The Rector’s Garden – Queen of the Lilies, John Atkinson Grimshaw, 1877
The Rector’s Garden – Queen of the Lilies, John Atkinson Grimshaw, 1877
Agree. I think we’ve all had enough of the Saxe-Coburg Gothas too now the Queen has gone.
The tunnel and pizza crew walk again.
Oh Dear. Not wise to vandalise the Presidents home in Scotland from where he ventures forth to golf.. Especially when…
Victoriastan finances are a real issue, potentially for Australia as a whole. The State has limited revenue sources, plenty of…
You left lawyers out. A bounty perhaps.
Happened in PA, for instance.
Bernardi has a free 256-paged tome on his website called The Conservative Revolution.
Have a read a bit and looks good.
Droving cattle has to take in a heck of a lot more than just distance. The average distance covered by cattle is actually 7-10 miles a day. You also have to take into account the seasons. You can push the cattle a bit harder in Autumn and Spring as the weather generally allows for easier travelling. In Summer you obviously don’t want to be travelling during the hottest part of the day. Most people who have never moved cattle don’t know about factoring in grazing time, watering and also the time cattle need to be off their feet to enable them to chew their cud.
You also have to be aware of poisonous plants, rough country, lack of feed and water, to name a few.
There are also designated “rest” days. You cannot push any beast relentlessly and expect it to turn up at the end of the trip in good nick.
Then there are the horses and the wagons etc. Time off had to be allowed for shoeing horses, fixing gear, hunting for the pot, and resting the horses. Droving in the 1800’s was not done with utes and caravans as they are now. Horses were critical to the success of any cattle operation in the early days. In many parts of Australia they still are. Many other things too numerous to cover.
Reading accounts of cattle drives is fine, but unless you have actually been on a few, voicing an opinion is a useless exercise.
Although travelling “the long paddock”, is a thousand times easier now than in the 1840’s, it is still fraught with many of the same problems that were faced back then.
And yes, I speak from experience.
December 5, 2022 at 4:01 pm
This did not happen.
Happened in PA, for instance.
Don’t spoil with mere facts the DemonRat “narrative” that m0nty=fa is so busy promulgating.
“Mutley that’s low energy trolling, when’s your next prostate massage, seems to liven you up a bit.”
Is he a meat puppet as well?
The clearest sign yet that Twitter has become a publisher and not a platform?
Nothing yet from m0nty=fa about the numbers of January 6 people convicted and sentenced for (unarmed) insurrection.
Shirley his daily DemonRat Talking Points would include a running total?
Reminds me of the transformation of Gollum.
The Lieborals are like some dumb Labrador that follows you home. They deserve to be kicked.
Indolent et al:
Regarding the nose wiping/face brushing video – was there ever an explanation given for this bizarre performance?
WWBGTS – (What Would Be Good To See) is compulsory drug testing on the Parliament, their staffers, and the the top echelons of the bureaucracy.
Surely if it’s good enough for us, then it should be good enough for them?
Something has got to explain the quality of the decision making, implementation and advice coming from the administrators of the Nation because I’ve seen more rational policies coming from a drug fucked picnic than this.
I’ll suggest it to Our Pauline…
What a stupid comment.
Name those independent sources.
You’ve never moved cattle in your life. I was doing it from before I can remember, certainly by 3yo.
I’ve moved cattle everywhere from trips from the Barkly to the Channels, to simple one-week long trips down in inside country.
I’ve never moved cattle through the long paddock. I have some fucking idea. You got anything more than “I read it online somewhere”?
Stay in your lane.
From the Daily Mail;
Australian expat attending the FIFA World Cup in Qatar explains the Aboriginal flag to locals: ‘They are the Palestinians of Australia’
A spectator at the World Cup has given locals a lesson on the Aboriginal flag
He compared history of Indigenous Australians to Palestinians in Middle East
Duncanm, the virus is altitude sensitive.
Everyone knows this.
Belieb da science!
Basically an admission of defeat. An Albo tick-a-box exercise for the next election.
Clancy of the Overflow has entered the chat.
Good grief! Ardern is Gollum!
Do we know he are?
where he are
Interesting post, thank you Pogria. My late uncle first “went droving” out of Alice Springs in 1947.
Or you could go outside and shout at pigeons or clouds. And enjoy some fresh air and sun.
I reckon SHY would be stimulant free.
All I see is the vision splendid. Left the dusty dirty city behind last week.
A message was sent to where we’d met him years ago on the Lachlan river, & an answer came back saying “We don’t know where he are, he said he was going to Queensland”
JC, the fact that I expressed any doubt doesn’t shift the burden on to me. You initially cast doubt on the efficacy of the mask study but never managed to show how a mask study is different to any other study that would have its own variables, which those engaging in the study would be aware of and would need to account for if they were significant.
I never asked you to prove my argument, I asked you to simply substantiate yours. Leaving that aside, what are you actually asking here? You argued that a host of variables made testing the efficacy of masks impossible. You based this on the argument that in order to be able to test efficacy we would have to control the parameters you mentioned. Again, it’s not clear why this is necessary if you can’t control these parameters in practice. In other words, outside of limited use cases, we want to know their efficacy when used by the general public. Nothing you’ve raised actually indicates that a study cannot test the efficacy of masks in either narrow use cases where the staff are highly trained and disciplined in their usage or at the opposite end. BTW, I’m not sure how these studies are not falsifiable in theory or practice.
