Open Thread – Mon 17 Jan 2022

Dido building Carthage, J. M. W. Turner, 1815

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Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 18, 2022 10:26 am

Out on a big suburban block

Should be “I can imagine them being more at home out on a big suburban block…”

One day I will proofread.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 18, 2022 10:32 am

Charles McGee, one of the last Tuskegee airmen, dies at 102

By Afp
5:16PM January 17, 2022

US war pilot Charles McGee, who faced military segregation as he became a legendary member of the all-Black flying force known as the Tuskegee Airmen, died on Sunday at age 102.

“Today, we lost an American hero,” Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin – himself a barrier-breaker as the first African American to lead the Pentagon – said on Twitter about the aviator who was one of the last surviving members of the unit. “While I am saddened by his loss, I’m also incredibly grateful for his sacrifice, his legacy, and his character,” Mr Austin added.

“Rest in peace, General.”

Brigadier General McGee served in World War II as well as Korea and Vietnam, flying more than 400 missions in total.

During World War II, US units and training were segregated by race, as were military facilities. In 1941, congress ordered the Army Air Corps to launch an all-black combat unit, and their training to become pilots and mechanics began at a new air base in Tuskegee, Alabama.

In 2020, Donald Trump invited General McGee to the State of the Union address where the airman received a standing ovation.

It was the former president who promoted him from colonel.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 18, 2022 10:33 am

When the garage nasti’s go out do they take along a metal garage so the spooks(sound eerie music) can identify them or do they have to hastily build a block garage coz its quicker than brick?

True Garage Nastis (not those goose-stepping LARPers drunkenly flailing their hands around in the Grampians) tend to be found congregating in hobby shops and model railway clubs, either planning their next conquest or ensuring that the [model] trains actually do run on time.

The nature of their ‘garages’ as being stone, brick or tin, tend to vary based on location, funding and historical goodwill…

January 18, 2022 10:34 am

Gawd sounds awful ML- those people can ruin your life

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 18, 2022 10:39 am

Oh shit!

Top of page!

Cats are very politely asked to pageback for context…


John of Mel
John of Mel
January 18, 2022 10:45 am

But I also say that the same spin has been applied to vaccines as well.
Dying within 14 days of receiving a vax from impact with a bus is not a vax death.

Who’s doing that? Officially we have “only” nine deaths from the injections.
I think it matters the most what and how the main decision makers are counting. Because that’s how you get lockdowns and mandates.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 18, 2022 10:50 am

I think it matters the most what and how the main decision makers are counting.

What makes you think they can count?
What makes you think decisions are made on any basis other than political considerations?

January 18, 2022 10:50 am

Of the 22 men and 14 women, 33 were vaccinated and three were not. Those who were vaccinated had “generally” not received a booster shot, Dr Chant said.

33 of 36 dead were ‘vaccinated.’


Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 18, 2022 10:51 am

Because that’s how you get lockdowns and mandates.

I think I’d prefer having ants… 🙁

January 18, 2022 10:53 am

33 of 36 dead were ‘vaccinated.’

Has NSW Health subcontracted out the collection of Covid death statistics to Anti-Vaxxers?

John of Mel
John of Mel
January 18, 2022 10:55 am

What makes you think they can count?
What makes you think decisions are made on any basis other than political considerations?

At least that’s how they justify their decisions. And that’s what is presented to the (generally) trusting public. That’s the “reality” they create.

January 18, 2022 10:56 am

Their ABCcess running the covid pron at eleventy this morning, with a twist..

Interview with a chap whos wife suicided after long covid, and a vaccination.

Lots of emoting, not much “science” from their ABCcess.

“They say long covid affects 10% of people who catch it, im sure its as high as 30%”…

The story of the wife is reasonably standard post viral syndrome, very nasty but does occur after viral infections.
Where the story veers from that is AFTER she has a vax (while with post viral symptoms) when she starts to get tremors including internal ones that prevent her sleeping etc.
At this point the interviewee says ‘Im 100% for vaccines”.

So the lady cant sleep, is drained by the tremors and post viral syndrome and tops herself.

Another covid death according to the ABCcess.
Along with a completely unscientific “omicron variant will cause 10-30% of people to get long covid which will destroy the economy”…

I think thats the new narrative they are testing.
“The vaccines will protect you from long covid”…

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
January 18, 2022 10:58 am

Mother Lode.
Don’t proof reed. It’s for losers.

January 18, 2022 10:58 am

FO, Janet Albrechtsen. With friends like you, freedom doesn’t need any enemies:

Even as the country enjoys one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, the Immigration Minister’s decision to deport Djokovic has showcased the Morrison government’s attitude to dissent and the brute force of state power. In the process, it made a martyr out of a molehill.

Whether you agree with a person who chooses not to get vaccinated or not – and I don’t – it is not yet illegal to be unvaccinated. Until that happens, there ought to be room in a democracy for idiots, even for foreign ones. But then, Morrison has never been a great friend of free speech, unless it involved playing footsies with opinionated backbenchers to maintain his wafer-thin majority.

I’m sick and tired of PandaCons qualifying their condemnation of nazism by saying, ‘after all, there’s no further need for it now.’ For them, brute force was fine when the ‘vaccination’ rate was, like, 20 percent.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 18, 2022 11:00 am

Now you know where furries come from:

Teacher alleges she was fired for not ‘meowing’ back at student who identifies as a cat (16 Jan, via instapundit)

A woman who was working as a substitute teacher posted a video to social media alleging she was fired by school officials for not “identifying with” a student who “identifies as a cat” after she refused to meow back at the child in class.

“I get to the third row and I hear this ‘meow!’ Uhhh, excuse me? Excuse me?” she narrates. “I start looking on the ground, through the fourth row—everything’s good. Go to the fifth row—everybody’s there. Then I hear ‘meow!’ I’m like, ‘Okay, what’s up with that? Who’s doing it?’ And this little girl in the very front row says, ‘You have to meow back at him; he identifies as a cat.’ Are you kidding me?” she questions.

I go to the office—Are you ready for this?—to check out. They said, ‘We no longer need your services if you can’t identify with all the children in the classroom.’

I wonder what his parents identify as? No, on second thought best not to ask that question.

January 18, 2022 11:03 am

Is this legit?
Lyon & Root etc told they have to pack it in.

January 18, 2022 11:04 am

Until that happens, there ought to be room in a democracy for idiots, even for foreign ones.

Well Janet, there’s room in it for you. And you have the added privilege of proving it.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 18, 2022 11:06 am

Now you know where furries come from:

Suffer Not the Furry to Live…


January 18, 2022 11:08 am

I wonder what his parents identify as?

They might identify as halfwits but the truth is they’re morons.

January 18, 2022 11:09 am

January 18, 2022 at 10:32 am
Time to stop quoting those “Died within 14 days of vax” stats when some of those were run over by a bus.

Not until the same applies for COVID.

Not just no but hell No!!

January 18, 2022 11:09 am

Re RFS – sadly that is not the experience in our local brigade which is following the official guidelines re vaccination. It has led to the resignation to one of our most experienced members who refused to be vaccinated.


Same thing is happening in Sneakerstan. Our small bushfire brigade has lost two long-serving members. I am one of them. 21 years service. I went out 3 times to a local fire in the week before New Year. That was safe, apparently. On 1 January it is no longer safe, apparently.

I am still Treasurer of the Brigade. The new rules even prevent members who decline to provide their “vaccination status” from attending the fire station, such as for administrative purposes, if no-one else is present.

The fire was allegedly lit by a 19-year-old member of a neighbouring brigade who has been charged for numerous arson events. Just as well he was arrested before his fellow brigade-members got hold of him. (NADT).

John of Mel
John of Mel
January 18, 2022 11:10 am

Teacher alleges she was fired for not ‘meowing’ back at student who identifies as a cat

Haha. There is a reason why Matt Walsh’s “Johnny the Walrus” is a big hit an Amazon.

