Open Thread – Weekend 2 July 2022

Ruins of Monastery at Eldena, Casper Friedrich, 1824

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July 2, 2022 5:07 pm

The abortion protesters in Melbourne are out of their minds. What effect do they think the protests will have on the US Supreme Court?

Some fat idiotic woman marcher said she has a daughter and a granddaughter who will not have the right to choose.

July 2, 2022 5:08 pm

If they can steal one election, they can steal every election.

Dunno Beery. In 2020 the steal couldn’t have happened in some (most?) counties without the help of Republicans. That shouldn’t happen in the mid-terms.

July 2, 2022 5:10 pm

“In a move of staggering stupidity and hubris, Lithuanians banned the transit of Russian goods via the Suwalki corridor to Kaliningrad this week. Kaliningrad, which is wedged between Poland on the west and Lithuania on the east, is home to almost a half-million Russians and the headquarters for the Russian Navy’s Baltic Sea free.

Why can’t the Russian Navy provide transit or even civilian vessels? They are not cut off.

July 2, 2022 5:13 pm

But it certainly adds to the dangerous escalation of this conflict.

Only if Putin chooses to.

He can still fly and ship goods and people in without difficulty.

At the end of the day its sovereign Lithuanian territory.

Winston Smith
July 2, 2022 5:14 pm

I knew Texas had one of these, but didn’t realise the extent in the other States.

One Solution Against Tyranny Is Creating State Guards to Defend the Constitution and Fight Back Against the Deep State

July 2, 2022 5:14 pm

Snap, Crossie.

July 2, 2022 5:17 pm

Well, flying might be risky but shipping is still open.

John Sheldrick
July 2, 2022 5:19 pm

July 2, 2022 at 5:07 pm
The abortion protesters in Melbourne are out of their minds. What effect do they think the protests will have on the US Supreme Court?

Some fat idiotic woman marcher said she has a daughter and a granddaughter who will not have the right to choose.

This fat idiotic woman needs to realise that the US Supreme Court has no jurisdiction in Australia. Just check out the State laws for abortion here in Australia. So, her daughter and granddaughter will most likely have the right to kill (abort) their unborn baby if they meet with the legal requirements and choose to do so.

We now need new laws where fat idiotic women/men/its can also be aborted subject to a majority decision of one. ‘We the People’ all get to take turns with the vote.

July 2, 2022 5:22 pm

At the end of the day its sovereign Lithuanian territory.

They ceded a right of way though by treaty. Dumb fucks. Serve them right if they get done over.

July 2, 2022 5:22 pm

There are a lot of people in this country still fighting against the irresponsible recommendation (indeed mandating in some areas) of insufficiently tested vaccines against Covid. Many are very experienced professionals in the area. I personally know one of them – Dr. Phil Altman – who has written articles in 2021 in Quadrant expressing his professional outrage. He has extensive experience in the field – indeed his company operated Random Clinical Trials of various drugs. He recently gave a presentation at a Summit in Old on the vaccines. Here is a report on the Summit:

John Sheldrick
July 2, 2022 5:26 pm

But it certainly adds to the dangerous escalation of this conflict.

Only if Putin chooses to.

He can still fly and ship goods and people in without difficulty.

At the end of the day its sovereign Lithuanian territory.

And, the Lithuanians are not stopping all trains. Only those goods/services that are subject to the Sanctions being applied to Russia. Russian people can still travel by train across Lithuania to the other territory, as I understand it.

July 2, 2022 5:26 pm

The abortion protesters in Melbourne are out of their minds. What effect do they think the protests will have on the US Supreme Court?

Yes they are incredibly stupid. Maybe they think the West Wing and Ophra apply here. Either, it makes them feel important.

July 2, 2022 5:29 pm

They ceded a right of way though by treaty.

I don’t believe so; there’s an agreement negotiated when Lithuania gained independence in 1990.

July 2, 2022 5:31 pm

Not quite as easy in winter.

I don’t think the Europeans would like to see the people of Kaliningrad starve.

July 2, 2022 5:35 pm

Yes I wonder what going to happen in Nov, say the GOP wins (the ‘rats not able to stuff enough ballots)- will they take on the steaming old turd? Impeach the old grub?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 2, 2022 5:37 pm

I don’t believe so; there’s an agreement negotiated when Lithuania gained independence in 1990.

The Duma was moving to rescind their independence, which is why they prevented land access to Kaliningrad. Quid pro quo, you screw me we screw you back, and oh by the way we’re in NATO. Nyah, nyah, nyah. Of course NATO ain’t exactly a monolithic alliance, more a herd of craven sheep, so it was a bit naughty to poke the bear like that.

July 2, 2022 5:38 pm

Yes they are incredibly stupid. Maybe they think the West Wing and Ophra apply here.

We really should have civics tests before granting people the right to vote.

July 2, 2022 5:42 pm

The Duma was moving to rescind their independence…

Yes, I’ve pointed that out here before, Bruce.

Of course, it was political theatre, as Russia no longer has sovereignty over Lithuania, but one can understand that it might have got the Lithuainians’ hackles up in the current environment.

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 2, 2022 5:42 pm

Why can’t the Russian Navy provide transit or even civilian vessels? They are not cut off.

Don’t be an idiot.
There’s a Treaty guaranteeing access, and the sea trip from the White Sea around Scandinavia and into the Baltic is about 3,000 km by ship plus another 1,000 by road/rail to the Arctic.

July 2, 2022 5:42 pm
Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
July 2, 2022 5:43 pm

One Solution Against Tyranny Is Creating State Guards to Defend the Constitution and Fight Back Against the Deep State

Until the State Guard gets infiltrated by “progressives” and turned into a force of oppression.
No earthly system will ever be perfect, but the only chance of staving off catastrophe is for the general public to understand the 100% failure rate of socialism and its 100% rate of conversion to misery and tyranny, and to want it not to happen to them. That’s why the march through the education system has been such a disaster.

John Sheldrick
July 2, 2022 5:44 pm

July 2, 2022 at 5:06 pm
Of the six regulators, Australia had the highest proportion of budget from industry fees (96%) and in 2020-2021 approved more than nine of every 10 drug company applications. Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) firmly denies that its almost exclusive reliance on pharmaceutical industry funding is a conflict of interest (COI). In response to a query, the agency said, “All fees and charges are prescribed in our legislation. To provide transparency, the TGA fees and charges are published on the TGA website.”

corruption in plain sight, the very best

Exactly. All fees and charges should be levied by the Federal Government. Then, the Federal Government can fund the TGA separately. To have the TGA levy the fees and charges directly is a blatant conflict of interest IMHO. This needs to be fixed now.

Get the new LayBore Guv’ment on the case. Yeah right. In any event, this should never have been structured this way and the Libs/Nats could have fixed it. Yeah right. Maybe not as their ‘management’ of this virus thingy was appalling IMHO.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
July 2, 2022 5:45 pm

Don’t be an idiot.
There’s a Treaty guaranteeing access, and the sea trip from the White Sea around Scandinavia and into the Baltic is about 3,000 km by ship plus another 1,000 by road/rail to the Arctic.

