The Rector’s Garden – Queen of the Lilies, John Atkinson Grimshaw, 1877
The Rector’s Garden – Queen of the Lilies, John Atkinson Grimshaw, 1877
Hopefully the rumour that Charles has converted to Islam is true and the whole rotten structure falls in a heap.
Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
We are doing 3.8’s over here. We are catching up, Americans….said with 100% respect. It’s great Clay bought all his…
Keir Starmer ‘sidelining’ Christianity to ‘promote Islam’
Ed Casesays:
December 3, 2022 at 3:52 pm
Why waste time remonstrating with bad faith commenters when you can hit Report Comment?
Good point Ricg=hard Cranium, though it is a toss-up whether you or m0nty=fa are the worst faith commenters here.
Nevertheless, I shall take your advice on board (but only for your more egregiously stupid comments).
Gladwrap and the CEO, both of Indian descent, often posted anti-white tweets.
Went out for dinner this evening at restaurant in the west 40s. We were out with two other couples and one of other gals chose the venue.
The dinner menu was Italian. I couldn’t figure out why the other two dudes passed the wine list to the other and then finally handed me to choose the wine. I’ve never seen a wine list with most bottles carrying plus $1000 bottles. It was obscene. I called over the waiter and told him that we had no interest in the wine list and if he didn’t have wine at a reasonable price we were leaving. He quickly introduced Chianti at 95 bucks a bottle.
Defence Health also handing back benefits. We got a similar letter. Must be an industry wide thing.
On the Airport firefighters, I saw the UFU was involved the other day then my idle curiosity changed to stuff ’em and give ’em nothing. Wonder how much they extorted that us passengers will ultimately stump up.
On Bruce L, the guy sounds like a sex pest and am unsurprised at other allegations. However that doesn’t make the which hunt against him right. I am getting regrettably less surprised at the pettifogery that resembles judicial process as a result. The courts do themselves no favours when they allow the blindfold to slip or are gutless to the pressures they receive.
Enjoy your arvo everyone. Might head down beach for a spell. Lovely humid arvo in Cairns, sea breeze is a blowing…
It’s not the antiquated hardware that’s the issue, Bespoke, it’s the trend chasing surplus of social media crap that is the problem, the continued movement of command icons from place to place and the necessity of finding functions that are no longer somewhere rational. Usually stuff is moved to where some focus group of 20 somethings think it should be because some other software they use puts it there.
Windows !! is a great example of this – in an effort to placate the 20/30 Social Media class who want the latest and greatest, we are left with a mish mash of programs that try to take over our ‘experience’ with software that we have to get used to all over again.
Windows media was great on XP, but insufferable on Win!!.
I want Musk to make an OS that strips away the rubbish and allows it to be downloaded as an app or whatever. You know, an Operating System that operates the system not a lifestyle themed collection of software that deliberately makes itself incompatible with the software I want to use.
Milton Friedman: No Free Lunch
oh no
not possible
… down ticks are gamed
Will you stop posting comments without capitalizing the first letter of a sentence. You’re not smart, you’re not witty and you’re not the quickest lip on a building site even though you think you are. You’re a fucking acidic moron who badly needs professional help for the reasons you and you alone have expressed at a personal level. Liz wasn’t the cause and neither am I or anyone else you’ve trolled here in pile ons. Seriously, go get some fucking help you worthless piece of shit. She most likely did it because of you and what you’re like.
As previously noted three years ago he wasn’t a bad looking young man and a hand on a thigh is hardly sex pest.
Lots of women do that all the time, it doesn’t even necessarily have a sexual connotation.
Try Linux, Robert. I used to install it on disgaded machines and give them to that couldn’t afford newer tech. Not saying you can’t but it is less captured by social media.
Perf or a DeaTH camP. Not much of a choice. Even the beach is a bit cold for another month or two.
Eeeew! Personal contact! If I did that they’d think I was some sort of perv. Hey, I’d think I was a perv.
I clearly have awkward interaction issues. 😀
“Wir folgen nur seinen Befehlen”*
Repeat ad nauseam for however many hours/days/months until executed.
A veritable televisual feast.
*Jawohl, jawohl, mein Deutsch ist ein Greuel (wieder). 😕
Old fashioned Bird strike today? Just like the good old days.
second that.
you can download Linux Mint and make a bootable USB stick or burn it to a CD to boot from.
as somebody said the other day, youcan install it alongside windows and use the PC in dual boot
dont have to install it either you could just run it from the USB until you’re satisfied
either way, once running then you can mount yr existing windows disk and still get to all your old files
the GUI is nice and finding and installing software is very easy compared to some other Linux flavours
its also free
If I’ve stopped one person taking the jab here, or brought to light the piss poor behaviour of the little gang of sneerers in doing the exact opposite, so be it.
Struth, if you achieved this, “you are a better man than me, Gunga Din” (is that how its goes?)
Personally, although I respect the choices of others, I really tied my best to deter those who I love. It almost never worked, sadly. Family and friends were ostensibly swayed by the usual reasons: job mandates, school & uni mandates, the desire to travel, go to the gym, concerts etc etc. It mattered not how intelligent they are… even more sadly. They simply refused to do the hard work and research, as many of us did, for two years in fields in which few were not necessarily familiar.
I was lucky , through a friend, in making the acquaintance (& becoming friends with) Dr. Philip Altman, a retired PhD in Pharmacology who for 40 years worked in the pharma industry – the latter years running his own company which ran RCTs for the TGA! He was appalled at the abandonment of vaccine protocol and concerned from the start with the early evidence of lack of efficacy and adverse reactions. He started a local group of dissenters in our Sydney suburb which still gathers today most Sundays. It was a vital group contact when we unvaccinated were considered lepers. Of course, as many of you know, he and other medicos have formed the Australian Medical Professionals Association and are gathering professional supporters.
