Open Thread – Weekend 26 Mar 2022

Giovannina sitting by the window, Pavel Chistyakov, 1864

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March 27, 2022 9:16 pm

For some positive news, I recently picked up my VJ charger, complete with triple weber install, just waiting now for new diff and braking components to finish it…..

E38 or 49 …. pray its the E49, in burnt orange..

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 27, 2022 9:17 pm


March 27, 2022 at 9:00 pm

Sancho Panzer says:
March 27, 2022 at 8:56 pm
Trump is not getting elected Speaker.
Full stop.

Dream a little, Sanchez.

Giving him 100 votes was dreamtime.
Realistically he might struggle to pull twenty.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 27, 2022 9:17 pm

And, by the way, I reckon the guy was a vaxx statistic.

I’m disappointed, Grigory.

I thought you were going to say he was a Spook.

Who was poisoned.

Most likely…

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 27, 2022 9:18 pm

Grogs is a remittance man…

Now there’s a payment that needs sanctions.

March 27, 2022 9:19 pm

E38 or 49 …. pray its the E49, in burnt orange..

It’s a 265, 4 speed.

It’s actually an XL designation. I just decided to upgrade to the webers because I could.

Has black vinyl interior and silver paint (original colour) ?

March 27, 2022 9:19 pm

Was there anything interesring about the Poo Fighters.

No Eddles, they were as boring as f*ck. We finally agree for once.

Grohl trying to spin a post knackvana career after the untimely flamer and spook induced death of the Cobain. As for the latter’s widow, the less said the better. She was no HBOT.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 27, 2022 9:19 pm

The reason Government/BigPharma lied about the vax takeup becomes apparent.
When all the dead are triple and quadruple vaxxed it doesn’t stand out, since everyone is vaxxed, right?
But if they told the truth, then there’s no way every victim being dead and multiple vaxxed could be a random distribution.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 27, 2022 9:22 pm

Gonzalo Lire?
A joke name, surely.
Like Biggus Dickus.

March 27, 2022 9:22 pm

Righto. So we’re the evil empire now.

Yep. One of them.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 27, 2022 9:22 pm

The dead drummer was a Flamer as well as being a CovidVax Stat?
What are the odds?

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 27, 2022 9:22 pm

Dave Hughes on Skah, looking like he’s just shot up again.

He gives retards a bad name. Now I’m disabled I can say that without any worries.

March 27, 2022 9:23 pm

Did they bleat about how much good stuff was in Charlie Watts’s system? I’ll bet it was more than 10.

Eddles, the Watts was the ripe ol’ age of 80 when he shuffled off this mortal coil. If he was still indulging in various illicit pharmaceuticals by then, well, quite frankly, good on him.


H B Bear
H B Bear
March 27, 2022 9:26 pm

How do these guys source drugs as they travel the world?

What do you think local record companies and promoters are for?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 27, 2022 9:28 pm

Cobain. As for the latter’s widow, the less said the better. She was no HBOT.

The more I heard of her, the more I understood why Kurt put the shotty under his chin and redecorated the lounge.

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 27, 2022 9:30 pm

Now I’m disabled I can say that without any worries.

You coulda always said it, Bear.

March 27, 2022 9:31 pm

Plasmamortar says:
March 27, 2022 at 9:19 pm

Music to my ears.

I used to own an E55 VJ.
Factory power steer, ac, remote mirror, 770 trim etc etc.

Sold it because of getting married or something.

March 27, 2022 9:31 pm

It’s a 265, 4 speed.

I had a VJ 4 dr, 318, 4 s


March 27, 2022 9:32 pm

Grrrr… 318 4spd

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 27, 2022 9:32 pm

the Watts was the ripe ol’ age of 80

Yeah, but he hadn’t been sick and was still wokkin’.
I’m tinkin’ the Vax hastened his demise considerably.

March 27, 2022 9:33 pm

The US has already been invaded. From within.

The entire country is full of nutcases.

March 27, 2022 9:37 pm

Sold it because of getting married or something.

That’s most unfortunate 🙁

I bought mine as a second year apprentice.

Took a little longer than I had hoped, but it sounds amazing after all the hard work 🙂

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 27, 2022 9:37 pm

How do these guys source drugs as they travel the world?
Do they find a new dealer in every city?

The beauty of a good agent.

Roadies and hiding your powder in the freight probably go a long way as well.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 27, 2022 9:39 pm

You coulda always said it, Bear

Said the flamer shut-in.

March 27, 2022 9:39 pm

The entire country is full of nutcases

Exactly like here, ‘dillo.

March 27, 2022 9:42 pm

Gee, I’m eighty years old, time to hoover a whole bunch of illicit pharmaceuticals, I tells ya!

Said no superannuated rock ‘n’ roller evah*

*There may just happen to be very good reasons for this.

March 27, 2022 9:42 pm

Sure, Armadillo.

Melbourne was the most locked down city in the world. The population accepted it like good little Germans, but Americans are nutcases?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 27, 2022 9:50 pm

but Americans are nutcases?

Californian Democrats fleeing California for Texas and other Red States, then voting Democrat?

March 27, 2022 9:52 pm

How do these guys source drugs as they travel the world?

Stay in a posh hotel. The top level prostitutes and drug dealers will find you.

Where there is a market, there is a supplier. It’s always been this way. Since day dot.

March 27, 2022 9:59 pm

Re American culture, I agree the miasma of cultural marxism (brought there from the Frankfurt school) hasn’t infected every American even though it drives Hollywood and their and our meja. It’s probably a sizably minority. The reason I say this is they still had to cheat big time to plant the old grub in the White House.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Plasmamortar deserves some type of special award for dedication to fossil fuel useage & restoration of planet-raping technology of the 1970s.

Well done that Cat.

March 27, 2022 10:03 pm

It’s interesting and pleasing that in spite of every obstacle being thrown in his way, Trump was able to hugely improve the lives of ordinary people by cutting taxes and immigration. What he wasn’t able to do was drain the swamp.

March 27, 2022 10:04 pm
March 27, 2022 10:05 pm

Plasmamortar deserves some type of special award for dedication to fossil fuel useage & restoration of planet-raping technology of the 1970s.

Well done that Cat.

I do what I can 🙂

I also advocate for nuclear power!
Hell, I would love to see research into scaled down thorium reactors that could power cars/trucks.

Imagine never having to fill up your car because the reactor produced enough fuel for 50+ years?

March 27, 2022 10:06 pm

Nuclear powered locomotive!

March 27, 2022 10:10 pm

The Great Curve

The Belew‘s mighty guitar work on this track will never age.

Music to hoover many, many illicit pharmaceuticals to.

March 27, 2022 10:16 pm

Hey, apostrophes – stop trying to be funny.

Or you’ll find yourselves saying “hello” to my li’l friend. Leading to events that will make your common or garden variety multi-personage Sunday night Cat stoush look like a toddlers’ tea party.

Sacré bleu – the impertinence.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 27, 2022 10:19 pm

Nuclear powered locomotive!

Someone’s been watching his Supertrain again… 🙂

March 27, 2022 10:20 pm

Bluddee hell – watching the latest UAP ad – it’s less than aurally and aesthetically pleasing, but I just can’t look away …

Finishing with the Kelly exhorting the crowd “Sack them all”.

To which they respond in kind, very loudly.

Great stuff.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Finishing with the Kelly exhorting the crowd “Sack them all”.

Difficult to disagree with that broad sentiment.

March 27, 2022 10:21 pm

What he wasn’t able to do was drain the swamp.

Draining a swamp is a big job. It starts with flushing turds down the toilet. It’s begun. I suspect that drug addled Hunter might have misplaced more than just one laptop.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 27, 2022 10:25 pm

Vietnam set to plug farming workforce shortfall

Jess Malcolm
An hour ago March 27, 2022
1 Comment

The Australian government is in final negotiations with Vietnam to complete its first bilateral agreement under a new agriculture visa scheme to plug workforce shortages across the sector.

A senior Morrison government source said the deal could be finalised within days and follows discussions between Marise Payne and her Vietnamese counterpart Bui Thanh Son last week.

It comes as the government faces fresh calls for a major overhaul of the horticultural workforce, with the new agriculture visa scheme yet to deliver extra fruit pickers from Southeast Asia and the Coalition having agreed to phase out British backpackers from the sector.