Ed, you might try looking at a map before making any further comment on this.

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 2, 2022 5:47 pm

He can still fly and ship goods and people in without difficulty.
No he can’t and why should he?
It’s a Blockade, an Act of War.

At the end of the day its sovereign Lithuanian territory.

Lithuania is a joke Country led by joke people.
What’s the average Lithuanian in Vilnius Street think about this insanity?
He’s be shitting himself.

July 2, 2022 5:49 pm

July 2, 2022 at 4:53 pm
Thanks Diogenes.

This is where these crusading types lose me. They start off fine, and often I agree with them wholeheartedly… then go off at odd tangents once the matter in hand has lost traction or public interest. It appears to be ego and self promotion.

The perpetrator in these types of crimes is not named to protect the victim.

How difficult is this principle to understand?

Vigilantes don’t care it’s all about them.

July 2, 2022 5:49 pm

…a pair of green activists glued themselves on the frame of a Vincent Van Gogh painting…
Cut off both ears, that’ll teach em.

July 2, 2022 5:49 pm

Don’t be an idiot.
There’s a Treaty guaranteeing access…

A link to this treaty ‘d be helpful Ed…ta in advance.

July 2, 2022 5:52 pm

Lithuania is a joke Country led by joke people.

I dare you to walk into the Brisbane Lithuanian Club and repeat that out loud.

49 Gladstone Rd, Highgate Hill.

Report back.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 2, 2022 5:53 pm

So nothing to do with enforcing EU sanctions.

Theoretically, but more to do with the independence thing. The EU got cross with Lithuania because of the embargo and have been negotiating a fudge.

EU nears compromise deal to defuse standoff with Russia over Kaliningrad (30 Jun)

European officials are in talks about exempting the territory from sanctions, which have hit industrial goods such as steel so far, paving the way for a deal in early July if EU member Lithuania drops its reservations, said the people, who declined to be named because the discussions are private.

So it isn’t really about sanctions or the EU wouldn’t be negotiating to give an exemption. The initial cause of all this is of course Lithuania sending a lot of arms to Ukraine, which Russia was annoyed about, hence the try-on to void Lithuanian independence, which then pissed off the Lithuanians enough to close the land route. It’s the usual tit for tat stuff that causes world wars and such like.

Actually going back a step Russia arranging the migrant invasion this time last year I think was the first thing that started it all. Lithuania wasn’t happy about that.

July 2, 2022 5:58 pm
Ed Case
Ed Case
July 2, 2022 6:02 pm

Woo, that guy.

Yeah, the Woody Allen guy got himself worked up, the bearded Aussie was pretty calm through it all.

July 2, 2022 6:04 pm

One Solution Against Tyranny Is Creating State Guards

an inter-state civil war possible?

July 2, 2022 6:05 pm

July 2, 2022 at 6:03 pm
What’s the point of today’s abortion protest in Melbourne?

one does wonder.

Do they know that the situation in Oz (federal hands-off, abortion laws controlled by states) is exactly the situation the US has just moved to ?

Idiots.. every one of them.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 2, 2022 6:06 pm

Didn’t Germaine Greer once proclaim she asked permission of the local aboriginals to re-enter Oz, every time she came back in from o/s?

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 2, 2022 6:07 pm

I dare you to walk into the Brisbane Lithuanian Club and repeat that out loud.

49 Gladstone Rd, Highgate Hill.

Report back.

It’s just around the corner, i’ve worked in the area on and off since 1975.
Anyway, I mentioned your name, the blokes asked if you’re the guy who hangs around the dunnies out the back wanting to suck cocks.
Over to you, Roger.

July 2, 2022 6:08 pm

Bit rich to demand every woman of child bearing age to have four children.
Clearly that means the problem is of very long standing.
Hungary’s birthrate has been declining steadily for years

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 2, 2022 6:09 pm

Btw Dover since you are here did you get Rabz’s message? I guess it to be his Saturday night extravaganza.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
July 2, 2022 6:10 pm

Ed Casesays:
July 2, 2022 at 6:07 pm

I take it that this comment means you’ve gutlessed out on Roger’s challenge?

July 2, 2022 6:11 pm

Our Lords and Masters must not be questioned and mocked, punishment faces those who do not comply

minus horses
plus internets

July 2, 2022 6:13 pm

“In a 2018 report by the Hungarian Demographic Research Institute, Zsolt Speder and Balazs Kapitany wrote that as women born after the turn of the millennium mature, the number “able to give birth will continue to decrease, to the extent that we must reckon on a drop in the number of births – even given the possible increase in willingness to have children. If the growth in fertility grinds to a halt (or even goes into reverse), that may in future result in a dramatic fall in the number of births.”

in fact Hungary’s population has been shrinking for 40 years and even with family friendly policies the average number of children is 1.55

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 2, 2022 6:13 pm

I take it that this comment means you’ve gutlessed out on Roger’s challenge?

What it means is that the discussion was civil until Roger decided
to make it personal.
mind your own fucking business.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
July 2, 2022 6:18 pm

Ed Casesays:
July 2, 2022 at 6:13 pm

I’ll take that as a “yes”.

BTW, re your 5.42pm comment, here’s a geography quiz – how far is it by ship from the port of St Petersburg to the port of Kaliningrad?

July 2, 2022 6:19 pm

One Solution Against Tyranny Is Creating State Guards
Known as a stroppy, heavily armed population.

July 2, 2022 6:20 pm

Named a paedo. Derryn Hinch has done time for similar.

With Simeon he was being a serial pest but skating close to the line, this was an excuse for payback.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
July 2, 2022 6:20 pm

……… after having decried the value of marriage (still decrying it btw) for most of her life.

Is she ? I don’t know but I remember reading of her marriage to some bloke in the UK more or less spur of the moment and lightly undertaken as a good frolic.

She married as a joke when quite young and it lasted about six months at best. That she let him stay at her place for a period later on is merely by the by. In her Oz interview re aged care she again slams marriage as something she has been glad to escape, for she still says:

She wonders if same-sex marriage, also sanctioned by the US Supreme Court, may be next to fall, “because that right is also not there in the constitution. Although, my position has always been, why would anyone want to get into marriage? It’s the worst system ever invented.”

That’s not how I feel about either of my two marriages, both of which have brought forth joy and children, as well as some great griefs. On the griefs, well, life is like that. You take the knocks; it may be that people can be imperfect, each and all of us, not marriage itself.

You can’t tinker with marriage, as SSM shows, for it brings up children absent one biological parent by design. Not a good thing. I wonder if Greer realises this, for she makes no further comment on the possible move of the US Supreme Court re that in the same way she refuses to be drawn further into the abortion commentary.

July 2, 2022 6:21 pm

Sorry this was missed on my above

July 2, 2022 at 2:41 pm

July 2, 2022 6:22 pm

Ed Casesays:
July 2, 2022 at 6:07 pm


John Sheldrick
July 2, 2022 6:26 pm

July 2, 2022 at 5:58 pm
They just can’t help themselves.

