Open Thread – Weekend 21 April 2024

The Old Stage Coach, Eastman Johnson, 1871

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April 20, 2024 7:33 pm

House sized Hoggins breaks blistering wind in Parlyfax House

Claims she didn’t willingly engage in the “Beast with Two Backs” with a wally who looks exactly like the Shiraz …

The rest of the nation: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz …

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 20, 2024 7:38 pm

I too travel for politics and pleasure, Dr. BG.

Caribbean and South American travelogues here, time sequenced 1-4, for those interested.

errata to be corrected h/t Grey Ranga – Condors have a 7ft wingspan, not a 7 metre one.

April 20, 2024 7:40 pm

It’s hard to believe bureaucrats can be that stupid, but they are. 

Don’t worry, Australian bureaucrats are world class.

Some years ago I imported a second-hand Datsun 1200 (Nissan 1400, actually) ute from Japan. In addition to having to replace the perfectly good tyres, I had to replace the sun visors with ones sourced from wreckers because the Jap ones weren’t ADR compliant.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
April 20, 2024 7:43 pm

 Going to see what communist shitholes are like was definitely not an endorsement of them. Quite the opposite.

Quite so. Salvatore’s travelogues in the land of the Soviets, and also among the Comecon satellites are.. having little in common with his more recent travelogues, i.e. popping down to the Big Smoke & related tales.

April 20, 2024 7:43 pm

Dr. Suneel Dhand on Marcus Aurelius and Stoicism.

I was threatened and coerced during the pandemic. This person really helped me

April 20, 2024 7:43 pm

“Perspectives on American Conservatism

LOL. I won’t be bothering, Cats.

Known knowns, that we know about, etc.

April 20, 2024 7:49 pm

Quite frankly, I prefer GSH’s perspectives on American Conservatism 😕

Mandate, my house sized bottomage …

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 20, 2024 7:51 pm

Sri Lanka was an even more dispiriting communist shithole when I lived there for almost a year in 1973 with my first husband and first baby. Run like Cuba and Venezuela still are today. Salon socialism writ large as the ex-British colony floundered while elites preened and postured: no industry, no enterprise and no imports or exports. A strong black market in essentials for the middle classes and no services or jobs for the majority of the subsistence dwellers in rural areas and those surviving by scrounging in towns. Beggars everywhere. Tensions getting stronger between the Singhalese majority and the excluded and poorer Tamils, which didn’t end well later.

The underlying socialism thread (they run deep in these shitholes) now exhibits itself as green ruination of agriculture and an economy that seemed to be getting back on its feet collapsed again recently.

April 20, 2024 7:54 pm
April 20, 2024 7:55 pm

 April 20, 2024 7:27 pm

Iranians Worried By ‘War Against Women’ More Than Israel Conflict

Every smug, stupid, invariably a young white bitch, who supports the pallis should be sent to iran.

Delta A
Delta A
April 20, 2024 7:57 pm


April 20, 2024 5:34 pm

I am pretty sure I haven’t got a soul except in an allegorical sense. I am sure I’ve got a body, including a brain ( I’ve seen pictures of it).

Beaugy, you often mention your finely honed conscience, which you trust to guide in many aspects of your life. Have you seen pictures of that?

No, but still you place substantial credence upon it.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 20, 2024 8:04 pm

I learned this week Mozart’s music is racist. So rock me!

Falco – Rock Me Amadeus (1985)

The movie was pretty good, saw it at the flicks.

April 20, 2024 8:06 pm

BB – you really got it right with this one

April 20, 2024 8:08 pm

The communist/ex communist shitholes I’ve been to/worked in, most were pretty well much failed states or on verge of. One was still communist in name only (Vietnam) and the only thing that really remained intact was the paraphernalia everywhere with hammers & sickles or outstretched hands with masses below. The economy was essentially capitalist.

Want to see what rampant dogmatic communism can turn into take a trip to Cambodia or Kampuchea as some of the older generation call it. Even the border regions of Thailand and Vietnam didn’t escape the carnage till the Viets ended it.

Winston’s pyramid of Greens skulls that he used to use as an avatar seem apt.

April 20, 2024 8:10 pm
Last edited 3 months ago by Rabz
April 20, 2024 8:11 pm

Have you seen pictures of that?

No, but it nags me horribly if I cross it. I’ve tried arguing with it, but it takes not a scrap of notice.

It’s one of those internal things, like when your bladder tells you that you need a pee. Definitely real, but not visible. And it doesn’t use the English language, but it manages to make its wishes very clear. In both cases.

April 20, 2024 8:29 pm

Winston’s pyramid of Greens skulls that he used to use as an avatar seem apt.

This is utopia as administered by fanatics.

April 20, 2024 8:34 pm

Johnny and June, Cats – Jackson … 🙂

April 20, 2024 8:44 pm
Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 20, 2024 8:50 pm

The former chair of the now-disbanded Jan. 6 committee introduced a bill Friday that would strip Secret Service protection of any former executive convicted of a felony — an effort to avoid the complications of incarcerating former President Trump should he be ordered to serve jail time.

They’re not saying they want to give Orange Man the Epstein treatment.
They’re just saying they want to prevent anyone protecting him in jail!
See, totally different statement!

April 20, 2024 8:53 pm

Some Saturday Evening Soul, Cats – The Hush 🙂

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
April 20, 2024 8:58 pm

Always good to see HeavyD in that Blackhawk. It’s the only privately owned one on the planet.

As for the rest of the clip, it’s raw and real and that boat is a beauty.

As much as gootube gives me the sh*ts with censorship, clips like this is why I refuse to watch TV anymore.



Dave Sparks Blackhawk & The Kraken Rip Through Bahamas – Diesel Bros w Howe2Live Tropical Collab

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 20, 2024 9:07 pm


Zahid Safi was warned about the Liberals. Now, he is a candidateBy Annika SmethurstApril 20, 2024 — 7.00pm

Listen to this article
5 min
Zahid Safi had only just arrived in Australia when he was warned about the Liberal Party.
It was during Friday prayers in Melbourne’s south-east when the Afghan-born refugee asked a fellow worshipper who the “men in suits” were at his mosque that day in 2013.

“They told me it was election time, and it was a candidate from the Liberal Party and that they were against Muslims and immigrants,” Safi told The Sunday Age.
A decade on, the 36-year-old is on a mission to become the first Muslim MP to represent the Liberal Party in federal parliament. He’s been preselected to take on Labor’s Julian Hill in the south-east Melbourne seat of Bruce, where he lives with his wife and six children.
“When we come here, we listen to our communities but unfortunately, our community does not always have a proper understanding of political parties and their policies,” he said.
His preselection, he says, is proof that the assumption that the Liberal Party is “not the party of multicultural people” is wrong.

Born in the Laghman province of Afghanistan in 1987, Safi’s family moved to Pakistan when he was a toddler. They lived in a refugee camp for more than a decade before being granted asylum in Finland in 2003.
Safi learnt Finnish and went to university while working part-time as a translator. He moved to Australia in 2013, settling in Dandenong with his Melbourne-raised wife, Zinab.
“Through all my experience – from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Finland and then Australia – I have found Australia to be a home,” Safi said.
“When I came here, I had a sense of belonging from day one.”
To have any chance of winning back government, the Liberal Party knows it needs to better reflect modern Australia and prioritise greater gender and ethnic diversity when selecting candidates. That was the message from the party’s post-mortem review into its 2022 election thumping: the membership is too male, too old and too white – and it’s hurting the party’s chances.
While some Liberal women remain frustrated with the party’s efforts to preselect more female candidates, efforts are quietly being made to broaden the party’s membership base to better represent modern multicultural Australia.
Bruce has been a safe Labor seat since 1996, but is one of several traditional strongholds in the outer suburbs being targeted by the Liberal Party in an effort to offset losses in affluent Melbourne and Sydney seats it once safely held.

A senior Labor source told The Sunday Age – speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss internal matters – that the party was not “remotely worried” about losing the seat and was confident the electorate’s large Muslim community would be unlikely to vote Liberal.
Jim Reed, founder of Resolve Strategic which conducts the Resolve Political Monitor for this masthead, said that while the Liberals’ staunch support for Israel might count against it in seats such as Bruce, to represent the outer suburbs parties must reflect their diversity.
“This is something the Tories have done well in the UK, and the Liberals need to follow suit,” Reed said.

“The electoral map is changing. We’ve seen that already with inner-city strongholds falling to the Teals and Greens, and it may also be true of the blue-collar seats the Liberals are now targeting.”
But the Liberal Party has had a strained relationship with Muslim communities in recent years, fuelled by a track record of interventions and remarks – by candidates, MPs and even party leaders – that were perceived as anti-Muslim.
In one example, Peter Dutton – now Opposition Leader but at the time immigration minister – in 2016 claimed former Liberal prime minister Malcolm Fraser had made “a mistake” by allowing Lebanese Muslims fleeing civil war to immigrate to Australia under relaxed migration laws in the 1970s.
At the time, Dutton justified his comments – made against the backdrop of a spate of foiled terror plots – by highlighting that 22 of the last 33 people charged with terrorism-related offences were from second- and third-generation Lebanese Muslim backgrounds.