So – on your point about “stopping one person from getting the jab” I really cant claim to have even done this once! Most of Altman’s group, and others I have come across, had reached their decision independently. My wild guess is that probably 30% of people were concerned about the vax program. Whether only 5% refused to comply, as the government claims, is a possibility – but may not be that high.
I am watching with concern as some friends in my age group are experiencing sudden exacerbation of existing health conditions (maybe due to lack of attention over the last 2 years) or indeed, the emergence of curious ailments that GPs can’t totally understand, let alone fix. Many of these seem to involve joints. Easy explanation is arthritis…but who knows .. in most cases MRI shows nothing.
The other widespread ailment is simply anxiety disorders. I reckon these are PTSD problems caused by the upturning of society in the last two years. Unfortunately, you don’t have to be vaccinated to suffer from this. Quite frankly, the Covid years, followed by the recent hacking outbreaks, roaring inflation, floods, regional bank closures, the imminent destruction of our energy & fuel security & the probable aggression of China into our neck of the woods, plus the usual crises of ageing ……has caused not a little upset in our particular household.
Had I done that yesterday the object of my affections may have gone all eccy thoomp, which is why I stuck to gently stroking one of her taught tanned upper arms every now and then.
The Rabz knows how to engage with aesthetically pleasing womanages – without ending up in HOSPITAL.
roughly, ‘the leader commanded, we followed.’
To me the testimonials of civilians is more informative of the fragile human experiences. Gradually beeing nudged into dehumanising others is a recurring theme.
Fastest lip in Southland.
Note : re my previous comment – I meant, that I think the government estimate of only 5% unvaccinated is probably wrong ….I think it is much higher.
taut, FFS.
How embarrassment … 😕
I think so too, Vicki. I also think many are reluctant to disclose their unvaxxed status for social reasons.
There are a lot of vindictive loons out there.
your’e wasting your time
and making fool of yourself again
Yes – I tried Linux, and it refused to unpack or install. Not sure what happened but it failed at the first hurdle.
Over the years, I’ve tried to install Linux about 6 – 8 times and each time has been unsuccessful. So I’ve come to the conclusion that Linux is a techies toy and they want others using their toys.
Either that or I’m a Cro-Magnon equivalent user.
It’s a toss up.
They used to call them ‘touchie feelies’ the hug and kissing types.
Not me, either.
they *don’t* want others using their toys.
that’s true.
try the Mint flavour … much easier than others
just write to a bootable USB or CD
if you’ll broker with dover to get me an address or PO Box … I’ll send you one in the mail.
No I’m not and you’re a disgusting turd. And don’t think for a second I’ll be stopping either. You started this, you kunt and now I’ll decide when it ends. Seriously, you’re telling people – strangers .
Are you expecting sympathy after the way you harassed Liz and subsequently trying it on others? You ridiculous pipe solderer, the Southland man.
Ubuntu mostly, matrix . But have had a look at most flavours back in the day until I lost interest.
Here’s some of them in action.
Featuring the luscious Miss Mylett.
they can all be a bit of pain.
much better with a GUI
but even then sometimes stuff just won’t work
MT: make me a sammich, woman
The Missus: No
MT: sudo make me a sammich
I hate close talkers and long hand shakers. But most of all limp hand shakers.
December 3, 2022 at 5:21 pm
I think it is much higher.
I think so too, Vicki. I also think many are reluctant to disclose their unvaxxed status for social reasons.
There are a lot of vindictive loons out there.
Not sure
– I am the only unvaxxed that I have met in and out of Hospital, and with Doctors/Nurses/Specialists.Administrators etc, family and their friends, and acquatinances
The pressure was enormous, & even when I was banned for a week from immunotherapy treatment, then, let in, in an isolated room, they said they had only one other Cancer patient unvaxxed and they had loads of Cancer Patients being treated.
Use the power of sudo wisely, Matrix.
December 3, 2022 at 5:41 pm
I hate close talkers
Ah, you have met my son’s German Father-in-law, nice Guy, but “Boy”, Space invader
Say I have Windows 10 in use on a HDD and I stick this Linux mint on an ssd, do you reboot and go into BIOS every time you want to change between systems?
MatrixTransform says:
December 3, 2022 at 5:15 pm
Try Linux, Robert
second that.
you can download Linux Mint and make a bootable USB stick or burn it to a CD to boot from.
Second that++
Linux Mint 21 LTS (Long term support) is by far the most user-friendly version distro (distribution) of an OS that is clearly aimed at script kiddies.
Most other distros seem aimed at obsessive tinkerers stuck in basements, rather than users.
There’s some learning-curving required, but it’s easily manageable.
If installed on the HDD, the GRUB multi-booter will also automatically install, it is a welcome bonus that will add flexibility to any PC system.
Firefox 103+ browser is included in the current distro and works perfectly to replace the bloated Window$ experience.
Free, open source software is also only a few clicks away and is often better than the commercial stuff.
Highly recommended.
Matrix Transform:
Would really like that, thanks.
I’ll email DB with my address.
The dinner menu was Italian. I couldn’t figure out why the other two dudes passed the wine list to the other and then finally handed me to choose the wine. I’ve never seen a wine list with most bottles carrying plus $1000 bottles. It was obscene. I called over the waiter and told him that we had no interest in the wine list and if he didn’t have wine at a reasonable price we were leaving. He quickly introduced Chianti at 95 bucks a bottle.
