Open Thread – Mon 25 March 2024

The Old Man and Death, Joseph Wright, 1774

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Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 26, 2024 1:34 am

Starting To Notice That The Energy Transition Is Not Happening

Supposedly, there is a big energy transition going on. Throughout the West, countries have made ambitious pledges to reduce “greenhouse gas” emissions by specific percentages and by specific dates. Many such pledges were notably made in the Paris Climate Agreement of 2016. Some countries — for example, the U.S. and UK — have even gone beyond the Paris Agreement and made still more ambitious pledges in the years since then. But is any of it real? No, none of it is real. The failure to make the progress that would be necessary to achieve the alleged pledges and mandates is obvious and easily tracked. But a code of silence has enveloped the progressive media, commanding that no one is allowed to notice.

A small crack in the wall of silence suddenly happened in the New York Times on March 14. The front page article had the headline “A New Surge in Power Use Is Threatening U.S. Climate Goals.” The gist is that various sources of new electricity demand are rapidly emerging, from data centers to EVs to AI. Demand for electricity is starting to rise, but wind and solar generators can’t be added to the grid fast enough to fulfill this demand. And thus utilities are starting to add large numbers of new natural gas plants.

March 26, 2024 1:36 am

Grand master , god oracle

March 26, 2024 1:57 am

It’s not irrelevant. The point of raising that incident, among others, was to establish that Ukraine has a pattern of either deliberately targeting civilians or being indifferent to harming civilians. I deferred to the above because you were contesting whether the driver knew he was a travelling explosive or didn’t.

Not just, but totally irrelevant because you first have to establish it was in fact a suicide bombing mission. You haven’t , but then you also brought out the dead kids (always a tear jer ker) to somehow prove it was the ukes, which you haven’t done. For all we know, it was the Russians playing another dirty trick. It’s not as though they haven’t in the past.

It simply admits that the Russians are doing nothing different in their targeting of civilian infrastructure that isn’t also done by other belligerents in a conflict. The Russians took control of the DNPP.

So targeting civilians is fine by the Russians as long as it continues in the same pattern, but using cluster bombs by the other side, is so so wrong. Winning argument.

I see you’re still failing to address the criticisms raised earlier about the apartment bombings being a false-flag.
What is there to address? You didn’t offer any criticisms. All you did was put forward a denial, which is always expected from you when defending Putin and his thugocarcy.

The mobilizations were going to occur post-election and were already obvious. No need for false-flag. It’s pretty clear they’re gearing up for offensive actions in the near future. As for the second, well, they are getting 10K volunteers per month; probably a slow, steady simmer.

Obvious to who? You? How do you know it’s pretty clear to the public and that the call-up has really hit home and what it means? You don’t.

To repeat, there’s more likelihood this was a Putin operation than it was Ukrainian.

March 26, 2024 2:02 am


March 26, 2024 12:57 am

Biden Is Building a ‘Superstructure’ to Stop Trump From Stealing the Election

Of course they are.

Here’s your problem. If you can’t even say the Russian election was a total sham that makes the Demonrats cheating in 20 look like child’s play, how can you now criticize the likely cheating that will go on in 24?

March 26, 2024 2:04 am

March 26, 2024 1:39 am

Please delete that comment. Posted incorrectly.

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March 26, 2024 4:06 am

Matt Margolis.

March 26, 2024 4:07 am
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March 26, 2024 6:04 am


NY State Appeals Court cuts Trump civil case bond for him to appeal the initial decision down to 175 mn USD.

Not looking good for James and her idea to create a Marxist empire of extortion and graft out of the NY AG office by stealing land from people by abusing her power sympatico with activist judges.

Trump says he will post the appeal bond for the civil case in cash.

Last edited 4 months ago by Dot
March 26, 2024 6:13 am

Dilbert 1

March 26, 2024 6:13 am

Trump won’t have $175M on hand to pay in ten days either, every bank that Eric went to to beg for the cash laughed at him. Not much of a win. Trump’s cashflow is still screwed.

Tish is doing him slowly, holy moly.

March 26, 2024 6:14 am

Dilbert 2

Salvatore - Iron Publican
March 26, 2024 6:18 am

Milestones in life: For the first time in more than 20 years, tonight* I’ll be switching my phone off, meaning nobody will be able to wake me with a nerve-jangling phone call a few hours after I turn in.

Organising this took a lot of careful lining up of ducks in a row. I’ll make the most of the sheer bliss of an uninterrupted sleep.

(* i.e. in a few minutes time, it’s after 5am & time I hit the hay)

March 26, 2024 6:30 am

Milestones in life: For the first time in more than 20 years, tonight* I’ll be switching my phone off, meaning nobody will be able to wake me with a nerve-jangling phone call a few hours after I turn in.

Organising this took a lot of careful lining up of ducks in a row. I’ll make the most of the sheer bliss of an uninterrupted sleep.

Pardon me for saying this, but something does not add up. How did you organise your business that it needs you 24/7?

What if you are ill, have an accident or such?
Will it fall apart if you die, not that you would care by then I suppose.

Delegation of responsibilities works fine.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 26, 2024 6:47 am

Thanks Tom.

March 26, 2024 7:15 am

“Tish is doing him slowly”. Just like the Milko and your Missus.

March 26, 2024 7:42 am

World’s oldest living culture on display in Alice Springs:

Disturbing video shows a 16-year-old Aboriginal girl being brutally beaten by 10 women in what has been described as a case of ‘cultural payback’. 

The Daily Mail

March 26, 2024 7:45 am

FRom the “why didn’t the media tell us” file ..
Important stuff ignored .. LOL! ..

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 26, 2024 7:49 am


 March 26, 2024 6:04 am


NY State Appeals Court cuts Trump civil case bond for him to appeal the initial decision down to 175 mn USD.

Not looking good for James and her idea to create a Marxist empire of extortion and graft out of the NY AG office by stealing land from people by abusing her power sympatico with activist judges.

Trump says he will post the appeal bond for the civil case in cash.

He cleaned the loose pocket change from behind the sofa?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 26, 2024 8:12 am

Trump says he will post the appeal bond for the civil case in cash.

He cleaned the loose pocket change from behind the sofa?

So, wrong once again !!!!!!!

March 26, 2024 6:13 am

The MontyPox Virus ‘Wrongology’ on display once again for all to see. And so early in the day too.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 26, 2024 8:24 am

March 26, 2024 6:13 am

Trump won’t have $175M on hand to pay in ten days either, every bank that Eric went to to beg for the cash laughed at him. Not much of a win. Trump’s cashflow is still screwed.

Wrong once again !!!!!!!

Trump says he will post the appeal bond for the civil case in cash.

He cleaned the loose pocket change from behind the sofa?

March 26, 2024 8:25 am

Yeah right Johnny, I’ll believe Trump’s got that much in cash when the court sees it.

Congrats on somehow finding a way to pretend to yourself that Trump paying a nine-figure sum in court fines for fraud is a win for Trump.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 26, 2024 8:32 am

Is Trump Tower a BLM HQ and refugee shelter this morning?
What’s happening?
It has been seized, right?

March 26, 2024 8:37 am

BBC presenters have been advised to challenge guests who accuse others of ‘transphobia’ after the broadcaster conceded that news reports on J.K. Rowling didn’t meet its editorial standards, resulting in two recent apologies to the author. 

