My pleasure.
My pleasure.
Douglas Murray Addresses the Mass Murder of Christians in Syria | Direct Address EP. 6 I am still thinking of…
This is unbelievably foul, yet you can’t stop watching. 😀 Where’s arky? https://x.com/OntWtf/status/1900348808690589867?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1900348808690589867%7Ctwgr%5E0eac7096d9dd30bef0594551254c79ef43326cae%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Face.mu.nu%2F
Re 1, no you didn’t. You just said my retort made no sense without providing any reason. Re 2, whatever…
A message for our time. 😀 https://ace.mu.nu/archives/dead%20people.jpg
Sorry – MB. Are you on another meth bender?
sorry .. Whiskey Sierra.. didnt copy your last … please resend.. Message garbled…
To me, it’s a variation on the flirty girl at the pub playing the old game of “Let’s you and him fight.”
Set up a competitor.
In name it’s almost the original reason for The Face Book.
I thought I knew you from somewhere. You’re that bloke from the doco “Shawshonk and his Redemption”, right?
What is it with you people? … you snipe at me and I rebuke … then you winge that I am jamming up this BB ? If you werent all gratuitously rude I would have nothing to respond to …
I would just sit and listen …
No Sunshine … it is reality … and one I hope you never encounter.
Sharri Markson’s 5pm Sky News show is must watch TV on weeknights heralding the demise of Elbow’s prime ministership among his parliamentary colleagues as told to Canberra press gallery scribblers like Phabulous Phil Coorey of the AFR.
I particularly like the Herald Sun‘s James Campbell who calls Elbow our Chauncey Gardiner prime minister — the nicest thing you can say about him if you ignore his last 50 years as a radical ratbag.
Twiggy wants to sell hats to Albo.
Andrew and Nicola Forrest purchase hat maker Akubra (19 Nov)
All hat no cattle.
Mate…you wear late medieval clothing and have the airs and graces of a lord with Roman dignitas and imperium.
Hold up a mirror to your superannuated jowls for once.
THIS Is The Sex Women Fantasize About
seems women secretly like to be dominated
Ms Luigi
Not wedded to anything of substance.
Castrol Edge vs Mobil 1 – Which Motor Oil Is Best For You?
Castrol Edge vs Mobil 1? Picking the best synthetic oil for your car, truck, or even motorcycle can be somewhat challenging.
Not everyone has adequate knowledge of oil blends to make the right decision.
Besides, there is a myriad of choices on the market today, and between all these oils, they’re all rather good.
Consumers tend to stick to well-known, trusted brands to reduce the overall hassle. After all, we only want what’s best for our cars and automotive fluids aren’t where you should start skimping.
In most cases, the pick boils down to two names: Castrol Edge and Mobil 1.
These two high-quality oil varieties have been around for almost decades now. Both brands are subsidiaries of the biggest international oil companies.
Today, we’re getting into a thorough comparison between Castrol Edge vs Mobil 1 to figure out which one is the best…
In these comparisons, we’ll be looking at whether Castrol Edge or Mobil 1 is right for your car. We’ll then get into the nitty-gritty of the differences between them. In addition, we’ll also detail the processes of how to change your own engine oil, and the top motor oil brands out there.
I thought Nicola had done a runner.
Have you bought your copies of Blade Devil I and II yet, folks!?
(Warning – definitely NSFW, but not prawn).
You escaped by crawling through km’s of sheisse and now you spend time here for intellectual stimulation.
One of these things is not real.
Oils ain’t oils Sol.
More good stuff for Junior Cretin and her Fat Pizza Cronies………………Come on down Martin Armstrong – Top Man –
Wuhan Lab Scientists Conducting Bat Experiments in America
A group of scientists associated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) is reportedly using taxpayer funds to import bats and conduct Ebola experiments in the United States. The project, led by Colorado State University (CSU) virologist Greg Ebel, has raised concerns among lawmakers due to its association with the EcoHealth Alliance (EHA), which previously provided funding to the WIV for bat-based coronavirus research.
Americans will pay the bill for this reckless research center in Colorado to the tune of $6.7 million. Why? Ebola is certainly not an issue in America and we have the capacity to treat the virus. The use of taxpayer money for these experiments has drawn attention in light of previous controversies surrounding the funding of bat coronavirus research. This development has reignited discussions about the potential risks and ethical considerations associated with such research initiatives.
The plan to ship countless bats from around the world to the US and infect them with an array of contagious diseases. The GOP is demanding that the NIH end all federal funding to EcoHealth. Scientist Greg Ebel insists the lab is not intended for malicious purposes. “This isn’t a bat COVID lab. It’s not a bioweapons lab. We’re not working with Ebola or Nipah virus or any of these things. I’m not interested in losing my job or going to jail or interested in doing research that’s going to carry home pathogens to my wife or my child. Those kinds of things are beyond ridiculous,” he told reporters.
So we just experienced a pandemic caused by an “accidental lab leak” from China, and now they want to open a lab here with US tax dollars. This is an absolute attack on America from within. Take these experiments to an isolated corner of the world and use Big Pharma dollars to fund the studies as they are the ones who will profit.
The egg is shaking violently!
This rolled gold f**kwit on Zeee Media stated that 9/11 and 7/10 were more or less, inside jobs as the respective governments knew were going to happen and so were complicit and allowed them to happen.
I have nothing against JR personally but stanning this ridiculous shill is intolerable.
No I dont ..what interests me is how people wind up thinking what they do … I also read discussions that would horrify you and your pals ..I am a student of propaganda … I have never made a secret of why I am here …
I am only interested in seeing how propaganda lands on a certain mindset. Plus I have been following the Cat for decades …back then you blokes were sharp and crisp … a great place to become informed .. It is interesting to see how things have changed.
