The elected European Parliament has NO power. The power is with the unelected Euro Trash rabble in Brussels. Wot’ a…
The elected European Parliament has NO power. The power is with the unelected Euro Trash rabble in Brussels. Wot’ a…
Hard to go past good Stilton.
Because neither the Europeans or the US currently has the capacity to replace what has been lost quickly enough given…
I dare not ask how the two are related.
Confirmed: Biden Spiked Rescuing Astronauts Stranded at ISS
KK is Reba Meagher 2.0
Bottom, bottom line: the basic premise of the 007 franchise has mysteriously vanished.
Tasmania’s ‘Concerned Catholics’ in a very ABC newsworthy piece
We Want Trump and F Joe Biden
Not at all.
The only problem I sometimes have is inserting blockquotes On my phone. And I’m pretty sure that’s a local software thang.
why can’t everyone vote for Matthew Canavan
Again. Why do the vaccinated fear the unvaccinated?
Especially if the unvaccinated have tested -ve?
Those vaccines work. Or so I’m told.
claire lehmann on why Australia is not that bad, but, as one commentor noted, it is unlikely that Australia would have had an identical experience to the US, lifestyle, demographics, many other points of difference.
‘Concerned Catholics’ would be grey hippies who support all sorts of things.
Fear of the unvaxxed is highest amongst the progressive left in the US according to one article I read. Logic never a strong point.
Probably a strong climate change belief overlap.
Look at the comments. Gung Ho for passports!
the mission statement ‘we all wear problem glasses’
It’s twitter and Canavan would be a favourite target.
This, THIS is what we need
I asked the same question on the Lambie thread.
There’s something else going on in their souls…it’s not fear, but something darker.
All the yank toons were good, and the aussies, except for rowe; here’s my pick of the brits which applies to all conservatives except Trump:
The authorities know full well the vaccines don’t work. They’ve known since March when the first numbers were coming out of Israel (funny how nobody talks about amazing fully vaccinated Israel anymore).
They were promised, and they promised us – based on ‘the data’ 98% effectiveness. Two ‘jabs’ and it’s all over they said (actually they said two jabs for the old and vulnerable and it’s all over, but we live in Orwellian times and the memoryhole is alive and active).
What they got is products that achieve barely 40% effectiveness, still enable transmission and chronic sickness, and are only good for 6-8 months (or in other words another shitty coronavirus vaccine the same as that they’ve trialed and abandoned for twenty years).
To keep their heads, but more importantly to keep the vast public health / phara apparatus in good standing with the public, instead of admitting the truth: that pharma companies routinely lie about their products, and the WHO, FDA and TGA are at best incompetent paper tigers with a rubber stamp, at worst corrupt, they now have to create a society in which everyone has to have booster shots and lockdowns and masks forever.
But most importantly they need less than a critical mass of people to be walking around living happily, healthy and free without it, because without that, nobody can prove that these things don’t work right.
The VLine driver who contracted Covid was asymptomatic for days before he came up as a positive in routine testing and as a result the entire rail network is thrown into chaos.
One of the major outcomes from being vaccinated is the asymptomatic presentation of Covid.
A tiny little flaw in Scommo’s cunning passport scheme.
What they got is products that achieve barely 40% effectiveness, still enable transmission and chronic sickness, and are only good for 6-8 months (or in other words another shitty coronavirus vaccine the same as that they’ve trialed and abandoned for twenty years).
Thats probably the most important part of this whole thing.
There have been attempts to create before which have been seen as not viable for precisely the reasons there.
Due to these being single strand, easily mutating virus’ any vaccine is rapidly overtaken.
Quick! To the Batmobile! TV stars need your help:
The high-profile hosts of Sunrise, Australia’s most popular breakfast show, have refused to have their noses powdered and hair styled by any crew members who are unvaccinated, in what is likely to be a landmark development for the entire local television industry.
The Australian can reveal that the uprising at Sunrise, led by double-vaccinated hosts David Koch, Natalie Barr and Edwina Bartholomew, as well as the show’s executive producer Michael Pell, represents the unofficial first move towards mandatory vaccination in Australian TV.
But Seven’s morning TV pro-vaccination move attracted private grumbles from at least one Sunrise hair and make-up artist who is unvaccinated and therefore barred from working on the show.
Courageous words from a man who oversees not one school.
If this op-ed length LTE doesn’t get a run I reckon I might take this matter up with the Press Council.
Alinsky’s Rule 4: Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.
Also Cat rule 1: Always escalate.
Liar, liar, pants on fire
The Editor
The Cairns Post
Due to the ethics and integrity of her predecessors, people tend to presume that Editor Spilsbury must be particularly well-informed and honest.
Personal messaging from Editor Spilsbury, such as her editorial of September 10 about her covid vaccination, would likely be regarded as accurate and honest by her paying customers.
In it, she states. “While I respect the right for individuals to make up their own mind I appeal for everyone to seek guidance from their GP if in any doubt, or other credible sources and not some ignoramus on social media.”
Speaking of ignoramuses on social media, that quote was included in Facebook news feeds, as forwarded to me by mates who still use that harshly-censored, far-left platform.
You see, Editor Spilsbury’s suggestion is neither accurate nor honest – as she should know because I pointed her to the evidence it was wrong on August 15, over three weeks earlier.
Your GP cannot – I repeat, cannot – offer you frank and fearless covid vaccine advice because the federal government’s Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency banned them from doing so under threat of prosecution on 09/03/2021.
Read it yourself, here – https://www.ahpra.gov.au/News/2021-03-09-vaccination-statement.aspx
It doesn’t matter whether it’s Spilsbury or ScoMo suggesting you get your GP’s unbiased opinion – it’s a dangerously disingenuous and dishonest suggestion when they both know full well, or should, that it is false.
As one GP mate put it, “AHPRA are building a bonfire in Canberra on which to burn any GP recorded advising a patient to avoid the covid vaccine.”
This is my third appeal to Editor Spilsbury in four days to urgently correct her misinformation in a manner as visible as her original op-ed and subsequent advertising.
Should she fail to do so I predict that our regional daily newspaper will fold under her stewardship, probably from the weight of lawsuits from the relatives of her trusting readers killed by vaccine reactions.
They’ll want to sue someone and the federal government exempted the vaccine manufacturers from any liability for injuries and death caused by their under-tested products.
While I’m here, the federal government’s Therapeutic Goods Administration has also banned your GP from curing your covid with a mix of established medications, as is practiced in 21 developed countries, including parts of the USA.
