May not happen. Hamas not provided Israel list of hostages for release Sunday (19 Jan) Netanyahu said that Israel “will…
May not happen. Hamas not provided Israel list of hostages for release Sunday (19 Jan) Netanyahu said that Israel “will…
cohenite January 19, 2025 11:29 am There are polymaths who are good at everything; someone called me a polymath once.…
Is. The parents in this instance. – the school should tell the parents unless the child’s stops behaving like an…
Slower and slower. Some car guy tried it, overrode the control limits and tested how far it would go before…
If he were a junkie, he’d be entitled to an up to 670.000 a year care package.
Oops … vindicated.
How do you get jet lag on AF1?
Have a quick feed and go to bed onboard.
That is the only part of the above that makes sense of the ‘market reaction’ which was signaled before it even appeared ‘spontaneously’; namely, the preference for maintaining the decades long status quo.
John H.
July 9, 2024 12:04 am
You are a good font of knowledge JH.
Scroll if not your cuppa.
Well, that’s an other explanation for the loss of HMS Hood.
(By the Navy General Board)
Luck plays a part in our lives I suppose, it must, or I would be dead a dozen times over with the stupid things I’ve done.
Destiny plays no part in it as far as I know, haven’t done anything remarkable, the offspring are nice and hard working, but show no sign of greatness either.
Maybe in centuries to come?
Would be nice if they remembered me.
Navy General Board
Sailors look on as HMS Hood arrives at Hawaii in June of 1924. The battle cruiser was visiting during her World Cruise.
One wonders what they might have been thinking as Hood was the World’s largest capital ship in service and arguably the most prestigious at the time.
While on the subject, I feel that it is important to address the elephant in the room.
During recent posts on HMS Hood, I have noticed that many people repeatedly poke fun at her demise and use it as an excuse to bash the design. Apparently her explosion is evidence of a bad design.
On the other hand, these same individuals would likely not complain about the prospect of one of the Queen Elizabeth class battleships being sent against Bismarck, battleship being their designation of course.
The Irony of this being that Hood had the exact same level of armor protection as these “battleships” and was, in some areas, actually better protected. Between her combination of speed, armor, and firepower, Hood matched up against Bismarck far better than people would care to admit, especially for a ship that was two decades older.
So why her sudden loss if she was supposedly so powerful?
Well, if you bothered to pay attention to any of my work, you would notice a prevalent trend of luck playing a role.
Simple, impartial, often brutal luck.
The best design, operated by the best crew, and deployed to the most carefully laid plans, can and has been completely shattered by luck. Typically it arrives in the form of variables outside the control of the crew.
At the range and position of Hood, she should have been safe from any critical shell hits from Bismarck.
However, fate intervened and, somehow, a German shell managed to hit something critical.
One might run a simulation of that scenario a thousand times and for nine hundred and ninety-nine times, Hood might not have succumbed to such a hit. However, on that particular day and at that particular time Hood drew the short straw.
Scenarios such as this are not uncommon either. The only reason HMS Hood seems to have survived the test of time is due to her prestige. She was, for all intents and purposes, the flagship of all the World’s navies at the time.
The United States studied her design, the Germans used her as an imaginary opponent, essentially every major Navy was influenced by Hood in one way or another.
It’s for this reason her sudden loss was a massive shock. No one expected her to be lost in such a manner.
Overall, I find it very shortsighted to be critical of Hood or her design based on her loss.
If one cannot acknowledge how luck played a role in her demise then you must not have paid attention to any of the things I’ve been trying to teach on this page.
Oops, pic.
Once again I can recommend M Steyn.
Australian right wing humour. I enjoyed the superwog series on the ABC.
Is Superwog based? (
Would it look a little like this?
Yesterday I warned about Big Food. I just read this. He goes further and makes an excellent point about all the dodgy products being pushed but those at least those are typically neutral health wise.
Vested interests in nutrition and the chronic disease explosion (
No politician will touch this. No-one in the media will make it an ongoing campaign. Too much money involved.
Great to see this but will it ever reach the MSM?
Johannes Leak.
He always does it! Nails it with simplicity, direct truth to power.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Ben Garrison.
It sounds awfully like Ted Allbeury’s “All Our Tomorrows”.
The Unions have brought Britain to its knees and a Leftist Government signs a “Treaty of Neutrality and Cooperation” with the Soviet Union, which begins the next morning with Russian troop transports landing in London.
…but some Saxons are distinctly unhappy.
John H/Arky:
You two are not in agreement with each other – the statements are opposite.
China’s Rapid Renewables Rollout Hits Grid Limits
It looks like China hit its 30% renewables limit in 2021, and now their grid is becoming unstable with renewables having to be turned off.
Regarding healthy food.
Recently heard on the radio about new line of 50 % less sugar for lollies from the Natural Confectionary Company. Sounded like a good idea so had a look in the supermarket.
Well guess what ? Almost exactly double the price of the normal variety.
Being good for you comes at a price. Lower income people going to pay a lot more for the so called healthier option.
Did not buy either.
Do those lollies now contain various other chemicals to replace the sugar?
China’s record-breaking deployment of wind and solar capacity has worsened regional power imbalances, forcing the country to idle increasing amounts of renewable generation when it overwhelms local consumption.
Pardon the repeat – it didn’t appear when I refreshed and I assumed the comment had gone on holidays….
Hallward last evening.
So you’ve never landed a taildragger in max crosswind, then?
Or flown a heavy when all 4 engines get shelled out by volcanic ash.
July 9, 2024 5:54 am
Regarding healthy food.
Recently heard on the radio about new line of 50 % less sugar for lollies from the Natural Confectionary Company. Sounded like a good idea so had a look in the supermarket.
Well guess what ? Almost exactly double the price of the normal variety.
Being good for you comes at a price. Lower income people going to pay a lot more for the so called healthier option.
The whole thing is a con.
It’s not the sugar content that matters, it’s how many of them you eat.
I’m guessing a typical boiled sweet contains the equivalent of 1-2 teaspoons of sugar – similar to what many people have in a cup of coffee or tea.
Eating the occasional lolly is the same as having a cuppa. No biggie.
It’s eating them by the handful that has a noticeable effect on sugar intake.
Once the packet is opened, the contents are doomed for digestion.
July 8, 2024 11:26 pm
Disclaimer: I didn’t last in Eco 101 past O-week, so I am totally clueless on these matters.
Isn’t the point of having lollies that they are full of sugar?
Same as for cakes having lots of cream and stuff all bad for you, allegedly.
You wouldn’t live on them but they are very nice treats once in a while.
Extended interview.
If you know anyone with Parkison’s Disease or Multiple Sclerosis, get them on nicotine patches pronto. Cheap as chips and nothing to lose giving it a go. It also works with autism too.
Avoid the ciggies.
99% of the population would be clueless about this. Not their fault.
DR. BRYAN ARDIS | What you Don’t Know about Nicotine could KILL YOU! Exposing the Lie. Revealing the Benefits.
Healthy alternative to hideous pre packaged cereals – veggie waffles. Same principle as the Japanese cabbage pancake.
Cooked some up this morning. Mmmmmm.
You can put ham or bacon in them for extra yum.
Mutley says, “I didn’t last in Life 101 past 0-week. That’s why I’m such a dipshit”.
The unholy alliance of the French Centre (Macron’s mob) with the lefties has succeeded in stymying the right (National Rally – Le Pen’s mob) for the time being, but it will continue to grow.
In the meantime, France may be virtually ungovernable with three major groups holding seats.
If there is one major issue leading most of Europe in a right wards direction it is uncontrolled immigration. When Germany’s soccer captain comes out and says his country is no longer safe to live in, you know there’s a problem.
Doesn’t matter to mUnturd, as long as the left is in at least nominal control, normal citizens are ignored.
France may be virtually ungovernable …….
You say it like its a bad thing
July 9, 2024 5:54 am
Regarding healthy food.
Generally the sugar/carbohydrates in Natural Confectionery Company lollies is no different to Allens or Lifesavers or whoever.
The “new line” with less sugar will use Stevia or artificial sweeteners, which are more expensive.
The Natural Confectionery Company’s big thing is “no artificial colours and flavours”, so I am guessing they use Stevia (or monkfruit extract as it is sometimes called) as it is Natural.
Oh, and they are made with 100% renewable electricity.
Sancho, stevia and monkfruit are different plants. Both produce extremely sweet parts – leaves/stems and fruits respectively. Both can be dried, processed and crystallised for easy use.
I have both in the pantry, but use them very sparingly as they taste a bit odd compared to sugar. John H. might know the detail, but I understand they have less effect on sugar sensitivity than aspartame and saccharine.
Leaving sugar behind is one of the hardest things you can do – it’s so addictive! You can take away my sugar, but you’ll have to prize my evening glass of red from my cold, dead hands. 😀
Stevia was one of the sweeteners that were suspected of being a carcinogen in a Medscape review article I read last year, Calli. It was fairly damning of all sweeteners, and should have been so too about sugar – another concentrated plant extract – from sugar cane. The sweetener industry fought back, as the study had flaws. Most do. I still resist artificial sweeteners as they taste sickly and have an aftertaste always. I still use honey to sweeten hot milk b4 bed but I am trying to give up that comfort drink too. Rarely have it now.
Honey is good for you, Lizzie. Don’t give it up. It’s got lots of extra goodies in it that your body needs – like taste. Don’t deny yourself some luxuries otherwise you might just as well curl up and die because life isn’t worth living.
What’s in honey?
Thancho you forgot they are made by pixies and fairies, delivered by unicorn powered wagons.
I can’t have artificial sweeteners as they give me the runs so to limit sugar in my diet I only have dark chocolate.
I gave up buying bread, now I bake my own and because it’s not as handy, I eat far less of it. Over 6 months I’ve lost 11 kilos without any other change in my diet. I still have the occasional splurge on a bag of hard boiled lollies because I like them and I can. I still have my 6 schooners on Friday at the local – practising my social skills.
Bread being one of the staples, it seems hard to give it up but it’s not, and for the loss of weight I’d suggest to those who want to lose a bit, try it out. At 2 kilos a month, it’s a bloody good deal.
July 9, 2024 6:30 am
It is if you are a diabetic having a hypoglycaemic episode.
Someone I know was in that situation and was handed a bag of lollies to right the ship. The expected kick in blood glucose didn’t happen after a few minutes. On closer inspection it was discovered they were artificially sweetened.
The “excessive consumption may have a laxative effect” type.
Tim Blair in today’s Tele:
9 Jul 2024
“I am President of the United States of America,” Joe Biden said in 2021, as though reminding himself.
Then, echoing a slogan made famous by wartime leader Harry S. Truman, Biden went on: “And the buck stops with me.”
At the time, Biden was attempting to give an impression of taking responsibility for his government’s fatally mismanaged military withdrawal from Afghanistan. But his “buck stops with me” charade didn’t survive the rest of Biden’s speech, in which he blamed not himself for the withdrawal debacle, but instead pointed at previous president Donald Trump and America’s Afghan allies.
“Afghanistan’s political leaders gave up and fled the country,” Biden said. “The Afghan military collapsed, sometimes without trying to fight.
” Which certainly can’t be said of Biden, an utterly collapsed individual, who is nevertheless fighting like a demon to remain alive, in some form of control and in the White House.
And he’s still blaming everybody and everything else when it all goes wrong.
Even before Biden was finished melting down during a presidential debate that he’d loudly called for and entirely pre-arranged, the 81-year-old’s campaign team was putting it about that he had a bad cold.
Sniffing Joe became sniffling Joe.
That excuse didn’t work, so Biden next claimed he’d been done in by a truly epic case of jet lag.
“I wasn’t very smart,” Biden said at a fundraising event following that delirious debate.
“I decided to travel around the world a couple times, going through I don’t know how many time zones …
“And then I came back and nearly fell asleep on stage.“
Two things: When destined for venues overseas, Biden doesn’t exactly ride in the cargo bay of a creaky old de Havilland Comet.
He’s aboard Air Force One, which according to the White House website, provides the US President and his flying friends with some “4,000 square feet of floor space on three levels”. Reckon there’d be a comfy bed or two included in all that airborne real estate.
Secondly, Biden didn’t rush directly to the debate site after landing.
He’d returned to the US an entire 12 days prior.
