Cassie, over on Michael Smith’s blog, some idiot called “Mungrel truth” is citing some guy called Max Blumenthal (who I’ve…
Cassie, over on Michael Smith’s blog, some idiot called “Mungrel truth” is citing some guy called Max Blumenthal (who I’ve…
Palmer hates the LNP because Campbell Newman would not agree to special legislation for his mine and train line to…
The Arab states, let alone the Palestinians themselves, will notagree. Then Bad Orange Man can then say “I offered and…
Well, it saves on cockroach control in the kitchen.
Yep, I’ve got no idea what Trump is up to here but sending the troops into Gaza isn’t gonna happen.…
On @JesseKellyDC, I went over the strange similarities btwn the 2020 BLM riots in Minneapolis under Governor Tim Walz & the US Special Operations Forces 2021 guide to organizing race riots in Africa. Tim Walz, oddly, had chaired the Special Operations Forces caucus in Congress.
I don’t think many cats need to worry about monkey pox as unlikely to engage in gay orgies.
Printing More Money Doesn’t Fix The Economy | Lord Mervyn King
John Anderson Media
The Problematic Deep State & Unelected Bureaucrats | Konstantin Kisin
John Anderson Media
Much better format – I don’t have the patience any more to sit for 3/4 of an hour listening to people argue arcane points.
A 3 – 7 minute easily digestible single point hammered home does more to engage me than a long winded homily.
Current read. Triggered by Bungonia Bee who mentioned Ben MacIntyre in a recent thread.
Not many books leave me stunned with pretty much an open jaw. There’s some amazing events mixed up with just one KGB officer, & for the reader few cogs slip into place regards events of the 1980s.
On top of that, one of the most interesting accounts of recruiting & running an agent inside an enemy intelligence agency.
Salvatore’s unsolicited opinion: The punishment of Aldrich Ames should have been handled not by a US federal court, but by Vlad the Impaler – even then it would have been too lenient.
Ben’s books are so well researched and so well written.
Sliante, to all you horrible mob.
There is a group of the old and bold, and the ruthless and toothless, sitting on my back verandah, murdering compous amounts of single malt, and wondering why the Hell we ever othered,,
You forgot ..the rugged and buggered.
Who, where or what were you othering?
Good news from Sweden
The frollicking mole, covid “caused” less deaths than Black Death because the response was (somewhat) less insane.
Ventilators and Remdesevir in 2020 weren’t as widely applied as drinking mercury and arsenic were in the 14th century.
Still completely useless and dangerous, just not as dangerous.
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Peter Schrank.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Matt Margolis #2.
Gary Varvel.
Tina Norton.
Saw a notice on a building near me, there are a bunch of these along a little river/canal in the centre of Cavan.
And two pubs opposite me and am old supermarket two doors down, though that was probably killed by Tesco.
It’s a shame in the middle of a housing shortage.
Land banking for future development. Elderly owners without funds for repair? Simply abandoned?
rosie, probably a mix of all three, but I’d suspect the dead hand of the bureaucracy in the rebuild effort – too many regulations making the rebuild “Heritage values” too expensive for the owners to consider.
The Demonrats are certainly intent on aborting the American Dream.
600 years of coral at Fiji shows the ocean was just as warm in 1400AD
‘IT WAS THE JEWS!’ Screams Candace Owens On First Round Of ‘Clue’
How very timely, Hugh. 😀
That was in reference to comments made last night about Owens. The Bee definitely has the ratbag’s measure.
…and she seemed so calm and logical just a couple of years ago.
What the Hell happened to her?
They don’t make ’em tough like that any more
Cassius Clay was an absolute badass. Like, on some surreal John Wick level.
In 1843, Clay was addressing his constituents in Kentucky, standing at an embankment.
An assassin ran up from within the crowd and fired at him, hitting him in the chest. Clay beat the man with his silver-tipped cane, then wrestled him into submission.
Holding him down with one hand, he took his Bowie knife, cutting off the gunman’s nose and ear. Then lifted the man off the ground, throwing him off the embankment…
He did all that with a bullet lodged in his chest. Cassius Clay lived to 92 with that bullet still in him.
One of the world’s greatest fighters was named after him… and then decided “Muhammad Ali” was a more badass name.
I disagree — they don’t make ’em any more hardcore than the original Cassius Clay.
Hard workers in the gold fields.
Didn’t we used to have a Blog Roll in the margins, for people to look up sites deemed newsworthy?
Or was that Ye Olde Catallaxy?
Both statements are true. Dover did away with a stack of plug-ins when the blog started to slow down dramatically.
I can’t see that it would slow it down much, but OK.
This will help the day get off to a good start.
People falling over and shit.
How to put the fear of God into an older woman going to her dance class with a very sore coccyx, Bob.
But I did it, and well. Glad I didn’t see your little cheer up first.
What is it that I couldn’t help laughing, even watching it twice?
Factoid- Cassius Clay (v2.0) took the name “Cassius X” for a heady fortnight in 64 before going the full Muhammad.
The Left really really doesn’t like Christians.
The disgraceful French clampdown on a legal protest which no one’s talking about (20 Aug)
RTWT, it’s fairly short. Compare and contrast with certain other protests lately…
What next? Recommissioning the Chateau d’If for political prisoners?
Georgia Election Board – good news. Total ballots cast in the election must match the total number of voter IDs recorded in the system.
Pretty basic you would think at ruling out voting fraud. Needless to say the Democrats hate it.
“IT WAS THE JEWS!” Owens cried
My father once told me that anti-Semitism, or the more accurate description of Jew hatred, sends people stark raving mad.
I have often wondered why we Jews have always been the whipping boys but it’s been like that for three millennia, it even begins as far back as Egypt prior to the exodus.
Some say it’s jealousy, but what are people jealous of? For most of history, throughout those three millennia, particularly after the destruction of the second temple, we Jews have been dirt poor, a marginalised, impoverished and very despised minority, frequently persecuted. Pogroms were the norm, culminating in the Holocaust. Our persecutors could never make up their minds about what exactly they hated about us, it shifted from religious to economic to racial. But despite this we clung and we still cling stubbornly to our faith, to our heritage, a heritage that goes back to Abraham and Sarah.
So, why this unhinged obsession? Jew hatred always united the far-left and the far-right. Both fringes agree on many things but what ties them intimately, like a marriage made in hell, is Jew hatred.
I’m reminded of a story about Frederick the Great, perhaps apocryphal, perhaps not. Frederick the Great was a man who didn’t much care for religion, and he didn’t much care for Prussia’s Jews. When he was a teenager the young precocious Frederick once demanded of his Lutheran pastor proof that God exists, and the pastor is said to have given Frederick a two-word answer…..
‘The Jews’
And therein lies the rub. Fred’s Lutheran pastor was quite correct, it is the Jews who provide the world with the evidence of God’s existence, and that’s why we’re hated. Fred of Prussia never forgave the Jews for this, he grew up to persecute Jews. And the world will never forgive the Jews for it either.
Jew hatred is a direct assault on God, it is an assault on morality, on decency and on truth.
The survival of the Jews IS a miracle of history, it is testament to the existence of God. Mediocrities like Candace Owens, the Iranian mullahs, Senator Penny Pong, forked tongue Albo, the hideous Nazi Greens, and the rest of the far-left and far-right will all one day be confined to the dustbin of history whilst we Jews will survive, but we survive at a cost, a hideous cost. But if one day the Jew haters get their way and we Jews are disappeared, a light that shines on this planet will be gone……forever and the world will sink into permanent darkness.
Been travelling, so no link, but a couple of days ago, I saw on Instapundit IIRC, some research on modem anti-Semitic actions quoted.
Around 60% were perpetrated by leftists, a bit over 20% by Muslims, and around 15% by the far right.
Know your enemy. They are in order the leftards, Muslims, and trailing behind the “far right”, such as they might be.
Cassie, this unhinged hatred of the Jews has always puzzled me. I have always presumed it is because they have such a high IQ! I kid you not. The Ashkenazi Jews are said to have the highest IQ of any group. The astounding success of the state of Israel seems to me to be a tribute to Jewish courage and intellect. This will always promote envy amongst those who are incapable of that level of success.
You know, Cassie, it seems to me to be very tribal. One tribe looks at the achievements of another tribe and simmers in envy. At the end of the day, I reckon we are all tribal.
I think there’s a lot of intellectual envy. Ashkenazi Jews are super bright because they had to enter professions requiring a honed intelligence such as accountancy, banking and medicine. Under Medievalism, they were unable to hold land or achieve in Christian bureaucracies. The selection pressures were set in place to develop exceptionalism in some, with fine minds, and the culture also assisted, stressing scholarly behaviour and familial integrity. A few prospered in the US in banking and hence the myth of the Jewish control of financial matters internationally, while many were occupationally middle class. Easy to cast stones of this sort against a well-off group already demonised, even if not all were as well off as believed. The disraceful ethnic slurring in the faked-up Protocols of Zion played on this situational and historical placement of Jewish people in Western Christian culture..
