Every Labor MP knows that a fourth term is very unlikely. The idea that the Stupid Frigging Liberals will win the…
Every Labor MP knows that a fourth term is very unlikely. The idea that the Stupid Frigging Liberals will win the…
When, as rumour has it, Anal decides a Vietnam conscription policy is a good idea, then we’ll see Labor tear…
Hopefully the rumour that Charles has converted to Islam is true and the whole rotten structure falls in a heap.
Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
The car ‘accident’ is 1972 was evil along with the blame shifting.
That was part of Waffleworth’s Potential Greatness. They may have taken off the Lieboral brass plaque by now. I don’t think anyone will lay claim to that particular turkey for a while.
From The Daily Telegraph….
The Snitch: Student activist who publicly denounced Turnbull is DPP’s daughter
The University of Sydney student activist who made headlines this week for disrupting a speech by ex-PM Malcolm Turnbull has relatives in high places, Snitch reveals.
Former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull had an appearance at the University of Sydney derailed on September 1 after students took to the campus in protest, including using megaphones in the room in which he was due to speak. This footage, filmed by Honi Soit, shows students chanting “Malcolm Turnbull, get out, we know what you’re all about”, during an event organised by the university’s Law Society as part of a series of alumni speeches. “This man and his party have literally been one of the single most damaging forces to higher education, to climate change, to refugee policy, to welfare crisis faced by students across this country,” a young woman with a megaphone can be heard shouting. The former Liberal party leader condemned the actions of the protesters, according to the Sydney Morning Herald, labelling it a “dreadful state of affairs” and “a very sad day” for his alma mater. In an Instagram post by Socialist Alternative, one of the groups involved in the protest, they said “We don’t think this Liberal or any, should be allowed to speak on campus … We successfully shut down this event and will do it again anytime he or other Liberals show their faces”. So what do we know about the student leader who gave former PM Malcolm Turnbull a spray for the ages when he attempted to give a speech inside the University of Sydney this week?
Well, Lauren Lancaster is the daughter of Director of Public Prosecutions Sally Dowling SC.
Mr Turnbull had barely gotten started on his speech for the university Law Society’s alumni speaker series when student activists began chanting: “Malcolm Turnbull, get out, we know what you’re all about” and “Malcolm Turnbull, blood on your hands”.
One student shouted to Mr Turnbull: “F. k off to Mosman.” (Plot twist: he’s from Point Piper).
Mr Turnbull was part way through giving the kids a geography lesson when Ms Lancaster — the Student Representative Council president — came over the top with her megaphone.
She told the crowd Mr Turnbull had been, during his time in politics, “deleterious to higher education and the welfare of young people”.
She also rhetorically questioned why the university‘s Law Society would “invite someone like this on the campus under the guise of free speech when this man and his party have literally been one of the single most damaging forces to higher education, to climate change, to refugee policy, to welfare crisis …”
We’ll have to stop you there, Lauren, but we definitely get the picture.
It seems the incident saw Ms Lancaster make good on the promise she made in 2021 should she be elected to the position of SRC president.
According to a video uploaded to a candidate profile section of one of the university’s student publications, Ms Lancaster said an experienced student activist would be “best-placed to fight for us against university management and the boardroom and against politicians who inevitably try and short-change young people and students.”
But it leaves us wondering how mother’s job as the state’s top prosecutor and daughter’s position as an activist, campaigning for the issues that students care so strongly about, go together?
How do dinner conversations go when it comes to, say, the problematic topic of Aboriginal deaths in custody?
Ms Dowling said: “Lauren is the elected President of the Students’ Representative Council of the University of Sydney. She is an independent young adult with her own views.”
Ms Lancaster responded: “There’s no link between our positions or conflict in our roles … I’m proud of my mother and respect the functions of an independent and apolitical DPP.”
Guess it’s all fine then.”
Some points…
1. The above is further confirmation that these “activists” aren’t usually kids from Sydney’s western suburbs.
2. Lancaster and her comrades need to brush up on geography, Mosman is north of the harbour, Turnbull lives in Point Piper, south of the harbour. But geographical ignorance should not surprise, given the woeful state of our education system. Hmm, I wonder where Lancaster grew up? I think it’s safe to assume it wasn’t in suburbs like Penrith, Macquarie Fields or Casula.
3. Lancaster’s mother, Ms Dowling is NSW’s top prosecutor. She’s also behind the state’s new consent laws. As for it not being relevant, au contraire, I think it’s highly relevant, rather disturbing and very sinister. Here’s a alternative scenario, imagine if Lancaster, instead of being an activist for Socialist Unity was instead spruiking for….say…..National Front? I imagine Ms Dowling’s response wouldn’t be the tepid apologia “She is an independent young adult with her own views.”, instead Ms Dowling would have quickly tendered profuse apologies and an offer of resignation. Yet instead we see Ms Dowling making no apology for her daughter’s fascism because we now live in a time when some fascism it not only permissible, it’s fashionable. Turnbull, not someone I usually like or agree with, is right to describe these protesters as complete fascists. Lancaster’s political philosophy IS fascism.
4. Apples never fall far from the tree. What’s that old adage, ah yes……like mother, like daughter.
September 4, 2022 at 9:44 am
The old thief is evil too. Ask Clarence Thomas.
Ah, yes. He described his Senate confirmation hearings as “The high tech lynching of an uppity black”. Biden was prominent in tying the hangman’s knot.
Confidential Pfizer COVID Vaccine Documents state ‘Shedding’ is possible via ‘Skin-to-Skin Contact’ & ‘Breathing the same Air’ and can cause ‘Menstrual Cycle Disruption’ & ‘Miscarriage’
Imagine having people think you were from Mosman.
the kind of bakery that sell sausage rolls OR donuts
all other selections are what Adolph literally wanted
youse lot are fascist strudel munchers
Fair Shake, the citizen’s are paying the msm’s bills via the generous sponsorship of various govt departments, the latest one being a promotion for year 12 high school subjects – as if there were not a printed curriculum in any school.
Apropos recent mention of Margaret Court’s wikipedia page, & wokerati amendments;
Currently the page says she was raised in a cult, later becoming Pentecostal.
(She was born & raised a Roman Catholic.)
When I read the first part of the story I had some hope. But then you realise they are Socialist Alliance types and they are complaining Turnbull did not damage the country more than he did.
“Well, Lauren Lancaster is the daughter of Director of Public Prosecutions Sally Dowling SC”
You post some great links and many are very useful.
However I stop going further when I see it is Expose site. I am probably missing a lot but if they refer to an official site with something interesting like statistics etc can you mention that link.
