Open Thread – Mon 1 April 2004

Landscape with Christ appearing to the Apostles at the Sea of Tiberias, Pieter Brueghel The Elder, 1553.

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April 1, 2024 10:51 pm

The fact that Lee hasn’t ­delayed his verdict suggests the claims are at least in part consistent with his findings.

He may also have decided that they are irrelevant to the case.

April 2, 2024 8:55 am
Reply to  Crossie

The fact that Lee hasn’t ­delayed his verdict suggests the claims are at least in part consistent with his findings.

If you presume he’s going to rule against Bruce.

He was on top of his game, gave everyone a chance to tie their own rope, I wouldn’t second guess this guy for a moment.

April 2, 2024 9:39 am
Reply to  Crossie


A reminder.


“So I take it that sitting here now, having had available to you material that you haven’t seen before, you would acknowledge that your suspicions about the existence of political interference to prevent the case properly going ahead were mistaken?”


“I do accept that.”

April 2, 2024 12:38 am
Reply to  dover0beach

A dog can reason, it doesn’t mean that level of reasoning is complex.

April 2, 2024 1:03 am
Reply to  dover0beach

Oh shit, sorry. I thought you were replying to my earlier comment . ignore.

Last edited 10 months ago by JC
April 1, 2024 10:55 pm

When a man is tired of London he is tired of life. Clearly he wasn’t living here.

That has to be a joke, who would want to live like that?

I think a prison cell is bigger than that?

I can see everything there except a toilet. Am I missing something?

April 1, 2024 11:02 pm


STATEMENT of H.E. Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America on the scandalous proclamation of March 31 as “Transgender visibility day” by “president” Joe Biden.

The word Apocalipse, in Greek, means unveiling, revelation. This revelation, in Sacred Scripture, concerns first and foremost the objective reality of Good and Evil, that is, the collective awareness of the ongoing war between God and Satan, between the children of Light and the children of darkness.

The unprecedented and scandalous proclamation of March 31 as “Transgender Visibility Day” by self-styled U.S. President Joe Biden — who dares to declare himself a Catholic — constitutes a most serious offense to God and to millions of Catholics and Christians in America and around the world, before which it is impossible not to react with due firmness.

I urge American citizens and their representatives in government to recognize the total unworthiness of Joe Biden to hold an institutional position, which it is well known that he used fraudulent and manipulative action to achieve in the 2020 Presidential Election. I ask my Brethren in the Episcopate and priests to recognize that Joe Biden has incurred latæ sententiæ excommunication, and as such must be expelled from the churches and not admitted to Communion. I call on Catholics and all Christians to pray that, on this solemn Easter Day, the Risen Lord will have mercy on the United States of America and put an end to the onslaught of the infernal forces unleashed today more than ever before.

All humanity is awakening from a slumber that has lasted far too long:

-the lives of the innocent are threatened by abortion, euthanasia, manipulation, and abuse;

-the health of citizens is deliberately compromised by experimental serums revealed to be a biological weapon of population decimation;

-the total moral corruption of the top echelons of civil authority, enslaved to criminal lobbies in a global coup is now evident;

-the increasingly arrogant display of Satan worship by the media and the world of culture and entertainment show us a world awash in execrable perversions that cry out to Heaven for vengeance;

-the mad provocation of a world conflict claims lives in order to bury the horrendous sexual and financial scandals of a power that is now the enemy of its citizens.

Luciferian hatred of God and our Lord Jesus Christ can no longer be hidden or denied. This is the revelation unveiled before us, which the servants of darkness provocatively mock by celebrating perversions and vices on the very holy Day when we honor the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Christians are progressively banished from civil society and considered a threat to the subversive project of the New World Order, while a minority of the vicious and perverted claim to erect their deviations as the universal norm. Here is the “visibility” of Biden and the woke ideology, celebrating a macabre mad dance to the abyss.

Arise, children of Light: stand up and raise your voices, for in the face of these crimes silence becomes complicity. Arise, Christians: rise up to avert the scourges that loom over the nations because of usurped and perverted power. God calls you to be His witnesses, to fight for Good, and to denounce the conspiracy of an authority openly subservient to Satan.

May the Risen Christ, triumphant over death and sin, inflame you with faith, charity, and holy courage at this crucial stage of Human History. Surrexit Dominus vere: alleluia, alleluia!

+Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

March 31, 2024

Easter Sunday

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 1, 2024 11:13 pm

The fact that Lee hasn’t ­delayed his verdict suggests the claims are at least in part consistent with his findings.

I’d be interested in the opinions of any of the bush lawyers on tha Cat.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 1, 2024 11:35 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

Thanks, Dover. I will confess to not being very computer literate.

April 2, 2024 1:26 am

Colonel Crispin Berka

April 1, 2024 10:04 pm

I fell for the lure. Dreaming up positions for Vivek in Trump’s cabinet while the sad reality is more likely to be The Steal `24.

It worked before, why wouldn’t they do it again.

Berka, I’m not sure they can go beyond a certain level of cheating that wouldn’t become obvious are then they’re screwed. Having said that, it does look like Trump is winning most of the swing states handily. That’s just living in hope though.

April 2, 2024 1:43 am

The mind bender will be if the market starts thinking the US needs to raise rates again.

  • The U.S. manufacturing industry, a key driver of America’s economy, grew in March for the first time since September 2022.
  • That’s a relief.
  • The Institute for Supply Management’s Purchasing Managers Index, or PMI, came in at 50.3 for March, up from 47.8 for February.
  • Economists surveyed by FactSet expected a reading of 48.5. So things were a little better than expected.A number above 50 indicates growth.
  • The reading means the U.S. manufacturing sector just snapped a streak of 16 consecutive months of contraction. It was the longest consecutive contraction streak in decades.
  • The ISM PMI declined for 16 out of 18 months in 2008, but there were a couple of months above 50 over that span, which included the financial crisis.
  • The New Order Index, which is a gauge of future demand came in at 51.4. The reading for February was 49.2.
  • “The U.S. manufacturing sector moved into expansion for the first time since September 2022,” said ISM PMI survey chair Tim Fiore in a statement. “Demand was positive, output strengthened and inputs remained accommodative.”
  • Fewer of the survey respondents mentioned softening demand, added Fiore.
April 2, 2024 4:03 am
April 2, 2024 4:04 am
April 2, 2024 4:05 am
April 2, 2024 4:05 am
April 2, 2024 4:06 am
April 2, 2024 4:07 am
April 2, 2024 4:08 am
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 2, 2024 4:20 am

Thanks Tom. Some very good Cartoons there.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 2, 2024 4:25 am

comment image

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
April 2, 2024 4:42 am

Branco nails it. Thanks Tom.

April 2, 2024 4:49 am

No rain for six weeks. Started yesterday and has been going ever since with bonus thunder and lightning.

April 2, 2024 9:52 am
Reply to  rosie

52mm here

April 2, 2024 6:17 am

Dawkins never understood that if people stopped believing in Christianity they wouldn’t suddenly all become rationalists who’d carry on with Christian morals. They actually become superstitious loons with no morals at all.

The idea that without religion people become immoral betrays the same old mistake that people so often man, believing that their beliefs and behaviors arise from ratiocination.

I take the view that the belief in morals is both absurd and necessary. People with morals but without religion will have some other absurd basis for those morals. It may be that “superstitious loons” is a bad choice of term to apply to them universally, but definitely some form of absurdity exists.

April 2, 2024 7:13 am

Just replying to query of Zulu yesterday about my gravitas – yes, our cattle are Belted Galloways.

We have a rotten problem with one of our steers at the moment. He is very lame on one leg, can’t really get around & is being fed and watered in a paddock within eye distance of the herd. Hopefully we will get the vet today. But it doesn’t look good. Is either an infected hoof ( although I can’t see any evidence in the claws themselves) or a bone or muscle injury from putting a leg down a wombat hole. He is a farm favourite – so really sad. He can be handled easily – which is just as well as I can’t get him to the yards & the crush for the vet.

We will see. Hope we don’t have to euthanase.

April 2, 2024 7:14 am
Reply to  Vicki

That should have read “gravitar”. Autocorrect doesn’t recognise!

April 2, 2024 7:16 am

That should have read “gravitar” – autocorrect again!

April 2, 2024 7:20 am

Sorry to hear that Vicki. I asked the original question. My favourite cattle breed, with the doe eyed Jerseys a close second (forget the Jersey bulls-they are mongrel things).

Part of the reason why I just can’t have dergs again, parting with them is just so heartbreaking.

And thanks MareeS for the Scone airstrip comment. It sounded like a lie from the Dynamic Duo, and all the locals whom they hoped to impress with their “announcement” will know it. Except that the locals were simply wallpaper for their PR show. They’ll remember that also when the time comes to vote.

April 2, 2024 7:28 am

2dogs, please don’t insult me with your religious superiority. Morals allow us to live in a community without having to fight all the time. This is not that dissimilar from muzzies and the idea that whoever is the most religious is right. Morals didn’t begin with Christianity. I try to live my life according to the last 5 of the 10 commandments, I have no need of religion. Whether the 10 commandments are in fact the Word of God is pure conjecture. Just because someone claims something doesn’t make it so.

April 2, 2024 7:44 am
Reply to  GreyRanga

I don’t believe I was suggesting any inherent religious superiority at all – I was asserting the equal absurdity of both the religious and non-religious. As to whether any approach is superior, I judge that on the basis of how each viewpoint performs with regard to what makes morals necessary.

April 2, 2024 8:07 am

I take the view that the belief in morals is both absurd and necessary.

I disagree that it is absurd. The moral sense is as real as a sense of humour. Like a sense of humour, it developes as you grow older, and some cultures develop it more than others. Mine was developed by living in a Christian culture, but also acquired some insights from outside, largely from Buddhism. Likewise, I am grateful to the goons and Monty Python for my sense of humour. Which leaves me amused by the claim that in space, nobody can hear you fart.

I discovered that my conscience is as real as toothache, and sometimes as painful, and also the limits of hedonism.I am not at all superstitious and do not buy the Christian mythology. But I have come to similar conclusions as the Christian church in regard to the objective reality of right and wrong. This is hardly completely independent thinking, but it does not accept the foundational philosophy of the Christian churches. It appears to me that the moral sense is a biological fact, as is a sense of humour. In both cases, some people have such a sense which is primitive, undeveloped, or missing altogether. That some are blind does not make vision in the sighted any less real.

To believe the moral sense is absurd is similar to the claim that humour is not real. I refute the latter by laughing at it.

April 2, 2024 8:24 am
Reply to  DrBeauGan

Certainly the moral sense is real – hard wiring in the brain makes it so. The absurdity comes in where one accepts that what that brain circuitry mandates should be adhered to – and how one does (or does not) rationalise that.

And that circuitry is there for a reason – accepting it is necessary.

April 2, 2024 8:21 am

And I note the loathing of Christianity that characterises loony leftism as exemplified by declaring Easter Sunday as transgender visibility day. It’s quite obviously pathological. They loonies aren’t just disagreeing with the underlying assumptions of the religion, they have a pathological hatred of it. I also disagree with the underlying assumptions of Christianity, but I can understand good people buying into them.
And I understand bad people hating them. It’s because it tells them they are morally repulsive, and deep down they know that it’s true.

April 2, 2024 8:23 am

April 1, 2024 2:34 pm

johanna, I have no idea why your comments are going into moderation at the moment. You are one of a small hand full of others this is happening to. Are you commenting the old way via the name and email fields or using the log-in?”

I am using the usual username and email address.

I am not logged in to WP, nor do I wish to. Even if I did, experience at another blog tells me that it will not accept my email as valid, probably because it is encrypted.

BTW, larger font is a big improvement – thanks.

April 2, 2024 8:24 am

In short, I am largely in agreement with the conclusions of Viganó, even if I find his way of expressing himself rather odd.

April 2, 2024 8:51 am
Reply to  DrBeauGan

I’m more of a fan of Viggo or Zuul.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
April 2, 2024 8:27 am

18mm overnight.
The Stawell Gift was a very wet affair. Good on the runners and organisers for carrying on despite the ravages of climate change. Betting could have something to do with it.

