Both will just set up walled UNRWA “refugee camps” and not them out.
Both will just set up walled UNRWA “refugee camps” and not them out.
Probably in humanities it is 0.25% and they only survive by pretending.
I have blackberries and quite a few dead trees that I would like to be rid of. I wonder if…
media outrage so what? Legacy meja gets more irrelevant by the day
Turnbull used it wreck the ag department. At least Morrison split it apart.
The latter are engaging in a phenomenon known as “Off Reservation Wandering”.
It won’t change who owns it though. You have half an hour left today. Spend it wisely. Please.
Both will be hoping the other one doesn’t go.
Spot on, Calli. You’ve just dropped the ‘wake-the-fk-up’ bomb, We know, of course, the cretinous so-called “elite” overlords are incapable of understanding basic logic – so basic logic will be overridden.
Geez Struth,
Your whiny wordwalls about “I dun nuffink wrong and its all you lot’s fault and I dun never and you dun everfink and MuH TyRaNnY!!!1!” whenever you feel put-upon or are losing the argument are longer and more incomprehensible than an Oscars acceptance speech.
Be more like Runnybum. Short, sharp and stupid. Save pixels. Your electronic devices will thank you… 🙂
Struth, you’re the only one I’ve ever pictured driving his bread van into a crowd of people because you appear insane and stupid enough to do such an evil thing from all the hyped up bullshit you’ve posted. “People” can’t sue me for defamation for the simple reason I directed the accusation at you – not others you imbecile. Secondly, you’re anonymous here, you idiot. You can’t sue under an alias. If you can then so can I. The only reason you post racist comments is because you’re a lowlife piece of shit with issues. Let me say it again, you’re the only person I’ve ever considered who would be a prime candidate to mow people down on the street.
He has a name. Barry is his name, and he is – like me – rampantly heterosexual.
We both carry an Ace of Spades in the back pocket, just in case.
Young Frenchmen should have stood around idly, waiting to be sent into forced labour in Germany, while watching their country starve as food production was sent to the same place.
Jews who joined the resistance should have just jumped straight into the train.
The allies funded the French resistance because clearly they thought they were making a difference to the war effort.
As Mr Neilson also pointed out, sometimes it’s the moral thing to do.
A trained solider is many times more effective than a civilian. Putin’s problem with civilians is not in the present it is when they become guerilla fighters. By then they will have enough experience and some training to be a real threat to the ongoing occupation of Ukraine.
There in lies a new problem, they effect regime change the cut back to the borders and you can bet your bottom dollar the EU will ferment a revolution again going back to square 1 and if you stay you’ll get bogged down in an Iraq style insurgency all funded/encouraged by the EU. Putin doesn’t come across as someone rash so I wonder what his plan is?
By the looks of it they are on the move again especially in the east and south. Al Jazeera picking up on it. I can access Russia Today again but info seems scant.
Waaaay too close, Calli, indeed.
They did. And took up A.E. Goodwin’s Alco licence when the latter company fell over.
The latter-day Comeng Alcos were sometimes not as good as A.E. Goodwin’s ones, depending on which State system you look at. Westrail’s N class were cheaply and badly put together, and near-universally abhorred by enginemen because of their persistent overheating issues. NSW’s 80s have kicked along quite cheerfully for the longest time, and only really been sidelined because of the steady horsepower creep into 3000 and 4000 locos from the early 90s to today.
And the Pilbara guys got a lot of good use out of their locally built ‘Century Series’ Alcos, too.
Interesting though that the Syrian conflict saw a mass exodus of young males, while the old, the frail, the women and the children were left to fend for themselves while in the Ukraine those leaving are the cohort usually expected leaving a war zone.
Not that I agree that the unwilling should be conscripted.
“Cassie said at 5.04p.m.
“…Australia has a clown as P.M.”
you are totally correct Cassie, nowhere in so-called Western Civilisation do we have anything remotely resembling LEADERSHIP-Managerial expertise and definitely NO Fiscal control or accountability.
Have spent this very wet weekend reading many good speeches from the past including, Socrates, Plato, Demosthenes, Lincoln, Eisenhower, JFK, Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir, Churchill along with many others including Menzies “Forgotten people” and Martin Luther King. No one can suggest that these were perfect people without their flaws (as none of us are) however, each had a desire to strengthen and improve peoples lives and give warnings in relation to the grave dangers humanity can (and does) impose upon their fellow human beings. Indeed Socrates was put to death because he taught the young to challenge and not accept as absolute truth anything and everything the so called elite said and did.
Nothing resembling LEADERSHIP has been even remotely seen for so long, and, here in Australia certainly not not in the past 45 years at either Federal or State level.
As you say, we are and continue to be ruled by absolute clowns.
The timing of the invasion is interesting. The cynic in me says now the covid narrative has collapsed, and it’s now whoar – got to keep the proles nervous about something.
Queensland is tropical.
It rains.
It floods.
