Open Thread – Mon 23 Sept 2024

The Hunt of Diana, Arnold Böcklin, 1896

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September 24, 2024 6:14 pm

My comment on the Paywallion:

Uni boss ‘arrogant and condescending’ to Jewish leaders
A terrible and horrible state of affairs. All student activist protestors involved with the anti-Semitism protest and intimidation of Jewish students on the university grounds should have their courses cancelled and expelled from the university.
Not appeased by Vice Chancellor Mark Scott.

11 hr(s) ago

Retarded moderators.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 24, 2024 6:21 pm

JC hope all will be well for your little darling.Such a worry.

September 24, 2024 6:22 pm

I’m guessing this is Bekaa Valley residents driving over the border into Syria?

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
September 24, 2024 6:23 pm

Retarded moderators.

More like, educated beyond their intellectual capacity, as Sir Jim Killen used to say.

September 24, 2024 6:23 pm

Can anybody reproduce the column in the Herald Sun by Jeff Kennett on the topic of Disaster Dan Andrews

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
September 24, 2024 6:28 pm

Jeff Kennett puts on the hobnailed boots and lays into Dan Andrews in the Hun in a piece headlined:

“Time for the truth about the conspiracies that have protected Dan”

Some extracts:

Last week when more evidence was reported in this paper about the failure of normal police procedures that followed Daniel Andrews’s car accident, which almost killed a young man, on the Mornington Peninsula in 2013, Andrews responded with his normal trademark rejection, this time of “appalling conspiracy theories”, and a typical personal attack on the late Dr Raymond Shuey AM, a former Assistant Commissioner of our Victoria Police force.

Has the biggest boot in the final line of his article:

.Don’t believe a word Daniel Andrews says.

September 24, 2024 6:31 pm

IMHO every time there is a inflammation triggered there is a tiny % chance of an adverse outcome.
I do think part of the autism/seizures etc is the sheer number of “events” kids are exposed to.

So while you were getting 15 or so vaxes in childhood with a .0001% chance of an adverse result each we how have dozens with the same .0001% so the numbers are bigger.

I am coming to the opinion that every round of vaccination should start and stop with a pre-vax assessment, followed by a post vax assessment 2 weeks or so later.
As much to restore the reputation of vaccination as any other reason.

Glad the little one worked out ok JC, sometimes the seizures can roll on and starve the brain of oxygen/sugars with lifelong consequences.

September 24, 2024 6:34 pm

Marked Scrotum flaunts its anti-Semitism as well as defends the indefensible.

This is not journalism, it’s vicious vendetta. NewsCorpse has not forgiven Mark Scott for being a senior Fairfax editor and then running the ABC. He is, in fact, one of the most honourable, able and decent men I know.
Truth was at least entertaining, and it made no pretence to be anything much else. The Israelian, on the other hand, is preposterous, self-lubricating drivel.

The catamites supporting him need Monty to visit…

Salvatore - Iron Publican
September 24, 2024 6:35 pm

Jeff Kennett: Time for the truth about the conspiracies that have protected Dan

Ray Shuey’s report into the Dan Andrews crash found the Andrews’ version of events “implausible”. Now he joins a conga line of people the former premier has thrown under the bus to protect himself.

Jeff Kennett 3 min read
September 24, 2024 – 4:24PM
Last week when more evidence was reported in this paper about the failure of normal police procedures that followed Daniel Andrews’s car accident, which almost killed a young man, on the Mornington Peninsula in 2013, Andrews responded with his normal trademark rejection, this time of “appalling conspiracy theories”, and a typical personal attack on the late Dr Raymond Shuey AM, a former Assistant Commissioner of our Victoria Police force.

Let me deal with that first.

Ray Shuey was a highly respected member of our police force. He was appointed Assistant Commissioner by a Labor government.

On retirement he served overseas and here because of his excellent reputation. He was highly respected for his impartiality and professionalism. At his funeral, four former Police Chief Commissioners attended, as well as current Chief Commissioner Shane Patton.

Andrews attacking Shuey was cowardly, but tactical.

Shuey’s report into the failings of the police force in letting Andrews leave the scene of the accident without the police following normal procedures, including breath testing Andrews after he had been eating and drinking at a local sailing club.