Cassie, it’s demonic hatred and finds its expression in human action.
It has everything to do with God’s faithfulness, His promise to Abraham and how He has fulfilled it through the ages. The people who are acting out the evil don’t have to believe it, many wouldn’t even know what it’s about. But the force directing them does.
That doesn’t exonerate the perpetrators. Having given themselves over to wickedness, they just can’t stop because they enjoy it.
Cassie, I have never understood this unhinged hatred of the Jews. I agree with what you say although I had supposed jealousy came into it. It is much worse than that though and I agree with Calli that it is actually demonic.
Can anyone explain to me what the $7.70cap on OAP medical prescriptions applies too ..? .. Admittedy, I’d never needed a prescription in over 10 years until my Prostate problems flared last November .. Since then, for various reasons, I’ve filled, maybe, 2 dozen scripts .. Yet never once have I had one that cost only $7.70 .. They’ve all ranged from, at least, $8.80 thru to $30 even tho I produce my OAP card ..
?SO, what is a $7.70 capped prescription the gummint keeps touting ..?
Paracetamol and Laxettes. 😀
It appears your doctors are prescribing non-PBS medicines which are not affected by the cap of $7.70
The $7.70 is the $7 GP user-payment spitballed by spineless Abbott, plus GST.
*this comment is only half-baked
Damn ..! Misunderstood the headline .. clicked and expected pix of sheep, wool looms & jumpers .. instead ……. FFS! As an aside is there any Oz “entrepreneurial” group out there that didn’t contribute to out medal haul … ? I meanz, how would all these athletes have got on if they’d had to rely on their own abilities …… ?” ……
Cassie of Sydney
August 21, 2024 7:39 am
Bravo Cassie – as I said last night I was once a fan of the feisty Candace Owens but even when she’d joined the Daily Wire I could not listen to her podcasts due to her mode of speaking and pronunciation of words which to me indicated a somewhat shallow intellect – Does she think anti-semitism makes her a better Catholic — ask that great observer of behaviour Bugs Bunny says — What a maroon, what an ignroanamus
For me the Jews will always be God’s Chosen People and perhaps their very existence bears witness to the miraculous existence of God.
Listened last year to the Socrates in the City podcast by Eric Metaxas – his guest was an observant Jewish fellow by the name of Michael Medved and the topic was God’s Hand on America – fascinating details about the US that were seemingly impossible but for a belief in the hand of God in the miraculous outcomes.
I don’t think many cats need to worry about monkey pox as unlikely to engage in gay orgies.
Don’t you believe it and i’D HAVE TO “GOOGLE” orgy.. !
Repeat after me: There is no two tiered justice in Airstrip One.
No better shatterzzz?
Feelz a lot better, pain is minimal now, but not improving in graphics .. more concerned about it’s, possible, affect on my, planned, major surgery, next week .. I look in the mirror ans see .. rejection .. back on the list …… duuuuuuuuuh!
If it’s OK by you I’ll keep you on my prayer list — it’s fairly long at the moment but room for one more.
Cameron Stewart is a far left knee pad clad meeja moron (BIRM). From the Oz:
Geriatric Joe will be regarded as the most incapable incompetent and illegitimate president in US history.
That “is if” about all you needed to say Stewart, you stupid sanctimonious j’ismist twat.
Hes right up there. Best avoided.
He is a competent stenographer for the Media Class Party Line on every topic.
This article at the Oz is at nearly 800 comments in 3 hours.
Australia’s biggest renewables project, SunCable, has won environmental approvals from the Albanese government, with the giant development in the Northern Territory set to produce enough power for three million homes.
I call BS. How many homes does the NT have?
This project will produce power for homes that don’t exist at times when it’s not needed.
The three million homes stuff is hilarious. How you would explain it to sixteen year old girl. Nameplate capacity on a windmill is next to useless for all intents and purposes.
…and not derailed by a Govt funded buck toothed “ aboriginal” “artist” either.
I suppose Rainbow Serpents can slither underneath solar panels.
Australia’s biggest solar farm gets a green tick from Plibersek (Paywallian)
The subsidies must be worth a gold mine for Cannon-Brookes.
Snap Bourne!
During daylight hours.
After that, it’s candles. And so many panels to clean, and so much water needed to clean them. Perhaps the pixies will pop in overnight when they’re inactive.
One senses the opportunity for a Work-for-tha-doll scheme here?
Actually the cleaning would be the least of a problem, easily automated to turn on sprinklers at night, provided water was available.
Wouldn’t be needed every day either, output can be recorded and when falling, cleaning started as needed.
Why would you waste it on crops and cattle?
With respect Kevin, I think you’re avoiding the perceived value of ‘doin sumfink.’ Practical solutions are not vote winners (and they don’t provide well-paying jerbs for mates).
That’s “maaaaaates”.
Meanwhile, Denny Shanahan has penned a piece at the Oz stating out loud what many Cats have already suspected – the Oxford St bathhouse that is NSW gliberals are hell bent on sabotaging Dr Mutton’s election campaign.
Mass sackings and expulsions from the pardee would seem the only logical course of action.
That the NSW Lieborals are actually sabotaging themselves is somehow more reassuring.
Just get a load of this smug evil tax hoovering hippie deadsh*t …
Precisely my thoughts first thing this morning.
Mockery is now a crime. I wonder if any of the grooming/rape gangs got anywhere near as long – or even anywhere near a jail.
‘Stirring Up Hatred’ — UK Man Jailed After Mocking Muslims at Non-Violent Anti-Migration Protest
We live in a time where the words of one tribe (the outsiders) are defined as violence, but the violence of the insiders’ tribe is defined as words (free speech).
Until the (majority) outsiders wake up and stop permitting the (minority) insiders to make up their own rules, nothing will change.
Hamas sends threatening calls, messages to hostage relatives from loved ones phones – N12
Yes, and where’s the Red Cross/Crescent in all of this??
Greenslime: Wind turbines dont cause wildlife deaths
also greenslime: Australia could save thousands of bats a year with simple tweak to wind turbines, study saysRaising the wind speed at which turbines start spinning could prevent tens of thousands of bat deaths each year, researchers find
Considering the bats being the vectors of several diseases jumping to humans, we should be wiping the damn things out.
Violent criminal SAVED from deportation PUSHES commuter on tracks as immigration fury RATTLES Labour
Haha, amazing how it works.
Disney+ cancels Star Wars spin-off after one season (, 20 Aug) seem mystified why it went so badly. Of course they forget to mention anywhere in this article that it was insanely woke and featured two parthenogenic lesbian space witches.
You Can’t Defend Israel Unless You Talk About Islam
Honestly, at this point, I’m not as outraged as you might expect.
The United States Was Just Called a “Plague” by Mahmoud Abbas. Now what?
Mike Benz: The Four-Letter Agencies Are Killing The Ability To Operate An Independent Website
Why did the Democrat’s “Joy” campaign last night sound like hate, rage, bitterness, and revenge?
Meanwhile, in Chicago
If we continue to believe that our opponents think the same as us, have the same values as we do, and desire the same outcomes (and what it takes to achieve them), we will never create and execute the effective tactics needed to defeat them.
But then… do we actually want to win this competition for influence? Or are we happy with a participation certificate?
Because it was.
Why do the Revolutionary Communists of America tend to wear identity-hiding masks? Surely they are out and proud now? Kamala’s dad was a revolutionary Marxist. Same difference.
If only he’d published a politically incorrect meme…
‘Joy’ for some people is exercising power over others; making the latter feel miserable as a proxy for the abuser’s own insecurities.
Another pathological liar.
THREAD: In addition to his military career & drunk driving arrest, there’s another topic about which @Tim_Walz has been lying for political purposes —the conception of his own children. Since IVF treatments entered the news earlier this year, Walz has been repeatedly claiming he & his wife owe their two children to IVF. But today both CNN & the NYT confirm the Walzes did not in fact use IVF.
Here’s Walz a month ago on Chris Hayes’s show: “Today is IVF day. Thank God for IVF, my wife and I have two beautiful children.”
See the lie, hidden? IVF day, then his wife and kids, but not making an actual connection.
Rather as he implied stolen valor.
As Kamala Harris masks her radicalism, AOC’s speech showed Democrats’ true face
how to fix home affordability in the US
Must be very tempting for the recipients to go all Les Grossman on the hamarse’s house sized backsides.
Wouldn’t the phone calls be giving some indication of where the victims are, if the callers are taunting them at the same time?
I’d think it’s not very clever of them to do so.
Sen. Ron Johnson: ‘FBI Investigation into Trump Shooting Is Jaw-Dropping, Everything They Are Doing Is Wrong’
Looks like you’ve been “in a spirited policy debate with a factional rival at an ALP conference”.
Remember the battered face in The Baldwin Bashing?
Cheer up, Shatrerzzz. Peter Baldwin recoved and so will you.