April 2, 2024 8:30 am

And I note the loathing of Christianity that characterises loony leftism as exemplified by declaring Easter Sunday as transgender visibility day. It’s quite obviously pathological. 

On that note, here’s a thought for the day.


April 2, 2024 8:38 am

Twenty year old Jessie is beyond furious and has some youth demands.

April 2, 2024 11:26 am
Reply to  lotocoti

Sanctimonious little turd…

April 2, 2024 8:50 am

Lotza pix of the aftermath of the Israeli “cleansing” of Shifa Hospital tho all seem focus-ed on the damage whilst ignoring the fact that Hamas was using it as a military base …..
“Israel bad” now the predominant theme for mid east media stories …..

April 2, 2024 8:54 am

There must have been some backlash. Now it’s “misinformation”, despite an official White House release. Orwell would be proud.

White House: Transgender Day of Visibility and Easter Sunday Debacle Is ‘Misinformation’

April 2, 2024 8:58 am

In short, I am largely in agreement with the conclusions of Viganó, even if I find his way of expressing himself rather odd.

Nothing odd about calling a spade, a spade. Vagano nails this evil Biden regime and calls on his flock to aid in his removal. What’s odd is somehow you think it’s odd/

April 2, 2024 9:22 am
Reply to  Makka

Fair enough. From his point of view, and yours, I’m the one who’s odd.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 8:59 am

“Israel bad” now the predominant theme for mid east media stories …..

Yeah, says everything you need about the capture of the MSM by the Left.

Poll: Nearly 4-in-5 Americans Continue to Support Israel in War (28 Mar)

April 2, 2024 8:59 am

Viganó is fine until he launches into WEF.

April 2, 2024 9:02 am

The absurdity comes in where one accepts that what that brain circuitry mandates should be adhered to – and how one does (or does not) rationalise that.

It isn’t absurd to stop punching brick walls on the basis that it hurts your hands. Likewise it isn’t absurd to comply with your conscience on the basis that it will not stop nagging unpleasantly if you don’t.

April 2, 2024 9:29 am
Reply to  DrBeauGan

But beyond your mere personal experience, you have rationalised your conscience to the point where you accept the “objective reality of right and wrong”.

April 2, 2024 9:02 am

Has anyone noticed an uptick in spear phishing and scam callers lately? I remember when they busted those Chinese guys in Sydney (?) last year and it calmed down a bit.

I accidentally answered a call yesterday.

*Harro, Ni hao, dis is Amazon customer service*

“Does your mother know how you earn your money?”
“Does this make you feel good about yourself?”

They ended the call. : |

I should have been a debt collector.

April 2, 2024 9:03 am

Israel still hunting for their murdered citizens.
Mentioned in this BBC report but only obliquely.
As for patients.
Well they aren’t giving details so what are the odds injured hamas terrorists?

April 2, 2024 9:06 am

Twenty year old Jessie is beyond furious and has some youth demands.

One of the defining characteristics of our age is that the first defence by the perpetrators of unspeakable evil – genocide, for example – is to accuse the innocent of the same evil.

The defenders of Hamas’s mass slaughter of Jews last October have raised such evil to an art form.

“Twenty-year-old Jessie” isn’t just poorly educated and politically illiterate; she’s defending one of this century’s greatest acts of evil.

It’s a measure of such barbarians and barbarianism that they are all considered well-educated.

April 2, 2024 9:07 am

“Does your mother know how you earn your money?”
“Does this make you feel good about yourself?”

What are you…some sort of religious nut, dot?

Morality is absurd.


April 2, 2024 9:09 am

JC: they can’t afford to lose’ so the cheating will be monumental.

In2016 they were so confident Trump couldn’t win they didn’t cheat enough

In2020 they made up for that and still only just scraped home

This time — allowing Trump isn’t shot in the meantime — they’ll cheat like there’s no tomorrow, which for them there won’t be

After ,,,, well put it this way: I’ve been hearing a lot of bar stool talk about the Second Amendment

April 2, 2024 9:14 am

“Twenty-year-old Jessie” isn’t just poorly educated and politically illiterate; she’s defending one of this century’s greatest acts of evil.

‘Inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out.’

  • David Horowitz
Boambee John
Boambee John
April 2, 2024 11:40 am
Reply to  Roger

Hello mUnturd.

April 2, 2024 9:17 am

Can anyone see any possible issues with Germanies new football uniform.

comment image?width=620&dpr=2&s=none

April 2, 2024 9:18 am
April 2, 2024 9:59 am

2019 called and wants its numbers back .. LOL!

Ya gotta wonder how in 2024 someone managed to get this thru quality control .. If it had of been Hugo Boss I could understand it but Adidas .. LOL!

Black Ball
Black Ball
April 2, 2024 9:30 am

Mmmyes well up yours you revolting peasants. I’ve got a plane to catch. Courier Mail:

Queensland’s jetsetting front bench is on track to hit an overseas travel spending record, as the total cost of cabinet to taxpayers hits $30.1m in just six months.

The latest ministerial expenditure report revealed taxpayers forked out $17.9m on salaries and “related payments” for ministerial office in the first half of 2023-24 — compared with $32.1m spent across all of 2022-23.

Total costs across all ministerial offices in the first half of the financial year reached $30.1m, which analysis shows equates to a full year spend potentially $3.6m higher than in 2022-23.

Frontbenchers have already racked up a $577,747 in overseas travel for them and their staff — just $13,000 short of the total international bill in 2022-23.

At the height of the pandemic in 2020-21 total overseas spending costs were $133.

So far in 2023-24 taxpayers have forked out $361,183 for motor vehicle running costs, and $1.47m in domestic travel.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s office expenses in her final six months in office reached $4.15m, driven largely by $3.63m in staff salaries.

The costs of running the Deputy Premier’s office and the Treasurer’s office during that time came to $1.55m and $1.24m respectively.

Ms Palaszczuk had the largest overseas travel bill at $130,372, with the reporting period coinciding with her landmark trade mission to China, which involved a 100-delegate strong Queensland contingent travelling to the nation in a bid to lure business back after years of tense relations.

Treasurer and Trade Minister Cameron Dick’s overseas travel bill was $97,854 in the same time frame.

Resources Minister Scott Stewart spent $86,206 on overseas travel, with the frontbencher in the United States on a critical minerals trade mission when Ms Palaszczuk announced her shock resignation on December 10.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Arts Minister Leeanne Enoch had the fourth largest international travel bill at $73,278 — near identical to her domestic travel bill.

Opposition Leader David Crisafulli’s office cost $2.26m to run in the first half of 2023-24. No money was spent on overseas travel.

Cost of living? What cost of living?

April 2, 2024 9:32 am

Anyone free this article from the paywall.

Apparently 1/3 of ‘new jobs created” recently have been in the NDIS.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 2, 2024 9:34 am

Vicki …

We will see. Hope we don’t have to euthanase.

If it’s a leg injury you should be able to get it slaughtered and at least save the meat.

April 2, 2024 9:35 am

Iran tipped off Russia about the possibility of a major “terrorist operation” on its soil ahead of the concert hall massacre near Moscow last month. Three sources have told Reuters that Iran – a diplomatic ally – shared intelligence with Russia about the upcoming attack.

It definitely wasn’t ISIS-K though. Big Serge told us so.

April 2, 2024 10:09 am
Reply to  Dot

So they had intelligence from the US and Iran.

Some have floated conspiracy theories here, but my money would be on incompetence.

Black Ball
Black Ball
April 2, 2024 9:42 am

Bit further north of Scone:

A deal to build more than 100 hi-tech armoured vehicles in Queensland will elevate the state to the forefront of the global defence industry and support 600 direct jobs, Anthony Albanese has declared.

The Prime Minister will on Tuesday morning visit Rheinmetall’s centre of excellence in Ipswich to spruik the $1 billion deal to supply highly advanced military vehicles to Germany, which he said was the largest export defence agreement in Australian history.

Manufacturing the Boxer vehicles will also boost Australia’s sovereign military capability while strengthening the country’s security partnership with a European power, he said in an opinion piece exclusively published by The Courier-Mail.

“Export opportunities like this are a win-win,” Mr Albanese said.

“Hardworking Australians have secure and stable jobs while producing advanced capability for our allies and partners around the world.”

Mr Albanese said the industry supports more than 100,000 jobs across the nation but insisted defence manufacturing transcended economic opportunities.

“Sovereignty and safety at home and security abroad is a core priority,” he said.

Biggest ever defence deal to make us richer and safer

“A strong local defence industry is a key pillar of Australia’s national security because it ensures we can build the equipment and platforms our ADF soldiers, sailors and aircrews need to defend the country.”

Mr Albanese’s visit to the state comes as the government desperately hopes to shore up support from voters in its five Queensland-held seats as a federal election looms.

It also comes just two weeks after the state Labor government suffered a brutal by-election defeat in the party’s heartland seat of Ipswich West.

Can’t see it happening to be honest.
Bendigo has hundreds of Bushmasters just sitting there collecting dust. Not sure why, I think because they may have seen action and are waiting to get a tune up to go again, I don’t know.
The last 2 paragraphs give the game away.

April 2, 2024 9:47 am
Reply to  Black Ball

“A strong local defence industry is a key pillar of Australia’s national security because it ensures we can build the equipment and platforms our ADF soldiers, sailors and aircrews need to defend the country.”

Local prostitutes, single mothers and dive bars need support!

If only we had some UN infrastructure.

April 2, 2024 3:31 pm
Reply to  Black Ball

We’re building a German Armoured vehicle under licence to a German consortium to get the required Australian content. We have spare capacity to send some overseas to … Germany!

This is NOT an Australian vehicle.

Classic misdirection ploy, and the chooks are fed again and run around squeeling that Australia is a player on the world defence market.

FMD, does anyone do any research in the media?

April 2, 2024 9:53 am
Reply to  dover0beach

it reduces morality to utility

Good point. From a “Chesterton’s Fence” point of view, I am not sure of the full extent of the necessity of morals.

April 2, 2024 9:48 am

Bendigo has hundreds of Bushmasters just sitting there collecting dust.

Shirley not ..! Ukraine needz these things ..! .. I knoze cos both ‘plenty wrong’ & Luigi tellz me soooo ……!

April 2, 2024 9:50 am

Ace’s TL:DR of Is society caught up in a Death Spiral? is worth a read.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 2, 2024 9:58 am

From the Hun
Last minute twist in Bruce Lehrmann’s defamation case against Network Ten, Lisa WilkinsonAn urgent hearing late this afternoon will consider whether new evidence will allow the high stakes defamation trial to be reopened.

April 2, 2024 9:59 am

Sorry to hear that Vicki. I asked the original question. My favourite cattle breed, with the doe eyed Jerseys a close second (forget the Jersey bulls-they are mongrel things).

Agree with you, Calli, on Jersey bull! As kids, friend and I used to get our kicks from running across the yard their Jersey bull was kept in. Mad.

April 2, 2024 10:06 am

This time — allowing Trump isn’t shot in the meantime — they’ll cheat like there’s no tomorrow, which for them there won’t be

Hard to believe that the US of A once prided itself on being the “home of democracy” and set the standards for corruption free elections ..

Thankfully, my only visit was back in 2013 when USA (especially New York) was still a wonderful place to visit .. and Gettysburg, never to be forgotten my trip to Gettysburg …..

April 2, 2024 10:07 am

Morals allow us to live in a community without having to fight all the time.

The problem with this is that it reduces morality to utility (allow us to live in a community). You can have different rules depending on the utility you are seeking.

This utility would explain how a moral sense evolved. Basically, the utility is measured by the survival and propensity to reproduce.

Turning it into metaphysics is unnecessary and merely adds confusion. As it so often does.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
April 2, 2024 10:09 am

Last minute twist in Bruce Lehrmann’s defamation case against Network Ten, Lisa WilkinsonAn urgent hearing late this afternoon will consider whether new evidence will allow the high stakes defamation trial to be reopened.

