Open Thread – Mon 3 June 2024

The Angels’ Kitchen, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, 1646

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June 6, 2024 6:29 pm

I thought the chairman was just a figurehead. Still, why.costello would associate himself with that decaying outfit is beyond me. Maybe money.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 6, 2024 6:29 pm

Nine chairman Peter Costello knocks over reporter from The Australian at Canberra Airport


By james madden

  • Media Editor

and sophie elsworth

  • Media Writer
  • 6:00PM June 6, 2024

Nine chairman Peter Costello has pushed a journalist to the ground at Canberra Airport, after the former federal treasurer refused to answer the reporter’s questions relating to the rolling harassment scandal at the under-siege media company.
Mr Costello was approached by The Australian’s Liam Mendes at the airport on Thursday afternoon, with the altercation taking place about one minute after the journalist introduced himself.
Video footage taken by Mendes shows the Nine chairman ignoring a series of questions, before he shoves the journalist out of the way.

Witness Mark O’Hare, who was at the airport, said he saw Mr Costello launch himself at Mendes.
“I just saw this guy attack … and then I saw him (Mendes) on the floor with his sh!t everywhere and then he (Costello) just went on his way, wandered off,” he said
Mr O’Hare, who was picking up his brother at the airport when the incident occurred, described Mr Costello as a “f..king big bloke, I didn’t realise how big he was.”
“He was flying through (at Mendes) like a sumo wrestler,” Mr O’Hare said.
Another male bystander witnessed the incident, saying: “Yeah, he like hit you … and I watched you fall over there,” the man said.
“I was just out having a smoke out the front.”
The man asked Mendes if he was OK and the reporter replied: “I’m just a little bit shaken up.”
The other man confirmed he saw the incident: “F..king oath we saw it.”
Prior to the physical confrontation, Mendes asked the Nine chairman why he hadn’t publicly expressed his support for Nine chief executive officer Mike Sneesby at any stage since The Australian revealed last month that the network’s ex news boss Darren Wick was the subject of a serious allegation of sexual harassment just prior to his resignation.

June 6, 2024 6:34 pm

Russell Broadbent with Professor Angus Dalgleish

The Tipping Point…

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 6, 2024 6:50 pm

eSafety drops case against Elon Musk’s X over church stabbing videos | ABC News

eKaren gets her fluffy revenge slippers on:

Push to ban tech giants from ad cash, data (Paywallian today)

The eSafety Commission has abandoned its Federal Court case to remove videos of the Wakeley terrorist stabbing on Elon Musk’s social media platform and will now test the validity of its powers through the AAT.

How dare he not kowtow to my awesomeness!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 6, 2024 6:59 pm

Labor perfectly personified. He’s been the Minister for two years and has done nothing.

Shorten claims Coalition did ‘bugger all’ in combatting NDIS rorting (Sky News mainpage headline, 6 Jun)

“It’s all the Coalition’s fault that I did nothing!”

Contemptible hypocrisy.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
June 6, 2024 7:01 pm

Costello lacked the ticker to challenge Little Johnny but finds the inner bully boy now – must be something he really cares about. What could that be?

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
June 6, 2024 7:04 pm

Met with the interim Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner today.
It’s a safe bet he won’t be applying for the position full time. Poor bugger didn’t know what hit him.

June 6, 2024 7:05 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 6, 2024 7:07 pm

The Stasi is mystified why no one likes them.

Victorian public satisfaction and confidence in police falls to record lows (Sky News, 6 Jun)

Public satisfaction and confidence in Victoria Police has fallen to its lowest levels on record.

58 per cent of those surveyed were satisfied with policing services, a fall from 73 per cent last year.

The same percentage reported having confidence in the police.

The results are well below the target of 80 per cent satisfaction and 82 per cent confidence.

Perhaps if you pepper spray some more nannas, and support and encourage another few thousand Hamas luvvin’ Nazis, the Victorian public will come over to your side?

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 6, 2024 7:15 pm

Captain Cook likened to Martin Bryant amid Bruny Island’s monumental debate



Having despatched a statue of a premier, Tasmanian authorities are contemplating banishing a Captain James Cook monument from Bruny Island, as one Aboriginal leader likened the explorer to Martin Bryant.

The Tasmanian Liberal government on Thursday was noncommittal about the future of the Cook monument at Adventure Bay, following public consultation favouring its permanent removal.

Unveiled in 1970, the stone monument was “temporarily” removed in January 2022, following concerns about its structural safety.

After multiple pleas for its reinstatement, the state Department of Natural Resources and Environment held a public consultation this year, reporting only one of 14 submissions favoured its return.

“Common themes from the public … viewed the location of Blackfellows Point, and its associated symbolism, as insensitive,” NRE said.

After a furore over the toppling of a statue of colonial-era premier William Crowther in Hobart last month, the government appears uncertain of its next move.

“The department is currently reviewing the feedback received throughout the consultation process and will work with those involved to find a pathway forward,” a government spokesman told The Australian.

Bruny Island Indigenous elder Rodney Dillon said he was open to the monument’s return, but only if accompanied by information detailing the horrendous consequences of colonisation for Aboriginal people.

“If you want to display it, don’t display him (Cook) as a hero – be truthful about history,” Mr Dillon told The Australian. “We don’t make a hero out of (Port Arthur massacre gunman) Martin Bryant, do we?

“If you’re going to reinstate it, put both sides of history up so we’re not invisible.”

While Cook reported friendly encounters with Aborigines in Adventure Bay during his 1777 visit, Mr Dillon said the British explorer stood for the “murder and plunder” later inflicted on his people.

According to written histories based on Cook’s journals, he spent from January 26 to January 30, 1777, at Adventure Bay, sourcing water and timber.

He detailed friendly encounters with groups of Aborigines, whom he gifted presents of iron tools, medals, beads and fishhooks, noting they were “received with some satisfaction”.

“It’s what he represents that is the problem – the destruction and the lie of terra nullius,” Mr Dillon said. “I’m not against other people having their history and culture as long it’s truthful. I want to respect their history but I want ours respected, too.”

Returning the monument with additional Indigenous storytelling is a compromise that has support from some defenders of colonial monuments.

“I don’t see the issue in having a double plaque from both (Indigenous and European) perspectives,” said amateur historian and author Scott Seymour.

However, he said 14 submissions was “hardly broad consultation”. Further, official assurances the Crowther statue’s removal from Hobart’s Franklin Square would not “open the floodgates” appeared hollow. “It seems that is going to be the flow-on effect,” Mr Seymour said.

The department is yet to respond to questions about the ­detail of the process to determine the monument’s fate, what work if any had been undertaken to determine if it could be safely returned, and at what cost.

Victoria has seen a number of Cook monuments vandalised and removed in protest at what some perceive as their celebration of colonialism.

The Oz

June 6, 2024 7:26 pm
June 6, 2024 7:39 pm

Dreyfus post politics career leaked.
Its a case of the beta site going live too early.

June 6, 2024 7:41 pm

Considering Costello opened the car door into the pylon, odds on he was full of ink.