Stop showing off head prefect. I go to Trinity or Petersons, which has a new menu, and good champagne at less than $100 a bottle.
Arky, Gilas has a more convenient method but riskier. Have a nerd who has done it before with you.
Dude trust me. There’s nothing here under US$ 100 bucks a bottle at a restaurant. A steak is US$65 bucks.
I have heard of this 1981 Film but have never seen it.
Scroll down for a 3 minute clip. If you don’t want to watch the whole thing, just watch and listen to it from the 3 minute mark. Portentious for its time. Extremely prescient now.
My Dinner with Andre.
I am going to watch the whole thing when I track it down.
sudo yum install weaponised-upticks --jc_mode=tosser --attack_lizzie=true
Posters on the walls warning of monkey pox-related misfortune.
Sitting with my back to the wall, wary.
Apropos of nothing, I just like Beauty and class.
Grace Kelly on her wedding day.
Arky says:
December 3, 2022 at 5:46 pm
Say I have Windows 10 in use on a HDD and I stick this Linux mint on an ssd, do you reboot and go into BIOS every time you want to change between systems?
Best if you install both on one HDD or SSD.
The GRUB (GReat Unified Booter) multi-booter will do the work, no need to boot through the BIOS.
Linux will easily run on partitions of 10GB or less.
You should install Window$ first, then Linux, with GRUB, will give you the option of booting any other OSes on the HDD, or SSD, unlike the Window$ Boot Manager, which was clearly designed by vengeful coders with personality deficits.
oops, for my above comment about the film, it should be 2 minute mark.
if your PC allows it jump into the BIOS and just set it to boot from USB before HDD
you can the put the stick in and it will launch and run from the stick
if you install alongside Windoze on the HDD then you’ll no longer need the USB stick
then every time you boot the PC an option will appear to boot from Win or Linux
select the one you want and away you go
The new vandals: how museums turned on their own collections.
Something very nasty, destructive and evil metastasized about ten years ago. Of course I remember reading this sort of puke in the Macquarie Uni handbook in the 80s.
Southland man, tell us again. Go on -:)
sudo apt-get –purge remove gimp
no probs … it would be a pleasure !
Great Southland man. 🙂
Ta, blokes.
I have to say I am absolutely loving the new twitter, I just slam dunked a left wing cartoonist without fear of perma-ban
Like the PM, ABC journos can barely restrain themselves. Ms Higgins’s allegations were not proven, Mr Lehrmann remains innocent, and no findings were made against him because the evidence presented at his trial created reasonable doubt of his guilt.
And, given the fact that the prosecution didn’t have a hope of conviction without Higgins’s testimony, the clear implication from the outcome of the trial is that she lied.
LoL bespoke .. I’ll give it a go
sudo /bin/rm -fr /
oh shit … did I type that in the wrong console?
Erk. Huggie-kissies.
I do firm handshakes. I like them, plus eye contact. Not weaponised like Latham either. There are limits.
If some total stranger moves in to hug me, I check them for daggers. Then, they move in and try to give me a kiss. Horrible stuff, and I try to respond empathically, but it usually ends in a weird air kiss. You end up feeling like a found out serial killer.
At the other end of the scale, I have been known to hug the bereaved and suffering. And on one occasion sit in the gutter with a poor woman who’d just been t-boned by another driver.
It’s like the swimwear rule. One block beyond the beach and put some clothes on you exhibitionists! 😀
On Bruce L, the guy sounds like a sex pest and am unsurprised at other allegations. However that doesn’t make the which hunt against him right.
There was no which hunt.
Wilkinson and the other Moles ran interference for the lowlife from Day 1.
Guess what?
It worked.
Yeah , you did. You should have posted on the group therapy thread.
Pogria says:
December 3, 2022 at 5:53 pm
My Dinner with Andre.
I am going to watch the whole thing when I track it down.
YouTube is your friend.
December 3, 2022 at 5:49 pm
The dinner menu was Italian. I couldn’t figure out why the other two dudes passed the wine list to the other and then finally handed me to choose the wine. I’ve never seen a wine list with most bottles carrying plus $1000 bottles. It was obscene. I called over the waiter and told him that we had no interest in the wine list and if he didn’t have wine at a reasonable price we were leaving. He quickly introduced Chianti at 95 bucks a bottle.
Memories on an evaluating team 1976 visiting Sperry/Unisys in Minneapolis, being taken to dinner by our Hosts to IDS Center Tower – tallest building and only tall building then in Minneapolis
The 50th Floor contained an east-facing “Orion Room” restaurant, a north-facing bar and cocktail lounge, a private south-facing dining club (“Tower Club”), all which were converted to office space. The west-facing “University of Minnesota Alumni Club” closed to the public in 1994.
Went for a pee, and the Toilets had Floor to Ceiling windows, with 1st stupid reaction, what if someone can see you? – Dumb, up so high not a hope.
Hosts knew I liked wines, and gave me the Wine List to choose for Dinner – 1976 Cheapest Wine on list USD $150, going up to USD $3,000
Not wanting to hit Hosts with ridiculous bill, chose wines around USD $175.00
Great night
Like the PM, ABC journos can barely restrain themselves.
Good on Albanese for saying that, even if it was only to wedge Dutton.
There was no reason for Dutton to get involved, since it was a problem entirely created by Morrison and Reynolds.
Dude trust me. There’s nothing here under US$ 100 bucks a bottle at a restaurant. A steak is US$65 bucks.
