Beachside Condo anyone?
Beachside Condo anyone?
My Greek archaeologist friend’s grandparents fled massacres in Turkey in that partition. They did well in Greece. Cyprus, another partition.…
Sometimes a partition is the only way. It can be hideously violent, as in India and parts of Africa but…
I think the entire Zimbabwean budget is $5-$6 billion. I mean, it’s a big number in anyone’s language, but that…
Evenin’ constable
I’m surprised he didn’t suggest sourcing the steel from PLA Inc, to help ease tensions.
Put that back in your pants you feral.
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Emerald Robinson ??
Sep 21
The pandemic is to force you to get the vaccine.
The vaccine is to force you to get the vaccine passport.
The vaccine passport is to force you into the social credit system.
The social credit system is to force you into obeying the government
That’s an old clip.
My high school was just down the road. Some boys nicked off and went to have a gawk. They appeared on that night’s television news. In school uniform. Smoking cigarettes.
Too late.
The Near Future:
South Australia’s big Tesla battery sued for not helping during Queensland coal power station failure
Technical note: The AER is in the same stable as AEMO: both are complicit in hollowing out Australia’s electricity supply system.
The self awareness is extraordinary:
“Variable renewable generation”: designed by lawyers and economists.
The Happy Place; where Excel overcomes the Laws of Physics and Electrical Engineering 101.
incoherent ramblersays:
September 23, 2021 at 9:12 am
Evenin’ constable
All of which can be wrecked by some paint.
Cant repeat it enough, the dicks feel empowered by their tacticool gear, they need to have it rendered useless so they are left in their black PJs and bugger all else.
You arent so keen on flinging CS gas and pepper spray if you cant wear a gas mask.
And that lovely visor becomes a vision obstructer.
And all the gaps in your gear get clagged up with sticky drying gunge.
What time does the running of the feral pigs start today?
Topher Field explained that The Marchers did NOT want to go to The Shrine.
They knew it was sacred, hallowed ground, but the Police pushed them there, giving them no other choice.
That was when the people decided, well yeah, this is just where we can appeal to our ancestors for the freedoms they fought & died for.
The people were respectful.
The people only wanted to leave, as one group, straight up through the middle, out through the park.
From go to whoa you can see that the idea of Govt Media Spinners & VicPol was to deliberately set The Marchers up as “disrespectors” of Our War Dead.
This means that despite what the Govt Social Media Army is pumping out there, real intelligence it telling Dan & Co. that The People Are On The Side of The Marchers and that they are desperate to turn that around.
Tony Jones talking to Shane Patton.
Patton “contextualising” the use of projectiles on civilians.
“Crowd control equipment”
Patton regards his tactics as successful.
“It’s not a choice we have”
The Nuremberg defence.
Body slam at Flinders street will be viewed in “context”.
What’s happened to the sergeant who pushed over the old lady?
Patton admits he’s stopped media air to deny the protesters gaining information on the police movement.
He doesn’t see it as a big deal.
Jones protests that it is.
“They’re cunning he says”
766 cases today.
Lockdown and brutality is working a treat.
If people start throwing paint and flour / water and shit at the nazi’s they’ll declare it bio-terrorism and you terrorists.
They aren’t dumb, they have had entire teams dedicated to planning every action / reaction and media management to this stuff for a decade.
TV networks taking government to court over no live feed, via Sophie Ellsworth
If people start throwing paint and flour / water and shit at the nazi’s they’ll declare it bio-terrorism and you terrorists.
They will do that anyway.
“plastic bottles” is enough to trigger a firearms response, thats apparently the new normal.
The Govt Media Spin was to paint the people as Un-Australian, disrespecting Our War Dead, and so turn the country against them.
Overhead filming of the small groups being arrested on St Kilda Rd by LYING Police who told the wouldn’t be, PLUS the vision of the long, clear path through the middle of the park that Police refused to let the people leave by, SHOOTS THAT BULLSHIT NARRATIVE TO SHIT!
Also, overhead filming would have shown that Police DELIBERATELY pushed The Marchers to The Shrine.
get to da chopper
Waiting on official line that protesters caused the 766 cases today.
Not a chance that any of them would get tested.
They were running away you lying waste of space.
The police no longer command nor do they desire respect.
All that remains is compliance.
Four bells I believe.
Meanwhile, the Dapto Dogs Caller’s stand in has gone full HAM on those risking their liberty to defend our freedoms insulting those WHo dIEd to deFeND Our fREEdOmS.
Or something.
In From Beyond the Political Grave news:
Labor’s Penny Wong questions impact of AUKUS deal on Australia’s defence autonomy
Strangely, Wong doesn’t tell us how Labor intends to deal with this.
And, just like that, restrictions placed on people become a problem.
Today is another day of huge pressure to get the vaxx.
I just did my 2IC’s redundancy paperwork. (Lucky bastard!)
Now to stick my hand in the fire and tell them that I’m not vaxed and won’t be getting vaxed.
Anyone else worried what they use the police helo for?
The problem the police have if they continue down this path is that they require not just grudging compliance but active public co-operation for their normal policing work. Absent good will & that fades away, making their job much more difficult. Minority groups – particularly the indigenous and Muslims – are especially good at exploiting this in their favour.
Interesting how quickly establishment power are able to get in front of a judge.
While protestors and agitators rot for days and weeks, and the everyman doesn’t even know where to begin to find the tiny door that apparently exists in the monolithic wall of stone that is the court system to do something similar ourselves.
Remember the days when the ABC used to deride ‘police investigating police’.
Today Melbourne officially got the record for the most locked-down city in the world EVER.
As long as it’s stage two, Notafan sees no problem.
The people that will now need to be taken out are the independents like Avi and the Sri Lankan bloke.
Getting thousands of more views, our national Pravda MSM are losing control of the narrative.
I know it’s hard to swallow but much, if not most, of ‘the public’ are wholly supportive of this.
They’ve given themselves over to the mob, there’s nothing they won’t support at this point. It’s Jonestown, and you can’t leave….like Jonestown.
Rogersays: Noted submarine expert KRudd proposing that we allow the French to build the hulls of our new subs while the Americans provide the propulsion system. As if the French would be happy with that.
