Still Life with Dahlias, Zinnias, Hollyhocks and Plums, Eugène Delacroix, 1835
Still Life with Dahlias, Zinnias, Hollyhocks and Plums, Eugène Delacroix, 1835
Democratic Romanian election overturned by court and now this. Makes you wonder.
Just checked the gold price Here. $5009 sth pacific pesos!!
NoctuMind (a.k.a Ersin)@var_ya_da_yokOne building at the Nevatim AB was completely destroyed because repairs were not possible.Six months later the damage…
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estonia 22% Russians
More than probable he was welcomed into the country during the Libs turn in office. Neither party has any legitimacy…
16 litre, 9 cylinder radial.
Take that!
I once saw a car vs bike accident and the biker ended up on the ground with one leg literally dangling above his head.
Top ‘o de page toppering!
JC says:
October 30, 2022 at 4:03 pm
IMO, JC is correct. For the overwhelming number of people, range isn’t an issue and that is especially true in 2+ car families who live in the cities or major regional centres. Most EVs now have 550kms+ of range. Newer models are ~650km and 700km is increasingly common. The Tesla Model S Plaid has >800kms.
Yes, there are issues if you want to tow a caravan or a boat; charging time; battery replacement cost etc etc. We all know this.
But the fact remains that alternative powered vehicles are coming whether that be electric, hydrogen (don’t discount hydrogen powered in 10 years) or something else. But, it is impossible for the world to meet the CO2 reduction mandates with ICE cars on the road. Given that almost every nation has signed up to achieve those targets (on your behalf) and manufacturers are pouring hundreds of billions into re-tooling and production of EVs, do you honestly think this all going to go away?
I’m sorry, but the decisions have already been made and no, you weren’t invited to the discussion. ICE passenger vehicles have a very limited future and from about 2035, it will be near impossible to buy a new one.
Good luck dodging death JC. I’d have my steak on you if I were betting with another Cat.
Yep. You don’t want to crash unless you’re on a decent track (not Wanneroo) in full leathers on someone else’s bike.
You have to be the first the topper, Sanchez. Seconds doesn’t count unless you’re attempting to top the topperer.
Like Driller topped up with a 20 cylinder. You could have topped the driller with say a 40 cylinder turbo.
Universe grade lunatic Guy Martin has a great video of him racing an F1 car on his TT bike.
The bike easily cleaned up on the straights but lost overall because of the car’s vastly superior breaking into the corners.
My favourite quote about Martin came from a Manchester Uni engineering student girl who was helping him on one of his suicide projects: “I think he might be a bit of a nutter”. Yep, that would be him.
I didn’t know you could get a 16 litre, 9 cylinder radial into a golf cart.
You learn something new everyday.
The greatest frauds are the geriatric ‘bikers’ who ride around on those trike thinks.
Invariably my advice is “Give up and get a fucking car!”.
EU regulations drive the automotive developments. EU5 killed off a lot of bikes.
Getting hammered at the Pelosi house is getting out of hand.
Mine was a three-wheeler.
Aero kills off racing. It is creeping into bikes now.
You’re kind of right in explaining why the Libs lost, but my comment was more directed to why it was the Teals in particular that came to replace so many Libs. If your reason was correct, there were many other parties those formerly Lib seats could have gone to.
I’m sorry, but the decisions have already been made and no, you weren’t invited to the discussion. ICE passenger vehicles have a very limited future and from about 2035, it will be near impossible to buy a new one.
Sad and probably true but then again, who knows what the world will be like in 2035.
I never felt I’d kill myself in a car but there’s been a few times on a bike.
agree- only once on the Hume H’way- never again. The wind and truck turbulence is really something.
Your lived experience of dating Fran Kelly may not be representative of farming.
No matter how enthusiastically you ploughed that field.
However, if you’re taking a tractor around a paddock, you’re doing it wrong, very wrong.
Been outback for 3 days, no mobile service.
A Liars stuff-up is as much a certainty as a Lieboral stuff-up.
Already in process, the ISIS brides is going down like a lead balloon outside the media/chattering class. I note Claire Martin being groomed for full responsibility for, could this be a trapdoor if this starts to become a liability for her? Other broken promises like lower power bills will bite.
I don’t expect a 1 term government especially from a far left party protected by the media but they may surprises us with their ineptness. Chalmers budget was the start, despite blaming Morrison the mess is his now and so far IMO he has shown little intention or ability to rectify.
H B Bear says:
October 30, 2022 at 4:40 pm
EU regulations drive the automotive developments. EU5 killed off a lot of bikes.
And cars. EU6 was the dagger in the gut for many of the rest. EU7 will be the shot to the heart.
Just an opinion, but I reckon we’re three years max from watching the world turn over, flip side ways and down with the advent of AI. Once AI develops tentacles in three years time we won’t recognize the world beyond that. I’m only exaggerating a little. Heavy duty AI is 3 three years away tops.
I think it was Pedro who recently hopped on a bike after a very long hiatus and only got to second before his courage fled far, far away.
I can relate to that. 😀
If you live in the city, you don’t give a rats about range. Even in the bush you don’t care if you have two cars and one is a local runabout.
Sure, long distance heavy trucking would be a problem, but intra-city deliveries and even short range inter-city transport (think Melbourne-Ballarat or Melbourne-Geelong) EVs could work.