Unions have called for Australian workers to plug the skills shortage, with Australian Workers’ Union national secretary Daniel Walton saying it was a “total myth that Australians don’t want to pick fruit”.

“They just aren’t as easy to ­exploit because they have their rights as citizens and at least a vague understanding of Australian industrial law,” he said.

March 27, 2022 10:26 pm

Hear Paul Simon Sing About Baseball Legend on ‘Cool Papa Bell’

The track explores everything from the exact location of Heaven to the word ‘motherfucker’

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

This bloke is so funny!

Unions have called for Australian workers to plug the skills shortage, with Australian Workers’ Union national secretary Daniel Walton saying it was a “total myth that Australians don’t want to pick fruit”.

He doesn’t believe it himself (of course).

March 27, 2022 10:34 pm
March 27, 2022 10:34 pm

miltonf says:
March 27, 2022 at 10:03 pm

It’s interesting and pleasing that in spite of every obstacle being thrown in his way, Trump was able to hugely improve the lives of ordinary people by cutting taxes and immigration. What he wasn’t able to do was drain the swamp.

Yes, but he did get a LOT of unknown swamp creatures to surface from the depths, get named & tagged … now it’s just the bagging 😉 🙂

March 27, 2022 10:42 pm

Re – The Bear Trap:
The issue now is whether Putin will use Chemical weapons – or – God forbid – nukes. Leaders who are pushed into a corner will do almost anything to avoid defeat.

No, the issue is will the alphabet agencies create a false flag chemical attack to justify widening the war. That is certainly Gonzalo Lira’s fear, based on the endless propaganda about Russia’s failure in Ukraine, which he says is nonsense.

March 27, 2022 10:51 pm

Gonzalo Lira does go on a bit, but he’s well worth watching. srr does put up some interesting stuff, whatever you think of her.

March 27, 2022 11:01 pm

“They replaced Jesus with the EU Flag.”

The Left’s Quest to Remove Whiteness & Undermine Our Culture

Premiered Mar 20, 2022
The New Culture Forum
137K subscribers
Calvin Robinson is interviewed by Dr. Philip Kiszely for “The War On Our History – A Cultural Revolution”, episode 8 of our #NCFHeresies documentary series.
To watch the full Heresies episode please click here:

March 27, 2022 11:03 pm

Agree ssr- a lot of swamp creatures outed themselves including ones here eg Howard and Fraudenberg.

March 27, 2022 11:04 pm

Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad): An Elegy for England & English Morality

Premiered Aug 1, 2021
The New Culture Forum
137K subscribers
This time on #SWYSI, we are joined by commentator and popular YouTuber Carl Benjamin for a wide-ranging discussion on politics, the culture wars, philosophy, ancient history, England, English history and the foundation of English identity as well as the “long march through the institutions” and the rise of Critical Race Theory.

March 27, 2022 11:11 pm

based on the endless propaganda about Russia’s failure in Ukraine

They’ve lost around 6% of their total tank fleet. And 6% of all their armour. Total fleet, not just out of the ones deployed.
In a month.
In every video of their soldiers, including the ones they themselves put out, they appear completely clueless about basic infantry tactics such as obs crossings or building entrances, vehicle debussing or muzzle awareness.
They seem to move on the battlefield with zero urgency or awareness and without the ability to relay information.
Over and over you see them doing dumb shit that would get an Australian soldier in training’s arse kicked and told “You’re fucking dead”.
What I’ve seen is leading me to scratch my balls and wonder if everything we were taught in training was bullshit and in real combat there are a whole different set of rules, so much so that I had to ask actual combat veterans what the fuck is this?
Maybe their real soldiers are doing the work without putting out vids.
Or maybe when they have to actually clear an urban area house by house they are going to get creamed.

March 27, 2022 11:16 pm

miltonf says:
March 27, 2022 at 11:03 pm

Agree ssr- a lot of swamp creatures outed themselves including ones here eg Howard and Fraudenberg.

That both halves of our current UniParty were heavily into funnelling massive amounts of OUR money to the Clinton’s also goes a long way to explaining why they are currently carrying us into The Ukraine War To Hide The Swamp Creatures’ Blood Money Laundry.

March 27, 2022 11:20 pm

Thanks to Roger for suggesting UnherdThe Revolt of the Elites

March 27, 2022 11:21 pm

Been having a look around UAP and One Nation to see what info on Covid they have up.

Not too much on UAP main web page. Craig Kelly Twitter feed has plenty of good links and Clive Palmer UAP page also. Found a guy called Nick Holt on Substack who has interesting articles on one of the Aussie signatories to Lancet letter, Aussie WHO team member to Wuhan and treatment of pregnant staff by Gold Coast Health (disgusting).

Best coverage is on Malcolm Roberts web page which has video coverage of a recent cross party hearing into Covid. Witnesses included Pierre Kory, Tess Lawrie, Peter McCullough, David Flint and others. Never heard of him before but Dr Phillip Altman’s evidence was very informative and a good summary.

Some of the witnesses are from the Covid Medical Network. Good quote from Dr Robert Brennan about sign on Canadian truck – “The Canadian truckers are doing what the Dr’s didnt”. He talks about Dr’s not speaking out. Dr Brennan has been outspoken in claiming that lockdowns are more harmful than helpful, and campaigned against mandating the COVID vaccine. As a consequence of this stance, he has since lost his registration to practice medicine and been deemed a “danger to public health and safety” by the regulator. Mentions the ship Diamond Princess in Yokohama. 3711 on board, mainly elderly. Deaths were 14 over next 10 weeks. Makes the point that many hospitals were almost empty when we were being told overworked. I know that to be true. Impressive and again never heard of him before. The kind of Dr we need.

Naturally you wont see any of those Dr’s mentioned in mainstream Australian media.

March 27, 2022 11:25 pm

Maybe their real soldiers are doing the work without putting out vids.


Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 27, 2022 11:31 pm

Or maybe when they have to actually clear an urban area house by house they are going to get creamed.

Watching the Advance Guard of a Russkie armoured regiment get splattered on the entry into a Ukrainian village, then the following Squadron get boxed in, the head and tail vehicles knocked out and the rest somehow barely managing to retreat in utter disorder ruined it for me.

Plus random Chocko-equivalents with RPGs casually wandering out from between buildings in nominally Russian-controlled and occupied areas, potting individual trucks and AFVs. And doing it unnoticed, unchallenged and without feeling a single need to be tactical about their actions.

Hell, the Iraqis, Syrians, Chechens, Afghans and even the various flavours of rebel, bandit and brigand from the Philippines to West Africa know that to engage their own people (let alone any US/Russian/Chinese/Etc. advisors and support troops) they can only do it by infiltration and ambush. And being extremely careful at all levels in their organisation, communication and movement.

And yet, here is the most powerful single-nation terrestrial army in Europe shrugging its shoulders as its MSRs and logistics trains are shredded or fall apart of their own volition. Often at the hands of people who do not feel afraid to be seen pulling the trigger or absconding in open daylight with ‘Z’-marked trucks and heavy equipment.

March 27, 2022 11:33 pm

They’ve lost around 6% of their total tank fleet. And 6% of all their armour.

Well within “acceptable losses” I would have thought.

March 27, 2022 11:45 pm

jupes says:
March 27, 2022 at 11:25 pm
Maybe their real soldiers are doing the work without putting out vids.
Rex Anger says:
March 27, 2022 at 11:31 pm

I believe you could both expand on your comments to the understanding of other readers betterment.
I’m perplexed by what I’m seeing.

March 28, 2022 12:01 am


Victoria Nuland—YDDIQ

Scheduled for Mar 28, 2022
Gonzalo Lira
124K subscribers

March 28, 2022 12:24 am

The Russians might actually be winning, despite what the media wish to betray….

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 28, 2022 12:34 am

Counterpoint, from The Daily Beast and apropos of Mr Lira:

How a Sleazy American Dating Coach Became a Pro-Putin Shill in Ukraine


He has also shared widely debunked conspiracy theories to support or build out his narratives, many of them revolving around Russian claims that they’ve found evidence of American bioweapons labs and research in Ukraine. He has decried stories about Ukrainian resistance as obvious Western propaganda. And he has accused people who contradict his assessments of being idiots or paid shills.


In fact, Lira has been in such striking lockstep with Russian narratives on the conflict—sometimes even posting official government statements as definitive truths about it—that Russian propaganda outlets have used clips of him as a supposed source of external, on-the-ground support for its stories.

