Joseph’s Dream, Rembrandt, 1645
Joseph’s Dream, Rembrandt, 1645
Every Labor MP knows that a fourth term is very unlikely. The idea that the Stupid Frigging Liberals will win the…
When, as rumour has it, Anal decides a Vietnam conscription policy is a good idea, then we’ll see Labor tear…
Hopefully the rumour that Charles has converted to Islam is true and the whole rotten structure falls in a heap.
Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
Laura Jaye’s on Skah wearing the necklace I gave her.
Nice touch, Lozza.
Some parting observations on Mz Hoggins and her incessant self righteous bleatings.
The victim in the trial I was a juror on was forcibly abducted by three men, subsequently gang raped and sodomised and then once the disgusting lowlifes were through with her, dumped like a piece of garbage in a street near her home.
Everything we’re aware of that the Hoggins was allegedly put through was entirely due to her vanity, stupidity and monstrous self entitlement.
The victim in the case I was a juror on was a woman of colour from the third world who will have to live with what she was put through for the rest of her life.
The Hoggins is a pathetic vain whining white middle class joke. She needs to shut the hell up and stop trying to have her indescribable idiocy continually ventilated in the public square. No more, sweetie, we’ve had enough.
I know where my sympathy lies and it ain’t with the Hoggins.
They made it look as though he did because, they didn’t walk by suggesting their case was too weak, they suggested she was too mentally weak to continue. Just evil.
The War Against Nitrogen Fertilizer is More Than You Realize
From Armstrong Economics –
COMMENT: As an ex-soldier, whilst reading your posts regarding the Right to bear arms, Nitrogen fertilizer, and Diesel fuel I suddenly got a brain warp to the past. In Rhodesia with sanctions on us, we developed a bomb using Nitrogen fertilizer, blue soap, and diesaline. It was similar to napalm. When the change came to Zimbabwe all our weapons were taken away from us and locked up. We also had to reapply for licenses for any private weapons. This shows that when you have an informed and prepared public the government is at a disadvantage. The current attack on fertilizer, auto fuels, and guns shows just how scared the WEF and their one world order are desperate to control these three commodities. WHY?
REPLY: I think you bring up a very good point that is often overlooked. Nitrogen fertilizer can be used to make bombs. They are doing their best to try to outlaw all guns. It seems they want more crazy people shooting up schools and then they demand the end to guns every time. There is no question that those in power KNOW the monetary system is collapsing. They have put forth Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI), NOT because they care about the people, they ONLY care about retaining power over the people. The EU has wiped out most pension funds with negative interest rates since 2014 and decrees that they must have government bonds between 70% and 90%. Scandinavia is outside of the EU.
The GBI is to prevent millions of people from storming the Parliament with pitchforks when they wake up and their pensions are gone. Eliminating guns and even Nitrogen fertilizers are part of the effort to disarm the people. What is taking place in the Netherlands and this insane demand to end Nitrogen fertilizers under the pretense of Climate Change is more suited for a B-Rated SciFi movie with green lizard aliens coming to eat all humanity. They are using Climate Change for Political Change.”
No Struth, YOU are the one who needs to STFU.
I am unjabbed, and suffering employment consequences for it, but I do not begrudge or criticise those who got jabbed.
I am fed up to the gills with your boring repetitive rants blighting the threads for months now.
You really are as bad as Numbers.
A woman’s husband dies unexpectedly, and as per his wishes, she has him cremated.
Once she gets home, she sets his urn on their patio table. “Honey, there are so many things I wish I could have told you before you had passed” she says “I don’t know if you can hear me, but I’ll do my best to say them all now”.
She sits down in a chair, chin propped on her hands.
“Remember when I asked you for a silver bracelet for my birthday, and you got me a toaster instead, after buying yourself a new golf club? I used your life insurance money to buy a much more expensive bracelet”.
She takes the lid off of the urn.
“Remember when I asked you to buy a nice sedan, and instead, you bought that ridiculous two-door Porsche? I traded that car towards a much nicer BMW”.
She tilts the urn, dumping his ashes all over the table.
“Remember when we were supposed to be saving for our anniversary cruise, and you used the money to buy your girlfriend a matching set of jewellery instead?” she says, tracing a finger through his ashes “That’s right, I know about Stacy from the billing department. Well, I left a note with your boss about where she got such expensive accessories from, and last I heard, they terminated her on the spot”.
She leans over the ashes.
“Oh, and remember that blowjob you were always begging me for?” she asks, taking a deep breath “Well, here it comes…”
Ya reckon. Graceless Flameout is on the next Q&A imparting her wisdom. Watch for this given a ride on next year’s schedule.
..this one..
Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.
– Marie Curie
December 2, 2022 at 9:08 am
No Struth, YOU are the one who needs to STFU.
I am unjabbed, and suffering employment consequences for it, but I do not begrudge or criticise those who got jabbed.
I am fed up to the gills with your boring repetitive rants blighting the threads for months now.
You really are as bad as Numbers.
And very well said Dragnet.
“Nazis, Nazis everywhere” ought to be a meme.
Oh wait, it already is.
The uptake is not substantially correct.
It’s from an unconstitutional, criminal government.
You’re just a trusting, gullible, boomer.
Nothing against boomers but, the time you grew up in was during a high trust society.
You just don’t seem to be able to grasp what is happening.
Trust in government shown by these people is quite embarrassing.
Hence I became the enemy to these idiots in 2020.
And yes KD, you are in agreeance with me.
Soft men have neglected their duties as men, causing all this crap in the first place.
Sure, Government, with it’s institutions marched through with marxists went all out to take the place of the provider and defender, and women eagerly swapped security providers.
Where we failed was having it too good for too long and not ensuring the marxist march did not happen.
Australians turned a blind eye to government for decades while they worked against us.
My Twitter feed
1. Pull up to Dealership when the mileage reaches 3,000 miles since the last oil change.
2. Drink a cup of coffee.
3. 15 minutes later, scan debit card and leave, driving a properly maintained vehicle.
Money spent:
Oil Change: $75.00
Coffee: Complementary
TOTAL: $75.00
1. Wait until Saturday, drive to auto parts store and buy a case of oil, filter, cat litter, hand cleaner, and a scented tree; use your debit card for $50.00.
2. Stop by Beer Store and buy a case of beer, (debit $24), drive home.
3. Open a beer and drink it.
4. Jack truck up. Spend 30 minutes looking for jack stands.
5. Find jack stands under kid’s pedal car.
6. In frustration, open another beer and drink it.
7. Place drain pan under engine.
8. Look for 9/16 box end wrench.
9. Give up and use crescent wrench.
10. Unscrew drain plug.
11. Drop drain plug in pan of hot oil: splash hot oil on you in process. Cuss.
12. Crawl out from under truck to wipe hot oil off of face and arms. Throw cat litter on spilled oil.
13. Have another beer while watching oil drain.
14. Spend 30 minutes looking for oil filter wrench.
15. Give up; crawl under truck and hammer a screwdriver through oil filter and twist off.
16. Crawl out from under truck with dripping oil filter splashing oil everywhere from holes. Cleverly hide old oil filter among trash in trash can to avoid environmental penalties. Drink a beer.