Read it yourself here – https://www.tga.gov.au/media-release/new-restrictions-prescribing-ivermectin-covid-19
Our governments are hell-bent on hiding covid cures and bullying everyone into being vaccinated for a disease that 99.9+ percent of us will survive without treatment and which only brings forward the inevitable deaths of the elderly, the co-morbid and the obese by weeks or months.
The big question is why? What is really going on? Why the secrecy? Aren’t we paying good money for full transparency?
Covid Nuremberg now.
(453 words)
(Two more links to info and one link to an image of the Facebook ad to come…)
Watch now as covidians effortlessly pivot to ‘well if they’re asymptomatic it means it’s working!’ and ‘forget’ that this entire thing has been built on millions of asymptomatic ‘cases’ and that being the number on terrible danger to the whole world.
To add on to Knuckles’ great copy and paste of the sandbar article – together with his succinct additions – it brings back memories of 30 years ago when I was writing my first book Wrecks in Darwin Waters. Did several hundred scuba dives over several years researching it. Then joined the Navy and was on warships around the Top End for a while. Amongst the best Darwin Awards moments:
– the drunken pair in a tinnie who came over when we were reloading air tanks, to tell us that scuba diving was dangerous. The equipment in their boat: one engine, one esky, two fishing rods.
– the morons whose engine had broken down, and who were being given a free ride to Indonesia courtesy of a fast-moving ebb tide. No oars, no backup engine, no radio, no EPIRB, and obviously no brains.
– the becalmed yacht people who called up our patrol boat so we could pass on a message to their housesitters they would be late home.
– the government boat which ran aground on its first trip, and was then left on a sandbar by the tide for six hours. The two crew hid down inside the hull but could not evade the news camera crew who came out and knocked on the boat for an interview.
– the diver who insisted on diving in a spring tide – visibility zero – and who then was swept away from his buddy. Was found two hours later afloat and scared out of his wits well outside Darwin Harbour.
– the two blokes in a motorboat who ran out of fuel. When the coxswain of the Navy patrol boat insisted on $20 being passed up before the fuel was lowered down to them they went ballistic complaining. At which point the officer of the watch said “we’re out of here” and so we were. He relented 10 minutes later – when we returned one of them had belted the other one to the deck.
“FEDERAL Education Minister Alan Tudge has said that Bruce Pascoe’s book Dark Emu should not be taught in schools.
“If those [Dark Emu books] are in libraries, and they’re offered to kids as the truth, they should be removed,” Mr Tudge told 2GB radio.
Courageous words from a man who oversees not one school.”
At least he’s saying something……am I finally detecting some Coalition MPs and ministers speaking up about the cultural wars?
They’ve taken their time.
Reports of the sandbar dance party are quite amusing, and instructive of the ignorance of the doof-doof generation.
I hope they finished up with “The Tide is High” by Blondie.
As my sainted Grandfather (who engaged in maritime pursuits) used to say, “Never turn your back on the sea. Oh, and always carry your tide-chart book”.
Dark emu shit has made it to my eldest sons lessons, aboriginals were Galileo level astronomers, aboriginals were farmers he reports back with eye rolls.
Craig Kelly MP
Gladys says she’ll be holding an 11am media conference today
That’s a surprise after Gladys said she needed time to clear her head Thinking face
Is it a backflip from Gladys or has she got something ‘special’ to tell us ?
ICAC update ?
So many questions …
An ‘uprising’ by literally pampered elites against filthy normal healthy working class people touching them unless they get the biotech ‘jab’.
A society where normal non-enhanced people, people who refuse to accept the biotech platform, are banned from life and treated with revulsion by social royalty.
You’re about to officially enter the New Normal they promised all last year.
Now you’ve done it Sancho.
I’ll probably spend the next two hours searching for Sir Francis Chichester’s autobiography, and DDGing Masefield’s “Sea Fever”
I turned the Sunrise program and their resident filth off over a month ago now.
My house feels cleaner.
From last year:
They’re normally spruiking beauty products and branded content, but now the government has enlisted influencers in the fight against young Australians not taking the coronavirus seriously.
$30 million dollars buys a lot of “Kochie Bravely Rises Up Against Privileged Make Up Artist” type ‘articles’, a lot of innoucous ‘tweets’ on Twitter about #getthejab.
Then there’s the rivers of gold flowing in from Pfizer and Astra from the ‘influencer’ marketing budgets, naked corruption, etc.
Someone did a study on ‘influencers’ response to Cov19 (to better understand how to corrupt them see): https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1329878X20959838
That person themselves was funded by the government:
The author(s) received financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: Dr Crystal Abidin received funding from the Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DE190100789) to support the research towards the publication of this article.
I thought this was Edwina Bartholomew.
So glad to hear the Ch7 dream team are all double vaxxed. Carrying a strong magnet just in case I see them on the other side of a busy street.
Have you read Bill Gammage?
IMO it is worse as it has delusions of peer reviewed science.
Jared Diamond it is not.
Good chuckles over Knuckle’s post of the sand bar and Top Enders darwin awards (did you see that 🙂 )
Gladys on soon supposedly not to lecture about the Wuhan Lab Flu.
Resign? Before ICAC?
This is to be applauded.
As we know, and as we have been told many times, the vaxxed can still pass on the virus to others. So I applaud them for protecting the unvaxxed – oh wait! that’s not their reason? You mean it’s because they are afeared they will still catch the virus from the unvaxxed! What a fabulous vaxxcine, designed not to work. So yes, they should be afraid.
For me, I steer clear of the vaxxed lest I contract the virus from them.
It started with The Pill, got normalised by abortion (and as we Anti-Pill women warned), has come around to normalising the sacrifice of our older children to please the Anti-Christs being worshipped instead of God, and, people like Peter Singer have argued these evils into intellectual respectability.
When we stopped acknowledging the sanctity of human life we gave our permission to be treated as livestock.
Genesis 1:26-28
King James Version
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Gladys scoop:
…are mindless zombies, it’s contagious…
Gladys on soon supposedly not to lecture about the Wuhan Lab Flu.
Resign? Before ICAC?
Oh ye of little faith.
Shes going to announce shes pregnant. (worked for Mrs ed over in new Zealand)
Going to say that people should let Gladys not do the press conference stuff. Let it go, let her go. The quicker its swept away the better, the want it over and off the front page, so do we.
Probably the best way forward, the ‘press’ conferences are designed so the media can keep the whole thing alive forever because profit.