It floods because we aren’t allowed to build dams or any smart infrastructure that will make it obvious to the world that all the natural wealth that made the US, ‘The Super Power’, is nothing compared to what we’re sitting on, until …
Some old .303’s that Howard took off us?
Oh Hang on the coppers sold them all.
Victor Davis Hanson interview.
45+ minutes but well worth the time IMO. I find myself having to remind myself that it was taped on 4 Feb as he appears so prescient. I guess that’s because he actually does his homework and forms his opinions based on facts and a knowledge of history.
Why oh why can’t the west elect wise people like him instead of the nimrods that we do? I know he wouldn’t want the gig but maybe that’s why we should conscript him into it.
Yes well Ukraine has a rich anti-Semitic past and more recent Nazi-sympathising demographic that can be tapped into in times like this. Nothing like experience when dealing with undesirables.
Fait accompli? Sack Kiev, Kharkov and Lvov, pull back to the Donetsk and Luhank territories and declare “This is ours! And don’t dare think otherwise, or we’ll come for you again!”
I doubt there is any Russian capacity or stomach for anything beyond that.
Angouleme according to the internet has a Romanesque cathedral. I look forward to attending mass there this morning.
Something about worshipping God in the same place as others have for many hundreds of years always appeals to me.
Also –
“Don’t read the reasoned details that expose us as Globalist bullshitters.
Just swallow our bloody soundbites!
Don’t chew!”.
It’s fun watching Globalist’s propagandists realise how many real people don’t buy their BS anymore. 🙂
I went to a CofE christening today at St. Pauls, which I think is the main CoFE cathedral in Melbourne. It was the 10 am mass and the place wasn’t exactly packed by there were enough folks attending mass. What a total freaking abortion. If you’re looking around for wokism you can’t get past these guys as the sermon was a splutter of insidious woke crap, which is really unnerving. If you’re attending church to find solace, this isn’t the place for you.
The mass commenced with a thank-you to the “original owners” known as the Whatafuck people (just kidding). The sermon then condemned the folk who invaded this country explaining how the original owners were so badly treated. Here’s the clincher. He said that if we dared to criticize Russia for invading Ukraine then we’re hypocrites. “We” meted out the same treatment to the “original owners”. This is such convoluted disgusting logic it’s almost comical.
My advice for anyone still observing within the clutches of the CofE. Run! Run and don’t look back.
The christening lunch was excellent though. 🙂
We’ve been through this before, Faulty 2.0.
Once you get past the farming belts and coastal strip, the land gets progressively more marginal until it becomes desert.
And the weather is too unreliable.
Ever been to this place? The area was subject to a once in 100 year rains and gazetted in 1878 as a future prospect for farming prosperity.
And spent most of the subsequent century in drought.
And 150+ years of tried and failed pioneering efforts across all States and Territories should tell you that your ideals are more likely to be mugged by reality than the West already has been in the last 20 years.
If Fatty Trump was a disabled transsexual aboriginal moozley nesbian taxi driver I’d be out of a jerb … 😕
That sounds like it was an ordeal, JC. LOL.
A couple of days ago I was watching a live feed from Kiev hosted by Johny (the Russian chap who is often on “Bald & Bankrupt”). He said that he was staying in Kiev as the roads out of town were blocked. Given his Russian appearance, I don’t know how well he will fare with the Ukrainian vigilante mobs on the streets of Kiev looking for “Russian spies and saboteurs.”
“Yes well Ukraine has a rich anti-Semitic past and more recent Nazi-sympathising demographic that can be tapped into in times like this. Nothing like experience when dealing with undesirables.”
Fact check – true.
Persecution, pogroms, genocide.
Sorry for the formatting fail.
Still, at least you enjoyed the lunch, JC.
Miss Ukraine is hot. Worthy of the WIP.
I see ScoMo is fast tracking visas for Ukrainians wanting to come here.
If they’re anything like Ms Anastasiia Lenna that sounds just fine.
I really felt like screaming out at the smug wanker doing the sermon.
My advice for anyone still observing within the clutches of the CofE. Run! Run and don’t look back.
I did decades ago when my local minister started quoting Al Grassby in a sermon.
Um…well. Good lord.
The less people who survive to share their oral history of what the Clinton/Biden & Co. demons and their traitorous servant, did to Ukrainians, the better … they figure … forgetting that God is The Ultimate & Perfect ‘Accountant’.
Breaking news.
Afghanistan supplying Ukraine with a squadron of ground attack/ close support helicopters.
Vlad Bae hasn’t said your pizza was ready!
MatrixTransform that could only be a vapid insult and I don’t see how your reply is related to anything I said, as venturing an opinion about the war and asking what everyone else thinks is hardly blowing my own trumpet or breaking new ground here.
Bruce of Newcastle says: February 27, 2022 at 6:59 pm
Waiting for MatrixTransform to insult Bruce the same way or admit that he is a hypocrite with double standards.
So Mark A started his own blog. Did he really get the flick from the other cat?
I never saw anything other than his lame pics, everybody liked them. Why on earth would he get the boot?