“Care is needed…with the use of the term ‘transphobic’ to describe people who would not themselves accept that label”, said an internal briefing to journalists.

One wonders how many BBC journalists are actually familiar with their organisation’s editorial standards? Perhaps a refresher course is in order, with journalists having to pass a test before returning to duty?

Kim Williams, take note; there are quite a few ABC star journalists who imagine such standards of fairness don’t apply to them.

Hi, Patricia Karvelas!

Last edited 4 months ago by Roger
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 26, 2024 8:42 am

It appears that the political leaning of Misinformation Eggspurts is more to the Left and not too the Right Who would have thought it?

Courtesy of the Jo Nova Blog –

comment image

March 26, 2024 8:51 am

China, Russia and Iran are reportedly behind the spread of conspiracy theories, slurs and rumours about the Princess of Wales

The Duk in January: ‘2 weeks in hospital then months recuperating after unspecified abdominal surgery = cancer, probably ovarian……’

The Royals in March: ‘Kate has cancer’

As they say, the time between ‘conspiracy theory’ and ‘established fact’ is getting shorter and shorter now…

March 26, 2024 8:56 am

I see Trump has quoted Psalms comparing himself to Jesus Christ today during his interminable rants.

No doubt the conservative “Christians” on here will applaud zealously.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 26, 2024 9:08 am

I gather the Appellate Court in NY has also said that New York cannot move on Trump’s properties while his appeal is under way.

Poor Letitia will just have to walk meekly by his properties and update her website with something other than the snowballing bond amount. Perhaps pictures of cats.

Mind you, looking at her, she would prefer them battered and deep fried, with cheese, with an array of dipping sauces.

And a 2L cup of Diet Coke – she takes her health seriously.

March 26, 2024 9:22 am

I’ll believe Trump’s got that much in cash when the court sees it

contrary to what mUnty believes, the ‘argument from incredulity’ does not make him seem smarter.

JC should also pay attention to this

March 26, 2024 9:32 am

Sumtik went wrong .. duuuh!

Last edited 4 months ago by shatterzzz
Winston Smith
March 26, 2024 9:36 am


March 26, 2024 9:38 am

ABC RN AM just called the reduced bond a “significant win” for Trump.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 26, 2024 9:54 am

The Oz reporting that Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun is goneski.
From that report …

West also said Boeing was taking more measures to reduce so-called travelled work, where problems with parts or aircraft are moved along its production lines and addressed later. 

That was a point I made here when the door came off. Duck-shoving work to the next production station or, worse, to another plant, just to keep the line moving is fraught with danger.
It should be a rare exception, only for short supplied parts (not just to keep the line moving) and never for flight critical stuff.

March 26, 2024 10:01 am

Looks like the Hamas mass rape narrative is at risk of going the same way as the 40 beheaded babies hoax.

It seems Cochav Elkayam-Levy’s success has brought her undone. Her sister feminists were happy to turn a blind eye to her fabrications until such time as she directly cost them fame and fortune.
Cochav Elkayam-Levy Exposes the Brutality of Hamas’s Crimes

Inaccuracies, donations to a commission that does not exist: the Israel Prize bride – and the doubts behind the win

March 26, 2024 10:08 am

Dickless active this morning which is typical for dickless swine: they scurry in the morning before the sunset effect occurs.

The stormy case against Trump has already been adjudicated by the US Electoral Commission which found no electoral interference. Stormy’s defamation case against Trump was also heard in a superior court which found against her and ordered costs of over $500,000 to Trump. Stormy is not only a lying slut but also a bankrupt one.

As to the agreement between Trump and stormy. Stormy was a meeter and greeter at one of Trump’s casinos. She started whoring for the high rollers and then blackmailed them. Trump found out and wanted to bring the cops in The highrollers objected so he organised a deed of arrangement with the slut. This happens all the time. A client will instruct some loser is suing them on confected claims. I tell them you’ll win, it’ll take a couple of years and cost X; they will not be able to recover X from the loser so I recommend paying them some fuk off money. It sticks in the craw but it’s commercially sound and most clients do it. This is what Trump did with the slut. And her confidentiality obligations shut her up until sleasy Avenatti started with stormy.

You’re a piece of shit dickless. But we already knew that so you confirming it continually by your comments is no surprise.

March 26, 2024 10:08 am

Why send a kid to uni? They could do this in the holidays from the end of Year 10 and end their HSC with a tonne of IT certs.

Very cheap. 700 USD.

March 26, 2024 10:09 am

Years ago now I read an article about the differences between Japanese and German car manufacture. Both methods produce good cars but apparently of a car comes off the line with a fault the Japs stop the line analyse the processes that caused the fault and fix the process.
The Germans have a team of expert mechanics at the end of the line to fix the faults that come through.
Boeing needs to adopt the Japanese process.

March 26, 2024 10:11 am

I suspect American car companies just shoved all the cars off to the dealerships.

March 26, 2024 10:12 am

Re: Tom’s toons: today’s pick of the bunch:

gv032524dAPR-800×0.jpg (800×571) (

March 26, 2024 10:17 am

I haven’t watched this yet, but it looks interesting…

Revenge: Our Dad the Nazi Killer

‘REVENGE: OUR DAD THE NAZI KILLER is a feature length murder mystery documentary that follows three Jewish brothers in Melbourne who stumble on a family secret: their father, a Holocaust survivor and WWII partisan, allegedly went to Sydney in the 1950s to undertake a revenge killing against a Nazi. As they delve into the past they unexpectedly unearth a web of Nazi networks Down Under, covert Jewish vigilante groups, and multiple cases of Nazis who mysteriously died or disappeared in post-WWII Australia.’ – IMDB 

Last edited 4 months ago by Roger
March 26, 2024 10:28 am

Reposted in the public interest.

The stormy case against Trump has already been adjudicated by the US Electoral Commission which found no electoral interference. Stormy’s defamation case against Trump was also heard in a superior court which found against her and ordered costs of over $500,000 to Trump. Stormy is not only a lying slut but also a bankrupt one.

As to the agreement between Trump and stormy. Stormy was a meeter and greeter at one of Trump’s casinos. She started whoring for the high rollers and then blackmailed them. Trump found out and wanted to bring the cops in The highrollers objected so he organised a deed of arrangement with the slut. This happens all the time. A client will instruct some loser is suing them on confected claims. I tell them you’ll win, it’ll take a couple of years and cost X; they will not be able to recover X from the loser so I recommend paying them some fuk off money. It sticks in the craw but it’s commercially sound and most clients do it. This is what Trump did with the slut. And her confidentiality obligations shut her up until sleasy Avenatti started with stormy.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 26, 2024 10:29 am

More gaslighting from the Paywallian.

Shocking flu season tipped for Aussies (26 Mar, Oz breaking news headline, not paywalled)

Australia is tipped for a cold and flu season as bad or worse than the post-Covid onslaught in 2023. See why and how your area could be affected.

Newcastle and Liverpool in NSW and Southport in Queensland are expected to be hardest hit, the modelling finds.

Modelling? LOL. It’s always fun when the Paywallian leaves something outside their paywall. It’s a tell. Meanwhile the industry intends to change from the current process of using eggs to a mRNA based flu vaccination asap. No thanks, I’d rather catch the flu. On the other hand I suspect after nearly two decades of conventional killed-virus flu vaccination I have a lot of residual immunity to the various strains.