Imagine suffering nearly two weeks of travel-related discombobulation.
Being so exceptionally vulnerable, Biden probably cops a debilitating dose of jet lag every time he walks too quickly across a bridge. Even taking into account the occasional fall.
Again, that excuse didn’t wash.
So Biden blamed Trump and his debate “shouting”, which nobody else apparently heard.
“Even when I was answering a question, even though they turned his mic off, he was still shouting,” Biden told an interviewer last week. “And I let it distract me.”
Well, yes. Loud voices in your head definitely can be distracting, as any crazy person testifying in court will quickly aver. Odd to have a president claim psychological affinity with Son of Sam serial killer David Berkowitz, but here we are.
The biggest surprise in all of this isn’t Biden’s dementia, which has been evident for years.
It’s that the press are now suddenly surprised by it – or are at least pretending to be surprised.
I mean, they’ve been seeing all the same videos as the rest of us. Back in 2020, for example, then candidate Biden provided CNN interviewer Dr Sanjay Gupta with a fascinating theory about Covid management.
“Um, you know, there’s a, uh, during World War II, uh, you know, where Roosevelt came up with a thing, uh, that, uh, you know, was totally different than a- than the …” Biden said. “It’s called, he called it, the, you know, the World War II, he had the war,” the confused man continued. “The, the War Production Board.”
Dr Gupta happens to be an associate chief of neurosurgery, so he’s no doubt observed similar symptoms over the years.
At one point during Biden’s Roosevelt ramble, Dr Gupta’s expression seemed to turn from neutral to concerned.
But CNN and the rest of the Biden-backing media didn’t say a damn thing.
They just kept pushing their man along, praying he’d keep it together just long enough to defeat Donald Trump.
They can’t pretend any longer that Biden is healthy, however, so the left-wing press is currently in an abandonment phase.
CNN’s Dr Gupta, who didn’t comment four years ago following Biden’s interview battle, now has plenty to say.
“For me as a brain specialist, it was concerning to watch President Joe Biden, and it quickly became clear that I was not alone in my reaction,” Dr Gupta wrote last week.
“I received more than a dozen calls, texts and emails from medical colleagues who, like me, specialise in the brain …
“From a neurological standpoint, we were concerned with his confused rambling, sudden loss of concentration in the middle of a sentence, halting speech and absence of facial animation, resulting at times in a flat, open-mouthed expression.”
We’ve seen it all before. CNN showed it during that 2020 interview.
But only now do Biden’s backers dare speak of his politically disqualifying
mental erosion.
Democrat-leaning Sanjay Gupta is still providing excuses for that debate though. Talk about having a bob each way. He used his expertise to declare three or four things that could be wrong with Joe, from Parkinsons to ‘just a cold’ because in older folk colds can have a marked effect on cognition.
Ok Doc Gupta, in your white coat adorned with a stethoscope on top of your best suit and TV tie, saying you had just come from ‘the hospital’ (you liar) to reinforce your medical appearance: do you advise having an elderly person to whom a cold is a brain disease being in charge of the nuclear codes? Because I don’t.
The nuclear codes part is particularly bad because if he has them, then no one else has. A decapitating strike at 0200 would work because no one can over rule the senile President as Commander in Chief in time to order a counter strike.
I’m the president and the buck stops at my bank account
Jo Nova illustrates the insanity of net zero for the west, destruction for the west. This is part of her post.
”Remember you are a planet-wrecker, but China just has growing painsChina burns four times as much coal as the second largest coal burner in the world. Everyone else is an also-ran in the coal stakes. For every ton the US consumes, China fries 12 times as much. And poor patsy Australia, for every ton we apologetically ignite, China burns 50. More coal was burned on Earth in 2023 than ever before in human history, and more than half of it was burned in China. Moreover, despite all the Sino nodding to sacred targets China shows no intention of putting the brakes on the coal train. Around the world, 95% of all new coal power plants built in 2023 were built in China.”
The simple reason is that Chinese leaders are not stupid and don’t want their country to be hobbled by unreliable renewables that are expensive on top of that. Western world in contrast has stupid leaders who are encouraging and facilitating stupidity in their population so they will not notice that stupidity.
See my earlier post 0540 about the Chinese grid becoming unstable due to the amount of renewables in the mix. They do have the ability to just turn them off, whereas in the West the Renewable Industry will extract a potent amount of political pain for a government that does.
July 9, 2024 6:52 am
Reply to Sancho Panzer
I did wonder that, but then read they were the same.
As for red wine, treat it like Johanna’s advice on lollies.
One or two?
7-8 … maybe not.
I know they call them “empty calories” but there isn’t that much carbohydrate/sugar in a glass of red when compared with a decent chunk of cake or a biscuit.
calli, I dislike the use of pre-packaged food. Going through the checkout I see people with packets of food but very little whole foods. They usually pay twice what I do. I don’t think most people really know what food tastes like.
A bottle of Pinot Noir has 17 gms of carbohydrate.
A single Tim-Tam biscuit has 12.
You choose.
I have given up Tim-Tams. I think for a while during Covid they were an addiction. I’m not usually a sweet-toother.
Not trying to pick a fight here, but what units are we talking about?
Sancho Panzer
July 9, 2024 6:53 am
?It is if you are a diabetic having a hypoglycaemic episode.
One of the quickest way to get glucose into your system is to drink a teaspoon or two of sugar dissolved in a glass of water.
Works for me.
Or a Glucagen Hypokit. If you have one.
My sister uses supermarket orange juice for hypos. It’s loaded with sugar.
I was surprised the first time I used a Glucagon pen on a patient – they’re very quick to have an effect. Far quicker than the sugar water treatment, and a little faster than honey in the cheek where it is absorbed through the highly vascular tongue and cheek environment.
Duzzenmatter – whatever one you have is good. Unless you’re practised at it the Glucagon pen is fiddly to set up and time consuming.
I have Gluco pen because me GP thought it was a good idea. Haven’t used it and its been in the fridge for about 12 months plus. Now I cant even remember that last time I had a hypo or near hypo.
Loosing a lot of weight has helped and insulin doses have have come down a bloody lot.
Down to one dose of slow acting in the morning and a couple of tablets morning and one at night.
July 9, 2024 7:00 am
It’s not just the processed foods, it’s the “value add” foods.
Example 1. We prefer plain Grik yoghurt or vanilla flavoured if we are really cutting loose. There will be ten metres of shelving allocated to yoghurt in the supermarket, of which 9.975 is devoted to tricked up products, with the unadulterated product tucked away somewhere. “Fruit” yoghurt is the worst. Often just a dollop of cheap jam thrown into lower quality yoghurt.
Example 2. Tomato passata and sauces. If I want garlic or basil or “herbs” or nettle or sundried whatever I can add it myself. I think Aldi did an advert on the boy growing to a man in the sauce aisle waiting for his parents to choose the right tomato sauce.
Not wrong
Meanwhile, in the once great Britain, a former Tory MP still hasn’t worked out why he’s a former Tory MP.
Glasses, Monsieur Depardieu.
Mon dieu!
Surely it is too early, even for you?
Bottles in Gérard’s case.
I tend to shop european style, every couple of days. Unless it’s for something special, only fruit and veggies in season.
Bottled sauces are full of added sugar and other horrors. Go “wog” and make your own passata when tomatoes are cheap and plentiful. Fun for all the family. Or just whizz up a couple of tins of chopped tomatoes. Or do your own “semi dried” with in-season Romas. Halve, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, a couple of garlic cloves, salt and pepper on a rack on a baking sheet. Into the oven on the lowest temperature and leave them to go all wrinkly and soft. Mmmm.
I will try that trick with tomatoes, Calli. Thanks.
How about the concentrated tomato paste, Calli?
mUnturd is like the butterfly in The King and I.
He flutters from topic to new topic and then on again. Still, I am surprised that he has not commented on a convicted felon, Grunter, joining Dr Jill as carer for the senile geriatric in the White House.
Nor has he commented on Grunter’s laptop having moved from “Wussian disinformation” through “Nothing but piccies of Grunter’s ‘Nine inch hog’ ” to becoming a key part of the evidence used to convict him of various felonies.
Surely that was mentioned in the DNC talking points? Or maybe not.
I see the our resident Nazi was defecating here overnight.
I hate Nazis.
I liked the Illinois Nazis jumping into the river.
Bottled sauces are very popular in Italy.
And working families are time poor and probably only eat a pasta dish once a week.
I’d rather a glass of grenache than 10 lollies.
I can’t stand low calorie/zero calorie food. It’s all garbage, pumped full of sugar. And another pet hate is skim/lite milk. Drink full cream milk or nothing.
Also, butter, not margarine.
Never marg. That is so 1980’s nutritional guff.
Cass – I prefer savories to sweets any day. As for vino, currently I’m not imbibing Monday – Thursday. It’s extremely boring but it does help to lose a few kilos. I wish joy to the person so designer needy they stole my swimming costume when I left it in the shower at the pool recently. My new one just purchased at David Jones (who knew they had a whole floor of choice In Westfields BJ which a friend clued me in to?) is quite snazzy and will be christened in Fiji soon, I’m saving it for then. It will improve the fit for me to be two kilos lighter!
Margarine is one molecule away from plastic.
Everything is one binding molecule away from plastic. That was a trope from when I was a kid – along with the polywater ‘crisis’.
As a teenager, I was taken in by Rachel Carsons “Silent Spring”.
I would like to strangle her for the mental trauma she put on an entire generation of kids through just for her own benefit.
We have lite milk because we prefer it in tea. I agree that full cream tastes better on brekkie.
Wife and sister in law use ‘lite’ milk.
I ditched the lite when I discovered a local shop that sells full cream milk from an independent dairy that is pasteurised but not homogenised. A gold top lid as well. So the cream is floating in the top of the milk bottle and not suspended within the milk.
It reminded me of the days when the glass milk bottles were gold and silver tops.
Disclaimer: I started work in a North Coast dairy factory at the end of year 11. 🙂
Italians that make home made sauce, salami etc do it with extended family or friends once a year, in my observation, it’s a big undertaking.
I’m probably one of the people that are disapproved of because of the contents of my supermarket trolley. But, my situation is unusual because I live in a motel with only a microslave for cooking. (There is a kitchen on the site, but I can’t be bothered).
So, my trolley contains Port Salut cheese and crackers (processed); Dijon mustard for ham and cheese croissants (processed); fruit juice (processed); yummy dark chocolate (processed); soy sauce for Asian takeways (processed); salt and pepper (processed) – get the idea?
I did buy some mandarins (unprocessed). 🙂
Critiquing other people’s shopping is undoubtedly pleasurable. When I see the landwhales with six 3L bottles of Coke and a mountain of snack foods, I can’t help feeling a frisson.
But in my better moments I remind myself that (a) it’s none of my business; and (b) this is one shop, not always representative, and who knows what the circumstances are. Maybe the landwhales were shopping for a party.
Relying on unprocessed food is not only a leading cause of poverty and malnutrition (except in rich countries) … oh, right, we are talking about rich countries. Even as life expectancy extends, guilt and religiosity demands that we worship our ancestors.
Not me. Although some processed food is rubbish, the people who eat it still have a pretty good chance of living longer and healthier lives than the ancestors who dined on raw meat and berries.
Cooking is processing. Or, is it who does the cooking that matters?
It’s superstitious nonsense.
Johanna its all the other stuff that goes into processed food. Landwhales have parties by themselves. Your comment about unprocessed food being a leading cause of pverty and malnutrition is utter tosh.
Jo, try an air fryer. You can get them in K-Mart for around $79. I’ve often thought that I could survive well in a motel with only a microwave, toaster and jug, plus an air fryer. Washing up’s a breeze with an air fryer too and they do yummy chips. Motels often provide the first three. If I was staying longer I’d also add a sandwich press, as they can also be used as a grill and are great for lunches. Keep them in a cupboard to avoid someone saying you can’t have them.
I think I’d prefer motel life to a serviced aged-care facility. In motels there is always someone on call if you need help, they do the bedding and towels, and from what I’ve seen of aged care food you are better off calling in Thai or Chinese (yum) or using your air fryer. You are also not in with a lot of body-obsessed or dementing older people. So never think I diss you for your choice of accommodation.
Hairy’s keen on renting an apartment on a cruise ship as his preferred aged-care system if I’m not around. lol, I say. All of those elderly widows, or bimbos chasing your money.
