Open Thread – Mon 15 April 2024

Pandora’s Box, Charles Edward Perugini, late 1800s

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April 16, 2024 4:06 pm

The only people raped over the Hoggins affair were the Australian taxpayers.
I can’t see that even though Channel 10 and the Toad were trying to use the truth defence, Bruce had not been convicted of rape in a criminal trial and no further criminal charges were in the offing. For someone to say that he was guilty of rape when the preceding was the case should have been a very simple matter and he was indeed defamed.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 16, 2024 4:14 pm

Do these beans taste like Granny?

Arizona passes “Grandpa in the Garden” bill to allow farm composting of DEAD HUMANS into the food supply via biosludge applications (15 Apr)

The latest state to green-light so-called terramation, or human composting, is Arizona.

House Bill 2081 and Senate Bill 1042, together known as the “Grandpa in the Garden” bill, both passed and were signed into law by Gov. Katie Hobbs on March 29. As such, Arizonans will now have the ability to compost their dead loved ones, allowing their remains to be spread on gardens and farms as “fertilizer.”

Arizona now joins Washington, Oregon, Colorado, California, New York, Nevada and Vermont, which are the only other states where terramation is allowed.

Slightly aged long pig, yum!

April 16, 2024 4:23 pm

Sam Maiden is on her hind trotters about possible costs awarded to the amphibian and ch10. Lee has already surprised with his judgement so I wouldn’t be trying to guess where costs go… Could be another curve ball coming.

As for both of the costs, if they do get them meh I have little time for the legacy media and Wilkinsons behaviour should have had her in front of McCallum for contempt. Want to lie with dogs, don’t be surprised when you get fleas.

Personally I don’t think anyone has come out of this looking good, including the judge.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 16, 2024 4:41 pm

From the Hun.
Susie O’Brien: The Lehrmann Judgement exposes Lisa Wilkinson as a shameful opportunistThe Lehrmann Judgement is a win for women, but it’s not a win for Lisa Wilkinson who has been exposed as a shameful opportunist and a dangerously biased activist.

April 16, 2024 4:43 pm

I have commented about this at C.L.’s blog. I am tired of the constant drumbeat for forgiveness but that only seems to be demanded of Christians. I was taught that people who repent of their sins need to be forgiven, not those who continue sinning. Individuals can forgive those who have done them wrong even if unrepentant, it’s up to them. To demand we all do that is not Christian.

Mark Bolton
Mark Bolton
April 16, 2024 4:49 pm

This seems unpolished and probably close to the truth … but Verboten on the Cat it seems …

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 16, 2024 4:53 pm

 April 16, 2024 4:23 pm

Sam Maiden is on her hind trotters about possible costs awarded to the amphibian and ch10. 

Moot point.
Blood out of a stone.

April 16, 2024 4:53 pm

Personally I don’t think anyone has come out of this looking good, including the judge.

It’s not just the Lerhmann/Higgins saga that has tarnished the judges involved, there is also the Ben Roberts-Smith injustice and before that Cardinal Pell disastrous verdict and unsuccessful appeal. It’s becoming difficult to see which state has worse judiciary.

April 16, 2024 4:53 pm

…it was ‘just a building’ within the grounds of the Iranian diplomatic mission in Syria in which meetings between Iranian military officials, military attaches, etc. happen to take place.

And what do they discuss there…the price of bananas?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 16, 2024 5:05 pm

I am not putting the Lehrmann decision anywhere near the Pell debacle.
Different standard of proof in civil vs criminal for a start.
I think Lee stretched things a little in my opinion, but his reasoning was clear.
The Pell trial judge and 2/3 of the appeal court were absolutely atrocious.

April 16, 2024 5:19 pm

SCOTUS agrees with lower court that activists who exercise First Amendment rights which result in riots and cause harm can be held liable for that harm:

Supreme Court Deals Blow to Prominent Black Lives Activist in Legal Battle with Louisiana Police Officer (

If that were the case in Australia the muzzie mullahs inciting all sorts of things from their pulpits would be liable for the stabber of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel
Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel: What we know about stabbed church leader | SBS News

The Bishop supports Trump. The wallopers should have let the crowd back in to tear the stabber apart.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 16, 2024 5:21 pm

Whoopsie (the Hun):

A woman has died and two others are in hospital after ingesting a drink, reportedly containing mushrooms, at an “alternative health” retreat near Ballarat.

The 52-year-old woman from Ringwood died on Sunday after becoming ill from the drink at the Soul Barn Creative Wellbeing Centre in Clunes about 12am.

The woman died at the retreat and two other people were taken to Ballarat Base Hospital for observation.

The Soul Barn is evidently some sort of hippie retreat, so beef wellingtons may well be out of the question.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 16, 2024 5:34 pm

– Iran launched a few dozen missiles and drones, not hundreds

Over 350. 😀

I’ve seen numbers from 30 ballistic missiles to over a hundred. Apparently Arrow 3 did well. Also about half of the ballistic missiles failed upon launch or during flight, which means the 30 that arrived may’ve been half the number originally launched.

In short it was a serious strike that was intended to inflict maximum damage. The difference between this strike and the ones in Ukraine and Russia is that the IDF plus the allied air forces had abundant air platforms to shoot down the cruise missiles and drones, plus the Arrow and Patriot batteries for the ballistic missiles. In the Ukraine War both sides are a bit threadbare when it comes to air support, and the frontage is much larger – Israel being a tiny country means it’s easier to intercept stuff coming their way due to shorter distances and dense airpower.

April 16, 2024 5:44 pm

The landmark Tickle v Giggle case has wrapped up after a 3-day hearing in the Federal Court.
(2) Tickle vs Giggle – Open Justice with Tribunal Tweets (
Roxy Tickle, a male, took Sall Grover to court after she denied him access to her female only app. The court case has been dubbed the “What is a Woman” trial as it pits sex against gender identity. Tickle also wants up to $200,000 in “damages” for his hurt feelings after Sall repeatedly referred to him as male.

The Sex Discrimination Act (SDA) includes both sex and gender identity but does not define either. The Gillard government removed the definition of sex as male and female in 2013 when they passed amendments that removed protections based on sex from the act.

The case is set to determine whether or not female sex-based rights still exist in Australia or if the law will render the word “woman” meaningless by claiming that males can be women.

Tickle’s lawyers argued he is a woman because he feels like one and because he takes drugs and had surgery to mimic a female body. They also claimed that because he shops in the women’s section and some people accept him as a woman, he is therefore a woman. Can you believe such nonsense?

Embarrassingly, the Australian Human Rights Commission argued that sex is not a biological concept and the word woman encompasses anyone who feels like one. They failed to explain exactly what it is a woman feels like and they failed to explain how a male can identify as a woman if we don’t know what a woman is.

Barrister Bridie Nolan did an exceptional job representing Sall Grover and highlighting the importance of female sex-based rights. Rachel Wong, who was present in the courtroom, posted on X her summary of statements made by Nolan.

“What is a woman, if thinking one is a woman, means one is a woman? A woman is not a thought.

The applicant’s lawyer’s summation of a woman is not only deeply offensive but absurd – how one dresses, where one shops, etc.

Both sexes can shop on the opposite side of the aisle.

The more troubling and insidious aspect of the applicant’s evidence, is that there is this entitlement to access spaces where the female sex go, proving incontrovertibly that the applicant does not have the psychology of a woman.

Our society recognises the importance of single-sex spaces in certain circumstances – female-only toilets, dormitories etc – to keep women safe from male violence. These are the very places the applicant says he goes.
Sall also took the stand and was subjected to a barrage of questions about ‘misgendering’ Tickle.