March 26, 2024 10:39 am

Didn’t see Shari on Sky last night (watching Idol! ) but just heard her on 2GB reporting the disgraceful attack on invited Israeli university reps at Sydney University yesterday. Nothing done to protect them or arrest protesters who locked them up for over an hour while they screamed at them.


Winston Smith
March 26, 2024 10:58 am

For the adult who has everything except slippers

March 26, 2024 11:03 am
Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
March 26, 2024 11:09 am

JC, you say that Russia “has form” in supporting terrorist activities.
I cannot deny this fact, but, who supported ISIS in Syria?
Would you agree that they “could” fall into the category of terrorist?

Who organised the overthrow of a democratically elected Govt in Ukraine, during 2013-14?
Who is stoking unrest in Thailand and Taiwan currently?

The link shows the Official US policy toward Taiwan.
Spoiler alert, just like UN Resolution 2758 of October 1971,

comment image

where Chiang Kai Chek was ordered to “tell his story walking”, as he held no authority in the UN, the US, at least officially, agrees that there is one China only AND that Taiwan is part of it.

You also bring up the Korean Air incident. It is true that the B747 was destroyed by a Russian fighter acft, but there were indeed multiple attempts to correct the acft’s tracking before it was fired upon.

Ref Malaysian Air, it was not the Russians who destroyed that acft.
It was a Russian made missile, certainly, but not Russian forces using it.

I always enjoy a trip down memory lane.
Do you happen to recall the USS Vincennes “incident”, from 3 July 1988?
Does Iran Air Flight 655 ring any bells?

The US and Iran were not at war, but this effort at promoting “peace and democracy” by Al Capone is often overlooked.
Any consequences for the murdering of innocent Iranians?
Nah, the bastards deserved it, ……, right?

I just cannot understand why Al Capone is so disliked.

March 26, 2024 11:11 am

Ace has an excellent take on the Russian slaughter. Here’s a bit;

So who really committed the terrorist attack on a Russian theatre full of people last week, killing some 133 people? ISIS has claimed “credit” for the attack with its operatives, supposedly Tajik-speaking Central Asians. Whoever they are, they are small fry, well-trained in ISIS attack techniques, but obviously with someone bigger backing them.
There are plenty of others who may have been, not the least of whom is Vladimir Putin, who has been implicated in other terror attacks done for political purposes in his past. . .
. . . Now a new name emerges, none other than pro-Ukraine warmongering Democrat State Department operative Victoria Nuland, who left office for greener, swampier pastures a few weeks ago.”

“According to Mark Wauck, writing on his Substack:

In the previous post I referenced Victoria Nuland’s recent claim that “Putin will face some nasty surprises on the battlefield”—that’s the actual direct quote. But she also refers in that exact context to “asymmetric warfare.” In the context of her remarks she’s clearly not referring to bombs and missiles and artillery shells. “Asymmetric” is a very specific word, a word intended to distinguish that type of warfare from “symmetric” warfare: shell for shell, bomb for bomb, missile for missile. The next tweet contains the 24 second clip of Nuland making that statement, in which she touts Ukraine’s “asymmetric warfare” capabilities. Yeah, I thought we just gave the Ukro-Nazis money and munitions? How does Nuland know about the Ukrainian “asymmetric warfare that has been most effective”?”

There is more at Ace if anyone is interested.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 26, 2024 11:13 am

Teal news.

‘Sinister’: Debate over federal MPs call for gas ban heats up (Tele, paywalled)

An eastern suburbs federal MP who is urging the government to ban gas heating and cooking in newly-built homes across the country has faced fierce backlash for her “lack of understanding”.

Doesn’t say in this blub but the url fingers our old friend Allegra the Spender. And the Spender is coming into some folding money:

Teal MP inherits mega mansion (, 25 Mar)

Almost three years after the April 2021 death of legendary fashion designer Carla Zampatti, her luxury Woollahra home has formally changed hands. … Probate was granted in August 2021 with the executor paperwork lodged earlier this month with the NSW Land Registry advising “the applicant (Allegra Spender) applies to be registered as proprietor of the estate of the deceased registered proprietor (Carla Zampatti) as specified in this instrument”.

I do really hope her new pad doesn’t have gas stoves or heating. That would be naughty.

March 26, 2024 11:17 am

By the way fellow Cats,
I have not set up a WordPress Login and I have found that I can use the Tick function.
Perhaps it was just a matter of waiting for the new format to find its rhythm.
Anyway, all Cats who have not been able to Tick, perhaps give it another go.

Or Dover has secretly allowed us entry. 😀

March 26, 2024 11:27 am

You’re right Pogria, I gave you a thumbs up. Be nice and you can have another one.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
March 26, 2024 11:41 am

Aha, Pogria ans GreyRanga……

I can now give the thumbs up/down!

March 26, 2024 11:41 am

Some excellent articles today & last few days in Quadrant &The Australian Spectator. Will see if I can post one when I get back to the regular computer.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 26, 2024 12:10 pm



 March 26, 2024 9:37 am

 Reply to  Dot

It’s not that he can’t pay his bills Dot, it’s that he doesn’t pay them because he thinks he can get away with it, and is mostly right because the rich get away with the vast majority of white collar crime.

Enough about Pelosi and the other DemonRat inside traders.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 26, 2024 12:15 pm

Interesting to see how this type of data is slowly slowly finding its way into the MSM.

As Princess of Wales reveals diagnosis, doctors warn of mysterious cancer ‘epidemic.’ (25 Mar)

Leading doctors have warned of a mysterious new “epidemic” of abdominal cancers in younger people.

Following the Princess of Wales’s announcement of her diagnosis on Friday, specialist clinicians have said that in recent years they have seen a significant increase in under-45s presenting with cancers typically seen in older patients.

Many are fit and outwardly healthy, prompting a scramble among scientists to establish what is causing the trend.

The article is in the UK Telegraph. Not only due to Covid as the article points out, although I suspect there’s been another significant spike from the vaccines. Previously saying stuff like this would not be allowed by the censors though. Something is causing in young people increased abdominal cancer incidence this century so far, although perhaps it is also a result of better detection. These days you can be imaged by ultrasound or MRI as easy as. So picking up cancers serendipitously with other ailments would be much more likely than before.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 26, 2024 12:16 pm

These clumsy attempts at triangulation don’t work on me, JC.

Or strangulation. LOL.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 26, 2024 12:28 pm

Russia has repeatedly blamed Ukraine for last week’s deadly Moscow concert hall attack, despite the Islamic State (IS) group claiming responsibility and Ukraine’s denials.

First accusations –

Accusations were made almost immediately after initial reports of the attack on the Crocus City Hall emerged on social media at 1715 GMT on Friday.
Several pro-Kremlin bloggers posting to the messaging app Telegram blamed Ukraine within just over an hour.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 26, 2024 12:35 pm

The article is in the UK Telegraph. Not only due to Covid as the article points out, although I suspect there’s been another significant spike from the vaccines.

The data is from 1993 to 2019.
What leads you to suspect there has been “another significant spike”?
Our old friend “anecdotal evidence” again?

March 26, 2024 12:46 pm

As to the agreement between Trump and stormy. Stormy was a meeter and greeter at one of Trump’s casinos. She started whoring for the high rollers and then blackmailed them. Trump found out and wanted to bring the cops in The highrollers objected so he organised a deed of arrangement with the slut.