The Australian Wars on SBS needs a bit of rejigging.
African youths meet up on St Kilda beach and a couple get stabbed, one fatally. The delights of multi cultural migration.
Australian politicians are completely free from performance enhancing substances.
That must be obvious.
December 5, 2022 at 4:12 pm
From memory they had a couple of properties towards the end of the run to fatten up/ get saleable the stock.
I recall one being near Northampton or Mullewa in WA.
Move stock for a few months, fatten them up or get them back in condition for the next leg of the trip.
There was nothing but an infrequent exchange of letters until 1968, when he turned up “Down South” – manager of a certain cattle station, married to the station governess, with family in tow.
Droving is basically camping with cows. Not my cup of tea but good luck to others.
They can count on the likes of the ABC, the public service pinning up posters, businesses wanting to win government contracts proving that they have the right kind of thinking, virtue signalling from businesses not desperate for government contracts, small businesses like cafes wanting to avoid scenes with customers who demand everyone they meet agree with them, and HR departments filled with ‘soft-science’ graduates with the substance of an algal film but desperate to pretend their disciplines are, in their way, as rigorous and ineluctable as mechanical engineers and accountants.
Government is a colossus, and what it does not control directly it controls with a nod that everyone understands is a command beyond any hope of appeal. It just so happens that only progressives will use it so because they think that is what government is for.
How Mainstream Media is Destroying the United States of America
From Armstrong Economics –
“It is becoming clear day by day why the mainstream media has been so against Elon Musk buying Twitter for as they say in law enforcement, there is a “Blue Code” where cops do not rat on cops and the same is true about judges. Mainstream media is so LEFT it has forgotten how to walk a straight line. They are no longer the free press – they are propaganda organizations for the takeover of our country and in the process, they will cause civil war and the collapse of Western culture. The Biden Administration clearly violated the law by telling Twitter to delete photos of Hunter smoking crack cocaine which anyone else would be in prison.
The chaos and confusion behind closed doors at Twitter in the immediate aftermath of the October 2020 surface of Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell, has exposed that the very top-level execs at Twitter decided to label the New York Post’s story as “hacked material” without any evidence — behind the back of then-CEO and founder Jack Dorsey. Historically, those on the LEFT have always done whatever it takes to win for their very basic philosophy is to dominate society and to shut down all resistance.”
Much more at the following Web Link –
This is worth a read.
1901 protector of Aboriginals in WAs report.
I finally find out WHY the authorities stuck town limits on Aboriginals.
Spoiler: it wasnt to genocide them.
Heres a bit of his report for Broome.
To G. 8. Olivey, Esq., Broome, Inspector of Aborigines.
In complying with your request of reporting on the
aborigines in the Broome district, I beg to state as
Condition.—The natives throughout the district during
the last four years have degraded, physically and morally,
to such extent that they almost became useless, except
living on the proceeds of their women earned through
prostitution, and many offcasts are now to be found in a
state of semi-starvation, if not relieved by the Aborigines
The tribal laws and customs have been anulled through
the natives coming into constant contact with Asiatics;
where in former days old men had the young women, who
supported them through hunting, to-day most women are
in the hands of the young men and boys (who by tribal
law are not entitled to them), having stolen them from
their rightful owners by brute force, leaving the old to
fossick for themselves, whilst the young men, with their
so-procured women, follow up the pearling boats or go into
Broome (where there is a great demand for them), a distance
of from 100 to 150 miles, trading their women, aged
from 10 to 40 years, to all comers for prostitution, and
thus make a living in ease and laziness.
Remedy.—The only way, I think, this state of affairs
could be improved is to keep the natives away from town
and creek where boats are calling for water, and prohibit
any person from cohabiting with natives, as at present the
police have no power to do anything ; and, further, it should
not be lawful for any coloured man to employ natives.
I am sure if the natives are kept away from these
harbours of debauchery they will again improve, and no
support be needed for any of them; but if no steps be
taken to amend this state of affairs, instead of relieving 31
in the district the number will increase to 100 in a very
short time, as all the offcasts will fall on the Aborigines
Department for support. The approximate number of
natives now loafing in Broome district, and mostly living
on prostitution, is as follows:—Whistler’s Creek and La
Grange Bay, 450; Broome, 300; Beagle Bay, 150; King
Sound, Cygnet Bay, 200. Out of above, 300 are young
men and boys, 150 under age and old men, and the
balance (550) women and children.
Venereal Diseases have now a solid footing, and cause
great damage. Gonorrhoea and internal gonorrhoea (the
latter most damaging to natives) and syphilis have also a
footing, with a great variety of Eastern skin diseases raging
throughout the district; and I have no doubt that venereal
will stamp the race out of existence in the course of only a
short time.
No doubt about it.
There were two aspects to the “censorship” discussed in the Twitter Files.