17. Install new oil filter making sure to apply a thin coat of oil to gasket surface.
18. Dump first quart of fresh oil into engine.
19. Remember drain plug from step 11.
20. Hurry to find drain plug in drain pan.
21. Drink beer.
22. Discover that first quart of fresh oil is now on the floor. Throw cat litter on oil spill.
23. Get drain plug back in with only a minor spill. Drink beer.
24. Crawl under truck getting cat litter into eyes. Wipe eyes with oily rag used to clean drain plug. Slip with stupid crescent wrench tightening drain plug and bang knuckles on frame removing any excess skin between knuckles and frame.
25. Begin cussing fit.
26. Throw stupid crescent wrench.
27. Cuss for additional 5 minutes because wrench hit truck and left dent.
28. Beer.
29. Clean up hands and bandage as required to stop blood flow.
30. Beer.
31. Dump in five fresh quarts of oil.
32. Beer.
33. Lower truck from jack stands.
34. Move truck back to apply more cat litter to fresh oil spilled during any missed steps.
35. Beer.
36. Test drive truck.
37. Get pulled over: arrested for driving under the influence.
38. Truck gets impounded.
39. Call loving wife, make bail.
40. 12 hours later, get truck from impound yard.
Money spent:
Parts: $50.00
DUI: $2,500.00
Impound fee: $75.00
Bail: $1,500.00
Beer: $20.00
TOTAL: $4,145.00
I am not criticising all who got jabbed, I can full understand why KD got jabbed and a few others, but if you think someone like Notafan’s good Nazi behaviour is above criticism, fine, but I think it stinks.
I come here and criticise because the people here knew better, and yet , as said above, abrogated their responsibilities to their nation, the Anzacs and their fellow man.
Jeez, losing your beer sponsor in the NT. That’s tough. Nothing the Australian justice system could do will even come close.
Yes Lizzie, my failures and especially my underachieving are more memorable than my achievements. On the AI thing, I don’t see it as a solution but a tool. Talking about tools, I’m not sure which club I’m supposed to be in. Yesterday I may have been up for president of the Sneerers but since I didn’t submit to the tyranny I’ll persona non gratia with them. That only leaves the purebloods sooking on the couch. They won’t want me because I’m mean to the Chief Denialist. What to do?
And six years in the cesspit of Parliament House and she learned exactly nothing? Wally, I have a nice hefty bridge to sell you.
I have listened to teenagers (ostensibly well brought up and protected ones) who know more about the ins and outs of sex and power and how to enjoy both than I ever did. That was twenty years ago. Girls fed on feminism and go girrrrl urging are horrible creatures.
I suggest dunking your head under water three times and coming up for air twice.
I think most humans are totally incurious as well.
What advances “us” is the rare individuals like Elon and Henry Ford who find new and clever ways to provide goods and services at lower cost using fewer resources and at cheaper prices, at the same time as upskilling their workforce and providing capital so that their standard of living improves.
The Australian breqaking news:
‘Today we get wages moving’: IR bill passes
Tony Burke thanks David Pocock and the Greens for helping pass the industrial relations reforms, which will now become law.”
No, today we get more unemployment and lower living standards.
They certainly begrudged and criticised you.
If you’re a spineless twat, that’s not my fault.
When I get called a nanna killer, when the jabbed talk of imprisoning the unjabbed, of banning them from society.
Of being covidiots etc.
Of being selfish.
Of being a conspiracy theorist etc etc etc….for over two years, with the threat still looming, you can bend over if you like.
I know one unjabbed bloke who is now happy they are all starting to die.
Well deserved he says.
That’s not my position, but you have to admit, it’s Karma on steroids.
But just like lefties, when you have no argument it’s all “boring”
Translated…I want an amnesty.
Isn’t that what they are now asking for?
Fuck them.
You roll over.
I’ll never forget, and I’ll never forgive.
Justice must be done.
Liars deliver. Take note Lieborals.
I can applaud Elon Musk for what he’s doing now, but let’s face it, he made his money being a grifter.
Tony Burqa making hay. 18yo Trots approve.
Poocock is such an expedient narcissistic imbecile labore didn’t even have to bribe him.
Harradine must be spinning in his grave.
Pocock gets euthanasia in the ACT.
The Deposition of Anthony Fauci
You literally made a ‘vaxx’ argument and now you’ve gone on to make several more
and that is a False Dichotomy
It’s the fusion of legislation from government to responsibility from employers – in other words, Fascism.
Don’t forget about the “Death Camps”.
if the government is going to splash taxpayers cash to grifters, I don’t blame them for following the incentives idiotic governments provide
Knuckle Dragger:
It is horseshit, and is all about the Feminists using Mental ‘Elf’ to destroy men.
Tony Burqa made hay if by that you mean he shagged a staffer at taxpayer expense behind his wife’s back.
Quality guy.
Just think he could have sooked on the couch instead.
Wow Struth, you do have a brain cell.
H B Bear says:
December 2, 2022 at 9:33 am
Liars deliver. Take note Lieborals.
I will make a prediction about the liars, wages will NOT catch up to inflation before the next federal election.
The irony of Zuckerberg and Musk whinging that Apple has too much market power, LOL.
Burke’s shagee has prospered.
yes it is.
and that’s why their language is vaguely pleading and full of logical holes
the normalising is what I have an issue with
all the problems get diminished or trivialized:
coercion, loss of freedom, brutality, harms etc
the justifications and motivations go out of scope:
not that bad, it was necessary, its over, it worked, it wasn’t me etc
and the future gets gilded:
it wont happen again
… unless its necessary.
the truth is that these people will absolutely fight to their last synapse to do this to you again.
in true post-modern form, The Greater Good turns out to be not so fucking great, or good.
“Scroll” says the boring twat.
Much like one has to walk down a city street and observe peripherally the trails of discarded Macca’s wrappings, pizza cartons, Coke cans and urine streaks left by the derros.
I might not want to look, but I still see.
Big_Nambas – you are almost certainly right. But that is beside the point. More than a few unionists will be licking their lips. Not many could say that after a decade of Lieboral government with SloMo as its crowning achievement.
Don’t tell me Struthpid shot a tent. Looking forward to AOTY awards, Numbers and Struthpid fighting it out for Australia’s most booring * tosser. Harold Scruby didn’t enter this year.* Its a word.
