Open Thread – Mon 15 April 2024

Pandora’s Box, Charles Edward Perugini, late 1800s

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Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 17, 2024 12:17 pm

Cohen’s family told the ABC that Seven News explained the error as the fault of a junior social media editor.

Rock solid defence.

April 17, 2024 12:17 pm

Wish I still had olive and almond trees that I had in Perth. Great producers they were.

April 17, 2024 12:19 pm

The Liverpool spin cycle has started. It seems the youngster was radicalised online, the family had no idea, the local mosque does not know him and is fearful of attacks. The kid was incensed by the inflammatory statements of the bishop. The real villains are the Assyrian Christians. Next in the script: Islam is a religion of peace……Then the academics ask for more research money.
What’s new? Julie Inman Grant, the eSafety Commissioner gets a chance to seem relevant – Well, I didn’t see that one.

April 17, 2024 12:29 pm

Indeed Johnjjj

I was surprised the National Council of Imams came out to say they were deeply troubled by the attack.

Haven’t they read the Koran?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 17, 2024 12:37 pm

Haven’t they read the Koran?

Probably. All those interesting sermons they’ve been preaching lately had to come from somewhere.

April 17, 2024 12:42 pm

One only has to take a cursory glance of Mein Kampf, sorry, I mean the Koran to see if filled with hate for non-mueslies on every single page.

As Abbot said: “islam needs a reformation”

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 17, 2024 12:42 pm

I was surprised the National Council of Imams came out to say they were deeply troubled by the attack.

Hardly surprising.
If I was relying on the superpower of my squirrel-grip on Team Albanese, video of the perp, grinning, and muttering about snack bars would be troubling

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 17, 2024 12:46 pm

$330bn defence program detailed by Marles
Ben Packham
The Albanese government will spend an additional $50 billion over the next decade and $5.7bn over the forward estimates to modernise the Australian Defence Force with new missiles, drones, ships and aerial defence systems.
The government’s new $330bn defence investment program released by Defence Minister Richard Marles on Wednesday will lift spending on the nation’s military to 2.4 per cent of GDP by 2034.
The decade-long program includes up to $76bn for undersea warfare including nuclear submarines and underwater drones; up to $69bn for new surface ships; $21bn for guided weapons; and $18bn for missile defence.
The plan includes up to $44bn to transform the army into an amphibious force modelled on the US Marines, and $33bn for the air force.
Mr Marles has also released a new national defence strategy, which sets out a plan to deny potential enemies the ability to attack Australia through long-range capabilities.
The strategy acknowledges Defence’s personnel crisis, pledging a fundamental transformation of recruiting and retention, including through the recruitment of non-citizens.

Top Ender
Top Ender
April 17, 2024 12:50 pm

Back at home, we have just attended a local Probus meeting where the guest speaker was a retired mostly-Middle East diplomat talking about his career and his just-published memoirs.

He started off by saying Hamas were an appalling bunch of terrorists and went on from there.

Very interesting talk.

April 17, 2024 1:01 pm

As Abbot said: “islam needs a reformation”.

Good luck with that.

There’s a simpler solution – Muslims in Australia should understand and accept that here their religion can be subjected to criticism.

That is part of living in an open society.

If they can’t accept that, they should emigrate to a country more to their liking.

Iirc, Peter Costello said much the same in the 2000s, but since then authorities have been tip-toeing around the issue and making concessions that have only emboldened troublesome elements within the Muslim community. Instead, they need to be pressured to conform to what is a reasonable request. To that end, we could look at some of the French laws recently passed to deal with the same problem on a larger scale.

Last edited 3 months ago by Roger
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 17, 2024 1:13 pm

$330bn defence program detailed by Marles

I was amused by Marles’ new defence strategy.

Defence Minister Richard Marles to outline major defence and investment strategy at National Press Club on Wednesday (Sky News, 17 Apr)

How many new defence strategies are we up to for this government? I forget. I haven’t been keeping count. Several it seems to me. They could use the various Defence White Papers to keep Parliament fully supplied with toilet paper for the rest of the term.

If we could be defended by means of White Papers and New Strategies we’d be in excellent hands. Meanwhile subs and etc are deferred into the never never and the guys are bailing from the woke service arms in droves.

April 17, 2024 1:26 pm

To that end, we could look at some of the French laws recently passed to deal with the same problem on a larger scale.

France is hardly a beacon of liberalism.

April 17, 2024 1:28 pm

I was amused by Marles’ new defence strategy.

While they’re coming up with new strategies, might I suggest they look at land and ship based drone and missile defence systems?

April 17, 2024 1:30 pm

Andrew Tate

Dear white men.

You’re fucked.

You’re being replaced because none of you have children.

Even those of you bitching about the replacement online like little girls don’t find the gumption to fuck.

I see white men bragging about having 5 kids as if it’s an achievement. lol.

Five? Lolol.

Per year right?

Ohhhh. All you white boys lost control of you’re women and now they won’t accept multiple wives anymore.

Now they tell you they don’t want anymore kids. Ones enough!

They don’t want to do their god given job anymore no, they want instagram likes instead.

So you’re genetic potential is stumped by the whims of some singular female.

A female who takes 9 whole months to grow a single baby.

Other races have multiple ovens for bread. We’re not cucked.

Some bitch is screaming at you about loyalty and you’re sitting there saying “yes baby”

Jerking off to porn when she’s asleep or maybe cheating with a sidebitch (CONDOM ON!)

Oh no I couldn’t get another woman pregnant my wife would kill me!!!

Total fucking losers.

Soon your race will be nothing more than a few pages in a history book.

A lesson on what happens when you fuck the female psyche so hard they’re obsessed with money and social media as opposed to being one of many baby factories for a king.

30 children minimum for the dons.

White people?

Go talk to your “best friend” wife about what to do this weekend.

Maybe you can take a nice walk around Ikea.

Enjoy extinction.

April 17, 2024 1:31 pm

France is hardly a beacon of liberalism.

Liberalism has proven itself incapable of addressing this question.

See Popper’s paradox of tolerance.

April 17, 2024 1:32 pm

Any kafir commentary on islam is vexatious. The boy was trying to cut his head off and he’s been egged on.
‘Behead those who insult the prophet’ is no more a rhetorical than ‘from the river to the sea’.

April 17, 2024 1:33 pm

Israel needs to degrade Iran’s capacity to attack.
‘Next time’

April 17, 2024 1:33 pm

For example, where a firebrand Muslim cleric has dual citizenship, revoke his Australian citizenship and deport him. A problem dealt with and a warning sent to others.

April 17, 2024 1:34 pm

Seriously; they’re supposed to just sit there and take it, like they’re supposed to with Hamas and Hezbollah?

April 17, 2024 1:34 pm

And my fingers are crossed that Justice Lee doesn’t award damages.

April 17, 2024 1:35 pm

I mean costs.

April 17, 2024 1:37 pm

The strategy acknowledges Defence’s personnel crisis, pledging a fundamental transformation of recruiting and retention, including through the recruitment of non-citizens.

Suspect that will be Pacific Islanders – which I have no objection to. Nonetheless, one’s own citizens should be the primary defenders of a nation – having family and property to lose.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 17, 2024 1:38 pm

On the Lehrmann case.
Lee’s judgement came as a surprise to me, in that he was a stickler for “just the facts ma’am” throughout the hearing. I therefore thought that he would not enter the realms of speculation in his judgement.
However, being a legal eagle, he values his own powers of perception very highly.
He seemed to find himself bound by the binary notion that a rape either did or didn’t take place (which is self evident) but furthermore that he absolutely needed to adjudicate on that.
There was a third option available. That he couldn’t decide that a rape had occurred. Which then opens an entirely different perspective about what Ten could have known when they went to air.

April 17, 2024 1:45 pm

April 17, 2024 1:01 pm

As Abbot said: “islam needs a reformation”.

Good luck with that.
Actually it has been tried over the years. Basically by splitting the book into the Mecca section and the Medina section. The former is gentle. The later are the words of a warlord. But everyone (i.e. muz) who has suggested it was killed.
There is no way out of this except to call Australia a Christian country and bring back the bible. The muz who are no threat wont mind. The ones who are will expose themselves immediately.
BTW – you can forget them telling the truth. Truth is Allah, not what some copper asks them.