In cross examination she was asked by Tickle’s representation, “even where a person who was assigned male gender at birth has transitioned to being a woman” by having gender-affirming surgery, taking hormones to make them grow breasts, removing their facial hair, wearing female clothing and using female changing rooms, “you don’t accept that that person is a woman, do you?”

“No,” Sall replied.

Tickles lawyer also asked, “I suggest to you that in Australian ­society, the natural meaning of, the ordinary, contemporary meaning of woman, includes women whose gender is dated to be a woman on their birth certificate, having transitioned from man to woman?”

“I don’t agree,” was Sall’s reply.

Sall is 100% correct. No male can change his sex. It is written on every cell in his body. Feelings can’t change that, neither can costumes, drugs or surgery.

She also said, “There isn’t a woman in the world who’d have to take me to court to use this woman only space. It takes a man for this case to exist.”

Justice Bromwich will now consider the evidence and make a decision in the coming months.

Regardless of what he decides, the fact remains that no one can change their sex.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 16, 2024 5:47 pm

In Teh Paywallian Albrechtsen hints at what might to be yet to come if the Brittany Blob keeps rolling

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 16, 2024 5:55 pm

The debacle of the Iranian massive drone and missile strike, plus the abject failure of Hamas despite spending twenty years fortifying Gaza like a horde of OCD-affected mole rats, is really encouraging.

Iran’s military aren’t dumb. They will have carefully measured the capability they’ve built against the Allied powers and will’ve worked out they they have no chance in a conventional fight. They just don’t have enough projectable power – especially not air assets. And the rapid advance of areas like drone warfare are matched by an equal rapid advance in air defense.

The next interesting step will be the laser systems. Israel was very close to rolling out their Iron Beam, and indeed Hamas may’ve launched when they did because it wasn’t ready. The Poms are now sending their laser defense weapon system to Ukraine for a bit of on the job testing. I suspect the US are ahead of both of them, since some of their prototype units are getting up to the hundreds of kW level.

UK to Rush Experimental ‘Dragonfire’ Laser Weapon Into Service to Deploy in Ukraine (13 Apr)

April 16, 2024 6:07 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 16, 2024 6:10 pm

claire harvey comment image Lisa Wilkinson and Ten trumpet the calling they failed: journalism

Senior executives at Network Ten should be buying lottery tickets, because they just got very lucky.
Justice Michael Lee has found their journalism entirely lacking in rigour, fairness, and reasonableness – but you wouldn’t know it from Ten’s reaction.

In a statement, Ten called their win in the defamation case brought by Bruce Lehrmann “a triumph for truth”.
Ten employee Lisa Wilkinson said outside court: “Today, the Federal Court has found that I published a true story about a rape in a federal minister’s office in March of 2019.”
Legal partner Justin Quill, who also advises The Australian, said on behalf of his client Ten: “This is the problem with defamation law in Australia; the way in which judges and barristers pick apart and dissect what journalists did or didn’t do in applying a legal threshold, a legal test of ‘reasonableness’ is quite often divorced from reality.”
Well, here’s the reality, according to the Federal Court of Australia.

Justice Lee said Ten failed to properly investigate the gaping holes in Brittany Higgins’ story, gleefully signed up to her boyfriend David Sharaz’s crusade against the Morrison government, gaily destroyed the reputation of staffer Fiona Brown, falsely claimed there was a political conspiracy to cover it all up, and didn’t give Bruce Lehrmann a fair chance to respond.
Ten’s response has not been to crawl away in mortified relief.
No, Ten immediately sent trumpeters to the city walls to herald its noble championship of public interest journalism.
So why is Ten lucky? Because Brittany Higgins just happened to be telling the truth.
Not about everything – the judge said she lied and misdirected, including in the witness box – but Justice Lee found her central claim utterly believable: her harrowing description of drifting into consciousness to see the face and sweaty body of Bruce Lehrmann above her on that sofa.
That means Ten gets the overall win, but loses badly on the virtue it’s now trumpeting: journalism.
Justice Lee has done the journalism Ten should have done in 2021: he’s stripped away the fibs and silly inconsistencies, and followed a trail of common sense and contemporaneous evidence.
That allowed him to distinguish Higgins’ initial untruths, which he said were an understandable response to trauma and humiliation, from her later evocation of a grand conspiracy, which the judge has said was utterly false.

When it published its Project story in 2021, Ten didn’t know if Higgins was telling the truth, and had not made much effort to find out.
Presenter Lisa Wilkinson and producer Angus Llewellyn wanted to believe, and that was enough.
Their five-hour pre-interview, played to the court, was a meeting with Sharaz and Higgins in which Wilkinson and Llewellyn did not ask any hard questions at all.
Here’s what Justice Lee wrote about that meeting: “The respondents (Ten and Wilkinson) asserted the purpose of the first interview was for Mr Llewellyn and Ms Wilkinson to determine whether the story was worth pursuing and to assess Ms Higgins’ reliability and credibility as a source. This does not ring at all true from listening to the audio recording.
“Ms Wilkinson was on board with telling the explosive story before even meeting Ms Higgins.”
This was the meeting where Sharaz canvassed – with the enthusiastic participation of Wilkinson – getting friendly Labor figures including Katy Gallagher to pursue the matter in Question Time and Higgins claimed that her phone had completely died and suggested it could have been wiped remotely by the Government.
Higgins also claimed at this meeting she’d been excluded, bullied and pressured to stay quiet by both her then-boss, Fiona Brown and minister Linda Reynolds.
Justice Lee said their behaviour at the meeting and afterwards showed they did not approach the story with “disinterested professional scepticism”, and nor did they “conscientiously consider the motives of Ms Higgins and Mr Sharaz.”

As to Sharaz’s motives, the judge said “any journalist who did not think Mr Sharaz had a motivation to inflict immediate political damage would have to be wilfully blind.”
Higgins told the journalists she didn’t have much contemporaneous evidence – like photos – because her phone had been mysteriously wiped, maybe by the government.
The judge was scathing about this, saying it was a “warning light alerting to the necessity for care in assessing whether the maker of such a representation was open to speculation and conspiracies.”
Ten accepted in its written submissions that this was Higgins voicing a conspiracy theory.
Higgins told Ten she really only had one photo from the time – the bruise photo, which had miraculously survived the ‘wipe’ of her phone.
Neither Wilkinson nor Llewellyn pondered why the bruise was on her right leg, when she described her left leg being squashed on the sofa.
Neither bothered to have a look at the photo’s metadata to establish when it was taken.
Wilkinson, to her credit, showed more curiosity than Llewellyn, telling him by WhatsApp later she was confused how the ‘bruise shot’ had survived the phone’s death.
Llewellyn responded with a reassuring brush-off: “My gut feeling is to avoid the topic as it raises unanswerable questions and weakens rather than strengthens her very strong claims by adding in unnecessary doubt where there currently isn’t any.”
Ten could have layered this story with rigour and sober scepticism – but it didn’t have time.
In the meeting on 27 January, 2021, David Sharaz said the story had to be published in a parliamentary sitting week in March to allow Labor to put maximum pressure on the Coalition government – before Scott Morrison called an election and prorogued parliament.
Sharaz: “I’ve got a friend in Labor, Katy Gallagher on the Labor side, who will probe and continue it going. So sitting week, story comes out, they have to answer questions at question time, it’s a mess for them.”
Ten ran a highly political story, brought to them by a conduit who articulated clearly his political motive, on his timeline, for his purposes, without proper fact-checking.
What really riled up Justice Lee is Ten’s continuing defiant defence of its decision to approve and endorse Lisa Wilkinson’s Logies speech, which blew up Lehrmann’s criminal trial.
Justice Lee called Ten’s conduct “egregious” and “grossly improper”, and slated its chief litigation counsel.
In this trial, Ten and Wilkinson had two defences: truth and qualified privilege, which requires a demonstration of ‘reasonableness’.
Early in his decision, Justice Lee said their conduct was “not reasonable”.
That left them relying on truth: or, to put it more transactionally, the hope that Bruce Lehrmann’s lies outweighed Brittany Higgins’ lies.
That, at least, was true.