How is he a grifter in relative terms, you incomparably stoopid redneck? He started up a carmaker and succeeded in remaining alive when every other car startups since the second world war have failed. Tesla took a government backed loan during the financial crisis but every other carmaker in the US did too and more. In fact, every carmaker in the world was offered assistance. EV cars are subsidized, but the subsidy applies to all carmakers building EVs. Tesla never received a cracker more than the others.
Get back in the delivery truck and go do your bread round, I’ve read as much as I can take from you. Go!
It’s looking more and more like it was a really dumb thing to do.
Driven by mass hysteria, authoritarian overreach and busybody henpecking.
What’s not to criticise?
Sometimes the gods mock the ABCcess and their headline stories juxtapositoning.
Story 1
headline : Had one infection after another this year? There are good reasons why many of us keep getting sick
COVID-19’s impact on the immune system, and how this may affect subsequent infections
Story 2
headline: Checkmate: Debunking died suddenly, an anti vax video making waves online
A slapdash conspiracy film baselessly alleging that COVID-19 vaccines are causing large numbers of deaths, particularly in young people, has been viewed more than 10 million times in 10 days, despite many of its claims lacking evidence.
Died Suddenly, which was produced and uploaded online by controversial American media personality Stew Peters, suggests that COVID-19 vaccines have been deliberately designed as a depopulation tool.
But as CheckMate discovered, many of the claims used to make that argument are flimsy, incorrect or have been taken out of context.
Probably should stick a human interest/ man bites dog story between those next time eh?
Perhaps the outcome is the one wanted?
Unrestrained young males terrorising their neighbourhoods and getting away with it.
Tony Burqa is not just deadwood. The face of old school Labor.
Elbow’s best mate…birds of a feather.
New personna.
You can call me Anvil or ACME, I answer to both.
Waffles is nudging in there in the top three, with the latest comment going into detail how his wife is on the “catchment council”. That was last night and it lifted him into the top three. He’s a big contender on Cat Awards Night, which I think is on the evening of the 28th of January. Starts at 8 . Dress is formal.
He should be racking up the civil suits.
Be interesting if Luhrmann engaged an aggressive lawyer.
Serve $10 million suits on a number of parties.
Settle for $1 million each.
Still, his name is distinctive and will likely make trouble for him for some years.
Then again, the north of Australia has a lot of people working in pubs and shops they own outright, and you never ask about their past.
Nobody will forget the DeaTh Camps. Or this:
Something we all should remember – I think it was the Howard Government that established the plrinciple that something legal and permissable today can be made illegal and impermissable yesterday.
That particular legal vulture is going to keep cropping up in our lives for a damn long time.
Senator Rennick on fire in Senate about the vax. Youtube
The Greens laugh at jab injuries & shut down debate about jab mandates – Senate Speech 1.12.22
Musk did not start his companies.
SpaceX had good timing because the US government wanted to create a private space industry, so it got mega contracts.
Canberra has never been noted for marital fidelity. Definitely bipartisan support.
Ye defending Hitler.
Anyone here want to stick up for him? Zippy, this is your area. Back your boy in.
Daily Mail.
“If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that”, eh Monty?
Someone said that once. I wonder who? Funny how lefties are always so jealous.
The weirdest thing is, Shanny reads every word of every post i put up, even though he insists he hates them and me and everything about them and me, and persistently calls for a mean girls pile-on from his e-maaates like trev.org. which never comes.
He needs me.
Before you reach for that 5000 IQ
Speaking of space, the two top commanders of the US Space Force are in Australia scouting out opportunities for launch bases and local industry support (believe it or not we do have some high tech capabilities “in this space” [apologies!]) and meeting with local defence personnel.
Did the fire brigade have to knock her lounge room wall down so they could crane her out?
“The ACT justice system is a clown show and Chief Justice Lucy McCallum has been the chief architect of its destruction — the worst judge ever appointed to any jurisdiction in Australia.”
You are forgetting Terrence Higgins.
Waffles, I scan your comments and some are unintentionally hilarious. You have an amazing strength …. in being incredibly boring. In fact you’re so boring it’s interesting to see if you can carry it to the next comment. You do, you really do.
You also read my crap too, so don’t be a hypocrite… and you started this.
This is all the fault of that ridiculous Karkrashian bimbo and her equally hideous family.
(See? I can do deflection as well as any collectivist crackpot)
Almost like clockwork, around 7.30am, Cassie strolls into this place and just torches whoever is in her sight. Whether it be Britney, our useless morons masquerading as politicians, Monty, all of it is just a beautiful evisceration. Well done (golf clap)
Boy, my heaven on earth would be to join the catchment council.
Monty just warming his knuckles up for Kanye West. Have at it sir.
Given there has been no march, gatherings nationwide or shrines with teddy bears and tealight candles, I’m going to assume the culprit who killed that poor woman (and her unborn baby) with a concrete block in Perth isn’t white.
Knuckle Draggersays:
December 2, 2022 at 10:08 am
Don’t forget about the “Death Camps”.
Look at the Pictures on Page 220/221 & 238 on the PDF Link below, and that is why we should not forget
The Scourge of the Swastika – A Short History of Nazi War Crimes
Lord Russell of Liverpool
Damn straight. Imagine leaving that sort of material on your phone.
If – IF – you want to go down that path, at least have the goddamn sense to get yourself a burner phone from the servo or JB and do it properly.
Another tip.
If you have 6 on the boil at one time without any (or the wife) and have gone so far as to set up a love nest/flat AND have the burner phone be sure its not the burner phone you leave in the loungeroom when you zip out for “some urgent callout’.
Im still in awe of the organizational capabilities required to pull this off by my uncle. Who by the way is pretty well a Robert Crumb lookalike.
without any knowing about the others
Lehrmann needs to step up and start prosecuting all the upcoming slurs and bad-mouthing. For the remainder of Australian men.
And here is the Liberal-hating, incompetent dickhead who started it all:
He knew from the outset there was no proof whatsoever but went ahead anyway, gambling on unlawful publicity winning a guilty verdict.
Not only should he be sacked. He should be disbarred.
The Archaeology of World War II Japanese
Stragglers on the Island of Guam and
the Bushido Code – 18 Page PDF
Milligan has posted her ACT law club speech
We have a Pat O’Shane from Sydney on line 2 for you …
what yet another booster
Let’s get one thing straight here thanks, Lehrmann’s the one with his life in ruins.
Why is hospital capitalised, btw? Bloody j’ismists.
mUnty v Kayne at the Malmo Entertainment Centre … “Blows in the Snow”! Be there.
HOSPITAL? Capitals … must be serious.
It looked like a really dumb thing to do, even at the time, but it didn’t stop people being forced into it.
Prudent people deal with the closest wolf to the door, and that varies depending on their personal circumstance.