April 17, 2024 1:51 pm

Mmmm. Saw an item on Jo Nova’s site – Russia growing faster than any of the IMF countries.
April 17, 2024 2:07 pm

I would urge anyone with the stomach for it, to watch the Project show now, in light of everything we now know, and honestly form any sort of opinion that it was appropriate to air. Fiona Brown attempted suicide because of how she was portrayed in that episode, and in the subsequent pile on by Wong, Gallagher and the rest. And its all lies. Brittany Higgins lied and caused a very good woman to attempt to kill herself, and she never once recoiled from the horror she caused. She is a completely wicked thing. The judge may have heard the “ring of truth”, but Brittany knows the real truth and I don’t think she is going to wear the weight of it comfortably.

April 17, 2024 2:11 pm

As Abbot said: “islam needs a reformation”.

Far too many folk, actually, taking Abbott seriously ..FFS! .. The bloke cucked it as PM and now he’s on the lucrative waffle circuit he comes up with these “big noters” to keep the dollars flowing not because he’s found the “road to Damascus” ..

April 17, 2024 2:12 pm

On the balance of probabilities to me appears to have no place in a courtroom, only evidence. Lee has no idea what happened as there is no evidence. It matters not what you think may or may not happened until evidence is produced its as accurate as hearsay. The Judiciary needs a good cleanout. They have become the jismists of the legal world.

April 17, 2024 2:22 pm


I didn’t realise quoting Abbott from 10+ years ago saying “Islam needs a reformation” would upset so many lol!

He was simply stating a fact that Islam needs to be decoupled from the State (in which it centrally resides in at least 50 countries), the proponents of the various tribes need to have a big public debate on the central truths of Islam, have a “spat,” and… reformation…

He didn’t, genuinely, ever think this was going to happen. Not in our lifetimes anyway.

Seriously “guys.” Does Abbott666 trigger you as per their ABC types?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 17, 2024 2:28 pm

rosie @1:34 pm

And my fingers are crossed that Justice Lee doesn’t award damages.

Roger @1:40 pm

I would not be surprised if he surprised the commentariat on that matter.

I’d find that a little disturbing (although not surprising) under the circumstances.

Like it or not, Lee has come up with a pretty unequivocal finding about Lehrmann. His finding got Ch10 off the hook wrt the proceedings brought by Lehrmann.

If he now starts laying about Toad and the various miscreants at Ch10 by fiddling around and finessing costs and damages, he would effectively have hopped the fence and started freeform punishing failed journalistic standards, courtroom smug, and the giving of crap legal advice.

The bastards undoubtedly deserve pain and suffering: but we don’t deserve an activist jurist delivering it in his obiter.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
April 17, 2024 2:37 pm

ASF now claims he’s a homosexual and will be killed if returned home

I am incensed at the selective relativism of our elites who the indulge their progressive imagination in the sandpit of their official discretion as a sandpit like a 5 year old boy with his Tonka truck.

Are they really saying that the justice system in ASF17’s home country, Iran, is morally to inferior to ours?

If the Iranian government wants to hack off his nads with rusty shears, ram a red hot poker up his bunghole, then hang him by the neck off a crane, then is it really our place to decide they should not be able to?

Shouldn’t we celebrate the variety of ways other cultures experience themselves?

April 17, 2024 2:43 pm

I just discovered my hearing hasn’t deteriorated over the last month or so – a Win11 update has reset damn near all my video/sound settings back to what they think I should be listening to – stereo set back to mono, no equaliser.
This is what really really shits me – Leave my settings alone you wanker nerd code monkeys!

April 17, 2024 2:43 pm

Google employees are actively occupying the California office of Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian and refusing to leave until the company stops doing business with Israel, video live-streamed by the employees shows.

April 17, 2024 2:46 pm

Dr Faustus
April 17, 2024 2:28 pm

If he now starts laying about Toad and the various miscreants at Ch10 by fiddling around and finessing costs and damages, he would effectively have hopped the fence and started freeform punishing failed journalistic standards, courtroom smug, and the giving of crap legal advice.
The bastards undoubtedly deserve pain and suffering: but we don’t deserve an activist jurist delivering it in his obiter.

Not on his performance, it is not going to happen, not if he wants to maintain credibility, though I’d love to see it.
It would contradict his verdict.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 17, 2024 2:51 pm

 April 17, 2024 2:43 pm

Google employees are actively occupying the California office of Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian and refusing to leave until the company stops doing business with Israel, video live-streamed by the employees shows

All need a fist to the head.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 17, 2024 2:59 pm

Lysander @2:32 pm

Given, on the balance of probabilities, he ruled in favour of “no defamation occurred,” I’d find it highly unlikely that he’s going to make Ch10 pay costs. 

Even though he concluded they were all a pack of vile liars, he still ruled “no defamation” which means Brucy et al is likely to incur the charges?

Yes, that’s the way it seems to me too (for the two knobs of goat poo that’s worth).

Which raises the pleasant prospect of Toad and Ch10 ding-donging over how to share the garnishee portion of Lehrmann’s Centrelink payment.

April 17, 2024 3:03 pm

How it started:

We can all take pride in the fact that the fastest electric vehicle charging stations in the world are built in Brisbane by Tritium. Tritium is a reminder that of all our natural resources, our greatest is our people.
Address to Future Energy Forum | Prime Minister of Australia (

How it ended:

Hundreds of jobs to go as Tritium shuts doors.

April 17, 2024 3:04 pm

April 17, 2024 8:59 am

An arrogant dickhead, his judgement is a joke and Lehrmann was defamed.

As a committed watcher of the FCA live-stream, I formed a positive opinion of Lee J, who repeatedly voiced his commitment to transparency in a trial with such strong public interest. His ex-tempore questioning of witnesses was razor-sharp, with unerring adherence to polite court procedure.
Then, in a 320+ page judgement, excoriating all but Fiona Brown, he categorically stated that Brucie ejaculated inside Hoggins.
F.M.D. in flashing lights!!
The most cretinous, delusional belief even a moron wouldn’t be game enough to express.
A factoid devoid of all evidence, partly derived from Pudge’s belief that Hoggins was pissed leg-less when entering PH.
This was demonstrably false, as seen in the CCTV video. How that skipping down the corridor by the malevolent potato-nose could turn into a semi-coma less than 40 minutes later can only be imagined by someone with zero medical knowledge and a criminally exalted sense of invincible arrogance.
We see here that deep knowledge of arcane case law and the Evidence Act clearly does not translate into the type of common-sense that even a brain damaged hick would be expected to exceed.
And as final insult, this judgement, unless appealed, will now have the force of legal precedent in Australia.

Lehrmann clearly f@cked his testimony, but so did the young hag, only with much more venom. But that’s OK peasants!, She’s still to be believed, the poor, innocent slut.
If Pudge is the best judge we have, we are all screwed, this country’s legal system is now officially not fit for purpose.

April 17, 2024 3:06 pm

Yes, that’s the way it seems to me too (for the two knobs of goat poo that’s worth).

Shirley he can’t rule any other way, not even to rule that each party has to pay their own costs?

In Lee’s mind, Ch10 were dragged through a defamation trial for which they were not guilty.

Bruce will be bankrupt by Monday.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 17, 2024 3:08 pm

Google employees are actively occupying the California office of Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian and refusing to leave until the company stops doing business with Israel, video live-streamed by the employees shows

Iron Rule: Folk from the engine room never, even in the most shamefully woke business, get to draw a pay check and instruct the Captain how to steer the ship.

April 17, 2024 3:08 pm

Also, the commentary on this judicial travesty, on the Cat, has been exemplary.
Kudos++ to all involved.

April 17, 2024 3:12 pm

Abbott was only partially correct. Islam could do with reforming, but what it really needs is the benefit of an enlightenment.
The reality is this will never occur. It is a religion in name only. Created by a barbaric warlord who wanted loot, slaves, and power. Absolute loyalty to him and the creed were paramount. He killed on the battlefield, he executed prisoners, he was a deliberate liar, he was evidently a prophet because he had a mole on his back(?). Read Spencers book ; The Truth about Mohammed. Its an eyeopener.

