Author: dover0beach

  • Open Thread – Weekend 3 Sept 2021

  • Guest Post: Augusto Zimmermann – The Unconstitutionality of Western Australia’s vaccine passport restrictions

    In Western Australia, any resident who now leaves the State for New South Wales and is seeking to return “can apply to do so on compassionate grounds, subject to the following conditions … Have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine…”, an August 19th Facebook post from Premier Mark McGowan reads. Section 51(xxiiiA)…

  • A montyean future

    Monty writes: db comes from a different angle. I am fascinated with how he manages to combine strong religious views with his obsession with “the Cathedral”, a concept borrowed from racist blogger Curtis “Moldbug” Yarvin. The Cathedral appears to be a phrase used in a similarly conspiracist manner to “Deep State”, with a broader application…

  • Guest Post: Cassie of Sydney -Gay Wars & Biological Denial

    Last weekend, at a Manchester UK “Pride Parade”, an ordinary gay man…yes a gay man…was heckled, abused and screamed at, called a bigot and transphobe and required police protection to escort him away from the parade. You might ask what his heinous crime was to elicit such outrage and hostility, well you see this ordinary…

  • Vaccine passports are not inevitable

    There are a number of problems with contemporary conservatism. One involves its near universal voluntary surrender of public office over the last 30 or so years to its enemies. Another is its fatal mistake of thinking that culture was downstream of politics, not vice versa. But the mistake I want to concentrate on today is…

  • A Conservative Hero?

    monty writes: Lt. Michael Byrd of the Capitol Police is a conservative hero, but in the strictly small-c sense. People who identify with the Conservative movement in America tend to hate him, because his action did more than anyone else to stop an insurrection which would have installed Conservative politicians in a coup. What Byrd…

  • Guest post: C.L. – Charlie’s Good Tonight

    CELEBRITY demises don’t move me for an obvious reason: I didn’t know the celebrities. Naturally, I emphathise with the bereaved but, alas, lack Bill Clinton’s gift of feeling their pain. The sad news of Rolling Stone Charlie Watts’ death in London on Tuesday was slightly different. For a start, the drummer Keith Richards has described…

  • Danish Health Ministry: COVID ‘no longer a critical threat to society’

    In the words of the Danish Health Ministry, COVID in its extant variants is no longer a ‘critical threat to society’, and as such, it will remove all its current COVID restrictions, including any vaccine mandates, by September 10 having fully vaccinated 71% of the population. The only remaining restrictions involve agreements with other countries…

  • Guest post: Vikki Campion – Aunty plays favourites

    IF you defamed someone, would your boss pay the legal bill? That’s exactly what’s happened when the ABC paid the legal bills of journalist Louise Milligan who defamed someone on her social media accounts. If it had been any other government agency that forked out $79,000 in damages and $50,000 in costs — paid for…

  • Open Thread – Weekend 28 Aug 2021