Mary and Joseph on the Way to Bethlehem, Hugo van der Goes, 1475
Mary and Joseph on the Way to Bethlehem, Hugo van der Goes, 1475
Crossie March 31, 2025 12:00 pmThe Democrat party is evolving into a fascist party before everyone’s eyes, turning every state…
Re-open Andersonville …….!
I suggested we leave animal rights out of it.
What strain ..? as strong a show of support for the Muslim community as you can get at a time…
the fool never has an original thought of his own
Drunk in the afternoon. tick
Angry at the world for ending up as a motel employee in a malaria riddled shithole. tick
Join any pile to relive the pain. tick.
Let us not be too Andrew Hastie!
Taibbi already posted as part of the Twitter Files that the Trump campaign requested and received takedowns of individual posts. He didn’t give examples.
Well, there you are folks: thousands of examples of twats being taken down by the dickless minions at twatter at the demand of the demorats and their fellow dipshits including the fbi; and our very own little dickless grub asserts the old equivalence turd that Trump did the same but can’t provide one example. Not one. Dickless is so dickless he has a protruding arse.
The World’s Greatest Southlander, Magic Marvin, chimes in too. The other deadbeat with a “family” issue. The Great Southlander who thinks at light speed and has no time for mere niceties like capitalization.
Yeah, me from the Plantagenet line, but the last thing I want to do is go anywhere near the throne. That is why I reside in Australia.”
There is actually a credible Plantagent claimant in Australia, he resides in Hay NSW. I remember the documentary back in the early 2000s.
The current Stuart claimant is a German, the Duke of Bavaria.
Both men are ineligible because they’re Roman Catholics.
“Andy Hastie for me is the only Lib with any capacity to recreate the SLF and as leader take the conservative fight to the Marxists.”
No. He testified against BRS earlier this year. I don’t trust Andrew Hastie.
no mention why this outbreak is killing kids
The issue here is the ongoing attempts to hobble the US ability to prepare for war. While the Biden administration sells huge amounts of gas to China, it is refusing to allow drilling and the refilling of the SPR.
Something that hasn’t been mentioned is the mineral reserves of nickel, molybdenum, copper, etc. I haven’t seen the latest levels but I hope someone is keeping an eye on them.
As someone mentioned before, the US Constitution is incapable of dealing with this level of treason.
The female Monty.
Jailed climate protester Deanna ‘Violet’ Coco alleges NSW Police threatened her with ‘sexual violence’ and refused to feed her (Sky News, 6 Dec)
No. He testified against BRS earlier this year. I don’t trust Andrew Hastie.
He also parroted leftie talking points about Trump. He’s a typical conservative who can’t see the woods for the trees.
The Sistahood won’t be happy. One of the two women who defrauded senior NAB executives of millions sent to Stone College ahead of sentencing.
December 6, 2022 at 6:35 pm
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity says:
December 6, 2022 at 6:26 pm
johanna says: December 6, 2022 at 1:07 pm
Dutton is a dickhead.
It’s getting to the point where it is difficult to arrive at any other conclusion.
Drunk in the afternoon. tick
Angry at the world for ending up as a motel employee in a malaria riddled shithole. tick
Join any pile to relive the pain. tick.
Jerky Crunt……………………..
– Pompous Windbag – TICK
– A Wanker – TICK
– Tosser – TICK
– All round Plonker and Alleged Know it All – 200 TICKS
If you want sexy and intellectual, it’s hard to go past Jennifer Oriel.
Just on Credlin.
Fab on all scores.
johanna says: [hic]
Dutton is a dickhead [hic].
Drovin’ Sal, the Passive/Aggressive Publican, chimes in:
It’s getting to the point where it is difficult to arrive at any other conclusion.
It’s not up to Dutton to make the running on The Voice, it’s up to Albanese.
If Albanese runs dead, then there’s nothing to oppose and The Voice is history.
As far as Senator Anus and the guy whose mother enrolled him as a Citizen of Italy go, they’re both shitheads not worthy of any response.
The female Monty.
Isn’t he female? Who knew?
The classic “Im so desirable that everyone wants to rape me” trope?
Jailed climate protester Deanna ‘Violet’ Coco alleges NSW Police threatened her with ‘sexual violence’ and refused to feed her
I’m not going to sit here and write the entire methodology. If you are testing to see if masks hinder infections during surgical procedures monitor the usage of masks for a month, and see what the rate of airborne infection is, test patients for airborne infection before they enter the surgery, and so on, then run a month long exercise doing the same thing but for the use of masks. Compare the two.
I do know that but I was thinking of a mask that is practically ineffective that would satisfy as a placebo, which is for the patient to imagine they were being given an intervention when in fact they weren’t.
On the contrary, it would tell you exactly what you need to know if you were considering using a mask.
The Plant Agent line – January 6th?
“He also parroted leftie talking points about Trump. He’s a typical conservative who can’t see the woods for the trees.”
Yep, and quite frankly, I’m sick and tired of such “conservatives”. He and others like him can just fuck off.
“I spent three days in the remand centre. I do not enjoy breaking the law. I wish there was another way to address this issue with the gravitas that it deserves.”
How about a public debate with …oh, let’s see…Ian Plimer then?
Enough gravitas for you?
More serious than parking a truck on the SHB, wouldn’t you say?
My physio (I call her “my” after a single visit) is a kindred spirit. Everyone in her family has had covid except her. She even went back home to the UK – nothing. Tried hard, no dice.
We compared notes on all the virus putrid places we had been. We are Legend.
She doesn’t want to see me again. My well-honed interpersonal skills won in the end. 😀
I used to think I was just a regular person, but…
I was born white, which now, whether I like it or not, makes me a racist.
I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today’s standards, makes me a fascist.
I am heterosexual which, according to gay folks, now makes me a homophobic.
