Open Thread- Mon 11 Oct 2021

Antigone with Polynices’ Body, Sebastien Norblin, 1825

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October 11, 2021 11:07 pm

Tony Lin, please explain to me WTF is going on, vax rates v cases:

October 11, 2021 11:08 pm

I’ve said here often it is a National disgrace that we don’t have a set government compensation scheme for such cases of vaccine harm. Other countries do have them, including Britain (and I think maybe Singapore).

Shouldn’t the manufacturers be liable? You know, like if airbags don’t work properly or someone gets cancer from RoundUp?

October 11, 2021 11:08 pm

I’ll pass; I wouldn’t look good as the Hulk.

The She Hulk.

October 11, 2021 11:09 pm

Brainwashing has been thorough and effective. People don’t want freedom, obviously. Sad.

Fact check: True.

Come Jesus!

October 11, 2021 11:10 pm

Lizzie / JC,

I’m happy that you guys got to make your own choices, that what this should be about.

Me? I don’t get to make my own choice without a mass of consequence being attached to it.

October 11, 2021 11:10 pm

Really? Then what is your hill? What more are you prepared to concede? Frankly, what more is there after surrendering the sanctity of your own body?

I first surrendered the sanctity of my body to Betty-Lou in ’62. It’s all been down hill every since.

October 11, 2021 11:11 pm

This is not the hill to die on.

fuck off

October 11, 2021 11:13 pm

I have hardly scratched the surface of the megalithic sites of Europe. Malta was great for that though, and I want to return. As well as still go up the Amazon. Can’t let go of that yet.

Travel up the Amazon? Why? That stuff is dangerous and one is more likely to die from all sorts of deadly shit that’s around there.

Stick to the Thames, Hudson, Seine, Tibor. If you really want to see deadly crap go up and down the East River towards Harlem. I once caught a glance of a body and lots of cops and cop boats trying to get it out. I was in a cab on the FDR. It felt like a Law&Order episode.

October 11, 2021 11:15 pm

Hey Lizzie,

enough with the denominator high-school stuff.

if there isn’t a natural log in your next comment

then your’e a total shit-talker

October 11, 2021 11:16 pm

rickw says:
October 11, 2021 at 11:10 pm

Lizzie / JC,

I’m happy that you guys got to make your own choices, that what this should be about.

Me? I don’t get to make my own choice without a mass of consequence being attached to it.

I know Rick. It’s terrible and I think you mentioned earlier you have an employment issue coming up. Good luck. But listen, there are docs or doc offices that will sign you off as having been jabbed. My Greek Cafe dude reckons it costs a thousand bucks. And feel no guilt because of the bullshit these arsehole governments are trying on.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 11, 2021 11:17 pm

Alan Jones was at his very best tonight. He went in hard and fast on ScoMo’s turncoat behaviour regarding net zero fifty. I sniff something in the air re the submarine agreement and that sudden shift. Morrison must have assured Boris and Biden that he could ‘bring Australia round’ to the climate cult. The Business Council of Australia, oligarchs all, are in on some sort of deal too.

It is up to We The People to disabuse Morrison about his capacity to change Australia’s viewpoint expressed in the past three elections that we live off coal, oil and gas and do not want to change our golden goose (which has lifted the third world out of poverty btw) for an chimeric piece of frozen tinsel from the US and the shivering European nations. Nor do we want to fill our land with windbeams and sunmills that will not deliver the base-load electricity that we need to build our nation fit to suit our location vis-a-vis China.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 11, 2021 11:18 pm

Get Moderna. This is not the hill to die on.

Must be getting close.

My personal circumstances suggest I will be a spectator at this Battle of the Alamo.

October 11, 2021 11:22 pm

I’ll be finished come 1st November.

I did want to work part time for a couple more years, but instead I’ll do my last night shift on Fri 29th.

It will probably be the usual mix of f***wits having a blue with a family member, f***wits off their faces on drugs or f***wits pretending to want to commit suicide. I wont really miss it.

Being an ambo used to be a great job that I loved, but about ten or so years ago it started to become all about risk management and box ticking instead of using our knowledge and experience.

Treating the sick and injured was a real privilege and I shall miss that part.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 11, 2021 11:22 pm

Greeks understand that laws should not interfere with how you want to live your life. Ask them how this is working out for them. Coming soon for us.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 11, 2021 11:23 pm

Me? I don’t get to make my own choice without a mass of consequence being attached to it.

That’s disgraceful Rick. Can you stall on this at all for I don’t think it will last long?
Or get a crook doc on the job for the jab if you have no alternative and absolutely do not want a real one? Regard the cost as a fine, i.e. just one of those maddening things they slap on you if you happen to be attending to your lipstick while passing a speed camera.

Well, not your lipstick in your case, but you know what I mean. 🙂

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 11, 2021 11:23 pm

My reply, “it’s the 11th Of October, so, no.”

Look of confusion and concern, young lady thinks the better of it and returns to whatever nearby shop she emerged from. So I looked up and down the street, everybody I could see was wearing a damn mask.

People are cowed, maybe. Full of ‘just in case somebody says something’. They’re probably still blinking, getting used to sunlight again.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 11, 2021 11:23 pm

My personal circumstances suggest I will be a spectator at this Battle of the Alamo.

Let me know if George Custer’s there, will you?

October 11, 2021 11:23 pm

I mentioned this to someone earlier. There is a positive and a funny side to lockdowns. Wives with wealthy husbands have to do their own cleaning, washing and ironing. It’s a lesson leaning experience as maid service isn’t an essential service. 🙂

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 11, 2021 11:25 pm

Sorry to hear about other Cats circumstances. You want to go out on your own terms.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
October 11, 2021 11:25 pm

Nor do we want to fill our land with windbeams and sunmills that will not deliver the base-load electricity

No need to worry about that – the CCP won’t be building any of that garbage here – only coal-fired or nuclear power stations for their new industrial/farm/mining operations.

October 11, 2021 11:28 pm

You stupid people

For all your pretense and puffery, you’re nowhere closer to civilized, protected or safe than you were pre antibiotics or mechanised warfare.

Fucking animals.
Just like you always were.

You’re nearer to 1916, or 1933 and just as un-protected than you are to an escape from this idiocy anytime in the near future.

Look at youse banking on novel vaccine for a novel virus to apparently make youse all supra-human while you shit on everybody else and throw away the very concept of humanity.

fucking mongs

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 11, 2021 11:32 pm

A medical stall might work. A depressive episode coming on? Or suspected deep vein thrombosis that must be checked out first and vascular specialist appointment is a month away. High blood pressure that needs to be controlled first (smoke a pak of ciggies in a telephone booth used to be one way to convince a doc you’re not in good nick). Insomnia is always a goodie too – you are having it all checked out with lots of sleep tests and you can’t risk the vaxx affecting things. Or get some Robin Gordon Grevellia from a nursery and rub it on your face; you will likely prove to be highly allergic to it, then say you have to get tests to find out what you are allergic to before a vaxx can be taken.

Or tell them the truth. That they are overbearing tyrannical government yes-men who don’t deserve any decent employees – and leave. You might suggest to them that they could conveniently forget to ask for your vaxx status; they may actually do it if they thought you were really going.

October 11, 2021 11:33 pm

Only about 4 unvaxed on site now out of around 80.

The smiling assassin in head office has been worryingly quiet.
Unsure if I’ll have to bad or not. Nowhere near “ fuck you” money in the bank and both my main skill sets medic & mining are screwed.

Fun bit is this place has a town attached. How does mcClown plan to force wives and kids to be jabbed?
And any visitors or relatives coming in?
Trying another doc this week for an exemption.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
October 11, 2021 11:33 pm

And do people still think the NSW will fully open up on the 1st December???

They have been lying to us since early 2020 – promise something to keep the people hopeful then fuck ém over.

Started with 2 weeks to flatten the curve……

A while back, Scummo said that Australia would be a very different place by Christmas.
Anyone actually know what he meant by that?

Everything bad that has happened to Australia since March last year can be attributed to Scummo – what he hasn’t done directly himself, he has allowed others to do.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
October 11, 2021 11:35 pm

October 11, 2021 at 11:22 pm

Ta, Mole!