June 6, 2024 7:49 pm

He’s been the Minister for two years and has done nothing

Well, that’s not quite true, he did hold a much heralded “review” of the NDIS which as expected, cost many many millions and achieved absolutely nothing. Then there’s the matter of his taking on a mistress, who just so happens to be the CEO of a registered NDIS provider that hoovers millions of NDIS funds per year.

BTW, no prizes for who’ll be accompanying the flabby sh*tsack on his comfy new sinecure in the “City of Light”. Hint – it won’t be the ex GG’s daughter.

June 6, 2024 7:55 pm

Regarding the Costello contretemps, anyone believe his explanation that the j’ismist “just so happened to fall backwards over an advertising board”?

As for the two “witnesses”, they’re no doubt collectivist dirtbags.

P.S. I’ve always hated Costello’s guts. He’s an expedient spineless insufferably smug born to rule failure – hence his current role as chair of neinfax.

June 6, 2024 7:55 pm

Something really foul about the shorten. The posh private skool, the clean event and chikita mushrooms betrayals. A truly repulsive little man.

June 6, 2024 7:58 pm

A Uni unionist.

June 6, 2024 7:58 pm

greenfilth the ‘most destructive political force’ in Australia

In other groundbreaking news, water is wet, the sky is blue and the pope is a marxist.

June 6, 2024 8:10 pm

Howard and Costello only look good because of what came after them. I’m beginning to dislike Howard because of his spiteful comments about Trump.

June 6, 2024 8:11 pm

For bonus points: Explain why the Chinese sample return mission currently in lunar orbit will wait 14 days before beginning its journey back to Earth.

June 6, 2024 8:16 pm

The ladies busy belting the sugar and spice out of each other in the 2nd State of Origin. Only took 10 minutes for the first penalty for hair pulling. A lot of tempting plaits.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
June 6, 2024 8:19 pm

Rabz- you’ve hinted at this before- who is Shorten bonking?
…and why?

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
June 6, 2024 8:21 pm

Met with the interim Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner
Well, jolly good and have at him, Gez, but nonetheless
Shut it down.
Fire them all.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 6, 2024 8:23 pm

We can condone violence towards j’ismists. Vermin.

June 6, 2024 8:32 pm

Vermin they are and I have no time for Costello. So baddies vs baddies.

June 6, 2024 8:33 pm

I was on the same flight as Costello this afternoon, saw him up in the first row as we boarded but being in the cheap seats missed the drama at the other end.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
June 6, 2024 9:10 pm


*tap tap tap*

Is this thing on?

Cassie of Sydney
June 6, 2024 9:16 pm

“Journalists who work for Nine approach people in this manner every day, and you attacked me just then”.

Nice comeback Mr Mendes. Nine Media, its publishing and broadcasting wings, have a long and tawdry history of invading people’s privacy and spaces for a ‘story’, not to mention destroying people’s careers…just ask Craig McLachlan and Ben Roberts-Smith.

June 6, 2024 9:16 pm

Rabz, watched CBGB last night, SBS on Demand. Movie about the beginning of Punk. Alan Rickman starring and at his best. Loved it.

Last edited 4 months ago by GreyRanga
June 6, 2024 9:26 pm

FMD, the Flannery’s in Sydney right now.

June 6, 2024 9:31 pm

The Information is running a detailed story on how Oracle has been renting out Nvidia’s chips to a range of Chinese companies which directly contravenes the current US sanctions.

It will make the jump to the mainstream financial media shortly.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 6, 2024 10:05 pm

Apology to Tom, too good not to link this…

Johannes Leak

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 6, 2024 10:16 pm

And the show has begun! Coverage of the launch of Elon’s ginormous rocket has just gone live (which is why I’m up later that normal).

Here’s the link:

June 6, 2024 10:21 pm

I want to adopt Johannes! He can be an honorary Calli-child, for he has the same guts tempered with a sense of humour as my three horrors.

a performance piece in Interpretive Wankery

As related to Mr Science’s Alinskying of BoN. This should be a Liberty Quote.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 6, 2024 10:24 pm

SpaceX’s show so far is pure eye candy. Ridiculously good. The two ladies are eye candy also…

June 6, 2024 10:27 pm

Just back from the Plaza Mayor and Cathedral…siesta for the Beloved’s aching feet. We will attack the Prado later.

Unlike last time, we will cheat – taxis both ways. For we are now old and wicked, also the Beloved knows the taxi is cheaper than the tempting shops on the Gran Via.

The cathedral is exceptional. Very austere compared to other Spanish churches. It reminded me a little of San Giovanni in Laterano – all pale marble, minimalist colours. Something special.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 6, 2024 10:30 pm

I want to adopt Johannes!

Rafe has just emailed an alert:

BRISBANE – Laugh, It’s Serious!

Johannes Leak, Editorial Cartoonist at The Australian, in discussion with journalist and author Fred Pawle.

In today’s increasingly complex cultural climate, where the boundaries are constantly tested and scrutinised, cartoonists have emerged as the vanguard of free speech.

With clever visual metaphors and succinct wordplay, Johannes Leak captures the essence of contemporary politics, exposing absurdities and holding those in power accountable. Join us as we delve into the minefield of cartooning at a time when free speech is under increasing threat. …


Wednesday, 12 June 2024


5:30pm arrival.

6:30pm – 7:30pm formalities AEDT


Tattersall’s Club Grand Ballroom

215 Queen Street

Brisbane City, QLD 4000

Briswegians look to be in for an awesome evening.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 6, 2024 10:35 pm

15 minutes to launch!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 6, 2024 10:45 pm

5 minutes to launch…

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
June 6, 2024 10:46 pm

Biden disgraced himself by making a political speech in front of one hundred year old veterans at Normandy.
The juiced up lunatic talked about Ukraine as if it was a direct comparison with WW2.
Five out of seven Germans were killed by Russians.
The navel gazing old prick never mentioned the French civilians that were inadvertently killed on that day – Macron was present.

June 6, 2024 10:47 pm
June 6, 2024 11:00 pm

Malcolm Roberts bringing to attention our outrageous total support for a BINDING treaty which would effectively transfer control of Australia to the puppet masters in Geneva at their pleasure. Paul Kelly commenced his response with “It was one of the proudest moments in my life”.

I repeat for the umpteenth time. We are controlled by traitors.

Minister Butler Remains a Puppet for WHO

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 6, 2024 11:14 pm

Elon’s rocket has been amazing. Not perfect. That is even more amazing. On launch only 31 of the 32 engines worked. I could see it! One on the outer edge was sulking. That didn’t matter, they coped. The second stage then separated successfully, and the booster returned to Earth.

Nailed that! Despite only 11 of 12 engines relighting. The booster got within metres of the sea surface before they pulled the plug. That they can adjust on the fly for engines not working is absolutely gobsmacking.

The top stage is in orbit and coasting(!) until re-entry in about 15 minutes.

God speed John Glenn (or whatever they’ve named this critter).

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 6, 2024 11:17 pm

It will get down to 18 degrees tomorrow morning in D-Town, and 16 on Saturday.

Winter is coming.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
June 6, 2024 11:24 pm

This event was so much fun. A funny part was the female police officer who issued the first noise ticket, came back later after shift and went for a ride in one of the cars. That can be found on the 6 hour stream.