Andrew and Nicola Forrest purchase hat maker Akubra (19 Nov)
They also bought R M Williams and have a Hydrogen Green Bubble moment in brain cell number 69.
And I thought that Nicola had a magic moment and decided to leave planet Forrest for better pastures.
I think the title for this should be “Gay man sodomises kids show… again”..
Speaking on the first episode of Unleashed (essentially the new version of Doctor Who: Confidential), Davies explained: “Time and society and culture and taste has moved on, and there’s a problem with Davros of old in that he’s a wheelchair user who is evil, and I had problems with that … of associating disability with evil.
“When the world changes Doctor Who has to change as well.
“So we made the choice to bring back Davros without the facial scarring, and without the wheelchair or his support unit which functions as a wheelchair. I say, ‘this is how we see Davros now, this is what he looks like.’”
Exclusive footage here.
It doesn’t. It is funny, however, because from your descriptions prison is chock full of knowing nods between inmates, all victims of The Establishment, followed by profound understandings between the best blokes ever to walk the earth.
Who says I didn’t?
I may have learned not to go to prison ever again. That is, if I went in the first place.
No you’re not, because you never actually claim a position on something. Anything.
It is even more interesting to consider a proposition that nothing has changed here, but that you have changed. Significantly.
I have nothing against JR personally but stanning this ridiculous shill is intolerable.
Excuse me Dotty Dot but what is “stanning”?
Please discuss with Junior Cretin, Mrs Stencho Pantyhose, the Sheep Shagger and many others.
And Martin would like to know as well. He loves this Blog.
Probably not. I read Shirers ‘Rise and Fall of the Third Reich’ at school and nothing else i’ve read exceeds the nazi experiments in WW2 for pure horror.
‘Propaganda’ is a loaded term, as is ‘certain’ mindset. How do think using loaded words to change minds can ever succeed?
I’m doomed … mine does our admin
Less “famously said” than habitually appropriated – like most of Dr King’s work (including his ‘doctorate’).
The originator – Massachusetts preacher Theodore Parker – said it less pithily but with more homiletic oomph (IMO):
Beautiful and profoundly true.
P, thanks for the Monica Doumit reference. She’s one of the foremost Catholic journalists in the country now – a hard job during Bergoglian Captivity.
did Germany pay its inter-war debt in ‘Papiermark” or real money?
just asking
One of the great, unadulterated joys of (my) childhood was putting your face right up against an operating pedestal fan, and putting on your Davros voice:
‘Where….. Is…. The Doctor?’
Of course he does. He’s making cash from at least one commenter.
Dr Who is currently at the black wymminses Doctor with homosexual male sidekick stage, so it makes sense to have Davros as a healthy old stale white male. I suspect Davros is a Trump supporter.
Okay you cool cats, make #TayloredSpike go viral, do it do it.
Make Skaro Great Again.
“I never thought of it that way. I never had time. I was always fighting these time lords that were trying to persecute me.”
“I didn’t have time to think about getting persecuted because I was fighting Tharls,” he added, “Certainly, there’s been no wheelchair bound disabled lesbian 2 spirit whalekin treated like I’ve been treated.”
Could have bolded the whole thing.
What a duplicitous turd he is. FMD
Hard to believe anyone could be so despicable and cowardly but then in Anal’s poisonous little marxist mind they would have had it coming to them me thinks.
After all, the canbra establishment seems to be on the side of the enemy.
I don’t really care one way or the other about the Optus lady resigning ( OMG MY INTERNET IS DOWN ) but compare and contrast with political leaders . For example Dan Fukn Andrews who literally caused the deaths of people due to the haphazard nature of his efforts during Covid lockdown ( quarantine) He took no responsibility, at the inquiry he threw the female health minister under a bus , he couldn’t recall and it turned out the decisions actually made themselves!
Now living happily ever after trying to find a golf course that will take him without losing half of its members
“It is funny, however, because from your descriptions prison is chock full of knowing nods between inmates, all victims of The Establishment”
No it absolutely doesn’t ..infact what I said was the exact opposite of that perspective. I have already told my story and since you either missed it, or chose to invent your own .. I dont care .. the dogs bark but the caravan moves on …
You are all disappointing Bird. Do better.
This blog is off the pace.
Now living happily ever after trying to find a golf course that will take him without losing half of its members
Andrews is someone I could never be in the same room as- in fact when he turned up at my work once I made sure I had urgent tasks to attend to.
A reminder: Johannes Leak now understands Elbow in the same way Elbow’s parliamentary colleagues understand our Chauncey Gardiner PM.
Nov 20, 2023 5:55 PM
A woman’s place is in the home not in the office
I’m doomed … mine does our admin
A Women’s place is an arm lengths away from a violent Man.
– JR
I only found up about the Chicom sonar attack and canbra’s attempt to bury it- how low can they go?
H B Bear
Nov 20, 2023 6:10 PM
You are all disappointing Bird. Do better.
This blog is off the pace.
Well keep on running then –
Thanks Tom- I didn’t get that cartoon this morning
Not sure he really understands the concept of hunger strike. Typical, what a piker.
And still, the planet burns.
Is the Dan Andrews/Ryan Meuleman accident still under review, or has the ex-premier slimeball slithered out of that, too?
UK doctor who worked at Shifa confirms Gaza hospital used for ‘non-medical purposes’
‘There was a part I wasn’t to go near, and if I did, I’d be in danger of being shot,’ says physician, describing an atmosphere of ‘collective paranoia’ and ‘genuine fear’ of Hamas
A British doctor who used to work at Shifa Hospital, Gaza’s largest medical center, under which the IDF says Hamas operates a major command and control base, has confirmed that there were areas of the hospital where he could not go, or else he would be shot.
In a recent interview with the English-language channel of French broadcaster France24, the doctor, who declined to give his name for fear of endangering his colleagues in Gaza, said he had worked at Shifa and other hospitals in Gaza and the West Bank for three months, three years ago.