What I get out of milligan’s speech
1. me me me
2. cases shouldn’t be used as political footballs (but I guess Grace Tame, Lisa Pirate-pete, and Milligan herself are not included?)
Perf newspapers are pointing out that he was a recent inmate of Banksia Hill, and member of a street gang…
I am waiting for a statement from Higgins Lawyers: Wilkinson-Milligan-Wokestab and Daughters.
wrongologist strikes again.
x.com – founded my Musk and others before merging and forming paypal.
Continued colonial trauma is a problem in that part of Perf. Care required although an alleged unprovoked attack can’t be ruled out. Safer to stick to the Claremont Quarter or Karrinyup if you can get a park.
England score 506-4 in 75 overs vs Pakistan on day 1 on the first cricket test in Rawalpindi. Nearly 7 runs per over! 4 centurions on the first day and first time 500 runs has been scored on the first day of a test.
1st session – 172 runs
2nd session – 160 runs
3rd session – 174 runs.
We were both constrained from saying so to the full extent at the time by not being medical doctors and not wishing to interfere in other’s individual medical decisions, me more than you maybe, but in hindsight it looks even more dumberer now.
Remember, people were being arrested for organising resistance on social media, and having their heads stomped on etc for protesting in public. The thug faction in this state won.
Meanwhile, the mong overseeing the entire disgrace has been returned to power with little effort or push back.
They call in a priest for italicised caps.
December 2, 2022 at 9:47 am
I can applaud Elon Musk for what he’s doing now, but let’s face it, he made his money being a grifter.
Wow Struth, you do have a brain cell.
Fascist leftards like m0nty=fa were all for Musk grifting on EVs, then he came out in favour of free speech, and suddenly he is Persona non grata.
And there’s the problem – it will never be forgotten by the Sisters, and will be brought up continually whenever it is politically expedient to do so. On the other hand, if Leherman raises it at a time when it is convenient for him, he will be castigated by the same people.
Your viewpoint is naive and supportive of Leftist ideological game playing. The classic example was Obama ‘reaching across the aisle’ to promote ‘healing and graciousness in the Senate’. He then brought in one of the most racist and corrupt governments the US has ever had in power.
Another is “Believe all Women” unless it’s Kathy Sherriff.
I need say no more.
Leherman deserves his day in Court, otherwise it’s justice denied.
H B Bear says:
December 2, 2022 at 9:56 am
Big_Nambas – you are almost certainly right. But that is beside the point. More than a few unionists will be licking their lips. Not many could say that after a decade of Lieboral government with SloMo as its crowning achievement.
I just want to make it clear that I do not support the Liberal Party. I am a conservative and they are not conservatives. I was a member of the Liberal party until the day they stabbed Abbott in the back.
Meanwhile in Victoria’s State Elections, Dans seat of Mulgrave will undergo a recount today. Dan will still romp it home, his primaries votes were ‘unbelievable’. The recount was based on the original count being a two party preferred starting with labor and SFLs. However Ian Cook got more primaries than SFLs. It will be interesting to see how the preferences go on the recount.
December 2, 2022 at 10:14 am
Musk did not start his companies.
SpaceX had good timing because the US government wanted to create a private space industry, so it got mega contracts.
Meeedeoooowww! Saucer of milk for m0nty=fa?
Elon Musk’s Neuralink Event: Everything Revealed in 10 Minutes
Arks, “disillusioning” doesn’t even come close to describing the result of that election. Thank goodness I don’t live there. Although we were still gifted with his intolerable fascist idiocy courtesy of that monstrous screechy Armenian vulture.
Did the slug nominate? Might have trouble with preselection.
Not defending your boy Ye, Zippy? For shame.
mUnty punches down on mentally ill POC. For shame.
My goodness. Lehrmann has been done so, so, so dirty. Anyone capable of a scintilla of objectivity can see the multiple, serious issues with his accuser’s allegations. The fact is that it would have been an epic miscarriage of justice if he were found guilty of the crime. The only way he gets a guilty verdict is if a jury of political activists is empanelled – which is what the Canberra DPP – and probably the judge, too – were banking on. I don’t believe the DPP’s rationale for a second. I think it far more likely they realised that they might face problems picking the jury they needed given the facts of the case. Even in Canberra. The evidence that she herself has admitted to is that damaging to her credibility. Now Lehrmann doesn’t even get the opportunity for vindication. The DPP has sentenced him to a life of being presumed guilty.
Evil cunt. In a just world, she’d be having a few years’ vacation on His Majesty’s tab. That’s what she deserves.
Not defending your boy Ye, Zippy? For shame.”
Hey fat fascist fuckwit, how’s your copy of the Protocols going? Need a new copy?
The mental image of that is kinda amusing.
A real life Kung Fu Panda…without the cuteness or the intelligence.
Hey Cranky, what’s your view of Ye and the fact that he and Nick Fuentes broke bread with Trump? Are you still supporting that mob?
Johnny Rotten:
I understand the Nitrogen Fertiliser has had chemicals added to it that prevent its use as an ingredient for boom stuff?
…reparations committee will recommend handing out $223,200 per person to all descendants of slaves in California for ‘housing discrimination’ at a cost of $559BN – in nation’s biggest restitution effort ever
My grandpappy was a slave, dad too, and I am as well!
No mention of basically living in the USA is a better deal than living in Africa where your ancestors came from?
Daily Mail
I hope Lehrmann can find a sympathetic media outlet that allows him to tell his side of the story. Sky might. Or The Oz.
The public needs a glimpse of what he’s going through. Because I bet it ain’t pretty. After all, his innocence has now been tacitly confirmed by the Canberra DPP. They can say what they like while dropping the charges, but they’ve nevertheless dropped the charges.
I hope he explores defamation options against her.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
December 2, 2022 at 11:44 am
Not defending your boy Ye, Zippy? For shame.”
Hey fat fascist fuckwit, how’s your copy of the Protocols going? Need a new copy?
The pages of his current copy are stuck together?
Is this the point where the Courts kick off charges against L Wilkinson for contempt of court or perverting the course of justice after her Loooogies speech. I understood they were holding this back until after the trial.
Wow. That didn’t turn out like I thought it would.
Hey Monty, how’s your boy Senator Wiener today following his ham-fisted attempt at calumny and bearing false witness against his opponents? Please let him know that next time he writes his own threatening letter, to not screenshot the offending letter with the grammar lines and cursor mark still visible.
Nobody seems to give a fig about the effect of the lynch mob on Lehman’s ‘health and safety’ – let alone the rest of his life.
What a travesty of justice the whole episode has been. When it got to court and it became apparent that the case against him was tissue-thin, first she has a mental elf crisis that prevents her from appearing for a few days, and when the case is conveniently aborted she does a triumphant public rain-dance in direct contravention of the judge’s orders. Next, the ACT government, seeing the writing on the wall, hastily drafts amendments to the law to potentially save her from having to testify again.