Well, you’re going to the wrong places; this is Peterson’s Cuvee restaurant’s new menu. The Lamb Backstrap and the Rib Eye were great and the Roast potatoes, creme fraiche, chives as a side is to die for. Plus, you’re getting a bottle of their 2017 Semillon Pinot Noir, a great champagne at $47. Plus member’s discount. Then you can wonder down to the chocolate shop and have a heart attack in style.
Chianti at $95; give me a break.
kids don’t try this at home without a stiff drink
I’m not in NSW, you dill. I’m in NYC. The Chianti was also 2019 too.
Apropos of nothing, I just like Beauty and class.
Grace Kelly on her wedding day.
She was a sexy lady; I always liked the way she flounced Cary in To Catch a Thief. Grant looks impressed.
Why are you showing me a menu of a restaurant which is half a world away?
Tucker Carlson
James Woods: Elon Musk may have saved America
Albo and the South Australian Premier doing photo ops in the Riverland to praise up preparations for the coming Murray flood.
Andrews sole sighting in a flooded VIC town was a visit to Shepparton and a fly over with Albo.
With most of Northern Victoria in flood for months and dozens of towns hit hard this was a piss weak effort. You’ll note the media has never highlighted this behaviour.
Dan put on a press conference and threw a bit of loose change at the problem and resumed his election campaign spending extravaganza.
365 million for recovery efforts. That equals four days pay for his bloated public sector wage bill.
I’m not in NSW, you dill. I’m in NYC.
Well, that’s just fucking stupid.
Covid-19 Is a Deceptive Criminal Campaign -Dr. Mark Trozzi
The portions look small. You must be wasting away. Still in Yonkers it would pay to be light on your feet when you leave the joint.
Naaa, its really fun. The weather is on the chilly side but it’s been really nice with the exception of a few days. Coat weather but not bone chilling cold. Long walks are great.
If he’s speaking in his official role (which he pretty much always is), the PM has qualified immunity and the plaintiff would have to prove malice to overcome this. So it’d have to be shown he either knew the imputations that could reasonably be drawn from his statement were false, or he made the statement recklessly – without due consideration that reasonably drawn imputations would be false. I don’t see how the plaintiff gets there based on the above.
It’s hard to imagine a defamation action succeeding against a PM commenting on a matter of public interest unless it’s absolutely slam dunk defamatory language. Very few judges would be willing to find against a public figure of his seniority given what he said.
You’re not dining at the BMW dealership by any chance?
YouTube is your enemy.
But you can tickle it into disgorging stuff it doesn’t want to.
Tatsächlich ist es ein Rätsel …
What makes you say that, Rockdoctor? Genuinely want to know. Maybe I missed something about him.
JC – if you are, grab as much of the liquorice as you can and then feed it to personages that annoy the hell out of you.
Makes sense, it does. 🙂
Ed Casesays:
December 3, 2022 at 6:10 pm
On Bruce L, the guy sounds like a sex pest and am unsurprised at other allegations. However that doesn’t make the which hunt against him right.
There was no which hunt.
Wilkinson and the other Moles ran interference for the lowlife from Day 1.
ROFLMAO, step away from the bong, the drugs have softened your brain.
Why liquorice?
Der Fuhrer Befiehlt Wir Folgen
“Grace Kelly on her wedding day.”
What a hog.
JC – watch the film clip
I mean, there are sleazebags who nevertheless got screwed by the system. Grace Tame’s abuser springs to mind,* in that she’s now got him in a position where he’s the injured mouse and she’s the cat toying with him before she delivers the coup de grace.
*tip for people like him who are busted having sex with <16yos – in your redemption interview, don't start crapping on about how the age of consent laws are unfair because the minute before she turns 16 it's a crime but as soon as she is 16 it isn't. Kind of shows you don't really have any contrition at all
No, can’t be bothered. Explain it.
Ring, ring. Hello Kathy speaking. This is Luigi the Unbelievable. I believe you when you say you were raped at a YoungSFLosers camp. You should have your day in court. What’s that, you say you weren’t drunk and you reported it but the plods weren’t interested. Look, I can really help you get justice, but I’m sure if it happened at the YoungSFLosers camp no stone would be left unturned. What’s that, it was Young Lairs camp….click. Luigi, Luigi can you hear me.
Those food prices are ridiculous.
So glad I can cook.
Anyway, I haven’t seen or heard anything from Lehrmann himself that suggests he’s a “sex pest”. If there was, I’d be far less certain in my views about Brittany and her motivations.
Grace Kelly on her wedding day, playing the role of virgin bride
as they do
Very, very good Ranga.
And it’s exactly how it would go.
I’ve asked Miss Emily to go full Grace Kelly on our drive down the South Coast.
I sincerely hope her leggies are slightly more covered otherwise it’s distraction city. 😕
These days sex pests rarely get to the job position that Lehrmann had before the accusation. Too many ladies with too many axes.
You’d have to be a government minister to get away with that for long.
Put her in the sidecar, Rabz. She’ll be right.
Never go full Grace Kelly.
The drive down the coast may not end well.
JC – Larry discovers the “not so therapeutic effects” of imbibing large quantities of liquorice he’s lifted from his local BMW dealership (after making up multiple excuses to blunder on in there and steal as much as he can).
The episode ends just after he’s gifted a massive amount of it to the vainglorious ol’ sleazebag who fancies himself as a theatre Hollyweirdo. Exit, stage toilet.
Anyway, I haven’t seen or heard anything from Lehrmann himself that suggests he’s a “sex pest”.