Mask mandate to return to Queensland? | Coronavirus | 9 News Australia

All the masks do is to stop people breathing properly. The virus is smaller than the mask mesh so the virus just goes right through the mask and into the airways and then into the lungs. Then into the bloodstream.

Make all ‘Pollies’ were masks and gags. And handcuffs and leg irons. At all times.

July 2, 2022 6:32 pm

what is the radio show tonight?

Motown and Soul. 🙂

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
July 2, 2022 6:33 pm

Germaine today seems to me to be like a rather nice and yet sometimes waspish maiden aunt.

All power to that part of her. Mellowing, but still with a sting.
Australia’s literati feminists will flock to her presence.
I hope she surprises them.

I think she will also find herself inundated by affectionate Australians of all types these days.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 2, 2022 6:34 pm

Ed Case at 6:13 – LOL. And fuckwit.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 2, 2022 6:35 pm

Don’t be an idiot.
There’s a Treaty guaranteeing access, and the sea trip from the White Sea around Scandinavia and into the Baltic is about 3,000 km by ship plus another 1,000 by road/rail to the Arctic.

OTOH, the journey from St Petersburg to Kaliningrad is much shorter.

Or had you forgotten about St Petersburg, Dickless?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 2, 2022 6:36 pm

Didn’t Germaine Greer once proclaim she asked permission of the local aboriginals to re-enter Oz, every time she came back in from o/s?

From memory, yes – she claimed that, whenever she returned to Australia, she was met at the airport by a delegation of the indigenous, and she wouldn’t leave the airport until they had given her permission …

July 2, 2022 6:38 pm

I am no particular admirer of the Aussie Cossack, but it seems to me that there is somewhat of a double standard concerning the enforcement of laws pertaining to the naming and shaming of persons who might or might not be guilty of some type of sex offence.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 2, 2022 6:38 pm

Lithuania is a joke Country led by joke people.
What’s the average Lithuanian in Vilnius Street think about this insanity?
He’s be shitting himself.

Our man on the ground in Vilnius, Dickless, has taken the vox pop poll of the person ion the street. Luckily, they all speak English.

July 2, 2022 6:38 pm

July 2, 2022 at 6:32 pm
what is the radio show tonight?

Motown and Soul. ?


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 2, 2022 6:40 pm

Whitefella Jump Up: The shortest way to nationhood
Germaine Greer
Out of stock

In Whitefella Jump Up, Germaine Greer suggests that embracing Aboriginality is the only way Australia can fully imagine itself as a nation. In a wide-ranging essay she looks at the interdependence of black and white and suggests not how the Aborigine question may be settled but how a sense of being Aboriginal might save the soul of Australia.

In a sweeping and magisterial essay, touching on everything from Henry Lawson to multiculturalism, Germaine Greer argues that Australia must enter the Aboriginal web of dreams.

July 2, 2022 6:41 pm

Rabz – Where can I listen to your radio show?

July 2, 2022 6:46 pm

LOL get a load of this airhead courtesy of North Sydney:

Ted Mack would be rolling in his grave….

July 2, 2022 6:48 pm

In a sweeping and magisterial essay, touching on everything from Henry Lawson to multiculturalism, Germaine Greer argues that Australia must enter the Aboriginal web of dreams.

Germaine could take the piss with the best of them.

Cassie of Sydney
July 2, 2022 6:49 pm

July 2, 2022 at 6:38 pm
I am no particular admirer of the Aussie Cossack, but it seems to me that there is somewhat of a double standard concerning the enforcement of laws pertaining to the naming and shaming of persons who might or might not be guilty of some type of sex offence.”

Christian Porter and George Pell as opposed to Bill Shorten.

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 2, 2022 6:52 pm

Germaine could take the piss with the best of them

Barry Humphries circa 1960 might be more plausible.

July 2, 2022 6:54 pm

Are we doing “Maudlin Dirges for Absinthe Friends”

Pancho, if that isn’t a topic for a future thread then I’m an extra terrestrial space lizard.

July 2, 2022 6:55 pm

In a sweeping and magisterial essay, touching on everything from Henry Lawson to multiculturalism, Germaine Greer argues that Australia must enter the Aboriginal web of dreams.

Yes, let’s turn the country into Wadeye.

July 2, 2022 6:57 pm

Someone has broken Ed.

Wasn’t me. I even gave him a second chance today.

July 2, 2022 6:57 pm

OK I am at a dead end. Twitter blocking me from reading posts unless I log in, that one they can go eat a big bag of hairy male appendages. They have always been free to see till recently.

What perplexes me is all my internet settings block their cookies, this is a way around this firewall I have been able to google and worked till even more recently. However I am forever deleting said cookies despite being not allowed.

Question for computer types, how is twitter able to over-ride my computer settings and any go arounds appreciated.

July 2, 2022 7:00 pm

she claimed that, whenever she returned to Australia, she was met at the airport by a delegation of the indigenous, and she wouldn’t leave the airport until they had given her permission …

Nobody tell her she was actually dealing with Customs officers.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
July 2, 2022 7:02 pm

OTOH, the journey from St Petersburg to Kaliningrad is much shorter.

Or had you forgotten about St Petersburg, Dickless?

He’ll have been watching this video on Artic Convoys featuring Drachinifel, I suspect.

And then nodded off in the middle of it and started dreaming of Mermans-k.

And with a serious case of Murmansk and their mer-musk on the brain, Grigs immediately forgot that Russia has Baltic Sea ports other than Kalingrad.

Which I will now refer to as Königsberg out of deference to my Prussian ancestors, and to upset Dover… 🙂

July 2, 2022 7:03 pm

Someone has broken Ed.

I’d like to claim responsibility, but Ed is merely an act.

He’ll be back.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
July 2, 2022 7:04 pm

OK I am at a dead end. Twitter blocking me from reading posts unless I log in, that one they can go eat a big bag of hairy male appendages. They have always been free to see till recently.

It’s just having a turn.

Every so often, Twitter feels its gypsum and tries to get all dictatorial on us. It was doing that to me last night.

July 2, 2022 7:06 pm

In Whitefella Jump Up, Germaine Greer suggests that embracing Aboriginality is the only way Australia can fully imagine itself as a nation.

so we find some sit-down money, get grogged up and punch on with the women ?

Cassie of Sydney
July 2, 2022 7:07 pm

Funny how so many Western leaders, such as Blowjob, AnAl, Poodle Micron, Turdeau and the Sniffer in Chief aren’t particularly interested in securing their own borders but are obsessed with securing Ukraine’s borders. Funny how so many of these leaders have spent years decrying the notions of nationalism and borders and happily smearing people who advocate for nationalism and borders as “racist” yet now fly to Keeeeeeev to grandstand about Ukrainian sovereignty with a clown.