Now this final act, where poor li’l no-knickers in IN HOSPITAL and therefore it’s all too hard, so the charges are dropped, leaving the accused’s life in tatters. But, guess who the victim is, according to the Sisterhood in the MSM and their low testosterone collaborators?
It would make a great movie, except that nobody would believe it.
As for that scumbag ScoMo and those who went along with his appalling interference in the administration of justice by supporting her before the trial, even Turnbuckle never went that low.
I can’t think of a single party to these events that comes out with any credit, although Lehman is the least liable and has suffered the most. He was a fool to have anything to do with her, and has paid dearly. But others did far, far worse things and have paid not at all.
It is not a coincidence that the court was due to hear an in camera application of an undisclosed nature from the defence later today. Drumgold got in first – thus ensuring a medical bullshit story (rather than the hopelessness of the case he brought) is the narrative that brings the debacle to an end.
It’s a transcription of a voicemail, db. Nice try defending the homophobes but you fail.
My twitter timeline is pretty funny at the moment following Kanye’s appearance on Alex Jones.
one would fucking hope so – but I have no confidence that anything will be done.
An Irish painter by the name of Murphy, while not a brilliant scholar, was a gifted portrait artist. Over a short number of years, his fame grew and soon people from all over Ireland were coming to get him to paint their likenesses. One day, a beautiful young English woman arrived at his house in a stretch limo and asked if he would paint her in the nude. This being the first time anyone had made such a request he was a bit perturbed, particularly when the woman told him that money was no object; in fact, and she was willing to pay up to 10,000 pounds. Not wanting to get into any marital strife, he asked her to wait while he went into the house to confer with Mary, his wife. They talked much about the rightness and wrongness of it. It was hard to make the decision but finally his wife agreed, on one condition. In a few minutes he returned. “T’would be me pleasure to paint yer portrait, missus” he said “The wife says it’s okay. “I’ll paint you in the nude all right; but I have to at least leave me socks on, so I have a place to wipe me brushes”.
I am among those who think that science has great beauty.
– Marie Curie
The whole Higgins debacle today has a Blazing Saddles flavour.
“If you prosecute him I’ll kill myself!”.
Then again, the north of Australia has a lot of people working in pubs and shops they own outright, and you never ask about their past.
Stayed in a place “owned” by the host’s partner once. One of those places off the grid so to speak, out of the way with no mobile service or FTA tv. Pleasant guy on surface but long way from the capital city…
Drove to Cairns last night. Gordonvale upgrade still no closer to completion, have to 3 or 4 years now. Bruce Hwy in it’s usual poor state and they are lowering speed limits around Innisfail but trying to pass off as roadworks. Nice try but fail as that section was allegedly roadworks about a year ago and nothing has changed except the road is worse… Can’t wait till the Olympics sucking all the remaining cash into an already pampered SEQ.
It also shows what a maliciously incompetent cesspit Canbra is.
Ursula von der Leyen – the world’s most elegant knucklehead – accidentally reveals that Ukraine’s army has essentially been wiped out.
Ukraine is very very displeased.
Monty, you utter spastic.
Try, just try to hold a principle, a value, and not just act tribally.
We know what you’re going to say before you say it.
We know what position you are going to have as well.
We also hear those telling you what to think.
We laugh at those you have let (lazily) think for you.
Elon Musk was fantastic according to the left, until he decided to be an individual.
Until he decided to be on the side of free speech…well at least more than the left.
You know the left…
The socialists.
The NAZIS (national socialists).
The Communists and fascists.
All centralised power dictatorships from hell.
If you could make it a version typed on fabric so it can go through the washing machine? His current and previous copies have too many pages stuck together.
That’s more like it, St Ruth.
No one cares.
“He got off on a technicality!”
And how many got convicted on a technicality – there’s the rub.
It was certainly a spectacle to see Alex Jones argue with Ye about whether Hitler was a good dude or not, putting Jones surprisingly on the anti side. Very 2022 areas.
In other news, the decision by Aileen Cannon to appoint a special master to oversee the evidence that the FBI took in their raid of Mar-A-Lago has been reversed on appeal.
Things not going well in Trumpland.
Robert Sewell:
There are several types of nitrogenous fertiliser, the main three used in Australia are ammonium phosphate, ammonium sulphate ammonium nitrate. Three quite different molecules.
Only the last, ammonium nitrate is capable of going ‘boom’, and to make it do that you have to mix it with an accelerant, such as diesel, compress it somewhat, and then you need a source of detonation. At least that is how I remember using it as a youth to blast out some old tree stumps.
It does not just go ‘boom’ by itself.
Prudent people don’t let the enemy kill them without a fight.
You accepted the bullet knowing you might have a bit of time before it knocks you over.
You call it heroic.
I call it fucking nuts.
“I let them fuck me up the freckle so they don’t do it again”
So it was…..
“let us kill you now, (you’ll die later), or we’ll take your job”
Fuck that, you’re not getting my job…kill me now!
That’s winning.
Again, the sudden death toll and excess deaths are now rising fast per month.
They know it’s about to get too noticable to hide.
So they are already out with the propaganda…and although those deaths were obviously from the jab, they’ll be reported as everything from “unknown natural causes” to “this is nothing unusual, children have always died of heart attacks and strokes”
The fact is they’ll make up any shit, they won’t be held accountable by the media they own and so….whatcha gunna do about it?
They can say what they like.
Finance / Banking Cats, we have been offered ANZ Private Banking for a service, I’d never heard of them before, but just wondering pros and cons.
Is it a ruse or worthwhile fee for service? (About 5K +/- depending on how much advice)
Oh, and there is also urea, quite a different molecule again. Does not go ‘boom’.
This looks to be some good fun with St ruth having a bash at Monty pox virus. BTW, where is Mrs Stencho Pantyhose these daze? And why not have Head Case, a Suitable Case for Treatment, join in with the banter.
Happy Friday “ladies”……………………..
December 2, 2022 at 12:45 pm
Finance / Banking Cats, we have been offered ANZ Private Banking for a service, I’d never heard of them before, but just wondering pros and cons.
Is it a ruse or worthwhile fee for service? (About 5K +/- depending on how much advice)
The best advice is to run a mile or two and avoid them like the Plague along with ALL groups associated with the Banksters……………………………Macquarie as well.
A picture of my parts. Note that I have no underwear.
Lady cats can feel free to gaze upon parts.
Some might remember the boom from a truck carrying ammonium nitrate after it mixed with the truck’s diesel.
A small meteorite crater where a road used to be.
They need to disarm us.
Not just of guns.
I keep saying that the fight will be in the USA.
Trump upset the 2030 Agenda and they made a move before they got the guns.