I don’t have space for more appliances.
My diet consists mainly of things cooked by somebody else, and it is good quality.
As for accommodation options, if I was wealthier I’d live in a flasher version, but in principle it has a lot going for it. Always said that if I was rich I’d live in a hotel – I hate housework, and all that crap of multiple bills, maintenance, and neighbours with yappy Jack Russels or a penchant for all night parties punctuated with loud arguments.
Not my problem any more.
Not me. Although some processed food is rubbish, the people who eat it still have a pretty good chance of living longer and healthier lives than the ancestors who dined on raw meat and berries.
Nice strawman you have there 😉
Whilst we are discussing food, I seared a scotch fillet for dinner last night. Kept it simple, only seasoned with salt before it hit the pan. Throw in a nob of butter, cheffie style and when melted, spoon it over the steak.
While steak rests, I make a simple salad.
Mustard with the steak, simple vinaigrette with the salad.
Nothing processed, took less than ten minutes.
Also, you can’t cook a decent steak in an air fryer. 😀
That is absolutely true. Steak doesn’t do well in an air fryer. In contrast to lamb cutlets, lamb steak pieces or lamb chops, which come up beautifully under a medium heat in the air fryer. As do most other meats and fish although it does help to put a little oil on them first. You have to experiment with the timings and heat settings.
Mustard with the steak?
Hmmmm… I cooked two scotch fillets last night for Mrs Beertuk and myself.
Mashed potatoes with whole milk and butter.
Cabbage cooked under done with small amount of water, some butter and not boiled into oblivion like me Mum or Gran cooked it.
Mushroom and onion gravy made from scratch in the cast iron frypan after the steaks were cooked.
No lumps…W00000T!!! 🙂
Mrs Beertruk doesn’t eat or like mushrooms so she made her gravy from the Greens gravy granules. One count of heresy to be tried by The Spanish Inquisition. 🙂
excellent behaviour
my seasoned cast iron camping pans are prized possessions
water beads off them like off a ducks back
Mustard with the steak, simple vinaigrette with the salad.
Nothing processed, took less than ten minutes.
Nothing ‘processed’?
Mustard isn’t processed? Vinegar isn’t processed? Oil isn’t processed?
Did you season with salt and pepper? Processed.
People have been hypnotised by this greenie bullshit.
Oh, butter is also ‘processed.’
That’s at least six ingredients of your ‘unprocessed’ (all hail Green belief) meal that are in fact processed. If not for that, we’d still be living in caves.
Fatima Payman: Newly Independent senator may be in line for extra staffKatina CurtisThe West Australian
Tue, 9 July 2024 2:00AM
Newly independent senator Fatima Payman could be in line for an extra two staff after she quit the Labor Party — but she is at the mercy of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to get the additional support.
She will also have to hire at least five new staff and work out the practicalities of running an independent political office such as how to keep track of constituents without access to the central electoral roll databases the major parties maintain.
The first-term WA senator quit Labor last week over her frustration with the party’s approach to Palestinian statehood and the Gaza conflict.
On Monday she pledged to visit “every single town” in the State to find out what was important to the voters she will represent for another four years.
Political strategists say she now has to decide how she wants to position herself across a broad range of issues while dealing with the practicalities of setting up a fresh office from scratch.
Notre Dame University politics professor Martin Drum said a positive of being in a political party was they provided their MPs with expert advice around legislation.
“That’s much trickier when you’re an independent or in a very small party; you have to do all your own research — and they’ve got some resources in their own office, but obviously not the same resources that would come from a minister’s office or a shadow minister’s office,” he said.
She may find most of her constituents couldn’t give a rodent’s ringpiece about Palestinian statehood.
What future has GBNews under the UK’s Islamo Communist Government. It is certain that Ofcom will fulfill its long term desire and ‘off’ them within months.
There is a role for a rejuvinated Radio/TV Caroline; satellite based. The question however is what language should it broadcast in.
The BBC Tax is secure for another five years. I read somewhere (Spiked I think) that the ever zealous granny trapping license inspectors don’t knock on Muslim doors nor visit centers of traditional British culture such as Tower Hamlets.
Living in a “houso” ethnic enclave I often wonder if the various authorities pursue these folks over unpaid/overdue bills with the same zeal they do white folk .. I know, for a fact, that the “houso” mob are very, very lax with rent issues (late or fiddling) when it involves “where you were born” .. Whereas, if your white they react immediately ……
I suppose looking at the French election results the Frogs don’t really change ..
Macaroon got into bed with the communists to save his job ..
In 1940 Petain did the same with Hitler’ s Nazi party …………!
Inside Brittany Higgins and David Sharaz’s alleged ‘plot’ to take down Linda Reynolds and the government – as defamation case is rocked by new bombshell
Daily Mail.
I get the impression, and I’m no luvva of Knickerless, that Reynolds is introducing a lot of hearsay/guesswork as solid evidence ..
I never eat take away, I never use ‘uber eats’ or any of the other meal delivery services. I live in an inner-city apartment block and every night there are multiple deliveries of meals, and I wonder “why aren’t people cooking?” I can’t understand this dependency, plus it must be very expensive.
I cook every night. It takes ten minutes to cook a stir fry, a few minutes to cook an omelette or a frittata or a tortilla. I’ll make a ragu, stew or casserole and freeze portions for future use. My mother brought us up to make almost everything from scratch. My sister and I have cook our mother’s recipes….curried snags, corn fritters, chicken soup, minestrone, Spanish tortilla, spanakopita, Lancashire hot pot, chicken and pea risotto, spag bol, tuna mornay, corned beef, beef curry, Mexican beans, chicken cacciatore, tuna patties and many others. Cheap, nutritious and delicious. This is my favourite kind of food, aka ‘frugal food’ or what the Italians call “Cucina Povera”.
I sometimes wonder if one of the contributing causes/factors in our society’s alarming levels of obesity is this dependency on ‘take away’ food and meals.
People have become lazy but to be fair, both men and women now work, it is hard at the end of the day but it isn’t hard to cook up a cheap, nutritious and quick meal for a family of four.
In that once green and pleasant land, a cultist does a cultish thing.
Too right. And…some things are better bought frozen than fresh. Peas for instance. I’d never shell a wretched fresh supermarket pea when I can buy frozen goodness.
Also, you live your life the way you want to, and that includes the food you put in your gob. I simply like cooking because for me it’s fun. Travel helps – in Spain I discovered the joys of fresh globe artichokes. The moment they’re in season, I’ll give the recipe a twirl.
We aren’t in the third world, and for a start we don’t move around as much as people there. Yet we have a calorie rich selection of foods to enjoy.
I’ve always liked this Tale of Two Children…
Too right about the frozen peas.
Now don’t you be cruel to Pol Tot! ?
John Nolte hits it out of the park:
Had Biden gone into that debate five points ahead of Trump instead of a few points down, the media jihad would look very different today. Instead of calling on Biden to step aside, we’d be force-fed lies about Biden having a cold, suffering jet lag (after six days of rest at Camp David), being sharp as a tack after an off night, and watching endless replays of former President Trump carefully walking down a ramp and sipping a glass of water.
Five years of video that proves Biden has become increasingly frail and confused would not matter to the media if His Fraudulency were up five points.
Years of getting caught knowing reporter questions in advance and still stumbling on the answers would not matter to the media if His Fraudulency were up five points.
That disastrous debate with Trump would not matter to the media if His Fraudulency were up five points.
You see, everything the corporate media do must be reverse-engineered to the starting point of, How does this aid and abet the Democrat Party? That will always be the media’s only motive for whatever they do.
No sane person believes that the same media guilty of spreading the Russian Collusion Conspiracy Theory or who told us Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation or who told us unedited video of President Roomba is “misinformation” have suddenly decided to do what’s best for American democracy.
The media are vile, venal, evil fascists who only wish us harm.
The only thing the corporate media woke up to last week was the sweaty fear Biden cannot beat Trump. So now the very same media that crybabies about “democracy” want tens of millions of Democrat Party primary voters (who already knew Biden was old and frail) disenfranchised, their votes stomped into dust by the jackboots of party apparatchiks.
If Joe Biden were five points up, he could’ve walked on that debate stage, dropped his pants, enjoyed a good pee, walked off, and the media would be telling us “Good ole’ Scranton Joe hit a debate home run showing the Orange Bad Man the contempt he deserves.”
Well done, that man.
Pogria, last night I sat down to a simple steak, with potatoes fried in duck fat and served with a green salad dressed with salt, lemon and wonderful Cobram olive oil..
And I smeared my steak with hot English mustard.
Duck fat potatoes.
I still have some goose fat I rendered a few years ago from my home grown and killed geese. I treasure it and use sparingly. The duck fat from my muscovies is long gone.
Cassie, apart from the spuds, seems we had the same dinner. 😀
I roast ducks on a rack and collect all the fat to use later for potatoes. It’s really good that my family like my roasted duck as I make it often.
Yum, bar the mustard, of which I am not a fan!
Much as I hate their Imitation Game, which in my mind amounts to copyright theft, I admire Aldi for a few short tactics, which are inter-related-
-very tight choice of lines, IIRC 6000 in contrast to Colesworth’s 15 000 odd-
-that compressed range leads to a tidier store, quicker descision making, and a phenomenon where shoppers are more satisfied with their pick. Something on the Jordan Peterson podcast said a choice between four options is the ultimate satisfier- any more that six, there is a residual nagging thought that the shopper still didn’t get the best value after all.
All true, and it saves time. I can do a big household stock-up shop in Aldi in just over 20 minutes; it would take over an hour in Colesworths. And it’s cheaper.
and for some random grazing for new treats, food or otherwise, the middle aisle awaits … good, different …
Aldi is blessedly quiet too, no ghastly muzak.
The Fan Club appears to have indigestion this morning.
Eat more fibre.
Bring a true Conservative I only eat lollies lollies made with coal or nuclear power.
“Oh, and they are made with 100% renewable electricity”.
Not being in possession of an air fryer, I shall contribute to the zeitgeistie treats-sugar-quantities conundrum by submitting a rolling review of different brands of choc liquorice bullets.
1, Darrell Lea
Very strong product, quite toothy to the bite, very well tempered chocolate too, for the handful-grabber. Liquorice is medium rich but not salty, which probably suits the lighter and slightly pale chocolate, leading to a well-balanced ensemble. Quite smashable.
Bogey rate- 5 small round shot / 220g bag
tomorrow- that other long-term mainstay, Fyna Foods
Onya Wally, I hate pretentious foodies.
are you being deliberately obtuse this morning?
Okay, I’ll bite.
Anything we are going to place into our gobs has been “processed”, in some form. The meat we eat is from beasts that went through the “killing”, process first. Then it goes through the breaking down process. ie, cutting into manageable pieces.
The grains we grow for our breads and pastas, same. Yes, if you are being super pedantic, everything is processed in some way, even the lettuce leaf you pick from your own garden minutes before eating it, is “processed”, by rinsing it to rid it of dirt and bugs. Unless you have some weird fetish for yukky stuff.
Minimal processing, v Franken food.
Butter v margarine.
Exactly so Pogria.
Cassie of Sydney
July 9, 2024 8:09 am
I work in the industry and know full well what can happen and making absolutely sure that it does not in our stores.
I would never eat in a restaurant where I can’t see the food being prepared and never would have food delivered no matter how ‘secure’ the packaging might be.
Probably too cautious?
Paranoid even?
I might add; having made much tomato sauce, pickles, chutneys and jam in my far off youth all the home made versions contain sugar, it’s a preservative.
For jams it was a ratio of 50:50.
I don’t know how that happened. I posted a hotlink and up came the photo.
Normally I would do a screenshot, but the file was too large to post. The vagaries of WordPress.
France Just Committed Suicide
Mélenchon, leader of the coalition New Popular Front who won the legislative elections in France, drops some truth bombs. This sounds like the real left here, not the fake one like in the US & UK:
Do you look at the links you post? For a start, Melanchon is a far-left, open borders, France hating megalomaniac, along with being a notorious Jew hater. His screed in that link is directed at Israel defending itself. Melanchon regularly allies himself with Islamists in France. Melanchon doesn’t drop ‘truth bomb’, he drops ‘lie bombs’.