Bollocks. The fevered imaginings of desperate cult members whose messiah is merely a very naughty boy.

March 26, 2024 12:47 pm


He is broke, and fighting a losing lawfare battle on half a dozen fronts. 

Monty freely admits that what is happening to Trump is pure Democrat corruption and he openly supports it.

I ask again Monty. Would you just accept it if the Republicans did it?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 26, 2024 12:48 pm

Russia has repeatedly blamed Ukraine for last week’s deadly Moscow concert hall attack

As I replied to Pogria our friend Pute is rapidly walking this back.

President Putin Acknowledges Concert Attack Was Islamist Terror, But Still Claims Ukraine Was Involved (25 Mar)

Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed Friday’s deadly terrorist attack at a rock concert that killed at least 137, saying for the first time it was the work of “radical Islamists”.

The art with this stuff is to be sufficiently plausible to get away with it. The flood of vids and photos from ISIS Telegram channels is undermining such claims though. It’s Alinsky: a tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.

March 26, 2024 12:49 pm

I don’t remember.
Which one of you told me with Dot – like confidence that “there wouldn’t be tank on tank engagements in this war”?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 26, 2024 12:56 pm

Reading William C. Davis monumental dual biographies of Ulysses S Grant, and Robert E.Lee. “Crucible of Command.” Highly recommended for Civil War fans.

On the subject of Grant’s drinking, Davis makes the point that, in Mexico, and, later on the Pacific Coast, “Perhaps Grant did overindulge. He was twenty six years old, fifteen hundred miles from home, engaged to a woman he had not seen in years, (Later, on the Pacific Coast, he had not seen Julia for years, and a child he had never seen) bored and lonely, and surrounded by hundreds of others in the same situation – a virtual prescription for treatment by bottle. If he drank too much, no superior complained, and nowhere in a stationary army would such laxity show up than in a Quartermaster’s duties – a role Grant was filling at the time.

March 26, 2024 12:58 pm

Bollocks. Retorts dickless. Ironically bollocks was stormy’s nickname amongst her clients.

March 26, 2024 12:58 pm

Rebecca White has resigned as Tasmanian Labor leader.

March 26, 2024 1:04 pm


Breaking News?

P Diddy (rapper Sean Coombs) had his home raided for human trafficking today and he has apparently fled to the Caribbean on a private jet!

March 26, 2024 1:05 pm

Bollocks, the Milko’s nickname.

March 26, 2024 1:10 pm

“…Trump paying a nine-figure sum in court fines for fraud is a win for Trump.”

It doesn’t seem to me that you are paying much attention to this case M0nty.

The $175m is NOT a fine, it is a bond that he must post to appeal.

As others have noted, the court of appeals also stayed any action on seeking confiscation of properties to “pay” the fine.
As well they should – Trump was found guilty on a summary judgement. That is, the prosecutors presented their “evidence”, the judge said “no trial needed – he’s guilty, just need to show how much”, and thence ignored testimony by Trumps lenders that they were never misled, never lost money, and indeed would be more than happy to do such lucrative business with Trump again.
And the evidence that Trump was “fraudulently” inflating his asset values? Why, the official tax appraiser value of, say, Mar-a-Lago. Yep, that’s only worth $18m – never mind that the place right next door that is not even 1 acre is valued at > $25M, and Mar-a-Lago is water-to-water and 18 acres or so.
Didn’t matter that several real estate people testified that the place was worth as much as 50 times the official evaluation, because the judge already decided he was guilty.

See the “Shark Tank” guy? At this point, I guarantee he’s not the only one looking to divest from any and every thing in NY business. And Lelita’s claim that “you don’t have to worry, you’re not Trump” not only exposes the corruption, but actually means such investors are even more worried – there is no rule of law, and they can turn on you and bankrupt you any time you upset them. They won’t make a big noise about it, but you can be sure that anyone with significant money tied up in NY RE is looking at what they can do to minimise their risk, up to and including dumping whatever they can as long as the loss isn’t too high – better to drop $10m right now, than be exposed to $1B down the track.

March 26, 2024 1:18 pm

PM’s concession on religious discrimination reforms

Anthony Albanese has changed his position on the passage of religious discrimination reforms and is now leaving open the option of negotiating an outcome with the Greens instead of the Coalition.

The Paywallian 57 mins ago


Also a practice run for minority government?

Last edited 4 months ago by Roger
March 26, 2024 1:20 pm

Trump is not the victim of a two-tiered system of justice in this country, he has been a beneficiary. There’s one system for the powerful and wealthy and well- connected like Trump and there’s an entirely other system for everyone else.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 26, 2024 1:20 pm

Don’t tell mUnturd, but “Tish” James was apparently seen outside Trump Tower, singing “This Nearly Was Mine”.

March 26, 2024 1:37 pm

It’s easy to tell when you lot run out of arguments: when you fall back on the good old tu quoque fallacy. Which is most of the time.

Convicting Trump will only give a chilling effect to those who are massive, decades long fraudsters like him.

Also: yes, Republicans already spent decades chasing Democrat politicians with endless open-ended investigations that turned up nothing. Ever since Watergate they have been itching to pin something of equal significance on the other side. So far, nothing. And now Trump is in the middle of starring in Watergate II: Dim and Dimmer.

Bill P
Bill P
March 26, 2024 1:41 pm

Trump should just do a Kerry Packer – “I’ll toss you for it”

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 26, 2024 2:12 pm

March 26, 2024 1:37 pm

One of the reasons why I like Trump is that he IS NOT A CORRUPT CAREER POLITICIAN like the Mr 10% Big Guy – Demented Joe Blow. Trump may have his flaws but he is human like the rest of us.

Although In MontyPox Virus’s case, I’m not so sure

March 26, 2024 2:20 pm
Winston Smith
March 26, 2024 2:21 pm

It doesn’t take them long to start getting their financial claws in – I went to the Norton site the other day to find out if it was worthwhile replacing Avast Antiviral. 4 days later, comes the scam bill for $320.56 – if Nortons security is that piss weak that the scammers have my email within a few days, then why would you buy their security product?

March 26, 2024 2:29 pm

Re the discussion above about how Trump will pay the bond –

Trump’s Net Worth Hits $6.5 Billion, Making Him One of World’s 500 Richest People


BREAKING: Truth Social is EXPLODING, up 39% for the day.

President Trump has made over $1B in stock value today.

Cue liberal meltdown…

March 26, 2024 2:52 pm


Trump’s net worth from Truth Social is a paper gain at this stage. He won’t be able to sell stock for six months unless the board makes an exception. I’d take it easy before saying this is money in the bank. TR appears to be hugely overvalued and hyped. Current estimates suggest it will open with a market cap of US$5 billion.

This appears out of whack, but we’ll see. The stock (symbol DJT) opens this evening.

March 26, 2024 2:54 pm

Truth social may as well be called ‘we support Trump and have put money into it”.

It has as much value as a junkie lawyer giving advice in a foreign nation in an industry hes never been involved in.

March 26, 2024 3:01 pm

I think Elon and Trump discussed a loan (no longer needed).

Truth Social is worth a few billion if Reddit is 15 bn, and we know Reddit is worthless. As soon as the AI guys take a good snapshot of Reddit, they won’t buy more data.