Well I guess trolls need to be banned the modern echo chamber arrives.
High court says blog owners responsible for content in comments
The Thorny Problem Of COVID-19 Vaccines And Spike Proteins
Gladys has reneged on her promise not to lecture each morning.
ICAC distraction squirrel?
This question arose on Dash-Cat immediately after the HC decision and in response to a “sounding out” by a commenter about financial contributions to keep Dash-Cat afloat.
Someone asked the legitimate question:-
“If I contribute, am I the co-publisher of a certain lunatic’s anti-Semitic and defamatory posts?”.
What’s the Point of False Patriotism?
Sep 13, 2021
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters
Gladys driving the class divide.
Vaxxed v Unvaxxed
Apologies if anyone found and posted this before me .. from Facebook …
(In reply to NSW Teachers United) Written by Fiona Bluff on Scomo’s FB page. Absolutely brilliant – speaks for most Aussies.
This is an open letter to Australian politicians who have allowed our country to become a place I no longer recognise. But you have lost my consent. In fact, I don’t remember you ever asking. So let me be clear. You DO NOT have my consent to crush our way of life. To criminalise me for going further than 5 kilometres from my home. To set up police checkpoints on our roads – roads that I paid for, when I used to be allowed to work, when I used to be allowed to leave my home without explaining myself to someone in uniform.
You DO NOT have my consent to keep me from my family. To tell me “we are all in this together” while forcing us to stay apart. To lecture me about the morality of seeing people I love or checking in on a neighbour I pass at the shops. To make me “register” to see a friend. What sort of nightmare are you creating?
Who are you to tell me it is “good” to obey you, and “bad” to defy you? To come onto my screen daily and lecture me on my “behaviour”. To position a police officer behind you every time you speak. To hide behind public health officials. To threaten me with jail if I don’t listen. To fly police helicopters over my neighbourhood. To put the “riot” squad and the military on our streets (for our own good, of course). Who are you to decide what is “good” and “bad”, and to enforce your new world order with weapons? The only type of “bad” I recognise is the powerful forcing the weak to do something against their will.
You DO NOT have my consent to confiscate my right to protest. To paint those who make their voices heard as bad people. To pretend they punch horses. To use the dark tools of propaganda. To tell us they are criminals. What are you really scared of?
This is a hostage situation, dressed in the language of public health. You have created a nasty police state, a dystopian nightmare, an ex-democracy, a petty dictatorship. You are frightened of your own people, and you don’t want them to be heard. You need the media to serve up its daily offering of fear porn. Who knew that you guys would work so well together?
None of you have lost a dollar, of course. None of you have volunteered to stop drawing a salary, to accept $320 disaster payment instead of making a living. You are the worst type of hypocrites, lecturing on the morality of a pain you do not share. And now you encourage us to call the police on each other? To be a nation of dobbers. To distrust our neighbours. How deep are the scars you are creating?
You DO NOT have my consent to trap me in this country. To make me seek an “exemption” to leave. To decide where I must live my life. Is there any clearer sign that you have lost the consent of the governed than to force them to stay? How dare you masquerade as our saviours. Our behavioural masters. Our moral enforcers. Our life extenders. I do not want your “protection”.
You have forgotten what you are. ‘Public servants’. Think about those words. Don’t twist them. Why don’t you let us be the judge of our own safety? Let those who wish to hide, hide? How dare you make these decisions on my behalf. You are destroying our lives in order to save them. You are no longer ‘public servants’. Instead, you demand the public’s obedience down the barrel of a gun. How have you become convinced that using force to prevent people from moving freely is anything other than criminal?
You are destroying everything I love about this country: our bravery in the face of danger, solidarity between neighbours, the strength to muddle on, the freedom to come and go as we please. Let’s be clear: there are many who despise you. These are the ones you are trying to silence. These are the ones you are afraid of. They are growing in number and they are enraged by your conduct.
Much bravery.
Much inspiring…
Might want to rethink the choice of inspirational T shirt message though.
Chopping off the meat and 2 veg or getting meat tube put where your vadge used to be pretty well ensures “genocide”. At least in terms of your genes being passed on.
The best part about this..
Seeing the feminists squealing “this is the wrong sort of equality”…
Others in feminist circles regarded the bout as an example of abuse.
”Male violence against women as a public sport? #NoThankYou,’ posted Genevieve Gluck, a contributor to Canadian feminist website Feminist Current.
Many agreed.
‘Wow. I did not foresee the day we applauded men beating women,’ one response read. ‘What a stunningly brave new world.’
‘This is disgusting and dangerous,’ another posted.
Wants equality, gets equality.
Only mandatory for the period between 70 and 80 percent vaccinated according to Barilaro
only three weeks of vaccine passports in NSW?
Roger Whittaker knew what was coming but oddly he missed a word from the title. Can you spot the missing word? That’s right, it’s “Order”.
‘Is there any clearer sign that you have lost the consent of the governed than to force them to stay? How dare you masquerade as our saviours.’
Noticed Gladys has left a couple out of the press conference farce.
The Mandible Moustache and Health Hazzard.
Perhaps even her tin eared “advisors” noticed the blowback about the New World Order
And fatty plod was missing too.
6.3% of total active cases in hospital.
The UK opened up on the 19th July with 68% of adults over 16 double dosed.
Articles at the time warned that experts predicted 200,000 cases per day and thousands of deaths per week.
I hope so. But I have my doubts. Too many Aussies are feminised cowards.
Spitting chips..
Wednesday, October 11
Mrs Rosemary Cresswell, the Queen of Yugoslavia’s mysterious girlfriend, sent me another large packet for HM. I put it into the bag [the diplomatic post]. Only lesbians write such long letters.
Monday, December 4
Alexander of Yugoslavia [son of Chips’ former lover Prince Paul] has been ‘reported’ to the Headmaster [at Eton]. A severe whipping would do him the world of good. It might instil some sense into him. I am on the side of the birch for boys, frequently and sternly administered, the more exalted the bottom the more necessary it usually is.
Thursday, April 25
Winston is now throwing off his mask and plotting. He envisages running the show himself.
Friday, May 3
Winston C is in a corner: the fiasco in Norway is due altogether to his unsound advice.
Thursday, May 9
A long conversation has been held between Winston, Lord Halifax and Neville, each saying to the other two, ‘You must be PM’ — and each one, no doubt, secretly wanting it for himself.
lot more at the link.
Was the “bonking boffin” Neil Ferguson one of those experts?