Happy Fathers’ Day to all daddy Cats.
No, he was obviously asking why people purporting to believe the above, Democrats, would be helping MAGA candidates, and unable to explain that you chose to dissemble.
The news portions of the show are infinitely better than their competitors, which show just how bad they are.
Lindsey Graham’s a real stinker. The RINOs are as bad as the ‘rats. They really love their wars as long as it’s other people who have to fight them and pay for them
the universal woke infestation
September 4, 2022 at 10:17 am
[Whoa whoa whoa Tim. You are telling me that Hitler was a conservative? And that Trump is analogous to Hitler?
What a spectacular own goal you just scored.]
No, he was obviously asking why people purporting to believe the above, Democrats, would be helping MAGA candidates, and unable to explain that you chose to dissemble.
Poor old shiteating imbecile m0nty. It’s desperately sad.
I’m starting to wonder whether he actually has suffered some form of brain damage, he’s so consistently incapable of comprehending very simple concepts.
.. just not the deleted ones, eh?
I suggest you google ‘”Joe Conason” trump’ and see how partisan the author is.
Democrats are helping MAGA candidates by… running standard attack ads against them. Somehow this is twisted into support for them because… [citation needed]
Neil Oliver: Persuading generations of children they are a plague upon the earth is unforgivable
More by Joe Conason
The guy’s got a hard-on for the Clintons.
Tim N was definitely making a connection between Trump and Hitler. It’s right there in the text.
That’s okay, you don’t need to fret. Trump is a big reader of Hitler’s work, he said so himself. It’s not a secret.
the injectable continues to slay the gullible
why wouldn’t you be? Best to research your enemy.
has mutley transitioned, those man-boobs!
“Trump is a big reader of Hitler’s work”
How’s your well thumbed copy of the Protocols? As I said a few days ago, I know where you can get a new copy.
Perhaps you should, too, in order that you better understand the history.
It’s what people who don’t just regurgitate taking points do.
A bit of reading around Custer’s last stand and the (very different) Alamo, might be in order, too.
Reading Mein Kampf doesn’t make you a Nazi any more than reading the Communist Manifesto makes you a Bolshevik.
mUnty, your juvenile provocations will get you banned from pre-school pickup. And we don’t want you round here sooking.
Ahh Century Mine. Anecdotal from an ex worker so happy for corrections.
This wouldn’t be the same shysters who after the money ran out from being paid off for the lease started to try and extort more because the powerlines and road accesses weren’t part of the original agreement. I believe I think it was Pasminco told them to go to hell sparking the sit in. When a lot of indigenous workers started losing incomes I believe a
more pragmatic agreement was made for it to never happen again.
I must be out of the loop, what the hell is the Protocols? is this more Q crap?
So have the entire right.
“Red lighting like the devil” | Trump responds to Biden’s speech:
My Mum had the Clintsones worked out back in the 90s-‘they’re just crooks’
and pervs too
TRUMP: They came in & trampled upon my rights
well at least the right doesn’t lop their dicks off
Rick Scott declares war on Mitch McConnell.
You hate to see it.
the new sesame street
McConnell has his duck lovingly sucked by the CCP. get rid of him now!
September 4, 2022 at 2:48 am
I don’t want you to worry your pretty little head about BofA, Cronkite.
The loan program is small enough not to cause any rupture to the trillion dollar balance sheet.
The only thing I worry about is your good opinion head prefect. The last thought on my mind at night as my head hits the pillow is do I have his good opinion. Wonderful sleep and occasional flatulence follows.
“The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” – one of the more putrid pieces of anti – Jewish literature ever written – a forgery by the Tsarist secret police of 1906. Sells well in the bookshops of the West Bank.
There’s an unhealthy similarity in the Ukraine conflict and the early stages of the Spanish Civil War.
September 4, 2022 at 11:19 am
the new sesame street
On ‘Saturday Report’, Investigative Journalist Tayler Hansen details how he infiltrated a ‘family-friendly’ drag show that was guarded by Antifa members.
When your society is run by freaks and frauds and crooks and traitors this is what it looks like. The antifa guarding this shitshow should have been taken out and this fat perverts hosed down and put into prison. And the parents of the kids losing the right to have those poor little tykes.
I gather our sturdy ankled friend doesn’t understand strategies such as Tories For Corbyn.
The song Where we go one we go all, is being played in the background as Trump wraps up his speech!
You hate to see it.
Folks hate to see you dickless.
In other news of the freaks running the place, look at this kunt:
Private NYC School Director Who Bragged About ‘Sneaking’ Left-Wing Political Agenda Into Classrooms Placed on Leave After Project Veritas Exposé
This is what the bitch said:
Norris said she feels like a ‘double agent’ and also trashed ‘white boys.’
“Unfortunately, it’s the white boys who feel very entitled to express their opposite opinions and just push back. There’s a huge contingent of them that are just horrible. And you’re like, ‘Are you always going to be horrible, or are you just going to be horrible right now?’ Don’t know…I think they need to go. I think they’re really awful people…They’re so protected by capitalism. It makes me sad,” Norris told the PV journalist.
Some teachers are some of the worst.
Apples never fall far from the tree. What’s that old adage, ah yes……like mother, like daughter.
Interesting find Cassie and the last quote exactly what I was thinking till I saw yours. I guess we now know why she went soft on the BLM protest during COVID restrictions she was Deputy DPP. Obviously minders are scrubbing her public profile of links too. Wiki profile on her personal life appears to have a paragraph deleted, 2nd para doesn’t logically follow the first…
‘They so protected by capitalism’ what the fuck does that even mean? Psycho lezzo bitch.
That “Private NYC School” referenced in cohenite’s post is in fact an Episcopal (Anglican) parochial one which has obviously gone to great lengths to hide their ownership.
On their website they claim to have “chapel programs” which teach “ethics” and “religious and philosophical diversity”. Just not conservative Christian ones.
This is why they all need to be put up against the wall. No mercy.
The pyscho lezzo is both stupid and evil. The thing is many maybe most US corporations (capital privately owned) are very anti white guy.
September 4, 2022 at 10:51 am
Tim N was definitely making a connection between Trump and Hitler. It’s right there in the text.
Poor old mentally defective shiteater. Still can’t understand it. (I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming your wrongology is pure stupidity, not dishonesty.)
I’ll spell it out for you.
Q: Did sincere centre-left moderates in the Weimar Republic support Nazi i.e. fascist candidates?
A: No.
Q: Are the Dems, who claim to be sincere centre-left moderates and who claim that MAGA Republicans are fascists who are a threat to democracy (cf Biden, J, recent speech, passim), supporting MAGA candidates in the Republican primaries?