I missed out on my carbonised meat and onion yesterday at Bassendean, as the sausage sizzlers ran out of food at lunchtime.

That’ll larn me for playing with a Jolly Green Giant* in the siding out the back of the Museum all day…

(Though the railway pie I got instead was pretty good)

(*Gratuitous- And NSW-centric- Jolly Green Giant song, at no extra charge)

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 11, 2021 11:37 pm

It’s a lesson leaning experience as maid service isn’t an essential service. ?

Just about everyone I know, including two of my kids, still have cleaners in regularly, and have done some throughout lockdown. Linen service still delivers for her nextdoor too.

Our cleaners haven’t been in for a while because no point during the renovation period, we have just been keeping things moderately ok ourselves, ‘tho Hairy says to call them in before we have visitors.
We’ve each been looking after our own bathrooms. Mine is very acceptable, and his .. is mostly not.

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 11, 2021 11:39 pm

The She Hulk

Well, possibly; she reminds me of a green version of calli’s gravatar.

October 11, 2021 11:41 pm

I reckon it’s time you vaxxed fuckers shut the fuck up on here.
Just fuck off.
I’m sick of hearing your shit.

Slim Cognito
Slim Cognito
October 11, 2021 11:43 pm

I just want to say that I really sympathise with anyone who is being forced to get jabbed or get sacked. It’s a bastard of a situation that no one in a true democracy should be faced with.
Personally, I am self employed so I feel pretty immune to the general vax pressure. I have a small number of employees and they have all chosen to get the vax voluntarily. I couldn’t care whether they did or not and take the view it is none of my business. They know I won’t be lining up to follow them and so far, everyone respects each others opinion.
I wish it could be like that for everyone.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 11, 2021 11:44 pm

Bathrooms remind me. This, upthread from Matrix:

but bathing in bullshit is a whole new level.

Try a little bit of anger management, Matey. No need to be so unpleasant.

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 11, 2021 11:45 pm

A medical stall might work

Lizzie, in some fields there is a prerequisite to be in good health. In fact some employees have to submit to an annual full medical and a stress test. Though inventive, I don’t think your idea would work for them.

October 11, 2021 11:45 pm

Just putting that out there to see how many upticks it gets so yiz can get a general gauge on how your funky patter is going down.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 11, 2021 11:47 pm

I just want to say that I really sympathise with anyone who is being forced to get jabbed or get sacked. It’s a bastard of a situation that no one in a true democracy should be faced with.

Couldn’t agree more, Slim Cognito. I need to say it as well as uptick on your excellent comment.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 11, 2021 11:49 pm

Though inventive, I don’t think your idea would work for them.

My last suggestion might though.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 11, 2021 11:51 pm

Just putting that out there to see how many upticks it gets so yiz can get a general gauge on how your funky patter is going down.

Anything under 30 upticks doesn’t count, Arky.

It’s just ambient noise. 🙂

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 11, 2021 11:52 pm

Well, we’ve had bathtime. I’ll try bedtime now.


October 11, 2021 11:57 pm

hope upon hope
scientism and politics save us from the certainty of the grave for 5 more minutes please
I implore you.

Oh Phizer I beseech thee, vax the unvaxed, kick them. Punish them.
Do what ever it takes to keep my pathetic existence going for just one more second.
Holy State of Emergency, hear my plea.

Tonight before dinner I broke out the savoy biscuits and I dolloped on some big spoonfuls of black olive tapenade.

I think it came from Spain. Dunno… but fuck it was good.

how long do you reckon wogs have been making that shit?

October 11, 2021 11:59 pm

I’ll try bedtime now.

and now I lay my soul to sleep

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
October 12, 2021 12:02 am

Rex Anger says:
October 11, 2021 at 11:35 pm

Rex – those Jolly Green Giant pics remind me of the ones at the train station across the road when I lived in Dalby (Qld) in the second half of the 1950s.
Do you know if QR had them at that time?

October 12, 2021 12:03 am

No need to be so unpleasant.

Oh my god.

you really cant see what a horrible shit talker you are can you?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 12, 2021 12:06 am

enough with the denominator high-school stuff.

That’s about all this high-school commentary on a reasonable paper deserved.

I’m off to sleep like a log not interpret them for people who make the sort of errors we’ve seen in Tim’s magic figures.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 12, 2021 12:08 am

you really cant see what a horrible shit talker you are can you?

I don’t argue with drunks or fools. Take your pick for my non return-serve.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
October 12, 2021 12:08 am

MT – this country is now fucked.
Our so-called “leaders” have sold us out.

If it were only our government and police to fight, then we’d win.

What shits me is that Scummo & his fellow traitors are lining up this country for the UN “Peace-Keeping” force (CCP) to “legally” come in and take control.

Howard set the scene by disarming the country.
I wonder what pretense they will use to confiscate all the legal guns?

October 12, 2021 12:09 am

oh fuck off Lizzie, you piss in every corner.

Always the appeal to higher authority.

back it up or shut up

October 12, 2021 12:12 am

MT – this country is now fucked.

yeah exactly … I’m getting sick of their bullshit

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
October 12, 2021 12:13 am

Rex – those Jolly Green Giant pics remind me of the ones at the train station across the road when I lived in Dalby (Qld) in the second half of the 1950s.
Do you know if QR had them at that time?

QR was certainly still operating steam in that region in the 50s, but all the pics in the video (except 2 or so light industrial locos at the very end) are NSWGR.

Queenslander locos like the PB15, C16 and C17 look kinda like the NSW Standard Goods locos, but much smaller and lighter built.

October 12, 2021 12:17 am

don’t even get me started on railway gauges

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
October 12, 2021 12:23 am

don’t even get me started on railway gauges

But for a drunken Irishman sacked for his inability to keep sober on the job and his uppity English replacement, the colonies of NSW and Victoria would have had a common, Irish Broad Gauge in the 1870s and 80s. Queensland and WA and Tas may well have persisted with Cape Gauge out of sheer cheapness, but the 3 biggest States standarising on the one gauge really early in the piece would have made all the difference to this nation’s communication links…

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 12, 2021 12:26 am

But for a drunken Irishman sacked for his inability to keep sober on the job

An Irishman? Sacked for his inability to keep sober on the job? Monstrous untruth!

October 12, 2021 12:36 am

cack-handed bastards

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
October 12, 2021 12:43 am

Thanks Rex – that video on C17s brought back some memories.
Around 1960, we went on family holiday from Dalby to Gladstone – don’t remember the holiday, but remember the train trip.

Dalby to Roma Street Station was a long trip – going down the Range was always slow – and tunnels…
Roma Street to Gladstone was via sleeper. The rest of that day, then all night and then well into the next day.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
October 12, 2021 12:47 am

MatrixTransform says:
October 12, 2021 at 12:17 am
don’t even get me started on railway gauges

We do rail work in all the states, and New Zealand. Different gauges suck.
Did you know that New Zealand’s narrow gauge is 5 mm bigger than QR/AZ narrow gauge?
(Fun fact for trivia night).

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 12, 2021 3:29 am

MatrixTransform says don’t even get me started on railway gauges

Probably the first real sign that the Federation was going to be pushing it uphill. Arguably, it is surprising we have made it this far in this over-governed, over-administered land.

October 12, 2021 3:33 am

Gab 10.45pm . Could you tell us which vaccine your late friend was given? Stay safe.

October 12, 2021 3:36 am

I dropped this on the “Papers Please” thread but thought it deserved a general airing as well …

After being refused entry into the local swimming pool on Monday after swimming there last Saturday I contacted Fairfield Council to ask why .. the answer was complying with the NSW gummint rules for 10 October .. My reply to Council …
Now that FCC has, wholeheartedly, embraced the APARTHEID decree of the NSW gummint (without resident consultation) will that include ALL services & entry to Council facilities?
Will we be required to purchase our own “yellow stars” for clothing and the property (to make vilification easier) or will Council be supplying them?
Will ALL FCC public facilities have “V” & “unV” signage or separate entrances? ..
So many changes not enough information .. it’s a worry & getting it wrong might be embarrassing .. sarc …
Addressing these important facets of “our” new life will allow “US” who opted for “Freedom of Choice” to better understand that we are now UNDERMENSCHEN
in the new, compulsory, order of life in Fairfield ……

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 12, 2021 3:36 am

Did you know that New Zealand’s narrow gauge is 5 mm bigger than QR/AZ narrow gauge?