First, there was the deletion of posts nominated by the Biden and Trump camps
Dickless lies. Trump never asked for any censorship. Rather the 2 aspects were:
Demorats lying about Trump which is positive censorship; and secondly the demorats lied about:
1 Hillary and obuma’s bugging of Trump’s Whitehouse and framing of Vice Admiral Flynn
2 The Russia Dossier
3 Russia connections with the demorats
4 Joe’s treason in using his positions, senator, VP and POTUS to sell advantage to Russians, the chunks, Ukraine and the ME
5 Joe and Hunter’s sexual perversions
6 Joe’s dementia
7 Demorat collusion with big tech
8 Hunter’s laptop
9 All lefties having no dicks
Um… er… ah…. erm…. um…. When does the ‘camping’ part take place?
A few days mustering and some yard work during the school holidays was enough pastoral bliss for the year.
it’s not stupid at all to show what a psychopathic liar you are.
Google them. Copy the excepts i posted and enter both in a google search.
Lol. You were moving cattle at 3 years old and owning cattle stations at 5.You dishonest grub.
So what? Both quotes suggest your 10 miles walk is either 50% or 100% below those estimates. Don’t give the lived experience routine as you know it doesn’t work
I read three comments online. Yours and the other two. They say you’re either wrong or lying as you’re 50% or 100% out. I know who I’ rather believe.
If you remained in your lane you wouldn’t be allowed to ever post here, you drunken liar.
Now fuck off and stop lying.
Said re the US by Zipster.
I hate to be a bore on this subject, but US politics and elections have been irremediably corrupt from the get-go, and the slavering anticipation of some for a bloodbath is unseemly, to say the least, and unsavoury to boot.
The US is not Australia. Their politics operate at a much higher temperature, always have. Those who slaver for a bloodbath in the form of civil war or insurrection are just like kids who think that video games are like reality. They have no idea (and care not) about the death and maiming and general destruction – nor about what it would do to the balance of power in world politics. This is the politics of Antifa and other childish groups who just want to destroy. A lot of Marxists were keen on this kind of thing as well, especially the younger ones.
Pre-dawn in the dairy bales making sure there was deliciousness in the troughs and then onto the shovel for the other end.
Jerseys, fortunately. Well behaved, just stay out of the way of the bulls. Horrid creatures. Then back for the afternoon shift.
Holidays are such fun!
The danger is real. 😀
And add dodgy bastards that you meet on the track.
Dover, if you have an issue with what I said, which you did, then it’s up to you to show where I’m wrong.
If you’re not sure how such a study could be falsifiable then what are you actually arguing about? I’ll ask again, how would you create a double blind test for mask wearing efficacy under Popper’s principle? I wouldn’t know where to begin, which is why I asked that if you believe it’s falsifiable then show us how.
Cooking rack of lamb tonight. The fragrance of rosemary basted in sheep fat it wafting through the house.
Just thought I’d get your digestive juices going.
The G&T made a typo.
Yep. Most guys get driven into town each night for a parma, beer and hot shower each night. Beginning to think JC might be onto something.
Speculation of a civil partitions are also fanciful.
What’s the interest rate on the mortgage for the rack of lamb, Callie.
I might have struggled at the interview stage at The Bulletin circa 1860.
Lol bons. I confess, it was disinterred from the bottom of the freezer yesterday.
An Aldi Special Buy.
I will report back on its quality in due course. The cook has done her best.
Frozen pies
Lower case ‘D’ dems did, they are the D-voting Twitter employees who suppressed links to the story.
Upper case ‘D’ Democrats party members… well Taibbi said so far he has not seen evidence of that happening.
Either Taibbi is your source, or Taibbi is not your source. Picking and choosing which (summary) statements from him to believe and not believe based on your foregone preferences is not a credible form of argument.
I also suspect the Dems (uppercase) communicated their preferences over the story’s circulation to their Twitter buddies, but without “the receipts” (as they say) this is only hypothesis.
Musk has since said that one way the release of The Twitter Files can be improved is to post more source documents along with the narrative. This should make it easier for people to interpret the documentary sources as evidence of particular shenanigans, moving them beyond the level of hypothesis.
Also Elon responds to m0nty here 🙂 https://youtu.be/cJiw_VpnGgk?t=4749
Mr Musk appears persuaded by the Twitter Files that (quote) “Frankly, Twitter was acting like an arm of the Democratic National Committee.” He says this in the context of events that occurred in the leadup to the 2020 election. However I do not recall him saying specifically that the Democrats were explicitly instigating all of these requests. His first explanation is that the Dems’ groupthink was endemic in the Twitter staff, such that no specific commands were needed for Twitter to help them out. Yet in an earlier part of the discussion he says “the level of collusion was insane”, which definitely implies two different parties working together.
So I think Taibbi was okay to hold back from making a specific Dems collusion claim if he had not seen anything to support it. But that was yesterday and Musk has seen the lot and is today characterising the evidence as above. Until we get the actual sources, Musk is a better source than Taibbi. It was collusion, that’s the word he used.
Did you read that in Breitbart or Gateway Pundit, LOL.
Waltzing Mathilda today. Jolly jumbuck time. Just stuff it in your tuckerbag.
Heh. My forebears were transported for thieving. Venison.
And cloth.
Hmm, let’s go to the Twitter Files…
You are extremely bad at this, cohenite. You keep falling flat on your face.