@ Zulu-
If the story is true, I think there is a leftover quantity of Mi-35s (export model Hinds) the Afghan Airforce has somewhere.
Dunno about the mechanical condition, though…
You used to be able to get the, “Nino Culotta” movie, “They’re A Weird Mob”, free, in full, all over the Net.
For years I’ve shared it around the world on Australia Day and other times we needed a morale boost.
Apple & Netflix seemed to have claimed it now … gee, just when the audiences who’d receive positively have mostly dumped the BSing Apple & Netflix and those still in need of it’s Red Pill don’t wander far beyond YouTube.
I’ll revise that to older Mi-25s, likely in Uzbekistan.
KD, known in Sydney as “a hot bit o’ that” (HBOT)
If it’s not Four Pillars to start with you’re not doing things right.
Over at the Furniture Store, he seemed to be blaming Adam D for banning him over complaints about the bugginess of the Dash-Cat and failures to implement anything that would make linking the lame pics sequences easier.
There is, no doubt more to this story, but it’s nothing I’m interested in pursuing further.
Winston Smithsays:
February 27, 2022 at 6:26 pm
This is getting a bit surreal. One thing though, the Ukrainians have balls.
Their men have, Cohenite.
And I strongly suspect a few of the girls…
The links don’t work Winston.
Sacré bleu! To paraphrase Pol Dot (?) at least you’re not in any danger of going all Gray Connelly on us. 🙂
I really felt like screaming out at the smug wanker doing the sermon.
What gender was it and what was it’s pronouns?
Is it anything like Jeremiah Weed?
Before it was juggled through many hands, Hillary/Russia’s Uranium One was a little Aussie mine amongst others owned by our ‘cousins’.
Lately there’s been Twitter posts showing the big contributors to the Clinton Foundation and somehow Australia doesn’t even make the lists, when we were about Number Two.
Short answer; Clinton/Biden & Co have ‘our’ ‘Leaders’ by the short & curly’s.
Do these trendy clerics (good description Mrs T) ever read the Bible? Jesus said ‘I’ll make your fishers of men’ and the First Fleet brought the word of the Lord to Australia.
Nah, they’re old Soviet-era bangers the Yanks were going to give to Afghanistan before the Taliban took the place over. They were getting the Ukrainians to refit them, so now the US has said Ukraine can have them to help take on the Russians. That’s nice. I’m sure the Russians will appreciate the additional target practice.
So this came up in my thoroughly confused Google newsfeed today (I spend a fair bit of time ensuring Google has no idea what to recommend to me):
Denyers confront ugly truths about their marriage
I didn’t notice the headline at first, just saw the photo and thought ‘it’s a photo of that fa- I mean flamboyant – game show host and his dear old mumsy’. (Link to paywalled article but you can see the photo in question.) Then I saw the headline. Ummmm…I think there might be some other truths about that marriage they aren’t talking about.
Say, what do Grant Denyer, Hugh Jackman and Emmanuel Macron have in common? (There are two correct answers.)
I suspect a great many of the new volunteers have had training of some sort in the past. Goes with that territory. Conscription was ended in 2013, briefly, but was then reinstated in 2014 after Putin’s LGMs invaded the east.
Only in order to misinterpret it.
CL, if you ever find yourself faced with a Sunday of ennui I suggest you attend Mass at All Saints Albany Creek.
Church in the round. Acknowledgement of traditional owners. One of those cookie cutter Christian ‘rock’ bands; tambourine, drums guitars. Most of the service conducted by a deaconess.
You’ll love it.
A: Severe brain damage
B: Married to grannies
February 27, 2022 at 5:50 pm
I don’t know why Ed is regarded as a Wivenhoe dam expert. SEQ Water has been releasing water since December last year.
Dick Ed regards himself as the ultimate expert on everything (that can be readily found via Google, or half plausibly made up). Others might differ.
Thanks for that, Rex. I did wonder what had happened to Mark A. As he said, innocuous.
DeSantis Speaks at CPAC Thurs Night
Definite Presidential material.
Got to be the Bee.
No I haven’t checked.
Hence the lovingly bestowed moniker, “Graegooglery”*
*By H B Bear.
The Afghan Airforce owned 60 or so MD-530Fs and 8 Mi-24s when the Biden debacle happened.
How many were operational is a good question.
Acknowledgement of the Holy Trinity?
Back when Private Eye could be clever-
Head line CofE Shock – Bishop admits relationship with God
Anyone else with Foxtel note that the Russia Today” ( know as RT) channel is currently “unavailable”. Is is a technical error or censorship?
That cathedral in Angouleme looks beautiful. I love the Romanesque style. And yes it is lovely to attend a service in an ancient church.
I went to one in Crete about a fortnight after 9/11. Being Greek Orthodox, it was completely covered with frescos of the saints, all looking down on me. Never before had I understood the sense of being surrounded by a “cloud of witnesses”. Until that day.