All they were trying to do before Trump was get the guns and all they are still trying to do is get the guns.
The billionaires doing this to us are not self made billionaires.
Like Soros, an insider trading crook of the highest order.
Grifters like Schwab have never done a day’s work in their lives.
They are ignorant and dumb.
But evil none the less.
The extent of their evil cannot be fathomed, therefore not believed by the masses, and millions of deaths have already occurred and billions more will occur (if they are not stopped) purely because people will refuse to believe it could be true.
Despite history telling us it’s absolutely on the cards.
Now zey have ze technology!!!
…reparations committee will recommend handing out $223,200 per person to all descendants of slaves in California for ‘housing discrimination’ at a cost of $559BN – in nation’s biggest restitution effort ever
We have now passed into the Chapelle zone..
As i said before, dishing out piles of OPM to dysfunctional people will kill thousands of them.
Its remarkable
In my world. Sounds right. ANFO emulsion (amonium nitrate fuel oils aka deisel) put in hole then a step up charge usually dynamite.
Freind was an assault pioneer. They did same but mixed the anfo lot themselves. He said they used to use a 10% step up of an rdx/tnt composite to set off.
Could be wrong but remember as a teen in rural Vic farmers using superphospate to launch stumps. Kids used to talk about at school all the time., then again could be mistaken identity.
Sancho died of the Jab.
Like Choo Choo.
Died of the jab.
Now , of course this is boring for the old trophy wives of the forum so don’t go on about it.
Who’s next?
tick tick tick.
(If that doesn’t bring Sancho back to prove me wrong….he’s dead).
You see, this is where you’ve gone wrong and lost your support within a sympathetic crowd.
You say I knew it was going to kill me. I didn’t, still don’t, for certain, and more importantly, neither do you.
No one knew, and that’s the true issue and crime here. The outcomes were unknown and they sold it as though they were. They then strongly coerced people with ever increasing tyranny, another related, but separate abomination.
Your fundamental arguments are sound, Struth, but your exaggerations, assumptions and shrill tone weaken your position and open your arguments up to justifiable questioning and criticism. You are your own worst enemy.
So is charging a machine gun pit, but you turn up on 25 April every year to honour it. Sometimes people do stupid things for good reasons, and it’s not always through ignorance or brainwashing.
You’ve over stepped the mark with me, so now please fuck off!
Helen if they want your business you’re already doing ok and they just want more out of it. How many of them know how to run a station. I used to have a brilliant accountant. He told me he’s great at accounting but useless at running a business. They will only give advice that puts more money in their own pocket. Chooks don’t ask KFC what’s for dinner. If you have particular questions get them answered by an independent consultant if there is such a thing now.
December 2, 2022 at 1:01 pm
…reparations committee will recommend handing out $223,200 per person to all descendants of slaves in California for ‘housing discrimination’ at a cost of $559BN – in nation’s biggest restitution effort ever
We have now passed into the Chapelle zone..
As i said before, dishing out piles of OPM to dysfunctional people will kill thousands of them.
Being English by birth and despite having played in a Punk Rock Band, maybe me and millions of others have a case against the Romans invading Britain all those many years ago. And if the Italian Guv’ment is broke, I understand that the Vatican has shed loads of Gold, Silver, Jewels, Stolen Money etc for me to have a go at.
Come on down Slutter & Gordon you Ambulance Chasers…………..lol
Was there ever a Go Fund Me or similar effort made to help Leherman defray his costs?
My understanding was that following recent formal inquiry into the banking and the financial services industry which revealed many anomalies and significant misdoings by banks that new rules and codes were introduced which separated financial planning out from the banking sector. . You should contact ASIC before making any moves regarding this offer as it sounds a bit unusual and may breach the new rules. https://asic.gov.au/
Jason* is either a made up person, or possibly the dumbest GP on earth.
This is not a satirical piece.
At least not intentionally.
And no, I think vaping is dumb, people selling it to kids should be prosecuted etc….
‘I’ve lost my children to vaping’: the tragic stories behind the soaring rates of youth addiction
Do hard drugs = We must support this as harm minimization
Cut off cock at 12 = brave and amazing, much wow, so good
Vaping at 12 = “ivE LOSt MY SON!!!!!!
Jason* is a general practitioner used to treating those addicted to tobacco, but he is at a loss as to how to help his 14-year-old son quit vaping.
His son started the habit when he was just 12 years old, and was the same age when he was arrested for shoplifting vapes containing nicotine from a convenience store. He got away with a caution, but New South Wales police did nothing to reprimand the store owners illegally selling nicotine vaping products.
Jason ended up reporting the store to the NSW health department, which raided the shop and confiscated $10,000 worth of illegal vapes .
“I’ve tried talking to my son, warning of the health impacts of vaping and nicotine, and I’ve tried shouting and all of that sort of thing to get him to stop,” Jason said.
“It doesn’t work, because nicotine is highly addictive. We tried giving him nicotine gum but it was a waste of time because the amount of nicotine in gum is so minimal compared to the amount you get from vaping that it did nothing for his cravings.”
Jason has resorted to giving his son two cigarettes a day to replace the vape. He knows tobacco is harmful and comes with significant health consequences, but is facing a quandary that is common to many health practitioners and parents when young people come to them and say they are addicted to vaping.
Melbourne parent Justine* said she is well aware of the dangers of vaping, and was “horrified” when her now 17-year-old son began vaping at age 12. Her 14-year-old daughter has now started too.
While vaping, her son is irritable, sniffs and coughs and sometimes develops respiratory infections, she said. “When he’s clean from vapes he’s an early, good sleeper,” she said. “But on vapes he stays up late and can’t get up for school, and he also has pimply skin and bladder and bowel irritation.”
When he attempts to quit, he becomes verbally abusive and once even pushed her because she would not tell him where she had hidden his vape.
“He’s not like this when he’s clean,” Justine said. “My daughter is a completely different child now she vapes too. She misses school due to tiredness from a distorted sleep cycle, and she misses class due to frequent toilet breaks to vape.”
Justine said both of her children had been high academic achievers until they began vaping and suffering the symptoms of addiction and withdrawal. Her son was eventually expelled from his private school for the habit, despite previously being in the top 10% of students academically.
No way.
You knew there was a high possibility.
You were given proof here again and again.
KD likes to bring up the quotes I’ve made about how much time people have left.
Whatever he is saying now I said roughly four years from injection and less the amount of boosters.
Do you think I plucked that figure out of my arse?
Or do you think I got that figure from professors and doctors from the AFLD, Batacharyi, or many others who were all saying the same thing.
And it was “up to” four years.
This information was posted here by many others besides me, and including me, from the very start of the jabs.
Did the mocking wankers here make you feel like we were dribbling shit and made you doubt the real experts?