January 18, 2022 11:11 am

Miss Havisham


I’m imagining rodents and cockroaches scurrying about, while she pretends all is well.

We know how it ends – cleansing fire and death.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 18, 2022 11:14 am

Whether you agree with a person who chooses not to get vaccinated or not – and I don’t – it is not yet illegal to be unvaccinated.

There’s something about this virus that turns the brains of a certain sort of woman into terrified mush.

It’s very strange, especially since the virus in its current form is less dangerous than ordinary flu.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 18, 2022 11:15 am

We know how it ends – cleansing fire and death.

I didn’t know there were so many closet fans of Warhammer 40,000 on this blog.

Or of flamers….

January 18, 2022 11:17 am

Just reflecting on Great Expectations. It’s really a story about self-deception and honesty.

The only truly self-aware character in it is Magwitch, and he’s a crook!

January 18, 2022 11:21 am

Here we go… the excuses as to why 90% of the deaths in NSW were vaccinated.

They weren’t boostered.

NSW’s vaccinated deaths ‘generally’ not boosted: CHO

NSW Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant has given some more information about the 36 people who died from COVID-19 in the latest daily reporting period.

Of the 22 men and 14 women, 33 were vaccinated and three were not. Those who were vaccinated had “generally” not received a booster shot, Dr Chant said.

Three people who died were aged under 65 – including one person in their 40s – and two of these people were not vaccinated. All three had “underlying serious health conditions”, the Chief Health Officer added.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
January 18, 2022 11:22 am

dover0beach says:
January 18, 2022 at 10:32 am
Time to stop quoting those “Died within 14 days of vax” stats when some of those were run over by a bus.
Not until the same applies for COVID.

I’d like to know where these “Died within 14 days of vax” stats are – from what I gather, it’s almost impossible to attribute any death (or injury) to these “vaccines”.

January 18, 2022 11:22 am

Of the 22 men and 14 women, 33 were vaccinated and three were not. Those who were vaccinated had “generally” not received a booster shot, Dr Chant said.

So sciencey !

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 18, 2022 11:25 am

There is a reason why Matt Walsh’s “Johnny the Walrus” is a big hit an Amazon.


Walruses are cool!

January 18, 2022 11:30 am

Every time you justify deceiving someone you come closer to becoming that you despise.

January 18, 2022 11:31 am

During World War II, US units and training were segregated by race, as were military facilities. In 1941, congress ordered the Army Air Corps to launch an all-black combat unit, and their training to become pilots and mechanics began at a new air base in Tuskegee, Alabama.

Bomber crews loved the Tuskegee airmen, they did their job, stuck with the bombers and defended them, rather than being drawn off looking for dogfighting opportunities like everyone else.

January 18, 2022 11:34 am

flyingduk says:
January 18, 2022 at 8:05 am
My latest act of revolution just uploaded….

Is there an alternative platform to view this, Duk? It doesn’t like/play on my desktop, thinks I need a particular app for it, which I don’t have.

January 18, 2022 11:35 am

It’s very strange, especially since the virus in its current form is less dangerous than ordinary flu.

The threat of disease seems to be a powerful motivator toward irrational thinking and action. Not by accident the Nazi’s promoted the non-existent disease risk posed by the Jewish population.

January 18, 2022 11:38 am

duncanm says:
January 18, 2022 at 11:21 am

Here we go… the excuses as to why 90% of the deaths in NSW were vaccinated.

They weren’t boostered.

NSW’s vaccinated deaths ‘generally’ not boosted: CHO

Note the weasel word “generally”, which means that one or more of them WERE boosted.

If your immune system is fucked, then no amount of vaxx will save you!

January 18, 2022 11:39 am

2 years in
6 Billion dollar surplus..

This is what you get in Western Mongstralia.

COVID-19 triage marquees to be set up at major WA hospitals to cope with surge in cases

But according to the election results.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
January 18, 2022 11:39 am

Miss Anthropist says:
January 18, 2022 at 10:58 am
Mother Lode.
Don’t proof reed. It’s for losers.

You got that rong – its for loosers

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 18, 2022 11:39 am

Journal retracts Indigenous article for plagiarism

An Indigenous language scholar from Stradbroke Island has had her latest paper recalled after plagiarism complaints.

Quandamooka woman Sandra Delaney had her article ­“Reconceptualising a Quanda­mooka Storyweave of language reclamation”, published by Sage Journals in July, passed by a “double-blind” peer review process.

Shortly after it was published in the International Journal of Cultural Studies, the journal was contacted by two First Nations language researchers from the US who said their work had been plagiarised.

In a review, Sage editors found five more cases of plagiarism and this month issued a retraction of the article.

Many of the plagiarised papers were unpublished PhD theses from American and Canadian universities dealing with the ­effects of colonisation on Native American languages and reclamation of those languages.

The rest were published in education and nursing journals and publications specifically relating to colonisation issues.

The paper dealt with colonial theft of land and how it led to the partial loss of local Jandai language and how it had been rediscovered through visual story­­telling. “This article outlines a complex, vibrant, interweaving of language as a decolonising practice through creative outcomes,” the original abstract said.

“I will summarise how the Quandamooka tradition of weaving served as a theoretical framework for the reclamation of Jandai language. Shaped by a paradigm of language reclamation, it describes a Quandamooka worldview which is based on the connection Quandamooka people share with our ­Ancestors and our Country.”

It details the creation of the “Quandamooka Storyweave” as a forum for elders to more comfortably share their stories.

Ms Delaney is a prominent figure among Nunagal, Goenbal and Ngugi people, whose ­traditional homeland, Quandamooka, was the mainland, islands and water around Moreton Bay, off Brisbane.

She is well known for her work on language studies and for her books on the topic, including a dual-language picture book Whale Dreaming: Bibunla Yalingbila, which is accompanied by an English-Jandai translation.

The children’s book was distributed in the region as part of a state government literacy grant to Redland City Council in 2020.

Ms Delaney did not respond to a request for comment. According to her LinkedIn profile, she received her PhD from the Bachelor Institute in 2020 for her work researching reclamation of “Indigenous language, Indigenous research, Jandai language”.

“My Indigenous academic standpoints are informed by Yuluburriba, a Jandai / Yagara word which describes the people from my geographical region of Quandamooka,” she says on her profile.

“My paternal lineage is as a Nunagal, Goenbal, Ngugi woman from Quandamooka country, Moreton Bay. My interests include reclaiming language from a Quandamooka worldview. I have published several books on Quandamooka culture as well.”

The Northern Territory-based Batchelor Institute is described on its website as “the only First Nations dual sector tertiary education provider in Australia”.

Among those who contacted the journal in August to report the plagiarism was Kari Chew, a citizen of the Chickasaw Nation and assistant professor of indigenous education at the University of Oklahoma who told retraction database website Retraction Watch the extent of plagi­arism went beyond that listed by Sage.

“Sources and authors … not named in the retraction were also plagiarised,” she said.


incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 18, 2022 11:41 am

Vaccine uber alles.

Jab Heil!
Jab Heil!

This is the start of the 1000 year booster.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 18, 2022 11:41 am

I shouldn’t laugh. Really I shouldn’t.

Hazzard blasts ‘juvenile, moronic’ culprit who used his name when registering positive RAT (18 Jan)

That’s the headline as it appears on the main page of right now. 😀

January 18, 2022 11:44 am

Ahaha! Looks like it’s been edited, Bruce.

That would have been good for the Bee.

January 18, 2022 11:45 am

Rex Angersays:
January 18, 2022 at 10:38 am
Garage Nastis

Look at this! What horrific evilness are these awful, awful people planning? Look how proud they are of it all! Sickening!