April 17, 2024 3:12 pm

Retired nurse dies in hospital after staff mix-up her notes with ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ notice of man age 90 | PerthNow

It seems the hospital mixed up the “do not resuscitate” note with that of an older patient.

Morally deficient outcome from a moral deficient society.

April 17, 2024 3:14 pm

Rant continues…

So, just two days after the “riots” at the Sydney Church, police have already announced they’ll be making arrests. And probably fair enough.

But! Does any Cat know (sincerely), if anyone from “gas the jews” or other disgusting marches has been arrested at all, yet.



April 17, 2024 3:18 pm


Can you expand on this. I’m not sure it’s the same.

Eggsactly. The debt bomb is the Right’s equivalent of gerbil warming scare on the left.

Talk about how government spending is taking scarce capital away from innovators. Stop talking about da debt crisis. Markets aren’t stupid.

April 17, 2024 3:21 pm

The concept of radicalisation is hocus pocus.

The premise is that an individual or population begins from a position of harmony within their community or broader society. Over time, amorphous powers overwhelm the individual, and drag them – unwillingly – from their natural harmonious path. This is not something that occurs of their own free will, therefore they are victims also; to be pitied and helped (using de-radicalisation programs).

Not all individuals or populations qualify for this label, however. Conservatives, Christians, and extreme-far-righters CHOSE of their own free will, to become a danger to society. They ARE the amorphous power that seeks to drag others from their path of natural harmony, rather than victims to it. Their natural state is not harmony within their community, but disorder. De-radicalisation, then, is pointless.

April 17, 2024 3:23 pm

How that skipping down the corridor by the malevolent potato-nose could turn into a semi-coma less than 40 minutes later can only be imagined by someone with zero medical knowledge and a criminally exalted sense of invincible arrogance.

I still reckon there was cocaine involved. It’s common use in Canberra and PH. Both Britnah and Brucey would’ve gone back there for that as you can get whiskey anywhere. It also explains why they’re both lying their heads off to protect others in the gig, the workplace culture and themselves.

What happened after knickerless went skipping down the hall is anybody’s guess. Except for Justice Lee, his insights into the various coit positions and sex toys used during the 40 minutes, and ensuing climax, means he must have Jedi powers.

April 17, 2024 3:33 pm

I seem to recall that during the first Gulf war when Saddam started lobbing missiles to Israel they were told not to retaliate and the US would shoot them down

At that time Israel complied

Evidently the allies thought the ballon would really go up if Israel got involved

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 17, 2024 3:37 pm

 April 17, 2024 2:12 pm

On the balance of probabilities to me appears to have no place in a courtroom, only evidence

An interesting subject for discussion.
In cases where there are competing commercial interests before the court, how do you determine an equitable outcome? Do we want a plaintiff in a commercial dispute to be subject to a “beyond reasonable doubt” bar to succeed?
Of course, this was seen as almost a de-facto criminal case, and I was always under the impression that the defence of defamation cases which involved allegations of serious criminality still worked on the “balance of probability” standard, but to a higher level than simply a 51%:49% balance.

April 17, 2024 3:41 pm

Do we want a plaintiff in a commercial dispute to be subject to a “beyond reasonable doubt” bar to succeed?

Totally fair call Sancho. I, for my part, was just enjoying Justice Lee’s use of his own personal palantir.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 17, 2024 3:45 pm

H B Bear
 April 17, 2024 11:10 am

Michael J certainly drew a distinction between Brittany’s untruths in 2019 and post Sharaz in 2021. 

That struck me too. Lee seemed convinced that The Credibility of Britnah was severely compromised after she hooked up with Shiraz, but generally solid pre-Shiraz.
If she was the sort of personality who was capable of serial fabrication under the influence of Shiraz, why is it not possible that she could fall in thrall to Cane Toad or Samantha Maiden and engage in similar truthiness to impress them?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 17, 2024 3:46 pm

Brereton war crimes report ‘on my desk’: Marles
Sarah Ison
Defence Minister Richard Marles says he is still considering recommendations to strip of medals those found to have committed war crimes in the Brereton Report and that he is focused on thoroughness rather than speed in his response.
“Those (recommendations) are on my desk now and are very much front and centre,” he said on Wednesday at the National Press Club in Canberra.
“We’ll complete that work. But, can I just say timing in respect of that is not as
important as thoroughness and getting those decisions right. And so that’s what I’m focused on.
“We’ll take the time to do this thoroughly to get it right, but we’ll get it done. Because history will judge us on the extent to which we follow through on Brereton and we mean to do that fully.”

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 17, 2024 3:52 pm

Sunrise did not seek comment from Cohen’s family before identifying him just after 6am on Sunday, this masthead was told.

This was an opportunity missed in the Lehrmann judgement. To fire a shot across the bows of the media grubs who would “name and shame” when there is no shame.

Cohen’s family told the ABC that Seven News explained the error as the fault of a junior social media editor.

Does this “junior social media” dickwad still have a job?
As I said, if Stokes doesn’t cut the cheque for this right now, all his posturing on behalf of BRS isn’t worth jack.
Interesting that Seven just parted company with their long-standing Commercial Director who apparently was a “get fkd, see you in court” kind of guy. Maybe the new regime will take a more sensible approach.

April 17, 2024 3:52 pm

Viva, in 1919 the Coalition included some Arab countries. They had to hold it together, hence told the Israelis to cool it.

April 17, 2024 3:53 pm

Sorry, 1991

April 17, 2024 3:58 pm

Does this “junior social media” dickwad still have a job?

I’m pretty sure it was the SyrianGirl twitter a/c that started this lie rolling.

April 17, 2024 4:03 pm

Surely proof of ejaculation is grounds for appeal. How can a judge get away with that?

April 17, 2024 4:04 pm

Marles… he looks clean enough…

But this is a bloke who has gone from university to union to slugs and grubs to union to MP to Minister.

If he had real leadership aspirations, even from the useless Labor Right, he really missed his chance with that Wong chap’s performance of late.

April 17, 2024 4:05 pm

And maybe I need to do some studying but is today’s Labor Right the Labor Left of the 2019’s?

April 17, 2024 4:06 pm

As Abbot said: “islam needs a reformation”

In 2015 the wonderful Ayaan Hirsi Ali wrote Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now

Ayaan suggested that the main impediments to a reformation are, apostasy= death, Jihadism, no separation of church and state and the decentralisation of Islam.

She wasn’t optimistic.

April 17, 2024 4:11 pm

 April 17, 2024 3:21 pm

The concept of radicalisation is hocus pocus.

Deradicalisation of militant Muslims not a viable option (

April 17, 2024 4:20 pm

Viva, in 1919 the Coalition included some Arab countries. They had to hold it together, hence told the Israelis to cool it.

Thanks for the reminder Eyrie

Just shows there has been some progress with Arab states supporting Israel this time round

April 17, 2024 4:24 pm

Know what you mean Bob. Computer nerds are so smart they can’t make things work properly. Easier to design a whole new platform than fix the existing system. There was not much I couldn’t make work or fix in XP. No money in having a product that works well. I used to have a mate that stripped all the crap out of XP and made it run as fast as a Mac. Pity he fell off his house roof and broke his neck.

April 17, 2024 4:24 pm

At the present time, there’s no hindrance to the US being able to issue debt, and the reason is that people believe there’s no possibility the US would default, especially with a debt level of around 130% of GDP. Two things to keep in mind: Japan currently has the highest GDP ratio of the developed world, at 250% of GDP. Over the past 20 years, Japan has also experienced one of the lowest interest rate regimes in the developed world.
It makes no sense that if the market felt that Japan were to default, it would have a 10-year bond yield of around.86%. Rather, it would be punitive.

At the present time, the US 10-year bond rate is around 4.6%, while the overnight borrowing rate is 5.3%. This means the interest rate is inverted, likely signaling the Fed is either too tight or there is an expectation that short-term rates will fall.