Boeing grounds entire 777X test fleet after discovering engine defect
Brought to you by an accountant building aeroplanes.
Roger Franklin on the final exit of the Democratic Party’s puppet president. RTWT.
Hugely good satire and some solid highly informative taking of the piss.
Lag from the medieval warm period, possibly.
You wouldn’t know any of this if you listened to the 8 local and ‘funded’ marine biologists pouring out ‘the Fijian reef is dying’ misinformation on our recent cruise around these islands. They added in our Great Barrier Reef as an added bonus, till my sotto voce interjections may have been noticed.
Dr. John Campbell with Prof. Robert Clancy
Konstantin Kisin vs. NBC Journalist on Elon, UK Riots and Civil War
Man, those crowds at the DNC are really something. AI has come a long way.
Half empty is something I suppose.
It’s DEAD Inside The DNC — Low Energy and Less Than Half Full (19 Aug)
The DNC talking points are far more positive, if not necessarily accurate.
Those are the far, far, left demonstrators who seek an immediate move to communism.
Shooting of Kulaks like you to follow quickly.
So, who’s lying, the government officials or the NRMA?
The NRMA later confessed…
But nobody in government seems to care. despite the facility costing taxpayers several hundred thousand dollars to build and maintain.
Chris Bowen did not return Yahoo’s calls.
Years ago my workshop built a few gensets for Telstra out in the desert. Derated by 50%. Wonder if they forgot about the temperature factor in the design.
You’d think they’d be curious as to why it’s not working; instead “no timeline.”
Which makes one suspicious re the contract terms.
Government departments are becoming notorious for their incompetence in writing up commercial contracts.
Waddya mean “becoming”? Look at Defence contracting even decades ago.
Getting worse then.
Tintarella di Luna
August 21, 2024 8:58 am
Very kind of you Tinta.
While I am of no faith, I think that if you genuinely believe in he power of prayer it comes true.
Don’t know how it works and when and why, but it happens.
I, for one, would be massively triggered as a leftie if the Queensland LNP achieved a successful takeover of the NSW Libs. Dutton would become the true leader of the country, unassailed by internal division or strife, occupying the natural and righteous centre of political discourse.
Well that’s a nice scenario Monty, but it would need the LINOs to be booted: like Photios, Kean and Harwin.
Which is unlikely to happen. The Libs are going right down the toilet like the Conservative Party has.
I will report to the fainting couch. Stop that, JD!
Well you said you’d be massively triggered.
Thank God for IVF, my wife and I have two beautiful children
IVF was the non de plume of the wifes boyfriend?
My thought precisely.
We have the same issue here with the Milkmans children.
And, on the topic of JOY,
Here’s a taste of the real thing
May I also say it is wonderful to read Figures and his crater-skulled droolery, to make the rest of us feel better about ourselves. We may disagree, but at least we aren’t cookers.
My arguments are completely irrefutable both logically and empirically.
But I suspect the thing that would persuade them the most is that you’re on the side of germ theory,
That’s because he is a germ
You are at least 100 levels below cookers on intelligence alone. Morally probably 1000 levels lower.
Around 60% were perpetrated by leftists, a bit over 20% by Muslims, and around 15% by the far right.
Know your enemy. They are in order the leftards, Muslims, and trailing behind the “far right”, such as they might be.
I do know who my enemy is. As for the far-right, they’re a percentage problem in the US however they are not a problem here or in the UK. Oh and further to Jew hating Nazis (as if there are any other kind), I see our very own Nazi has vomited up here this morning.
Cassie, the Leftists are still to wake up to the fact the Muslims are playing them the same way they play others.
The Left pretends to support gays, aboriginals, and other assorted causes. Then they ditch them when they’ve got no use for them. The Muslims do the same, except when they have used the communists, they kill them. Just ask the Kurdish people. The first thing that happened after the MEK and the Mullahs overthrew the Shah, was the victory feast/celebrations and the MEK who were stupid enough to turn up were slaughtered.
The Left – being the smartest people in every room they they enter – still haven’t tumbled to the Islamic duplicity.
and his crater-skulled droolery
Projecting again, Nazi.
Via Instapundit:
DNC Riot Season Begins (19 Aug)
That’s all really good stuff, but I loved the extra link to the 2024 Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest where that particular blogger has just won the Grand Prize. With a truly excellent entry!
Do please RTWT on both, especially the bodice-ripping Bulwer-Lytton efforts.
That Bulwer-Lytton link is hilarious. Incidentally, I do agree with the writer about the Yukon Golds. 😀
I do enjoy turning a prophet!
Which leads one to wonder whether AUS & UK law enforcement authorities are lazily following a narrative shared with them by their US counterparts at one of those international conferences they attend annually, from which they’ve come back all determined to unearth a problem that barely exists locally.
Which, if it were the case, would be funny, except that it involves a misallocation of resources from monitoring serious threats.
You’re such a faggot, Monty.
My name is Monty.
I’m a bit like Chauncey.
I can’t stand strong tea.
Please don’t taunt me.
I’m over forty.
My logic is faulty.
Ready for another dumb sortie?
Incoming commie thoughties.
Past errors don’t haunt me.
You lot are naughty.
Wait. There’s another page of rhyming words.
My name is Monty.
Thinking ain’t my forte.
Please don’t form the
idea my brain is scrawny.
I’ll grantee.
I like be haughty.
Making you lot yawny.
I know all about history.
For Marx I’m salty.
Stay classy, Frank.
Yeah, I remember when you called someone here a ‘nonce’ then you backtracked and claimed you didn’t know the meaning of it.
Given your never ending hypocrisy, and given the fact that you openly advocate violence against those who you disagree with, I don’t think you’re in any position to lecture others about being ‘classy’.
I did not, in fact, know that meaning of the word.
I don’t think Frank was mistakenly comparing me to a bundle of sticks, Cranky.
Didn’t know the meaning of “nonce”? LOL, the (lack of) benefits of a modern “education”.
Whiny queen was the comparison. For such an alpha luvvie as yourself this should be a compliment.
The Democrat Party is no longer pretending to operate within accepted norms.I suspect this pulp fiction blockbuster attack ad will go down like a Disney remake of Star Wars using lesbian leads.
Speaking if which, the government is proving slow to appoint its “Islamophobia Envoy.”
Could it be that “the Muslim community” is itself divided over whether such a position is necessary, and, if so, who should fill the role?
One suggestion – the government would be well advised to avoid QLD blowhard Ali Kadri, who has humbly nominated himself for the position.
As you would expect the Bee are Python fans…
‘I’m Not Dead Yet!’ Insists Biden As He’s Loaded Onto Cart Of Corpses (18 Aug, via Instapundit)
I am extremely indebted to my old mum who took a very naive country teenager to see that movie in a small Sydney cinema when it first reached Australia.
Monty Python had a large US fan base, largely amongst college students not surprisingly. Their early stuff was shown on publicly funded TV and they had a large lawsuit with one of the networks over cuts they wanted made to screen it on network TV.
Don’t know how it works and when and why, but it happens.
The secret is no secret — it’s faith – for me Psalm 91 is a guide as is Romans 8:31-32
and Psalm 27
Oh I do like this brutal truth-bomb from Basketball Star Kwame Brown: “Kamal’s skin colour ain’t gonna pay for our groceries”
For what it is worth, I don’t rate Benson. Not quite Prof levels of wrongology but definitely that end of the curve.
I think national security is becoming very important.
I’m sure many would wonder why Labor is smuggling Palis into the country.
I’m afraid Benson is right. The Gaza issue establishes only that Luigi and his rabble are sneaky and dishonest on immigration and national security.
But Gaza is magnitudes lower than cost of living in the issues that will decide the next election.
But it’s not just national security. It’s the establishment cramming in yet more people into the country at the expense of normal Australians.
And that has flow-on effects with housing, jobs, access to health services, cost of living and higher taxes (to pay social security to the new arrivals).
Mass migration is a separate issue that folds into the top three issues of housing affordability, real wage decline (aka declining standards of living) and demand on government services such as health.
It’s a target rich environment yet the Libs are choosing to major on a minor issue according to the polling at present. Yes, it’s yielding dividends, but it’s not an election winner unless the situation in the ME explodes. Mind you, Dutton has stupidly said he’s happy to take more ME refugees.
WA Supreme Court cops a whack from Albrechtsen in Teh Paywallian. Certainly their YouTube capabilities are a step down from the Federal Court.
To be fair WA Supreme Courts trials typically lack the celebrity nature of, say, their NSW or even Victorian counterparts. No gangland figures, no Richo on the witness list, no Home and Away stars, no footballers or their WAGs. A few WA Inc trials had a media throng but it’s been pretty quiet since then, except for the Claremont serial killer.
Would love to discuss over a cup of tea one day.
She’s moved on from dressing like a sofa.
Jill Biden Walks Out on Stage at DNC Convention Wrapped in a Plastic Trash Bag (19 Aug)
You can’t unsee it…
Well, she is taking out the trash.
When you take your Nan shopping at one of those stripper boutiques.