“When I was first asked to work there [at Shifa], I was told there was a part of the hospital I was not to go near, and if I did, I’d be in danger of being shot,” he was quoted as saying.
“Was it explained to you why that was?” asked journalist Irris Makler in the recorded conversation.
“No, but implicit was that it was being used for non-medical purposes,” replied the doctor.
A British doctor who used to work at Shifa Hospital, Gaza’s largest medical center, under which the IDF says Hamas operates a major command and control base, has confirmed that there were areas of the hospital where he could not go, or else he would be shot.
In a recent interview with the English-language channel of French broadcaster France24, the doctor, who declined to give his name for fear of endangering his colleagues in Gaza, said he had worked at Shifa and other hospitals in Gaza and the West Bank for three months, three years ago.
“When I was first asked to work there [at Shifa], I was told there was a part of the hospital I was not to go near, and if I did, I’d be in danger of being shot,” he was quoted as saying.
“Was it explained to you why that was?” asked journalist Irris Makler in the recorded conversation.
“No, but implicit was that it was being used for non-medical purposes,” replied the doctor.
“And did you see anything non-medical or did you obey the instruction and stay away?” the interviewer continued.
The doctor said: “I stayed away, but I saw a few dodgy-looking non-medical characters going in and out all the time. It was a ward leading to a basement. As I said, I didn’t go there; so I behaved myself.”
“They would say there could be many other reasons that you would be told not to go to a particular area of a hospital. It’s not unusual,” the journalist argued.
“Well, I was welcome everywhere else, and as I say, the doctors and nurses there were very welcoming and very kind, and the hushed tones under which this was said were consistent with all the other hushed tones with which Hamas was discussed. You know, people were genuinely fearful,” the doctor replied.
“I cannot emphasize too much the air of collective paranoia that existed there,” he continued.
The physician also reported to the journalist that if hospital staff were 10% frightened of possible Israeli airstrikes, they were 90% frightened of being persecuted by Hamas.
Separately, a journalist from Italy who spoke to The Times of Israel on condition of anonymity recounted that in 2009, right after Israel’s Operation Cast Lead against Hamas, he visited Gaza’s hospitals looking to interview wounded members of Fatah — the rival Palestinian faction that Hamas violently ousted from the coastal enclave in 2007.
“Eventually, I realized that they were all at home — Fatah members were too afraid to stay in the hospital, even if they were wounded,” the journalist said.
“Shifa is a very large compound. I got lost inside it, and at some point I ended up on an underground floor, and I found myself in front of two armed Hamas men in military attire, who told me to get out.”
“I got the impression they were guarding a security door that gave access to their underground infrastructure.
Several Palestinian sources I spoke with later on confirmed that Hamas’s command and control center was located under Shifa Hospital and that [Hamas leader] Ismail Haniyeh had been hiding there throughout the duration of Operation Cast Lead.”
Shortly after the October 7 onslaught in which 1,200 Israelis were brutally slaughtered by Hamas terrorists and around 240 were kidnapped into Gaza, the IDF revealed that Hamas has been using Gaza’s hospitals for military operations, a claim confirmed by the US administration.
Shifa Hospital is believed to be one of the nerve centers of Hamas’s underground terror infrastructure. The IDF has been operating around and in the medical center for more than a week, uncovering what it has said is evidence of Hamas’s use of the site for terrorist activities.
The hospital was almost completely evacuated on Saturday, with most patients, staff and displaced people who were sheltering in the building departing, leaving behind only a basic crew to care for those too sick to move, and Israeli forces in control of the facility.
Tom – Albo is overdue for a KRuddy type flame out. You suspect it won’t be long. It is only the lack of Liar talent keeping him safe for now.
Not sure Delta
TE, they’re real
when I was in WA a few months ago I had a guy doing some night installation work at a Coles Village.
he didn’t complete it because some mong at 0400 busted into the store itself and set the smoke off … security, cops, and fire brigade arrived
they collared my worker who was working the switchboard behind the store
and the real culprit got away clean
Chicom sonar attack sounds calculated to let someone know that they are the bitch in this relationship. Worked out that way whether intended or not.
Take away his Airbus toys and strap him to his seat in Parliament for couple of weeks he will go off like a cut snake.
Albanese embraces woke.
Albanese praises Cummins for overcoming critics slamming him as ‘woke’ (Sky, 20 Nov)
The best thing about the world cup is the Captain Climate shut up and stuck to cricket, which he’s good at. I hope he gets the message. Albo certainly hasn’t.
Nov 20, 2023 6:11 PM
A reminder: Johannes Leak now understands Elbow in the same way Elbow’s parliamentary colleagues understand our Chauncey Gardiner PM.
Yes, but he cant do ‘Being There’ as he has never been anywhere near there.
My local Coles is doing a major reno at the moment. If they put a fogger in they’ll have to have search parties ready, otherwise punters will get lost forever in the changed aisle layout.
“Propaganda” is what combatants use to elicit sympathy and outrage … it is a recruiting tool … and as the current parlance has it “Winning the Information Battle space” but I dare say it has been around for ever … OF Course it is a loaded term or else it would not be fit for purpose … WWI was particularly interesting … well at the outset at least..
And the Libs should welcome him to the country every day.
Haha. Defence analyst Malcolm Davis on Sky News now terms the Australia-China relationship “Kung Fu diplomacy”.
Elbow is way out of his depth.
No way the Liars can go to the next election with Albo. Only real question is whether they try and win it (with a SloMo type) or go with a KRuddy 2.0 burner.
A good essay by Jennifer detailing many of the defects of global boiling theory (AGW) and why the main problem in defeating the insidious bullshit is the gutlessness of conservatives and sceptics who universally take the approach that AGW is real but exaggerated and what about China:
Nov 20, 2023 5:56 PM
did Germany pay its inter-war debt in ‘Papiermark” or real money?
just asking
They tried Gold but they had to borrow the money from the War winners,
Junior Cretin is still trying to get his/her/its/whatever head around all the big words in this document. It will never happen.