Getting back to the discussion: Despite what some people are suggesting, government borrowing in the US is not a money-printing operation. When the Treasury wants to borrow, it goes to the Fed and asks it to issue debt instruments into the market. The quantity of money remains the same, as there is no printing going on. Money printing happens through QE, which is an entirely different action altogether. Incidentally, the Fed is currently running a quantitative tightening program—the opposite of QE.

Government borrowing has the effect of crowding out the private sector by sweeping savings out of the system in order to put the money to use to fund government programs. Every dollar removed this way means one dollar less that is available to the private sector for investment purposes. Money is a scarce resource. Almost all the money that goes to the government is wasted.

Read the link I posted as it’s pretty good.

Last edited 3 months ago by JC
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 17, 2024 4:27 pm

All need a fist to the head.

As they have lost their heads then just remove each head from each body. There. That should fix it.

April 17, 2024 4:29 pm

7.62 or 5.56 deradicalises pretty well. Perfectly in fact.

April 17, 2024 4:29 pm

I don’t know, there must be a simpler way to explain Ockham’s Razor.

April 17, 2024 4:36 pm

Where is Albos media grab deporting the Islamist knifer.

Last edited 3 months ago by caveman
Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 17, 2024 4:38 pm

A couple of points on Lee J.’s analysis that have snagged on the edges in the Cat analysis:

40 minutes too short a time for Brinny to go from skippy pissed to shagged ‘log’.

I’m not claiming expert knowledge, but as a parent I’ve had to deal with chicky babes writing themselves off at parties etc.

My personal experience is that, after preloading, girls can go downhill from giggly-pissed to incapable-and-in-need-of-help frighteningly quickly with a sudden top-up slug – certainly well inside 40 minutes. I’m not prepared to speculate on Lehrmann’s sexual stamina, but the timeline certainly isn’t outside reasonable possibility for a determined and reckless rooter.

Where did the ‘ejaculated in her’ conclusion come from?

From Brinny in her trial evidence. Not especially convincingly – “Ms Higgins said she believed Mr Lehrmann ejaculated in her.” – but if Lee is inclined to believe she was being truthful at that time, it’s not a concept plucked from his imagination.

April 17, 2024 4:39 pm


 April 17, 2024 3:14 pm

Rant continues…

So, just two days after the “riots” at the Sydney Church, police have already announced they’ll be making arrests. And probably fair enough.

But! Does any Cat know (sincerely), if anyone from “gas the jews” or other disgusting marches has been arrested at all, yet.

Minns government obviously think it’s safe to go after Christians, probably don’t vote Labor either.

April 17, 2024 4:40 pm
April 17, 2024 4:42 pm

I didn’t see Cohen mentioned on twitter,
I did see it on all over TikTok.

April 17, 2024 4:45 pm

Surely proof of ejaculation is grounds for appeal. How can a judge get away with that?

I’m fact oriented and have read nothing to support the claim that Lehrman actually penetrated Higgins. Maybe he did, and maybe he ejaculated, but where is the evidence? If two people tell opposing stories, believing one as marginally more truthful than the other on the basis of unquantifiable impressions is surely not what a judge should be doing. A different judge could well have come to a different view on the same data. When there is no evidence for an event, coming down on either side is folly. A judge ought to be able to say that he doesn’t know, just like the rest of us. Except the opinionated idiots who should be ignored.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 17, 2024 4:46 pm

Federal Court judge Michael Lee requests copies of comments made outside court by Ten lawyer Justin Quill

By sophie elsworth

  • Media Writer
  • Updated 2:52PM April 17, 2024, First published at 12:02PM April 17, 2024

Federal Court judge Michael Lee has requested copies of comments made by Ten’s lawyer Justin Quill outside court shortly after the highly-anticipated judgment was handed down in the defamation trial on Monday.
Justice Lee has written to law firm Thomson Geer – where Mr Quill is a partner – and requested a full transcript of the comments he made to a waiting press pack following the conclusion of the trial between former Liberal staffer Bruce Lehrmann against Network Ten and TV host Lisa Wilkinson.
In the correspondence Justice Lee also requested a copy of an article written by Mr Quill that was published in News Corp’s newspapers including the Herald Sun and Daily Telegraph on Tuesday, titled: ‘Defence fails, but publishing story was reasonable’.
The letter from Mr Lee states: “It’s been drawn to his honour’s attention that a public statement has been made on behalf of the first respondent (Network Ten), and various public statements have been made by a solicitor (Mr Quill) for the first respondent to the media.”
Justice Lee also said an article had been published by the solicitor (Mr Quill) and he has requested copies of the comments and article in advance to the costs hearing that will be held on May 1.
Mr Quill spoke publicly outside the Sydney court on Monday and it was televised live after Justice Lee found Mr Lehrmann raped Brittany Higgins in Parliament House in 2019.

Fight, you bastards, fight – I hate peace.

April 17, 2024 4:47 pm

Sheilas get really really bitchy about better looking gals.

Sydney Sweeney ‘is not pretty and she can’t act’ declares top Hollywood producer Carol Baum, calling her movie Anyone But You ‘unwatchable’

Sydney looks like a cute owl; here’s another one.

April 17, 2024 4:54 pm

That’s a ladyboy. Please just stop.

April 17, 2024 4:54 pm

The last half an hour of the greatest black comedy ever made, Dr Strangelove, is currently on SBS World Movies (Foxtel channel 433).

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 17, 2024 4:56 pm

Two things to keep in mind: Japan currently has the highest GDP ratio of the developed world, at 250% of GDP. 

Errr. Wot’ does that mean exactly or is that another typo or an important missing word? Are you referring to a debt ratio? So you mean a GDP Debt Ratio? Or Debt to GDP ratio? Very confusing from what you have typed.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 17, 2024 4:57 pm

Lee trying to unscramble the omelette and get it back in the Genie bottle:-

Federal Court judge Michael Lee has requested copies of comments made by Ten’s lawyer Justin Quill outside court shortly after the highly-anticipated judgment was handed down in the defamation trial on Monday.

Justice Lee has written to law firm Thomson Geer – where Mr Quill is a partner – and requested a full transcript of the comments he made to a waiting press pack following the conclusion of the trial between former Liberal staffer Bruce Lehrmann against Network Ten and TV host Lisa Wilkinson.

Quill sounded like he was on speed when interviewed afterwards. Trying to shout “Wapist” and “Vindicated” into a microphone as many times as he could in three minutes.

April 17, 2024 4:59 pm


Ask Marty to ask Socrates to explain it to you. I’m sure those two geniuses would be better able to help you.

How are the orgies going by the way?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 17, 2024 4:59 pm

Jeez, Cronkite.
At least try to find some ladyboy pictures where they have learned to tuck their junk away properly.

April 17, 2024 5:00 pm

Federal Court judge Michael Lee requests copies of comments made outside court by Ten lawyer Justin Quill

Lee getting a god complex or second thoughts?

April 17, 2024 5:01 pm

Two things to keep in mind: Japan currently has the highest GDP ratio of the developed world, at 250% of GDP.

Whoops, should read, highest debt to GDP ratio.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 17, 2024 5:06 pm

Reading Deborah Snow’s book on the Lindt Cafe siege.

Seems that, quite early in the piece, Prime Minister Tony Abbott offered any Federal resources, including military assistance, that New South Wales Police might need.He was thanked, and told State police had the situation well in hand. (Page 32.)

April 17, 2024 5:07 pm

Right now, there is so much dirka dirka pro stabbing the bishop on TikTok.
Minns & commissioner Beryl from the bowlo were serious they’d have look into that.
But they are not when it comes to the weird beards.

April 17, 2024 5:07 pm

Quill sounded like he was on speed when interviewed afterwards. Trying to shout “Wapist” and “Vindicated” into a microphone as many times as he could in three minutes.

Did he say “Welease Wodger?”

April 17, 2024 5:11 pm


 April 17, 2024 5:00 pm

Federal Court judge Michael Lee requests copies of comments made outside court by Ten lawyer Justin Quill

Lee getting a god complex or second thoughts?