This is only fair.
The Spanish could contribute the communications suite. We watched Money Heist the other day – until we gave it up as ridiculous – and the Spanish talk non-stop.
The British could provide the galley and cooks. There is nothing like overcooked British veggies.
The Indonesians could do the plumbing. Every one of their Navy ships pumps all the time so they clearly have expertise here.
Does all paint come from China now? Maybe they could supply some lumpy stuff with micro-transmitters in it.
This is clearly up with Kevin’s better ideas: insulation that sets your roof on fire; round-table conferences with him sitting on the floor, and national apologies that make Sydney-siders feel good while seeing indigenous domestic violence through the roof still 15 years later.
When I think of all the oh so righteous cats who curse & mock me for the places I’ve been blocked, suspended & banned from, well…
… at least …In Hell I’ll Be In Good Company – The Dead South
Beardless Faulty, I told you to stop swinging your Junta around last night.
Come here, for I am now obliged to hit it with a spade.
What is it with you conspiratorial types and your utter inability to understand a polite request about Niet Swaffelen op de Dixi?!
The rancid stench of vileness emanating from the vaxx-worshippers is growing stronger.
Pseudo-outrage abut the “sacred ground” of the Shrine coming from the people who banned the Dawn Service there.
That will require developing our own civil and defence nuclear capabilities.
Thanks for playing, Penny.
If you want to know what’s in store for people like Rebel News and that other guy, the state and media action taken to dismantle the United Patriot Front, in particular Blair Cottrell was the template for neutralising small groups of organised and effective individual activists by this regime.
Unauthorised fishing trips, joyrides for the Brass, and testing the theory of whether a high-tension power line will bring down a helicopter if you fly into one in the dark?
That can change very quickly, such as when we reach the 80% vaccination rate and people aren’t granted the restoration of freedoms they were promised.
Just don’t tell them.
If they ask you tell them you’re booked an appointment for next week.
If they ask you next week if you got it, tell them you missed the appointment and have to reschedule it.
Just keep making excuses and bullshitting.
Don’t get it if you don’t want it, until it comes to the point of no other way out.
Stop with the conservative thing of having to confront tyranny with truth and reason and honesty.
Just bullshit them until it goes away.
When no one puts their hand up and calls BS
Common sense would deem 2 seperate competitions. One for boys and one for girls. 2 things the decision has done. 1 make Netball Qld a laughing stock and 2 promoted other sports who seperate boys and girls comps.
Sound advice for many things
Kevni’s greatest contribution to humankind is winning that Twinings tea blend competition.
What was supposed to be a limited run is still on the shelves 10 years later.
Frankly, I won’t pay too much attention to what Jacqui, the RSL or the Shrine CEO say. Very few nowadays have two pieces of military credibility to rub together.
For example:
Shrine of Remembrance CEO Dean Lee told Today the disgraceful behaviour was difficult to watch, admitting he got “a bit emotional”.
Yet, the note to his image says:
Dean Lee says he’s deeply attached to the Shrine as his father, great grandfather and brother-in-law have served in the Defence Force.
Let’s have a look at the bonafides of this bloke, from the Shrine webpage:
Dean Lee was appointed Chief Executive Officer at Victoria’s Shrine of Remembrance in July 2015. He provides strategic and governance support to the Shrine of Remembrance Trustees and operational leadership to the Shrine, its executive team and personnel. Dean is an accomplished executive professional with more than 30 years international experience in commercial, not-for-profit and government roles spanning the commemorative, tourism, membership and environment sectors. Dean holds a Bachelor of Applied Science and Executive MBA and has achieved professional certification with the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Project Management International and the Australian Institute of Management.
Did I miss the part where he slipped on a uniform to defend liberty, or to carry on the work? I don’t think so.
Deep deeper into these types of organisations, and this is 75% of what you find. Looks good on the CV.
Topher Field
11 hrs ·
Viewer discretion advised.
I’m waiting for the media to start reporting on the massive gang of armed thugs that has overrun our city and assaults people every day…
… any minute now…
Yep, they’ll pick up this story any minute now…
***crickets chirping***
Natasha Lee Smith
12 hrs
**Warning: Graphic content**
The Police are not doing themselves any favours… treating people like this is not OK!!
This poor guy was calm, he was just talking to the Police, you can see it in the video then he gets thrown to the ground. You can hear his face hit the tiles. He was unconscious, blood and urine everywhere.
Am I the only one who didn’t know that Victoria had a massive ‘shrine’ to the wars that they apparently worship?
Seems a level or ten above the respect that the rest of the country have around memorials and things.
Victorians are definitely a people in search of a religion.
Reasonable force Victoria Police?
Thursday, 23 September 2021
???WARNING ???
at Flinders St Station
When Shane Patton said they won’t hesitate to use force
I think this was his vision ???
— Dee (@_Dee_1982) September 22, 2021
Aussies are now getting shot in the back as they run away from the police.
Is this for their health too?
— 404_Not_Found (@4_04_Not_Found) September 22, 2021
Police aren’t there to punish.
Nor are they sworn to “send a message” through aggressive, violent policing.
Victoria Police have lost their way.
It’s just up the hill from the Dead Coppers Memorial (Not joking).
Why the protestors didn’t make the pigs make their stand there is beyond me.
Where was the RSL and this trumped up prick on Anzac Day when they were quite OK with 78,000 at the MCG, whilst the march was effectively banned?
Wouldn’t want to risk losing those pokie licences at those RSL clubs, eh?
Crikkit went woke yesterday too.
Batsman’s out: Cricket embraces gender neutral language (Daily Tele, paywalled)
No they are wrong about that. They have consigned cricket to history is what they’ve done. GWGB.
by then the social credit system will be in place and gradually expanded to cover every aspect of our lives, data matched with social media and you have a full picture of the entire population.
Victoria achieves world record!
Arky. Any tips for the trotters handicap today?
There’s a medical centre in a certain West Australian town that has a copy of that apology, mounted on the wall, FFS…
I am in agreance with all you say, twostix, but I am unsure you are correct about the numbers.
The propaganda is strong.