Safi – who teaches business studies to international students – has travelled to Canberra to meet Dutton, describing him as an “amazing person”.
He insists the beliefs and values of the Liberal Party align with immigrant communities.
“When it comes to immigration, any immigrant or Australian citizen would want to protect their community, for their kids and everyone,” Safi said of Dutton’s 2016 comments.
“The Liberal Party were the ones that abolished the White Australia Policy, more recently they helped more than 4100 Afghans escape within eight days.
“Actions speak louder than words.”
But with the next election to be held in the first half of next year, Safi said he wanted to focus on local issues hurting voters in his community, including cost-of-living pressures and better access to mental health services.

April 20, 2024 9:22 pm

My good friend does it again:

Who is the Burt Bacharach of the 21st century? There isn’t one.


April 20, 2024 9:26 pm


The lips have it. Also of interest: most women would prefer to be with a bear than a man.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 20, 2024 9:30 pm

That’s it for me Cats, it’s been cool.

Squeeze – Cool For Cats (1979)

April 20, 2024 9:32 pm
April 20, 2024 9:40 pm
April 20, 2024 9:44 pm

Lizzie it was nearly 11 feet not 11 metres. Too many G &T per chance.

April 20, 2024 9:51 pm

When Disney was still made entertainment. The best in the world.

Disney’s Greatest Hits on Ice 1994

April 20, 2024 9:54 pm

Cats, I feel the need to make a statement of the bleeding obvious:

There are few items of clothing on this planet cooler than White Levi’s Jackets, with the possible exception of White Leather adidas boxing boots

There, I’ve said it. Now feel free to go the wompuss, as you know you would like to … 😕

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 20, 2024 10:06 pm

This one’s for Bruce Lehrmann…..

April 20, 2024 10:07 pm

Wallee Dali, not so recently:

“sheesh, goils were skinny back then, I tells ya

April 20, 2024 10:28 pm
April 20, 2024 10:29 pm

A Hollyweirdo and his trad woife* … 😕

*Circa ’73?

Top Ender
Top Ender
April 20, 2024 10:46 pm


Come up and see me, make me smile …

Sadly missed…

April 20, 2024 10:55 pm

Cats – the monthly radio shows are basically cactus. 🙁

All possible themes that I’m aware of have been exhausted.

If it’s any consolation, the only recourse is a Saturday Night monthly open thread where we can post songs about anything.

If anyone is not happy about this, please feel free to let me know.

April 20, 2024 10:58 pm

Comments denouncing me as a communist pooftah will be immediately binned, I warns ya.

April 20, 2024 11:13 pm

Pure art and beauty, Dionne Warwick – Walk on by

April 20, 2024 11:28 pm

All possible themes that I’m aware of have been exhausted

Atlantic rhythm and blues

April 20, 2024 11:31 pm


April 20, 2024 11:32 pm


Such as this classic

The Cho Cho San
I was her man …

April 20, 2024 11:34 pm





All previously covered, squire.

April 20, 2024 11:36 pm

All previously covered, squire

what …the entire western canon?

how about tibetan throat music

Last edited 3 months ago by MatrixTransform
April 20, 2024 11:39 pm

and opera

you didn’t do opera

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 20, 2024 11:41 pm

Watching Trading Places on the teev.

Dan Akroyd is in – wait for it – blackface.

How can this be tolerated?

April 20, 2024 11:42 pm

how about Tibetan throat muzak

Banned, banned, banned, man!

April 20, 2024 11:45 pm

The goil knows I am there, I tells ya!

I break my heart to please …

April 20, 2024 11:46 pm
April 20, 2024 11:49 pm

you didn’t do opera

Yes, I did not “do Oprah”, being as it is, the antithesis of Rock ‘n’ Roll.

Sacré bleu!

April 20, 2024 11:50 pm

Cho Cho San

excellent behaviour

April 20, 2024 11:52 pm

Rock ‘n’ Roll

Uggy and QOTSA on Jools 🙂

April 20, 2024 11:53 pm

 the antithesis

phht, opera was the original rock’n’roll

April 20, 2024 11:54 pm

speaking of opera

I watched Moonstruck the other night with Cher and Nicolas Cage

…and I liked it

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 21, 2024 1:00 am

Talking of Opera then this one is a Classic from Madame Butterfly – The Humming Chorus –

April 21, 2024 4:04 am

I can’t connect to the internet via phone-laptop so I’d appreciate it if another Cat could post today’s Week In Pictures from Thanks.

April 21, 2024 4:12 am

Week in pictures

Hope it works?

April 21, 2024 5:37 am

While the low information people will be cheering the $US95bill package passing the House overnight, the real security state work was being done.

The US is legislating away the 4th amendment.

Rand Paul

Tonight the Senate was given the chance to vote on amendments to help fix a slew of unconstitutional provisions to RISAA, the fake FISA reform bill and truly reform other government spying practices as well.

More information here.

April 21, 2024 5:41 am

How is Albanese’s idea of manufacturing solar panels likely to work out? Well here is a case study from Europe in the WSJ

One French Company’s Lonely Struggle to Survive Fierce Competition From China

PARIS—French solar-panel company Photowatt once powered Europe’s ambition to become a renewables manufacturing giant, one that would provide the technology to help achieve the continent’s far-reaching climate goals.

Today, Photowatt is instead hanging by a thread, a potent symbol of the West’s struggles to fend off fierce competition from China.

A wave of cheap Chinese exports now threatens millions of jobs and is stirring fresh friction between Beijing and leaders in the U.S. and Europe. Photowatt’s fate, and the decimation of Europe’s solar-panel industry, is a warning to the U.S., which is now considering how to protect American industries from renewed pressure from China.

Photowatt’s orders have plunged, its customers lured away by solar panels imported from China at rock-bottom prices. Cash infusions from the French government keep it alive. Even Photowatt’s state-controlled owner, the power company EDF, has largely stopped buying its panels in favor of those made by Chinese companies.

“There are fewer and fewer of us. We lose skills, workshops close—it’s hopeless even,” said Emilie Brechbuhl, an engineer and union delegate at Photowatt. “We aren’t competitors of the Chinese. We are nonexistent.”

Beijing is seeking to stimulate a flagging economy by channeling investment into its vast manufacturing sector. That threatens a repeat of the so-called China shock two decades ago when Chinese exports flooded global markets and destroyed many Western competitors.

In particular, fears are surging across the West that China will crush its green industries, forcing the U.S. and Europe to rely on a geopolitical rival in China for the goods that are expected to power the low-carbon economy of the future.

The sectors that Chinese officials dub the “new trio”—solar panels, electric vehicles and batteries—are creating massive overcapacity, according to Western governments. China’s wind-turbine manufacturers are also hunting for customers in the West, threatening an industry still led by European and U.S. companies like Vestas and GE Vernova.

In Europe, the alarm is so great that authorities are abandoning some of their long-held reluctance to challenge Beijing.

Over the past two months, they have opened probes into subsidies potentially channeled from Beijing to Chinese solar-panel companies in Romania and wind-turbine companies in France, Spain, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria.

The investigations follow a probe into Chinese electric-vehicle subsidies that is likely to result in import tariffs in the coming months. Allowing China to grab most of the European EV market as it did solar panels would be disastrous for the continent’s economy, where millions of people work in the auto industry.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 21, 2024 6:56 am

Elon tells Julie Inman Grant to sod off.

X rejects global takedown order issued by Aust eSafety commissioner (20 Apr)

Social media platform X says it will not comply with a global takedown order issued by the Australian eSafety commissioner that demands footage from the western Sydney church stabbing be removed from its site.

Yes the footage is bad but it’s also visible at many MSM sites. So Inman Grant is being a bit disingenuous here methinks.

Harlequin Decline
April 21, 2024 6:59 am

Thanks for the feedback on my Rome comments. 

The Colosseum tour I mentioned started underground with our very capable Tunisian/Scottish/Italian guide. Speaking very good English with something of an Italian accent he occasionally dropped into a Scottish brogue when he got excited leading to predictable incomprehensibly. 

We travelled through the areas where the wild animals were kept before being hauled up into the arena to tear each other or the unfortunate human or two to bits.
There was a full size replica of the lift they used by way of ropes, pulleys and a capstan.

A bastard of a job done by slaves in the gloom, oil lamp lighting was severely restricted due to the fire risk.. They had to get the beasts from their cages to the lift with dung all over the place and blood, piss etc dripping down on them from the arena without getting bitten or stomped too much then work the capstan to haul them up.

‘Hey Boris did you hear Bogdan got his head bitten off by that tiger yesterday?’ 

‘Yeah, yeah, yeah everyone knows that Jakov . Couldn’t stand him myself, always crapping on about how he should have been a gladiator, anyhow more gruel for us so just be happy.

Now shut the up and help get this giant African python off me before the crocodile escapes, and don’t turn your back on the gorilla-you know what happened last time!.’

April 21, 2024 7:09 am

Check out the cabal of disgusting geriatrics fronting this.

April 21, 2024 7:10 am

Congress must smell of stale piss.

April 21, 2024 7:27 am

Week in pictures…Soy Team 6…many, many lols.

April 21, 2024 7:36 am

Great to see Mike Johnson allow Democrats to pass Ukraine aid.

Marge is livid.

April 21, 2024 7:36 am


My personal favourite…

April 21, 2024 7:42 am

The mullahs tweaked the lion’s tail .. The lion awoke ..!
Only surprise being it seems to have “surprised” some folk ..
slow learners .. LOL!