My guess would be that he thinks he hasn’t yet pissed off enough people. Must try harder to muddy the waters.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 17, 2024 5:12 pm

Think about this: the EU had its gas cut off from Russia – a huge external shock – yet the US is losing the game at containing inflation. 

Dover – The zombie in the WH banned all exports of LNG from the US because climate fairies.

The EU was looking to the US for LNG to replace Russian gas. With a stroke of a pen, literally, Biden cut them off at the knees. And cut off his own fracking companies off at the knees as well, and the taxes they pay, since the US gas price is now a tenth of the price elsewhere, like here.

Now Iran is threatening the only other major non-Russian LNG source, Qatar, by potentially closing the Persian Gulf to shipping.

The US LNG export ban isn’t much discussed, but it is one of the most consequential and insane actions of that wretched Administration.

April 17, 2024 5:12 pm

I am an admirer of Dr. Robert Malone, a strident critic of the mRNA vaccines – yet, counterintuitively, the original discoverer of the lipid nanoparticle technology that eventually created the mRNA process of vaccine delivery.

Malone contracted Covid early in 2020 & was quite ill, subsequently suffering from Long Covid. Amazingly, he believed that the mRNA vaccine could relieve his symptoms, having discussed the vaccine at length with the developers. To his great distress, the opposite happened, & to this day he still suffers from the adverse affects of the vaccine on his already compromised immune system.

As a result he became perhaps the best known dissenter with the vaccine program. Up until now his supporters did not know how he still suffers from the effects of Covid + the Covid vaccines. He has finally revealed his symptoms etc.

It is truly revealing and concerning. Especially since some recent research suggests that both Covid and the vaccines may have an adverse effect on our Dopamine receptors – explaining the typical “brain fog” and other problems many suffer.

In spite of my opposition to the vaccines, I have never dismissed the Covid virus as a regular “corona” type virus. My second dose of the damn thing was a salutary caution. It is a nasty thing if only because, as my GP said as an aside’ “It isn’t natural, is it?”

Here is Malone’s personal story:

“ … April/May of 2021 I received two doses of the Moderna inoculation almost directly after it had been made available in early 2021, and that decision altered my health irrevocably.
Before taking the jab, I first phoned Dr. Peter Marks, director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research at the FDA. He assured me that although the clinical trials had been rushed, no short-cuts had been taken. And that there were no safety signals or cause for alarm regarding the C-19 “vaccines” based on the more complete Pfizer documentation he had received and reviewed. That would have been the set of documents which FDA would not release until so ordered by US courts.
As I have spoken about time and time again, I took the jab for two main reasons. One reason was the governmental threats that travel would soon become impossible without verification of having taken the “vaccine” (ergo, the threat of vaccine passport requirements). The second reason was that the scientific community and main-stream media were reporting that the “vaccine” would reduce the symptoms of long COVID. 
You see, I was a sufferer of long COVID, as I had contracted COVID-19 in February of 2020. It hit me hard, but I did treat myself with Famotidine, and managed to stay out of the hospital. However, shortness of breath, fatigue, brain fog, etc. continued into 2021.
For anyone who doubts that the scientific community and main-stream media weren’t pushing vaccines to reduce the symptoms of long-COVID, the image below is from just such an article (April 2021), by Kathy Katella in a Yale Medicine publication. Also below is the text from that article as to why the vaccine was considered beneficial to treat long COVID. Note that this was all based on pure speculation.

Below are some other articles from 2021; focused on pushing the vaccine on people with long COVID. It is important to document these articles, as such disinformation by main-stream media and our government has a way of either being disappeared off the net or altered post-publication. Yes, main-stream media now routinely edits old articles – in keeping with the current narrative and “facts”. I kid you not.

comment image

The vaccine was also pushed for long COVID sufferers via state-sponsored media, such as NPR
comment image

Back to my history. In early 2021, I spoke to colleagues at the FDA, who assured me that the vaccine was safe and was helping people with long COVID. They also re-assured me that the toxicity that I had seen with the LNPs in the 1990s had been resolved with new formulations. I trusted my government and public health. I trusted my friends. At that point, almost no one was writing about myocarditis or even that the vaccine was producing any adverse events. Frankly, I was proud of my part in inventing this suite of technologies and glad to see the ideas evolve into something that would save lives. Little did I know that all of the “research and development” in the years after I had left the field had never addressed that original safety issues and that in fact the addition of pseudouridine had made these products even more dangerous. Remember- most corporate research is never published – literally we the public have no way of knowing what had been done or not done. We had to trust the government.
My first inoculation went fine. The second one produced almost immediate adverse events. These included hypertension, arrhythmia, tachycardia, restless leg syndrome and other muscular twitching, POTS, and tinnitus. Then more fatigue, brain fog and a worse chronic cough. The “bad batches” website lists 41 deaths associated with my first dose lot number from the VAERS system and 20 deaths associated with my second dose lot number from the VAERS system. The truth is, that even the less toxic lots have killed people.

So, here it is. THREE YEARS LATER, I am still suffering, and now the above PLOS One paper has been published. A paper that demonstrates that the government, the “scientific community” and main-stream media irresponsibly pushed COVID genetic vaccines onto people already suffering from long COVID. The truth is that this is that an unsafe “vaccine” which made long COVID symptoms much worse was even more dangerous for those who had already been infected than for the general public.
Of course, most people already knew about natural immunity. So why was this bogus reason, that the “vaccine” would reduce long COVID symptoms, pushed into the media? Was it because the government knew that this cohort was the most likely to resist being “vaccinated”? Was there nefarious intent – to get a jab in every arm? If so, why?
All I know now is that three years later, my heart is irrevocably damaged from the mRNA pseudo-vaccine. My hypertension and tachycardia are mostly managed with drugs. Although if I stress my body – bad things happen.
As an example, in February of this, I got dehydrated while snorkeling and swimming on our 45th wedding anniversary celebration on St. Thomas island. That set-off my heart rate monitor, as my heart beat became irregular (atrial fibrillation), and my heart rate rose to very high levels. This led to a cascade of more testing, monitoring and drugs. Not what we had planned for our 45th wedding anniversary! So in May, I have more testing to see if a pacemaker or some other invasive procedure might be necessary. For me, this is now my life. This is because I took the jab. Because I trusted my government.

DoublespeakThe scientific community is only now admitting that long COVID sufferers will have worse symptoms if they are vaccinated, Yet these same scientists STILL insist that those with long COVID should be vaccinated. This is disgusting propaganda. The absurd reason that the PLOS One article above asserts that mRNA jabs are still necessary is because COVID-19 is a “fatal viral infection”. 
“The beatings will continue, until moral improves”This type of language is not only disinformation, it is pure fear-porn. It is meant to coerce health professionals to continue to push the mRNA pseudo “vaccine”. The editor-in-chief or whoever allowed this tripe to be published deserves a demotion.
Frankly, I will die earlier than I would have because I took those shots. I had natural immunity. I was not at risk from COVID-19. I am not whining, but now everyday my wife worries about my health. I worry about my health. I have to be careful about how I live my life now or risk death in the short-term horizon. This is because I listened and trusted public health officials and our government. I had these dangerous drugs injected into me. I am not alone. 
There are millions of people world-wide who suffer adverse events from these products or worse, they suffered death. People who were not at a huge risk from the virus or who had already had natural immunity. We were all lied to. Repeatedly. 

  • We deserve a government apology.
  • We deserve our scientific community and our health care professionals admitting the damages done.
  • We deserve to have our vaccine injuries taken seriously, and those who have damages deserve some sort of compensation.
  • People need to be held accountable.
  • The HHS needs a complete overhaul and we need the next president to be discussing how this will be accomplished. 

The vaccine injured and those who support them are called “anti-vaxxers” or “anti-science” by the scientific community and even by our government. It is sickening. And it is disheartening. 
This all needs to stop.

April 17, 2024 5:13 pm

Justin Quill’s legal prowess. 7 April 2020.
“The High Court did not find Pell innocent as some commentators have suggested. Sure Pell gets to walk free from these charges, but that doesn’t mean the Court found the victim was lying or that Pell was telling the truth – only that the jury should have found there was absolute reasonable doubt Pell was guilty.”