For example.
When they bought a short stint of mask wearing into this town, I was away driving a truck.
However the very beautiful Mrs Struth refused to wear one.
She confided in me that is was extremely hard to do with all the death glares she got, as “everybody else” was wearing them.
I reminder her she could not see everybody.
Only the ones wearing masks.
Qlders are nowhere near as jabbed as the southerners, you know that, and no one is knocking down anyone else to get it.
Our society is literally insane.
Babylonian level insane. Carthage level insane.
Consider the background of this article and the publication it is published in. The same society and publication that cheers on women joining the army and being drafted into the storm trooper brigades in Victoria on the basis that there is no physical difference between males and females, that will cheer and gin up a mob against anyone who says so. Simultaneously publishes articles that are explicitly about boys being vastly physically stronger and faster than girls.
It also tells us that SETKA still has The Dangerously Heavy Thugs working for him AND that he KNOWS Govt/VicPol are giving him the Green Light To Use Them.
much of the corralling was by a single car blocking a street. they should ignore it and just go through it.
Women in the police force should give those opposed to tyranny hope.
I think by now we can all admit that scoffers like Frank shitting themselves because we said I agreed with MV that it may come down to an armed struggle, will now be having his worst fears realised as he fills his daks.
The forces against us are woke.
Should give the realists something to think about.
Looking at the footage of the last few minutes of the protest at the Shrine, I saw several cops form a line across and fire at retreating protestors.
I was going to write “That looked like a firing squad.”
“That WAS a firing squad”.
See the post on the situation in Lithuania up thread.
People will do anything, say anything, think anything rather than face social exclusion.
That was a great clip from Neil Oliver. He’s strategy of not complying; of not entering places and businesses that insist on vaccine passports, of staying outside, is my strategy as well. This can only be stopped when people choose to make it stop. Yesterday, when that tradie held his ground against a gun-toting midget copper in full riot gear shows that the courage to do small things can change things.
When the other half and I finally are together, there will be drinks and BBQs and the beach; there will be afternoon drives and discussions on the footy and on books, and there will be laughter. And if others don’t like it, well, they can f*ck off.
I Had To Eat, ridden by C. Nixon. 50:1.
If it makes weight, it’s one to watch.
Dean Lee says he’s deeply attached to the Shrine as his father, great grandfather and brother-in-law have served in the Defence Force.
As a student of history, it always amazes me that people project themselves into the exploits of their relatives to justify their own actions or opinions.
You cannot know a dead person’s take on a current event.
A murderer in the family background is rarely quoted for inspiration.
This should let us know all is not what we are told about how many are for all this bullshit.
Struth once they lockup regional and rural QLD, likely Oct/November, I think you’re going to find those areas become unbearable simply by virtue of the fact that they have not been exposed to the lunacy at all, and so have not built up any sort of mental immunity / blase attitude towards it. And when it arrives, the dobbing, mobs and shaming and temper tantrums will be off the charts, add in rural town culture and it could get very bad.
Particularly made worse because a lot of boomers have escaped the city to these places to get away from ‘the virus’ so you’ve also now got a high rate of ultra motivated, activist, covid karens compared to the small, still lockdown innocent population.
Also options are vastly more limited, shops etc, once they bring restrictions in.
It could get very hard.
I hope not, rural QLD is the last bastion of the old Australia left untouched by this madness in the entire country. I really, really, hope not.
Taylor Lee FDA
What happens when government only employs the woke left for years.
Elderly lady not allowed food because she no “papers.”
struth says:
September 23, 2021 at 8:49 am
Thanks Struth.
I’m with Cali on this one. Lithuania was under the Communist jackboot till recently.
I have family who think like some above, protesters wrong and get the vax blah blah blah… Funny thing is even with the facts and double crosses they still parrot the msm line. However I will say from 12 months ago even they have shifted.
The winds are changing just not enough red pills yet.
Hooray! Deadman Tweets.
Better than “Garbo Speaks!”
This will be the Acid Test.
The vaxx sales job – CMO’s, all governments, plus the Choir – has been “This is our roadmap back to freedom”. Despite the knowledge that there is no real herd immunity available against the Rona.
There has been a bit of cautious fluffing about ‘New Normal’, just enough for arse cover when the hard questions fall. But that is certainly not part of the bargain for 97.3% of the vaccinated.
The buyers remorse will be significant.
Here is Doc Campbell on home treatment kits in India. You can see he is skirting the obvious … “very interesting … of course correlation does not equal causation {wink} ”
Just a pity that he did not bring in the stats from Kerala province…. While Kerala included Ivermectin in their state’s guideline in April, they restricted it’s use to only in Class B — severe cases or those with associated disease, making its use much less than if mild cases were allowed. This meant it was reserved as a late treatment if used at all. Finally, Kerala abandoned Ivermectin use altogether on August 5, 2021. …
Kerala at the moment contributes the majority of India’s current cases.
10.12am Herald Sun news update:
There is no correlation between Kung Flu infections and lockdowns.
Because the Victorian premier is a poorly educated peasant who’s never had a real job, I expect we’ll be locked down again during the 2022 winter flu season as his motivation has nothing to do with public health, but an ideological desire to control people..
They’ll just blame the unvaxxed for the non-restoration of “freedoms”.
This is how humans deal with disappointment.
3aw reporting one of their security guards arrested by VicStasi while protecting girlie reporter.
Hearts and minds Shane.
“It’s not a choice we have.”
Sorry, I was under the gun at the time, more bolds went in than were intended.
Still, a great coverage by American’s of what’s happening in Melbourne.
Well worth saving and sharing around.
Good news, everyone!
Numbers has come out of his self-imposed exile and is trying to troll the owner of the Dash-Cat over his experiences with Queensland’s Quarantinistas.
Get your popcorn while it’s hot, folks…
WA local government CEO reminds us – always pay for hookers in cash. Craig Thompson was unavailable for comment.
Oh, good find Calli!
I’ve been wondering what happened to our grammar deity (amongst others).
Now to track down John Constantine.