A: Yes, to the tune of tens of millions of dollars, and encouraging Dem voters to switch registration and vote MAGA.
How do you explain the discrepancy?
Good. McConnell slow walked approvals of Trump appointments so badly that it was going to take 11 years to confirm all Senate confirmed appointments. This is what is called “obstruction”. By contrast McConnell has waved through almost all of Biden’s appointees, no matter how bonkers.
Turtle is going to have a bit of a time explaining himself to the True Judge when he finally carks it.
I’d pay to watch the F15 try to take off with a shot out front tyre.
Oh and I forgot to say (I was distracted*) that McConnell DID wave through certain Trump appointees, like Barr and Wray. And we saw, later, why he did so.
* One of these and one of these loudly demanding service at my front door.
Mater’s Musings #56: Given his latest, this has renewed relevance
Whatever makes you think that we don’t have them??
As I said, this “support” consisted of straight attack ads against those candidates. The twisted theory that they are only doing this to “support” these candidates is ridiculous on its face.
As for the DNC encouraging voters to switch registration to vote MAGA… I’m going to need a citation on that, chief. Liz Cheney asked for it, but I can’t find evidence for your assertion.
That’s what struck me too, miltonf.
It gives you the briefest insight into the clunky cramped mechanical thinking she possesses.
That she can even say ‘protected by capitalism’ shows she does not understand the words ‘protect’ or ‘capitalism’ as we do. Itv would be all but impossible to have a coherent conversation with her. She gets around that by subverting the curriculum to indoctrinate children.
White boys feel entitled to hold different views? There is indeed a problem here – why don’t the other kids feel it is their right as well? But I suppose she is coming from the perspective that no one should have thoughts she does not give them.
Progressives really are the most awful people.
Further to Dover’s post yesterday, get a load of this Satanist slag
The doctor who performed the surgery, Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher, posted a congratulations to her mutilated patient on Instagram. Gallagher is a Miami-based plastic surgeon who specializes in what she called “yeeting the teets,” or performing double mastectomies of women and girls’ healthy breasts for the purpose of gender affirmation.
Gallagher has performed hundreds of breast removals on biological women for the purposes of gender affirmation, and has treated patients who are only 13-years-old. Her practice is in Miami Beach, Florida.
I have a currawong that loves bacon… I mean who doesn’t…
HER practice
The Rings of Power REVIEW | An Absolute DISASTER
Cassie of Sydneysays:
September 4, 2022 at 10:54 am
“Trump is a big reader of Hitler’s work”
How’s your well thumbed copy of the Protocols? As I said a few days ago, I know where you can get a new copy.
He really jumped the shark when he seemed unaware that Soros was a Nazi collaborator. Now, naturally, Soros is a hero of the fascist left.
September 4, 2022 at 12:11 pm
Well at least you’ve abandoned the falsehood that I was “making a connection between Trump and Hitler”. That’s a start.
Progressives really are the most awful people.
why are they even called ‘progressives’? Marxist wrecker is more accurate- their spite and malice could very well be from various personality disorders and/or sociopathy in general.
Also sense of entitlement and general greed- treat employees like shit as there evil white guys who really deserve it.
September 4, 2022 at 11:34 am
I gather our sturdy ankled friend doesn’t understand strategies such as Tories For Corbyn.
monty-fa understands very little, except the price of donuts.
Everyone loves bacon!
Exerted myself with ancient camera, this is the noisy blue-faced honey eater some minutes ago. With someone else who’d just love bacon. 😀
The blue-face is young, and hasn’t gotten her full coloration yet. So she’s more of a teal-face.
Being dad day I rang up old dad earlier. He told me about all the blackfish he’s been catching and I told him about the juvenile brushtail who decided to sit on my ugg boot yesterday evening (this was just before Rabz’s party started.) Dad and I have different interests, but we get along fine. He told me about this book: Secret Missions, Adm. Ellis M. Zacharias (1961). Looks excellent, and they have a Kindle edition! He’s a good dad.
All the best to all Cat dads this Fathers’ Dad.
Yeet the teet’ doctor poses with teen patient after double mastectomies. This is so sick and evil you can hardly believe it’s true.
A few of the more fruity extracts are set out below.
In Illinois, Democratic incumbent Gov. J.B. Pritzker and the Democratic Governors Association dropped $35 million on ads attempting to influence Illinois’ Republican gubernatorial primary – more than any office is believed to have ever spent to meddle in another party’s primary – putting Illinois’ gubernatorial race on track to be the most expensive non-presidential election in United States history.
Ads purchased by Pritzker allies attacked the more moderate Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin in the Republican primary and drew attention to the more far-right candidate, state Sen. Darren Bailey. Pritzker’s ad buy for the primaries was more than triple what Bailey had raised for his own campaign.
Democratic efforts prove unsuccessful in California, Colorado
In California and Colorado, Democrats spent millions of dollars in several Republican primaries in order to try and elevate more radical right wing candidates. In these instances, though, Democratic efforts did not succeed.
In California’s 22nd Congressional District, a toss-up district in the Central Valley, Democrats spent over $110,000 on political ads to elevate election-denier Chris Mathys over his opponent Rep. David Valadao (R-Calif.), one of few Republicans who voted to impeach Trump in January 2021.
In Colorado, a similar story has unfolded – albeit with significantly more funding. The Colorado Sun reported that Democrats spent nearly $7 million to elevate more far-right Republican candidates running for governor, U.S. Senate and to represent the 8th Congressional District – about $4 million more than Republicans spent on their own primaries.
Democratic-aligned PACs and nonprofits spent just over $4 million on this type of ad to attempt to elevate candidate Ron Hanks’ conservative credentials over his more moderate opponent Joe O’Dea in Colorado’s U.S. Senate race. Hanks previously voiced his belief that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Trump and was one of several lawmakers who attended the Jan. 6 rally that preceded the U.S. Capitol riot. Despite these ads, O’Dea beat Hanks in the primary, winning by 9 percentage points.
In the state’s gubernatorial primary, Democratic-aligned PAC Colorado Information Network and liberal nonprofit ProgressNow Colorado dropped almost $2 million to bolster the profile of former Parker Mayor Greg Lopez over his opponent Heidi Ganahl. Lopez, similar to other candidates on the Democrats’ funding list, believes the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Trump. Ganahl defeated Lopez at the ballot box, with results showing Ganahl ahead of Lopez by almost 7 percentage points.
As for the DNC encouraging voters to switch registration to vote MAGA… I’m going to need a citation on that, chief. Liz Cheney asked for it, but I can’t find evidence for your assertion.