A good reason to invade/not invade them. And to provide some depth for the QANAS Harmless Wallabies (h/t someone or other).

October 12, 2021 3:40 am

mh says:
October 11, 2021 at 10:36 pm

Rumble — Monica Smit interviews Craig to announce the joining of RDA party with the United Australia Party.
Monica asks some general questions about how UAP are doing so far and what they stand for.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 12, 2021 3:40 am

shatterzzz- very polite. I would have just demanded the return of my rates, loudly and in person till the cops arrived and the tasering started.

October 12, 2021 4:00 am
October 12, 2021 4:01 am
October 12, 2021 4:02 am
October 12, 2021 4:03 am
October 12, 2021 4:04 am
October 12, 2021 4:05 am
October 12, 2021 4:06 am
October 12, 2021 4:07 am
October 12, 2021 4:08 am
October 12, 2021 4:10 am
October 12, 2021 4:11 am
October 12, 2021 4:12 am
October 12, 2021 4:22 am

When I 1st read this I thought it was pinched from the BABYLONBEE but NO it’s a real news story … LOL!

October 12, 2021 4:50 am

So I looked up and down the street, everybody I could see was wearing a damn mask.
Brainwashing has been thorough and effective. People don’t want freedom, obviously. Sad.

Mask wearing outdoors was also very evident around Fairfield today …

October 12, 2021 5:00 am

Mask wearing in the Sydney CBD was common yesterday.
Last night I walked past one pub that was open, out of the 6 I walk past to get to where I park (5 min walk), geez there are a lot of pubs in Sydney.
It looked like a staged event.
Everyone was seated.
Seemed very subdued.

October 12, 2021 5:02 am

Just saw this headline on Daily Mail article’

Fed-up Victorians enduring the world’s longest lockdown could be free within weeks – as major Melbourne hospital takes unprecedented step to keep Covid patients alive”

What the hell were they doing to them before?

October 12, 2021 5:04 am

Sydney was far from perfect.
But there were nice little pockets where one could live an exceptional life.
I can’t see them coming back.
This must be what intelligent people in Cuba felt like after the revolution.

October 12, 2021 5:15 am

Latest UK research.

In individuals aged greater than 40, the rate of a positive
COVID-19 test is higher in vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated

Takeaway: the vaxxed are filthy crud carriers and should be locked up in the interests of public safety.

October 12, 2021 5:20 am

Just read the Stacey Brewster column in the Oz.
Pretty confronting stuff.
Going to be some high profile people associated with swimming from the Seoul olympics vintage getting rubbed out.
Unlike the Christian Porter allegations where the person only recalled the alleged assault 20+ years later & started writing stuff down then, Brewster has extensive diaries from the time, a photo & envelope one of the perpetrators sent to her after the fact.
Also, the pig who sent the photo to her after the assault also sent her a disgusting fb message in 2016 referring the sexual assault.

October 12, 2021 5:35 am

?Navy??Brat? @RavenHUWolf 20m
Remember this is for your health ……… NOT!

This isn’t only happening in #Australia.

What’s going on #Canada? #CDNpoli
The commies are still arresting Pastors ?

#WarOnChristians continues in Canada.
Looking more and more like a colony of #China.

#NewBrunswick Pastor arrested for refusing to let 6 of (Tyrant Premier) Blaine Higgs’ armed thugs disrupt a church service.

Why was the Pastor arrested?
How dare people in New Brunswick celebrate #Thanksgiving, and help the homeless too.

Video from @Bret_Sears

Cassie of Sydney
October 12, 2021 5:44 am

“as major Melbourne hospital takes unprecedented step to keep Covid patients alive””

I thought hospitals were supposed to take unprecedented steps to keep patients alive.

Winston Smith
October 12, 2021 6:16 am

Fat Tony:

Howard set the scene by disarming the country.
I wonder what pretense they will use to confiscate all the legal guns?

My bet is that some poor bastard who has lost everything will take a shot at a pollie, and it will be on…

Winston Smith
October 12, 2021 6:20 am

Fat Tony:

Roma Street to Gladstone was via sleeper. The rest of that day, then all night and then well into the next day.

You know, I’d use a sleeper to get from Barky to Brisbane, but have you seen the bloody prices?

October 12, 2021 6:24 am

Prison Time for Misgendering a Rapist

Oct 12, 2021
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters

October 12, 2021 6:31 am
Rex Anger
Rex Anger
October 12, 2021 6:38 am

Did you know that New Zealand’s narrow gauge is 5 mm bigger than QR/AZ narrow gauge?

Nothing that a deeper flange wouldn’t fix.

(Yes, I said ‘flange.’ No, it is not an innuendo.)


October 12, 2021 6:43 am

But listen, there are docs or doc offices that will sign you off as having been jabbed. My Greek Cafe dude reckons it costs a thousand bucks.

I have been trying to find one of these without any luck.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 12, 2021 7:00 am

Interesting that this appears in the MSM, albeit Newsmax.

China’s Big Problem: Taiwan Likely Has Nuclear Weapons (11 Oct)

While Taiwan has pursued several programs to develop weapons of mass destruction, there has never been public acknowledgement the island nation has such devices. Reportedly, Taiwan began working to build a nuclear weapon after China’s first nuclear test in 1964. Though it reportedly produced plutonium for the program during the 1970s, the official story line is that the U.S. ultimately pressured Taipei to officially halt the research in 1976. Other reports indicate nuclear research continued in secret into the 1980s.

Still, many believe Taiwan has quietly built a stockpile of tactical nuclear warheads that, if used, would give China serious pause and could help repel a People’s Liberation Army seaborne invasion. The late Sam Cohen, the father of the neutron bomb, told journalists that Taiwan had a stockpile of such weapons and that he had personally briefed the Taiwan military staff on their use.

Maybe Communist Party officials should move out of Beijing soon.

October 12, 2021 7:01 am

Tony Lin, update on Israel’s COVID train wreck:

October 12, 2021 7:03 am

Knuckle Dragger says:
October 11, 2021 at 11:23 pm

My reply, “it’s the 11th Of October, so, no.”

Look of confusion and concern, young lady thinks the better of it and returns to whatever nearby shop she emerged from. So I looked up and down the street, everybody I could see was wearing a damn mask.

People are cowed, maybe. Full of ‘just in case somebody says something’. They’re probably still blinking, getting used to sunlight again.

I don’t agree (and I note you may have missed a / sarc tag).

Anyone walking up to a total stranger and telling them to mask up is getting off on their perceived power/right to do so, to be a “responsible citizen”, so to speak.
I would suggest everyone still masked in the open would tell you the death rate from Rona is 5-10% and everyone down to the newborn are succumbing.

They’re not “blinking in the sunlight” they’re as dumb, supine and ignorant as todays MSM can make them.

October 12, 2021 7:04 am

The late Sam Cohen, the father of the neutron bomb, told journalists that Taiwan had a stockpile of such weapons and that he had personally briefed the Taiwan military staff on their use.

Would be funny to see the school yard bully grab the little kid by the ear, only to receive an upper cut that breaks their jaw and removes most of their teeth.

October 12, 2021 7:10 am

Last night I walked past one pub that was open, out of the 6 I walk past to get to where I park (5 min walk), geez there are a lot of pubs in Sydney.
It looked like a staged event.
Everyone was seated.
Seemed very subdued.

That’s because those in attendance have submitted to tyranny…and they know it. It’s destructive to the human spirit.

What remains is a whipped populace. Very much like being pussy whipped, but without the potential upside.

October 12, 2021 7:12 am

Hope its true rickw.

October 12, 2021 7:20 am

That’s because those in attendance have submitted to tyranny…and they know it. It’s destructive to the human spirit.

And they know they’re living on borrowed time.
Two jabs only paid the premium for six months.

October 12, 2021 7:21 am

I’m somewhat disappointed it didn’t happen a year ago Winston. Its not as if the majority don’t deserve it.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 12, 2021 7:28 am

I see by posts on Rita’s Twitter that the supply chain choke is biting in the US.
As with our lawyer idiot politicians, the gears that drive the economy are a complete mystery to the US elected elite.
I don’t know a single business that isn’t suffering from supply problems.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 12, 2021 7:30 am

And on China that nice Mr Xi must think the heavens are against him.