I can envisage every Colesworth loading bay being equipped with charging points, so every truck which backs in has the option of hooking up.
Those guys are rarely in and out in less than 30-45 minutes, so wait time doesn’t bother them.
‘Snedden’s bad but Whitlam’s worse’ was what the girl I sat next to in Primary School said. Only the names have changed.
Maybe you don’t consider Essential Media to be a serious pollster,
but given their usual left wing bias
So, you admit they’re not credible.
… one could hardly call them a nuclear shill.
Here’s the reality:
Every time the Liberal Party get kicked out in Canberra, The Australian starts running stories on gimmicks that the Liberals need to embrace if they’re ever going to have a chance in the future.
#1 Gimmick: Embrace Nuclear Power
#2 Gimmick: Crack down on I.R.
#3 Gimmick: We can’t afford Medicare any more.
This HorseShit first happened when Fraser got the arse in 1983.
The Liberals lost 4 Elections taking the HorseShit seriously until Howard ditched the lot and won a famous victory.
Nuclear puffers are Labor Shills, else why don’t they browbeat Labor into adopting Nuclear Power?
I pillioned for three years through city traffic. I found it exhilarating and fun.
But my Guardian Angel was very…very tired.
Of course. Taking it around Monza or Silverstone would be reaching ecstasy for a speed demon like you, chuffle head.
Sal you’ve ruined my day. I read your comment several times and each time the image of plowing Fran Kelly is too much. Library and Webly is the only way out.
Wow, I never knew this until I just read it in the OZ. Rebs is a muff diver?
October 30, 2022 at 4:49 pm
LOL, riding bikes in high winds at high speeds is just as distressful. Have had my heart in my mouth in southern areas of Oz ahead when the NW winds bluster through. Had a similar experience Thursday in the ‘ville on a get around bike much smaller as a super cell was building. Remembered those experiences 🙂
Rebs is a muff diver?
I think it might be a PR stunt.
The GF looks like a Lezzo, but Wilson doesn’t come across as the sort of girl who’d appreciate having a fist elbow deep up her arse.
Outright speed in a straight line is a thrill but I always got the greatest rush being able to corner at speed. Dancing on the absolute threshold of traction and blasting out of the corner …..geez that was satisfying.
Once the money hungry governments realise there is a great big bucket of money to be plundered, they will be all over Facebook like flies on fresh shit.
Governments don’t see legal rights – they can cancel them whenever they want.
Facebook is now seen as a weak old horse.
Years ago mate had a Suzuki scrambler that wouldn’t start. I ended up pushing him. It caught, just as he wound it on. Instant wheel stand, 200m with his legs being dragged behind on the ground before he let go. Still makes me smile.
’twasn’t I who raised that particular piece of recreation.
Someone else on the Cat would seem to be thinking of servicing that model of tractor with a full grease & oil change.
Each to their own. Hey, some blokes hanker for being chased around their home in their Y-fronts by a homeless man clad only in Y-fronts.
Some fellers float their boat in strange ways. The cat is a broad church, & so on.
Let me explain my reasoning a bit better.
Here are the two Tesla models we are comparing.
The original Roadster with the 393km range, and the Model S, which has the longest range of all Teslas, at around 640km.
Both are powered by the same technology, that is, the Tesla 18650. The only significant variation is the number that is packed into each car, and the efficiency improvements found throughout the rest of the vehicle (motors, weight, drivetrains, the way they are wired in, etc).
The battery technology is largely identical and, in and of itself, has not had a significant impact on the increase in range from the Roadster to the Model S.
So, it follows that up until now, range improvements are not reflective of improvements in battery technology. That’s more or less over the last decade.
Somewhere in the photo box there’s one of the Beloved astride his motorbike*. T-shirt, rugby shorts and thongs. Flimsy looking helmet.
“Leathers” were for the rich and sensible.
* alternative spelling came up “moronbike”.
Adds lesbians to the list of things Ed-Mong knows nothing about.
A US surgeon told me that doctors call them donor cycles.
I rode fast bikes for 20 years. Still miss it.
My last bike had loud extractors and was kitted with high compression and polished head. If a car driver did something stupid that was a threat to me I sought revenge. I would pull up beside car, drop down to 2nd/3rd, and let it rip and laugh as they panicked, often veering strongly. Bastards deserved it.
Hey, some blokes hanker for being chased around their home in their Y-fronts by a homeless man clad only in Y-fronts.
De Pape doesn’t look like a homeless gay hustler.
At the moment, I’m leaning toward the theory that Mr. Nancy and De Pape were getting their Ed Buck on with a 3rd party when things took a turn for the worse.
Pelosi rang the SF cops, who removed the stiff by Ambulance and made up the 9/11/Hammer story on the fly.
That presumably is the electric motor?
What does that mean
Haven’t Tesla packed more energy intensity in their recent batteries? I thought they had.
I dunno about whether ‘leccie cars are going to take over.
The Chinese and the Indians don’t seem to be very interested.
I’ve been out most of the afternoon. Thanks for the detailed response Bruce of N.