I am non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class and an ally of big business.
I am a Christian, which now labels me as an infidel.
I am older than 70, which makes me a useless old man.
I think and I reason, therefore I doubt much that the main stream media tells me, which must make me a reactionary.
I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive Aussie culture, which makes me a xenophobe.
I value my safety and that of my family and I appreciate the police and the legal system, which makes me a right-wing extremist.
I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each individual’s merits, which today makes me an anti-socialist.
I believe in the defence and protection of the homeland for and by all citizens, which now makes me a militant.
Please help me come to terms with the new me… because I’m just not sure who I am anymore!
France Is Banning Some Short Flights in Emissions Crackdown
Short flights won’t take off across France anymore, so long as there’s an efficient train line that can connect commuters from point A to point B. In an aggressive effort to lower the country’s emissions, France has banned flight routes for locations where connecting train service would only take 2.5 hours or less.
And so inflate the price of a TGV ticket beyond its now exorbitant cost. And the. Go on the usual summer strike.
Yep. That’ll work.
I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.
– Alexander the Great
its not just germans, the woke neo-marxists are frog marching us into a dystopian Logan’s Run Totalitarian type of future.
What makes it worse is we all don’t get our equivalent
Jenny Agittar
your owns posts JC?
… you sorry clown
Iirc TGV is state owned, whereas the airlines are mostly private.
All in all, despite conceding that they’re in power by default (on32% of the primary vote), the report offers a 27 point plan to become a long term progressive government, despite all but acknowledging that they have no mandate for such a program.
If Dutton can’t make hay out of this he’s not worth his salt.
Any particular reason you’re down on Dutton, Roger?
[apart from you being a lifelong Labor voter?]
Back to your usual method then, Ed.
Can’t be too long before guys called Mo start to put trucks full of rocks onto TGV tracks.
It’s hard to stop a train going at 400 kph. And there’s a lot of track.
This place : university :: Bette Midler : Kate Upton
“He also parroted leftie talking points about Trump. He’s a typical conservative who can’t see the woods for the trees.”
Hastie is a liberal, not a conservative, and he’s never claimed to be a conservative.
Trump is a Pied Piper who left his followers for dead.
How many from Jan 6 2021 are rotting forgotten in some D.C. dungeon?
Dan gives money to promote the teachings of the prophet:
“An education process that everyone across our state knows about the works of the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him”
UK oncologist warns of cancers rapidly developing post-Covid vaccination – “I am experienced enough to know that these are not coincidental”
Here’s a list of 94 incidences this year when vast numbers of animals have died suddenly
What a stupid comment.
Bear Necessities:
I am the Australian Truly Rooley Rightfu’ King.
And I await my ascension to the throne where my first act of Kingliness will be a… PURGE!
You may kiss my ring.
FFS gentlemen, keep some wits about you.
“Stealthing” comes from the same stable as “incels” and the moral panic about over-porned boys demanding “the girlfriend experience”
ie they are totally fictitious hobgoblins bred and distributed by the marxist schoolmarms of the feminazi lizard people. Don’t give them any credence, you’re just feeding oxygen to the beast that wants men demonized, children sexualized, pearls clutched, and gavels banging “guilty!”
To which American ‘political’ club do you donate?
Fauci coming to dinner at your place?
Your ‘trade’ is insider traders trading.
But a mask will keep the fauci virus inside.
You can’t stouch your way out of a wet paper bag!
93.1% of them.
Link not working for me, Jorge.
Has Dan converted?
No Christian could invoke peace upon a false prophet.
unanimously passed, anyone think that such a thing a conservative party even exists anymore?
Trump is a Pied Piper who left his followers for dead.
How many from Jan 6 2021 are rotting forgotten in some D.C. dungeon?
I concede Trump was outsmarted by the hags and hacks of the demorats. He should have realised that when the kunt pelosi refused his offer of the National Guard the fix was in. But seriously crotchless to say Trump has left his supporters rotting in jail is a stretch even for your chafed thighs. The whole thing was a set-up from Ray Epps to having officer Sicknick’s body lie in state for a week. No video of the riot (sic) has been released and only a couple of the imprisoned have been brought to trial and given extraordinary sentences. Trump is funding the defences of the rest but to blame him for the rotten state of justice in the US is to claim you and dickless are not 2 sides of the same toilet bowl.
““An education process that everyone across our state knows about the works of the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him”
The works of Islam’s prophet? A short history of Mo and Islam….practices and condones rape, pedophilia, murder, enslavement, lies, deceit, theft, genocidal Jew hatred, and animal cruelty. Am I missing anything?
TE, Napoleon did say that, however the English had been fighting in India and America and probably lots of other places. Wellesley had a pretty good army to command, the poms went on to conquer most of the world. The shopkeepers kept the money flowing and enjoyed the glory. Now it doesn’t matter if the cause is good or bad, if you win you’re evil.
That was the first day.
The ‘green leap’ forward
In addition to the Dutch government demanding 30 per cent of livestock in the Netherlands to be (literally – not figuratively) burned at the stake of Net Zero, Christianne van der Wal went on to offer ‘peak polluters’ a future involving a torture chamber of tailor-made permits and taxes.
Ostensibly it is for the prevention of phoenixing of construction businesses.
I think it is more of a control mechanism than a tax grab, but if it gets hacked, it basically gets put out in the trash where it belongs.
I hope so.
By christ they’d be bored.
“Wow another comment about Warhammer regarding Nurgle and Isha. This guy is obsessed!”
Trump should have gutted intel and law enforcement bar the military, Secret Service, National Parks Agents and US Marshals.
The FBI, CIA and DHS are crooks, monsters and fascist lickspittles.
sound the alarm gerbil warmongering has arrived!!!
When I was in short pants we called it “summer.”
Andrews is funding islamic proletizing.
Well done.