Strange times.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
July 2, 2022 7:09 pm

July 2, 2022 at 6:57 pm

I find that if I refresh, go back to the top, then scroll down a long way before releasing the left click I don’t get blocked while reading from the bottom up till I get near the top. Then if I refresh and read down from the top I usually miss out on only one comment.

July 2, 2022 7:09 pm


Winston Smith
July 2, 2022 7:15 pm

July 2, 2022 at 5:03 pm
China, Iran Make Moves Around Nuclear Defenses and Space Weapons, Ignore US Calls To Ban Tests
Japan has a legitimate claim to the Kuril Islands Archipelago.
Will she take them back?

Old bloke
Old bloke
July 2, 2022 7:15 pm

Ed Case says:
July 2, 2022 at 5:42 pm

Don’t be an idiot.
There’s a Treaty guaranteeing access, and the sea trip from the White Sea around Scandinavia and into the Baltic is about 3,000 km by ship plus another 1,000 by road/rail to the Arctic.

It’s around 1,000 kms from the Port of St. Petersburg to the Port of Kaliningrad, a two day voyage.

July 2, 2022 7:19 pm

Greer is a fake feminist. The real ones proved them selves in factories, banks, and volunteer work.

John Sheldrick
July 2, 2022 7:20 pm

New Post up. Radio Show for Saturday Night.

Old bloke
Old bloke
July 2, 2022 7:23 pm

John Sheldrick says:
July 2, 2022 at 5:44 pm

Exactly. All fees and charges should be levied by the Federal Government. Then, the Federal Government can fund the TGA separately. To have the TGA levy the fees and charges directly is a blatant conflict of interest IMHO. This needs to be fixed now.

The greater conflict of interest is the TGA’s dual role as the promoter of the vaxx, and as the reporting agency for investigating adverse events. There should have been a separate agency who was responsible for investigating adverse events.

July 2, 2022 7:26 pm

Funny how so many Western leaders, such as Blowjob, AnAl, Poodle Micron, Turdeau and the Sniffer in Chief aren’t particularly interested in securing their own borders but are obsessed with securing Ukraine’s borders.

Don’t forget their attitude to weapons, those owned by the citizens of these countries are an existential threat, but government losing tens of thousands in Afghanistan is no big deal, and pouring them into Ukraine is virtuous.

Winston Smith
July 2, 2022 7:26 pm

John Sheldrick:

This fat idiotic woman needs to realise that the US Supreme Court has no jurisdiction in Australia. Just check out the State laws for abortion here in Australia. So, her daughter and granddaughter will most likely have the right to kill (abort) their unborn baby if they meet with the legal requirements and choose to do so.

It’s about relevance, John.
They have to have an opportunity to shout and scream, chuck the dollies out of pram, and hook up for some horizontal folk dancing.
Let them, as long as they don’t glue themselves to roads or paintings or some such.
Perhaps they will get lucky and score, just don’t take photos. Please.

July 2, 2022 7:29 pm

Russell died relatively young in 2016 from too much hard living

That’s rock ‘n’ rollers for you, Tommy.

A flame that burns twice as bright burns for half as long

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 2, 2022 7:30 pm


July 2, 2022 at 4:05 pm

Rabz, what is the radio show tonight?

It’s my brother’s birthday, so I bought him a bottle of plonk (Wynn’s Coonawarra Shiraz — IMO, the world’s best red under $50), which I delivered over breakfast at his place.

I was going to suggest that it might be a bit early to get into the Shiraz but, given you are up at 4:00 am, I’ll give you a pass.

John Sheldrick
July 2, 2022 7:31 pm

Our man on the ground in Vilnius, Dickless, has taken the vox pop poll of the person ion the street. Luckily, they all speak English.

Yes but Head Case doesn’t speak English. He speaks gibberish with a ‘bogan’ accent.

July 2, 2022 7:32 pm

This fat idiotic woman

Try and avoid them at your peril. They always seem to be there. 😕

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 2, 2022 7:32 pm

It’s just around the corner, i’ve worked in the area on and off since 1975.
Anyway, I mentioned your name, the blokes asked if you’re the guy who hangs around the dunnies out the back wanting to suck cocks.

Dickless seems very – familiar – with the dunnies at the Lithuanian Club. Flamer?

July 2, 2022 7:33 pm

What’s the point of today’s abortion protest in Melbourne? Is it just performative? Is it simple solidarity with libs in US?

Was munty in attendance?

July 2, 2022 7:34 pm

When was your inception date?

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 2, 2022 7:35 pm

Ed Casesays:
July 2, 2022 at 6:13 pm
I take it that this comment means you’ve gutlessed out on Roger’s challenge?

What it means is that the discussion was civil until Roger decided
to make it personal.
mind your own fucking business.

Only under your loose definition of “civil”.

Perhaps you should heed your own advice, as offered in your final sentence?

July 2, 2022 7:36 pm

Where can I listen to your radio show?

Hughee – right here.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 2, 2022 7:36 pm

July 2, 2022 at 6:19 pm
One Solution Against Tyranny Is Creating State Guards
Known as a stroppy, heavily armed population.

It would certainly meet the definition of a “well regulated militia”.

July 2, 2022 7:37 pm

Russell died relatively young in 2016 from too much hard living

That’s rock ‘n’ rollers for you, Tommy.

Hang about…he was 74.

Old bloke
Old bloke
July 2, 2022 7:38 pm

Rex Anger says:
July 2, 2022 at 7:02 pm

Which I will now refer to as Königsberg out of deference to my Prussian ancestors, and to upset Dover… ?

Rex, are you one of those Teutonic Knights?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 2, 2022 7:40 pm

Australians top the list of most meth users across the world

Lauren Ferri
NCA NewsWire
2 hours ago July 2, 2022

Australia dominates the global consumption of methylamphetamine, topping the list of 24 countries for heaviest users.

Meth consumption across Australia was found to be the highest per capita when compared to other countries in Asia, Europe and Oceania, the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission’s latest report has found.

For the first time since April 2017, the use of meth, cocaine and MDMA had higher use in Australian capital cities than regional areas.

Meth has been found to be most popular in Perth among the capital cities.

However, regional NSW are using the drug more than any other rural area.

ACIC chief executive Michael Phelan APM said most of Australia’s organised crime surrounds the use of illicit drugs.

“Serious and organised crime groups profit from the importation, manufacture, trafficking and sale of drugs that cause harm to the community,” Mr Phelan said.

“Through wastewater analysis we gain insight into the serious and organised crime groups that supply illicit drug markets.”

Australia has been ranked the highest users in terms of meth, cocaine and MDMA when compared to other counties including New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Portugal and South Korea.

Those living in major cities are using cocaine, MDMA and even heroin more than people in regional areas.

But alcohol, fentanyl and nicotine are more prevalent in regional towns.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 2, 2022 7:42 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
July 2, 2022 at 6:40 pm
Whitefella Jump Up: The shortest way to nationhood
Germaine Greer
Out of stock

In Whitefella Jump Up, Germaine Greer suggests that embracing Aboriginality is the only way Australia can fully imagine itself as a nation. In a wide-ranging essay she looks at the interdependence of black and white and suggests not how the Aborigine question may be settled but how a sense of being Aboriginal might save the soul of Australia.