Respect to her.

Here is a 30 minute version.

We DESTROYED Westen Champlins House! Aussies Invade!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 6, 2024 11:32 pm

Live feed from stage 2 has just restarted. Wish I could recognize geography better from 160 km altitude.

I hope the re-entry works, I really do.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
June 7, 2024 12:03 am

Thanks for the Starship link BoN.

Spectacular viewing and a successful re-entry!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 7, 2024 12:05 am

Give that man an Olympics gymnastics gold medal. Aced the landing!

The second stage landed nearly perfectly, although while on entry it was fun to watch a landing flap melt live on camera. Molten bits flying off. Cracked the camera lens. Some tweaks of materials of construction seem to be needed.

That was sub-zero cool. And Starlink maintained video even through the plasma phase, which is remarkable.

Harlequin Decline
June 7, 2024 1:58 am

 June 6, 2024 9:16 pm

Excellent recommendation on the SBS CBGB doco/program.

June 7, 2024 2:42 am

Question for the resident science expert M0nty, does the battery get lighter as I use the power up? Even at the atomic level?

(Others are welcome in case he runs out of sciency puff)

June 7, 2024 3:53 am

Surprised there hasn’t been quality memes or gifs from the Biff Costello incident.
Best one I have seen so far is a TikTok with Costello’s head poorly cut & paste onto Drederick Tatum from the Simpsons.

June 7, 2024 4:00 am
June 7, 2024 4:01 am
June 7, 2024 4:02 am
June 7, 2024 4:03 am
June 7, 2024 4:04 am
June 7, 2024 4:05 am
June 7, 2024 4:06 am
June 7, 2024 4:07 am
June 7, 2024 4:08 am
June 7, 2024 4:09 am
June 7, 2024 4:10 am
June 7, 2024 4:10 am
June 7, 2024 4:11 am
June 7, 2024 4:12 am
June 7, 2024 4:16 am

Thanks Tom.
A very good batch to finish the week.
There’s a Commonwealth Games enquiry?
Will it be up to Oz to cover that as Victorian media dare not question the legacy of Chairman Dan?

June 7, 2024 4:52 am

Haha liked the anal weathervane. Thanks Tom.

June 7, 2024 5:30 am

Could this be true?
Read it in a magazine, that there are more than 100 k unsold EVs in Germany alone.

Whats’ going on, overproduction or buyer resistance?
And the Chinese are building factories for both batteries, and EV cars all over Europe.

Do they know something the Germans don’t, or are they intent to beat the crap out of the market on price?

June 7, 2024 5:40 am

Back from the Prado.

I have witnessed (again) The Triumph of Death, The Garden of Earthly Delights, and Dover’s own Agnus Dei. Van der Weyden’s “Descent from the Cross” is just breathtaking in its beauty.

The gallery is also interesting as it documents the decline of the Hapsburgs into a physical dead end.

Madrid has been hot as a furnace…we stayed at the gallery until 7:30 (three hours viewing time) and pulled the pin. A glance up told the story – an approaching thunderstorm. You could smell it as the first wave vaporised in the hot air. Just made it to a restaurant and down she came.

Being wise Aussies, we chose a table inside the establishment. 🙂

June 7, 2024 6:01 am

Another beautiful Prado painting that Dover might like to use during Holy Week is Simonet’s “Flevit Super Illam”.

The reproduction doesn’t do it justice. The great Passover moon glows above Jerusalem.

I think the gate is the Lion’s Gate and the valley is the Kidron. If so, I have walked down from there and into the city. The artist’s depiction is sublime.

Last edited 4 months ago by calli
June 7, 2024 6:16 am

Sorry, I had to edit my comment. It was the Lion’s Gate. The Beautiful Gate is yet to be located.

The Golden Gate was bricked up by the Snackbars. Apparently they imagined that the Almighty could be kept out by some bricks and mortar.

And that’s all you need to know about the shallowness of that particular faith.

June 7, 2024 6:23 am

“Ali Baba and the 40 thieves”: Emirati-Palestinian shouting match blew up Blinken meeting

Would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic.

Cassie of Sydney
June 7, 2024 6:50 am

As I wrote last night, Costello heads a media organisation that regularly invades the privacy and personal space of ordinary Australians. The destruction done to the likes of Ben Roberts-Smith, Craig McLachlan and more recently, Alan Jones, leaves me with little to no sympathy for Costello.

Further to Nine Newspapers, just where were Nine’s ‘independent always’ journalists on the sexual shenanigans at Nine broadcasting? Kate McChlamydia, she who destroyed the career of Craig McLachlan, showed a curious uninterest in pursuing that story. Wonder why?

June 7, 2024 6:51 am

I notice that Canada is already entering the stagflation trap that some economists have warned that the west is headed for. They have reduced inflation (2.7%?) but unemployment has soared to over 6%.

June 7, 2024 6:58 am
June 7, 2024 7:02 am

I’m enjoying your travels Calli.
I can walk those streets again in my mind.
Even recall my chat with the Korean lady photographer outside the Prado.
Not envying you the heat though.

June 7, 2024 7:06 am

Nine is a putrid decaying abomination. Not something you would call respectable.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 7, 2024 7:08 am

The Costello non-event getting yuuugely yuuge airtime. It’s got shades of that US clip a few years back when the heroic reporter was standing almost sideways in a breeze pretending to be mid-hurricane when two other blokes unhurriedly stroll past behind him.

The ‘incident’ itself and the following idiocy are truly in the best traditions of Frontline.

June 7, 2024 7:11 am

I wouldn’t have a copy of the Aged or Sydney Morning Vomit in my house let alone have any association with them.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
June 7, 2024 7:14 am

One can hardly blame someone for decking a reporter – they are so often out to get you, and rude, duplicitous, conniving leftist pricks. I recall that one who Tony Abbott resisted punching out.

Cassie of Sydney
June 7, 2024 7:24 am

There is no justification for using violence or intimidation against a journalist however significant the temptation, just like there is no justification for using violence or intimidation against one’s political opponents.

The conservative journalist Andy Ngo knows all about being physically assaulted. In 2019, when he was covering an Antifa protest in Portland Oregon, he was set upon, beaten on the head, and then had a ‘milkshake’ thrown over him, except that particular milkshake didn’t just contain milk and chocolate, it contained a chemical which resulted in Ngo suffering a brain bleed and he was hospitalised for weeks.

All Costello had to do was walk ahead and ignore the annoying journalist.

Sorry, but there is no excuse for ‘decking’ anyone.

Cassie of Sydney
June 7, 2024 7:31 am

Tony Abbott had the moral fibre not to ‘deck’ Mark Riley.

By the way, back in 2017, Tony Abbott was ‘decked’, or more precisely ‘headbutted’ whilst he walked along a Hobart street. The perpetrator was a a lowlife called Astro Labe. Astroboy’s reason for headbutting Abbott? Because he saw Abbott and he ‘felt like it’, the same reason the Essex skank gave for milkshaking Farage a few days ago.

Part of having strength of character is to ignore the words of rabble, be they journalists or whatever.