April 21, 2024 7:44 am

TheirABC promotes the further watering-down of accountability of politicians in favour of trendyism:

Mum of three Bronwen Bock had never considered entering politics until a longtime friend came to her with an interesting proposition. 
Would she like to run for parliament together as a single candidate? 
That was late 2022, and on Saturday, Ms Bock and Lucy Bradlow began their campaign to be Australia’s first political job-share candidates. 
Running on a platform of action on climate change, integrity in politics and reducing cost-of-living pressures, they hope to be elected as independents in the Melbourne seat of Higgins at the next federal election.


“Parliament should be like any other workplace, where it’s possible to work flexibly, job share, and therefore have different faces of leadership.
Ms Bradlow, a political communications specialist and former lawyer, said job sharing won’t just open doors for working parents. 
She said it could boost political opportunities for people from many different backgrounds and walks of life — such as women, people with disability and carers — to “have a say on the policies that actually impact their lives”.

Best of all

As for disagreements, the lifelong friends say they fundamentally have the same views, but a pre-written conflict resolution strategy will help them navigate any issues. 
“We’ll have an organised system in place, organised conversations and mechanisms to work through [like] you would in any other corporate environment,” Ms Bock said. 
They expect challenges but are confident they can manage them because they’re doing it together.


In this era of party politics, it is often forgotten that voters elect an individual to represent them – which is why an MP doesn’t have to resign if he/she leaves his/her party.

Not only that, the ‘what happens if’ questions arising from this absurd proposal are surely enough to blow it out of the water.

Hell, why not elect a collective to represent a seat? Or a family?

Anything goes at TheirABC.

April 21, 2024 8:05 am

Social media platform X says it will not comply with a global takedown order issued by the Australian eSafety commissioner that demands footage from the western Sydney church stabbing be removed from its site.

Yes the footage is bad but it’s also visible at many MSM sites. So Inman Grant is being a bit disingenuous here methinks.

I don’t understand why the recording of the attack must be censored. The bishop is alive and so is the attacker. Letting everybody see the deed may revolt everybody and actually lead to constructive measures to stop any future attack. Protecting the attacker from scrutiny simply encourages others by giving the impression they will not be open to condemnation. Furthermore, by censoring the images they are wiping the attack from history.

April 21, 2024 8:23 am

Australia now shares the disgrace of other countries, mostly in Africa, but also Europe, where Christians are attacked in their places of worship by Muslims.

I don’t care about the stupid “lone wolf” tag. The “wolf” got his ideas and savagery from somewhere in the pack. And that pack has grown menacingly large and influential.

Trying to hide behind “safety” is disingenuous. Until we see such attacks happening on our own porch, we still imagine they belong somewhere far, far away and can view them in the abstract. Even now, it’s being spun as MEs against MEs, you know…those excitable types, in those nasty South West Sydney ‘burbs.

Yet the same thing came right to the city centre. And don’t think for a moment that the Rev Leach who had to run for his life after displaying the Israeli flag at St Andrews cathedral was any different. He was lucky there were police nearby.

In London he would have been arrested for being “obviously Christian”.

April 21, 2024 8:25 am

Over the past two months, they have opened probes into subsidies potentially channeled from Beijing to Chinese solar-panel companies in Romania and wind-turbine companies in France, Spain, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria.

How about a probe into “subsidies” being channeled into the back pockets of green energy zealot western politicians?


April 21, 2024 8:27 am

It’s George Dubya montypox mode today- must be the latest talking points from the party of segregation and slavery.

April 21, 2024 8:31 am
April 21, 2024 8:33 am

Powerline funnies really surpassed themselves this morning .. 15/10 ..!

April 21, 2024 8:33 am

it’s being spun as MEs against MEs, you know…those excitable types, in those nasty South West Sydney ‘burbs.

Wow- retreating to postcode snobbery now. Of course so many of the political-meja class live on the nth shore or eastern suburbs and wouldn’t give a stuff about Minto or Penrith. Steggles and suspender belt being obvious examples.

April 21, 2024 8:35 am
Boambee John
Boambee John
April 21, 2024 8:37 am


Furthermore, by censoring the images they are wiping the attack from history.

That’s the whole idea.

But they will not seek to censor the alleged “riot” that followed. They want the proles to know what will happen to them if they resist.

April 21, 2024 8:40 am

Once someone is charged with a crime, only evidence revealed in court
can be released to the public.
It’s a measure undertaken to ensure a fair trial for the accused.
For example: Everything gets mosaiced, just in case
an issue such as identity has the potential be raised by the defence.
Sometimes, of course, that particular horse is long bolted,
but it’s up to meeja outlets to appeal to the Court for an
official acknowledgement of the obvious.

Last edited 3 months ago by lotocoti
April 21, 2024 8:41 am

Pretty boy premiers seem to be the thing now. HG Wells was onto something.

April 21, 2024 8:44 am

Mum of three Bronwen Bock had never considered entering politics until a longtime friend came to her with an interesting proposition. 

Would she like to run for parliament together as a single candidate? 

Why have one soft brained imbecile grifting off the taxpayers when you can have two?!

April 21, 2024 8:45 am

“Parliament should be like any other workplace, where it’s possible to work flexibly, job share, and therefore have different faces of leadership.

can’t see the problem .. My local member, Dai Le is collecting her $300K + freebies for the Fed seat and is still seems to have time for moonlighting at her 2nd “jerb” with Fairfield Council .. the “jerb” she held before being seated on the “gravy train”….

April 21, 2024 8:49 am

We had a bunch of well-heeled middle aged motorcyclists here last night, and one of them owned the strangest bike I’ve ever seen:

It was the Spyder F3. List price $41k and change – not sure if that Canadian or Oz $. Or if it includes shipping.

Metalflake forest green, two wheels in front and one at the back, beautiful streamlined styling.It looked magnificent, although how it would work in the real world is another matter.

There was a Lambo parked not far from Centrelink the other day, the Struggletown image is fading fast.

But, there are still plenty of shambling wrecks and hyped up crack/meth heads on the street, and the methadone dispensing chemist is thriving. Popped in the other day to see a heavily pregnant young woman getting her daily dose.

The local cafes and restaurants are struggling with soaring costs and less disposable income around. While Albo and the others sitting on their well-padded seats dream of EVs and solar panels and a new proletariat, the real economy is in deep trouble.

April 21, 2024 8:49 am

Hey was wondering what happened to this talking head. Now we know.

Anna Booth – the Fair Work Ombudsman – Fair Work Ombudsman

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
April 21, 2024 8:54 am

61 billion for Ukraine.
That seems like a lot but we haven’t seen the final cost of Snowy 2.0 yet.

April 21, 2024 9:03 am


 April 21, 2024 8:40 am

Once someone is charged with a crime, only evidence revealed in court

can be released to the public.

It’s a measure undertaken to ensure a fair trial for the accused.

Then he shouldn’t have attempted the assassination at a live-streamed event. And as someone already noted, why are the images of the subsequent protest and police car damage still out there? Not exactly an equal treatment even for the same event.

April 21, 2024 9:07 am

While Albo and the others sitting on their well-padded seats dream of EVs and solar panels and a new proletariat, the real economy is in deep trouble.

Anal,the old Scotch boys and the canbra pubes really hate us but they still want our money.

April 21, 2024 9:11 am

I don’t care about the stupid “lone wolf” tag. The “wolf” got his ideas and savagery from somewhere in the pack. And that pack has grown menacingly large and influential.
Trying to hide behind “safety” is disingenuous. Until we see such attacks happening on our own porch, we still imagine they belong somewhere far, far away

calli, it’s such a cliche. Every time something bad happens, the locals curl up into a ball and claim that ‘this sort of thing doesn’t happen here,’ (Uncle Frank did a song about it titled ‘It Can’t Happen Here’.) It’s manifestly untrue, but locals and the media conllaborate to pretend that it is.

It’s easy to comprehend as a survival mechanism for individuals, but not so great as a way of dealing with crime.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 21, 2024 9:15 am

Vicplod leaps into action!

Hundreds of marijuana supporters attend picnic rally, 36 arrested at Melbourne park (20 Apr)

Police have swarmed on a pro-marijuana rally where hundreds where campaigning for the legalisation of the drug.

Obviously they were shouting the wrong slogans. The police don’t arrest people who shout those other slogans. And not a single burqa to be seen. There’s the problem right there they/thems.

April 21, 2024 9:29 am

Regarding the riot when the bishop was stabbed. And the stupid alleged threats made. Context needed. Christian Assyrian were subject to genocide by the Muslim Turks. A quarter of a million were butchered by Muslims. I recall many were actually crucified. Like Christians and Jews in virtually all Muslim countries the repression and brutality meant that many have got out. These Assyrians came here looking for peace, only to discover we had let the devil in ourselves.

April 21, 2024 9:31 am

I see that the serial flouncer cockroach has crawled in under the door, again.

Imagine being married to her: ”This time, I’m leaving you for good!” until the money runs out.

As for Cassie, if you really believe that I am anti-Semitic and that is not acknowledged here, why are you back?

What a pair of attention-seeking drama queens.

Your tantrums didn’t work, but there’s always next time. 🙂

April 21, 2024 9:32 am

 April 21, 2024 7:07 am

Democrat House reps stop just short of explicitly calling for Trump’s assassination – American Thinker

Yep; the US is one heartbeat away from being a commie state.