It would be nice to see citations for some of the crap you post here too, so we can identify the fascist left sources to which you rush every day.
Fathers’ Day. Grr.
I should edit.
September 4, 2022 at 12:21 pm
Progressives really are the most awful people.
why are they even called ‘progressives’? Marxist wrecker is more accurate- their spite and malice could very well be from various personality disorders and/or sociopathy in general.
It should always be preceded by the expression “so-called”, and the word “progressives” should always be in inverted commas.
Because their propagandists told them to.
It’s their never ending play on words designed to cloak REAL intent.
liberal- as long a you agree to their doctrine ,otherwise it’s the gulags
inclusive- your daughter WILL share the change room with a chick with a dick.
diversity- your kid WILL sit through story reading with a tranny.
democratic- we have to lower the voting age to be followed by lowering the age of consent.
equity- Marxism
Words have meaning, but with the leftard scum it’s not the real meaning.
Benny Johnson @bennyjohnson · 1h
Donald Trump and Joe Biden Both held rallies in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania this week.
Here is what they looked like back to back.
I have heard it was going to be pretty bad. One hint that they knew was that they put out teasers instead of trailers (which gives you an idea of the story) right up until the last week.
I honestly believe the purpose of the series is to erase the original Lord of the Rings. This series has taken over the aesthetic of the Peter Jackson movies and smother it under a pall of woke activism, making the unwary think that this thoroughly unworthy series is part of Tolkien’s epic and corroding it’s message.
Hilarious summary of the Jussie Smollett affair by Victor Davis Hanson
OK, who else would love to sit in this Professor’s class for a semester or two?
Wasn’t the term popularised under Teddy Roosevelt, but dropped for “liberal” after Woodrow Wilson re-segregated the civil service and then behaved like a fascist during WW I? Then was resurrected recently, as “liberal” became too unsavoury?
From KD’s post @0851
Nothing short of all the reporters, presenters and “experts” involved being stripped naked and paraded down the main drag of every capital city in the country, with no limit on what can be thrown at them.
If they don’t like that then it’s deportation to Nth Korea where a lot of them will feel more at home.
September 4, 2022 at 12:34 pm
Benny Johnson @bennyjohnson · 1h
Donald Trump and Joe Biden Both held rallies in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania this week.
Here is what they looked like back to back.
Creepy Joe and the FBI are gonna need a much bigger concentration camp.
Which will come in handy when they lose.
One billion bucks for a woke TV series so loosely based on LOTR that the elves are diversity picks.
What could possibly go wrong?
Nolte: Months-Old, Non-Woke ‘Spider-Man’ and ‘Top Gun’ Top Labor Day Weekend Box Office (3 Sep)
How odd that unwoke movies have oodles of viewing punters? It’s a mystery.
deceitful, dishonest, lying shits
‘Liberal’ has, at least for my lifetime, always been another word for Democrat in the US (As bizarre and ironic as that may seem). ‘Progressive’ was always a bit of a BS term that just meant we will plan to be better than before, until the marxist/socialists took it over because it still meant nothing but sounded good.
As to who originally came up with the subterfuge I don’t know but I suspect it was a bit earlier than Roosevelt as Woodrow Wilson, as left-wing as they come, liked to be called “liberal” back in 1913 or so.
Oddly, and an item for the forgettery, is that Wilson was also one of the most racist of all US presidents having arranged for a private, pre-release, showing of the KKK film ‘The Birth of a Nation” in his White House. The modern liberals/progressive don’t like being reminded of that.
looks like pedohitler’s majority has substantially increased
Sure, but Cronkite, I don’t want to see you face planting like with the QC story. Try humility as I think it could help you.
Michaelia Cash has point today. She’s pretty good.
Cash blasts Labor for ‘deeply concerning’ intervention (Sky mainpage headline, 4 Sep)
Michaelia Cash accuses Anthony Albanese of handing unions a ‘complete and utter win’ and warns of return of ‘dark ages’ (Sky, 4 Sep)
Coalition won’t support ‘a union induction at the border’ for migrant workers (Sky 4, Sep)
Nice to see someone in the Libs has balls.
One of those nasty no rain but cold gray still days in Melb today.
As to who originally came up with the subterfuge I don’t know but I suspect it was a bit earlier than Roosevelt as Woodrow Wilson,
Not FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, President from 1901 to 1909.
‘Nuther one.
Albanese ‘paying his paymaster in full’ (Sky, 4 Sep)
It’s so nice to see a Lib stick it in like this. Rare as. And another:
NSW rail union ‘totally emboldened’ after federal minister’s intervention (Sky, 4 Sep)
Maybe it’s that I’ve now got so low expectations, but thanks Ms Cash greatly for doing your job!
None of this will ever penetrate to the MSM though.
The doctor who performed the surgery, Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher, posted a congratulations to her mutilated patient on Instagram. Gallagher is a Miami-based plastic surgeon who specializes in what she called “yeeting the teets,” or performing double mastectomies of women and girls’ healthy breasts for the purpose of gender affirmation.
Gallagher has performed hundreds of breast removals on biological women for the purposes of gender affirmation, and has treated patients who are only 13-years-old. Her practice is in Miami Beach, Florida.
Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher
Update: More concerning Excess Death data from Europe and UK
Dr. Suneel Dhand
I understood that the justification for the term ‘progressive’ was that they were actively progressing society toward its inevitable Marxist denouement.
Green progressives would more accurately be described as red regressives.
Don’t forget the weirs we could build on the Murray Darling – even if it’s a bit flat, the amount of water that could be backed up could add a couple of years to a towns water supply before restrictions needed. And the evaporation from hundreds of weirs along the same river would add megatonnes to the rainfall.
Didn’t take long before they dug Robert Mugabe up again.
Africa’s oldest dinosaur found in Zimbabwe (Phys.org, 3 Sep)
Drop an asteroid on him to make sure he’s dead.
Lancaster is just another upper middle socialist.
Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher would probably fob responsibility off onto the psyches for the outcomes. The patients are supposed to be vetted before they get to the operating theatre and the surgeon is just the mechanism by which the process proceeds. Beyond that, more practice is better right? You can help more people this way.
/devil’s advocate
September 4, 2022 at 1:55 pm
That’ll be in the pleadings for the defence when the class action is launched for train wrecked lives, suicides etc.
Timothy Neilson, the court cases never take place until the main protagonists are safely dead and buried. We will all be gone before they ever write an accurate history of the corona virus, for example.