Is this the society we want to live in, where you go around decking journalists and others you don’t like? No thank you.

one old bruce
one old bruce
June 7, 2024 7:37 am

There are no journalists any more, just as there is no comedy. These are categories which have been hollowed out by a changing world, but are useful to malcontents because of historical respectability.

June 7, 2024 7:38 am

Something from the Al Muderis case.
5% of all surgeries in private hospitals in Oz are foreigners.
The vast majority being hip & knee replacements.
Most from Asia.

Seems like medical tourism is booming.
Hip & knees, Oz.
Hair transplants & teeth, Turkey.
Dicks chopped off, Thailand.

June 7, 2024 7:41 am

Incidentally I have never forgiven Costello from spitting the dummy after Howard didn’t anoint him. Costello could have saved us the blight of the ‘three amigos”, Gillard & Rudd. I think he would have been an outstanding PM.

June 7, 2024 7:43 am

Meanwhile, in the UK, the crocodiles of appeasement target a labour slag who’s failed the ‘slamic purity test.

Cassie of Sydney
June 7, 2024 7:45 am

Everyday someone annoys me, and so I should be able to shove, punch, push and deck that person.

Except I don’t….and I can’t…..and actually, I wouldn’t want to.

June 7, 2024 7:47 am

Duk, considering you were on the receiving end of the ACT plod, in your opinion, should Costello expect a knock on the door ?

June 7, 2024 7:48 am

I posted a reply to Cassie – but it doesn’t seem to have come up. The footage I noted re the Costello incident was that Costello had a bag in one hand and a coat in another. I did not note that he “decked” the journo. Rather, he seemed to have pushed his way past the guy, who fell backwards,

June 7, 2024 7:48 am

When I met Peter Costello years ago,I found him warm, open and welcoming. His ‘smug’ label came from not wanting to display his very crooked teeth when smiling, I think they are now fixed.

But I liked him.

June 7, 2024 7:53 am

Sorry, Cassie. Didn’t see your earlier comment – or the fact that my comment re decking did appear as an answer.

Too early in the morning for me!

June 7, 2024 7:54 am

The Paywallian leads Friday’s paper with its bullshit story about Nine chairman Peter Costello “assaulting” one of its prima donna reporters at Canberra airport.

Because it knows Paywallian readers will instinctively side with Costello against the J-school trash tackling him, the story is not open for reader comments.

PS: none of the J-school trash working for the Paywallian has ever voted for the LNP, so Costello is a tribal enemy and today’s little pantomime fives management a chance to indulge its staff’s childish fantasies about tackling Nazis in the manner of Mark Riley’s confrontation with Tony Abbott.

June 7, 2024 8:02 am

Starting to wonder why when i watch videos out of Gaza why there are so many buildings still standing and way too many well fed, clothed and healthy looking Gazans .. The media keeps telling me that Gaza is flattened and folks are starving .. yet so many videos showing a fairly normal lifestyle backgrounding the “Israel bad” backdrop story …. FFS!

June 7, 2024 8:04 am

Dr Michael Mosely missing disappeared on Greek island of Symi.

June 7, 2024 8:17 am

Home care packages .. wow! .. I’m currently, “assisted” by NSW Home Nursing which involves a 10 minute visit once a month to change a “dressing” .. no problems there but part of the “dressing” is lucky to last 2 weeks so every time I’ve asked for extra cos it’s something I can change without help .. Each time I’m told, “Sorry, short supply no extra” ..
Anywayz, got fed up and EBay-ed the bloody “thing” .. $20 for 20 pieces post free from China .. FFS! ..
So bought a pack, arrived 2 weeks later, and now have plenty of spares .. yet NSW Health can’t manage to supply the damn things cos “short supply” .. yet the bought ones are identical ..

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 7, 2024 8:20 am

Didn’t old Astro Labe spend some time in the can for decking Tones?

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 7, 2024 8:21 am
Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
June 7, 2024 8:21 am

I don’t think either Labor or the Greens (or the Teals who are a mix of both) are acting in the nation’s interests, particularly the Greens. Journalists who routinely boost or soft-question them are assisting in the eventual gutting of Australia.
Why should I be concerned about them at all?

June 7, 2024 8:22 am

Indolent posted the Malcolm Roberts clip about Hunt and CHO Kelly and WHO last night.
Always remember it was Kelly who stood next to Hunt and basically said invermectin was a horse dewormer. Then you had Hunt in January 2021 saying on Insiders world engaged in largest medical experiment.
Unfortunately Kelly and his like will keep going with the mantra the more jabs the better and ignore the fact people are no longer interested in their BS.

June 7, 2024 8:32 am
June 7, 2024 8:34 am
June 7, 2024 8:34 am

Below article up online at Herald Sun and Courier Mail.

Covid vaccines may have caused rise in excess deaths since pandemic: studyThe “adverse effects” of Covid-19 vaccines have been linked to an increase in worldwide deaths, according to a new study. Read the report.

Meanwhile TGA will be saying nothing to see here carry on jabbing.

June 7, 2024 8:35 am

The media keeps telling me that Gaza is flattened…

The hamarse supporters on X have their daily attempts
to draw comparisons with WWII bombing campaigns.
They’re not very good at it.

June 7, 2024 8:36 am
June 7, 2024 8:40 am
Last edited 4 months ago by Indolent
June 7, 2024 8:41 am
June 7, 2024 8:45 am


The Kansas City Chiefs has canceled all team activities on Thursday following a medical incident involving defensive lineman BJ Thompson.

According to NFL Network Insider Tom Pelissero, Thompson suffered a seizure during a special teams meeting and went into cardiac arrest.

June 7, 2024 8:54 am

I hope the computers were offered counseling … LOL!

?Northumbria Police officer who stalked ex and abused police computers is sacked

June 7, 2024 8:58 am

That Starship flight was awesome.
Not only worked pretty well but the thing about complex systems is not how well they work when everything is perfect but how well they work when the inevitable failures are present.
On that ground they just learned that the booster works with one engine out on liftoff but one engine on the 13 that are used for the initial braking burn can be out and still bring altitude and velocity to zero at the same time.
Then the ship making it through re-entry with bits burning off one control surface and still remain under control and successfully doing the flip and landing burn is simply outstanding. Go SpaceX, go Elon!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 7, 2024 8:59 am

Select all squares with fire hydrants…

“It’s Mind-Boggling”: Los Angeles Hit With Surge Of Fire Hydrant Thefts (7 Jun)

Just when you think the Democrats’ socialist utopia state of California can’t possibly sink any higher (sic), it does just that: first it was catalytic converters, now it’s fire hydrants. …

The water company’s Southwest District general manager, Kate Nutting, said as the hydrants are made of iron and brass, she believes they are being sold on the black market for scrap metal.

“Since the beginning of 2023, we’ve had over 300 hydrants stolen, and it’s been ramping up in 2024 which is why we’ve been taking even more aggressive measures to try to stop it”, Nutting said. “We’re really alarmed about this happening. It is a big public safety issue.”

That particular Captcha may have to be retired.