Would the amount of censorship be a product of how much it was sought?
There may not be symmetry in the requests and execution.
Droving is basically camping with cows
Kevin Costners poor received follow up to Dancing with wolves?
Still better than Cow creek
Or silence of the cows.
It’s not that Labor think the Voice referendum will fail miserably, I think they believe it cannot fail so why waste money on it and give the No option publicity. They probably want to say later how they were fiscally responsible.
Besides, as has been pointed out, why spend public money when every corporation is falling over themselves to push the Yes option.
go on monster, complete that quote:
oh.. and here’s a Trump request
The split (donations to party by twitter employees) in 2022 was 99.7 democrat
I did.
Umm, I never said I wasn’t sure whether a mask study was falsifiable, I said I wasn’t sure how they weren’t. There is simply nothing about the usage of masks that could not be tested. All this talk about falsifiability is beside the point anyway. If someone wanted to test whether mask usage was efficacious within a broad range of circumstances by the members of the public they would simply conduct a test within those range of circumstances involving members of the public that had been taught basic mask usage. You could compare them with a group that wore no mask or a group that wore a sub-standard mask and use the later as a placebo. And then you could just compare the rates of infection, transmission, between those who were masked and close contacts. The entire point of the study is to determine whether or not masks work in those circumstances, and there is nothing about such a study that is unfalsifiable.
Ha, Driller claims he was droving cattle at three years of age. Americans have Kevin Costner. We have Salvator Costner – the one time three year old cowboy.
Looks like I’ll have to cancel Christmas. The teevee adverts tell me lunches have to resemble a Benetton advert. Mum will be disappointed.
December 5, 2022 at 5:34 pm
Happened in PA, for instance.
Did you read that in Breitbart or Gateway Pundit, LOL.
Is that the best that the daily DemonRat Talking Points could come up with? LOL.
The Andrews gov has just announced ministers and dept changes.
Agriculture is being moved into the new department, DEECA – Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action
Does this mean we could be heading for Netherland style restrictions on farming to save the environment?
Also, with public servants be gluing themselves to great artworks?
Actually, watching a two part series on Harry Houdini at present.
Interesting bloke. He used to invite people to punch him in the stomach to show how strong he was.
He was also a Spook.
Saying you don’t understand my claim is not showing where you believe I’m wrong. Telling isn’t showing.
How would you create a placebo in mask testing keeping in mind you have to maintain all the other variables at exactly the same as in the non-placebo test?
Thanks for admitting I was right.
It’s not that Labor think the Voice referendum will fail miserably, I think they believe it cannot fail so why waste money on it and give the No option publicity.
Are you fucking serious?
What a stupid comment.
You are extremely bad at this, cohenite. You keep falling flat on your face.
Only dickless people can fall flat on their faces dickless.
Give us an example of Trump demanding censorship of anything and we’ll award you an honorary dick.
Agreed , but it’s more than that.
But it more than stupid. It borders on psychopathic dishonesty. It’s also insulting our intelligence, but being a stupid loser, you really wouldn’t be able to know better.
Driller, you’re an abomination of our species.
Pre-dawn in the dairy bales
It’s called a Cow Bail by people who have actually been in one.
learn to cook
Other way around. They figure if it is advertised there will be blowback. The resentment of the aboriginal industry is pretty deep in the suburbs, but it they can keep it at the shallowest possible level they figure they can get it up.
If there was the slightest benefit by chucking money at the yes case the floodgates would be opened. It’s not their money after all, it’s ours. But the likes of ATSIC and Thorpe, Langton and other loud and obnoxious black armbanders, plus land councils claiming everything they can get away with, have made it dangerous to call attention to this issue. Which is why Jacinta Price is doing so.
Jordan Peterson explaining how he avoids left wing protestors when he speaks on campus.
I think Kevin Costner would be more Brokeback Mountain than Dances with Wolves.. Which reminds me I must follow up my Australia Council grant application for an Australian adaptation starring Warren Entsch.
It’s called a Cow Bail by people who have actually been in one.
The mystery of where ed-Mong gets his Ed-facts from is solved.
The only remaining question wide mouth or grain shovel for maximum content?
Sal saying he was droving by the age of three is not unusual. Country kids were pulling their weight on the farm by three or four. They still are. You only have to check out the Cattle or Sheep pavilions at any of our Royal shows to see children barely past toddler stage leading calves and sheep to mum and dad. Also getting hay and helping with the grooming.
That’s just how it is.
you’re an abomination of our species.
The abominable cowman?
‘Zero Tolerance’: Suspension Rate Nearly Doubles For Twitter Accounts Exploiting Child Sex Abuse Material
We didn’t have many 3yo in the yards. They couldn’t reach the gates. They would have if they could get around that issue.
Become a PHON candidate in NSW and fight dicklessness everywhere!
General Public Unaware of Push to Normalize Pedophilia in Culture and Academia: Counselor
I reckon so.
Where does this leave Albanese’s promise that Australia would feed the world?
JC has moved plenty of cattle over the years. Mostly from one side of his plate to the other.
Study: Hey, these offshore wind farms aren’t good for the ecosystem
Maxine Waters’ Disgusting Suck up to Sam Bankman-Fried Receives an Even More Disgusting Response
The Liars really hate farmers. They aren’t even pretending now.