You think he might do a Kevin Spacey?
If you can cook then you have to pay prices like that to get stuff better than what you can make at home.
” Room for improvement ” button should be added. A “down vote button” may cause mental problems for the poster.
And a button that does nothing when you press it ,just for shits n giggles.
oops – that’s pretty much every character in CYE.
Seems a long time ago when this place ridiculed people needing safe spaces.
OCO one of the thing I have noted from the start is that even those of us skeptics have realised there have been multiple allegations prior which have resurfaced after the supression order expired. Brit was even wary of him so something that has niggled from the start is why share a cab with him?
I’ll be honest I see smoke just not the fire. IMO pestering your workmates for dinner isn’t a crime let alone at the harassment threshold yet till informed “I consider this harassment.” If someone had actually uttered these words instead of sniping on social media behind his back then I have some doubt we’d be here.
The punishment in this case is disproportionate to any actions he engaged in that I can see. She also seemed to calculating for my liking as well adding to my benefit of the doubt for Bruce.
Hope this helps to inform on my train of though and I am open to suggestion in any flaws anyone sees in it.
Anyone been subjected to ridiculous OMCG “Toy Run” propaganda?
Top blokes, I’m sure.
“why share a cab with him”
The answer for that one is probably booze.
Any fool can cook a high marbled steak and make it tender.
Cooking a bit of yellow tray special T bone and making it tender and edible is a real skill.
They are probably smuggling precursor chemicals in the teddy bears.
The menu tonight Gez was salt crusted salmon, wasabi mayo and salad with new season baby asparagus. Dessert – vanilla bean ice cream and raspberry vinegar topping. Mmmmmm.
Well represented, the mounds of skulls that accompany the Left are made up of cultures as well as heads.
There’s a messy separation for our friends which is tee’ing off a bit of a divide. Youngish English bride, bit of a WIFO life but very down to earth hippie at heart. Groom is a bloke’s bloke, does green energy installations, hits the piss with the boys, puts the boat in, surfs.
Bride’s had a longrunning complaint that the groom has little interest in their kids and goes out with his mates, surf trips and benders, at the expense of their date nights and any sort of community engagement. Complains he controls her spending too much, runs her household budget too tight, tho he does splurge at random on things for her like convertible mercs.
Groom has batted away her criticism, says she needs to live a little and engage to make his friends into their mutual friends. Complains she wants to spend too much on things like remedial tutoring for kids and family outings.
Things as they was, I liked her a lot more than him, because we had a lot more in common, but I didn’t think he was a bad bloke, just maybe a bit self-centered and bad at any conversation which doesn’t involve himself.
I’d put them in the extremely high income for their age bracket.
Anyway, they’ve split up-
he’s immediately restructured the finances to lock her out-
she’s let slip that she caught him doing some unnamed dodgy thing with their ten y o.
It’s put the whole group of friends around them on boor war footing. Most have sided with her, and the unnamed dodgy act is a whispering campaign in her favour.
To me, my gut feeling is it’s a malicious accusation. She’s pivoted from complaining that he has not enough personal interest with their kids to accusing him of having a long-running sexual interest in them.
I’m carefully keeping quiet when the gossip is stirred up… but it’s an article of faith that I insist that the first and best thing she should do is go to the police immediately. It’s the only honourable and moral action, whether it’s motivated by outrage, malice, pity or anything in between.
Of course, the “but victims are traumatised by the justice process” trope trots out on its hind trotters. I have a hard time taking that to my face.
Frozen pizza for me. Its ok though the wife has spent a few days assisting an elderly that had fall.
If he’s speaking in his official role (which he pretty much always is), the PM has qualified immunity and the plaintiff would have to prove malice to overcome this.
I don’t know. Privilege outside the coward’s castle must have a connection to government policy and parliamentary issues. Continuing to attack the guy, implicitly or otherwise may have eroded any privilege.
Sounds great Calli.
I’m a big fan of wasabi. The Vicks VapoRub of cooking.
Why I haven’t had Covid, Gez.
If it remains unresolved it will haunt the kids for the rest of there lives.
Some personages just never stop going the gloat.
Mz Hoggins was only ever a victim of her insurmountable stupidity.
How many slaves in California?
The nine-member Reparations Task Force was formed by California Governor Gavin Newsom as part of the country’s largest ever effort to address reparations for slavery.
A reparations committee in California has suggested that descendants of slaves in the state could be compensated $223,200 each for ‘housing discrimination’.
A focus of the California task force has been ‘housing discrimination’ – it has been estimated that it would cost around $569billion to compensate the 2.5 million Black Californians for setbacks between 1933 and 1977, according to the New York Times.
The story of feminism, from a desire to empower women to the situation now where if a male puts his hand on your thigh at a dinner table, then that’s sexual assault.
My God, we’re not just at the cliff, we’ve driven over it.
Today I went down to Barangaroo to meet some family members at a restaurant, it was late afternoon. It’s been a gloriously hot and sunny day here in Sydney. Anyway, walking to the restaurant, I saw two young women walking in my direction, and it was not a pretty sight. Both young women were physically very pretty but the way they dressed degraded them. They were attired in mini mini skirts, their breasts hanging out almost to the point where you could see their nipples, they were dressed and looked like the whores you used to see on William Street Sydney. Apparently that’s now the fashion….the whore look. We now live in an age where the mantra is that it is their right to dress like this, and you must never critique them. I thought of Brittany the Knickerless. Young women have been fed such utter bullshit, it’s why Louise Perry has written a book called “The Case Against the Sexual Revolution”. The truth is that the sexual revolution has failed women and made them more miserable and most certainly more vulnerable.