Climate Science both unsettled and outdated
“Sceptical scientists from around the world are flocking to sign the World Climate Declaration (WCD) that states there is no climate emergency. (Scientists Flock to Sign World Climate Declaration and Declare “There is No Climate Emergency” article here https://dailysceptic.org/2022/09/03/scientists-flock-to-sign-world-climate-declaration-and-declare-there-is-no-climate-emergency/
The WCD is particularly critical of climate models that provide the ‘evidence’ for most of the Net Zero agenda. “We should free ourselves from the naïve belief in immature climate models,” says the WCD. Models have many shortcomings and “are not remotely plausible as global policy tools”, it adds. The WCD started with 500 signatories and has now grown to over 1,200. The lead author is the Norwegian physics Nobel Prize winner Professor Ivar Giaever.
The latest signatories include many distinguished academics:
Karem Cankocak, Professor in Particle Physics at Istanbul Technical University. Professor Cankocak is the author of over 600 science papers.
Donald Langmuir, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry and Geochemistry, with a PhD in geological sciences from Harvard.
Vladimir Rashkin, Professor in Biogeochemistry at Moscow State University, author of more than 300 papers and past Deputy Chairman of a working group on the effects of the UN long-range pollution convention.
Matthew Eric Shultz, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Delaware.
Paola Sebastiano Valvo, Associate Professor of Solid and Structural Mechanics at the University of Pisa.
Eugenio G Araya, theoretical physicist and a former scientist at the University of Costa Rica.
Francis Cheng, Professor of Chemistry, University of Idaho.
Critics of the list point to a lack of ‘climate scientists’. This slur is just plain silly. Forty years ago there was no discipline called climate science. To understand the complexity of climate and atmosphere requires input from many individual science disciplines, particularly physics and chemistry. Other disciplines are vital, including geology, geochemistry, paleoclimatology, meteorology and many others. Most of these subjects are well represented in the ranks of the WCD signatories. The WCD is now signed by almost 250 professors from across the world. The numerous countries already represented have been joined by six more as a result of the recent rush to sign.” https://dailysceptic.org/2022/09/03/scientists-flock-to-sign-world-climate-declaration-and-declare-there-is-no-climate-emergency/
Meanwhile the ABC’s Nick Kilvert writes an article about three scientists that are at odds with the IPCC for essentially not doing enough to progress the climate agenda quick enough. It is a long convoluted article https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2022-09-04/climate-change-ipcc-reports-scientists-withdraw-support/101357920 that I won’t reproduce here except for these two paragraphs:
“They argued that the IPCC had done the job it was set up to do 30 years ago, but that it was no longer fit for purpose.
Instead, they presented the case for scientists to adopt a more radical approach to counter the “lack of transformational government action: The tragedy of climate change science is that compelling evidence is gathered, fresh warnings issued, new institutions established and novel methodologies developed to redress the problems. Yet, greenhouse gas emissions and other indicators of adverse climate change, and global change more broadly, rise year upon year ….”
Perhaps climate scientist activists are worried that as time goes on their support may dwindle due to the greater focus on energy shortages and prices and Green energy schemes that are proving inadequate, unreliable and inefficient. Maybe they are also feeling threatened by the number of highly qualified scientists now signing up to express their divergence with the IPCC “consensus” and the rush to adopt net zero policy objectives. Regardless anyone who says the science is settled is now obviously well and truly out-of-date.
This one’s for Western Australian Cats.
Southern Cross coppers clock a bloke doing 153 kilometers per hour on Great Eastern Highway – the limit there is 110 kph.
His excuse was that he was picking his nose……..
They live for that stuff. More cops per km than anywhere I’ve see. Cruisers, hidden unmanned radar, radar cops lurking in the bushes. If you have to reduce speed at a corner on that road, you better because chances are just out of sight around the corner is a radar cop at the ready. Like fkg fleas.
Go fuck yourself. Fuckwit.
Sounds like many locals in Port Isaac turned the TV series into a nice little earner.
Buy a nice comfortable bungalow up top and rent out/sell the little old cottage to holiday makers.
Go fuck yourself. Fuckwit.
He can’t. He has no dick.
“why are they even called ‘progressives’? Marxist wrecker is more accurate”
I think it’s a mistake to call today’s progressives “Marxists”. Whilst some progressives might use aspects of Marxist philosophy to prop up and propagate their ideological nonsense, they are far removed from historical Marxism and from the core Marxist philosophy which involves analysing a society’s material reality and its economic activities with the expressed desire to improve the basic material needs of the humans living in that society. Today’s progressives don’t give a toss about improving the material needs of humans, in fact they’ll be happy for most humans to live in abject poverty, a desire that is antithetical to Marxism. Marxism was formed to lift people out of abject poverty. Today’s progressives see humankind as evil and destructive, again this is also antithetical to Marxism. Marxism views humankind as having an integral role in a society. The fact is that progressives want to destroy a society’s material needs whereas Marxism is about building up a society’s material needs. What we’re seeing from today’s progressives would appall Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao. We’re heading towards economic devastation, with looming energy poverty because progressives now view reliable energy as evil. In contrast, Marx would be advocating for mining the Arctic, the Antarctic, the Barrier Reef and so on.
Today’s progressives are members of a modern day apocalyptic cult, a cult which draws more on Rousseau than Marx. This cult consists of smug elites who spruik post-modernist wankery such as climate change and the gender bullshit. They’re not interested in dealing with economic poverty or disadvantage, rather they see the working man and woman as their ideological enemy. Those who call themselves “progressives” want to take humanity back to the dark ages and in order to do so they’ll wreck, demolish and destroy but again, this wrecking isn’t Marxism. Traditional Marxism wants to dismantle societies with social inequity and inequality and replace it with a more equitable and equal society. This is the complete opposite of progressivism which is about protecting society’s inequity and inequality.
Having slept off that enormous (for me) Croatian meal and excellent wine and popped a couple of Panadol for the inevitable hangover…
Duk mentioned the hot/crazy matrix and my observations of the pretty, well dressed girls stepping out last night. Naturally, it’s always “buyer beware” with these things – I was just commenting on presentation only. What’s beneath that packaging is anyone’s guess!
Off to see a couple of villages and a castle today – we have a couple of days to mooch around before our tour group starts. It’s one of those small numbers ones and will take us all around the region and covers a few countries of the old Yugoslavia. Lakes included. Around three weeks.
Zero evidence of covid, apart from a few masked avengers at the airport. Interesting conversation at the laundromat with a local – she was of the same opinion expressed here many…many times – it’s all one big con and we are governed by either idiots or malicious or both. She said she’d love to visit Australia but the treatment of Djokovic will stop her doing it any time soon. Quite forthright about it, so feeling must have been running high.
It has me wondering how much Australia’s “brand” has been damaged irrevocably by our resident clowns-in-government.