How those activities you mention an example of a 3 year old kid driving cattle for 15/2o miles a day on a horse?
Hunter gathering is where it’s at.
I did show where I thought you were wrong, back here and elsewhere.
You give the placebo group a mask that you think is considerably below par. And, again, these “other variables at exactly the same as in the non-placebo test” do not need to be maintained because they do not need to be maintained even within each group. What needs to be maintained are the conditions that are going to obtain in each use case, whether it’s in a surgical setting, in an office space, in a residential dwelling, or the like because that is what you are testing; namely, the efficacy of masking in each use case.
I Accidentally Interviewed SBF And He Hated It
Dan’s going to be such a drag on Eblow’s government he may have to be rolled internally.
I don’t think anyone in the VIC ALP caucus would strongly object.
No it’s unnatural, Matrix.
I dont know if this is pure pizzagate pandering by a clever chap, or part of something real.
Only 1/2 way through.
Selling kids for brothel/spare parts in Eastern Europe.
December 5, 2022 at 6:11 pm
‘Zero Tolerance’: Suspension Rate Nearly Doubles For Twitter Accounts Exploiting Child Sex Abuse Material
Why am I not surprised that all those DemonRat supporting Twatter staff had been less than vigorous in policing such material? Good to see Musk stepping up the pace.
Constitutional recognition, a Voice to Parliament, and a treaty will solve all the problems, surely?
He’s shaping up to be one of the more ghastly creatures in the Lefty firmament.
To start with he’s a loud and proud vegan. Then it goes downhill from there.
Ten miles. You try to keep up twenty miles for more than one day, or with weaker cattle, & see how you go. Where the farq do you get this “Twenty miles a day” from?
3yo hangs on for dear life to a monkey grip atop a tired old pensioner (sometimes on a lead behind a grown-up’s horse) & pretends they’re part of the action.
If your experience has revealed a better way to bring along a 3yo with a mob of cattle, we’re all ears.
Lâmb Report.
Ten minutes searing, 20 mins at 170C fan forced, 20 minutes rest under foil.
It was a monster, but cooked up like a dream. Four serves worth, at least. As usual, the still baa-ing bits were in the centre, so it was a dish for all tastes. Good. Different.
‘We have a psychopathic entity with increasing control over our lives over the last 3 decades’
THAT entity is Big Pharma
The thought has crossed my mind that maybe Hungary was better off in the eastern block. Fuck the EU is evil.
Albo has the crud. I wonder how many times he’s been jabbed?
Anthony Albanese contracts COVID-19: Prime Minister says he will be isolating and working from home after positive PCR test (Sky News, 5 Dec)
Twice this year so far, eh. I wonder who he caught it from this time?
Chuck Todd is a mendacious prick.
Chuck Todd is a mendacious prick.
part of the legacy meja so of course he is
What a stupid comment.
Two excerpts from a google search tell us that you’re either wrong or just plain lying as usual.
As an all day thing, sun up to sundown a three-year old on the back of a horse? For days on end? Bullshit.
Oh, we’re doing a present day invocation of The Sundowners are we. Dad was a Robert Mitchum?
You’re so freaking dishonest.
Majority of the Labor government hope The Voice referendum result will be NO. Why would they want to deal with the new powers of Many Nations
PM will be able to tearfully say he put his heart and soul into it
Miranda Devine
FBI warned Twitter during ‘weekly’ meetings of Hunter Biden ‘hack-and-leak operation’ before censoring The Post
Leaked Documents Outline DHS’s Plans to Police Disinformation
Suspect Steven Conroy is waiting for the call. The Vic Liars Caucus are a bunch of pussies. They’ve seen what happened to Somurek
It’s a shame Furedi didn’t even mention the key ‘reforms’ Brussels wants to see in Hungary; to wit, the full trans-homosexual, anti-Christianity agenda
The child protection and youth justice systems are operating as an inextricably linked pipeline: from child protection to youth justice to the adult justice system
If only there was some sort of trigger event or cycle of events occurring BEFORE the kids end up in child protection or the prison system.
As it is the government just swoops down out of the sky and steals pickanninnies from their mother breast… or something.
If you have COVID-19 and cough next to someone from 8 inches away, wearing a cotton mask will reduce the amount of virus you transmit to that person by 36 times, Howard found.
Numerically impossible. If you reduce ANYTHING, including transmission of a virus, by a factor if ONE, then you have NOTHING. If the dickhead Howard believes you can reduce the transmission by more than a factor of ONE then all he has done is display his absolute ignorance.
I think Kevin Costner would be more Brokeback Mountain than Dances with Wolves.. Which reminds me I must follow up my Australia Council grant application for an Australian adaptation starring Warren Entsch.
It’s a little known fact that they were planning a sequel where two Maine lobster fishermen get lost at sea and try to find their way to Port while exploring their sexuality. The film was going to explore the medical consequences of male to male sexuality.
It was to be called “Brokeback Passage”.
Think about it.
C.L., if you’re still lurking…
Thanks for the “readings” at your blog. They take me back to my youth.