Hearing scheduled for 05:00pm. Don’t know if there will be a live feed yet.

April 2, 2024 10:32 am
Reply to  Barking Toad

What was the point of a month long hearing if you can still attempt to submit “new” evidence well after the conclusion ..?

April 2, 2024 11:59 am
Reply to  shatterzzz

‘Surprise witness after surprise witness! The judge won’t know what him him!”

April 2, 2024 10:09 am

I think I might follow a few suggestions and not use the “Reply” function until I have learned to navigate this new format on my iPad.

I’m sure for those in the to-ing and fro-ing discussions it’s a boon, but difficult if you’re just following.

Not a criticism, just an admission of my own ineptitude. If others are having difficulty, you are not alone.

April 2, 2024 10:11 am

It just might be that what we understand as “morality” was a metaphysical thing in the first place and we are simply enjoying the crumbs from the table.

April 2, 2024 10:26 am
Reply to  calli

Fair point. We have a mechanism in our eyes to see the colour green, and whether that works correctly or not, we don’t dispute that there is a fact of the matter as to whether or not a given object is in fact green. So why should we not also ascribe such a power to our sense of morality?

April 2, 2024 10:40 am
Reply to  calli

Yes, calli; we’d say it’s a reflection of the image of God.

Hypocrisy and the reality of the bad conscience are testimony to the existence of the moral sense even with a diminished function in fallen humans.

April 2, 2024 10:14 am

“Twenty-year-old Jessie” isn’t just poorly educated and politically illiterate; she’s defending one of this century’s greatest acts of evil.

The stupidity of these pro-Gaza idiots is quite unbelievable simply because by their words & actions they are ensuring that all future terrorist atrocities are legitimized .. you can’t ignore one, because it suits, but condemn the, inevitable, future ones …..!
Ooops, sorry, of course they can .. they is “lefties” .. selective memory reigns .. !

April 2, 2024 10:20 am

This utility would explain how a moral sense evolved. Basically, the utility is measured by the survival and propensity to reproduce.

How does this argument account for the innate sense of justice that is present in even the most primitive of cultures?

Last edited 10 months ago by Roger
April 2, 2024 10:26 am

Update on Danistan hammer attack .. charges laid .. LOL!

Last edited 10 months ago by shatterzzz
April 2, 2024 10:54 am
Reply to  dover0beach


Iran working with America now against Ukraine?

April 2, 2024 10:42 am

How does this argument account for the innate sense of justice that is present in even the most primitive of cultures?

The cultures where there was no sense of justice died out because having babies and caring for them was a chancier business.

April 2, 2024 10:47 am

This also accounts for the rise of Christianity in the west. Christians produced more babies than the hedonist Romans or the brawling barbarians.

April 2, 2024 10:48 am

While waiting for vet, and watching rain suddenly starting, we watched a couple of taped episodes of “The Seven Periods of Mr. Gormsby”.We had forgotten how hilarious they are.

It must be almost a decade since they were made – but the skits on “political-correctness” still stand the test of time. For the uninitiated – they portray the arrival of a fabulous old teacher who is the custodian of sensible & VERY politically incorrect teaching. He transforms a class of NZ maori boys from a slovenly & seemingly unteachable group into respectful boys who actually learn something.

Meantime, he is of course opposed by the pony-tailed, despicable union rep & a hopelessly compromised headmaster. Great, great satire on all aspects – sexual, political etc of what we now call the “Woke” culture.


April 2, 2024 11:01 am
Reply to  Vicki

It wouldn’t be made today.

April 2, 2024 11:04 am
Reply to  Roger

Absolutely! Thank goodness we have the tapes! The thing that gets me – is that they are SO humane and incredibly perceptive. Great satire is not necessarily savage – but cognisant of the frailties of all of us.

April 2, 2024 10:51 am

The cultures where there was no sense of justice died out because having babies and caring for them was a chancier business.

I think you’re begging the question there.

April 2, 2024 10:59 am

This also accounts for the rise of Christianity in the west. Christians produced more babies than the hedonist Romans or the brawling barbarians.

Even a secular historian wouldn’t account for the rise of Christianity in the West on the basis of that factor alone.

And it doesn’t explain the innate sense of justice, which is also related to the existence of empathy and charity, which some utilitarians would argue are antipathetic to the survival of the race or of particular cultures.

Last edited 10 months ago by Roger
April 2, 2024 11:02 am

I think you’re begging the question there.

The issue is, do you think that a culture where there is a lot of arbitrary thieving and murder, all unpunished, is likely to produce as many successful offspring as one where some degree of justice prevails? It looks reasonably plausible to me that the latter would do better on the succesful baby count.

April 2, 2024 11:10 am

I subscribe to Jordan Peterson’s substack & enjoy his homilies. I am thinking of sending some of them to my grandchildren. But I doubt if they will internalise them. Would love to take troubled grandson to see Jordan when he next comes to Oz – but it is almost impossible to get tickets.

Picking up and bearing your suffering is an idea deeply rooted in the West. It is a truth. Hell is often thought to be a bottomless pit because no matter how bad things are, there is always a way to make them worse. So what do you do about that? You accept it. That is what life is like. Life is suffering. But what do you do in the face of that suffering? You start with yourself. 

Get yourself together so you can stand up solidly so that people can rely on you. Lift a load — because then you can tolerate yourself. Pick something up and carry it. Make it heavy enough so that you recognize you are capable. When you do, you will develop some self-respect. 

April 2, 2024 11:14 am

Even a secular historian wouldn’t account for the rise of Christianity in the West on the basis of that factor alone.

Neither would I. But a factor it is.

April 2, 2024 11:18 am

The issue is…

The issue in this particular discussion is how does your utilitarian view of morality account for the innate sense of justice in human beings.

So far you haven’t provided an explanation. Pointing to high birth rates as an outcome of morality is not compelling as there have been violent cultures which have reproduced quite successfully.

See above on empathy and charity.

April 2, 2024 11:20 am

Moreover, the problem with basing justice/ morality ‘on evolution is that in all other aspects of biological evolution, environment plays an exceedingly important part, which is going to leave you with relative morality, which is no morality at all.

This is like saying jokes can’t be funny because different people laugh at different things. Mr. Bean doesn’t do much for me, but he sells well worldwide.

April 2, 2024 11:25 am

Neither would I. But a factor it is.

But you said that it accounted for the rise of Christianity.

I’ll be charitable and assume you mis-spoke.


April 2, 2024 11:30 am

I’ll also say that these reports are just as likely to be a part of an information operation as they are genuine leaks of information.

If we can’t trust Reuters who can we trust?

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
April 2, 2024 11:30 am

Sky News:
Israel says that the hospital was used as a command center by Hamas, but gave no proof.

Closely followed by “English Palestinian doctor” saying that Israel had killed 40,000 children.
No “proof” comment attached to that one.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 2, 2024 11:47 am


 April 2, 2024 10:06 am

This time — allowing Trump isn’t shot in the meantime — they’ll cheat like there’s no tomorrow, which for them there won’t be

Hard to believe that the US of A once prided itself on being the “home of democracy” and set the standards for corruption free elections ..

Tammany Hall dates back to the 1800s. DemonRats have been big into electoral corruption since at least then.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 2, 2024 11:56 am
Reply to  Boambee John

Might not want to look too closely at the justice system either.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
April 2, 2024 11:49 am

There seems to be a disturbance in the media force about Trump showing Biden tied up in the back of a truck. WTF?
Where was the fuss when AI generated nasty video stuff about Rudi Giuliani?

April 2, 2024 11:52 am

QLD’s $237m Wellcamp covid quarantine facility west of Toowoomba finally gets put to use…

As a film set for a movie starring David Wenham.

Presumably the film is about a dystopic world not too far distant.

QLD tax payers – who stumped up c. $200m for the facility – won’t see a cent, though, as it is owned by the Wagner Corporation.

As John Wagner says, you only get one Anna Palaszczuk in your lifetime.

Last edited 10 months ago by Roger
H B Bear
H B Bear
April 2, 2024 12:00 pm
Reply to  Roger

History will not be kind to the Chook.

April 2, 2024 12:04 pm
Reply to  H B Bear

Voters will take it out on Miles….but it just won’t be the same.

April 2, 2024 11:55 am

Because we are living through it, I think most people have not processed exactly how special Trump’s political career has been.
First, how many politicians have succeeded in making their first political campaign one for the highest office available, without running for governor or senate or congress and succeeding at a lower level first? That’s a genuine question, if you can recall any, reply. Eisenhower was one I suppose.
Secondly, how many major party candidates have been able to run for non- consecutive terms? In modern times it just doesn’t happen. You lose the presidency, you’re out of there. How Trump engineered it such that he got another shot is truly amazing.
Then, lastly, there is the institutional and media opposition to the man. Even from the Republican establishment.
Trump is unique. His achievements astonishing.

Last edited 10 months ago by Arky
April 2, 2024 1:14 pm
Reply to  Arky

Yes, he done good in his first run. Then he messed up and lost the election. Now he wants to come back with some added history and other legal baggage. He can win the nomination but will lose the election.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 12:05 pm

Trump is unique. His achievements astonishing.

Newscorpse doesn’t think so. The Oz editorial is moaning with TDS today, and Sky News has an oped from Loosely saying Trump never met a dictator he didn’t like. It’s amusing.

How dare rude unwashed voters not vote for our choice of DeSantis, Youngkin & Haley. The nerve!

April 2, 2024 12:07 pm

This utility would explain how a moral sense evolved

I like the linguistic trick whereby absolutely everything is explained away as being because they “evolved” to be what they are.
Which is the same thing as saying it was designed to be such and such.
The only thing in dispute is the mechanism of design.
That they insist it has to be a random, spontaneous mechanism doing the designing in conjunction with the pressure of selection, rather than an intelligence is completely beside the point they are making, but they have to insert it into every argument.
Would it change anything at all about your argument if you said morals were designed to do such and such, rather than they evolved to do such and such? Not in the slightest.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 2, 2024 12:09 pm


State gun reforms involve range of requirements for WA gun owners, including disclosing if they have diabetesJake DietschThe West Australian
Tue, 2 April 2024 2:00AM

Gun owners could soon be required to declare if they have diabetes in order to obtain or keep their hands on a firearm.
The mandatory health assessment is among a raft of reforms being legislated by the State Government, other include capping the number of guns a person can own at 10 and introducing stricter licencing and storage requirements.
Following a recommendation by police, the State’s 90,000 legal firearm licence holders are set be required to undertake a health check within five years.
This includes a self-assessment form, also required of new applicants, with the draft questionnaire including expected questions such as if the applicant takes illicit drugs or if they have been diagnosed with a mental health, psychiatric or nervous disorder.

But bizarrely, the form — tabled in Parliament a day before the Bill passed the lower house — includes a tick box for if the applicant has diabetes and a section, if the answer is yes, where they are required to “provide details of current treatment”.
The form also asks if the applicant has a heart disease or disorder, such as high blood pressure or chest pain, and if they have been told by a doctor if they have a sleep disorder, sleep apnoea or narcolepsy

Venereal disease? Alcoholism?

April 2, 2024 12:13 pm

In other words, without the evolution jargon, your argument collapses into “morality has utility”.
Well, derrrrr.

April 2, 2024 12:20 pm

If we can’t trust Reuters who can we trust?

Like all the other newsagencies (Agence France Presse, America’s Associated Press. etc), Reuters is packed with leftwing activists who despise their audience.

They see their role as advancing their favourite leftwing causes/parties — not being the eyes and ears if the public, who most of them regard as too stupid to be allowed to vote.

The root cause of the problem is that in the 1970s universities seized control of journalism education from the news organisations that until then had trained their own journalists via on-the-job cadetships.

As a result, journalism schools are now infected with radical ratbaggery that has ravaged the rest of the university campus.