The word “progressive” comes from the idea that man is perfectible.
The “new man”, or “Soviet man”, or today, the “global citizen”.
It is an atheist idea.
In common sentiment or popular culture, it is that people are “basically good”.
Nietzsche would explain it as that eventually societies become so sophisticated towards wrong doing that criminals are no longer punished.
In contrast, the conservative or Christian understands man as fallen. These are the two competing world views.
One says that you can centralise all power and an elite will exercise that power scientifically for the common good, that criminals are just misunderstood or misguided, that everything is relative and just a matter of your point of view. It imagines that entire populations can be uprooted and replanted elsewhere and with the application of social and scientific principles moulded into a new society.
It believes that history has a “side” and a direction of inevitable progress and improvement and in order to “get there” you only have to remove the obstacles (you).
The opposite view is that everything has occurred before in one form or another, that we need to understand history in order to avoid the mistakes that man is always susceptible to making because of his base nature.
Oh, and happy Fathers’ Day to all daddy Cats. Just got off the phone to my own dad. The wonders of technology.
And the tool they use for your “improvement” is indoctrination.
“Interesting find Cassie and the last quote exactly what I was thinking till I saw yours. I guess we now know why she went soft on the BLM protest during COVID restrictions she was Deputy DPP. Obviously minders are scrubbing her public profile of links too. Wiki profile on her personal life appears to have a paragraph deleted, 2nd para doesn’t logically follow the first…”
I should also remind readers that this female DPP mediocrity was recently appointed by NSW Liberal AG -Mark Sleazeman, himself an all round mediocrity, Photios acolyte and progressive scumbag, a man who, like so many in the NSW Liberals, actually belongs in the Greens. This is why the stupid fucking Liberals are toast in every state and federally. All they do when they come to power is…
1. Tread Labor light, and in some cases go further to the left than Labor.
2. Dump on their voter base.
3. Appoint ideological enemies to prominent positions.
I can’t write it often enough, and I can’t shout if often enough…..the eternally stupid fucking Liberals.
Related ideas are that behaviour can be explained in evolutionary terms.
That everything you do has some explanation going back to what helped some ancestral monkey critter survive on the Serengeti.
This you don’t really have free will and can be controlled by a series of algorithms devised by people and machines much more cleverer than you, for your own good.
I haven’t got a base nature. I’m lovely and innocent. It’s all you other buggers are the problem.
You’re a god.
If you don’t believe we’re all robots, kindly explain m0nty. He comes here and writes something that he figures will annoy us, and some of us rise to the bait every single time. Robots would seem to describe those who inevitably respond, arguing with him, presenting counterarguments, as if you’re dealing with a rational human being.
You’re being played with. And you’re too robotic and predictable to see it.
And that, folks, is why Wales is the poorest part of the impoverished UK. Wales votes solidly Labour, always has, and like the black Democrat jurisdictions in the US, the residents don’t seem to get that it is not working for them.
The article goes on to complain about intrusive film crews and annoying tourists. Does that mean they would prefer impoverished obscurity? Who did they interview for this article?
Despite Rick Steyn’s efforts and its magnificent natural beauty, Wales is chronically crippled by being welded to the Labour Party. During the pandemic panic, they rivalled Jacinta Adern, even closing off aisles of supermarkets that sold ‘non-essential’ products like clothing and stationery. The inner authoritarianism of the Labour apparatchiks was on full display, with border closures and the usual restrictions on movement and contact with other people.
It is not difficult to see why so many Welsh people have a sentimental attachment to the Labour Party – it was once a mining and smelting powerhouse. But, those days are long gone, and the sentimental attachment has transformed into sucking on the teat of public money.
Nah. Just a bloke with more than his fair share of common sense.
Bruce of Newcastle says: September 4, 2022 at 6:34 am
Moi? I did not have supernatural relations with that woman, with Miss le Witchy.
Monty has a tribe.
A progressive tribe.
As such he believes that we are the impediment to the inevitable, rightful progress of society.
A small group of deluded individuals who are allowing our blinkered self interest to hold back the necessary changes.
If only we could see what he sees, everyone could get on with it.
It’s a struggle, but with further work we might overcome our recalcitrance.
American Mary was a horror movie, not a business pitch.
This is coming from someone who believes fully retarded protectionism (with quotas and tariff walls no less) will cause economies to boom and raise living standards by multiples each year. If only he had time to explain his economic treatise to us mere mortals.
It’s amusing watching an economic socialist raise criticism against a social Marxist.
Cornwell isn’t in Wales.
Complaints about people responding to Monty are even clearer evidence of a robotic mind.
When m0nty tells you that Biden was right to damn the maga crowd, he isn’t telling us what his tribe believes, he’s telling us what he thinks will annoy us. M0nty doesn’t have the slightest interest in whether it’s true or false, he’s telling us what he believes is socially unacceptable to Çats. So he will get the predictable result. Then he gets that response and feels he’s got us classified correctly, and pats himself on the back for trolling us successfully.
He hangs the smelly prawn down off the boat, and they are off.
I don’t know how many times I have seen virtue-signallers here ‘pounce’ on Monty when he says that Hitler was a fascist. It doesn’t change his mind, but I suppose it makes them feel good about themselves. ‘I got him’, they think as they slide into the Land of Nod.
It’s like Lucy with the football, they fall for it every time. And, I’m talking years and years. Apparently, the putting-it-right crew believe that they are not being played, no matter how many times it happens or for how long.
They drag out their quotes to prove that it is nonsense, just as they did a year ago, and the years before that. Well done, me, they think.
I’d be embarrassed about being played by Monty. But, it seems that others here have no such shame.
my observations of the pretty, well dressed girls stepping out last night. Naturally, it’s always “buyer beware” with these things – I was just commenting on presentation only. What’s beneath that packaging is anyone’s guess!
Last sentence – phrasing!
Free will is simply a reaction to changes to the environment – perceived either in a physical or mental state. If there was stasis there couldn’t be any reaction and therefore “free will” couldn’t exist.
West Tigers getting a double fisted reaming by Canbra at the minute. 42-0 and not even half time
Dover please ban Black Ball.
Doing a bit of research on Cornwall for next year – Rick Stein’s fish n’ chips is at Padstow – plan to stay there a couple of nights.
The entire peninsula is crawling with tourists in summer, and we will be adding to the mayhem. 😀
The most successful UK internet site is a porn site.
Maybe Atlassian ought to go into porn. It may make a profit for the first time.
Fact check: true.
Whoops – mixed up Wales and Cornwall. My very bad, serious mistake.
Oh, well.
Ya get that.