Tom’s toons: the yanks outstanding as usual; the brits pathetic; rowe should be water-boarded and the best of a fairly good Aussie bunch was this:
That fucking idiot boris who has undergone the same process as prince harry: fucked in the head by a green bitch of a wife; the result with boris is an England on its last gasps energy and industry wise:
with 766 new infections.
One wonders if these are suspected, or confirmed? There are three categories of ‘case’ remember.
He’s probably unhappy that a company he detests is setting up in his town.
‘Australian first’: Boeing to build advanced manufacturing facility in Toowoomba (22 Sep)
Nearly time for me to lose my job by the looks of it.
Its not fascism if you get the employers to do it… or something.
The new Exposed Port Worker (Restrictions on Access) Directions address the risks posed by exposed vessels. These are subject to the Exposed On-Board Worker Directions (No. 2).
About 12,000 vessels visit WA ports each year.
The Directions apply to all commercial ports in Western Australia and include anyone who has contact with an exposed vessel. Implementation will be a staged approach to limit the potential impact on port activities.
From 12.01am, October 15, port workers will need to have had at least their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine to access an exposed vessel, carry out a service in connection with an exposed vessel or interact with crew. These workers will need to be fully vaccinated by 12.01am, November 12.
WA Health will conduct a pop-up vaccination clinic at Fremantle Port on September 30 to make it easier for workers to get the COVID-19 vaccine. As part of the initial 1A cohort, port workers have had priority access to vaccinations since February 22, 2021.
Nothing in the Directions prevents unvaccinated port workers from embarking or performing work on an unexposed vessel or coming into close contact with people from an unexposed vessel.
It will be the responsibility of the employer to collect and maintain records of vaccinated workers.
Four Victorians have also died with the virus.
just like the germans they will suddenly wake up when the red army and the yanks arrived in berlin
I normally avoid twatter, but I’ve bookmarked Deadman‘s page for future visits.
Numbers has come out of his self-imposed exile
He’s probably unhappy that a company he detests is setting up in his town.
Ah, yes. Sing with me!
“Dem drones, dem drones, dem
Debbil-debbil drones.
“Dem drones, dem drones, dem
Debbil-debbil drones
“Dem debbil-debbil people building
Dem debbil-debbil l drones.
“I fought in Vietnam, you know…”
Maybe still a little too soft.
After all, we are at war against those who are now demanding that we sacrifice our children to them and they are already practicing sacrificing our 6 month old babies to them.
Still, I suppose that solves the problem of Grandparents who refuse to be Jabbed (because a lifetime of real world knowledge has informed them better than a world of social media propagandists), being banned from seeing their Grand-Children.
Can’t see kids killed by Jabs & buried without funerals.
Four Victorians have also died with the virus.
Why wasn’t it confiscated from them, VikPol?
It’s very, very dangerous you know…
“Police are stopping people and questioning them, and if you can’t prove why you are out, we’ll you’re going to be taken away by the cops.”
Somebody on 3AW news.
Many listeners are OK with this. A lot seem pleased.
Well worth a careful read.
Cavers find snakes but no genies in Yemen’s ‘Well of Hell’ (22 Sep)
Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes…?
Beardless Faulty,
If you are going to insist on getting your Molech out and waving it at passersby, I am going to have to hit that with a spade, too…
Zippster, As you say, the Chinks are the Chinks. Collapse of the current regime will only result in the installation of a new one, just as bad or worse. Their lying, deceptive, Confucian culture can only be contained. Containment through active military pushback against their expansionary tendencies e.g. Belt and Road, South Asian Sea etc.
“and they are already practicing sacrificing our 6 month old babies to them.”
And she’s off.
Do clapped out old whores still run down the wharves to greet arriving ships and get to the randy sailors while they’re still suffering from the googles imposed by weeks in the company of only men?
Are clapped out old whores “Port workers” and who is their responsible employer?
Wuhan scientists planned to release coronavirus particles into cave bats, leaked papers reveal
New documents show that just 18 months before the first Covid-19 cases appeared, researchers had submitted plans to release skin-penetrating nanoparticles and aerosols containing “novel chimeric spike proteins” of bat coronaviruses into cave bats in Yunnan, China.
They also planned to create chimeric viruses, genetically enhanced to infect humans more easily, and requested $14million from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) to fund the work.
Papers, confirmed as genuine by a former member of the Trump administration, show they were hoping to introduce “human-specific cleavage sites” to bat coronaviruses which would make it easier for the virus to enter human cells.
When Covid-19 was first genetically sequenced, scientists were puzzled about how the virus had evolved such a human-specific adaptation at the cleavage site on the spike protein, which is the reason it is so infectious.
The documents were released by Drastic, the web-based investigations team set up by scientists from across the world to look into the origins of Covid-19.
Darpa refused to fund the work, saying: “It is clear that the proposed project led by Peter Daszak could have put local communities at risk”, and warned that the team had not properly considered the dangers of enhancing the virus (gain of function research) or releasing a vaccine by air.Daszak was also behind a letter published in The Lancet last year which effectively shut down scientific debate into the origins of Covid-19.
“Peter Daszak and the EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) proposed injecting deadly chimeric bat coronaviruses collected by the Wuhan Institute of Virology into humanised and ‘batified’ mice, and much, much more.”
A Covid-19 researcher from the World Health Organisation (WHO), who wished to remain anonymous, said it was alarming that the grant proposal included plans to enhance the more deadly disease of Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (Mers).
“The scary part is they were making infectious chimeric Mers viruses,” the source said.
“These viruses have a fatality rate over 30 per cent, which is at least an order of magnitude more deadly than Sars-CoV-2.
“If one of their receptor replacements made Mers spread similarly, while maintaining its lethality, this pandemic would be nearly apocalyptic.”
Last night on Paul Murray was Vic Dominello, the NSW Minister responsible for the Jab Passport – the same Vic Dominello who, live on the teev, showed (presumably) the effects of an adverse reaction to the jab – Bell’s Palsy.
He said that at the moment people could upload their own Immunisation Report to their Services NSW app. Which would mean that there would be no privacy concerns – no breaking of the privacy laws – because the person themselves has allowed the information to be divulged.