Shuey’s investigations found “the version, as provided by Catherine and Daniel Andrews, is considered improbable and implausible”.
The only conspiracy that appears to have been done is not against Andrews but by him and sadly one or more members of our police force.

No other citizen would be able to leave the scene of such a major accident, so quickly, without the police following normal procedures even before young Ryan Meuleman had been picked up by an ambulance.
Shuey now joins a conga line of people Andrews has thrown under the bus to protect himself.

The late Jane Garrett, Jenney Mikakos, Gavin Jennings and 800 Victorians who died while Andres oversaw hotel quarantine, and when asked at the royal commissino of a salient point, you had your great lapse of memory with the reply: “I don’t remember”.

You don’t remember when it suits you, Mr Andrews.

Misuse of taxpayer money in the Red Shirts exercise which you fought to the High Court using taxpayers money and lost.
Let’s not forget your accident, falling down two steps on to grass, which caused you such serious injuries. Again, Andrews is being protected by friends and members of his staff and some in our emergency services.

With one exception Andrews can’t be trusted.

He did say he would not honour the signed contract by the previous government to build the East West Link project.
He did honour that, and on gaining office in 2014 promptly tore up the contract saying it would not cost Victorians a cent.

Sadly, he was wrong. It cost us Victorians more than $1.1bn for which we got absolutely nothing. No freeway, no road, no footpath, no potholes repaired. Nothing except more debt.

The Meulemans are suing their former lawyers Slater and Gordon because the Meulemans believe Slater and Gordon did less than a professional case in representing their interests.

Slater and Gordon, a well-known Labour legal firm, where today the chairman is one of the brains behind the Suburban Rail Loop, James Mackenzie.

The Meulemans are to be congratulated for continuing to have the truth be established, and we the public must support them to take the case to court.
And then there’s the cancellation of the Commonwealth Games. He promised and then reneged.

Andrews easily could have brought the Games back to Melbourne and avoided all the cost overruns.

But no, just cancel, and now Victorians are going to partly fund the Commonwealth Games being staged in 2026 in Glasgow. Victoria is the butt of jokes around Australia and in all Commonwealth countries. How can you trust anything Andrews says?

Last today, the extraordinary infrastructure build, all at once, mismanaged, and late on delivery, that is going to cost generations of Victorians for decades.

At his last caucus meeting, when trying to secure the deputy Leadership of the ALP for Tim Pallas, his authority was challenged, he exploded saying “what have I done to deserve this?”

Well Mr Andrews, you have destroyed the state’s economy, the people are hurting as never before, and you have for your entire time as premier attacked others for seeking the truth for your behaviour.

The Meulemans’ court case must go ahead in the public interest. The public is entitled to know the truth about the conspiracies that have protected Andrews to date.

Maybe that’s why Andrews’ mates rushed to have him receiveAustralia’s highest civilian honour before the truth became public.

But then, I know of cases where an honour given has been withdrawn. As it should here.

Don’t believe a word Daniel Andrews says.
Jeff Kennett is a former Premier of Victoria

September 24, 2024 6:46 pm

 September 24, 2024 6:23 pm

Can anybody reproduce the column in the Herald Sun by Jeff Kennett on the topic of Disaster Dan Andrews

This one Chrisl? :

Jeff Kennett: Time for the truth about the conspiracies that have protected Dan
Ray Shuey’s report into the Dan Andrews crash found the Andrews’ version of events “implausible”. Now he joins a conga line of people the former premier has thrown under the bus to protect himself.

Last week when more evidence was reported in this paper about the failure of normal police procedures that followed Daniel Andrews’s car accident, which almost killed a young man, on the Mornington Peninsula in 2013, Andrews responded with his normal trademark rejection, this time of “appalling conspiracy theories”, and a typical personal attack on the late Dr Raymond Shuey AM, a former Assistant Commissioner of our Victoria Police force.

Let me deal with that first.

Ray Shuey was a highly respected member of our police force. He was appointed Assistant Commissioner by a Labor government.