Did they forget the pole?
Fitting for a dreadful old bag.
I can forgive her lack of fashion sense, but isn’t there anyone to advise her?
He’s just another Faceless Bureaucrat who has no idea of the effects on the people he’s supposed to be representing.
He thinks gaining power is a Brass Ring that allows him to make the electorate do what he thinks is best.
Gold hits all time high.
So naturally the Labor government turns down a new gold mine.
They’re literally that dumb.
Accidental down thumb, please forgive me. If not get fffffff
There should be more down thumbing.
Too much agreement here and not enough debate.
It’s like an old women’s knitting club.
Nit one, pearl …
You can thumbs-up a thumbs-down to cancel it then add the thumbs-up you intended.
$340 Million investment pissed away on the say so of one dipshit “minister”
This country is stuffed.
Just wonderful
Mama mia! And they are worried about pineapple on pizza.
Still not as stupid as Victorian Labour,
Sitting on an absolute sea of natural gas.
And deciding to go with windmills, batteries and solar instead.
Maybe not morons, maybe corrupt traitors.
WTF Happened To Santa Monica, California?!
What happened to Santa Monica?
The people voted for the destruction of their city and replaced it with ‘feel very good’ policies.
Again: They voted for it! Why are they surprised?
Dave Sharma with a piece in the Daily Telegraph:
What % of Hawkey’s Chinese students would still be here?
On second thoughts, I’ll wait for the new OT to be put up.
A summary of the idiotic long-distance undersea solar energy proposal…
Daily Mail
On the flip side, when they find the cable won’t work (or Singapore won’t buy the power), it’ll provide Darwin and Alice with a huge excess of solar electricity.
Oh, and rediscovery of cave scratchings in 3.. 2.. 1.
Jussie Smollett vibes.
SC Reviews
Is he any relation to Peter Andre. That would account for lack of talent.
Who cares what an entitled ‘comedian’ thinks? These are our rules, if you don’t like them, inflict yourself on some other country.
Mass migration is really a separate issue from the Gazan visas. It folds into the top three issues of housing affordability, real wage decline (aka declining standards of living) and unsustainable demand on government services such as hospitals and schools.
Labor’s incompetence is providing a target rich environment, yet the Libs are choosing to major on a minor issue in the public’s mind according to the polling at present. Yes, it’s yielding dividends, but it’s not an election winner unless the situation in the ME explodes. Mind you, Dutton has stupidly said he’s happy to take more ME refugees, as he in fact did in the past as Abbott’s immigration minister.
What we’re seeing atm is a leadership contest in the Uniparty, not a serious proposal for an alternative government that will reverse the direction of the country.
C’mon, Liberals…prove me wrong.
The Democrat National Convention:
While inside they euthanise a senile, vicious old man’s political career, outside mobs of communist louts shriek for the end of America. Planned parenthood provide a ceremonial demonic van at which men line up for ritual emasculation and women to sacrifice their children to this unholy, chaotic and miserable vision.
There could be an upside to progs not reproducing, you know.
The sin of Moloch is actual and real today.
What Carthage got was in my opinion dealt by the One who sees.
They had a giant IUD in the foyer and people marching dressed as abortion pills. It’s almost like they want humanity to go extinct.
Has anyone else got an 520 error code this morning?
Yes, but it was resolved within ten minutes.
Did not get an error message, but about an hour ago, when I clicked on the reply link to any posts, nothing happened
For me the New Cat wasn’t accessible for an hour or so around lunchtime. Didn’t wait long enough for an error message though.
But then, I went back to bed and had a nice little sleep in. Do I get one for that? And what does it entitle me to?
It will be even funnier (in a way) when some low ranked nobody declares that their gender dysphoria is a disability demanding to be able to compete in the Paralympics. We have seen women pummelled by biological males into forfeiting contests.
Just imagine how stunning and brave it will be at a velodrome. The banked track strewn with blind people and one armed people tangled in their bikes – each lying at the end of along streak in the polish where their faces brought their bodies to a halt – while the ‘winner’ dances about punching the air with his raised fist and whooping in victory.
It will help people forget the opening ceremony where a corpulent tranny going by the name Jesina Christina, wearing nothing but a crown of thorns and two stickers reading “IN” and “RI” on its nipples, moaned in ecstasy while another tranny, wearing a Satan mask and a devil’s tail, slid a lubricated crucifix in and out of Jesina’s butthole – and all the predictable griping by Christians that “their beliefs are being mocked”.
When even Alan Kohler gets it…
Alan Kohler:
How a broken immigration system caused the housing crisis
Sounds like the 1965 changes to the Immigration Act in the USA which lead to the import of the turd world.
Basically selling citizenship, something you would expect from Vanuatu or some other clapped out island. Which is where Australia sits now.
Upthread, the Gimp informed us that Donald Trump, upon being asked why he was in a town associated with White Supremacy, was too scared to reply.
Here is what REALLY happened.
Bet the jismist didn’t understand after Donald John Trump
Replied. Mutley level of jism.
The lying liar lied again, News at 6. He’s a lefturd, what else did you expect?
Kellogs awarded contract for ASIO security vetting .. LOL!
I’d like to remind people here that the scum who did this are lauded and praised by the left, and the scum who did this and who support this are being invited into this country by a government of Jew haters. The world must never forget the evil carried out by the people of Gaza.
IDF recovers remains of six hostages murdered in Gaza
The hostages were identified as Avraham Munder, Yoram Metzger, Nadav Popplewell, Yagev Buchshtav, Chaim Peri and Alex Dancyg.
The Israel Defense Forces on Tuesday morningrecovered the bodies of six hostages kidnapped on Oct. 7, from a tunnel inKhan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip.
In an operation involving the IDF and Israel Security Agency, the bodies ofAvraham Munder, Yoram Metzger, Nadav Popplewell, Yagev Buchshtav,Chaim Peri and Alex Dancyg were located more than 10 months after the Hamas massacre.
The six hostages kidnapped on Oct. 7, 2023 by Hamas terrorists and who were murdered in Gaza. Their bodies were recovered by the IDF in a tunnel in Khan Younis on Aug. 20, 2024. Credit: Ministry of Foreign Aff airs of Israel.
The total number of hostages remaining in the hands of Hamas in Gaza nowstands at 109.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that every effort will continue to be made to return all of the abductees, both alive and dead.
“Our hearts grieve over the terrible loss. My wife Sara and I convey our heartfelt condolences to the dear families. I would like to thank the brave IDF and ISA fighters and commanders for their heroism and determined action,” the premier stated.
Israeli President Isaac Herzog said, “We must not stop for a moment from working in every way possible to bring back all the hostages, the living to the embrace of their families, and the dead to be laid to rest. This is Israel’s highest moral duty.”
Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant called it a “daring and dangerous operation in the Hamas tunnels in Khan Younis.”
“I share in the mourning and the heavy sorrow of the families,” he said, adding, that the operation was “another expression of the determination and courage of the fighters, alongside the operational freedom of action that we have achieved all over the Gaza Strip. We will continue to expand it and realize the goals of the war, the dissolution of Hamas, and the fulfillment of our commitment to return all abductees to Israel.”
Avraham Munder, 79, was kidnapped from Kibbutz Nir Oz along with his wife Ruthi,their daughter Keren and 9-year-old grandson Ohad. Ruthi, Keren and Ohad were released in the November hostage deal. Their son, Roi, was murdered during the Hamas-led massacre on Oct. 7 along with some 1,200 others.
“We will always remember Munder, with his clear voice, his warm smile and his endless love for his family and the kibbutz,” the kibbutz said in a statement.
Yoram Metzger, 80, also a member of Nir Oz, was kidnapped alive and the IDF announced his death about two months ago. His wife, Tamar, who was also kidnapped to Gaza, was released in November.
“He worked at the Nirlat factory and in recent years in a garage. Member of the Kibbutz Winery. Father of three sons and grandfather of seven grandchildren. Yoram will be remembered in all of our hearts as a pleasant and smiling man, who always made everyone feel immediately at home,” the kibbutz said.
Chaim Peri, 80, was also kidnapped from Nir Oz, of which he was a member. Chaim was 80 years old, father of five children and grandfather of 13 grandchildren. An entrepreneur, humanist and peace activist. On the day of the massacre at the kibbutz, Chaim managed to save his wife Asanat before being kidnapped himself. He survived in inhumane conditions in the Hamas tunnels for months, until he was brutally murdered in captivity,” the kibbutz said.
Yagev Buchshtav’s death was announced on July 22. He was kidnapped from Kibbutz Nirim, where the 34-year-old resided. His wife, Rimon Kirsht Buchshtav, was abducted with him and then released on Nov. 28 as part of aceasefire agreement.
Alex Dancyg, 76, was kidnapped from Kibbutz Nir Oz. The IDF
announced his death in late July, along with that of Yagev Buchshtav.