Journalists used to interact with their audience from the moment they began their on-the-job cadetships. Now they have 3-4 years filling their heads with the radical ideas they have picked up from uni before they have to think about the practicalities of working for their audience.

Modern Western media is like an extension of the Greens political party and the public, therefore, is their primary opposition on the long march to political power.

The Western media hasn’t been the public’s eyes and ears for half a century, which is why public trust of journalists and journalism is in free fall.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 2, 2024 12:30 pm
Reply to  Tom

If mUnturd is typical of j’ism graduates, they are lucky their credibility rating is not very much lower.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 2, 2024 12:40 pm
Reply to  Tom

J’ismists all think of themselves as Bernstein or Woodward. In reality most are Mike Moores.

April 2, 2024 12:31 pm

Now they have 3-4 years filling their heads with the radical ideas they have picked up from uni before they have to think about the practicalities of working

Which is exactly why most PS jobs have a degree of some sort as a entry point.

This is new to me.

Are you mad – come and work managing other peoples lives!

Aurora Neuroinclusion ProgramThe Aurora Neuroinclusion Program helps people who are neurodivergent start their career in the Australian Public Service (APS).
Aurora recognises the unique skills and talents people who are neurodivergent can bring to work. As part of our program, we offer professional development and work experience opportunities in the APS.

April 2, 2024 12:32 pm

The issue in this particular discussion is how does your utilitarian view of morality account for the innate sense of justice in human beings.

It’s not a utilitarian view at all. You are desperately trying to fit this into the framework of thought you have been used to using. Dover does exactly the same. And now Arky is at it.

If any of you want to think of the universe as doing the designing by killing off species that don’t fit in to how the universe works, I guess that would be reasonably coherent. And it accounts for the squillion examples of bloody stupid design which biological systems exhibit.

You don’t like natural selection, you much prefer a God you can get to suspend the laws of nature by a bit of prayer. And so you believe in a meddling God. Pffft.

April 2, 2024 12:41 pm
Reply to  DrBeauGan

You don’t like natural selection, you much prefer a God you can get to suspend the laws of nature by a bit of prayer.

Let’s pretend for a moment that there is no Lamarckian selection.

No, let’s not. That would be unscientific.

April 2, 2024 12:36 pm

I like the linguistic trick whereby absolutely everything is explained away as being because they “evolved” to be what they are.

I call it the David Attenborough fallacy.

The only thing in dispute is the mechanism of design.

Much more…design implies a designer.

That they insist it has to be a random, spontaneous mechanism doing the designing in conjunction with the pressure of selection…

The atheist’s creation story.

April 2, 2024 12:38 pm

Ad homs concluding with Pfft is not an argument.

April 2, 2024 12:42 pm

Then, lastly, there is the institutional and media opposition to the man. Even from the Republican establishment.
Trump is unique. His achievements astonishing.

Absolutely. The trouble is that Trump Derangement Syndrome is so epidemic that few can see past the showmanship and the idiosyncrasies.
Plus – critical thinking which looks past the obvious is a rare faculty nowadays. Even so called conservatives seem unable to fairly assess his achievements in respect to the US economy.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
April 2, 2024 12:42 pm

Go Elon, go!

Global social media platform X (formerly Twitter) has announced it intends to mount a court challenge against a takedown notice issued by Australia’s eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant to “protect its user’s right to free speech.”

The user in question goes by the pseudonym “Billboard Chris,” on Feb. 28 he published a post criticising the World Health Organisation’s selection of Australian trans activist Teddy Cook to a new panel drafting global health rules.

X Confirms Lawsuit

After initially remaining silent on its reaction, X has confirmed in its Global Government Affairs account that it will be fighting the notice in court.

“Earlier this week, X was ordered by the Australian E-Safety Commissioner, subject to an approximately $800,000 AUD fine, to remove a user’s post.

“The post had criticized an individual appointed by the World Health Organization to serve as an expert on transgender issues. X is withholding the post in Australia in compliance with the order but intends to file a legal challenge to the order to protect its user’s right to free speech.”

Billionaire X owner, Elon Musk, responded to the post by saying, “Yeah.”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 12:45 pm

You don’t like natural selection, you much prefer a God you can get to suspend the laws of nature by a bit of prayer. And so you believe in a meddling God. Pffft.

Quite a bit of ignorance in that statement DrBG. Perhaps you should educate yourself in the theology as to why none of what you just said is correct.

If someone comes to you and says Fourier transformation is rubbish, theyn you’d be right to tell the person to go read up on the subject. What you just said isn’t even algebra level, it’s on the level of 2+2=5 on the basis of the subject.

April 2, 2024 12:47 pm

Gun owners could soon be required to declare if they have diabetes in order to obtain or keep their hands on a firearm.

Hmmm. My recent research suggests that pre-diabetes is very widespread in the older cohort. I would imagine that diabetes is also. A canny method to deprive oldie of their guns!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 12:47 pm

I’d add that Richard Dawkins is in the news today. What he writes about science is good stuff, but it’s always fun when he writes about Christianity. He’s got absolutely no idea, Dunning-Kruger to eleventy.

April 2, 2024 12:51 pm

That is because, in an important respect, what is funny is different to what is moral. Abandoning babies, for example, is immoral whether or not an individual or a society lacks the moral sense to recognize it.

And Life of Brian is funny (mostly) whether it makes the pope or the Society of Jesus laugh or not.

You are desperately trying to remove morality from human judgements and put it into a platonic realm of abstraction. It isn’t working. It will always be a feature of human (or conceivably other sophont) behaviour.
The moral sense is very evidently developed within a culture. If you’ve ever seen adolescents developing one you’d know this. And different cultures are more or less conducive to the development of the moral sense. And adults differ in their assessments of moral issues, which leads to argument.

This leads to you asserting that there is an absolute morality and you know what it is. It leads me to asserting that there is an absolute morality but I don’t know what it is, I just do the best I can with what I’ve got and hope I can get better.

April 2, 2024 12:55 pm

 April 2, 2024 12:47 pm

You know what population cohort has massive rates of diabetes.

Why are the police targeting Aboriginals with this plainly racist law…

/shitstirring intensifies
comment image

April 2, 2024 1:00 pm

Quite a bit of ignorance in that statement DrBG. Perhaps you should educate yourself in the theology as to why none of what you just said is correct.

I hate to break it to you, B o N, but the great majority of prayers to God are along the lines of please make sure it’s sunny on saturday so the game is played, or please don’t let Agnes die of cancer. Not many people who pray are informed theologians. No doubt the theologians have quite different prayers.

There was an interesting study on the effectiveness of prayer in medical cases. I’m sure you are familiar with it.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 1:19 pm
Reply to  DrBeauGan

LOL. I don’t teach mathematics to you, yet you are teaching Christianity to me? I’ve been studying the subject for over fifty years.

It is academically deeper than chemistry, and as you know I know a little about that field of learning.

April 2, 2024 1:09 pm
April 2, 2024 1:09 pm

State gun reforms involve range of requirements for WA gun owners, including disclosing if they have diabetes

It looks to me that they have just copied the fitness to drive guidelines without looking for any alternative. You obviously don’t want people with uncontrolled epilepsy, poor vision or frequent hypoglycemia handling firearms just as you don’t want them driving. Most people with diabetes are quite OK to do those things but it is a progressive disease that can worsen over time.

April 2, 2024 1:12 pm

Those prayers are what I’d call “vending machine prayer”.

Put the prayer in the slot, select the nice thing you’d like, and out it pops. If it doesn’t, then you didn’t pray it right or often enough or God didn’t hear you or God doesn’t exist after all.

I agree that people can be moral without God. Some people who acknowledge God can be fiercely immoral.

God doesn’t really need them to be one thing or the other. But He does extend an invitation to know Him as far as we are able. Whether you RSVP or not is entirely up to you.

April 2, 2024 1:19 pm
Reply to  calli

Nice topic for easter. I guess praying for a footie win or sunny day to go fishing or relief from ailments is better than throwing people into volcanos.

Which reminds me of the Green movement, scaring people almost to death with end-of-days threats then making sacrifices (utes, read meat, …) to appease the angry green gods.

April 2, 2024 1:18 pm

I’ll be charitable and assume you mis-spoke. 🙂

You are a kindly and charitable person, Roger, which is definitely a Good Thing.

You assume that when I give a causal factor in casual speech, I believe it’s the only one. Would that life, the universe and everything be that simple.

April 2, 2024 1:19 pm

On the subject of evolved morality and its benefits to the animal kingdom in the welfare of infants…

It also extends to other, manmade, creatures.

April 2, 2024 1:23 pm

Would that life, the universe and everything be that simple.

It is, it’s 42

April 2, 2024 1:27 pm

Some people who acknowledge God can be fiercely immoral.

I’ve noticed, and don’t understand it. Maybe their God is very different from yours.

I’ve rejected the God who sends the souls of unbaptised babies to hell or purgatory on the basis that He doesn’t come up to my moral standards. My dear old granny believed in him.

April 2, 2024 1:39 pm
Reply to  DrBeauGan

That is heretical garbage and you can blame Jansenism for this.

You disbelieve in a caricature.

I’m not trying to convert you, but you’re rebelling against something that’s not even authentic in terms of faith.

April 2, 2024 1:28 pm

“great majority of prayers to God are along the lines of please make sure it’s sunny on saturday so the game is played, or please don’t let Agnes die of cancer”
How could you possibly know what the ‘great majority of prayers’ are for?

I don’t know any adults who get on their knees to pray for a nice day to play golf.
Prayers for the sick and dying, yes lots of those. For all you know sometimes those requests for the sick are accepted.
I have a few on the possibly impossible list, the conversion of muslims, peace in the middle east, that kind of thing.
Live in hope.

April 2, 2024 1:29 pm

The UK’s Royal College of Emergency Medicine estimates that more than 250 people now die unnecessarily in UK hospital A&E departments every year while waiting for a bed.

They say it’s a conservative estimate based on the number of people who wait 12 hours or more for a bed after being examined & admitted by an A&E doctor and doesn’t include people who die in “ramped” ambulances who don’t even make it into the A&E dept to be triaged and examined. Nor, it seems, does the figure include people who die while waiting hours to be seen by a doctor.

More bad news for Britons…A&E waiting times are not going to get better any time soon due to their insane migration numbers putting pressure on an NHS that remains broken no matter how much public money is thrown at it.

One can understand people wanting to punish the incompetent Tories for this situation, but that means they’ll get a hard left Labour government – which amounts to incompetency with menace.

This raises the question, in my mind at least: Are modern democracies and their entrenched, self-serving bureaucracies essentially ungovernable?

Last edited 10 months ago by Roger
Robert Sewell
Robert Sewell
April 2, 2024 7:02 pm
Reply to  Roger

Roger, yes. They have become ungovernable as the democratic aspect of our society has been consumed by the authoritarian bureaucracy.
There’s no other way out except by destroying the entire edifice. Tough, but that’s the price for refusing to cull the parasite when it was small enough to to be painlessly pruned.
There is no free lunch, and we are about to find that out.

April 2, 2024 1:32 pm

“I’ve rejected the God who sends the souls of unbaptised babies to hell or purgatory”
Good for you. That’s not a Catholic teaching either.

April 2, 2024 1:43 pm

Those prayers are what I’d call “vending machine prayer”.

I read a book where a kindly bloke thought that it must be hard on God to have to put up with so many of them. Reasoning that God must be pretty smart and that most intelligent beings have a sense of humour, he sent up a joke to give God a laugh to compensate for the others.

John H.
John H.
April 2, 2024 1:44 pm


 April 2, 2024 12:07 pm

This utility would explain how a moral sense evolved


I like the linguistic trick whereby absolutely everything is explained away as being because they “evolved” to be what they are.

Which is the same thing as saying it was designed to be such and such.

The only thing in dispute is the mechanism of design.

That they insist it has to be a random, spontaneous mechanism doing the designing in conjunction with the pressure of selection, rather than an intelligence is completely beside the point they are making, but they have to insert it into every argument.