He went on to say that any marrying of the two data sets would not be in place when NSW “opens up” in mid October – so how will all this controlling of the population work and is it really possible to introduce these measures at some later date when everyone is already going about their business?
He was then asked that when finally everything is in place, how would business especially small business manage the checking of patrons’ vaccination status. He replied that the customer would be able to manage it if the business was too busy making coffee etc. wtf?
Is this really the robust system that they’ve been selling the community? Does the government think that the risk of the huge fines for serving an unvaccinated person will be enough to control everyone?
Or will everyone including the business say, f*ck it!
Indeed Rex.
Who is ‘sacrificing six month old babies’?
Nearly as good as I was saying this two year ago ! warnings from Faulty, female edition, when she got banned from catallaxy about four years ago.
Even when she’s wasn’t here she was telling us.
lets get real
Yeah, the long piece you replied to struth was well ‘smoked’ in a lot of, “Yes, but…”, but as another worker who’s been extorted by Unions for the ‘Right’ to work, pay the mortgage, keep a roof over the kids heads, etc., it’s hard to miss that, ‘the call to readiness to instantly turn against those hard working people’, is what screamed out the loudest.
‘Comfortable’ people are often deaf to those screams.
Sadly I expect we’ll get to 79.8% or (way) less. So the hysteria will ramp up and up and the lockdown will go on and on and the unvaxxed will eventually be criminally sanctioned.
Eventually they will hold you down and inject you.
Nazis, Nazis everywhere. From The Oz…..
“Terrorism expert Greg Barton says far-right extremism a ‘long-term’ concern
A terrorism expert has highlighted how this week’s violent tradie protests in Melbourne show a concerning grooming and rise in far-right extremism.
Protesters vandalised the CFMEU headquarters in Melbourne on Monday, while bottles, flares and rocks were hurled at police through the CBD streets on Tuesday.
Traffic on the West Gate Bridge was also held up as protesters marched, while the Shrine of Remembrance was trashed on Wednesday.
Protesters have taken to the streets following the Andrews government’s decision to make the Covid-19 vaccine mandatory for workers in the construction sector.
While tradies have been involved, Victoria Police say the protests have been hijacked by far-right extremists.
Speaking about the riots, Deakin University terrorism expert professor Greg Barton said far-right extremism was a long-term concern.
He used the deadly 2019 shootings at a mosque in Christchurch as an example of how just one lone wolf far-right extremist could inflict terrifying violence.
“After the Christchurch terror attack by an Australian shooting dead 51 worshippers in cold blood, we know that one lone actor can cause immense damage,” he told ABC on Thursday morning.
“And that’s a risk even this week with these sort of protests. But longer term, the larger risk is just the corrosion of our social cohesion, turning ourselves against each other and fuelling hate.
“It’s particularly concerning for anyone who sees themselves as a visible minority.
“It undermines all of the things that we think are good about Melbourne and Victoria and Australia.”
Protesters have vowed to take to the streets every day, with police guarding the CFMEU headquarters in Melbourne on Thursday.
Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Shane Patton said Tuesday’s crowd of protesters were “angrier” and consisted of people who were not just tradies.
“We know from what we have been monitoring that people are being encouraged to put on high-vis gear, to put on workwear, to come in under the cover of a crowd,” he said.
“They’re not necessarily tradespeople, but people who are tied up with the Freedom Rally, people who are tied up with other issue-motivated groups who seek to hide under the cover of this demonstration.”
On Wednesday, 215 people were arrested in Melbourne’s CBD.”
Maurice and Zoe Anthill are unavailable for comment.
It’s an adaptation of the dated military tactic of ‘Marching Fire’ or ‘Walking Fire’. Dated because it doesn’t work in an era where the opposition has automatic weapons and a desite to resist.
But it works a treat on unarmed and non-violent civilians standing in the open with no cover.
The video of the cops doing that at the Shrine was the most disgusting thing I’ve seen since the last US Presidential election.
“Who is ‘sacrificing six month old babies’?”
Perhaps it’s those spirits that hide in computer keyboards.
Any Cats know if more protests today?
Whatever SSR says Notafan, she’s been a thousand times less delusional than you and right on the money in comparison to you.
You don’t get to stick the boot in on that score, anywhere.
With anyone.
For a laugh a gruinaid review of a show ABOUT the last man in the world..
Her complaint: It doesn’t focus on the ladies enough.
There is much to say about the protagonist of Y: The Last Man (Disney+ in the UK), had we but time and space. For the sake of practicality, let us confine commentary to this: having a whining slacker manbaby as the sole surviving male after a mysterious plague wipes out the rest of XY humanity and upon whom the future of everything depends feels … yeah, about right. Why not get this last undeserved heap of attention, resources and every other goddamned thing shovelled at your emblematically incompetent ass?
So off to a fine start, the “hero” is pretty well as depicted in the source material..
The effects of an undiversified society become evident: the workforces responsible for keeping the power on, the supply chains moving and the clean water flowing are male-dominated and grind to a halt.
You can hear the REEEEEEE!!!!! already as she is forced to look at a truth as entertainment..
The Republican government is wiped out and the designated survivor is Democratic congresswoman Jennifer Brown (Diane Lane and a blow-dry that should get separate billing).
Meanwhile, Brown’s daughter Hero (Olivia Thirlby) and her transman friend Sam (Elliot Fletcher) – the convulsions the makers must have had trying to decide what to do when updating 2002 source material about a chromosome-based pandemic to take account of a gender-fluid world that is trying to abandon the binary system upon which the entire inciting event depends – are trying to find a way from New York to Washington DC.
Mmmmmyessss, the “world” is trying to abandon the binary system…. “the world” being mentally ill people apparently.
With such a setup – a woman-dominated world, and the chance to start from scratch – you feel that creator Eliza Clark should be pushing at an open door. Yet – at least in the episodes released for review – there seems to be no urge to lean into the possibilities.
Im sure there is plenty of time for reverting to mud huts, cannibalism and bitching..
as the series progresses, signs of hope that Yorick will be relegated further into the background, the female characters will come further to the fore, and that it will start to exploit some of the gyno-opportunities offered by the premise.
