Open Thread- Mon 11 Oct 2021

Antigone with Polynices’ Body, Sebastien Norblin, 1825

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Pete of Perth
Pete of Perth
October 15, 2021 2:54 pm

possible snap detention for van diemans land

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
October 15, 2021 3:01 pm

John of Mel:
October 15, 2021 at 2:40 pm
At least it won’t be cold in those camps for us, the great unjabbed.

I think you’re gonna be disappointed if you wind up in the Wellcamp Concentration Camp – it gets bloody cold in winter.

The upside is that you won’t be there for too long before you’re “processed” and your ashes scattered.

October 15, 2021 3:13 pm

The clean Vaucluse air will be on sale next month at selected outlets in Western Sydney for $99.95 RRP.

Are they saying Lizzie’s farts don’t stink. Sorry Lizzie ,it had to be said.

John of Mel
John of Mel
October 15, 2021 3:16 pm

The upside is that you won’t be there for too long before you’re “processed” and your ashes scattered.

Thanks Tony, you know how to lift the spirits.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 15, 2021 3:16 pm

It isn’t as easy as just counting who dies from what after a vaxxination.
It isn’t easy at all.

That’s why there are disciplinary studies around all of these things, Arky.

People have come up against these sorts of issues since the earliest days of public policy and record keeping. A historical tradition develops around nutting them out, creating discplines like population statistics, demography, epidemiology, even some economic and social sciences etc which then cross-fertilise on methods and practices that have been tested for logical completeness and dealing with the quirky problems that inevitably come up. That’s why I took up doing an MPH – I really wanted to wrestle intellectually about meaningful things with something more than just speculation and hearsay.

As with all disciplinary areas though there is a lot of self-defense and border protection and battles over methods and turf.

But never ever think that good reliable results are simple to obtain, because they are not.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 15, 2021 3:19 pm

132andBush says:
October 15, 2021 at 2:15 pm
The correct thing is what Mater has been doing for month after month: trying to chase down the correct data and relate it to age groups and other factors.

This cannot be emphasised enough.

This cannot be emphasised enough.

The politically conservative are being marginalised in what passes for Covid debate in Australia because of a minority adherence to obvious innumerate gobshite coming out of the US.

The net result is public discussion on the very real breakdown of the Australian social contract can safely be ignored, or discounted by our betters because of a new Godwin. Extreme Rightwingnut Denialist/Antivaxatiousness.

October 15, 2021 3:22 pm

October 15, 2021 at 3:01 pm
The full video admitting all 13 dead today were fully vaccinated (Victoria)

I’m not believing that video until Rosie and Sancho say I can.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
October 15, 2021 3:28 pm

Australian politicians are complete fucking scum.

A most eloquent Liberty Quote.

October 15, 2021 3:34 pm

James Packer is a billionaire who has stopped swimming and eventually his billions will disappear as well.

the ccp clipped his fins.

October 15, 2021 3:39 pm

The upside is that you won’t be there for too long before you’re “processed” and your ashes scattered.

If you’re properly processed, there won’t be any ashes.

October 15, 2021 3:39 pm

NH Executive Council Rejects $27M in Federal Vaccine Funding

This is New Hampshire, U.S. There’s still some backbone in some places. Why not here?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 15, 2021 3:40 pm

October 15, 2021 at 2:11 pm
The antidote to dodgy covid death numbers isn’t to then seize on reported vaxx deaths before they have been sorted into those who would die anyway and those who probably died because they were vaccinated.
The correct thing is what Mater has been doing for month after month: trying to chase down the correct data and relate it to age groups and other factors.

This is absolutely where I am on this.
As Mater has ably demonstrated, there are plenty of holes in their own data to work with.
And you have the upper hand if that is your starting point because they can’t dispute the official Sutton data (or, if they suggest that DHHS data might be dodgy, that opens up a whole world of angles).

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 15, 2021 3:44 pm

Figures here,

A had a moment of dread when I read that.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 15, 2021 3:46 pm

Dr Faustus, just now:

The politically conservative are being marginalised in what passes for Covid debate in Australia because of a minority adherence to obvious innumerate gobshite coming out of the US.

Keith de Lacy – some time ago but equally correct, and one of the better quotes going around:

Hysterical activism is the greatest dead weight an otherwise noble cause can have.

October 15, 2021 3:51 pm


Was he the one true libitarian/ anti Trump sock or the bog standard brain dead lefty?

October 15, 2021 3:52 pm

NSW Supreme Court Judgment – Kassam; Henry v Hazzard (4:00pm) –

This case is important to every state, please tune in at 4pm to watch LIVE.

Remember this cannot be viewed afterwards and do not re-record and distribute.

No matter what the outcome is, we keep looking forward ??

| Watch on Youtube –

A Suggestion
A Suggestion
October 15, 2021 3:59 pm

…there are plenty of holes in their own data to work with.

It does not matter.
The Capitalist Oligarchs see rivers of subsidy gold.
The Politicians see unlimited control.
The Media see disaster porn.
The Sceptics say – hold on I think you made an error.
The Man on the Street sees, Capitalists and Politicians and Media are all for X. Who are you, a sceptic to go against them. You must be mad and the Media agrees.
Ergo we lose.

October 15, 2021 4:00 pm

Was listening to Mitchell yesterday morning. Something I don’t normally do and someone called in to tell that AusPost are exempt from the having to be vaxxed by today or indefinite leave. He was surprised. Had no idea all Cwlth workers were made exempt last week.

The one thing that we do know for sure is that Commonwealth law overrides state law if they conflict. Doesn’t this then prove conclusively that if Commonwealth workers are exempt then, under the same law, ALL workers are exempt?

If not, why not?

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
October 15, 2021 4:00 pm

Trying to follow up on on the Sean Hartman Pfizer-related death and run into roadblocks like this:
Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/ontario.
Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose.

However, if the Big Tech/Media complex can censor the previous President, what hope do mere mortals have?

October 15, 2021 4:01 pm

Gab – is this the one about right to work without vax?

October 15, 2021 4:01 pm

20,0000 watching!!!

October 15, 2021 4:01 pm


October 15, 2021 4:02 pm

Keith de Lacy – some time ago but equally correct, and one of the better quotes going around:

Hard to believe now he was once a Labor state treasurer.

Apparently his memoir pulls no punches.

October 15, 2021 4:04 pm

only 30,000 watching.


October 15, 2021 4:05 pm


October 15, 2021 4:06 pm
October 15, 2021 4:07 pm

We are all f*****d, vaxed and unvaxed alike.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 15, 2021 4:07 pm

Sounds like she’s a bit pissed about the Head of State arrangements flopping around only weeks away from the gabfest.

She remained regally enigmatic about the views of her woke progeny.

Liz having been Queen all my life I was quite comfortable with Australia remaining a constitutional monarchy. A quick survey of her immediate predecessors seemed to indicate a pattern of moderation.

But Charles is a different matter. Prince Andrew was a libertine who would have enjoyed bawdy humour with Charles II. (Of course, now he is just a dirty old pervert. A Bill-Clintonesque figure.) Ex-Prince Harry’s existence seems an unspoken rebuke of his father as a cuckold. He also seems to have inherited his mother’s appetite to, having been nourished and cosseted by the monarchy, step outside it and throw stones while posing as the injured party. Here a bit like Edward VIII.

But Charles is altogether a different kind of fruit.

I think when Liz passes I shall be ready for the monarchy to be phased out. Charles might be surprised that a lot of his subjects feel the same way.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 15, 2021 4:09 pm

Doesn’t this then prove conclusively that if Commonwealth workers are exempt then, under the same law, ALL workers are exempt?

If the law is that the exemption is for Federal employees then it is not inconsistent for states to declare that State employees need to be vaxxed, I would think.

October 15, 2021 4:09 pm

Agree DB

October 15, 2021 4:09 pm

Our lack of a Bill of Rights bites us yet again.

October 15, 2021 4:12 pm

mistakes are all theft now

Sydney University slugged with another $2m wage theft claim

the system is an idiotic labyrinthine mess by design

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 15, 2021 4:12 pm

Roger says:
October 15, 2021 at 1:42 pm
Rumour has it that [Twiggy Forrest] has a gang looking at viable nuclear power options.