Would it change anything at all about your argument if you said morals were designed to do such and such, rather than they evolved to do such and such? Not in the slightest.

They do not insist it has to be random, spontaneous mechanism. Look up adaptive evolution, read Arrival of the Fittest or The Vital Question, think about Linquist’s concept of hsp90 as an evolutionary capacitor. You are relying on the typical media presentation of evolution.

If there is a designer then it should lay off the drugs. Look at human wrists and feet. So many bones, such a clumsy design. Those structures are examples of evolutionary determined jury rigged structures. The same is true of mammalian brains, very clumsy designs. Shelled in bone yet producing more heat than any other organ, easily damaged by repeated mild blows to the head, and very easily damaged by infection and\or subsequent immune responses.

Animals express a sense of justice. Morals are designed by conscious agents, including many mammals. I don’t care if morals are free floating because throughout human history even religions change their stance on various issues. Societies shift moral structures. Cultural evolution happens. Operant conditioning at both the individual and group level shapes our behavior. We try something, we wait, we test, we try again. Just like evolution moral evolution never stops. For a good example of that try Wright’s The Evolution of God. For a modern account of a big reason European culture became successful try The WEIRDEST People in the World by Heinrich(hint: is about an evolving moral structure that permits greater out group co-operation.)

April 2, 2024 3:09 pm
Reply to  John H.

Maybe when you have designed and created your own universe and populated it you can criticise the one we were given.
As it is, no one has the slightest idea how any of it came about and anyone who says they know categorically that a God and creator either exists or that they don’t exist, or the exact nature of such, is lying.
Thus faith. In either case.
What we do know is that the society we have, came about through Christian morals, that Christians have better outcomes and when society walks away from any foundational beliefs it all turns to shit.
Therefore I will continue to have faith in something I cannot possible know, because it terms of it’s outcomes it is undeniably true.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 1:45 pm

It is, it’s 42

Marvelous story. I think I like the radio shows the best.

On the other hand you could instead ask “what is best in life?”

(Arnie has just been fitted with a pacemaker. I feel old.)

April 2, 2024 1:47 pm

How could you possibly know what the ‘great majority of prayers’ are for?

I have a depressingly wide experience of human beans and their nature.

April 2, 2024 1:48 pm


Barking Toad
Barking Toad
April 2, 2024 1:51 pm

Anyone able to post the piece by Stephen Rice in the paywallian Oz about the Lehrmann case today? Would be appreciated.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
April 2, 2024 1:52 pm

Tucker Carlson’s latest chat with Dr. Michael Nehls explains a lot. The spike protein, spread by the virus, but created in the human body by the mRNA vaccines, affects our ability to think, and may even accelerate dementia.
The Tucker Carlson Encounter: The Indoctrinated Brain

Last edited 10 months ago by Bungonia Bee
April 2, 2024 1:53 pm

Good for you. That’s not a Catholic teaching either.

My dear old granny thought it was, which is why she forced my mum to have me baptised as a catholic when I was three days old. If she’s now in heaven, which she definitely expected to be, I expect God has put her straight.

John H.
John H.
April 2, 2024 1:56 pm


 April 2, 2024 1:53 pm

Good for you. That’s not a Catholic teaching either.

My dear old granny thought it was, which is why she forced my mum to have me baptised as a catholic when I was three days old. If she’s now in heaven, which she definitely expected to be, I expect God has put her straight.

We hear so many different statements about what the Bible teaches and what churches proclaim that I have come to the conclusion the authors of the Bible were proto post modernists.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 2, 2024 1:57 pm

April 2, 2024 1:00 pm

“Quite a bit of ignorance in that statement DrBG. Perhaps you should educate yourself in the theology as to why none of what you just said is correct.”

I hate to break it to you, B o N, but the great majority of prayers to God are along the lines of please make sure it’s sunny on Saturday so the game is played, or please don’t let Agnes die of cancer. 

Is there a prayer that I can use to win a $50 million Powerball Jackpot? My own personal prayer of course. And I promise to give some of the money to a few worthy causes.

April 2, 2024 2:00 pm
Reply to  Johnny Rotten

yeah, possible. though its a prayer to Mammon rather than the usual deity consulted by the christians et al.

April 2, 2024 1:59 pm

Granny promised me that when she went to heaven, she would look down on me and keep me on the straight and narrow.
There was a period in my twenties when nearly all the girls I met seemed to be catholics, which made me wonder a bit.

Anyway, it’s just possible it worked. Although I didn’t produce any catholic great grandies for her, so it didn’t work perfectly.

April 2, 2024 2:11 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

 I asserted only that morality, if it is genuinely moral, and not be a mere reduction to convention/ convenience/ preferences, is absolute.?

In what sense could morality be “absolute”. Eskimos leave old folks out on the ice to perish in order to make chances of herd survival better – surely thats violating an “absolute” moral tenet not to kill?

And yes, arguments over subjective vs objective morality are well done and well rehearsed …

April 2, 2024 3:13 pm
Reply to  Alamak!

If you find yourself living somewhere you need to leave the old folks to freeze maybe you should get off your arse and move somewhere else. Maybe if the Eskimos had the bible they would have.

April 2, 2024 2:02 pm

Talk about “Waiting for Godot” – waiting for a vet is worse. Although all this talk about Christian revivalism today is evocative of Samuel Beckett.

April 2, 2024 2:03 pm

42. ASCII for wildcard. Douglas Adams was a smartarse.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 2:09 pm
Reply to  Eyrie

Eyrie – The whole thing was a joke about the times tables.

Kids get confused between six times seven and six times nine…

Hence the ultimate question and how there’s something fundamentally wrong about the universe.

April 2, 2024 2:07 pm

Is there a prayer that I can use to win a $50 million Powerball Jackpot? My own personal prayer of course. And I promise to give some of the money to a few worthy causes.

You might try praying to Baal or one of the others. Or since JHVH is a jealous god, pray to Baal that you don’t win a $50 million Powerball Jackpot.

I haven’t tried this. Don’t blame me if you get struck by lightning.

April 2, 2024 2:12 pm

We hear so many different statements about what the Bible teaches and what churches proclaim that I have come to the conclusion the authors of the Bible were proto post modernists.

Has it occurred to you that the fault may lie in the receivers, not the message, John?

The Protestant churches that arose out of the magisterial reformation never claimed they had a perfect understanding of Biblical revelation, but only that their understanding was sufficient for salvation, which is the primary purpose of scripture.

John H.
John H.
April 2, 2024 2:13 pm

I never asserted that I knew what it is, and I haven’t said how it could properly be applied in all circumstances. I asserted only that morality, if it is genuinely moral, and not be a mere reduction to convention/ convenience/ preferences, is absolute.

You make the assertion but don’t provide any evidence for that. Do that.

April 2, 2024 2:13 pm

Tucker Carlson’s latest chat with Dr. Michael Nehls explains a lot. The spike protein, spread by the virus, but created in the human body by the mRNA vaccines, affects our ability to think, and may even accelerate dementia.

I have a very dear friend whose early stage dementia appeared to accelerate after she was vaccinated during Covid. The saddest thing was when we were discussing the danger of the vaccines she suddenly said, with great sadness, that was what happened to me.

I recall that her husband took her to one of the huge vax centres in a parking ground somewhere. Husband is very sceptical re the capacity of such venues to have the vaccines at the required temperature. Not that that probably had any great effect anyway.

John Smith101
John Smith101
April 2, 2024 2:14 pm

Live streaming: Lehrmann v Network Ten 5pm ADST today

April 2, 2024 2:15 pm

I am in 2 minds about this:

PETER HITCHENS: Thirty long months in the slammer for a kiss? That’s today’s justice | Daily Mail Online

It’s a full on smack on the lips but she isn’t resisting; in fact she’s got her hands holding him in.

April 2, 2024 2:15 pm

On telling God jokes…

If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans – Woody Allen

It’s a rough translation from a Yiddish saying, “we plan, God laughs”.

God gets to tell his side of the story in the book of Job.

April 2, 2024 2:21 pm
Reply to  calli

‘Man proposes; God disposes.’

John H.
John H.
April 2, 2024 2:18 pm


 April 1, 2024 10:52 pm

The idea that without religion people become immoral betrays the same old mistake that people so often ma[ke], believing that their beliefs and behaviors arise from ratiocination.

Not sure it’s worth responding to a remark that claims not to have arisen from reasoning.

I forget ratiocination alone. People like to mock Freud but denying that unconscious processes can shape our conscious reasoning is wrong headed. Even genes probably play a role in how we generate our moral structures. Our cognition is subject to variables from both within and without. Nietzsche noted that some philosophers were unaware that their personality influenced their philosophy. The same problem is true for all of us. We are not split individuals, our thinking, our personality, our environment, our history, and our biology all come together to form our understanding of the world and that includes moral structures.

April 2, 2024 2:20 pm

I asserted only that morality, if it is genuinely moral, and not be a mere reduction to convention/ convenience/ preferences, is absolute.

If you mean that it is a property of the species, and conceivably other species, and not just a property of individuals, I agree.

As individuals we can aspire to some level of insight into what is morally right, but it’s not ours to master.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
April 2, 2024 2:21 pm

Here you go Toad.

Bruce Lehrmann case: one significant clue to Justice Michael Lee’s thinking

  • 12:35PM APRIL 2, 2024

Justice Michael Lee may have trailed a big clue about what’s going to happen when he reconvenes Bruce Lehrmann’s defamation trial on Tuesday to hear new evidence from disgruntled former Seven producer Taylor Auerbach.

The affidavit Auerbach has given the Ten Network is likely to be explosive. It may well put Lehrmann back in the witness box. 
It may lead to possible contempt allegations against the former Liberal staffer – and may damage the reputations of some of Auerbach’s former colleagues at Seven, who he has well and truly thrown under the bus.
But it is unlikely to blow up the defamation case
The clue: Lee has not changed the date of judgment day. His verdict in the case is still listed for Thursday. He’s already read Auerbach’s affidavit; he insisted on it before agreeing to the inter­locutory hearing. That move could suggest that – whatever claims ­Auerbach has made about Lehrmann – Lee doesn’t think they will significantly alter his pre-written judgment.
In a case of this magnitude, where Lee’s detailed reasons may take up a hundred pages or more, the preparation and proofreading of his judgment – which will be put online immediately after he delivers it in court – will already be well under way or already complete.

If the new evidence was going to completely counter his findings, he would have to substantially ­revise his judgment – and probably delay his delivery of it. The fact that he hasn’t pushed the date back also suggests he has already made some findings adverse to Lehrmann.
It doesn’t mean he’s found in favour of Channel 10 but it probably means he’s found that Lehrmann is an unreliable witness. If he had found Lehrmann was an ­entirely reliable witness and that the alleged rape of Brittany Higgins didn’t happen, the Auerbach allegations would be a gigantic spanner in the works. The fact that Lee hasn’t ­delayed his verdict suggests the claims are at least in part consistent with his findings.
Several lawyers to whom The Australian spoke said the chance of Lehrmann getting a substantial award of damages has shrunk considerably if Lee gives credence to the Auerbach allegations.