Stack Exchange, Quora, and Reddit, all improved and cloned somewhat into a single platform, run by AI and deployed for only tens of millions of dollars. They only need to sell 20 mn of data and targeted ads for a few years and they’re more profitable than Reddit ever was.


March 26, 2024 3:10 pm

Gruinaid rolls out the kulak hate for those evil asset reich* farmers…

Includes their “Ï was a farmer once (I had a raised garden bed and my tomato’s died) comment of the decade…
Farmer gez may have an opinion on th\is self procalimed ex-horny handed son of the soil.

V8 Toyota LandCruiser in the shed, Landrover for the wife, think it’s about time the poor farmer theory was buried. I remember being lucky to get $25- $35 for good fat lambs in the 1970’s – 1990’s. Now their getting in the $ hundreds. You get your good years,and bad year’s, like any business, it’s just a matter of preparing yourself while enjoying the former,in preparation for the latter.

*Deliberate, you just know they are all hiding grampians Nazis under the pig shed

March 26, 2024 3:15 pm

Apparently the stormy criminal charges against Trump differ from the previous ones in that these ones are based on Trump altering his business records to hide the payment. He has already been exonerated for electoral interference and defamation against the slimy slut. Fair dinkum they’re gonna charge him with breathing next.

March 26, 2024 3:16 pm

All Biden’s Fault: Hamas Rejects Latest Ceasefire/Hostage Deal, Seals Their Fate

Joe Biden abandoned Israel on Monday when he refused to have the U.S. veto a UN Security Council resolution. The resolution called for an immediate ceasefire, which would then stop Israel from wiping out the Hamas terrorists. The ceasefire was not conditional on releasing the hostages, according to the Israeli UN ambassador Gilad Erdan. 

March 26, 2024 3:19 pm
March 26, 2024 3:25 pm

Of course it will, that’s the whole point. Total control at their fingertips.

WHO’s proposed IHR amendments and Pandemic Treaty will create perverse incentives to declare pandemics

March 26, 2024 3:26 pm

About twice a year, New Yorker has a good story.

Medieval Oxford had a huge murder rate, according to this prof.

Medieval Oxford had a murder rate about three times higher than London’s during the same period, and some sixty times the level Oxford has today. (At between sixty and seventy homicides per hundred thousand people, medieval Oxford’s rate compares, roughly, to that of present-day New Orleans.) The town was in decline as a center of the wool trade but alive with the mayhem of some fifteen hundred young men—loosely supervised, theoretically celibate, armed with crossbows—the scholars of the university. In the twelfth century, Oxford began to emerge, alongside Paris and Bologna, as one of Europe’s prime seats of learning. (All three had crime problems.) “If I wanted to give advice these days about, well, what could you do to really seriously increase levels of violence in our society?” Eisner said. “Probably I would say, ‘O.K., take a few thousand fourteen-year-olds, just males, out of their context, give them knives and lots of alcohol, and put them into halls—and wait and see.’ ” In the Oxford murders that Eisner has looked at, more than seventy per cent of the victims and the perpetrators were students. Ninety-nine per cent were male. (During the same period, eight per cent of London’s murderers were women.)

March 26, 2024 4:03 pm

“…a UN Security Council resolution. The resolution called for an immediate ceasefire, which would then stop Israel from wiping out the Hamas terrorists.”

No, it wouldn’t “stop” Israel from doing anything.
All it does is justify one of the “big boys” going in and “enforcing” that resolution, which none of them will do.

March 26, 2024 4:18 pm

The UNSC cease fire resolution would appear to be a dead letter as Hamas have already attached conditions to the release of hostages.

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 26, 2024 4:28 pm

Monty fapping away quite feverishly today. Gawd almighty

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 26, 2024 4:31 pm


It’s getting near the end of the month, he has to show his paymasters that he has been working hard.

March 26, 2024 4:37 pm

Roy Morgan Federal voting intention: Support for the ALP and L-NP Coalition is even in late March – ALP 50% cf. L-NP 50%

Support for the ALP was down 1.5% to 50% in late March and now even with the L-NP Coalition on 50% (up 1.5%) on a two-party preferred basis.

If a Federal Election were held now the result would be a hung parliament with the support of minor parties and independents required for either of the major parties to form minority government, the latest Roy Morgan survey shows.
A look at the States shows the biggest swing to the Coalition was in Queensland – up 5.5% points. The swing in Queensland came after the poor showing for the ALP at the previous week’s local government and key by-elections in the seats of Inala (19.5% swing to LNP) and Ipswich West (17.9% swing to LNP).
Primary support for the L-NP Coalition increased 1% to 38% and is now clearly ahead of the ALP on 31.5%, unchanged from a week ago.
Support for the Greens increased 1.5% to 14% and One Nation support dropped 1% to 4.5%. Support for Independents was down 1.5% to 7.5% and support for Other Parties was unchanged at 4.5%.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 26, 2024 4:39 pm

Reading “Crucible of Command” by William C Davis.Seems that one of the very few letters, U.S. Grant received from his wife, while serving on the West Coast, informed him that she would NOT be joining him..

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 26, 2024 4:43 pm

From Richardson Post

Alcohol preserves many things.

Dignity and virginity are NOT among them.

Winston Smith
March 26, 2024 5:05 pm
He’s making a very good point. The US is run by a generation of cat ladies. Lonely old cat ladies, who never lived for anything else but themselves and dominating everyone else.

March 26, 2024 5:20 pm

Far Right – Far out !!

People are giving this thumbs down? I think it’s brilliant!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 26, 2024 5:40 pm

 March 26, 2024 5:20 pm

Far Right – Far out !!

People are giving this thumbs down?

Twenty two of them to be precise.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 26, 2024 5:47 pm

Stephen Dawson confirms Premier’s payment available for homes lost in Waroona fires

Jake DietschThe West Australian
Tue, 26 March 2024 12:55PM

Authorities have confirmed campers who started a devastating bushfire that destroyed eight properties by charging their phones with a car battery will not be charged as they plead for people not to be “silly” with warm weather approaching for Easter.
Emergency Services Minister Stephen Dawson confirmed Tuesday afternoon that the fire, which started Saturday, had been downgraded to a watch and act after previously being at an emergency-level blaze.
“Over the last 24 hours, firefighters with aerial support have managed to contain the fire spread and the strength,” Mr Dawson said.
“We are not out of the woods just yet. It’s still not under control, but things are certainly looking much better than they were a few days ago.”

Words fail me…

March 26, 2024 6:01 pm

Monty fapping away quite feverishly today. Gawd almighty

You underestimate the effort this takes considering Xis lack of a dick.

Because he is dickless.
Bereft of penii.
His bottle of hand lotion lonely by the glowing VGA tube of his computer in the basement.
The milkos kiddies fobbed off when they ask him “Parental unit, how are babbies made”?

Harlequin Decline
March 26, 2024 6:04 pm

Sean Strickland, a MMA fighter goes on the offensive in his press conference in Canada. Two and a half minutes of getting stuck into the press, Trudeau and various woke causes.

March 26, 2024 6:12 pm
March 26, 2024 6:14 pm
March 26, 2024 6:17 pm
March 26, 2024 6:27 pm

What leads you to suspect there has been “another significant spike”?

yet another tiresome form of the Argument from Incredulity

Our old friend “anecdotal evidence” again?

good point
any evidence from you sancho … other than your incredulity and personal opinion ?