April 16, 2024 6:11 pm


They arrested Trump

They arrested Trump’s lawyers

They arrested Trump’s advisors

They arrested Trump’s supporters

They arrested Trump’s chief of staff

They arrested Trump’s chief strategist

They arrested Trump’s security advisor

If this was happening in a foreign country, America would have invaded by now.

April 16, 2024 6:13 pm

The events in the US since 2019 or so have been beyond belief yet twerps like Abbott and Howard don’t seem at all concerned.

April 16, 2024 6:15 pm
April 16, 2024 6:21 pm

And what do they discuss there…the price of bananas?

They discuss the same sort of topics that are had in US/ UK/ French diplomatic missions in Kiev, Warsaw, and the like.

What…the next attack on Israeli civilians?

Western powers aren’t angels, but they’re not Iran either.

If you’re seriously putting forward an equivalence here, you might want to check your moral compass.

Last edited 3 months ago by Roger
April 16, 2024 6:51 pm

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel on the Patrick Bet David podcast (Valuetainment number 335

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 16, 2024 6:54 pm

Dutton says Reynolds vindicated, suggests Higgins should apologiseBy Angus Thompson and Jesinta BurtonApril 16, 2024 — 4.06pm

Listen to this article
4 min
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has suggested that Brittany Higgins and her partner David Sharaz should apologise to Liberal senator Linda Reynolds after declaring his Coalition colleague had been vindicated in the Bruce Lehrmann defamation decision.
Reynolds, the former boss of Lehrmann and his accuser Brittany Higgins, has faced years of criticism over her handling of the rape allegation, which was proven true on the balance of probabilities in Federal Court judge Michael Lee’s verdict on Monday.

But the judge said Higgins and Sharaz “from the first moment” had pushed a narrative of a political cover-up to journalists in 2021, and he found no evidence a cover-up occurred.
Speaking to the press in Perth on Tuesday, Dutton said Reynolds had “absolutely been vindicated”.
“She’s a first-class individual, a person of great honour and integrity, her reputation has been besmirched, and she’s right to pursue the matter in the way that she is,” he said, referring to Reynolds’ defamation suits, which include one against Higgins and Sharaz over social media comments.
“I would have thought, off the back of the judgment yesterday, people would be looking to settle the matter against Linda Reynolds and issuing a full apology to her for the way in which her reputation has been tarnished.”$zoom_0.394%2C$multiply_0.7725%2C$ratio_1.5%2C$width_756%2C$x_0%2C$y_0/t_crop_custom/q_86%2Cf_auto/1f0a901c23b03f85cf4cd2fd3d193342ab2eef5a
David Sharaz, Brittany Higgins and Linda Reynolds are entwined in defamation proceedings in WA.Credit: Trevor Collens
Reynolds launched two separate defamation claims against Higgins and Sharaz in the West Australian Supreme Court last year over statements the couple published on their separate social media accounts.
Both Higgins and Sharaz have defended their respective cases, which are being heard concurrently due to their overlap.

April 16, 2024 6:54 pm

No, I’m pointing out that diplomatic missions include the discussion of matters that are not only diplomatic.

You could have made your meaning clearer.

April 16, 2024 7:02 pm

Credelin has gone full star struck.

Bringing Chris Uhlmann on as a regular contributor to Sky simply highlights the consanguinity that denies Australians honest reporting from our media. He is from the gallery FFS. He can join the other lefty clowns that Sky insists on inflicting on us in the name of diversity – in his case, pomposity.

In her support however, her take down of the clown from the Strategic Policy Institute who was claiming that supressing muzzie crazy speech was inappropriate and probably impossible”.

Her response was masterful “I had comments regarding the covid tryanny constantly taken down”.

April 16, 2024 7:06 pm

Volkswagen electric car sales plunge as Europe returns to petrol

Sales of Volkswagen electric cars have plunged by almost a quarter in Europe as demand for battery-powered vehicles stalls and buyers return to petrol.

Electric vehicle (EV) sales fell by 24pc in the first three months of the year as high inflation and rising energy prices dampened demand.

April 16, 2024 7:21 pm

They arrested Trump

They arrested Trump’s lawyers

They arrested Trump’s advisors

They arrested Trump’s supporters

They arrested Trump’s chief of staff 

They arrested Trump’s chief strategist 

They arrested Trump’s security advisor

Maybe they shouldn’t have committed all those crimes.

April 16, 2024 7:24 pm

The footage, also shared by numerous online influencers, was just one of a number aired by Iran’s state TV claiming to show scenes of devastation from the weekend’s air strikes, despite Israel shooting down around 99% of the drones and missiles fired at the Jewish state.

April 16, 2024 7:27 pm

The spiteful mediocrity back here demonstrating the degeneracy and moral exhaustion of the modern left.

April 16, 2024 7:27 pm

the clown from the Strategic Policy Institute

An incoherent equivocating imbecile.

April 16, 2024 7:28 pm

who was it as a matter of casual interest?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 16, 2024 7:30 pm

 April 16, 2024 7:21 pm

God you are a d*ckhead

April 16, 2024 7:32 pm


Aren’t you surprised though that they haven’t yet arrested the Hiden crime family for influence peddling?

April 16, 2024 7:34 pm

Maybe they shouldn’t have committed all those crimes.

Which crimes dickless?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 16, 2024 7:39 pm

Rita Panahi: No vindication for Ten and Lisa Wilkinson’s reckless reportingFor Lisa Wilkinson to triumphantly proclaim outside court that she was found to have published the truth about the Bruce Lehrmann and Brittany Higgins case is not the full story, not even close.
less than 2 min read
April 16, 2024 – 7:06PM

Channel 10 and Lisa Wilkinson would do well to heed Justice Michael Lee’s considered words rather than pretend that his findings vindicate their reckless reporting and activism, which delayed a rape trial and caused immeasurable harm to at least one innocent woman.
For Wilkinson to triumphantly proclaim outside court that she was found to have published the truth is not really the full story, not even close.
The tale that she and Ten pushed was one of a high-level political cover-up where a victim was coerced into choosing between her career and justice.
Indeed Wilkinson’s 2021 interview began with this introduction: “Tonight claims of rape, roadblocks to a police investigation and a young woman forced to choose between her career and the pursuit of justice … Brittany Higgins says the government betrayed her”.

The only vindication for Ten and Wilkinson was the finding that they did not defame Bruce Lehrmann who Justice Lee found guilty of rape on the balance of probabilities.
Justice Lee was scathing of the Ten team and dismissive of the cover-up story they disseminated.
In their eagerness to build this narrative they spread, without a good basis, claims that former Liberal staffer Fiona Brown pressured Higgins not to proceed with a police complaint.
Brown was about the only person involved in this unholy mess who came out unscathed with Justice Lee praising her integrity and care for Higgins and noting the hardship she endured.
He also found the notion that The Project was not very critical of Ms Brown to be “utterly unsustainable”.

April 16, 2024 7:40 pm

I think it’s Cronkite, frequently making jokes by absurdly suggesting they will ban knives soon when discussing gun laws.


NSW Premier Chris Minns is considering strengthening knife laws for the second time in several months in the wake of Monday night’s church stabbing.

Ban forks too.

April 16, 2024 7:43 pm

Ban forks too.