It strikes me that ScoMo has two very good counter-attack options open to him on the Glasgow gab fest (neither of which he will take).
1. Collect all the quotes thrown at him for being in Hawaii and not fighting bushfires and apply them to the Glasgow love-in … “At this time of National crisis on Covid, a Prime Minister’s place is here in Australia, to ensure we open up as planned.” and/or
2. “Net zero? Yeah sure. But dependent upon a nuclear power mix of at least 50%, which I will put to a referendum next year”. No nukes = no net zero. France, the USA and the UK could hardly object.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 15, 2021 4:14 pm

Single jabbees can go to church next Sunday, assuming NSW hits the ineffable 80% by Monday.

I will not be prevented from using the ‘eff’ word on anyone, no matter the vaxxed status!

It is time to make a stand!

Who the f*** is f***ing with me! F***, yeah!

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 15, 2021 4:15 pm

Meanwhile elsewhere in Victoria, Dog Day Afternoon?

A Hastings dog lover has become a Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal frequent-flyer, as he fights to have his german shepherds deemed assistance dogs, and allowed everywhere from buses to courtrooms.

Michael Phillips this month lost his VCAT discrimination case against Ventura Bus Lines, after it refused to let him travel with his dogs, Goethe and Rishi (now deceased), in February last year.

He estimates he has brought “ten or so” cases before VCAT and the courts; a number relating to perceived prejudice against his dogs.

The tribunal heard Mr Phillips, who has a disability, had previously travelled on trains with his german shepherds and considered them his assistance dogs.

“Before the train replacement bus service was in place, he was accustomed to travel on trains with his dogs and that, at times, some bus drivers allowed him to take the dogs on buses. So being unable to take the dogs on the train replacement bus service at the time of this incident must have been upsetting for Mr Phillips. However, he has not shown that it was a breach of the EO (equal opportunity) Act,” VCAT senior member Bernadette Steele concluded.

She said evidence before the tribunal did not show the dogs fitted the definition of assistance dogs.

“That the dogs are part of Mr Phillips’ mental health plan, offer him companionship, mindfulness, and reassurance, and that they are a component of Mr Phillips’ mental wellbeing, do not establish that they have been trained to perform tasks or functions which assist him to alleviate the effects of his particular disability,” Ms Steele said.

In mid-2019, Mr Phillips claimed discrimination after unmuzzled Goethe and Rishi were banned from the County Court, as he defended matters involving his dogs being “menacing” and causing injury to other animals and people.

He has also brought cases against the Royal Botanic Gardens, Eastern Health, a Coles supermarket, Good Shepherd Microfinance, Maroondah Council, the RSPCA and a Hastings church over the years. Some, but not all, have related to his dogs.

Cassie of Sydney
October 15, 2021 4:17 pm

“1. Collect all the quotes thrown at him for being in Hawaii and not fighting bushfires and apply them to the Glasgow love-in … “At this time of National crisis on Covid, a Prime Minister’s place is here in Australia, to ensure we open up as planned.” and/or
2. “Net zero? Yeah sure. But dependent upon a nuclear power mix of at least 50%, which I will put to a referendum next year”. No nukes = no net zero. France, the USA and the UK could hardly object.”

Wouldn’t it be nice but Scumbag Morrison is gutless.

Cassie of Sydney
October 15, 2021 4:19 pm

Ah look…the Scumbag has caved…as he always does…

PM going to global climate summit

CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA – NewsWire Photos OCTOBER 11, 2021:
The Prime Minister has confirmed he will travel to Glasgow for the COP26 climate conference, before the government reveals its position.”

Cassie of Sydney
October 15, 2021 4:20 pm

This country is truly ruly fucked.

October 15, 2021 4:21 pm

PM going to global climate summit

We can assume a deal with the Nats has been reached.

I’ll go out on a limb here…nuclear is not an option “going forward”.

October 15, 2021 4:23 pm

The judge basically said the government is within its rights to do whatever could plausibly be considered reasonable. It’s not for the courts to second guess whether this or that policy is reasonable. He did say it it could not enact an order which discriminated on the grounds of race, but it could on the matter of vaccination status because it could plausibly argue that it is in the very least related to an object of the order.

As Barnes would say. An example of a weak judge not wanting to step on the toes of the political class.

These judges have just opened the gate to Nazi Germany. Wide open.

October 15, 2021 4:24 pm

As Barnes would say. An example of a weak judge not wanting to step on the toes of the political class.


October 15, 2021 4:25 pm

Yes, the cuntry is fucked.

October 15, 2021 4:25 pm

Maybe Twiggy should have a quiet word in Morrison’s shell-like.

Cassie of Sydney
October 15, 2021 4:25 pm

So Scumbag Morrison hasn’t said a word about Dan in Victoria but minutes ago he overruled Perrottet’s decision to open for tourism…

“PM: Citizens, residents before tourists

Scott Morrison has confirmed that NSW’s international border will not open for tourism when it opens next month, saying Australian citizens and residents will be given first priority.

The Prime Minister’s comments come just hours after the state’s premier Dominic Perrottet announced that the state would accept fully vaccinated travellers from November 1. The state will also scrap the hotel or home quarantine stint requirement for fully vaccinated returnees.

October 15, 2021 4:27 pm

October 15, 2021 at 3:01 pm
The full video admitting all 13 dead today were fully vaccinated (Victoria)

FMD. I’ve had both the Pfizer and AZ double shot and have invested in the Sementis vaccine. I’ll be lining up for the Moderna as well. My theory is if the vaccines kill you if you have enough of them they’ll bring you back. Could work.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 15, 2021 4:29 pm

I think when Liz passes I shall be ready for the monarchy to be phased out. Charles might be surprised that a lot of his subjects feel the same way.

The ultimate irony is that Trumble may realise his Republican dream only when the greenest of green Monarchs takes the throne.
The one most likely to be convinced by the likes of Trumble to interfere in Australian politics to save da planet.

October 15, 2021 4:30 pm

Morrisson will not be a conservative participant at Glasgow.
The scum will on the front foot promoting the Photios crony agenda. The secret agenda that we will not be informed of in advance.
Our only hope now lies in rural Australia jacking up.

October 15, 2021 4:31 pm

What the judgment reveals – yet again – is that freedoms we assumed were ours are poorly protected because we don’t have a Bill of Rights. Not that a Bill of Rights is a panacea, but it’s a damn sight better than the fig leaf of the Constitution.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 15, 2021 4:34 pm

Scott Morrison has confirmed that NSW’s international border will not open for tourism when it opens next month, saying Australian citizens and Chinese students residents will be given first priority.

October 15, 2021 4:35 pm

So the judge could find nothing within the law to prevent the government discriminating and declined to make law from the bench? Do I have that right?

As disappointing as that is, I don’t see it as all bad. Spare us activist judges.

A Suggestion
A Suggestion
October 15, 2021 4:35 pm

What the judgment reveals – yet again – is that freedoms we assumed were ours are poorly protected because we don’t have a Bill of Rights.

Citizen JUDGES only – referendum for state and commonwealth governments. Lawyers excluded as officers of the court.

October 15, 2021 4:35 pm

It’s all a setup Roger. So, NSW is now the first domino of many.

They’ll take it to the High Court so it can be nationalised.

October 15, 2021 4:35 pm

Arky says:
October 15, 2021 at 11:22 am

Libertarians should have fought compulsory seatbelt wearing, random breath tests, bicycle helmets and smoking taxes much. much harder.
It’s these things that led us here.
Compulsory seatbelts was the first. That initial resort to do gooding compulsion rather than rational persuasion was the lit fuse.

And, Just like now with the WuFlu Tyranny, all of that got forced on us by the OVERLORDS of MEDICAL BODIES, pushing it.

Without their, Worshipped As gods, status, most of the evils currently destroying humanity couldn’t have even taken off.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 15, 2021 4:36 pm

The ultimate irony is that Trumble may realise his Republican dream only when the greenest of green Monarchs takes the throne.


Charles is sucking up to the people who want all vestige of monarchy gone.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 15, 2021 4:37 pm

Bruce of Newcastle says:
October 15, 2021 at 12:54 pm
One for farming Cats. The Uni of Basel did a study and found that sustainable farming is stupid…

Farming is like mining, it’s an extractive industry. The only difference being we can replace the elements removed by production with fertilisers or nitrogenous crops and pastures.