In a sweeping and magisterial essay, touching on everything from Henry Lawson to multiculturalism, Germaine Greer argues that Australia must enter the Aboriginal web of dreams.

Everyone should “identify” as indigenous?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
July 2, 2022 7:44 pm

Rex, are you one of those Teutonic Knights?


But if I hit my head, I sometimes suffer a Teutonic daze…


Boambee John
Boambee John
July 2, 2022 7:46 pm

July 2, 2022 at 7:37 pm
Russell died relatively young in 2016 from too much hard living

That’s rock ‘n’ rollers for you, Tommy.

Hang about…he was 74.

That is “relatively young”.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 2, 2022 7:53 pm

Everyone should “identify” as indigenous?

I do, and so my English cousins.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
July 2, 2022 7:56 pm

But if I hit my head, I sometimes suffer a Teutonic daze…

I now realise that this should have been a Titanic daze.

But a good punchline is like a guided missile- Once it’s gone downrange, there are no takesies backsies…

Winston Smith
July 2, 2022 8:02 pm

Piss off, Gerrard.
And take that manky government with you.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 2, 2022 8:07 pm

Rosie at 5:41

Victoria to scrap mandatory gas connections in new home developments

Saw that on the TeeVee news.
Developer talking himself up as clean and green.
Well, he would be keen on it, wouldn’t he.
Just saved buckets on development costs, not having to run gas mains and service lines.
Of course, it makes s.f.a. difference. The “saved” gas will be used to generate the additional electricity.
Net zero difference.

It’s Remarkable
It’s Remarkable
July 2, 2022 8:08 pm

The Rugby, tonight from Perf.
The obligatory Welcome to Country – tiresome and false.

BTW, agree completely with Cassie and others about the hypocritical comparison about border security by our supposed leaders.

Over it all.

Winston Smith
July 2, 2022 8:14 pm

Timothy Neilson:

BTW, re your 5.42pm comment, here’s a geography quiz – how far is it by ship from the port of St Petersburg to the port of Kaliningrad?

Here is Mr Ed solving a similar problem for the British Railway mob.

Old bloke
Old bloke
July 2, 2022 8:17 pm

Rex Anger says:
July 2, 2022 at 7:44 pm


But if I hit my head, I sometimes suffer a Teutonic daze…

People have been shot for jokes like that, go and stand in the naughty corner for 30 mins.

July 2, 2022 8:17 pm

Rockdoctor, try this:

When the demand to log in or register comes up, press login. A new window appears wanting your details. Close it.

You will find the feed is now open and you can see the comments.

July 2, 2022 8:20 pm

Cheers all on Twitter. Will try, it is a pain when following links to be hit with a wall demanding details.

Old bloke
Old bloke
July 2, 2022 8:24 pm

Sancho Panzer says:
July 2, 2022 at 8:07 pm

Saw that on the TeeVee news.
Developer talking himself up as clean and green.
Well, he would be keen on it, wouldn’t he.
Just saved buckets on development costs, not having to run gas mains and service lines.

Next week there will be a ban on electricity connections to new houses, and no mains water connections and no sewerage connections. The builders will make massive profits on their new houses, the purchaser will have to dig a well though and a latrine trench.

Best to keep the last two separate.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
July 2, 2022 8:25 pm

People have been shot for jokes like that, go and stand in the naughty corner for 30 mins.

Heehee! 😀

John Sheldrick
July 2, 2022 8:28 pm

Funny how so many Western leaders, such as Blowjob, AnAl, Poodle Micron, Turdeau and the Sniffer in Chief aren’t particularly interested in securing their own borders but are obsessed with securing Ukraine’s borders.

I think that the Brits are a lot more serious in securing their border now that they have Brexit. And Australia still is although the new Laybore Gov’ment will be continually tested on this. The worst culprit is Biden who has NFI what he is doing. But the people pulling his strings know exactly what they are doing.

Cassie of Sydney
July 2, 2022 8:30 pm

Where’s Albo? Where’s Albo? Where’s Albo? Perhaps he needs to stop fellating Macron and return to Oz…

“Defence force prepared to help NSW against flood threat on Sunday

A pair of Australian Defence Force helicopters and 100 personnel will be at NSW’s disposal on Sunday as flash flooding, up to 150mm of rain in six hours and dangerous winds loom ahead.

A rainband some 2,800km long extends from the NT Top End to southeast QLD today, and an East Coast Low is set to drench the NSW coast this weekend – Meteorologist Alison Osborne has the details.

Two ADF helicopters and 100 troops will be provided by the federal government tomorrow morning as NSW prepares for the possibility of another major flood.

The night-time choppers and on the ground troops mainly help with evacuations and clean-up if required.

“We hope these resources won’t be needed, but the point is we are making sure they are ready if they are needed so those resources will be on standby when the NSW government deems they are necessary,” minister for Emergency Management Murray Watt said.

It comes as the Hawkesbury Nepean SES prepares for the worst.”

If Morrison, on his watch, was forced to “own” natural disasters, the same applies to Albanese. The precedent has been set.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 2, 2022 8:33 pm

The Doverlord at 12.11 to St. Ruth of Wordwall:

I haven’t blocked you.

The persecution complex is strong in this one.

Cassie of Sydney
July 2, 2022 8:35 pm

“I think that the Brits are a lot more serious in securing their border now that they have Brexit.

No. Illegal and legal migration continues unabated. Africans and middle easterners are illegally crossing the channel everyday. The British people continue to be let down by their government.

Old bloke
Old bloke
July 2, 2022 8:37 pm

Here is an interesting discussion on the dangers of flying with vaxxed pilots, a US and Australian collaboration (34 mins.).

Global Aviation: Fit to Fly?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 2, 2022 8:40 pm


July 2, 2022 at 6:54 pm

Are we doing “Maudlin Dirges for Absinthe Friends”

Pancho, if that isn’t a topic for a future thread then I’m an extra terrestrial space lizard.

This makes me happy.
Nothing more joyous than a good wallow in self pity.

Winston Smith
July 2, 2022 8:49 pm

SCOTUS to Hear Case That Could Give State Legislatures, Not Judges, Power to Regulate Elections
Democrats are going to go nuts when their tame judges aren’t allowed to over rule the Legislature.

“The U.S. Constitution is crystal clear: state legislatures are responsible for drawing congressional maps, not state court judges, and certainly not with the aid of partisan political operatives,” Moore said in March when he launched an appeal of the Supreme Court of North Carolina’s order redrawing the state’s electoral map against the wishes of the state’s GOP-majority legislature.
“We are hopeful that the Supreme Court will reaffirm this basic principle and will throw out the illegal map imposed on the people of North Carolina by its highest court. It is time to settle the elections clause question once and for all.”