On retirement he served overseas and here because of his excellent reputation. He was highly respected for his impartiality and professionalism. At his funeral, four former Police Chief Commissioners attended, as well as current Chief Commissioner Shane Patton.

Andrews attacking Shuey was cowardly, but tactical.

Shuey’s report into the failings of the police force in letting Andrews leave the scene of the accident without the police following normal procedures, including breath testing Andrews after he had been eating and drinking at a local sailing club.

Shuey’s investigations found “the version, as provided by Catherine and Daniel Andrews, is considered improbable and implausible”.

The only conspiracy that appears to have been done is not against Andrews but by him and sadly one or more members of our police force.

No other citizen would be able to leave the scene of such a major accident, so quickly, without the police following normal procedures even before young Ryan Meuleman had been picked up by an ambulance.

Shuey now joins a conga line of people Andrews has thrown under the bus to protect himself.

The late Jane GarrettJenny MikakosGavin Jennings and 800 Victorians who died while Andrews oversaw hotel quarantine, and when asked at the royal commissinon of a salient point, you had your great lapse of memory with the reply: “I don’t remember”.

You don’t remember when it suits you, Mr Andrews.

Misuse of taxpayer money in the Red Shirts exercise which you fought to the High Court using taxpayers money and lost.

Let’s not forget your accident, falling down two steps on to grass, which caused you such serious injuries. Again, Andrews is being protected by friends and members of his staff and some in our emergency services.

With one exception Andrews can’t be trusted.

He did say he would not honour the signed contract by the previous government to build the East West Link project.

He did honour that, and on gaining office in 2014 promptly tore up the contract saying it would not cost Victorians a cent.

Sadly, he was wrong. It cost us Victorians more than $1.1bn for which we got absolutely nothing. No freeway, no road, no footpath, no potholes repaired. Nothing except more debt.

The Meulemans are suing their former lawyers Slater and Gordon because the Meulemans believe Slater and Gordon did less than a professional case in representing their interests.

Slater and Gordon, a well-known Labour legal firm, where today the chairman is one of the brains behind the Suburban Rail Loop, James Mackenzie.

The Meulemans are to be congratulated for continuing to have the truth be established, and we the public must support them to take the case to court.

And then there’s the cancellation of the Commonwealth Games. He promised and then reneged.

Andrews easily could have brought the Games back to Melbourne and avoided all the cost overruns.

But no, just cancel, and now Victorians are going to partly fund the Commonwealth Games being staged in 2026 in Glasgow. Victoria is the butt of jokes around Australia and in all Commonwealth countries. How can you trust anything Andrews says?

Last today, the extraordinary infrastructure build, all at once, mismanaged, and late on delivery, that is going to cost generations of Victorians for decades.

At his last caucus meeting, when trying to secure the deputy Leadership of the ALP for Tim Pallas, his authority was challenged, he exploded saying “what have I done to deserve this?”

Well Mr Andrews, you have destroyed the state’s economy, the people are hurting as never before, and you have for your entire time as premier attacked others for seeking the truth for your behaviour.

The Meulemans’ court case must go ahead in the public interest. The public is entitled to know the truth about the conspiracies that have protected Andrews to date.

Maybe that’s why Andrews’ mates rushed to have him receive Australia’s highest civilian honour before the truth became public.

But then, I know of cases where an honour given has been withdrawn. As it should here.

Don’t believe a word Daniel Andrews says.

Jeff Kennett is a former Premier of Victoria

Just looked at my strike rate for comments accepted on this rag.
Not that good.

September 24, 2024 6:46 pm

FFS. Chris Uhlmann (married to a former Labor MP) has just announced on Sky News he’s a maaaate of Sydney University vice-chancellor Mark Scott and therefore has no opinion on USyd’s persecution of Jewish staff and students, even though he admits that’s what has happened.

Uhlmann has already shown he’s prepared to lie to promote leftwing ideology.

IMO, he’s not a real journalist’s bottom. Get rid of him, Peta Credlin.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 24, 2024 6:46 pm

It feels like Anthony Albanese’s re-election strategy is to turn up to Perth and bag out Keep the Sheep. 
That’s right, he’s in Perth again today, and yet again, he can’t escape being asked about the ban on live sheep exports and our campaign. 