Robots would seem to describe those who inevitably respond, arguing with him, presenting counterarguments, as if you’re dealing with a rational human being.
You’re being played with. And you’re too robotic and predictable to see it.
Fact check: true.
m0nty-fa agrees that he is not a rational human being, who could possibly have guessed?
Good thread on Europe’s energy crunch.
Where Bogan gets it wrong is that the bots present cogent counter-arguments. There is one prolific Reply Guy who replies to my every post with some form of “I know you are but what am I?” There is not much in the way of supportable logic in Cat replies to me. Most of it is weak post hoc scrambling cribbed from dodgy wingnut bloggers, which I demolish in due course.
Then there are those of you who are committed totally to believing in lies, of which the most prominent is the Big Lie that Democrats stole 2020. I can throw facts at you all day long but you remain resolute, holding on to the lie like a shag on a rock.
Am I playing with you? We are just talking on the Internet. To say that I am playing with you implies that you are acting like a toy, which always gives predictable responses. Surprise me with an original thought, one not learned rote from your reliable sources inside your epistemic bubble. Then maybe we can have an adult human conversation, and we can both learn something.
Nope, they will find a way to screw that up as well.
Why is SBS obsessed with Hitler? Year in, year out, the dredge up programs about Hitler and the Nazis. OK, it’s an important part of history, but someone there has an obsession with it.
Not a lot about Pol Pot or, more importantly, Mao.
Could it be that they think that Hitler was a fascist?
That’s one way to achieve net 0.
The Monster troll seems to be more stupid than Numbers. We need an application of troll
Just WOW!
Well I declared Freo gorn last night bern and they got up. 2 tries for Tigers just now getting them some scoreboard respectability. Who knows, could pinch it
Free will is simply a reaction to changes to the environment – perceived either in a physical or mental state. If there was stasis there couldn’t be any reaction and therefore “free will” couldn’t exist.
Why we don’t want a static “perfect” society summed up in two sentences.
The fat, little turd has no dick.
Fact check: true.
Daily Mail.
Joh have noticed similar on what some here euphemistically refer to as the Hitler Channel aka History. Despite the documentary evidence around and some survivors little interest on Communism’s crimes of humanity in general, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Stalin and Lenin. There are some doco’s but they are scant and more on Stalins gulags. Sad but a reality…
97% of your gormless NPC -like comments don’t extend further than a sentence, Hallward. There’s that.
It doesnt take much to control the algorithm. Today I got literally blasted by a parade of bikini clad models. Thanks google!
#DarkBrandon Jumps the “GREAT UNITER” Shark
Black Pigeon Speaks
Thanks for your earlier post Cassie. I’ve thought for quite a while now that the whole anti-western/anti-family/anti-industry push was more from Marx via the Frankfurt school. I can certainly see how Rousseau would be implicated in this.
Rockdoc. The term originated in the US during the 90s because most of what they showed on the History Channel was about Adolf.
Free will is an undeniable fact.
It’s the only thing that explains the popularity of VB, Brussels sprouts and soy lattes.
Yeah, yeah, yeah – recently rang up one of my mates and wished him a “Happy Grandpapees’ Day”.
Not impressed, he was. Took it in good grace, he did. 🙂
the most prominent is the Big Lie that Democrats stole 2020.
Montifa is an empty vessel, just parroting the fake narrative.
Expounding like the Yoda, one is …
Is silver currently undervalued? I understand it has many more uses than gold yet worth nothing like the yellow stuff.
Most of it is weak post hoc scrambling cribbed from dodgy wingnut bloggers, which I demolish in due course.
Suuuure you do, in your dreams.
I can throw facts at you all day long but you remain resolute,
Still waiting for those “facts”. Rubbish from “lefty web sites” does not constitute facts.
Surprise me with an original thought, one not learned rote from your reliable sources inside your epistemic bubble.
Surprise us with an original thought, not rubbish trawled from “lefty web sites”.
“Despite the documentary evidence around and some survivors little interest on Communism’s crimes of humanity in general, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Stalin and Lenin. There are some doco’s but they are scant and more on Stalins gulags. Sad but a reality…”
Whilst I agree there is a plethora of docos on SBS about Nazi Germany, occasionally they do offer up a doco on Communism. About two years ago there was a very, very good documentary (French I think) on the history of gulags in the Soviet Union. The first gulag was set up within weeks of the October revolution. But yes, SBS = Hitler channel.
and in that tribe he would be the Assistant Village Idiot
The Soviet Story
I got the DVD from overseas.
It’s very good, and very unpopular amongst leftists.
by god you are stupid man
So I attend a dinner party in a salubrious suburb and then get told in no uncertain terms at 1:00am to vacate the kitchen, where the co-host and myself have been enjoying some Cap’n Beefheart tunes.
It isn’t right, I tells ya! 😕
the man boob tribe
Your mistake, custard, is in thinking that m0nty, like you and most human beings, writes something because he believes it is true. M0nty doesn’t have any interest in whether a proposition is true, false, or totally meaningless. The only concern he has is whether it will irritate you.
It’s hard for many here to grasp this, because some natural charity within you cannot accept that anyone could be a sufficiently vaccuous plonker to get his jollies this way.
But he is so he does.
Yes DrBg well said
He is likely one double-choc with sprinkles’ glazing away from being a burst vessel.
MatrixTransform says:
September 4, 2022 at 6:16 pm
Monty has a tribe.
and in that tribe he would be the Assistant Village Idiot
You sell him short, MT… Surely he would be the Senior Assistant Village Idiot…
Can’t lay blame elsewhere without a roving RC
No True Scotsman would sanction such pride and arrogance.
Until they did (again).
Agreed Cassie and I hope I am not in appearance downplaying that episode of pure evil with the Austrian corporal.
There is some good stuff on Pol Pot as well too but not enough for pure evil and a warning of how adolescents can be manipulated. Some very good books on it too, Loung Ang’s First they killed my father is a good read but very depressing.
Anyway enough of that as I am spending time with family for first time in years. Yesterday went to the footy in a Vic country league, caught up with some I haven’t seen in years. However what this reminds me is there are good people everywhere despite the much softer regimes they live under…
The true flaw in Bogan’s analysis here is that he is not a disinterested observer in this space, he is a frequent antagonist reciting the same lies from the same sheets of talking points as the rest of you yahoos.
The word he is delicately dancing around is bullshit; he is a bullshit artist like the rest of you.
I’m tending to DrBG’s position re monty. I’m not finding much evidence of his arguing in good faith.
The Power of the Rings.
I lasted about ten minutes into this tripe.
Galadriel is a boring know it all who heads off after Sauron to avenge her brother.