Woke churches are dying churches. Whitewashed sepulchres.
Anyone else with Foxtel note that the Russia Today” ( know as RT) channel is currently “unavailable”. Is is a technical error or censorship?
possibly the latter- I can watch it live streaming right now. Another reason not to bother with pay tv.
Bill Gates: ‘If every country does what Australia did,’ the world could prevent the next pandemic
I think keelhauling Bill Gates would be a better option.
No, Bruce.
It was “The Bush” 🙂
I’m surprised it hasn’t been memed yet.
Foxtel: “In view of concern about the situation in Ukraine, the Russia Today channel is currently unavailable on Foxtel and Flash.”
SBS also.
It’s how the Russians pronounce it.
Kockhead wont be going there, to the floods, wasn’t he in his wet weather/ flood/cyclone gear leaning into the terrible wind doing a crossover when a bloke appeared across the strret behind him, walking his dog?
Also I remember during the bushfires time before last, he was there day one but then cut and ran, leaving Melissa Doyle to man the breeches so to speak.
All talky no gutsy.
So many things the Soviet Union were criticized correctly for have come to pass in the west- eg beating up Trump supporters for example. Ask Andy Ngo.
I had an interesting day in church today. I am not a regular church goer but have attended for the last three weeks to take my 91 year old mother. It is next door to her aged care facility and a short 10 minutes with her stroller.
As it happened, we were there for the second last and last sermons from the old minister as he abruptly resigned when he was asked to change his methods by the leader of the church. His sermons were short and sweet.
So today , a new minister . An older chap who seemed like he had been there before. Spoke very well, a lot of metaphors, analogies and anecdotes. He even threw in a line about Satan trying to divide us into vaxxed and unvaxxed.
Then he called people to the front and spoke about some oil he was going to apply . Quite a few people came to the front and I was a bit curious as to what would happen.
I didn’t get the chance to find out because my mother looked at her watch and said “Come on we’re leaving”
“Didn’t you like that?” I asked on our stroll home.
“They shouldn’t be coerced because on Monday they might regret it”
My task this week…. Find a new church
No , it’s an acknowledgement of we humans. That’s what they are centered, that’s what they are ”celebrating”. Their focus is on humans, not God. As Calli would say, they are celebrating the ”wonder of me”.
Losing your job for wrong think was another favorite punishment in commo countries- now common in the west
John H:
It’s a bloody good thing we’ve got all those French submarines to escort our Strategic Fuel Reserve to our island girt by sea ain’t it?
But it’s also how Anglophones have historically pronounced it.
That doesn’t mean we approve of Russian designs on the place.
This is a diktat from the US State Department and I’m not about to take directions on pronunciation from them.
The old thief has so comprehensively destroyed the US’s energy independence that it’s likely the US will dip into our Strategic Fuel Reserve if they are desperate enough
Tulsi Gabbard Warns Of Threat To Freedom And Civil Liberties At CPAC 2022
Very impressive. Brutally honest and well received (considering that she was speaking at the ‘opposing’ party convention).
The lady has cohones and integrity, so naturally the progressives have been flaming her non-stop for her ‘sedition’.
Tulsi is a WEF ‘young leader’- she ain’t what she seems
Something that one would reasonably expect to be well-received in a Right of Centre environment.
Of course they would.
Australia will fund the supply of weapons to the government of Ukraine to help it fight Russian forces invading the country, stepping up its support days after saying it would only provide “non-lethal” military equipment.
We’re send incendiary Koalas.
Makes a Molotov cocktail look like a kids birthday cake.
worth a look
Rex Anger:
When it does occur, possibly, they will be the first ones to say “Now is not the time for questions like that – we have an existential crisis on our borders!”
Whereupon we will enlist them immediately into Battalion 999 and send them off to deal with it.*
They can extirpate their sins against the Motherland with their blood. Oooraah!
*issue them with extra Depends because Hell has dress standards, you know.
I was inquiring if there was any acknowledgement of the Holy Trinity to accompany, precede or follow the acknowledgment of the local indigenous mob, and thereby performatively declare that it was Christian worship taking place there.
The very name ‘Father, Son and Holy Spirit’ is radically counter-cultural today.
Which is why woke Christians are tending to replace it with other, self-chosen formulae.
If ever you experience that, walk out.
The old thief has so comprehensively destroyed the US’s energy independence that it’s likely the US will dip into our Strategic Fuel Reserve if they are desperate enough.
Only a Mongdom would of a Strategic Fuel Reserve a 20 day voyage away.
Anyone see the ghost fighter pilot ace had a son, US Marine Hyde?
“No , it’s an acknowledgement of we humans. That’s what they are centered, that’s what they are ”celebrating”. Their focus is on humans, not God. As Calli would say, they are celebrating the ”wonder of me”.”
Progressive Judaism is the same.
It is anti-God. It’s paganism.
February 27, 2022 at 7:55 pm
ChrisL, your mum is awesome.
Some folks are well and truly carrying on like these people are all murdergenociding Stonecutters.