China Coal Futures Hit Record High As Mines Flood; Worsening Power Shortages Hit Rust Belt (11 Oct)

China’s top coal-producing region has been devastated by torrential rains and flooding this past week. About 9% of the coal mines in Shanxi province, an area responsible for producing 30% of China’s supply, have closed operations. The direct effect of this has been a spike in coal futures.

Heavy rainfall flooded Shanxi over the weekend. More than 120,000 people have been evacuated, and 60 of the 682 coal mines in the province have been closed. Industrial yards and manufacturing complexes have also been shuttered due to flooding.

The province is usually a dry area but record-breaking rain last week complicated things for the mining industry. This also comes at a time when Beijing has called on mining companies to boost output amid a nationwide power crunch.

As a result, Coal futures on the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange jumped 12% to $218.76 per ton, a new record high, on Monday.

If the electricity providers don’t raise their prices they’ll go bankrupt quicker than a CCP-linked property developer. And if they do raise their prices the retail rate will need to be about US$250/MW just to break even. Ouch!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 12, 2021 7:31 am

I don’t agree (and I note you may have missed a / sarc tag).

Didn’t miss a tag. Didn’t put one in.

It’s speculative, I know, because I’m relying on the descriptions of others and I’m a long way away.

Perhaps ‘whipped’, as Mater says is a better descriptor. Like a rescue dog in its first week at a slightly better home than the one it had before. Nervous, and overly compliant lest it be beaten again.

October 12, 2021 7:32 am

The domination by lawyers, a fucking hangover from the Norman conquest, is a huge problem. Can never understand why Americans rebelled against the crown but still allowed the legal ‘profession’ to noble the country.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 12, 2021 7:38 am

Fag end of the world.

If You’re An Aussie Smoker, Move To Nigeria! (11 Oct)

Australia is the world’s most expensive country in which to be a smoker, with one pack alone tearing a hole of more than US$26 in an Australian smoker’s wallet.

Australia’s neighbor New Zealand is almost as pricey with a 20 pack of Malboros costing upwards of US$24.

The third most expensive country in the ranking was Ireland, where the identical pack costs the equivalent of almost US$16, according to Numbeo.

No wonder the black market is so lucrative. Someone should brand their no-name cigs “Laffer Curves”. It’d be excellent trolling.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 12, 2021 7:38 am

Loading a grain truck bound for Poowong.
Nice morning.

October 12, 2021 7:43 am
October 12, 2021 7:44 am

Either the morning grapefruit juice hadn’t properly kicked in,
or that Fordham kid really did tell the double shotted not to worry if they catch It.
It’ll make their immune system even stronger.

October 12, 2021 7:47 am

Perhaps ‘whipped’, as Mater says is a better descriptor.

Having been given their conditional freedom is a lot like having been conscripted into the Army. A soldiers serve at the Queen’s pleasure, so the populace enjoys their freedom at the government’s pleasure.

Sure, the government may allow them a little time at the boozer, a bit of R&R and the ability to go home and see the folks and family at Christmas. However, in all places, at all times, wherever in the world they may be, Australian’s will live in the shadow of the Sword of Damocles, knowing that at anytime they can be yelled at to form up, bend over, have a nurse cup their balls, and be told to cough…then told to hurry up and wait on the Parade Ground…indefinitely.

We are now but delusional serfs. We know it. They know it.

They will pretend to give us freedom, and we will pretend that we have it.

In reality, we have surrendered everything we have…soon also to include our children.

October 12, 2021 7:47 am

And they know they’re living on borrowed time.
Two jabs only paid the premium for six months.

By Easter time next year there will be a few cases of something they can label as covid Epsilon or whatever and away we go, closed churches first and then everything else.

October 12, 2021 7:49 am

lotocoti says:
October 12, 2021 at 7:44 am
Either the morning grapefruit juice hadn’t properly kicked in,
or that Fordham kid really did tell the double shotted not to worry if they catch It.
It’ll make their immune system even stronger.

That is heresy, it must not be permitted.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 12, 2021 7:50 am

More on the Chinese coal mess from Daniel Greenfield:

Red China Tried To Go Green, Now It’s Going Dark (11 Oct)

I wonder if the Bilderberg and Davos elites infesting the halls of Glasgow later this month will discuss this?

October 12, 2021 7:58 am

Very indicative of what a contemptible place modern Scotland has become that it would host a marxist un get together that aims to destroy freedom and prosperity. How many Saxe-Coburg Gothas will turn up I wonder.

October 12, 2021 8:02 am

This applies to Australia but could equally apply to Britain, the US, Canada or Germany or numerous other first world countries. Fifty years of boiling the frog then people finally realize what’s going on then whack.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 12, 2021 8:02 am


I repeat, where are the court cases? What’s happened to the Privacy Act, and the discrimination laws?

And what has happened to our previously ubiquitous and loquacious “human rites” groups? Gone to silence every one, when will we ever learn that they are all sock puppets of the fascist left?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 12, 2021 8:03 am

Things are bad for Dan Andrews if even Rowe has been re-programmed to go after him.

October 12, 2021 8:12 am

Howard and Costello really turned out to be the biggest creeps ever.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 12, 2021 8:14 am

By Easter time next year there will be a few cases of something they can label as covid Epsilon or whatever and away we go, closed churches first and then everything else.

Yep. Here’s a long article today with lots and lots of data:

Counterintuitive: More Vaccinations Leads To More Infections, Hospitalizations, Deaths (11 Oct)

Data from 68 countries show that there appears to be “no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days” (Subramanian and Kumar, 2021). For example, countries with 75% vaccinated populations have higher infection rates than those with 10% vaccinated.

Recently a COVID outbreak occurred in an Israeli hospital that involved 248 N-95 mask-wearing people; 238 (96.2%) of them were fully vaccinated.

Of the 42 COVID infections, 38 were in the fully vaccinated. One was partially vaccinated. The 3 unvaccinated cases were “mild” or asymptomatic. All 8 of the severely ill and all 5 of the deaths occurred in the fully vaccinated.

When the inevitable happens, and Covid goes through the vaxed here in Australia like wildfire, the pollies will panic all over again. It’ll go through the unvaxed too, of course, but there’s going to be a lot of anger and disillusionment amongst the plebs who were told vaccination would protect them.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 12, 2021 8:14 am

Oops, forgot to blockquote Crossie’s comment.

October 12, 2021 8:17 am

You’re right, Bruce. And I can see the inevitable anger whipped up against the unvaxxed rather than where it belongs – our rotten politicians and the media.

October 12, 2021 8:19 am

It’ll go through the unvaxed too, of course, but there’s going to be a lot of anger and disillusionment amongst the plebs who were told vaccination would protect them.

Most are be too fucking stupid to make the connection. They can’t analysis clear data today, why would that change between now and Easter next year?

They’ll be told that it was the fault of the ‘unvaxxed’, and they’ll subserviently nod their respective heads in unison, and dial up the vitriol…and probably violence.

In reality, the government needs a segment of ‘unvaccinated’ people. Everyone dictator needs an enemy to blame. When they don’t, they end up as wind chimes.

October 12, 2021 8:20 am

Like a rescue dog

That’s the truest description.
Even if they don’t want to admit it.

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 12, 2021 8:20 am

Boambee John says:
October 11, 2021 at 9:45 pm
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
October 11, 2021 at 9:26 pm
It’s a $1000 fine to be out unvaccinated

I carefully read the NSW restrictions for vax and unvaxxed today. That is a lie.
Why should we believe a police commissioner who lies on TV? About anything?

We have two choices.

Either he told a deliberate lie, or he is too stupid to read a fairly clear set of rules.

On the whole, I think I prefer to believe that he is stupid, because a Police Commissioner who lies deliberately about such matters is dangerous

Bruce & BJ,
What about this? (But will be very happy to be corrected).