The Biden Administration Wants Taxpayers to Pay for Transgender Child Mutilation
Definition –
During?! Will someone tell me how this can be done? I’ve been trying all day and getting nowhere.
No video of the riot (sic) has been released and only a couple of the imprisoned have been brought to trial and given extraordinary sentences.
Trump is funding the defences of the rest …
HorseShit, Mr Sulu.
You made that up.
Trump Clarifies Statement Misrepresented as a Call to End to U.S. Constitution
That stench from Arizona grows
Do as we say, NOT as we do……
An English teacher proudly hates the English language
Trump is funding the defences of the rest …
HorseShit, Mr Sulu.
You made that up.
Not only is he looking after them financially, he’ll pardon the poor saps when he becomes POTUS again.
“I concede Trump was outsmarted by the hags and hacks of the demorats. He should have realised that when the kunt pelosi refused his offer of the National Guard the fix was in.”
Not just by the Demonrats, also by his own side. I’ve long found Trump, when it comes to politics, to be somewhat naive. That’s also part of his charm and why people like and follow him. However inviting Ye, Yiannopoulous and Feuntes to dinner is not smart. He might not have known who Fuentes is (and most people don’t) but he should have exercised better judgement.
I hope DeSantis runs.
it’s a foot in the door for global digital id
the davos mob works by 2 steps forward one step back always with plausible deniability
That should throw them off the Belt and Road stuff.
chatting with Musk’s chatGPT, its a bit verbose, but holy fuck….
When I was in short pants we called it “summer.”
Eggsactly. I remember 45 deg days in summer regularly as a kid in Sydney, especially in the early 80’s. One day when I remember the city made 45 and the west 46 deg. It was on the TV weather report as I was a bit of a junior weather watcher then (Before 10 I could identify all the major cloud types and some hybrids) but I was old enough to know it was uncomfortably hot. Teachers actually ignored us kids having waterfights at lunch which for the nun who ran the school is saying something. Funny to see the BOM has now scrubbed all these days from memory.
Off topic a tad, ta for the trip down memory lane. Mum in Summer would have a treat for us on these days after avoiding the melted tar walking from the bus stop with Sunnyboys, Glugs or Razzes. Good times good times.
1. When speaking fast you can make yourself sound gay
2. Experience the joy of winning the world cup for the first time
3. You get to eat insect food like snails and frog’s legs
4. If there’s a war you can surrender really early
5. You don’t have to read the subtitles on those late-night films on the foreign TV channel.
6. You can test your own nuclear weapons in other people’s countries
7. You can be ugly and still become a famous film star
8. Allow Germans to march up and down your most famous street humiliating your sense of national pride
9. You don’t have to bother with toilets.
10. People think you’re a great lover even when you’re not
December 6, 2022 at 8:16 pm
The Biden Administration Wants Taxpayers to Pay for Transgender Child Mutilation
Obambi beat hin to it in 2014
Transgender woman feels ‘complete’ thanks to Obamacare
Kaiser Health News
Devin Payne had gone years without health insurance – having little need and not much money to pay for it. Then Payne, who had a wife and four children, realized she could no longer live as a man.
The next step was gender reassignment surgery. For that, Payne, who is now 44, said she needed health coverage.
Among the less-talked-about implications of the Affordable Care Act is the relief it is providing to many transgender people, many of whom are low-income and who have struggled to obtain health coverage.
Now, federal law prohibits health insurance companies from discriminating against transgender people, and it bars insurers from denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions. That makes it possible for more transgender people to purchase private plans. And in states that expanded their Medicaid programs, those with low incomes may get free coverage.
The federal anti-discrimination regulations have yet to be written, but California insurance regulators have said that companies must treat transgender patients the same as other patients. For example, if plans cover hormones for post-menopausal women, they must also cover them for transgender women. Medicare, the program for the elderly and disabled, lifted its ban on covering sex reassignment surgery earlier this year.
1. You can have a woman try to run for president
2. You can spell colour wrong and get away with it
3. You can call Budweiser beer
4. You can be a crook and still be president
5. If you’ve got enough money you can get elected to do anything
6. If you can breathe you can get a gun
7. Its normal to be really obese
8. You can play golf in the most hideous clothes ever made and nobody seems to care.
9. You get to call everyone you’ve never met “buddy”
10. You can think you’re the greatest nation on earth.
10a. When you’re not.
Has Dan converted?
No Christian could invoke peace upon a false prophet.
Shirley you are not still under the delusion that TaliDan is a Catholic?
Andrews is funding islamic proletizing.
Looks like funding netball is the gateway drug of funding
The Matt Guy was also promising funding for Muslim “community outreach.”
1. Two World Wars and One World Cup doo-dah doo-dah
2. Proper beer (warm of course)
3. You get to confuse everyone with the rules of cricket
4. You get to accept defeat graciously in major sporting events
5. Union jack underpants
6. Water shortages guaranteed every single summer
7. You can live in the past and imagine you are still a world power.
8. Bathing once a week whether you need to or not
9. Ditto for changing underwear
10. Beats being Welsh.
10a. Or Scottish
– English teacher hates English language –
The editor uses pronouns the way they should be used
Flyingduk on tonights episode.
TONIGHT ON CLUB GRUBBERY (ex Qantas pilot Graham Hood podcast on Facebbook).
We see what we can reveal about Little Will, the baby boy in NZ facing down the NZ health Department.
We also welcome back Dr Bruce Paix, Army Veteran and Freedom advocate on his recent trial in the ACT and the scull duggery of the Australian Federal Police.
That’s tonight on Club Grubbery.
Look for the post around 8pm AEDST
How far can the definition of Catholic be stretched?
The dust of Vatican II is still settling.
Danegeld doesn’t work.
English real ale is served at 10c.
Nobody but a Siberian would call that warm.