June 7, 2024 9:01 am

Lisa Benson wins –
comment image

June 7, 2024 9:08 am

News Corp web page at bottom also has a Frank Chung article about the excess deaths. Most commented article.

June 7, 2024 9:19 am
June 7, 2024 9:20 am

The IGA and Woollies supermarkets in my town on the southwest Victorian coast have run out of berry fruit — no strawberries, raspberries or blueberries.

Can one of the Cat’s farmers up north tell me what’s going on with the Australian winter berry harvest?

June 7, 2024 9:33 am

From the Paywallion yesterday arvo:

The Mocker: Laura Tingle, ABC journalists revel in anti-Australia pile-on
The Mocker
6 Jun 2024

There was an auction in my street last weekend, and I felt it was my civic duty to attend. Normally I would go anyway, because the sun was out, and I enjoy having a sticky beak as well as a chat with the neighbours. But there would be no socialising this time, for I was in full anti-racist mode and ready to kick the bejesus out of anyone I deemed intolerant.

Admittedly I do not normally associate auctions with racist gatherings. But as ABC 7.30 chief political correspondent Laura Tingle recently warned, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has changed that for the worse by pledging in his budget reply speech to address the housing crisis through cutting permanent migration by 25 per cent over a two-year period.

His comments, Tingle told the Sydney Writers Festival last week, left her “sitting there with this terrible chill running through me”. Having segued from journalist to soothsayer, she expanded on this disturbing portent.

“I had this sudden flash of people turning up to try to rent a property or at an auction, and they look a bit different … and he has given a licence for them to be abused where people feel they are missing out,” she said. “We’re a racist country, let’s face it. We always have been and it’s very depressing and a terrible prospect for the next election.”

This is an appalling situation, yet the white saviour inside me was thrilled at the prospect of being seen to rescue the wretched. Maybe I could come up with a catchy hashtag on social media to let minorities know I would stand alongside them so they could bid without fear of retribution. #IllRealtorWithYou, perhaps?

I decided my strategy on the day. If I were lucky enough to chance upon a person of colour at the auction, I would immediately make myself known to them as an ally in the fight against white supremacy. All I intended asking in return was that they pose in a selfie with me which I would use to tell the world of my good deed.

But when I arrived, I was bewildered to discover there were minorities aplenty there. Moreover, none of them looked even remotely perturbed. The auction went ahead without incident, and the property was sold to an Asian bidder.

How could this be? For a moment I thought Tingle must have been bunging it on. But suddenly I felt this terrible chill running through me. You see, at every auction I have been to in my street, I run into a certain neighbour, RG, an India-born Australian. This time, however, he was absent, and there could be only one reason. Undoubtedly, the poor man was terrified that white bidders would beat him senseless if he ventured anywhere near the property. Are you happy now, Peter Dutton?

The best one could say of Tingle’s premonition is writers festivals have a tenuous relationship with reality and that she performed accordingly. The only person at risk of abuse at an Australian auction is the bloke turning up to one in Western Sydney while wearing a yarmulke.

As for her comments about Australia being a racist country, Tingle subsequently defended her remarks in an official ABC statement.

“I wasn’t saying every Australian is a racist,” she said.

Of course not. For example, Tingle would never consider herself to be racist. She would also have exempted her fellow panellists: Bridget Brennan (ABC), Amy Remeikis (Guardian Australia), Niki Savva (Nine newspapers), and host as well as ABC alumnus Barrie Cassidy. Likewise, her adoring audience would be deemed racist-free. So too would the entire ABC and everyone who loves the national broadcaster. And no doubt Tingle would exempt the 39.94 per cent of Australians who voted Yes in the Indigenous voice to parliament referendum.

As for where the racists can be found, that is straightforward. They feature heavily among the dreadful and ill-bred types who roll their eyes whenever the likes of Tingle lament the ignorance and prejudice of the masses.

Her insinuation that Dutton was fuelling racism earned Tingle a public reprimand from ABC News Director Justin Stevens, who said her comments “lacked the context, balance and supporting information of her work for the ABC”.

Predictably, there soon followed a caterwaul of indignation, including that from Race Discrimination Commissioner Giridharan Sivaraman. Writing in the Sydney Morning Herald, he demanded ABC chair Kim Williams and managing-director David Anderson “back” Tingle. “Why does our society have an aversion to talking about racism,” he asked.

For Sivaraman, the bigots are under the bed. We only talk about “overt racism,” he wrote. “We ignore the massive iceberg that lies underneath, the systemic and structural elements.” He wants to impose a “National Anti-Racism Framework” on “governments, business and civil society” which would “set benchmarks, with specific targets for different sectors”. As Editor-at-Large Paul Kelly observed, his approach mirrors that of critical race theory, the race grifters’ creed.

But like most commissarial windbags, Sivaraman is reticent when it comes to condemning the hateful rhetoric of the left. Take for example the genocidal pro-Palestinian slogan ‘from the river to the sea’. Asked last week at Senate estimates by Liberal senator Sarah Henderson whether he agreed with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese that the chant had no place in Australia, Sivaraman equivocated.

“We would have to look at the context of when it was made, how it was made and who it was made to, and without the context, I wouldn’t want to give a view on its implications under the Race Discrimination Act,” he said.

Context? Let me give you a hint, Giridharan Sivaraman. It is a call to arms by ideologues to wipe out a certain thing forever from a substantial portion of the Middle East. Is the target of their hatred (a) pink fairy armadillos (b) marauding polar bears, or (c) the state of Israel, along with every single Jewish man, woman and child? To paraphrase you, why do you have an aversion to talking about this form of racism?

Sivaraman further tried to weasel out of answering Henderson’s question by claiming doing so “could very well prejudice” the conciliation process overseen by the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC).

How convenient. Contrast that with what Sivaraman said just over two months ago. Interviewed by the Herald following his appointment, he superciliously dismissed the idea that white people could be subjected to racism.

“The notion of anti-white racism is based on a fundamental misunderstanding about racism,” he insisted. It “completely moves us away from the actual problems of structural and other forms of racism in this country”.

In effect that pronouncement extends blanket immunity, as far as the public perception of AHRC’s conciliation process goes, to anyone who discriminates against white people. What was that about you not wanting to prejudice the handling of complaints, Giridharan Sivaraman?

As for Tingle’s clarification regarding what she said during her appearance at the Sydney Writers Festival, she was clearly miffed when she explained in her official statement that her actions had “created the opportunity for yet another anti-ABC pile-on”.

This was “not helpful to me or to the ABC,” she said. “Or to the national debate.”

In that same statement, Tingle defended her claim that Australia has always been a racist country. It was made “in the context of a discussion about the political prospects ahead,” she said. “But we clearly have an issue with racism.”

Now contrast that with Tingle’s response last year regarding claims that the National Press Club had intentionally disadvantaged Shadow Indigenous Australians Minister Jacinta Nampijinpa Price in relegating her to a smaller room for her address during the voice campaign.

In denying the claims, Tingle said that any suggestion the timing or staging of the address was “in any way driven by racism or disrespect,” was “highly offensive to the club, and to me as its president”.