“Alex Dancyg was a historian, educator and farmer. Born to Holocaust survivors, he became one of the founders of educational delegations to Poland. Alex worked at Yad Vashem for about 30 years, where he trained thousands of guides in Holocaust education,
“Hostages who were held captive with him reported that Alex spent his time in captivity giving history lectures to fellow captives. Alex was an avid reader with a passion for history and enjoyed various sports. Yesterday would have been his 76th birthday,” the statement continued.
Yad Vashem chairman Dani Dayan paid tribute to Dancyg, saying, “Alex’s essence embodied both in spirit and substance his love for the land and thirst for knowledge. His vast library at his home in Kibbutz Nir Oz reflected his deep connection between his cherished Israeli and Jewish identity and his Polish birthplace.
“Alex successfully integrated these perspectives into his teaching of the events of World War II in general and of the Holocaust in particular. The news of his tragic death strengthens our commitment to ensure that Alex’s legacy and the stories he passionately preserved are never forgotten.”
The forum said of Yagev Buchshtav that he “was a humble and unassuming man who loved life in Kibbutz Nirim. A sound technician by profession, Yagev had a deep passion for music. From a young age, he played guitar and flute, later expanding to other instruments, some of which he built himself. Together with his wife Rimon, Yagev cared for five dogs and five cats, several of which they had rescued and rehabilitated.”
Nadav Popplewell’s death was announced on June 3. The 51-year-old British Israeli was taken from his home in Kibbutz Nirim by Hamas terrorists. His mother, Channah Peri, 79, was released in November.
May their memory be blessed. May their deaths be avenged by the IDF.
How many hostages remain alive? Most of the men are probably dead, the young women used as sexual slaves and raped every day. This is the scum the left here laud and extol.
not a day goes by that I don’t say a prayer for Kfir and Ariel Bibas, and their mum and dad.
Kfir’s first birthday has come and gone since his capture.
Jaysus! Can Luigi read a room or what.
He has no idea of where his food comes from, or where his political appetite will take him. Probably to a Gulag, or the Fabled Vegemite Mines in the Great Sandy Desert.
Re the Kohler article – more evidence that the repulsive Howard has a lot to answer for.
Preaching to the choir here.
Sorry but I wouldn’t believe anything Kohler said. He is a tried and true leftist. Nearly as bad as the kook
It is now 319 days since October 7 2023. That disgusting and very putrid organisation known as the IRC is yet to visit one hostage held by Hamas in Gaza.
Jews don’t count.
Jews don’t matter.
The IRC is a disgrace. We long ago gave up supporting them.
Being a Christian, I’m disgusted and offended that they’re still using a cross as their logo.
Should have changed it to a green crescent years ago.
Silly me, new OT goes up midday tomorrow, not today. Time for spleen venting!
Vent on!
I see that the current ‘first stage’ of the plan is to deliver 4GW of power to Darwin in 2030, or something.
Given that the Darwin-Katherine system is presently supplied by 370MW gas/diesel gensets at Channel Island – with an exciting renewables plan to replace that with 320MW of solar plus 80MW of hydrogen and “specialty batteries” – there must be a pretty big renewable energy hub somewhere in the works.
Woolies had Energiser batteries on special recently.
Interesting to know how he’s going to get cash flow out of the thing. There aren’t “3 million homes” in Darwin for a start, and the NT is isolated from any other grid. The transmission lines to get anywhere useful would cost tens of billions.
Given the Singapore Government has given the project a Far Cough rating, one can only suppose the master plan is to make the concept too yummy for dim bulb Australian politicians to resist applying taxpayers munni.
Buckets, BoN. That’s how to move it. For a large down payment I can show you how.
Foucault – Patron Saint of Child Indoctrination | Logan Lancing
Jordan B Peterson
dear Foucault is mandatory reading for the Uni Kiddies
Feminism 201
The ABC is having a waking wet dream about MAGA quisling Stephanie Grisham addressing the DNC convention:
Let’s set aside the fact that a press secretary’s job is literally to lie almost constantly to the country. And let’s also set aside the fact that it was unlikely her decision to not hold press briefings. What did she say at the time as to why she wasn’t holding them? Let’s check her Wikipedia entry:
Oh. So she did lie then. Or she’s lying now. Either way, she’s a liar. Let’s continue…
Grisham comes with receipts
Ooh this ought to be good, what’s she got? Let’s see them receipts!
Er that’s it? That’s the only “receipt”, the only piece of physical evidence she can present? A screenshot of two text messages, allegedly between Grisham and Melania Trump (although there is no information identifying these cheery texters), asking “do you want to tweet blah blah” and the response being “no”? (Of course Melania – assuming that is Melania – might have sent a subsequent response stating what she did want to tweet, but we don’t get to see any other messages in the thread.) So basically she has no compelling evidence that things were particularly dysfunctional behind the scenes in the Trump WH.
Furthermore, shouldn’t the ABC’s headline be ‘Grisham comes with a receipt’?
Although there is her witness testimony, in which she says:
Should this be believed? The problem is that we’ve already established she’s a liar. Speaking of receipts, let’s hop back to her Wikipedia page:
So was she lying then about Trump or is she lying now? Does it even matter? A liar is a liar. And there is also the wise adage that you should never trust a traitor to consider, and a traitor she unquestionably is.
With that said, one shouldn’t presume that, just because someone has a track record of lying, nothing they say could be truthful.
However, a proven liar has necessarily demonstrated the threshold at which they are willing to lie is lower than someone’s who is not inclined to lie. So we need to look at her incentives to lie. For instance, does she have a book to sell, that, oh, I don’t know, maybe purports to be a tell-all expose in which she dishes all the dirt of the Trump WH behind the scenes that her audience would be extremely interested in?
Why, yes, what a surprise! She certainly does.
Draw your own conclusions.
Furthermore, shouldn’t the ABC’s headline be ‘Grisham comes with
a receipt’deceit.There. I fixes it.
She has a book to promote. Coming to a fiction remainder bin near you.
I’m not seeing any lies from Trump in any of that. Some hyperbole and pithy language, but there’s nothing wrong with that, especially when it’s essentially accurate.
Indigenous dissidents’ role in Tanya Plibersek Regis mine callPaige Taylor, Ellie Dudley and Simon Benson
18 hours ago
Tanya Plibersek was persuaded to rule against Regis’s full proposal for a $1bn goldmine after listening to a dissident Aboriginal corporation registered with just 18 members who list only their first names on the website of the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations.
There was surprise and anger on Tuesday at the minister’s decision to favour the advice of a small Bathurst-based Aboriginal corporation over the advice of the Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council – the statutory body with cultural authority under NSW legislation – which conducted its own surveys and found the project would not impact any known sites or artefacts of high significance.
The nation’s peak mining body called for clarity and transparency regarding the process that led Ms Plibersek to excise the headwaters of the Belubula River from the project.
Ms Plibersek on Tuesday defended her decision to listen to the Wiradyuri Traditional Owners Central West Aboriginal Corporation, a registered charity, saying that when opposition deputy leader Sussan Ley was environment minister, she listened to the same group before blocking a go-kart track on Mt Panorama “for very similar reasons”.
“Crucially, I have not said that the goldmine can’t go ahead; I have said that the tailings dam cannot be built on the headwaters of the river,” Ms Plibersek said.
“The company has previously said that they have investigated about four sites with about 40 different options for the tailings dam. If they are right in saying there is about $7bn worth of gold in this mine, then I think it’s in their interests to have a look at those alternative sites that they have previously investigated.”
Ms Ley told The Australian on Tuesday she was calling on Ms Plibersek “to set the record straight and stop misleading the Australian people over her unforgivable decision to kill the $1bn Regis McPhillamy’s goldmining site near Blayney”.
“Tanya Plibersek claims she is for the workers, but how can she be for the workers if she is willing to destroy their jobs and then deliberately mislead them about it?
“There is a very simple test here: a local go-kart track is not a $1bn goldmine. They are not ‘very similar’ and Tanya has been misleading in saying they are.”
One of the directors of the Wiradyuri Traditional Owners Central West Aboriginal Corporation is historian Lisa Paton, who formerly worked for the Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council. Another director is Yanhadarrambal Uncle Jade Flynn, who told The Australian on Tuesday that the corporation had no comment in response to questions about its membership, or its work or the McPhillamy Project.
The registrar of Indigenous corporations has previously dealt with complaints about the corporation including that its members’ full names are not listed online. This is permitted for privacy reasons.
On Tuesday, the Coalition introduced a disallowance motion in the Senate to overturn the government’s decision to apply an Indigenous heritage protection order on the goldmine.
The motion will be debated on Wednesday in the Senate but is unlikely to succeed.
“Minister Plibersek’s decision was wrong,” opposition environment spokesman Jonathan Duniam said. “She upturned four years of approvals processes by deciding against the advice of her own department, the state Labor government and the Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council, which has legislative authority to speak on behalf of the local Indigenous population, with a little known instrument that has literally halted a billion-dollar project.
The Minerals Council of Australia said it was disappointed by the federal government’s decision to intervene.