And fingernails.

This is going to get surreal.

April 16, 2024 7:44 pm

who was it as a matter of casual interest?

I have no idea what his name was. All I know is he was from ASPI and appeared to be a drooling cretin. Watched him for about ten seconds desperately attempting to avoid answering a straightforward question from Crudlin.

Last edited 3 months ago by Rabz
April 16, 2024 7:45 pm

This is going to get surreal.

This is why you can’t any longer tell if the Bee’s headers are real or a joke

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 16, 2024 7:46 pm

Alphaville – Forever Young (Moreno J Remix)

April 16, 2024 7:48 pm

a young woman forced to choose between her career and the pursuit of justice …

What a load of melodramatic shite.

April 16, 2024 7:51 pm

40 beheaded babies?

Baba … and 72 virgins

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 16, 2024 7:54 pm

NSW Premier Chris Minns very casually admitting that the Bishop stabbing was classified as an act of terrorism because it unlocked greater powers for the police investigators. Categorised not on the basis of what was already done but on what police would like to do in response.
Not saying it wasn’t terrorism, it could be, but…
Is that a rationale that you want to see normalised?

April 16, 2024 7:56 pm
NSW Premier Chris Minns is considering strengthening knife laws for the second time in several months in the wake of Monday night’s church stabbing.

Ffs! My son was murdered with knife and chisel. No family or friend suggested a ban.

So sick tokenism.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 16, 2024 7:58 pm

Knuckle Dragger
 April 16, 2024 5:21 pm

Whoopsie (the Hun):

A woman has died and two others are in hospital after ingesting a drink, reportedly containing mushrooms, at an “alternative health” retreat near Ballarat.

If only there was some way they could have known of the dangers.

April 16, 2024 7:58 pm

But all the civilians running the other way don’t have a glock on their hip

we have a friend who was one of them.

ran the other way
got out
even got her car out

while running she passed aged and infirm
families with you kids

they couldn’t travel like she could
and guilt is tearing her up

April 16, 2024 8:01 pm

ASPI seems to be another canbra abomination

April 16, 2024 8:01 pm

Ffs! My son was murdered with knife and chisel.

Dude, really? Sorry to hear that. Terrible.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 16, 2024 8:01 pm

H B Bear
 April 16, 2024 5:47 pm

In Teh Paywallian Albrechtsen hints at what might to be yet to come if the Brittany Blob keeps rolling

Not least of which is that Lerhman has not faced a completed criminal trial.
It could easily be revived.

April 16, 2024 8:04 pm

Justin Bassi is the Executive Director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
From June 2019 to March 2022 he was Chief of Staff to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Women, Senator the Hon Marise Payne.
Immediately prior to this, Justin was the Cyber Intelligence Mission Manager at the Office of National Intelligence, where he led the integration of cyber security and critical technologies across the National Intelligence Community.
From September 2015 to August 2018, Justin was the National Security Adviser to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. He led the team advising the PM and Cabinet Ministers on Australia’s national security, defence and international relations. This included responsibility for all areas of security legislation, policy and operations, including counter terrorism, foreign interference, cyberspace, intelligence and border security.
Justin was also previously the National Security Adviser to Attorney-General George Brandis, focusing on Australia’s national security legislation, policy and activities, including counter terrorism and telecommunications security.
Prior to that, Justin spent over 10 years in the Australian Public Service, including in the intelligence community for the Office of National Assessments and at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet where he had responsibility for cyber security policy.

April 16, 2024 8:05 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 16, 2024 8:08 pm

Peter Dutton says Linda Reynolds has “absolutely been vindicated” by the outcome of the Brittany Higgins case, in which Justice Michael Lee found no political interference had taken place in the handling of the rape allegation in parliament house.

The Opposition Leader said Senator Reynolds’ reputation had been besmirched and she had the right to pursue the matter in whatever way she wished from here.

“Linda Reynolds has absolutely been vindicated. She’s a first-class individual, a person of great honour and integrity,” he said.

“She’s right to pursue the matter in the way that she is. I would have thought off the back of the judgement yesterday people would be looking to settle the matter against Linda Reynolds and issuing a full apology to her for the way in which her reputation has been tarnished.

I am trying to imagine ScoMo saying that.
Can’t get it.

April 16, 2024 8:09 pm

Came across this one whilst doing some downloading .. excellent! .. watching season 1 and season 2 has just finished its run … TOKYO VICE …. 12/10
An American journalist investigating the Yakusa ………

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 16, 2024 8:11 pm

The next time that one of our political “leaders” or their bureaucratic minions in the police or security fields babbles on about the possibility of “Islamophobia” (an irrational fear of Islam), note that they are the ones who demonstrate by their words and actions an actual irrational fear of Islam.

They, not the general population, are the real Islamophobes.

April 16, 2024 8:12 pm

I’m sorry to read that Bespoke. That’s just shocking.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 16, 2024 8:24 pm

NSW Premier Chris Minns is considering strengthening knife laws for the second time in several months in the wake of Monday night’s church stabbing.

How soon we (they) forget.

In the UK when they tried this, they actually put large steel bins in London streets as knife depositories, presumably hoping junior Yardies and roadmen would walk past them, have the scales fall from their eyes and put their weaponry in said bins on the way to the seminary for training.

Instead, and as predicted, the bins themselves were stolen.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 16, 2024 8:30 pm

I think Bespoke had touched upon a family tragedy before, but I wasn’t aware of the horrible detail.
The best you can do is just try to keep plodding along.
The loss of a child is just too much to bear, especially when it is murder.

April 16, 2024 8:30 pm

Aussie dollar has a dead cat bounce and now toying with breaking 64 cents. Looks as heavy as anything.

April 16, 2024 8:41 pm

while running she passed aged and infirm

No one should feel ashamed of their survival instincts kicking in.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
April 16, 2024 8:41 pm

The Poms are now sending their laser defense weapon system to Ukraine for a bit of on the job testing. I suspect the US are ahead of both of them, since some of their prototype units are getting up to the hundreds of kW level.
In Joe Haldeman’s 1974 book The Forever War fighters moved through time and space in a very futuristic way. He referred to collapsars/worm-holes, insertion of liquid into bodies to help cope with rapid course changes, but of interest to me way back then was his weaponry, which included “beva-watt lasers”.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
April 16, 2024 8:44 pm

So, the term for a perfectly rational concern about Islam is …

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 16, 2024 8:54 pm

Frontline heroes (the NT News):

A group of clinicians previously employed in the Top End are using the Territory’s well-documented shortage of medical staff as leverage in a bid to torpedo the proposed Lee Point precinct development, saying its progression would make their future return unlikely.

The group of nine clinicians, led by Dr Amy Reid, an intensive care registrar who worked at the Royal Darwin Hospital in 2020, penned a letter to federal Assistant Defence Minister Matt Thistlethwaite on April 2, and shared it with the NT News.

In the letter, Dr Reid wrote that their possible return to Darwin “is in question now with the progression of the development of Lee Point for defence housing”.

The NT is notorious for shit doctors turning up for six months at a time and being paid massive amounts by the NT Government for being here. Because they don’t see the majority of their patients in their natural habitat, activism is endemic amongst that group.

She accused decision-makers of imperilling the endangered Gouldian finch, riding roughshod over the wishes of Larrakia people, and sounding the death knell for “old growth bushland and unique forestry found nowhere else in the world” by rubberstamping the decision.

It’s not ‘old growth forests’. It’s a patch of scrub.

