Guest Post: MatrixTransform – The Commons
The missus was back at the dentist yesterday and on the drive back home she told me about the conversation she was privy to between the Doc and the nurse. They were trying to calm her down I guess by playing at idle banter and I reckon they may have had the same conversation 3…
Mater’s Musings #20: Did you know?
Did you know that by this time in 2019 (the year before Covid), 662 Australians had died of the Flu, since the start of that year? …and it wasn’t the worst year we’d had in the last five. Even by government admission, that 662 “associated deaths reported to the NNDSS, does not represent the true…
Guest post: Tim Neilson – Happiness in captivity
On 24 September 2021 it will be exactly 40 years since the Australian release of the film Chariots of Fire. As a young track and field athlete at the time I was very taken by the film, and various subsequent coincidences and connections involving my father and me (both Scottish descended Christians who had run…
QANTAS Pilot: If he’s willing…
If he’s willing to lose his job for saying it, I guess we should headline it so people at least hear it!
Mater’s Musings #19: If only it had a QR Code attached
I’ve seen plenty of these in my travels in less than salubrious locations (the military tend not to send people to London, Paris or the Greek Islands). It’s indeed unfortunate that the governments of these places didn’t have the electronic means to attach a QR Code to this sign and link it to every tourist’s…
The Melbourne Syndrome revisited
This was an article I wrote exactly a year ago: The Melbourne Syndrome which was published at the American Institute for Economic Research. What remains the most astonishing part is how little has changed. Victoria is still governed by our own version of Captain Bligh who knows only how to order others about while understanding
Lockdowns our fault, apparently
“The reality is that we can’t live in lockdown forever. We have to live with Covid and that means getting vaccinated as quickly as possible.” Reportedly, said Josh Frydenberg, taking aim on Monday at Australians who refuse to get the jab. Of course, name most every politician and their media cheerleaders from the left or…
The ongoing woke undermining of Australia’s economy
The march of the woke inspired destruction of the free-market economy continues apace. The additional baggage it is being required to carry is evident from articles and views from the past couple of day’s media. The Business Council of Australia continues to call for additional costs to be imposed on the firms it is supposed…
“Ivermectin is an effective treatment for COVID-19.”
In regard to Ivermectin, you really need to read this: Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 63 studies. Very long, very detailed, but this was the bottom line. “Ivermectin is an effective treatment for COVID-19.” Anyone who says anything else is [you tell me].
Mater’s Musings #18: More Perspective
2020 2017 Let’s put that side by side to make it as clear as we can (noting the slight variation of the 0-44 age bracket): Yes, yes, I know – ‘But…but…but the lockdowns prevented greater deaths!’. How do we know it wouldn’t have just dwindled away like every other one before it, just like the…