April 17, 2024 5:14 pm

I have been a little too busy for blogging lately. Taken some time to get back to Catalaxy.
Very pleased to see my power over the upticks has been increased, 11 to 22 with one click! All my ticks resulted in a minimum of 5 added to the count.
Please none of the bullshit excuses, I’ve got the power!!!!!!!

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 17, 2024 5:14 pm

Dr Faustus
April 17, 2024 4:38 pm

A couple of points on Lee J.’s analysis that have snagged on the edges in the Cat analysis:
40 minutes too short a time for Brinny to go from skippy pissed to shagged ‘log’.

It’s all quite simple really. Hoggins gave Brucey Boy the come on in the Bar/Pub when they were drinking and kissing and whispering sweet nothings to each other.

Then off to Parliament House for more drinks and whatever (not work). Then the drinks and the whatever. She had already said yes at the Bar/Pub. Discussion over. Next.

And who did take her dress off? Not the dingo.

April 17, 2024 5:20 pm

“I’m pretty sure it was the SyrianGirl twitter a/c that started this lie rolling.”
She retweeted Aussie Cossack who iirc started the ball rolling with ‘unsubstantiated reports’

April 17, 2024 5:22 pm


April 17, 2024 5:11 pm

Lord Bebo



Hezbollah publish footage of attack on Iron Dome with drones. 

Claims to have destroyed it, as smoke is seen. Location: Kfar Blum.

Should be very concerning for Israel.

Dover, Iran showed video of the destruction they supposedly caused in Israel.One of the video shots was from the destruction caused by a massive fire somewhere in South America.

Why would anyone believe what Iran’s poodle claims?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 17, 2024 5:24 pm

(Dover – Vicki has a long post that’s gone to moderation, probably on the number of links. Could you check? By some quirk of the software I saw her post possibly because it was the same time signature as my 5:12pm LNG comment. I can’t see her comment now so the software has reverted to back to normal behaviour. Go figure.)

April 17, 2024 5:26 pm

I suspect Quill’s statements won’t help with costs though if Lehrmann is broke it’s probably moot though I guess not being awarded costs might be a little embarrassing.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 17, 2024 5:27 pm

Sh*t day. I side swipped a flat bed truck. All my fault.

No damage to the truck. I can not say the same about my car. I need a front left panel.


April 17, 2024 5:28 pm

I’ve seen footage on TikTok of two chaps trying to calm down the crowd outsider after the stabbing.
One looked to be a priest.
One looked to be a parishioner.
Didnt do much good, but at least they tried.

i can’t remember seeing anything similar on the steps of the opera house.
or as part of the police escorted & curated terror convoy to Coogee.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 17, 2024 5:31 pm

I side swipped a flat bed truck

Second time this week a flatbed’s caused drama for Stevie T.

Then again, the early Tartarians hunted the flatbed to extinction.

April 17, 2024 5:32 pm

Why would anyone believe what Iran’s poodle claims?

Correct. 90% of Hamas/Iran’s war effort is propaganda designed to convince the gullible West that Hamas/Iran are winning the war against Israel.

Disinformation is an even bigger problem in the Middle East than it is in Ukraine. And, as John Spooner drew this morning, the White House is among the mullahs’ most useful idiots.

April 17, 2024 5:35 pm

Ouch! Even TheirABC reporting a 22% increase in insolvencies in Australia since last year:

Business insolvencies hit record highs with worse to come, warns CreditorWatch – ABC News

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 17, 2024 5:38 pm
April 17, 2024 5:43 pm

Dr Faustus

April 17, 2024 4:38 pm

I’m not claiming expert knowledge, but as a parent I’ve had to deal with chicky babes writing themselves off at parties etc.

My personal experience is that, after preloading, girls can go downhill from giggly-pissed to incapable-and-in-need-of-help frighteningly quickly with a sudden top-up slug – certainly well inside 40 minutes.

Hoggins drank 11 drinks, approx 130gms of ETOH at The Dock, her and Brucie then went to 88mph for 90 minutes, some more unidentified amount drunk there, plus a stumble and a lie about a leg bruise.

Then on to PH. The Hog skipped merrily along the corridor, then sat at a ledge in Reynold’s office, recalling details in her testimony. Then nothing definite except “He was lying on top of me!” and “Would have been like f@cking a log.” No evidence of any more ETOH intake in the office.

Brucie would have had to have pumped the Hog within 30 minutes of arrival at PH, to account for the leaving timeline.

So.. from skipping and sitting on a ledge, gazing yonder, to log-like in less than 30 minutes, some two hours after significant boozing.. in someone already used to getting regularly pissed.

Most certainly much less likely than Pudge would have us believe.

And why would Brucie deny any sex, when he couldn’t have known what forensics might later bite him in his capacious @rse?

The principles of Briginshaw v Briginshaw have never been more ignored.

This is solid gold BS!

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
April 17, 2024 5:48 pm

Steve that’s a DIY job if it’s anything made this century. The hardest part is fiddling with all the flippy clippy sh*t which holds cars together these days.
…or were you in the Bently?

April 17, 2024 5:51 pm

A judge ought to be able to say that he doesn’t know, just like the rest of us.


In most cases (particularly civil matters) that would achieve nothing.

If it’s a he said-she said case with zero evidence, then there is no case for a conviction or assessment of guilt. It’s not just a matter of choosing who to believe on a wholly subjective basis.

If ten chose to believe knickerless on zero objective evidence, they had no truth case at all.

April 17, 2024 5:56 pm

At least try to find some ladyboy pictures where they have learned to tuck their junk away properly.

You and head prefect have got dick on your minds; the poor lass is just flexing for the camera and showing great development of her nether regions; a plus in any relationship.

April 17, 2024 5:57 pm

This is related to the disinformation industry clip I posted this morning, which really is a must see. We’re already living under a social credit system in many ways.


Would you believe me if I told you GDI is a respawn of a busted clandestine British intelligence operation that went down in flames in 2018 but then rebranded as GDI

April 17, 2024 6:00 pm


Incredible. Lloyd’s of London is the prize of the London banking establishment. London is the driving force behind the transatlantic side of the Blob’s “Seize Eurasia” designs on Russia. If anyone were in position to know the role of “a government” in Nordstream bombing…

April 17, 2024 6:02 pm

I’m not asking you to believe anything.

But you’re attempting to persuade by implying it’s accurate when you said this:

Should be very concerning for Israel.

I’m not worried, because I don’t believe a thing Iran or its poodles are saying. But why are you suggesting it’s concerning for Israel if you’re hesitant?

Last edited 3 months ago by JC
April 17, 2024 6:06 pm

I tried sniffing coke once. Well, diet coke actually. It didn’t go well.

April 17, 2024 6:08 pm
April 17, 2024 6:14 pm

Grey Ranga:
I’m currently having a go at the refurbished Age of Empires from Steam.
Graphics are pretty good, and the AI is better than average.
However, the accountants have had a go at it and the whole Steam site is chockers with popups and reminders. Their previous efforts “Universe Sandbox” is also quite good.

But the bad news is that AoE isn’t market ready. It’s a memory hog – it loads on start up of the computer and takes nearly a minute to do so. Even when not being played, it’s consuming 40% of RAM. I was able to stop this but it wasn’t easy.
It runs OK on the laptop running Win10, but stutters and crashes with Win11. Games are just so full of bugs.
I’m currently getting a just shy of 50% crash rate after an hour of playing it. Not acceptable for a game that I’ve paid for.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 17, 2024 6:18 pm

Steve that’s a DIY job if it’s anything made this century. The hardest part is fiddling with all the flippy clippy sh*t which holds cars together these days.
…or were you in the Bently?

Commodore …. parts galore. It took about 30 minutes to make it drivable.What pissed me of the most is that I blew a wheel, had to pull up into vancant yard to change the wheel.

Got bogged. 5l of water down drown

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 17, 2024 6:31 pm

Steve trickler
April 17, 2024 5:27 pm
Sh*t day. I side swipped a flat bed truck. All my fault.

No damage to the truck. I can not say the same about my car. I need a front left panel.