On his up-to-a-month-ago job:

“Never date a woman in her thirties,” Lira, who’s in his fifties, said in one video created in 2020. He also argued that, “irrespective of what they claim they want,” all women only truly desire money, a house, and kids, as child-rearing is the one thing that will biologically validate them.”

Of course you can date a woman in her thirties. That’s just silly.

On his Ukrainian commentary, I don’t know – and more to the point, nobody else does who isn’t actually there. There’s been so much mayonnaise and flat-out bullshit spread on the Net from both sides that it’s now impossible to make any dispassionate assessment.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 28, 2022 12:44 am

I’m perplexed by what I’m seeing.

I’m with you.

And so, apologies to every Cat who considers that the Russian Army truly is sweeping all before it because it is superior to everything arrayed against it in every way.

The footage and stills I’ve seen of what screams to me of incompetence, lack of training or indiscipline under fire leaves me wondering if the only advantage the Russians have had to this point has been sheer overwhelming numbers at the point of contact.

The tank ambush video I referred to is a case in point. The footage I will reference is the Sky one here.

This is the same Ukrainian Defence Ministry footage everyone else has, but I think it shows the wider picture a little better.

The initial advance into Skybyn seems to be well spread out, and convoy discipline is OK. Every convoy packet appears able to swarm and support each other if contact is made. You can see various fires and smoke columns on the outskirts as the convoy passes, suggesting to me that Skybyn has been fairly aggressively defended against previous convoy elements.

When the footage moves to the village of Skybyn itself, I see stalled and at least one potentially M[obility]-killed T-72 or T-90 MBTs pulled off the road and making efforts to either pull back or attempt to ascertain what they are up against. The apparent indecision is a concern to me- In a mobile ambush, the very last thing you do is stop in the ambush area. The mounted drills I remember focussed on getting own your vehicle and fellow callsigns out of the line of fire ASAP. If you needed to speed up and drive straight out of there, you did. If you had to herringbone (even left/right split of the vehicles down either side of your route of the march to get you off your prior axis of advance and allow you to keep moving or counter-ambush) or even turn into the ambush, debus your dismounts and start fighting through, then that was what you did. Under no circumstances if you trip an ambush, do you stay there. You get out, take stock of damage, casualties and ammo and set about coordinating a response.

And yet, here is a troop of 3 tanks, parked up on the edge of the road and then trying to turn around to rejoin the approaching convoy.

When the decision to attack and try to clear out the ambush or change direction to bypass Skybyn is made, there is no infantry support present- just MBTs and a pair of BTR-90s.
These appear to be in use as command post vehicles, and there is no sign of friendly dismounted infantry anywhere. No Western military worth its salt would risk entering a suspect built up area with just infantry or armour by themselves. Certainly not when advancing to contact as the Russians are here And even old Soviet doctrine and tactical wisdom made a point of having infantry with the tanks. Even if it meant piling them onto the engine decks and riding into battle that way.

Now, the video gets it wrong at 00:38- That smoke is not from fire- It would be black and with flames. T-72s and their derivatives tend to flare quite spectacularly when destroyed (as this footage from Syrian demonstrates), and the nature of their ammo storage beneath the turret ring tends to pop the turrets off. The crews are actually creating localised smokescreens by spraying diesel fuel onto the motors’ exhaust manifolds

At 00:40, we have a Squadron plus of the previously advancing Russian Armour now parked up inside what was the suspected ambush area, with everyone packed in tightly together, no weapon systems out or crews keeping watch. If you were watching a NATO formation in the same situation, A) They would not still be in the same village as when contact was first reported, B) They would be fairly dispersed and/or in the nearest open ground where their ability to see and move is not impeded and canalised by buildings or other terrain, and C) you would see their turret weapons pointed in 360 degrees around the parked vehicles to provide security and observation to the troops at the halt.

The first missile strikes from infiltrating Ukranian anti-tank teams now strike the leading and trailing vehicles, and particular efforts are made to hit the BTRs, the ambushers assuming the Squadron OC and 2IC or other vital command staff will be using them. The TOS-1A thermobaric rocket launcher gets one round off in the general direction of something, and the tanks rabble away to the North in an apparent state of general confusion. Fortunately leaving only one burning BTR and T-90 in their wake. At least from the drone and ground camera footage shown.

That cloud of black smoke just after the vehicle at the bottom of the screen gets hit, is one of the tankies crapping himself and flooring his throttle. The T-72 family’s motor is pretty smokey when powered up.

March 28, 2022 12:53 am

Been listening to Tess Lawrie via the Malcolm Roberts page.

Makes an interesting point regarding adverse reactions to Covid and Tetanus jabs. One argument why Covid vax gets so many adverse effects is because such a high number in a short time. However Laurie mentions Tetanus been in use since 1968 and had 15,000 adverse reactions according to WHO. Covid vax over 3m so far.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 28, 2022 1:14 am

On his Ukrainian commentary, I don’t know – and more to the point, nobody else does who isn’t actually there. There’s been so much mayonnaise and flat-out bullshit spread on the Net from both sides that it’s now impossible to make any dispassionate assessment.

Wot KD said.

I can only comment on what I’ve seen…

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 28, 2022 1:20 am

Former Prime Minister Julia Gillard has confirmed she split up with her longtime boyfriend Tim Mathieson a year ago.

Ms Gillard was Australia’s first, and still only, female prime minister, and though they were not married, Mr Mathieson became known as the ‘First Bloke’ – a play on the American tradition of calling a president’s wife the ‘First Lady’.

Mr Mathieson had not been seen with Ms Gillard in quite some time, and had not even lived in the same city for more than a year.

Daily Mail

March 28, 2022 1:54 am

Excerpt from WSJ piece.

The Russian army’s astonishing underperformance in Ukraine has been attributed to a combination of Ukrainian heroism and rock-bottom morale among Russian soldiers. Bill Browder points to a third explanation: corruption. “My estimate,” he says, “is that 80% of the military budget is stolen by Russia’s generals, because 80% of all budgets in Russia are stolen by the officials in charge.”

The army has been “gutted by all this corruption.” Money meant to pay soldiers has been stolen. The grunts, Mr. Browder says, survive by selling gasoline from the tanks they drive. And that was before the war in Ukraine.

March 28, 2022 2:32 am

200 people per day with heart complaints or strokes from a population of around 100,000.

200 people per day for a year would be 70,000 cases and note that we will probably get another 3 boosters by this Christmas so this daily rate will stay elevated.

There won’t be any kind of a nation by the end of 2023.

March 28, 2022 4:00 am
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March 28, 2022 4:17 am
March 28, 2022 4:45 am

What is this blasphemy?
We shouldn’t trust the narrative of a random sitting somewhere in a basement long term make my bucks from clicks dude?
Could it be he’s only in it for the lira?

March 28, 2022 4:50 am
March 28, 2022 4:52 am
March 28, 2022 5:26 am

File under ‘everyone but me is evil’
I’d forgotten about the twitter account ‘bothering conspiracy theorists’
Seems all roads lead to tunnels.
“Telegram channels were filled with discussions about how Clive Palmer’s red shoes and Craig Kelly’s hand gestures were signs that they were puppets of the new world order.”

Australia’s anti vaccine movement is collapsing, a hit piece by Crikey

March 28, 2022 6:17 am
March 28, 2022 6:27 am

We shouldn’t trust the narrative of a random sitting somewhere in a basement long term make my bucks from clicks dude?

Hope that was a emocon not question mark at the end.

March 28, 2022 6:31 am


Anchor What
Anchor What
March 28, 2022 6:58 am

The Dems have started rigging the 2022 Half Terms already.
In Alaska it will be all by mail-in with no checking.
Gateway Pundit

March 28, 2022 7:01 am

Bob Moran again this morning. Described how my mother lived until the day she died. Meant never having to make a real decision ever. Pathetic. Just as well I had my aunt and uncle as someone to look up to.

March 28, 2022 7:07 am

On his Ukrainian commentary, I don’t know – and more to the point, nobody else does who isn’t actually there. There’s been so much mayonnaise and flat-out bullshit spread on the Net from both sides that it’s now impossible to make any dispassionate assessment.

Watching the news last night… Russkie attacking Lviv, “it’s at the end of a humanitarian corridor”, then footage of blowing up oil storage and military base… Both legitimate targets.