October 15, 2021 4:37 pm

Cassie of Sydney says:
October 15, 2021 at 4:25 pm
So Scumbag Morrison hasn’t said a word about Dan in Victoria but minutes ago he overruled Perrottet’s decision to open for tourism…

Clear indication where his heart is, with despots and tyrants.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 15, 2021 4:39 pm

Morrisson will not be a conservative participant at Glasgow.

Yah. He was softening us up about stupid net zero yesterday.
The difference is that every other country agrees to this rubbish then doesn’t do it.
We’re the only country dumb enough to actually hold to such an insane promise.
Xi must be laughing until his sides hurt.

October 15, 2021 4:39 pm

Oh boy, just wait until Cats see the immigration news today.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 15, 2021 4:40 pm

I was reading a link posted by Arky to Federal Gummint vax reaction stats on my phone.
Phone running flat, gone to my compuda and now can’t find it.
Anyone know where/when that was?

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 15, 2021 4:43 pm

October 15, 2021 at 1:37 pm
Conservation group fury as research finds selective logging does not affect koala numbers

After habitat loss the biggest threat to koalas is green forest mismanagement and the raging bushfires that result.

Which leads to far worse habitat loss.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
October 15, 2021 4:43 pm

Sancho Panzer says:
October 15, 2021 at 4:40 pm
Phone running flat, gone to my compuda and now can’t find it.

How the hell would any of us know where your compuda is???

October 15, 2021 4:43 pm

So Scumbag Morrison hasn’t said a word about Dan in Victoria but minutes ago he overruled Perrottet’s decision to open for tourism…

His responsibilites as Prime Minister for NSW will always take priority.

October 15, 2021 4:46 pm

Bullshit citizens and residents. He has bankrupted the lot of them.
My daughter in the UK has had a rough time
like all poms. But what she tells me of the Aussies trapped there is an indictement of the fat fraud.
Aussie expats have set up a support group to help stranded Morrisson victims. The Embassy refused any assistance. The support group’s motto is “you shoulda gone to Syria”.
The Scum does not want 35,000 seriously angry Ozzie’s back home before the election.
How many thousand green filth will the Creep allow out and in to go to Glasgow.
The English language lacks words adequate to describe this putrid dishonest creature.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
October 15, 2021 4:49 pm

Someone did say a while back that Australia will have to shoot its way out of this mess.

Problem is as soon as that happens, Scummo will invite in UN PeaceKeepers (CCP) to bring the country back under control.

I’d say the NT dickhead wanting most people “vaccinated” or get a $5000 fine is testing the water for Scummo & Co on a national scale.

Does anyone here really think there will be any more free elections in this country?

Does anyone here really think now that the Feds & States have not sold us out / betrayed us to the CCP & their partners in the West?

Does anyone here still believe that the “vaccines” are for our benefit?

October 15, 2021 4:53 pm

Which leads to far worse habitat loss.

Not to mention barbecued koalas!

October 15, 2021 4:56 pm

If NSW opens up to vaxxed and unvaxxed alike on 1st December, what difference does that make with the ability to work or not , it shoud’nt . Maybe the gov have actually snookered themselves and dont know it, its all retarded.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 15, 2021 4:57 pm

but I think people really should by now be aware that a green world will be very costly , and they will have fewer choices in life as a result. That’s just unfortunate.

But, but, but, haven’t we been told that “Nett Zero” will save us money?

October 15, 2021 4:58 pm

the propaganda push to force Morrison to attend Glasgow

Those monumental morons are welcome to him. Just make sure the fat useless imbecile never leaves, please.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 15, 2021 4:59 pm

John of Mel

At least it won’t be cold in those camps for us, the great unjabbed.

One is near Toowoomba, it will be cold in winter.

October 15, 2021 5:06 pm

The English language lacks words adequate to describe this putrid dishonest creature.


October 15, 2021 5:08 pm

The fact that most politicians are lawyers should be of no surprise to anyone.

Unleash the Kraken. Unfortunately, it had to happen this way.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 15, 2021 5:09 pm

Fremantle wharfies wouldn’t work in a iron lung. Couple of the farmers here are quite savage – they ordered new machinery to take the harvest off, and it’s been diverted to Melbourne…..

Fremantle Port industrial dispute: Maritime Union of Australia to suspend strike action after 11 weeks
Danielle Le MessurierThe West Australian
Fri, 15 October 2021 12:20PM

8:09 | The West Australian

The Maritime Union of Australia is suspending strike action at Fremantle Port today despite failed bargaining talks with one of the country’s biggest logistics providers.

A spokeswoman for stevedore Qube said the MUA had halted industrial action from 3pm today, with workers to return to the port for the first time in 11 weeks. However, the company said almost 50 per cent of the workers meant to be on shift have called in sick.

The union has sought a conciliation hearing at the Fair Work Commission at 2pm.

It comes amid growing State and Federal publicity of the strikes and after The West Australian revealed Federal Minister for Industrial Relations Michaelia Cash was intervening. Senator Cash said she was concerned that critical supplies to construction and mining industries will continue to be impacted if a resolution not found.

Qube Ports director Michael Sousa said the move was “a humiliating backdown for the MUA officials in WA”.

“They should apologise to the people of Western Australia and their own members for leading this pointless strike. They have returned to work with nothing,” he said.

“They have cost their own members more than a million dollars in lost wages and cost WA countless millions in lost work and extra costs.”

MUA WA branch secretary Will Tracey said the best chance of giving the FWC process some “clear air” was to suspend the industrial action.

He said he was “bewildered” by Qube’s response, describing it as unbecoming of directors or large, listed companies.

“That response helps people understand how we got to this point. I can’t imagine there would be a director or CEO respond with that lack of composure after what’s occurred today,” he said.

“We have made significant gains in discussions through the 12 weeks of this dispute and in the last three days, talks have progressed on the threshold claim of the 2pm notification of work to the point where were able to suspend the protected industrial action.”

MUA members have been pushing for the time they are notified of their shift the next day to be changed to 2pm instead of 4pm to be able to have “work-life balance”.

WA Ports Minister Rita Saffioti said the State Government welcomed the news the MUA had decided to suspend industrial action.

“We understand that the matter is now again before the Fair Work Commission for conciliation,” she said. “We encourage the parties to work towards a resolution to finalise their bargaining agreement.”

Qube’s meeting with the MUA this morning — the 25th attempt to end three months of worker strikes — was due to last three hours but wrapped up in just 45 minutes.

It followed another meeting of over 110 MUA members that was scheduled for 6am to discuss “important developments” in the bargaining dispute with Qube over work rosters.

Several ships carrying crucial farming equipment — needed for WA’s upcoming grain harvest — and mining machinery have been diverted to Melbourne and Adelaide as a result of the industrial action, which started on July 30.

October 15, 2021 5:11 pm

So anyone still thinking a Republic would be a good idea?

October 15, 2021 5:12 pm

Today ScoMo announced an expansion of the term “immediate” family when it comes to migration.
One way or another, those empty units in western Sydney are going to get filled up.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 15, 2021 5:12 pm


If you want some light relief, hop over to CL’s post on Real Aussie Blokes, and have a larf at Homer’s silly comments. He really seems to be suffering from a mental weakness (awa poor reading comprehension).

October 15, 2021 5:16 pm

Lawyers excluded as officers of the court.

This x10000

People who are excluded include cops, lawyers and anyone taking a penny from the government as a wage.

One is near Toowoomba, it will be cold in winter.

Unterstaffelfhurer Numberwang in charge.

You will beg for the sweet release of a tent peg set at 45 degrees in the ground.

October 15, 2021 5:16 pm

So anyone still thinking a Republic would be a good idea?

Yes, but only if the popularly elected president has veto power.

October 15, 2021 5:19 pm

SBS spruiking it’s new Australian drama.
New Gold Mountain, the story of the Australian gold rush through the eyes of the Chinese.

October 15, 2021 5:19 pm

Our lack of a Bill of Rights bites us yet again.

It doesn’t matter what is written down.

These arseholes want to fuck us.

Documents are no impediment to them.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 15, 2021 5:20 pm

Yes, but only if the popularly elected president has veto power.