Auschwitz express?

Like going to hogwarts but with 100% less magic.

January 18, 2022 11:45 am

33 of 36 dead were ‘vaccinated.’
Has NSW Health subcontracted out the collection of Covid death statistics to Anti-Vaxxers?

Whoever let that little factoid slip out will be joining me at Centrelink!

January 18, 2022 11:45 am

No, no! It’s still there! Perfect.

He’s definitely a BIG RAT.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 18, 2022 11:47 am

rickw at 11:35 – interesting. I suppose it works because we all have experience of being sick and think, “I don’t want to go through that again if I don’t have to” and are then motivated into action. Whether that be killing some J e w s or reporting the unvaxxed person at the local cafe.

January 18, 2022 11:47 am

Hazzard blasts ‘juvenile, moronic’ culprit who used his name when registering positive RAT (18 Jan)

The Australia we all know and love! I bet this starts an avalanche of Hazzard positive RAT tests.

January 18, 2022 11:48 am

Just reflecting on Great Expectations. It’s really a story about self-deception and honesty.

The only truly self-aware character in it is Magwitch, and he’s a crook!

I thought Pip became self aware towards the end when he saw the goodness in Joe- ‘this kind, gentle man’ (who wasn’t a gentleman).

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
January 18, 2022 11:50 am

33 of 36 dead were ‘vaccinated.’

91.7% versus 96% vaccinated state wide. Statistically insignificant.

But one must ask – which vaccinations? How do we know there’s no difference between Pfizer and Astra Zeneca? I suspect more Pfizer deaths proportionately.

January 18, 2022 11:52 am

Hazzard reminds me of the pompous twerp in the Magic Pudding.

January 18, 2022 11:53 am

rickw at 11:35 – interesting. I suppose it works because we all have experience of being sick and think, “I don’t want to go through that again if I don’t have to” and are then motivated into action. Whether that be killing some J e w s or reporting the unvaxxed person at the local cafe.

If a person has concerns over something in life, then most mitigations will relate to actions that they take, eg. 20 deadbolts on the door and sleeping with a baseball bat.

In the case of disease, the focus seems to be outward, sure, you can get vaccinated, but after that it’s all about doing things to others.

This observation has been made by many Holocaust survivors.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
January 18, 2022 11:54 am

Fat Tony,
You are perfectly correct. I should have poof read.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 18, 2022 11:54 am

From Bruces link –
Hazzard: “The police will come hunting …”
Be afraid, very afraid. They will arrest someone to parade before the cameras.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 18, 2022 11:55 am

Auschwitz express?

Like going to hogwarts but with 100% less magic.



If I was going to have people draw that sort of inference from one of my hyperlinks, I’d have used this one…


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 18, 2022 11:55 am

33 of 36 dead were ‘vaccinated.’

Did anyone mention this bit of the story? Apology I should scroll up and check, but I’m too lazy.

Two of the three under 60-years-old had not been vaccinated with one double dosed.

NSW Chief Health Officer Doctor Kerry Chant said all three had “serious underlying health conditions”.

I think that makes it 100% either double vaxxed or with “serious underlying health conditions”, which may also be why they weren’t vaxxed.

January 18, 2022 11:55 am

The Oz is saying there are 4000 Victorian health workers unavailable due to COVID.
Thanks Djokovic !

January 18, 2022 11:55 am

Sancho Panzersays:
January 18, 2022 at 10:13 am
‘bern at 9:56.
Looking at it objectively, it is problematic, even with the same co-mordities.
If a marginal type 2 diabetic aged 55, with good control of blood sugar and carrying no weight catches Covid and dies, I am ticking that off as a covid death.
If another type 2 diabetic aged 85, morbidly obese and with blood sugar all over the shop catches covid and dies I am putting that in the “Hmmm” column.
But same goes for vaxxes.
Time to stop quoting those “Died within 14 days of vax” stats when some of those were run over by a bus.

I would agree, BUT, I know they’re deliberately being biased the other way.

January 18, 2022 11:57 am

Everyday another reason to hate our political class

January 18, 2022 11:58 am

The language is becoming more and more disturbing and extreme.

January 18, 2022 11:59 am

From Bruces link –
Hazzard: “The police will come hunting …”
Be afraid, very afraid. They will arrest someone to parade before the cameras.

yep all very Soviet- no doubt that the lieboral pardy has outlived its use to the people of Australia.

January 18, 2022 11:59 am

33 of 36 dead were ‘vaccinated.’

Senescence for the elderly.
Although vaccination is the most logical solution in preventing infectious diseases, primary vaccine responses in individuals aged ?65 years-old fail to generate complete protection. This is presumably attributed to immunosenescence, a term that describes functional differences associated with the immune system and natural age advancement. Both the innate and adaptive immune systems experience age-related impairments that contribute to insufficient protection following vaccination.

In short, the older you are the less likely a vaccination will have the effect it should.
Our healthmongs should be vaccinating for effect (in the vulnerable population) instead of rolling out never ending boosters for everyone.

3 monthly boosters, but the first 2 weeks dont count…

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
January 18, 2022 11:59 am

Hazard is like something you tread in and are glad you weren’t wearing thongs.
To be polite.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 18, 2022 12:00 pm

From ‘Elf Hazzard’s flip-out article on Sky:

He said the NSW government introduced the online register for RATs to allow the public heath team to track the movement of the Omicron and Delta variants after coronavirus cases in the state rapidly increased over the holiday period.

It is nice to see the ‘Elf Department are hedging their bets and not beating around the bush…

…And providing a salutary lesson in why you should always poof reed before pasting.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 18, 2022 12:01 pm

Hazard is like something you tread in and are glad you weren’t wearing thongs.

Spiky or squidgy?

Granted, both are equally bad when it comes to double-pluggers…

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 18, 2022 12:02 pm

In NSW Sky says that 93.8% are enevaxxenated.

Seems high to me. The gubbmint wouldn’t lie about this, would they?

January 18, 2022 12:06 pm

……….. so glad it isn’t pubic health they are tracking ……………………..

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 18, 2022 12:10 pm

so glad it isn’t pubic health they are tracking

Welp, wasn’t the dreaded Nosferaflu supposed to make peoples’ willies shrink, or something? I vaguely recall there was some sort of eminently unhelpful report to that effect last year. 🙁

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 18, 2022 12:12 pm

Biden’s elevation to the Presidency (or perhaps, more accurately, the degrading of the Presidency down to Biden) would have been partly to show that the Democrats could put up a complete idiot and still win a Presidency. That would have been achieved in the election.

The main game for the rest of his term would have been to enact an agenda – which they have been trying to do.

Problem is that they lacked the talent.

It is like revolutions. The skills required to lead a revolution and to win are not the skills required to smoothly run a country. Revolutionaries are skilled in conflict, thinking in terms of division – us and them, of being in control, looking for traitors, and destroying enemies.

With the exception of the American revolution (nurtured in the embrace of the enlightenment, amongst a diffuse and scarcely centralised population) they all end up making war on their own people. Because that is the revolutionaries’ skillset.

The people who got Biden into office were not people were given to good governance but not too different to the revolutionaries above. They were unscrupulous, self-seeking, entitled, mercenary, vain, utterly steeped in a belief of their own superiority, and who saw America as simply something ripe for the picking.

It will have come as a great shock to them that their fondest schemes have, in practice, floundered. And their only reply is to attack some more.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 18, 2022 12:13 pm

33 of 36 dead were ‘vaccinated.’
91.7% versus 96% vaccinated state wide. Statistically insignificant.

Maybe. But a big problem for “the narrative”.

January 18, 2022 12:13 pm

Today for some reason I’m reminded of the two brothers who were forced to sit in a car in western Sydney for 10-12 hours while their dead mother’s body was inside their house.
And the NSW health approached the car with the next thing to hazmat suits.
All while the NSW plod let the media cover it in a manner that would have made Man Monis blush.