Which is ironic, given that the Stonecutters really just wanted to be a drinking group with fancy robes…
Cassie of Sydney:
…and the Australian Antarctic Territory which has four Chinese bases in it, + one being constructed.
Fuck me, Oliver is awesome
… I’d turn
… have his babies
Which is why a number of tank farms quietly sprouted and expanded in Kwinana over the last 12 months.
Mong-like they may be, but is not entirely stupid. Money was quietly released to encourage companies to tank up. And they did.
I drive past them on a near-daily basis.
Coincidentally, that was one of her themes. The current tribalism that dictates you cannot respect an opposing viewpoint, you must label them an enemy and attempt to cancel them.
You clearly didn’t watch the Ukrainian video I posted on the matter.
Never mind. It was just to inform not to have a debate about it. Pronounce it how you want; there are bigger things to be concerned about.
Or she’s being red pilled, milt.
At best it’s hashtag diplomacy; at worst it’s the likes of neo-cons Anthony Blinken and Victoria Nuland trying to control the narrative through the control of language.
The buggers reek so strongly of eucalyptus oil, one might reasonably think they were quite flammable under the wiry fur, bad attitude, sharp claws and chlamydia…
Hope so Roger- she did have the guts to describe what Clinton really was.
I’m certain.
She’s been heading in this direction for a while now.
Chris – Lots in all that which is difficult to parse…but what works for some people I’m fine for them to pursue. 😀
In our church today we got to sing hymns without wearing useless face nappies for the first time in nearly two years. That was a fine thing also.
Those poor career focused, Ph D women in the WEF.
They have not heard the gospel of Eddie Cantor.
“Fuck me, Oliver is awesome
It gives me hope when I can listen to people like Starkey and Oliver.
RussiaToday is pretty Woke, I’d say SouthFront is more reliable:
Here’s the other side of the coin.
All of these stories are just NATO press releases. Some of them are patently ridiculous.
Putin health fears: President ‘sent mad’ by Covid – warning to world
Was Eddie Cantor the guy who sang “Mammy” in blackface?
Yep. The B-52 Stratofortess, a heavy long range strategic sheller.
This is why Russia is struggling now. They arrested Jesus back in 2020.
“Psychological violence”
Look. They seemed pretty happy, I am unsure of his fate. What if they treated each other decently and just wanted to have a means of self defence?
He’s still languishing on remand, no indictment yet. That’s almost a year and a half now after his arrest.
Cults might be silly, but if there’s no abuse or coercion, who cares?
At best it’s hashtag diplomacy; at worst it’s the likes of neo-cons Anthony Blinken and Victoria Nuland trying to control the narrative through the control of language.
hadn’t heard of Nuland- these parasites are a menace. Anyway why Romanize it at all? Stick with ????
oh it doesn’t like Cyrillic!
Best thing I’ve read today. Who knew about Colour Revolution?
Well, I guess Covid is an ‘approved’ cult.
The Express is a lot of fun, which is why I read it each day.
Quite like the supermarket tabloids in Men In Black.
I didn’t know that.
But I was never happy about the adoration she seemed to get from the Right.
In fact I stated that there was something dodgy about her and that she seemed to be a Leftard ‘plant’ burrowing into the Republicans. I think she has sucked in a lot of people.
Just been looking at comments on the Ukrainian situation on other platforms, two things really stand out:
1). The true situation is unknown to the general public, vast amounts of propaganda are being pumped out.
2). The West has no moral authority over Russia after having spent two years brutalising their own citizens.
No wait, Jesus is in Oz!
Yup. Supposedly the Chinese diplomats have been tweeting some pointed stuff regarding invading other countries the USA has done. Any moral authority the western world might be trying to summon is well and truly dusted at this point.
Which is why a number of tank farms quietly sprouted and expanded in Kwinana over the last 12 months.
Mong-like they may be, but is not entirely stupid. Money was quietly released to encourage companies to tank up. And they did.
Yes, but pissing in the wind compared to how much they brought, oh, they brought crude, where’s it going to be refined? That’s right after 50 years of fucking the oil industry we’re no longer self sufficient for refining capacity. A good portion MUST come from Singapore.
A leftard plant that calls out Hillary and Kamala?
They’d have to be crazy like a fox to pull that.
Hehe, just had two brushtails on my arm: mum and kid. Their quest for carrots of power was fulfilled!
In other Cafe news yesterday I had to get the ladder out as a dozen or so bees were checking out salubrious Cafe Penthouse. It would not do for the kookas to encounter a beehive when next they wish to use the property. So I chased away the bees and thumbtacked a piece of cardboard over the entrance. I’ll remove it in July when the kookas start getting frisky.
Gabbard is a Democrat in Congress, Winston.
Since she’s “ex” military and being pushed in the Media, likely a Spook as well.
Any moral authority the western world might be trying to summon is well and truly dusted at this point.
Most importantly, their own citizens know it. Plenty of terse comments about the reporting of events being bs and that if the fuckers care about freedom and liberty they should start at home.