“The campaign, Keep the Sheep, in my view, their name is an admission, because it’s not keep live sheep exports”.  
He still doesn’t get it.  
Keep the Sheep means keeping our rural communities, it means keeping our farmers, our shearers, our truckies and our livelihoods. 
I’ve got a message for Albanese. 

If you’re sick of being asked about live sheep exports and Keep the Sheep: Drop the ban. 
In the meantime, we’ll keep campaigning and keep being a thorn in your side every time you come to WA. 
Keeping the Sheep,

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 24, 2024 6:50 pm

The headline (the Hun):

Why weird nicknames make your relationship stronger

Can relate.

I had a girlfriend for a time a couple of years back I called ‘spanner’ because she made my nuts tighten.

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 24, 2024 7:11 pm

No payment to the maaaates fund?

More than a thousand e-scooters were packed up and transported out of Melbourne’s CBD on Monday night, just hours before a ban imposed by the city council took effect.

Melbourne Lord Mayor Nick Reece pulled the plug on the popular transport option in August, moving a motion to tear up the city council’s contracts with e-scooter operators Lime and Neuron.

The motion, which was supported by a slim majority of councillors, gave the companies 30 days to remove their e-scooters from the 14 suburbs that make up the City of Melbourne, with Tuesday marking the beginning of the ban.

September 24, 2024 7:14 pm

News out of left field:

The ethnic Arab mayor of the US’s only Muslim majority city, Hamtramck MI (greater Detroit), has endorsed Trump for POTUS.

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
September 24, 2024 7:15 pm

Amusingly, to me at least, the Coles under HQ in Tooronga – for non Melbourne people
Tooronga is sort of a dead spot between Toorak and Glen Iris – is palatial. Over run with staff and speciality items like flash cheeses and lobsters. Heaps of womaned check outs. Nothing reallly sells because it’s a show room to impress the dickheads upstairs. Fabulous discounts if you know when to go. I walked out with a bucket of French cheese and some exotic fish for about $10 not so long ago. Pathetic people. Potemkin village. Parking good.

September 24, 2024 7:21 pm


September 24, 2024 7:21 pm

Winston Smith

September 24, 2024 9:02 am

Reply to  132andBush

Which region is this, 132andbush?

Is it just localised or widespread?

Can you give us a like to a reliable information site, please.

All areas around Griffith, Winston.
From what I’m hearing it’s 100km+ radius.
I haven’t heard any reports from further out.
As Gez mentioned earlier the Mallee region of Vic has been hard hit as well.

September 24, 2024 7:22 pm


September 24, 2024 7:23 pm

Nope, it’s a mystery what triggered the moderator.

September 24, 2024 7:24 pm

It’s j.*.r.k

September 24, 2024 7:26 pm

You deleted the whole post because I called magpies j*rks?
WTF Dover.

September 24, 2024 7:28 pm

The black building right Dunny Brush? Didn’t know there was a supermarket in it- interesting. Been there for yonks back to before it became Coles-Myer?

September 24, 2024 7:32 pm

I mean, it’s not even a swear word really, is it?

September 24, 2024 7:33 pm

Oh, there it is.

Bullying j*rks of a magpie couple still showing up expecting food.
I made the mistake of reading some advice online, which said the bloody things need ground up mealworms added to any steak you hand them.
So today I went out to the pet shop and specifically bought the special magpie dietary additive.
What a sucker.
I added the powder to the porterhouse steak specially cut up magpie gob hole sized.
Took it outside.
Male magpie eyed me up suspiciously and turned his beak up because I had left the steak in the Tupperware. So I took the steak out and placed it deferentially on the ground before his majesty. Who preceded to wipe the steak on the grass to wipe off every trace of special magpie powder, before glaring at me and flying off. His missus repeated the same.

September 24, 2024 7:36 pm

I am slow out of the blocks. It was only tonight listening to Dutton that I realised the yawning difference between he and Albanese.

Dutton discusses, considers and debates. His statements are nuanced and leave room for questioning.

Albanese stands rigidly behind the microphone and delivers Andrews model monologues based exclusively on assertions and implied threat.