Right this second, the Slovenian is rebranding herself as a centrist*.
*may contain traces of propaganda
@Knuckle Dragger
me too Mate !! as a kiddie in a department store … go up to the fan and Yell “EXTERMINATE” … as I got older I still did it once in a while … The folks of my age found it hillarious … youngsters ? Baffling ? Quite a clear selection of demographics ? 🙂
Hey we gotta have a giggle once in a while?
Nov 20, 2023 6:32 PM
A good essay by Jennifer detailing many of the defects of global boiling theory (AGW) and why the main problem in defeating the insidious bullshit is the gutlessness of conservatives and sceptics who universally take the approach that AGW is real but exaggerated and what about China:
The Dinosaurs loved all that CO2 and hot weather. And now the Dinosaurs are in Feral Gov’ment with NFI.
Best Man just found two newborn dorpers (twinnies) who have been rejected by their mother. Together with the one abandoned almost a month ago, we have quite a woolly nursery.
Interestingly, we had only five ewes, all of whom birthed, and almost half of them rejected their ultra cute babies. I guess they just want ‘me time’; they’ll be sporting tatts next.
Daughter has a knack with unwanted offspring of all species and I’m sure these littlies soon will be following her everywhere, but with church commitments today and tomorrow, best man has taken on the role of nanny. And, may I say that the sight of a big, strong man tenderly caring for something so helpless is, as I told him, incredible moving.
With the talk of the Doctor I think I’ll go and rewatch Planet of the Dead, which is the 200th episode special. Featuring the much unsung Michelle Ryan as a catburglar.
Planet of the Dead (2009)
Mark Bolton
Nov 20, 2023 6:39 PM
@Knuckle Dragger
me too Mate !! as a kiddie in a department store … go up to the fan and Yell “EXTERMINATE” … as I got older I still did it once in a while … The folks of my age found it hillarious … youngsters ? Baffling ? Quite a clear selection of demographics ? ?
Hey we gotta have a giggle once in a while?
When we got hungry as little ones we used to get water pistols and go up to shop owners and say – ‘Take me to your Larder” in Dalek voices…………………
Have the Liars got any leftover Fabian White from the Gillard days in the shed?
H B Bear
Nov 20, 2023 6:45 PM
Right this second, the Slovenian is rebranding herself as a centrist*.
Have the Liars got any leftover Fabian White from the Gillard days in the shed?
Its all in the compost heap with the manure and worms.
Comparing what Hamas did on 7/10 to atrocities either recent or back in the dim past with a view to giving “both sides” a pity run has no meaning whatsoever to me.
I’m not interested in historical cruelties. I’m only interested in getting those hostages back and punishing the perpetrators.
All very well to separate yourself and theorise on the principles of justice and its historical applications…when you have no skin in the game. I want these buggers cowed into silence and introspection and the knowledge that, if they touch one hair of my grandchildren’s heads, they will be incarcerated for the rest of their natural and consider themselves fortunate.
@Johnny Rotten
Indeed I was such a little bastard I just set fire to their dust bins… Hey lack of creativity on my part?
What a co-incidence! Following WHO advice, our government also used hospitals to kill people! It’s a small world isn’t it?
Haven’t seen Cassie around. Hope she’s travelling okay.
Speaking of travelling, I have just crossed the Arctic Circle for the second time in my life…first was Alaska 2019 in summer.
The land has changed overnight from frost rimed fields and sparse trees to rock and snow. We just passed a glacier. We are sailing east, the sun is behind the low ridge line to the south, casting everything in a pallid glow. We will not see it again until we pass down through Finland. The bright disc will be hidden and only light cast from far away will brighten things up for a few hours each day.
Delta A
Nov 20, 2023 6:43 PM
And who will eat them when they get bigger?
Some journalists and columnists should be rumoured to be on the hit list. That would put the cat among the pigeons and put the wind up a lot of people who think that they will never be held responsible for the crap they write and “report”. We need some amusement in these difficult times. Isn’t it after all the leftists who always droned about accountability?
You missed one, dickhead.
Getting slack in your dotage?
We will, very happily.
Just sent four of our boys off to the butcher on the weekend.
There’s no sentimentality when it comes to dinner.
Nov 20, 2023 6:55 PM
Haven’t seen Cassie around. Hope she’s travelling okay.
Speaking of travelling, I have just crossed the Arctic Circle for the second time in my life…first was Alaska 2019 in summer.
I went all the way to Bodo in northern Norway in September 1983 and crossed the Arctic Circle. On a train. Walking was too hard. LOL. And it was cold.
Ahahaha! You rammed you flaccid Peter Pointer down so fervently you gave me a zero!
Sad bugger.
What a disgusting perversion of everything holy Islam is.
Watching that footage of the woman forced into the back seat of a stolen IDF vehicle.
On 7/10 the Hamas force was fuelled by a drug whose name is unfamiliar to me but obviously helped light up a frenzy of rape and murder. Douglas Murray’s point that the SS resorted to these mind altering methods but Hamas is more cold blooded might not be correct.
Regardless, to call this some kind of holy jihad or to see them as brave warriors is contemptible. They were drugged up beasts.
Delta! But think! Think! Think of all the historical cruelties perpetrated upon mighty fine eatin’ animals and pause.
We need to consider both sides here.
That video of the bubble headed chunks calling rub and tug a handsome boy is one for the ages. The fuking moron took it as a compliment.
On a slightly more serious note I wonder what form the chunks shitting on us will take next.
Matt Taibbi on Rising: New ‘UK Files’ EXPOSE Labour Party’s VAST Online Censorship Efforts
Why should you have to subscribe? We all pay for everything produced by the ABC and should be able to access it any time we want.