Sometimes there’s a hair’s breadth between Catholics and Anglicans. And seeing the days of the Church Calendar celebrated in Scripture is one of them. God bless you, dear friend.
This is the left, the team mOron fully and wholeheartedly supports;
The left and how they play with words;
“Mom who hunts down p3dophiles says its unthinkable to call them ‘minor-attracted persons‘”
Wow they actually went there. Interfering in the market that they themselves have perverted due to “renewable” subsidy mining. We knew they were going to mess with gas but thermal coal… Couple of phone conversations I had today the word blindsided was used, reminds me of Rudd’s MRRT. Swan was at least smart enough to target profits but these guys are going the full on socialism path.
As others have said unintended consequences. Don’t think Albo is emulating Whitlam, more like Atlee in the post war UK.
Interestingly most of the guys who ride bikes grew up fanging around farms in their youth, although most have swapped to something more age appropriate, a big bore BMW or something. My half brother was still getting around on a Japanese thumper but at least he had swapped in an Ohlins rear shock.
Yep. Positively Whitlamesque.
eat the bugs, own nothing, be happy
… make sure you bring a beanie and scarf
Still on the 15-20 miles!
The little kids would be up on the old stock horses bringing up the rear. They would never be placed at the front or the side of the herd. Mum would either be riding alongside or she’d be keeping an eye on them from the wagon.
They weren’t left out there for more than an hour or two. As for little kids not being able to ride for long, poking along on a quiet horse is no ordeal.
When I was seventeen, I worked for a family who bred Herefords and Stock Horses. They also played Polo. The granddaughters’ fourth birthday was due and I had to work on a small pony, about ten hands, that was to be her birthday present. He wasn’t bad, just hadn’t been used for a couple of years.
That kid could ride so well, she put me to shame. She was also already swinging a miniature Polo mallet with precision. She could also out swear me, much to my surprise. Country kids are TOUGH.
The Frolicking Moll:
Valid point.
Evil liar, there’re no other words that fit. Trump has a Jewish family and arranged the Abraham Accords. Which Biden is currently undermining.
He places great emphasis on friendship, but unfortunately his “friends” have often not turned out to be that. Kanye may be mentally ill but he is also disingenuous and disloyal.
we must preserve barely out of the stone age culture for future generations to gawk at
I test loaded an i3 Intel NUC and it worked like a charm
your package is now en route
hope your target device is a 64-bit machine
Gottliebsen has a column on Albo’s brain fart in Teh Paywallian. Naturally he isn’t particularly complimentary.
With 10% for the Big Guy.
Hey what a stinker Yanoppolis has turned out to be- was always all about him.
The thought of him trying to install it on an Atary isn’t totally out there.
PROOF: Crooked Secretary of State Katie Hobbs Had Twitter Silence Her Critics in Arizona – Prior to Gubernatorial Run – Data From MO vs. Biden
Donald Trump is NOT an anti-Semite, in fact, Trump is a philo-Semite.
I always find it amusing when progressive Jew haters call Trump an anti-Semite. There’s one here.
Where does this leave Albanese’s promise that Australia would feed the world?
Maybe he was thinking along the lines of feeding the World Australian insects. I know that there are plenty of cockroaches in Federal/State/Territory Parliaments…………………………
Case here, in the Wild West, where an Aboriginal child was removed from an abusive family, and, in the name of “preserving the culture,” was resettled with another Aboriginal family….where they were also abused……
Colonel Crispin Berka:
The term “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest” comes to mind.
Bolt is now interviewing an Aboriginal woman from the NSW north coast about Mount Warning now not only being for Aboriginals but only Aboriginal men.
First, I have no sympathy for any of them. Second, she is the most blonde woman I have ever seen and it’s not just grey, looks very Nordic but I’m supposed to believe in her aboriginality. Ah of course, professional Aboriginal, not necessarily Aboriginal Aboriginal.
Bolta interviewing some blue eyed blonde proud 3rd generations bint called stella wheildon about the banning of the punters from going to Mt Warning. She is circumspect about the general ban and more concerned that the big symbolic phallus was part of secret women’s business.
I wonder how a party which had policies for banning alarmism being taught in schools, building new coal, nuke and gas, removing all land title rights and making 2 genders compulsory would go?
Woke Royals Bend Knee For Ngozi Fulani
Consistent with my theory that all demorat women are hideous:
The Democrats new Whip in the House Katherine Clark says one of her kids used to wake up with nightmares about climate change. I’m not joking. This is insane. She should apologize to her kid for scaring them with climate change propaganda.
Apparently her name is really Marlene Headley.
Another stupid comment.
Not ill-informed, or misguided. Stupid.
I wonder if we can train Killer Whales to knock those damn things down?
Steve Hilton: It’s time to call out Apple’s economic betrayal of America
Perfect. Chief’s kiss.
Free Willy!
Might want to give Perf and the Big Sneakers a miss then.
Sorta looks like some faction of women have been left out of the moola flowing from Mt. Warning.
They’ve been banging on a bit around the ridges about how it was closed on false information from “some men’s group” etc etc.
Bolta interviewing some blue eyed blonde proud 3rd generations bint
But she can still complain about being “discriminated against” because she’s black?
What a world!