The fading old memory dragged me back to the Sydney Uni refec where lefty moron PolScience and Econ students insisted on disturbing our snatched time off out of the lab with rants that are carbon copies of the utterences of current delayed adolescent clowns in Government.

That assertion does not encompass Wong. She is different. She is true bolshevic fossil.

September 24, 2024 7:38 pm

preceded to wipe the steak on the grass to wipe off every trace of special magpie powder, before glaring at me and flying off. His missus repeated the same

err, Arks, anyone might think they’re doing this to you because they can and they enjoy it. Obviously they aren’t in danger of starving to death any time soon.

September 24, 2024 7:39 pm

Monica Smit story on Current Affair tonight. She was arrested 3 times in one day . Looking back at the footage of the Vicpol thugs I wonder if the average person would look back in pride or horror .

September 24, 2024 7:46 pm

Good analysis bons- Anal and Wong haven’t grown beyond their days as uni agitators. They have nothing good to offer.

September 24, 2024 7:55 pm

Herc flew into the ‘Ville today. As the domestic flight I was on taxied past it was chock a block full of supplies.

Now that in itself isn’t definitive as we share an airport with a RAAF base. Also not the bigger C17’s weren’t present.

However wonder if the word has gone out to grip up and centralise all the kit around to support a protected evac. Surprised the Bankstown boys haven’t already been screaming from Tripoli…

September 24, 2024 8:08 pm

JC saw upthread the bad news, god speed to the little one.

September 24, 2024 8:20 pm

Knuckle Dragger
  Supra, 6:50 pm

Why weird nicknames make your relationship stronger

Not quite on point, but we had a one-armed bloke at work years ago.
We knew him as “Digital” – because he didn’t have a second hand… (tish boom).

September 24, 2024 8:21 pm

Best wishes for your granddaughter JC- sorry missed your earlier post.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 24, 2024 8:25 pm

Elsie just decided she wanted either – some attention – or some of that special milk you give them instead of normal milk.
So she’s been scratching around my feet, trying to look half starved – unsuccessfully – and generally being a pest.
As the leg scratching and plaintive meowing hasn’t worked, she jumped up onto the other chair and then the bench top, only to come face to face with the laptop screensaver. She doesn’t like dogs with lots of teeth, drops back to the floor and watches the office ready to ambush the predator that lives on the desk.
She’s come back and the screensaver has gone to the next in line – one of Monets Haystacks – she walked warily past the screen and checked to make sure the dog wasn’t hiding behind the haystack then came up and demanded feeding. With special milk.
Now that she has scoffed the bloody lot, she’ll go and have a nap – her fifth or sixth today.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 24, 2024 8:33 pm

One of my favourite Video Channels, Cutting Edge Engineering.
Small one man operation in Queensland that does heavy haulage and mining equipment repairs etc.
This one show has 5.7 million views!
Which is quite amazing that such a small operation gets that much attention.

September 24, 2024 8:35 pm

Small update to this morning’s update re the frost.

Barley has been badly impacted.
I spent over an hour this morning getting a proper gauge on all the barley. Some areas are 80%+ gone while others are 10%.
Overall somewhere between 30-40%. Hopefully some rain in the next 24hrs will give the plants enough to fill late emerging heads which seem to have escaped the freeze, there’s not many of them but it could claw back 5%.

I have also heard a lot of anecdotal reports of the grape vines in and around Griffith being 50% hit.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 24, 2024 8:42 pm

Sorry to hear about the little tyke JC.
You’re right about the slow train analogy.
Until maybe some “grown out of it” stage is reached you don’t get good news.
All you can hope for is an absence of bad news.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 24, 2024 8:42 pm
September 24, 2024 8:51 pm

Dunno Dover.
My vague recollection is that the borders between the Bekaa Valley and the west of Syria were always pretty open as many members of the same tribes lived on both sides of the border. Looks like Tartus being majority Alawite would be reasonably safe.
Not so much Sunni majority areas of course.

  1. Dunno Dover. My vague recollection is that the borders between the Bekaa Valley and the west of Syria were always…

  2. Sorry to hear about the little tyke JC. You’re right about the slow train analogy. Until maybe some “grown out…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x