Following an attempt to modify the Constitution to create two classes of citizen described as a “modest proposal”, you would hope the electorate is becoming more skeptical of rebranded Liar Lefts.
From the Hun.
Fvck you, Jack, I’m all right.
Calli, glorious is how I would describe northern lights. I saw them in 1991 in northern Canada and luckily the weather was still warm so I stayed out for hours to watch. I also tried to take photos but my camera was not up to it and I got nothing but the memories are wonderful.
A sneek peek at their projects list
* Being irrelevant in the garden.
* Being irrelevant in the conservatory.
* Selling books of new irrelevant details of unremarkable events.
* Being irrelevant in Cardiff.
* Knitting an Irrelevancy blanket for charity.
He’s lucky this kind of thing enjoys bipartisan support.
Hamas dont give a rat’s rissole about what the West thinks of them .. they are only playing to a crowd of co coreligionists. Ask yourself “To what good purpose would be sticking babies in ovens?” Forget the Truth … just concentrate on pragmatism .
Hamas want to reassert themselves as the Victim Group De Jour …
why would they do that?
Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles on taxpayer-funded trip to cricket World Cup final
Geelong Grammar old boys are entitled to these privileges dontchaknow. What is it about snooty nosed skools are hard leftists? BIRM.
How does one make oneself relevant in Cardiff? No, don’t bother. It’s hypothetical.
The Truth is ever elusive… but the next best question is “Chewy Bono” ?
I’m not impressed by the media touting Gladys to be the next CEO. I can just imagine that when the next Optus disaster strikes Gladys will hold an hour long media event each day with a sign language interpreter standing next to her.
Johanna, Rabz threw the party on Saturday, not me. Jupes and his busy wife threw the dinner party for fourteen a few weeks before. As usual, on both occasions guests came with various offerings. It was great fun, we drank too much as usual and the conversation flowed raucously with the wine. It was good for Cassie to relax out with friends. She tells us the Jews who work in her company, which is a large one, have banded together in a support group, which was good to hear. She’s not the only Jewish person stressed to the hilt by all this in Sydney.
Speaking of Rabz, when I got home at lunchtime today from dance class, which is quite a drive away, Hairy says did I know that Rabz has been made President of Argentina. So I had a look at the clips on Michael Smith News that have also been put up here and had to laugh.
Wonderful to see the Rabz doctrine prevailing IRL in quite extraordinary ways. For Rabz (whom you know too, Johanna, and who speaks kindly of you) it is to a large extent blowing off steam, but this guy is serious. Be interesting to see how that all pans out. At least the Argies are in no doubt as to their new President’s feelings. Love the way he signalled his attack plan, throwing out every stinking leftie department.
On an interview on Sky News on 20 February 2019, Marles stated that it would be “a good thing” if the thermal coal market in Australia collapsed. He later back-tracked on this statement, saying that his “attack on coal was tone-deaf”
Let them eat cake!
There’s no sentimentality when it comes to dinner.
LOL. I remember as a boy in England and we had rabbits in the rabbit hutches. My younger brother David looked at the rabbits as pets. He never got the rabbit food for them but we all did. Then one day Grandad came along and took the rabbits away to be………………Yes.
So we had roast rabbit for Sunday dinner/lunch. Brother David said. ‘Wot’ is this?’ Mum said. Chicken. LOL. So David ate the ‘chicken’. The a week later he said where are my rabbits? And we said, we ate them. He was horrified. And then we all said – ‘They were not your rabbits and you never fed them – we did’.
Then he got it.
Joining the Liars after Geelong Grammar is an awful faux pas. I could imagine the Catholics doing it. Sshhh, don’t mention Roger Cook.
Dr. John Campbell
New syndrome
Yehaaaa, found edge of darkness, the original series on that daily motion site!!
So, are both the PM and Debuty PM both off gallivanting around the world at the same time?
This text you posted is word salad – try again.
Jeez. It’s bad enough having ex Lieborals appear in the board room.
You forgot;
*Attending irrelevant awards ceremonies to recieve irrelevant awards;
*Wearing ill-fiiting irrelevant clothing to said irrelevant events;
*Making irrelevant phone calls to British Sovereign requesting irrelevant apologies.
*Offering irrelevant advice to parents of irrelevantly invisible children
*Disappearing up their own irrelevant fundaments (we can only hope.)
Nov 20, 2023 7:28 PM
On an interview on Sky News on 20 February 2019, Marles stated that it would be “a good thing” if the thermal coal market in Australia collapsed. He later back-tracked on this statement, saying that his “attack on coal was tone-deaf”
Let them eat cake!
And this is only one of the Plonkers leading our once great Country down the Khazi.
Ah geez.
Followed by:
Okay. That’s it.
Slowly, ever so slowly, it’s edging towards ‘International Bankers’.
Tell you what though, if you get the arse from the lollipoppers and their current downwards trajectory, you can’t be travelling well.
Watching John Wick 4. Not bad for a comedy.
JW 1, great.
JW 2, great.
JW 3, a lot of greats scenes, but only very good. The fight choreography with the dogs was amazing.
JW 4, a few great scenes, but a poor way to end the movie franchise.
She is not qualified except for being present during a few disasters. Her boyfriend even less so.
To the Oz. So as to read the rest of the story. Be nice if the ABC was subscription so I could so not subscribe.
Lady Christina the cat burglar has just extracted the hyperspace widget from the alien Flies’ wrecked spacecraft, and is headed back with the Doctor to the No. 200 London bus on the desert planet.