See above, mud huts and vagina based agriculture…
In all her review she seems to have missed a small, important thing..
The source material.
You can’t get to 80% vax’d if you keep needing boosters to be “vax’d”
You lie to and about struth.
Why do you keep expecting people to believe you over what they can see and figure out for themselves?
September 23, 2021 at 11:23 am
Whatever SSR says Notafan, she’s been a thousand times less delusional than you and right on the money in comparison to you.
You don’t get to stick the boot in on that score, anywhere.
With anyone.”
But I can Struth. And I will criticise unhinged rubbish such as “and they are already practicing sacrificing our 6 month old babies to them.”. Such nonsense is akin to blood libels.
so china has done its proof of concept, the west is divide and in chaos, china has kept its infection rate down TWO-ORDERS of magnitude below the west and the next virus will be a 10x lethal mers chimera.
Of course you can, Cassie.
How’s this paragraph from the national file.
A remarkable situation is currently unfolding in Melbourne, Australia, where thousands upon thousands of anti-COVID tyranny protestors have taken to the streets in a grand revolt against the government. Videos surfacing online reveal major clashes between citizens and mask-wearing riot gear-clad law enforcement officers, who are struggling to curb the restless crowd seeking to restore the freedoms they once had prior to the ruthless enforcement one of the most totalitarian COVID-19 pandemic responses the world has ever seen.
Hey Prime Minister.
September 23, 2021 at 11:33 am
Hey Prime Minister.
Scummo has flown to Washington….but he did manage to offer his support last night to Andrews and condemn the Melbourne protesters.
Scumbag Morrison is a disgrace.
6 month old babies
Read something a little while ago in England they are looking at “vaccinating” bubs from 6 months up (Pfizer??)
Another one just on.
Bloke works at Vic Market.
Has ze papers.
Ten VikPlod grab him on the way to work and tell him to piss off home.
Cassie, Gab et al
I have a dilemma. My mother is now on a level 4 Home Care package and we are trying to prepare for the next stage which will be nursing home unless she dies in her favourite chair by the window. I planned to take her for a visit to Darwin to see Mindle Beach and a few other things, and while there, give her a tour of a reputedly very good nursing home Pearl.
However to tour Mum has to have been vaccinated for Flu or Covid and she reuses flu having had a bad reaction years ago. I checked and they will let her tour is she has had one of the covid shots, but any family with her have to have been vaccinated – which rules me out. But my bro could take her in with a list of questions from me.
So which one? Phizer or Astra? She is leaning toward Astra due to the long gap between shots she feels that would be better. But I cant remember what the one was that Gabs dear Dad had the horrible reaction to, it breaks my heart that we have to do this invasion, that our hands are tied, if it kills her well she had a dicky heart in CHD anyway, didn’t she?
Id really appreciate your thoughts or anyone’s, I have been searching the internet for the info but am more confused than ever with the sanitised story.
He said that at the moment people could upload their own Immunisation Report to their Services NSW app. Which would mean that there would be no privacy concerns – no breaking of the privacy laws – because the person themselves has allowed the information to be divulged.
Sorry, that paragraph is not correct. The first sentence is right – that’s what he said. But it does not relate to the second sentence – the second sentence is my take on what he said.
As demonstrated by Israel’s “4 shots or you’re not” proposal.
Amazing how these people can turn on a dime and decide literally overnight that the notoriously far-left activist CFMEU rank-and-file are now far-right activists. It’s weird.
Timothy Neilsonsays:
September 23, 2021 at 9:56 am
The rancid stench of vileness emanating from the vaxx-worshippers is growing stronger.
Pseudo-outrage abut the “sacred ground” of the Shrine coming from the people who banned the Dawn Service there.
So let’s look at yesterday.
1)o The VicStapo “shepherd” the crowd to the Shrine.
1) The RSL quickly releases a neatly typed, carefully worded, press statement condemning the “disrespect” of protesting there.
3) The AFL quickly releases a similar statement from the Polo Pony (isn’t he in WA for the Grand Final? Good coordination there, to get the statement out so quickly.)
4) An indigenous ex-serviceman, wearing medals, soon turns up to berate the crowd. Was he really supposed to be arrested, or was that a communications failure?
I don’t wish to seem paranoid, but it generally came together to accord with a government “narrative”, didn’t it?
September 23, 2021 at 9:57 am
Labor’s Penny Wong questions impact of AUKUS deal on Australia’s defence autonomy:
“With the prospect of a higher level of technological dependence on the US, how does the Morrison-Joyce government assure Australians that we can act alone when need be; that we have the autonomy to defend ourselves, however and whenever we need to,” Ms. Wong will say.
That will require developing our own civil and defence nuclear capabilities.
Thanks for playing, Penny.
Benny Wrong supports an Australian nuclear weapons capability? Whacko, here we go Dot!
At her age, just get whatever she can get quickly, and with the shortest second dose delay. It sounds like any long term effects aren’t going to be an issue for her, so go for it.
Apparently the nurses and teachers are joining the protest today. I wonder if they’ll all suddenly become far-right too?
WATCH LIVE: Nurses, teachers set to join day four of Melbourne protests over mandatory vaccination (Sky News)
Nothing weird about it, Bruce.
It is the vibe. It’s the feel.
It’s the Narrative…
Dan Andrews must go petition.
Krudd whinging that no – one consulted HIM about the Submarine deal…….
If only their Narratives were believable…
Not a lot of people know that. H/T Michael Caine.
September 23, 2021 at 10:14 am
Am I the only one who didn’t know that Victoria had a massive ‘shrine’ to the wars that they apparently worship?
It’s just up the hill from the Dead Coppers Memorial (Not joking).
Why the protestors didn’t make the pigs make their stand there is beyond me.
Maybe they didn’t know it was nearby?
Yes Merlino the virus is you.
September 23, 2021 at 11:40 am”
My father, my mother and my step-father have all had AZ. I’ve also had my first AZ jab with no reactions.