These fucking arseholes really are like some prick who regularly beats the shit out of his wife suddenly getting all riled up over another bloke having an argument with his wife.
It’s not really a shocker to reveal that Tulsi Gabbard is a democrat, ex army and appealing to the blue dog democrats.
Speaking of bees, I have a native solitary bee of some sort which has made a little nest in an exterior door key hole.
It’s done it’s thing and bunged up the hole. Baby bees?
Or an aspiring florist.
Sure, but Winston didn’t know that.
When Karvelas said the AFP were aware of the situation, she flat out lied (with reference to the Proud Boys hoax).
Hmmm..catchy tune at the start ???
naming my son US Marine Hyde
“What do you mean US Marine is failing algebra?”
When what?
2). The West has no moral authority over Russia after having spent two years brutalising their own citizens.
I concur. I feel sick to my stomach when I see our clown of a PM using this opportunity to talk about ‘freedom”.
“When Karvelas said the AFP were aware of the situation, she flat out lied (with reference to the Proud Boys hoax)”
Fark, any so called news coverage is unwatchable. I can’t stand listening to them say keeeev all the damn time. WTF.
One of the things that makes me laugh about Trump is you can go back decades and find him talking pretty much the same politics, but somehow that went from moderate left to ZOMG!!! EBIL RIGHT WING NAZI!!
Tulsi strikes me as similar. Very much a moderate, just the discourse has moved so far.
Someone upthread had never heard of Assistant Secretary Of State Victoria Nuland.
Her father was born in Ukraine and she’s married to NeoCon scholar Robert Kagan.
Though his Wiki entry doesn’t mention it, I’ve read elsewhere that he’s part of the extended family of Lazar Kaganovitch [1890-1980] the Butcher of Ukraine and Stalin’s brother in law.
Rex Anger:
Are those the tanks along Cockburn Rd?
Looking at Google Earth the ones to the north seem to be fairly new – not as rusty as the southern ones. Are they for crude or distillate?
I knew that.
But there are calls for her to transfer over to the Republican side.
February 27, 2022 at 9:13 pm
Agreed, some of the maps with lines of control are nearly 48hrs old and seem very outdated. Poms reckon there was an Anphib landing near Mariupol and we know the Russians are in Khakiv. Not much else good info about… Even Twitter is drying up. I’d say both sides are well into propaganda mode.
From earlier some advice be careful about mocking about our involvement in supporting Ukraine, you might attract some flak… 😉
White Ribbon types?
Okay, but she’s not getting reelected in November if she does that, since Japanese and Hawaiians in Hawaii vote Democrat 93% of the time.
Good advice, though I think it was just an opportunity to kick Scotty in the head rather than any AntiUkaine sentiment.
Albo must be furiously consulting Focus Groups to decide if he’ll follow suit.
Tulsi didn’t stand for re-election in 2020 although she had a very safe seat.
Considering what she did at the Democrat debates & how she sued google for shadow banning her post the debates, it would be a helluva a long game for her to be a WEF plant.
She’s been anti war from the get go.
Being a medic during a war might do that to you.
Re-elected Grigs?
The Democrats have shifted so far to the left that they are hardly recognisable to the American people now.
The polls tell the story.
I don’t know what to believe. It’s all speculation or unverifiable.
‘Raging’ Putin praises his special forces for ‘heroically carrying out their military duties’ in new televised address – as Ukraine invasion falls ‘well-behind timeline’ and minister says ‘his days are numbered’ if he fails
Putin gave ‘gratitude’ for troops involved in ‘special operation’ in speech to mark holiday of commemoration
Today, fierce fighting broke out as columns of Russian troops entered Ukraine’s second city of Kharkiv
Ukrainians obliterated Chechen special forces column of 56 tanks outside Kyiv and kills top general
Those killed include Chechen general Magomed Tushaev – one of the regime’s most highly-decorated soldiers
Putin had green-lighted their deployment, with each fighter given a deck of cards with figures on his ‘kill list’
But Ukrainian president Volodymr Zelensky is still reported to be alive – and is fast becoming a global hero On
On Sunday morning, Ukrainian government ministers confirmed they had managed to keep control Kyiv
Came as video showed locals in Koryukivka, town just miles from border with Russia, blocking Russian tanks
Conservacorp journo.
Very Disturbing, Joe Biden Claims Inflation Is an Imaginary American Psychosis That Does Not Exist in Reality
February 26, 2022 | Sundance | 257 Comments
There is so much that’s disturbing about this interview, it is very difficult to adequately contextualize the danger we are facing as a nation.
It’s an easy disposable line to say Joe Biden is clueless about things. He stumbles with cognitive thought, has trouble putting thoughts into understandable sentence structures using words, makes frequent gaffes and generally struggles to communicate issues that are simple and not complex. When the issues are complex, the cognitive impairment gets worse. These are easy truths to hit him with…
However, there’s a more concerning aspect once you listen to how genuinely he has been led to believe in things that are fundamentally false. That’s where the danger comes from. In this prompted segment on COVID and the economy, Joe Biden references a perspective, a belief in current events, that has been seeded into his brain by Surgeon General Vivek Murthy.