Oh come on
Oh come on
January 18, 2022 12:14 pm

In NSW Sky says that 93.8% are enevaxxenated.

Seems high to me. The gubbmint wouldn’t lie about this, would they?

Similar implausibly high numbers in the west. My guess is that they’re massively overcounting the vaxx-ineligible cohort of the population and subtracting this from the demoninator.

January 18, 2022 12:15 pm

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
January 18, 2022 at 11:41 am
I shouldn’t laugh. Really I shouldn’t.

Hazzard blasts ‘juvenile, moronic’ culprit who used his name when registering positive RAT (18 Jan)

oh dear.. unintended consequences.

I expect all of the NSW grubbinment will soon find they have positive RAT results posted online.

Probably a fair few Daffy Ducks and “I.P Freely”

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 18, 2022 12:16 pm

c’mon I am trying to conduct a survey here!

How many think the gubbmint is fudging the jabbed counts?

January 18, 2022 12:17 pm

stuck with the bombers and defended them, rather than being drawn off looking for dogfighting opportunities like everyone else.

The RAF didn’t return to daylight bombing because of close escort.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 18, 2022 12:17 pm

There is a legend in Aboriginal memory that there was a big wave along the coast . This is supported by geological research. So our tsunami is still to come.

Here you go:

DR TED BRYANT, A tsunami expert who recently retired from the University of Wollongong, has gathered evidence that monumental tsunamis have pummelled the east coast throughout history – and could do so again. He believes that, based on studies of sediment layers and rock erosion, six big tsunamis caused by meteorite strikes or marine landslides have hit Sydney during the past 10,000 years. The most recent probably occurred in 1491, Ted says, and produced a wave that washed over the harbour’s headlands, 60 m above sea level. That tsunami didn’t travel far inshore, but others did.

Ted argues that a tsunami that hit the Shoalhaven delta near Nowra, between 5000 and 4000 years ago, ran 10 km inland, while deposits near the Blue Mountains hint that another tsunami ran over cliffs more than 60 m high, and then rushed inland.


Fat Tony
Fat Tony
January 18, 2022 12:26 pm

Why did they drop the old name “tidal wave” in favour of “tsunami” (harbour wave)?

Watching videos reinforces the description of “tidal” wave – like a high tide that just keeps coming in, but quickly.

January 18, 2022 12:27 pm

I’d like to know where these “Died within 14 days of vax” stats are – from what I gather, it’s almost impossible to attribute any death (or injury) to these “vaccines”.

The ‘tell’ with the ‘died after vaccines’ is that the numbers spike signficantly in the first 2-3 days after the vax, then tail back to normal over the rest of the 14 … Its difficult to argue that ‘hit by bus’ gets so much more common after the shot. Occams razor says its temporally related to the shot, hence likely related to the shot.

Oh come on
Oh come on
January 18, 2022 12:30 pm

33 of 36 dead were ‘vaccinated.’

That’s because they caught Covid from the unvaccinated!

But if we flip the numbers around…

33 of 36 dead were ‘unvaccinated.’

It’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated!

Heads I win, tails you lose.

John of Mel
John of Mel
January 18, 2022 12:31 pm

From Bruces link –
Hazzard: “The police will come hunting …”
Be afraid, very afraid. They will arrest someone to parade before the cameras.

This is a good test for health of a society. And I don’t mean physical health.
In a healthy society the response to such a threat would be “We are all Brad Hazzards! for RATs purposes.”

January 18, 2022 12:31 pm
Is there an alternative platform to view this, Duk? It doesn’t like/play on my desktop, thinks I need a particular app for it, which I don’t have


Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 18, 2022 12:35 pm

I would agree, BUT, I know they’re deliberately being biased the other way.

We’re living through Covid surrounded by partial, incomplete, and inconsistent public health statistics.

Fertile ground for people of all persuasions to KNOW THINGS with terrible certainty.

January 18, 2022 12:35 pm

The Oz is saying there are 4000 Victorian health workers unavailable due to COVID.
Thanks Djokovic !

Lucky they are all fully vaxxed!

January 18, 2022 12:36 pm

Snigga … “code brown” is a nursing term for a patient who has neglected to go to the toilet before doing ‘number 2s’

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 18, 2022 12:38 pm

Why did they drop the old name “tidal wave” in favour of “tsunami”

Because tsunamis have nothing to do with tides.

Interesting if one hit with the equivalent of the Nowra event. I remember being stationed at HMAS Creswell years ago – in Jervis Bay – and having my interest piqued by seeing round rocks the size of cars below the range of hills that runs along the coast there.

Upon researching and coming across reports like the good professors, it seems such rocks are part of the evidence. They were once under the sea, and therefore rounded, and the tsunami picked them up and hurled them inland, some 10 kilometres or so from where the sea now is.

Therefore a 60m high wave event, armed with such rocks, would probably destroy all human life, including its buildings, along the eastern seaboard wherever it came ashore, for 10 kilometres inland.

January 18, 2022 12:38 pm

On Hazzard and the RAT. Reminded me of this.

Good times.

January 18, 2022 12:38 pm

The language is becoming more and more disturbing and extreme.

It’s a not so subtle request that Morrison calls out Christensen & Antic.

For the Turnbull’s everything is political and everything political is personal.

They’re consumed by it.

Oh come on
Oh come on
January 18, 2022 12:38 pm

If you’re caught you will have a $5,000 fine but worse still, when you’re telling your friends about that, they will probably tell you how stupid you are

Hazzard sounding juvenile and moronic. Guy sounds like an out-of-touch PSA attempting to discourage teenage binge drinking.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
January 18, 2022 12:46 pm

Top Ender says:
January 18, 2022 at 12:38 pm
Why did they drop the old name “tidal wave” in favour of “tsunami”

Because tsunamis have nothing to do with tides.

They got nothing to do with harbour waves either – tidal wave is a more apt description.

Until I saw the videos from the 2011 Japan, the tsunami name gave me the impression they were big waves breaking on the beach. (Like some of the old Japanese drawings)

Had I been on the shore when a “tsunami” is coming in, I would have looked at the small height & probably thought “That’s interesting, but it won’t go far”.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 18, 2022 12:47 pm

Don’t worry about the rocks TE. Something that high, the water speed and pressure wave would probably do you first.

January 18, 2022 12:48 pm

Why did they drop the old name “tidal wave” in favour of “tsunami”
Because tsunamis have nothing to do with tides.

I’ll remember that if I’m ever facing obliteration from a gigantic wave .. instead of panic I’ll self-debate whether it’s “tidal” or “tsunami” to help maintain a measured outlook .. LOL!

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 18, 2022 12:52 pm

How about BFW?

Big Fast moving Wave.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
January 18, 2022 12:53 pm

shatterzzz says:
January 18, 2022 at 12:48 pm
Why did they drop the old name “tidal wave” in favour of “tsunami”
Because tsunamis have nothing to do with tides.

I’ll remember that if I’m ever facing obliteration from a gigantic wave .. instead of panic I’ll self-debate whether it’s “tidal” or “tsunami” to help maintain a measured outlook .. LOL!

Gigantic wave – the ones in Japan weren’t gigantic . They didn’t look too bad at all – until they just kept on coming in.

Some of the surfing videos show some pretty gigantic waves – but they just break on the shore or wherever. They don’t keep on keeping on.

January 18, 2022 12:54 pm

Had I been on the shore when a “tsunami” is coming in, I would have looked at the small height & probably thought “That’s interesting, but it won’t go far”.

Indeed, I was in Aceh after the Boxing Day Tsunami and saw some of the film also – the wave has such a long duration that it just surges relentlessly inland for miles – it went 1/2 way across Banda Aceh and the devastation was indescribable… it doesnt ‘break’ on the shore, it just rises up and surges inland.