The UK hit 80% double dosed three days ago.
We’re at least two months away from the freedom target of our health dictators.
Taliban Government ‘Not Inclusive’
Sep 13, 2021
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters
“Anthony Davis 2.
7 hours ago
I’m sorry to say, the vast majority of the world can see that Diversity, Inclusion and Equity has weakened the West far more than any diplomatic activity could. A country that actively undermines its institutions, dissolves its history, and incessantly tells its population that they’re oppressors isn’t going anywhere”
Glad you asked Roger.
That’s where the crystal ball starts to fail,” Neil Ferguson told the BBC.
“I mean, we could get to 2,000 hospitalisations a day, 200,000 cases a day – but it’s much less certain.’
Professor Ferguson explained that during the first two waves of the pandemic in the UK the peaks were passed because of government-enforced lockdowns, while this time the peak will come when herd immunity is realised.
More amusement in these dark times, courtesy of Andrew O’Keefe.
“Spitting and scratching”?
Come on, man!
And I had a good cackle at the “I had an agreement with Police not to lock me up.”
Firstly, people who are reasonably streetwise know that coppers will say anything to placate a juiced up lunatic until they get the upper hand.
“You’re not going to cuff me are you?”
“Nooooo, course not” … Click!
“I’m claustrophobic. Please don’t put me in the van.”
“Sure buddy, no probs” … Thump. Slam.
“You’re not going to lock me up are you?”
“No mate. You just need to pop in here for a couple of minutes until you can be signed out.” …. Slam. Click.
Secondly, it is a sign that the DYKWIA* magic has worn off.
* DYKWIA = Do You Know Who I Am?
Get a load of Gulag Glad:
What “hard work” are you referring to, you stupid moral vacuum? The “hard work” of rolling up your sleeve because you decide freely to do it?
Or are you telling us that many have done just that against their will through coercion and that’s been hard for them? What exactly do you mean you piece of elected sludge?
Words can’t express the disgust I feel for this person.
Why the fuck does this idiot get any airtime at all?
He might as well be using a crystal ball given the accuracy of his past predictions.
UK had about 38,000 in hospital at the January peak.
Currently 8,000.
0.012% of the population.
Today’s second LTE – to seven News Corpse titles…
Twenty-seven quick questions
The Editor
Have the COVID-19 vaccines been fully approved yet? Why not? How can vaccines be mandated without full approval?
Are vaxx manufacturers still exempt from liability for injuries? Why? How can there be mandates without manufacturer liability?
Are we still governed under “state of emergency” provisions? Why? Where’s the specific emergency? Why aren’t hospitals over-run?
Why wasn’t hospital capacity increased back in the old flatten-the-curve days? The modelling showed a coming spike, so why wasn’t it prepared for? Negligent much?
Why did AHPRA find it necessary to ban GPs from criticising the government’s vaccination policies or casting doubt on the vaccines?
Why has the TGA suppressed the covid cures that everyone now knows about? What’s the advantage in sending positive cases home untreated?
Why is the PCR test still being run at too many cycles? When will the fact be faced that asymptomatic cases are actually false positives?
When will it be admitted that without the inadequate PCR test’s false positives there never was a pandemic?
Why has the Universal Declaration of Human Rights been ignored in the COVID-19 responses? Has the Australian signature been removed from that UN agreement?
Why are the lessons of the post-WWII Nuremberg Code being ignored? Are we now led by Holocaust deniers?
What is the mass-vaccination obsession really all about? Who are Australian officials and politicians really working for? Who is the ABC working for?
Will subscription media be refunding its customers’ fees when it is inevitably caught red-faced and pants-down in a seething swamp of dogs-nuts-obvious fake news and misinformation?
Inquiring minds would like to know.
(262 words)
What has this to do with public health? This is crime and punishment she’s talking about.
If she wants to punish citizens she can pass the laws through parliament and people can stand before a judge and the government can make the case why they should be punished for not getting a vaccine.
I have a feeling this was kind of the plan all along with this stuff, all bark no or little bite to get the numbers up, then let it silently dissappear in a few weeks. Did barrilaro just fucked it up by mouthing off about it? Probably.
She sounds hysterical, calli. I was waiting for her to say ‘wait till your father gets home!’
Gladys has lost the plot.
Is there “trooble at mill” with ministers being called before ICAC and at home with the previously hidden squeeze also in strife?
She has become the new Dan.
Scotland will push ahead with “vaccine passports” from 1st October after the Greens sided with the SNP to defeat the Conservatives, Labour & Liberal Democrats, who opposed them.
The SNP & the Greens…an unholy alliance if ever there was one.
Was just checking the Skynews report of Gladys’s latest.
Seven people have died, four fully vaccinated, three unvaccinated. Three in their nineties, three over eighty and one lady in her 60’s.
In other words more vaccinated people died of the virus than unvaccinated.
Maybe she should be freeing the unvaccinated and be keeping the vaccinated ones locked up instead. (Ok ignore that. Free everyone!)
For what it’s worth, the TGA vaccine advisory board has only four testicles to bless itself with. Everyone else would appear to be a professorial Karen.
Bruce, even as the percentage of jabbed elderly people continues to rise, it is inevitable that those about to shuffle off anyway will continue to be the majority of COVID related deaths. Therefore, a higher and higher percentage of them will turn out to be double jabbed (not using the misleading v-word).
The proof of the limited efficacy of the jab will become more and more apparent as the jab rate rises.
Johanna, also, how many actually have Covid?
Or is it just a normal flu?
Everything’s Covid now. Wait and see when the hay fever sniffle/sneezes start.
Those who can, do.
Those who can’t, teach.
Those who can’t teach, administer.
Those who can’t administer, regulate.
The gun medicos aren’t sitting on TGA committees methinks. The ivermectin decision is the stupidest and most hypocritical I’ve seen: they even admitted it wasn’t about the efficacy of the pharmaceutical.
To us maybe.
Not to those who pursued and supported vaxxes as the only way out.
The logic there is: “Of course most of the people dying from covid are vaccinated, because now most people are vaccinated”. As if the fact that vaccines are supposed to stop you dying from the disease is somehow irrelevant to most of the people dying having been vaccinated. And they’ll make that point while rolling their eyes as if we’re the dummies.
Tom Elliott is going to find it hard making this shit sandwich taste peachy this afternoon.