Less to do with the local Aborigines and more with Greens pressure in her electorate.
Another Labor freeloader more worried about retaining her seat than Australia’s interests.
Go make Adam Bandt a sammich, Tanya. No meat, mind.
Gold is at an unprecedented high, and the Greens refuse to open a gold mine with $7 Billion worth in it.
“When someone says Aboriginal Land Council, I reach for my Luger.”
(Just paraphrasing Reichsmarschall, Goering – NADT.)
Mind boggling stupidity from that idiot “minister”.
This country is stuffed.
A small thought, yes I’m a man of small thoughts, Plubbers might be trying to destabilise Luigi the Unflushable. This could be her last hurrah attempt at leadership or at least to get rid of him.
I think you might be on the money there
August 21, 2024 10:49 am
Benson toeing the Uniparty line.
Can’t make up his mind. In one breath, Dutton is an attack dog on terrorist immigration because “it’s instinctive”. Nek minnit, it’s all because “he’s slavishly following party direction”.
Benson wants it to return to the polite Canberra parlour game of 1980’s politics … a gentle to-and-fro of domestic social and economic issues without anyone rocking the boat too much.
Here’s the thing.
It is entirely possible for a PM or an opposition leader to talk about two issues at once.
The point is, cost of living issues will still be here in twelve month’s time, and Dutton can’t shift the needle on that right now. But the importation of Hamas terrorists is irreversible once it happens and Dutton has some chance of smothering that one before it starts.
Benson is shit-scared of a side-swipe in the Parliamentary bar from Hyphen-Young or Steggles, hence the jelly-back advocacy.
The j’ismist equivalent of an index clinging fund manager. One eye on his Twitter feed.
“It is entirely possible for a PM or an opposition leader to talk about two issues at once.”
Got any evidence of that?
A politician that can walk and chew gum at the same time – forsooth, such a mythical creature is unlikely to exist, but I’m willing to entertain it’s theoretically possible.
I don’t have any opinion of Benson whom I haven’t read much, but I think his analysis here is spot on. He’s looked at the polling data and come to the same conclusion as I have. Visas for Gazans, while politically useful for Dutton, is not in itself an election wining issue.
Yes, it is, but Dutton isn’t.
He’s decided to make the election, likely an early one, about leadership, not policies. That’s why the shadow cabinet has been muted.
It just might be that Dutton is achieving some traction with the national security line, over and above the obvious gift of economic ammunition which is already being deployed.
Can’t have that!
Live up to your name sir! Be rock steady with this one. The support is broader than the scribblers would have you believe.
You tell me, what kind of civilised people do this? From The Oz….
Netanyahu casts doubt on truce as Israel retrieves six dead hostages
Hamas is expected to reject the ceasefire deal with Israel proposed by the US, as the families of hostages held in Gaza have reportedly been sent threatening messages from the phones of their loved ones.
Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has received the proposals, but Israeli media reports that Jerusalem expects him to stick to the Hamas line and turn the truce down.
It comes amid reports that Hamas has threatened to kill the hostages unless their families “fight the government,” and has demanded ransoms for their safety.
Some of the messages read: “If you don’t fight the government, you won’t see your loved ones return,” Channel 12 reports.
Israel’s intelligence services have warned the threats either come from Hamas or Iranian sources.
Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has also cast doubt on the prospect of a truce with Hamas as he met the grieving families of six hostages whose bodies were retrieved from Gaza by the Israeli military.
After speaking with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday, Mr Netanyahu stressed to victims groups that he would not budge on red lines, particularly Israel’s control over the Philadelphi Corridor between Gaza and Egypt.
“I am not sure that there will be a [hostage] deal,” Mr Netanyahu said according to a statement put out by victims groups.
“If there is a deal, it will be one that safeguards those [Israeli] interests which I have repeatedly stressed, which is preserving Israel’s strategic assets,” he said.
Earlier, the Israeli Defence Forces recovered the hostages’ bodies from Gaza’s southern area of Khan Younis.
Following intelligence and forensic analysis, the families of the dead hostages had been informed, the military said, without giving details of the operation in Khan Younis.
On October 7, Nazis from Gaza living people as hostages back into Gaza and they took dead corpses back into Gaza. There is no end to their barbarity. The head of one young IDF soldier was found in a freezer in Gaza. That’s Dahmer psychopathy. This is what Israel has to deal with.
And this is what the left support. They support rape and butchery.
mUnter, earlier:
Yes indeed.
Ivan Von Fingerbang from across the road is on a decent wicket.
Um… what?
Even I’ve had some diehard Liebor blokes telling me today they can’t handle the gaza visa for votes situation… I doubt it’ll switch their votes but interesting that Albow is p!ssing off his key (unionista) voters nonetheless…
So why are Luigi, Burqa and labore attempting to import as many hamarse terrorists as they can, as quickly as they can?
After all they are the bloody government, supposedly. Perhaps your question should have been directed at them, Benson, you dunce.
I think you’ve misread Benson.
Rabz, I’ve repeatedly told you that the scum being imported are here for the simple reason that they terrorise the Australian population. Look at what they do and tell me I’m wrong.
Anal and his cohort know that if they let in enough, there will be a backlash – and this gives him the excuse to gaol honest Australians for imaginary crimes – just like the bastards are doing in GB.
It’s the same playbook, FFS!
The Communists are provoking a reaction they can use to their advantage. Nothing else fits.
Blabbersack has the undeniable stench of desperation about her person.
Pimping her daughter a few months ago for votes went down in a screaming heap.
This is her last chance to solidify any imagined position she believes she is owed. If the Commos lose the next election, Blabbersack will be wandering the halls of Parliament House screaming “what was Tony Abbots’ part in this travesty”, until she is forceably retired on her sumptuous Parliamentary Pension.
“The Hag is astride this night for to ride”.
No doubt the window of opportunity is closing, if it’s not closed already. She has always struck me as another Bishop, a pretender. The bruvvas would have tapped her on the shoulder before now if they thought she was up to it. Remember Bishop as Treasurer?
“It comes amid reports that Hamas has threatened to kill the hostages unless their families “fight the government,” and has demanded ransoms for their safety.”
My reply: you will kill them anyway, why should I believe you?
Here is my counter offer: return the hostages or die along with every single person in your God-forsaken neighborhood. You may be holding those dear to me hostage, I am now holding your entire city to hostage.
I approve this message with the corrollary “And when we take you DNA we will use it around the world to identify your grandfathers’ descendants and make them as those with no right hand.
Still no closer to solving the mystery of derelict houses in Ireland but there might be some explanation to some of the derelict businesses.
Government offers hotel owners fantastic deal to house refugees for two or more years.
No accommodation available for tourists. Tourists no longer visit.
Retail and hospitality that rely on tourism wither and die. Shops close.
Apparently this has been a particularly noticeable problem in Donegal.
Meanwhile the Irish government is offering grants of up to €70,000 for people to renovate residential property that has been vacate for more than two years and/or is on the derelict property register.
In practice there is much hoop jumping required otherwise you’d think there would be a renovation frenzy occurring.
What an opportunity for young tradies.
If you want further proof as to how debased, how corrupt, how obscene and how anti-Semitic the UN is…
UN exhibit memorializing terror victims completely ignores Jews,
“There’s not a single mention of any attack carried out by Palestinians against Israelis,” the outgoing Israeli ambassador to the United Nations said.
When the United Nations marks International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to Victims of Terrorism on Wednesday, it will treat some victims as more equal than others, according to Gilad Erdan, the outgoing Israeli ambassador to the United Nations.
The Israeli envoy posted a video walkthrough—in Hebrew with English subtitles—of an exhibit about global terror victims at U.N. headquarters in New York, in a place where all visitors enter the building.
There are mentions of the Sept. 11 terror attacks in 2001 and the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013, as well as references to terror in Indonesia and Kenya. “But what’s missing?” Erdan asked.
“There’s not a single mention of any attack carried out by Palestinians against Israelis,” he said. “We are about to mark one year since the massacre and the largest terrorist attack against Jews and Israelis since the Holocaust. Yet the U.N. doesn’t think it needs to be displayed on its walls.”
There is a display of a “Palestinian victim,” which the U.N. exhibit identifies as occurring in “Palestine,” Erdan noted, “so that people might think she was harmed in Israel, but when you read the fine print, it turns out she was actually injured in an attack in New Zealand.”
The exhibit “Memories,” which is on view until Aug. 27, “aims to raise awareness about the human stories that lie at the heart of each victim and survivor of terrorism, as well as the long-lasting impact each terrorist attack has on its surviving victims,” per the U.N. website.
“It also seeks to highlight the commonalities that connect victims across the world and to emphasize the importance of preventing terrorist attacks and the emergence of new victims,” it adds. “It is in connection with the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism (Aug. 21).”
The Global Victims of Terrorism Support Programme of the Counter-Terrorism Center of the U.N. Office of Counter-Terrorism organized the show, which the U.N. Office of Counter-Terrorism also endorsed, according to the U.N. website.