What’s the answer; Trump may have to Escape from NY. I can see a movie there. He’ll lose about $4 billion worth of assets but he can set up again in Florida.

I don’t think we’ll see a civil war when Trump is convicted by the freaks on his jury; but he may go to jail because the sentence by the chipmunk faced judge will stand while his appeal proceeds.

You have to admire the focus of the left; motivated by their implacable sense of virtuous superiority they don’t stop until they control the institutions and destroy their opponents.

April 21, 2024 9:38 am

I don’t admire them at all- I despise these psychopaths and grifters.

April 21, 2024 9:40 am

I must admit to feeling somewhat embarrassed. I have been highly critical since Monday of Judge Mike Lee saying a whole bunch of stuff that came across as abject nonsense to me, but Brittany has cleared up the issue for nicely! The Judge was just being “trauma informed in “his judgement”. What that actually means I am not sure, but given Brittany expressly thanked him for it, I guess it means entirely overlooking the complete load of horse shit she has been sprouting. Silly me!

April 21, 2024 9:46 am

No need to pick scabs, Joh. Our host forbids it.

Meanwhile, the clouds have rolled away and the lake is just about full. Spoonbills are cooling their toes at the water’s edge. It looks like my solitary Mr Spooner has finally found a mate.

Miss Seven, who is here for a two night sleepover, is threading beads for a bracelet for Mum for Mother’s Day. We stitched a purse yesterday so they can go in that.

I have a stitching disciple. At last! 😀

April 21, 2024 9:47 am

I don’t admire them at all- I despise these psychopaths and grifters.

Who doesn’t? I despise them so bad I howl at the Moon; or I used to, the neighbours complained. The point is the grubs are winning; and what pushback are we seeing from our conservative leaders: stern words, another committee, ignored subpoenas and impotency. Even Trump was guilty. He said he was going to jail the shrill bitch; he didn’t. Now he is going to jail on fairy floss charges. Maybe he’s learnt his lesson. But I doubt he will be POTUS again and in a position to really deal with barry and the rest of the scum. And since he is the most courageous conservative that is the end of the line.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 21, 2024 9:51 am

Nice rant:

Dumb is the new smart: The rise of the Idiocracy (19 Apr)

Smartism is the absurd idea that smart is bad. The bias against intelligence is exemplified by vacuous celebrities spouting on serious subjects and social media influencers on Instagram and YouTube who get rich by vomiting out useless drivel. One would think that dumb as the new smart reached rock bottom with TikTok. But then there’s “The View.”

Social discourse has always included silly fads. Remember Cabbage Patch dolls, Pet Rocks and the entire 1980s? But when the lack of intelligence reaches the top of our institutions and government it is time to sit up and take notice.

You thought only the best and brightest reach the top? Think again. The current academic climate nearly mandates stupidity to get anywhere. 

We Cats painfully know all that he says, but when you read it all in one shot like this it is amazing how much rubbish has been accreted in the brains of the powers that reign. Now the idiots are overtly ganging up on the intelligent and the achievers, and are persecuting them. How long can this go on until it all comes crashing down I don’t know.

April 21, 2024 9:52 am

Johanna showing she is all class yet again. A very bitter and twisted individual determined to stir up animosity at every opportunity.

April 21, 2024 9:31 am
I see that the serial flouncer cockroach has crawled in under the door, again.

April 21, 2024 9:53 am

 I don’t understand why the recording of the attack must be censored. The bishop is alive and so is the attacker. Letting everybody see the deed may revolt everybody and actually lead to constructive measures to stop any future attack.

Our wise rulers need to suppress the vision lest it wake some of us serfs up to the lie that is multiculturalism – its not about more food choices, its about:
1) increasing fear and division to justify more government surveillance and control
2) creating the illusion of economic growth by pumping up the absolute numbers – whilst the per capita numbers decline

April 21, 2024 9:58 am

Nesting is rubbish on this blog.

Here is my reply to an excellent article earlier about how Western politicians haven’t got a clue:

April 21, 2024 6:46 am

Reply to  vr
Excellent analysis.

The idiots who are in charge of industrial policy are driving us full pelt towards the cliff – again.

They are throttling and taxing the industries where we have a natural advantage – mining, energy extraction and agriculture – in favour of inner city Green fantasy projects. And the disparagement of those industries as ‘digging up dirt and shipping it overseas’ or ‘destroying the environment with crops and farting animals’ and so on is utterly wrong. Mining, resource extraction and agriculture in Australia are high tech industries, requiring and utlilising a lot of investment and research.

In olden times, these were called ‘primary’ industries, at the bottom of the hierarchy of secondary (manufacturing) and tertiary (services) industries.

Hence the scorn of those who consider themselves to be evolved. Primary industry is Hicksville, according to them.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Manufacturing solar panels is Hicksville, whereas modern ‘primary’ industries are using and constantly developing new technologies.

These eejits are still living in a paradigm that died decades ago.

April 21, 2024 10:13 am

The Libs are fully on board with censorship. Not allowed to spook the horses;

Social media companies see themselves as ‘above the law’, Peter Dutton says

The opposition leader, Peter Dutton, says global social media companies see themselves as “above the law” and has joined calls for tougher action to force these companies to take down material by enforcing the Online Safety Act.

“Elon Musk and X to fight Australian eSafety order to remove content relating to Sydney stabbing”

April 21, 2024 10:13 am
Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
April 21, 2024 10:16 am

The Uniparty is well and truly against free speech.

In today’s Oz.

Dutton’s pledge to crack down on social media giants

Peter Dutton has thrown his support behind tougher laws for social media platforms after X, formerly known as Twitter, challenged orders from the eSafety commissioner to remove graphic content from the site following two violent attacks in Sydney.

The Opposition Leader said there was “no question at all” about the need for greater action against social media companies after Chris Minns chided X and owner Elon Musk on Saturday for disregarding the “lies and disinformation” spread by the platform.

“I think there is a bipartisan position in relation to this,” Mr Dutton said.

“We know that the companies – and we’ve seen some of the comments from Elon Musk overnight – they see themselves as above the law and the Australian law should apply equally in the real world as it does online.

“You would be sued for defamation and you would be taken before the courts under various acts for publishing some of that (content) which freely flows on the internet.

“The online safety act has significant powers in it, we passed it when we were in government and it needs to be enforced. If the laws are inadequate or need to be strengthened or added to, then we would support any effort from the government,” he said. 

The opposition leader wouldn’t go as far as to say he would boycott social media, however.

“We will keep posting, but we won’t post misinformation or disinformation or violent images.”

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 21, 2024 10:21 am

‘Who can we be tomorrow?’ The push to change our gruesome, racist place namesBy Benjamin Preiss and Jack Latimore
April 21, 2024
Listen to this article
7 min
Sometimes on a weekend, Gunditjmara man Richard Frankland will get in the car and set out for one of the sites where Indigenous people were murdered near his south-west Victorian home.
The playwright, artist and musician calls these visits his “pilgrimages”.
“It’s not a formal thing,” Frankland said. “I go out there and pay respect in my own way. Sometimes I’ll take a dog. Sometimes a friend will come.”
Some places where atrocities occurred have earned gruesome names. They include Murderers Flat near Lake Condah and the insidious Convincing Ground, where whalers slaughtered Indigenous people in a dispute about a beached whale close to the town of Portland.

Frankland, who lives on Gunditjmara country near Portland, said it was time to humanise more of these places with Indigenous names. He believes white Australians would also benefit.
“Who can we be tomorrow if we have a collective culture that’s inclusive?” he said. “It’s about what do we gain? We gain thousands of years of heritage.”
Frankland’s desire to see more Indigenous language and respectful names comes amid a broader change slowly rolling across Victoria.
The Moyne Shire recently began renaming Lubra Creek – an offensive term for Indigenous women. Mayor Ian Smith said it would become part of a much bigger journey.
He said the council was seeking feedback on the proposed name Thanampool Thookay Creek, which means women and children in the language of the Dhauwurd Wurrung. Smith said the proposed title honoured the Indigenous people murdered at the south-west Victorian creek at Caramut in 1842.
“We’re hoping by putting this out to consultation it may draw out other areas that are sensitive to the Indigenous population,” Smith said.

The change began after the Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation approached the council asking for the creek to be renamed in traditional language. But Smith said Moyne Shire was willing to work with other councils wanting to embark on similar journeys.
“I’ve had discussions with other councils, and they are watching what we’re doing in Moyne,” he said.
Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation chairperson Craig Molyneux said place names – including Massacre Bay near Peterborough – were deeply offensive to traditional owners. He called for the restoration of Aboriginal names.
“We’ve lost a lot as far as language and place names go,” he said. “We’re trying to piece that back together now.”
The Glenelg Shire, which borders Moyne and the South Australian border, conducted an audit of place names, roads, monuments and plaques. The shire did not provide figures but said it showed an over-representation of early European settlers and a significant under-representation of First Nations and female names.

A shire spokesman said the Henty name was identified as one of the most commonly used in shire assets that was offensive to Indigenous people. The Henty family were the first Europeans to settle in Victoria with Edward Henty and his brother Stephen arriving at Portland Bay in 1834, according to the State Library of Victoria.