However, they caution there is still a good chance that Lee finds Higgins was also an unreliable witness and that he can’t be satisfied that a rape occurred. Technically, Lehrmann could win if the judge also decides that Ten didn’t win its argument of qualified privilege – in other words, couldn’t show that it acted fairly and reasonably in its journalism.
But Lee could award negligible damages if he found Lehrmann had lied about there being no sexual contact at all.
Lehrmann has previously given evidence that he didn’t give the Spotlight program any of the controversial material it used in its program, including recordings of a five-hour pre-interview meeting between Lisa Wilkinson, her producer Angus Llewellyn, Brittany Higgins and her partner David Sharaz.
The recording was highly embarrassing for Ten and Wilkinson, with the TV presenter heard ­describing former defence minister Linda Reynolds as “a nobody” and an “idiot”, as the group workshopped which “friendly” Labor politicians would push the story and put the Morrison government under pressure.
Evidence obtained by police during an investigation is provided to the defence on the understanding that it is not to be used beyond the scope of the criminal trial, a rule known as the Harman undertaking. Lehrmann has given sworn evidence he didn’t give Seven the recordings or any other material from his criminal trial, including texts between Higgins and Sharaz, and CCTV of Higgins and ­Lehrmann arriving at Parliament House on the night of the alleged rape.
On November 28 last year, Lehrmann was asked in cross examination by Wilkinson’s barrister, Sue Chrysanthou SC, about his contract with Seven, which required him to “give all information, documents, film, video, photographs, items and assistance reasonably requested by Seven”.
“And did you do so?” Chrysanthou asked.
“No, I just gave an interview,” Lehrmann replied.
However, it is believed that ­Auerbach’s affidavit claims Lehrmann was the source of the ­material.
Auerbach was the producer ­assigned to obtain the exclusive interview for the Spotlight program in 2022, with documents in Lehrmann’s defamation case later revealing the Seven Network had agreed to pay his ongoing accommodation costs for a year.
It has since been alleged Auerbach used Seven’s corporate credit card to spend thousands of dollars on Thai massages for himself and Lehrmann – claims Lehrmann ­denies.
The judge will have to determine whether the Auerbach allegations are material enough to the defamation case to reopen the proceedings.
That means not just whether the claims affect Lehrmann’s credit but to what extent a breach of the Harman undertaking – if Lee finds that is what happened – interferes with the administration of justice.

Ten claims Lehrmann’s action – as alleged in the Auerbach affidavit – were an extreme abuse of process. Lee can’t just accept Auerbach’s affidavit. He would have to allow Lehrmann to be recalled to the stand to give evidence on it. Auerbach would then have to go on the stand and be cross-­examined.
Lehrmann is likely to be in court on Tuesday afternoon as he has been for almost every day of the proceedings, sitting alone ­beside the window.
Having lobbed his grenade into the proceedings, Auerbach may not be there to watch it explode: it is understood he made and signed his affidavit over Easter while in New Zealand.
Lehrmann has the option of declining to answer on the grounds that he might incriminate himself.
Seven was understood to be considering whether to seek leave to appear in Tuesday’s hearing, but lawyers told The Australian the network would have little chance of suppressing the affidavit. Lee has made it an article of faith that he wants every element of the case played out in full view of the public, so that there can be no misunderstanding about the evidence.
If Lee finds the allegations to have any possible merit after hearing Lehrmann’s response he could refer the matter to the Director of Public Prosecutions to consider a contempt of court investigation. Contempt of court is generally a criminal matter and can result in jail.
An initial criminal trial into Higgins’ rape allegations against Lehrmann was discontinued after juror misconduct. In December 2022, prosecutors dropped the charges against Lehrmann.

April 2, 2024 2:25 pm

People like to mock Freud but denying that unconscious processes can shape our conscious reasoning is wrong headed. 

Freud…pfft. 😀

Christian theologians identified the noetic effect of sin at least a millenium and a half before him.

Last edited 10 months ago by Roger
April 2, 2024 2:30 pm

On telling God jokes…

I hope God, if he exists, gets some entertainment from humanity. He may be coming around to the view that we are not one of His better ideas. Or maybe we’re daft enough to amuse Him. One can only hope so.

Robert Sewell
Robert Sewell
April 2, 2024 7:10 pm
Reply to  DrBeauGan

What Beaugy said. It at least will make our pointless existence worthy of something.

John H.
John H.
April 2, 2024 2:37 pm


 April 2, 2024 2:25 pm

People like to mock Freud but denying that unconscious processes can shape our conscious reasoning is wrong headed. 

Freud…pfft. ?

Christian theologians identified the noetic effect of sin at least a millenium and a half before him.

Freud, Jung blah blah. Mostly a waste of time. Jung became much more popular because Analytic Therapy had a woo element. J I think awareness of unconscious processes is very old but I wonder if the Age of Reason and the emphasis on us being rational animals led to a neglect of that aspect of our behavior.

April 2, 2024 2:43 pm

This is a great example of why Thymosin Beta 4 should NOT be banned.

It seems to stop a form of chronic/degenerative kidney failure.

(Yes I know they are gene targeting with an adenovirus rather than using a food supplement).

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 2:47 pm
Reply to  Dot

Stock up before the Disease X outbreak in September.

April 2, 2024 2:52 pm

You seem cynical, why don’t you trust the government?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 2, 2024 2:49 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
 April 2, 2024 9:58 am

From the Hun

Last minute twist in Bruce Lehrmann’s defamation case against Network Ten, Lisa WilkinsonAn urgent hearing late this afternoon will consider whether new evidence will allow the high stakes defamation trial to be reopened.

All colour and movement for PR purposes.
The fact the Bandana Man thinks he can recover costs for preparing a subpoena illustrates how far removed from legal reality these people are.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 2, 2024 3:13 pm
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

Ch 10 clutching at straws at this point. God knows what the US makes of this clusterfuk?

April 2, 2024 2:50 pm

I wonder if the Age of Reason and the emphasis on us being rational animals led to a neglect of that aspect of our behavior.

Well we’re long past the Age of Reason, that’s for sure. I’m not sure what Age we’re in currently. The Age of Feelz perhaps. Or the Age of TikTok. Or the Age of Trans visibility. Yeuk to all of them.

April 2, 2024 2:51 pm

Actually John H

I have a question for you.

Is it worth “stacking” PCC, TB4 (if it can be obtained), NAC (-L), pyridoxal5′ for said kidney disease/maintaining function with age?

Would you get dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) to keep brain function up as well?

John H.
John H.
April 2, 2024 2:51 pm

Genetic data have so far supported this view, pointing to Aboriginal Australians having split from Eurasian populations approximately 40- 70 ka BP2-4. However, an alternative hypothesis proposes an additional earlier dispersal of anatomically moderns humans (AMH) from Africa some 60-75 ka BP 5, 6 . According to this model, the descendants of the earlier expansion became admixed or were replaced by later dispersing populations with the exception of a few groups, among whom would be Aboriginal Australians.

I have entertained the view that they were the first wave but in most of the world that wave displaced by a latter dispersal. Hence Australian and South American indigenous peoples represent a slightly different version of humanity. It is interesting that alleles(slight gene changes) for Australian aborigines are also found in some South American indigenous populations. I read a Brain Research study which pointed to Australian aborigines have a visual cortex twice the size of Caucasians. I should follow that up with studies on other indigenous peoples but AFAIK those studies have not been done. Now I’ll go off to my neo Nazi rally … .

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 3:18 pm

Tehran said the strike killed seven military advisers including three senior commanders …

Has anyone mentioned this yet? Pretty extraordinary.

The IRGC guys were in a coordination meeting with senior terrorists including one from Islamic Jihad.

Israel is sending a message to Iran that if you sit down with dogs you just might get fleas.

April 2, 2024 3:27 pm

Imagine what would happen if Russia bombed the Ukrainian embassy in say, Romania. It’s impossible.

April 2, 2024 3:39 pm
Reply to  Baba

You’re equivocating the IRGC with the US State Dept.

Haven’t you got some Larry Romanoff or Brian Berletic to read this afternoon?

April 2, 2024 3:52 pm
Reply to  Dot

I doubt the IRCG has been any worse than Victoria Nuland’s mob over the last 10 years.

April 2, 2024 4:27 pm
Reply to  Baba

You’re really no different to Bill Ayres.

April 2, 2024 3:30 pm

Atheists, could you tell me if I have your argument correct?
There is no God, the universe is an accident, morality is simply whatever helps you get along with your fellow mammals in whatever random situation you found yourselves, we are all soulless, sophisticated organic automatrons who blinked into existence and will soon blink out of existence, devoid of meaning and eventually the entire thing will brown out into nothing.
If all this is true, if it’s all completely and utterly meaningless, then you are meaningless, and so are your opinions.
So why are you still giving them?
Isn’t it irrational to put time and effort into something with no meaning?

April 2, 2024 3:33 pm

Suspected Israeli warplanes bombed Iran’s embassy in Syria, a marked escalation in a war pitting Israel against its regional adversaries, and Tehran said the strike killed seven military advisers including three senior commanders

Gotta luv the slant the media putz into all these Israel bad stories .. the.usual, potted history of Gaza good Israel bad including 32 000 dead .. nuttin’ to do with the bombing but alwayz good for propaganda issues which ignore the fact that Hamas is a terrorist organization currently being spanked for behaving as terrorists tend to do …….

April 2, 2024 3:36 pm


An Insane “Conspiracy Theory”

The homes that BlackRock has been purchasing (a HUGE amount in New York) being setup to house illegal migrants Each home will average bringing in $15,000 per month to house illegals

– New York just declared that they’re gonna pay homeowners there a $125 a day to house a migrant.

– $125 a day per migrant, per bedroom

– And at $3,750 per migrant, that means that property would now be bringing in $15,000 a mont

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 3:49 pm
Reply to  Makka

They’re getting desperate.

Michigan Is Offering Homeowners $500 a Month to House ‘Newcomers’ (24 Mar)

I’m not seeing many takers. New York City will soon be a ghetto inhabited by country shoppers and homeless people as the locals all flee.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 3:42 pm

Imagine what would happen if Russia bombed the Ukrainian embassy in say, Romania. It’s impossible.

It wasn’t the embassy. It was the building next to it.

You host IJ and other stinky people you should be expecting six missiles through the ceiling.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 3:43 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

Israel has pesticide. It’s quite effective I believe.

April 2, 2024 3:44 pm

Literary and psych majors.

Riddle me this:

Tendency to be dismayed at honesty but crave false nonchalance – what is that called?

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
April 2, 2024 3:55 pm

Anyone able to post the piece by Stephen Rice in the paywallian Oz about the Lehrmann case today? Would be appreciated.


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 2, 2024 4:12 pm
Reply to  Barking Toad

Awaiting approval. Don’t know what I’ve done wrong

April 2, 2024 4:00 pm

“It wasn’t the embassy. It was the building next to it.”

It was in the diplomatic compound. You know, through the gate with the sign reading Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 4:05 pm
Reply to  Baba

Also next to the Canadian embassy…

Not hearing to many complaints from the Canadians, despite them being woke as sh*t.

April 2, 2024 4:07 pm

Cassie was right.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 4:13 pm
Reply to  Baba

She can say what she wants. You can say what you want. I have provided the facts as we know them. If you don’t like facts I cannot assist you. I do not much like the Iranian theocracy since they seem to think I am their enemy, since I am a Christian. I hope the poor Iranian people will finally be free of the monsters presently ruling over them.

You do realize the Americans have managed to bomb two Chinese consulates and have gotten away with it? It’s amusing. Strong horses rule in the Middle East.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 2, 2024 5:59 pm
Reply to  Baba

Was that a bit like invading the US Embassy in Tehran and holding the staff hostage for a very long oime? On the scale of breaching diplomatic immunity?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 2, 2024 4:11 pm

Explosive new allegations in Lehrmann case hours before hearing


By stephen rice

  • NSW Editor
  • Updated 4:01PM April 2, 2024, First published at 2:46PM April 2, 2024

In another shock development in the Ten Network’s bid to re-open the Bruce Lehrmann defamation case, the network on Tuesday afternoon filed a new affidavit from disgruntled former Seven Network producer Taylor Auerbach about conversations he allegedly had with Seven executives.
The affidavit comes just hours before Justice Michael Lee is to hear Ten’s application to re-open the case on the basis of allegations by Auerbach about how the Seven Network’s Spotlight program came into possession of material it used in its interview with Lehrmann.
The new affidavit is believed to consist of further recollections by Auerbach of conversations he had with Lehrmann and Spotlight executive producer Mark Llewellyn.
It is also understood to detail allegations that Lehrmann used a photocopier at the Seven Network to copy documents.
It is not clear why Auerbach did not include the claims in two previous affidavits, one filed on Saturday and one on Sunday.
Including exhibits and attachments, the documents now run to some 2000 pages.