December 6, 2022 at 7:47 pm
Trump is a Pied Piper who left his followers for dead.
How many from Jan 6 2021 are rotting forgotten in some D.C. dungeon?
I concede Trump was outsmarted by the hags and hacks of the demorats. He should have realised that when the kunt pelosi refused his offer of the National Guard the fix was in.
Trump’s biggest error (which he should not have made after the experience of the previous four years) was to assume that there were still some honourable people in the DemonRat and Establishment Republican Parties.
1. In-depth knowledge of bizarre pasta shapes
2. Unembarrassed to wear fur.
3. No need to worry about tax returns
4. Glorious military history prior to 400 a.d.
5. Can wear sunglasses inside
6. Political stability
7. Flexible working hours
8. Live near the Pope
9. Can spend hours braiding girlfriend’s armpit hair
10. Country run by Sicilian murderers
5. :snckr: :snckr:
December 6, 2022 at 8:15 pm
Andrews is funding islamic proletizing.
Well done.
Hysteria from the “Separation of Church and State” leftards in 3 …, 2, …
Oh, forget it, who am I kidding?
1. Chicken Madras
2. Lamb Passanda
3. Onion Bhaji
4. Bombay Potato
5. Chicken Tikka Masala
6. Rogan Josh
7. Popadoms
8. Chicken Dopiaza
9. Meat Boona
10. Kingfisher lager
DuckDuckGo image search for Deanna ‘Violet’ Coco returns a list that suggests the woman does porn. A lot of porn. Nothing else apart from porn.
1. Guinness
2. 18 children because you can’t use contraceptives
3. You can get into a fight just by marching down someone’s road
4. Pubs never close
5. Can use Papal edicts on contraception passed in the second Vatican Council of 1968 to persuade your girlfriend that you can’t have sex with a condom on.
6. No one can ever remember the night before
7. Kill people you don’t agree with
8. Stew
9. More Guinness
10. Eating stew and drinking Guinness in an Irish pub at 3 in the morning after a bout of sectarian violence
Apparently she has quite a history of protesting sans blouse.
1. Know your great- great- great- great-grand-dad was a murdering bastard that no civilized nation on earth wanted.
2. Bush Chook
3. Deleted
4. Cricket captain not afraid to cry live on TV
5. Tact and sensitivity
6. Bondi Beach
7. Other beaches
8. Liberated attitude to homosexuals
9. Drinking cold beer on the beach
10. Having a bit of a swim and then drink some cold beer on the beach
Johnny Rottensays:
December 6, 2022 at 8:51 pm
1. Chicken Madras
2. Lamb Passanda
3. Onion Bhaji
4. Bombay Potato
5. Chicken Tikka Masala
6. Rogan Josh
7. Popadoms
8. Chicken Dopiaza
9. Meat Boona
10. Kingfisher lager
Oi! What happened to Bombay Duck?
December 6, 2022 at 8:45 pm
2. Proper beer (warm of course)
English real ale is served at 10c.
Nobody but a Siberian would call that warm.
I agree Roger and English/British Beer is served at the Pub Cellar temperature. When I lived in England and in the Pub in the middle of Winter, the beer was very cold and nice.
Violet can whinge all she wants. Methinks by the judges strong words, all levels of enforcement have made up their minds and are going to use her as an example to discourage further behaviour.
11. The Dish
Watching it now.
Oi! What happened to Bombay Duck?
The List can only be 10 things and isn’t a Bombay Duck Chinese?
12. Knowing every arachnid, reptile and certain sea creatures are out to kill you and not giving a stuff.
December 6, 2022 at 9:04 pm
11. The Dish
Watching it now.
And I am watching James Bond……………………..
I can think of a few…
Good beer, lager and alt, kolsch…
Oktoberfest (sensing a theme here?)
Sausage (to go with the beer)
Many kinds of brot (to go with the sausage)
Sauerkraut (eaten with sauasge, brot and beer)
Pickles (ditto)
Christmas markets
Music: Beethoven, Bach…you get the idea; even Oompah bands.
Their cars used to be pretty good…
Hospitality…surprisingly, Germans are better at this than the English and French.
Aussie Bond.
NZ government seeks guardianship of baby after parents refuse vaxxed blood transfusion
New Zealand Health is threatening to remove a baby whose parents won’t allow him to receive a blood transfusion from people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19.
Most conservative parties in the Anglosphere are really just right-liberal parties at best so it’s no surprise they in the end would support this or any other liberal policy.
The German language
When sung, exceptional
Johnny Rottensays:
December 6, 2022 at 9:05 pm
Oi! What happened to Bombay Duck?
The List can only be 10 things and isn’t a Bombay Duck Chinese?
You might be talking about Peking Duck. Bombay Duck is a dried fish, alleged to smell like the Bombay Docks.
December 6, 2022 at 9:04 pm
11. The Dish
Watching it now.
And I am watching it now. And I never knew that the theme from Hawaii 5 0 was the US National Anthem…………lol
Trump’s biggest error (which he should not have made after the experience of the previous four years) was to assume that there were still some honourable people in the DemonRat and Establishment Republican Parties.
You forgot to mention employing Jared K, Ivanka, and all the deep-state neocons.
The rest of his appointments were grifters and chancers.
His staff selection was appalling.
Don’t ever forget Trump’s Operation warp speed and shilling for big pharma
Boambee Johnsays:
December 6, 2022 at 9:15 pm
Johnny Rottensays:
December 6, 2022 at 9:05 pm
Oi! What happened to Bombay Duck?
The List can only be 10 things and isn’t a Bombay Duck Chinese?
You might be talking about Peking Duck. Bombay Duck is a dried fish, alleged to smell like the Bombay Docks.
You are so right. Silly me. Anyway, I am watching The Dish on Ch 9 and what a great film………….