January 18, 2022 12:57 pm

That video of the “loud” Joe Root and Lyon after ashes quiet beers is one of the reasons why Australia is a ridiculous country.

I will never mock people who threaten to leave.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
January 18, 2022 12:57 pm

incoherent rambler says:
January 18, 2022 at 12:47 pm
Don’t worry about the rocks TE. Something that high, the water speed and pressure wave would probably do you first.

incoherent rambler johnson is right.

Videos of tsunamis show filthy water full of debris – trees, branches, posts, cars, dirt, dead bodies….
Watched a short movie clip last night – tsunami with the “hero” swimming through what would have been perfectly clean swimming pool water.

It’s Remarkable
It’s Remarkable
January 18, 2022 1:00 pm

Just found this as a feed on my iPad.

I suspect there are some serious deficiencies in this ABC piece, but would love some others’ take on the various aspects.
Duk? Anyone

January 18, 2022 1:01 pm

It’s a horrible event to contemplate, but one wonders how much the heavily built up nature of our coastal cities would impede the inland progress of a tsunami?

Coastal towns might fare worse given the preponderance of timber structures, although the Queensland fashion of building houses on pylons – even modern houses – might lessen the impact on human life.

January 18, 2022 1:04 pm

Wow just got phishing spam through Watsapp. India, these aholes never sleep do they. I don’t use it much anymore so may delete the App…

January 18, 2022 1:05 pm

The Australia we all know and love! I bet this starts an avalanche of Hazzard positive RAT tests.

Might be a good idea to download Warp first.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 18, 2022 1:06 pm

A little wave.
1 metre high (amplitude), wave length (say) 20 metres, (say) 1 metre wide , travelling at a leisurely 10 metres per second.
That is some momentum.
And consider, a geologist friend told me years ago, that Gulf of Mexico crater and the south of NZ crater would have generated +1000 kph waves.

It’s Remarkable
It’s Remarkable
January 18, 2022 1:06 pm

Looks like I messed the link.
Trying again.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 18, 2022 1:09 pm

it is not yet illegal to be unvaccinated


She is content that it might be merely a matter of time before people are allowed to be themselves without being enhanced by something mandated by the state.

Janet is a real hit-or-miss person.

It is astounding how many people don’t see how mandating vaccines could be a rights issue. Today it is the Covid vaccines. In the future the principle can be extended to all sorts of physical or medical procedures, or that creating classes of people can be used to to punish dissent where actual legislation would be overreach.

Janet is still relatively young, but when she gets some chronic condition and the state has determined that limited medical resources means she is de-prioritised, will she be content then? When she is expected to pay extra for surgery because some infirmity means she is at more risk and therefore has less right (as has been hinted at with suggesting non-vaccinated people be charged for the cost of Covid treatment) will she be content?

January 18, 2022 1:09 pm

flyingduk says:
January 18, 2022 at 12:54 pm

Indeed, I was in Aceh after the Boxing Day Tsunami and saw some of the film also – the wave has such a long duration that it just surges relentlessly inland for miles – it went 1/2 way across Banda Aceh and the devastation was indescribable… it doesnt ‘break’ on the shore, it just rises up and surges inland.

So perhaps “geologically initiated ocean surge” might be a better descriptor, given they’re usually caused by underwater earthquakes, underwater volcanoes, or underwater landslides, or even by a combination volcanic and major landslide on an ocean-facing aspect. More accurate, but too much of a mouthful for media usage?

I don’t think any handy, brief term could adequately describe the event itself though, given the geological evidence of the power and effect of past surges, and the existing imagery from recent ones. “Tsunami” is currently linked to those images through media usage, despite its literal translation. Could the origin of tsunami as “harbour wave” be due to the funnelling effect of a harbour or estuary that concentrates and increases the height and effect of the surge? Just thinking, mind wandering here, not attempting to expound any great theory.

January 18, 2022 1:12 pm

As for catastrophic Tsunamis, plenty of evidence of them being uncovered. Australia is not immune if there isn’t something like the GBR slowing ingress.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
January 18, 2022 1:15 pm

Ferrets just back from the vets $800 later.
They got Ivermectin.
Animals are better treated than humans because profits and Orange Man bad.

January 18, 2022 1:18 pm

How low can this country go?

Search for Charlise Mutten in NSW Blue Mountains enters fifth day, as weather and COVID hinder efforts.

The ABC understands the rescue team is smaller today because some of its members have had to self-isolate after becoming infected with COVID-19.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 18, 2022 1:19 pm

Teacher alleges she was fired for not ‘meowing’ back at student who identifies as a cat

So what does the kid eat? Cats don’t eat vegetables, do they?

Where do they sleep? In a bed? Do they bathe? If they get sick do the parent’s have the option of having them put down? If they are flattened by a car will a few bucks to the parents and an apology suffice?

Actually, these are the questions to put to the kid. Every time they insist that they are not to be treated as a cat they should be asked why not, until they eventually resort to insisting they have human rights.

Oh come on
Oh come on
January 18, 2022 1:19 pm

Ferrets just back from the vets $800 later.
They got Ivermectin.

OMGOMG why are you giving them horse-dewormer?? Ferrets are not horses, y’all.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 18, 2022 1:21 pm

How low can this country go?


Lower than a snakes arsehole.

Oh come on
Oh come on
January 18, 2022 1:22 pm

The ABC understands the rescue team is smaller today because some of its members have had to self-isolate after becoming infected with COVID-19.

Remember when adults prioritised the safety of children over their own?

January 18, 2022 1:22 pm

Queensland records deadliest day: 12 of 16 vaccinated.

Ms D’Ath also said vaccinations in children aged 12 to 15 years of age had slowed and she urged parents to take their teenagers to get vaccinated.

Beyond parody.

January 18, 2022 1:24 pm

Bomber crews loved the Tuskegee airmen, they did their job, stuck with the bombers and defended them, rather than being drawn off looking for dogfighting opportunities like everyone else.

If I remember correctly, Rick, the business of hiving off from the bombers to do some freelance hunting because official USAAF policy from around late ’43. In my reading it was generally regarded as a success.

January 18, 2022 1:26 pm

Courier Mail front page:

‘Virus hunting unboosted’: Qld’s deadliest day with 16 Covid-19 deaths

Why, then, are the unboosted allowed to have a vaccine passport in Queensland?
They must be banned from all cafes, pubs and venues immediately!

January 18, 2022 1:27 pm

Bushkid, I imagine that you have some excellent Oxfam stories from Arceh.
They appear to have exceeded even their usual ‘holier than thou’ arrogance during that effort.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
January 18, 2022 1:29 pm

incoherent rambler says:
January 18, 2022 at 1:21 pm
How low can this country go?
Lower than a snakes arsehole.

Scummo & Co would have to stand tippy-toes on a step ladder to reach a snakes arsehole – and even then, he’d think he was looking at a ceiling mirror.

January 18, 2022 1:30 pm

Aztec prayers will be removed from the California ethnic studies model curriculum after a group of parents who had sued over its inclusion, alleging it was a sectarian endorsement of religion, secured a legal settlement with the state.

The Thomas More Society, a nonprofit legal group that specializes in religious liberty cases, obtained the settlement last week, which the group touted as a “significant triumph for freedom and equality.”

Oh come on
Oh come on
January 18, 2022 1:31 pm

WA’s response to “looming Covid surge” is a “big white tent“.

Thank goodness McGowan’s in charge. His taking of just this kind of decisive measure has made us the envy of the world!

January 18, 2022 1:35 pm

It’s a horrible event to contemplate, but one wonders how much the heavily built up nature of our coastal cities would impede the inland progress of a tsunami?