RE Hamas-style atrocities in other modern times, I know there have been a lot of vile things perpetrated in other conflicts, especially by Isis against men and women. Who can forget the riverside beheadings of men and the sexual slavery of Yadizi women, those who weren’t murdered? But there does seem to have been an extra nasty element in the Hamas attacks – the attacks on babies and children, chopping off an eight year old girl’s arm in front of her parents, and similar brutalites, including child burnings and other frenetic familial killing. These are things that were done by Nazis to Jews, because of a belief Nazis held about the non-humanity of Jews.
Hamas comes out of that same playbook.
Legitimate grievances don’t come into it.
I’m not impressed by the media touting Gladys to be the next CEO. I can just imagine that when the next Optus disaster strikes Gladys will hold an hour long media event each day with a sign language interpreter standing next to her.
LOL. And then she will say those immortal words –
“Safe and Effective”
Can the greens run cover for a group engaged in illegal activities??
Why yes, yes they can.
A climate activist will appeal against her conviction and fine for failing to allow police to access her mobile phone and laptop.
Joana Partyka, 38, pleaded not guilty in the Perth magistrates court to two charges of failing to obey a data access order.
Partyka, who also works for the Australian Greens, had her mobile phone and laptop seized from her apartment in March.
The devices allegedly contained confidential Australian Greens political information and a list of about 200,000 party donors.
Partyka told the court in September she asked the Greens for permission to allow police access to her devices but was told it would breach her employment contract, which could result in dismissal.
Magistrate Andrew Maughan handed down his judgment on Monday saying Partyka’s “belief, although perhaps honestly held, was not objectively reasonable given the situation she found herself (in)”.
He said it was uncontentious that Partyka was subjected to an employment contract that stated she not disclose or discuss any Australian Greens information or data to any third party without their consent.
Partyka, who is a campaigner for the Disrupt Burrup Hub group, was fined $1,200 plus court costs.
So a pedo just needs to have a contract with a company stating no unauthorised access and bobs your uncle??
Laptop cant be directed to be opened.
@Johnny Rotten
as a young wretch in Tasmania there were plenty bunnies in the paddocks and plenty fish in the sea … a .22 and a speargun… by breakfast time there might be a few less …
Gotta be honest … I hated killing them …but that was the full extent of our emotional commitment…
Comment, from the Oz.
Extremely disappointing.
Labour killed the Constitution; time for a Restoration: David Starkey
All the more room for Dutton to act for them as PM in their absentia.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Nov 20, 2023 7:19 PM
From the Hun.
Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles on taxpayer-funded trip to cricket World Cup final
Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles took a 2,000 kilometre round trip on a taxpayer-funded flight to watch the Cricket World Cup on Sunday in India.
Fvck you, Jack, I’m all right.
Next year I expect we will resume occasional Cat meet ups at a Sydney CBD pub and all interested Cats would be welcome to email Rabz for a quick vetting that they were genuine commenters here and details of where and when to have a Friday nite drink.
Chicom sonar attack sounds calculated to let someone know that they are the bitch in this relationship
For all the reporting of it today in the Australian media, still no reporting of where exactly it happened.
Imagine saying MH17 was shot down over Ukraine but no one reporting where the crash site was.
‘Wokeism is INTOLERANCE dressed up as manners’ | Rob Schneider speaks to John Cleese
Aye, Calli, that we do. That we do.
One side thinks that the best way to address grievance is – just as ISIS did, and for just the same reasons – murder and far worse than murder indiscriminately.
The other side is humanity.
I’m sure you and all assembled will pardon me when I say that the appropriate method of discussing the ins and outs of the Balfour Declaration is NOT by roasting babies alive. I’m picky like that.
On a happier note, I am positively envious of your travels into the Arctic Circle in Winter. It was amazing in Summer, but sounds even more so in Winter.
Hell hath no fury…
Sitting in the Deck 7 cafe, stitching and watching the frozen sides of the passage slide past on both sides. A few stunted trees hug the shoreline, the other vegetation looks like stubble on a snowy white face, diminishing to nothing as it nears the top.
To starboard (a Viking term) is the mainland, to port a series of protective islands. I learned a lot about the Vikings in a lecture last night, especially their navigational exploits. They did it for plunder, for sure. And also adventure to be remembered in the sagas. Also some grisly stuff…I was the only one who knew what a “blood eagle” was. Thanks Cats. 🙂
I am not the only one who caught a chill on the freezing streets of Bergen. Many of our group sound very gravelly this morning. I’m a day ahead of all of them.
hunger striker recovers quickly.
[email protected]
HAHAHAHAHA! It’s almost like you know the technologically inept man of the house.
Best Man just found two newborn dorpers
Dorper invasion.
When will Pedro be held to account.
@ Knuckle Dragger
that isnt where i was going with that and I cant see why you might imagine so … If I thought it was, I would have said so … I say what I mean and I mean what I say … no more no less.
As sure as shit, they’re not on our side.
With enough notice, I’d make the effort to front up.
And we don’t give half a fart in a thunderstorm. Learn from that.
Well played.
In Your Local Council News
A local council notorious for its social justice activism will vote Tuesday night on a Greens-led motion on whether or not to call for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, 14,000km away.
The motion, brought by Greens councillor Dylan Griffiths, calls on the council to advertise on behalf of a Gazan relief charity and “call on the Australian government to urge for a ceasefire and peace negotiations”.
The proposal also moves “that Council write to Penny Wong and Anthony Albanese to notify them of this motion and to express our support for peace in the region”.
While the motion explicitly criticises Israel’s “attack” on Gaza, it makes no mention of Hamas or its October 7 attacks on Israel which saw more than 1200 civilians slaughtered and around 200 more taken hostage by Palestinian terrorists.
Inner West Council has a long record of getting involved in both foreign and domestic affairs, despite repeated calls for the body to focus on the needs of residents.
In 2010, Marrickville Council – which was later amalgamated into the new Inner West Council – passed a motion in support of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.
In 2021 another Greens councillor, Colin Hesse, made an unsuccessful attempt to change the name of the council’s Victoria Rd because of its links to Queen Victoria and the British Empire.