You can always get a front left panel cheap depending upon what the motor vehicle is.

A Rolls Royce or Bentley is a bit different. LOL.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 17, 2024 6:35 pm

…or were you in the Bently?

Or a Bentley?

April 17, 2024 6:37 pm

Andrew Lawrence

Brussels NatCon Shutdown…

April 17, 2024 6:41 pm

‘The markets’ is really a codeword for the ideological outlook of the tragic technocrats who dominate Western thinking today. The victory of ‘the markets’ over troublesome governments is in truth their victory over democracy. It’s time to bring economic decision-making back to ‘the realm of man’. We should no more live at the mercy of ‘the markets’ than we should live at the mercy of God or nature.Liz Truss and the tyranny of ‘the markets’ – spiked (

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 17, 2024 6:44 pm

Most certainly much less likely than Pudge would have us believe.

Don’t completely disagree – however, my point is experience tells me that it is far from improbable.

And why would Brucie deny any sex, when he couldn’t have known what forensics might later bite him in his capacious @rse?

Indeed. Again, a risk factor that Lee washes over, AFAIK untouched, presumably because he has concluded that Lehrmann is an undisciplined liar.

My other concern on this same vein is that according to the Higgins/Lee model, Lehrmann was apparently prepared to take the extraordinary risk of leaving Brinny on the scene like a discarded condom.

Presumably Lee adduced from other evidence that Lehrmann is in fact a careless and/or stupid risk-taker.

All very unsatisfactory, but arguably (I think) not unreasonable compared to some of the several alternatives.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 17, 2024 6:47 pm

April 17, 2024 6:08 pm

President of Belgian health insurance company promotes euthanasia as solution for aging population

Good –

There goes George Soros –

There goes António Guterres, the UN dope –

There goes Schwab, WEF

There goes Dribbling Joe Hiden

There goes all the old farkers.

And many, many more…………….LOL

But not me……………………….

Last edited 3 months ago by Johnny Rotten
April 17, 2024 6:52 pm

Belgium is a rotten little fake country.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 17, 2024 6:55 pm

April 17, 2024 6:52 pm

Belgium is a rotten little fake country.

Poirot would say NON.

Mind you, the Germans found it a great way to try to get into France.

April 17, 2024 7:00 pm

Massive Rallies Break Out in Japan Against WHO’s Pandemic Treaty. – ‘Don’t Underestimate the Japanese’

This morning I posted a recently published peer reviewed paper on the rise in cancer related mortality in Japan after the mRNA vaccines were introduced. Correlation is not causation, but worth reading.

April 17, 2024 7:09 pm

Trump is fuked; 7 jurors appointed in the stormy trial; all of them sleep with the NYT as their pillow, have pink hair and rings on their clits, men and women.

April 17, 2024 7:12 pm

My other concern on this same vein is that according to the Higgins/Lee model, Lehrmann was apparently prepared to take the extraordinary risk of leaving Brinny on the scene like a discarded condom.

If she’s lying there snoring, what’s the alternative? Putting her over his shoulder and walking her past security?

April 17, 2024 7:18 pm

 April 17, 2024 6:52 pm

Belgium is a rotten little fake country.

It gave us this guy:

April 17, 2024 7:19 pm

This assault on Trump is despicable and Stalinist. Shameless evil.

April 17, 2024 7:24 pm
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 17, 2024 7:24 pm

If she’s lying there snoring, what’s the alternative? Putting her over his shoulder and walking her past security?

They did not both go there for a whisky whether Scotch or Irish (Whiskey).

Mind you, what was he thinking after he had done the deed? He left her there. In the House of the Parliament of the People. What a dickhead.

They should both be ashamed of themselves for using the House of Parliament as a Bar and for what happened.

This needs a Taxpayer Revolt.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 17, 2024 7:30 pm

April 17, 2024 7:18 pm

April 17, 2024 6:52 pm
Belgium is a rotten little fake country.
It gave us this guy:
comment image?fit=230%2C275&ssl=1

Where is Snowy, Captain Haddock and the Thompson Twins?

April 17, 2024 7:33 pm

Maybe you can take a nice walk around Ikea

but I like Ikea

April 17, 2024 7:33 pm

Where is Snowy, Captain Haddock and the Thompson Twins?

Snowy is on the bed blending into the white sheets, the twins are under the bed and the Capt is taking the photo.

Last edited 3 months ago by cohenite
April 17, 2024 7:37 pm

Five years and a day after Notre Dame burned.

WATCH: Horrifying scenes in Denmark as historic landmark burns

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 17, 2024 7:38 pm

April 17, 2024 7:33 pm

Where is Snowy, Captain Haddock and the Thompson Twins?

Snowy is on the bed blending into the white sheets, the twins are under the bed and the Capt is taking the photo.

Naaaaah. The Captain never dressed like that. He is a Man and he has a beard on his face. A Man of the Sea,

April 17, 2024 7:40 pm

Lee has no idea what happened as there is no evidence.

It matters not what you think may or may not happened until evidence is produced its as accurate as hearsay.

The Judiciary needs a good cleanout

yeah but the objective is a Soviet system of justice

Solzhenitsyn wrote it all down

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 17, 2024 7:41 pm

Dr F at 6:44.
There does appear to have been a fair bit of dot joining deployed by Lee.
I think it is likely Bruce returned to PH with the hope of a bit of free-range rogering.
He wouldn’t be the first chap to have such hopes dashed and the trusty steed scratched at the barrier.
Brucey was his own worst enemy with his shifting sands narrative. He would have been far better to have said, “Yeah, I bullshitted Security about my keys and doing work. I dunno what we were thinking. We’d had a few and thought we’d get into the Ministerial Scotch and party on. But we just ran out of puff. She flaked out and I left”.

April 17, 2024 7:47 pm

There are only 3 possibilities re B vs B
1 consensual sex took place
2 rape took place
3 no sex took place
Each with a probability of 33 %

No where near the balance of probabilities

April 17, 2024 7:47 pm

The ABC is presenting Muslims as the victims of the attempted murder of the Assyrian bishop.

On their website, if your blood pressure can bear it.

April 17, 2024 7:49 pm

Dr Faustus
April 17, 2024 6:44 pm

All very unsatisfactory, but arguably (I think) not unreasonable compared to some of the several alternatives.

Any alternative to “He ejaculated inside her.” is more plausible, given the available evidence after 5 years, the slut’s actions in the next few days and months, as well as her multiple, patently obvious lies.
No evidence = no positive finding of any kind. Pudge created a “truth” out of nothing.
I am not defending Brucie, who is a compulsive liar and a hedonistic idiot, but this is a miscarriage of justice, pure and simple.

April 17, 2024 7:50 pm

government spending

pandemics that don’t kill everybody

subsidy driven electric everything

better solar panels than China

Melbourne’s tunnels to nowhere


Pharaoh… when do we all start work on the pyramids ?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 17, 2024 7:50 pm

“Yeah, I bullshitted Security about my keys and doing work. I dunno what we were thinking. We’d had a few and thought we’d get into the Ministerial Scotch and party on. But we just ran out of puff. She flaked out and I left”

Yep. Even further:

‘Look, I thought I was in like Flynn for a root even though I had a missus and she had a boyfriend. It would have been great to pork her on the Ministerial couch because we had all these privileges to the Big House, but she went downhill quick and had a snooze. I had a moment of clarity because my missus was ringing me at the time so I pissed off.’

This would have had, as Lee J said, the ‘ring of truth’.

April 17, 2024 7:51 pm

So these rubbish people are employed to give ‘advice’. I wonder what sort of ‘advice’ they give. What a joke but the joke’s on us.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 17, 2024 7:52 pm

April 17, 2024 6:52 pm
Belgium is a rotten little fake country.

Correct. It was invented.

April 17, 2024 7:56 pm

Surely proof of ejaculation is grounds for appeal. How can a judge get away with that?

in the ministers office
on the couch
without a condom

Justice Lee wins Cluedo again

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 17, 2024 8:11 pm

If she’s lying there snoring, what’s the alternative? Putting her over his shoulder and walking her past security?