Matrix Transform:
Yes – Dell 2710 XPS Inspiron.
Great great grandfather was Irish with a short fuse, easily lit. His daughters wore divided skirts, and rode astride, when such conduct was not thought “ladylike.” Ladies rode sidesaddle, but “I’m not ruining any good horse by putting one of those monstrosities on it’s back.
That’s damn rich coming from a Stella Artois drinker…
A family of pommelhumpers then!
Sounds like Snowy 2.0 is going see WA based engineering firm Clough going to God. Another Waffleworth success story. A couple of guys from school started there after Uni. They were twins and one of them was scary smart.
Fulani is a common surname in Nigeria.
Quite plausible, then, that that’s where the lady’s ancestors originated.
Which mgiht explain why she choose it to replace her Afro-Caribbean Anglo name.
Lady Hussey might have been more tactful, but it seems Ms. Fulani might also have been more forthcoming about her origins, which in other contexts she is certainly not shy about.
Easy Tiger. Take it outside.
Reports from friends of a power outage (bleckout) in SW Sydney today (Sefton to be precise)
From about 1:30pm to 2:15pm
Temp in SW Sydney hit high 30’s (Celsius)
peak a/c demand time?
If Mr shatterzz is around, did you notice anything in your neck of the SW Sydney woods? ( Fairfield )
Apparently it was tough on them. Sidesaddle horses had a considerably shorter working life than regular horses.
I used to think my Great-Grandmother was a feeble near-deaf old thing who knitted & darned all day. Wasn’t impressed. Until my Grandfather informed me that when she was a teenager Great Grandma & one of her (many) brothers used to break horses together around the district. He broke them to the saddle or shaft, she specialised in sidesaddle.
I knew I’d never measure up to that, not as long as I lived.
For Cat fans of the Podcast of the Lotus Eaters there are two rippers up at the moment:
. A National Eulogy by Connor discusses the destruction of his family dynasty from the East End – it makes you want to climb into the screen and hurt someone – it even features the role of the ‘Call the Midwife’ culture.
. Doc Holliday. Beau’s usual exhaustive (anal) exploration of the minutiae of history applied to a gun slinger. Great stuff.
Apparently Marlene Headley, alias Ngozi Fulani, turned up at the Buck House shindig clad in a leopardskin number & bunging on her idea of an “African” accent when she spoke. (Whatever that may mean).
This may have assisted Lady Hussey to assume the muttering tribeswoman clad in animal skins (apparently she looked more like a witchdoctor than a charity executive) was not from a couple of suburbs away.
A few cool summers would have the network guys nervous. They would be flying blind.
Great grandmother achieved fame by hitting a would be house-breaker over the head with a rolling pin – he slumped, stunned, to the floor, she and her daughter bound him with the cord of the electric iron, and rang the coppers. He was well known to them, and they are supposed to have been laughing so much they could barely make the arrest.
This was a lady, born in the year of Custer’s Last Stand, and lived to watch the moon landings.
Fulani is a common surname in Nigeria.
It’s her husband’s surname.
Quite plausible, then, that that’s where the lady’s ancestors originated.
Unlikely, the Fulani were slavers.
Which mgiht explain why she choose it to replace her Afro-Caribbean Anglo name.
You’re trying too hard.
Great Grandmother was 15 yrs younger than that. Though lived to the moon landings & jet age.
Her large flock of brothers, not sure how many there were, was significantly reduced in number by 1919. IIRC only one was fit for farming/forestry work (or horsebreaking) ever again.
Apropos of drovers & droving, here is one of the few televised interviews with a working drover. (total interview length: seventeen seconds)
His response to the reporter’s request is typical of the droving breed.
is a piece of shit
What a coincidence:
Whether that’s true of not ,I’d be inclined to give someone of Lady Hussey’s vintage and record of service a pass on this and quietly suggest that perhaps it was time she enjoyed some downtime during her golden years.
Evidently Prince William thought it best to capitulate to the race baiters and make an example of her, which is disappointing if not predictable. And it only sets him up for more shakedowns in the future.
What he and his advisers don’t realise is that the opponents he is attempting to placate are not reasonable people acting in good faith but will only be satisfied when the monarchy is dissolved completely.
The bitch was wearing a wire. As you do when going to tea.
(the full details of Ms. Headley/Fulani’s attire/accent etc have been all over pommy twitter)
And the “royals”, root and branch have been royally conned.
She’s made a fool of the King and the Heir.
Didn’t take much, did it?
I bet she can’t even read chicken entrails.
I still don’t understand why asking someone where they are from is considered to be bad manners. I know people tend to get antsy about it but the question is an expression of interest and hardly consists of some racial slight. Seems to be about bullying people that are trying to be friendly.
I had my nails done today, and the pretty young woman sitting opposite me doing my nails was clearly from somewhere in Asia and had an accent so, I asked her….
“Where are you from?”
She answered…”Vietnam”
And I then asked….”North or South Vietnam?”
She answered… “South Vietnam, from “Ho Chi Minh City” and I said “Saigon”, and she smiled and said “yes, that is its real name”.