More recently the council declared that it was “all in” for the Yes campaign to support the Voice to Parliament.
Despite this activism, Inner West locals have often been less than enamoured with the council’s services with a recent attempt to push residents to recycle food scraps in the name of fighting climate change widely panned and plagued by missed collections and overflowing bins.
Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council Executive Director Dr Colin Rubenstein called on “sensible” councillors to reject the motion, saying calls for a permanent a ceasefire play into the hands of Hamas.
“If you were going to move a motion, it should call for Hamas’ unconditional surrender, a handing over of all weapons and the release all 240 hostages and the end of the misery it is inflicting on Gazans it callously abuses as human shields as well as on Israelis.
“But really councillors should serve their ratepayers by sticking to the basics – rubbish, recycling bins and road repairs – rather than dabbling in international affairs.”
Daily Tele
@ DrBeauGan
And yet you havent… but looking forward to that vast eructation of internal wind … even on a still air day I hope to be impressed.
Alamak, this is one of Bolton’s more lucid statements. There is some referential meaning there.
I get the sense with Bolton that he’s trying to ‘break though’ a genuine communication barrier that he has in order to engage here. It’s sad. Rather like autism. Coming in constantly, assertively, and at the wrong time, with a confused garble of inputs. Perhaps he’ll settle down and realise that less is often more.
Let’s hope. Meantime … scroll.
It’s funny, the chunks and their sonar. Say the Aussies had got the shits and fired off a couple of missiles sinking the chunk ship. The chunks reply with 4 nukes on mainland Australia finishing Australia. Best targets: Brisbane, Sydney, Newcastle/Williamtown air base, Melbourne. Game set and match.
Like I say what will be the chunk’s next provocation after the sonar and rub and tug being a handsome boy.
Dinner time here for us. And Monday Sky News.
On The Crown, Diana and Dodi have just driven into the tunnel, and there’s only one more episode in this part; apparently they will drip feed another 4 episodes to us in December. We’re enjoying it, though thousands wouldn’t. 🙂
Meanwhile in the Territory:
The woman accused of throwing a cream crepe in Chief Minister Natasha Fyles face has told the Darwin Local Court she is taking the matter to trial to be heard “by my peers”.
Real estate agent Suzi Milgate arrived at court on Monday with a dozen supporters in tow, some wearing anti-vax slogan tees and refusing to stand when directed for the judge’s entry.
After telling Judge Tanya Fong Lim she had no legal representation but planned to in the future, 56-year-old Milgate said she was pleading “not guilty”.
“I know you’re pleading not guilty, but in relation to your representation have you actually made the appointment (with a lawyer)?” Ms Fong Lim asked.
Milgate said: “that will be in the future – I seek a trial, and the trial to be heard by my peers”.
The judge said she would not list trial dates until Milgate had a lawyer and could confirm their availability, at which point Milgate said “I do have a lawyer”.
Asked who her lawyer was, Milgate replied “he’s down south”.
Ms Fong Lim said if there was a lawyer down south, she recommended they “read our court rules”.
“If you can provide your lawyer’s contact details to the prosecution so they can speak to your lawyer about this matter, that would be helpful to everybody,” Ms Fong Lim said.
Asked again outside court who was providing her legal representation, Milgate said “wait to see”.
Milgate was charged with aggravated assault and using a carriage service to harass after the alleged attack on the Chief Minister at Nightcliff markets on September 24.
Speaking to the NT News after the incident, Ms Milgate said: “a cream pie? For f — sakes. That’s not an assault, is a cream pie f — ing assault? And it’s fresh cream, how hard is fresh cream?”
Milgate remains on bail and will return to court next year.
NT News
I’m sure that will have Hamas quaking in their boots…
This is an excellent time to remind people of my theory the white Renault was being driven by Prince Edward. Amid the Bird droppings this appears even more plausible than ever.
My sentiments entirely ! I dont provoke . Only reason I post more than I would other wise wish, is by way of rebuke to folks that post on me . Otherwise I would have no reason to opine at all.
that was all fake and gay
Coupla warning signs there if you look closely.
Despite apparently wanting to engage in debate.
Again – nobody, and I mean nobody can eat 50 eggs.
Meloni is still better than any Western European leader.
Upon reflection you are right… I came here looking for information… I now have it … from here on I am wasting both my own time and yours …
you do understand the soy boy commie is now deeply traumatised and his offsprings will suffer intergenerational trauma
A good example of the value in subscription research is the OpenAI blow up over the past 48 hours.
It’s like the mainstream media is chasing it’s tail over what is going on where some industry insiders are releasing some pretty incitement commentary behind their paywalls.
It’s rare that an executive order could have such an impact.
Sam Altman wants to be inside the tent where AI regulations are being formulated (not the ridiculous EO rules) at the same time he has to navigate the “de-cels” that crafted the EO and who currently control the OpenAI board.
I look forward to him either popping up on the All-In podcast in person or him using that as the platform to get his story out.
The internet, in its wisdom, says that The Waters of Mars is better than Dr Who and The Planet of the Dead. Which is excellent. So now I’ll have a watch of The Waters of Mars.
The Waters of Mars Part 1 (2009)
The Waters of Mars Part 2 (2009)
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Nov 20, 2023 8:08 PM
A local council notorious for its social justice activism will vote Tuesday night on a Greens-led motion on whether or not to call for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, 14,000km away.
What the heck has it got to do with a local Council?
Clean up the rubbish. Fix the roads. Reduce the rates, Stop farking fiddling in farking stuff that has got nuffink’ to do wiv’ you.
Edge of darkness 1/10.
Not enough enforced diversity in 1980s England.
I paused. I considered. And I’m ready to eat.
I won’t call Hamas ‘animals’ because animals are noble creatures. Hamas is Satan incarnate: there is nothing else to be considered.