She battles a huge orc creature with a smug smile reminiscent of an ABC personality after an ALP win.
Orcs aren’t a deadly adversary as in past movies. The girlie hero flies through the air with blade flashing like a Chinese action movie star and finishes off the orc giant.
I turned the shit off.
Oh shit, the sound of ice cracking beneath ones feet.
Montifa – … as the rest of you yahoos.
he hee heee
he is a bullshit artist like the rest of you LOT.
Why is SBS obsessed with Hitler? Year in, year out, the dredge up programs about Hitler and the Nazis. OK, it’s an important part of history, but someone there has an obsession with it.
Not a lot about Pol Pot or, more importantly, Mao.
I think the simple answer would be the amount of footage available from the Hitler years compared to Mao, Pol Pot even Stalin .. never a shortage of Nazi villains and WW2 around where as, and I’m summizing, not so much about the communist regimes ….. bit difficult to run audience grabbers when all you’ve got is, basically, one-on-one interviews/opinions from folk re-telling events without authentic background footage ..
Goooooo the Raiders .. LOL! .. 6th & last leg of my weekend thugby/fitba multi .. $635 for $10 stake .. LOL!
September 4, 2022 at 4:03 pm
If you don’t believe we’re all robots, kindly explain m0nty. He comes here and writes something that he figures will annoy us, and some of us rise to the bait every single time. Robots would seem to describe those who inevitably respond, arguing with him, presenting counterarguments, as if you’re dealing with a rational human being.
You’re being played with. And you’re too robotic and predictable to see it.
Not so. One of the elements of great comedy is repetition. “He’s fallen in the water” in the Goon Show, “OMG they’ve killed Kenny” in South Park, etc.
We get endless amusement from seeing m0nty set up his own self-beclownment and then faceplant straight into the pile of ordure he’s prepared.
I mean check out this classic:
September 4, 2022 at 5:09 pm
Where Bogan gets it wrong is that the bots present cogent counter-arguments. There is one prolific Reply Guy who replies to my every post with some form of “I know you are but what am I?” There is not much in the way of supportable logic in Cat replies to me. Most of it is weak post hoc scrambling cribbed from dodgy wingnut bloggers, which I demolish in due course. …
Poor old Dunning-Kruger effect m0nty. It’s desperately sad, but at the same time hilarious.
True at times it gets boring, but m0nty’s natural gift for self-beclownment just keeps on giving.
I sometimes wonder whether it’s unfair to derive so much mirth at the expense of someone so obviously mentally deficient, but then I reflect on m0nty’s preening conceit and conclude he’s fair game.
The left hate Hitler for two reasons:
1) He lost. The left do not let any semblance of loyalty dissuade them from eviscerating one of their own when they fail the cause. We see it constantly even now when a leftist dips their oar in the wrong side of orthodoxy. Just ask JK Rowling.
And, honestly, without the uniforms do you think it possible to distinguish between life under the Nazis and under the Soviets. The only difference is surely the holocaust, but Hitler is not despised merely as a racist. And certainly the Soviets were eager to slaughter innocents because of their supposed criminality as apportioned by doctrine.
2) He sundered socialist unity. The West sought, however distasteful, an accommodation with Hitler. WW1 was still fresh in their minds, and many of those 20 year-olds now in positions natural to 40 year-olds. They dreaded being mired in trench warfare again with uncountable slaughtered for a few metres. That the war turned out even more bloodthirsty and destructive would have been beyond their wildest imaginings.
But the Soviets actually joined with Adolph. They shared in the murdering and bloody rending of Poland. But Adolph then turned on Russia, fracturing what socialists like to believe a natural unity – socialism was meant to grow in strength like the merging of tributaries into a great river.
There was never any real cavilling over whether to fall in with the Nazis or Soviets – the Soviets had long nurtured socialism in Western nations while the Nazis had been more focussed at home but, as above, the left instantly pivoted to attack their former ally.
Awful people.
Average Hollyweird type would say “because they are our guys”.
If you haven’t already seen them, watch Rick Stein’s Cornwall and Saving Lives at Sea. Lots of great footage of the area, foodie haunts, the sea, and coastal towns.
stalin and the one testicled austrian corporal were jointly responsible for WW2 in Europe.
I’m tending to DrBG’s position re monty. I’m not finding much evidence of his arguing in good faith.
You reckon. I’ve just spent the last week at the Spec arguing, no, that’s not right, presenting facts to a couple of similarly dickless trolls like the fat little turd infestation here. They identified as superior uni types and after eviscerating their position on AGW, which consisted of presenting the usual alarmist tropes, I just insulted them. As usual they were humourless bastards without a bit of self awareness.
The reason I call the fat little turd dickless is because there is something essential missing from lefties like him and the Spec arseholes. They compensate for this lack by vociferously flinging issues at the rest of us, with these issues designed to enable them to assume a superior virtuous and intellectual position. So when I say he is dickless that is meant to symbolise this lack, flaw, call it what you will, which motivates the left to aggressively try to control the rest of us. They want to control and subjugate the rest of us because of that lack in them and not in us.
You can’t feel sorry for them though or concede anything because that hole in them is unfillable and they are implacable in trying to fill it. Its as though nature has torn the dicks off left men and stuck the bloody appendage between the ears of left women who as the men try to fill their void they aggressively try to remove the dick from their poor minds. Its as though their genitalia were reversed.
You think way too much about dicks, cohenite.
Yeah, funny that.
Mainly because western j’ismists would bellow “because they are our guys”*, while envisioning themselves as the Denny Hopper caricature in “Opecalypse Now”.
*Thanks, Frank
You think way too much about dicks, cohenite.
No, dickheads.
Give us some leftie tropes dickless. I’m feeling bored. The Spec dickheads have disappeared.
stalin was a fundamentally boring and banal individual. At least the austrian monotesticular one was prone to some lengthy colourful outbursts*.
*One of my best mates is an engineer, who for his sins, lived in Yerp for many years, including eight years in München. He’s stated that ‘itler in the scene above, speaks “very technically correct german”.
Hop across to CL, and look at the American Mosley thread, particularly the troll going by the title Passing Wind, sorry, Passing By. Plenty of lefty tropes there, and easy targets.
m0nty says:
September 4, 2022 at 7:34 pm
You think way too much about dicks, cohenite.
An accusation you can’t level at AFLW players.
Boambee Johnsays:
September 4, 2022 at 7:48 pm
What’s the link?
The what? Is this another tranny storytime at the library thing?
You could’ve just said – “People reacting to monty is just like me reacting to Lizzie”.
EVERYONE would then understand.