October 12, 2021 8:20 am

Snap, Calli.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 12, 2021 8:20 am

Lego Goes Woke, Promises to Make Toys ‘Free of Gender Bias and Harmful Stereotypes’

Remember how our left used to complain about ‘Three word slogans’. Usually they were actually the words they picked out from entire arguments that they thought they could defeat in isolation without context.

But they are dumber now even than then. They prefer two word slogans.

Harmful stereotypes!
Toxic masculinity!
Systemic racism!
Global Warming! (I suppose ‘anthropogenic’ is too demanding a word to remember and since they don’t understand it it is best not exposed to dispute – so they always gripe about warming without looking at how much is anthropogenic. They treat it not as quantitative but qualitative – all warming is 100% the responsibility of humans.)

October 12, 2021 8:21 am

Hell, my grammar and typos this morning are terrible.
I blame Covid.

October 12, 2021 8:22 am

feelthebern says:
October 12, 2021 at 8:20 am
Like a rescue dog

That’s the truest description.
Even if they don’t want to admit it.

The comparison didn’t escape me. It is true.

There has been a lot of ruin in this thing.

October 12, 2021 8:28 am

I can see the inevitable anger whipped up against the unvaxxed rather than where it belongs – our rotten politicians and the media.

Divide and rule. The oldest trick in the book.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 12, 2021 8:30 am

October 11, 2021 at 11:08 pm
I’ve said here often it is a National disgrace that we don’t have a set government compensation scheme for such cases of vaccine harm. Other countries do have them, including Britain (and I think maybe Singapore).

Shouldn’t the manufacturers be liable? You know, like if airbags don’t work properly or someone gets cancer from RoundUp?

All those “No win no pay” class action lawyers disappeared faster than the ‘ooman rites organisations and their associated lawyers.

Gone to silence, every one,
When will we ever learn,
Tools of fascism, every one.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 12, 2021 8:31 am

And I can see the inevitable anger whipped up against the unvaxxed

Calli – Yep to that too.

Most Israelis back punitive measures against the unvaccinated (11 Oct)

You’d think Israelis today might have a little empathy towards persecuted people, but no. History is hard.

October 12, 2021 8:31 am

On the whole, I think I prefer to believe that he is stupid, because a Police Commissioner who lies deliberately about such matters is dangerous
Under GLADYS he was allowed to do and say what he liked and the more he cracked down on folk his reward was pay rises .. Now he’s on the way out the pension top-ups have dried up but the old habits haven’t …..
Unfortunately, the replacement, whoever that is, is unlikely to be an improvement .. another job for the boyz .. I think it’s been along time since running NSW stasi included a decent plod grounding , as well!

Bar Beach Swimmer
October 12, 2021 8:32 am

Bruce & BJ
I missed Dot’s comment upthread; understood.

October 12, 2021 8:33 am

I still can’t tell if Fuller was lying, meant “go out to the pub” or the media twisted his words.

Whatever the case, the police commish is telling plebs they are under house arrest because he can’t shove something inside of them.

All I know is that Channel 7 and Nein! along with Murdoch, are psychotic fascists now.

They’re unhinged. I hadn’t read published news in a few months really until recently, then you read the Tele or watch repeats of the nightly news online and it is like twighlight zone level hysteria. I am almost in disbelief.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 12, 2021 8:33 am


I have a rescue dog, which made me think of the comparison. He’s a five year old Darwin Special, which means he’s a combo of bull Arab (common up here with the piggers), with bits of longer-legged greyhound and other assorted categories of boof. Great dog. Intelligent yet dopey. When sitting, his brick shaped head is almost up to your hip.

I suspect he didn’t have the best previous life. He’s much better than he was, but still gets flinchy and skittish at certain sounds. These include, but are no limited to:
Operating cigarette lighters;
Snapping open plastic shopping bags;
Rain (but not thunder, lightning or firecrackers, strangely);
Lizards running through dry leaves;
Seeds falling from plants; and
The back fridge closing.

Or, I suppose, he could be just a great big homo dog.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 12, 2021 8:33 am

*not limited to*

Cassie of Sydney
October 12, 2021 8:34 am

October 12, 2021 at 8:17 am
You’re right, Bruce. And I can see the inevitable anger whipped up against the unvaxxed rather than where it belongs – our rotten politicians and the media.”

Such deflection has a long history.

However I do get a sense that there is an awakening happening…the rise of the UAP is a testament to this and I do believe most people can see through the corrupt and rotten MSM.

October 12, 2021 8:34 am


Never scroll up, always escalate.

October 12, 2021 8:35 am

The clean (unvaccinated) will be labelled as reservoirs (the term ‘monkey’ will make a comeback), and there will be an app for people to hunt us (by identifying our phones) like those weirdo Pokemon adults from a few years ago.

October 12, 2021 8:35 am

Shouldn’t the manufacturers be liable? You know, like if airbags don’t work properly or someone gets cancer from RoundUp?

Isn’t that why BRADBURY was so quick to indemnify them .. so no claims could be brought against them for problems?

October 12, 2021 8:35 am

Thanks Knuckles, I’m super, thanks for asking!

October 12, 2021 8:36 am

Pokemon adults

I saw an American foreign film like this once. At least it started like that.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 12, 2021 8:37 am

BBS – I gave a link to the NSW covid regulations page in my original comment. It is the one I carefully read. There is no fine for going to anywhere on the list, which is basically where we were all allowed to be last week. The Commissioner lied. At very best he lied by omission, by not saying what he meant by “going out”. I think that was intentional for the obvious reasons.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 12, 2021 8:38 am


His name is not Al.

It is Dude. As in ‘Dude, what the fuck did I tell you about chewing the hose?’

October 12, 2021 8:40 am

Noose Corpse probably became undead in about 2010.

WTF was the stuff with Rudd about “promising to be better drivers, citizens etc” all about?

A cult? A “national noosepaper”?

Salt. Check. Silver. Check. Oak stakes. Check. Holy water. Check. Flammable materials. Check. Garlic. Check. Copy of Nintendo Power’s strategy guides for Castlevania I, II & III. Check. Copies of Fearless Vampire Hunters and Dracula A.D. 1972. Check.

October 12, 2021 8:41 am

From the MIT article.

Sometime in mid-2019, a police contractor in the Chinese city of Kuitun tapped a young college student from the University of Washington on the shoulder as she walked through a crowded market intersection. The student, Vera Zhou, didn’t notice the tapping at first because she was listening to music through her earbuds as she weaved through the crowd. When she turned around and saw the black uniform, the blood drained from her face. Speaking in Chinese, Vera’s native language, the police officer motioned her into a nearby People’s Convenience Police Station—one of more than 7,700 such surveillance hubs that now dot the region.

On a monitor in the boxy gray building, she saw her face surrounded by a yellow square. On other screens she saw pedestrians walking through the market, their faces surrounded by green squares. Beside the high-definition video still of her face, her personal data appeared in a black text box. It said that she was Hui, a member of a Chinese Muslim group that makes up around 1 million of the population of 15 million Muslims in Northwest China. The alarm had gone off because she had walked beyond the parameters of the policing grid of her neighborhood confinement. As a former detainee in a re-education camp, she was not officially permitted to travel to other areas of town without explicit permission from both her neighborhood watch unit and the Public Security Bureau. The yellow square around her face on the screen indicated that she had once again been deemed a “pre-criminal” by the digital enclosure system that held Muslims in place. Vera said at that moment she felt as though she could hardly breathe.

October 12, 2021 8:43 am

Knuckles, I had a rescue dog many years ago. Best dog I ever had. I sensed, though, that she was never really herself. Always guarded, always trying to please, always checking at sudden movements.

All the love in the world couldn’t break the programming.

We are dealing with a traumatised community that is constantly being fed messages of distrust and fear. They might be capable of anything. Hiding quietly in pubs is the least of the problems.

October 12, 2021 8:44 am

After 3 months with a rescue dog you know if they’re able to the social or unfortunately they are too far gone.
It’s a sick human who treats a dog badly.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 12, 2021 8:45 am

Exactly, calli.

The damage is done.

October 12, 2021 8:45 am

I can sense an opportunity for app designers here: Walk around your neighbourhood, your phone pings other phones within a certain distance & records if the target phone is a green-tick ‘winner’ or otherwise. Compete with others to identify the most number of reservoir monkeys in the least amount of time/area.
Too bad I can only just figure out how to turn my phone on & off again.