March 26, 2024 6:46 pm

After the last few years of plentiful rain and mild temperatures I’ve grown accustomed to the huge variety of green to be found in the natural vegetation around here. Recently we had another 30 odd mm and the green just seems to have intensified. It’s quite something, I’m guessing it’s because this flora doesn’t normally get to see such a run of good years. It’s literally bursting.

Time to doze the lot over and put up a solar farm.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 26, 2024 6:46 pm

comment image

March 26, 2024 6:47 pm

Monty fapping away quite feverishly today. 

I think he’s gifted us with a new logical fallacy today:

Appeal to Jen Psaki.

Last edited 4 months ago by Roger
March 26, 2024 6:53 pm

Winston Smith
March 26, 2024 10:58 am

For the adult who has everything except slippers

That’s my Christmas present to my inner child sorted.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 26, 2024 7:04 pm

Monty fapping away quite feverishly today. 

I think he’s given us a new logical fallacy:

Or a logical phallusy.

March 26, 2024 7:08 pm


It’s getting near the end of the month, he has to show his paymasters that he has been working hard.

They aren’t getting their money’s worth.

March 26, 2024 7:12 pm

Watching The Five is a must; just to see that strignated kunt jessica tarlov eviscerated by the incomparable Jesse Watters and Gutfeld. Today it was the reduction in the obscene bond Trump had to pay to appeal the vile judgment by that skeletal prick engoron. Tarlov is a classic demorat: PhD in communication, arrogant, totally incapable of perceiving reality and disdainful of the average folk who support Trump. Watters and Gutfeld poke and prod her macilent, gawky frame as she struggles to keep her glasses clear of froth. It’s great.

March 26, 2024 7:13 pm
March 26, 2024 7:16 pm


What does this black bar do?
March 26, 2024 7:18 pm

This quote system is loony.

pete of perth
pete of perth
March 26, 2024 7:19 pm

Container ship collides and collapses the  Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore.

Last edited 4 months ago by pete of perth
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 26, 2024 7:25 pm

Container ship collides and collapses the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore.


Baltimore bridge collapse LIVE: Ship crashes into US crossing sending vehicles and people plunging into water (26 Mar)

The ship struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore around 1.30am on Tuesday morning.

Dramatic footage of the incident shows the boat catching fire before sinking, sending multiple vehicles into the water beneath the bridge. Within 30 seconds the bridge was destroyed.

The Baltimore mayor said emergency personnel were on scene and rescue efforts were underway.

Shades of Tassie. At least it was late at night. Midday would’ve been just horrible.

Last edited 4 months ago by Bruce of Newcastle
March 26, 2024 7:26 pm

Settle down, Beaugy. The Cat remains the most authoritative source of news and the MSM the least informative. In fact, if you want to know what’s going on in the world, the MSM isn’t reporting it

Hope that helps.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 26, 2024 7:51 pm

Diversity hire ship driver?

March 26, 2024 8:02 pm

I heard Jacinta Price talk tonight- very good indeed.

March 26, 2024 8:04 pm

Get home to find my mother and sister have been the victims of an aggravated burglary. House is locked up tight so they smashed a window. Woke mum up but she decided it was possums and didn’t investigate. Stole one car. Police said they wouldn’t be back despite having a house key but mum got the locks changed immediately anyhow. Just as well as they came back for the other car.
They got caught though, with the first car, a write off, in the outer east, four 15 to 17 year olds of unknown appearance who also left finger prints on the window.
I suppose my mother and sister will eventually be invited to a restorative justice session.
Car of course essential when you have a family member with stage 4 cancer
Dirty little teenage toerags.

March 26, 2024 8:12 pm

Settle down, Beaugy. The Cat remains the most authoritative source of news and the MSM the least informative. In fact, if you want to know what’s going on in the world, the MSM isn’t reporting it
Hope that helps.

I know Tom, and I send dover some small sum of money every so often, by way of gratitude.

If I sound grouchy, I’m not although I’ve just escaped from hospital, and I was pretty grouchy for the duration. Bad places to be.

I got on reasonably well with most of the staff, but a few tried to bully me, which I do not tolerate.

Trouble is, I aways tell the truth, and nothing but the truth. Some ppl don’t like that and I don’t care. I do spare them the whole truth. Life is too short.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 26, 2024 8:19 pm

Welcome back to Victorianistan, Rosie.
What a shit-hole.

March 26, 2024 8:20 pm

If I sound grouchy, I’m not although I’ve just escaped from hospital, and I was pretty grouchy for the duration. Bad places to be.

I’m sorry you had to go to hospital but I must say all my hospital experiences were first rate. But then, I am a very handsome man.

March 26, 2024 8:22 pm

Hope you’re ok, doc.

jeez, you’re about the 8th person I know who has spent a stretch in hospital over the past few weeks.

This evening heard my bro in law is in hospital and just had surgery.

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 26, 2024 8:25 pm

Get a load of these phuckwits:

A magpie called Molly that became a social media sensation has been surrendered to wildlife authorities.

Gold Coast woman Juliette Wells amassed a following of more than 700,000 people for an Instagram page detailing the life of Molly and pet Staffordshire bull terrier Peggy.

The pair were said to have formed an unlikely bond after Ms Wells said she found the young magpie wandering “lost, weak and frightened” while out walking her dog in September 2020.

The story was turned into a book titled Peggy and Molly released by publisher Penguin in November.

Tens of thousands of dollars were also raised for Ms Wells and partner Reece Mortensen to purchase a home in a GoFundMe campaign in March 2022 after it was revealed their landlord was not renewing their lease.

However, Molly was voluntarily surrendered to officials from Department on Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI) earlier this month.

A DESI spokesperson said it was unlawful to care for a magpie without a permit.

“A magpie that was allegedly being unlawfully kept by members of the public was voluntarily surrendered to the Department on Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI) on Friday 1 March,” the spokesperson said.

“It is alleged that the bird was taken from the wild and kept unlawfully, with no permit, licence or authority being issued by DESI.

“All Queensland native animals are protected under the Nature Conservation Act 1992. To keep a native animal that originates from the wild, a person must have a permit, licence or authority to lawfully have the animal in their possession.

“Animals that are sick, orphaned or injured must go to a person who holds a valid rehabilitation permit, which are issued to people who have demonstrated skills, knowledge and experience dealing with and caring for native animals.”

The spokesperson said that wild animals “must stay wild”, but it would not be possible to release Molly back into the wild due to behaviours she had developed.

“The purpose of rehabilitating native wildlife is to provide care so that the animal can be released back to the wild. When an animal is being rehabilitated, it must be done in a way that minimises humanisation and allows it to exhibit natural instincts and behaviour,” the spokesperson said.

“Animals in rehabilitation must not associate with domestic animals due to the potential for them to be subjected to stress and the risks of behavioural imprinting and transmission of diseases. Animals from the wild, must stay wild.

“The magpie is currently under the care of DESI. Unfortunately, it has been highly habituated to human contact and is not capable of being released back into the wild.

“A process is currently underway to have the magpie placed at a suitable facility.”

The spokesperson said investigations into the matter were ongoing and it would be “inappropriate” to comment about “potential compliance outcomes”.

The Bulletin has attempted to contact Ms Wells and publisher Penguin for comment.