My father has had no reactions to both jabs
My stepfather has had no reactions to both jabs
Now as for my mother…..after her first AZ jab back in May she became seriously ill….she could not walk. In the hospital I asked the specialist if it was a reaction to the AZ jab ….the doctor dismissed it and I was a little perplexed by her instant dismissal. My sister thought it was related to the jab…anyway I have come to the conclusion that what made my mother collapse and unable to walk was something else which I won’t divulge. She spent four weeks in hospital….and she’s fine now. She, along with my step-father, had their second AZ jab in August…with no reaction.
I think AZ is the better vaccine…..I didn’t want to have it. I’ve never felt endangered from Covid…although I did worry about my elderly parents…but I will need to be jabbed in order to visit my elderly father in Perth.
Hope that helps….and here’s my caveat…I respect anyone that chooses not to be jabbed and I’m certainly opposed to vaccine passports but I’m going to need one in order to enter the totalitarian state of WA, thanks to that Maniac McClown.
Gab at 11:48.
122,000 signatures and ticking over at 3-4 per second.
I’ve a ‘Big Battery’ feed near me.
It’s already cost me.
Krudd whinging that no – one consulted HIM about the Submarine deal…….
will he receive a communication from the government requiring him to register as an agent for a foreign entity?
…And Collaborator Bob just got deleted.
I can hear the wails of suprise and outrage from Perth.
Collaborator Bob clearly didn’t read the “No Dickheads” sign on the door of the Dash-Cat before he sauntered in and tried to insult the publican…
Gumleaf – 5G transmitter² @GumLeafWhistler
Replying to @sophieelsworth @VictoriaPolice and 2 others
If you win you get to to fly the choppers yesterday?
Yeah, I know, that’s about as silly as expecting you could win on this.
Someone should ask Kevni if Australia is supposed to be zero emissions by 2050 why buy CO2-emitting diesel subs that won’t all arrive until 2060.
Well, he can always retaliate by deleting some comments from his own blog …
Oh, wait.
BTW, Communist Countries have been following Melbourne’s Communist Crackdowns & reporting Vic/Melb/Andrews Communist Crackdowns against Australians.
So, Bob incoming here.
Does anyone know how much the People’s Republic of China are paying Paul Keating to run interference for them down under?
Just a ballpark figure would do.
Keating likes cocks.
They’re probably giving him lots of cock.
Sorry, sorry.
I meant clocks.
You are neither clever, funny, entertaining nor insightful in any way.
Give it up and leave your attempted gotcha/hit pieces to the professionals.
I’m sure someone will bring them along shortly.
Dana Perino: White House ‘bracing’ for Hunter Biden’s emails | Brian Kilmeade Show
Thanks for that link. If that doesn’t scare anyone reading it to their very bootstraps, then there is no hope for them whatsoever.
And if anyone thinks ‘Will never happen here’; tell ’em they’re dreamin”.
It’s an adaptation of the dated military tactic of ‘Marching Fire’ or ‘Walking Fire’. Dated because it doesn’t work in an era where the opposition has automatic weapons and a desite to resist.
An earlier General Patton was very keen on marching fire. He used it to kill his enemies. What is the current proponent using it for?
Currently getting our mandated covid vax zoom seminar from some health “Experts” (I dunno how you can be an expert on something that has not passed TGA approval or been around long enough)…
Ok, so why does govt indemnify pharma?
Ok then, I’ll get the vax in a few years when it’s been around for a bit longer.. AND WE HAVE REAL DATA!
Cassie, there is a huge discrepancy as to what is in each vaccine vial. Stew Peters had an interview with Dr Ruby about it recently on Rumble.
Most people are either getting the placebo or a vaccine with a minute quantity of active ingredients. There are always discrepancies between individuals (even if they get equivalent doses) too of course but in this vaccine’s case I suspect if you get the maximum dosage you are going to react no matter what.
Scarily, Ruby says that the booster doses tend to have a higher quantity of active ingredients.
Have you seen a video of one of those babies who was a beautiful, bright, happy, healthy babe, then paralysed from the neck down, in utter, visual despair of losing the the perfect body he enjoyed before being SACRIFICED BY HIS PARENTS TO THE GOVT?
I posted it earlier, from Rumble.
It was heart breaking.
I can’t find it again now.
Can’t say I want to.
I cried too hard then.
They want everyone to offer their babies up to this cruel, semi-death.
They are evil.
Any live feeds of the protestors today?
Helen, what Cassie said at 11.54am.
I’m now double-jabbed with AstraZeneca on my GP’s instructions and had zero reaction to both jabs.
Australia, you’re standing in it….these army coloured uniforms are Vicpol.
Mrs Nong is a mong…an offensive mong at that.
And it’s highly inaccurate, especially when used by barely trained morons.
I’m surprised (and relived) that someone didn’t lose an eye yesterday. They were treating it like some sort of carnival game.
It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye.
Sadly your GP cannot recommend otherwise under pain of being ”investigated for hampering/delaying the vaccine program”, leading to possible loss of their licence.
Rex Angersays:
September 23, 2021 at 12:02 pm
…And Collaborator Bob just got deleted.
Damn, I was going over to look once I caught up here. Any special gems of unwisdom?
Asking permission gets you this.
Vicpol playing soldiers against unarmed citizens.
Looks like the march is kicking off. I think this is very recent
I trust my GP, Gab. She told me Kung Flu would kill me if I caught it.
Seeing as you know me better than I know myself st ruth how about a list of those delusions, actual quotes please from the ‘dossier’.
As for ussr, like with you, I fell absolutely free to defend myself from insinuations and outright lies about what I’ve done and said.
There’s a long list, from atheist to abortion profiteer, to agent of soros and many more.
The most revealing thing about you st ruth is how much time you spend online abusing me, from the safety of your keyboard, on this tiny online blog where the most pleasing comment might get 35 likes.
Other than empty threats about standing and falling all you have is wordsaladwhinging.
I’m surprised (and relived) that someone didn’t lose an eye yesterday.
Mater please…
Its Covid related Enucleation
Unvaccinated Brazil President Bolsonaro Decries Socialism, Vaccine Passports At UN General Assembly
Still waiting to see if ‘Labor lawyers’ do anything about the rights of citizens.
Still remember Kensington legal service suing police over horse dribble on behalf of protestors.