Justice Lee will hear Ten’s application at 5pm on Tuesday, less than two full days before he is due to deliver his judgment in the defamation case brought by Lehrmann against the network and presenter Lisa Wilkinson.
Mr Lehrmann is expected to argue that the case should not be reopened at the eleventh hour and that the affidavits should not be admitted as evidence.
It is unclear whether Seven will seek leave to be represented at the hearing.
Lehrmann has long denied he was the source of material run on the program, including recordings of a five-hour pre-­interview meeting between Lisa Wilkinson, her producer Angus Llewellyn, Brittany Higgins and her partner, David Sharaz.

The recording was highly embarrassing for Ten and Wilkinson, with the TV presenter heard describing former defence minister Linda Reynolds as “a nobody” and an “idiot”, as the group workshopped which “friendly” Labor politicians would push the story and put the Morrison government under pressure.
The material was obtained under subpoena during the Lehrmann’s criminal trial but used on the program, potentially in breach of the so-called Harman undertaking, which forbids use of information or exhibits obtained during court proceedings for any other purpose.
It is believed that ­affidavits provided to Ten by Auerbach, who left the Spotlight program last year, make untested claims that the source of the information was Mr ­Lehrmann.

Auerbach was the producer assigned to obtain the exclusive interview for the Spotlight program in 2022, with documents in Mr Lehrmann’s defamation case later revealing Seven had agreed to pay his accommodation costs for a year.
On November 28 last year, Lehrmann was asked in cross examination by Wilkinson’s barrister, Sue Chrysanthou SC, about his contract with Seven, which required him to “give all information, documents, film, video, photographs, items and assistance reasonably requested by Seven”.
“And did you do so?” Chrysanthou asked.
“No, I just gave an interview,” Lehrmann replied.

April 2, 2024 4:12 pm

Excellent article at Breitbart by John Spencer, who is a world renowned on his knowledge of Urban Warfare.

The World is playing into Hamas’ strategy.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 4:15 pm
Reply to  Pogria

Israel isn’t. Every single Hamas guy is going to be fertilizer if they do not unconditionally surrender. Remember Munich. Same thing.

April 2, 2024 5:21 pm

I wasn’t including Israel in that info.
I would prefer to see Israel turn that whole festering area into a sea of glass.

April 2, 2024 4:12 pm

Vet’s verdict – almost certainly ligament damage/dislocation in fetlock although hairline fracture not impossible. Since we couldn’t get the steer a kilometre to the crush, the vet ( a very competent young lady) had the devil’s own job in injecting cortisone. Thank goodness infection between and under hoof claws was ruled out as getting a larger injection of antibiotics would have been impossible out in the paddock. Thankfully, he was handled as a calf and allows some handling.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
April 2, 2024 4:15 pm

Justice Lee hearing 05:00pm.

To be broadcast via Federal Court you tube.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 2, 2024 4:49 pm
Reply to  Barking Toad

More viewers than either Teh Project or I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here at this point.

April 2, 2024 4:31 pm

If all this is true, if it’s all completely and utterly meaningless, then you are meaningless, and so are your opinions.

Arky, ‘meaning’ is a property of some bits of language. As in ‘Arky is a muddled prat’. It only vaguely makes sense to say a life has meaning. The word purpose might be a better choice.

You seem to think God, or whoever’s in charge, created the universe and you with some specific intent for you. He may or may not have given you hints of what He intends you to do. You seem to think your job is to guess what you are here for, then obediently get on with doing what God wants you to do. This is the meaning of your life.

It’s a theory, I suppose. Off hand I’d say that if you believe anything like this, you’re potty.

My theory is very different. I find myself in an astonishingly beautiful world for a rather short span of time. I have certain biological urges implanted in me that seem to be aimed at reproducing and surviving. That leaves me with a fair bit of time on my hands; I have decided to enjoy my brief life as much as possible and I am writing this in the faint hope of improving your life by passing on my theory as substantially less potty than what seems to be yours. I’m a nice bloke.

John H.
John H.
April 2, 2024 4:39 pm


 April 2, 2024 2:51 pm

Actually John H

I have a question for you.

Is it worth “stacking” PCC, TB4 (if it can be obtained), NAC (-L), pyridoxal5? for said kidney disease/maintaining function with age?

Would you get dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) to keep brain function up as well?

Take NAC with glycine, better effect. TB4, perhaps but I wouldn’t. PCC is worth thinking about, also good for liver. Or you could eat more eggs. I’m not sure cholinesterase inhibitors are a good idea. If over 65 perhaps but messing around with neurotransmitters is something of a gamble.

There is no clear answer to any of this. We are too individualistic and at best can experiment. You might want to think about improving CBF rather than neurotransmitters. I take biloba for that purpose. It has demonstrated increased CBF and there are studies supporting benefits in mild cognitive benefit.

Look into your family history to identify possible genetic susceptibilities. Also at think about what conditions and illnesses you have experienced. Then think about health strategies.

John H.
John H.
April 2, 2024 4:43 pm


 April 2, 2024 3:30 pm

Atheists, could you tell me if I have your argument correct?

There is no God, the universe is an accident, morality is simply whatever helps you get along with your fellow mammals in whatever random situation you found yourselves, we are all soulless, sophisticated organic automatrons who blinked into existence and will soon blink out of existence, devoid of meaning and eventually the entire thing will brown out into nothing.

If all this is true, if it’s all completely and utterly meaningless, then you are meaningless, and so are your opinions.

So why are you still giving them?

Isn’t it irrational to put time and effort into something with no meaning?

Someone put the same argument to Dawkins. He replied, my life certainly isn’t meaningless but if yours is you have my sympathy.

All this guffaw that we need some higher purpose to live well and morally. Yet billions of people live\have lived without those qualities and lived very well. That is the problem with the argument you put forward here and to stress the point again: don’t think rationality is all that drives our behaviors. Or as Kirkegaard wrote: life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced. A statement so Buddhist like I wonder if he was leaning that way.

April 2, 2024 4:45 pm

Destroyers of Democracy Continue to Insist Trump Will Destroy Democracy | Frontpage Mag

The latest hysteric to claim that Trump represents a mortal threat to “our democracy,” by which leftists mean “our hegemony,” is Michael Cohen, Trump’s embittered and vengeful former personal attorney. Cohen appeared Friday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut,” full of dark warnings about how a Trump victory in November will mean curtains for The Land of the Free and The Home of the Brave. Never mind everything that the left has already done, and is busy continuing to do, to turn this country into The Land of the Serfs and The Home of The Cowardly, and to render the quip “It’s a free country” obsolete. It’s all really Trump’s fault.

I must say cohen looks fuked. He must be missing all the dicking he had in prison. Joy looks like she always looks: like an AI version of a transexual toad.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 4:49 pm

You seem to think God, or whoever’s in charge, created the universe and you with some specific intent for you. 

Slight error there DrBG. He created it for a specific intent for him.

I think it’s fun that so many sciency peoples lately have been saying the universe is a software program. Consider if someone somewhere decided to build a universe, using binary or matter or all those single socks everyone has lost in the washing machine. What would he do to get the attention of the people in his universe? He might, perhaps, leave them a message that they could find.

April 2, 2024 4:50 pm

Speaking of morals here is a cute owl: even by my standards this lovely one is very muscular: enjoy:

Last edited 10 months ago by cohenite
April 2, 2024 4:53 pm
Reply to  cohenite

Please stop.


I am typing this on a braille computer now.

April 2, 2024 4:54 pm
Reply to  Dot

Don’t be a wimp.

April 2, 2024 5:03 pm
Reply to  cohenite

Chelan Simmons
Kate Upton
Sidney Sweeney

Sure, I’d be damned heroic for these women if they were single.

Ah yes, women.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 5:02 pm
Reply to  Dot

Ok then, you’ll just have to feel her abs rather than look at them. Tactile!

April 2, 2024 5:01 pm
Reply to  cohenite

Cronkite, you everyone a favor and just come out of the musty closet. The least you can do now.

April 2, 2024 5:11 pm
Reply to  JC

And leave you by yourself; no way!

April 2, 2024 5:49 pm
Reply to  JC

should do

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
April 2, 2024 4:52 pm

Barking Toad
 April 2, 2024 3:55 pm

Anyone able to post the piece by Stephen Rice in the paywallian Oz about the Lehrmann case today? Would be appreciated.

Toad. I tried a couple of hours ago but it was sent to moderation.

April 2, 2024 4:54 pm

Arky, ‘meaning’ is a property of some bits of language. As in ‘Arky is a muddled prat’


Or “BG is an insufferable twat”.…

I’m a nice bloke.

As you don’t think there is any objective morality seperate from your own urges, you have no basis for claiming to be “a nice bloke”
Here is your problem. Without enforcement, there are no morals. In the past the Christian Churches enforced morality. But you think that the basis for their morality is nonsense.
Therefore you are left with three logical choices. Either the state continues to enforce morality, meaning more identity garbage and made up racialist hysteria; or we take your view that morality is just whatever makes you feel good which means no morality at all as everyone just makes up their own mind to believe whatever best suits themselves; or we move into some sort of technocratic system where morals are just arbiters of political power.

April 2, 2024 4:55 pm

People should look at what Mole posted earlier about the NDIS. It’s actually frightening.

Almost one in three jobs created last year was for the NDIS

From the AFR.

Almost one in three jobs created over the past year was in an industry servicing the ballooning National Disability Insurance Scheme, according to new research highlighting the scale of the challenge Labor faces trying to rein in the program.

The explosive growth in the $42 billion NDIS has helped propel federal government spending to near-record levels as a share of GDP, while the Australian government actuary warns the program is on track to cost $125 billion a year by 2034.

About 130,000 of the 437,000 people who gained work in the 12 months to February were employed in the NDIS-related sub-industries like allied health and non-childcare social assistance, according to new research from investment bank Jarden.

The growth in publicly funded employment has masked the slowdown in the private sector jobs market, Jarden economists Carlos Cacho and Anthony Malouf said.

The findings, which use data from the monthly labour force survey, mean that NDIS-related work accounted for 30 per cent of annual employment growth, despite representing just 6 per cent of jobs.

While workers in these jobs could also be employed elsewhere in the care economy, Mr Cacho said the main driver of the growth was the “blowout” in funding for the NDIS.

The strength of public sector employment is one of the reasons why the labour market has shown surprising resilience in the face of a material slowdown in consumer spending. The unemployment rate unexpectedly fell to 3.7 per cent in February from 4.1 per cent in January.

“All else being equal, without jobs growth in NDIS-related areas, the unemployment rate would be 4.6 per cent… whilst this is unrealistic, given some workers would have moved into other jobs, it illustrates how much support the program is providing to the labour market and economy,” Mr Cacho said.

While public sector employment grew by 6 per cent over the 12 months to February, growth in demand-sensitive parts of the private sector such as construction, retail and manufacturing was just 1.4 per cent.

“Consumer-exposed retail and hospitality employment are now falling, whilst construction employment has slowed to flat,” Mr Cacho said.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Treasurer Jim Chalmers will on Tuesday trumpet internal government analysis showing a record 1000 jobs were created every day during Labor’s first 21 months in office.

But adjusted for the size of the labour force, which has doubled since 1987, similar or higher rates of 21-month employment growth were recorded during the Morrison, Howard, Keating and Hawke governments, according to analysis of post-1978 jobs data by The Australian Financial Review.

NDIS overhaul in the works

The Albanese government is in the early stages of overhauling the NDIS, aiming to reduce the program’s current 23 per cent annual growth rate to 8 per cent by 2026.

Participant numbers hit 646,000 in December 2023, putting the program on track to exceed projections from the May 2023 federal budget that the scheme would cost $42 billion to run in 2023-24. Recent budget blowouts have been due to a surge in children with autism and developmental delay joining the NDIS.

Legislation reflecting the recommendations of last year’s review into the troubled scheme was introduced to federal parliament last week.

The changes announced by NDIS Minister Bill Shorten will enable authorities to move children from the NDIS to state programs, if they no longer need the level of care provided under the scheme.