How would you save Australia from the likes of President Adam Goodes or Shane Warne?.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
October 15, 2021 5:23 pm

snowflake 007
Daniel Craig prefers going to gay bars to avoid “aggressive” men in straight bars

To be honest he might in some circumstances have a valid point.
Often we hear about sports stars getting into pub brawls and it’s often not solely because they’re dickheads. There are idiots around who think they’ll somehow get some cred from getting into a punch on with someone famous, and if “007” has had that experience he may well find he cops less of it in gay bars.

October 15, 2021 5:25 pm
October 15, 2021 5:32 pm

Don’t let people you wouldn’t leave your kid alone with teach them about sex.

Hard to argue with that.

October 15, 2021 5:33 pm

How would you save Australia from the likes of President Adam Goodes or Shane Warne?.

Well, they’d have to be elected across the nation.

Consider what we have now, and will likely have for ever more.

Preferential voting which locks in one or other wing of the Uniparty.

No possibility of a Trump-style outsider giving the system the good kicking it deserves.

I’d be prepared to face the slight risk of President Goodes if there is an equal or better chance of getting an antipodean Trump.

October 15, 2021 5:33 pm

Victoria is Bitter

Not sure if this has been posted. Best add I’ve ever seen. Aussi Cossack put it up on YouTube today and it’s already had over 17,000 views. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if it could run on T.V. What a pipedream that is.

October 15, 2021 5:35 pm

Well, they’d have to be elected across the nation.



I see a problem.

Delta A
Delta A
October 15, 2021 5:36 pm

So Scumbag Morrison hasn’t said a word about Dan in Victoria but minutes ago he overruled Perrottet’s decision to open for tourism…

Yes, Cassie. I saw that, too.

No doubt at all who’s side he’s on.

October 15, 2021 5:36 pm

I’m too young to watch that video, Indolent.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 15, 2021 5:38 pm

I’d be prepared to face the slight risk of President Goodes if there is an equal or better chance of getting an antipodean Trump.

President Gina Rinehart?

Don’t get me wrong – I see a republic as the next step, but only with a president who has real power, not “kissing babies and opening supermarkets” and I’m not interested in this “Oh, just bring in a republic, and we’ll sort out the rest later.”

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
October 15, 2021 5:38 pm

I stumbled across a way I can give up to3 likes at any one time.
I intend to use my new superpower for evil.

October 15, 2021 5:39 pm

Calli, you see a potential problem with presidential elections.

I see a huge tangible and growing problem with a current system run for the benefit of the system, its toadies and apparatchiks.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
October 15, 2021 5:40 pm

I just saw a news flash saying that Xi isn’t going to the climate circus.
If true, that throws into stark relief for the mentally competent just how stupid it was to be hyperventilating about whether ScoMo went or not.
If he had a brain cell he’d turn Xi’s absence to good advantage – “I’m sorry but I can’t commit Australia to anything till I’ve ensured that we’re in line with our fine ally and trading partner China”.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 15, 2021 5:40 pm

The English language lacks words adequate to describe this putrid dishonest creature.


Any word not at least in part spelled with pus, vomit, and excrement, is a polite euphemism.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 15, 2021 5:40 pm

Unleash the Kraken.

I initially read that as “Unleash the Karen”.
Karens would give Cthulhu a run for its money.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 15, 2021 5:43 pm

the sweet release of a tent peg set at 45 degrees in the ground

Takes me back. Chortle.

October 15, 2021 5:43 pm

Queen Elizabeth has been overheard speaking about “irritating” world leaders who won’t commit to attending a major climate conference in Glasgow next month.

That’s because, even after almost 70 years, she’s still not tired or lording it over world leaders and movers and shakers in general, the more pomp and ceremony the better.

October 15, 2021 5:44 pm

October 15, 2021 at 1:37 pm
Conservation group fury as research finds selective logging does not affect koala numbers

After habitat loss the biggest threat to koalas is green forest mismanagement and the raging bushfires that result.

Further proof, if needed, that we live in the stupidest of times.

The status of red gums as endangered is just laughable.

October 15, 2021 5:44 pm

areff, I see problems everywhere. We at the least worst stage.

Buying years has reduced to buying months, if that.

People need to wake up. I spent the last three hours impressing upon family the two tiered society we are sleepwalking into. They were more concerned with haircuts.

October 15, 2021 5:45 pm

Don’t forget Australia once had a militia in Sydney called the New Guard (as opposed to the Old Guard of commies). They’re labelled on wiki as a fascist movement, simply because:

-Ex soldiers and cops;
-Believed in individual liberty;
-Believed in small government;
-Hated Lang;
-Believed communism was infiltrating Australian politics.

It is true one of their leaders met with some Nazi dude in 1931 but, as I point out, so did everyone else!

October 15, 2021 5:46 pm

An interesting article I just came across from 2018. Masks – even N95 let alone bits of paper/cloth – don’t work.

And of course breathing and re-breathing through used masks has its own health issues.

October 15, 2021 5:46 pm

And these are thoughtful people, generally.

The combination of lockdown and vaxx and spectre of further restrictions has them bamboozled and acquiesent.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 15, 2021 5:46 pm

How would you save Australia from the likes of President Adam Goodes or Shane Warne?

Warnie would do an excellent job. He’s a natural captain, just doesn’t play by the rules. Which in this scenario is a fine thing. I’d even vote for David Warner for that matter because ditto. Other than them I can’t think of anyone else except maybe Gina.

October 15, 2021 5:46 pm

Yes to a republic.

Sunset clauses on legislation.
A bill of rights.
Recall elections.
CIR to vote down bad law.
Jury nullification.

October 15, 2021 5:48 pm

Yes to a republic.

You need 2 A to keep any model working.

October 15, 2021 5:49 pm

Calli, agreed. I’m so down about what I’ve seen in this country over the past 18 months, all to the score of cheering Karens and the silence of a cowardly, craven PM, that I’m seriously think of decamping to a refuge overseas, Italy most likely.

It is one thing to live in the country you love and see it being transformed into something despicable.

It is another to reside in a country you like a lot but for which you feel no great loyalty.

Various things are coming to a head in March. That’s when I’ll make the call.

October 15, 2021 5:52 pm

I just saw a news flash saying that Xi isn’t going to the climate circus.

Gee I wonder why??
China’s plan to build more coal-fired plants deals blow to UK’s Cop26 ambitions
Renewed commitment to coal could scupper Britain’s aim to secure global phase-out pact at climate summit

But they promise to not build any more reliable, cheap base load in potential competitor nations…

President Xi Jinping has also pledged to stop building coal plants abroad.

“Energy security should be the premise on which a modern energy system is built and and the capacity for energy self-supply should be enhanced,” the statement said.

“Given the predominant place of coal in the country’s energy and resource endowment, it is important to optimise the layout for the coal production capacity, build advanced coal-fired power plants as appropriate in line with development needs, and continue to phase out outdated coal plants in an orderly fashion. Domestic oil and gas exploration will be intensified.”

“We will copy Chinas commitments”..
Mike drop.
Turn 360 degrees and moonwalk off the stage..

October 15, 2021 5:52 pm

I initially read that as “Unleash the Karen”.

I saw not one but two unleashed Karens at the chemist’s the other day.

It was horrible, but fascinating to watch the textbook belligerence and rank entitlement. Fortunately the pharmacist had the handiness of soothing drugs.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 15, 2021 5:53 pm

Italy most likely

Nope, not Italy. The leftist minority government has gone full fascist, if you’ve been keeping an eye on the news Areff. Not Greece either for the same reason.

Italy tends to go nuts about once a century, they’re in such a phase right now looks like.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 15, 2021 5:55 pm


I’d even vote for David Warner for that matter

You are dead to me.

October 15, 2021 5:58 pm

So the Aussie PM takes his orders from a decrepit old Pommy twat.

October 15, 2021 6:00 pm

True, Arky, but that’s what I mean about being an unemotional observer. Anyway, the wogs will soon turn up a new government; they always do.

Meanwhile, below is an argument for selling off the vehicles, taking up sister’s off to adopt Elsie, Scourge of Mice, and … (gulp) … even getting jabbed to enable the escape via any airline but Qantas. Notice the price. You can’t buy a fifth of a Brighton beach box for that money.