October 12, 2021 8:48 am

Anyway, there are pole dancing lessons for kids in a major US metro city and the story has become spicy and moved to the “have a seat” stage.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 12, 2021 8:49 am

Dot – I counted another 7 new climate propaganda articles on the Daily Telegraph main page this morning, after eight yesterday. They’re fully on the dark side now, except Blair and some of the opinion writers. I can’t see Blair staying there long, if he gets a reasonable offer from somewhere else.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 12, 2021 8:50 am


This must be what intelligent people in Cuba felt like after the revolution.

Or intelligent people in Germany in late 1933?

October 12, 2021 8:51 am

Never mind why but I got to spend most of yesterday at the Southbank Brisbane parklands.
A few observations:
Why would anyone choose to live in a large city? What a shithole. Nuke from orbit.
A fair bit of mask wearing outdoors in the parklands. Not me. Mostly seemed to young ladies.
Fair number of restaurants looked to be closed permanently.
Apart from that a pleasant enough day.

October 12, 2021 8:52 am

This is not the hill to die on.

Then what is?

October 12, 2021 8:56 am

From Bern’s MIT article:

I realized then that it really wasn’t safe to have friends. I just started to stay at home all the time.

Sound familiar? Isolation is forced at first. Then the programming kicks in and it becomes the landscape of life.

October 12, 2021 8:57 am

what a contemptible place modern Scotland has become that it would host a marxist un get together that aims to destroy freedom and prosperity.

Abundant energy has afforded opportunities for the workers and peasants to dwell upon matters contrary to their own best interests.

October 12, 2021 8:57 am

I see in the news that Qld had reached 70% first dose, and Pileoshit sounds like she is going to open up in 5 or 6 weeks regardless.

Over the last 4 days I have driven past the mass vaccination hub at Caloundra quite a few times. They must have been expecting massive trade given the huge marquees they set up to provide shade while people were waiting. I have never seen more than a dozen or so in the queue and had no problem parking when I took Mrs D for her shot on Friday.

Mrs D has been niggling at me to get mine, as in every time we drive past she makes a comment that now would be a good time to get it done.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 12, 2021 8:57 am

Still, many believe Taiwan has quietly built a stockpile of tactical nuclear warheads that, if used, would give China serious pause and could help repel a People’s Liberation Army seaborne invasion.

So Taiwan probably has nuclear weapons, and Japan has a solid rocket booster with a 30 second countdown time. Xi might have to give this whole Taiwan thing a bit more thought.

October 12, 2021 9:00 am

With reference to Bruce’s comments up thread.
Roll forward to autumn/winter 2022 in Australia.
International travel is back on.

After what we’ve witnessed during the past 18 months, will politicians & the health nazis wind back testing, reporting of COVID & that entire industry that big tech, big pharma, the political class & the legacy media have all benefited from?
They will have to admit they all were wrong.
And that they over reacted for two whole years.
Also keep in mind that a Labor Green federal government will most likely be in place.

October 12, 2021 9:01 am

Regarding Taiwanese nukes:
Back in early 1978 there was allegedly what appeared to be a nuclear test off South Africa. The US and USSR refused to acknowledge it even though their satellites designed for such detections (VELA IIRC although I hear the GPS satellites have a nuke detect package on them) would have easily detected it.
It was allegedly a joint South African/Israeli test. Talking with my former South African mate he said it was common knowledge in South Africa that it was a three way effort with Taiwan. The three “outcast” nations co-operated on many things at the time.

October 12, 2021 9:02 am

Boambee Johnsays:
October 12, 2021 at 8:02 am


I repeat, where are the court cases? What’s happened to the Privacy Act, and the discrimination laws?

And what has happened to our previously ubiquitous and loquacious “human rites” groups? Gone to silence every one, when will we ever learn that they are all sock puppets of the fascist left?

Again I have to remind people about those who gave early warning but were shouted down as ‘conspiracy nuts’.

The ‘Human Rights’ & other such groups were yet more “proper channels” designed to drown those seeking just redress for wrongs.

Those who by some miracles managed to stay afloat and call out, “Don’t Trust The Bastards! It’s a Con!”, only got shoved back under again, by those who such Groups did do some, personally benefitting, good for; the Bait clients.

Of course no one wants to face the fact they’ve been used to to sell dangerous false narratives to the public, let alone admit it, so even now while everyone’s scratching their heads, asking how we got to this totalitarian hell on earth, most still go to their default of abusing the early warner’s rather than not … let alone dare make apologies as public as their libels.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 12, 2021 9:06 am


Bruce & BJ,
What about this? (But will be very happy to be corrected).

The penalties are for breaches. The current rules do not require the lepers to remain indoors.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 12, 2021 9:07 am

Mine wife is struggling with a rescue dog at the moment- ie, how to kill it without herself being killed by it first.
It’s a kelpie, and the local rescue group* has re-homed it with a man in a wheelchair. Quadriplegic, scoots around with a black-golfball-on-the-chin style controller, NDIS carer is with himtwo times five hours a day, outskirts rural small property. The dog is sketchy savage, vet wife knows the signs, Bright and quick enough to have a finger off, face shy too, which means cheek and eye injuries waiting probably. She’s put a three-drug cocktail together… didn’t take the edge off. They need a quick way forward, so next is a sub-lethal barbituate in food to get a muzzle on, and jab the green dream from there. Paperwork will be fudged.
We’ve seen brilliant rescue dogs, and basket cases. Unfortunately the “rescue” concept is binding the hands of commonsense decision making.
* I say “the” rescue group, because the leaders of it are nasty toxic karens themselves and have actively driven all other parties off the territory.

October 12, 2021 9:09 am

You’re right, Bruce. And I can see the inevitable anger whipped up against the unvaxxed rather than where it belongs – our rotten politicians and the media.

Remember the Legally Exempt Un-Jabbed include our rotten Politicians.

Come to think of it, I still haven’t seen one video presented as a Politician getting Jabbed that didn’t turn out to be a fake Jabbing.

October 12, 2021 9:12 am

Hey Knuckles saw an ad for Lezball cricket. Stars, coof coof. Saw 1 ball bowled by Indian plodder on the opinion (news), a twelve year old schoolboy would have dispatched over a distant boundary. Thinking about getting a trophy made for them to celebrate beating a regional 14 yo team. They deserve to be mocked.

October 12, 2021 9:12 am

Just finished reading Greg Benford “The Berlin Project”. Can’t get Kindle in Australia but found the free pdf version. Worthwhile.
Learned a few things about the Manhattan project that I didn’t know. The gaseous diffusion method of separating the uranium isotopes was actually a flop and contributed only a small amount of the U-235 to
Hiroshima uranium bomb. Most of the U-235 came from the Calutron electromagnetic separation method. A decision had to be made between the gaseous diffusion and centrifuge methods of enrichment and in out timeline the first was chosen. In the novel they go with the centrifuge method.
Told from the PoV of the late Karl Cohen, who it turns out, was Greg Benford’s father in law and most of the characters actually were real people.

October 12, 2021 9:13 am

For the commenters who have touched upon our greatest friends, DOGGOS!, I give you an example of a dog who has obviously been abused during training. I hope the poor fella was rescued after this demonstration and the owner was prosecuted.

October 12, 2021 9:14 am

Wally, they give one of the most active breeds, a kelpie, to a guy in a wheelchair.
It’s amazes me how many people who know nothing about dogs are running shelters.
Fucking nuts.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
October 12, 2021 9:14 am

Self-beclownment isn’t just being wrong. It’s step process
1. Assumption of superiority
2. Doubling down on stupid
3. The faceplant into the mire.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
October 11, 2021 at 4:59 pm
Remember that NEJM survey which showed a “preliminary” result of 115 lost kids out of 147 pregnancies where the mother got the jab in the first or second trimester?

…..I do remember someone putting up here a report about miscarriages that was absolutely a misreading of the data, where the contrasting population demographic data concerning miscarriages was being misinterpreted as data from the study population. Perhaps that is where these weird figures are coming from? It was such an elementary error I was astounded, for it showed the level of scientific incapability some of the anti-vaxxer population had. Not all of them, of course, but when such clear misinformation is peddled, it helps no-one sensible if it isn’t called out.