October 30, 2022 at 4:46 pm”
Living in a Teal electorate as I do, most of the wealthy scum that I live amongst truly-ruly believe that renewables such as wind and solar will provide all the energy we need. They think renewables are simply marvellous. Now youda thinka that in Teal electorates such as mine (Wentworth) and others, such as North Sydney, Warringah, Kooyong and Goldstein, most people would be reasonably well educated but here’s the thing, being well educated doesn’t count for anything. Most people living in Wentworth have swallowed the climate con hook, line and sinker, you’ll find more common sense in an electorate like Lindsay, in Sydney’s west (an electorate the Liberals held and the Liberal member increased her margin in May). Now why are the Teal electorates so heavily invested in renewables, well it’s because of the dosh. Many here are making lots of dosh from renewables. It’s a gravy train of grift.
As an aside, tomorrow is Halloween. I don’t know when and why this country started celebrating Halloween, we didn’t grown up with it and I don’t like it, am I a killjoy?. Almost every house around me that had an Allegra Spender poster up prior to the May election now has massive Halloween decorations festooning the huge homes. They’ve spent quite a bit of dosh decorating the homes with weird and scary adornents. It’s bizzaro, particularly when all of these decorations are made from fossil fuels. I think tomorrow, when I’m accosted after work walking home (as I was a two years ago by some privileged Wentworth children), I’ll tell them that the decorations they’re wearing are made from evil fossil fuels and that they’re climate criminals.
OK, as someone who is regularly in parts of Oz that are beyond normal civilisation. I am genuine with these questions as I have just spent 3 days in an area of Northern Queensland that has no grid or even mobile service, gravel roads and everything is powered by diesel generators or internet by satellite.
What’s the alternative to diesel in these parts? Electrics aren’t cutting it up here, will not even with advances for generations IMO. Hydrogen I am also circumspect having to deal with a lot of logistics in my role, especially with Australia’s ridiculous over the top OH&S.
Are looking at a further depopulation of these areas (which would bring national security issues into play) to fulfil the move to “renewables?” Mining relies heavily on diesel, how they going to wean the industry off that or are we all headed for the scrapheap to be baristas while the third world gets our jobs?
Have no doubt as stated above it is in progress and we have no choice just wondering what’s the alternative as I don’t see any viable ones.
Even you?
The interior looks like a huge vomit, but I’m sure their Arab customers will love it.
Get a load of the side pic.
And range is?
I once heard an expression in California to describe the result of helmetless riders coming off at speed … “street pizza”.
No, that’s the individual battery cell that is grouped together to make up the battery pack.
They have a new battery coming on line shortly (4680).
However (and this is the crux of our argument), the range increases that you have been observing over the last decade have been merely a result of packing more of the same cells into the various models, and improving efficiency in other areas and aspects of the vehicle.
We’ll see how the 4680 performs when it becomes commercial. There’s many a slip twixt cup and lip.
Although I no longer care for him anymore, Andrew Bolt had the right idea (although it was never possible).
Those electorates that voted to get a Green (Teal) MP only get power generated by renewables. No wind or sun then no power. They’d quickly change their tune.
I dumped Darling Daughter after hitting a rogue rock on my Yammy 250. Forty years later she still whinges about it.
A shit show run by crony capitalists to an even greater extent than it is today.
More like well indoctrinated.
Twitter purchase by Musk could be huge for freedom and I’m more than 50% optimistic he’ll get it right. The Twitter purchase and the firing of the three top scumbags running the place is huge.
He did this as he literally walked in.
No, an expensive, lengthy “edumacation” will never be enough.
If, in that process, the pupil is protected from life’s harsh realities, then it will be useless. If they are not taught to reason for themselves, to research, to question, then it will be useless. Only the stealthy, remorseless tread of reality will awaken them…too late.
On Hallowe’en – I’m of two minds. I confess to having a couple of packs of chocolates for any little ones who come calling. I don’t want to turn any miniature ghouls away. Sadly, our neighbourhood is getting older and the once kiddies are now teenagers – trysting in the little hut on the lake for smokes and a smooch. The Circle of Life. 😀
I rode a Yamaha Scorpio for a bit. I was past the age where I needed to show off, it was good solid bike for getting around.
My dad on one of our Sydney postings used to take us for bursts down the road in our residential street on a Yamaha 300 (Unsure on model), I loved it as a little boy. No helmet, and believe it or not in the 1980’s some of Sydney’s inner west the sides of the roads were gravel…
Speaking of motorbikes..
I used to (cycle)bike-ride on the Old Pacific Hwy between Cowan and Mt.White, just north of the Hawkesbury.. plenty of 7+% gradients to keep the Carbs-dependent Watts bubbling along.
Also a popular route with the motorbikers, because of the ondulations and tight curves towards Calga.
Human-shaped chalk contours were a common sight near some of these curves.
No thanks!
Regarding electric vehicles.
I’ll start taking them seriously when the government orders all police, ambulance, fire and military vehicles to be switched over to electric.
Until that happens, I will not believe for a moment that combustion cars are going anywhere.
As promised (the Hun):
He was born in Berwick, and didn’t come up through the poncy AGS system. And:
Are you listening to this Warner? No Toyota jumps, no screaming into stump mics. Raise your bat, acknowledge the applause and get on with it.
Look at your replacement, you scheming little self-important midget houso cheat. Look at him, and get out of his way.
Go with the building site gansta lingo, Magic Marv. You sound smarter that way.
Yep. Thanks Teats, thanks Gillard, thanks Yabbott.