2 Bedrooms Apartment for sale in Chiusi [394155] | Gate-away®

October 15, 2021 6:02 pm
October 15, 2021 6:03 pm

On the chemist Karens. One short, shorter than me! And ponytailed. Angwy because her script was taking too long, too long I say! Most unhappy and loud and threatening and hopping from one foot to the other. Goodness knows what addictive substance she was waiting for.

Karen two was loudly demanding Ritalin for her son who was in tow. I had a quick look at him and thought, give him to me for a week, poor lamb. Tall, and broad of beam, she took up most of the counter.

Both wore yoga pants with varying degrees of success. If either had a gentleman in their lives, I pictured him as small, meagrely tattooed and pale, with a straggling goatee and anxious eyes.

This was my first foray into the lockdown world at large in many…many weeks.

Home seems pretty good right now.

October 15, 2021 6:06 pm

And these are thoughtful people, generally.

The combination of lockdown and vaxx and spectre of further restrictions has them bamboozled and acquiesent.

Fear is the mind killer.

October 15, 2021 6:06 pm

If we became a Republic, I would be more than happy to have this guy as my President.

He says ALL the right things.

October 15, 2021 6:07 pm

To be honest he might in some circumstances have a valid point.

Craig said he’s been going to them “for as long as I can remember”. Yeah, nah. He’s a switch hitter. Funny how it only comes out (phrasing!) after his last 007.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 15, 2021 6:09 pm

Knuckle Draggersays:
October 15, 2021 at 5:43 pm
the sweet release of a tent peg set at 45 degrees in the ground

Takes me back. Chortle.

Please essplain Mr Dragger???

Delta A
Delta A
October 15, 2021 6:15 pm

Other than them I can’t think of anyone else except maybe Gina

(for president of Aus).

I would nominate Warren Mundine.

He ticks a few boxes and is, generally, a level-headed conservative.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 15, 2021 6:15 pm

Knuckle Draggersays:
October 15, 2021 at 5:43 pm
the sweet release of a tent peg set at 45 degrees in the ground

Takes me back. Chortle.

Please essplain Mr Dragger???

One of the more colorful contributors to the old Cat – back in 2014, IIRC?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 15, 2021 6:15 pm

Please essplain Mr Dragger???

Ah, Sancho. You may not comprende, being from Barcelona and all.

Like a very small windmill blade, sticking out of the ground. It may keel you if you land on him.

I liked your picture next to Arky’s thread, by the way.

October 15, 2021 6:16 pm

I would nominate Warren Mundine.

He ticks a few boxes and is, generally, a level-headed conservative.

Which is precisely why it would never be offered to him.

October 15, 2021 6:16 pm

The great tent peg war 2014-2014…

We will remember them.

Winston Smith
October 15, 2021 6:17 pm

Looks like someones wish list of killing white people and the Technologically advanced west.
Looks like this.
I have no idea who/what Deagal is, but it would make a good novel.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 15, 2021 6:17 pm

Both wore yoga pants with varying degrees of success.


October 15, 2021 6:18 pm

We will remember them.

It was their finest hour.

And the Cat’s.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 15, 2021 6:18 pm

Which is precisely why it would never be offered to him.

I’ll bet good money that Malcolm Turnbull sees himself in that role.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
October 15, 2021 6:19 pm

Covidland. The Lockdown.
Powerful stuff. Facts, science, opinion, tear jerkers, motivators, all tied up one place.
Thanks for linking it srr.

Cassie of Sydney
October 15, 2021 6:21 pm

Re. the republic, once upon a time I would have recoiled at the idea of an “elected president”….but not now. I’m all for an elected president however we need to change our system….because the Westminster system just doesn’t suit the idea of an elected head of state. Over twenty years ago, at the constitutional convention prior to the 1999 referendum, Ted Mack, the only decent independent ever to sit in state and federal parliaments, advocated for Australia to change its system to be like the US system. I would like that…and that way we might get someone along the lines of a Trump.

October 15, 2021 6:21 pm

By the way, I have had far too much mid-afternoon champagne.

Your dad doesn’t turn 90 every day.

He had a wee dram of Henschke Euphonium (2009) that the Beloved has had tucked away for the occasion. Made him smile.

October 15, 2021 6:22 pm

Italy most likely

I’m thinking CNMI might be a good option.

Generally seems to be filled with deplorables.

October 15, 2021 6:24 pm

Dr BG.

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 15, 2021 6:25 pm

October 15, 2021 at 4:27 pm

apologies to South Aussies but any technology that is announced out of that state never seems to come to fruition yet sucks up a fair bit of public money. Witness the hoopla when the MFP was announced and where’d that end up? What about the big battery – now the place is putting in an interconnector to gets its hands on conventional power out of NSW and QLD. The subs…another debacle. There’s probably more of these if I think about it. It seems that the modus operandi of SA is to suck up federal taxpayer funds. Better watch your wallet if they want more out of you!

October 15, 2021 6:25 pm

I’ll bet good money that Malcolm Turnbull sees himself in that role.

He may do but his political career would exclude him from consideration.

That might also apply to Mundine, a form,er ALP president, btw.

While the office will likely become political, the formality of excluding anyone with a party political background would likely be adhered to. These protocols have already been worked through over the years, going back to the original constitutional conventions.

This is one of the arguments against a popularly elected president too – he or she would inevitably be seen to hold political power and could be tempted to use that to influence government decisions. Besides which, the political caste could not abide a President Shane or Kylie.

October 15, 2021 6:26 pm

advocated for Australia to change its system to be like the US system.

I prefer the Swiss system. Where the people have their direct say on important matters, rather than only the elected renting seeking trough dwelling shitheads.

October 15, 2021 6:27 pm

The US system seemed pretty good until what happened in the last 12 months. Also, they desperately need term limits in congress- some of those evil parasites have been their since Watergate.

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 15, 2021 6:27 pm

I had a look at the Reignite Democracy Australia website after the court cases in NSW were lost -there were lots of very unhappy people. Enough to swing an election? Let’s hope so.

October 15, 2021 6:27 pm

Um, is Dom Perrotett even the Premier,?

NSW flying towards 80 per cent double dose target
15 October 2021
The State’s rapid rate of second dose vaccinations means that next Monday, 18 October is firming as the day that the Reopening NSW Roadmap’s 80 per cent settings will come into effect for those who are fully vaccinated.

Community sport will resume, more friends and family will be reunited, and there will no longer be a cap on guests at weddings and funerals. Masks will also no longer be required in offices, and drinking while standing and dancing will be permitted indoors and outdoors at hospitality venues.

From 1 November bookings for hospitality venues will no longer be capped.

Also from 1 November, the NSW Government will remove quarantine requirements and caps for overseas arrivals who the Commonwealth Government recognises as fully vaccinated with a TGA-approved vaccine, helping Australians stranded abroad get home before the end of the year. Further advice about testing requirements for arrivals will be provided in the coming days.

Fully vaccinated travellers already in quarantine will also complete their quarantine re- quirements on November 1, even if it is less than 14-days.

Overseas arrivals who are not fully vaccinated will be capped at 210 people per week, and will be required to undergo mandatory 14-days hotel quarantine.

Travel between Greater Sydney (including the Blue Mountains, Wollongong, Shellharbour and the Central Coast) and Regional NSW will also be permitted from 1 November, to allow people in the regions more time to receive their second vaccine.

To support regional businesses likely to be impacted by this change the NSW Gov- ernment will defer the second taper of the JobSaver program until October 31. Eligible regional businesses will receive 30 per cent of weekly payroll, before tapering payments to the scheduled 15 per cent from November 1.

Premier Dominic Perrottet said the easing of restrictions and return of overseas travellers would help reunite families and be a significant boost for the economy.

“We have reached this vaccination milestone quicker than anyone thought we could, and that is a testament to the hard work of people across the State turning out to get vaccinated,” Mr Perrottet said.

“Welcoming back fully vaccinated travellers will not only mean families and friends can be home in time for Christmas, it will also give our economy a major boost.”

Deputy Premier Paul Toole said the tough decision had been made to delay travel be- tween Regional NSW and Greater Sydney, with the NSW Government extending the JobSaver program for regional businesses. By 1 November, it’s expected more than 77 per cent of regional LGAs will be fully vaccinated.