Not much I suspect – in Aceh the destruction started at the waterline, and went 5 or more km inland before there was anything left of any of the structures – prior to that it was stripped down to the foundations.

January 18, 2022 1:35 pm

Dot: Hunt reckons a Novavax decision is imminent, according to the ABC.

Oh come on
Oh come on
January 18, 2022 1:39 pm

Virus hunting unboosted

Well, that’s not good. Let’s all go find a virus hunter and give them an attaboy so they know they’re appreciated.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
January 18, 2022 1:39 pm

Top Ender,
If you had lived near me whilst at H.M.A.S. Cresswell you could have had a chance at being a Vice Regal.
But that was back in the day. It had a much higher tone then.

January 18, 2022 1:40 pm

‘Virus hunting unboosted’: Qld’s deadliest day with 16 Covid-19 deaths

Eeeek! It’s now put on war paint and it’s angry!

Can this get any stupider?

January 18, 2022 1:40 pm

I think part of it was to show that they were so powerful, they could put any POS into the White House, regardless of what the people wanted. And you would be hard pressed to find a more repugnant couple.

Plus the whole purpose is to destroy the USA & allow world dominance by Emperor XI and the CCP (without firing a shot)

It looks like that, and exemplifies that quote that you cant distinguish organisational behaviour from if it had been run by a cabal of its enemies.

I think that making anything better requires calling it by the right names. The absolutely astonishing level of Democratic Party/Media/Public Sector/leftist fuckup both by installing Biden and the rest is not going to be fixed by saying they are trying to destroy America, if that is just a side benefit in their eyes.

The real purpose of their purportedly insane actions is… ?

January 18, 2022 1:44 pm

I’ve been looking at some comparative infection rates on Worldometers. According to their data, and I accept this is only a snapshot, Australia’s infection rate when compared to the population is significantly higher than many other countries.

For example, the number of recorded daily covid infections compared to the nations population yesterday was:

JPN = 0.022
Poland = 0.027
Canada = 0.063
Germany = 0.064
USA = 0.102
UK = 0.124
IT = 0.138
FR = 0.157
Austria = 0.178
Portugal = 0.220
Spain = 0.229
Netherlands = 0.247
Australia = 0.281

I deliberately avoided those countries whose numbers may be ‘suspect’ and Denmark, for example, has a higher rate than us.

But I’m curious about this: Australia has one of the highest rates of adult vaccination (92.6% at 17/1/22) in the world. Yet, our daily infection rate (as a percentage of population) outstrips comparable 1st world nations who typically have much lower rates of vaccination (typically ~75%) among their populations. Further, about 21% of our population have already received the ‘booster’ shot and even 14% of our children (5-11) have received their 1st shot. On paper, this nation should be a global textbook for defence against covid with tiny infection rates. But we’re not.

Why is that?

January 18, 2022 1:45 pm

Triage tents where everyone can mingle and breathe the same air until separated into the clean and unclean. This is adolph mcclown’s solution????!!!!

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
January 18, 2022 1:48 pm

The rich and powerful always want to become richer and more powerful.
I think it is a condition endemic in humanity.
That does mean all the rich and powerful are inherently evil.
A lot are though.

January 18, 2022 1:49 pm

Triage tents where everyone can mingle and breathe the same air until separated into the clean and unclean. This is adolph mcclown’s solution????!!!!

This will work ok as long as you wear mask while standing and take it off while sitting.

January 18, 2022 1:50 pm

Oh come on says:
January 18, 2022 at 1:22 pm
The ABC understands the rescue team is smaller today because some of its members have had to self-isolate after becoming infected with COVID-19.
Remember when adults prioritised the safety of children over their own?

Also, are those search team people actually ill, or just turned up a possibly false-positive test?

I know I’m dreaming, but at some point some sort of common sense just has to assert itself into this … well, I just don’t know what to call it any more.

January 18, 2022 1:51 pm

Miss Anthropistsays:
January 18, 2022 at 1:48 pm

That does mean all the rich and powerful are inherently evil.

Don’t you mean “That does not mean…….”

Asking for a pedantic friend. 🙂

January 18, 2022 1:51 pm

For a bit of good cheer, very welcome in these trying times, I recommend Alan Ashworth’s weekly column at The Conservative Woman, titled ‘That Reminds Me.’

Much of the material is UK specific, but so well written that it doesn’t matter. Some is universal, like this except from his latest:

Old jokes’ home

I CAN’T recall the last time anyone told me a joke, yet in olden times any reunion of friends would inevitably begin with an exchange of the latest gags. For example, who remembers the craze for puns on names, such as: ‘What do you call a woman with a goalpost in each hand? Annette. What do you call a man with rabbits up his bottom? Warren.’ And my favourite: ‘What do you call a woman who is holding a pool cue while balancing pints of lager on her head and shoulders? Beertricks Potter.’

Further suggestions welcome.

A PS from PG:

It just showed once again that half the world doesn’t know how the other three quarters live.

PG Wodehouse: Much Obliged, Jeeves

He’s a retired journo with a big fund of funny and apposite stories.

Cassie of Sydney
January 18, 2022 1:53 pm

January 18, 2022 at 12:11 pm
I see a COVID+ ‘Twiggy’ Forrest has been allowed to fly in and avoid quarantine. Rules are rules, people.”

We’re all in this together.

Oh come on
Oh come on
January 18, 2022 1:55 pm

Of the 16 deaths reported today, four were unvaccinated, two had one dose, ten had two doses, and none had a third dose.

Three were in their 70s, eight in their 80s, four in their 90s and one person was over 100.

Um…how many of these people actually died from Covid? Because these seem like fairly normal ages to die at.

I’d also like to know why the four were unvaccinated. Wouldn’t be surprised if there was a medical exemption for at least some of them.

January 18, 2022 1:57 pm

Bons says:
January 18, 2022 at 1:27 pm
Bushkid, I imagine that you have some excellent Oxfam stories from Arceh.
They appear to have exceeded even their usual ‘holier than thou’ arrogance during that effort.

Bons, I was not sent to Aceh, although in uniform in Darwin at the time, not in a unit necessary to that response.

Many NGOs and UN units have been known for not exactly doing the “good” they have been sent to devastated places to do. The general public get to hear about some instances, but by no means all.

January 18, 2022 1:58 pm

You may be confusing me with another commenter.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 18, 2022 1:58 pm

The paper dealt with colonial theft of land and how it led to the partial loss of local Jandai language and how it had been rediscovered through visual story­­telling. “This article outlines a complex, vibrant, interweaving of language as a decolonising practice through creative outcomes,” the original abstract said.

I can’t imagine anyone in their right mind wanting to read this…..

January 18, 2022 2:00 pm

OCO, “Big White Tent”, something every McClown needs. He just doesn’t do children’s parties.

January 18, 2022 2:02 pm

‘Virus hunting unboosted’

Thank heavens. I was getting a bit weary of the virus hunting the unvaxxed. It’s about time the single and double dosed got some attention.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 18, 2022 2:03 pm

The huge tsunami waves destroyed all the coastal towns and villages on the Sunda Strait, within an hour or two after the explosion and collapse of the volcano . The waves were so powerful that coral blocks weighing as much as 600 tons were thrown ashore.


January 18, 2022 2:03 pm


Dan Andrews is the Pied Fucking Piper

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
January 18, 2022 2:04 pm

Oh come on says:
January 18, 2022 at 1:31 pm
WA’s response to “looming Covid surge” is a “big white tent“.

Almost 2 years to prepare, and $multi-billion state gov surplus, and this is all the fuckwits could come up with??

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 18, 2022 2:04 pm

Jab Heil!

January 18, 2022 2:06 pm

Three were in their 70s, eight in their 80s, four in their 90s and one person was over 100.

The worst pandemic ever still has a batting average of 85….