He’s obviously forgotten who started the latest round of war in the Middle East – and so have you. 1400 Jews were mercilessly slaughtered because of their religion and the perpetrators are annoyed because their victims are fighting back.
How Greens deputy leader Mehreen Faruqi is set make investment property portfolio megabucks – after slamming Australia’s housing system for ‘screwing over’ millions
Daily Mail. What’s the old song say? “Hypocrite used to be such a big word..”
Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib reverts to type
Sweden Is Safer in the Summertime, But No One Wants to Face the Reason Why
Those of course would be the ‘refugees’ who so feared for their lives in their
homecountries of origin that they had to escape to countries with better social handouts.Cassie of Sydney
July 9, 2024 8:09 am
I never eat take away, I never use ‘uber eats’ or any of the other meal delivery services. I live in an inner-city apartment block and every night there are multiple deliveries of meals, and I wonder “why aren’t people cooking?” I can’t understand this dependency, plus it must be very expensive.
Well, well, a virtue-signalling finger-wagger, right here in our bosom.
Then we get (I love this)
People have become lazy but to be fair, both men and women now work, it is hard at the end of the day but it isn’t hard to cook up a cheap, nutritious and quick meal for a family of four.
This from someone who lives alone, has no children, and has no idea what it it is like to have to feed that fictitious ‘family of four’ every night, week after week, month after month, year after year.
Winner of the Jamie Oliver Award 2024.
Oh dear, I’ve triggered the Queanbeyan motel resident.
Processed vodka for brekkie I’d say.
Her nastiness does require ‘processing’. It’s completely natural.
A viral photo identified as Biden’s speechwriting team explains so much
Blocked on Facebook.
Because – “We aim to respect your free expression while keeping the community safe.”
I love term “far right”, used so often to describe anyone not as far left as they are. The MSM parrot it even on Sky. The political spectrum is not a straight line but a circle with the far left and the far right being as close to each other as you can get.
But call Lee Rhiannon and her anointed successors ‘far left’ and you’ll be told to go wash your mouth out.
The Three Presidents Biden
Meet The Shadowy Left-Wing Nonprofit Harvesting Voter Data To Juice Democrat Turnout
Joe Biden Is Not A Decent Man
Sweden Is Safer in the Summertime, But No One Wants to Face the Reason Why
Who Is Running the White House? Because This Article Spills Some Disturbing Details
Am unfamiliar with superwog. For really enjoyable viewing, watch superboong. (Though I’ve a feeling there won’t be reruns)
There is a word I haven’t heard uttered in 50 years; yet it sprang to my lips when I smelled the interior of a car abandoned in my office driveway.
Duck fat – processed.
Salt – processed.
Olive oil – processed,
Mustard – processed.
If I wanted to get picky, your steak was also processed – unless you killed and butchered the beast.
Stop falling for Greenie framing of the debate.
“processed” refers to stuff that isn’t food being turned into something that only just approximates food and is sold as food. See margarine and other seed oil derived crap.
Eyrie, it’s probably better if we just let the girls get the shit off their livers all by themselves.
They’ll all be here in a minute – except for Calli who has more sense than to get caught up in these catfights.
Ranga, I prefer processed gin. Found a rather nice one in the travels – Tanqueray Flor de Sevilla.
Excellent breakfast beverage – replaces marmalade toast. 😀
May I suggest not letting them back in?
If Zatara and Supercilious Prick had bothered to read my post I did say landing was the hard part of aircraft handling and when you are in a 4 engined heavy and all four get trashed by volcanic dust you are in the “thinking that goes with it is hard” area.
No, you said it was the ONLY hard part.
It most certainly is not and I gave an example of that.
Here we go:here we go…
Oh, and Labor and the Greens voted against said inquiry.
Identity politics chickens coming home to roost, as predicted.
revolutionary movements like marxism always, always end up eating their own
I have a good idea around what it takes to feed a family of four.
It’s clear the motel resident has zero/nada/zilch idea about much at all when it comes to food and meals. She equates an olive oil dressing made at home to serve alongside a steak with a packet of Maggi sauce bought in the supermarket.
One is highly processed, one is not. One is pumped full of sugar, one is not.
There’s a saying…
‘Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are’
or more plainly….
‘you are what you eat’.
This is getting better than the Thermomix wars!
Spatulas at twenty paces! And no concealed vegetable peelers, please.
I have to hide the vege peeler at my place otherwise wife will consign it to the rubbish bin along with all the others over the years.
She’s a lady after my own heart, Ranga. I peel vegies with a paring knife. Hairy makes a right mess of them with a vegie peeler. I get rid of these implements of damage to vegies but he finds another somewhere.
Y peelers? Buncha weirdos.
July 9, 2024 8:31 am
are you being deliberately obtuse this morning?
Okay, I’ll bite.
Anything we are going to place into our gobs has been “processed”, in some form. The meat we eat is from beasts that went through the “killing”, process first. Then it goes through the breaking down process. ie, cutting into manageable pieces.
The grains we grow for our breads and pastas, same. Yes, if you are being super pedantic, everything is processed in some way, even the lettuce leaf you pick from your own garden minutes before eating it, is “processed”, by rinsing it to rid it of dirt and bugs. Unless you have some weird fetish for yukky stuff.
Minimal processing, v Franken food.
Butter v margarine.
You perfectly illustrate my point.
What I am saying is that there are apparently ‘good’ and ‘bad’ foods depending on whether they are ‘processed.’ Also, whether they approve of the food.
These appelations are awarded by greenies and food nutters without the slightest critical analysis, and then regurgitated all over the MSM and the internet. It’s cool, it’s saving Da Planet – what else do you want?
The distinction you make between minimal processing and ‘Frankenfood’ is absurd. Many processed foods, such as wine, cheese, pickles, and Christmas cakes and puddings are very much processed.
Is there a number of processes that you regard as critical?
Do they disapprove of a bit of Brie on a cracker with a glass of Bordeaux?
If there is an argument to be made, it needs much clearer boundaries than this hippie nonsense.
By the way, the sea salt I use is NOT processed. It is harvested and packaged. Big difference.
Collecting and packaging and transporting it and seliing it – yup, just like you picked it in your garden!
Your definition should be marketed to the Greens.
What is ‘seliing’… that double Dutch?
And you don’t ‘pick’ salt, you harvest it.
Getting desperate, refusing to address the central point.
As someone who lives alone with no kids, your virtue-signalling about what a ‘family of four’ should do is just like the ghastly Jamie pontificating about school meals, or the hideous Michelle O’s doing the same by inflicting politically correct slop on kids.
The practicalities are not your concern.
Put up an Instagram post inviting ‘families of four’ who need a cooking lesson to call you.You’ll even cook them a meal.
No? Why not?
Could it be because pontificating from on high is as far as it goes?
LOL….I think I have a better idea of reality that you do.
Oh and why not try and bottle your nastiness? You might make a quick buck or two, the chief selling point could be….
‘A bottle of nastiness, all natural, no processing involved’.
July 9, 2024 8:33 am
I would never eat in a restaurant where I can’t see the food being prepared and never would have food delivered no matter how ‘secure’ the packaging might be.
If you want to know which restaurants to eat or not to eat at, ask a plumber.
Or a delivery driver. 40 years ago when at uni I used to deliver meat. There were some very fancy restaurants scattered around Sydney I wouldn’t eat at, given the state of the kitchens. The cleanest kitchen I ever saw was a small bowling club around Toongabbie somewhere.
I’d bet the cook was ex Catering Corps, Diogenes.
Don’t go to Cloverfield, the monster there will eat your car.
City of Sydney lowers speed limit in new road safety push (9 Jul)
Another hollowed-out green ghetto is being built, dumb policy by dumb policy. Get out before it’s too late.
I doubt that anyone would attain those speeds anyway in the gridlocked Sydney CBD.
Ditto Oxford St in Leederville with a 30kph limit. Lucky to keep up with pedestrians most times of the day.
Suffer hippy morons.
Roger’s Rules for Fruitful Debates, No 1:
Always begin with a mutually agreed upon definition of key terms.
Carry on…
The argument is not about packaging and shipping but about content, which is better described as quality.
There will always be tradeoffs between price point, convenience and nutrition.
My observation over the past couple of months – europeans by and large appear to be slimmer and possibly healthier than their British, Aussie and US counterparts. But this view could be skewed by the type of holidaymakers – older, sedentary types observed. Although I was struck by the number of very beefy young ones too.
Now I’m being hypocritical here also, because I have been doing a bit of chowing down so it’s pot vs. kettle. That, of course, is about to cease with a post vacation dietary reset.
Good honey, like Manuka honey, is not processed, it is harvested.
Some supermarket honeys have additives to thin it. They are abysmal.
If you want good honey, you need to spend a few dollars.
But it is worth the expense.
Your concern for those less fortunate is noted.
Your trolling is noted when you’re on the losing end of an argument.
What a sad sack you are. Nobody was personalising anything, until you came along with your usual all natural nastiness.
Not while I have a breath left in my body.
Four times failed Tory candidate and public homosexual is disgusted
there’s an actual conservative running for the leadership of the Tory Party.
Braverman just lost a key supporter and his voting bloc to Robert Jenrick, which probably puts her third in the leadership race. I’ve no idea whether the speech mentioned was anything to do with it, but she is obviously frustrated by the Tory “broad church.”
Braverman should defect to Reform.
She must be tempted.
These numpties are not getting the message that the voters have had enough of the broad church.
Speaking of gin, do they have a use by date? I have an unopened bottle of Hendrik’s that is about 12-15 years old. I guess the only way to check is by cracking it open.
July 9, 2024 10:07 am
The argument is not about packaging and shipping but about content, which is better described as quality.
There will always be tradeoffs between price point, convenience and nutrition.
That is my point. The definitions are blurred, and never described, This means that knowledge and, separately, analysis, are thrown in the dustbin.
TheirABC’s Rolodex of ‘experts’ epitomises this mindset. Notice how many of thei ‘stories’ are headed: ‘X is happening. But not everyone agrees.’
It’s not balance, it’s how they get minority activists into the media.
BTW, they ran a story about how depriving NDIS recipients of taxpayer funded sex services made them less fortunate than everybody else. Apparently, anyone without a disability is out there in Spring in rabbit season.with a Platinum card
I agree Calli that continental Europeans seem healthier than their Anglosphere equivalents.
I do note that highly processed foods and sweet drinks are much more expensive in European supermarkets.
I also have a notion* that city based underclasses in big British cities lost the ability to cook a few generations ago.
Chip butties and bread and jam a tenement staple when you were lucky to have a working gas ring in your flat.
If they came out of Glasgow tenements** a slap up dinner was Fray Bentos with tinned peas.
*a book I read
**post war migrants I met
I am increasingly frustrated by endless mindless articles professing to explain the demise of the Conservative Party.
There is only one cause, the spiteful perpetually treasonous English upper class. These creatures are inspired by one motive only – the preservation of their wealth and power. Undermining the nation is of no significance to a group who in the past desperately sought to apppease Hitler, who refused to invest in Britain post war and who have now adopted the WEF as the new Jurusalem.
Their undermining of the Party had two objectives: to remove the dangerous little people; but most importantly to reverse Brexit which threatened their wealth and cut them off from the EU trough.
Unfortunately most of the seats retained by the Tories are held by these upper class elitists. They are impervious to anything Starmer may do because they are the elite – the perpetual ruling class who will infact cheer many of Starmer’s repressive policies. They are convinced that the ermerging caliphate will not affect them. They are reflexively antisemitic.
Am I a touch paranoid about these dinosaurs? You bet I am. A near lifetime of working with and around these ridiculous snobs will do that to you.
This doesn’t only apply to Tories, Starmer actually stated it in an interview that he would choose Davos over Westminster. To me that sounded like a declaration of treason. They are vile, repulsive creatures.
I think the problem is that since 1945 the upper classes in many countries have slowly become ‘anywheres’ rather than ‘somewheres’. They fail to understand the cultural dilution of their countries because all the foreigners they know who are just like them.
The point is that when the British Empire came to an end, many in the upper class and upper middle class lost the reason to be nationalists. This allied to the supposed lesson that nationalism had caused the War, the socialist ideal of internationalism, the growth of globalism in business and the move away from the land ownership means that many of the elite have lost the connection with their country.