If the numbers eventually show that being vaccinated does very little to improve your survival chances what they’ll say is some shit like this: “But at least they died knowing they did everything they could to protect themselves and their communities”. or “But at least they died more slowly than the unvaccinated”. or “At least they died having done the right thing”.
FMD Frollicking @ around midday.
Clicked on the link – what a narcissistic old poof he was!
NSW is currently 78.5 % single vaxxed, no doubt they’ll get their 80%.
Hopefully where one leads others will follow and this will be over.
I thought the international evidence was there already to confirm getting vaccinated significantly improves your chances of not being hospitalised or dying of covid.
And don’t forget ‘with covid’.
Is that before or after we give them Sudetenland?
the crew members should lodge an anti-discrimination complaint
What she really means is:
“I don’t want people to think they can sit back, let everybody else
do the hard worktake the risk of the unknown and then turn up when it’s 80% and get everything else that vaccinated people are.”But that wouldn’t sit well with the narrative.
Yes, and I believe in the tooth fairy. If they succeed in getting that system up, it will never end.
I can’t see Sudetenland on the road map sorry Bruce.
Let’s see what happens Indolent Hanrahan
Just had that very argument with someone, including the high probability that they’ll have to front up quarterly to get a “booster”.
Okay with that. And if I don’t I’ll have to be locked in my house for the rest of my life to protect…myself.
What turns a sensible person into an idiot?
I believe antibiotics such as penicillin and amoxicillin are also used on horses. Humans first.
Much of the time leftists want us to celebrate our affinity with the beasts (some would like to celebrate marriage and also consider consummating the marriage would be appropriate) but balk at the fact mammal medicines can work on different species.
Indolent, they couldn’t even get the stupid alarm app to work.
They may be vindictive but they aren’t that smart.
Doc Faustus:
Watching the Woke and reality collide is more fun than anything I can do in public…
It does.
For two months.
Check out the chart. Down 80% after 60 days, next to nothing at 180 days.
Meanwhile the booster is still causing a lot of bad effects to elderly who already had two standard shots.
Oberhausen-Germany: “Three seniors had to be resuscitated” after 3rd jab (7 Sep)
Again I suspect the issue is the mode of action, whereby the spike protein is synthesized in normal cells and isn’t presented separately like a conventional killed-virus vaccine.
September 13, 2021 at 12:41 pm
If the numbers eventually show that being vaccinated does very little to improve your survival chances what they’ll say is some shit like this: “But at least they died knowing they did everything they could to protect themselves and their communities”. or “But at least they died more slowly than the unvaccinated”. or “At least they died having done the right thing”.
They have already gone beyond that.
After a fully stabbed person died recently, the comment was “Think how much worse it would have been had he/she/zi NOT been vaxxinated”. Presumably the vaccinated become zombies, while the unvaccinated are truly dead.
Queenscliffe LGA on the surf coast in Vic has had a huge community effort to vaccinate and leads all tables.
1st dose 91.8%
2nd dose 71.8%
Reward – ?????
excellent photograph of the virus
Just oxygen, in some cases.
This will never happen, but wouldn’t it be great if all the jabbed hair and makeup staff didn’t turn up to work tomorrow morning. Kochie and the slags sitting around waiting to be beautified, panicking, watching the clock tick closer to 5.30am.
“More than nine out of 10 of Victoria’s 473 local cases reported on Monday are in Melbourne’s north and west.
Covid-19 logistics chief Jeroen Weimar said 338 new cases had been detected in northern suburbs including Craigieburn, Roxburgh Park, Meadow Heights, Broadmeadows and Glenroy.”
What…..not Ripponlea or Caulfield?
18 months ’til the next NSW state election. The Taliban waited 20 years so I reckon I can handle 18 months.
In other words much like the flu vaccine?
I’ve said before if the only legacy of this government insanity is those wishing to do so getting a double flu covid booster at the beginning of the winter season, we’ll survive.
I can’t think of a reason why it’s always the Northern suburbs either Cassie.
Not Uh Oh – only 6 months out from the next Federal election. I suspect a lot of people will be polishing up their baseball bats in the intervening months.
The Karenisation of the Surf Coast is complete.
Following Top Enders tales..
We were coming back from scuba diving around Cook Island to Tweed Heads when one of our party heard what sounded like a cry for help. Skipper assured us it was the shearwater birds. But soon a few more of us heard it as well. We cut the engines and surveyed the scene. Sure enough was out to sea was a guy on a JetSki. We motored over to him, where he promptly left onto the boat and asked us to lift the JetSki on board. He’d broken down in the Tweed River and was carried out to sea and had absolutely shit himself. There was no way we could lift that thing on to the small dive boat. Skipper told the chap to get back on the JetSki we would throw him a rope and tow him back in across the sandbar. After much objecting he reluctantly remounted his broken down steed. Took us a good part of an hour to tow him back in to the hotel/resort where he had borrowed his mates JetSki. Coast guard said they had been keeping an eye on him and were about to call us to render assistance when we went to his aid. We told the chap the fee was a slab of beer to be dropped off to the dive shop. He pushed the JetSki onto the beach, yelled something at his mate and stormed off never to be seen again. No beer. I was staggered he did not cough up. We had potentially saved his life and couldn’t bring himself to shout us a beer.
It was one of those moments I realised people in society run to different values.
Oh and great diving off Cook Island NSW.
I don’t myself think so Rosie. I’ve not read anything about efficacy of the flu vaccines. But I have done a study (n=1) which shows the flu vaccine is nearly 100% effective and lasts about 2 years. On me. With no side effects whatsoever. The only time in the last 15 years that I caught flu was one season where they guessed wrong and a strain circulated which wasn’t in the vaccine of that year. And I got it mild, which suggests I still had residual immunity from previous years.
Again as I said I think it is the mRNA approach which is the issue. The fluvax is a conventional vaccine cultured in chicken eggs. It will be interesting if they try to convert to mRNA, since I suspect there will be big problems with that. But they’d have to go through full certification and those problems would show up quickly in the process.
Did a review at the bank this morning. Lady we were talking to had her first clotshot yesterday. Complaining of very sore arm and Mrs Eyrie noticed her fingers were very red before she told us about the clotshot. Her face looked quite red and blotchy also. Hope she survives the week.
We have been told again and again that diversity leads to better outcomes. (I personally think that is bollocks – you are looking for competence and diversity may or may not follow>)
So how can the government be satisfied they are giving us the best advice with a panel so stacked with women.
Imagine if it were the other way around.