“Frankly my husband [cosignatory Dr Matthew Elliott, a maxillofacial surgery registrar]

There’s a pic of this bloke in the piece. He looks like Doogie Howser with a longer forehead and without the masculinity.

and I, alongside my colleagues, are less likely to return our services to Darwin if this project continues, which is a loss for the local community as there is already a shortage of health professionals and high levels of chronic disease in the Northern Territory,” Dr Reid wrote.

Oh no. Not that! Who will give the countrymen and sandwich and a bed during the wet season while children with croup are gasping for every breath in the ED?

There’s saying here, which is accurate largely due to these idiots – ‘If in pain, get on a plane’.

Last edited 3 months ago by Knuckle Dragger
April 16, 2024 9:00 pm

Do Hamas’ Leaders Abroad Have a Mandate to Negotiate?
Allegedly, there’s quite a split between the Gaza-based Sinwars and the international luxury-living political heads of h@m@s.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
April 16, 2024 9:27 pm

They arrested Trump

They arrested Trump’s lawyers

They arrested Trump’s advisors

They arrested Trump’s supporters

They arrested Trump’s chief of staff 

They arrested Trump’s chief strategist 

They arrested Trump’s security advisor

Maybe they shouldn’t have committed all those crimes.

They arrested Anne Frank
They arrested Anne Frank’s sister
They arrested Anne Frank’s parents
They arrested the people whose house Anne Frank was in
Maybe she & they shouldn’t have committed all those crimes.

Black Ball
Black Ball
April 16, 2024 9:41 pm

Phuck I hate monty with a visceral hatred.
Make no mistake here Cats and Kittehs, xe would do similar to you.
His lot like running down teenagers wearing MAGA caps.
His lot like to castrate young boys..
His lot like to block perfectly fine Presidential campaigns.
His lot loves George Floyd.

April 16, 2024 9:49 pm

Phuck I hate monty with a visceral hatred

mUnty’s opinion is on par with a t-shirt slogan

all noise and no accountability

thinks he matters

but doesn’t

April 16, 2024 9:55 pm

And he’s no fan of Trump.


Like New York AttorneyGeneral Letitia James, NY County District Attorney Alvin Bragg is an elected Democrat who openly campaigned that he was going to get Donald Trump.

This lawfare is undignified, indeed un-American. If I represented Trump I would file a Bar complaint. For political activists to stoop to this level, to make garbage precedent about the 1st criminal prosecution of a former President is shameful. Targeted persecution should not be part of our criminal justice system. This isn’t justice, this is politics.

One of the comments –

I’m old enough to remember when Biden bragged about his corrupt dealings in Ukraine and then Trump got impeached for asking about it. These trials are the same story on repeat.

April 16, 2024 9:57 pm
The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
April 16, 2024 9:57 pm

NSW Premier Chris Minns is considering strengthening knife laws for the second time in several months in the wake of Monday night’s church stabbing.?


April 16, 2024 10:07 pm

I remember Saddam Hussein being supremely confident that his Republican Guards could hold their own and better a smaller allied (mostly US) force when he attacked Kuwait in August 1990.

During the 4.5 month war of which there was under 100 hours of a land offensive it was reported that Iraq lost 3300 tanks compared to 31 allied, 2,100 APC’s against 28, 110 aircraft against 75, 19 ships against zero, 2200 artillery pieces against 1. Up to 50,000 Iraqi soldiers died compared to less than 300 Americans. It could have been a lot worse for Iraq except for the ego of George Bush and his 100 hour folly.

I think Iran may well find themselves in a similar situation if they extend their adventures too far…

April 16, 2024 10:13 pm
April 16, 2024 10:14 pm
April 16, 2024 10:16 pm
April 16, 2024 10:17 pm
April 16, 2024 10:24 pm

You absolutely must listen to this. Unbelievable. Literally trying to prevent people, including Prime Ministers of countries, from speaking.

Nigel Farage Brussels speech SABOTAGED as Mayor calls cops to SHUT DOWN event with 15 minutes notice

April 16, 2024 10:40 pm

You may think you hate the media enough. But you are just an itty bitty baby compared to what they deserve.

comment image
Paul Bongiorno


Let’s cut the bull dust. Hate preachers beget hate. If this is what religious freedom is all about forget it.
Everyone tiptoeing around the obvious.
Same principle as the medieval inquisition: error has no rights.
Well it’s the 21st century.
Terrorists are also in some pulpits.

Yes, he is referring to the stabbed priest.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
April 16, 2024 10:46 pm

Ah yes, I remember that time Anne Frank cheated on her third wife while she was suckling their newborn with a porn star who she paid off just before a presidential election.

That’s a felony. You’re spot on with that one, Sherlock.
Easy to look up online: Criminal code, section 243(ii), minimum custodial sentence of not less than Five (5) years imprisonment in a federal penitentiary.

Oh come on
Oh come on
April 16, 2024 11:06 pm

Over at the ABC, some Bruce Lehrmann-related culture war concern-trolling by that purportedly Christian woman who, in the process, manages to fire off a few rounds from every one of her side’s biggest guns in the general direction of their culture war enemies. Pathetic. Anyway, this caught my eye:

Powerful men are still pouring money into the Sisyphean task of restoring Roberts-Smith’s reputation, one even taking out full page ads just a couple of weeks ago praising his “courage, strength, commitment”.

Now, that man’s daughter was stabbed to death a few days ago, I believe. What better time to get a few kicks in! Maybe that’s why she wouldn’t name him. Stay classy, Julia Baird.

But the next paragraph is priceless:

Then there’s Lehrmann. We have discovered that in this country that a man who is accused of sexual assault can find himself wined, dined, allegedly supplied with sex workers and cocaine, accommodated in seaside apartments, and touted as a hero of the ‘anti-woke’ hard-right before his case is even determined.

ahahahahahahahahaha so, so, so exquisitely oblivious.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
April 17, 2024 12:19 am

Authorities in Brussels have ordered the closure of a radical right conference that was addressed by British politicians including Nigel Farage and Suella Braverman.

The order banning the National Conservatism conference from taking place on Tuesday was issued “to guarantee public safety,” according to Emir Kir, the mayor of the Saint-Josse-ten-Noode district in Brussels.

From The Guardian

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 17, 2024 12:25 am

Cash and Rowdy – Stevo and Eric.

Cash 2.0 Great Dane on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills 51

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 17, 2024 12:46 am

NSW Premier Chris Minns is considering strengthening knife laws for the second time in several months in the wake of Monday night’s church stabbing.?

You mean, those knife laws like the gun laws that the criminals, terrorists, nutters, maniacs and many others, etc, etc, etc just simply ignore.

Strange, that when you fly First Class or Business Class on Commercial Airlines that you get stainless steel cutlery whereas in ‘Cattle Class’ you get plastic cutlery. Obviously, Terrorists and other bad people don’t travel First Class or Business Class. /sarc.

Oh come on
Oh come on
April 17, 2024 12:49 am

I just told Mike Johnson in conference that I’m cosponsoring the Motion to Vacate that was introduced by 


Seems he wants to go, to be honest. I agree with Rich Baris – should have left McCarthy in place. Mike Johnson was one of the good guys, could have been an asset, but managing this caucus ruined him.

April 17, 2024 1:05 am

The order banning the National Conservatism conference from taking place on Tuesday was issued “to guarantee public safety,”

The French revolution had a committee for public safety, I believe. How did that work out?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 17, 2024 3:25 am


Peter Gabriel – Don’t Give Up (ft. Kate Bush)

April 17, 2024 4:00 am
April 17, 2024 4:01 am
April 17, 2024 4:02 am
April 17, 2024 4:02 am
April 17, 2024 4:03 am
April 17, 2024 4:04 am
April 17, 2024 4:05 am
April 17, 2024 4:05 am
April 17, 2024 4:06 am
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 17, 2024 4:23 am

Thanks once again Tom.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 17, 2024 4:36 am

comment image

April 17, 2024 4:54 am

They say the persecution of DJT is banana republic level, I say it’s Stalinist. How very much like the USSR the USA is turning out to be. Especially NY.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 17, 2024 5:21 am

Nikita Tszyu has mums genes.