Footage of senile Joe, “Putin is a butcher”, next grab is footage of crowds yelling at Russkies in a few APCs, which turn around and diddibop away… If Russkies were butchers they would have opened fire on the crowd.

Something is seriously not computing.

March 28, 2022 7:13 am

Diogenes says:
March 28, 2022 at 7:07 am

Footage of senile Joe, “Putin is a butcher”, next grab is footage of crowds yelling at Russkies in a few APCs, which turn around and diddibop away… If Russkies were butchers they would have opened fire on the crowd.

Something is seriously not computing.

You can’t fight ideology.
Give it up.
Some people on this blog, I thought highly of before, proved to be other than they appeared before.

March 28, 2022 7:14 am

I would classify those constantly looking for and taking offence as a sub-set of Moran’s cartoon.

It’s one of the more profound ones amongst all the political ephemera.

Over at DashCat, Shy Ted has a very interesting comment about psychopathy. Worth a look.

Winston Smith
March 28, 2022 7:16 am


Need to wait another 6 weeks for the parts I need before I can register it ?

Fluffy dice?

March 28, 2022 7:22 am

miltonf says:
March 27, 2022 at 11:20 pm
Thanks to Roger for suggesting Unherd The Revolt of the Elites,one%20that%20would%20lead%20to%20extremism%20and%20division.
Yes, well worth the read, thank you.
Yet whereas conservatives at the time saw the market as the solution, Lasch often viewed it as a problem, capitalism being in symbiosis with radicalism. By encouraging instant gratification and the ephemeral, especially when it came to jobs, the market undermined the family, which he called “a haven in a heartless world”. The very things that radicals attacked — “the authoritarian family, repressive sexual morality, literary censorship, the work ethic, and other foundations of bourgeois order” — have already been “weakened or destroyed by advanced capitalism itself”.

[…]while not a practising Christian, understood the importance of religion, and that without it politics would inspire “the feeling of self-righteousness that is so commonly confused with religion”. It would bring all the negative hallmarks of faith, the fanaticism and intolerance, but none of the devotion, the selflessness, the agonising.

The trends that Lasch observed would only accelerate after 2001, following China’s entry into the World Trade Organisation, the further erosion of America’s manufacturing base, the collapse of its skilled working class, and the increasing radicalisation of elites who benefited from globalisation and came to identify with it. […]”

March 28, 2022 7:26 am

Gabor, the temptation to take a “side” is always there – it’s human nature. Some have excellent reasons for doing so.

I have found the commentary here from both angles, or no angle at all, very useful. I simply don’t know enough to be partisan, apart from first principles.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 28, 2022 7:27 am

In “our dams will never fill again” news.

Wet weather set to return for parts of QLD and NSW (Sky, 28 Mar)

I know March is usually wet but this is getting ridiculous. I had a look at the BoM forecast for Ncl and it has serious rain listed for every day this week. Urgh. And the poor people up the coast may be about to get another dose of floods. If only the state government had built the Tillegra Dam which was all set to go in 2010.

March 28, 2022 7:37 am

Over at DashCat, Shy Ted has a very interesting comment about psychopathy. Worth a look.

Indeed, calli. Get over there and read it.

March 28, 2022 7:39 am

Personally I think pandering, cheering and enabling other people’s daemons to make themselves look more companionate is more of a scourge today then damaged souls they claim to “care” about.

I hope the big guy isn’t so gullible if so I’ll take my chances the other bloke.

March 28, 2022 7:39 am

Armadillo says:
March 28, 2022 at 12:24 am

The Russians might actually be winning, despite what the media wish to betray….

A key point Gonzalo Lira makes is that those Globalist Powers (with all that corruption of the Ukraine to hide that they did to empower & enrich themselves), need the world to believe the lie that the Russians are losing in order to sell the lie that the Russians resorted to Biochemical or Nuclear Attack, when it would be a False Flag by those, our, Western Traitors Within.

Constantly (from before it even started), pushing the line that the Russians bit off more than they could chew, is what is keeping the unnecessary fighting, destruction & killing going, by making Ukrainians (& their fooled supporters from around the world), believe that throwing more fighters into the war will defeat the Russians rather than simply kill more Ukrainians, and give The Evil their cover for a False Flag of Mass Slaughter.

Cassie of Sydney
March 28, 2022 7:41 am

Question for Monday morning, what exactly was and is the Biden family’s relationship with Ukraine? Why isn’t the MSM asking questions? Can someone please tell me how and why someone like Hunter Biden, the kiddie porn aficionado and crack addict, was able to get a seat on the board of the Ukraine’s Burisma Corporation and then pocket about USD $40,000 a month, despite knowing nada, zilch, nothing about oil and gas? Geez, where can I find such a gig?

And who thinks, along with me, that if Don Trump Jnr or Eric Trump had been involved in some similar dodgy business dealings in Ukraine, then everyday we’d be reading hysterical stories about their business adventures? But instead, because it’s the Biden family, there’s silence from the MSM about Corn Pop and Hunter’s ties to the corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs.

My questions above are just some I have about US involvement in Ukraine, particularly over the last eight years. I ask because no where in the corrupt MSM are journalists asking these and other pertinent questions. The MSM have buried the second impeachment, an impeachment ignited by President Trump’s reasonable concern over the Biden family’s ties to Ukraine, because it clearly doesn’t suit the narrative. The more you read about US tinkering in Ukraine, the more you understand Russian frustration and anger. Does asking such questions make me a Putin shill? Does asking such questions mean that I and others here, who may think the situation in Ukraine is rather complex and nuanced, are “pro-Russian” or “pro-invasion”. No.

I don’t condone the invasion. However I find it extraordinary that many who are against the Russian invasion of its next door neighbour supported Bush’s wars in the Middle East* and the disaster in Libya in 2011. As Peter Hitchens writes, he’s always been consistent, he was against the invasion of Afghanistan in 2002, he was against the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and he was against the US, France and UK’s disastrous meddling in Libya in 2011.

For the record, back in 2003 I regrettably supported the invasion of Iraq, because at the time I believed our government and I believed the MSM. I no longer believe either. Everyday we are fed misinformation and lies.

March 28, 2022 7:43 am

Regarding what is coming out of Ukraine, bear in mind the Russians have used dezinformatsiya and maskirovka for a long time.

March 28, 2022 7:45 am

Well, bespoke, you can tell a nutcase they’re a nutcase, but they won’t believe you. All you get is more projection.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
March 28, 2022 7:49 am

Speaking to a bloke I know who runs a trucking business.
They’re selling off their older trucks & trailers and buying new sets but a reduced number. He said they just can’t find the full time drivers for the work available and have to cut back customers.
They run grain, fert and general freight, including deliveries to supermarkets.
Paying over $70 an hour for casual drivers and nobody wants the job.

March 28, 2022 7:51 am

Interesting, that one it took, ‘one of you’, so long to dig up this glaring bit of Pro-War Mongering, Leftist FemiNazi, Globalist Propaganda – oh and no link to the source of your ‘highlights’ –

Knuckle Dragger says:
March 28, 2022 at 12:34 am

Counterpoint, from The Daily Beast and apropos of Mr Lira:

Yep, typical Lefty in the Right manger, no actual counter argument to what the man in the Ukraine with Ukrainian children has been reporting from the spot with the benefit of his life experience of having lived around the world under all manner of Govts.

Ah but do a Julia Gillard and scream, “Misogyny!”.


March 28, 2022 7:52 am

Plasmamortar I’m jealous, keep looking over your shoulder.
Bloody things could hardly be kept on the road but boy could they spray some gravel on the way out of the drive in.

March 28, 2022 7:55 am

It’s the same story everywhere, Gez. Here, no one seems to want to work.*. One of the landscape maintenance firms can’t get workers for mowing and garden work. It isn’t about the pay. Same for cleaning and restocking of holiday lets.

* I wonder if all the new “caring” jerbs from government and quasi government agencies have soaked up available labour, particularly here, in God’s waiting room.

March 28, 2022 7:56 am

Ha, I hadn’t read this when I wrote my last reply –

Top Ender says:
March 28, 2022 at 1:20 am

Former Prime Minister Julia Gillard has confirmed she split up with her longtime boyfriend Tim Mathieson a year ago.

– but she came to my mind because I could smell her, and all who inflicted her on us, coming out to throw more gullible innocents on the Ukrainian Fire they lit to destroy the evidences of their evils.