‘You’re Violating Them!’ – Dr. Naomi Wolf Gives a Fiery Speech Against Yale University’s Vax Mandate
Are Covid boosters causing cancer?
Tess Talks with Professor Angus Dalgleish MD FRACP FRCP FRCPath FMedSci
New World Odor™
The 4 Stages of Manipulation.
?. Fear – do it, or something bad is going to happen.
?. Flattery – do it, and you are a good person.
?. Bribery – do it, and you will get something for free.
?. Threat – do it, or you will face the consequences.
From The Oz…
Bruce Lehrmann’s sights on potential targets for defamation action
One of Australia’s top media lawyers has joined Bruce Lehrmann’s legal team in a series of possible defamation actions against media outlets and personalities, including TV presenter Lisa Wilkinson over the Channel 10 interview in which Brittany Higgins first accused “a male colleague” of rape.
Sydney defamation specialist Mark O’Brien is working with Mr Lehrmann in the wake of last week’s decision by ACT Director of Public Prosecutions Shane Drumgold to abandon the case against Mr Lehrmann, citing concerns for Ms Higgins’ mental health.
The potential legal action comes as a letter to the trial judge from Channel 10 boss Beverley McGarvey, obtained by The Australian, reveals Ms Wilkinson disputed claims by Mr Drumgold that he had warned her that her planned Logies speech could cause a substantial delay in the trial.
Mr Lehrmann, now living in Tasmania, is understood to be giving “strong consideration” to filing lawsuits against several media companies, Twitter identities, and Mr Drumgold. Those in the firing line include Ms Wilkinson personally; the producers of The Project, Roving Enterprises, owned by comedian Rove McManus; and Network Ten and its parent company Paramount.
Mr Lehrmann’s name was not used in the Logie-winning interview and he was not publicly identified until six months later when he was formally charged with sexual assault, but he is expected to argue that his identity became widely known as a result of the interview.
The ABC is likely to be sued by Mr Lehrmann over comments during the National Press Club appearance in February by Ms Higgins and Grace Tame, as well as the content of various news and current affairs programs.
The Australian’s Legal Affairs Contributor Chris Merritt says the abandonment of the Bruce Lehrmann trial means… the case will not be resolved but “slugged out in the civil courts”, as both Mr Lehrmann and Brittany Higgins propose to relitigate. “It should’ve been resolved in the criminal justice system.
Several newspapers, including The Australian, may also be issued with concerns notices.
Other possible targets include “eminent individuals” who tweeted or shared the emotional speech Ms Higgins made outside the ACT Supreme Court in October after Chief Justice Lucy McCallum aborted the trial over juror misconduct.
Media outlets who ran the speech in full or those parts of it that went to the truth of Ms Higgins’ allegations are in the frame.
Mr Lehrmann is also considering action against Mr Drumgold over his press conference last Friday, in which he withdrew the charges against Mr Lehrmann, but reiterated his belief that there were “reasonable prospects” for a conviction.
Mr Lehrmann is understood to be separately considering lodging a formal professional complaint against Mr Drumgold over those remarks, which have drawn criticism from senior legal figures for “simultaneously withdrawing a criminal prosecution in the court and then trying to continue it in the media”.
Mr Lehrmann has always maintained his innocence and was never convicted of any crime.
Ms Higgins, 27, is expected to launch a personal injury claim against the commonwealth and former bosses MP Linda Reynolds and Senator Michaelia Cash.
Mr Lehrmann’s trial was delayed by several months after Chief Justice McCallum ruled that Ms Wilkinson’s Logie acceptance speech was highly prejudicial to the case.
The court heard evidence from Mr Drumgold that he specifically warned Ms Wilkinson at a pre-trial conference that the defence could issue a stay application “in the event of publicity” around Ms Higgins’ allegations.
But in a letter to Justice McCallum obtained by The Australian, Network Ten chief content officer Beverley McGarvey disputes any such warning was given. “Neither Ms Wilkinson nor the Network Ten Senior Legal Counsel present at the conference with the DPP on 15 June 2022 understood they had been cautioned that Ms Wilkinson giving an acceptance speech at the Logie Awards could result in an application being made to the court to vacate the trial date,” Ms McGarvey said.
Bruce Lehmann has no choice, he has to pursue this.
This is a deep dive. Almost 2 hours long. Very well put together.
TWITTER FILES Released; Biden’s BIG LIE; Who is YOEL ROTH? Trump was RIGHT!
Bruce Lehmann has no choice, he has to pursue this.
Defendants to any action by Lehmann will have to prove he did commit the rape; to a criminal standard.
Save brittany will have to deal with her contributory negligence in her contribution to the media circus.
Miranda Devine reveals the most shocking revelation from the ‘Twitter files’
Christine says:
December 6, 2022 at 9:14 pm
The German language
When sung, exceptional
Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes
December 6, 2022 at 1:27 pm
Actress Kirsty Alley, 71, has died after a short battle with cancer.
Very sad. She seemed to be a delightful person and was absolutely stunning in her prime.
And that is very sad. So, here am I, at age 70 years with very good genes and being still alive. That person in the sky works in so many mysterious ways………………………….Is it really God’s Will? Is it fuck………..
I saw that too and thought at the time that Hastie burned his future by bowing to the military hierarchy and Channel Nine. Sad.
What’s the term bandied about with gay abandon on this site? Stupid Fucking Liberals? The Hun:
Liberal MPs were “frozen out” of the party’s campaign effort with state director Sam McQuestin refusing to return calls to sitting members, a candidate says.
It comes as another failed Liberal candidate lashed the party’s campaign, saying it failed to properly engage with local communities.
In a letter to supporters, the candidate for Clarinda, Anthony Richardson, called for a strategic overhaul ahead of the next election.