I too work with a lot of these people. I also went to school and uni with them. Most still are very much on the right, but as anywheres rather than somewheres. As long as the socialists don’t endanger their wealth too much, they can put up with a left wing government.
The ones on the left are worse, because they make money from the government, eg that slimeball Turnbull.
Not yet formally declared, of course.
But the jostling has begun.
Party membership favourite Kemi Badenoch keeping her cards close to her chest.
Your daily chuckle from the Daily Telegraph:
Just do it every day and leave the identity politics out of it please.
Do they sell Pali flags yet?
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 9, 2024 9:28 am
Here we go:here we go…
Here you go Zulu…
a bit lengthy at nearly 50 mikes but pretty detailed:
Fangblenny – A Film About Angus Campbell’s Distinguished Service Cross
Musorian Digger
Most interesting post – the Musorians – now there’s a name from the past.
Yuppers…fought against them numerous times…as well as the ‘naughty Kamarians’…
On the rare occasion I was lucky enough to conscripted into the Musorian and Kamarian Armies over the years.
Wasn’t much fun if you were captured because ‘your mates’ made sure you were given a hard time before being released back into the wild.
Much hilarity and talk in the unit boozer about it after the ex.
Cassie – I never eat take away
Dear me, I could not live without the occassional trip to Vic road in Richmond to pick up some duck, crispy pork, maybe BBQ pork and special fried rice .. a Bahn mi sandwich on other days from a bakery down there .. all very occassional. Local Indian place is excellent and their takeaway is generous. Ramen from Hawthorne and Pho from around the corner from us. Other direction, a short walk is Korean BBQ, and a Japanese all you can eat place, haven’t tried it yet, always too packed to get in!
These are the fruits of big city living and I love it.
**I don’t use Uber, didn’t like what they did to their competition and I know that’s business, but wow, it took away competition completely.
BTW, they ran a story about how depriving NDIS recipients of taxpayer funded sex services made them less fortunate than everybody else. Apparently, anyone without a disability is out there in Spring in rabbit season.with a Platinum card
The left rabbit on about incels all the time, are quite happy to pay for sex services for people in a preferred grievance sector, I’m guessing if you suggested incels meet this criteria too, they might not agree.
There must be a lot of muttering in the drawing rooms about two of the Tory leadership contenders having Jewish spouses.
As does Keir Starmer, btw.
Victoria Starmer is not halachically Jewish. She’s the daughter of a Jewish father and a mother who had a reform conversion.
Apparently though Starmer and his wife are raising their children as observant Jews.
Rosie, my reading is that they keep a semblance of Shabbat. And that’s great, super. But Starmer was a loyal ally to Corbyn during the worst of the anti-Semitism years. And only yesterday, as reported, Starmer spoke with Bibi. Kier Starmer is no friend to Israel and the Jews.
Still won’t endear him to muslims
One of the benefits of eating food prepared in a commercial kitchen is the strict hygiene & lack of any food risk.
Having eaten from the pub kitchen for the past umpty-ump years, I’ve forgotten what a crook tummy even feels like.
If want to know why they had regulate the restaurant industry read “Down and Out in London and Paris” by George Orwell.
Friend of mine told me about working in a pub kitchen years ago, the chef had his pie bucket.It was used for the daily meat pie. Only problem it was never emptied and never refrigerated, just topped up when necessary.
Mike O’Connor in the Courier Mail:
Again Islam has no place in our community. A cancer.
We are at war with the Left.
Hear Hear!
Great article thanks for posting.
The most delicious pizza I’ve ever eaten was in a pizzeria in Fracenigo in Provincia Treviso. It’s where my parenti visit regularly — the crust was so thin and the fillings molto buoni — it covered the entire plate but was not at all stodgy or overly filling — mmmmmwah delicious!
vr: Spirit does not age in the bottle.
It does however, leak out. Usually when you take off the cap.
“in southern Sweden, it becomes quieter in the summer when the criminals go on holiday to their home countries, according to the police.”
Same happens here. Except it’s winter here when they all go “home” for festivities.
Do you remember when the Israel/Lebanese war broke out in 2006 and we discovered there were 25,000 loyal Australians in Lebanon, who demanded to be rescued?
The Australian government provided cruise ships to rescue the poor things.
The Australian Government sent aircraft to rescue some – they promptly demanded to know if they would receive frequent flyer points, and quarreled over baggage allowances.
I see the Hamas gun molls in the Gangreens are pushing again to ban the Lord’s Prayer from parliament.
They want to install the islamic muslim call to prayer instead?
It would fit right in with their genocide and free Gaza crap they support.
A close mate recently started in the accountancy division of an NDIS provider.
He’s astounded at the scale of rorting, skimming, fakery, naked profiteering, waste & totally unnecessary services his employer is “providing”
Until now, all I knew was what can be read in the newspapers & what is discussed at forums such as Catallaxy.
The actual waste is so mind boggling it is difficult to process. It is far worse than anybody can imagine.
I cannot understand why it is not the dominant issue in current affairs or why it isn’t the dominant election issue.
Well, one reason would be because the relevant shadow minister is missing in action.
Btw, a large consulting firm (I forget which) recently stated that the latest data pointed to one third of all new jobs “created” being NDIS related.
Plenty of mouths to feed in the NDIS food chain – including your mate it would seem. A lot of the bureaucracy is there by design – BCG Gillard era if I recall. Have not heard of too many people making a fortune as a service provider like KRuddy’s missus. Waste yep, red tape – everywhere. Pure Canberra.
KRudd’s wife made her millions when Howard was PM, he made it all possible for the rorters by not insisting that spouses of MP must also declare their pecuniary interests. Another thing we can blame on Hapless Howard. I suppose it’s only fair to also point the finger at Peter Costello, as a Treasurer he should have been on top of these games.
The scams don’t even start there, they start with people getting onto the NDIS in the first place.
I met a bloke recently who is involved in placing NDIS patients in properties he is buying for the sole purpose of renting to the NDIS. Up to $95,000 per person per year in rent and he usually gets 2 in a house. Then they get people visiting constantly to cook, clean etc and on and on
He is asking me to invest in properties to do the same and it looks solid, but morally wrong, so I won’t be in it.
So even with these exorbitant fees is it still cheaper than having the “clients” institutionalised?
Oh, forgot to mention, it’s “furnished” accomodation.
It has to be able to be moved into with no extras, add your own food though and be able to live off the bat.
I understand the concept, if not the magnificent generousity, with tax-payer’s money.
Probably. Ditto residential care.
This is going on across from me. We residents weren’t even asked about it it. So far the constant stream of children going through the place haven’t been an issue.
Rest assured I am waiting till the indig kids start arriving and changing that, then I will start raising hell. I already have a couple of neighbours on board.
its firehose money with next to zero accountability.
the result is a shark feeding frenzy
They used the ATSIC model.
Or the current one what ever that is called these days,
Bloody lawyers: from the NSW Law Society Climate Change Policy booklet:
5. The scientific evidence for the existence of human induced climate change is clear. It indicates that increased concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the Earth’s atmosphere, caused by human activity, have led to global warming at a rate that is unprecedented in at least the last 2000 years. Climate change is driving changes in weather patterns, including more extreme weather and weather events.
6. The physical risks arising from climate change extend to almost all facets of natural and human life, from terrestrial, sub-terranean and marine ecosystems to socio-economic systems. In Australia, the physical impacts of climate change on Australia’s terrestrial and marine ecosystems are linked to increased drought and floods, bushfires, severe storms, land degradation, sea level rise, ocean warming, coral bleaching and water scarcity.
7. The consequences of climate change include serious effects upon human life, health and livelihoods. Rural communities, women, children, older people, First Nations communities, migrants and displaced peoples are likely to be disproportionately affected. Displacement events prompting forced migration are more likely, including across the Asian-Pacific region.i The economic costs of climate change-related events range from damage to infrastructure to loss of productivity. Climate change is considered a ‘threat multiplier’ in global and regional security terms.
2021 11 27 – P – Climate Change Po (
Absolute bullshit
The occasional indulgence is not a problem. It is the consistent pattern of behavior. There’s a public health system issue lurking therein but I won’t go there.
In 1998 a study was published that demonstrated feeding rats a cafeteria diet induced the elevated expression of inflammatory mediators. I won’t bore people with an explanation of why I knew that study pointed to a possible serious problem. An interesting aspect of that study was it mentioned how the gut immune axis was fundamental to immune functioning, long preceding what is now all over the news. That’s rather typical, what is prefigured in the primary literature can take decades to become widely known.
A single study means nothing, it is the trend, the collective analyses, that points to the truth. The critics latch onto the analyses of people like McCloskey and Ioannidis proclaiming the science is hopelessly corrupted. Of course the science is flawed and we must be vigilant, but by dint of sheer effort progress at the clinical level continues. The critics can visit the shaman down the road for all I care but I’ll place my faith in the flawed science because it works.
The lining up?
80s era NAB Collins St cafeteria kept me alive in my first move out of home. Food in our crumbling North Melbourne terrace was a bit hit and miss from memory.
From 1964 to 1970 I mostly ate dinner in the old Syd Univ Refectory and bought lunch in the old Buttery. It was cheap enough to be less costly than buying and cooking for yourself on scholarship funds, and there was always good company. The food was made by a group of older ladies from Glebe using grandma-style recipes. It was slosh but healthy enough. Vegetables overdone but still nutritious. Puddings very filling. From 64 to 68 I then usually walked home from the University to my place at the Rocks. That kept me slim. I often walked up there in the mornings too, though if late for lectures I took the bus up George St.
Now if you had taken lunch at Manning House in those years, Lizzie, we might have met!
The purge of actual Conservatives begins.
Sargon suspended from the
Cconservative Party.“We’re chucking you out of the Party, but demand you still follow its rules.”
“Piss orf.”
Giant eyeball*.
Astronomers find surprising ice world in the habitable zone with JWST data (, 8 Jul)
Who will be the first to surf this planet’s ocean?
* This:
Well, one reason would be because the relevant shadow minister is missing in action.
Btw, a large consulting firm (I forget which) recently stated that the latest employment data pointed to one third of all new jobs “created” in Q1 2024 being NDIS related.
It’s the government program that’s swallowing the budget.
Ministerial responsibility is a dead idea. Shorten should lose his portfolio. I imagine the shadow minister kept quiet because of the feelz. No doubt if people spoke up about the problems accusations of being cruel and callous towards the disabled would be voluminous.
Because I know people on the NDIS scheme a couple of years ago I warned there must be rorting going on.
While I’m doubtful about that analysis Roger it points to a serious problem with the “becoming a service economy” theme. We’re not making stuff, we’re not creating stuff. Sustained economic growth requires innovation from entrepreneurs, engineers and scientists. “Do you want fries with that?” is a recipe for economic stagnation. How is it possible to compete with much cheaper labour and far fewer regulations? I think citizens need to take the hit and be prepared to pay more for consumables.
And another thing, John, we’re importing a lot of the NDIS workers.
MP calls out ‘slippery’ civil servant to his face: ‘You’re disrespectful!’
He’s a perfect example of the slimy, arrogant, jerk the public service is full of. By the time the video was over, I wanted to leap through the screen and punch his face.
Jillian Segal named nation’s first anti-Semitism envoy
Anthony Albanese has appointed lawyer and business executive Jillian Segal as Australia’s inaugural anti-Semitism special envoy.
Announced by the Prime Minister at the Sydney Jewish Museum on Tuesday morning, Ms Segal’s three-year appointment comes after the position’s establishment was flagged several months ago, amid wider pressures on social cohesion in Australia stemming from the Israel-Gaza conflict.
“Jillian has wide experience across our nation, in particular being a proud member of the Sydney Jewish community, and is someone who will bring that experience she has in the business community, serving on boards, engaging with government, as well as with the community to this role,” Mr Albanese told reporters.
“It’s important that, as part of those ongoing efforts to promote social cohesion, that Jillian will advise myself and the Immigration and Multicultural Affairs Minister, but also engage with the community about how we can raise education.
Ms Segal previously served as president of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, is currently a trustee for the Sydney Opera House, serves on the boards of the Grattan Institute and Rabobank Australia, and chairs the General Sir John Monash Foundation and the NSW branch of the Australian-Israel Chamber of Commerce.