I know it’s hard to listen to him, but in this segment pay close attention. Joe Biden believes, really believes, that a COVID induced mental psychosis is responsible for people convincing themselves that prices have gone up, that inflation is extreme, and that economic pain is real.
He has been told that inflation does not exist, so he believes inflation is imaginary. He is reconciling the difference between what he is told to believe and the reality that everyone lives, by accepting an explanation from his advisors – that working class people are suffering from psychosis. WATCH (8:54):
Transfer that reference into the policy from his office, and things become clear. Those driving the economic policy know they are creating chaos; however, they are telling Joe Biden the economic chaos does not exist. Without a reference for the damage his office is responsible for creating, more intentionally chaotic economic policy comes forth.
The same context applies to foreign policy, monetary policy, regulatory policy, economic policy, energy policy, education policy etc. Scary stuff.
look Berka, we’ve had this out before.
you spend too much time putting words in people’s mouths and then getting all verbose over pretending you didn’t.
Today I went on a mission.
A blue tick tweeting/retweeting something about the glorious people of Ukraine.
I purposely limited myself to 10.
There had to be a video or a photo with the tweet.
As I went into each twitter thread 8 of the 10 tweets were proven to be false, or from years ago or in one case a fucking training video.
2 seemed to be genuine.
Seriously, the virtue signalling about being pro-Ukraine I expected from the blue tick universe.
But it looks like the twitter disinformation beta’s have had the weekend off.
I’ve got a feeling neither most Russian people or most Ukrainian people really want to fight.
The idea that Putin will lose because he’s not prepared doesn’t cut it. Look at the advances on the map.
Ukraine can’t last more than 8 weeks. It won’t exist after that.
Yeah, he skedaddled outta Dodge a while back, but before he did, he made a few heroic videos.
He’s basically a trust fund kid who has never had a real job, of course he has NFI.
“It’s all speculation or unverifiable.”
Indeed and I wouldn’t rely on the Daily Mail.
We can’t let the plebs be their own banker.
Speaking of bees, I have a native solitary bee of some sort which has made a little nest in an exterior door key hole.
It’s done it’s thing and bunged up the hole. Baby bees?
That is something European Wasps do…
Kill it and the nest now…
Putin’s problem is that it shoulda been over yesterday.
In 8 weeks time the US State Department will have thousands more mercenaries in Ukraine, the locals prevented from leaving, convicts released by Zelenskiy before he fled, heavily armed and prowling for booty, and you’re looking at the British Army in Northern Ireland 1969-1999.
My fridge blew up overnight.
I can’t get someone to look at it until Wednesday to see if it can be saved.
Luckily I was at the end of my shopping cycle so it was almost empty.
The only things that had to go that were pricey were the truffle chilli sauce & the wagyu jerky.
Luckily there was no beer because nothing tastes worse than beer that’s been in & out of the fridge.
Luckily there was no beer because nothing tastes worse than beer that’s been in & out of the fridge.
Eeeuyw heat struck….
She’s a WEF Young Leader, like Fidel Jnr.
Without the WEF, no one woulda ever heard of her and she wouldna been in Congress either.
The only things that had to go that were pricey were the truffle chilli sauce & the wagyu jerky.
Luckily there was no beer because nothing tastes worse than beer that’s been in & out of the fridge.
Sorry feelthebern…I had to do it… 😉
Genuine question.
Why would you want to occupy Kiev?
If you’ve grabbed the land you want and the infrastructure you plan to control, what benefit does taking a city give you.
Do you really know so LITTLE about military matters?
US Embassy Quietly Deletes All Ukraine Bioweapons Lab Documents Online – Media Blackout
February 26, 2022
The US Embassy in Ukraine abruptly deleted all their bioweapon lab documents from the official website on Friday amid Russia’s ongoing ‘special military op’ in the country.
In the last 24 hours, all PDF files from the embassy website ( were removed without any explanation.
Thankfully, all of the documents were archived by internet sleuths:
[links at link below]
These labs are purportedly co-run by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s EcoHealth Alliance. According to reports, Russia is currently engaged in securing these labs and gathering evidence.
According to one of the documents, three of the virus’s these labs were studying included; swine flu, avian flu, and hantavirus:
Risk Assessment of Selected Avian EDPs Potentially Carried by Migratory Birds over Ukraine
Prevalence of Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever virus and hantaviruses in Ukraine and the potential requirement for differential diagnosis of suspect leptospirosis patients
?The Spread of African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) in Domestic Pigs and Wild Boars in Ukraine – Building Capacityfor Insight into the Transmission of ASFV through Characterization of Virus Isolates by Genome Sequencing and Phylogenetic Analysis.
That wagyu jerky wasn’t like normal jerky.