March 28, 2022 7:57 am

On Gillard and the bust up. Whatever happened to Reuben, the worried derg? I hope Timmeh got him.

Winston Smith
March 28, 2022 7:59 am
At what point does a farmer decide it isn’t worthwhile planting a crop?
If the fuel and fertiliser costs remove his profit margin, why would you bother?
Any farmers like to show us some workings of costs and prices?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 28, 2022 8:02 am

Why isn’t the MSM asking questions?

Since the MSM has cast Ukraine as ‘the good guys’ there can be no bad story in having dealings with them.

Contrariwise, if they examined these dealings they might discover that Ukraine is not pure.

The Ukraine narrative and Biden’s mob stand together or fall together.

March 28, 2022 8:03 am

So, for what, a week or few they ignore & bury, bury & ignore, then all of a sudden, when everything he’s been describing keeps coming to be and just when The Criminal West are desperate for their False Flag to blame Russia for a gross atrocity and kick off WW3 proper, all the usual suspects, the Jab pushers & worse, suddenly come out with (desperate & feeble) attacks.

I really do hope readers have been studying the tactics of the propagandists here as it should help them recognise & so not fall for their BS in the future.

March 28, 2022 8:05 am

Salv, re that Landrover, we had five Landcruisers and that thing. Belonged to a bloke from Werribee who wanted to tag along. He carried an amazing amount of crap in and on it, it weighed around two tonne or more I think. Anyway he had put a P76 V8 in it, because with all the weight it was underpowered, then (all this was before the trip) he found it was revving too hard so he put Rover 90 diffs in it for a higher ratio, then he found he was breaking axles and put 90 tonne axles in it and then he came with us.

Somewhere not far north of the Archer River his rear diff went so he only had the front, that’s why he stopped at the Wenlock, he attached the winch cable to hi Landy and we winched him out, the problem was he somehow got the cable around one of his front brake lines and cut it so he blocked the line and had only three wheels braked. We left his lump of shit at the Wenlock and he and his mate squeezed in with the rest of us.

We collected his Landy on the way back and dragged him much of the way back to Cairns. There’s a lot of twisty downhill sections and with only two rear brakes and one front brake he had to go very slow down the hills, it was a long slow trip to Cairns. Never saw him again after that and don’t want to.

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 28, 2022 8:11 am

Well, on a train with Mrs TE going from Canberra to Sydney. First time for about 20 years on such a rural conveyance.

Lotsa sheep and cows out this way. No signal half the time. Quite a civilised way to travel but only doing about 80 kph – shinkansen it’s not.

March 28, 2022 8:13 am

Some people on this blog, I thought highly of before, proved to be other than they appeared before.

Spending, or rather investing a decade or more in building trust so as to be able to ‘turn’ people when it matters, is basic Communist Infiltration for the purpose of demoralisation.

It’s basic because it works so well.

It works so well because it’s base human nature to defend to the death, those who fooled you into giving them your trust, rather than admit you were fooled.

Winston Smith
March 28, 2022 8:22 am

Anchoe Wat:

The Dems have started rigging the 2022 Half Terms already.
In Alaska it will be all by mail-in with no checking.

The Democrats would rather a Civil War than lose the mid term elections.
And if they continue like this, they may just get it.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
March 28, 2022 8:22 am

Too early Winston.
The price rises are still kicking in on all inputs.
Galvanised products are going up 400% for instance. Doubling and tripling of input prices is common.
The old stock will move and then the new pricing structure will kick in by the end of this year.
If I grow canola the fert, fuel and chemical inputs stand at about $500 per hectare. The price for canola is around $900 a tonne and farmers hope to grow about 2.5 tonne a hectare on a good season, so that equates to $2200 return. Cut that yield in half for an average to poor season and you can see the problem once you throw the other business costs on top – Insurance, freight, maintenance, repayments, rates etc.
A return if $300-400 a hectare on a farm would barely put you into profit.

March 28, 2022 8:25 am

calli says:
March 28, 2022 at 7:26 am

I have found the commentary here from both angles, or no angle at all, very useful. I simply don’t know enough to be partisan, apart from first principles.

Quite so, I just can’t understand why people automatically assume that one country attacking another is doing it for no, or for frivolous reasons. Even despots have their checks, go too far, and you are finished is the go.

No dictator can rule without support, I shouldn’t even say this, and the support comes from people who assess the situation for themselves.
Think of Ceausescu,

March 28, 2022 8:27 am

Since the MSM has cast Ukraine as ‘the good guys’ there can be no bad story in having dealings with them.

Too much delving into the truth might lead back the the Big Guy*. Can’t have that. They are too heavily invested in getting him into the WH in the first place.

It’s the “secret” that cannot speak its name.

* and others. Many…many others.

March 28, 2022 8:29 am

Cassie of Sydney says:
March 28, 2022 at 7:41 am

Question for Monday morning, what exactly was and is the Biden family’s relationship with Ukraine? Why isn’t the MSM asking questions? Can someone please tell me how and why someone like Hunter Biden, the kiddie porn aficionado and crack addict, was able to get a seat on the board of the Ukraine’s Burisma Corporation and then pocket about USD $40,000 a month, despite knowing nada, zilch, nothing about oil and gas?

WAYYYY Back before it even became a Western MSM blip (that was then quickly buried), I shared posts about the Biden/Ukraine thing from ZeroHedge.

They did quite a lot of detailed reporting of it.

All the usual suspects here jumped on me and demanded everyone ignore it all because everyone had to ignore both ZeroHedge & me.

Any other time I mentioned any of it, again the usual suspects would jump on me, insanely screaming, “Red Shoes! Tunnels!” (something btw way that TailGunner & Annie brought into the mix here that the usual suspects, the known & confirmed proud liars, gleefully then nailed to me), and again driving all further public commentary away from the topic for fear of also being, ‘tossed into a tunnel of red shoes’.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
March 28, 2022 8:32 am

Think of Ceausescu,

Doesn’t work. I keep picturing the face of Andrews.

Winston Smith
March 28, 2022 8:35 am

Farmer Gez:

Paying over $70 an hour for casual drivers and nobody wants the job.

Were I 10 years younger with a truck licence I’d be in like Flynn.

March 28, 2022 8:35 am

Whatever happens in the world, it always ends up to be all about prescient me.

March 28, 2022 8:36 am

It’s the same story everywhere, Gez. Here, no one seems to want to work.

Careful you two.
You are straying onto the path which leads to outrage.

Cassie of Sydney
March 28, 2022 8:37 am

Dover uploaded this last week……

“Trolling, posting “inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages…with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses, or manipulating others’ perception” will result in the deletion of relevant comment, while persistent trolling will incur a ban;”

I think it’s pretty clear.

March 28, 2022 8:38 am
March 28, 2022 8:38 am


incoherent rambler says:
March 28, 2022 at 8:32 am

Think of Ceausescu,

Doesn’t work. I keep picturing the face of Andrews.

March 28, 2022 8:40 am

I remember reading ‘quartered safe out here’ the excellent biography of George MacDonald Fraser and he made the point that he could only see his little bit of the war and could not comment about the big picture.
No one here knows what is going on, how could we?

March 28, 2022 8:40 am

China pulls a $500 mill investment in gas in Russia. Could be a very significant turning point.

The people in Taiwan may be breathing a little easier. China getting the message about debilitating sanctions.

March 28, 2022 8:43 am

Calli and Bruce of Newk, all eyes on your town today as it’s bucketing down in Newcastle for the running of the seven Rosehill races abandoned on Saturday, including the Group 1 Tancred Stakes (2400m) and Vinery Stud Stakes (1850m).

March 28, 2022 8:45 am

Incidentally only about 6% of Russians are regular church goers, that’s even worse that France.
I’m not seeing any Holy Orthodox Empire in those numbers.

March 28, 2022 8:47 am

This is an article from 31st January, pre-invasion, on how the 2014 coup in Ukraine was carried out, and by whom.

Joe Biden and the 2014 Coup in Ukraine: 100 people massacred

It was a Coup.
The Coup in Ukraine, organized by the CIA.

John Brennan was the Director of the CIA, in 2014.
Joe Biden was the Vice President.
Eric Ciaramella was the CIA point man in Ukraine.
Joe Biden went 12 times to Ukraine, between 2014 and 2016.
Eric Ciaramella flew many times to Ukraine with Joe Biden, on Air Force Two.