At this rate everyone in the country (and no doubt, many who aren’t) will be enjoying its boundless largesse within about five years.
Until they aren’t, which will be shortly afterwards …
And even if battery powered cars/trucks/suvs were practical and convenient, the same cult is destroying the capacity to charge them. It’s a complete contradiction (maybe the non useful-idiots know this).
Speedbox at 5:07 – corners on bikes are great at any speed. Hardly rode my bike coming back to Perth. After my stroke, it too left on the back of a truck. The Gold Coast hinterland might be the perfect place for bikes.
Without a second thought as to whether or not a disaffected Twatterer might go postal.
Crazy brave!
Starting with Comcars, which Albo and Turtle could do tomorrow if they wanted to.
Lead by example! It’s a tell that they aren’t saying about that.
pretty much all our money comes directly or indirectly from climate-grift
with the right skills and techmology we are in the perfect position to profit from it all.
thing is, it doesnt actually matter what I say or think, the whole religiosity of the climate scam is already baked in
that church has its foundation myths, arcane and dogmatic practices, and future saviour scenarios.
its cooked
our future landscape will be strewn with EV relics that offer no purpose or utility.
except perhaps to remind us all of so many little pyramids
efficiency and efficacy matter
Yep. Tomewin Road through to Murwillumbah then over the range to Numinbah via Chillingham with a final blast along the great winding road that follows the Hinze Dam. Motorcycle accidents in the GC hinterland are reported nearly every weekend.
I didn’t ride much in the Dandenongs but sirens and helicopters most weekends indicate a few people did.
oh … snap
That was my point.
In Test cricket that is far more valuable than a flashy 50 in an hour and getting out.
I should add that this happened on a 29 acre Adelaide Hills’ block which we owned in the ’80’s. We bought it intending to move from the city and spend our days in bucolic bliss, surrounded by our adoring family and visited often by family and friends.
The latter bit happened almost every weekend when we had up to thirty people there, all keen for the BBQ, booze and bikes. Many, many funny stories from the era, most captured on our Panasonic video and now, years later, the source of much joy, when we sit together to reminisce.
But all that Daughter will say of the time… “You dumped me off the bike!”
PS: we never built there, but all these years later, we’ve moved back to the same region in our multi generation, happy-ever-after house.
Should give the Adelaide hills a mention too. Could almost make an argument for living there. My cousin has a place at Crafers, feels like you are in country and your about half an hour from what passes as the CBD.
Snap Delta.
Gai Waterhouse just getting a love in from Channel Stokes. Why is this?
[LIMITED TIME ONLY ?] Full Episode: What Are They Hiding?—Dr. Robert Malone on the Pfizer Documents
Speaking of the Turtle.
‘Unfeasible and unrealistic’ to have small modular reactors in Australia: Bowen (30 Oct)
We’re governed by idiots. Cry for our beloved country.
Boambee John:
He’s been doing this shit for years. Takes a break when he says something spectacularly stupid, then comes back when he thinks everyone forgets.
Unfortunately, he forgets we don’t have goldfish memories – it’s him that forgets after 30 minutes.
Andrew Bolt: Brazen trials by media need to stop
When it comes to high-profile court cases in today’s society, there seems to be a major issue in stopping trials by media.
Brittany Higgins proved last Thursday judges can’t just ask people nicely not to make a fair trial impossible. It’s time for the stick.
ACT Chief Justice Lucy McCallum had told everyone, particularly journalists, to shut up as she dismissed the jury in this high-profile rape case and ordered a new trial.
As she said: “I would expect after reporting the outcome of today, that reporting of the matter should fall silent”, so the retrial wouldn’t be “impaired”.
McCallum has repeatedly made such appeals, as Higgins, journalists and activists turned this case into a political football, potentially influencing a future jury.
Forget innocent until proven guilty.
Yet moments after McCallum’s latest warning, Higgins was outside the court attacking Bruce Lehrmann, the former Liberal colleague she accuses of raping her in Parliament House after a drunken night out. (Lehrmann denies there was even sex.)
I won’t repeat what Higgins said, but many media outlets did, and Lehrmann’s barrister has asked the judge and police to investigate.
Nor will I comment on evidence in this case, which a second jury must now consider. The first was dismissed because one juror ignored the judge’s warnings not to do their own internet sleuthing.
For now, the issue is stopping such trials by media, which today seem more brazen.
The pre-trial media pack attack on the innocent Cardinal George Pell, vilified as a paedophile, was bad enough.
As Judge Peter Kidd noted when a jury initially convicted Pell, to Kidd’s apparent surprise: “We have witnessed … examples of a witch-hunt”, and “courts stand as a bulwark against such irresponsible behaviour”.
Yet the Higgins case confirmed that bulwark is under siege.
Higgins gave two media interviews claiming she was raped, before she lodged a complaint with police.
Before the trial, she was the main speaker at a March for Justice rally at Parliament House. The National Press Club had her speak, along with Grace Tame, victim of a paedophile.
In May, McCallum warned such media coverage could prevent a fair trial, but in June, days before the trial, Channel 10’s Lisa Wilkinson won a Logie for interviewing Higgins, and defiantly gave a speech on television suggesting Higgins was telling the truth.
McCallum, furious, delayed the trial for three months, saying: “The distinction between an allegation and a finding of guilt has been completely obliterated.”