The ones banned by the murdering communists injecting everyone?
So again,
Monty is very quiet today about the Higgins case collapsing in a heap.
“I was required to tell the truth under oath for over a week in the witness stand and was cross-examined at length” – Words fail me, they honestly do.
“Mater says:
December 2, 2022 at 1:07 pm “
Spot on – well said.
The recent court decision banning a new coal mine is a victory for the Woke and Greens living in the city, and ensures the roads and infrastructure will never get ahead here in the Galilee Basin. Meanwhile the SEQ area just keeps getting more and more of the State resources.
Not much point getting bitter about it, though.
I do NOT propose to speak for others. But let’s talk about heroism, St. Ruth, because you brought it up.
To my mind, it is much closer to serving your country on multiple tours overseas in hostile environments – that is, hostile as in risk of being instantly and kinetically dismembered, not hostile as in people won’t listen to me – than calling people shallow cocksmokers on an anonymous blog because not every person in the country wants to cloak themselves in the achievements of others as you do.
It’s certainly not ‘Socialism has sat me on my arse‘.
I’m sure the other van drivers are on board with your totalitarian monologues. Or perhaps not.
A loud, servile, insecure little fake.
Yes. Yes I do.
‘I was required to tell the truth under oath for over a week in the witness stand and was cross-examined at length. He was afforded the choice of staying silent in court, head down in a notebook, completely detached. He never faced one question in court about his story and the criminal charges.
He is not required to prove his innocence.
The prosecution IS required to prove his guilt.
Musk’s Twitter Still Silencing Catholics
December 1, 2022
You’ve just contradicted yourself within two lines.
This is why you are losing support.
I didn’t have much interest in the Higgins case to begin with. You lot loved it as a culture wars soap opera, but I couldn’t cop the drama.
It does seem like rape cases need to be tried by judges not juries. It’s a circus otherwise.
As a sidelight to the Dawson case, I understand that Strike Force Southwood, formed to investigate the wholesale sexual exploitation of students at Cromer and neighbouring state high schools, has charged several former teachers – including an ageing lezzo Lee Dunbar who has done time before.
Needless to say, the GayBC and Fauxfacts won’t touch these stories just as Gillard’s leftist political sham if a royal commission didn’t. (The Stalinist comrades from the Teachers Federation doing any such thing? Impossible! Or if they did, it was socially progressive liberation from Christian fascist heteropatriarchal moralism.) What I don’t understand is why The Australian and the Tele are being so coy. I would have expected Hedley Thomas to be all over it.
Meanwhile, still no condemnations of Ye, Fuentes or Trump from the assembled Cat throngs. In particular, Cranky’s silence speaks volumes.
I must say, those two florid anecdotes are in Reefer Madness territory.
We have no idea what kind of vapes were involved, or whether these little angels were up to anything else, even if they are real.
In my long and detailed experience, when very young teens are into a drug, it’s not the only thing that is going on, no matter how oblivious their parents might be.
Tucker Carlson: Who exactly runs the Biden administration?
Here is a rare piece of reporting on Southwood, according to which up to 20 teachers are still under investigation:
The recent court decision banning a new coal mine is a victory for the Woke and Greens living in the city, and ensures the roads and infrastructure will never get ahead here in the Galilee Basin.
Was the court decision a recommendation only? Thought I read something to that extent.
ye is a mentally ill person who happens to have a lot of money, and apparently cultural clout. Hes also a loon.
Fuentes I know nothing about other than hes the new ‘worse than hitler’.
Trump has been a sucker for letting himself be seen with them. Remember he was seen with Ye and the abominable Kardashian before on prison reform, obviously when Kayne was on his meds.
What does the old testament say about false accusers* ?
* e.g. prosecutors
I should have added that this may be a scam (pfishing) exercise so do not respond or give any banking details. You could go to your nearest ANZ and ask if this is a legitimate offer. It does not seem right to me and I’m pretty good at sussing out scams. Some of these creeps create legitimate looking letterhead etc but they insert a temporary website address completely faked up to look like the real thing to attract people and get their details, money etc.
Erm, not what I recall… I think you turned up once, got examined, and had the rest of the week off?
Check out the book cover
In Circuits of the Sacred Carlos Ulises Decena examines transnational black Latinx Caribbean immigrant queer life and spirit. Decena models what he calls a f@ggotology–the erotic in the divine as found in the disreputable and the excessive–as foundational to queer black critical and expressive praxis of the future. Drawing on theoretical analysis, memoir, creative writing, and ethnography of Santería/Lucumí in Santo Domingo, Havana, and New Jersey, Decena moves between languages, locations, pronouns, and genres to map the itineraries of blackness as a “circuit,” a multipronged and multisensorial field. A feminist pilgrimage and extended conversation with the dead, Decena’s study is a provocative work that transforms the academic monograph into a gathering of stories, theoretical innovation, and expressive praxis to channel voices, ancestors, deities, theorists, artists, and spirits from the vantage point of radical feminism and queer-of-color thinking.
Speaking of justice….
Quite similar “investigative” patterns to VicPlod on Pell. But I don’t see Pell getting any dosh…
KD, in your emotional tearies, try to make a cognitive point.
You prattle on twisting shit and purposefully lying and taking things out of context because that’s all you have.
Meanwhile, ask Choo Choo about the time line I put up here for the deaths.
Do you realise how stupid and denialist you look?
Do you deny all the sudden deaths and extra deaths of the enjabbinated?
You’re great to draw attention to, as you know I am trying to show examples of denialism, and you are not only a denialist but a conformist who doesn’t understand the concept of freedom.
Fancy after all that is happening to still scoff at the deaths.
Takes some fucking heavy denialism there.
free speech, mutley. they can say what they like. anyway we don’t need to steal your thunder, you are the blogs nazi hunter
Hang on. The guy who thinks 7 (seven) High Court judges finding Pell’s guilt could not be established beyond reasonable doubt constitutes getting off on a ‘technicality’ … wants every rape case to be heard by judges. Oookay then.
“Meanwhile, still no condemnations of Ye, Fuentes or Trump from the assembled Cat throngs.”
The first two appear to be guilty of using antisemitism, which is certainly bad and to be discouraged, the same as all similar types of discrimination. Given Trump’s family and history in such matters, it’s drawing a very long bow to somehow claim Trump is antisemitic.
Trump has said he had no prior knowledge of who Fuentes is, or what his views are/were.
It is alleged that Ye asked Milo to go with him, and Milo suggested Fuentes go as well.
Milo has publicly stated he wants “revenge” against Trump for what he feels are slights against him.
Not sure what that adds up to, but I hardly think it makes Trump the “bad guy”.
If you want my opinion, they are all publicity hounds and all are trying to “use” each other in one way or another for the desired column inches – at least to some extent.