March 28, 2022 8:52 am

The more you read about US tinkering in Ukraine, the more you understand Russian frustration and anger.

yes and it’s quite pathetic that some here want to kid themselves that the US and the ‘West’ are the good guys.

March 28, 2022 8:52 am
March 28, 2022 8:57 am

Indolent says:
March 28, 2022 at 8:38 am

Zelensky – Who is Pulling his Strings?

This is an important reminder of where we’re really at.

Remember when Covid Mandates got the whole world suddenly searching out & starting to see a “Big Picture” that the Mandate Pushers were painting that didn’t have have any room for most of ‘the little people’.

Suddenly the ‘little people’ of the world started to put aside all their differences and unite for the sake of humanity.

Then, BANG!
Instead of people having to choose not to be bullied by their Pro-Jab family & loved ones they could all once again focus their anxieties on One Common, FAR AWAY, ‘Enemy’, ‘those Russians!’ … while once again being lined up to stand fully behind their own Enemies Within, who Are Out To Utterly Destroy Them.

The rhetoric is outrageous. Biden has called Putin a war criminal and now a Butcher. This is a sign that the US wants war and has no intention of seeking peace. No head of state attacks the other in this manner for such words cannot be taken back. They reflect intention and Putin fully understands. Biden’s Tweet has confirmed this is not about Ukraine – this is simply the Neocon’s desire for war against China and Russia.

They are using the very same tactics against Donald Trump to prevent him from running against in 2024 calling him also a criminal. They are keeping the headlines full of Ukraine while they are secreting imposing a complete authoritarian regime here in the West with their digital IDs to control our movement.

What is taking place is an outrageous campaign against the Russian people themselves – not just Putin or the Russian state. It is reminiscent of how the Japanese were treated in the United States during World War II – imprisoned based on their ethnicity. Where is the Russian Lives Matter? Not only has the Czech Republic seized all assets of ethnic Russians living in the Czech Republic, now Switzerland is joining in seizing any Russian accounts.

The hatred of Russians as a people has even altered history removing Yuri Gagarin from being the first man in space because he is Russian. He died in 1968. What does he have to do with Ukraine? This is NOT against just Putin. This is telling all of Russia you are scum and the West will annihilate you. Perhaps humanity just always needs some group to hate and Biden is leading the charge.”

March 28, 2022 8:57 am

As I said yesterday, I have no illusions about the USSR and what I find frightening is so many things we used to criticize it for eg meja in lockstep with the elite, no democratic accountability, violent suppression of dissent, losing your job for wrongthink- are prevalent in the west.

March 28, 2022 8:58 am

Incidentally only about 6% of Russians are regular church goers, that’s even worse that France.

When I was there very briefly as a tourist, I was struck by the disdain cast on Christians by our tour guide. As in, “We allow them to keep their churches because it’s good for tourism.” This aimed at some old ladies on their knees praying in a side chapel to a magnificent cathedral (Church of the Saviour on Spilled Blood from memory).

I told him I was a Christian and I admired their faithfulness, and left it at that.

Similarly, in Estonia, our guide proudly told us that the country was atheist now because of the Soviets. Bewildering, because they hated the Soviets too.

All it confirmed to me is that there’s real power in Christianity, lasting transformative power. The opposition, even to the point of idiocy, just adds to the conviction.

March 28, 2022 8:59 am

For the record, back in 2003 I regrettably supported the invasion of Iraq, because at the time I believed our government and I believed the MSM. I no longer believe either. Everyday we are fed misinformation and lies.

Personal factcheck – TRUE … participating in this, and the next, liberation mission tore the blinkers off for me.

March 28, 2022 9:00 am

Soviet words like nomenklatura and apparatchik are so applicable in the west now.

March 28, 2022 9:01 am

Cassie of Sydney says:
March 28, 2022 at 8:37 am
Dover uploaded this last week……

“Trolling, posting “inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages…with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses, or manipulating others’ perception” will result in the deletion of relevant comment, while persistent trolling will incur a ban;”

I think it’s pretty clear.

You noticed it to.
I’ve only selected one of the countless examples here –

rosie says:
March 28, 2022 at 8:35 am
Whatever happens in the world, it always ends up to be all about prescient me.

March 28, 2022 9:03 am

then he found he was breaking axles and put 90 tonne axles in it and then he came with us…. somewhere not far north of the Archer River his rear diff went so he only had the front

I had a Series 2A that was fond of breaking rear axles – obviously the designers knew it was a weak point, because you could stop, remove the axle without even taking the wheel off , put it in 4wd (ie FWD then) and keep driving, all in about 5 minutes.

PS .. a ‘FWD’ Landy is NOT a nice car, dynamically!

March 28, 2022 9:05 am
Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
March 28, 2022 9:06 am

March 28, 2022 at 7:14 am
I would classify those constantly looking for and taking offence as a sub-set of Moran’s cartoon.

It actually reminded me of an old two-panel Tandberg cartoon.
The first panel showed a man proudly and belligerently announcing “nobody’s going to tell me what to do!”
The second panel showed the same man shaking in fear and bewilderment saying “nobody’s going to tell me what to do!”

March 28, 2022 9:06 am

UK: Covid Becoming CHRONIC, like AIDS, and Will Take us Down

Im a fair way through RFKs book about Fauci atm, and he lays out the way the same ‘business model’ was used for AIDs and COVID: Use the media to create fear of a deadly disease – mass test for that disease in healthy people – label them sick on the basis of said fraudulent tests – put them on drugs that dont work and cause harm- capture the regulatory bodies and character assassinate ANYONE who questions the narrative…

March 28, 2022 9:07 am

All I want is to stay out of the war, for it to not escalate and end as soon as possible.

I’ve given up even trying to make sense of it or to attempt to find out the progress of it.

It’s all bullshit. RT, CNN, Lira, Pentagon briefings, I don’t believe ANY of it.

You won’t know the truth until it is over.

March 28, 2022 9:08 am

rosie says:
March 28, 2022 at 8:40 am

I remember reading ‘quartered safe out here’ the excellent biography of George MacDonald Fraser and he made the point that he could only see his little bit of the war and could not comment about the big picture.
No one here knows what is going on, how could we?

Not exactly right.

War requires propaganda to even get off the ground.

Studying, understanding & learning to recognise propaganda is a good first step to understanding any war anywhere.

When you see Pro-War Propaganda all over Western MS & Social Media it pays to look deeper into who’s pushing, what they get from it and what it will cost you.

March 28, 2022 9:09 am
Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 28, 2022 9:11 am

After endless bent tanks and blood-soaked bear Ukraine cartoons, two of Tom’s Toons hit the spot today.

Gorrell. Documenting Biden’s pathetic, dementia-ridden ‘leadership’ and response to Putin’s adventurism.

Having invited the massed Russian army to rumble, the end result of this sequence of missteps is that nobody can be sure what the US means – and Biden and Putin are now unable to communicate at all.

Highlights the White House struggling to prop up a narrative constantly undermined by Biden’s impairment.

Way to go, Democrats.

March 28, 2022 9:12 am

‘ … manipulating others’ perceptions’, is also known as trying to persuade. Do we have here the camel’s nose.

March 28, 2022 9:13 am

Lol and there I was thinking I was making a factual statement about a nameless preening narcissist.

March 28, 2022 9:14 am

Remember: the enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image and you will break the enemy.

March 28, 2022 9:17 am

Gee, I wish the Beetrooter would keep his big stupid gob shut. Just heard him on the 9:00am news claiming that exorbitant local fuel prices are all the fault of “Putin, Putin, Putin” or put another way, “Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine”.

No they are not, you preposterous flea ridden dirtbag.

March 28, 2022 9:18 am

All I want is to stay out of the war, for it to not escalate and end as soon as possible.

I’ve given up even trying to make sense of it or to attempt to find out the progress of it.

It’s all bullshit. RT, CNN, Lira, Pentagon briefings, I don’t believe ANY of it.

You won’t know the truth until it is over.

Dot, oil is heading to 150 bucks a barrel. That’s when it’s over. 🙂

March 28, 2022 9:18 am

Speaking of propaganda.
Here’s another, very Un-Christian ‘reason’ being thrown at you as to why, ‘you should not care for Russians’

rosie says:
March 28, 2022 at 8:45 am

Incidentally only about 6% of Russians are regular church goers, that’s even worse that France.
I’m not seeing any Holy Orthodox Empire in those numbers.