1:10pm Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney –
Memorial of St Pius of Pietrelcina – 23 September 2021
(Padre Pio)
Padre Pio has become one of the world’s most popular saints. There are more than 3,000 “Padre Pio Prayer Groups” worldwide, with three million members. The first St Padre Pio parish in the world was established 16 June 2002 in Kleinburg, Ontario, Canada. There are parishes in Vineland and Lavallette, New Jersey, and Sydney, Australia, and shrines in Buena, New Jersey, and Santo Tomas, Batangas, Philippines, dedicated to Padre Pio. A 2006 survey by the magazine Famiglia Cristiana found that more Italian Catholics pray to Padre Pio for intercession than to any other figure.
We need all the help from the Saints we can get a this time.
Good day for a prayer.
This sort of thing warms my heart. Should be more of it.
five fully vaccinated staff at Liverpool Hospital test positive to covid. The narrative is leaking.
Voice For Victoria
No information on livestreams so far. Hearing that for once the police may actually have had some success in turning people away from the city without having to shoot at them on the streets. TBC for now.
12:36 PM · Sep 23, 2021·Twitter for Android
Nope. Six months ago Scott Morrison announced that Novavax would be used as a booster when it arrived in 2022.
This IS the narrative. Boosters forever.
:Slim Cognitosays:
September 23, 2021 at 12:40 pm
This sort of thing warms my heart. Should be more of it.“
Good…but he’ll just crowdfund.
Sacrificing six month old foetuses. Happy now, rosie?
Doctor: Late medical freedom activist was a victim of ‘medical tyranny’
Good question:
How did 15,000 Haitians suddenly show up, all at once, at the Southern Border? You’re telling me that the vaunted US surveillance and intelligence communities didn’t see this?
Think about what it would take to move 15,000 people across an ocean. Lots of money. Lots of aircraft and/or large boats.
Communication. Logistics. Coordination. Management.
How did they all know to go straight to the International Bridge at Del Rio?
Bush personifies everything which is stuffed on the conservative side of politics:
Former President George W. Bush is throwing a fundraiser for outspoken Never-Trumper Liz Cheney.
This comes after Bush compared Jan. 6 protesters to the 9-11 terrorists on the 20 year anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks on America.
“Topher Field
2 hrs ·
Going live on Instagram @topherfield at 11AM AEST today.
Talking about what’s happening in Melbourne and hearing from others what’s happening around the world.
Join my Instagram now!
(Date and time shown On the image are US EST, ignore them.)”
Just out in the Herald-Sun:
Media organisations win right to film protests after police bid fails
TV crews will continue filming the protests that have caused chaos in Melbourne this week, after a police bid to restrict their access was rejected in court.
Helen, both my father and daughter had AZ and very bad reactions. Everyone is different. I don’t know why. Other daughter had an acute but not hospital-worthy reaction to Pfizer.
Good luck with your Mum. I hope she gets to do all the good things she wants to in time.
Nah, it’s two days old. I’m sure, because I’m in the video.
Uma Thurman Rips Texas Law, Reveals She Had an Abortion as a Teen: ‘No Regrets’
I bet the smug bitch would have had some regrets if her mother had done the same thing.
It’s just about reached the stage where I can’t watch anything from hollywood made after 1980.
Real Rukshan
6 SJalanouadgry ·
I’ve posted this previously, and I’ve pinned this post to the top of my page, but unfortunately, people continue to get scammed.
PLEASE READ THIS ?? There are NO giveaways on this page. Not now. Not ever. The people creating fake pages/profiles in my name are stealing your information to take your money by posting fake “giveaway” comments on this page or via messenger. I can remove the comments on posts, but can not control private messages you receive from fake accounts.
Unfortunately I can not name these accounts or pages individually due to Facebook rules.
I repeat, this is a SCAM which Facebook does little about. There are NO GIVEAWAYS. None. Block these accounts immediately and do not, under any circumstances give them your credit card number. It’s a SCAM.
Lithuania all the way with Solly Lew!!!
Thank you Cassie
The woman who flew to Ballina and closed down the area Byron to Tweed … The “essential worker / celebrity” tested negative to the COOF and only tested +ve later. It seems that she was unaware she may have been infected. I have been looking and looking – but nowhere is her vaxx status.
If she was … The the narrative will really fall apart! One vaxxed and tested (and allowed to travel) person can shut down a LGA and close borders. Great future to look forward to!
Keep your Molech in your trousers next time, Beardless Faulty, and I won’t have to link to witty and hilarious musical requests for Dirty Dutchmen to refrain from slapping their Molechs up against various objects.
You dirty, red-shoed pizzafarian, you…
Dan, other idiots, it is NOT about “Covid”.
YOUR “cases” and other BS numbers do not matter to real people.
We know you lie.
The healthy people your Jab Mandates have seriously harmed & killed, matter.
We want you and all your little paid trolls to shut up now.
Just shut up.
no socialism, no mandates.
Maybe they could just wear a brightly coloured symbol or shape of some kind on their sleeves just to make the ‘papers please’ process more efficient Solly?
Major fail. I think I’ll stop posting (and trusting) everything…. 🙂
Nah. Just Collaborator Bob trying to shit on AdamD because AdamD’s bad experience goes against the Narrative.
And with an obligatory cry-wank about the 10 months he spent suffering in Vietnam, and the thousands of people like him who came back to find they were criminals, yadda yadda.
Kinda like his introductory spiel to Sinc, way back when. Just meaner.
“Just shut up.”
Yes Mrs Nong…it is time you “just shut up”.
Thanks Tom and calli, cross fingers .
shoppers should be temperature-checked
A “precaution” which was specifically mentioned as useless in the 2019 Federal pandemic plan.
Ok boomer.
No longer believing in the afterlife they will cling to this one no matter how much of the younger generations quality of life they have to sacrifice.
I’m finding exactly zero about today’s protests online. Not subbed to any grey social media sites, so maybe the info’s there. But I would not be surprised if people have simply decided to stay home instead of being beaten by armed thugs operating under colour of law.
That doesn’t mean the armed thugs have won. It just means the next stage of this may be more guerrilla and lone wolf in nature. . . .