“Everyone has done a brilliant job of getting vaccinated and rates are rising fast; however we have looked at the health modelling and listened to feedback from regional communities who want more time to get their double dose vaccination rates up as high as possible before they welcome back visitors,” Mr Toole said.

“We know businesses in regional NSW were getting ready to welcome people back, but it’s important we get this right so that we can have greater confidence the vaccines will do their job – and that when we re-open travel to the regions, they can remain open and that businesses have continued support in the meantime. We thank people for their patience.”

Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney Stuart Ayres welcomed the 80 per cent reopening and recognised it as an important step on the road to recovery.

“We are opening up locally and we are opening up to the world. Now is a time for people to come together in safe way whether it be returning home from overseas or enjoying your favourite local venue,” Mr Ayres said.

All premises continue to operate at one person per 4sqm indoors and one person per 2sqm outdoors.

Health Minister Brad Hazzard said the NSW community had done an extraordinary job to reach the 80 per cent double dose vaccination target and was leading Australia out of the pandemic.

“The people of NSW have pulled together to achieve this fantastic outcome and bring us closer to life as we knew it before the pandemic, but we’re not there yet,” Mr Hazzard said.

“We can’t forget that COVID is still circulating amongst us in NSW and we need to keep getting vaccinated to push the double dose rates even higher. We want to get as close to 100 per cent double vaccination as possible to keep everyone safe.”

NSW residents will still need to comply with COVID-Safe check-ins and provide proof of vaccination to staff in most settings.

More restrictions will be relaxed on 1 December, as previously announced in the Reopening NSW Roadmap..

October 15, 2021 6:33 pm

A couple of three things I’d demand of a republic:

States no longer have plenary legislative power. It’s tyrannical.

A right to bear arms couched in self defence terms, including an absolute castle rule. Lex Lasry made an appalling decision with regards to this.

States are subject to just compensation, as a constitutional rule, not just ordinary legislation.


Clive losing is actually the worst of recent cases. States can legislate you out of judicial review? The High Court are bloody minded fools.

Cassie of Sydney
October 15, 2021 6:33 pm

Peter Ridd was fortunate in having his union stick by him throughout his ordeal. Professor Kathleen Stock in the UK isn’t so lucky. Her union, the UCU, which represents academics in the UK, doesn’t have the same backbone as Ridd’s union. In the last few days Stock’s career at Sussex University, as a lecturer in philosophy, has been effectively destroyed because her union has….wait for it….backed the violent student and trans right’s activist groups that have been harassing and threatening Stock on and off campus. You heard it right, the union has sided with violent activist groups.

Over the last few weeks, Professor Stock has been stalked and threatened with death, rape and bashing by trans activists, most of whom are men who simply identify as women. Stock’s crime is that she stands up for biological women and states unequivocally that biological sex is a reality…which it is. So much for the left’s zero tolerance towards violence against women, because the truth is that they don’t mind some violence against women, it all depends on the ideological side and who the violence is directed at.

Cassie of Sydney
October 15, 2021 6:34 pm

“Your dad doesn’t turn 90 every day.”

Mazaltov Calli.

October 15, 2021 6:35 pm

Amazing how I don’t have civil rights, but we’re letting in unvaccinated migrants.

This is just a nasty shit show and now it is about vindictive persecution, not actual merit or a different values system.

October 15, 2021 6:36 pm

To be a successful republic it is required that there be a republican ethos among the citizenry.

I think we’re passed inculcating that in Australia.

October 15, 2021 6:37 pm

To be the new Argentina, just stick with the current system.

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 15, 2021 6:38 pm

NSW now talking about 90% vaccination rates! What happened to when we get to 70%…80%. Arseh*les.

On the a constitutional monarchy/republic. I loath the lot of them; I have been thoroughly red-pilled throughout this politidemic – again,, I say they all are aresh*les.

October 15, 2021 6:38 pm


The Securities and Exchange Commission is poised to allow the first U.S. Bitcoin futures exchange-traded fund to begin trading in a watershed moment for the cryptocurrency industry, according to people familiar with the matter.

The regulator isn’t likely to block the products from starting to trade next week, said the people, who asked not to be named while discussing the decision. Unlike Bitcoin ETF applications that the regulator has previously rejected, the proposals by ProShares and Invesco Ltd. are based on futures contracts and were filed under mutual fund rules that SEC Chairman Gary Gensler has said provide “significant investor protections.”

October 15, 2021 6:41 pm

So we will trust the Calcutta and Islamabad vaccine authorities paperwork to unleash the “new Australians”…

Because fraud has never been endemic in shithole countries.
Immigration Department audits reveal large-scale fraud of visa system by Indian students and workers

The ABC has revealed that thousands of Indian students, skilled workers and 457 visa holders have been admitted to Australia on dodgy travel and work documents.

Briefings prepared by the Immigration Department and obtained by the ABC’s Fact Check Unit under Freedom of Information show out-of-control, large-scale fraud of the visa system.

The internal audits show fraud rates approaching 50 per cent, and an Immigration Department struggling to properly identify people who are entering the country.

“Identity fraud is a significant risk in the Indian caseload given how easily genuine documents with fraudulent details can be obtained,” one document said.

October 15, 2021 6:44 pm

Immigration Department audits reveal large-scale fraud of visa system by Indian students and workers

Nobody saw that coming, eh?

In addressing this problem, I suggest we start with an audit of the citizenship documentation of Immigration department staff.

October 15, 2021 6:47 pm

Immigration Department audits reveal large-scale fraud of visa system by Indian students and workers

But not Chinese?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 15, 2021 6:53 pm

General aside for strat Cats.

My unvaxxed hair is getting long enough that I could emulate the guy on the left.

October 15, 2021 6:56 pm

Here is an interesting study finding that the earths albedo has decreased over the last couple of decades. Both the Big Bear Solar Observatory and CERES are in agreement

What does this mean … essentially that there is less clouds and the earth absorbs more energy. [Is this what is driving the warming?] Whatever … This runs counter to the AGW thesis that a warming world/oceans will increase cloud cover. So another flaw that needs explanation.

October 15, 2021 6:57 pm

Nsw is already going to get 90 percent vaxxed, currently sitting on 91.7 percent single.

October 15, 2021 6:58 pm

“Your dad doesn’t turn 90 every day.”

Mazaltov Calli.

Many very happy returns.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 15, 2021 6:59 pm

A couple of three things I’d demand of a republic:
States no longer have plenary legislative power. It’s tyrannical.

Can prove you are bonkers, Dot, with two words. They are “Texas” and Florida”.
Think about it.
Dilute government power as much as possible, don’t concentrate it.
The problem is we have no Texases or Floridas in Australia.

October 15, 2021 7:01 pm

General aside for strat Cats.

Those three Les Pauls in the bottom clip…I haven’t watched it, but if they’re what I think they are, you could sell them and buy a house with the proceeds. Maybe not a house in Sydney but…

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 15, 2021 7:01 pm


October 15, 2021 at 6:16 pm

The great tent peg war 2014-2014…

We will remember them.

Ah, right.
Clearly an in-joke from Catallaxies past.
No doubt another epic in the series including Trucks vs Trains, or the Lizzie vs Timothy (otherwise known as the “Does anyone remember how this started?” war).

October 15, 2021 7:03 pm

The great tent peg war 2014-2014…

It was described as a proper bloodbath, casualties of epic proportions. From an eyewitness account?

October 15, 2021 7:04 pm

Dilute government power as much as possible, don’t concentrate it.

Yep…one of the greatest crimes against our democracy was the Commonwealth arrogating income tax powers from the states on the pretext of a war emergency in 1942.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 15, 2021 7:05 pm

Rorschach – Clouds drive global warming not CO2. That is the Svensmark mechanism. The ensemble climate models notoriously can’t correctly model cloud cover, and they have a giant incentive not to correct this problem. Because if they did they’d prove CAGW isn’t happening and the Sun is the primary driver of global temperature. Thus they would do themselves out of a job.

October 15, 2021 7:10 pm

Can prove you are bonkers, Dot, with two words. They are “Texas” and Florida”.
Think about it.
Dilute government power as much as possible, don’t concentrate it.
The problem is we have no Texases or Floridas in Australia.