July 2, 2022 8:52 pm

Of course, it makes s.f.a. difference. The “saved” gas will be used to generate the additional electricity.
Net zero difference.

Worse than that. The gas is used in your house directly for heating at high efficiency.
The power station is a heat engine and gets maybe 30 to 40% efficiency at turning gas into electricity and you then turn the electricity into heat. Actually generates *more* CO2 for given heat delivered to you. But then Dan obviously never did high school physics or was asleep in class.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 2, 2022 8:53 pm

What’s the point of today’s abortion protest in Melbourne? Is it just performative? Is it simple solidarity with libs in US?

What is the point?
State election campaigning in the tradition of Mediscare.
Even though the Vic Libs position on abortion is indistinguishable from the US Dimocrats, Dan’s dogwhistlers will be out in force:-
“If they get in they will probably ban abortion. It’s the sort of thing they would do.”
The breakfast show types will join the fray:-
“Victorian women fear …”
“There are growing concerns … “

July 2, 2022 8:56 pm

Hang about…he was 74.

A veritable spring chicken.

John Sheldrick
July 2, 2022 9:05 pm

But then Dan obviously never did high school physics or was asleep in class.

With those ears of his he should have been a good listener. But then again, there doesn’t appear to be much in between the ears.

July 2, 2022 9:16 pm

The power station is a heat engine and gets maybe 30 to 40% efficiency at turning gas into electricity

Open Cycle Gas is pretty atrocious … or near the limit of “somebody’s” heat engine

Closed Cycle Gas is better getting maybe 60% and that’s really just a way of recovering shit heat for shit work

CCGT isn’t nimble so they dont use it like they use OCGT

they use OCGT because it helps cope with the stupid dynamics of having ruinables in the grid
ie. its nimble but inefficient

either way the gas, or at least the existing gas infrastructure, has been shunted toward a more inefficient use case to prop up a shit system

best sly marketing campaign ever

started noticeably about 3 years ago

and we are up shit creek

July 2, 2022 9:16 pm

When the demand to log in or register comes up, press login. A new window appears wanting your details. Close it.

You will find the feed is now open and you can see the comments.

Thanks, Calli, that seems to work well. It was very frustrating.

July 2, 2022 9:18 pm

The power station is a heat engine and gets maybe 30 to 40% efficiency at turning gas into electricity and you then turn the electricity into heat.

Actually is closer to 60% for most modern gas fired plants.

Typical thermal efficiency for utility-scale electrical generators is around 37% for coal and oil-fired plants, and 56 – 60% (LEV) for combined-cycle gas-fired plants.

Actually generates *more* CO2 for given heat delivered to you.

As an ongoing source of emissions and it’s material? How so?

John Sheldrick
July 2, 2022 9:21 pm

No. Illegal and legal migration continues unabated. Africans and middle easterners are illegally crossing the channel everyday. The British people continue to be let down by their government.

There is nothing wrong with legal migration. At least this Rwanda effort is a start in deporting the illegals and sending them a message. Not perfect I know and there needs to be a better way. The French being typically french are not helping matters by not joining up with the Brits to stop the Channel crossings. All they do is pay lip service to the issue. All IMHO.

July 2, 2022 9:22 pm

A friend of mine put together the financing and all the wherewithal for a gas plant in Pennsylvania. The plant was completed about 5 years ago. He took partial ownership of the plant in lieu of fees and his share is worth about US$80 million now.

July 2, 2022 9:29 pm

I think that the Brits are a lot more serious in securing their border now that they have Brexit.

if only that were true- it’s shocking the number of hotels that have been taken over to house illegals

July 2, 2022 9:30 pm

Next week there will be a ban on electricity connections to new houses, and no mains water connections and no sewerage connections.
When I moved into my “houso” estate (69 houses in 5 cul-de-sacs) the estate had just been finished a week before the building contractor went bankrupt, fortunately, all the houses were completed except for the gardens being cleaned up from building material .. no big deal! .. but very quickly folk realised they couldn’t make telephone calls even though all the phone plugs were installed in-house..!
Turned out that no one at Housing or the contractors had arranged with Telecom to have phone access via cables, wires, conduits or anything layed .. the existing phone stuff went straight past the outside of the estate .. LOL!
Took nearly three years before Housing agreed to pay for the connections to be dun .. all walkways and driveways had to be dug up to lay the lines ……!

July 2, 2022 9:32 pm

Sancho Panzersays:
July 2, 2022 at 8:07 pm
Rosie at 5:41

Victoria to scrap mandatory gas connections in new home developments

Saw that on the TeeVee news.
Developer talking himself up as clean and green.
Well, he would be keen on it, wouldn’t he.
Just saved buckets on development costs, not having to run gas mains and service lines.
Of course, it makes s.f.a. difference. The “saved” gas will be used to generate the additional electricity.
Net zero difference.

We had three weeks without electricity last year due to storm damage and another ten days early this year. At least we could cook on top of stove and had hot water due to gas. You would have to be dead stupid to buy a house without alternative power source. I suppose this is one way to make housing cheaper.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
July 2, 2022 9:34 pm


near the limit of “somebody’s” heat engine


Boambee John
Boambee John
July 2, 2022 9:45 pm

July 2, 2022 at 9:18 pm
The power station is a heat engine and gets maybe 30 to 40% efficiency at turning gas into electricity and you then turn the electricity into heat.

Actually is closer to 60% for most modern gas fired plants.

Typical thermal efficiency for utility-scale electrical generators is around 37% for coal and oil-fired plants, and 56 – 60% (LEV) for combined-cycle gas-fired plants.

Actually generates *more* CO2 for given heat delivered to you.

As an ongoing source of emissions and it’s material? How so?

The difference between Open Cycle and Closed Cycle. See comment by Matrix at 2116.

July 2, 2022 9:50 pm

Actually is closer to 60% for most modern gas fired plants.


July 2, 2022 9:50 pm

The argument is moot.
There is not a single closed cycle gas powered generator in Victoria.
30-40% it is.

July 2, 2022 9:54 pm


the important bit was “near the limit”

July 2, 2022 9:56 pm

There is not a single closed cycle gas powered generator in Victoria.


July 2, 2022 10:06 pm

this monkeypox thing is a bit odd. for something that doesn’t spread easily it still seems to be spreading at about 10% a day.

uk 1235
germany 1035
spain 800
franc 498
us 458
portugal 402
canada 287

you would think the gay population would take it easy by now or is there something else going on…

July 2, 2022 10:07 pm

Here’s our Ukraine aid package.

corruption is plain sight, sending 40b to the most corrupt country in Europe

July 2, 2022 10:14 pm

I have a plonker on with efficiency lately and I’ll you why.

the overall efficiency has a direct relationship with Co2

and all this bullshit that goes in any direction except the most efficient is a lie

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
July 2, 2022 10:17 pm

Vaccines, the cure you have when you’re not having a cure.
Sixty million covid shots delivered in Australia and yet 94% of all cases and 77% of all deaths are in the first six months of this year.
Are we winning yet doctor?