Myself, I’m pretty far from being an expert seducer and shagnasty. However, with that caveat, my advice would be:

Case Study: The object of your present affection is suddenly lying there unconscious on the Minister’s couch.

You are in the shit. You are now managing the depth to which you are in the shit:

Actions on:

1) drag her into your/her office, call security and try ‘she was worse than I thought when I came in to [insert lie here] and passed out while she was waiting’; or

2) leave her where she is, call security and try ‘she was worse than I thought when I came in to [insert lie here], I have no idea how she got in there…;

Pro Tip 1: If you weren’t already having consensual sex, don’t take her clothes off and shag her where she lies – it will only make things worse.

Pro Tip 2: If you were having consensual sex and she fell asleep in the 62 seconds it took, stop, tidy her up a bit, then see Actions On (above).

Correctly done, you will lose your job, but remain employable – possibly with a reputation as a ‘Hell of a Lad’.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 17, 2024 8:18 pm

Case Study: The object of your present affection is suddenly lying there unconscious on the Minister’s couch.
You are in the shit. You are now managing the depth to which you are in the shit:

Actions on:

He was a Cad. He Farked it all up.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 17, 2024 8:21 pm

Anybody care to speculate on what went through Brittany’s mind, when she woke up, bollock naked, to the sound of the security guard asking if she wanted medical attention, or an ambulance?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 17, 2024 8:30 pm

He was a Cad. He Farked it all up.

That, right there – consensual, non-consensual, or no porkery at all – seems to sit beyond reasonable doubt.

April 17, 2024 8:31 pm

Anyone care to speculate what Brucey was actually doing if he was not getting friendly with Miss Higgins?

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
April 17, 2024 8:33 pm

Bently, whiskey, Britny, countrey, let’s not trifle with details.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 17, 2024 8:41 pm

April 17, 2024 8:31 pm

Anyone care to speculate what Brucey was actually doing if he was not getting friendly with Miss Higgins?

They both went there to have fun on the Taxpayer’s expense. One at least got farked – The Taxpayer.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 17, 2024 8:45 pm

Anyone care to speculate what Brucey was actually doing if he was not getting friendly with Miss Higgins?

By the look of things, imagining he was a fully paid-up, highly-valued member of the Canbra Insiders Club.

April 17, 2024 8:46 pm

I wonder if 10 can be done for contempt of court by spinning their ” victory” as a vindication?
They were central to the abandonment of a criminal trial and their practices during the trials has been awful

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 17, 2024 8:47 pm

Poor bugger That would have hurt.

Why Is There A Car On Bondi Beach?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 17, 2024 8:55 pm

Anyway, Sliante to all on the Cat. I’m reading the account of the Lindt Cafe siege, and wondering why anyone in such a situation would have any confidence in the ability of the police to get any of the hostages out of there in one piece.

April 17, 2024 8:58 pm
April 17, 2024 9:04 pm

Why did Lee go into so much detail.
He could have simply said that on the balance of probabilities sex took place & in his opinion BH didn’t give consent.
People can still disagree with that.
The outcome would still have been the same with regards to the case.

April 17, 2024 9:14 pm

On forgiveness and being a Christian.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 17, 2024 9:26 pm

Pro Tip 2: If you were having consensual sex and she fell asleep in the 62 seconds it took

62 seconds?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 17, 2024 9:32 pm

By the look of things, imagining he was a fully paid-up, highly-valued member of the Canbra Insiders Club.

Possibly the (ahem) root of all his problems.
He couldn’t simply spin a simple story about two young and naive colleagues looking to raid the Ministerial Scotch stash.
He had to concoct a fanciful tale of high level Frog Sub chatter in the bar which he had to urgently document.
A story which was easily punctured.

Kim Howard
Kim Howard
April 17, 2024 9:34 pm

Well I find myself a homeowner and I work and have a decent income yet I find my bills Government and Energy bills keep going up and up, $920 just to keep a car on the road, what is this madness $356 dollars for 3 months water $220 is for supply ( its normally $242 but a water leak ) $600 for Electricity its a two-month bill in Perth, $2000 for rates one year, this Australia is just a Tax payer funded Government and Council free for all, where is the accountability!!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 17, 2024 9:36 pm

Injured Bondi Westfield security guard Muhammad Taha: where’s my ‘bollard man’ permanent residency?


By noah yim

  • Reporter
  • 8:35PM April 17, 2024

They are the unsung heroes of the Bondi Junction Westfield stabbings, and one of them paid for his bravery with his life – but there has been no “bollard man” offer of permanent residency to the wounded survivor, Pakistani security guard Muhammad Taha.
When Mr Taha and colleague Faraz Tahir confronted knife-wielding Joel Cauchi as he began a murderous rampage at the shopping centre on Saturday, Mr Tahir was stabbed to death and Mr Taha was badly wounded.

Yet unlike the recognition for Frenchman Damien Guerot, there has been no prime ministerial offer to Mr Taha – whose graduate visa is due to expire in less than a month – to stay in Australia “for as long he likes”.
In his first interview since being stabbed on Saturday, Mr Taha told The Australian from his hospital bed that the two men had been together when they saw people running “Faraz moved to assess the situation and to save the people; all of a sudden the guy came out.
“Faraz confronted him and was stabbed. After that, he jumped on me. I tried to defend but got stabbed,” Mr Taha said. “I informed (other security staff) on radio regarding the situation.”
Mr Taha said he was on a subclass 476 visa – a “skilled … recognised graduate visa” – and it was expiring within a month.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 17, 2024 9:47 pm

62 seconds?



Bruce in WA
April 17, 2024 9:54 pm

Feeling heavy-hearted tonight. I’ve come to a (very) reluctant conclusion that my love and I must part. I haven’t thrown a leg over in so long … well, I almost forget what it feels like.

As for … what? Who? Hell, no! Not the missus! Nah, stuck with her.

No, I mean the love of my life; my BMW R1150RT. Degenerative arthritis and motorbikes sadly don’t go together. So I’ll have to put her on the market. By God that’s going to be hard to do! A big part of my — our — life will be gone.

What with that and having to get rid of my rifles … I think I need another drink!

April 17, 2024 10:30 pm

Lee getting a god complex or second thoughts?

I’m getting the sense that the good judge is next in line to be flattened by the Britz Disaster Behemoth.

He’ll be part of a crowd of unfortunates that could fill the MCG by the time it eventually rolls to a stop

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
April 17, 2024 10:31 pm

Get yerself a Bently, Bruce-
the rifles can go in the boot.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
April 17, 2024 10:34 pm

The 80’s Turbo Rs are fantastic in a blockheaded more-is-more way…
but the late 50’s S types were perfection. Maybe a little busy with the instrument dials all over the dash, but the minimalism of acres of leather and walnut is gorgeous.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 17, 2024 10:45 pm

$40k, 40 year Bentleys, “ Do you feel lucky punk?”

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
April 17, 2024 11:23 pm

I’m saving for a big blue one- white is a bit naff- do wedding deliveries and the odd school ball in my retirement for modest cash.
It’ll be a bugger to keep clean on the dusty gravel roads, but it’ll bounce roos off better than a bike, that’s for sure…
“Bentayga” is probably the gheyest name ever coined for a car.

April 18, 2024 12:15 am

Current natural gas prices in Australia

Southern short-term domestic gas prices in April were also higher compared to those in March averaging $12.88/GJ ($10.12/GJ) in Adelaide, $12.22/GJ ($9.57/GJ) in Sydney and $11.24/GJ ($9.27/GJ) in Victoria.

GJ and BTU are roughly at the same value for this comparison.
(1 BTU equals 1.05 GJ)

US natural gas is currently trading US$1.67 BTU (Henry Hub terminal.

Australia in US terms (~A$12 X .6425) x 1.05 = $US8.10
We’re 3.85 times above the US and we’re the third largest exporter in the world. Go figure. This is a freaking crime.

Last edited 3 months ago by JC
April 18, 2024 5:08 am

1 BTU equals 1.05 GJ

er … no

1 million BTU is 1.05 GJ

April 18, 2024 1:32 pm


1 3 4 5
Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x