But Wilkinson was not punished, and now McCallum has been defied again, it seems to me.
Pleas haven’t worked.
Time for action.
Labor’s decisions on the renunciation of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital,the bringing home of hard core Islamist women and their impressionable jihad experienced children would suggest Labor has an infinity with our Muslim community and are using Islam as a source of material for crowd control and indoctrination. There is an unerving link between Andrews Arresting a women in her pyjamas for a face book comment and Islamic. Countries burying a women in sand to have her head battered with stones for blaspheming the Islamic holy writ or what ever else they use this torturous death to punish.
Gee Marv, one of the most heartfelt, deeply thought out, intriguing and funny posts I’ve seen here for a while. Thanks for putting in the effort. I feel more knowledgeable now.
Bowen is one of the more poisonous and incompetent ones- Minister for Immigration in their previous shit show iirc. Where the hell do they find this trash? Again, I blame tertiary ejucashun for incubating and nurturing this human garbage.
I imagine Higgins has been to the Uni.
Blot is right. Time for a couple of heads on sticks.
Yeah Fester I saw that. Good spotting. He’s attempting to grade himself higher than Mr Ed. It’s not going to work neither withyou, me or most the folks here.
that’ll be the day
you take a crash course in Elec Eng ?
Don’t look deradicalised to me.
JC … get some solder up ya
Yeah, but you’re not.
Bowen, Shorten, Wong and Dreyfus continued presence is a reflection of their otherwise unemployablity.
The scariest thing in a car is to be confronted on a narrow bend by a moron with his wheels on or just inside the white line, but leaning over into the corner with his helmet well onto your side.
Can make a mess of your side mirror.
equivalent of a speeding fine
The 2023 Tesla 4680 Battery Cell Update Is Here!
And overly optimistic filtering. Not that I would know.
Bear – I was talking about cars (specifically in competition) although I presume you knew that.
I can’t ride a motorcycle for shit but a ‘well nailed’ corner, whether in a car or on a bike, gives the driver/rider a rush. At competition speeds, the adrenal gland is working overtime. Also, it must be said, probably the sphincter from time to time. 🙂
da fuk u talkin bout
mong retard
if a web page pops up with nothing linking to it, did it ever exist?
OK cool. I never did any motorsport but did a lap with Jim Richards in his Carrera Cup car at Wanneroo on an insurance jolly day. Corners on bikes are great because of all the physics involved. Much more involving than a car, certainly on the street.
so you say
truth is
that you are utterly clueless as to what I do in this world
your’e just doing your doxxing shtick again
Boambee John:
Thanks for repeating dick eds list – I did a six month inventory of the gun cabinets and realised I was down to 8,370 rounds of .308, and 2040 of 5.56.
Must talk to Elders this week some time.
Regional WA roads are bike death traps. Particularly south of Perth where cops are few and big trees and curves are many.
Of course, most times (all hopefully) you are nowhere near the limits of either the rider or the bike. Get the odd shock and pull your head in a bit. Especially in the wet.
One analysis I read stated that a big cause of motorcycle accidents is exactly as you describe. I had a related event while blasting through the Snowy Mountains. I hit the corner at a ridiculous speed, overshot and with cms to spare managed to pick the bike up otherwise I would have plummeted down a cliff face which would have killed me. Didn’t slow me down. Later that day I was approaching the Vic border checkpoint at 140 ks with my body on the tank and only the top of my helmet visible. I kept watching thinking lift the boom, lift the boom! He did, I passed through at 120 ks.
Neil Oliver: We are expected to forget those promising to fix the disaster caused it
50L of diesel.
Got to be careful. One guy at the rehab place crashed on one of those Himalayan bike tours. Medivac and 8 weeks in a coma with permanent brain damage and a walking frame. Nice guy but his life was changed forever.
Yep, JC. A sad case. Chick turned into a muff diver because she couldn’t get a bloke.
At least internet lezzos can pull cute chicks. Rebel Wilson is just a dime-a-dozen fat chick, about whom those in authority have promised to do something, but haven’t — I suspect because they’re ruled by fat chicks at home.
.5 You cannot beat the energy density of a 50L tank of 91 octane
50L of diesel.
I think petrol has higher energy density due to the shorter hydrocarbon molecules in petrol.
Must say, though, Rebel Wilson has made a pretty good effort to get out of the fat chick category. She’s looking a lot healthier than she used to.
H B Bear says:
October 30, 2022 at 6:43 pm
OK cool. I never did any motorsport but did a lap with Jim Richards in his Carrera Cup car at Wanneroo on an insurance jolly day. Corners on bikes are great because of all the physics involved. Much more involving than a car, certainly on the street.
Jim was a friend of mine back in the day. He was an incredible driver and was, at one time, generally acknowledged to be the finest sports sedan driver in the world. His relationship with Porsche goes back decades.
I used to say there are three things you need to know to be competitive in motorsport. The first is: know your car – what is it capable of doing, and not doing (every car or bike has limits); secondly, know yourself and your capabilities (you may be good but no, you are probably not a clone of Ayrton Senna); thirdly, know some basic physics – what are you asking the car to do and is it simply beyond physics. When you understand and can balance those three things, you will be quick and competitive.
Just a two week maintenance shutdown at one of the major sites in NSW will bring on enough of an emergency the frighten the shit out of the entire East Coast power grid. It may be enough to force the government into bringing some capacity back.