We then proceeded to have an interesting conversation about South Vietnam, the Vietnam war, how her grandparents, who were business owners in 1975 when the Communists took over, were deemed class traitors and spent time in prison. She described how she has lots of relatives in the US, France and here in Oz. She then said how much she hates communism and loves the freedom here and I thought to myself, maybe there is hope for this country, from people like her, who come here, work hard, are aspirational. It’s her vote the Liberal Party should be courting.
And when my nails were done (they look fab, painted “duck egg blue”), I walked back to the office and I thought to myself, that’s what happens when you ask someone “where are you from”, you end up having a wonderful conversations with a woman who is an asset to this country, and that was poor Lady Susan’s bad luck, she tried to have a conversation with a hideous, narcissistic, vulgar, parasitic, UK loathing Marxist race grifter.
Strep A WARNING: NHS issues urgent alert as 12-year-old boy becomes SEVENTH child to die from infectious disease
Parents should call 999 or go to A&E if a child is having difficulty breathing (such as grunting noises or tummy sucking in under the ribs), pauses in breathing, blue colour to a child’s skin, tongue or lips, or if a child is floppy and will not wake up or stay awake.
Civil contractors and contract miners are often 1 project away from oblivion. Better it is done in private as Multiplex found out to their detriment.
December 5, 2022 at 8:51 pm
Marlene Headley, alias Ngozi Fulani
is a piece of shit”
Correct, and that’s probably still too complimentary.
Well yes, Cassie.
Why couldn’t George III and Prinny work that out? It isn’t as if you couldn’t Google her.
Dumb and Dumber.
“What he and his advisers don’t realise is that the opponents he is attempting to placate are not reasonable people acting in good faith but will only be satisfied when the monarchy is dissolved completely.”
Indeed, and I wrote as much the other day. The royals are treading on very thin ice.
Anything’s possible, particurlay when Ms. Fulani herself is not that forthcoming with details.
In any case, Ngozi is a Swahili name.
And I must say, it’s encouraging to see you attempt too argue on the basis of facts rather than your usual modus operandi, Ed.
I’ll count that as a minor victory. Stick to it now, though!
Cassie at 9.02pm
Wonderful post, Cassie.
I missed that, Cassie.
I wouldn’t really miss the Windsors not that Elizabeth and Philip are gone, but that doesn’t mean I’d welcome what and who replaces them.
now that…
Oh and I was reminded of something today, in relation to Prince Chilla and Prince William throwing Lady Susan under the bus, someone who’s served the royal family for over sixty years, a woman who is William’s godmother (and I think a cousin of his late mother, Diana), I was reminded of Chilla’s great-grandfather King George V, who threw the Tsar and his family under the Bolshevik bus in 1917. Kerensky asked the British government if they’d grant the Tsar, his wife (who was a granddaughter of Queen Victoria and basically British) and their five children a safe haven in the UK, but King Georgy Porgie panicked and said no. They have form.
Reposted (by me) @ 9.03pm
For your reading pleasure.
Nails it. Prince Bill would be well advised to reflect on the direction he’s opting to follow.
“Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:
December 5, 2022 at 9:03 pm”
Thanks Sal.
This is what ‘liberal democracy’ looks like under prime minister Mark Rutte.
ZK2A sad to see Clough fall over. Harold gave us use of an office in Mount Street for peppercorn rent for 18 months. No other charges, just happy to someone have a go. He still gave us work as well.
Justine Trudeau C21 is banning “weapons of war”. ie hunting rifles. What are they afraid of? The fact is WEF stooges are waging war on western civilisation and are scared shitless of a little blowback.
So far these turds are attempting to boil the frog slowly , one tiny step at a time, with plausible deniability. At some point enough people are going to wake up. That’s what they are terrified of.
You would say King Chuck and Prince Bill are probably 50:50 at driving the monarchy over a cliff. Physically they are the equivalent of Madam Tussauds although they play an important role in a constitutional sense.
Old man Clough was probably as close to old money as Perf gets. Yep, a shame.
He didn’t make many friends with his enclave in Mosman Park though.
Also: Constantinople.
Love the Vietnamese people. Utterly disgusting that Paul Kelly and Labor crumb maiden Troy Bramston wrote thousands of words last week lionising Whitlam but neither mentioned his infamous belief (“f-cking Vietnamese Balts”) that refugees fleeing the communists could drown or be shot before he approved their entry into Australia. God bless the memory of Sir John Kerr.
“Love the Vietnamese people. “
Me too, a gift to this country.
I agree. Lady Susan was being set up, and William should have seen that and stood by her Charles too.
What on earth is wrong with an eighty-three year old being interested in the origin of the non-white woman wearing an African style of costume at a charity event for Caribbean victims of domestic violence? What indeed would there be wrong with a forty-three year old woman asking the same? Or anyone? A loyal older lady is being ridiculed and removed for being normal and polite. Ageist and sexist, to say the least. And not even vaguely ‘racist’.
I think most of Britain is on her side, not that of these timid Royals. An apology and restitution is due.
Toughen up Royals on this or Cassie will be right. You goose will be cooked by Marxists.
Thank you, Calli. 🙂
Dad always had a Columban Mission Society calendar in our kitchen and I always took an interest in the saints’ days and the Scripture readings for daily Mass. Little things can be very influential – more so than grandiose “synods.”
Majorly this.