He claimed he was told that campaigning in the safe Labor seat, which it won despite a 4.6 per cent swing against the party, was a waste of time. “There needs to be change at HQ,” he said. “Their statement that we were a waste of their time still rings in my ears.
“They need to run a better balance of local and state strategies, present a more positive and cohesive value proposition at a state level (not just run a giveaway frenzy), they need to better listen and work with their candidates and dramatically improve their service levels.”
Mr Richardson also echoed long-held concerns by internal critics about preselection.
“It is also critical they endorse candidates at least 12 months out if they expect any real chance of identifying and campaigning on local issues,” he said.
At least one sitting member told Point Cook candidate Angela Newhouse they had been “frozen out” by the campaign team. “I am frozen out of the HQ process at this point, McQuestin is not returning any contact I try to make,” the MP said in an email just 10 days before the election.
“As deputy leader, David Southwick is probably the best point of contact to get things moving. Frustrating to say the least.”
Ms Newhouse had contacted the MP for help saying she was “getting zero support on anything from party HQ”.
“I wouldn’t be bothered if this was a very safe Labor seat, but this is a seat we will win if everyone in the electorate knows what we are offering,” Ms Newhouse said.
“I need you to please speak to someone to get them to call me to resolve this.”
Ms Newhouse was appealing for help securing extra campaign material.
“We are committing electoral suicide over around $1500 worth of printing and over polling booth manpower on election day,” she said.
“All I have received from party HQ is 150 corflutes, 500 business cards and 2400 DLs.”
Last week Ms Newhouse told the Herald Sun she was denied help to try to win her seat and was bullied and called “stupid” when she urged the party to run a positive campaign. In Point Cook, a safe Labor seat, Ms Newhouse recorded a 4.3 per cent swing to the Liberal Party and said she believed she could have won.
But she said messaging failed to capitalise on the $1bn in promises on offer for locals, or the expected creation of thousands of jobs in the electorate.
The Liberal Party was asked for comment.
Bruce Lehmann has no choice, he has to pursue this.
Ed would want to hope Lehrmann doesn’t read this site
Great interview Flyingduk. Terrible what has happened to you in past couple of years especially considering the decades of service to others that you have given.
Disgraceful behaviour by the AFP and yet another example of why the police reputation around the country is in tatters.
Check out the comments below clip on FB as a “horsey” girl is clearly a fan !
Best wishes with your Santa gigs in coming weeks.
Near the end of the clip John Larter said NSW Ambulance now have to wear a particular N95 with a surgical mask over it. This is based on ATAGI advice as one of the N95’s has a problem.
1. Guinness
2. 18 children because you can’t use contraceptives
3. You can get into a fight just by marching down someone’s road
4. Pubs never close
5. Can use Papal edicts on contraception passed in the second Vatican Council of 1968 to persuade your girlfriend that you can’t have sex with a condom on.
6. No one can ever remember the night before
7. Kill people you don’t agree with
8. Stew
9. More Guinness
Number 10 was deleted as it was far too explosive…………………….
Mitternachtsmesse: spine tingling – if you’re a Christian child, or not.
Oh Dear……………………….
A young bloke has started work on a property, and the boss sends him up the back paddocks to do some fencing work, but come evening he’s half an hour late. The boss gets on the CB radio to check if he’s all right.
“I’ve got a problem, Boss. I’m stuck ‘ere. I’ve hit a pig!” “Ah well, these things happen sometimes” the boss says. “Just drag the carcass off the road so nobody else hits it in the dark”.
“But he’s not dead, boss. He’s gotten tangled up on the bull bar, and I’ve tried to untangle him, but he’s kicking and squealing, and he’s real big boss. I’m afraid he’s gonna hurt me!” “Never mind” says the boss. “There’s a .303 under the tarp in the back. Get that out and shoot him. Then drag the carcass off the road and come on home”. “Okay, boss”.
Another half an hour goes by, but there’s still not a peep from the young fella. The boss gets back on the CB.
“What’s the problem, son?” “Well, I did what you said boss, but I’m still stuck”. “What’s up? Did you drag the pig off the road like I said?” “Yeah boss, but his motorcycle is still jammed under the truck”.
From Twitter. For those not familiar Tony Nikolic is a Sydney lawyer who has appeared on Bolt and Rowan Dean in relation to vaccine and court cases etc. Malhorta is the UK Cardiologist who features in the doco Second Opinion and now outspoken against the vax.
Tony Nikolic ? ?????? Retweeted
Dr Aseem Malhotra
Dec 5
THE most reliable source just told me that he is 100% sure that Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins suffered a sudden cardiac death because of the mRNA jab he’d recently taken under coercion.He’s afraid of speaking out for fear of losing his job. We must end this madness ASAP!
ATAGI is incompetent and corrupt
I’m 100% sure your most reliable source is full of it.
If your trusted internet bloggers are still recycling deaths like Taylor Hawkins it’s time to find new ones.
Or maybe just give it a rest.
Eddie Jones has been sacked as England head coach, with the Rugby Football Union dispensing with the Australian’s services after a dismal autumn series less than a year out from the World Cup.
Zyco, should Rennie be nervous now there is a replacement looking for a gig?
Rugby Australia makes Cricket Australia look good. Think about that for a while.
because its funny
No it’s not dickhead. It’s not funny and you’re a mentally depressed lowlife taking your very serious family issues out on others.
You’ve been trying that on others since Liz ( that I stopped) and now you’re going to get it back in spades.
And stop blaming the university, you lowlife and look in the mirror. You’re the cause and no one else. It was you.
December 7, 2022 at 2:39 am
Where does the line exists in NYC that you refuse to cross?
There’s no real line as such. It’s actually not a dangerous town and never feel unsafe. I wouldn’t go past 96th street on the Eastside because it’s not really that nice – although it may have changed.
I can’t recall the last time I went to the Bronx although wifey did some sort of tour of an art museum that the other week with her pals. She never said she felt unsafe.