The Prime Minister said people of Jewish faith, like Palestinians and Muslims, overwhelmingly did not want the conflict in the Middle East to inspire discord in Australia.
“What we need to do is to make sure that the conflict that is occurring in the Middle East that has caused a great deal of grief for the Jewish community, for members of the Islamic and Palestinian communities,” Mr Albanese said.
“What they want here is harmony, and for people to be able to get on with each other.”
The Albanese government has also flagged an Islamophobia special envoy position will also be established.
I checked her out, she’s married to a John Roth. As a Labor appointee she is better than most, at least on paper.
Lawyer, philanthropist, change-maker: Jillian Segal AO, Deputy Chancellor of UNSW (2019)
What’s she going to do? Keep taking Anal’s possible inaugural anti-Islamaphobia special envoy to court?
Luigi having a bob each-way ..? .. Funds HAMAS thru Foreign Affirs and appoints an anti-semitism commissioner .. weird ..!
Thank God, there is no “inflation” at gummint level .. alwayz another few bob for-appearances-positions wages …….
To paraphrase Homer Simpson, “The government is the cause of and solution to, all of lifes problems.”
It is timely to remind people that the demise of South Africa as a functioning nation began the same way the current campaign against Israel is done: protests, boycotts, university agitation and a media more and more openly hostile to that state. It’s the same way all predators operate: they mark a victim out from the herd and then pursue it to it’s death and dismemberment.
Israel has been marked out by international communism for destruction.
It will take a remarkable effort to thwart the bastards.
100% correct.
I’d suggest a lot of tragic , slipped and fell onto a dragon dildo, repeatedly, deaths.
Given the targets it will be beyond suspicion
Israel is perfectly capable of turning all its Middle East enemies into glowing dust particles if she so feels like it.
Unfortunately, the rest of the world thinks they wouldn’t dare.
A miscalculation that just about guarantees she will.
The term “Existential Threat” is used so often as to be useless. Islam is an Existential Threat to Israel, and she understands precisely what it means and what it will cost both her and the world.
“Never Again” means just what they say.
I wish people would listen.
Courageous, Prime Minister.
Wonder if he has the fair Fatima in mind?
Zakky Mallah selects himself.
David Hicks?
Each way Albo strikes again.
Cannot remember the last time a Jew butchered someone with a blunt knife.
Mind you, it’s rumoured a hijab was tugged in France last week.
NDIS is a swear word in our village. We have 3 residents under 60 who need it, acquired brain injury, amputation due to bone cancer, and emphysema, and they have been fighting for years to get a small package for some much needed physical therapy and small home modifications (shower grab rails , ramps etc).
Because they are under 60 they don’t qualify for Qld home help.
They get quite agitated to hear about NDIS paying for prostitutes and carers to go on cruises.
Its not that hard.It requires a bit of diligence , collection of proper medical reports and being prepared to nag the NDIA.No reason anyone with those conditions cant get a package.My wife has had a package for a few years now, it took about 6 months for her ABI.
Red Sea and South China Sea both threatening to blow up into major ongoing problems.
What solution to this possible future complete disruption of international trade is put forth by our globalist, Marxist elites?
Would they put in place policies that promote local industries, local productivity and local commerce? Would they retune education and training to provide the workers required to substitute for a billion little Chinese hands? Would they promote family friendly policies to provide for social cohesion and provide for future generations of workers?
Would they hell.
No, you’ll get at least ten more years of indoctrination, windmills, Byzantine regulations and identitarian bollocks until the gruesome wretches are thrown out en masse.
Paywalled but you’ll get the drift
I thought we were next on the list after South Africa. Looks like it’s Israel
Our relegation down the list is likely the payoff for Morrison embracing Net Zero.
But we will still be on the list.
“Healthy alternative to hideous pre packaged cereals – veggie waffles. Same principle as the Japanese cabbage pancake.”
Try making pancakes using 50% of the flour replaced by instant porridge (pick the flavour you like). The little ones don’t notice any difference either. Keeps you going the same as porridge, but it’s pancakes. Yum.
Excellent idea Kneel. That’s a keeper.
JimmyThomist posted episode 9 on the Ukraine war which tackles the question of whether the Battle for Kiev was a feint. You can find it here at the top of the post.
Remarkable the similarity of the Battle for Kiev with Operation Market Garden.
Hardly any, certainly none that emerged in that video. Would be interesting if you actually addressed his arguments.
It’s obvious. Same egos, same constricted battlefield. Same wishful thinking. Same delays. Same unexpected enemy at the end of the long line of advance. In Market Garden it was a couple of depleted mechanized divisions laagering near Arnhem, in the Battle of Kiev it was some aggressive Ukie battalions at Hostomel. The impact of swamps and water to channel the offensive are so very similar to the polders in Holland.
The whole war is a feint to distract NATO from the coming invasion.
Never a dull moment.
Bald and Bankrupt:
Part One: Whilst visiting Kampala, the capital city of Uganda I took a visit to the central market and met a collective of guys who look after an area called the Bermuda Triangle. They took me on a tour and explained exactly what happens when thieves are caught. Mob justice Uganda style. Join me in the ghetto.
Reposting – I was on an older, but very interesting, thread!
So this morning in the rush to leave for a few days I saw an email come in from the government with the headline ”Celebrating NAIDOC week”, to which I replied ”Yes, we are particularly enjoying celebrating NAIDOC week in Alice Springs.”
Because I have a read receipt on my emails, I just got another notice saying that my message was deleted without being read.
They would have been able to read the one liner before deleting it. Cowards.
Can AI be superhuman? Flaws in top gaming bot cast doubt (
It is interesting that Hossenfelder remarked physicists prefer the term, Machine learning. There is no good evidence for Spearman’s G factor being present in AI. The G factor refers to the ability of wet brains to solve a wide range of problems without training. We don’t have a clue how that G factor is created and there are people like Penrose who argue that brains are not just powerful number crunchers and logic machines.
Machine Learning is just a pile of tensor matrices
the initial conditions prime the outcomes
for the most part, gibberish
You’re right. What physicists call machine learning everyone else calls AI.
France’s triumphant left-wing coalition unveils its radical plans for government including a 90 per cent tax rate on the rich, lowering the retirement age and huge spending
Daily Mail. “The rich will be taxed until their eyes bleed.” Sound familiar?
Fantastic, go your hardest. Unless you cancel elections, you will ensure long term conservstive governments.
That’s the great thing about the Left, they have no concept of limits.
It is fun that Gerard Depardieu decamped from Paris because he was being taxed 75%.
At 90% there’s going to be a serious outflow of wealth from France. And that’s without even counting the fleeing Jews.
Former Israeli Defense Minister Urges Jews to Flee France After Rise of Far-Left: ‘There Is No Time’ (8 Jul)
How long before it’s Coq au Flamingo time?
President Xi’s Belt & Road beckons.
“People have become lazy but to be fair, both men and women now work, it is hard at the end of the day but it isn’t hard to cook up a cheap, nutritious and quick meal for a family of four.”
I did a pork roast on Saturday night, with roast potatoes, pumpkin and zucchini, and made gravy from the roasting tray. Just salt, pepper, flour, water and olive oil aside from mentioned ingredients, less then $30 to feed 4, and still had some left over. (lamb roasts make the BEST gravy!)
Very little work, but a fair bit of waiting… 🙂
I use stock instead of water.
Also after taking the gravy off the heat, I stir in a bit of butter.
“By the way, the sea salt I use is NOT processed. It is harvested and packaged. Big difference.”
Dunno why, but jogs the memory of an old Hey, Hey It’s Saturday, where they read the label:
Pure salt.
Mined from 200 million year old salt deposits.
Best before …
The solution is quite simple for the sensitive souls whose religion forbids interest on loans, pay in full for your education. Organise fundraisers in mosques, I’m sure the co-religionists will contribute if they believe in education.
We should never agree to any preferential treatments on the basis of religion or race. This also goes for indigenous students, I have had it with always and forever subsidising everybody except the contributors. If I remember the free education for indigenous students was so they could join the mainstream and be self-sufficient. However, since the 70s we seem to have more and more of the freeloaders.
If I remember the free education for indigenous students was so they could join the mainstream and be self-sufficient
Boarding school, in Feraldtown, in the early 1970’s, the Aboriginal students had all expenses paid – boarding fees, school uniforms, textbooks, excursions, pocket money, the lot – even those who had parents who were in paid work.
Another of my nephews – nearly 50 – still bitches about being kept from barbecues at school that were paid for by the school for Aboriginal students only.
They got a free feed and alienated the rest of the school and now complain about racism.
When I had a family of you-can-take-251s-out-oRedfern-but-you-can’t-take-Redfern-out-of-251s living next door the kids were covered for everything educational(except getting educated .. LOL! ) including pocket money/excursions and they were still in state run primary …….
So, if you are a candidate opposing a Muzzie candidaten will Albanese’s Islamaphobia Commissar lock you up.
He is such a fukn moron.
Tories should continue in this vein until only those they really like are left in the party, a rump or more accurately a backside. The former members have somewhere to go now, the Reform Party, a very apt name as it could mean the Reformation of the former Tory Party.
An arse.
But who is doing this? The post election party has not been reconstituted yet. Are we to believe that there are faceless men? Surely not.
There may be some future regret from pissing on the Lotus Eaters unless they are confident that Starmer’s Ofcom will shut down all conservative outlets. In which case Ofcom would be cheered on by the Conservative Party fascists.
Jillian Segal named nation’s first anti-Semitism envoy
Segal is a left-wing hack. I have nothing positive to say about her. She and others have been responsible for major Jewish communal organisations becoming ingrained with far-left nonsense. Segal was pro-Voice.
I take it for granted that every free-handout jerb Luigi creates is for a left-wing hack ……..
That’s why I had to look her up.
My thought was she might be qwerty since her wiki does not mention her marriage. Digging deeper I was pleasantly surprised that the person she is married to appears to be male, at least. You take what you can get.
Surprised Albo didn’t appoint some guy called Abdul, or Hussein.
Council Member, Order of Australia.
One of the gang, well and truly.
Breaking: West Coast Eagles have “mutually agreed” to part ways with AFL premiership coach Adam Simpson after 11 years.
That took awhile.
If you were promoting the zero seats campaign you can hardly complain and I doubt Sargon is.
All three sentences above are fact and evidence free horseshit.
Remember, we’ve been fed these stinking lies for 36 years now.
Every catastrophe predicted by hysterical gerbil worming numpties over that period of time has been spectacularly wrong.
Every. Single. One.
Rabtz, Hats off to you for your response. So these buggers are all legal beagles, supposedly smart, yet they are willing to make broad policy statements affecting their members without any concrete evidence to substantiate their position. Their position is based on assumption, someone else’s assertion and, in fact, what they have done is copy and pasted in this policy position without it being analyzed or debated with their members. I’d be asking for the policy to be debated and reviewed with the membership.
Trouble at the mill…
Paywallion today:
CFMEU involved in deals linked to Australia’s $500m work theft case
Robert Gottliebsen
9 Jul 2024
The likely size of Australia’s largest “wage theft” case has exploded from $100m to $500m as a result of a dramatic Fair Work Commission order.
The latest Fair Work rulings, making the liability simpler to calculate, have sent shockwaves through the union movement because of the deep involvement of the CFMEU in the wage deals which led to the massive underpayment.
Five wage hire companies, many of which have large Japanese equity, face the potential of also being forced to repay part of the money.
I suspect, while the CFMEU’s statements on the AFL Hobart stadium triggered some unions to distance themselves from the union, the CFMEU’s involvement in the looming coal miner “wage theft” scandal and its potential repayment liability bill are additional reasons for the distancing.
And because the CFMEU is a key funder of the ALP, there are political funding issues too.
Like other coal miners in NSW and Queensland, casual miners at the Callide coal mine at Biloela in central Queensland have not been receiving their 25 per cent casual entitlement.
Fair Work, which previously approved the union-backed wage deals which excluded the miners’ 25 per cent casual entitlement, has now ruled that in future the casual workers must receive the entitlement.
This simple casual pay ruling triggered miner pay rises of around $30,000 for the 2024-25 financial year. In addition, the “same work same pay” legislation added at least another $10,000 and there was an award rise of a similar amount.
The total miner 2024-25 take home pay therefore rises a staggering $50,000 — more than 40 per cent.