I do not suggest these allegations are true. Yet they are revealing in one respect. Tingle reacted strongly and defensively in denying accusations of racism against herself and her colleagues. Fair enough. Yet in her recent throwaway remark, she disparages this entire country, and by extension its citizens, by claiming it is inherently racist.

Complain all you will of a vendetta against the national broadcaster, Laura Tingle. But if there is one thing that ABC journalists and presenters revel in, it is an anti-Australia pile-on.

 The Mocker amuses himself by calling out poseurs, sneering social commentators, and po-faced officials. He is deeply suspicious of those who seek increased regulation of speech and behaviour.  

June 7, 2024 9:35 am

Bruce of Newcastle
 June 6, 2024 7:07 pm

The Stasi is mystified why no one likes them.

Victorian public satisfaction and confidence in police falls to record lows (Sky News, 6 Jun)

I wonder if the bank that puts out the top 100 or so professions and their trustworthiness/respect from the community have put one out the last 3 years?

June 7, 2024 9:56 am

Harlequin Decline, interesting snippet about CBGB, Blondie were paid $25 a night to play. Six months later they headlined at a big concert for bands, paid $8k, a few months later half a $mill record contract.

Last edited 4 months ago by GreyRanga
June 7, 2024 9:58 am

Re Costello and the “decking”.
Can’t wait to see the airport camera footage.

June 7, 2024 10:03 am

I notice that Canada is already entering the stagflation trap that some economists have warned that the west is headed for. They have reduced inflation (2.7%?) but unemployment has soared to over 6%.

I reckon the smartest thing the RBA could do right now is keep Michelle Bullock away from microphones. They haven’t learned the lesson of Lowe.

June 7, 2024 10:05 am

Dover, there is a post of mine waiting for approval. It is by The Mocker at the Paywallion about La Tingle
Dunno why it went to moderation.



June 7, 2024 10:06 am

We are truly living in bizarro world. Hunter’s defence to the gun purchase charge of non declaration of being a drug addict is that he was so addicted to and influenced by crack at the time of the purchase of the gun that he could not form an intention to deceive by non declaration of his addiction on the form.

Hunter Biden Identified as Non-Crackhead When He Bought Gun | Frontpage Mag

He’ll get off.

June 7, 2024 10:18 am

Matt Taibbi has put out a few notes this morning.
He used the term “off-narrative” with reference to the US government and its surrogates destroying people.
Its a great term.

June 7, 2024 10:20 am
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2024 10:24 am

Cassie of Sydney
 June 6, 2024 9:16 pm

“Journalists who work for Nine approach people in this manner every day, and you attacked me just then”.

Nice comeback Mr Mendes. Nine Media, its publishing and broadcasting wings, have a long and tawdry history of invading people’s privacy and spaces for a ‘story’ …

It sounds like a variation on John Safran going through Ray Martin’s rubbish bin, with a similar reaction.

June 7, 2024 10:28 am

Why the BBC (echoed by the ABC) is greatly exercised about the rise of “fascism” in Europe:

Fight for the soul of Europe begins:

The political centre is shifting distinctly to the right

Rocco Loiacono The Spectator 8 June 2024

Panic appears to be setting in among European elites. Elections for the European Parliament will take place this week (from 6 to 9 June) in the face of increasing popularity of right-wing parties. Former UK prime minister Gordon Brown warned in the Guardian last month that, ‘a hard-right tidal wave will hit the EU’ and that, ‘Ultra-nationalist demagogues and populist-nationalists are now leading the polls in Italy, the Netherlands, France, Austria, Hungary and Slovakia’, claiming that these groups are ‘forcing the hand of the traditional centre-right parties – which, one by one, are capitulating to ever more extreme anti-immigration, anti-trade and anti-environment positions’.

The European Parliament has generally had a majority of a ‘super grand coalition’ of the centre-right European People’s party (EPP), along with the centre-left Socialism and Democracy (S&D) and Renew Europe.

However, the farmers’ protests that have swept across the continent the last few months are seeing support move to two groups to the right of the EPP: Identity and Democracy (ID) and the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR). According to the latest polls, these two groups alone could account for more than 20 per cent of MEPs, and win almost as many seats as the EPP alone.

If we add those MEPs from right-wing parties that are currently not affiliated with any group, such as those from Hungarian President Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz, the ‘super grand coalition’ could be unseated for the first time in the history of the European Parliament.

There are hopes that this will lead to ‘changing the EU from within’. However, the mentality of the European elites may ensure this will not happen. Even if parties on the right do win a majority in the European Parliament, the EU itself has a supranational governance structure in order to keep member states in line. Witness the blackmail the EU engaged in against Hungary recently, after President Orbán wanted to veto the EU’s Ukraine support package, by threatening to sabotage its economy.

Let’s also not forget the attempt by Brussels police to shut down the (conservative) NatCon conference in April.

There is another layer of intrigue. Around the same time as the parliamentary elections, a new European Commission President will be chosen by member states.

The current President, Ursula von der Leyen (known colloquially as VDL) is seeking reappointment. Earlier this month, she refused to rule out collaborating with the ECR group after the election, saying this would depend ‘on the composition of the parliament, and who is in what group’.

This is the same VDL who, until very recently, championed the regulations under the EU’s Green Deal, which aim for the EU to be ‘climate neutral’ by 2050.

As has been written in these pages, this Green Deal was the main reason behind the farmers’ protests, since it was driving them out of business, leaving behind a trail of social and economic devastation.

This is the same VDL who, prior to the election of Giorgia Meloni’s coalition in Italy in September 2022, warned, as Italians went to the polls, that Brussels would ‘punish an Italian government that violates the EU’s social policy consensus’.

As it turns out, VDL has, in collaboration with Meloni, signed agreements with North African states such as Tunisia as an attempt to halt the waves of illegal immigration that have also been the cause of much discontent among ordinary citizens.

Indeed, VDL is now trying to appeal to traditional family values and whitewash her erstwhile support for the EU’s green-rainbow agenda.

‘As a mother of seven, I want my children’s children to grow up in a safe, prosperous Europe,’ reads the lead statement on VDL’s campaign website. She even has a ‘Proud Grandma’ hashtag.

However, VDL’s reappointment is far from assured. She is presently implicated in a scandal over her private text message exchange with Pfizer chief executive Albert Bourla in April 2021 for the procurement of 1.1 billion doses of the Covid vaccine, at a cost of €35 billion.

This secret deal has attracted the attention of the European Court of Auditors, which has been blocked from accessing the messages, and the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), which has opened an investigation into the matter.

Since then, ‘Pfizergate’ has ballooned into one of the biggest scandals in EU history. In April 2023, Frédéric Baldan, a Belgian lobbyist specialising in EU-China trade relations, filed a lawsuit against VDL before a Liège court, accusing her of usurping official powers, destroying public documents, pursuing illicit interests and committing corruption, and damaging his country’s public finances.

This led to a contest over which jurisdiction should assume responsibility for ‘Pfizergate’: the Belgian court or the EPPO. Earlier this month, a hearing to decide this question was mysteriously postponed to December, well after the nomination process for the Commission will be concluded.

The drama doesn’t end there.