Re “Koch”, naturally the makeup people at Channel 7 right now have an excellent case for workplace harassment and bullying, both within the company using its internal anti-bullying policies, which being a corp, state, (as is drummed into my head everytime I ‘onboard’ with a corp) that bullying and harassment isn’t what you intend, it’s how the bullied or harassed person perceives and feels.
And also under the OH&S laws which clearly define harrasment and bullying in the workplace along the same lines.
You literally can’t get a more clear cut case of it.
They’re already saying that. There was a small story that went viral of some man dying and them saying ‘he would have suffered so much more without the vaccine”. Clown universe.
Bwah ha ha ha ha.
Oh, they were so hoping that would happen.
Quite apart from anything else, my understanding is that the particular branch of ultra-orthodoxy involved in that episode live a very simple existence and don’t really frequent cafes, bars and nightclubs even when they are open.
Motherlode @01:00pm discussing alternatives to jabs
“Much of the time leftists want us to celebrate our affinity with the beasts”
Taliban pleasure goats – strolled into Kabul sans Covid problems.
Think about that.
Quite amazing how quickly the domestic economy can nose dive .. The 20 September increase for OAPs will $14.60 a fortnight ….. only last week various media experts were forecasting between $18 & $22 based on gummint productivity figures ………!
Should have said SINGLE increase .. the couple income figure is $22. +something cents …
The problem with flu vaccines and their ‘effectiveness’ is the flu suddenly disappeared the minute covid showed up – including in QLD where there is no covid and everyone is just doing whatever the fuck they want.
Pre-2020 flu numbers we’ve learned were all based on modelling and ‘surveillance’ (aka made up off of bad data) and deciphering dreadful medicare data. The kind entered by doctors spending 45 seconds writing medical certificates. It’s turtles all the way down.
Mel Gibson Endorses Coalition for Canceled Priests
h/t Jack Posobiec
“Quite apart from anything else, my understanding is that the particular branch of ultra-orthodoxy involved in that episode live a very simple existence and don’t really frequent cafes, bars and nightclubs even when they are open.”
Your understanding is correct SP. Perhaps Vic plod should focus their efforts on Melbourne’s north-west suburbs….rather than roaming the streets of Caulfield and Ripponlea, perhaps they could try forming a line to prevent entry to a mosque just like they did last week when they prevented entry to a synagogue. But methinks they won’t because, you know, it’s those double standards again. Easier to target those pesky Jews.
My guess is they already know that the vaccination status of their makeup team is 100% jabbed. The grandstanding threat is pure theatre. No wonder a role in the ‘entertainment’ industry in history was always considered an unsavoury occupation.
Watch this space.
This joke of a country is a dank, pee pee soaked Kafkaesque penal colony.
Grow tobacco in your backyard – you can cop 5 years in gaol and a $333,000 fine.
So much freedom.
Having four kids gives an insight into the health system.
The number of times a respiratory illness goes through the house, and doctor one says it’s the flu, a week later another gets taken in and told by doctor two it’s a ‘just a cold’ (go back to those ones – they’re the good ones), then another gets taken in and doctor three prescribes antibiotics for…the flu, then the last one just gets told to stay in bed, not going to those indian dickheads again.
Next year’s illness comes around again, lather rinse, repeat.
It’s completely random.
Admire your optimism!
Cackles in charge of spaaaaaace!!
Surely she cant stuff that up.
The National Space Council is chaired by Vice President Kamala Harris and is led by the heads of federal agencies involved in civil and military space activities. The council coordinates space policy across the federal government.
The goal is to attract a diversity of members from the space sector, which is a priority of the vice president, Parikh said.
Ruh Roh Snoopy..
Harris believes that excitement about space ventures can help promote STEM education, said Parikh. She also is interested in how space technology can be applied to combat climate change.
During a recent trip to Asia, Harris met with the leaders of Singapore and Vietnam, said Parikh. “The agenda for both of those discussions was space, and the value and benefit that space provides to humanity.”
So at this stage i think we can be assured China will be first to colonize Mars.
Truth in advertising.
Come to Australia.
SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine design enabled by prototype pathogen preparedness
Gladys knows that the mob demands a reward for their obedience and capitulation or they’ll have her head.
A minimum of three or four weeks of punishment for recalcitrants.
There are 70+ (100 maybe, IIRC) or so viruses that cause the common cold. There are a few viruses that are flu-like as well.
Drs. diagnosing off of signs and symptoms is clever but backwards. Really they can’t prescribe the correct antibiotic without analysing a cell culture/stain.
Of course they’ve got no idea. Better medicine would be individualised. You would have a chart of your immunity from actual antibodies. Specific bugs would get the right drugs.
Why yes. But according to Gladys, I’m to be locked away and ostracised from normal life because I haven’t done any “hard work” like the rest of my family.
Sooooo…just like my two triple great grandfathers who came out in chains, the NSW Rum Corps expects me to put in some hard yards before I get my Ticket of Leave.
Oddly enough, there are records of them appearing before the Assizes for their crimes. For me…not so much.
Is that before or after we give them Sudetenland?
Scrolling through this morning’s thread.
Not sure who Bruce said this to, but it made me spit my coffee out.
Missed the keyboard thankfully.
Dover, can you please ban Ted for posting Roger Whittaker music?
Thanks is advance.
Tobacco tax gap
The tobacco tax gap is the difference between the estimated value of excise or customs duty raised from tobacco according to the law (‘tobacco duty’) and the value actually raised for a financial year. The tobacco tax gap estimate includes illicit tobacco importation and ‘chop-chop’.
For 2018–19, we estimate the net tobacco tax gap to be 6%. This equates to approximately $822 million in lost excise revenue, meaning that $822 million was channelled into organised criminal activities, instead of funding essential community services.
Who says the government cant create wealth and jobs.
It also means a stimulus to the economy of $822 million which was spent on other goods and services by the punters not paying the nanny tax.
Those not paying the tax are economic powerhouses and heros.
& KD, aren’t there crocs everywhere in Darwin?
Like cockroaches in Sydney?
Wouldn’t the sad bar party be a buffet for the crocs?
Look at this bullshit: trust me I’m a doctor:
Call for emergency action to limit global temperature increases, restore biodiversity, and protect health
14mins of Gavin & Cumia riffing.
Lots of f-bombs.
& a couple of c-bombs.
Calli, from the little I know about you, you and your family have worked hard all your lives.
Tell Gladys from me to GGF.
The quickest way to halt the problems with bio-diversity is to have adults re-take control of hazard reduction.