I know of one Australia VC firm who have engaged lawyers to get out of their commitment to the latest round of OpenAI investment.
Good luck guys.
A good example of the value in subscription research is the OpenAI blow up over the past 48 hours.
We have our very own AI Albow Blow In. AI has it all under control. The Cleva Country
Those pleadings will need some work. Dealing with some real estate bird over a Dividing Fence issue early on suggested there would be more productive ways to spend my time. Call it an epiphany.
Unfortunately, scrolling is not a 100% effective unless you close your eyes or have poor peripheral vision, you always catch some of the stuff you try to avoid.
Will take you at your word here, MB.
Scrolling on.
Plutonium! One of the most awesome BBC series. Neck and neck with Hitchhikers Guide. Joe Don Baker was perfect.
Sounds like the Hay truckstop.
Nov 20, 2023 7:12 PM
If this drug is addictive as the popular press says it is, all IDF has to do to round up Hamas is hang out on Gazan street corners saying whiiiite liiiiiinnnneeeessss….
Mmmmmyaaaaas – how many political careers have started in Local Govenment…..
Don’t do it.
Another batch of subscription research has been reporting on how the Saudi-Israel-UAE trade deal is still on track.
The sticking point is Washington not the current war.
MBS knows the value of this going ahead & wants Washington to stop their pandering to to Tehran (plus further trade concessions).
The spectre of Obama’s foreign policy haunts the Biden administration.
Chat GPT seems neutral so far on the conflict between (ex)CEO and the Board. I asked which side he will back and the answer was “I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
Zatara, any views on FSU’s chances in the playoffs considering their QB situation?
Holy cow, the egg is now moving under its own power and traversing the kitchen bench.
Soon it will hatch.
No need to worry, that council is on Hamas’ side.
Councils declaring themselves nuclear free zones was very effective. Middle East peace may be harder.
Did they find that massive Hamas base under the Al-Shifa hospital yet? That CGI video they made was so convincing, looked like something out of Fallout. Surely they must have found more than a stack of CD-Rs and a knapsack.
“I speak Bird.”
Bern, Biden administration is Obama’s. All the people behind the scenes are the same and Biden is not sentient enough to know what is going on or that anyone would take any notice of him if he objected.
When 2dogs studied contract law, he wad taught that such a term in these circumstances would make the contract void for illegality.
Maybe they can go on hunger strike until all sides lay down their arms and / or the council members feel slightly dizzy and have hurty tum tums.
You not on the vibe monty?
Say it isn’t so?
Forget the CGI, cut to reality.
Have you yet attended any of those mass demonstrations by Hamarse supporting Nazis, so you can achieve your dream, and “punch a Nazi”? Or are you still cowering in the basemen, avoiding the Kung Flu?
Gregory Andrews – climate zombie.
Starved himself to death and now must be one of the undead.
He walks the barren earth, hungry for the brains of journalists.
The poor bastard is going to starve to death twice.
It seems Last Tram to Malmo will not secure AFI funding.
Not looking good for Halls Gap by Halftrack either.
They found two corpses at al Shifa. Dead innocents, taken and cruelly murdered.
Unless we have a Thunderbirds are Go control centre, apparently the hospital basement was only used for a bit of tortuous torture not mustachio twirling Israel Domination by rocket.
Elon Musk just posted the final scene of the Godfather where Michael kills the heads of the other families.
Shitposting or making an announcement?
Conspiracy theorists are going nuts.
soy doesnt count as food… just sayin
They also found some premmie babies who had been washed in dirty water. Apparently electricity in al Shifa can only be used for filming propaganda videos and not boiling water.
Priorities count.
Dickless defending hamas. How ironic: the muzzies throw dickless queers off roofs.
LOL Bruce. No they didn’t.
Noa Marciano was murdered by hamas inside Shifa and this is your hot take Monty?
You never cease to disappoint you hamas apologist.
We’ll see what happens when idf get through that blast door.
I’ve just seen new footage, fortunately partly blurred, of the jeep that poor girl in the blood stained pants was dragged into as gazan youth gather round to watch the action.
That’s your mob Monty.
Monty’s just sad the IDF isnt being silly enough to send men into the tunnels like hamarses were counting on.
” They only sent in a drone to look through 50m or so of the tunnels” it whines after being cheated of gloating over Jewish soldiers killed by booby traps.
So transparent you are see through diabetes boy.
US and Israel and even European nations say evidence of hamas in hospital. Guardian, abc and Australia Institute say no evidence. Who to believe? FOAD dickless you antisemite prick.
The Prophet and the Proletariat marks a key moment in the development of British Islamo-leftism – indeed, the term itself is said to have originated with Harman’s work. It shows how Islamism could give a disoriented, opportunist left the appearance of radical agency, and how this could, in turn, whitewash Islamism as a progressive force.
I don’t trust any side’s hot news on this mess, rosie. You can choose to swallow obvious propaganda, but it is impossible to tell what is true while the war is still red hot from thousands of miles away.
‘Doctor said if y’all doan cut down on that sugar, they goan take yer foot boy.’
It’s funny is it? Enjoy your LOLing. It’s all you have left.
I’m guessing there won’t be a compatriot’s congratulations from the Argentine in the Vatican to Javier Milei:
mUnter, meet Bolton.
Bolton, meet mUnter.
*eyes meet across a crowded room*
Hate to be picky, there are no trams in Malmo. I’ve been there for a week in 2019 and can report they have trains and buses but no trams. Being allergic to public transport I had a rental car and then had a hell of a time finding parking.
*eyes meet across a crowded room*
Empty groins groan.
Fergit it Mate the “Juice aint worth the squeeze” I used to think they were my people.
Hey time to move on … You are wasting your time …
You had no problem swallowing covid propaganda when that was red hot, and on your doorstep.