‘It’s a remarkable story and illustrates what can happen when unions and employers get too close together and the regulator does not intervene.’
The non-ACTU aligned Brisbane-based Independent Workers Union, a division of the so-called Red Union group with over 20,000 members mainly in the nursing and teaching sectors, has taken up the miners’ wage theft case and is now undertaking detailed research going back decades to document the miners’ back pay claim.
Wage deals without the casual entitlement were approved and sometimes negotiated by the CFMEU. They were all approved by Fair Work.
The mining section of the CFMEU has split off and is now called the Mining and Energy Union, and it brought the claim to have miners casual rate entitlement paid in 2024-25 but did not request back pay.
After the Fair Work decision, the MEU highlighted the rise achieved via same work, same pay legislation, but not the much larger increase gained as a result of the casual work entitlement.
The Callide mine was purchased in 2016 from Anglo American by a group of Brisbane business people. The higher pay will test the economics of the mine. But, the Callide mine is only a small part of the large number of NSW and Queensland coal mines where enterprise bargaining deals with no casual pay entitlement were signed over the past two decades.
It’s a remarkable story and illustrates what can happen when unions and employers get too close together and the regulator does not intervene.
The underpayment might never have been uncovered but for the work of one miner and the federal parliament, Malcolm Roberts, and the Independent Workers Union.
The black coal award makes it illegal for coal mining companies to hire casuals — their workers must be employees. But, most coal companies contracted out their mining to five labour hire companies who undertook the work using casuals — but did not pay those casuals the 25 per cent casual entitlement.
The radical agreements were CFMEU-approved and often negotiated by the union. They were then presented to the Fair Work Commission for approval.
In almost every other situation in Australia, the Fair Work Commission would have thrown them out with little debate.
Instead, the Fair Work Commission approved the CFMEU-endorsed casual labour with no 25 per cent margin deals on the basis of a highly dubious legal technicality which has been ruled out for 2024-25.
The coal labour agreements are subject to what is called the “better off overall test”, or BOOT, but because the black coal award makes it illegal for coal miners to hire casuals, the BOOT was matched against an award which does not include casuals.
The Fair Work Commission therefore decided the “better off” test does not apply because there is no casual rate to compare it with.
Now it has restored the casual entitlement for 2024-25, the next step is the back pay.
The Australian parliament is aware of the scandal and last May the Senate passed a motion which requires the government “to investigate claims that casual miners working under enterprise agreements in the black coal mining industry are, and have been, underpaid”.
If underpayments are found to have occurred, the government is “required to facilitate the reimbursement of the underpayments”.
I would add that surely taxpayers won’t be required the pay the $500m. The most obvious people liable are the Mining and Energy union and/or the CFMEU and the five labour hire companies.
But, it’s possible Fair Work itself may be held liable the part of the “wage theft”.
Robert Gottliebsen has spent more than 50 years writing and commentating about business and investment in Australia. He has won the Walkley award and Australian Journalist of the Year award. He has a place in the Australian Media Hall of Fame and in 2018 was awarded a Lifetime achievement award by the Melbourne Press Club. He received an Order of Australia Medal in 2018 for services to journalism and educational governance. He is a regular commentator for The Australian.
Looks a lot like Peanut Heads Chiquita mushroom deal. Oops.
Snap, didn’t scan down.
Wow. I’d be squealing if I didn’t get my 25% loading or going elsewhere…
$500M, is that all .. here in Victoria we pay more for people not to do projects!
Plenty of taxpayer money about.
Methinks this needs to be swiftly dealt with, before the election
Echoes of Chiquita Mushrooms, CleanEvent and Bill Shorten.
Maaaaaates looking after themselves, and bugger the wukkas.
July 9, 2024 1:41 pm
Breaking: West Coast Eagles have “mutually agreed” to part ways with AFL premiership coach Adam Simpson after 11 years.
Piss the joint off. Go camping Adam.
BTW, they ran a story about how depriving NDIS recipients of taxpayer funded sex services made them less fortunate than everybody else.
If its the similar one I saw around SBS had an advocate, a real hard faced bitch looking type full of tramp stamps opining women with disabilities wouldn’t be able to get their jollies.
I got a simple solution, buy them a sex toy for fraction of the cost!
I know a family got a boy on NDIS who moved house 5 years ago, the NDIS was a mess then with no way to transfer services between states. Sorry waiting list for you at 6-7 months. Moved again this year, even after having a ministerial raised 5 years ago on the sheer incompetence and maladministration of his boys plan nothing has change apart from it is worse now. Waiting list times have doubled even on the edge of a major capital. Even with their sons needs they think the NDIS is beyond redemption and should be nuked.
Alipay Users are in Danger as well! The Truth about CCP’s Theft of Human Organs
china insights
Bit of a dilemma for the hangman should the occasion arise.
(Sorry for the macabre.) as you were.
I always wondered who played Commander Strax in Dr Who.
Marty brings total war to the Brittany Blob. Should be fun. Nothing WA lawyers like more than beating down on the wise men from the East.
I make pizza at my place.
I got an outside oven and everything.
It’s pretty good I reckon, people seem to like it a lot.
I only recently pulled mine apart. 2-3 minutes to flash cook a thin crust pizza, too much work except for parties.
BIL had one at their old place. Think they used it once. The Gozney ovens look good but pricey. Got to love your pizza.
I’m considering a Gozney oven.
My father built a clay oven in their backyard where he could cook a whole lamb or piglet for parties. Dad was really handy with everything and then alzheimers got him. I wonder if the new owners of their place kept it. I do know that they pulled up mum’s front flower garden and concreted the area for parking.
Another explanation for why the West is connipted:
Twelfth-grade boys are nearly twice as likely to identify as pro-liberty vs. progressive in fact, only 13% call themselves progressive.
So why does Generation Z still favor leftism over liberty by a 48-to-33 margin?
The answer is: Girls Gone Woke.
Only 12% of twelfth-grade girls identify as pro-liberty. The share of 12th-grade girls who identified as progressive rose from 19% in 2012 to 30% last year.
This is bad news for relationships and future birth rates. But given that women tend to register to vote at higher rates than men by a margin of almost 10 million this is bad news for the country. So, before you start thinking about repealing the 19th Amendment, I’ve got a far more revolutionary proposal
baed linkey
A beautiful ship with a great history.
RRS Discovery is a barqure-rigged auxiliary steamship built in Dundee, Scotland for Antarctic research. Launched in 1901, she was the last traditional wooden three-masted ship to be built in the UK.
Her first mission was the British National Antarctic Expedition, carrying Robert F Scott and Ernest Shackleton on their first, and highly successful, journey to the Antarctic, known as the Discovery Expedition.
After WW1, Discovery was taken into the government service in 1923 to carry out scientific research in the Southern Ocean, becoming the first Royal Research Ship. The ship undertook a two-year expedition recording valuable information on the oceans, marine life and being the first scientific investigation into whale populations.
From 1929 to 1931 Discovery served as the base for the British Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition (BANZARE) under Douglas Mawson.
After returning from the BANZARE, Discovery was moored in London until 1986 at which time she was relocated the place of her birth Dundee Scotland.
After an extensive restoration she was made the centerpiece of a visitor attraction and is one of only two surviving expedition ships from what is known as the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration.
Fondly remember the Tall Ships which visited Hobart in 1988. Discovery wasn’t one of them, I’m fairly sure, since it was a bicentennial commemoration of settlement – when no steam powered vessels had yet been invented. But wandering up and down the quay of the Hobart foreshore with these marvelously sail-cloth dressed ladies was a fine thing at the time.
A good article about the utter bullshit of Jack Smith’s Mara-Lago and J6 prosecutions against Trump:
SCOTUS Dooms Jack Smith–Again (
Comment, from an article on the Oz. Words fail me, they honestly do!
6 hours ago
My pre-schooler grandson bought a library book home from Kindy for me to read to him. The mean, selfish villain of the story owned the coal-fired power station. The hero of the story built wind turbines, defeated the villain, made the world beautiful again … and lived happily ever after. The propaganda being fed to our little ones is very real.
Twiggy saves the princess.
Alas the minority shareholders were eaten by a dragon.
You’ve heard this fairy tale before?
The hero of the story built wind turbines,
Grandmother should have drawn and/or pasted a lot of dead and maimed birds around the wind turbines and drawn wind turbines on fire in the book before sending it back to Kindy.
Zulu, I found the comment and posted words to the effect of what I said above.
I will keep an eye on it to see if the Oz lets it go through.
I am betting it wont.
Nope. Rejected.
It’s everywhere. Rainbow unicorns, blakfella nobility, white man slave traders, queer families – who funds this crap? Govt grants. The LNP doesn’t stand up against it. In fact they condone it. Like the UK , we have long lost a conservative party.
Cite you the Wheatbelt school, who showed the children the film “Rabbit-proof Fence” so many times, they lost all interest.
I have taught in 9 schools in the last two and a half years in QLD. I used to dread year 8 English supervisions. Every single freaking school does (expletives) Rabbit Proof Fence as a book vs movie unit.
The boys are bored witless ( great way to encourage them to read!) as are all the girls except the sjw types.
I claim to be a stolen generations descendant and tell the story of my paternal Oma, leaving the fact that she was sent Siberia until the end for shock value.
The local school showed the children “Rabbit Proof Fence.”
“Your great grandfather was farming on the Rabbit Proof Fence at the time that film was set,and he never mentioned three Aboriginal girls, with a police party in pursuit..”
And that’s why JK Rowling made billions giving kids something interesting and exciting to read.
Sorry, I’m a bit bewildered by NAIDOC week. We. vilify Australia Day, that celebrates the achievements of all Australians, but celebrate the culture of 3% who basically hate us and live off our tolerance and generosity.I’m amenable to dissent, but I just don’t understand.
Most of us are bewildered, damon. Unfortunately a vocal minority have experienced a monumental reconfiguration of their appraisal of the world so that they feel guilt – & fancifully believe we all should – for the resettlement of our ancestors across the globe.
Shutup n pay more munny.
I find it easy to ignore NAIDOC week with a lofty detachment.
“Keep the fire burning! Blak, loud and proud!”
Where is “Keep the fire burning! White, loud and proud?”
To be fair its only the racist portion of the 3% and all marxists
It’s been close to 30 years for a horror film to rattle me. Kane Pixels comes along and tonks me over the head.
The Backroom series was remarkable. I’d be happy to venture into this shopping mall and blow them all away with a double barrell.
Moderators at the Oz don’t like it when you point out that the oldest continuous culture on Earth is not that of the Australian Aborigine, but that of the San people of Southern Africa – who have existed for over 150,000 years.
These clever, university educated people cannot understand the simple fact that Australian Aborigines cannot be the oldest on the Earth as then they would be progenitors of all others which they certainly are not. In fact they are a genetic dead end.
I don’t bother with newscorpse anymore and didn’t much at the start after they started moderating. Arguing with the detritus that infests that place brings you down to the level of an idiot.
The moderators are on the next level as well, I’d actually call them censors or narrative preservers.
The early comments were awesome, like the wild west.
At least the Yank navy jet pilots haven’t gone woke yet:
Looks fake to me.
I’m sure it is!!
Two of the aircraft supposedly on the deck have the wheels shadows not meeting up with the wheel.
Until they stick a fat trannie lezzo DEI hire in the cockpit, who trips up the plane and blows up the entire ship. That’s coming.
I saw an interview yesterday with an Army Aviation Captain Chinook pilot.
She was covered in brightly coloured tattoos.
I am a dinosaur I admit, but I would be paying careful attention to the emergency exits. She looked like a bikie.
Totally random (!!!) comment here but….
Why do we all know Donald Trump’s middle name/initial but we don’t know Joe Biden’s, nor Hillary Clinton’s, nor Mitt Romney’s, John McCain nor John Kerry? (Obummer Hussein being the stand out but they used that to highlight his Muslim background).
Why are Democrats always calling him Donald J Trump???
Just having a bit of fun here but does it have anything to do with these guys (whom we also know their middle names/initials): John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, Mark David Chapman.
(It’s not like “Donald Trump” is a regular name so they don’t need it to distinguish him from anybody else?).
As I said… random.
Joe Biden’s middle name is Robinette.
Never knew that until I checked just now. 😛
And here’s me thinking it was Joe, Sniffy Joe Biden the Thief in Chief.