Step 1, tick.
Step 2, I won’t bother copying your repetitions but they’re all there.

This is simply false. The critique was always only, repeat only, about the authors’ claim that the RR of spontaneous miscarriage in the first 20 weeks as a result of the vaxx was 115/847 [827 actually – sorry for the error] . It was pointed out that the 827 included 700 who weren’t vaxxed till the third trimester, so were never at risk of spontaneous miscarriage in the first 20 weeks from the vaxx.
Now the authors themselves have admitted that they wrongly used 827 as the denominator. They admitted that the real critique, that 827-700=127, was totally correct.

Step 3, mission accomplished.

Now for the self-beclownment bonus points….

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
October 11, 2021 at 10:54 pm
Now you and your seven-strong anti-vaxx cheer squad are being ridiculous. I admit nothing of the sort. The idiot commentators in the particular piece you linked to some time ago (ooh lookit the way their figures don’t add up, they were saying) tried to assess the vaxx population by reference to the figures for the demographic population. In my book that is ‘toting up the two columns’, trying to make the one relate to the other as part of the study population, which of course it is not. What they did is totally confuse the study population (the denominator) with the contrast population (the other column) and then tried to fit the data for the former into the results for the latter. Hence it gave the figure that at 2.58pm today you were so happy to tout – that 115 miscarriages occured among the 147 women you believed were vaxxed in their first or second trimester. Patently ridiculous

This is, of course, totally false. No-one ever confused the study population with the demographic population.
Seriously, you’re not even a competent bullshitter. How can 115 out of 127 come from figures which included the demographic population? Answer – it can’t. You completely misunderstood the critics but jumped on the supposed cognoscenti bandwagon and are now frantically making excuses instead of admitting that you were hopelessly wrong.

October 12, 2021 9:17 am

* I say “the” rescue group, because the leaders of it are nasty toxic karens themselves and have actively driven all other parties off the territory.

Had a run in with that lot. Was going to drive 500 km. to pick the dog up. We will have to check to see if you’re a suitable owner. Combine sex and travel was my reply.

October 12, 2021 9:20 am

Just was this..

Winston Smith says:
October 11, 2021 at 8:00 pm

Can you give us the time he did this? Or a written link?
I’m over speakers who talk for an hour when ten minutes would be OK. It’s the reason I don’t bother with the Lotus Eaters as well – there are only so many hours in the day.

The actual statement was at 34’07”-ish, then the graphs of the incidence of the Delta strain, the preceding few minutes also informative..

October 12, 2021 9:22 am

I can understand why cautious shelter operators might want to check up on dog “rescuers”.

Not everyone is what they appear to be.

October 12, 2021 9:22 am

Rescue dogs are usually too far gone to be worth doing anything with them, I’ve been attacked twice in the last eighteen months, both were rescue dogs. Often they can adjust to a new kind owner but can’t be trusted around anyone else. Just shoot them and get a very friendly puppy that will be well adjusted and no problem to anyone.

RDA and UAP have merged, it’s a good sign. I know there’s a few here that treat Palmer the same way that the establishment treated Trump, however Clive is putting his money up and Kelly will be able to keep Palmer in check. In regard to membership, they would have to be the biggest political party in the country if you count genuine membership and not brancj stacking memberships. I reckon there’s a good chance that UAP will get more than a few elected to the reps and the senate. Won’t be long till Labor/Liberal will gang together and use every dirty trick they have to get Kelly and Palmer.

October 12, 2021 9:24 am

For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 12, 2021 9:26 am

The “rescue” concept is wielded as sword and shield. Like a shoulder harness, to me it signals that the owners are not really grounded in the first place.

October 12, 2021 9:26 am

rickw says:
October 11, 2021 at 8:34 pm

What a disgusting country Australia is. You wouldn’t piss on it if it was on fire.

Careful! You might upset some people here..

October 12, 2021 9:27 am

Just finished reading Greg Benford “The Berlin Project”.
Reading it at the moment up to April 1944 & in England to put it all together .. Have to admit the technical bits have left me baffled but enjoying the storyline .. very well written!

October 12, 2021 9:29 am

PM Shorten or PM Albo will be keen to stamp their authority on a federal response to COVID in 2022.

October 12, 2021 9:30 am

Fault 2 is a nuclear engineer today. It’s good that you can identify with whatever you want to be.

October 12, 2021 9:33 am

Re Heinlein, I read ‘I Will Fear No Evil’ as a teenager, it really impressed me, not as much Stranger or TEFL but it did impress me. I was thinking about this after the Heinlein posts the other day and I realised that while I can recall much of Stranger and TEFL I could barely remember anything or IWFNE, so I downloaded it and been listening to it. It’s two large files and goes for around 10 hours, 3 hours in I abandoned it, it’s very ordinary, corny and boring. Dunno how or why it made such an impression on me when young, guess it was the sex, there’s way too much of it and badly written at that.

October 12, 2021 9:35 am

When I first spotted my soon-to-be pet at the RSPCA shelter, she was the only one who wasn’t baying at the fence for attention. Sitting in her bed at the back, looking forlorn and depressed.

I patted her, and her tail wagged slightly, then she went back to the bed and closed her eyes. That was it…home she came. I washed her, groomed her and patted and talked to her. She was quite large, but I had her sitting on my lap all evening. I pretended to be a mother derg with pup. We bonded and she was my constant companion for ten years.

Cancer finally took her. When she could no longer walk or wag her tail, we made the final journey to the vet. Pet ownership is great, but it always costs a piece of your heart.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 12, 2021 9:35 am

The ALPBC have finally found an unemployed English monarch they can embrace. Pirate Pete was unavailable for comment.

Cassie of Sydney
October 12, 2021 9:40 am

I know there’s a few here that treat Palmer the same way that the establishment treated Trump, however Clive is putting his money up and Kelly will be able to keep Palmer in check. “

Sorry but I fail to see any comparison between Palmer and Trump….apart from the fact that they are both millionaires.

There’s a good reason why many of us distrust Palmer. We remember his erratic behaviour when elected back in 2013, we remember how he treated the Abbott government and Abbott personally, we remember how he allowed himself to be fawned over by “establishment” organisations such as their ABC as part of their never ending attempts to belittle, besmirch and delegitimise Abbott….gosh I even remember when Clive was invited by Mark Scott to sit at their ABC’s table at the midwinter ball. Clive was the media darling….all because he could and did put a spanner in the Abbott government’s performance.

I like Craig Kelly a lot. As to whether he’ll be able to keep Clive in check……hmm, I am doubtful. Clive will want payback…..nothing is free in this world.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
October 12, 2021 9:42 am

Cancer finally took her. When she could no longer walk or wag her tail, we made the final journey to the vet. Pet ownership is great, but it always costs a piece of your heart.

Ain’t that the truth. But as I had to tell a friend of mine recently, she’d given Meena the rescue cat a way longer and better life than he would ever have had without her.

October 12, 2021 9:43 am

Where did you find the PDF of The Berlin Project? I can’t find in on Internet Archieve.

October 12, 2021 9:43 am

The Great Barrington Declaration revisited:

For those not familiar with it:

October 12, 2021 9:46 am

What does 2022 look like?

Worse than 2020 and 2021 combined.

Pardon the grumpiness people, just reveling in my newly gifted second class citizenship.

October 12, 2021 9:46 am

From the Spectator this morning:

The irony of debating voluntary assisted dying in the age of Covid

This week the NSW parliament will start considering a bill to legalise medically-assisted death at the instigation of the person dying.

Morning Double Shot has discontinued daily editorials, so you’re spared from getting the editor’s tortured views on this fraught moral issue.

Instead, reflect on the irony of such legislation being enacted, now in NSW and recently in Queensland, while the Covid-19 pandemic continues to rage.

For coming up to two years, our federation has been ripped apart, our society gutted, and our economy filleted, to prevent deaths from a virus whose pact with the Grim Reaper mostly is confined to harvesting the souls of the elderly and people with other health risk factors who could easily have been taken by old age, or other natural causes, rather than Covid-19.

Yet, at the same time, majorities in our parliaments are determined to make medically-assisted dying for people in extremis lawful.