New rules to keep racist, sexist place names off the mapLast month Suzannah Henty, a descendant of squatter James Henty, told the Yoorrook Justice Commission there should be a “ceremonious destruction” of monuments to her family due to links with massacres of Indigenous people.
Gunditjmara man Shea Rotumah said offensive names should be changed, including those celebrating historical figures who participated in massacres and other injustices.
He also called for more dual place names in English and local Indigenous languages to express the importance of Aboriginal history, culture and overlapping stories with European heritage – both good and bad.
“We both have different connections to this place, but the story of the land now contains us,” he said.

However, Rotumah said monuments and plaques dedicated to pastoral settlements and early European agriculture completely overlooked Gunditjmara cultivation of the land, including kangaroo grass farming, which Indigenous people had done for tens of thousands of years.

Yoorrook Justice Commission
A moment of truth: How hearing our First Nations can change this state“It’s an insult to steal someone’s land and name it after them[selves],” he said. “These are the microaggressions we deal with every day.”
Last year the Hepburn Shire renamed Jim Crow Creek – due to its association with racial segregation in the US – to Larni Barramal Yaluk. The Moreland City Council, named after a slave plantation, was changed to Merri-bek City Council in 2022.
But Victoria is scattered with monuments and place names with racist or violent origins, including cairns in Gippsland recognising pastoralist Angus McMillan, who was linked to several massacres of Indigenous people.
As part of the $52.1 million Yoorrook Justice Commission’s truth-telling inquiry into those killing times and other historical wrongs of Victoria’s frontier history – which continue to reverberate in social, economic and political justice outcomes – the commission this month examined matters related to waters, land and sky.

Premier Jacinta Allan will give evidence when the inquiry sits at the Coranderrk historic Aboriginal reserve at the end of April. It will be the first time a state premier has appeared before a formal, First Peoples’-led truth-telling commission.

Keep picking at the scabs – the wounds will never heal.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 21, 2024 10:28 am

A good war film on SBS World Movies – Ch 32

Film called T-34

Top notch IMHO

April 21, 2024 10:39 am

 I don’t understand why the recording of the attack must be censored. The bishop is alive and so is the attacker. Letting everybody see the deed may revolt everybody and actually lead to constructive measures to stop any future attack.

My thoughts also about this stabbing. I watched it and saw frenzied knife movements at the Bishop. It was not graphic in the sense I could see blood and was videoed from behind the attacker. Needed a wider audience to wake people up, shown after 9pm and with a warning.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 21, 2024 10:48 am

Our wise rulers need to suppress the vision lest it wake some of us serfs up to the lie that is multiculturalism – its not about more food choices, its about:
1) increasing fear and division to justify more government surveillance and control
2) creating the illusion of economic growth by pumping up the absolute numbers – whilst the per capita numbers decline

Australia has already achieved Net Zero –

  • Productivity is Zero or even negative, if that is at all possible.
  • The combined IQ of all Australian ‘Pollies’ is Net Zero.
  • Real Economic Growth is at Net Zero
  • The whole of the Southern Hemisphere is at Net Zero
April 21, 2024 10:55 am

How long can this go on until it all comes crashing down I don’t know

have you watched this documentary ?

Salvatore - Iron Publican
April 21, 2024 11:07 am

P-Dutt (Peter Dutton) is one step only, removed from “We are the sole source of truth”

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 21, 2024 11:07 am

More on the religion ‘thingy’ –

The comedian George Carlin and his view on things – God Loves You –

April 21, 2024 11:23 am

But I doubt he will be POTUS again and in a position to really deal with barry and the rest of the scum. 

Yes they want to put him in jail and have him killed. Pyrrhic victory perhaps- we now have no doubt that ‘democracy’ is a con and little better than the PRC or USSR. The legacy meja have outed themselves as venal liars and despicable cretins.

April 21, 2024 11:25 am

Speaking of the meja- I noticed buying a coffee this morning that the Sunday Herald Vomit was pumping at Higgins’s tyres.

April 21, 2024 11:31 am

Speaking of the meja- I noticed buying a coffee this morning that the Sunday Herald Vomit was pumping at Higgins’s tyres.

Can’t blame Knickerless for, suddenly, recalling her “lost” memories of the night .. not after “Justice” Lees pronounced he knew that it was rape cos, apparently, he was there .. the “uncalled” witness that could have swung the whole trial found his “voice” ……!

April 21, 2024 11:32 am

Our LNP candidate is coming to talk to our group this afternoon. She was rather good in local government but she has not said peep regarding QLD LNP support for Labor fascism.

We have agreed that we will hear her out and then inform her that unless she makes clear statements regarding ‘net zero’ (the big build), aboriginal power and now censorship, we will campaign against her.

Given that all QLD LNP branches are controlled exclusively by Uniparty moderates, the responsibility for grounding candidates lies with non-party and informal groups.

One ‘market forces’ effect of LNP treason is that there is a wealth of top class independant candidates appearing. Some are well supported financially or supported by business and community groups.

April 21, 2024 11:36 am

P-Dutt (Peter Dutton) is one step only, removed from “We are the sole source of truth”
I don’t think so. He just hasn’t said it out loud – yet.
Add in Christwhatafoolheis’s committment to a 75% emissions reduction in Queensland and I’m unable to Vote Lib/LNP anywhere.

April 21, 2024 11:39 am

My local State member (LNP – Qld) is going to get an earful tomorrow.

April 21, 2024 11:41 am

we now have no doubt that ‘democracy’ is a con 

No it isn’t. Any more than Christianity is a con.
The problem is that we are now three generations into a lot of folks not engaging in civic matters or attending to these great institutions.
Neither your political parties, nor the Church, nor your local PTA were designed to be self righting. They were designed for participation and involvement by the average citizen.
I am also, sadly, guilty of not participating.
Who wanted to go to boring meetings or church services while there was so many other fun and profitable things to do?
Now churches are woke women’s clubs, political parties are bought, and schools are a mess.

Last edited 3 months ago by Arky
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 21, 2024 11:43 am

P-Dutt (Peter Dutton) is one step only, removed from “We are the sole source of truth”

Dutton is a knob head. So easy to bring down this rabble called the ‘Feral Guv’ment’. Get to it ‘Pistol Pete’ and show them your best serve and some of your street wise toughness.

You lost your serve (and nerve) and trousers where? In that case, hand the reins over to Jacinta Price and let her wear the trousers. This country needs a Margaret Thatcher and not a John Major (The Grey Man) like you. FFS.

Last edited 3 months ago by Johnny Rotten
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 21, 2024 11:43 am

Who’s on first, Watt’s on second and I don’t know’s on third.

Emergency Management Minister Murray Watt has fired back at “narcissistic billionaires” like Elon Musk after the X owner branded the eSafety Commissioner as the “Australian censorship commissar”.

I don’t know who Watt is, not really, but he’s obviously a fascist.

Labor fires back at ‘narcissistic billionaire’ Elon Musk after X rejected eSafety Commissioner’s misinformation ultimatum (Sky News, 21 Apr)

April 21, 2024 11:51 am

On “nesting” comments.

I find it is only valuable if you’re having a conversation with the commenter which others may, or may not wish to participate in.

If it’s a comment that is more general and observational for which you would like wider feedback, don’t bother. Use the main comment box so we can all have a good look. The nesting gets lost in the hurly burly otherwise.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
April 21, 2024 11:57 am

I think I want to be an Irish mason.

Five things our research uncovered when we recreated 16th century beer (and barrels) (, 20 Apr)

It’s true that our 16th-century ancestors drank much more than Irish people do today. But why they did so and what their beer was like are questions shrouded in myth. The authors were part of a team who set out to find some answers.

As part of a major study of food and drink in early modern Ireland, funded by the European Research Council, we recreated and analyzed a beer last brewed at Dublin Castle in 1574. …

Beer was taken as medicine, often mixed with curious ingredients. Treatments for conditions such as flux or bed wetting, for example, required ground kid’s hoof or grated stag’s penis to be taken with a drink of beer.

People drank at work, commonly receiving drink as part of their wages. The quantities were staggering. At Christchurch Cathedral in Dublin, masons received up to 15 pints per day when undertaking heavy work.

More typical was a range of five to ten pints, as was the case at Dublin Castle. There, servants imbibed up to 2,700 calories a day in beer alone, the cost of which exceeded what the household spent on bread.

The Irish in the 16th Century clearly had their priorities right.

April 21, 2024 11:58 am

all QLD LNP branches are controlled exclusively by Uniparty moderates

How do they achieve this? Branch stacking? I hate that term ‘moderate’- so dishonest and wishy washy.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
April 21, 2024 11:58 am

X owner branded the eSafety Commissioner as the “Australian censorship commissar”

I know this will enrage some who have spent the past couple of years terrifying themselves – and attempting to terrify others – on this subject, but the eSafety Commission (and the Commissioner) are feelgood snake-oilers who are, as they say, all show and no pony.

Apparently they can issue ‘directions’ or ‘orders’ to foreign-owned social media platforms telling them to remove content. Those directions are of course unenforceable. There are zero penalties for noncompliance, and the eSafety people are purely relying on platform owners to be what eSafety regards as good corporate citizens.

Platform owners, as Musk just did, are perfectly entitled to ignore these directions and to tell the eSafety Commission to piss off.

Important Note: This is very distinct from platform owners censoring content appearing on their own platforms.

April 21, 2024 12:00 pm

Who wanted to go to boring meetings or church services while there was so many other fun and profitable things to do?

like raising a family and going to work

April 21, 2024 12:02 pm

Oh yes an going to boring meetings- your branch, if it hasn’t been taken over, can put up all sorts of excellent resolutions to be binned by head office.