A few days before the hearing in Liège was supposed to take place, Baldan’s lawyer, Diane Protat, visited the EPPO’s offices in Brussels and Luxembourg to request a copy of its case file – standard procedure from a legal standpoint. However, not only was she told that there was no such file, but on both occasions security was called on her.

Decadence has set in across Europe. Its biggest economy, Germany, is stagnant, reaping the effects of the net zero obsession, championed by the likes of VDL herself. Indeed, the whole eurozone economy is anaemic. Yet the war on farmers still goes on, and the illegal immigration can is constantly kicked down the road.

Moreover, it seems unelected politicians and corporate leaders can cosy up to each other away from prying eyes, unchecked by fundamental concepts such as transparency and the rule of law.

Prior to becoming Commission President, VDL was the most incompetent minister of defence Germany had ever had, who failed upwards when her great protector, then chancellor Angela Merkel, promoted her to Brussels.

After the EU parliament elections, national elections are due in Austria in September and in Germany in February next year. It seems the fight for the soul of Europe has only just begun.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 7, 2024 10:29 am

Always fun when woke is put to the punters in a poll.

‘Choose your own gender’ bill rejected by 83pc of voters (Tele, paywalled)

Controversial plans to change NSW laws to allow people to change their sex simply by nominating their preferred gender on a form have been overwhelmingly rejected by the public.

I’m assuming it’s a poll since I’m not a subscriber. I doubt it will stop the fascist ALP from ramming it through though. They are fighting for democracy!

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
June 7, 2024 10:39 am

Further to BoN post @10:29am…….

Almost 83 per cent of NSW residents are opposed to plans to enable people to “change” their sex by simply filling out forms, a survey has found.
New laws are being proposed in state parliament by independent Sydney MP Alex Greenwich to allow “self-ID” of sex for official government forms, junking the current requirement for individuals to undergo medical treatment to change sex.
Mr Greenwich’s proposals, which are strongly opposed by a coalition of church groups, also attempt to liberalise prostitution, allowing it to be practised near schools and churches, allow for overseas commercial surrogacy, and make it easier for children to access puberty blockers without their parent’s consent.
However, a survey of 13,258 NSW citizens, conducted by a parliamentary inquiry into the impact of the Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA) Bill 2023, found the overwhelming majority ­rejected the changes.
A whopping 85 per cent of the those who took part in the online survey rejected the bill altogether, with 13 per cent supporting it and another 0.89 per cent supporting it with amendments. Plans to allow 16-year-olds to consent to medical treatments without their parent’s permission were rejected by 82 per cent.

“It (the bill) is plagued with problems and has been overwhelmingly rejected by NSW citizens,” Women’s Forum Australia chief executive Rachael Wong said.
“The bill’s dystopian reforms are not what ‘equality’ looks like, especially not for women and children.”

There’s more in the article but that’s the guts of it. How do idiots like Greenwich get elected?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2024 10:42 am

Despite only 11 of 12 engines relighting. The booster got within metres of the sea surface before they pulled the plug. That they can adjust on the fly for engines not working is absolutely gobsmacking.

It’s called redundancy.
Musk isn’t Boeing.

June 7, 2024 10:42 am

I’m at a loss as to what is fundamentally wrong with citizens of any sovereign rejecting mass immigration from countries which are culturally inconsistent with their values.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
June 7, 2024 10:45 am

And more in the Tele about the wonderful taxpayer funded NDIS. At least this skank got slotted. Services provided in Western Sydney – people of no appearance wouldn’t be involved much?

An occupational therapist who made half a million dollars from a “sophisticated” fraud scheme against the National Disability Insurance Agency has been given a six year jail sentence.
Rehana Memon rorted the system with the help of a small number of participants and their representatives, who were also colluding to misrepresent the value of the services provided through allegedly falsifying reports and overcharging for services using NDIS funds.
The therapist, in her 40s and based in Western Sydney, was found guilty of 22 counts of obtaining financial advantage by deception.
She was sentenced to six years in prison, with a non-parole period of four years.
A previous court hearing revealed that Memon was a single mum of two, and had received in total $8m from the NDIS for her services.
John Dardo, integrity chief at the National Disability Insurance Agency, which runs the $42 billion scheme, revealed at senates estimates this week that NDIS participants, unrelated to Memon’s case, were being taken by providers to ATMs and withdrawing cash to spend on drugs including heroin and ice, alcohol, prostitutes, holidays and new cars.
He said that more than $2 billion a year was being rorted from the system, which supports 640,000 people with a disability.

June 7, 2024 10:51 am

I’m at a loss as to what is fundamentally wrong with citizens of any sovereign rejecting mass immigration from countries which are culturally inconsistent with their values.

That’s because you’re not consumed by cultural self-hatred.

John H.
John H.
June 7, 2024 10:59 am


 June 7, 2024 8:34 am


Below article up online at Herald Sun and Courier Mail.

Covid vaccines may have caused rise in excess deaths since pandemic: studyThe “adverse effects” of Covid-19 vaccines have been linked to an increase in worldwide deaths, according to a new study. Read the report.

Meanwhile TGA will be saying nothing to see here carry on jabbing.

Read the study.

Excess mortality across countries in the Western World since the COVID-19 pandemic: ‘Our World in Data’ estimates of January 2020 to December 2022 (

This study has various significant limitations. 

The study make a comparison with other historical examples of excess deaths that happen during recessions. I wish it had done that.

Why draw conclusions when the authors refused to do so?

Two days ago I sent this to some friends and one replied that he is seeing a surprising number of young people with POTS and fatigue.

The authors found that excess mortality decreased in large metropolitan counties but increased in non-metropolitan counties.

Result of study on the USA. That’s weird.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 7, 2024 11:12 am

Musk isn’t Boeing.


Not Going Well: Boeing Starliner’s Thrusters Failed On ISS Docking Approach (7 Jun)

It’s stuck sitting 200 m from the docking port. The fun thing is both Elon’s and Boeing’s capsules were ordered by NASA about a decade ago iirc. The Boeing one cost twice as much and has exactly one manned flight so far – this one. Elon’s capsule is so reliable that of the dozen or so flights it’s had four have been space tourism flights.

Last edited 4 months ago by Bruce of Newcastle
June 7, 2024 11:15 am

With the rise in the Right in Europe, the question for the future of civilisation will be whether that Right cherishes Thatcher and Reagan more than they cherish Pinochet and Franco.

eric hinton
eric hinton
June 7, 2024 11:16 am

It did look as though Costello did not let the reporter change track!

A racing incident in MotoGP parlance.

June 7, 2024 11:27 am

At least this skank got slotted.

Does that mean jailed now? Usual usage I hear seems to imply a well-deserved burial.

Last edited 4 months ago by Chris
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 7, 2024 11:28 am

They have now docked onto the ISS at least.

Seriously, Is Boeing Starliner Cursed? (6 Jun)

That docking was originally scheduled for 12:15 p.m. Eastern time, or a little more than two hours before I’m writing this sentence. However, four maneuvering thrusters failed and the docking was scrubbed. The second docking availability was at 1:33 p.m. but in the meantime, Spaceflight Now reported, Starliner did “not have permission to enter the so-called ‘keep out sphere’ around the space station while flight controllers continue to evaluate the troublesome maneuvering thrusters.”