“There is no place more corrupt and morally twisted than the U.N., and we must all unite to spread this message worldwide, demanding the closure and the dismantling of this organization, and the establishment of a new body that truly represents noble values,” the ambassador said.
Words fail me. The world is broken.
Nah, it’s just the UN, you can expect nothing better from there.
The UN is a gravy train par excellence for the Ambassador/Political Class. It’s here to stay.
That’s outrageous. I can’t believe what I’m reading.
Anthony Albanese cracked a joke at a high-powered black-tie dinner. It went down like a lead balloon: ‘Disgusted to the core’
Daily Mail. Making jokes about the live sheep trade at a rural women’s award dinner would go down really well…
That’s really something, joking about him personally destroying the livelihood of farmers in this way. What a contemptible arsehole.
Albo is a tin eared fool.
On a lighter note:the film Four Lions. It gives a humorous insight into jihad thinking. It is actually very sharp. The stupidity combined with religious zeal and the need for a group and a religious leader. They are never lone wolves. So if you haven’t found it the deleted scenes are very smart.
Shirley I wasn’t dreaming, when driving into work this AM, 6PR were reporting rumours of an Elbow policy that mandates houses reach a certain “energy rating” benchmark prior to being sold?
Not seen it anywhere else but they were talking about it this AM on the wireless.
Not one single caller liked the idea. And if Elbow and his bubble actually push this through, they’re done.
Sellers will need to disclose their energy rating but not upgrade from what I can see.
Righto… in order to get ready for what’s coming… and to let buyers’ know they can’t afford the energy bill for low star housing.
so, crap houses that nobody can afford and, even if they can, they won’t be able to pay the utility bill?
And adding costs to new builds at a time when the industry and buyers can’t afford it.
First case of Monkeypox reported in WA.
I haven’t been paying attention, is this a gay thing?
boil any monkeys for half an hour before you root them and you’ll be fine.
and for goodness sake use protection.
At a bare minimum have some incriminating evidence you can use against the monkey.
From your comment I immediately wondered if the Butthole Surfers were a WA band. But no, they turn out to be from Texas.
If you don’t bareback and or gay orgy you should be fine.
Yeahrghhh… never gonna happen lol!!!–men-who-have-sex-with-men-having-multiple-sexual-partners
Like AIDS it an anal passage thing, I’d guess. Whoda thought that the shit passage would host germs.
FIFO monkeypox. Check your donga.
Unfortunately this site has M0ntypox.
No cream gonna rid of that one.
for the Catholics and educationalista’s on-site, a priest friend of mine was googling St John Vianney for a homily and he kept getting anal creams in his search engine responses.
If you know who John Vianney is, then you’ll know why it’s funny….
Ok ok he was/is referred to the “Cure d’Ars.”
(The “priest” of a town called “Ars” in France 😛
Unless its on a donut set a long distance from a keyboard.
Britain becomes ‘international laughing stock’ as David Lammy ‘tears down’ nation’s reputation
Douglas Murray unleashes on UK justice system
Biden’s body language at the DNC speech was UNSETTLING
And yet he still has the codes for the nukes!
I wonder why?
The UK is continuing down the same path under Starmer.
Ripples in the pool from the dropped stone. Politicians seem to always fall for the idea their pet action will have no unintended consequences.
They’re not as bright as they imagine.
Nor are their advisers.
I’ve been saying it a long time.
He truly is the father of modern Australia, such as it is.
She lives in a $26 million dollar beach house in an all white elitist community.
Chicago — Police are beginning to make large numbers of arrests to shut down the DNC riot.
The two men who won collaborated to win an $11,000,000,000 court case die in freak separate accidents (one in London, one in Italy) on the same day…
Billionaire tech tycoon Mike Lynch among six missing as superyacht sinks | — Australia’s leading news site
From the Oz…
Question for that moron Simon Benson who would rather Dutton conducted fireside chats with Elbow about a bipartisan approach to baked beans pricing:-
“Do you think Luigi the Unbelievable would have volunteered this snippet without Dutton kicking the shit out of him every day about Visas for Terrorists?”
Which now opens up a whole bunch of questions about how visas were granted in the first place.
Likely a distraction squirrel.
It’s not the ones that are rejected we should be worried about.
The Paywallian headline over the byline Cameron Stewart says
Michael wants sloppy thirds….
Cameron Stewart just hit by a bolt of lightning on the road to a certain Middle Eastern city. Amazement!
The cult of Barry. Truly the Magic Negro.
This site needs a laugh button, not just a like/dislike button.
The rampant herpes simplex of blogging.
Daily Mail. Making jokes about the live sheep trade at a rural women’s award dinner would go down really well…
Following on from ZK2A post…
Luigi would not be inventive enough to come up with something like that.
A twenty something staffer ala Britneee would have given him that but the imbecilic, teeth spitting, Tory fighter is so stupid he just assumed he would get guffaws from the farmer’s wives
Fckin dunderhead. I hope they booed him.
Former minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney delivers valedictory speechJessica WangNewsWire
Wed, 21 August 2024 4:12PM
Linda Burney says the referendum to create an Indigenous Voice to Parliament will be “looked on more kindly by history,” despite ultimately failing winning public support.
Delivering her valedictory speech in parliament on Wednesday, the former minister for Indigenous Australians said the Voice would be a “catalyst for progress and positive change,” despite not achieving the outcome the government wanted.
“In the years that come, it will be looked on more kindly by history because … the government and parliament finally had the courage to put the question to the people,” she said.
“(And) because of the role it played in inspiring a new generation of young Indigenous leaders to emerge … and pushed the change for a better future because it showed that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in remote communities overwhelmingly wanted the Voice to be heard.”
Barton MP Linda Burney said she believed The Voice campaign would inspire further change, despite the referendum failing. NewsWire/ Martin Ollman Credit: News Corp Australia
However she said Australia still had a “far” way to go to become a “truly reconciled country”.
“Progress doesn’t always move in a straight line. The road is rocking. There are obstacles in the path,” she said.
“We have our stumbles and our setbacks, but our overall direction is towards progress, and with each passing generation, we bend the moral arc of the universe closer to justice.”
She added that Australia still “struggles with out identity” as it never came to terms with our story, and “certainly not its truth”.
“The generosity we pride ourselves on is rarely extended to the people in this nation who have occupied these lands for countless generations. Why? Part of the answer is that we don’t have a shared narrative,” she said.
“There is the extraordinary foundation of First Nations people, the layer of European settlers … then there’s layer upon layer of people who settled in Australia because of conflict and the search for a better life.
“We live in that cross section, all of it, and all of us … you take the whole, not just the bits that suit you.”
No comments allowed.
Divisive to the end.
Linda Burney was NEVER held to account for repeating the tired old bullsh!t about how Aborigines weren’t counted in the census, as they were governed by the Flora and Fauna Act….
That would be because the NSW Liberals never held her to account.
I rang my local member to lodge an objection, and was told “Well, we don’t want to give Linda Burney an excuse to play the race card…….” Words fail me…
… and in that Bubble, they inhaled and exhaled the very same air – because they deeply believed in recycling – until they became positively giddy with Delirium. They then danced with Delirium and laid down with it, and from that moment onwards, they and Delirium were one and the same.
This is from December last year but bears repeating. A genuine genocide.
“If you’re arguing that we get rid of fossil fuels you’re arguing that we kill off half the world’s population and what you are doing is advocating genocide.”
Geologist Ian Plimer with @profdavidflint
I’ve argued previously that these people need to be referred to as pro-poverty, and racist (in the original definition).
This evening, I am pleased – nay, delighted – to report to readers of this august journal of record that I have rejoined the ranks of Australians.
I have been without a BBQ of my own for some years. Yes, I know.
However, after finding room for one in my outdoor living area, I bought a modest four-burner with one of those gas wok-type things on the side* from the hammer shop (Bunnings), and spent five sweary hours the following week putting the bastard together^.
At the present time, I am seasoning the plate and racks under heat with oil and salt before finally putting a snag on it later.
*Obviously, I am not using that accessory. Far too continental.
^Anyone who has completed a task of this nature understands that one must be able to contract into a pretzel shape and be double-jointed to achieve this.
Don’t knock it….good for side dishes.
And need strong drink for handling the Meccano set.
KD, glad you have rejoined the civilised world. Welcome back.
Real men use barbies off the verge chuckout.
That way you don’t break a sweat to assemble them.
And I thought I had regained my status as an Australian by buying a footy scarf. I think A BBQ is a better status symbol though.
When I was first married, my wife was less than fond of the stink of cooking sheep meat.
Also, less than fond of the Goldfields Yugoslav rendered brick BBQ with fixed chunk of scrap steel plate in the backyard of our first house. Ugly, it seems. (Yeah she was right)
While I was at work she bought a 14lb sledgehammer and demolished the ugly thing. And the Hills Hoist and its surrounding cement, called it a ‘middle class treadmill’.