April 17, 2024 6:11 am

Spooner is excellent.
What a great name for the corpse, “Useful Infidel”.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 17, 2024 6:14 am

Just watched a video of the Soul Barn Mushroom Emporium in Clunes on the Oz website.
It certainly has everything you’d expect.
Crystals, random white bird feathers, woven Indian rugs and rocks arranged in circles.
Presumably the white feathers are handed to those who refuse the mushroom drink.

April 17, 2024 6:55 am

 I’ve now heard from three different sources


People with first hand knowledge?


Speculation by online influencers?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
April 17, 2024 7:00 am

 I’ve now heard from three different sources

More than three sources named the Westfield stabber as Benjamin Cohen.

April 17, 2024 7:53 am

Tonkatsu, Tabasco and Siracha. Three of the best sauces!

April 17, 2024 7:57 am

Ha ha very good ?

April 17, 2024 8:01 am

Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court. Really says it all about both of them.

AG Merrick Garland says Biden ‘has no impairment’ mentally despite special counsel Robert Hur report

April 17, 2024 8:03 am

Lee has given the media a free pass , doesn’t matter what ch10 or the Lizard have done, they don’t call him BL anymore they call him the rapist . Reasonable doubt has given way to balance of probabilities next it will just be the feelz.

April 17, 2024 8:14 am
April 17, 2024 8:15 am

April 17, 2024 8:01 am

Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court. Really says it all about both of them.

AG Merrick Garland says Biden ‘has no impairment’ mentally despite special counsel Robert Hur report

The longer I observe Biden’s behavior before and since the last election, the more I see deception regarding his mental state, a few stumbles on stairs are nothing more than could be expected from an 80 year old.

In short I smell a rat.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
April 17, 2024 8:16 am

Lee’s quip about the lions and a hat were highly unprofessional and show a superior way of thinking.
A jury of peers is not just a sentiment for criminal offences, it protects against the omnipotence of some in the judiciary.

Black Ball
Black Ball
April 17, 2024 8:17 am

Rita Panahi:

Channel 10 and Lisa Wilkinson would do well to heed Justice Michael Lee’s considered words rather than pretend that his findings vindicate their reckless reporting and activism, which delayed a rape trial and caused immeasurable harm to at least one innocent woman.

For Wilkinson to triumphantly proclaim outside court that she was found to have published the truth is not really the full story, not even close.

The tale that she and Ten pushed was one of a high-level political cover-up where a victim was coerced into choosing between her career and justice.

Indeed Wilkinson’s 2021 interview began with this introduction: “Tonight claims of rape, roadblocks to a police investigation and a young woman forced to choose between her career and the pursuit of justice … Brittany Higgins says the government betrayed her”.

The only vindication for Ten and Wilkinson was the finding that they did not defame Bruce Lehrmann who Justice Lee found guilty of rape on the balance of probabilities.

Justice Lee was scathing of the Ten team and dismissive of the cover-up story they disseminated.

In their eagerness to build this narrative they spread, without a good basis, claims that former Liberal staffer Fiona Brown pressured Higgins not to proceed with a police complaint.

Brown was about the only person involved in this unholy mess who came out unscathed with Justice Lee praising her integrity and care for Higgins and noting the hardship she endured.

He also found the notion that The Project was not very critical of Ms Brown to be “utterly unsustainable”.

He was critical of Wilkinson’s lack of candour and propensity to make serious claims which “lacked a factual foundation”.

“This evidence illustrated a tendency of Ms Wilkinson to try to avoid making concessions, even an obvious one,” Justice Lee said.

And though she was badly advised, Wilkinson as a veteran media performer should’ve been well aware that her Logies speech was going to jeopardise a rape trial.

“She ought to have known the speech was fraught with danger and recognised that lauding a complainant on the eve of a rape trial in the terms she did would be apt to undermine the due administration of justice,” Justice Lee said.

Ten and Wilkinson should be thrilled that it was Lehrmann who sued, not Brown.

April 17, 2024 8:19 am

 April 17, 2024 8:09 am

They’re openly allowing illegal immigrants to vote in federal elections now in Arizona…
Now you know why Secretary of State Katie Hobbs rigged it so the visibly more popular Kari Lake couldn’t win, and installed herself instead to keep the corruption going.

Arizona is a lost state for as long as Cindy McCain lives and breathes. She hates the Republican Party with the heat of a thousand suns for not making her husband John McCain the president so she could be the First Lady. Cindy is a beer distribution company heiress and has the means to do what she wants and she wants every Republican candidate for any office to lose.

April 17, 2024 8:24 am

I didn’t know this.
The Truckers Won. Everything.

April 17, 2024 8:28 am

The only vindication for Ten and Wilkinson was the finding that they did not defame Bruce Lehrmann who Justice Lee found guilty of rape on the balance of probabilities.

Justice Lee was scathing of the Ten team and dismissive of the cover-up story they disseminated.

In practical terms Justice Lee did not demand that Ten and Wilkinson pay damages to Lerhmann therefore he let them off the hook. Whatever words from him that come after that are immaterial. He may think he’s so clever and witty, a lot of us think he’s just a low rank comedian.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 17, 2024 8:34 am

Takes quite a while to train a mechanic, and the people likely to become one are more likely rev heads than green progressives.

EVs Head for Junkyard as Mechanic Shortage Inflates Repair Costs (16 Apr)

A dearth of mechanics trained to handle the most advanced EV fixes is helping to drive up repair costs, according to insurers and repair companies like the AA, which provides roadside assistance across the UK. Add in expenses like long wait times for replacement parts, and underwriters are opting to total cars with relatively benign damage — prematurely consigning electric models to the junk heap.

Presumably they’d have to go through the TAFE system, and pollies seem much more interested to get the kids into universities where they can be properly indoctrinated. All this feeds into worse economics for EVs and more people walking away from them.

Another tale of woe from a Pom overnight: she owns one and says don’t buy an EV because the public chargers are always out of service. As with mechanics there’s a similar shortage of electricians trained to repair charging stations.

‘I’m an EV owner and I say don’t buy one – everywhere I go I have this charging issue’ (16 Apr)

April 17, 2024 8:34 am


 April 17, 2024 8:20 am

Sydney church stabbing: Attack on Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel at Wakeley may be linked to resurfaced video showing the stabbing victim making controversial remarks about Islam

Any simple truth about Islam will be deemed controversial by muslims and their political enablers here and elsewhere in the West. They will only accept obeisance.

April 17, 2024 8:38 am

i have been disappointed by Justice Lee so far, however he has a chance to redeem himself a little when he awards costs. He will have been looking at the media this week and coming to conclusions – I hope.

April 17, 2024 8:42 am
April 17, 2024 8:59 am

quip about the lions and a hat were highly unprofessional and show a superior way of thinking

An arrogant dickhead, his judgement is a joke and Lehrmann was defamed.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 17, 2024 9:13 am

Linda Reynolds breaks her silence after court ruled Bruce Lehrmann likely committed rape on her ministerial couch – as she shares pointed message to Brittany Higgins
Daily Mail.

April 17, 2024 9:18 am

the stabbing victim making controversial remarks about Islam

Then he obviously deserved to be stabbed. Grate work, Daily Fail.

Consequently anyone making “controversial remarks” about moozleyism, e.g. it’s an evil ridiculous stone age totalitarian death cult whose adherents are insane inbred imbeciles, deserves to be physically attacked.