The mantra of the narcissist, Cassie.
Look at me! Look at me! HOW DARE YOU look at me!
The truth is that the sexual revolution has failed women and made them more miserable and most certainly more vulnerable.
yes I recall that was Christine Keeler’s take
Tucker summarises the interaction between the top employees of Twatter and the biden administration:
Sacré bleu – so I have to break the Bonneville out of mothballs?
And there is no sidecar. She’ll have to go full ONJ. 🙂
Some great names in this list:
Marnus Labuschagne crunched an unbeaten 104 off 110 balls on the fourth morning to go with his first-innings 204, before Pat Cummins decided his bowlers had had enough rest and declared at lunch on 2-182. Labuschagne becomes only the eighth player to score 200 runs followed by another 100 in the same Test match.
He now sits with Doug Walters, Brian Lara, Kumar Sangakkara, Sunil Gavaskar, Graeme Gooch, Greg Chappell, and Lawrence Rowe to have done the same.
New Zealand admits it has direct access to Facebook takedown portal where it can flag content for censorship
Defense for Jabs Gone: Pandemic of the Vaccinated, Increased Likelihood of C19 Death
Russia spread lies through social media in 2016 to benefit Trump, that is undeniable at this point with a bipartisan report confirming it.
Twitter is one of the companies which had a corporate responsibility to ensure that didn’t happen again. Both the Trump and Biden camps got tweets deleted.
I would remind that at the point in time we are discussing, Trump was POTUS so if you want to talk about government bullying private companies, you are talking only about Trump.
It is still a live possibility that when Giuliani went to Ukraine priori to the election, he bought kompromat from Russian sources which found its way into the “laptop”. That was a viable enough scenario at the time to justify suppressing the story.
You can squeal all you like, but there is nothing to the story. There never has been.
calli – you should also get the Bonneville reference, hopefully. The scooter of choice of one of this country’s greatest cultural heropersonages (prone to ripping peoples’ bluddee arms off, as she was).
The ALPBC – if you’re after archival footage purveyed by the televisual station WOG4*, just ask the former for some of that (no, not a hot bit o’ that). They’ll fall over themselves to provide it, unless it’s been “mysteriously incinerated in a tragic archives inferno”.
*Jaw of the South Coast
Financial Crimes, COVID + Con Artists With Whitney Webb + Dr. Jessica Rose
Russia spread lies through social media in 2016 to benefit Trump, that is undeniable at this point with a bipartisan report confirming it.
Dickless, you either believe this in which case your brain is shit; or you don’t in which case it is shit piss taking.
How’s that? Are you saying John Paul Mac Isaac did not get the laptop from Hunter? Or that he added this “kompromat from Russian sources” to the laptop before handing it over to the FBI?
“It is still a live possibility that when Giuliani went to Ukraine priori to the election, he bought kompromat from Russian sources which found its way into the “laptop”. That was a viable enough scenario at the time to justify suppressing the story.”
As I wrote earlier about the fat fascist fuckwit, he’s always grasping, grasping, grasping.
the only thing for sale in ukraine is guns and whores
“Life’s too short for me to live my life as you want me to in order to make you feel more comfortable”
New World Odor™
She completely destroys the MSM’s narrative on vaccines and mask wearing.
another test again
Scientists + Physicians Against mRNA
Crooked FBI Lawyer James Baker – One of the Architects of Spygate – Was Involved in Twitter’s Decision to Suppress Hunter Biden Laptop From Hell Story
Yes, it’s baffling.
Africa is only 6% vaccinated, and covid has practically disappeared… scientists “baffled”
Cassie of Sydneysays:
December 3, 2022 at 8:24 pm
Check your language.
Monty wields great power here.
“the only thing for sale in ukraine is guns and whores”
And Zelensky.
What the west aspires to
How a Ruling Family Tipped Sri Lanka Into Economic Free Fall
The whole story is so unbelievable that Twitter execs can be excused for smelling the stink and steering clear.
‘I’m Going To Say Something That’s Probably Very Controversial’: Herschel Walker Takes Aim At Biden
Indolent, thanks heaps for your efforts and links posted.
Would Dover consider a weekly guest post for your best breaking round-up?
Cassie of Sydney
Name the most evil Jewish person in the world today.
Have a stab.
It should be pointed out that the specific tweets that the Biden camp wanted deleted were nude pics. That is the thing we are taking about.
It’s not as if there is any smoking gun. Unless you count Hunter’s nine-inch hog.
Russia spread lies through social media in 2016 to benefit Trump, that is undeniable at this point with a bipartisan report confirming it.
Russia invested some petty cash in a process that they had used for decades, during the Cold War, and continuing afterwards,
The DemonRats and US MSM (BIRM) amplified this to give Russia its greatest ever propaganda victory.
It is still a live possibility that when Giuliani went to Ukraine priori to the election, he bought kompromat from Russian sources which found its way into the “laptop”. That was a viable enough scenario at the time to justify suppressing the story.
You can squeal all you like, but there is nothing to the story. There never has been.
These two paras contradict each other. Please inform whoever is preparing the DNC talking points that they are idiots.
Everything might be a “live possibility”, but unless there is a public forensic examination of the laptop, we will never know. You can babble about “kompromat”(Don’t the fascist left just lurrrve using foreign words, does it make them feel intelligent?) and “nothing to the story, but the more you squeal about the prospect of a forensic examination, the more suspicious it looks.
Yes, Rabz. Bonneville with sidecar.