Considering that Russians had well over 100 years of being brutally persecuted & slaughtered for their Christian faith, YET managed to keep it alive, it’s perfectly understandable why the faithful haven’t all gone flocking to the State supported ‘Club Buildings’ (as too bloody many treat their Churches), but simply keep practicing their Christian faith in spirit & deed amongst the human church as they have over all the time that it’s sustained them.

March 28, 2022 9:22 am

There are a lot of phonies out there and BJ is one of the bigger ones.

March 28, 2022 9:24 am

Fuel here has slipped back below $1.90 a litre for 91.
Still a long way to go.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 28, 2022 9:25 am

Dot, oil is heading to 150 bucks a barrel. That’s when it’s over.

For some, that’s when it is just starting.

All around the world people are again paying attention to unconventional oil and gas projects. Despite the Green plague, demand hasn’t gone away.

Winston Smith
March 28, 2022 9:26 am

FlyingDuk et al:

For the record, back in 2003 I regrettably supported the invasion of Iraq, because at the time I believed our government and I believed the MSM. I no longer believe either. Everyday we are fed misinformation and lies.

Personal factcheck – TRUE … participating in this, and the next, liberation mission tore the blinkers off for me.

I supported the Iraq invasion and still do. Not the occupation. As soon as Sadam’s palaces were taken, they should have been destroyed and the Coalition withdrawn.
WMD. “A Bomb is a Germ is a Chemical” was a term (I don’t remember the exact wording and searching for it returns bugger all) that was used in retaliation terms during the Cold war and was commonly used in the discussion of a Warsaw Pact invasion of Western Europe.
The use of any WMD was grounds for retaliation by an enemy using their own WMD.
Saddam used WMD against an internal enemy.
Now if either side in the Ukraine war use WMD, we have quite obviously walked ourselves into a “Bomb is a Germ is a Chemical” war.
Or is the term no longer applicable because shutup?
These are dodgy days indeed.

March 28, 2022 9:26 am

Always good to have the option of running your car on 91- that’s one reason I stay away from Kraut cars.

March 28, 2022 9:26 am

Oil supply down, portfolio up!

I feel like one of the Junkers depicted in interwar German art.

March 28, 2022 9:29 am

You war profiteer, you!

March 28, 2022 9:32 am

Russia also has the highest abortion rate in the world, and a very high divorce rate, other good indicators that Christianity is not as strong as one would like.
It also seems contradictory to say that people support Putin, Putin’s path is righteous, Putin is active Orthodox but the people stay out of churches because of the State (Putin).
Seems to me just another unsuppored claim of secret knowledge especially considering so many Russians nominally claim to be Orthodox.

March 28, 2022 9:36 am

No rosie. The inference as I see it is that Russians generally are patriotic, which doesn’t automatically equate to blind support for Putin.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 28, 2022 9:38 am

Im a fair way through RFKs book about Fauci atm, and he lays out the way the same ‘business model’ was used for AIDs and COVID

Fauci? You should never mention that name because when you do he emerges from his velvet lined coffin.

Anthony Fauci Praises China For Research Into Covid Despite Accusations Of A Lab Leak (28 Mar)

I’ve used this link because the Express, where I saw the story this morning, has cutely changed the headline to a sanitized version and scrolled it off their main page. Sounds like the lefty editor has had a word in the sub-ed’s shell-like.

March 28, 2022 9:40 am

It seems someone who claims to be a practising Catholic has forgotten that the sacraments including the Eucharist is essential to the practice of Orthodox Christianity and so Orthodox cannot practice Christianity without priests, and churches, as they are in Catholicism, are sacred spaces.
I’ve only been in an orthodox church once, in Helsinki and tourists were only allowed in the first section. They took sacred space very seriously.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 28, 2022 9:41 am

Truth will be harrowing, but there can be no Treaty without it

Indigenous Victorians will have a place at last for their truths to be heard when the Yoorrook Justice Commission begins its hearings today into the devastating impact and legacy of white invasion. It is the beginning of a journey that must bring all Victorians closer together.

By Marcus Stewart
March 28, 2022
Marcus Stewart, co-chair of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, on country at the Warring river (Goulburn River). Marcus is a Nira illim bulluk man of the Taungurung nation.

Memories are always hard to describe. They can be part visual, part feeling, perhaps one particular sense – sound or smell, distorted out of proportion. My first memory of encountering white supremacy and racism in Australia is a disjointed one because my understanding of it came in two moments of time.

I remember my mum’s stiffness and the general sense of unease, though she did well to act cool, ushering me back inside. I stepped back into our house in Traralgon and was soon distracted by the TV, but not before I had caught glimpse of white sheets hanging on our front porch, catching the wind. “Is it Halloween?” I asked myself, confused.

I was only six or seven then. It was a few years later, probably when I was around 10 or 11, that I learnt about the significance of white sheets and burning crosses and other odious and ominous symbols of the Ku Klux Klan and how they are used to intimidate and silence people of colour all the way from the Mississippi to Traralgon.

Australian towns and suburbs don’t really leap into most people’s minds when they hear the words Ku Klux Klan, but ask any Aboriginal person if the KKK has a following here and I reckon I can guess the answer. Even if Nazi wackos such as those caught on camera last year up in Gariwerd/Grampians National Park practicing their Hitler salutes, goosestepping and butchering folk songs such as Waltzing Matilda, are limited to a handful of organised and extreme pockets, their imagery and threatening tactics are used much more than middle Australia would like to acknowledge.

So, why was my mum being targeted? One: she’s an Aboriginal woman. Two: she was speaking out and standing up for other Aboriginal people. Three: she dared to do both within the prison system.

Mum was an Aboriginal Welfare Officer working at Pentridge. She saw some shocking cases of abuse, violence and unbridled racism. I’m not going to go into them here. She’s always been a staunch woman. Not particularly confrontational, but staunch – tells it like it is and doesn’t suffer fools.

In those days “Aboriginal welfare officers” were tolerated and perhaps looked at as a curiosity by other prison workers, but if they tried to actually do anything that would, you know, improve someone’s welfare, well, forget it – they’d be laughed at. So, to speak up and “betray” your colleagues by reporting cases of clear and prolonged abuse was the worst sin you could commit in the eyes of prison staff.

She paid a price. Hounded, harassed, made to feel guilty for endangering her family.

I’m not sharing this memory because it represents a particularly big or defining moment in my life. On the contrary, it’s indicative of the low hum of racist background noise that most Aboriginal people teach themselves to tune out to.

This is just one story, one experience of one person at one point of time. But I’m reflecting on it because, with the establishment of the Yoorrook Justice Commission, Victoria is about to show the world how to conduct an incredibly important process of truth-telling and this is a warning that you’ll be hearing stories far more harrowing than mine.

As part of the Victorian Treaty process, the First Peoples’ Assembly has been holding extensive community engagement and consultation programs across Victoria to hear what mob want a Treaty to deliver. In our first few months, no matter where we went, one of the really clear and consistent messages we received was that there could be no Treaty without Truth. There is an overwhelming desire among the Aboriginal community to not only tell our stories, but to be heard.

So we set to work and successfully negotiated the establishment of what is essentially the first Aboriginal-led Royal Commission.

The Yoorrook Justice Commission will gather the evidence and build a public record of the devastating impact and legacy that invasion has had, and continues to have, on Aboriginal people in this state. And, importantly, it will chart a course for repairing that damage – a blueprint for fixing the structures that continue to dispossess and oppress our people.


March 28, 2022 9:48 am
incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
March 28, 2022 9:49 am

a nameless preening narcissist

Name them. There are just too many possibilities.
Around here, it is like saying dog with tail.

March 28, 2022 9:51 am

I have been in a few in Russia, rosie. The Russians open them for tourists and allow the people to worship there. Kind of them. /sarc

I have been into small Greek Orthodox churches too – and very grateful to be allowed in to pray and meditate. Perhaps they recognised another of the faithful. 😀

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 28, 2022 9:52 am

The Yoorrook Justice Commission…

The Victorians can have as much of that as they want to pay for…

March 28, 2022 9:53 am

You’ll have one less, rambler. I’m off to stitch n’ bitch. I wonder if any will be in masks this week.