If they don’t do anything about Erarang? then we’ll at least know they are trashing the grid on purpose.
Makka -one of the big issues once you get off the highways is the blue metal and tar construction. Even in Perth the sand and junk thrown into the middle of 3 way intersections can make traction an issue. If you lose the front wheel you generally aren’t recovering.
We should have a thread – Stupid Things We Did On Motorbikes.
I have two.
– coming off on an oil patch on Warringah Expressway (and being beeped by passing motorists for making them slow down)
– riding to Menangle mid-winter in completely unsuitable clothing. Required hours of gentle defrosting by a bar heater.
Oh. And a third.
– hopping onto the red hot vinyl seat in shorts after a delightful swim at Dee Why.
Jim Richards finest hour was the podium presentation when he won Bathurst in one of those Ford Cosworths.
Bear, I can count 4 young men over 6 years on sites I’ve worked at who have bought the farm on bikes south of Perth. Very sad. Great lads. Not always their fault either.
Yes I grant you, the litter along Perth roads and verges is appalling.
That doesn’t surprise me.
I’ve driven on those roads in a flying brick and nearly went sideways into a tree.
I may have been going too fast.
Calli I was cured of riding motorbikes after being soaked to the skin in rain on a work trip in the Otway Ranges — not after I bounced off a log truck. That’s when I adopted cars as preferred transport.
Bear – you’re probably thinking of ’92 when he won in the Nissan GTR under controversial circumstances. Called the crowd a “pack of arseholes”. He never won Bathurst in a Sierra.
…not long …
I was riding some C road out behind Apollo Bay and there was that much gum tree junk on the road I was down to about 20 kph trying to stay in the tyre track. Not recommended.
windowless submarines
Quelle surprise!
Facebook have only themselves to blame by donating 300 million dollars to “fortify” the last presidential election for Biden. Now everybody knows that they have chosen a side, Democrat, and can be fleeced as the need arises. Zuckerberg may have some tech nous but he is a total knob as a person or citizen.
Music for motorcyclists.
Facebook seems likely to be the first of the tech giants to do a MySpace. No great loss.
mony-fa at 1514
Hold all the doubts you wish about nuclear, there is absolutely no doubt that we will never reach the targets (which will achieve only national impoverishment anyway) with ruinables.
JC – the “fewcha” can show up a lot sooner than we might realise. Yours is a prediction worth tracking, especially given the fact that I first posted a comment on the Cat in mid 2011 – to try and place some perspective on the concept of time (which remains our ultimate indefatigable and unbeatable enemy).
What about Gaye Bykers on Acid?
And give them 9rganic brussel sprouts as the “treat” as chocolate will make them fat.
Not if the next European winter teaches them a lesson that shit happens and you need to have a Plan B that is as good as your current energy supplier. We will find out how many Europeans are happy to sacrifice granny to the climate goddess.
What is far more likely is that when companies start going bankrupt from the enormous energy prices there will be shortages of everything, not just energy and heat.
Rabz – a decent hot summer and a couple of decent blackouts might make things interesting. Perth can go for years between peak demand but people are stringing up new split systems every summer.
Bear – there is not a single thing that makes life worth living that our beloved polliemuppets aren’t hell bent on destroying, apparently on the specific orders of this (cue spooky muzak …) monster. 😕
ICE vehicles – gorn
Food – gorn
Electrickery – gorn
The family – gorn
The past – gorn
Desirable young women – gorn
Domesticated companion animals – gorn
Not good.
It’s not just self-inflicted energy costs; it’s the pressures arising from the collapse of globalisation and the international order which underpinned it, accelerated by covid, the war in Ukraine & Xi’s philosophy & consolidation of power in China.
It’s the beginning of the end of the world we’ve known for several decades.
Those of us old enough to remember a pre-globalised world still shaped by, or just emerging from, post-WWII austerity at least have a point of reference from which we can “keep calm & carry on.”
For most of those younger than c. 50 it’s going to be an existential crisis they never saw coming.
We can only speculate on the possible political ramifications.
Harden the fuck up, sooks.
Porterhouse steak-$20/k
Scotch fillet-$23/k
Cold water-free, outta the tap
Sunlight-still free
Sleep-not against the law [yet]
Neil Oliver, “Don’t Pee Down My Back and Tell Me It’s Raining”
October 29, 2022 | Sundance
Video and Transcript.
Evidence free lynchings – name your price …
My brother is a donk guy, he’s broken most major bones in his body. He’s still alive, amazingly.
I am not like him, I like treadlies but not donks. I’ve broken exactly one bone in my body.
That was the central bone in my right hand. At a scout camp. The three weeks in plaster were quite satisfying.
It’s the gluten and mutton that keeps me awake at night.
China certainly helped (up till now). Most crap had never been so cheap in history.
Some of us who have just hit 50 or close to are the same. Especially with an education from eras prior to the PC crap.
Well. That’s inventive.
“Rabz – a decent hot summer and a couple of decent blackouts might make things interesting. Perth can go for years between peak demand but people are stringing up new split systems every summer.”