July 2, 2022 10:20 pm

Bit rich to demand every woman of child bearing age to have four children.

She, the representative, was grossly misquoted.
She cited statistics as to what would require to reach a slight growth or equilibrium in population numbers, not demanding anything.

The fact that she happens to have 4 children of course was a convenient excuse for her detractors to claim the above.

July 2, 2022 10:28 pm

Canuckistanian Rock Chicks.

And as an added bonus Miss Mylett. 🙂

July 2, 2022 10:28 pm

Iran is set to be the first country to roll out a food rationing scheme based on new biometric IDs. Where vaccine passports failed, food passports will now be eagerly accepted by hungry people who can’t afford rapidly inflating food prices. This is the realization of a longstanding agenda by the Rockefeller/UN/WEF crowd to, as Kissinger put it, “control food, and control people.”

July 2, 2022 10:29 pm
July 2, 2022 10:40 pm

Zippy the only thing ghays take easy is the next one tapping him on the shoulder.

July 2, 2022 11:08 pm

Americans and Canadians may see about two billion crickets swarming local grocery store shelves for self and pet consumption thanks to a Canadian food group that recently completed the world’s largest “alternative protein” manufacturing facility

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 2, 2022 11:23 pm

Cracker night in the NT was last night. For a period during the day you can buy as many big-arse crackers as you like from one of the multitude of pop-ups, and from between 6.00 p.m. to 11.00 you can let them off anywhere – on the beach, in your backyard, in your front yard, on your roof.

No real dramas – for most people. The NT News:

A MAN is fighting for his life in the Royal Darwin Hospital after having a firework “explode in his face”. It was one of five Cracker Night-related call outs across the Territory, three of which were in the Top End.

St John NT ambulance services director Andrew Thomas said the man, in his 50s, went to relight the “large” cracker when it exploded.

Strike one. Relight them at your peril.

July 2, 2022 11:25 pm

crickets swarming local grocery store shelves for self and pet consumption thanks to a Canadian food group that recently completed the world’s largest “alternative protein” manufacturing facility

You will own nothing
You will exist in a pod
You will eat the bugs
You will be happy

Or else

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 2, 2022 11:30 pm

Thermal efficiency not really relevant when considering domestic heating costs. When you are looking at grid level generation every % point is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

July 2, 2022 11:35 pm

Everyone should “identify” as indigenous?

Why not, the High Court says it’s cool with that.

July 2, 2022 11:42 pm

Thermal efficiency not really relevant when considering domestic heating costs.

cost is the only variable they give a shit about

July 2, 2022 11:44 pm

sorry … not cost … price

July 2, 2022 11:48 pm

I think that the Brits are a lot more serious in securing their border now that they have Brexit.

According to the latest estimates by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), net migration from overseas to the UK in the year ending March 2020 totalled 313,000 – the highest in four years and approaching the all-time record of 331,000 in the year to March 2015.
Total long-term immigration by those of all citizenships (715,000), and total immigration by non-UK citizens (633,000) were both at the highest levels ever recorded.
Net migration to the UK from outside the EU nearly tripled since the year to March 2013 (when it was 106,000) to its highest level ever – 316,000.
Net migration to the UK from the EU has fallen, from 219,000 in the year to March 2015, to 58,000 in the most recent year.
There was a net departure of 61,000 British citizens to other countries.

July 3, 2022 12:15 am

Rockdoctor says:
July 2, 2022 at 6:57 pm

OK I am at a dead end. Twitter blocking me from reading posts unless I log in…

A few months ago I found that happening for the first time and switched to viewing Twitter feeds (such as the delightful Rita Panahi‘s) in a private browser tab. It appears to have no restrictions for a non-logged-in viewer. It worked as of this afternoon but may not work forever.

July 3, 2022 2:42 am

Nelson_Kidd-Players says:
July 3, 2022 at 12:15 am

A few months ago I found that happening for the first time and switched to viewing Twitter feeds (such as the delightful Rita Panahi‘s) in a private browser tab. It appears to have no restrictions for a non-logged-in viewer. It worked as of this afternoon but may not work forever.

Not working for me, after a few scrolls down the message appears.
Tried both private and open browsers, VPN, and without, no luck.
Doesn’t matter not going to join.

July 3, 2022 4:02 am
Barking Toad
Barking Toad
July 3, 2022 4:05 am

Thanks Tom.

WIP is always a beautiful start to Sunday morning.

Even better after Collingwood get up again!

John Sheldrick
July 3, 2022 6:12 am

July 3, 2022 at 5:43 am
what one pensioner is doing to save on electricity bills

As a Pensioner, this is how I’m saving on electricity and gas.

comment image

July 3, 2022 6:20 am

saving on electricity

As the electrician said, ‘it’s a bizarre way to do it.’
Just leave the switches inside the house off.
+ the fridge uses less energy if it’s on all the time, strange as it may sound.

July 3, 2022 6:48 am

So Anal’s in Paris and Mrs Couts-Trotter’s in Lisbon. Vomit making

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 3, 2022 6:50 am

France’s Media have suppressed this Speech by Pierre De Gaulle on Russia Day, June 14 2022.
Do we need to recall the recent slap in the face suffered by France in the brutal and unilateral breach of the contract for the purchase of Australian submarines by Australia, a member of the Commonwealth, which was orchestrated by the British and the Americans?

H/T: Reminisces of the Future

July 3, 2022 7:16 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 3, 2022 7:19 am

Milton – I quite liked Lily Allen’s songs when she first started. Then she went all political and foul, so I can’t listen to them any more. Put me right off.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
July 3, 2022 7:22 am

That’s because meja is filth -birds of a feather ‘n’ all

July 3, 2022 7:27 am

It’s the promotion and celebration of nastiness and ugliness that I find extraordinary Bruce. Cultural marxism I suppose. I regard Marx as one the most evil men ever.

Winston Smith
July 3, 2022 8:02 am


It’s the promotion and celebration of nastiness and ugliness that I find extraordinary Bruce. Cultural marxism I suppose. I regard Marx as one the most evil men ever.

He wasn’t pretty, either.

July 3, 2022 8:09 am

Marx: I have this great theory about all economics and how it will eventually lead to arcadia.

Not a mong: Really what do you base it on

Marx: Well I imagined, despite it never being observed in even the most primitive of societies, that everyone lived communally and peacefully and thought that would be nice.

Marx literally starts from this.
The rest of his book is a “lets go back to that, but with industrialization thrown in as well”.
Hes the Bruce Pascoe of politics.

July 3, 2022 8:10 am

This doesn’t seem right.

Just the next step.
If you don’t look, you don’t find.

July 3, 2022 8:12 am

Hard to pick two this morning, Tom (especially with the Maxwell and Thomas excellence).

This echoes rosie’s link.

In good company.