It was more like a cured meat.
A piece of that of an evening ended all sugar cravings.
Bolen @USCenturion2020
TRUMP: “They use Big Tech to censor you, the Deep State to spy on you, the intelligence agencies to frame you, the media to slander you…they rig elections to disenfranchise you…all the while they claim they are the ones defending democracy and justice.
It’s all a bunch of bullshit.”
3 million people in Kyiv and Putin said he’s gonna bring the Nazis to justice.
They won’t be hiding in a haystack out in the scrub, they’ll be hiding in the cities.
The benefit of having a bio lab in Wuhan is that not only are the borders tight & visa controlled but the amount of surveillance in the city is enormous.
The problem of having these alleged bio labs in Ukraine is the borders are as loose as a wizards sleeve.
Unless it was protected by contractors working for whatever Blackwater calls itself these days, I find it hard to believe.
Heard of a mike drop?
What about a mag drop?!
They don’t hafta secure the borders of Ukraine, just the barb wire fences around the BioLab.
Anyway, Putin blew the things up, an action i’m sure all Right thinking people would applaud.
That’s hilarious Rickw.
Is that legit? Or a skit show?
William Wallace wasted his life then?
Alexandra Marshall on Twitter is just repeating tired talking points re Ukraine. Very disappointing. Newburrie the same. They’ve learned nothing these last 20 years.
Genuine question.
Why would you want to occupy Kiev?
If you’ve grabbed the land you want and the infrastructure you plan to control, what benefit does taking a city give you.
Something to give them back to satiate their desire for revenge.
Remember how two years of the take a lot and give back a little blunted everyone’s enthusiasm for stringing up Dickhead Dan.
ScoMo has gone all in on Ukraine.
Oh boy, he’s gunna grab on & ride it for all it’s worth.
Fuck he’s an embarrassment.
Albo & Shorten would have done the same if in his position.
Hopefully ScoMo will volunteer to lead a militia to fight the Ruskies himself.
It more more snippets including local concerns about those US Biolabs in Ukraine.
100% bern.
One hundred per cent. It’s horseshit. ‘Today the Heroic People killed eleventy gagillion Russian army tanks with Molotov cocktails.’
And it’s not just the current Ukraine contretemps, either, that is inflicted with this. Climate change. Covid. Cross-pollination – ie, ‘we’re all going to be gassed in wellness camps.’ The lot.
And people wonder why other become become naturally suspicious when shit like this is broadcast with an expectation that the public will lap it up.
Perfect timing. I wish Anne was still around, if only for the daily ‘Mass Arrests!’ and ‘Gitmo filling up!’
That’s hilarious Rickw.
Is that legit? Or a skit show?
Maybe the guy is a professional actor and can pull a perfect “I just fucked up in front of my whole country” look.
Hopefully ScoMo will volunteer to lead a militia to fight the Ruskies himself.
with Bolt and Sheridan
shows our miserable political class are just puppets of the US state department
Oh and PS, Russian gas still transiting Ukraine & into Europe.
This banning of some (I really wonder why not all) Russian banks from SWIFT is big.
It would be bigger if their whole system was cut off.
We’ll see what the world thinks of this SWIFT development when the ASX opens tomorrow.
This is like the GFC all over again.
The Fed would announce something over the weekend & the Australia market would be the first to react.
Hopefully ScoMo will volunteer to lead a militia to fight the Ruskies himself.
I hope it’s as funny as his welding, will go something like this:
That wagyu jerky wasn’t like normal jerky.
It was more like a cured meat.
A piece of that of an evening ended all sugar cravings.
Suspect cutting Russia out of swift won’t be quite as effective as hoped, given the work been done toward an alternative.
Looks to have been a great deal of work done to harden the country against sanctions too.
Considering the sanctions exempt all energy & energy related (plus other goods) they are not worth shit.
Seriously, if it wasn’t for the fake twitter stuff, you’d be hard pressed to believe anything was happening.
Exactly right.
Why am I reminded of the scene from “Zulu” where the Welsh soldier,s fixed bayonet falls off?
“You slovenly soldier!”
Well with the Chermans sending weapons into Ukraine, Vlad should be very very frightened.
Walked through a smallish pro Ukraine demo here, Ukrainian and Geogian flags flying. Some of the crowd obviously Ukrainian heritage because kids dresses in Ukraine vests etc.
Obviously couldn’t understand a word the speakers were saying.
The focus group feedback must have been delivered, State premiers of both teams now jumping on the bandwagon to ‘work with the Federal govt’ on taking in Ukrainian refugees.
LinkedIn is also full of ‘I stand with Ukraine’ virtue signalling, so the corporates have received their marching orders also it seems.
As real as most footage of what’s going on in Kiev:
It seems to me that it’s a media war.
Yes. ”Theatre of war” no longer means what it used to mean.
It seems to me that it’s a media war.
lotsa bangs and flashes for the tele
And just like that, all the Tulsi Gabbard fans quietly went away …
sometimes it’s too easy