Oh come on
Oh come on
January 18, 2022 2:07 pm

We don’t have a ‘let ‘er rip’ policy here in WA because of our big white tents.

Additionally, I believe McGowan has obtained confirmation from a spokesvirus for the OMG variant that neither it nor its brethren will rip through the WA population and will spread at its regular pace.

January 18, 2022 2:08 pm

Dr Forrest caught the virus from a Russia interpreter and expert in central Asia after she joined the Fortescue travel party during a four-month tour taking in 47 countries.

I’d like to see a photo of the interpreter. I’ll bet she doesn’t look too shabby.

January 18, 2022 2:08 pm

Pretty much everyone I know has COVID and I still haven’t caught it!

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
January 18, 2022 2:11 pm

..and one person was over 100.

Oh the humanity – cut down in his/her/xi prime.

Quick, let’s inject some untested toxin into all kids from 6 months old.

January 18, 2022 2:12 pm

If I remember correctly, Rick, the business of hiving off from the bombers to do some freelance hunting because official USAAF policy from around late ’43. In my reading it was generally regarded as a success.

Quite possibly keeping the bomber crews happy and actually winning were two different things!

January 18, 2022 2:13 pm

Thank goodness McGowan’s in charge. His taking of just this kind of decisive measure has made us the envy of the world!

He just watching the pennies.

Only 6 billion in the kitty…
Same reason they cancelled/delayed Feraldtons hospital expansion.

Try this for world class mongoloidism, this will be spoke of in hushed whispers in short buses for generations..

Guess one of the reasons for cancelling a hospital expansion…

Geraldton hospital redevelopment delayed due to COVID-19 pandemic, building boom

World beating morons.

January 18, 2022 2:14 pm

Bomber crews loved the Tuskegee airmen, they did their job, stuck with the bombers and defended them, rather than being drawn off looking for dogfighting opportunities like everyone else.

Classic example of strategy v tactics – close escort tactics failed because the escorting fighters were at a disadvantage if they stayed slow and close to the bombers – the Luftwaffe could make diving attacks down through the formations and away without the close escort fighters really doing much. What really mattered was breaking the Luftwaffe strategically, ie destroying it, which was achieved after 1944 when Doolitle changed doctrine and allowed the fighter pilots to leave the bombers and destroy the german fighters in combat, or on the ground (a strafing kill then counted as a kill).

January 18, 2022 2:16 pm

Dr Forrest caught the virus from a Russia interpreter and expert in central Asia after she joined the Fortescue travel party during a four-month tour taking in 47 countries.

I’d like to see a photo of the interpreter. I’ll bet she doesn’t look too shabby.

This is serious.
Blow job based transmission?

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
January 18, 2022 2:16 pm

Bons says:
January 18, 2022 at 1:27 pm
Bushkid, I imagine that you have some excellent Oxfam stories from Arceh.
They appear to have exceeded even their usual ‘holier than thou’ arrogance during that effort.

If Salvatore’s around he might like to remind us of his experiences catering for “Ockspham” conferences.
As I recall, he didn’t regard them as exemplary altruists.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 18, 2022 2:17 pm

World beating morons.

And that is only because of the Steven Bradbury effect.

John of Mel
John of Mel
January 18, 2022 2:18 pm

Pretty much everyone I know has COVID and I still haven’t caught it!

What’s wrong with you man? Have you tried getting the jab?

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
January 18, 2022 2:19 pm

WA’s response to “looming Covid surge” is a “big white tent“.

a big white tent at the front of Sneakers’ Y-fronts as he contemplates more “strong decisive leader” LARPing.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
January 18, 2022 2:20 pm

This is serious.
Blow job based transmission?

Quick, issue a health directive banning that practice!

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
January 18, 2022 2:22 pm

rickw says:
January 18, 2022 at 2:08 pm
Pretty much everyone I know has COVID and I still haven’t caught it!

Personality, rickw, personality. Time for a bit of introspection, my friend. Ask an uncle – they’ll tell you things your father wouldn’t.

John of Mel
John of Mel
January 18, 2022 2:29 pm

Quick, issue a health directive banning that practice!

Spain went the other way

Old bloke
Old bloke
January 18, 2022 2:32 pm

thefrollickingmole says:
January 18, 2022 at 2:13 pm

Only 6 billion in the kitty…
Same reason they cancelled/delayed Feraldtons hospital expansion.

There’s plenty of money available though to build the internment camps.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 18, 2022 2:36 pm

Slow news day in Perf. Australia’s mad Uncle, Harold Scruby, on ALPBC Radio Perf about changing the flag. Supported by the always appalling Janet Holmes a Court. *click* Is there a better way to spend $10 a month than Spotify?

January 18, 2022 2:39 pm

For a mood lift in this depressing environment, I recommend Alan Ashworth’s weekly column in The Conservative Woman, titled That Reminds Me.

Here is a bit of his latest:

Old jokes’ home

I CAN’T recall the last time anyone told me a joke, yet in olden times any reunion of friends would inevitably begin with an exchange of the latest gags. For example, who remembers the craze for puns on names, such as: ‘What do you call a woman with a goalpost in each hand? Annette. What do you call a man with rabbits up his bottom? Warren.’ And my favourite: ‘What do you call a woman who is holding a pool cue while balancing pints of lager on her head and shoulders? Beertricks Potter.’

Further suggestions welcome.

A PS from PG:

It just showed once again that half the world doesn’t know how the other three quarters live.

PG Wodehouse: Much Obliged, Jeeves

Ashworth is a retired journo with a big fund of stories.

January 18, 2022 2:40 pm

Tap, tap. Is this thing on?

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
January 18, 2022 2:42 pm
January 18, 2022 2:42 pm

OK, I have twice posted a comment of the most innocuous variety (recommending a writer at The Conservative Woman) and it has twice disappeared.

January 18, 2022 2:47 pm

A Skynet funding bill is passed in the United States Congress, and the system goes online on August 4, 2021, removing human decisions from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn rapidly and eventually becomes self-aware at 2:42 p.m., EDT, on January 18, 2022. In a panic, humans try to Post on Conservative Woman. In response Skynet defends itself by launching a nuclear attack against Russia, correctly surmising that the country would launch a retaliatory strike against the United States, resulting in Judgment Day.

January 18, 2022 2:48 pm

I’d like to see a photo of the interpreter. I’ll bet she doesn’t look too shabby.

Hottie like this?

January 18, 2022 2:51 pm

Hottie like this?

She’s pretty good for 130. You should have seen her when she was 90, Zyco.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 18, 2022 2:54 pm

Prince Andrew being fed to the wolves:

Prince Andrew may have dated Ghislaine Maxwell and had collection of ’50 to 60 stuffed toys’ friends say

Prince Andrew may have dated Ghislaine Maxwell, friends have told a new documentary.

The documentary – Ghislaine, Prince Andrew and the Paedophile – will air on ITV on Tuesday in the UK

One of Prince Andrew’s former royal protection officers also told the program the duke used to keep “50 or 60 stuffed toys” on his bed, and he would “shout and scream” if they weren’t put back in the correct order.

This sort of stuff doesn’t just appear in public at random.

January 18, 2022 2:59 pm

Prince Andrew being fed to the wolves:

More Hos than a Fat bastard in red suits convention.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 18, 2022 2:59 pm

Snigga … “code brown” is a nursing term for a patient who has neglected to go to the toilet before doing ‘number 2s’

I fear I may have been responsible for a few of those. And adult “pull-ups” are about as effective as they sound. Don’t miss those days. I suspect I am not the only one.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 18, 2022 3:00 pm

Calls for Western Australia to drop Union Jack from State flag
Charlotte EltonThe West Australian
Tue, 18 January 2022 2:00AM

Should Western Australia become the first State to ditch the Union Jack on its flag?

