being now an outsider adds legal layers to the information he can be expected to give up – whilst still an employee there would be internal processes giving access to him and his info, but as an outsider there will be additional legal steps – all leading to delay and obfuscation.
I do not for a minute believe he has been cut adrift. He is an insider who cannot be simply cut off given what he may know or represent. But he has moved from one legal milieu to another.
““The pre-emptive release of the report to the media has denied me procedural fairness. It has deprived the ACT Government of the opportunity of considering my conduct objectively.””
I’ve just gotten up after falling off my chair laughing.
He’s the victim now. The report’s finding’s were never going to change one iota. He illegalities and unprofessional conduct couldn’t be rolled back. What”s the big deal about making the report public.
You were socked in the face by chutzpah, Cassie.
Fortunately so poorly delivered it hit your funny bone instead.
“me procedural fairness”
Ah yes, something he was more than happy to deny Bruce Lehrmann.
Not according to that study.
The exception proves the rule. Anyway that study was only of trannie lawyers. Read the fine print.
In SA the EFF calling for the killing of whitie. The race war is revving up. The problem isn’t the black folk venting towards whitie but the white dickheads revving up the black guys.
In SA they’re killing off the white farmers at a rapid rate. That worked well for darkie in Rhodesia,
“You were socked in the face by chutzpah, Cassie.”
Yep, someone with a lot of “chutzpah” isn’t exactly someone you want around you. It actually means “cheek or audacity”. Dumgold has a lot of cheek.
It’s a big problem.
Whites need to get the f.. out of Dodge presto.
Quite so. Aim’s a bit “off” though.
He identifies as indigenous. When he chucked the bendy stick, he forgot to duck.
I wonder if Brucey can also sue Drambuie personally?
I hope the Canberra Shire Council can dig deep and objectively pay out several million dollars in compensation to Lehrmann
I also hope they can objectively review all previous cases Drumgold was involved in.
I hope they can objectively instruct the ODPP that it never okay to break the law to obtain a conviction.
I congratulate Shane Drumgold as he replaces Katy Gallagher as the Senator for the ACT in the upcoming double-dissolution election.
As Outsiders pointed out today, Pauline has done a superb job this week in three different arenas.
BTW, what’s happened to Mark Latham? We haven’t heard from him as a One Nation man recently.
No biggie. if it’s exorbitant the residents will be made whole through the next APS cost of living adjustment passed by the Liar’s Party. The taxpayer is going to have to fork it over to Brucey.
Speaking of small hands and trannies:
A transgender woman rugby player in Canada who identifies as non-binary was named ‘men’s hardest hitter’ just last year according to her former team’s Facebook page.
Ash Davis was awarded the ‘hardest hitter’ during the 2022 Senior Awards Banquet. A Facebook post from Fergus Highlands RFC from December, 2022, shows Davis wearing a blue dress in the graphic naming him ‘Men’s Hardest Hitter.’
Davis was reportedly removed from a match in June after allegedly injuring three female competitors.
According to the governing body’s guidebook, rugby players in Canada “should be able to participate as the gender with which they identify and not be subject to requirements for disclosure of personal information beyond those required of cisgender athletes.”
Rugby Canada adopted the policy in 2019.
“A veteran female rugby player, who plays for the Stoney Creek Camels senior women’s team, said she was hit so hard by Davis in a recent game, it felt like a man delivering the tackle,” The Toronto Sun reported.
“But this player for the Fergus Highlanders Senior women’s Rugby team is considered a transitioning person — from male to female — and was cleared to compete in the women’s league.”
This transgender player, now known as Ash is said to have registered as a non-binary person who identifies as female and weighs up to 220 pounds.
Robert Barnes
The Judge in the J6 #Trump case already showed her hand, ordering defense counsel to respond in less than a single business day to a disguised gag order demand of prosecutors. This is why a motion to disqualify the Judge exposing her complicity in Biden corruption is necessary.
Democrat Congressman Lied About Devon Archer Testimony, Transcript Shows
Latham has a new squeeze. You don’t matter any more.
“Give a clap to Janet Albrechtsen at the Oz who, in my opinion, was a major, or the major factor in bringing down this douchebag. She was absolutely tireless.”
Yes. Just compare Janet’s journalism to Tubby Maiden’s excrement at I’ve mentioned this before, and I’ll mention is again…Janet A is a trained lawyer, and she practised law at a major Oz law firm. She also has a Master of Laws.
Yes JA and many others have done a great job. Very brave and tenacious to stand up against the zeitgeist.
Also gave us all a good insight into the festering boil that is canbra.
She was a friend of mine’s junior lawyer at the major firm.
I stayed with my mother last night. She’s okay, not doing great, she’s physically and emotionally exhausted. I cooked her a three onion quiche (I love making pastry, and the quiche was filled with a combo of leeks, French shallots and brown onion, all simmered beforehand in a lot of butter). I served it with a nice green salad, and we had also shared a nice SA Riesling. Maybe it’s because of her emotional state, but she unleashed at the dinner table about the state of this country, and she says it started with Rudd’s election in 2007. She’s right.
But JC is also right, the truth is that we had it good under Howard and Costello, and that all came to an end in 2007. We’ve now had almost sixteen years of disastrous government. The damage done in the six years of Rudd and Gillard was enormous, and then we had nine years of a do nothing Coalition government, a government that did little to unwind any of the disastrous Rudd/Gillard policies, and yes, they did fix the borders and so on and but they did nothing about education, particularly the curriculum policies introduced by Gillard, and they did almost little to curb the climate hysteria….and now it’s too late. I’m not saying Howard was perfect, but you know what? I’d happily have Howard installed as PM tomorrow over that grotesque lying peasant that is currently PM of this country.
Anyway, after dinner I cheered her up. We sat and watched all four episodes of Muster Dogs, which is now on Netflix. My mother adores dogs, she grew up with kelpies and cattle dogs. Mum’s Burmese Cat sat perched on her lap watching the series too. It was nice seeing Mum smile, sometimes it takes those beautiful and majestic creatures called canines to put a smile on our faces. They are are our best friends.
“She was a friend of mine’s junior lawyer at the major firm.”
Yep. She’s a smart cookie.
Cronkite, this is the problem I find with all this. It’s the sheilas who ought to stand up and refuse to play with a trannie. It’s not our problem. It’s the sheila sporting codes.
If a sheila accedes to fight a bloke posing as a woman and ends up getting the living shit punched and kicked out of her, then she is the one to accept the consequences. One sheila, recently had her skull cracked from a punch to the head as a result of getting into a match up with a pretend sheila.
Let them sort this shit out for themselves. We had a generation of feminist sheilas telling us not to interfere in their lives, moved laws against men and added to the hate white male culture on the left. Now let them sort it out.
Drumgold went on leave in the middle of May, he knew, and no doubt the ACT government knew then that his position was untenable.
I bet there’s been substantial negotiations going on for several weeks.
… sounds like one of those “lived-experience” wanks to me
A big part of the Western world is currently going through a period of massively incompetent leadership. It’s never been so bad. It will get better though.
BTW, what’s happened to Mark Latham? We haven’t heard from him as a One Nation man recently.
He’s been overseas with his new squeeze. Give the bloke a chance. He has resumed his Thursday interviews with Brent Bultitude at 1.30PM on 2SM.