April 21, 2024 12:05 pm

Look at the way the Wahringah resolution was swiftly dealt with in Sydney c2018.

April 21, 2024 12:10 pm

I know libertarians don’t believe in “society”. Neither, by the way, does the left. They believe in power. Pure power wielded without conscience.
But they were very, very pleased to able to take over the institutions that previously comprised that society.

Boambee John
Boambee John
April 21, 2024 12:20 pm


I think they infiltrate and stack the state branches, then intervene when an “unsound” candidate emerges locally.

April 21, 2024 12:21 pm

King Solomon had the right idea about politics, even way back when.

The heart of the wise inclines to the right,
    but the heart of the fool to the left.



April 21, 2024 12:32 pm

Yes I recall the Roseville branch of the LP wanted to expel Trumble but that went nowhere of course. I really could be bothered belonging to a LP branch anymore WOFTM. Supporting Advance seems to be the way to go- keep people like P Dut on the straight and narrow that way.

April 21, 2024 12:34 pm

correction- I really could not be bothered 

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 21, 2024 12:39 pm

Posted earlier, on the latest of the case of the Toodyay man and the mythical rainbow serpent. Seems that there are several cases, adjourned until a verdict is reached in this one, and the legal system is expecting several more, if the verdict is “Guilty.”

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 21, 2024 12:42 pm

Johnny Rotten
April 21, 2024 10:28 am

A good war film on SBS World Movies – Ch 32
Film called T-34
Top notch IMHO

Now another one called ‘Defiance’. The Jews fight back in WW2.

April 21, 2024 12:44 pm

From cohenite’s comment at 9:32 a.m.:

You have to admire the focus of the left; motivated by their implacable sense of virtuous superiority they don’t stop until they control the institutions and destroy their opponents.

Replace ‘admire’ with ‘observe’ or ‘study’ and the comment makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, all conservatives seem willing and able to do (with the usual, token, exceptions) is passively watch, and whine, and giggle like five year olds. In the meantime, the orcs and other creatures we so (rightly) despise, are actually setting goals and achieving them. But we delusional fools are content to stroke our egos and lament how it has ‘come to this’ as though we were not partly responsible for the decline.

Conservatives have failed. Not conservatism, but conservatives themselves. How many conservatives, here and elsewhere, are desperately hoping that Prince Trump will ride in on his gallant steed and rescue us, while our sole contribution will be to swoon, or to chastise him if anything goes wrong.

But, but, but! you will write; if you cannot put forward a comprehensive, resourced plan that can be implemented now without the risk of chipping a fingernail, you need to shut up, Muddy!

Yeah, yeah.

April 21, 2024 12:44 pm

Ed Husic in the news warning the government that it is not listening to the Muslim community on the war in Gaza. (Interesting that a member of Cabinet should address the government in the media as though he weren’t a part of it.)

He seems to be fixated on the subject, despite representing an electorate that is 92% non-Muslim, among whom there must be varied views on the conflict. I wonder if his constituents feel he is listening to them?

Last edited 3 months ago by Roger
Top Ender
Top Ender
April 21, 2024 12:47 pm

Sky News commentator Peta Credlin has taken aim at Anthony Albanese after a record number of immigrants were welcomed into Australia in just one month.

More than 100,000 immigrants came to Australia in February, after 765,900 arrived throughout last year, another all-time record.

The massive influx has raised fears it will strain the crippled housing and rental markets with new housing proposals being accepted at the lowest rate in 11 years.
This is despite the Albanese Government promising to bring immigration down to 300,000-per-year and build 250,000 homes.

Credlin said the inaction was also abetting social disharmony.

Ms Credlin, in her weekly column, said successive governments have ‘increasingly sent signals to migrants that the culture of the country they’re coming to is built on a history of shame, illegitimacy, and racism’.

‘Is it any wonder that some migrant communities become reluctant to integrate or insistent that Australia must change to accommodate their preferences, when weak officialdom will only fly our national flag apologetically, in company with two other flags representing people with a particular racial heritage?’ she wrote.

‘Or when our civic culture now seems to revolve around indigenous ancestor worship while denigrating the Judaeo-Christian basis of our fundamental institutions like the rule of law.’

She added that it is ‘hardly the fault of immigrants’ who chose to come to Australia, but that of governments who failed to ‘insist on (them) joining Team Australia’.

‘It’s way past time for governments at every level to start stressing unity over diversity, to rebuild a patriotic love of Australia, rather than to preside over the diminution of our national symbols, like Australia Day,’ she wrote.

Credlin claimed the 100,000 migrants who came to Australia was ‘significant’.

She compared the figure to the Howard government era where 110,000 migrants came on average every year during that period. 

‘It’s no secret then, why housing is unaffordable, wages are flat, and roads and public transport are clogged because that’s just what happens when you don’t have a population policy and instead, use migration as a way to make the budget bottom line look better than it really is,’ she wrote.

More at Daily Mail

April 21, 2024 12:54 pm

(Interesting that a member of Cabinet should address the government in the media as though he weren’t a part of it.)

Classic showboating.

I’m on your side, but look what they made me do!

April 21, 2024 1:01 pm
April 21, 2024 1:03 pm

She compared the figure to the Howard government era where 110,000 migrants came on average every year during that period. 

Averaged out…nice trick, Peta.

The fact is that by 2007 Howard had doubled permanent immigration in order to give the economy a hit, a habit which subsequent governments have found impossible to kick.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 21, 2024 1:05 pm

I don’t know if any Cats or Kittehs suffer from this dopamine overload due to the intensity of digital life, because many of us have reading habits from an earlier lifetime. But this is a good account of how digital addiction is affecting more recent generations – who can’t concentrate enough to read books any more.

Hope the link works here, my digital world is so limited that I can hardly function in the Cat’s new iteration.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 21, 2024 1:09 pm

And even more George Carlin – The Ten Commandments – LOL –

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 21, 2024 1:14 pm

comment image

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
April 21, 2024 1:34 pm

Could someone explain to me how Large Scale Generation Certificate (LGC) cash that flows to wind and solar is green?
One turbine base.
2,000 tonnes of concrete, six hundred tonnes of steel.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 21, 2024 1:34 pm

WA snapping at the heels of South Australia as best economic performer in the country, CBA says
Simone GroganThe West Australian
Sun, 21 April 2024

This State has leapfrogged over Victoria and is poised to overtake South Australia as the hottest economy in the country, according to an economist at Commonwealth Bank.
A strong workforce and good record getting construction work done has helped keep the croweaters at the top of the country’s economic leaderboard for another quarter on the trot, according to the latest State of the States health check report from CBA released at the weekend.
Deemed the “most consistent performer” for the period, South Australia ranked first in four out of the bank’s eight economic barometres — including unemployment, economic growth and construction work — used to determine who takes the crown.
While the quarter marked another win for SA, Western Australia is snapping at its heels. The sandgropers took second place overall, pushing Victoria back to third place.

With annual population growth rate at about 3.3 per cent, WA has the highest relative and absolute population growth in the country, a metric CBA considers critical to a State’s economic success.
Perth’s population recently edged past 2.3 million and is tipped to reach 2.6 million by 2030, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The increase is also putting pressure on housing stock and pushing up prices.
WA also maintained the strongest economic momentum, or consistent annual growth growth rankings annually CBA found. It also spent the most money on equipment investment, a metric up 34.5 per cent on the decade average.
“Overall, economies have slowed in response to higher interest rates, but have generally remained resilient, underpinned by firm population growth and low unemployment,” CommSec chief economist Craig James said.
“Justifying South Australia’s position on top of the rankings is the fact that it ranks first on four of the eight indicators. But there are signs the economy is losing momentum as shown by its sixth ranking on the annual rate of change across the indicators.
“Western Australia remains on top of the leaderboard of the annual growth rates of the eight key economic indicators. WA has the necessary momentum to pass South Australia to attain top spot in coming quarters.”
But WA didn’t fare as well in construction work, with completed work down 2.2 per cent on the decade average. It has gained ground on annual growth rates however, up 21.4 per cent.
Largely blaming labour shortages, builders in WA have struggled to deliver on the white hot demand for new homes since the pandemic.
And despite increased living costs in WA it came second behind the ACT on real retail spending, which was 11.3 per cent above its decade average.
Queensland, NSW, the ACT and Tasmania shared fourth place overall on CBA’s ranking.

April 21, 2024 1:37 pm

Conservatives have failed. Not conservatism, but conservatives themselves. How many conservatives, here and elsewhere, are desperately hoping that Prince Trump will ride in on his gallant steed and rescue us, while our sole contribution will be to swoon, or to chastise him if anything goes wrong.

Conservatives’ problem is that they are too civil, too easy going, too forgiving. The left will keep winning until the right makes them pay for their stupidities, gets revenge for what was inflicted on them. Repealing all the anti-right legislation must be just the first step.

?The left has no problem with discrimination and exclusion then they must be treated likewise. Sacking of the top echelon of the public service must be the natural thing at the start of each new conservative government, no more Mr Nice Guy.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
April 21, 2024 1:41 pm

Johanna showing she is all class yet again. A very bitter and twisted individual determined to stir up animosity at every opportunity.”