Engineers on the ground were able to get two of the thrusters working again, and needless to say, that was enough. Starliner completed docking at 1:34 p.m. — just one minute late although, granted, on the second attempt after some hairraising issues.

Cross fingers for the re-entry and landing. God speed guys. Elon makes it look easy, but the difficulty of space travel is never to be underestimated.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
June 7, 2024 11:39 am

Interesting piece by John Mikkelson at Quadrant Online about the energy demands of AI on top of demands from EV charging in the context of Blackout and Eachway “powering” to disaster by relying on ruinables.

He comments;

The fact that climate always changes, and that it’s mainly driven by natural cyclical forces beyond our control, is overlooked by political leaders pushing the green dream of “renewable energy” drawn from the unreliable intermittent sources of solar and wind power.

I’d replace “mainly” with “overwhelmingly”

June 7, 2024 11:45 am

“I’d replace “mainly” with “overwhelmingly”” [WRT natural affects on climate]

The below is adjustments to temperature vs atmospheric CO2 concentration – are you surprised that temperature tracks CO2 level afte rseeing this?

comment image

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 7, 2024 12:12 pm

 June 7, 2024 7:41 am

Incidentally I have never forgiven Costello from spitting the dummy after Howard didn’t anoint him. Costello could have saved us the blight of the ‘three amigos”, Gillard & Rudd. I think he would have been an outstanding PM.

I disagree.
The fact that he couldn’t stand up to JW and Hyacinth Howard and challenge means he didn’t have the balls for the job.

June 7, 2024 12:18 pm

The Stasi is mystified why no one likes them.

Another symptom of Sicktoria. After the tyranny inflicted on Victorians by Vikplod during covid, a reasonably sane population would have hated them deeply since 20/21. But only now some 3 years later does it become an issue.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
June 7, 2024 12:24 pm

the system, which supports 640,000 people with a disability
…and a million people with a Cert IV in Applied Hand-Patting.

June 7, 2024 12:37 pm

 a reasonably sane population would have hated them deeply since 20/21. But only now some 3 years later does it become an issue.

I’m guessing like the rest of Oz the Libs are sooo ineffective what does it matter returning failure ..
Methinx, elections nowadayz are won on “freebies” .. He/she who offers the best/most getz the nod ..

Last edited 4 months ago by shatterzzz
June 7, 2024 12:41 pm

Grundiard story: Growing sponsorship row leaves UK summer arts festivals in turmoil.
You can guess. “The campaign by Fossil Free Books (FFB), an activist collective of more than 800 authors and publishing workers, has focused on billions of pounds of investments that the Edinburgh-based firm holds in companies linked to the fossil fuel industry and to Israel” So a number of festivals will no longer accept their money. I guess that is next here. What’s a “publishing worker”?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 7, 2024 12:43 pm

An interesting one to watch:

Swiss renewable energy battle moves to the ballots (TechXplore, 6 Jun)

Authorities want to use a new climate bill approved last year to boost wind and solar power’s current miniscule contribution to Switzerland’s energy mix.

But that plan could hit a snag: the bill is being challenged by a national referendum on Sunday, potentially blocking its implementation next January.

While most environmental organizations back the law and its ambitions, a few smaller groups secured enough signatures to trigger a referendum under Switzerland’s direct democracy system, amid fears it will fast-track large-scale energy projects and cause “unnecessary destruction of landscapes”.

Switzerland’s largest party, the hard right Swiss People’s Party (SVP), has also backed the vote, warning that implementing the law could threaten Swiss energy security.

“It is not with renewable energy produced on mountaintops in the Jura that we will manage to guarantee supply security,” Yvan Pahud, an SVP parliamentarian, told AFP.

The SVP supports more nuclear power instead.

The elites in Bern and Zurich vs the proles everywhere else…get out popcorn! Rarely do the poor put-upon voters get asked about such things, so like Brexit the chance of a nice surprise is real.

June 7, 2024 12:59 pm

Driving back to Sydney & we have not seen so much traffic heading west! What is happening? Is Sydney evacuating?

June 7, 2024 1:05 pm

Stopped for coffee on way back & read freebie SMH on table. Actually, an old bloke heard me say there was no Oz – so he handed me the SmH on his table. We were in the Blue Mtns – & they are all lefties up there.

Anyway, there was a story about the rumour that Shorten is to be appointed Ambassador to France. Really annoying as he wrecked the joint with the NDIS & now escapes retribution.

June 7, 2024 1:14 pm

I love the term that I heard for the first time on Sky last night to describe Bowen’s unachievable power fantasies:

“Hippie Power”.

June 7, 2024 1:20 pm

Shorten to France eh? Albanese disappearing a potential rival, or putting him on ice for when Gillard’s NDIS explodes?

The Foreign Affairs commos in the embassy will love him.

June 7, 2024 1:38 pm

Is this Hippie Power – going back to the old Mon OT, refusing to comment on the new Royal Birthday OT?

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 7, 2024 2:49 pm

the rumour that Shorten is to be appointed Ambassador to France

What have the Frogs done to deserve that?

Maybe Bill could get the Barracuda nuclear sub detail going again. They’d get here before any other of the three proposals…

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 7, 2024 2:55 pm


A domestic violence survivor who pulled herself out of homelessness by building a tiny home on a friend’s property faces being kicked out on the street by council red tape.  

Teena Keys, from Geelong, south-west of Melbourne, was left homeless after losing her business during the pandemic and fleeing an abusive relationship. 

In a damning indictment of Australia’s deepening housing crisis, she was rejected from more than 60 rentals and was forced to spend three years couch surfing and sleeping in her car while trying to rebuild her housekeeping business. 

But her fortunes turned around in December last year when she built a tiny off-grid home on a friend’s 100-acre property in the rural Victorian town of Anakie.

Then again she could have just brought in a caravan.

Readers don’t like Councils and so on:

Do you think the council should relax the red tape on tiny houses to help solve the housing crisis?

Yes 93%
No 7%

Daily Mail

June 7, 2024 3:20 pm

Dr. John Campbell with Professor Colleen Aldous

New evidence thinking

June 7, 2024 5:57 pm


Tucker and Bongino got booted from Fox

Alex Jones owes $1 billion and expects InfoWars to be raided by Feds

Rudy Giuliani owes $100 million for saying a rigged election was rigged

Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro are being imprisoned

Trump has 34 felonies and was banned off all social media

CFO of Epoch Times was just indicted

James O’Keefe is gone from Project Veritas

OAN was banned from all major satellite networks

Parler was booted off their AWS cloud server

Elon’s being sued and investigated by the Feds for allowing free speech on Twitter/X

Almost every “alternate elector” has been indicted in blue states

The Communists have taken over America and if we don’t defeat them in November, this list will look like an appetizer compared to what they’ll do to us next

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  1. Cenk needs his nose driven into his head, ‘Shut up’: Douglas Murray clashes with Cenk Uygur over Israel-Hamas war

  2. Dan Andrews to head youth mental health service Former Victorian premier Daniel Andrews has been appointed to chair youth mental…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x