You know you have to call the Desirable Grace “Flange” now.
I know I will. 😀
Bruce Lehrmann?
Again …
Dignifying the staggering global stupidity we’ve been gifted with for the last three years as some sort of “sensible response” is now officially beyond a joke.
Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?
December 3, 2022 at 8:45 pm
How’s that? Are you saying John Paul Mac Isaac did not get the laptop from Hunter? Or that he added this “kompromat from Russian sources” to the laptop before handing it over to the FBI?
The whole story is so unbelievable that Twitter execs can be excused for smelling the stink and steering clear.
Yet the NYT now accepts that the laptop is valid.
So you are saying twitter is a publisher now. deciding what goes to print and what doesnt.
So S230 does not apply
The laptop is a maguffin. It contains no meaningful content. It is merely a prop.
The hint is that the whole thing is still about the laptop, as opposed to any specific allegation of wrongdoing.
Ticklers – you’d better not be trying to denounce certain commenters on this blog as evil.
Otherwise your house sized backside is out of here.
Coldfusion TV on YouTube covered this
Miss Emily was a bit of a contrast in my dream yesterday. She’s never flaunted her exquisiteness, but hovers around a particular invisible line. Her top yesterday being a classic example – and no, I’m not going to describe it, Cats. I had the good fortune to see it, yous didn’t! 🙂
See how the game is played? Manufacture ‘Russia interference’ out of whole cloth, use it to throttle a presidency, and then use it again, later, to suppress any story that may undermine the Dem candidate and ‘fortify’ the election.
December 3, 2022 at 9:02 pm
The laptop is a maguffin. It contains no meaningful content. It is merely a prop.
The latest DemonRat theme song: Wishin’ and a hopin’ that this might be true?
For something with “no meaningful content”, it has sure caused a lot of leftard hysteria.
“It contains no meaningful content.”
Unlikely to age well.
The hysteria on this one is all coming from the right. You are untrained hounds, all chasing the red herring instead of the fox.
cassie of Sydneysays:
December 3, 2022 at 7:54 pm
The story of feminism, from a desire to empower women to the situation now where if a male puts his hand on your thigh at a dinner table, then that’s sexual assault.
My God, we’re not just at the cliff, we’ve driven over it.
I saw two young women walking in my direction, and it was not a pretty sight. Both young women were physically very pretty but the way they dressed degraded them. They were attired in mini mini skirts, their breasts hanging out almost to the point where you could see their nipples, they were dressed and looked like the whores you used to see on William Street Sydney.
this site keeps generating memories they were dressed and looked like the whores you used to see on William Street Sydney.
Working IBM Service Bureau Palmer St (brothels in the back lane and nearby lanes) late 65 t0 early 68 -3pm to 11pm & 11pm -7am shifts – walking up to the Cross for meal breaks, got to know the ladies of the night on William St, variety of ages and lives – all interesting stories.
Can you give us some original thought, not simply regurgitate the same old DemonRat talking points.
He never has so far, why should he change now?
For those supporters of the Schlockeroos on this blogue (and yes, I do know there’s at least two or possibly three of you out there), here’s my punditry on tomorrow morning’s showdown with “la Belgranoes“:
– They will most likely do a professional job on us like the Italianos did in ’06
– We simply do not possess players as skilled as they do
– Yet, a miracle may still eventuate
This World Cup has been a roller coaster ride like no other for the Schlockeroos and those poor crazy kids that support them.
But I will be up at 6:00am, shouting the Schlockeroos on regardless … 🙂
When I lived in Elizabeth Bay would chat to the ladies in Kings Cross. They knew I wasn’t a punter. The ones near the cop shop all had kids and mothers to support. It was funny when I asked where they had been for a while? Canberra, parliament is sitting. I bet nothing has changed.
How many goals are we going to go down by, Rabz?
What’s a “good result”? Say 2 nil?
7 Nilagain
Trump’s comments on the Twitter releases
As regards the most evil personage in the world, you could almost have a poll. My candidates would be:
– George Soros (the puppet master)
– Bill Gates (the vulture making an unimaginable fortune off the suffering of others)
– Klaus Schwab (and his mentor Maurice Strong, thankfully no longer with us) who just wants to rule the world
– President Xi (who’s turning China into a prison camp)
I’m sure there are plenty of others to add to the list.
At the end of the day, it probably doesn’t matter what we get beaten by.
Soccer isn’t a real sport. Not anymore. Denying a man’s right to a belly full of grog and wearing a Crusader outfit or Viking helmet whilst sledging opposing fans takes all the fun out of it.
FIFA really fucked this up. Big time.
I just hope we don’t get embarrassed like Canada.
Anyway , “Sliante” to all you horrible crew. Drinking good single malt, and reading Ron Chernow’s biography of Ulysses S. Grant – one of the two best biographies of the man ever written – is an occupation befitting a gentleman.
From the Oz. This is the Merck drug. Merck was the company that originally had Ivermectin and said not suitable for Covid. Gets hundreds of millions from US Govt and then releases Molnupiravir which it now turns out does not work.
“The most widely prescribed antiviral drug in Australia, molnupiravir, should no longer be routinely given for the treatment of Covid-19, the national body that sets clinical medical guidelines has advised.
The new advice from the National Clinical Evidence Taskforce challenges Australia’s regimen of treatment for Covid-19, with molnupiravir currently prescribed by many GPs as a first choice treatment to eligible patients due to its suitability for most people. Another antiviral, Paxlovid, is recognised as being more efficacious but is unsuitable for many people due to its large range of drug interactions.