10 years of no/low hazard reduction causes big issues when these fires rip though.
It aint climate change impacting bio-diversity.
It’s human inaction.
Tell Gladys from me to GGF.
That would make a good T-shirt.
If a person were to ‘accidentally’ (but with discretion) place a small black ‘dot’ sticker on a white space on a QR code, would it change anything?
Asking for a friend of a stranger whom I’ve never met & never will meet, of course.
Biden getting dumped on his stupid head.
Probably fake.
Probably will get banned from twitter.
Still funny.
meaning that $822 million was channelled into organised criminal activities
Whatdyya mean criminal activities? I like to think of them as “poor honest men”.(h/t Rudyard Kipling)
She and Pyne should get together and design a few subs.
South Australia playing pivotal role in space industry (12 Sep)
But doesn’t Gladys have a new boyfriend already?
dickydan & palacechook: but muh lockdown!
Get a Good Facelift?
A bit … personal don’t you think? 😀
Muddy, the QR code algorithm is made to be very robust, with error-correcting, so a dodgy read can be correctly determined. Even when they have a cute picture in the middle which blocks a chunk of data, that’s not enough to interrupt a successful read. It’s designed to be robust to cope with low, light, bad camera angles, bad focus and random marks. I expect if the damage is too bad, all that will fail and the scanner shall report an inability to read, rather than come up with an incorrect answer. Some funky mathematics, that’s easy to do on a computer lies in the background.
The Shapiro, AOC lovechild photo is creepy.
So creepy, I dare not post a link to it here.
Anti-vaxxers’ plan to take over NSW town
They do like to tell us that humans are changing and adversely impacting the environment, after all…
I take it very difficult to take Kochie seriously at the best of times, but hearing him complain about an unvaccinated someone doing his hair allows me to sit back with a smug grin now that everyone can see what a moron he is. (Moronavirus?)
I remember years ago, during Howard’s last election campaign, watching him interview Brendan Nelson and one of the braying asses from Labor about the health policy. Brendan was explaining what the Coalition was going to do, but Kochie (who knows about money, doncha know?) instead had this bee in his bonnet – that bee being what he wanted done and he essentially quizzed Nelson on why the Coalition was not doing it. The Labor ass was just hee-hawing and clopping her hooves on the studio floor in excitement, nodding her elongated head in agreement and making vague promises about what Labor would certainly be looking into.
So there we had it. Nelson, who was a minister, trying to explain a policy position, Kochie who showed that he was not only clueless in government policy but also in basic interviewing technique, and a Labor donkey enjoying the rather undignified display while avoiding scrutiny by simply saying “Wee-yore, wee-yore, we-ought to do that.”
That is exquisite! Has it been added to the Cat dictionary?
Am soooo stealing that.
Kochie has made far more money from being on TV & talking about investing than he ever has from actually investing.
Unlike Paul Clitheroe.
And even unlike Alan Kohler who suckered Rupert into paying $30mill for his stupid newsletter.
I looked at the link and then at the photo of the author, Mitchell Van Homrigh.
His image does not really kindle any sort of confidence. Scrappy newshound? I think not.
But I will bet he still wears Spiderman pyjamas.
Perhaps the Kochie make-up thing isn’t about the vaxx at all.
I noticed, before I switched off, that he was progressively looking more like a death’s head with each passing day. I wonder if one of the artistes has been having a little fun at his expense and he’s twigged?
Obviously he doesn’t require a hairdresser. 🙂
Churches fight NSW Government over vaccine mandate
Thats it, Im lowering the tone of the blog and you cant stop me…
Simpsons predicted it!
September 13, 2021 at 2:37 pm
Biden getting dumped on his stupid head.
Probably fake.
Probably will get banned from twitter.
Still funny.
That is funny; and possible.
The Shapiro, AOC lovechild photo is creepy.
So creepy, I dare not post a link to it here.
I think you should.
Frollicking you have excelled – house cat flu – the new Covid. Beautiful.
I’m ducking out contra lockdown rules to get some magnets too.
Vaccine Rebellion (US)
Possibly the most annoying phrase to come out of my television is when they describe Koch-head as “a businessman”.
Basically left uni to become a finance journo and then was part of a few lightweight “Money” magazines.
His financial advice consisted of a few themes on high rotation:-
1. If you pay your credit card on time you will save interest;
2. Fixed vs variable home loan rates;
3. The power of compounding (putting $10 a week into super from age 20 will yield $180k in retirement. Wow!);
4. Use your credit card to pay bills, earn points and fly to London Business Class (eventually).
He had the uncanny knack of making the simple sound complicated, thus convincing the viewer he was a finance wizard.
Kochie has always struck me as on of those gelded middle-aged fellows that hangs around with a group of women but is only masculine to the extent that they will permit him. They will defer to him for a man’s point of view but only because he has gained an instinct into what they want him to say men think. He can also offer a little of male ceremony and courtesy on demand but of a impoverished sort from which all vigour and virility have long since leached out like the papery insubstantial driftwood that sometimes washed up on beaches tangled in kelp.
They do not love him. They mock him. He is trapped in his life but would jealously guard his position to the furthest extent that gossip, innuendo, and petty spite would allow.
And every day he grows more pathetic.
And every day he knows it.
Though it appears self-explanatory, please provide a brief definition, Mother Lode.
Italics fail.
Dang, Mother Lode!
Kochie has been weighed, measured, and found wanting!
Nelson_Kidd-Players says:
September 13, 2021 at 2:53 pm
Thanks, Nelson.
Bugger. I thought I had a mission there.
Bern at 2.36:
A sand bar in the harbour is one thing – the big lizards will be there, but generally on the way to somewhere else. You’re still food.
If it had happened on a tidal sand bar on the Elizabeth, Mary or Finniss Rivers it would have resembled the aftermath of the USS Indianapolis sinking of 1945.
It’s being done for them.
Technocrats Are Determined To Reduce Every Human To A QR Code
I actually thought of that, but there are dozens of copies (and that’s all they are, photocopies) stuck up everywhere. Hard to get them all.
Seeing the English football, the NFL, college football all playing in front of full houses almost brings me to tears.
This is what should be happening in Australia.
It’s criminal that people wanting to attend aren’t allowed to.
If people want to shelter at home, let them.
Those who want to live, it’s their choice.
Ben bin Occasio Cortez would be better looking than both parents.
A Ken Sutcliffe for the 2040s and beyond.