Something happened last week one evening around the corner in the 70s near Park Ave. We could hear a woman screaming at the top of her lungs ‘get off me, get off me’ . She sounded as though someone was attacking her, so I and a few guys walked toward the screaming. It was just a woman going though some sort of mental thing and she was perfectly fine and on her own.
These days, you can’t tell if folks are loons as so many people are talking loudly into a phone wearing earplugs. 🙂
for your complete list of loonies
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
David Rowe.
Tickler, on second thoughts, there is a line you don’t cross in Manhattan. DO NOT tell people you’re a Trump supporter or even like things he did. One friend- a closet Trump supporter- told me that he knows of families that don’t talk to each other and aware of a divorce brought on by TDS. If you want to keep friendships -wifey pleaded with me – don’t even say you liked certain things he did like lowering the corporate tax rate down to 21%.
They go off their heads here about Trump. It’s incredible as the level of knowledge on the left about what went on during his presidency is actually unknown to a lot of people – in fact most of the left. They are the most bubbled up people I’ve ever witnessed. You can’t even imagine it.
Christian Adams.
Patrick Blower.
Morten Morland.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Gary Varvel.
Al Goodwyn.
Chip Bok.
Henry Payne.
Henry Payne #2.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison.
Thanks Tom and to assist gatti and gattine this article by Janet Albrechtsen and Stephen Rice about the victim’s possible targets for actions in defamation:
When even John Hinderaker of Powerline Blog suffers from TDS and writes a piece called Trump Is Finished, I have to respond that the left have so denatured the American experiment that the USA is finished.
His readers are shocked, judging by the comments under it.
Tintarella di Luna says:
December 7, 2022 at 5:32 am
It’s a mess, created for political reasons.
Be interesting to see how they get out of it, specially why BH should get compensated for her own stupidity.
Whatever, we are going to pay for it.
Sorry I haven’t had a chance to look up thread but Janet Albrechtsen is absolutely on fire today: This article on the inVoice is superb:
Indonesia goes nuts.
Indonesia passes tough new criminal code banning sex outside of marriage and insulting the country’s state ideology (6 Dec)
“Foreigners will not be exempted from a tough new ban on sex outside marriage in Indonesia, which carries a penalty of up to a year in prison or a huge fine and was passed unanimously by parliament on Tuesday.
Insulting the president, the state’s institutions or expressing any views counter to the country’s ideology – known as Pancasila – are also punishable by jail or fines under the legislative overhaul. … The new laws apply to both Indonesians and foreigners.”
That does it for the tourism industry in Bali and elsewhere.
Defendants to any action by Lehmann will have to prove he did commit the rape; to a criminal standard.
Let’s say you’re correct.
Would the defendants then be able to lead with evidence of prior complaints of a similar nature?
Because they’re out there, if what the papers were reporting in March 2021 is true.
What’s the majority religion in Indonesia?
How are they going to manage their prostitution industry, or are they going to manage that using the temporary marriage subterfuge?
Hopefully smart traveller updates their travel warnings for Indonesia. Perhaps the Dan Andrews education program could go national.
Ed back on the hand on thigh case.
This from a country which is letting anyone and everyone just wonder in at will.
UK agrees with Ukraine to “cooperate” on & implement Digital IDs
Nobody should be doing tourism in Indonesia at all.
steve hilton
We heard about “Russia collusion” on every TV station for years.
Now @elonmusk has exposed blatant Democrat campaign collusion with big tech and the media is completely silent.
Deliberate genocide. No longer is there any possibility of a well meaning error.
Insider Paper
JUST IN – Pfizer’s Covid vaccine for infants has been approved in the UK for aged six months to four-years-old: Medical regulator
Charlie Kirk
It has just been revealed that Anthony Fauci’s daughter worked at Twitter during the pandemic. Because of course she did.
Judicial Watch
NEW: Defense Department Records Reveal U.S. Funding of Anthrax Laboratory Activities in Ukraine
To say the least
WATCH: MRC’s Brent Bozell Says George Soros’ Global Media Influence Makes Him ‘A Dangerous Man’
‘Obsolete, Misguided’: Critics Call Out Pfizer’s Plan for Bivalent Booster for Kids Under 5
We are headed for a dark age in science
IG: Biden’s $1B boondoggle to the Taliban-controlled Afghanistan unaccounted for
Propaganda Czar: Soros Bankrolls 253 Groups to Influence Global Media
Talk if you’re going to talk, shoot if you’re going to shoot!
This is likely where Lehrmann has his best chance of success. There is a principle that a prosecutor must either prosecute or otherwise keep quiet. There is misconduct in this defamation.
These two are going to crash and burn financially, it seems inevitable.
Climate Crusaders Meghan and Harry Take Private Jet to Accept Anti-Racism Award Ahead of Netflix Launch (6 Dec)
Why do Meghan and Harry’s staff keep leaving them as 14 quit in just four years? (6 Dec)
They aren’t Kardashians, who are actually quite cluey business people. Harry and Meg are not that bright. Can’t be too long before the punters lose interest, and then the likes of Netflix pull the plug.
How ‘bout dis humididee…
Oh the Rangers tickets, right!
You wanna do what to us?
Who am I kidding, you probably taught her!
I warn you, stupid alarmist climate predictions will lead to more out of context, out of order, bowdlerised Sopranos references.
So that’s a crack ho?
Anti-Semitic hate crimes in NYC soared 125 percent in November: NYPD
Perhaps inspired by something like this –
Christopher F. Rufo
Rutgers professor says that “white people are committed to being villains” and falsely claims that Africans arrived in North America before white Europeans.
“Whiteness is going to have an end date,” she warns. “We gotta take these muthafuckers out.”
Well, he (Hinderaker), is correct.