We moved to Perth in 1977. I remember 40 degree heat was the norm in summer. Schools weren’t air conditioned, the buses weren’t air conditioned and nobody had air conditioning at home, in summer my mother would close the blinds and curtains early in the morning to keep the house cool, she would then open up in the afternoon when the Freo doctor arrived and it would blow a gale. We only had one fan in the house, a noisy contraption plonked on the television set in the family room, directly in front of where my father would sit in the evening after dinner so he could the ABC news. If the fan was put on, only he’d get the benefit of the air blowing. The rest of us stifled. Simpler times.
It’s not just self-inflicted energy costs; it’s the pressures arising from the collapse of globalisation and the international order which underpinned it, accelerated by covid, the war in Ukraine & Xi’s philosophy & consolidation of power in China.
It’s the beginning of the end of the world we’ve known for several decades.
The eurotrash seem to be learning very quickly. Australia’s self inflicted decline is going to be very sharp and I suspect longer. On talkback the number of cretins who ring in saying alarmism is real and we must save the planet is astounding.
Brook also said she discovered that she was No 6 on a “crush depth rape list”, …
Fucking women, always wanting to be number 1, eh?
Another reason why the mid-terms are stuffed:
TRAITOR Karl Rove’s Rove’s PAC Boosts Democrat Shapiro in Pennsylvania over Republican
Watch For These 5 Red Flags In Pennsylvania’s Elections This Year
Do you make a list Groogs or keep them guessing and on edge?
My ol’ man would have been about the same age as Cassie’s. His news sources consisted of the Silly Moaning Haemorrhoid and the ALPBC, both of which were guaranteed to elevate his blood pressure (when Jack the Cat wasn’t on his case).
Simpler times indeed and in glorious B & W, as opposed to sepia …
Outsiders discussed this very phenomenon. Rita observed that she is an atheist (like myself) but everyone else being atheists was not a good thing as it meant they would inevitably go looking for another religion – which would not be a benign one.
Gerbil worming, come on down!
I was tempted to lower the age threshold, Rockdoctor.
My thought was that those who came of age post-1992 have only ever known economic growth & an ever accelerating expansion of consumer goods to distract them from life’s deeper problems and possibilities (which is not to say it’s all been plain sailing for them either, esp. in the employment and housing markets).
All generalisations are subject to exceptions, but they can provide a useful point of reference.
My left hand index finger was endangered a short time ago. Yum protein!
Fortunately her teeth aren’t sharp.
Being nocturnal they’re nearly blind in my porch light.
Back in the day reading the SMH and watching the ALPBC wasn’t something you needed to be embarrassed about.
I’m addicted to sluts, Bear, so the issue never arises.
How about you?
Scotch fillet-$23/k
Bullshit crotchless; you’re eating goat.
For argument’s sake, what are they personally prepared to sacrifice to “make a difference”?
I’m retiring for the evening, but I’ll check back for any further responses tomorrow.
G’night, Cats!
FFS, Eddles, this is not some tacky porn site.
I have always liked how Sir Anthony Hopkins described atheism….it’s akin to being locked in a room with no windows.
Not even a plastikky Halloween decoration according to Cassie, Roger.
I think we might be about to find out. It’s all been pretty theoretical up till now.
Desirable young women who are not scantily clad …
For argument’s sake, what are they personally prepared to sacrifice to “make a difference”?
Personally, nothing. But everything other people, the wrong people, have.
Don’t ever ever change. You’re the best commenter here.
Bear – there is not a single thing that makes life worth living that our beloved polliemuppets aren’t hell bent on destroying, apparently on the specific orders of this (cue spooky muzak …) monster. ?
ICE vehicles – gorn
Food – gorn
Electrickery – gorn
The family – gorn
The past – gorn
Desirable young women – gorn
Domesticated companion animals – gorn
Not good.
It’s a full on Marxist attack in other words
“..on debut for Victoria.”
Myes, of course he is.
‘Classy Tasmania attack’
Hahahahahahahahaha. Oh my sainted aunt you people are parochial clowns.
Nice hit. Not the next coming. Calm tf down.
Erm…. was this on the sub that had only three females in the crew?
Sacré bleu – yet another page added to the bulging folders (stored in the world’s largest suppository) entitled, “Things that never happened” …
Thanks, pal.
My nephews are lovely young men, and thankfully are quite conservative politically but they have no idea what it is like to go without. I sometimes tell them what it was like growing up in the 1970s and 1980s and they look at me as though I came from another planet…
No air conditioning at home
No air conditioning at school
One telephone in the house
One bathroom in the house
One television in the house
Walked to school every day
If we were thirsty and started complaining, my parents would point to the kitchen and say “there’s the tap”
Rabz, it’s not too late yet. It’s never too late.
Charlie is exerting his awesome vibe.
Republic consultation tour set to begin next year (Sky News, 30 Oct)
It’s amusing to me that the Green King is alienating the same people who he needs to support the monarchy as an institution.
Down at the Schlocktor’s, Cats, for a shot of R ‘n’ B … 🙂
Biden has done so well.
The world is now back into a nuclear arms race following American changes to its nuclear arms policy. Previously America, Russia, China, France and other nuclear powers were signatories to an agreement that none of them would use nuclear weapons in a first strike capacity, they would only be used when they were attacked.
America has now dropped out of that treaty and has announced that they reserve the right to use nuclear weapons whenever they think the situation merits their use.