FMD the facility perfectly placed to host the magpie is the place where it has been the last 3 years.
Arseholery on stilts and shit like this needs to be jettisoned from society.

March 26, 2024 8:26 pm
March 26, 2024 8:27 pm

Car of course essential when you have a family member with stage 4 cancer
Dirty little teenage toerags.

Swine, I have a cunning plan to make this less likely, want to run it by people here.

Inspired, by all things, by the Chinese in some of their more fractious areas.

How would it go setting up a group dial/text service for sets of neighbours, the idea being if swine are loose everyone gets out of bed, goes to the location of the person and begins filming/restorative instant justice on the perps?

It would greatly increase the chances of the sods being caught and create a mass of people to confront them “ön the spot” until plod arrive.

Violence not needed, just make the game not worth playing for the scrotes.

March 26, 2024 8:29 pm

Hiya ejucashun incubates these phuckwits BB.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 26, 2024 8:31 pm

Better day for me at the Cafe than Rosie and Baugy. I had two JW ladies appear, so we had a nice chat. I showed them my Bible, which is stuck together with sticky tape, since the newer translations tend towards wokeness. We were surrounded by hungry birds, whom I fed whilst we were chatting. It was fun. I have no idea what they made of all this.

March 26, 2024 8:34 pm

There’s a bit of good news for the GOP coming out of California. They’re not going to win, but they’re making inroads

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 26, 2024 8:37 pm

Whatever it was, Doc, I hope it wasn’t turbocharged.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
March 26, 2024 8:47 pm

I suppose my mother and sister will eventually be invited to a restorative justice session.

If so they should refuse the invitation. State why, forcefully.
If the conversation is with a cop, they’ll understand pretty quickly.
If the conversation is to someone at Crown Law, they’ll arc-up & have to have the reasons for refusal forcefully rammed into their social justice noggin.*

(*that part is one of life’s more serendipitous pleasures)

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 26, 2024 8:48 pm

My distant memory of hospital is the joy of a full night’s sleep when you get out.

March 26, 2024 9:01 pm

My distant memory of hospital is the joy of a full night’s sleep when you get out.

Hell yes.

March 26, 2024 9:15 pm

I’m sorry you had to go to hospital but I must say all my hospital experiences were first rate. But then, I am a very handsome man.

The food was appalling. The nurses were mostly lovely some of the physios were too stupid to be able to see that bullying me is a really bad idea. So I pointed it out.

March 26, 2024 9:23 pm
  1. Whatever it was, Doc, I hope it wasn’t turbocharged.

No, sancho, something wrong with my feet. They never worked out what. I didn’t expect them too. But standing on them was agony. Much improved now, and I can shuffle around with a zimmer frame. Not up to my morning 4km walk for a while, but I’ll get there.

The body heals itself and the medics take the credit. I’m used to it.

Steve Trickler
Steve Trickler
March 26, 2024 9:29 pm

This is a great documentary.

Tim is a JET.

Finally! Proper Puncher with 1-Hit KO Power in Modern Boxing – Tim Tszyu

March 26, 2024 9:30 pm

cohenite is a man?
I thought a muscle bound lesbian was more likely.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 26, 2024 9:36 pm

In the Paywallian Judith Sloan suggests the NEM is on its last legs. I wouldn’t be surprised.

March 26, 2024 9:39 pm

In the Paywallian Judith Sloan suggests the NEM is on its last legs. I wouldn’t be surprised.

It’s a good little history piece on the NEM.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 26, 2024 9:55 pm

Hey, big Spender’s got $40m;

  • Senior reporter, Margin Call columnist
  • 8:22PM March 26, 2024

Teal independent Allegra Spender has become one of the richest members of the Australian parliament – and the richest female MP – emerging from the finalisation of her late fashion designer mother Carla Zampatti’s will with an unencumbered property portfolio that could be worth close to $40m.
Spender, who is the member for Wentworth in Sydney’s inner east, is now the sole owner of her famous mother’s mansion in Woollahra, which is said to be worth in the order of $25m.
Spender, 46, is now also sole owner of a substantial holding on Darling Point’s New Beach Rd, which she previously held in conjunction with her mother, who passed away in April 2021 following a fall at a night out at the opera, aged 78.
The Darling Point home is situated directly opposite the prestigious Cruising Yacht Club of Australia. Other residents of the harbourfront street include billionaire industrialist scion Ryan Stokes and his wife Claire.
Ownership of the historic Woollahra home, which is to the rear of Edgecliff Rd in the leafy, affluent suburb, was transferred to the politician on March 7, while full control of the Darling Point properties, which are held over two titles, occurred on March 9.
Both properties are within the boundaries of Spender’s federal electorate.
Spender and her husband Mark Capps, who is a strategy executive and shareholder at Canva, having previously worked at McKinsey, Google and Uber, call the Darling Point property home.
The couple also have a holiday home at Sydney’s Great Mackerel Beach on Pittwater. Spender’s register of members’ interests reveals that Spender and Capps have also recently paid off a mortgage on an investment property, which appears to be the seaside home.
Great Mackerel Beach is an ideal location for a politician’s getaway, with the suburb only accessible by water, either by private boat, the regular ferry service from Palm Beach wharf or a water taxi service.
While clearly no issue in her own backyard, the first-time MP has been vocal on the housing affordability crisis in Australia, which she has previously said had “become a flashpoint for intergenerational equity”.
Spender last year was advocating for a Citizens’ Assembly on Housing to facilitate a proper national debate.
The body, she proposed, would comprise a group of everyday people who would consider the problem and advise government.
One major problem that Spender’s multimillion-dollar property portfolio does present, however, is the prospect of a significant annual land tax bill from the NSW government.
The payment is levied on properties other than the residential home, with Spender’s holdings exceeding the threshold for ownership by millions of dollars.

We guess that’s what you call a champagne problem.

March 26, 2024 9:55 pm

cohenite is a man?
I thought a muscle bound lesbian was more likely.

I can take a hint: a cute owl.

March 26, 2024 10:02 pm

Right now in the U.S., the Demonrats have a plan to gain more power. They want to put more undocumented immigrants in cities to increase their numbers in the next census. If it works, they could control the government for a long time.
But to make this plan work, they need to win Congress and the presidency in 2024. Conversely, Trump will begin mass deportations.
However, the demons are facing some challenges, like losing support from groups such as black males and Latinos.
The next election is going to be a really big freaking deal, with a lot on the line for the country’s future.

March 26, 2024 10:16 pm

Thank you all.
Funny, I hadn’t told them about being pickpocketed and they hadn’t told me about being aggravatedly burgled.
You are right Roger, other family members who were victims of an aggravated burglary by young Aboriginals (in Queensland) refused a restorative justice session because nothing that was stolen was returned, not the baby’s Christmas presents, not the expensive missals and like the Queensland case, the car was a write off.
The obvious conclusion here is that soft on crime just encourages more crime.

March 26, 2024 10:20 pm

The latest thing on TikTok is for Q&A audience members to post on how triggering the episode they attended was.

March 26, 2024 10:33 pm

“An increase in survival rates among people with these genes means, at a population level, the likelihood of having them is going up.”
So the more younger people survive cancer, the more younger people will get cancer.
How people can jump to it’s the vaccine bases on pre 2019 data just underscores the wholehearted commitment to the narrative they have.
What else has changed after the last several decades, sexual habits, drug use, contraceptive use, diet, exercise? For example there is a direct link between sexual activity from a young age and young women getting cancer of the cervix but no, it’s the vaccine, even before it was invented.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
March 26, 2024 10:39 pm

ABC chair Kim Williams has warned journalists that activism is not welcome … and if reporters fail to observe impartiality guidelines they should leave the organisation.