Suggest you take a look at Tim Pool’s take on this as well – he was “caught up” in this when Ye and Milo went on his IRL show, and has some, err, interesting takes on what is going on.
Nigel Farage: Ngozi Fulani PLANNED Royal race row
Good advice, particularly ringing the bank.
And dont use the number on the email, find the banks number using a search.
No, mater did…but don’t let facts get in the way.
I am not saying I agree with the implications of abandoning juries for rape trials, but as a simple matter of expediency it seems like the Pell case mandates that juries can’t be trusted to read the evidence correctly according to the HC’s requirements, and the Lehmann case suggests that juries can’t be trusted not to ruin the case regardless. Not a good run for the jury system lately.
LOL, he wants to be President again with that level of judgment and knowledge.
Meanwhile, still no condemnations of Ye, Fuentes or Trump from the assembled Cat throngs. In particular, Cranky’s silence speaks volumes.
Yeah, Fuentes seems to be the White, conservative equivalent of BLM. He should shut up about Jews. Fuentes hated Trump for his support of Israel, which continues. No one condemned obuma for undermining Israel, which is being continued under the zombie currently in the Whitehouse, who incidentally supports the KKK.
Fuck off dickless.
How have I wanted to cloak myself in the achievement of others?
Struth and others: Musk made his initial $100 million or so by selling out of Paypal at age 28 or 29. Instead of lying on beaches, chasing women and drinking or drugging himself to death he got the idea it would be fun to see a flower grow on Mars in a greenhouse so he approached traditional aerospace companies as to what it would cost and got quotes of several times his net worth. Around that time the Russians were offering cheap launches on old retired ballistic missiles so he went to Russia to buy one and they gave him very short shrift indeed not believing that he had the money. On the plane home he read a book on rocket engineering, decided it wasn’t that hard and started SpaceX.
The survival of the company and Musk’s fortune was a close run thing after 3 consecutive Falcon 1 failures. Fourth time was the charm. First private orbital launch vehicle to succeed.
The Falcon 5 was to be next up but he decided that it was too small and the Falcon 9 was designed. He did get a space station cargo resupply contract from NASA about then. IIRC it was before Obama and NASA knew the Shuttle was being retired with no real replacement in sight. After that the electric car business got cranked up. As mentioned by others he didn’t get anything that wasn’t there or given to anyone else and he actually delivers products and services. SpaceX does things by delivering on contracts, not cost plus. No grifter.
CCP’s nightmare: 10+ Cities Fight Against Police, 50 Universities Launch White Paper Revolution
A simple piece of A4 white paper has become an object of fear for the ruling party in red China today. The White Paper Movement, also known as the White Paper Revolution, has become part of the recent protests in many cities in China.
She is always ready to speak up and speak out as long as she is not required to back up anything she says and as long as the person she is accusing is not entitled to challenge her claims – two aspects of court cases, and court being the one forum within which she has decided not to engage.
The woman is a bully.
True dat Bob. Didn’t mean to sound bitter if it came across that way.
One thing amazing me is how major works seem to be getting longer & longer in duration. Then last 2/5ths before needing to be patched. Know Rome wasn’t built in a day the slovernly pace these things proceed at compared to previous years is mind boggling.
Must be all that diversity training…
It’s ironic that someone who continually whinges about being verballed, just did it to me.
Please show me where I said that (reluctantly) accepting the jab was “heroic”.
Don’t be shy, and please don’t run the line that I implied it.
in nsw they are afaik
Mater has served his country.
The government said we could not honour him and those that sacrificed all in defence of our nation and civilisation.
We were to stay at home.
No going to your cenotaph for Dawn service.
We could go to Bunnings and we could go to the supermarket and fight over bog roll, but we couldn’t gather to remember them.
This should not have been obeyed.
We should never have allowed these communist , globalist traitors to keep us from doing so.
We should have disobeyed tyrants and gone.
Making this statement, according to KD, is me claiming to have landed at Gallipoli, rode with the light horse at Bersheeba and fought in the Jungles of Borneo.
Honestly, who can’t see what is going on there?
He is an open book.
He shit himself at the thought of non compliance.
I was literally calling myself an Anzac and sounding the bugle….follow me!
Once a Vicplod, always a Vicplod.
As it turned out, many Australians, especially in Perth, did the right thing,………..AND THEY’D NEVER EVEN HEARD OF ME!
Fancy that.
It was the very right thing to do.
And early on in the takeover, it would have given the tyrants something to think about.
But no.
Overall, it was just comply, comply, comply….and look where that’s getting us.
Yeah saw that decision but it’s no different to the pettifogery used to justify similar stops put on NSW projects. Good thing with this one is Fleur picked a fight with a very litigous individual. She will get her come uppance in the HC.
As for her and her odious husband Mr Barbagallo they should be in the LNP’s sights but am not holding my breath…
It was a fair way back Mater, but if you or somebody can show me how to just search your comments, I’ll find it.
December 2, 2022 at 9:33 am
No Struth, YOU are the one who needs to STFU.
I am unjabbed, and suffering employment consequences for it, but I do not begrudge or criticise those who got jabbed.
They certainly begrudged and criticised you.
If you’re a spineless twat, that’s not my fault.
How can this person be spineless when he had the spine to resist having the Jab. Once again you the Tosser have it all wrong. You blast away on this site with your pompous attitude. There are many, many people who never took the Jab (me included) and don’t berate those that did. But, you keep bellyaching on and on and on and on forever bleating away as if you are the only one in your situation. Just STFU and move onto something else like Tonka Toys and Play School……………….
Finance / Banking Cats, we have been offered ANZ Private Banking for a service, I’d never heard of them before, but just wondering pros and cons.
Is it a ruse or worthwhile fee for service? (About 5K +/- depending on how much advice)
Helen – after depositing a fair amount of money in our ANZ account after the sale of a commercial property some years ago we were offered private banking facilities. We were invited to ANZ offices in a tower near (at the time) Darling Harbour & treated like “royalty.” We were then given a personal seminar on investment opportunities – most of which favoured the bank. We didn’t follow up on any of those opportunities but retained the private banking facilities. We only used them when we had some banking technical drama. Eventually, when we reinvested some of the capital in properties it was suggested we no longer needed the facility and it was withdrawn!
Moral of the story – banks only offer services which benefit them – not long term customers. The best relationships we have ever enjoyed with banks is when they actually had functioning managers who knew your business and your personal needs. They have long gone.
We actually had a drama today requiring a visit to a local branch. Fortunately there a previous employee who is very switched on had returned after a long absence & she was able to ring head office and solve the problem. This will not continue for long as the banks seem determined to eliminate all personal interaction with customers and actual people. Everything will soon be online. Problems will only be solved with 3 hour phone calls to head office – if you are lucky!!!