“This amendment enables the agency to check progress and update plans and funding accordingly,” the legislation says.

“In some cases, this may result in an assessment that early intervention has been successful and the person no longer requires support from the NDIS.”

To succeed, however, the states need to honour their pledge to relieve the burden on the NDIS by taking responsibility for children with mild autism and development issues.

The key changes will take between 12 and 18 months to establish, and the government envisages a totally revamped and sustainable scheme after five years.

The changes include a new assessment of the needs of each participant, not their eligibility, and then providing them with a budget that will last them up to five years.

This is principally designed to eliminate plan inflation associated with the current practice of giving a participant a new plan every year, which is inevitably more expensive than the year before. Along with child participants, plan inflation is the biggest contributor to the cost blowouts of the NDIS.

While the NDIS has predicted the number of participants would double to 1.2 million over the decade, the government actuary has said was there was upside risk to this forecast given the influx of children with autism and developmental delay joining the scheme.

Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth on Tuesday will release a draft national autism strategy. Among the two dozen commitments in the strategy is for the government to explore how to make autism diagnosis more timely and consider early screening arrangements.

Last edited 10 months ago by JC
April 2, 2024 5:23 pm
Reply to  JC

The poisonous expansion of the NDIS sits squarely on the hands of Bill Shorten. It was sold originally as a selfless scheme to help parents of disabled children who haafnt had a holiday in decades. At least this is what he told voce and (perhaps) gullible people at the Sydney Institute all those years ago.

April 2, 2024 4:59 pm

All this guffaw that we need some higher purpose to live well and morally. Yet billions of people live\have lived without those qualities and lived very well.

And yet the post Christian West continues to spiral into a mass of degeneracy, identity politics, spite, socialism and global warming hysteria,

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
April 2, 2024 5:00 pm

Thanks MS @04:52

April 2, 2024 5:02 pm

As you don’t think there is any objective morality seperate from your own urges, you have no basis for claiming to be “a nice bloke”

You haven’t been reading the site, have you. This leads to you getting everything wrong.

I have said several times today that I do believe in an objective real morality. Check back and confirm it.

That you can get me completely wrong in this utterly scruffy way disinclines me to take anything you write seriously enough to reply, so from now on I shan’t.

April 2, 2024 5:03 pm

“This is a great example of why Thymosin Beta 4 should NOT be banned”

Peptides are banned because they work and are cheap.

April 2, 2024 5:07 pm

“Australian aid worker killed in Gaza”.

Oh dear.


April 2, 2024 5:32 pm
Reply to  bons

There is a decent story about this at the Mail.
Not much sympathy for the dumb sheila in the comments. Lol.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 5:11 pm

Here is your problem. Without enforcement, there are no morals. 

Excellent comment Arky.

The Roman Empire was able to maintain a productive civilization. At first they traded on the concept of “virtue”. That was not dissimilar to Christian principles and by that means the population tended to keep on the straight and narrow.

Then later as virtue degraded into vice the operation of the law kept things together, since the Romans had a sophisticated system of law, jurisprudence and enforcement.

So law works, if it is properly enforced.

The trouble is that you have three states of civilization: one where the citizens behave because of their innate beliefs, a second where they behave due to the force of the law and the state, and a third where neither holds sway. The third case isn’t civilization, of course, it’s Haiti.

Not surprising then that the most successful civilizations are those whose citizens are motivated by internal guiding principles, thus saving on law enforcement expenditure.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
April 2, 2024 5:14 pm

Mak Siccar
 April 2, 2024 2:21 pm

Here you go Toad.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 2, 2024 5:20 pm

Last living survivor on board of USS Arizona during Pearl Harbor attack dies at age 102 – as only 20 people at the WWII surprise blitz remain alive

  • Lou Conter, 102, passed away on Monday at his home in Grass Valley, California
  • He was on the USS Arizona when Japanese planes attacked on December 7 1941
  • More than 2,000 Americans died in Pearl Harbor and now there are around 20 survivors still alive

Daily Mail

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 2, 2024 6:02 pm

I’m reminded of the story of George Gay – the sole survivor of the attack of Torpedo 8 squadron at Midway. When he died, he wanted to be cremated, in his ashes scattered in the Pacific, where all his shipmates had died.

April 2, 2024 5:21 pm

Thanks JC, that article is awful in its implications.

while the Australian government actuary warns the program is on track to cost $125 billion a year by 2034.

comment image?la=en&hash=E05EFFF27908C063012AE9C0C9D9D6E03094B74F

See, we can shut down mining and agriculture and have a combined coffee shop/NDIS/pubic serpent led economy!

John H.
John H.
April 2, 2024 5:25 pm


 April 2, 2024 4:59 pm

All this guffaw that we need some higher purpose to live well and morally. Yet billions of people live\have lived without those qualities and lived very well.


And yet the post Christian West continues to spiral into a mass of degeneracy, identity politics, spite, socialism and global warming hysteria,

Low crime rates, low drug and alcohol usage, no world wars, huge efforts to reduce domestic violence and child abuse, socialism has always been with us, the cold war was the greatest hysteria of the current age. The USA is by far the most religious advanced nation yet has highest rates of legal and illegal drug abuse, highest incarceration and murder rates, and the streets are much less safe than the godless nations in Europe.

April 2, 2024 5:31 pm

The Roman Empire was able to maintain a productive civilization. At first they traded on the concept of “virtue”. That was not dissimilar to Christian principles and by that means the population tended to keep on the straight and narrow.

Not at all BoN. In the lexicon of the Roman political class, virtus referred to those characteristics of leadership that denoted excellence. That did not mean “virtue” as we know it! It referred to many personal characteristics that inspired leadership in (originally) an agrarian society of prominent families.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 2, 2024 5:32 pm

comment image

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 2, 2024 5:33 pm

Ten vs Lehrmann.
Ten’s counsel seems to be running a “damages mitigation” line, rather than a last ditch defence of the central defamation case.

April 2, 2024 5:42 pm

I have said several times today that I do believe in an objective real morality. Check back and confirm it.…

Read the whole sentence, not just the bit that triggers you.
I said “objective morality seperate from your own urges”.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 5:44 pm

Popcorn time!

NSW Swifts star Samantha Wallace-Joseph condemned for causing ‘understandable hurt’ to transgender community in post (Sky News, 2 Apr)

Here is her photo. We’re talking serious mortal combat between two adjacent rungs on the woke grievance ladder!

April 2, 2024 5:48 pm

The USA is by far the most religious advanced nation yet has highest rates of legal and illegal drug abuse, highest incarceration and murder rates, and the streets are much less safe than the godless nations in Europe

And as an atheist, how do you claim any of those things as being morally wrong? You are just describing the situation as it is, and by your measure human morals will adapt to that circumstance and life will go on. Or not. According to your view none of it matters.

Last edited 10 months ago by Arky
April 2, 2024 5:49 pm

Spot poll

What do people think the outcome of the Lehman case will be.

1: Lehman wins bigly – damages against TV station and cane toad announced.
2: Lehman wins, but TV station only in the frame, Toad skates
3: Lehman wins, but with significant caveats, Toad and TV station
4: Lehman wins, but with significant caveats, TV station only
5: Effectively a “pox on both houses” judgement, all players go home and pay their own costs.
6: Lehman loses, with significant caveats,
7: Lehman loses bigly, found to have possibly offended on the balance of probabilities, ordered to pay costs etc.

Or do other people have other scenarios they think likely?

Im leaning towards 4 myself.
Neither side has covered themselves in glory in the witness box, but its quite plain the TV station was on a witch hunt, and having workshopped it with certain ALP members as well, it became a political hit job.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 2, 2024 6:03 pm

I’m hoping it’s 1

April 2, 2024 5:53 pm

To succeed, however, the states need to honour their pledge to relieve the burden on the NDIS by taking responsibility for children with mild autism and development issues.

Why is NDIS available for “mild autism & development issues” it was, supposedly created for folk with serious disabilities that required well above the normal level of care already available .. Folk who need 24/7 help ..!
Not for ADHD & associated claims already covered by CentreLink & “our”, apparently, bottomless pit of money .. FFS!

Mind, last Thursday when I was, officially, placed into the NSW Community Health system (due to catheter changing) I was stunned when presented with a list of services” I’m now entitled to .. from someone to do my shopping to housework and transport to & from appointments involving medical issues, as well, as lotza home medical help .. As I pointed out to the nurse I’d expected to have to get myself to the local hospital (it’s at the top of the street, 5 minutes walk) for the catheter so I can, actually, look after myself as I have dun since this all started last November …..

Last edited 10 months ago by shatterzzz
April 2, 2024 5:53 pm

Tesla’s new software upgrade for self-drive is supposed to be amazing.

I’ve Been driving aground all morning testing out Tesla’s FSD 12.3.3. Here are my key thoughts: 1) This update dramatically improves many of my previous gripes. It doesn’t act like an overly cautious grandma like previous versions. It slows to a stop naturally and speeds up naturally. 2) I can imagine reliable robo-taxis technology being plausible within 6-12 months if these updates keep coming. 3) I’m addicted to driving. It makes driving fun, easy and most importantly safe. 4) I get a little nervous at corners as it does seem to get pretty close to curbs. 5) It deals with chaos and a lot of variables better than I can as a human

Short vid here

April 2, 2024 5:55 pm

I doubt Samantha Wallace-Joseph regularly plays the grievance card in woke poker.

The 30-year-old goalshooter reposted news of US President Joe Biden recognising March 31 as Transgender Day of Visibility.

Wallace-Joseph, a devout Christian from Trinidad and Tobago, commented: “The disrespect is crazy. Don’t play with GOD.”

Last edited 10 months ago by Baba
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 2, 2024 6:01 pm
Reply to  Baba

It’s not her that’s playing the grievance card is it…?

But it is popcorn luvvin’ fun which side is getting the woke support…not the black woman. Rosa Parks will be wincing, won’t she?

Amazing how black women get dumped into the waste receptacle so quickly when they are inconvenient.

April 2, 2024 6:10 pm

In your own words.

We’re talking serious mortal combat between two adjacent rungs on the woke grievance ladder!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 2, 2024 6:05 pm

Indications Lehrmann’s barrister will object to new evidence
Ellie Dudley
Bruce Lehrmann’s barrister Matthew Richardson SC has indicated he will object to evidence brought by former Seven producer Taylor Auerbach.
That affidavit is believed to be about 2000 pages, and contains details about how Spotlight came into possession of material it used in its interview with Mr Lehrmann, including ­recordings of a five-hour pre-­interview meeting between Lisa Wilkinson, her producer Angus Llewellyn, Brittany Higgins and her partner, David Sharaz.
Mr Lehrmann has long denied he was the source of the recordings, and of vision of Ms Higgins and Mr Lehrmann inside Parliament House that was obtained under subpoena during the criminal trial but used on the program

April 2, 2024 6:05 pm

Cronkite, now this is a real woman, not the fake sheilas you present here.

Melania looks great. Great smile too.

Last edited 10 months ago by JC
April 2, 2024 6:07 pm

And it begins with the negative publicity…. What ever infected Badaducci must have infected the whole board.

April 2, 2024 6:07 pm

Frollicking, lock me in for 2:

Lehmann wins but Toad skates.

April 2, 2024 6:15 pm

Barron appears to have grown into a fine, tall young man.
Yes, Melania looks great. Loved it when some idiot asked the Donald how he slept at night. “With a supermodel” was the reply. (story may not be real).

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
April 2, 2024 6:17 pm

I saw this ad at one of the links above:

Carson: “Memory Loss is Finally a Thing of The Past!”

I desperately wanted to answer “What is a past?”

  1. Happy 77th birthday to American rock icon Alice Cooper. Born Vincent Furnier in Detroit Michigan on February 4th 1948. Apparently…

  2. @amuse INCITEMENT: Everyday another Democrat calls on his constituents to take to fight in the streets to stop the President…

  3. If I offered nice Mr Musk a small donation I wonder if he could be prepared to turn his geniuses…


Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x