This is the “thinking” (if it could be dignified with such a term) of dunderheads like Albansleazey and “Duelling Banjos” Burgess.

April 17, 2024 9:19 am

Lee just another judge like Bromberg that confirms my low opinion of the feral court.

April 17, 2024 9:19 am

[Judge Lee] may think he’s so clever and witty, a lot of us think he’s just a low rank comedian.

Open justice and all that…but I’m beginning to think televising court proceedings is not such a good idea.

April 17, 2024 9:22 am

Rabz it’s the ‘thinking’ of the malicious, effete, incompetent political -meja class from Paris to Perth

April 17, 2024 9:26 am


 April 17, 2024 8:42 am

 Reply to  Crossie

I am unable to see downticks. The little image of the hand is up one way and then the other. A number appears next to the up version, but no number appears next to the down version. It is a confusing logo to use, perhaps it could be made clearer.

Red downticks can only be seen as long as there are no subsequent upticks. These upticks aren’t counted in the green total as they were used to cancel the downticks. For example, there is one downtick, the next uptick sets the downticks total to zero but does not change the upticks count. I watched this happen when I upticked a comment that only had one downtick.

April 17, 2024 9:53 am

Imagine. with the Lefts inability to show commonsense in any and all situations, along with breathalysing and holding in detention, innocent motorists, we’ll have to explain the contents of our tool kits in our cars.

April 17, 2024 9:54 am

In cross examination she was asked by Tickle’s representation, “even where a person who was assigned male gender at birth has transitioned to being a woman” by having gender-affirming surgery,

bzzt. delusion-affirming surgery, mental illness-affirming surgery, narcissism affirming surgery

April 17, 2024 10:01 am

No subtitles. No watch.
No matter how important you think it is, if you lock out an entire sector of your potential audience by refusing to add just one minor detail, then your audience will walk.

April 17, 2024 10:03 am
April 17, 2024 10:08 am

Bungonia Bee:

In Joe Haldeman’s 1974 book The Forever War fighters moved through time and space in a very futuristic way. He referred to collapsars/worm-holes, insertion of liquid into bodies to help cope with rapid course changes, but of interest to me way back then was his weaponry, which included “beva-watt lasers”.

One thing that stuck in my mind was the part where the Lady Doctor on one of the ships tried some failed experiment with bathtub alcohol with an aniseed taste, and got smashed on it.
Funny details.
And the sequel “Forever Peace” was a disaster. Full of feelgood emotional crap.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 17, 2024 10:10 am

Completely bonkers.

Labor picks $400m transition ‘winner’ (Paywallian)

Labor will inject $400m to help develop a green alumina processing facility in Queensland in its first cash-splash under the Future Made in Australia policy banner.

If it makes a single tonne of alumina I will be very surprised. Meanwhile Alcoa is shutting down their Kwinana refinery due to it being uneconomic. If an existing plant is uneconomic then a green plant can only be much much worse.

April 17, 2024 10:21 am

The only controversial thing to say about I Slam is saying they’re a “religion of peace”. A death cult, more like. That scum Imam in Sydney saying muzzies love death more than Jews love life. I’m quite willing to accommodate his wish.

April 17, 2024 10:26 am

quip about the lions and a hat were highly unprofessional and show a superior way of thinking

I thought his use of “willy nilly” was worse.

April 17, 2024 10:27 am

In other news, Aldi has tins of RSL ANZAC biscuits.

When it comes to merchandising, they can read the market. The Australia Day debacle will probably not be repeated.

Woolworths, on the other hand, has refused to stock the RSL tinned biscuits. They appear to have learned exactly nothing.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 17, 2024 10:29 am

Tim Blair on the Westfield attack:

Tim Blair: Sydney will always win when Sydney fights back (Tele, not paywalled)

April 17, 2024 10:35 am

Also, for Cats who wish to do a little Netflix bingeing:

Marcella – three series of police procedural with a goodly dash of gaslighting and enough juicy red herrings to last to the end

Bodies – SF meets four generations of London coppers based in Whitechapel. And not a thing to do with The Ripper. Shades of Twelve Monkeys and Source Code with an English twist.

Fool Me Once – single series. Lots of gaslighting, flashbacks, and Joanna Lumley being evil. Nice, satisfying plot twist. Good stuff.

April 17, 2024 10:48 am

Woolworths, on the other hand, has refused to stock the RSL tinned biscuits. They appear to have learned exactly nothing.

Banducci threatened with contempt of parliament for evading questions.

Arrogant so and so.

April 17, 2024 10:51 am

Biden told Iran: “DON’T!” And then after they DO, he backs down:

Biden’s Middle East policy is beyond parody (

Increased oil prices are on the way for us all, including the US, fuelling further inflation.

April 17, 2024 10:52 am

The ancient shouldn’t feel left out. As a mate who’s even older than me points out, he’s still able to block a bullet or blade. He just won’t be talking about it much afterwards.

Like Schlomo Ron at Kibbutz Nahal on Oct 7.

Never underestimate the courage of the elderly. They have less to lose.

Bruce in WA
April 17, 2024 10:53 am

Anyone in or around Perth who would like some free olives to process? I have a tree with about 40 kg of the damn things … many more than I can use. I think they are Kalamatas, but I’m not positive. They’re black, anyway. Pick your own and they’re all yours.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
April 17, 2024 10:54 am

I think I’m a bit like Tim B’s older mate. As we age, what Mrs. Bee calls “the filters” tend to atrophy. This makes us a bit ruder, and a bit prone to become downright abusive when faced with not useful but useless idiots.
I’ve warned her that if we are approached by a man with a knife, there’s a chance I’ll be triggered into troppo mode and try to either take his knee out or both eyes.

April 17, 2024 10:55 am

Alex Deane GOBSMACKED by Labour’s ‘CHILLING’ response to Brussels conservative event shut down

What is gobsmacking about it?

The left have never once believed in free speech. Sure there are your very very rare exceptions like Glenn Greenwald but if we allow leftists the ability to talk when the Right has power, we should be under no delusions that they will reciprocate when they have power.

And why on Earth should we allow them to talk anyway?

Does anybody seriously believe Monty could ever be right about anything except by sheer dumb luck? He adds nothing to discourse. Almost no leftist does. We won’t be missing out on any great insights.

When the Right gets power we need to ban leftists from talking, owning property and using hydrocarbons.

April 17, 2024 10:57 am

And in some DoomPorn, Mt Ruang in Indonesia is beginning to erupt with plasma flows starting to come down the mountain.

The last time this baby had a massive eruption (1871) it created a tsunami 25 metres high…

It’s last medium explosion, 2002, smoke went as high as 20km into the atmosphere…

April 17, 2024 10:58 am

 I’m beginning to think televising court proceedings is not such a good idea.

Justice Michael Lee now sees himself as a daytime TV soap opera star — a gun for hire on behalf of the perpetually offended. Judge Mordecai Bromberg on steroids.

He has made the Federal Court a magnet for female gold diggers.

April 17, 2024 10:59 am

Ah right. So that’s the reason…

The glare of car headlights could be a risk for heart conditions… As ever-more vehicles use dazzling LED beams | Daily Mail Online

…and here was I thinking it had something to do with experimental jibby jabs…

April 17, 2024 11:02 am

I really have a bad feeling about this vile charade of a trial of Trump before this bastard judge merchan. The jury selection process tells us what will happen. Trump’s options to appeal when a fuked jury finds him guilty of nothing and is sentenced by the kunt judge will be done while he is in jail. That is what is going to happen.

April 17, 2024 11:04 am

Arrogant so and so.