When I got home from the mine, and wanted tea, she said ‘its chops’.
I’m not cooking them in here.’
So out I went to the backyard with a box of matches and set up a campfire and cooked my chops, giggling at the trouper I married.
A proper woman. Didn’t whinge and whine for you to do it, took the initiative and saved you the time and effort.
A real barbecue uses charcoal.
Not a 44 gallon drum on a home welded stand?
You disappoint me.
Still, better than a pinched Woollies trolley. That would be illegal. 😀
The ICRC says they have visited hostages and helped secure release of 109 of them.
Lying liars
Nodding vehemently and screaming at screen.
From Newsweek.
Biden Took to the Stage, and Lied, and Lied, and Lied | Opinion
It’s not a bad thing, if she loses the investment class she can’t win.
The investment class has ways and means of avoiding the worst of it.
Even Albo hasn’t got around to taxing unrealised gains. Superannuation over$3m should do it.
Got to raise the money to pay the reparations for slavery somehow!
The Top Ten Most Embarrassing Moments from the DNC: Day 2
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, it did. Brace yourself.
Anthony Albanese has for the first time confirmed that a number of visitor visas granted to Palestinian refugees fleeing Gaza since the October 7 Hamas attacks have been cancelled.”
There was a furore about cancelled visas for Gamas a few months ago.
Iirc they were cancelled before they got on a plane because there were concerns they would lodge asylum claims.
Which half of them have anyhow.
Political theatre.
Fluffy Annaliese at the DNC show gets the Obama Vibe – not that she’s partisan or anything, just reporting the facts, ya know, the facts.
DNC Convention: I haven’t seen so much slime since the original Ghostbusters.
?The THING from the SWAMP
Fatima Payman labels negative gearing ‘harmful’, urges former Labor colleagues to overhaul tax
Fatima Payman has blasted negative gearing as “unfair” and “harmful”, urging her former Labor colleagues to “stop this madness” and overhaul the tax break.
The WA independent made the comments in a speech to the Senate on Wednesday – just weeks after purchasing a new investment property in Perth.
Senator Payman said she has no plans to negatively gear the one-bedroom unit in Maylands.
“We know this fancy sounding term is just the tax system’s way of handing out massive freebies to people who are already doing pretty well,” Senator Payman said.
“Meanwhile, young Australians are stuck renting, watching house prices skyrocket, wondering if they’ll ever be able to afford their own home.”
Labor went to the 2019 election promising to wind back negative gearing before dropping the politically contentious policy ahead of the 2022 poll.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Treasurer Jim Chalmers have since repeatedly ruled reviving the idea, even after breaking a similar promise on the stage three tax cuts.
Senator Payman never publicly criticised negative gearing during her time as Labor backbencher.
But just as she did with a speech last week showing solidary with WA sheep farmers, Senator Payman has used her newfound freedom on the crossbench to speak out about the policy.
The 29-year-old chose the topic for the speech after asking her Instagram followers what issue they wanted raised in Canberra.
“Let’s be clear, negative gearing isn’t just unfair – it’s harmful,” she said.
Not sure I’m more shocked that she is only 29 or that she opposes this policy.
Not as harmful as a smaller rental pool with much higher rents will be.
Anyone else notice this, how the Teals are acting as Fork Tongued Albo’s gob, so are now smearing the Liberals as ‘misogynist’ This smacks of the mantra prior to the last election that the ‘Liberals have a women problem’.
Hear this, it won’t work this time.
Hear this too, the Teals are a f*cking disgrace.
Everybody is in election mode. I’m not expecting many Teals to make it.
Hopefully, none!
Spoilt, brain dead, daughters of privilege.
Australia Post…
Adelaide to SE QLD, domestic regular letter, untracked:
18 days.
And I’m to believe Anna Palaszczuk is going to fix this based on her track record of delivering services in Australia’s most decentralised state. Cough.
Can’t be arsed watching Sky tonight. FTA TV is not an option – unwatchable.
Settled for Prime and a good old western – The Big Country. 1958 starring Gregory Peck, Charlton Heston, Jean Simmons, Carroll Baker and Burl Ives.
A good ole rootin’, shootin’, tootin’ western. Well, not so much rootin’.
Some classic riding too.
Not the Brokeback Mountain sort. Though Peck could ride.
Watched it a couple of months ago. Loved it.
I don’t suppose she mentioned the role of immigration in bringing this about.
The Teals are classic cry bullies.
Learned their tactics in the school playground and never forgot them.
“Senator Payman said she has no plans to negatively gear the one-bedroom unit in Maylands.”
Well she is muslim and paying interest is haram.
Perhaps she should be honest and explain how she actually financed the property and what she intends to do with it.
Leave it empty, rent it out?
Or perhaps she had so much money she went straight to net profit.
“The ICRC says they have visited hostages and helped secure release of 109 of them”
They did the go between. We know that.
Mmmyes something a little fishy.
Ok cool, standard procedure.
I could well be wrong but if the driver thinks they are under the limit, it is they who must request the blood test at the cop shop?
And where was this standard procedure when Premier Phuckface hit the kid on his bike?
Buckle up kids! The Bureau of Meteorology has some end of days news:
Good Lord.
Nice day in Darwin for the barbie at KD’s place on Saturday.
I’m waiting for them to start panicking about ‘completely normal’ weather. ‘Why isn’t this weather unexpected? This is a terrifying sign of …’
They just never shut up with their bullshit do they?
No wonder the man on the 6 o’clock bus ignores them.
You can tell this was a truly humbling experience for the bloke. He adapts very quick with the food.. A lot of respect shown to the locals.
A bonus is the scenery.
Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted | Peru’s Sacred Valley (Full Episode)
Ramsay and Bourdain were so good at respecting the locals and their food.
Just found out that David Icke was a prominent member of the Green Party before he began the task of popularising the lizard people.
BBQ chic. The old man had a used plough disc. Kind of like a heavy-duty mild steel wok with a convenient hole for fat of the chops to drain onto the coals.
A plough disc on four house bricks…
Yes, I remember my father talking to mates who had tried this innovative form of outdoor cooking. A week or so later he brought home a plough disc and cheerfully assembled it in the backyard. Mum took one look at the rusty contraption and ordered its immediate eviction.
My grandmother ordered the eviction of a plough disc bbq from the house yard – it was relocated behind the shearers quarters, where there was a fridge conveniently located…
Dad built a brick barbie in the backyard in the 60s. The plate was a piece of armour plate, ex-RAN ship. Took him four drills to get a hole in the middle. Then we tried to put a bend it so it would drain. A 14 lb sledge swung by both Dad and me had no effect. In the end, he put it on a couple of bricks (at an angle), then drove his car backwards and forwards over it. Even then, it was barely curved.
It was still there and workable when we sold the house for Mum after his death some 40 years later.
Yesterday there was discussion about Candace and her views on Israel etc.
By co-incidence the latest PBD podcast goes into the subject in great detail from the 40 minutes mark. It gets very heated. Events such as USS Liberty, JFK assassination and 9/11 come into it. They read out comments from Candaces own father in law who expresses support for Israel.
Interesting quote from Ronald Reagan along lines if somebody agrees with you 80% he is your friend and not your enemy just because disagree on 20%.
DNC Day 1, Candace Owens & Dan Bilzerian Israel Controversy, Fed Rate Cuts | PBD Podcast | Ep. 458
Yesterday there was discussion about Candace and her views on Israel etc.
No, it was her views on Jews. Let’s be clear here, Owens has morphed into a a full blown and rabid anti-Semite. She’s gone down the rabbit hole of Holocaust denial, and once that happens, there’s no coming back.
Gad Saad
Kamala Harris is a Lobotomized Communist – An Economics Lesson
I don’t like his focus on the “Parasitic Nature” of the aberrant thinking, it’s distracting. It reminds me of ?Richard Dawkins? and his meme genes, which I understand is now out of fashion but nevertheless has some validity.
The Parasitic Mind – to me – is a round peg in a square hole and he’s making an error trying to force the two together. He’s got too much invested in the concept and isn’t moving anywhere with it.
Neil Oliver: ‘Are you ready for this?!?’
Once This Line Was Crossed, Things Got Far More Dangerous | Andy Ngo
No cream gonna rid of that one
It is so easy to get rid of serial pests. They absolutely thrive on seeing responses, especially responses which are counter to theirs because they know they are winning by getting people to waste the most valuable thing they have in the whole world, “TIME”, to attack them…
There are a dozen or so on this site who are responsible for the moron remaining here because they feed his ego, they bolster his standing by responding and they give him air time, over and over and over on every page of every post…. even when he isn’t posting, people feel some sort of unexplained impulse to make a statement that he hasn’t posted… pure gold to him…
Totally ignoring the moron will drive him nuts because his only outlet then is to make inane, leftist statements of no consequence or substance. Half of his inanity comes from answering responses and that half is entirely due to people feeding him…
Calling him names is simply ammunition and sustenance for him…