Our political representatives both fear and embrace death in making laws profoundly affecting our social fabric. Verily, it’s a strange world we now live in

There is something greasy and weird about bastards who want people to die and hide it under the pretext of caring about them. This is the kunt doing it:

He wheels out the usual platitudes: dignity, self determination. This is the same bastard who supported the new abortion laws which effectively allow live birth abortion. Where’s the dignity and self determination in that.

October 12, 2021 9:50 am

If you are keen on having your heart torn, volunteer to work for the RSPCA. I didn’t last long.
Giant beasts designed to tear other beasts apart lying whimpering across the gate to their cage trying to stop you from leaving. Ungood.

October 12, 2021 9:53 am

I need one more tick people:

October 11, 2021 at 11:41 pm
I reckon it’s time you vaxxed fuckers shut the fuck up on here.
Just fuck off.
I’m sick of hearing your shit.

Report comment


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
October 11, 2021 at 11:51 pm
Just putting that out there to see how many upticks it gets so yiz can get a general gauge on how your funky patter is going down.

Anything under 30 upticks doesn’t count, Arky.

It’s just ambient noise. ?

October 12, 2021 9:54 am

Never mind why but I got to spend most of yesterday at the Southbank Brisbane parklands.
A few observations:
Why would anyone choose to live in a large city? What a shithole. Nuke from orbit.

We’re fortunate in Qld that early governments consistently pursued a policy of decentralisation, particularly Forgan-Smith under the advice of English economist Colin Clarke, who became the most senior public servant in Qld in the 1930s. They were building on the work the state government had done in the 19th C. providing assisted passage for British, Danish & Germans willing to settle in the regions.

It’s a lesson modern Labor, dominated by middle class urbanites, appears to have forgotten, or never learned.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 12, 2021 9:55 am

Apologies, I’m not trying to demean anyone who has done dog “rescuing”. We’ve done it ourselves here, successfully and badly both.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 12, 2021 9:56 am

Recently a COVID outbreak occurred in an Israeli hospital that involved 248 N-95 mask-wearing people; 238 (96.2%) of them were fully vaccinated.

Of the 42 COVID infections, 38 were in the fully vaccinated. One was partially vaccinated. The 3 unvaccinated cases were “mild” or asymptomatic. All 8 of the severely ill and all 5 of the deaths occurred in the fully vaccinated.

So, assuming equal exposure to infection throughout the whole population:

• A 238 person cohort of fully vaxxed attracts 38 infections – an infection rate of 16%.

• A 10 person cohort of un/partially vaxxed attracts 4 infections – an infection rate of 40%.

With those odds, working amongst the poxxed, I’m pretty sure I’d be vaccinated.

October 12, 2021 9:56 am

Can we stay if we don’t talk about the vaxx?

October 12, 2021 9:57 am

The Dapto Dog Caller is urging his network of sneaks and squealers
to dob in any vaxx scofflaws to the Orpo.

October 12, 2021 9:57 am

What about half vaxxed? Can we talk about it a little bit?

I need to know the new regime rules of compliance.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 12, 2021 9:59 am

Matrix – there is no need for me to discuss the application of logarithmic areas under the curve regarding the study which Rose and Timothy linked to, because it is dealing with purely descriptive comparative statistics. I am no great statistician, I’d be the first to admit that. I lack a sound basis in mathematics and I had to work hard for my simple Credit compared to my HD results elsewhere in epidemiology. However, I do understand the basis of anova and ancova and logistic regression and some other statistical tools that may be used and I am sufficiently aware of when they are needed or being abused. If that is ‘appeal to authority’ so be it. But these researchers are sticking at this stage to descriptive comparisons of proportions. This issue has simply been one of confusion regarding the denominator used for the proportion of the study population who experienced spontaneous abortion.

Timothy, the link to the summary of the study put up by Rosie and by you is not the link made by you some time before from which I a while back abstracted the initial confusion that some social commenters had made concerning the study population and the contrast to the incidence of various outcomes in the general population. There are various ‘social commenters’ it seems, as I suggested in my final post on this topic. But it is part of the same problem of a confusion regarding denominators, and apparently the researchers have clarified the situation in their reporting now that pregnancies from December to February have progressed.

Sponanteous abortion occurs in unknown rates anyway as many occur before pregnancy is even suspected. It is put at anywhere between 10% to 26% of all recognised pregnancies and it is known to increase slightly in some circumstances with ‘flu vaccination. It is definitely not around 82% in women vaxxed with Covid vaccines who know themselves to be pregnant. I hope we can agree on that, for if this was the case we would be seeing a huge epidemic of spontaneous abortion, and we are not. (Did you know by the way that cows have a thing called contagious spontaneous abortion? My dad’s cows had it at one stage, interesting to know if this is a real thing or not or did he just yell at them too much?)

I fractured my foot and two weeks later had a DVT in the same leg. The rate of DVT’s occurring with immobilised fractures of the foot is poorly studied and is placed by extant studies at anywhere between 0 to 26% percent, depending on the study. Go figure. Studies are often simply indicative and a further dig down into the data is needed to demonstrate any statistical correlation, using regression analysis to tease out the other factors (in this case such as gender/oestrogen levels/age/diabetes/injury severity and type etc) let alone arrive at the biological pathway for causation (which you do by biochemistry not statistics). You also need a large enough sample to generate a good statistical ‘power’ for this. Most studies leave it at a simple Chi square etc for associations of interest. That said, data collection is the foundation of empirical medicine.

October 12, 2021 9:59 am

By the way, one of those upticks was mine. 😀

October 12, 2021 10:00 am


Did you save your bathwater for the under privileged?

October 12, 2021 10:01 am

There’s a good reason why many of us distrust Palmer. We remember his erratic behaviour when elected back in 2013, we remember how he treated the Abbott government and Abbott personally, we remember how he allowed himself to be fawned over by “establishment” organisations such as their ABC as part of their never ending attempts to belittle, besmirch and delegitimise Abbott….gosh I even remember when Clive was invited by Mark Scott to sit at their ABC’s table at the midwinter ball. Clive was the media darling….all because he could and did put a spanner in the Abbott government’s performance.

And don’t forget that bizarre episode with gore. Palmer seems focused on Palmer and that makes him very erratic since he seems to have no underlying principles. Trump is completely different. I hope Kelly, who has been very brave, can keep things under control. If the UAP is going to field a candidate in every seat their candidate selection is bound to throw up some absolute weirdos; this is what undid PHON, their candidate selection was appalling: full of rugged individualists, conspiracy nuts and recently released psych patients. What Kelly should do is pick out key seats and concentrate on them thus maintaining some control over the candidates but big Clive’s ego may demand the whole lot.

October 12, 2021 10:02 am

Someone got there before me Arky, you got your 30. Does that entitle you to free steak knives?

October 12, 2021 10:03 am

Getting a rescue dog is like marrying a tramp.
Fine as long as you are prepared to beat the previous owner’s bad habits out of them.
I’m joking people. I’d never marry a tramp.

October 12, 2021 10:03 am

I fractured my foot and two weeks later had a DVT in the same leg. The rate of DVT’s occurring with immobilised fractures of the foot is poorly studied and is placed by extant studies at anywhere between 0 to 26% percent, depending on the study. Go figure. Studies are often simply indicative and a further dig down into the data is needed to demonstrate any statistical correlation, using regression analysis to tease out the other factors (in this case such as gender/oestrogen levels/age/diabetes/injury severity and type etc) let alone arrive at the biological pathway for causation (which you do by biochemistry not statistics). You also need a large enough sample to generate a good statistical ‘power’ for this. Most studies leave it at a simple Chi square etc for associations of interest. That said, data collection is the foundation of empirical medicine.

Translation: Lizzie has one foot in the grave and can there rationalize any amount of unethical practice to keep the other foot out.

you know you’re wonderful … just keep dancing

October 12, 2021 10:04 am

Bongino noting the chunk’s interest in the Nipah virus which I mentioned yesterday. Nipah has a mortality rate of 80%. The chunks have had 4 goes this century at the pandemic. Maybe they’ll get it right with Nipah.

  1. And if that were true, the South would have won the civil war, Ford wouldn’t have built the River Rouge…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x