March 28, 2022 9:53 am

Whatever that may be Makka, if they are patriotic to the state then why would they be reluctant to worship in their own state churches?
It doesn’t make any sense, especially considering that Orthodoxy claimed to be the faith of 81% of Russians, is a sacramental faith, and Easter turn outs (the absolute highlight of the orthodox calender) are much higher than average weekly. Distrust of the state doesn’t appear to be a significant factor which also suggests that claimed secret practice is exaggerated, the question of unwelcome by the state protestant sects aside.

March 28, 2022 9:54 am

Farmer Gez, re the truckies. It isn’t easy to get an MC licence (unless you’re from the subcontinent) it takes several years and many thousands of dollars. This driver shortage has been developing for quite a long time probably over the last seven years or more. The Vietnam generation of drivers have mainly retired and wages and conditions remained stagnant for years. Many younger men could get better pay and conditions elsewhere. Now most larger companies have excessively intrusive monitoring of drivers and make sure they get every minute out of your 12 or 14 hour day. Finally all that’s caught up with the industry and they are now offering quite attractive wages, not so much conditions but good money, but there’s not many qualified and experienced drivers out there to attract.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 28, 2022 9:57 am

The Victorians can have as much of that as they want to pay for…

All those “stories my Nanna told me..”

March 28, 2022 9:57 am

There was some talk of nuclear powered locomotives overnight:

Fusion powered trains and railways on Mars no less.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 28, 2022 9:59 am

March 28, 2022 at 9:22 am
There are a lot of phonies out there and BJ is one of the bigger ones.

Oi! Please refer to him as Bananaby, to avoid confusion with my good self.

March 28, 2022 10:01 am

gotcha BJ:)

March 28, 2022 10:01 am

Horrible stuff Zipster. This won’t be seen in the MSM. Nothing must harm Ukraine and Zhelensky’s holier than thou image , which is so aggressively being rammed down our throats. Like Trump, covid, AGW, mandates etc.

March 28, 2022 10:03 am

Has the video of Ukrainian soldiers harming and killing Russian POWs made the news here in Oz?

Nothing penetrates the propaganda machine.

March 28, 2022 10:05 am

March 28, 2022 at 9:54 am
Farmer Gez, re the truckies. It isn’t easy to get an MC licence (unless you’re from the subcontinent) it takes several years and many thousands of dollars. This driver shortage has been developing for quite a long time probably over the last seven years or more. The Vietnam generation of drivers have mainly retired and wages and conditions remained stagnant for years. Many younger men could get better pay and conditions elsewhere. Now most larger companies have excessively intrusive monitoring of drivers and make sure they get every minute out of your 12 or 14 hour day. Finally all that’s caught up with the industry and they are now offering quite attractive wages, not so much conditions but good money, but there’s not many qualified and experienced drivers out there to attract.

I’ve heard more than a few of the trucking companies are regretting shafting the old blokes and hiring subcontinentals who don’t care about the equipment. Attempts to get the old blokes back haven’t worked.

March 28, 2022 10:08 am


Read this carefully.

Russia invaded Ukraine.

(It’s not the other way around)

March 28, 2022 10:09 am


We saw it here, so it’s not exactly a secret.

March 28, 2022 10:11 am

Good moaning to the few still sane here at
“The blog of the Denialists”.
How many Catholic churches did Jesus visit?
You are an eternal Fwit, Notafan.
And what the jab is now found to be doing is playing on your mind as it is with others.
You’re trying too hard to dismiss it all, and sneer away, looking more insane and frightened every day.

And claiming this blog has fiery debate as some people are claiming, …get your hand orf ut.
Anyone fires back or points out the bleeding obvious to complete nutjobs, and their comments are removed.
It’s now just a sheltered little infirmary for the deluded.

I’ll hopefully sneak this in before it’s taken down.
How pathetic.

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 28, 2022 10:12 am

Close the Australia Council down!

More than $10 million of taxpayer funds have been handed out in the latest round of government art grants – but questions have been raised about why “political activists masquerading as artists” are being handed so much cash.

The list of some of the eyebrow raising projects include a performance artist who ends up “getting naked and putting something up her butt” while “popping nangs” during performances and a filmmaker who includes splices of gay amateur pornography.

The cash splash of $10.7 million by the Australia Council for the Arts for both individual artists and groups was slammed by the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) think tank.

It argues the Morrison Government is now funding “divisive identity politics” and should take the process out of the hands of “ideologically driven bureaucrats”.

Some of the grants from December and November 2021 include $33,236 to NSW multidisciplinary artist Abdul Abdullah who uses his platform “to defend his Muslim heritage by shining a light on the nationalistic, sometimes fascist, behaviours of sectors of Australian community”.

Another $50,000 went to NSW performance artist Harriet Gillies, whose projects include a piece called The Power of the Holy Spirit, an experimental performance lecture which will “end with Harriet getting naked and putting something up her butt (but, like, in a really arty and compelling way)”.

“Expect a TED-talk on acid, a performative lecture on mushrooms, storytelling while popping nangs, ” she says.

And yet another $19,000 went to a video artist called EO Gill, whose work “interrogates gender, class-politics and intimacy using self-reflexive documentary style”.

Past works include a video where “two figures tenderly explore old injuries and revisit memories of surgery, performing a bizarre ritual by drawing surgical markings on each other; excerpts of physical exams, gay amateur pornography and Nascar race crashes are spliced into the work”.

Director of IPA’s Foundations of Western Civilisation Program Dr Bella d’Abrera said she found it “astounding” that the council kept spending tens of thousands of taxpayer’s dollars to “artists who are completely obsessed with identity politics”.

“Taxpayers should not be paying for what is essentially political activism masquerading as the arts,” she said.

“This kind of spending will not end until the decision making is taken out of the hands of ideologically driven bureaucrats and put back into the hands of the Arts Minister.”

“Scott Morrison recently condemned identity politics for pitting Australians against each other, well his government is funding this divisive identity politics, he needs to act.”

Another $10,000 went to Sumugan Sivanesan from Germany who projects include a performance-lecture The Anticolonials where he invokes “the tropes of cannibalism to discuss recent ideas about race, settler – colonialism and contemporary necropolitics … The Anticolonials traces a thread of anti-colonial anti-politics through history and into the present”.

Federal Arts Minister Paul Fletcher said he had expressed his concerns previously to the Australia Council about some of the grants.

“This kind of juvenile left-wing political activism is not how Australian taxpayers’ money should be spent when it comes to arts funding,” he said.

“I expressed my concerns in writing to the Australia Council last month, and received assurance from the Council that it will address these concerns. “I will be watching to see that it does so.
“It is a well-established principle that arts funding decisions are made at arm’s length from ministers of the day.

“But the Australia Council needs to remember it is spending taxpayers’ money, and it needs to do that in a way that maintains community confidence in our system of arts funding.”

March 28, 2022 10:15 am

Expressed concerns- that’ll scare them

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 28, 2022 10:17 am

Anyone fires back or points out the bleeding obvious to complete nutjobs, and their comments are removed.
It’s now just a sheltered little infirmary for the deluded.

Hi Struth! Don’t let the door hit you in the arse on your way out again- You’ll overbalance and strike your haughtily upturned nose on the concrete floor

I’ll hopefully sneak this in before it’s taken down.
How pathetic.

Your crybully antics certainly are…

March 28, 2022 10:17 am

I’ve heard more than a few of the trucking companies are regretting shafting the old blokes and hiring subcontinentals who don’t care about the equipment. Attempts to get the old blokes back haven’t worked.

Bing bong.
You all must realise that many an interstate truck driver, after the past two years of being jab up the nose every time they move, take big risks now crossing state borders as well, and many , due to a life of seeing what the government really is, which the industry leaves you in no doubt how criminal they are, are not jabbed.

Remember i told you all the reasons experienced guys have quit, but the insulated urban know nothings just decided to laugh about it.
Another load of wrongology and idiocy from the usual retards.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 28, 2022 10:18 am

He’ll always be the Beetrooter to me.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 28, 2022 10:19 am

More than $10 million of taxpayer funds have been handed out in the latest round of government art grants – but questions have been raised about why “political activists masquerading as artists” are being handed so much cash.

Maaaaaaaaates sharing the good stuff with maaaaaaaaaates.

  1. This is unbelievably foul, yet you can’t stop watching. 😀 Where’s arky?

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x