Sunset clauses on legislation.
A bill of rights.
Recall elections.
CIR to vote down bad law.
Jury nullification.


October 15, 2021 7:15 pm

Re. the republic, once upon a time I would have recoiled at the idea of an “elected president”….but not now. I’m all for an elected president however we need to change our system….because the Westminster system just doesn’t suit the idea of an elected head of state. Over twenty years ago, at the constitutional convention prior to the 1999 referendum, Ted Mack, the only decent independent ever to sit in state and federal parliaments, advocated for Australia to change its system to be like the US system. I would like that…

Yah. Agree totally Cassie. I like the system above all others…

I think that we don’t have a true separation of powers as the executive and legislative is too entangled. Meaning that the legislative is subservient to executive priorities and so is not a check/balance on it and is hence not representative of the constituents.

And while we’re at it … we also need to introduce limited terms, sortition [for judges too!], and revisit voting [even paper based voting can be corrupted as we see!].

October 15, 2021 7:16 pm

Sunset clauses on legislation.
A bill of rights.
Recall elections.
CIR to vote down bad law.
Jury nullification.


Hear hear!

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
October 15, 2021 7:20 pm

Winston Smith says:
October 15, 2021 at 6:17 pm
Looks like someones wish list of killing white people and the Technologically advanced west.

This is what the “vaccines” are meant to do – they’re shoving it in our faces and still the feeble-minded can’t fucking see it….

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 15, 2021 7:21 pm


90% of people are morons. Look at NSW vax figures.

Sunset clauses on legislation.

Good luck with that. The emergency powers keep getting unsunsetted.

A bill of rights.


Recall elections.

See California.

CIR to vote down bad law.

That I like. Swiss model. They all have assault rifles in their houses. I like that too.


At the moment they’re all confederally being lemmings.


Not sure what that is.

Jury nullification.

He who chooses the jury gets the verdict.

I would favour illegality of political parties and two term limits. Plus Starship Troopers style franchise.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 15, 2021 7:24 pm

Not to mention barbecued koalas!

Sounds delicious. I’ll add it to the next edition of my cookbook.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 15, 2021 7:24 pm

Ok, I was a little unkind with my first point. 90% of NSW people need to put food on the table. Not all of them are nuts, but from what I am seeing quite a large proportion are.

October 15, 2021 7:25 pm

Warhammer Fantasy Battles 4th edition was the best.

Warhammer Fantasy Battles is objectively better than Warhammer 40k.

Come at me, Slaaneshi Chaos Space Marine Freaks.

Lilileath and Asuryan have my back. They’ve told me the time and manner of my passing. Plus the Everqueen took advantage of me. Or that might have been Slaanesh….?

[Khaine cultism intensifies]

Winston Smith
October 15, 2021 7:26 pm


Good comment Calli. This is the problem with modern industrial society- it spawns and fosters way way too many parasites who are either evil or too stupid to understand how wealth is created. The continued domination by the legal ‘profession’ is a major problem.

They’ll work it out quick smart when the largess stops flowing.
Of course, history shows us they will be first in line to scavenge the pickings.

October 15, 2021 7:28 pm

The ensemble climate models notoriously can’t correctly model cloud cover,

This paper shows the model/theory prediction that cloud cover must increase with increasing warming is not supported by empirical evidence. BZZZT. IPCC we have a BIG problem.

Whilst the Svensmark Cosmic Radiation hypothesis has merit, I would suggest that there are other – as yet unexplored / unknown mechanisms that are driving the warming we see. [Acknowledging the the measurements are probably fudged]

October 15, 2021 7:28 pm

That I like. Swiss model. They all have assault rifles in their houses. I like that too.

Iirc, I think they’ve curtailed that somewhat, Bruce.

Only certain conscripts are able to keep their government issued automatic weapons at home.

Still much to admire about their system though.

October 15, 2021 7:29 pm


What you want, it’s called responsibilitism and it is not bad. It can be concomitant with classical republicanism and libertarianism.

There isn’t a decent argument with anything I said. Put altogether, they are better. More to the point, they help with what you want.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
October 15, 2021 7:33 pm

the exemption given to court workers and Commonwealth workers does appear to discriminate simply on the basis of who one works for, and is on its face unrelated to the objects of a PHO.

I think they’re both constitutional limits.
Pissweak though State constitutions are, they usually have a clause protecting the judiciary and the courts, and I suspect that Maximum Leader doesn’t want to piss off anyone who might in the future be a Royal Commissioner under a non-Labor (or non-Maximum Leader Labor faction) government by diluting that.
And there are certainly limits on the States interfering with Commonwealth matters, and they may be wide enough to cover Fed employees.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 15, 2021 7:33 pm

Yep…one of the greatest crimes against our democracy was the Commonwealth arrogating income tax powers from the states on the pretext of a war emergency in 1942.

The role of the Commonwealth to be restricted to defence, foreign policy, trade and immigration. All else, including the right to levy taxes, to the States.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 15, 2021 7:33 pm

Yoga pants are either the greatest thing ever invented.

Or the worst.

October 15, 2021 7:33 pm


Not sure what that is.

It comes from Catholic theology, as far as I know.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 15, 2021 7:34 pm

I would suggest that there are other – as yet unexplored / unknown mechanisms that are driving the warming we see.

Rorschach – The ~60 year cycle is the other one. It’s not coincidence that the IPCC chose 1906 as the starting point for their “official century”.

October 15, 2021 7:37 pm

The role of the Commonwealth to be restricted to defence, foreign policy, trade and immigration. All else, including the right to levy taxes, to the States.


And there’d be no blaming of the Commonwealth for poor state budgetary decisions, as there is now, ad nauseum.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
October 15, 2021 7:38 pm

H B Bear says:
October 15, 2021 at 7:33 pm
Yoga pants are either the greatest thing ever invented.
Or the worst.

Humphrey – don’t come in here and lecture us about something you’ve never worn in your life, thank you very much.

And you said above that your cookbook includes BBQ’d koalas? A cannibal too……
Your type sicken me.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 15, 2021 7:38 pm

Iirc, I think they’ve curtailed that somewhat, Bruce.

Ammunition isn’t kept at home, any more.

One feature of the Swiss system is that, if you are fit for service, but a conscientious objector, there is a civil alternative – you serve longer, though.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 15, 2021 7:39 pm

Yoga pants are either the greatest thing ever invented.
Or the worst.


Maybe NSFW. The Daily Express seems to be reinventing page 3 girls lately. Excellent!

October 15, 2021 7:41 pm

I have no idea who/what Deagal is, but it would make a good novel.

This is Deagel
You will note that the page with the population forecasts is now from an archive. I saw it live on the Deagel site but it has since been removed. I wonder why.

April 24, 2021

The forecast shows a decrease in the population of the U.S. by almost 70% and in the population of Australia by more than a third. There is a note at the bottom of the listing relating to the U.S. in particular which includes this point –

The majority of the economic and demographic data used in the making of the forecasts is widely available by institutions such as the CIA, IMF, UN, USG, etc.

This forecast was linked here months ago but no one seemed to have any comment on the figures shown. Another case of the intended outcome in plain sight?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 15, 2021 7:41 pm

Ammunition isn’t kept at home, any more.

Not officially. 😀

October 15, 2021 7:42 pm

This forecast was linked here months ago but no one seemed to have any comment on the figures shown. Another case of the intended outcome in plain sight?

It’s horseshit.

October 15, 2021 7:44 pm

It comes from Catholic theology, as far as I know.

Whatever its provenance, it’s generally a sound principle.

I’m sure you’d find elements of it in Anlgo-Saxon lore/law and early American democracy too.

October 15, 2021 7:45 pm

A Covid Ken put on a stunning display today.

Coming out of a supermarket, a short, round, polished, neat as pin, blue mask wearer says, “Pull it up over your nose! You may as well not wear a mask as do that!”.

His target was a younger, slightly built, working class family man, with a pre-teen boy and very pregnant wife.

The target ignores the Ken and keeps calmly walking to his car.
The Ken only gets more enraged for being ignored.
The Ken starts rattling off, The Rules, at the working family man, including, ‘Masks MUST be worn outside!’

