Guest Post: Cardimona – How to break a loved one out of a hypnotic trance
Cats, this is today’s long-form LTE, sent to ten papers but highly unlikely to get ink anywhere. However, I’m sincerely hoping that it might serve to redpill ten letters desk journo-listers… *** Experts in psychology say that the safest way to wake a loved one from a deep hypnotic trance is with gentle questioning. Here…
Weekday Reading #17
Patrick Deneen, Conservative Hospice Care, The Postliberal Order Aaron Siri, Instead of FDA’s requested 500 pages per month, Court orders FDA to produce Pfizer COVID-19 data at rate of 55,000 pages per month, Injecting Freedom Soharb Ahmari, Jan. 6 Looks Different Through the Lens of ‘American Carnage’, NYT John Q Public, COVID and the Cathedral,…
Mater’s Mischief #6: This raises some interesting questions
Will they be checking Vaccination Certificates? Will there be density limits (apart from between their ears)? Will it be considered ‘essential’ and be allowed to proceed amidst any Covid restrictions? Will Dan be the keynote speaker (with so many contenders to choose from in Victoria)? If so, will he make it up the stairs to…
What a djoke!
If it were up to Scott Morrison, or even Daniel Andrews, there is little doubt Novak Djokovic would be allowed to compete in the Australian Open. But we are in the midst of a mania where his presence, even if it presents ZERO risk to anyone else, is intolerable to the voting population so out…
WolfmanOz at the Movies #3
We have certainly been living in strange times at present. I’m sure that most of us would say that what we are seeing now would be in the realm of dsyoptia; something unimaginable only 5 years ago. So this weeks theme is looking at dsyoptian movies which mostly relate to an imagined state or society…
Weekday Reading #16
Sohrab Ahmari, The Killer GirlBoss: Sarah Weddington, 1945-2021, The American Conservative Edward Feser, The still, small voice of Christmas, Feser’s blog Kevin Donnelly, The Descending Night of Augusto Del Noce, Quadrant Online eugyppius, Errors, Forced and Otherwise, eugyppius: a plague chronicle Flat White, Don’t blame Novak Djokovic, Spectator Australia
Mater’s Mischief #5: Our next American President/Prime Minister?
All the recent talk around our beloved national ‘Tory Fighter‘ (and opposition leader), brought to mind one of my favourite episodes in his acting career. Of course, he’s not the only current high flying politician in the ‘Progressive Actors Guild’. Don’t worry if you don’t know who the other is, he often goes by his…
Mater’s Musings #48: YOUR risk of dying from Covid-19 – Part 2
Ok, due to the interest generated from my post yesterday, and the efforts to quantify the ACTUAL risk versus government propaganda, I took a path that is usually an enigma to my professionalism. I extrapolated off some grainy, low fidelity screenshots of government graphs which I found on the two relevant infographics (found here). I…
“It says ‘Energy Security: Where did we go in 10 years?’ Basically, nowhere. Of course we did. We went backwards.