New digital border pass to tick off on overseas travel for vaccinated Australians
A new digital border pass that will collect travel and health information including people’s vaccination status will be introduced within months after an international IT firm was awarded the tender to automate the process of entering the country.
The Digital Passenger Declaration (DPD) will replace the physical Incoming Passenger Card and the digital COVID-19 Australian Travel Declaration form. It will collect personal information including passengers’ vaccination status up to 72 hours before boarding and provide the digital authority for vaccinated Australians to travel.
Why is Australia leading the charge on this?
Sell Australia.
Shit stained latrine.
h/t IT
PS, where has that chap gone?
Further to the Andrew O’Keefe thing, are there signs of delusional behaviour?
Well, possibly:-
Pretty sure TV is still going and you’re fucked Andrew.
I wonder what could have led to this.
Earlier in the report:-
The ice pipe.
in a row over an ice pipe
Mong: Life is pretty sweet, I have a good job, respectable position in life and a loving girlfriend/family.
Alsp mong: I know what will make my life better though, bathtub mixed chemicals produced by people who would prostitute out their own grandmothers for another tattoo/pack of winnie reds/carton of emu export.
Mong extra : After sucking in the contents of the ice pipe* all night he will then stumble into a cafe for breakfast at 2:00 pm the next day and berate a waitress for not knowing the bio-dynamic, GMO free and organic status of the avocados.
* may contain traces of Ratsak, Drano and WA gluten.
“Two months ago Mr O’Keefe was charged with slapping, kicking and spitting on his doctor girlfriend in a row over an ice pipe she claimed he was carrying at a party.”
Just stop and think for a moment about this grub. A grub who grew up in privilege. A grub who’s been provided with a media platform, a grub who’s accrued lots of dosh over the years, a grub who’s sanctimoniously lectured others on…yes…wait for it…violence against women.
Any man who calls himself a “male feminist”, any man who jumps on the bandwagon of domestic violence…….you can be guaranteed that such a man is usually a stinking filthy pontificating hypocrite.
I have never forgotten how this grub treated Cassie Jaye.
I really shouldn’t watch the news. Gladys proved right all those people who said she will not be able to step away from the press conferences. She is a dangerous power junkie, just had to come on today and threaten the uncompliant.
This no longer has anything to do with managing the pandemic, she is a fully fledged tyrant, a monster. I am afraid for our state, our country
Ha ha, got this rejected at the Oz in an article about the hard time ABc Lisa Millar copped on Twitter for smiling at John Howard.
Someone was reflecting on why anyone would go on Twitter, and I responded:
This is a very slight adjustment to a line in Pride and Prejudice about Lydia when she was permitted to go to Brighton with the regiment. I even referred to Mr Bennett to help the ignorant millennials that are on censor duty out. Didn’t matter. “Exposing themselves” can only mean one thing these days I would guess.
This situation seems to be what the legislation is supposed to prevent, but you watch the wankers in Canberra find a loophole.
Gee. That’s a hard one!
Because they are insufferable twats who gate freedom, prosperity and the everyman.
Well… not a lot going on inside of the kitteh today I see… just popped by to say hello and to get an injection of sanity before wandering out into lunacy yet again…
Loudly proclaiming that “all men must take responsibility for violence against women”.
If anyone dared question the mantra they were haughtily dismissed as “pale, stale males who look like the types who would beat their wives”.
A loving husband and father from Melbourne was meant to take responsibility for the actions of some drug-fucked bully from Western Sydney when he beat the living suitcase out of his girlfriend.
But, when push came to shove (literally), O’Keefe can’t even take responsibility for his own actions.
Grub is an apt description.
Has that dirty old man got his hand around the rangas waist?
have refused to have their noses powdered
Wont anyone think of the cocaine dealers?
Dick Pussey hardest hit.
Yes Winston, he does. Because he has zero boundaries.
I wonder what the Sunrise Team think of potentially HIV positive make-up artists and hairdressers? Have they refused to work with them?
If not, why not?
Weimar Victoria…
But without the cool nightclubs…
COVID-19 response commander Jeroen Weimar said there had been transmission of the virus between workers in tearooms in a growing V/Line cluster and at some construction sites.
“It’s where we probably drop our guard the most, it’s where we physically drop our masks to eat and drink,” he said.
“It’s also where we see people from different shifts and different workplace bubbles still interacting with each other.
“Tearooms are not safe places, and in fact for many of us at work they are probably now the most dangerous place.”
I know it’s not in the way that they mean it. But I kind of think the current toxic crap that is male – female relations IS the fault of all men.
We can’t expect chicks to sort it out. They’re fickle creatures who only get more insane as the hypergamy thing rises.
No. It’s down to men to police each other and hold each other to a higher standard.
Chicks want to bang dozens of “bad boys”?
Bad boys only exist because good men stopped punching their fucking heads in.
Good men also stopped raising decent girls by which is done by NOT taking their shit and allowing the little moppets to use them as initial practice in emotional blackmail and manipulation.
Girls aren’t taught to look for “quality” any more. And by quality I mean character, not wealth. It seems that mothers are simply not having that conversation with their daughters. And perhaps absent dads aren’t providing the model that girls need to look for in young men.
Back in the last century, when I talked to the girls about the sort of things to look out for, one piped up and said that a school mum had instructed her daughter to marry money the first time and for love the second. Great.
The New Broom also sorted out the sheep from the goats … he told prospective boyfriends that if they hurt his sister he would “hunt them to the ends of the earth and deal with them”. Horror. “Nah. Just kidding!”. Phew.
“No, I’m not.”
This no longer has anything to do with managing the pandemic, she is a fully fledged tyrant, a monster. I am afraid for our state, our country
Where in the Australian fully fledge tyrant list does she rank?
Sell Australia.
Shit stained latrine.
The only place more fucked right now is Afghanistan.
Chortle. The Beloved still melts when one of the girls sidles up to him and says, “Daddeee!” He’s such a stooge.
September 13, 2021 at 5:26 pm
I wonder what the Sunrise Team think of potentially HIV positive make-up artists and hairdressers? Have they refused to work with them?
If not, why not?
Of course not. That would be discriminatory!
Also, they are a bunch of stuck up hypocrites.
Shits starting to get real:
Maternity Unit is victim of their own stupidity…
This is what happens when people not at risk start demanding others do as they’re told.
Calli up Fred…
“I wonder what the Sunrise Team think of potentially HIV positive make-up artists and hairdressers? Have they refused to work with them?”
Birds of a feather – no problems.