Doctors are not bound to follow the advice of the Taskforce, but its recommendations stand as the most authoritative guidance on Covid-19 treatments. Many GPs say they will still prescribe molnupiravir when Paxlovid is contraindicated, but the new advice will mean doctors will generally consider Paxlovid first”.
Yep. Let’s play the World Cup in Qatar.
There must have been some serious “greasing of hands” going on for that to happen. And it’s a total PR disaster for the sport, and Qatar in particular.
Can you give us some original thought
Big ask, last one was around Grade 2, when he offered an explanation of his love of donuts.
Belgranoes 1, Schlockeroos 0 (27 minutes into extra time).
More realistically, Belgranoes 3, Schlockeroos 0 after 99 minutes.
Seriously, what’s with the out of control “Fergie Time“* this world cup?
*Trigger warning: Hideously Uglee Scottish Drunk
And it’s a total PR disaster for the sport, and Qatar in particular.
Was always going to be a mutual train wreck, yet it still happened.
The idiots in charge successfully navigate into another disaster.
“It contains no meaningful content.”
Hunter and Joe and the whole Biden crime clan really screwed.
Africa is only 6% vaccinated, and bat flu has practically disappeared …
scientists “baffled”
I’m so fucking pissed of:
1) It was obvious that the experts and government were in the process of executing a fuck-up of world record proportions.
2) My call on the matter was basically right, even in the early stages of this fuck up (how can you successfully do in two years what normally takes 10?). But government decided to try and twist my arm to comply with their stupidity.
3) I was ultimately fired for being absolutely right.
Gee, no shit, Sherlock? I’ve been posting comments here for years about fifa’s legendary corruption – making as they do, the IOC look like a down at heel beggar lying in a gutter.
Yet, they just blatantly blunder on, expertly utilising their thicker than rhino hides at every conceivable opportunity.
It’s an “exclusive club” and we are not in it. Which I’m perfectly happy about. Sleeping well at night is one of the joys of life.
Rolls Royce of lathes for sale in NSW:
Just listened to two interesting interviews on TNT radio. Episode of the Mike Ryan show on 1st DEC.
Prof Wendy Hoy AO talking about the vax and blood and clotting issues.
George Christensen talking about seeing the vax through microscope and vax / virus in general
Can find TNT radio on Spotify.
From Courier Mail. Classic BS example.
A federal government department ordered Walkley Award-winning cartoonist Mark Knight to take down a Herald Sun cartoon of Uluru and demanded he apply for a permit to draw the rock.
The Herald Sun received an extraordinary legal letter on Thursday afternoon from Parks Australia – which oversees the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park – accusing Knight of breaching media guidelines with his cartoon in Wednesday’s newspaper.
The letter from a media officer demanded the drawings be removed from the web.
“These artworks do not have media permits and breach media guidelines,” the letter, dated December 1, said.
“To comply with the EPBC Act, media guidelines, ICIP (Indigenous Cultural Intellectual Property) laws and show respect for Anangu land and culture, we ask that you remove any artwork breaching these conditions and showing Uluru.”
Just wait until we have the aboriginal voice.
Rabz says:
December 3, 2022 at 6:36 pm
LOL Rabz, all fixed now, it was the mighty Google that done it.
I was permanently on VPN autoselect location, changed it now.
err, Rick – you’re not the only one who is righteously pissed off.
I saw the scam for what it was back in March 2020, thinking what are these monumental f*ckwits going to do next? Go full CCP?
That was shortly after beholding the imbeciles I worked with crouched around a computer monitor watching Goose Morristeen declare that we would be confined to our dwellings for “two weeks”.
Here we are nearly three years later and those same monumental f*ckwits are still existing on this planet. Yet to be visited with the mighty cleansing force that is HOP Time™.
No wonder St Ruth has run out of depends.
Just like mUttley’s cranium.
I saw the scam for what it was back in March 2020, thinking what are these monumental f*ckwits going to do next? Go full CCP?
Quite amusing watching them skirt around events in China. Denounce the CCP and you ultimately denounce yourself. They did exactly the same fucking thing.
China might be a spark for a world wide reset of exactly the right type.
If they hang Xi, then why the fuck not hang Dan?
Dinner tonight: Had arranged with the engineering manager to watch together a movie on TV in the public bar (a location to which I rarely venture).
He opted to not dine. Being slightly peckish I chose to bring along from my fridge a few slices of chilled roast lamb, a small packet of sultanas, & an avocado. All in a rectangular takeaway container, pre-used but carefully washed & repurposed as a standby roast lamb container.
Drinks: He opted for a can of sarsaparilla, $4, after much consideration I chose a plastic bottle of water for $3
The sarsaparilla must have hit the spot, as during one of the commercial breaks he ordered a 2nd can.
He, having class, poured the sarsaparilla over ice in a 15oz glass. I opted to help save the planet by saving on washing up by just swigging water direct from the bottle, taking care to first unscrew the replaceable plastic cap.
While there are many flavours of soft drink on offer, there is only one flavour of water available.
This is known as “water” and the $3 price point option was the only water available.
This did not perturb me any & certainly did not detract from the enjoyable movie experience.
Drills should try out as a staff writer for Saturday Night Live – a natural. So funny.
Jimmy is lawyering up after the Twitter files came out.
There’s a shot he could win too.
Week In Pictures.
Tom, that was last weeks WIP.
DrBeauGan says:
December 4, 2022 at 4:16 am
Soo,* that what it was.
Thought it looked familiar and I skipped it.
*Avoid starting a sentence with “So”