Huge own goal by Trump.
The media would’ve been forced to talk about the nuts and bolts of the Twitter files but no, Trump comes out with a ludicrous statement and the focus is all about that.
Why didn’t he just point and say “See what they did? I’m running again in 2024, lets give it another shot”.
Like I’ve been saying for a long time now; Trump is more than capable of screwing this up big time.
GoofBall thunders:
Ed would want to hope Lehrmann doesn’t read this site
This Site is light reading.
Most comments are either unhinged rants, closeted ALP operatives offering ‘well meaning” advice to the Liberal Party, or West Australian commenters talking about “reskinning Mother” and trying to post dodgy material under the pretext that they’re on a crusade against pedophiles.
…or spooks.
Black Ball:
The only thing that makes any sense is that McQuestin is a Labor mole – an Inner Party member who is determined to keep the SFLs out of power.
New World Odor™
Associate Prof. of Viral Immunology Dr. Byram Bridle: On Blood Transfusions from Vaccinated People
“Substantial amount of these lipid nanoparticles which carry the mRNA, that travel throughout the blood”
This is very much an active issue
New World Odor™
Judge reserves his decision (to be announced hopefully in the next day or two).
Lawyer Sue Grey speaks after the court case.
Jews might be more worried about antisemitism than me, but…
COVID showed what mattered was sheep going along with bullshit and laws can already be applied (or the uni party heads of government agree to).
What is an antisemite anyway? Hitler was inbred and had Jewish and African ancestry. By rights he would have been “put out of his misery”.
Why was he so antisemitic? The story is he was rebuffed by a young Jewish lady and blamed his early lack of success on German Jewry.
The ideas were around for a long time. He didn’t invent antisemitism.
He also persecuted other groups and eventually turned on Catholics and Lutherans, Mueller (Lutheran) and Kolbe (Catholic) were martyred.
To me the more important issue is the legal powers that exist. I am not sure you can ever stamp out hatred, irrational fear or clearly false conspiracy theories.
Victoria is the worst but the States and Commonwealth have exercised extraordinary powers in the last three years that were either on the books or like the utterly devious Hazzard, they made new regulation faster than it could be litigated (or refused to be accountable as an executive to Parliament, suspending legislative review of regulation during *the worst* of the “pandemic”/Gladys’ corruption “trial”).
Then there is the issue of the uni party, representing no more than 70% of the population, holding far more seats than they deserve.
We don’t have Volkischer Beobachter.
The ruling class don’t need one. They pay off social media, buy ads in the MSM, issue D notices and tame “egg spurts” push “the message”.
Anyone who willingly watched Neighbores or Law and Order: Olivia Benson, Judge, Jury & Executioner has been subjected to more ruling class propaganda than they’d ever believe.
Trump is correct. The election was stolen from him. However, Hiden was voted in by the electoral college, which makes him the legitimate president of the US. The rest is unfortunate history we have to live with. 2020 is over. It’s like sucking rotten eggs for supporters but that’s life.
For 2024
1. He should never have met with those two meatheads
2. He should never have written the last missive.
3. He’s going to turn 78 and he’s too old.
New World Odor™
CDC/FDA has NOT conducted risk-benefit analysis of boosters for the young. A team of ethicists & epidemiologists now has.
BMJ: “A strong case that booster mandates in young adults, caused net harm, & judged unethical.” Jeffrey Flier, Harvard Med School
de Santis is too tame.
Prove me wrong, Ron.
It’s like in 2016. Trump’s turnaround on the polls was bigger than Reagan’s in 1980.
I pointed out how much of a challenge that was and the true beliebers went nuts. NOOO! You anti Trumper! Free Republic sez you’re gay, dickless and satanic!
He’s got to be better than Trump policy wise in every way. I don’t see the point of him otherwise. The Biden cabal of controllers are just wrecking. They don’t have coherent policies at all. Being slow and steady doesn’t cut it after four disastrous years.
Just to bring to light what a much younger, polished version of Trump can do. I currently support DeSantis but that could change. DeSantis has been the extremely articulate Trump and has done some really good things in Florida. He’s able to counter leftist attacks and was voted in with a handsome majority. The Virginia Governor is also very accomplished and then of course there’s the decent looking, hard-arsed governor from one of the Dakotas as a long shot. There are also a good number of senators and congressmen who I’m sure will run. The GOP will be filled with talent.
If the GOP gets its act together with the vote harvesting thing, the nominee will romp it in, I think.
Authorised but not yet recommended.
Shrieking about genocide and linking to the children’s health defense as a credible source…
It will be for the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) to determine if the vaccine will be recommended for use in this age group as part of the UK’s COVID-19 vaccination programme.
1. Economic policy in Florida is incredibly good.
2. He was the sitting gubernatorial candidate and increased his majority to around 20 points. He killed it.
3. He went after the wokeness in Florida schools and won.
4. He sent a busload of illegals to Martha’s Vineyard to torment the rich left and won.
5. He fired a woke DA without hesitation.
And, you’ll like this
I may be wrong. I’ve seen him criticised for allowing “tranny propaganda for kids in grade 4 and above”.
The VEC at work.
The regional seat of Ripon is now a safe ALP seat with a 2PP margin of 6%.
It was a very marginal Lib seat prior to the redistribution (0.5%) but after the redraw it was nominally 2.7% Labor.
The swing in the election was negligible so the result entirely a result of boundary drawing.
Funny that.
The ALP could outdo their last electoral win in Vic as they pick up another three seats taking their total to fifty six.
37% primary vote now translates to 67% of the seats.
It would make Joh Bjelke would blush.
One of wifey’s friends was in the audience to this impromptu.
He has Parkinsons now.
desantis has prohibited classroom discussion on sexual orientation or gender identity up to third grade.
Is it okay to blast this in Bali…on honeymoon with my wife?