April 21, 2024 1:50 pm

I watched it happen in my ex-branch, but bizarly I’m not sure how it happened. They certainly suborned the branch establishment. These long serving grey beards were easy pickings. They believed that they owned the branch so it only took a minor bit of foreplay to convince them to elect the ‘chosen’ branch chairman. Turkeys and Thanksgiving.

Once he was in place there were a succession of creeps from State Office – originally Turnbullites, then people like McGrath telling us to stick to organising the branch picnic and leave the politics to our betters. By then most of us had left which was entirely the wrong thing to do.

One would expect It would have taken only a small number of branches to create sufficient publicity to overturn the insurgents. But not so unfortunately. Just like in NSW they quickly changed the rules to remove any power or influence from the branches.

Surprisingly, most of the insurgents were local sole traders which makes no sense at all. Perhaps the local Chamber was used as the forum to organise them.

Those of us who still get together occasionally to moan over a beer are all of the view that Turnbull was behind the coup.

Unprintable expletives follow.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 21, 2024 2:06 pm


‘Temporary will mean years’: Questions raised how many Palestinians on temporary visas will return homePalestinians who were granted temporary visas in the wake of the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks have begun making asylum applications.

From the Hun.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 21, 2024 2:08 pm

Running on a platform of action on climate change, integrity in politics

You can only have one of those two.

April 21, 2024 2:10 pm

Sky News commentator Peta Credlin has taken aim at Anthony Albanese after a record number of immigrants were welcomed into Australia in just one month.

Dutton must be in agreement or he would be shouting this from the rooftops. LNP are a party of cowards.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 21, 2024 2:15 pm

Peter Dutton responds to Higgins’ olive branch to Linda ReynoldsOpposition leader Peter Dutton has praised Brittany Higgins’ “gracious” olive branch to Senator Linda Reynolds, who he says deserves an apology over the affair.

From the Hun.

April 21, 2024 2:25 pm

WSJ had a piece discussing just how bad processed food if for you.

The New Science on What Ultra-Processed Food Does to Your Brain

Studies are finding links between these foods and changes in the way we learn, remember and feel


Ultra-processed foods may not only affect our bodies, but our brains too.

New research suggests links between ultra-processed foods—such as chips, many cereals and most packaged snacks at the grocery store—and changes in the way we learn, remember and feel. These foods can act like addictive substances, researchers say, and some scientists are proposing a new mental-health condition called “ultra-processed food use disorder.” Diets filled with such foods may raise the risk of mental health and sleep problems.

The science is still early and researchers say there is a lot they don’t know. Not all ultra-processed foods are equal, some scientists say, adding that some might be good for you. A diet high in ultra-processed foods has been linked with obesity, Type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease, but researchers are still figuring out exactly why, beyond calorie counts and nutrient composition.

Makers of foods such as processed meats and muffins defend their products, and note that there isn’t a consistent, universally accepted definition of ultra-processed food.

“The makers of America’s trusted household brands are committed to protecting access to nutritious, affordable, convenient and safe food,” said a spokesperson for the Consumer Brands Association, an industry trade group.

Craving ultra-processed foods

Many ultra-processed foods hit the brain rapidly when we eat them and have a strong effect on its reward system, which is involved in pleasure, motivation and learning.

Those effects are similar to ones when people use nicotine, alcohol and other addictive drugs, said Ashley Gearhardt, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan who is a co-creator of a measure of food addiction.

Many ultra-processed foods act like addictive substances in that we crave them and can have a hard time stopping eating them, research has indicated. Photo: ISTOCK

“People intensely crave ultra-processed foods and consume them compulsively and find they can’t stop eating them,” she said.

The way foods are produced might partly explain why. To make items such as chips, breakfast cereals and snack bars, manufacturers often break down the cellular structure of ingredients, stripping them of water and fiber, making them easy to chew, eat and digest quickly. The components hit our brains fast, which makes the foods more addictive, Gearhardt says.

The combination of high levels of both fat and carbs in many ultra-processed foods is likely another reason why we crave them and have a tough time stopping when we eat them.

Chocolate, ice cream, french fries, pizza and chips are among the top foods that people report eating in an addictive way, according to Gearhardt’s studies. Many of these are high in both refined carbohydrates and fat, a combination that isn’t typically found in nature. Foods in nature are often high in fat or carbs, but not both.

“Bananas are naturally high in sugar but you eat one and you’re good,” she says.

In a recent study published in the journal Cell Metabolism, researchers primed participants with two different kinds of snacks and saw how their brains later responded to a cue for a high-fat, high-sugar food, which many ultra-processed foods are.

Scans of their brains showed that the participants who ate a high-fat, high-sugar snack for eight weeks had much higher activity in parts of the brain that create dopamine, a neurotransmitter involved in motivation, learning and expecting and experiencing rewards, when they saw a cue telling them to expect another high-sugar, high-fat food.

Eating foods high in carbs and fat can change the way our brains learn, a recent study shows. Photo: ISTOCK

People who frequently eat high-fat, high-sugar foods and then see signals of them in the real world likely have a similar response, researchers believe.

“When they see the sign of their favorite fast food place or the packaging of their favorite snack, they have more brain activity and are potentially feeling more craving activity that could make them more likely to consume that food,” said Alexandra DiFeliceantonio, associate director of the Center for Health Behaviors Research at Virginia Tech, who was a co-author of the study.

Scientists were surprised to find that people who had been eating the high-fat, high-sugar snack also had changes in how their brains learned.

While participants were having their brains scanned, the researchers had them do a basic learning task, requiring them to push a button associated with a picture when they heard certain tones. When people who had been eating the high-fat, high-sugar snack didn’t get the picture they expected, their brains showed greater activity in parts involved in evaluating situations.

This high-sugar, high-fat diet “is changing something really basic about how we learn,” DiFeliceantonio said.

In a different study, four days of having a breakfast high in saturated fat and added sugar was linked to reductions in performance on some learning and memory tests, according to researchers in Australia. People who had a healthier breakfast didn’t have the performance changes.

Ultra-processed foods and mental health

Mental health is also affected by diet. Several recent studies have found a link between diets high in ultra-processed foods and an increased risk of depression. A large review of research published last month in the journal BMJ found an increased risk of depression, anxiety and sleep problems with diets high in ultra-processed foods.

Gearhardt and colleagues are proposing a new mental-health disorder that they plan to call “ultra-processed food use disorder” or “highly-processed food use disorder” for inclusion in the official guide that psychiatrists and psychologists use to diagnose patients. Symptoms include intense cravings, difficulty cutting down consumption and withdrawal symptoms like irritability and agitation when people try to reduce their intake. 

Diets high in ultra-processed foods are linked to increased risks of depression, anxiety and sleep problems. Photo: ISTOCK

One of the main ways diet affects mental health is likely via the gut microbiome, said Felice Jacka, director of the Food & Mood Centre at Deakin University in Australia. The gut microbiome refers to the microbes that live in the digestive tract. It influences immune function, the stress response system and the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin, all of which affect mental health, Jacka added.

Eating a typical American diet full of ultra-processed foods can change your microbiome so that it is less diverse and has fewer types of beneficial bacteria, said Arpana Gupta, co-director of the Goodman-Luskin Microbiome Center at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Changes in the brain’s reward system caused by high-fat, high-sugar foods could also likely feed into mental-health problems, DiFeliceantonio said.

“The fact that your diet is altering that reward system pretty profoundly actually means that everything in your life is being affected,” she said.

April 21, 2024 2:27 pm

Dr. John Campbell

Excess deaths and data deficit

April 21, 2024 2:30 pm

Another day, another mass shooting.

BREAKING: FOOTAGAGE OF MASS SHOOTING IN MEMPHIS More footage from the shooting at tonight’s Memphis block party which left at least 2 dead and 14 others hospitalized.

Steve Sailer’s has a mass shooting rule. It’s a black when there is a mass shooting and many people are injured and bullets fly everywhere.
White shootings typically result in more targeted gunfire and a higher death toll.

There would have to have been over a 100 shots fired.

Last edited 3 months ago by JC
April 21, 2024 2:32 pm

Peter Dutton has praised Brittany Higgins’ “gracious” olive branch to Senator Linda Reynolds

A lot cheaper than a court case.

April 21, 2024 2:33 pm
April 21, 2024 2:34 pm

Here you go then. SBS is airing a show entitled ‘Climate Crisis – Make the World Greta’.

We are done, just add the herbs.

April 21, 2024 2:41 pm

‘Temporary will mean years’: Questions raised how many Palestinians on temporary visas will return homePalestinians who were granted temporary visas in the wake of the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks have begun making asylum applications.

I might be wrong but I’ve alwayz been under he impression (from media reporting) that anyone on temporary “visitors” visas had to leave first and then make permanency applications from their, original, homeland …….

April 21, 2024 3:52 pm

The odd couple.

Europe’s Immigration Revolt: Hungary and Poland Against Brussels

Not so odd…the same sentiments are finding expression in most European countries, including Germany & Sweden.

But this isn’t the revolt, this is the counter-revolution.

The revolution was ignited when the political elites decided to use mass immigration to destroy the cultural base of the native populations, causing social dislocation (i.e. becoming a stranger in your own land) and political demoralisation.

Last edited 3 months ago by Roger
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 21, 2024 3:57 pm

Talking about Free Speech and Internet ‘Wobbling’, how did this nice piece of music get through all of the ‘Feral Guv’ment’ constraints/road blocks/Miss Information and all that BS? It’s a mystery – LOL-

I just love the opening lyrics. Seems to describe Tennis Elbow and Blackout Bowen and Dim Chalmers and Benny Pong to a tee.