At this point I’m thinking, ‘The Ken’s a bloody snob & a racist’.

The Ken doesn’t give a hoot about upsetting the very pregnant wife. He just has daggers for her, the pre-teen & their calm, quiet, head of their house, continuing to hatefully badger them all as they load up their car.

I’m thinking he’s a racist because the very pregnant wife is distinctly Asian, while this whole time, I, a slender, neatly presented, older, obviously Australian woman, am walking right along side the family man, right in the line of sight of Covid Ken, and I didn’t have a mask on at all, nor any to be seen.

I’m just walking as a free breathing Australian lady, without so much as a dirty look from the Covid Ken, let alone being included in his rants against, “Covidiots”.

October 15, 2021 7:46 pm

I pictured him as small, meagrely tattooed and pale, with a straggling goatee and anxious eyes.

worried about being eaten?

Winston Smith
October 15, 2021 7:47 pm

My Federal member is Littleproud. Supposedly a very safe seat for the coalition.
I have my doubts about that in the next federal election…

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 15, 2021 7:49 pm

The Ken starts rattling off, The Rules, at the working family man, including, ‘Masks MUST be worn outside!’

Did you berate him at all for bullying this family, as you walked past? As a free breathing Australian lady?

If not, why not?

Winston Smith
October 15, 2021 7:50 pm


Hollyweird crews threaten to strike
Hollyweird film set crews will launch their biggest strike since the 1940s next week in a move that could bring the multi-billion dollar industry to a halt.

Who will know?
Who will care?

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 15, 2021 7:51 pm

Roger and others

Dilute government power as much as possible, don’t concentrate it.

Yep…one of the greatest crimes against our democracy was the Commonwealth arrogating income tax powers from the states on the pretext of a war emergency in 1942.

Before worrying about a republic, we need to decide what sort of federation we want.

The states have clearly demonstrated over the past 18 months that, first, they want to run their separate shows, and second, that not having to fund those shows allows them to run amok.

Step 1: revert to a limited Commonwealth over a federation of largely independent states. Confine the Commonwealth very strictly to five functions, foreign relations, defence, immigration, quarantine, and customs and excise. All other functions (including human rights and environmental protection) to be managed by the states.

Step 2: change taxation arrangements. The Commonwealth to fund its operations from excise, limited tariffs and the GST. Full income taxing powers, including company tax, to go to the states.

This will establish genuine competition between the states (unless they all agree to operate as a cabal, which is most unlikely). Any treaty which could affect state responsibilities (eg, environmental) must be agreed to unanimously by the states before it is signed. Treaties affecting international responsibilities remain the sole domain of the Commonwealth.

Dot is right about “just terms” acquisitions by the states, and that must be part of the deal. Which deal might be subject to limited negotiation, but only at the margins.

May the states get their dearest wish, as the Chinese might say.

October 15, 2021 7:54 pm

Roger says:
October 15, 2021 at 7:01 pm

Those three Les Pauls in the bottom clip…

This comment reminded me of the most beautiful guitar sound I’ve ever heard. It was a Les Paul of 62/63 my husband bought before we were married. I don’t know the model number but I have a picture of him playing it and it was featured on the covers of three book written by Don Andrews.
My husband bought it without playing it on advice from Harry Landis in Sydney who imported for him. He ordered and bought it on lay-by.
He loved it as did I. Unfortunately when using for work it would get out of tune. In ’67/’68 it was annoying him so much even after work done on it by the de Kroo brothers. The neck on this beautiful Les Paul was just too narrow. I begged him not to trade it in on another guitar but he did at Wilsons Music Shop which had a double frontage in Pitt St Sydney.
They put this guitar in the window.
Don Andrews had asked him if he could buy the guitar and my husband told him he couldn’t do this to him and traded it at Wilsons.
A couple of years later we both attended a concert at Parramatt Town Hall featuring Don Andrews and Jan Gold. Don was playing the said Les Paul guitar he had spotted in Wilson’s window. It ruined the concert for us because it continually got out of tune.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 15, 2021 7:57 pm

areff at 6:00

Meanwhile, below is an argument for selling off the vehicles, taking up sister’s off to adopt Elsie, Scourge of Mice, and … (gulp) … even getting jabbed to enable the escape via any airline but Qantas. Notice the price. You can’t buy a fifth of a Brighton beach box for that money.

2 Bedrooms Apartment for sale in Chiusi [394155] | Gate-away®

Siena is beautiful.
You’d probably find further south even cheaper than Tuscany.
Puglia (the heel of the boot) is also nice, and they seem to be less world-weary when it comes to outsiders.
We would love to do it, at least temporarily, but we have the same “Elsie problem”.
Mrs Panzer will not be leaving the hounds behind.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 15, 2021 7:59 pm

Hollyweird film set crews will launch their biggest strike since the 1940s next week

I’m amused that movie critics are totally Gramsci-ized.

Currently [Dave] Chappelle’s The Closer critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes sits at 43 percent, earning it the dreaded green splatter. However, it’s at an overwhelming 96 percent on the audience meter. On the flip side, the new Disney Plus documentary on Dr. Anthony Fauci, which explores the personal side of the controversial figure, has a certified 91 percent approval rating from critics and a mere 2 percent from audiences.

Rotten Tomatoes hid the Fauci! audience ratings for quite a few weeks, refusing to disclose them. Sounds like they’ve now been forced to. Two percent? Ouch.


Winston Smith
October 15, 2021 8:01 pm


We must never forget and forgive those who have done this to us.
With hindsight I think the actions of the political class since 1974 showed that they were perfectly capable of doing what they did in the last 18 months. My view is that political class has become much more pronounced, cut off, exclusive, contemptuous of the demos and arrogant over the last 20 years.

Quite correct, MF. But we also need to remember that this couldn’t have worked had a large part of the population not taken the easy way out and succumbed to their irrational fears.
There is no point in getting rid of the political class if their cheer squad in the general population doesn’t learn a damn thing.
No, the damage must become more obvious and must hurt more so people remember the lesson.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 15, 2021 8:02 pm

“Net zero? Yeah sure. But dependent upon a nuclear power mix of at least 50%, which I will put to a referendum next year”. No nukes = no net zero. France, the USA and the UK could hardly object.”

Just as with accepting the Covid jabs regardless of our personal inclinations, we are now being pushed into a nuclear power solution, because it is the only one for this country given that the West has gone into one of its occasional collective madnesses (think First World War and Covid especially). This is the climate cult, modelled on Covid terrorism. The climate cult is unlikely to completely disappear within the space of my lifetime left as its hypothesis is completely unfalsifiable and very open to scare-mongering from rent seekers.

So where does this leave this nation, given that Morrison had done a deal he will not tell us about and is thoroughly intent on sellilng it politically? Labor is already on board.

As long as we can continue to sell our high-demand coal internationally and return to some local steel making capacity ourselves, plus getting better some oil storage capacity, I can live with the nuclear solution I fully expect to emerge soon, even though I would not chose it if offered any alternative. I think it is unnecessary given the very low CO2 warming effect and that coal and gas would be plenty good enough for us, but as with Covid (a real threat in some ways due to Fauci’s ‘gain of function’), the push is on. The minority of the population who can see through this climate scam will not be heard and is unlikely to win anytime soon, or soon enough.

As for the House of Windsor, it is bending with the wind, but losing loyalty.
It will fade into obscurity and eventually be dumped. Sad for Elizabeth 11, loyal figurehead.

Re the Covid death figures, Mater is on the right track trying to disaggregate them by age and comorbidity and Sancho’s idea of seeking any further unusual explanatory correlation with the existing death data is a good one too. I suspect that epidemiologists with easier access to the data than the general population are already doing this. But withholding of data for political expediency is also probably going on, and Ridd-like threats to academic epidemiologists who wish to speak out are doubtless also happening.

We are living through very troubled times.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 15, 2021 8:03 pm

Sancho travelogue at the top of the page.

  1. “For a starter every floor of those two buildings weighted around 4,500 tons. A Boeing 767 weighs about 80 tons…

  2. What about “60,000 BC immigrants”? I’m sure the megafauna would love to deport them. Oops, alas there aren’t any anymore.

  3. Reposted for excellence – Digger, late on the OOT, and in response to some resurrected nuffery from over 20 years…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x