Mr Williams, who commenced as ABC chair two weeks ago … said he had little tolerance for reporters who failed to be objective and stressed the importance of staff always aspiring to be “fair-minded”.

Never mind the dozen or so well known on-air stars, the rot is more serious at the lower levels.
Lefty bimbette j’ism school grads are more prejudiced, biased & insidious than the top stars could ever be.

I’ve been interviewed three times (I think) by bimbette j’ismist SJWs of their ABC. (mostly employment relations type stories)

When the finished story aired, I’d been misquoted/misrepresented so that my meaning was diametrically reversed, and the entire story had been jaw-droppingly manipulated to leave entire aspects clean out of the story & to totally misrepresent & mislead as to the matter being reported upon.

The Rabz doctrine is, if anything, too lenient on that whole show.

Pravda would have been more honest than their ABC (that is not an overstatement)

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 26, 2024 10:56 pm

Peter FitzSimons seeks costs from Bruce Lehrmann for defamation case subpoena
By ellie dudley

  • Legal Affairs Correspondent
  • 6:38PM March 26, 2024

Columnist Peter FitzSimons has asked the Federal Court to make Bruce Lehrmann pay his costs for producing documents relating to Brittany Higgins’ $325,000 book deal during the former Liberal staffer’s defamation battle against Network 10 and television presenter Lisa Wilkinson.
Lawyers for FitzSimons made an application on March 14, released by the court on Tuesday, requesting Justice Michael Lee order Mr Lehrmann pay costs incurred by FitzSimons when responding to a subpoena.
FitzSimons was issued the subpoena in June last year to produce documents relating to the deal he helped broker between Ms Higgins and Penguin Random House.
Justice Lee will determine whether the costs will be awarded after he delivers his judgment of the defamation proceedings on April 4.
FitzSimons, a well-known author and writer for the Sydney Morning Herald, is married to Wilkinson, who is the second respondent in the matter.
Mr Lehrmann sued Ten and Wilkinson over her interview with Ms Higgins on The Project in 2021, detailing accu­sations that Mr Lehrmann had raped Ms Higgins but not naming him as the alleged attacker.
Mr Lehrmann has always maintained his innocence, and says no sexual intercourse ever took place between him and Ms Higgins.

Brittany Higgins’ leaked texts detail $325,000 advance on book dealBrittany Higgins’ leaked text messages with fiancé David Sharaz and Nine News columnist Peter Fitzsimons… have raised questions over her $325,000 book deal. Sky News host Sharri Markson sat down with Daily Mail Senior Reporter Charlotte Karp who broke the story to discuss the legal, financial and ethical implications More
During the aborted rape trial of Mr Lehrmann in 2022, it emerged that prominent author FitzSimons had negotiated the advance for Ms Higgins’s book. Industry sources suggested publisher Penguin Random House hoped to sell at least 100,000 copies at $29.99 each.
Ms Higgins, during Mr Lehrmann’s criminal trial, said she was approached by FitzSimons and Wilkinson at an event where FitzSimons offered to act as her agent.
“I really didn’t ask him, he absolutely approached me,” she said.
Ms Higgins said “within a day” FitzSimons told her he had an offer for $325,000 for a book outlining her experiences.
“I just felt I needed to document my experience,” she said.
The court heard Ms Higgins responded by saying she had the chapters outlined for “the last month or so”. When asked if the chapters were outlined before she gave a formal interview to police, Ms Higgins said: “Yes.”
The judgment for the landmark case battle will be handed down on April 4.
Justice Michael Lee alerted parties and media late Wednesday afternoon that he would hand down what is expected to be a very lengthy decision early next month, which will determine whether Mr Lehrmann was defamed by the television network and Wilkinson when they aired an interview with alleged rape victim Brittany Higgins.
He will likely deliver a short verbal judgment on April 4, with longer reasons to be published for the public in full.

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 26, 2024 11:21 pm

Fitzsimian upset:

Lisa Wilkinson’s husband Peter FitzSimons has asked a court to order Bruce Lehrmann to pay the author’s legal costs associated with replying to a subpoena in the former political staffer’s blockbuster defamation trial.

Federal Court Justice Michael Lee will early next month hand down his landmark decision after Mr Lehrmann sued Network 10 and Ms Wilkinson over the high-profile journalist’s Logie-winning interview with Brittany Higgins.

Mr Lehrmann alleges he was defamed by the The Project broadcast after Ms Higgins alleged she was raped by her former colleague on a couch inside their boss Senator Linda Reynolds’ office in March 2019.

He has denied the allegations and his trial in the ACT Supreme Court ended in a mistrial due to juror misconduct before the Director of Public Prosecutions dropped the charges.

Author and Sydney Morning Herald columnist Mr FitzSimons was previously subpoenaed relating to Ms Higgins’ book deal with publisher Penguin Random House.

The court previously heard that Ms Higgins had been paid $108,000 for an advance for a book deal and would have received another $216,000 from Penguin Random House when she completed the project.

In documents released by the Federal Court on Tuesday, it was revealed that Mr FitzSimons was seeking an order that Mr Lehrmann pay for his “reasonable loss or expenses” associated with complying with the subpoena.

According to documents produced by Penguin Random House, Ms Higgins entered into an agreement to deliver by January 2022 a 90,000-word book described as “a memoir that covers Brittany’s courageous personal story”.

She would have been paid $325,000 for the book, according to the agreement which was signed in March 2021.

Fair bit of chutzpah in the Mosman household. Rabz that joint fer phuck sake

March 26, 2024 11:26 pm

Citation needed blackball?
There is loads of literature on the correlation between early sexual activity and cervical cancer in young women. It is one reason why, shock horror, an HPV vaccine (unnecessary for young women who are chaste) is now available
You apparently have access to the internet, have a look.
Do you really believe that I can’t quote well known cause and effect data because I don’t accept trusted blogger died suddenly crap?
Obviously yes, because logic isn’t your forte.

March 27, 2024 12:01 am

underscores the wholehearted commitment to the narrative they have.


commitments to narrative are astounding and brainwashing is another term for it

feeling safe is more important than thinking difficult thoughts

locating the problem anywhere but herself rosie allows herself to be both attacked without harm by an invisible enemy (you) and yet completely safe from another invisible enemy (the virus)

like Plato said, “never get out of the boat’

… or wait was that in Apocalypse Now?

March 27, 2024 12:04 am

Homer: Not a bear in sight. The Bear Patrol must be working like a charm.
Lisa: That’s specious reasoning, Dad.
Homer: Thank you, dear.
Lisa: By your logic I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away.
Homer: Oh, how does it work?
Lisa: It doesn’t work.
Homer: Uh-huh.
Lisa: It’s just a stupid rock.
Homer: Uh-huh.
Lisa: But I don’t see any tigers around, do you?
[Homer thinks of this, then pulls out some money]
Homer: Lisa, I want to buy your rock.
[Lisa refuses at first, then takes the exchange]

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  3. True. I was really thinking more along the lines of foreign ownership but didn’t say it and union involvement bloated…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x