Finland has agreed to allow NATO to install nuclear weapons on their territory, here’s the next Cuban missile crisis. They are only 200 kms. from St. Petersburg, how will Russia react to that? Finland will have to change its constitution to proceed with this plan, their present constitution forbids foreign soldiers and nuclear weapons on their soil.
Will their PM be able to pull it off? I can’t remember her name, that party girl who likes to party in her office. We are led by children, even doddering old Joe is really just a child, now he’s given us a new nuclear arms race and a new Cuban missile crisis.
I don’t mind going back to the ’60’s but here we are, and the music these days isn’t as good as it used to be back then.
Biden quietly moves world closer towards armageddon. Finland ready to host nukes – The Duran – 25 minutes.
“It looks like it was installed by a climate denier”
Once it gets beyond bagging the Marsh brothers, Watto and Joe Burns I leave it up to others.
‘You’re in World War III Today’: Casey Fleming on Unrestricted Hybrid Warfare
China in Focus – NTD
You’re in World War III today. It’s called hybrid warfare. We’re not aware of it, we don’t understand it. … But hybrid warfare, you’re in it, you’ve been in it, and it’s peaking, and it’s maturing at this point. Eventually, it’ll go to conventional warfare at some point, and we may be several years away from that, but understand that our enemy has declared us their enemy. And so therefore, they are our enemy.
Pity they’re not attracted, let alone addicted to you.
They hate sex, right? Right Ed?
Because that’s what you said. Only yesterday. Right?
Chuck’s courtiers would do well to remind him less is more and sign him up to open a few fetes.
He looks seedy. Needs medicine.
The Remedy – Puscifier (2015)
Outside toilet.
John Brumby:
That was a quote from the paper. The ‘classy attack’ bit. Siddle, Bird and Meredith aren’t chook feed.
In any event, best you direct your angst into a spirited Letter to the Editor instead. One that begins: ‘Dear Sir: It never ceases to amaze me that…’
Well done, by the way, not just turning up and issuing demands to blog management. For a change.
briquette hot water
More medicine. With serious backing singers.
The Black Crowes – Remedy (1992)
GB News
‘If you are not a good citizen your money will be programmed to be used against you.’
Bitcoin expert, Layah Heilpern, explains the motive behind Central Bank Digital Currency.
This is a pandemic of the VACCINATED
windowless submarines
Quelle surprise!
Well TE, The USOS Seaview in Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea had windows on the front. All the better to see all those giant octopuses. Or octopi.
COVID is expanding in China: Not enough indoor quarantine sites, more crazy and absurd Measures
China Insights
It is interesting that Psaki was photographed with the Twitter staff ‘representatives’ intending to meet with Musk in order to lay down their demands for their future conditions of employment???
Apparently Psaki had been sent in by Biden mob to ensure that the takeover was made untenable.
Musk moved so quickly that she was caught in the act. Musk had no intention of negotiating with anyone from the hive. Love him or hate him, he is decisive.
LNP – watch and learn. When you are given a mandate, use it.
well there you go … and all this time I thought it was a committee
TE “windowless submarines”. How will they see where they’re going?
They have a mirror on the end of a hose that extends up and down on a reel, depending on how high the waves are. You look through the other end of the hose.
I had thought this was common knowledge. God.
I never felt I’d kill myself in a car but there’s been a few times on a bike.
A doctor who was my GP more than a few years ago called motorbike riders ‘mobile organ donors’ and ‘temporary Australians.’
She hated motorbikes and refused to let her husband have/own one.
I never owned one because:
Mum,’you are not having a motorbike, you will kill yourself.’
When I started work and was bording at my Grandparents house:
Grandmother,’ you are not having a motorbike, you will kill yourself.’
Evenntually married and now a Grandfather,
Wife,’you are not having a motorbike, you will kill yourself.’
I think there is a pattern there somewhere.
When my sister and her husband still owned their property, I would go help my BIL mustering on either the fourwheeler or farmbike, which cured me until the next visit.
I’m not God KD, if I was the cheating houso ranga and his mates would never play again.
Sea Drones. Flipper the dolphin from the 1970’s sidling up to your warship might not be a good sign.
If you go back to Twitter, keep in mind that it’s where the brainwashed normies live. They are all victims of the most powerful mind control experiment in the history of the world. We need to help them break free.
My mission is to redpill as many as possible and to help them understand that we are not their enemy.
Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/thestormredux
I am not the above person
Custard. Your thoughts on the real purpose of HAARP would be appreciated.
Where does that fit?
My public road riding career came to a spectacular close thanks to Plod.
I reveal in whispers that I spent a year at Flinders Uni when I had no idea what I wanted to do, and it was all free anyway.
Unis in those days actually worked on Fridays so after a late lecture and a squillion beers I climbed onto my Honda 250 Super Sports (paid for by fruit picking) and roared off down South Road in the dark and rain.
Just missing the tray of a parked truck sent me swerving across the lanes where I was immediately pounced upon by plod.
He was genuinely enraged, and after explaining what he wanted to do to me, preferably in front of my Mother, told me to give up bikes because I was too firken stupid to be on the road.
He was right. A trail bike eventually arrived and I now contemplate my ebike with some diffidence.
Tucker Carlson: Propagandists lost protection from Twitter
How will they see where they’re going?
Interesting thing about submarines. They have active sonar on board, so they can send out a ping to see if there is a huge great sea mountain or whatever in front of them.
But they don’t.