LOL, Little Robin!
Both Joseph Robinette Biden & Hillary Rodham Clinton have never made any secret of their middle name.
From memory her maiden name was Hillary Diane Rodham (HD ‘high definition’ = the mnemonic that I couldn’t remove, not even with brain bleach)
The hero of the story built wind turbines, defeated the villain, made the world beautiful again … and lived happily ever after. The propaganda being fed to our little ones is very real.
He who dares, wins. It is the Gramski (or whoever) march through the institutions. And they have been winning. We must fight it constantly – at home, at work, whereever. Otherwise we will lose those freedoms we hold most dear. You don’t need a loudspeaker, but you do need to be persistent.
What the moderators at the Oz DO let through.References? Proof?
41 minutes ago
One day we may actually come to terms with the fact that in April 1789 the First Fleet deliberately introduced smallpox which wiped out over half the aboriginal population Sydney, but I doubt it will happen in my lifetime.
Not a great deal of evidence it was smallpox, and certainly nothing was ‘deliberately’ introduced (these views of basic good intentions based on documentation at the time).
Remember reading that smallpox would not survive a nine month sea voyage.
Cassie of Sydney
July 9, 2024 1:38 pm
Jillian Segal named nation’s first anti-Semitism envoy
Segal is a left-wing hack. I have nothing positive to say about her. She and others have been responsible for major Jewish communal organisations becoming ingrained with far-left nonsense. Segal was pro-Voice.
I suspected as much and was not surprised to see it confirmed. Albo would never appoint anyone who was not a lefty hack and class traitor. I anticipate she’ll find there’s minimal anti Jewish sentiment compared to so-called islamophobia
In a related vein I attended a minyan (memorial service after a funeral) at a “progressive” synagogue here in Melbourne recently. In the lobby was donation box for the asylum seeker resource centre in Canberra but I didn’t see any similar thing for Jewish charities or Israeli victims. I almost spat on the floor in disgust.
Asylum seekers in Canbra? Shirley not, how common.
If only there was someway to import Alice Springs into Canbra…
What the moderators at the Oz DO let through.References? Proof?
Do you have a link to the article Zulu?
“Curriculum Wars are Distorting History For Political Advantage” by Bella D’Aberera.
Our friends have around 80 acres in CT and they’re seeing these fckers sauntering around the property and the house like they own the place. There’s too many of them around and needs to be an ethnic cleansing.
Get a load of the sheer arrogance here
LOL! I saw that earlier today. Did wonder why she was hiding Junior’s face though.
Attorney General Ken Paxton
All Republican have to do then is run ads stating the above. Let’s see how that works for Democrats.
Even easier – pass state legislation requiring proof of citizenship to register or to vote. If feds say “You can’t do that!” just say “So sue us – see you in court”.
He he,
Numbers from the Mekong Delta infesting Smith’s blog.
Keir Starmer’s Fabian Society’s depopulation agenda exposed by one of their greatest propgandists: George Bernard Shaw.
Just watched Greg Gutfeld’s Monday monlogue – what a hoot — he called Biden ‘vegetable adjacent’ and so much more.
He was just as good on The Five.
Numbers Bob has been shot down in flames, over on Michael Smith, some time ago.
Ed said in reply to 1735099…
Seems it’s time for a reminder of just who this mumbling numbers clown is.
Back in Jan 2014 he labelled Michael Smith “a professional smear merchant” yet here he is smearing Malcolm Roberts.
1735099 was outed as Bob Whittaker, a serial blog pest, by Michael Smith on the 9th Jan 2014 per
after he questioned our hosts integrity.
Here he is smearing again yet he himself does not have the integrity to disclose up front he is a supporter of GetUp and an ABC/ALP hugger, incumbent to being a left wing troll.
Have a read of the comments at the link to read to see how stripped stripped him of any credibility.
Geert Vanden Bossche warned us. This is the result of mass universal “vaccinations” of the last few years.
Why don’t we point out to them that the peoples’ who experienced colonization and decided to adopt the new cultures toys and ideas have since flourished and not looked back. They are like the individuals we encounter who keep moaning about what happened to them in their past. We get sick of them, we eventually move away. Endlessly going over past trauma achieves nothing and there are even studies arguing that it can impede recovery from trauma and PTSD. The only value in talking about the past is to find a way to reframe it as an opportunity for recovery. It is easy to lie on a couch thinking about the past, it takes effort to sit up and face the present, it takes courage to stand and walk to the future. They are still lying on the couch.
No evidence that any deliberate introduction of Smallpox took place. There is even debate as to whether smallpox was the pathogen causing such deaths; it may have been flu or measles (that’s what the docs at the time recognised it as).
Speaking of culinary delights, bought a scotch fillet to consume tomorrow. 12 bucks for one but quite happy to pay.
Any ideas for the red wine Cats and Kittehs?
Scotch with a Scotch Fillet. Put the red wine in the potato side dish.
Partial to a decent Malbec myself.
Sons of Eden “Zephyrus”
Kalleske “Moppa”
Not overly expensive but yum if you like Shiraz.
Henschke “Euphonium” is also nice, but only marginally better given the price difference.
Signed…A Cheapskate
Coca Cola.
Or if you want something more refined, Coca Cola with a dash of raspberry syrup.
You buggers! Here I am playing with a straight bat! 😀
Jeeeze Black Ball…I thought that I was paying too much yesterday when I got two pieces of scotch fillet at the local butchers for 18 Beer Tickets.
No idea on the vino but I do like Port.
However what I do know is buy a bottle of what you like to drink.
Also, that is what you use in your cooking. Using a cheap horrible wine in cooking will not make it taste any better.
Posted under Pogria’s posts what I did with it.
Ill find it and post here.
Rule of thumb would suggest a $12 Shiraz.
Sisters’ Run 2021 is still available at Liquorland.
We complain, but still…what a country!
BB. Dan Murphy’s has 1-litre Hardy’s shiraz from Coonawarra for $9.
It’s the world’s best value for money, not just Australia’s
Ahhhh…found it:
Hmmmm… I cooked two scotch fillets last night for Mrs Beertruk and myself.
Mashed potatoes with whole milk and butter.
Cabbage cooked under done with small amount of water, some butter and not boiled into oblivion like me Mum or Gran cooked it.
Mushroom and onion gravy made from scratch in the cast iron frypan after the steaks were cooked.
No lumps…W00000T!!! 🙂
Mrs Beertruk doesn’t eat or like mushrooms so she made her gravy from the Greens gravy granules. One count of heresy to be tried by The Spanish Inquisition. 🙂
Look at San Francisco to understand what the leftist future holds for America
‘They’ shrieked about ‘global warming’ — but now they admit we were ‘accidentally cooling’
Mollie Hemingway: Media Went From Cover-Up To Covering Biden’s Problems Because They Do What’s Best For The Democratic Party
I hope to God he’s wrong. We don’t need another RINO weasel.
Donald Trump will pick Marco Rubio for VP: Bill O’Reilly
Not according to newsdotcomdotau
Maybe he thinks if he shares the spoils with RINOs they might actually let him do some work.
Dr. John Campbell
Human Rights
never really paid much attention to Tommy Robinson but his Jordan Peterson podcast this week is interesting.
This is the full Jordan Peterson interview with Tommy Robinson.
Why the Establishment Hates This Man | Tommy Robinson | EP 462
“I wouldn’t put it past them” and simplifying assumptions to understand the world
Numbers has gone full retard. Never go full retard.
He started off by being an absolute retard, how could he improve?
I’m inclined to believe it’s the first signs of senility.
Poor chap, it started when he was 19.
Only 19 I believe.
July 9, 2024 6:08 pm
‘They’ shrieked about ‘global warming’ — but now they admit we were ‘accidentally cooling’
Some good anti-alarmist points there. I’m always on the lookout for some simple, in your face points to throw at the media to counter the alarmist bullshit hysteria. Pointing to undisputed past temperatures higher than today is always a good point, but with the continual moderation and revision of past temps this is becoming increasingly difficult. The mid 20thC cooling from about 1940ish to precisely 1976 consistent with PDO phase change (WTF is that I hear you mutter: look it up!) when human industry and CO2 emissions were ramping up is a good example.
But I still think the best one is Figure 7.3 from AR4 which indisputably shows that human CO2 is only 3% of the annual flux. So HTF can 3% of human CO2 which is indistinguishable from the main natural CO2 (C12) be responsible for ALL the fuking temp increase and destruction of the world.
Figure 7.3 – AR4 WGI Chapter 7: Couplings Between Changes in the Climate System and Biogeochemistry (
The usual response to Figure 7.3 is that the 3% of human CO2 is additional to the natural balance and since CO2 increase in the atmosphere is less than 3% it must only be the human CO2 which is causing the increase. But nature is NEVER in balance and natural CO2 levels in the past were 20 X current levels (> 8000 ppm). Human CO2 played no part in the past and by definition today it cannot be doing more than the 3% it is contributing now.
This graph:
shows adjustments to temp data (“final minus raw” temp) vs atmospheric CO2.
If you are looking at “adjusted” data and comparing to CO2 concentration, based on this graph you would not be surprised there is a correlation between temp and Co2!
ROME — Pope Francis warned Sunday democracy is in “crisis” around the world, likely with an eye to a rise in right-wing parties across Italy, Austria, Argentina, Netherlands, and Germany.
Pope Francis Warns of International ‘Crisis of Democracy’ (
nasty old c*nt
Farage didn’t even turn up for his first day at Westminster, LOL.
Giving the finger to the establishment?
Er, I’ve just seen a report of his arrival, accompanied by Reform MPs.
I think a mea culpa is in order.
There won’t be one.
A few people will be happy about that.
Antifa Leader On ‘Terror List’ WINS France Election
Playing Putins Advocate for just a second; How do we know this tragedy isn’t the result of Ukies deploying GLONASS jammers which have the dual effect of preventing Russian cruise missiles from reliably hitting their target and also leading to the damaging of unintended civilian targets?
This makes more sense to me than Russia targeting a children’s hospital intentionally. Hell even an accidental failure of the missile itself makes more sense when you consider it was the only one to hit a hospital out of 5 targeted cities. If they actually wanted to target hospitals then that’s what would have happened.
Truth is the first casualty of war. Just putting out an alternative.
Just stop for one second and honestly assess if you would post the above comment if the missile had been from Ukraine and the hospital Russian.
Or instead would you have made a comment about Americans should not be supplying missiles to Ukraine to kill Russian children?
Be honest.
Yes I’d be asking the same question if the sides were swapped because it still doesn’t make sense for children’s hospitals to be hit in any reason other than error.
Mind you Zelensky just announced that this attack would be met with reprisals, so perhaps we may yet see the role swap you hypothesized. Accident will be slightly less believable in the reprisal scenario, yes?
My comment had nothing to do with supply of missiles.
If you are raining missiles down on a neighbouring country for years on end, any f*cking dickhead knows eventually something like this will happen.
Which is why the USA does not allow Ukraine to target Russian territory with such.
We’ll see.
No doubt Ukraine is using jammers but missiles can miss without any jamming. This accusation reminds me of the recent claim made against Ukraine. Missiles are expensive and using them to target non-military targets is counter-productive, especially when missiles are in short supply.
This war has a long way to go and there has been and will continue to be atrocities on both sides, unintentional, due to poor command, and also the deliberate.
Folks better figure out a consistent, principled response because the tribalistic support for one side or tother regardless of circumstance is predictable and boring,
Farage didn’t even turn up for his first day at Westminster, LOL.
Strange, Nigel Farage went to Westminster the day after his election win. And I have just seen a picture of Nigel Farage and the other Reform MPs standing in the great hall of Westminster, taken less than an hour ago.
Back to your garage, Nazi. You really are pathetic.
He lives in a basement, which is lower than a garage.
Grasping at straws, I think it’s called. The actions and beliefs of a desperate man.
A lot of news so some titles for the jaded:
The Radiation Cookery Book: ingredients, utensils and what to wear: Radiation for Beginners inc.
The Comprehensive Handbook on Hanging; A Lifetime’s Work: Sheriff T Harde
What Would Christ do About Syphilis: Dr Ira D. Cardiff
Psychic Self-Defence: Practical Instructions for Detecting and Dealing with Psychic Attacks: Dion Fortune.
yes that was lame