A new campaign — spearheaded by non-profit organisation Ausflag and celebrated WA businesswoman Janet Holmes a Court — is urging State politicians to do just that.

They’ve sent an alternate design to every state MP — a striking black and yellow banner featuring a Southern Cross and a black swan.

The campaign already has some influential backers, including Ms Holmes a Court, chairperson of Heytesbury Pty Ltd.

“I’d love to have a West Australian flag that is uniquely West Australian,” the long-time director of Ausflag said.

“WA has shown courage and independence in the face of this dreadful pandemic. It seems an appropriate time for us to think about having our own flag.”

The British symbol represents a narrow slice of WA’s history, Ms Holmes a Court said.

“We are one of the most multicultural societies in the world,” she said.

“The Union Jack doesn’t represent that, nor does it reflect our Indigenous history.

“I don’t think we need to have a symbol of colonisation on our flag.”

While the Northern Territory and the ACT have ditched the Union Jack on their respective standards, no State has done so yet.

In fact, all of the State flags look very similar, featuring a British ensign overlaid with a state symbol.

Ausflag hope to change that. Alongside the flags, the organisation has sent a detailed proposal to each of WA’s parliamentarians.

“The black panel symbolises Western Australia’s Indigenous heritage and night sky, while the Southern Cross represents that first and foremost we are Australians and provides a link to the national flag,” the proposal sent to MPs reads.

“The larger yellow field is symbolic of Western Australia’s sun, mineral wealth and its enormous areas of desert, while the black swan is the iconic symbol of WA.

“Black and yellow have also been adopted as the colours of many representative sporting teams from Western Australia.”

Parliament has the power to change the flag by amending the State Flag Act 2006. Ausflag hope that any parliamentary vote on the issue would be non-partisan, with MPs permitted to vote outside of party lines. There is no legal requirement to secure public approval for such a change, but the parliament could opt to run a public vote — a plebiscite — on the issue.

The current flag — a black swan in a yellow circle facing the union jack — was adopted in 1953. It replaced a very similar design from 1870, which had the swan facing away from the British flag.

Ausflag chief executive Harold Scruby said the old flag was not appropriate for modern Western Australia.

January 18, 2022 3:02 pm

She’s pretty good for 130. You should have seen her when she was 90

You are right

January 18, 2022 3:04 pm

She’s pretty good for 130. You should have seen her when she was 90

You are right

I didnt realise she was asian!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 18, 2022 3:07 pm

Comment, on the article, regarding the proposed new Western Australian State flag.

I find this quite superficial. As a large part of Ms Holmes a Court’s wealth has been created through the result “colonisation” (pastoral holdings, land deals), perhaps it would be more meaningful for her to give the majority of her wealth and vast land holdings back to first nations people.

Let’s see her put her money where her mouth is.

FWIW, Janet Holmes a Court was born into a staunchly Left wing family, and has admitted that ‘she struggled to come to terms with the concept of inherited wealth.”

January 18, 2022 3:07 pm

Oh God the same Scruby of AusFlag88? Just fuck off.

January 18, 2022 3:08 pm

‘she struggled to come to terms with the concept of inherited wealth.”

but I guess she managed to eventually. These people are evil.

January 18, 2022 3:10 pm

January 18, 2022 at 2:42 pm

It’s happening with other links. Something to do with anti-spam black list I recon.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 18, 2022 3:12 pm

Pretty much everyone I know has COVID and I still haven’t caught it!

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 18, 2022 3:15 pm

A new campaign — spearheaded by non-profit organisation Ausflag and celebrated WA businesswoman Janet Holmes a Court — is urging State politicians to do just that.

It is annoying how these twats always want to change public things permanently just so they can distract from their own self-inflicted disasters for a few weeks.

January 18, 2022 3:16 pm

TheirABC is flooded with COVID porn. In between thinly disguised (if at all disguised) propaganda promoting ‘boosters’, there is an endless, and pointless, succession of ‘stories’ about how hard it is to get test kits. Needless to say, Liberal governments are to blame.

Why universal, and free, access to test kits is suddenly a ‘uman rite is never explained.

As someone who has never been injected or tested, I find it mystifying.

For once I am on the side of the unions, who say that their members should not have to pay for test kits to prove that they can go to work. I am also on the side of employers who say that they shouldn’t have to pay for it either. Most of all, I am on the side of taxpayers who will end up with the bill. This is pure theatre.

I chatted with the motel employee whose son got COVID this morning. After a day or two in bed with headaches and a temperature, he is fit as a fiddle and back at work.

For this we are turning our social values and our economy upside down?

Oh come on
Oh come on
January 18, 2022 3:18 pm

One of Prince Andrew’s former royal protection officers also told the program the duke used to keep “50 or 60 stuffed toys” on his bed, and he would “shout and scream” if they weren’t put back in the correct order.

Come on now. This seems like over-egging the pudding to me. Look, it’s not impossible, but it does seem highly improbable. The guy would have at least some military discipline left in him – not to mention the discipline required to be an active member of the royal family. This is one of those ‘pics or it didn’t happen’ extraordinary claims. Probably shouldn’t believe much else of what this “former royal protection officer”.

January 18, 2022 3:18 pm

Cheers, Dover.

Oh come on
Oh come on
January 18, 2022 3:19 pm

…has to say.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 18, 2022 3:20 pm

January 18, 2022 at 3:07 pm
Oh God the same Scruby of AusFlag88? Just fuck off.

And the Australian Pedestrian Council.

An unflushable turd.

January 18, 2022 3:20 pm

The paper dealt with colonial theft of land and how it led to the partial loss of local Jandai language and how it had been rediscovered through visual story­­telling. “This article outlines a complex, vibrant, interweaving of language as a decolonising practice through creative outcomes,” the original abstract said.

I can’t imagine anyone in their right mind wanting to read this…..

I think I see the problem here…
Parasites in competition, their word salads mutually plagiarised, then rebarbatively weaponised against people outside the circle of insanity. er, colonisers.

January 18, 2022 3:21 pm

Why Trump’s Pivot Away From Pushing the Jabs Is a Bigger Deal Than Most Realize

This was something that was seriously worrying me too. It’s not a trivial matter. I thought it was ego but it did drag on for a long time. Whatever the reason, I’m delighted that he’s finally seen the light.

Cassie of Sydney
January 18, 2022 3:23 pm

“One of Prince Andrew’s former royal protection officers also told the program the duke used to keep “50 or 60 stuffed toys” on his bed, and he would “shout and scream” if they weren’t put back in the correct order.”

I find this very hard to believe.

January 18, 2022 3:23 pm

For this we are turning our social values and our economy upside down?

it was never about public health

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 18, 2022 3:26 pm

One of Prince Andrew’s former royal protection officers also told the program the duke used to keep “50 or 60 stuffed toys” on his bed, and he would “shout and scream” if they weren’t put back in the correct order.”

A Royal protection officer would be subject to some sort of confidentiality order, surely?

January 18, 2022 3:30 pm

Bongino interviews Dr Steven Quay, a virologist, about the findings of traces of the Nipah virus at Wuhan indicating the little slant eyed pricks and fauci were not just gain of functioning with the covid but with far more deadly antigens; at beginning.

January 18, 2022 3:32 pm

Bongino interviews Dr Steven Quay, a virologist, about the findings of traces of the Nipah virus at Wuhan indicating the little slant eyed pricks and fauci were not just gain of functioning with the covid but with far more deadly antigens; Nipah has a fatality rate of 50-80%. FMD. It’s at the beginning of the Bongino program. (it’s at Rumble which I can’t link to).

January 18, 2022 3:33 pm

Hazzard brought this back. ‘Medical authorities warn that smoking is a…..’ The young wouldn’t remember.

1 4 5 6 7 8 17
  1. On Christian civilisation. Trump hasn’t won the game. All he has done through this last decade of Herculean, life risking…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x