Last edited 3 months ago by Johnny Rotten
Mother Lode
Mother Lode
April 21, 2024 4:03 pm

Steve Sailer’s has a mass shooting rule. It’s a black when there is a mass shooting and many people are injured and bullets fly everywhere.

White shootings typically result in more targeted gunfire and a higher death toll.

Thats distinction is actually really interesting.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 21, 2024 4:09 pm

April 21, 2024 2:25 pm

WSJ had a piece discussing just how bad processed food if for you.

So don’t eat a Fat Pizza with ham, salami and bacon and……………………

Seafood is OK though.

More typos from the Fat Pizza. The word is ‘is’ and not ‘if’. Must be all that Fat Pizza again. Not at all good for the body apparently. LOL.

April 21, 2024 4:17 pm

Nice typo pick up Wodney.

How did this weekend orgy go for you, Caligula?

Last edited 3 months ago by JC
Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 21, 2024 4:30 pm

In here the most amazing fact is that some scammers actually tried using an image of Albo to endorse their scams. How was that ever going to convert to any sales?

It is an offence to claim that a product will prevent, cure or alleviate a disease when the product isn’t registered as a therapeutic good.

Presumably that doesn’t inhibit someone from talking about their past personal experience with said product.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
April 21, 2024 4:33 pm

WSJ had a piece discussing just how bad processed food if for you.

So don’t eat a Fat Pizza with ham, salami and bacon and

JR, you may have a point. It isn’t difficult to avoid processed food. It is so long since I ate any processed food I’ve forgotten what it is like.
Not so with pizza;
It is a helluva long time since I ate pizza, prolly 12 yrs, however I can remember what it is like. *slurp*

April 21, 2024 4:36 pm

Could someone explain to me how Large Scale Generation Certificate (LGC) cash that flows to wind and solar is green?

Because shut up, that’s why.

h/t the Simpsons.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 21, 2024 4:37 pm

April 21, 2024 9:29 am

Regarding the riot when the bishop was stabbed. And the stupid alleged threats made. 

I disagree completely with that Riot. So the Rioters were ‘Christians’ and then they all went to Church on the Sunday after the Riot. FFS. How ‘Christian’ is that? Please tell me otherwise or you will all get another George Carlin and Dave Allen video.

Do not attack the Police and the Health Workers.

The Rioters were the young hot heads of the original migrants that came here. Those migrants are far more sensible I believe and were not there on the night (as far as I could see). Old people do not riot that much.

Those young, so called ‘Christian’, hot heads are now no different to the ‘Muzzies’. I once thought that they were. But not now. Not after all that damage that has to be paid for by the long suffering Taxpayer, once again, and not to be paid for by those that caused all the damage.

April 21, 2024 4:38 pm

WSJ had a piece discussing just how bad processed food if for you.

Whole foods only.
Organic where available.
Health is wealth.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 21, 2024 4:38 pm

Dam Busters film now on Ch 92 GEM.

April 21, 2024 4:40 pm

Over at Bondi Junction Westfield before.
Quiet for a Sunday.
Maybe people are away for school holidays.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
April 21, 2024 4:43 pm

Cutting emissions by 75 per cent by 2035 and a renewable energy target of 80 per cent by 2035 was enshrined in law on Thursday.

Labor and the LNP both voted for the former, in a rare show of bipartisanship in an election year to make Queensland a renewables superpower.

LNP voting for a higher cost of living. Crisisfully is fully inflaming a cost of living crisis.
Surely the public don’t want this anyhow?

Salvatore - Iron Publican
April 21, 2024 4:43 pm

Those young, so called ‘Christian’, hot heads are now no different to the ‘Muzzies’. 

The rioters were after a terrorist who’d tried to murder a clergyman.
The ‘Muzzies’ attack people who are practicing traditional Australian culture, i.e. wearing bikini to the beach, being white in Maroubra, being other-than-Muslim, etc.

Spot the difference?

April 21, 2024 4:46 pm

The lesbian bitch sounding off about Trump- accusing him of what the ‘rats are doing. Dirty old woman.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 21, 2024 4:46 pm

April 21, 2024 4:17 pm

Actually it was another Fat Pizza from you. That processed food that you like so much. Fat arse and fat belly and all that. You really should eat healthier food.

April 21, 2024 4:50 pm


 April 21, 2024 4:38 pm

WSJ had a piece discussing just how bad processed food if for you.

Whole foods only.

Organic where available.

Health is wealth

Most of the stuff wifey buys is organic, but really how closely is this supervised?

I’m beginning to think our food supply is poisoned and more so in the US.

I had a hard time with regular eggs as they made me feel like crap for a few hours , but not so with organic ones.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
April 21, 2024 4:53 pm

Salvatore – Iron Publican
April 21, 2024 4:43 pm

Those young, so called ‘Christian’, hot heads are now no different to the ‘Muzzies’. 

The rioters were after a terrorist who’d tried to murder a clergyman.
The ‘Muzzies’ attack people who are practicing traditional Australian culture, i.e. wearing bikini to the beach, being white in Maroubra, being other-than-Muslim, etc.
Spot the difference?

So why attack the Police and Health Workers FFS? How ‘Christian’ is that? And wreck property. How ‘Christian’ is that? And then go to Church and pray to a ‘God’? FFS. What a load of hypocrites.

Will they own up and pay for the damage/hurt?

April 21, 2024 4:55 pm

Those young, so called ‘Christian’, hot heads are now no different to the ‘Muzzies’. I once thought that they were. But not now.

The content of their religious beliefs is quite different but their respective cultures exhibit what I’ve previously called “ME tribalism.”

I meant tribal in the sociological, not the anthropological sense. Within this social system, certain markers define one’s identity and religion functions as an identity marker as well as a personal belief system. Think Catholicism and Protestantism in Northern Ireland or Croation Catholicism and Serbian Orthodoxy in Yugoslavia (with the necessary changes – e.g. this is an inter-religious level rivalry, not just sectarianism).

In Western countries there developed forms of individual and national identity to counterbalance and transcend this “tribal identity”. Wittingly or unwittingly, the advocates for multiculturalism have reintroduced the delights of this “tribal” worldview to us.

Last edited 3 months ago by Roger
April 21, 2024 4:57 pm

calli – “Misheard Lyrics”

Known as a “mondegreen

The theme for next month’s radio show! 🙂

April 21, 2024 4:57 pm

but really how closely is this supervised?

I think the penalties dictate that you have to adhere to the regulated standards.
But I’m sure many push the envelope.

April 21, 2024 4:57 pm


I would order a pizza about once a month, so it’s not going to kill me.

But explain, a lowrent limey crook, claims to attend orgies, lends his ladyboy out for a snookering to anyone interested – the medical profession could write a book on your STD histories. Don’t concern yourself with my dietary habits.

April 21, 2024 4:57 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
April 21, 2024 4:58 pm

Linda Reynolds-Brittany Higgins defamation trial still on cards despite ‘olive branch’
By paul garvey

  • Senior Reporter
  • 4:38PM April 21, 2024

Linda Reynolds’ defamation claims against Brittany Higgins and her fiance David Sharaz may still be headed to court despite Ms Higgins’ public apology to the senator and her former chief of staff.
Senator Reynolds on Sunday released a statement detailing the “enormous emotional and financial cost” incurred in working to disprove the cover-up allegations levelled at her by Ms Higgins and Mr Sharaz over the past three years.
Federal Court Justice Michael Lee last week found that former staffer Bruce Lehrmann had in fact raped Ms Higgins in the office of then defence minister Senator Reynolds. But he also found that the narrative pushed by Ms Higgins and Mr Sharaz that Senator Reynolds and her chief of staff Fiona Brown had tried to cover up the incident and dissuade her from going to police was not true.
Ms Higgins on Saturday night issued a statement in which she said she was sorry for the hurt caused to Senator Reynolds and Ms Brown.
Senator Reynolds said she appreciated Ms Higgins’ apology, adding she sincerely hoped that Justice Lee’s findings about the rape would give her peace.

But she noted that her efforts to clear her name over the accusations she tried to cover up the incident had taken a mental toll and left her out of pocket. It is understood the senator and her husband have had to remortgage their home to finance their legal battles.

“My legal action against both Ms Higgins and Mr Sharaz was never about the allegation of rape. My action deals with what Justice Lee exposed as false allegations raised two years after the rape. Allegations that I and my staff, specifically Fiona Brown, not only failed to support Ms Higgins but subjected her to a dreadful and damaging political cover up,” she said.
“At enormous emotional and financial cost, I have fought for three years to expose the truth in relation to my conduct. The personal financial cost, in a large part, has been incurred due to the Attorney-General barring me from defending those same allegations in Ms Higgins’ civil claim against the commonwealth.”

Salvatore - Iron Publican
April 21, 2024 4:59 pm

So why attack the Police and Health Workers FFS?

This aspect will present them with some difficulty under cross-examination.
What isn’t much helping is the overt police support for muslim mobs whilst refusing to protect, even persecuting, other religions.

The Maronites would feel totally abandoned & have limited faith that police will do anything about violent muslims who attack them.

  1. The clergy needs to remember that the Mass isn’t the only place to hear the Gospel. Misusing their ecclesiastic position…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x