Winston Smith
July 3, 2022 8:13 am

Bank of America Issues Chilling Forecast: No GDP Growth
It makes you wonder if the Democrat Party itself is going to survive the next election.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
July 3, 2022 8:15 am

We had three weeks without electricity last year due to storm damage and another ten days early this year. At least we could cook on top of stove and had hot water due to gas. You would have to be dead stupid to buy a house without alternative power source. I suppose this is one way to make housing cheaper.

A camping stove that runs on gas cartridges (we keep six spare) is a good idea; and your bottled gas BBQ is always useful too. We use both during blackouts or during extended electricity disruptions which happen in our street when people do electrical renos. You can boil hot water to wash in as well as cook, and with some LED lights and a few candles for ambience, you can still get by. Oh – you can charge your phone in the car (always keep the tank over half full) or get a small solar charger with a USB on it (I have one that cost $20 on a special at the Post Office). With a supply of tinned food, some matches, heavy pain killers (or a stocked cellar) and a few big containers of water (we also have a run-off tank to plunder), you can survive an urban collapse for a week or so.

A mattock and crowbar for urban defense.

Hairy thinks this is all crazy talk, but he still takes a camping gaz cup of tea or coffee in a blackout.

July 3, 2022 8:16 am

It’s his hatred of the middle classes that I also find repugnant iirc he called for their ‘elimination’. Stalin and Mao tried to oblige.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
July 3, 2022 8:17 am

The new “gulf” states.
A massive and highly valuable resource that we can’t simply do without.
You can’t synthesise phosphate and there’s no alternative.

Morocco and Western Sahara

Mine production: 37 million MT

Despite producing significantly less than China in 2020, Morocco and Western Sahara have the largest phosphate reserves. With 50 billion MT stockpiled, the region’s phosphate reserves account for over 70 percent of the global number. Together they produced 37 million MT of phosphate in 2020.

Western Sahara is disputed territory between Morocco and the Polisario political movement. In 2017, a European court ruled that Western Sahara should not be considered part of Morocco in European Union and Moroccan deals. Morocco’s Office Cherifien de Phosphate mines phosphate in the Moroccan-held part of Western Sahara, and that has led to disruptions in phosphate shipments in the past.

The EU once again fucking things up.

July 3, 2022 8:18 am

A couple of decent reads on the Roe overthrow.

The truth about Dobbs is—or ought to be—anticlimactic. Anti-theatrical, too: what the Court has done is to try, at last, to take the difficult, painful subject of abortion out of the hands of baby boomers and their heirs-in-performance and allow it to be sorted out, democratically, in the legislatures of the 50 states.

Nevertheless, these passages in Dobbs are the best of the dissenters’ contribution in these cases. Like the majority, they offer a clear view of what the American polity should be. It is, in their view, a nation where judges wield substantial discretionary authority independent of the text’s original meaning—a juristocracy. In contrast, the vision of the majority is a republican democracy, where voters make decisions within the textually bounded limits created by a previous consensus of citizens.

And one on the kick in the nads for agencies overreaching.
“This decision properly keeps the EPA in its lane and rejects the agency’s efforts to usurp national energy policy from Congress,” Jones Day partner Yaakov Roth, who argued the case in front of the Supreme Court on behalf of the plaintiffs, told me. “It is a very important step toward political accountability and economic certainty” Indeed, the case has far-reaching implications for other agencies that could currently be exceeding their statutory remits. The Securities and Exchange Commission, for example, recently proposed requirements for companies to disclose their exposure to climate risk and to provide details about the climate effects of their operations. Meantime, the National Labor Relations Board is considering making franchise businesses such as McDonald’s accountable for the actions of local franchises. Such rules could find themselves on the wrong side of the Court’s approach, which found the EPA’s rulemaking to be an example of “agencies asserting highly consequential power beyond what Congress could reasonably be understood to have granted.”

July 3, 2022 8:21 am

Not going to provide clinical data but pushing to have the shyte injected into children?

Nothing to see here.

July 3, 2022 8:24 am

to take the difficult, painful subject of abortion out of the hands of baby boomers and their heirs-in-performance


Is there nothing my generation can’t do? *twirls mustachios and cackles evilly*

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
July 3, 2022 8:24 am

Howling winds coming over the Dover Heights cliff are hitting us hard here on the edge of South Head and Watsons Bay at Vaucluse. It’s fueling the urban angst in me, expecting our wonky electricity pole to go at any moment (we are in the process of replacing it; new pole up but not yet attached – the street will suffer a temporary blackout while that is being done).

Another wet and miz and cyclonic east coast low. La Nina is really giving us a belting this year.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 3, 2022 8:28 am

The EU once again fucking things up.

Gez – A fun bit of fallout from that is that Algeria isn’t talking to Morocco, since Algeria host Polisario.

When Russian gas suddenly became naughty the Euroweenies went off to find supplies from elsewhere. One elsewhere is Algeria.

There’s a pipeline from Algeria to Spain. Just one small teensy problem…the pipeline goes through Morocco. Hence the Eurocrats are suddenly desperately trying emergency diplomacy to solve the problem after not bothering for nearly fifty years. It’s totally typical in a black comedy sort of way.

July 3, 2022 8:31 am

Jedi BOM, this is not the La Nina you are looking for.

July 3, 2022 8:31 am

Winston Smith says:
July 3, 2022 at 8:13 am
Bank of America Issues Chilling Forecast: No GDP Growth
It makes you wonder if the Democrat Party itself is going to survive the next election

That’s not chilling , turtlehead. You irredeemable dunce. What’s chilling is that your stupidity has been allowed on two versions of the blog now.

July 3, 2022 8:32 am

The escarpment copped it last night. Now it’s our turn.

Looking at the pool, I have an instant negative edge. As for the lake, it will soon meet the long bunker. No kangaroos lounging in there this morning, for all the world like drinkers at a bar. They will be up under the trees, trying to stay dry.

The tamest of the birdlife have been using the back porch as a shelter. It comes with its own waiter service, like an upmarket B&B.

July 3, 2022 8:35 am

I don’t see Marx as the Satan like athers do. His idea’s weren’t original. The blaming is a little intellectually lazy sometimes compared the effort it takes to demonstrate alternatives.

July 3, 2022 8:37 am

I don’t see Marx as the Satan like athers do

marx was just your typical envious bum

July 3, 2022 8:39 am

What is it about Sydney that attracts rain when it isn’t falling elsewhere in Australia?

July 3, 2022 8:40 am

Such rules could find themselves on the wrong side of the Court’s approach, which found the EPA’s rulemaking to be an example of “agencies asserting highly consequential power beyond what Congress could reasonably be understood to have granted.”

A thousand petty wannabe woke tyrants were heard bawling

July 3, 2022 8:43 am

Tom – a basin, a warm ocean current and a sticky-out bit at just the right latitude.

How’s that for a technical explanation? 🙂

July 3, 2022 8:45 am
July 3, 2022 8:47 am

Oh my golly, gosh! .. Vlad is dun for!.. the serious “heavy” hitters are coming to save Ukraine .. LOL!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
July 3, 2022 8:49 am

Very impressive WIP.

Appreciated, Tom.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x