Not half as arrogant as that asshat McKim who was “questioning” him

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 17, 2024 11:10 am

Michael J certainly drew a distinction between Brittany’s untruths in 2019 and post Sharaz in 2021. One report I read says that he placed some weight on the evidence of Brittany’s father that her behaviour changed after 2019. The problem, to my way of thinking, was that would be consistent with consensual sex on the night and embarrassment and disgrace in being sacked from her important Canberra job and returning home as a “failure”. The finding, even on the balance of probability, that sex without consent occurred seems a leap too far in my mind. From a legal point of view is appellate courts are generally reluctant to disturb findings of fact by first instance judges who have the benefit of seeing witnesses give evidence in person.

April 17, 2024 11:12 am

This case, from one of the 140-odd illegals let out into the Australian public goes to the High Court today:

ASF17-Cth-App-OOA.pdf (

ASF now claims he’s a homosexual and will be killed if returned home (this claim was never made in his original application)

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 17, 2024 11:14 am

Haha, great catch by Notthebee. These two headlines appeared on the same day, 28 March:

comment image

April 17, 2024 11:14 am

Eggsactly. The debt bomb is the Right’s equivalent of gerbil warming scare on the left.

Talk about how government spending is taking scarce capital away from innovators. Stop talking about da debt crisis. Markets aren’t stupid.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 17, 2024 11:17 am

WA Museum Boola Bardip listed as one of the hundred most boring tourist attractions in the world…Daily Mail.

April 17, 2024 11:19 am

ASF now claims he’s a homosexual and will be killed if returned home (this claim was never made in his original application)

While the case is legally significant the outcome in this particular instance is moot as Iran does not accept coerced repatriations.

H B Bear
H B Bear
April 17, 2024 11:21 am

In today’s Sydney Celebrity Trial the part of Richo will be played by David Sharaz.

April 17, 2024 11:24 am

ASF now claims he’s a homosexual and will be killed if returned home

That is incorrect. He will get a choice, be killed , or request to be transitioned to female.

April 17, 2024 11:26 am

Meanwhile in Canberra:

Albo: “How was this mentally unstable 15-year-old not picked up by authorities,”

Burgess: “Oh, we were going to brief you, and ask your permission to raid his house last week, but we weren’t invited to the National Security Council meeting.”

April 17, 2024 11:26 am

Justice Lee must be a necromancer of ejaculate. He has powers that no one else has! The judge definitively stated that BL ejaculated. Ok where is the sperm? Can you imagine the stain on a leather couch left behind after coitis UN-INTERUPTED. Then supposedly Brittany lay there naked, sleeping on the coach to 9am or something, tossing and turning. Then gets up to leave a stain free sofa. Yes, that room was given a clean because a naked girl had sleep in there, but the 2 x cleaners reported nothing out of the ordinary. They certainly would have recalled cleaning up a wet patch.

April 17, 2024 11:31 am

Something that works in the NSW government. I’ve just submitted an application to remove 3 trees from my beachhouse block. The planning portal worked brilliantly, ok some of the instructions could have been better, but on the whole very good.

April 17, 2024 11:33 am

Republican US Senator, James Lankford, urged the US State Department to revoke the visa of Iranian Foreign Minister, Hossien Amir Abdollahian, on Tuesday ahead of his visit to New York to attend a UN Security Council meeting, Anadolu Agency reports.

So… the US is now letting Iranian “government ministers” to visit the US with immunity?

Remind me, when did Churchill invite Ribbontrop over for tea during WWII?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 17, 2024 11:40 am

ASF now claims he’s a homosexual and will be killed if returned home

Apparently he says he’s a Christian bisexual:

Who is ASF 17? The bisexual Christian who wants to stay (Paywallian, 17 Apr, not paywalled…go figure)

This man says he can’t return to Iran because he is bisexual – and therefore, could be arrested and even executed under the country’s strict laws against homosexuality.

He’s converted to Christianity and has voiced opposition to the Iranian government’s treatment of women.

And a feminist. Sounds like he’s covering all bases. On the other hand there aren’t many actual Christian bisexuals, certainly not if they’ve read the second half of Romans 1.

April 17, 2024 11:41 am

Anyone in or around Perth who would like some free olives to process?

Damn I’d come get them if I was in WA!!
pickling them is too easy

last year my Kalamata tree delivered about 6 litres
this year only got about 2 litres but basically all of them useful

have had them on daily water changes for 2 weeks and started the first of a few weeks of brine before bottling them in salt/vinegar/water/oil

If somebody gets the olives … do this

April 17, 2024 11:43 am


My only excuse is lack of coffee, which is no excuse at all.

That’s the best excuse of all, Calli. EVERYONE knows that caffeine deprivation is at the root of all errors.

April 17, 2024 11:44 am

a gun for hire on behalf of the perpetually offended


April 17, 2024 11:47 am

The jury selection process tells us what will happen

they need jurors to be ‘impartial’

in the same semantic sense that ‘inclusion’ doesn’t mean inclusion anymore

April 17, 2024 11:49 am

the missus just blurted …

Ha! ‘straya … on a world news stage for all the wrong reasons!

April 17, 2024 12:03 pm

I’m a lazy olive processor. Into an old pillowcase with loads of salt and hang them under the balcony for three weeks. Perfection according to the resident Siciliano.

Only good for fully ripened black olives though.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
April 17, 2024 12:07 pm

If it makes a single tonne of alumina I will be very surprised. Meanwhile Alcoa is shutting down their Kwinana refinery due to it being uneconomic. If an existing plant is uneconomic then a green plant can only be much much worse.

It’s never clear to me whether ‘Green Alumina’ process uses ‘Green NaOH’ in addition to Green Process Heat. If it does, and the electrolytic process is done with Green Volts, the economics will be much, much, much worse.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 17, 2024 12:08 pm

Man misidentified as Bondi Junction killer hires lawyers to sue SevenBy Calum JaspanApril 17, 2024 — 11.56am

A 20-year-old man wrongly identified by the embattled Seven Network as the Bondi Junction mass murderer has engaged a high-profile legal team to threaten defamation action against the TV network.
Benjamin Cohen, who was incorrectly identified as the knife attacker by Seven on Sunday, has engaged two of Australia’s foremost defamation lawyers in Patrick George of Giles George as his solicitor, and Sue Chrysanthou as his barrister, to seek damages from the broadcaster. The lawyers issued a concerns notice on Wednesday morning, a compulsory first step before filing a claim in court.
On Sunday morning, less than 24 hours after the events at the Bondi Junction Westfield, in which 40-year-old man Joel Cauchi killed six people and injured several others, Seven’s Sunrise program named Cohen, a 20-year-old student at the University of Sydney, as the perpetrator. Cauchi was shot dead by police officer Inspector Amy Scott.
Cohen was named on social media, in particular on X (formerly Twitter), from about 8.30pm on Saturday. His name was soon trending, with more than 50,000 posts naming him as the unconfirmed killer. Many posts drew attention to his Jewish identity.
Seven later described him as “40-year-old lone-wolf attacker Benjamin Cohen”.
The perpetrator was identified as Cauchi by NSW police several hours after the Seven broadcast.
George confirmed his appointment as Cohen’s lawyer on Wednesday morning. “I can confirm we have issued a concerns notice to Channel Seven today,” he said.
Sunrise did not seek comment from Cohen’s family before identifying him just after 6am on Sunday, this masthead was told.
Cohen’s family told the ABC that Seven News explained the error as the fault of a junior social media editor.

I hope he is awarded gazillions.

  1. How much is government incentives to raise the fertility rate actually costing? Vast amounts of money are needed to encourage…

  2. If a guy with an Indian accent calls to offer solar panels with government incentives and you suggest that you…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x